for (local ent; ent = Entities.FindByName(ent, "intel_ironman"); ) ent.Kill() for (local ent; ent = Entities.FindByName(ent, "portablestation*"); ) ent.Kill() // upgrade stations are preserved entities! ::PEA <- { mission = NetProps.GetPropString(Entities.FindByClassname(null, "tf_objective_resource"), "m_iszMvMPopfileName") debug = false debug_stage = 3 debug_objective = true draw_worldtext = false draw_debugchat = false debugger = null tick = 1 gamerules_entity = Entities.FindByName(null, "gamerules") objective_resource_entity = Entities.FindByClassname(null, "tf_objective_resource") intel_entity = Entities.FindByName(null, "intel") pop_interface_ent = SpawnEntityFromTable("point_populator_interface", {} ) in_setup = function() { return NetProps.GetPropBool(objective_resource_entity, "m_bMannVsMachineBetweenWaves") } scout = Constants.ETFClass.TF_CLASS_SCOUT, soldier = Constants.ETFClass.TF_CLASS_SOLDIER, pyro = Constants.ETFClass.TF_CLASS_PYRO, demoman = Constants.ETFClass.TF_CLASS_DEMOMAN, heavyweapons = Constants.ETFClass.TF_CLASS_HEAVYWEAPONS, engineer = Constants.ETFClass.TF_CLASS_ENGINEER, sniper = Constants.ETFClass.TF_CLASS_SNIPER, medic = Constants.ETFClass.TF_CLASS_MEDIC, spy = Constants.ETFClass.TF_CLASS_SPY, no_class = Constants.ETFClass.TF_CLASS_UNDEFINED class_integers = ["", "scout", "sniper", "soldier", "demo", "medic", "heavy", "pyro", "spy", "engineer", "civilian"] WAVE = NetProps.GetPropInt(Entities.FindByClassname(null, "tf_objective_resource"), "m_nMannVsMachineWaveCount") hud_separate_giantpoints_from_bloodheld = "\n " timetable_raw = {} timetable = {} tank_time = 0 bloodbot_path_speed = 150.0 blood_tank = null stage1_check = null stage2_check = null stage3_check = null tank_blood_level = 45 empty_blood_level = 0 tank_blood_level_increment_threshold = 0 // w3 only tank_tnt_level = 45 empty_tnt_level = 0 tank_pause_speed = 0.0 tank_stage1_speed = 0.0 tank_stage2_speed = 0.0 tank_stage3_speed = 0.0 fullbar = "███████████████" // IMPORTANT: for some reason game_text considers 1 █ as three characters emptybar = "░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░" // same here blood_tank_healthdrain_dmg = 1 tank_healthdrain_alarm_timer = 0 tank_healthdrain_penalty_timer = 0 bloodtank_took_damage_recently = false extraction_cooldown = 0.5 deplete_blood_cooldown = 2 supplysound_cooldown = 0.1 overhealsound_cooldown = 0.1 tank_objective_explosion_cooldown = 8.0 tank_objective_explosion_time = 3600.0 tank_objective_explosion_imminent = false tank_objective_explosion_leftovers = 0.0 prev_reds_near_bloodtank = 0 reds_near_bloodtank = 0 next_red_proximity_blink_time = 0 extraction_mode = "blood" game_over = false nextvoicesuppressiontime = 0 barricade_destroyed_recently = false pathbranch_array = [ Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_path_a_31"), Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_path_a_11"), Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_path_a_34"), Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_path_a_35"), Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_path_a_36"), Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_path_a_12"), Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_path_a_37"), Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_path_a_38"), Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_path_a_39"), Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_path_a_40"), Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_path_a_41"), Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_path_a_42"), Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_path_a_43"), Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_path_a_44"), Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_path_a_45"), Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_path_a_46"), Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_path_a_47"), Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_path_a_48"), Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_path_a_49"), Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_path_a_50"), Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_path_a_51"), Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_path_a_52"), Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_path_a_53"), Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_path_a_54"), Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_path_a_55"), Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_path_a_56"), Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_path_a_57"), Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_path_a_58"), Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_path_a_59"), Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_path_a_13"), Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_path_a_14"), Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_path_a_15") ] nav_avoid_upper_left = null nav_avoid_jumpdown_middle = null nav_avoid_dropdown_middle = null nav_avoid_walkdown_middle = null nav_avoid_upper_right = null nav_avoid_upper_exit = null nav_avoid_middle_exit = null nav_avoid_right_exit = null nav_avoid_outside_rightflank = null nav_avoid_walkdown_back = null nav_avoid_walkdown_back_right = null nav_avoid_back_corridor_right = null nav_avoid_back_corridor_left = null nav_avoid_back_corridor_middle = null nav_avoid_back_overpass = null nav_avoid_middle_corridor_left = null nav_avoid_back_sidepath = null nav_avoid_alienhunter_special = null huntbot_target = null barricadebomb = null //////////// WAVE 3 TNT bombs_satisfied = 0 bombs_remaining = 20 tnt_to_connect_beam_to = 1 current_bombs_remaining = 6 tnt_satisfied = false tnt_cleanup = false tntspot_amounts_array = [ 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5, 10 ] //////////// BLOOD BOTS bloodbots_spawned = 0 bloodbots_alive = 0.0 bloodbot_dispatchtime = Time() + 99999 next_bloodbot_dispatchtime_min = 6.0 next_bloodbot_dispatchtime_max = 10.0 roambots_dispatched = 0 //////////// OBJECTIVES current_stage = 1 objective_type = null objective_amount = 0 objectives_reached = 0 briefcases_spawned = 1 briefcases_active = 0 is_blu_player_near_escortbot = false is_blu_player_near_bombcart = false escortbot_reached_destination = false blu_players_near_bloodtank = 0 is_red_player_near_bloodtank = false stage1_objective = null stage2_objective = null stage3_objective = null stage1_cash_reward = 0 stage2_cash_reward = 0 stage3_cash_reward = 0 obj_control_timer_start = "0:10" obj_control_digit = 9 obj_control_holdtime = "0:10" obj_control_redcapture_rate = 4.0 obj_control_blucapture_rate = 8.0 obj_control_a_captured = false obj_control_b_captured = false obj_control_c_captured = false bombcart_train_reached_destination = false bombcart_explosion_tick = 0 in_cutscene = false iceblock_prop = null in_endgame = false player_has_escaped = false obj_end_text = "Detonate the explosives" player_stood_on_boombox = false escapestatus_hud = null players_escaped = 0 escapestatus_rows = null reentry_gates_down = 0 reentry_gates_sound_playing = false ending_cutscene_status = "inactive" ufo_renderamt = 0 ufo_accelrate = 0.03 ufo_movestatus = "descending" //////////// TIPS tip_header = "\x07FFD700" //////////// MISC spyalert_cooldown = 0 RespawnIfDead = function() { if (NetProps.GetPropInt(self, "m_lifeState") != 0) self.ForceRespawn() } red_filter = SpawnEntityFromTable("filter_activator_tfteam", { targetname = "red_filter" TeamNum = 2 Negated = 0 }) VectorAngles = function(forward) { local yaw, pitch; if (forward.y == 0.0 && forward.x == 0.0) { yaw = 0.0 if (forward.z > 0.0) pitch = 270.0 else pitch = 90.0 } else { yaw = (atan2(forward.y, forward.x) * 180.0 / Constants.Math.Pi) if (yaw < 0.0) yaw += 360.0 pitch = (atan2(-forward.z, forward.Length2D()) * 180.0 / Constants.Math.Pi) if (pitch < 0.0) pitch += 360.0 } return QAngle(pitch, yaw, 0.0); } DecrementIcon = function() { if (NetProps.GetPropBool(objective_resource_entity, "m_bMannVsMachineBetweenWaves") == true) return // don't do cleanup if the enemy was the last one in the wave local name = NetProps.GetPropString(self, "m_PlayerClass.m_iszClassIcon") for (local i = 0; i <= 11; i++) { if (NetProps.GetPropStringArray(objective_resource_entity, "m_iszMannVsMachineWaveClassNames", i) == name) NetProps.SetPropIntArray(objective_resource_entity, "m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts", NetProps.GetPropIntArray(objective_resource_entity, "m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts", i) - 1, i) if (NetProps.GetPropStringArray(objective_resource_entity, "m_iszMannVsMachineWaveClassNames2", i) == name) NetProps.SetPropIntArray(objective_resource_entity, "m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts2", NetProps.GetPropIntArray(objective_resource_entity, "m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts2", i) - 1, i) } } EmitGlobalSound = function(sound, setpitch = 100) { if (!IsSoundPrecached(sound)) PrecacheSound(sound) for (local i = 1; i <= MaxClients().tointeger(); i++) { local player = PlayerInstanceFromIndex(i) if (player == null) continue if (player.IsFakeClient() && player.GetTeam() > 2) continue EmitSoundEx({ sound_name = sound, filter_type = 4, entity = player, pitch = setpitch, flags = 0, channel = 6 }) } } StopGlobalSound = function(sound) { SendGlobalGameEvent("teamplay_broadcast_audio", { team = 1, sound = sound, additional_flags = 4, player = -1 }) SendGlobalGameEvent("teamplay_broadcast_audio", { team = 3, sound = sound, additional_flags = 4, player = -1 }) } TeleportPlayer = function(where, who = null) { if (who == null) who = self who.Teleport(true, where, false, QAngle(0, 0, 0), false, Vector(0, 0, 0)) } ProperSetParent = function(entity, target) { NetProps.SetPropInt(entity, "m_fEffects", 1 | 128) NetProps.SetPropEntity(entity, "m_hMovePeer", target.FirstMoveChild()) NetProps.SetPropEntity(target, "m_hMoveChild", entity) NetProps.SetPropEntity(entity, "m_hMoveParent", target) local origPos = entity.GetLocalOrigin() entity.SetLocalOrigin(origPos + Vector(0, 0, 1)) entity.SetLocalOrigin(origPos) local origAngles = entity.GetLocalAngles() entity.SetLocalAngles(origAngles + QAngle(0, 0, 1)) entity.SetLocalAngles(origAngles) local origVel = entity.GetVelocity() entity.SetVelocity(origVel + Vector(0, 0, 1)) entity.SetVelocity(origVel) EntFireByHandle(entity, "SetParent", "!activator", 0, target, target) } AttachGlow = function() { local scope = self.GetScriptScope() self.KeyValueFromString("targetname", "glow_target") if (!self.HasBotTag("alienhunter")) { scope.selfglow <- SpawnEntityFromTable("tf_glow", { target = "glow_target" GlowColor = "255 0 0 255" }) } else { scope.selfglow <- SpawnEntityFromTable("tf_glow", { target = "glow_target" GlowColor = "0 0 255 255" }) } self.KeyValueFromString("targetname", "") EntFireByHandle(scope.selfglow, "SetParent", "!activator", -1.0, self, null) // parenting a tf_glow fixes issues where it doesn't render if it's too far from you } digitsize_table = { "1": "₁", "2": "₂", "3": "₃", "4": "₄", "5": "₅", "6": "₆", "7": "₇", "8": "₈", "9": "₉", "0": "₀" } SmallDigits = function(number, spacemode = "cash") { local result = "" local format = number + "" foreach (char in format) result += digitsize_table[char.tochar()] switch (spacemode) { case "cash": { local spaces = "" if (result.len() == 3) spaces = " " if (result.len() == 6) spaces = " " if (result.len() == 9) spaces = " " if (result.len() == 12) spaces = " " if (result.len() == 15) spaces = " " return result + spaces break } case "blood": { local spaces = "" if (result.len() == 3) spaces = " " if (result.len() == 6) spaces = " " return result + spaces break } case "tnt": { local spaces = "" if (result.len() == 3) spaces = " " if (result.len() == 6) spaces = " " return result + spaces break } case "none": return result; break } } redspawnarray = [ Vector(2300, -200, -422), Vector(2500, -1400, -358), Vector(2900, -300, -38), Vector(2400, -1200, -38), Vector(2300, 600, 26), Vector(4400, -1200, -38), Vector(2700, -1900, -100), Vector(3400, -300, -353), Vector(4000, 100, -353), Vector(4700, -400, -33), Vector(3800, 550, 50), Vector(5000, 100, -100), Vector(4100, 1500, -28), Vector(3100, 100, -28), Vector(1850, -1200, -124), Vector(500, -1500, -252), Vector(3800, 2300, 124), Vector(4500, 2300, 124) ] explosion_soundarray = [ "ambient/explosions/explode_1.wav", "ambient/explosions/explode_2.wav", "ambient/explosions/explode_3.wav", "ambient/explosions/explode_4.wav", "ambient/explosions/explode_5.wav", "ambient/explosions/explode_7.wav", "ambient/explosions/explode_8.wav", "ambient/explosions/explode_9.wav" ] wormhole_spawn_screams = // only for pyro, engineer, and sniper as they don't come with halloweenlongfall responses { pyro = [ "scenes/Player/Pyro/low/1578.vcd", "scenes/Player/Pyro/low/1579.vcd", "scenes/Player/Pyro/low/1580.vcd" ], engineer = [ "scenes/Player/Engineer/low/40.vcd", "scenes/Player/Engineer/low/44.vcd", "scenes/Player/Engineer/low/130.vcd", "scenes/Player/Engineer/low/131.vcd", "scenes/Player/Engineer/low/1259.vcd", "scenes/Player/Engineer/low/1260.vcd", "scenes/Player/Engineer/low/3703.vcd" ], sniper = [ "scenes/Player/Sniper/low/1697.vcd", "scenes/Player/Sniper/low/1699.vcd", "scenes/Player/Sniper/low/6564.vcd", "scenes/Player/Sniper/low/8487.vcd", "scenes/Player/Sniper/low/8488.vcd" ] } player_died_shouts = [ [4246, 4254], [3962, 3969], [4110, 4118], [4173, 4181] ] // soldier, heavy, engineer, medic unicorn_sapper_voicelines = { scout = [ "scenes/Player/Scout/low/7018.vcd", "scenes/Player/Scout/low/7019.vcd", "scenes/Player/Scout/low/7020.vcd", "scenes/Player/Scout/low/7021.vcd", "scenes/Player/Scout/low/7022.vcd", "scenes/Player/Scout/low/7025.vcd", "scenes/Player/Scout/low/7026.vcd", "scenes/Player/Scout/low/7028.vcd", "scenes/Player/Scout/low/7029.vcd", "scenes/Player/Scout/low/7030.vcd", "scenes/Player/Scout/low/7031.vcd", "scenes/Player/Scout/low/7032.vcd", "scenes/Player/Scout/low/7033.vcd", "scenes/Player/Scout/low/7034.vcd", "scenes/Player/Scout/low/7035.vcd", "scenes/Player/Scout/low/7036.vcd", "scenes/Player/Scout/low/7037.vcd", "scenes/Player/Scout/low/7038.vcd", "scenes/Player/Scout/low/8517.vcd" ], soldier = [ "scenes/Player/Soldier/low/7452.vcd", "scenes/Player/Soldier/low/7453.vcd", "scenes/Player/Soldier/low/7454.vcd", "scenes/Player/Soldier/low/7455.vcd", "scenes/Player/Soldier/low/7456.vcd", "scenes/Player/Soldier/low/7457.vcd", "scenes/Player/Soldier/low/7458.vcd", "scenes/Player/Soldier/low/7459.vcd", "scenes/Player/Soldier/low/7460.vcd", "scenes/Player/Soldier/low/7463.vcd", "scenes/Player/Soldier/low/8562.vcd", "scenes/Player/Soldier/low/8563.vcd", "scenes/Player/Soldier/low/8564.vcd" ], demoman = [ "scenes/Player/Demoman/low/7773.vcd", "scenes/Player/Demoman/low/7776.vcd", "scenes/Player/Demoman/low/7777.vcd", "scenes/Player/Demoman/low/7778.vcd", "scenes/Player/Demoman/low/7779.vcd", "scenes/Player/Demoman/low/7780.vcd", "scenes/Player/Demoman/low/7781.vcd", "scenes/Player/Demoman/low/7784.vcd", "scenes/Player/Demoman/low/7785.vcd", "scenes/Player/Demoman/low/7786.vcd", "scenes/Player/Demoman/low/7787.vcd", "scenes/Player/Demoman/low/7788.vcd", "scenes/Player/Demoman/low/7790.vcd" ], heavyweapons = [ "scenes/Player/Heavy/low/6688.vcd", "scenes/Player/Heavy/low/6689.vcd", "scenes/Player/Heavy/low/6690.vcd", "scenes/Player/Heavy/low/6691.vcd", "scenes/Player/Heavy/low/6693.vcd", "scenes/Player/Heavy/low/6694.vcd", "scenes/Player/Heavy/low/6695.vcd", "scenes/Player/Heavy/low/6696.vcd", "scenes/Player/Heavy/low/6698.vcd", "scenes/Player/Heavy/low/8497.vcd" ], engineer = [ "scenes/Player/Engineer/low/7951.vcd", "scenes/Player/Engineer/low/7957.vcd", "scenes/Player/Engineer/low/7958.vcd", "scenes/Player/Engineer/low/7960.vcd", "scenes/Player/Engineer/low/7961.vcd", "scenes/Player/Engineer/low/7964.vcd", "scenes/Player/Engineer/low/7967.vcd", "scenes/Player/Engineer/low/7968.vcd", "scenes/Player/Engineer/low/8473.vcd" ], sniper = [ "scenes/Player/Sniper/low/7282.vcd", "scenes/Player/Sniper/low/7283.vcd", "scenes/Player/Sniper/low/7286.vcd", "scenes/Player/Sniper/low/7287.vcd", "scenes/Player/Sniper/low/7288.vcd", "scenes/Player/Sniper/low/7289.vcd", "scenes/Player/Sniper/low/7291.vcd", "scenes/Player/Sniper/low/7292.vcd", "scenes/Player/Sniper/low/7293.vcd", "scenes/Player/Sniper/low/7295.vcd", "scenes/Player/Sniper/low/8484.vcd" ], spy = [ "scenes/Player/Spy/low/7540.vcd", "scenes/Player/Spy/low/7541.vcd", "scenes/Player/Spy/low/7542.vcd", "scenes/Player/Spy/low/7543.vcd", "scenes/Player/Spy/low/7544.vcd", "scenes/Player/Spy/low/7545.vcd", "scenes/Player/Spy/low/7546.vcd", "scenes/Player/Spy/low/7548.vcd", "scenes/Player/Spy/low/7688.vcd", "scenes/Player/Spy/low/7690.vcd", "scenes/Player/Spy/low/8477.vcd", "scenes/Player/Spy/low/8551.vcd", "scenes/Player/Spy/low/8552.vcd" ] } portablestation_keeper_voicelines = [ "scenes/Player/Medic/low/651.vcd", "scenes/Player/Medic/low/4167.vcd", "scenes/Player/Medic/low/4168.vcd", "scenes/Player/Medic/low/4323.vcd", "scenes/Player/Medic/low/6736.vcd", "scenes/Player/Medic/low/8503.vcd" ] Distance = function(vec1, vec2) { local x1 = vec1.x; local y1 = vec1.y; local z1 = vec1.z local x2 = vec2.x; local y2 = vec2.y; local z2 = vec2.z return pow(pow((x2 - x1), 2) + pow((y2 - y1), 2) + pow((z2 - z1), 2), 0.5) } IsInside = function(vector, min, max) { return vector.x >= min.x && vector.x <= max.x && vector.y >= min.y && vector.y <= max.y && vector.z >= min.z && vector.z <= max.z } SetIconCount = function(name, amount) { for (local i = 1; i <= 11; i++) { local iconname = NetProps.GetPropIntArray(objective_resource_entity, "m_iszMannVsMachineWaveClassNames", i) local iconname2 = NetProps.GetPropIntArray(objective_resource_entity, "m_iszMannVsMachineWaveClassNames2", i) local iconamount = NetProps.GetPropIntArray(objective_resource_entity, "m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts", i) local iconamount2 = NetProps.GetPropIntArray(objective_resource_entity, "m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts2", i) if (iconname == name) NetProps.SetPropIntArray(objective_resource_entity, "m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts", amount, i) if (iconname2 == name) NetProps.SetPropIntArray(objective_resource_entity, "m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts2", amount, i) } } DeliverVisualTipToPlayer = function(player, tip_name, tip_description) { local scope = player.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage if (scope.in_vistip_cooldown) return if (!scope.tip_table[tip_name]) { SendGlobalGameEvent("show_annotation", { id = RandomInt(5000, 50000) text = tip_description follow_entindex = scope.tutorial_box.entindex() visibilityBitfield = (1 << player.entindex()) play_sound = "misc/null.wav" show_distance = false show_effect = false lifetime = 5 }) scope.tip_table[tip_name] = true scope.in_vistip_cooldown = true EntFireByHandle(player, "RunScriptCode", "self.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage.in_vistip_cooldown = false", scope.desired_vistip_cooldown, null, null) } } DeliverTipToPlayer = function(player, tip_name, tip_description) { local scope = player.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage if (scope.in_tip_cooldown) return if (!scope.tip_table[tip_name]) { EmitSoundEx({ sound_name = "ui/chat_display_text.wav", filter_type = 4, entity = player, channel = 6 }) ClientPrint(player, 3, tip_header + tip_description) scope.tip_table[tip_name] = true scope.in_tip_cooldown = true EntFireByHandle(player, "RunScriptCode", "self.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage.in_tip_cooldown = false", scope.desired_tip_cooldown, null, null) } } DeliverTipToBLU = function(tip_name, tip_description) { foreach (bluplayer in bluplayer_array) { if (bluplayer.IsFakeClient()) continue local scope = bluplayer.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage if (scope.in_tip_cooldown) continue if (!scope.tip_table[tip_name]) { EmitSoundEx({ sound_name = "ui/chat_display_text.wav", filter_type = 4, entity = bluplayer, channel = 6 }) ClientPrint(bluplayer, 3, tip_header + tip_description) scope.tip_table[tip_name] = true scope.in_tip_cooldown = true EntFireByHandle(bluplayer, "RunScriptCode", "self.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage.in_tip_cooldown = false", scope.desired_tip_cooldown, null, null) } } } tnt_barrel_spawned = 1 SpawnTNTBarrel = function(x, y, z) { local ent = SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_physics_multiplayer", { targetname = "tnt_spot_" + tnt_barrel_spawned, origin = Vector(x, y, z), model = "models/props_badlands/barrel03.mdl" }) EntFireByHandle(ent, "DisableMotion", null, 1.0, null, null) ent.SetCollisionGroup(5) tnt_barrel_spawned = tnt_barrel_spawned + 1 } SpawnSniperHint = function(x, y, z, xyz1, xyz2) { local ent = SpawnEntityFromTable("func_tfbot_hint", { origin = Vector(x, y, z), hint = 0, TeamNum = 2 }) ent.KeyValueFromInt("solid", 2) ent.KeyValueFromString("mins", xyz1); ent.KeyValueFromString("maxs", xyz2) } engineer_hint_spawned = 1 SpawnEngineerHint = function(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, a2) { SpawnEntityFromTable("bot_hint_engineer_nest", { targetname = "red_engineer_nest_" + engineer_hint_spawned, origin = Vector(x1, y1, z1), TeamNum = 2 }) SpawnEntityFromTable("bot_hint_sentrygun", { targetname = "red_engineer_nest_" + engineer_hint_spawned, origin = Vector(x2, y2, z2), TeamNum = 2, angles = QAngle(0, a2, 0) }) engineer_hint_spawned = engineer_hint_spawned + 1 } SpawnNavBrush = function(name, x, y, z, xyz1, xyz2) { getroottable()[name] = SpawnEntityFromTable("func_nav_avoid", { targetname = name, origin = Vector(x, y, z), tags = name.slice(4) }) getroottable()[name].KeyValueFromInt("solid", 2) getroottable()[name].KeyValueFromString("mins", xyz1); getroottable()[name].KeyValueFromString("maxs", xyz2) } blu_spawn_scenery = SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_dynamic", { origin = Vector(170, 1420, -231) angles = QAngle(0, 0, 270) modelscale = 1.9 model = "models/props_trainyard/crane_platform001.mdl" }) blu_spawn_scenery = SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_dynamic", { origin = Vector(-1350, 1260, -272) angles = QAngle(0, -90, 90) modelscale = 2.15 model = "models/props_trainyard/crane_platform001.mdl" }) blu_spawn_scenery = SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_dynamic", { origin = Vector(-1400, 1700, -165) angles = QAngle(-20, -75, 90) modelscale = 1.2 model = "models/props_trainyard/crane_platform001.mdl" }) robots_lose = SpawnEntityFromTable("game_round_win", { targetname = "robots_lose" TeamNum = 2 switch_teams = 0 force_map_reset = 1 "OnRoundWin": "gamerules,RunScriptCode,game_over = true,0,-1" "OnUser1": "gamerules,CallScriptFunction,LossHandler,0,-1" }) spawnbot_red_1_visual = SpawnEntityFromTable("point_worldtext", { origin = Vector(2300, -200, -422) }) spawnbot_red_2_visual = SpawnEntityFromTable("point_worldtext", { origin = Vector(2500, -1400, -358) }) spawnbot_red_3_visual = SpawnEntityFromTable("point_worldtext", { origin = Vector(2900, -300, -38) }) spawnbot_red_4_visual = SpawnEntityFromTable("point_worldtext", { origin = Vector(2400, -1200, -38) }) spawnbot_red_5_visual = SpawnEntityFromTable("point_worldtext", { origin = Vector(2300, 600, 26) }) spawnbot_red_6_visual = SpawnEntityFromTable("point_worldtext", { origin = Vector(4400, -1200, -38) }) spawnbot_red_7_visual = SpawnEntityFromTable("point_worldtext", { origin = Vector(2700, -1900, -38) }) spawnbot_red_8_visual = SpawnEntityFromTable("point_worldtext", { origin = Vector(3400, -300, -353) }) spawnbot_red_9_visual = SpawnEntityFromTable("point_worldtext", { origin = Vector(4000, 100, -353) }) spawnbot_red_10_visual = SpawnEntityFromTable("point_worldtext", { origin = Vector(4700, -400, -33) }) spawnbot_red_11_visual = SpawnEntityFromTable("point_worldtext", { origin = Vector(3800, 550, 50) }) spawnbot_red_12_visual = SpawnEntityFromTable("point_worldtext", { origin = Vector(5000, 100, -100) }) spawnbot_red_13_visual = SpawnEntityFromTable("point_worldtext", { origin = Vector(4100, 1500, -28) }) spawnbot_red_14_visual = SpawnEntityFromTable("point_worldtext", { origin = Vector(3100, 100, -28) }) spawnbot_red_15_visual = SpawnEntityFromTable("point_worldtext", { origin = Vector(1850, -1200, -124) }) spawnbot_red_16_visual = SpawnEntityFromTable("point_worldtext", { origin = Vector(500, -1500, -252) }) spawnbot_red_17_visual = SpawnEntityFromTable("point_worldtext", { origin = Vector(3800, 2300, 124) }) spawnbot_red_18_visual = SpawnEntityFromTable("point_worldtext", { origin = Vector(4500, 2300, 124) }) vistext_nav_upper_left = SpawnEntityFromTable("point_worldtext", { message = "nav_upper_left", origin = Vector(2200, -900, 0) }) vistext_nav_jumpdown_middle = SpawnEntityFromTable("point_worldtext", { message = "nav_jumpdown_middle", origin = Vector(2800, -600, 0) }) vistext_nav_dropdown_middle = SpawnEntityFromTable("point_worldtext", { message = "nav_dropdown_middle", origin = Vector(3000, -1200, 0) }) vistext_nav_walkdown_middle = SpawnEntityFromTable("point_worldtext", { message = "nav_walkdown_middle", origin = Vector(2000, -200, 0) }) vistext_nav_upper_right = SpawnEntityFromTable("point_worldtext", { message = "nav_upper_right", origin = Vector(1800, -300, 0) }) vistext_nav_upper_exit = SpawnEntityFromTable("point_worldtext", { message = "nav_upper_exit", origin = Vector(1700, -600, 0) }) vistext_nav_middle_exit = SpawnEntityFromTable("point_worldtext", { message = "nav_middle_exit", origin = Vector(1200, -750, 0) }) vistext_nav_right_exit = SpawnEntityFromTable("point_worldtext", { message = "nav_right_exit", origin = Vector(350, -1100, 0) }) vistext_nav_outside_rightflank = SpawnEntityFromTable("point_worldtext", { message = "nav_outside_rightflank", origin = Vector(800, 400, -350) }) vistext_nav_walkdown_back = SpawnEntityFromTable("point_worldtext", { message = "nav_walkdown_back", origin = Vector(4000, 100, -400) }) vistext_nav_walkdown_back_right = SpawnEntityFromTable("point_worldtext", { message = "nav_walkdown_back_right", origin = Vector(3900, -1200, -250) }) vistext_nav_back_corridor_right = SpawnEntityFromTable("point_worldtext", { message = "nav_back_corridor_right", origin = Vector(2800, 600, 0) }) vistext_nav_back_corridor_left = SpawnEntityFromTable("point_worldtext", { message = "nav_back_corridor_left", origin = Vector(4000, -1500, 0) }) vistext_nav_back_corridor_middle = SpawnEntityFromTable("point_worldtext", { message = "nav_back_corridor_middle", origin = Vector(3500, -600, 0) }) vistext_nav_back_corridor_middle = SpawnEntityFromTable("point_worldtext", { message = "nav_back_overpass", origin = Vector(3700, 100, 0) }) vistext_nav_middle_corridor_left = SpawnEntityFromTable("point_worldtext", { message = "nav_middle_corridor_left", origin = Vector(2700, 100, 0) }) vistext_nav_back_sidepath = SpawnEntityFromTable("point_worldtext", { message = "nav_back_sidepath", origin = Vector(5400, 200, 0) }) SetUpCustomNavigation = function() { SpawnNavBrush("nav_avoid_upper_left", 800, 400, -350, "-100 -200 -250", "550 100 1000"); SpawnNavBrush("nav_avoid_jumpdown_middle", 2800, -600, 0, "-300 -200 -250", "150 200 1000"); SpawnNavBrush("nav_avoid_dropdown_middle", 3050, -1300, -400, "-50 -50 -50", "50 50 50"); SpawnNavBrush("nav_avoid_walkdown_middle", 2000, -200, 0, "-150 -150 -500", "150 150 1000"); SpawnNavBrush("nav_avoid_upper_right", 1800, -300, 0, "-100 -200 -500", "150 50 1000"); SpawnNavBrush("nav_avoid_upper_exit", 1700, -600, 0, "-100 -150 -400", "100 100 1000"); SpawnNavBrush("nav_avoid_middle_exit", 1200, -750, 0, "-300 -100 -1000", "300 100 1000"); SpawnNavBrush("nav_avoid_right_exit", 350, -1100, 0, "-100 -200 -1000", "200 100 1000"); SpawnNavBrush("nav_avoid_outside_rightflank", 800, 400, -350, "-200 -200 -200", "200 200 200"); SpawnNavBrush("nav_avoid_walkdown_back", 4000, 100, -400, "-400 -300 -200", "200 300 200"); SpawnNavBrush("nav_avoid_walkdown_back_right", 3900, -1200, -250, "-400 -200 -400", "350 200 400"); SpawnNavBrush("nav_avoid_back_corridor_right", 2800, 600, 0, "-400 -250 -400", "600 200 400"); SpawnNavBrush("nav_avoid_back_corridor_left", 4000, -1500, 0, "-500 -200 -400", "250 150 400"); SpawnNavBrush("nav_avoid_back_corridor_middle", 3500, -600, 0, "-200 -200 -400", "200 200 400"); SpawnNavBrush("nav_avoid_back_overpass", 3700, 100, 0, "-200 -275 -100", "200 275 400"); SpawnNavBrush("nav_avoid_middle_corridor_left", 2700, 100, 0, "-300 -250 -200", "200 150 200"); SpawnNavBrush("nav_avoid_back_sidepath", 5400, 200, 0, "-150 -200 -200", "150 200 200"); SpawnNavBrush("nav_avoid_alienhunter_special", 2800, -800, -400, "-150 -100 -100", "150 100 100") } w1_hatch_box = null w2_s3_minigame_bombcart_prop = null w2_s3_minigame_bombcart_prop_bbox = null stage1_blockade_center = SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_dynamic", { origin = Vector(1400, -800, -325), model = "models/props_gameplay/security_fence512.mdl", solid = 6}) stage1_blockade_left = SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_dynamic", { origin = Vector(1700, -450, -150), angles = QAngle(0, 90, 0), model = "models/props_gameplay/security_fence512.mdl", solid = 6 }) stage1_blockade_right = SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_dynamic", { origin = Vector(450, -1150, -300), model = "models/props_gameplay/security_fence512.mdl", solid = 6 }) stage1_blockade_center_nobuild = SpawnEntityFromTable("func_nobuild", { origin = Vector(1214, -749, -380) }) stage1_blockade_left_nobuild = SpawnEntityFromTable("func_nobuild", { origin = Vector(1677, -620, -179) }) stage1_blockade_right_nobuild = SpawnEntityFromTable("func_nobuild", { origin = Vector(376, -1125, -284) }) stage1_blockade_deathpit = SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_dynamic", { origin = Vector(2600, -100, -400), model = "models/props_gameplay/security_fence512.mdl", solid = 6 }) blood_tank_outofblood_healthdrain = SpawnEntityFromTable("trigger_hurt", { targetname = "tank_outofblood_healthdrain" damage = 50 damagecap = 9999 damagetype = 1 damagemodel = 0 spawnflags = 64 }) blood_tank_heal_hud_update = SpawnEntityFromTable("trigger_hurt", { targetname = "tank_heal_hud_update" damage = 1 damagecap = 9999 damagetype = 1 damagemodel = 0 spawnflags = 64 }) blood_tank_minidispenser_trigger = SpawnEntityFromTable("dispenser_touch_trigger", { targetname = "blood_tank_minidispenser_trigger" spawnflags = 1 origin = Vector(0, 0, 9999) }) blood_tank_minidispenser_mapobj = SpawnEntityFromTable("mapobj_cart_dispenser", { targetname = "blood_tank_minidispenser_mapobj" TeamNum = 3, spawnflags = 12 touch_trigger = "blood_tank_minidispenser_trigger" origin = Vector(0, 0, 9999) }) blood_tank_blood_trail = SpawnEntityFromTable("env_blood", { spraydir = QAngle(90, 0, 0) color = 0 amount = 1000 spawnflags = 8 StartDisabled = 1 }) tank_blood_level_hud = SpawnEntityFromTable("game_text", { channel = 2 color = "255 0 0" effect = 0 fadein = 0 fadeout = 0 fxtime = 0 message = "███████████████" holdtime = 1.0 spawnflags = 1 x = 0.803 y = 0.615 }) WaveStartFunctions = function() { EntFireByHandle(tank_blood_level_hud, "Display", null, -1.0, null, null) deplete_blood_cooldown = Time() + 4 bloodbot_dispatchtime = Time() + RandomFloat(next_bloodbot_dispatchtime_min, next_bloodbot_dispatchtime_max) local think_stage1_blockade_rise = SpawnEntityFromTable("logic_relay", {targetname = "think_stage1_blockade_rise"}) AddThinkToEnt(think_stage1_blockade_rise, "Stage1_RiseBlockade_Think") stage1_blockade_center_nobuild.Kill() stage1_blockade_right_nobuild.Kill() stage1_blockade_left_nobuild.Kill() SetUpCustomNavigation(); SetUpCustomNavigation() // calling this twice to make sure bots never disobey the funcs // foreach (bluplayer in bluplayer_array) bluplayer.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage.turngiantreminder_cooldown = Time() + RandomInt(30, 120) } bloodbot_path_p1_vectorarray = // bloodbot path a stays the same for all 3 waves [ Vector(-1000, 1000, -265), Vector(-1000, 540, -265), Vector(-1000, 240, -425), Vector(-1000, -230, -425), Vector(-1000, -350, -435), Vector(-1000, -600, -435) Vector(-1000, -750, -415), Vector(-841, -750, -415), Vector(-694, -750, -352), Vector(-610, -750, -352), Vector(-298, -1000, -352), Vector(400, -1000, -352) Vector(400, -1400, -352), Vector(1079, -1400, -352), Vector(1289, -1400, -448), Vector(1500, -1400, -448) ] bloodbot_path_p2_vectorarray = null bloodbot_path_p3_vectorarray = null bloodbot_path_p1 = [] bloodbot_path_p2 = [] bloodbot_path_p3 = [] bloodbot_path_p1_name_picker = [] bloodbot_path_p2_name_picker = [] bloodbot_path_p3_name_picker = [] bloodbot_path_p1_origin_picker = [] bloodbot_path_p2_origin_picker = [] bloodbot_path_p3_origin_picker = [] CALLBACKS = { OnGameEvent_recalculate_holidays = function(params) // do cleanup after mission switch { if (GetRoundState() == 3) { if (NetProps.GetPropString(objective_resource_entity, "m_iszMvMPopfileName") != mission) { foreach (thing, var in PEA) if (thing in getroottable()) delete getroottable()[thing] foreach (thing, var in PEA_ONETIME) if (thing in getroottable()) delete getroottable()[thing] for (local i = 1; i <= MaxClients().tointeger(); i++) { local player = PlayerInstanceFromIndex(i) if (player == null) continue if (player.GetScriptScope() != null) { foreach (thing in player.GetScriptScope()) { try { thing.GetClassname() } catch (e) { continue } if (!thing.IsPlayer()) thing.Kill() } } player.TerminateScriptScope() player.SetGravity(1) } delete ::PEA delete ::PEA_ONETIME return } } } OnGameEvent_player_spawn = function(params) { local spawned_player = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.userid); if (spawned_player.IsFakeClient()) { spawned_player.AddCond(43) EntFireByHandle(spawned_player, "CallScriptFunction", "BotTagCheck", -1.0, null, null) return } else if (spawned_player.GetTeam() <= 1) return // when a player joins server, player_spawn fires twice: once when the player is at the initial class choice screen (as team 0 undefined), and then again when they actually spawn on blu side if (players_joining_array.find(spawned_player) != null) { players_joining_array.remove(players_joining_array.find(spawned_player)) EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "CallScriptFunction", "WormholeCloseCheck", 5.0, null, null) } if (bluplayer_array.find(spawned_player) == null) bluplayer_array.append(spawned_player) spawned_player.ValidateScriptScope() local scope = spawned_player.GetScriptScope() // ClientPrint(null,3,"player spawned: team " + spawned_player.GetTeam()) if (!("bloodstorage" in scope)) { scope.bloodstorage <- BloodStorage(spawned_player) // ClientPrint(null,3,"class setup") spawned_player.Teleport(true, Vector(0, 0, 1900), false, QAngle(0, 0, 0), false, Vector(0, 0, 0)) spawned_player.SetAbsVelocity(Vector(0, 0, -500)) switch (spawned_player.GetPlayerClass()) { case pyro: spawned_player.PlayScene(wormhole_spawn_screams.pyro[RandomInt(0, wormhole_spawn_screams.pyro.len() - 1)], -1.0); break case engineer: spawned_player.PlayScene([RandomInt(0, - 1)], -1.0); break case sniper: spawned_player.PlayScene(wormhole_spawn_screams.sniper[RandomInt(0, wormhole_spawn_screams.sniper.len() - 1)], -1.0); break default: EntFireByHandle(spawned_player, "SpeakResponseConcept", "HalloweenLongFall", -1.0, null, null) } } else scope.bloodstorage.ResetBloodCounter() if (spawned_player.GetPlayerClass() == spy) EntFireByHandle(spawned_player, "CallScriptFunction", "OverrideSapper", -1.0, null, null) if (objective_type == "deliver") EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "CallScriptFunction", "RefreshDeliverAnnotations", -1.0, null, null) scope = scope.bloodstorage if (scope.escaped != "[X]") spawned_player.Teleport(true, Vector(0, 1700, -300), false, QAngle(0, 0, 0), false, Vector(0, 0, 0)) if (in_endgame && scope.escaped != "[X]") spawned_player.Teleport(true, Vector(0, 1600, -200), false, QAngle(0, 0, 0), false, Vector(0, 0, 0)) if (NetProps.GetPropString(spawned_player, "m_szNetworkIDString") == "[U:1:95064912]") debugger = spawned_player } OnGameEvent_player_death = function(params) { local dead_player = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.userid); dead_player.ValidateScriptScope() local scope if (!dead_player.IsFakeClient()) { scope = dead_player.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage SpawnGrayBlood(dead_player.GetOrigin(), "human", scope.blood_count / 2, scope.poisoned) if (WAVE == 3) SpawnGrayBlood(dead_player.GetOrigin(), "human", scope.tnt_count / 2, false, true) if (scope.blood_count >= 2) DeliverTipToPlayer(dead_player, "deathandblood", "When you die, half of the blood that you carried at the time is dropped to the ground, allowing your teammates to pick it up.") scope.ResetBloodCounter() if (draw_debugchat) ClientPrint(null,3,"temp vars reset (from player_death)") } else { scope = dead_player.GetScriptScope() NetProps.SetPropBool(dead_player, "m_bForcedSkin", false); NetProps.SetPropInt(dead_player, "m_nForcedSkin", 0) if (dead_player.GetPlayerClass() == spy) EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "CallScriptFunction", "CheckForDeadSpies", -1.0, null, null) if (!dead_player.IsMiniBoss() && !dead_player.HasBotTag("escortbot")) SpawnGrayBlood(dead_player.GetOrigin(), "bot", 1, (dead_player.HasBotTag("zombie_bot") ? true : false)) if (dead_player.HasBotTag("squad_leader")) { dead_player.DisbandCurrentSquad() for (local i = 1; i <= MaxClients().tointeger(); i++) { local bot = PlayerInstanceFromIndex(i) if (bot == null) continue if (!bot.IsFakeClient()) continue if (bot.GetTeam() != 2) continue if (NetProps.GetPropInt(bot, "m_lifeState") != 0) continue if (bot.HasBotTag("aggrobot")) continue if (bot.IsInASquad()) continue if ((bot.GetPlayerClass() == soldier || bot.GetPlayerClass() == demoman) && !bot.HasWeaponRestriction(1)) EntFireByHandle(bot, "$BotCommand", "interrupt_action -posent blood_tank -lookposent blood_tank -killlook -delay 0 -duration 3600 -cooldown 3600 -distance 500", 0.05, null, null) else EntFireByHandle(bot, "$BotCommand", "interrupt_action -posent blood_tank -lookposent blood_tank -killlook -delay 0 -duration 3600 -cooldown 3600", 0.05, null, null) } } local skipcashteleport = false try { params.weaponid } catch (e) { skipcashteleport = true } if (!skipcashteleport && (params.weaponid == 17 || params.weaponid == 77 || params.weaponid == 99 || (params.weapon_def_index != 171 && params.weapon == "bleed_kill"))) // sniper rifle cash teleport code { local killer = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.attacker) if (NetProps.GetPropInt(killer, "m_PlayerClass") == sniper) { EmitSoundEx({ sound_name = "sniper_cashteleport.wav", filter_type = 5, volume = 0.2, entity = killer, pitch = 100, flags = 0, channel = 6 }) for (local cash; cash = Entities.FindByNameWithin(cash, "gray_blood_*", dead_player.EyePosition(), 250.0); ) { local killer_unique_string = UniqueString() local dest = SpawnEntityFromTable("info_teleport_destination", { targetname = "dest2", origin = cash.GetOrigin() }) DispatchParticleEffect("wrenchmotron_teleport_sparks", dest.GetOrigin(), Vector(0, 90, 0)) killer.KeyValueFromString("targetname", killer_unique_string) local beam = SpawnEntityFromTable("env_beam", { life = 0 boltwidth = 1 LightningStart = killer_unique_string LightningEnd = "dest2" NoiseAmplitude = 1 rendercolor = "153 194 216" texture = "sprites/laserbeam.spr" spawnflags = 1 }) killer.KeyValueFromString("targetname", "") EntFireByHandle(beam, "Kill", null, 0.25, null, null) dest.Kill() cash.Teleport(true, killer.EyePosition(), false, QAngle(0, 0, 0), false, Vector(0, 0, 0)) } } } if (dead_player.HasBotTag("huntbot")) ObjectiveProgress() if (dead_player.HasBotTag("iceblock_healthbar")) DestroyIceBlock_P1() local child_array = [] for (local child = dead_player.FirstMoveChild(); child != null; child = child.NextMovePeer()) child_array.append(child) foreach (child in child_array) { if (child.GetClassname() != "tf_wearable") continue // causes complications with mediguns (patients retain healing and uber of killed healer) if (child in scope) delete scope.child child.Kill() } if (dead_player.HasBotTag("barricadebomb")) return if (dead_player.HasBotTag("alienhunter")) if (bluplayer_array.find(dead_player) != null) bluplayer_array.remove(bluplayer_array.find(dead_player)) NetProps.SetPropString(dead_player, "m_iszScriptThinkFunction", "") foreach (thing in scope) { try { thing.GetClassname() } catch (e) { continue } if (thing.GetClassname() != "player") thing.Kill() } dead_player.TerminateScriptScope() } } //// Make sure that players can turn giant if the round was restarted while they were giant OnGameEvent_teamplay_round_start = function(params) { // ClientPrint(null,3,"round restarted") for (local i = 1; i <= MaxClients().tointeger(); i++) { local player = PlayerInstanceFromIndex(i) local scope if (player == null) continue if (player.IsFakeClient()) player.ForceChangeTeam(1, true) if (player.GetTeam() == 1) // bots not in play are spectators! { if (player.IsFakeClient()) { NetProps.SetPropBool(player, "m_bForcedSkin", false); NetProps.SetPropInt(player, "m_nForcedSkin", 0) if (bluplayer_array.find(player) != null) bluplayer_array.remove(bluplayer_array.find(player)) // alien hunter scope = player.GetScriptScope() if (!scope) continue local child_array = [] for (local child = player.FirstMoveChild(); child != null; child = child.NextMovePeer()) child_array.append(child) foreach (child in child_array) { if (child.GetClassname() != "tf_wearable") continue // causes complications with mediguns (patients retain healing and uber of killed healer) if (child in scope) delete scope.child NetProps.SetPropString(child, "m_iszScriptThinkFunction", "") child.Kill() } foreach (thing in scope) { try { thing.GetClassname() } catch (e) { continue } if (thing.GetClassname() != "player") thing.Kill() } player.TerminateScriptScope() NetProps.SetPropString(player, "m_iszScriptThinkFunction", "") continue } if (bluplayer_array.find(player) == null) continue } if (bluplayer_array.find(player) == null) bluplayer_array.append(player) scope = player.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage if ("selfglow" in scope) delete scope.selfglow scope.in_tip_cooldown = false scope.escaped = "[X]" scope.GiantRobot_Control("end_cooldown") } } //// Kill all entities related to disconnecting players OnGameEvent_player_disconnect = function(params) { local disconnected_player = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.userid) if (IsPlayerABot(disconnected_player)) return if (players_joining_array.find(disconnected_player) != null) { players_joining_array.remove(players_joining_array.find(disconnected_player)) EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "CallScriptFunction", "WormholeCloseCheck", 5.0, null, null) } local disc_player_id = NetProps.GetPropString(disconnected_player, "m_szNetworkIDString") for (local ent; ent = Entities.FindByName(ent, disc_player_id + "_player_*"); ) ent.Kill() if (bluplayer_array.find(disconnected_player) != null) bluplayer_array.remove(bluplayer_array.find(disconnected_player)) } OnGameEvent_player_team = function(params) { local player = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.userid) if (player.IsFakeClient()) return // ClientPrint(null,3,"player_team procced: team " + player.GetTeam()) if ( == 1) { if (players_joining_array.find(player) != null) { players_joining_array.remove(players_joining_array.find(player)) EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "CallScriptFunction", "WormholeCloseCheck", 5.0, null, null) } if (bluplayer_array.find(player) != null) bluplayer_array.remove(bluplayer_array.find(player)) } } OnGameEvent_player_activate = function(params) { local activated_player = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.userid) if (!activated_player.IsFakeClient() && bluplayer_array.len() < 6) { players_joining_array.append(activated_player) if (!NetProps.GetPropBool(Entities.FindByName(null, "ptcs_wormhole"), "m_bActive")) EntFire("wormhole_start_relay", "Trigger") } } OnGameEvent_mvm_wave_complete = function(params) { suppress_waveend_music = true EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "RunScriptCode", "suppress_waveend_music = false", 10.0, null, null) if (WAVE == 1) EmitGlobalSound("music.mvm_end_wave") if (WAVE == 2) EmitGlobalSound("music.mvm_end_mid_wave") if (WAVE == 3) EmitGlobalSound("ui/mm_level_six_achieved.wav") } OnGameEvent_player_builtobject = function(params) { local bot = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.userid) if (bot.IsFakeClient() && params.object == 2) { EntIndexToHScript(params.index).KeyValueFromString("targetname", "glow_target") local sentry_glow = SpawnEntityFromTable("tf_glow", { target = "glow_target" GlowColor = "255 255 0 255" }) EntIndexToHScript(params.index).KeyValueFromString("targetname", "") AddThinkToEnt(sentry_glow, "DangerBlink_Think") EntFireByHandle(sentry_glow, "SetParent", "!activator", -1.0, EntIndexToHScript(params.index), null) } if (params.object == 3) EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "CallScriptFunction", "UnicornSapper", 0.1, null, null) } OnGameEvent_npc_hurt = function(params) { local victim = EntIndexToHScript(params.entindex) if (victim == blood_tank) { EntFireByHandle(blood_tank.GetScriptScope().dangerglow, "Enable", null, -1.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(blood_tank.GetScriptScope().dangerglow, "Disable", null, 0.1, null, null) return } if (params.weaponid == 18) victim.SetHealth(victim.GetHealth() + (params.damageamount.tofloat() * 0.75)) // minigun } } BotTagCheck = function() { local turnhuman = true local goaftertank = true local goaftertank_delay = 0.05 if (in_endgame) { self.ForceChangeTeam(1, true); return } if (self.HasBotTag("aggrobot")) { goaftertank = false DeliverTipToBLU("aggrobots", "Defenders with distinctly colored helmets ignore the Blood Tank and hunt down the attackers instead.") if (self.HasBotTag("goaftercontrolpoints_any")) EntFireByHandle(self, "$BotCommand", "interrupt_action -posent control_point_" + RandomInt(1, 3) + " -delay 0 -duration 3600 -cooldown 3600", goaftertank_delay, null, null) if (self.HasBotTag("goaftercontrolpoints_b")) EntFireByHandle(self, "$BotCommand", "interrupt_action -posent control_point_2 -delay 0 -duration 3600 -cooldown 3600", goaftertank_delay, null, null) if (self.HasBotTag("goaftercontrolpoints_c")) EntFireByHandle(self, "$BotCommand", "interrupt_action -posent control_point_3 -delay 0 -duration 3600 -cooldown 3600", goaftertank_delay, null, null) if (self.HasBotTag("goaftericeblock")) EntFireByHandle(self, "$BotCommand", "interrupt_action -posent iceblock -delay 0 -duration 3600 -cooldown 3600", goaftertank_delay, null, null) } if (self.HasBotTag("support")) goaftertank = false if (self.HasBotTag("sniperrifle")) AddThinkToEnt(NetProps.GetPropEntityArray(self, "m_hMyWeapons", 0), "SniperRifleLaser_Think") if (self.GetPlayerClass() == spy) { if (Time() > spyalert_cooldown) EmitGlobalSound("Announcer.MVM_Spy_Alert"); spyalert_cooldown = Time() + 3.0 } if (self.HasBotTag("bombrunner")) AddThinkToEnt(self, "BombRunner_Think") if (self.HasBotTag("escortbot")) { self.RemoveCond(43); AddThinkToEnt(self, "EscortBot_Think"); turnhuman = false } if (self.HasBotTag("huntbot")) { goaftertank = false; AddThinkToEnt(self, "HuntBot_Think") } if (self.HasBotTag("barricadebomb")) { self.SetMoveType(0,0); AddThinkToEnt(self, "BarricadeBomb_Think"); return } if (self.HasBotTag("aoe_medic")) AddThinkToEnt(self, "AoEUber_Think") if (self.HasBotTag("iceblock_healthbar")) { self.SetMoveType(0,0); AddThinkToEnt(self, "DisplayIceblockHealthbar_Think") } if (self.HasBotTag("alienhunter")) { goaftertank = false if (bluplayer_array.find(self) == null) bluplayer_array.append(self) TeleportPlayer(Vector(0, 0, -180)) self.RemoveCond(43) AddThinkToEnt(self, "AlienHunter_Think") if (debug && debug_stage == 3) TeleportPlayer(Vector(4500, 600, 100)) } if (goaftertank) { if (!self.IsInASquad() || (self.IsInASquad() && self.HasBotTag("squad_leader"))) { if (self.HasBotTag("has_banner")) goaftertank_delay = 1.0 if ((self.GetPlayerClass() == soldier || self.GetPlayerClass() == demoman) && !self.HasWeaponRestriction(1)) EntFireByHandle(self, "$BotCommand", "interrupt_action -posent blood_tank -lookposent blood_tank -killlook -delay 0 -duration 3600 -cooldown 3600 -distance 500", goaftertank_delay, null, null) else EntFireByHandle(self, "$BotCommand", "interrupt_action -posent blood_tank -lookposent blood_tank -killlook -delay 0 -duration 3600 -cooldown 3600", goaftertank_delay, null, null) } if (self.HasBotTag("w1_start")) { EntFireByHandle(self, "$BotCommand", "interrupt_action -pos -350 900 -450 -delay 0 -waituntildone -duration 0 -cooldown 3600", goaftertank_delay, null, null) EntFireByHandle(self, "$BotCommand", "interrupt_action -posent blood_tank -lookposent blood_tank -killlook -delay 0 -duration 3600 -cooldown 3600", 5.0, null, null) } } if (self.IsMiniBoss()) { turnhuman = false self.AddBotTag("avoid_dropdown_middle") // can't fit if (!self.HasBotTag("bombrunner") && !self.HasBotTag("alienhunter")) EmitGlobalSound("MVM.GiantHeavyEntrance") if (!self.HasBotTag("bombrunner") && !self.HasBotTag("huntbot")) AttachGlow() } else if (self.GetModelScale() > 1.0) { NetProps.SetPropBool(self, "m_bForcedSkin", true); NetProps.SetPropInt(self, "m_nForcedSkin", 4) GetWearable(format("models/player/items/%s/%s_zombie.mdl", class_integers[self.GetPlayerClass()], class_integers[self.GetPlayerClass()])) self.AddCustomAttribute("voice pitch scale", 0.5, -1.0) self.AddBotTag("zombie_bot") } if (turnhuman) self.SetCustomModelWithClassAnimations(format("models/player/%s.mdl", class_integers[self.GetPlayerClass()])) self.GetLocomotionInterface().Reset() } OverrideSapper = function() { for (local i = 0; i < 8; i++) { local weapon = NetProps.GetPropEntityArray(self, "m_hMyWeapons", i) if (weapon == null) continue local weaponid = NetProps.GetPropInt(weapon, "m_AttributeManager.m_Item.m_iItemDefinitionIndex") if (weaponid == 810 || weaponid == 831) { weapon.AddAttribute("sapper degenerates buildings", 0, -1.0) weapon.AddAttribute("sapper damage penalty", 1, -1.0) } } } GetWeapon = function(className, itemID) { local weapon = Entities.CreateByClassname(className) NetProps.SetPropInt(weapon, "m_AttributeManager.m_Item.m_iItemDefinitionIndex", itemID) NetProps.SetPropBool(weapon, "m_AttributeManager.m_Item.m_bInitialized", true) NetProps.SetPropBool(weapon, "m_bValidatedAttachedEntity", true) weapon.SetTeam(self.GetTeam()) Entities.DispatchSpawn(weapon) for (local i = 0; i < 8; i++) { local heldWeapon = NetProps.GetPropEntityArray(self, "m_hMyWeapons", i) if (heldWeapon == null) continue if (heldWeapon.GetSlot() != weapon.GetSlot()) continue heldWeapon.Destroy() NetProps.SetPropEntityArray(self, "m_hMyWeapons", null, i) break } self.Weapon_Equip(weapon) self.Weapon_Switch(weapon) } GetWearable = function(model, bonemerge = true) { local modelIndex = GetModelIndex(model) if (modelIndex == -1) modelIndex = PrecacheModel(model) local wearable = Entities.CreateByClassname("tf_wearable") NetProps.SetPropInt(wearable, "m_nModelIndex", modelIndex) wearable.SetSkin(self.GetTeam()) wearable.SetTeam(self.GetTeam()) wearable.SetSolidFlags(4) wearable.SetCollisionGroup(11) NetProps.SetPropBool(wearable, "m_bValidatedAttachedEntity", true) NetProps.SetPropBool(wearable, "m_AttributeManager.m_Item.m_bInitialized", true) NetProps.SetPropInt(wearable, "m_AttributeManager.m_Item.m_iEntityQuality", 0) NetProps.SetPropInt(wearable, "m_AttributeManager.m_Item.m_iEntityLevel", 1) NetProps.SetPropInt(wearable, "m_AttributeManager.m_Item.m_iItemIDLow", 2048) NetProps.SetPropInt(wearable, "m_AttributeManager.m_Item.m_iItemIDHigh", 0) wearable.SetOwner(self) Entities.DispatchSpawn(wearable) NetProps.SetPropInt(wearable, "m_fEffects", bonemerge ? 1 | 128 : 0) NetProps.SetPropEntity(wearable, "m_hMovePeer", self.FirstMoveChild()) NetProps.SetPropEntity(self, "m_hMoveChild", wearable) NetProps.SetPropEntity(wearable, "m_hMoveParent", self) local origPos = wearable.GetLocalOrigin() wearable.SetLocalOrigin(origPos + Vector(0, 0, 1)) wearable.SetLocalOrigin(origPos) local origAngles = wearable.GetLocalAngles() wearable.SetLocalAngles(origAngles + QAngle(0, 0, 1)) wearable.SetLocalAngles(origAngles) local origVel = wearable.GetVelocity() wearable.SetVelocity(origVel + Vector(0, 0, 1)) wearable.SetVelocity(origVel) EntFireByHandle(wearable, "SetParent", "!activator", 0, self, self) } LoseWearable = function(model) { local modelIndex = GetModelIndex(model) if (modelIndex == -1) modelIndex = PrecacheModel(model) local child_array = [] for (local child = self.FirstMoveChild(); child != null; child = child.NextMovePeer()) child_array.append(child) foreach (child in child_array) if (NetProps.GetPropInt(child, "m_nModelIndex") == modelIndex) child.Kill() } UnicornSapper = function() { for (local i = 1; i <= MaxClients().tointeger(); i++) { local bot = PlayerInstanceFromIndex(i) if (bot == null) continue if (!bot.IsFakeClient()) continue if (bot.IsMiniBoss()) continue if (!bot.InCond(50)) continue EntFireByHandle(bot, "RunScriptCode", "GetWearable(`models/workshop/player/items/all_class/hw2013_the_magical_mercenary/hw2013_the_magical_mercenary_` + class_integers[self.GetPlayerClass()] + `.mdl`)", -1.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(bot, "RunScriptCode", "LoseWearable(`models/workshop/player/items/all_class/hw2013_the_magical_mercenary/hw2013_the_magical_mercenary_` + class_integers[self.GetPlayerClass()] + `.mdl`)", 7.0, null, null) switch (NetProps.GetPropInt(bot, "m_PlayerClass")) { case scout: bot.PlayScene(unicorn_sapper_voicelines.scout[RandomInt(0, unicorn_sapper_voicelines.scout.len() - 1)], RandomFloat(0.0, 5.0)); break case soldier: bot.PlayScene(unicorn_sapper_voicelines.soldier[RandomInt(0, unicorn_sapper_voicelines.soldier.len() - 1)], RandomFloat(0.0, 5.0)); break case demoman: bot.PlayScene(unicorn_sapper_voicelines.demoman[RandomInt(0, unicorn_sapper_voicelines.demoman.len() - 1)], RandomFloat(0.0, 5.0)); break case heavyweapons: bot.PlayScene(unicorn_sapper_voicelines.heavyweapons[RandomInt(0, unicorn_sapper_voicelines.heavyweapons.len() - 1)], RandomFloat(0.0, 5.0)); break case engineer: bot.PlayScene([RandomInt(0, - 1)], RandomFloat(0.0, 5.0)); break case sniper: bot.PlayScene(unicorn_sapper_voicelines.sniper[RandomInt(0, unicorn_sapper_voicelines.sniper.len() - 1)], RandomFloat(0.0, 5.0)); break case spy: bot.PlayScene(unicorn_sapper_voicelines.spy[RandomInt(0, unicorn_sapper_voicelines.spy.len() - 1)], RandomFloat(0.0, 5.0)); break } } } WormholeCloseCheck = function() { if (players_joining_array.len() == 0) EntFire("wormhole_end_relay", "Trigger") } RefreshDeliverAnnotations = function() { for (local ent; ent = Entities.FindByName(ent, "briefcase_pickup*"); ) { SendGlobalGameEvent("show_annotation", { id = 10 + ent.GetName().slice(16) text = "Briefcase" follow_entindex = ent.entindex() play_sound = "misc/null.wav" show_distance = true show_effect = false lifetime = 3600 }) } } SniperRifleLaser_Think = function() // huge credit goes to royall for finding this out { local scope try { scope = self.GetScriptScope() } catch (e) { return } local weaponowner = NetProps.GetPropEntity(self, "m_hOwner") if (!("laser" in scope)) { scope.laser <- SpawnEntityFromTable("info_particle_system", { targetname = "sniperrifle_laser" effect_name = "laser_sight_beam" start_active = 1 flag_as_weather = 0 }) scope.pointer <- SpawnEntityFromTable("info_particle_system", { targetname = "sniperrifle_laserpointer" effect_name = "laser_sight_beam" }) scope.color <- SpawnEntityFromTable("info_particle_system", { targetname = "sniperrifle_lasercolor" effect_name = "laser_sight_beam" }) scope.color.SetAbsOrigin(Vector(255, 0, 0)) NetProps.SetPropEntityArray(scope.laser, "m_hControlPointEnts", scope.pointer, 0) NetProps.SetPropEntityArray(scope.laser, "m_hControlPointEnts", scope.color, 1) scope.laser.SetOwner(weaponowner) scope.pointer.SetOwner(weaponowner) scope.color.SetOwner(weaponowner) NetProps.SetPropString(scope.laser, "m_iClassname", "env_sprite") NetProps.SetPropString(scope.pointer, "m_iClassname", "env_sprite") } if (weaponowner.InCond(1)) { local tracetable = { start = weaponowner.EyePosition(), end = weaponowner.EyePosition() + (weaponowner.EyeAngles().Forward() * 32768.0) ignore = weaponowner } TraceLineEx(tracetable) if (!tracetable.hit) return scope.laser.SetAbsOrigin(weaponowner.EyePosition()) scope.pointer.SetAbsOrigin(tracetable.pos) EntFireByHandle(scope.laser, "Start", null, -1, null, null) } else { EntFireByHandle(scope.laser, "Stop", null, -1, null, null) scope.laser.SetAbsOrigin(scope.pointer.GetOrigin()) } } CheckForDeadSpies = function() { local spies_found = false for (local i = 1; i <= MaxClients().tointeger(); i++) { local bot = PlayerInstanceFromIndex(i) if (bot == null) continue if (!bot.IsFakeClient()) continue if (NetProps.GetPropInt(bot, "m_lifeState") != 0) continue if (bot.GetPlayerClass() == spy) spies_found = true } if (!spies_found) EmitGlobalSound("Announcer.mvm_spybot_death_all") } // â–ˆ = full block, â–‘ = shadowed block AcknowledgeBloodTank = function() { blood_tank = Entities.FindByName(blood_tank, "blood_tank") blood_tank.ValidateScriptScope() local scope = blood_tank.GetScriptScope() scope.dangerglow <- SpawnEntityFromTable("tf_glow", { target = "blood_tank" GlowColor = "255 0 0 255" StartDisabled = 1 }) EntFireByHandle(scope.dangerglow, "SetParent", "!activator", -1.0, blood_tank, null) scope.healglow <- SpawnEntityFromTable("tf_glow", { target = "blood_tank" GlowColor = "0 255 0 255" StartDisabled = 1 }) EntFireByHandle(scope.healglow, "SetParent", "!activator", -1.0, blood_tank, null) AddThinkToEnt(blood_tank, "BloodTank_Think") EntFireByHandle(tank_blood_level_hud, "Display", null, -1.0, null, null) if (!debug) { blood_tank.KeyValueFromFloat("speed", 250.0) EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "CallScriptFunction", "SetUpBloodTank", 3.0, null, null) } else EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "CallScriptFunction", "SetUpBloodTank", -1.0, null, null) AttachBloodDecals() stage1_check = Entities.FindByName(stage1_check, "tank_path_a_7") EntityOutputs.AddOutput(stage1_check, "OnPass", "gamerules", "CallScriptFunction", "Objective_Start", -1.0, -1) local displaytank = false foreach (bluplayer in bluplayer_array) { if (bluplayer.IsFakeClient()) continue local scope = bluplayer.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage if (scope.firsttimeplayer) { SendGlobalGameEvent("show_annotation", { id = 1 text = "Blood Tank" follow_entindex = blood_tank.entindex() visibilityBitfield = (1 << bluplayer.entindex()) play_sound = "misc/null.wav" show_distance = true show_effect = false lifetime = 3600 }) scope.firsttimeplayer = false } } if (WAVE == 3) { for (local i = 1; i <= 6; i++) { local ent = Entities.FindByName(null, "tnt_spot_" + i) AddThinkToEnt(ent, "ReceiveTNT_Think") } } } BloodTank_Think = function() { local scope = self.GetScriptScope() for (local player; player = Entities.FindByClassnameWithin(player, "player", self.GetOrigin(), 500.0); ) { if (!player.IsFakeClient()) continue if (NetProps.GetPropInt(player, "m_lifeState") != 0) continue if (player.GetTeam() != 2) continue // if (!player.HasBotTag("aggrobot")) reds_near_bloodtank++ if (player.IsInASquad() && !player.HasBotTag("squad_leader") && !player.HasBotTag("support")) player.SnapEyeAngles(VectorAngles(self.GetOrigin() - player.EyePosition())) } // if (reds_near_bloodtank > 0) // { // if (prev_reds_near_bloodtank == 0) // { // EntFireByHandle(scope.dangerglow, "Enable", null, -1.0, null, null) // next_red_proximity_blink_time = Time() + RemapValClamped(reds_near_bloodtank, 1, 6, 1.0, 0.1) // } // else if (prev_reds_near_bloodtank < reds_near_bloodtank) next_red_proximity_blink_time -= RemapValClamped(reds_near_bloodtank, 1, 6, 1.0, 0.1) // if (Time() >= next_red_proximity_blink_time) // { // if (NetProps.GetPropBool(scope.dangerglow, "m_bDisabled")) EntFireByHandle(scope.dangerglow, "Enable", null, -1.0, null, null) // else EntFireByHandle(scope.dangerglow, "Disable", null, -1.0, null, null) // next_red_proximity_blink_time = Time() + RemapValClamped(reds_near_bloodtank, 1, 6, 1.0, 0.1) // } // ClientPrint(null,3,"" + (next_red_proximity_blink_time - Time())) // } // else if (prev_reds_near_bloodtank > 0) EntFireByHandle(scope.dangerglow, "Disable", null, -1.0, null, null) // prev_reds_near_bloodtank = reds_near_bloodtank // reds_near_bloodtank = 0 if (objective_type != null && WAVE == 3) { // DeliverTipToBLU("volatilebloodtank", "The Blood Tank becomes highly volatile while it's not in motion, causing massive explosions to happen at random! Continue taking TNT and delivering blood to slow them down!") EmitSoundEx({ sound_name = "pl_hoodoo/alarm_clock_ticking_3.wav", filter_type = 5, pitch = 175 - ((tank_objective_explosion_time - Time()).tofloat() * 9.375), flags = 2, channel = 6 }) if (tank_objective_explosion_time - Time() <= 1.5) { tank_objective_explosion_imminent = true EmitSoundEx({ sound_name = "pl_hoodoo/alarm_clock_alarm_3.wav", filter_type = 5, pitch = 100, flags = 1, delay = -8, channel = 6 }) } if (Time() >= tank_objective_explosion_time) { tank_objective_explosion_imminent = false self.TakeDamage(1000, 1, blood_tank_outofblood_healthdrain) DispatchParticleEffect("fireSmoke_Collumn_mvmAcres", self.GetOrigin(), Vector(0, 90, 0)) EmitSoundEx({ sound_name = "weapons/loose_cannon_explode.wav", filter_type = 5, flags = 0, channel = 6 }) tank_objective_explosion_cooldown = 8.0 + tank_objective_explosion_leftovers tank_objective_explosion_leftovers = 0.0 tank_objective_explosion_time = Time() + tank_objective_explosion_cooldown } } return -1 } SetUpBloodTank = function() { if (!debug) blood_tank.KeyValueFromFloat("speed", tank_stage1_speed) // else if (!debug_objective) blood_tank.KeyValueFromFloat("speed", 999.9) // local think_bloodtank_weaponswap_ent = SpawnEntityFromTable("logic_relay", {targetname = "think_bloodtank_weaponswap_ent"}) // AddThinkToEnt(think_bloodtank_weaponswap_ent, "BloodTank_WeaponSwap_Think") blood_tank_minidispenser_trigger.Teleport(true, blood_tank.GetOrigin(), false, QAngle(0, 0, 0), false, Vector(0, 0, 0)) EntFireByHandle(blood_tank_minidispenser_trigger, "SetParent", "blood_tank", -1.0, null, null) blood_tank_minidispenser_mapobj.Teleport(true, blood_tank.GetOrigin(), false, QAngle(0, 0, 0), false, Vector(0, 0, 0)) EntFireByHandle(blood_tank_minidispenser_mapobj, "SetParent", "blood_tank", -1.0, null, null) EntFire("upgrade_front", "Enable") } AttachBloodDecals = function() { SpawnEntityGroupFromTable( { S1 = { env_sprite_oriented = { origin = blood_tank.GetOrigin() + Vector(71, -40, 35) model = "sprites/bloodtank_blood_decal1.vmt" angles = QAngle(0, 0, 0) } } S2 = { env_sprite_oriented = { origin = blood_tank.GetOrigin() + Vector(71, 40, 35) model = "sprites/bloodtank_blood_decal3.vmt" angles = QAngle(0, 0, 45) } } S3 = { env_sprite_oriented = { origin = blood_tank.GetOrigin() + Vector(35, -25, 110) model = "sprites/bloodtank_blood_decal5.vmt" angles = QAngle(0, 0, 0) } } S4 = { env_sprite_oriented = { origin = blood_tank.GetOrigin() + Vector(0, -83, 110) model = "sprites/bloodtank_blood_decal6.vmt" angles = QAngle(0, 90, 0) } } S5 = { env_sprite_oriented = { origin = blood_tank.GetOrigin() + Vector(-71, -40, 35) model = "sprites/bloodtank_blood_decal1.vmt" angles = QAngle(0, 0, 0) } } S6 = { env_sprite_oriented = { origin = blood_tank.GetOrigin() + Vector(-71, 40, 35) model = "sprites/bloodtank_blood_decal3.vmt" angles = QAngle(0, 0, 45) } } S7 = { env_sprite_oriented = { origin = blood_tank.GetOrigin() + Vector(-35, -25, 110) model = "sprites/bloodtank_blood_decal5.vmt" angles = QAngle(0, 0, 0) } } S8 = { env_sprite_oriented = { origin = blood_tank.GetOrigin() + Vector(0, 73, 110) model = "sprites/bloodtank_blood_decal6.vmt" angles = QAngle(0, 90, 0) } } S9 = { env_sprite_oriented = { origin = blood_tank.GetOrigin() + Vector(0, -30, 142.5) model = "sprites/bloodtank_blood_decal6.vmt" angles = QAngle(90, 0, 0) } } }) local number_array = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] for (local ent; ent = Entities.FindByClassname(ent, "env_sprite_oriented"); ) { local number_array_choice = RandomInt(0, number_array.len() - 1) ent.KeyValueFromString("targetname", "tank_blooddecal_" + number_array[number_array_choice]) ent.KeyValueFromFloat("scale", 0.5) ent.KeyValueFromInt("rendermode", 1) number_array.remove(number_array_choice) EntFireByHandle(ent, "SetParent", "blood_tank", -1.0, null, null) } } boombox_box = null boombox_handle = null boombox_bbox = null boombox_glow = null Objective_Start = function() { if (draw_debugchat) ClientPrint(null,3,"stage check activated") in_cutscene = false for (local ent; ent = Entities.FindByClassname(ent, "tf_glow"); ) EntFireByHandle(ent, "Enable", null, -1.0, null, null) // S1O = debug 1, obj true, skip false // S2 = debug 2, obj false, skip true // S2O = debug 2, obj true, skip false // S3 = debug 3, obj false, skip true // S3O = debug 3, obj true, skip false // End = debug 3, obj false, skip true if (debug && current_stage < debug_stage) { Objective_Success() return } blood_tank.KeyValueFromFloat("speed", 0.0) objectives_reached = 0 if (current_stage != 3) ClientPrint(null,3, tip_header + "Complete the objective in order to progress to the next stage.") else ClientPrint(null,3, tip_header + "Complete the objective in order to finish the wave.") EmitSoundEx({sound_name = "ui/duel_challenge.wav", channel = 6, pitch = 95 + current_stage * 5, filter_type = 5}) EmitSoundEx({sound_name = "ui/duel_challenge.wav", channel = 6, pitch = 95 + current_stage * 5, filter_type = 5}) switch (current_stage) { case 1: objective_type = stage1_objective; break case 2: objective_type = stage2_objective; break case 3: objective_type = stage3_objective; break } EntFireByHandle(pop_interface_ent, "$FinishWavespawn", "W" + WAVE + "-S" + current_stage + "*", -1.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(pop_interface_ent, "$ResumeWavespawn", "W" + WAVE + "-O" + current_stage + "*", -1.0, null, null) if (WAVE == 3) tank_objective_explosion_time = Time() + 8.0 switch (objective_type) { case "destroy": objective_amount = 10; break case "deliver": { objective_amount = 5 local think_deliver_objective = SpawnEntityFromTable("logic_relay", {targetname = "think_deliver_objective"}) AddThinkToEnt(think_deliver_objective, "ObjectiveDeliver_Think") break } case "capture": { objective_amount = 1 SetUpControlPoints() local think_capture_objective = SpawnEntityFromTable("logic_relay", {targetname = "think_capture_objective"}) AddThinkToEnt(think_capture_objective, "ObjectiveCapture_Think") break } case "hunt": { objective_amount = 2 break } case "supply": { objective_amount = 3 EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "CallScriptFunction", "DispatchRoamBot", -1.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "CallScriptFunction", "DispatchRoamBot", 3.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "CallScriptFunction", "DispatchRoamBot", 6.0, null, null) break } case "escort": { objective_amount = 1 SetUpEscortRobot() break } case "push": { objective_amount = 1 SetUpBombCart() local think_push_objective = SpawnEntityFromTable("logic_relay", {}) AddThinkToEnt(think_push_objective, "ObjectivePush_Think") break } case "free": { SendGlobalGameEvent("show_annotation", { id = 7001 text = "Shoot" worldPosX = iceblock_prop.GetOrigin().x worldPosY = iceblock_prop.GetOrigin().y worldPosZ = iceblock_prop.GetOrigin().z play_sound = "misc/null.wav" show_distance = true show_effect = true lifetime = 3600 }) objective_amount = 1 break } case "end": { objective_amount = 1 boombox_box = SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_dynamic", { targetname = "boombox_box" origin = Vector(4100, 1050, -128) model = "models/props_hydro/barrel_crate_half.mdl" modelscale = 0.4 }) boombox_handle = SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_dynamic", { origin = Vector(4100, 1050, -115) model = "models/workshop/player/items/scout/taunt_the_bunnyhopper/taunt_the_bunnyhopper.mdl" modelscale = 0.65 angles = QAngle(0, 90, 0) }) boombox_bbox = SpawnEntityFromTable("func_button", { targetname = "boombox_bbox" origin = Vector(4100, 1050, -128) }) boombox_bbox.KeyValueFromInt("solid", 2) boombox_bbox.KeyValueFromString("mins", "-5 -5 -40") boombox_bbox.KeyValueFromString("maxs", "5 5 40") boombox_glow = SpawnEntityFromTable("tf_glow", { target = "boombox_box" GlowColor = "255 255 0 255" }) AddThinkToEnt(boombox_glow, "ObjectiveBlink_Think") // EntFireByHandle(boombox_handle, "SetParent", "!activator", -1.0, boombox_box, null) EntFireByHandle(boombox_glow, "SetParent", "!activator", -1.0, boombox_box, null) foreach (bluplayer in bluplayer_array) if (Entities.FindByNameWithin(null, "boombox_bbox", bluplayer.GetOrigin(), 64.0) != null) bluplayer.SetOrigin(Vector(4100 + RandomInt(-250, 250), 800 + RandomInt(-250, 250), 0)) break } } local think_objective_status = SpawnEntityFromTable("logic_relay", {}) AddThinkToEnt(think_objective_status, "ObjectiveStatus_Think") MarkRemainingEnemies() } ObjectiveProgress = function() { objectives_reached = objectives_reached + 1 switch (current_stage) { case 1: EmitGlobalSound("ui/quest_status_tick_novice.wav"); break case 2: EmitGlobalSound("ui/quest_status_tick_advanced.wav"); break case 3: EmitGlobalSound("ui/quest_status_tick_expert.wav"); break } } SetUpControlPoints = function() { local control_point_1 = SpawnEntityFromTable("team_control_point", { origin = Vector(0, 0, -224) targetname = "control_point_1" team_timedpoints_3 = 0 team_timedpoints_2 = 0 team_previouspoint_3_0 = "control_point_1" team_previouspoint_3_1 = "control_point_1" team_previouspoint_3_2 = "control_point_1" team_previouspoint_2_0 = "control_point_1" team_previouspoint_2_1 = "control_point_1" team_previouspoint_2_2 = "control_point_1" team_overlay_3 = "sprites/obj_icons/icon_obj_a" team_overlay_2 = "sprites/obj_icons/icon_obj_a" team_overlay_0 = "sprites/obj_icons/icon_obj_a" team_model_3 = "models/effects/cappoint_hologram.mdl" team_model_2 = "models/effects/cappoint_hologram.mdl" team_model_0 = "models/effects/cappoint_hologram.mdl" team_icon_3 = "sprites/obj_icons/icon_obj_blu_mannhattan" team_icon_2 = "sprites/obj_icons/icon_obj_red" team_icon_0 = "sprites/obj_icons/icon_obj_neutral" team_bodygroup_3 = 0 team_bodygroup_2 = 1 team_bodygroup_0 = 3 spawnflags = 4 point_warn_sound = "ControlPoint.CaptureWarn" point_warn_on_cap = 2 point_printname = "Control Point A" point_index = 0 point_group = 0 point_default_owner = 2 point_start_locked = 0 OnCapTeam1 = "gamerules,RunScriptCode,obj_control_a_captured = false,-1,-1" OnCapTeam2 = "gamerules,RunScriptCode,obj_control_a_captured = true,-1,-1" }) local control_point_1_trigger = SpawnEntityFromTable("trigger_capture_area", { targetname = "control_point_1_trigger" origin = Vector(0, 0, -224) mins = Vector(-250, -250, -100) maxs = Vector(250, 250, 250) solid = 2 team_startcap_3 = 1 team_startcap_2 = 1 team_numcap_3 = 1 team_numcap_2 = 1 team_cancap_3 = 1 team_cancap_2 = 1 area_time_to_cap = obj_control_blucapture_rate area_cap_point = "control_point_1" }) local control_point_1_prop = SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_dynamic", { origin = Vector(0, 0, -224) model = "models/props_gameplay/cap_point_base.mdl" }) EntFire("control_point_1_trigger", "SetControlPoint", "control_point_1") control_point_1_trigger.KeyValueFromFloat("area_time_to_cap", obj_control_blucapture_rate) NetProps.SetPropFloat(control_point_1_trigger, "m_flCapTime", obj_control_blucapture_rate) control_point_1_trigger.KeyValueFromInt("solid", 2) control_point_1_trigger.KeyValueFromString("mins", "-250 -250 -100") control_point_1_trigger.KeyValueFromString("maxs", "250 250 250") EntFire("control_point_1", "SetLocked", "0") local control_point_2 = SpawnEntityFromTable("team_control_point", { origin = Vector(2300, 100, -158) targetname = "control_point_2" team_timedpoints_3 = 0 team_timedpoints_2 = 0 team_previouspoint_3_0 = "control_point_2" team_previouspoint_3_1 = "control_point_2" team_previouspoint_3_2 = "control_point_2" team_previouspoint_2_0 = "control_point_2" team_previouspoint_2_1 = "control_point_2" team_previouspoint_2_2 = "control_point_2" team_overlay_3 = "sprites/obj_icons/icon_obj_b" team_overlay_2 = "sprites/obj_icons/icon_obj_b" team_overlay_0 = "sprites/obj_icons/icon_obj_b" team_model_3 = "models/effects/cappoint_hologram.mdl" team_model_2 = "models/effects/cappoint_hologram.mdl" team_model_0 = "models/effects/cappoint_hologram.mdl" team_icon_3 = "sprites/obj_icons/icon_obj_blu_mannhattan" team_icon_2 = "sprites/obj_icons/icon_obj_red" team_icon_0 = "sprites/obj_icons/icon_obj_neutral" team_bodygroup_3 = 0 team_bodygroup_2 = 1 team_bodygroup_0 = 3 spawnflags = 4 point_warn_sound = "ControlPoint.CaptureWarn" point_warn_on_cap = 2 point_printname = "Control Point B" point_index = 1 point_group = 0 point_default_owner = 2 point_start_locked = 0 OnCapTeam1 = "gamerules,RunScriptCode,obj_control_b_captured = false,-1,-1" OnCapTeam2 = "gamerules,RunScriptCode,obj_control_b_captured = true,-1,-1" }) local control_point_2_trigger = SpawnEntityFromTable("trigger_capture_area", { targetname = "control_point_2_trigger" origin = Vector(2300, 100, -158) mins = Vector(-250, -250, -100) maxs = Vector(250, 250, 250) solid = 2 team_startcap_3 = 1 team_startcap_2 = 1 team_numcap_3 = 1 team_numcap_2 = 1 team_cancap_3 = 1 team_cancap_2 = 1 area_time_to_cap = obj_control_blucapture_rate area_cap_point = "control_point_2" }) local control_point_2_base = SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_dynamic", { origin = Vector(2300, 100, -158) model = "models/props_gameplay/cap_point_base.mdl" }) EntFire("control_point_2_trigger", "SetControlPoint", "control_point_2") control_point_2_trigger.KeyValueFromFloat("area_time_to_cap", obj_control_blucapture_rate) NetProps.SetPropFloat(control_point_2_trigger, "m_flCapTime", obj_control_blucapture_rate) control_point_2_trigger.KeyValueFromInt("solid", 2) control_point_2_trigger.KeyValueFromString("mins", "-250 -250 -100") control_point_2_trigger.KeyValueFromString("maxs", "250 250 250") EntFire("control_point_2", "SetLocked", "0") local control_point_3 = SpawnEntityFromTable("team_control_point", { origin = Vector(2000, -1000, -224) targetname = "control_point_3" team_timedpoints_3 = 0 team_timedpoints_2 = 0 team_previouspoint_3_0 = "control_point_3" team_previouspoint_3_1 = "control_point_3" team_previouspoint_3_2 = "control_point_3" team_previouspoint_2_0 = "control_point_3" team_previouspoint_2_1 = "control_point_3" team_previouspoint_2_2 = "control_point_3" team_overlay_3 = "sprites/obj_icons/icon_obj_c" team_overlay_2 = "sprites/obj_icons/icon_obj_c" team_overlay_0 = "sprites/obj_icons/icon_obj_c" team_model_3 = "models/effects/cappoint_hologram.mdl" team_model_2 = "models/effects/cappoint_hologram.mdl" team_model_0 = "models/effects/cappoint_hologram.mdl" team_icon_3 = "sprites/obj_icons/icon_obj_blu_mannhattan" team_icon_2 = "sprites/obj_icons/icon_obj_red" team_icon_0 = "sprites/obj_icons/icon_obj_neutral" team_bodygroup_3 = 0 team_bodygroup_2 = 1 team_bodygroup_0 = 3 spawnflags = 4 point_warn_sound = "ControlPoint.CaptureWarn" point_warn_on_cap = 2 point_printname = "Control Point C" point_index = 2 point_group = 0 point_default_owner = 2 point_start_locked = 0 OnCapTeam1 = "gamerules,RunScriptCode,obj_control_c_captured = false,-1,-1" OnCapTeam2 = "gamerules,RunScriptCode,obj_control_c_captured = true,-1,-1" }) local control_point_3_trigger = SpawnEntityFromTable("trigger_capture_area", { targetname = "control_point_3_trigger" origin = Vector(2000, -1000, -224) mins = Vector(-250, -250, -100) maxs = Vector(250, 250, 250) solid = 2 team_startcap_3 = 1 team_startcap_2 = 1 team_numcap_3 = 1 team_numcap_2 = 1 team_cancap_3 = 1 team_cancap_2 = 1 area_time_to_cap = obj_control_blucapture_rate area_cap_point = "control_point_3" }) local control_point_3_base = SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_dynamic", { origin = Vector(2000, -1000, -224) model = "models/props_gameplay/cap_point_base.mdl" }) EntFire("control_point_3_trigger", "SetControlPoint", "control_point_3") control_point_3_trigger.KeyValueFromFloat("area_time_to_cap", obj_control_blucapture_rate) NetProps.SetPropFloat(control_point_3_trigger, "m_flCapTime", obj_control_blucapture_rate) control_point_3_trigger.KeyValueFromInt("solid", 2) control_point_3_trigger.KeyValueFromString("mins", "-250 -250 -100") control_point_3_trigger.KeyValueFromString("maxs", "250 250 250") EntFire("control_point_3", "SetLocked", "0") local control_point_controller = SpawnEntityFromTable("team_control_point_master", { targetname = "control_point_controller" team_base_icon_3 = "sprites/obj_icons/icon_base_blu" team_base_icon_2 = "sprites/obj_icons/icon_base_red" switch_teams = 0 score_style = 1 custom_position_y = -1 custom_position_x = 0.2 cpm_restrict_team_cap_win = 1 caplayout = "0, 1 2" }) SendGlobalGameEvent("show_annotation", { id = 5001 text = "Capture" worldPosX = control_point_1.GetOrigin().x worldPosY = control_point_1.GetOrigin().y worldPosZ = control_point_1.GetOrigin().z play_sound = "misc/null.wav" show_distance = true show_effect = true lifetime = 3600 }) SendGlobalGameEvent("show_annotation", { id = 5002 text = "Capture" worldPosX = control_point_2.GetOrigin().x worldPosY = control_point_2.GetOrigin().y worldPosZ = control_point_2.GetOrigin().z play_sound = "misc/null.wav" show_distance = true show_effect = true lifetime = 3600 }) SendGlobalGameEvent("show_annotation", { id = 5003 text = "Capture" worldPosX = control_point_3.GetOrigin().x worldPosY = control_point_3.GetOrigin().y worldPosZ = control_point_3.GetOrigin().z play_sound = "misc/null.wav" show_distance = true show_effect = true lifetime = 3600 }) } DispatchRoamBot = function() { roambots_dispatched = roambots_dispatched + 1 local pick = RandomInt(0, bloodbot_path_p2.len() - 1) local roambot_path_train = SpawnEntityFromTable("func_tracktrain", { targetname = "roambot_path_train_" + roambots_dispatched target = bloodbot_path_p2_name_picker[pick] startspeed = bloodbot_path_speed speed = bloodbot_path_speed origin = bloodbot_path_p2_origin_picker[pick] orientationtype = 3 }) local roambot_robot = SpawnEntityFromTable("obj_teleporter", { targetname = "roambot_robot_" + roambots_dispatched origin = roambot_path_train.GetOrigin() teamnum = 3 SolidToPlayer = 0 spawnflags = 2 }) roambot_robot.SetCollisionGroup(0) EntFireByHandle(roambot_robot, "SetHealth", "9999", -1.0, null, null) EntityOutputs.AddOutput(roambot_robot, "OnDestroyed", "roambot_path_train_" + roambots_dispatched, "Kill", null, -1.0, -1) roambot_robot.SetModel("models/bots/bot_worker/bot_worker3.mdl") EntFireByHandle(roambot_robot, "SetParent", "!activator", -1.0, roambot_path_train, null) AddThinkToEnt(roambot_robot, "ObjectiveSupply_ExtractBlood_Think") } SetUpEscortRobot = function() { local escort_robot_point = SpawnEntityFromTable("logic_relay", { targetname = "escort_robot_point" origin = blood_tank.GetOrigin() }) AddThinkToEnt(escort_robot_point, "EscortPoint_Think") } HuntBot_Think = function() { local scope = self.GetScriptScope() if (!("tick" in scope)) { scope.tick <- 0 scope.dests <- [ Vector(2900, -300, -100), Vector(2400, -1200, -100), Vector(4400, -1200, -100), Vector(2700, -1900, -100), Vector(3100, 100, -90) ] SendGlobalGameEvent("show_annotation", { id = 12345 text = "Destroy" worldPosX = self.GetOrigin().x worldPosY = self.GetOrigin().y worldPosZ = self.GetOrigin().z play_sound = "misc/null.wav" show_distance = true show_effect = true lifetime = 5 }) self.KeyValueFromString("targetname", "glow_target") scope.self_glow <- SpawnEntityFromTable("tf_glow", { target = "glow_target" GlowColor = "184 56 59 255" }) EntFireByHandle(scope.self_glow, "SetParent", "!activator", -1.0, self, null) AddThinkToEnt(scope.self_glow, "GlowSwitch_Think") self.KeyValueFromString("targetname", "") } if (scope.tick % 1000 == 0) { local dist = 0 local winner foreach (entry in scope.dests) { local b_dist = dist if ((entry - self.EyePosition()).Length() < b_dist) continue else { dist = (entry - self.EyePosition()).Length() winner = entry } } local winnerdest = winner.x + ", " + winner.y + ", " + winner.z EntFireByHandle(self, "$BotCommand", "interrupt_action -pos " + winnerdest + " -delay 0 -duration 3600 -cooldown 3600", 0.05, null, null) } scope.tick = scope.tick + 1 return -1 } TutorialBlink_Think = function() { local scope try { scope = self.GetScriptScope() } catch (e) { return } if (!("blinkend" in scope)) scope.blinkend <- Time() + 5.0 if (tick % 16 == 0) { if (NetProps.GetPropBool(self, "m_bDisabled")) EntFireByHandle(self, "Enable", null, -1.0, null, null) else EntFireByHandle(self, "Disable", null, -1.0, null, null) } if (Time() > scope.blinkend) self.Kill() return -1 } GlowSwitch_Think = function() { EntFireByHandle(self, "SetGlowColor", "184 56 59 255", 0.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(self, "SetGlowColor", "0 255 0 255", 0.5, null, null) return 1 } IceBlockBlink_Think = function() { EntFireByHandle(self, "SetGlowColor", "153 194 216 255", 0.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(self, "SetGlowColor", "0 255 0 255", 0.5, null, null) return 1 } AoEUber_Think = function() { if (NetProps.GetPropInt(self, "m_lifeState") != 0) { NetProps.SetPropString(self, "m_iszScriptThinkFunction", "") return } local scope = self.GetScriptScope() if (!("spawned" in scope)) { scope.spawned <- true scope.unique_id <- UniqueString() scope.uber_beam_1 <- SpawnEntityFromTable("dispenser_touch_trigger", { targetname = "dispenser_trigger_" + scope.unique_id origin = self.GetOrigin() spawnflags = 1 }) scope.uber_beam_2 <- SpawnEntityFromTable("mapobj_cart_dispenser", { targetname = "dispenser_mapobj_" + scope.unique_id origin = self.GetOrigin() TeamNum = 2, spawnflags = 12 touch_trigger = "dispenser_trigger_" + scope.unique_id }) scope.uber_beam_1.KeyValueFromInt("solid", 2) scope.uber_beam_1.KeyValueFromString("mins", "-250 -250 -250") scope.uber_beam_1.KeyValueFromString("maxs", "250 250 250") EntFireByHandle(scope.uber_beam_1, "SetParent", "!activator", -1.0, self, null) EntFireByHandle(scope.uber_beam_2, "SetParent", "!activator", -1.0, self, null) self.AddCond(55) } for (local player_to_shield; player_to_shield = Entities.FindByClassnameWithin(player_to_shield, "player", self.GetOrigin(), 250); ) { if (player_to_shield == null) continue if (player_to_shield.GetTeam() == 2 && !player_to_shield.HasBotTag("aoe_medic")) player_to_shield.AddCondEx(52, 0.5, self) } return 0.1 } StageCompleteReward = function() { local payout switch (current_stage) { case 2: payout = stage1_cash_reward; break case 3: payout = stage2_cash_reward; break } EntFireByHandle(pop_interface_ent, "$FinishWavespawn", "W" + WAVE + "-Cash-S" + (current_stage - 1) + "*", -1.0, null, null) ClientPrint(null,4,"Stage " + (current_stage - 1) + " complete! Reward: $" + payout) EmitGlobalSound("Announcer.MVM_Bonus") EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "RunScriptCode", "EmitGlobalSound(`mvm/mvm_money_pickup.wav`)", -1.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "RunScriptCode", "EmitGlobalSound(`mvm/mvm_money_pickup.wav`)", 0.2, null, null) EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "RunScriptCode", "EmitGlobalSound(`mvm/mvm_money_pickup.wav`)", 0.4, null, null) EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "RunScriptCode", "EmitGlobalSound(`mvm/mvm_money_pickup.wav`)", 0.6, null, null) EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "RunScriptCode", "EmitGlobalSound(`mvm/mvm_money_pickup.wav`)", 0.8, null, null) EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "RunScriptCode", "EmitGlobalSound(`mvm/mvm_money_pickup.wav`)", 1.0, null, null) } Objective_Success = function() { ClientPrint(null,4,"Objective complete!") SendGlobalGameEvent("hide_annotation", { id = 1 }) foreach (bluplayer in bluplayer_array) { if (bluplayer.IsFakeClient()) continue if (bluplayer.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage.firsttimeplayer) bluplayer.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage.firsttimeplayer = false } if (current_stage < 3) EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "CallScriptFunction", "StageCompleteReward", 5.0, null, null) switch (objective_type) { case "escort": EntFireByHandle(pop_interface_ent, "$PauseWavespawn", "W1-O2-Escort", -1.0, null, null); break case "deliver": { for (local briefcase_to_kill; briefcase_to_kill = Entities.FindByName(briefcase_to_kill, "briefcase_pickup*"); ) { SendGlobalGameEvent("hide_annotation", { id = (10 + briefcase_to_kill.GetName().slice(16)) }) NetProps.SetPropString(briefcase_to_kill, "m_iszScriptThinkFunction", "") briefcase_to_kill.Kill() } for (local i = 1; i <= MaxClients().tointeger(); i++) { local player = PlayerInstanceFromIndex(i) if (player == null) continue; if (player.GetTeam() == 1) continue if (player.IsFakeClient()) continue; local scope = player.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage if (scope.has_briefcase) scope.has_briefcase = false scope = player.GetScriptScope() if ("selfglow" in scope) { if (scope.selfglow.IsValid()) scope.selfglow.Kill() delete scope.selfglow } } break } case "capture": { SpawnEntityFromTable("team_control_point_master", { custom_position_x = 5 }) // calling a second master that hides the point hud for (local ent; ent = Entities.FindByModel(ent, "models/props_gameplay/cap_point_base.mdl"); ) ent.Kill() for (local ent; ent = Entities.FindByClassname(ent, "team_control_point"); ) ent.Kill() for (local ent; ent = Entities.FindByClassname(ent, "trigger_capture_area"); ) ent.Kill() for (local ent; ent = Entities.FindByClassname(ent, "team_control_point_master"); ) ent.Kill() SendGlobalGameEvent("hide_annotation", { id = 5001 }) SendGlobalGameEvent("hide_annotation", { id = 5002 }) SendGlobalGameEvent("hide_annotation", { id = 5003 }) for (local i = 1; i <= MaxClients().tointeger(); i++) { local player = PlayerInstanceFromIndex(i) if (player == null) continue if (!player.IsFakeClient()) continue if (player.HasBotTag("goaftercontrolpoints_any") || player.HasBotTag("goaftercontrolpoints_b") || player.HasBotTag("goaftercontrolpoints_c")) EntFireByHandle(player, "$BotCommand", "stop interrupt action", -1.0, null, null) } break } case "free": { for (local i = 1; i <= MaxClients().tointeger(); i++) { local player = PlayerInstanceFromIndex(i) if (player == null) continue if (!player.IsFakeClient()) continue if (player.HasBotTag("goaftericeblock")) EntFireByHandle(player, "$BotCommand", "stop interrupt action", -1.0, null, null) } break } } objective_type = null objective_amount = 0 objectives_reached = 0 briefcases_spawned = 1 switch (current_stage) { case 1: { EmitGlobalSound("ui/quest_status_tick_novice_complete.wav") if (!debug) EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "RunScriptCode", "ControlTankProps(tank_stage2_speed)", 5.0, null, null) else EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "RunScriptCode", "ControlTankProps(tank_stage2_speed)", 0.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(blood_tank, "RunScriptCode", "self.SetModelScale(0.9, 30.0)", 0.0, null, null) if (WAVE == 3) { current_bombs_remaining = current_bombs_remaining + 8 for (local i = 7; i <= 14; i++) { local ent = Entities.FindByName(null, "tnt_spot_" + i) AddThinkToEnt(ent, "ReceiveTNT_Think") } } break } case 2: { EmitGlobalSound("ui/quest_status_tick_advanced_complete.wav") if (!debug) EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "RunScriptCode", "ControlTankProps(tank_stage3_speed)", 5.0, null, null) else EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "RunScriptCode", "ControlTankProps(tank_stage3_speed)", 0.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(blood_tank, "RunScriptCode", "self.SetModelScale(0.8, 30.0)", 0.0, null, null) if (WAVE == 3) { current_bombs_remaining = current_bombs_remaining + 6 for (local i = 15; i <= 20; i++) { local ent = Entities.FindByName(null, "tnt_spot_" + i) AddThinkToEnt(ent, "ReceiveTNT_Think") } } break } case 3: { EmitGlobalSound("ui/quest_status_tick_expert_complete.wav") if (!debug) EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "RunScriptCode", "ControlTankProps(75.0)", 5.0, null, null) else EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "RunScriptCode", "ControlTankProps(75.0)", 0.0, null, null) for (local i = 1; i <= MaxClients().tointeger(); i++) { local player = PlayerInstanceFromIndex(i) if (player == null) continue if (!player.IsFakeClient()) continue if (NetProps.GetPropInt(player, "m_lifeState") != 0) continue player.AddCondEx(71, 15.0, player) } break } } EntFireByHandle(pop_interface_ent, "$FinishWavespawn", "W" + WAVE + "-O" + current_stage + "*", -1.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(pop_interface_ent, "$ResumeWavespawn", "W" + WAVE + "-S" + (current_stage + 1) + "*", -1.0, null, null) if (WAVE == 3 && current_stage < 3) { if (tnt_satisfied) { tnt_satisfied = false if (tank_tnt_level > 0 && tank_blood_level == 0) extraction_mode = "tnt" if (tank_tnt_level == 0 && tank_blood_level > 0) extraction_mode = "blood" } for (local i = 1; i <= MaxClients().tointeger(); i++) { local player = PlayerInstanceFromIndex(i) if (player == null) continue; if (player.GetTeam() == 1) continue if (!player.IsFakeClient()) continue if (!player.HasBotTag("aggrobot")) continue } } MarkRemainingEnemies() current_stage = current_stage + 1 } MarkRemainingEnemies = function() { for (local i = 1; i <= Constants.Server.MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { local player = PlayerInstanceFromIndex(i) if (player == null) continue; if (!player.IsFakeClient()) continue if (player.GetTeam() != 2) continue if (player.HasBotTag("alienhunter")) continue player.AddCond(30) player.AddCond(32) player.AddCustomAttribute("damage bonus HIDDEN", 0.5, -1) if (player.IsMiniBoss()) player.AddCustomAttribute("is suicide counter", 250, -1) } } ControlTankProps = function(speed) { tank_time = 0 try { blood_tank.KeyValueFromFloat("speed", speed) } catch (e) { return } } SetUpBombCart = function() { w2_s3_minigame_bombcart_prop.Kill() w2_s3_minigame_bombcart_prop_bbox.Kill() SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_physics_multiplayer", { targetname = "w2_hatch_explosive" origin = Vector(2350, 490, 0) model = "models/props_badlands/barrel03.mdl" }) SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_physics_multiplayer", { targetname = "w2_hatch_explosive" origin = Vector(2275, 490, 0) model = "models/props_badlands/barrel03.mdl" }) SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_physics_multiplayer", { targetname = "w2_hatch_explosive" origin = Vector(2200, 540, 0) model = "models/props_badlands/barrel03.mdl" }) SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_physics_multiplayer", { targetname = "w2_hatch_explosive" origin = Vector(2200, 590, 0) model = "models/props_badlands/barrel03.mdl" }) SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_physics_multiplayer", { targetname = "w2_hatch_explosive" origin = Vector(2275, 640, 0) model = "models/props_badlands/barrel03.mdl" }) SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_physics_multiplayer", { targetname = "w2_hatch_explosive" origin = Vector(2350, 640, 0) model = "models/props_badlands/barrel03.mdl" }) for (local ent; ent = Entities.FindByName(ent, "w2_hatch_explosive"); ) { EntFireByHandle(ent, "DisableMotion", null, 1.0, null, null) ent.SetCollisionGroup(5) } Entities.FindByName(null, "hatch_explo_kill_players").Teleport(true, Vector(2275, 565, 0), false, QAngle(0, 0, 0), false, Vector(0, 0, 0)) Entities.FindByName(null, "hatch_magnet_pit").Teleport(true, Vector(2275, 565, 0), false, QAngle(0, 0, 0), false, Vector(0, 0, 0)) Entities.FindByName(null, "pit_explosion_wav").Teleport(true, Vector(2275, 565, 0), false, QAngle(0, 0, 0), false, Vector(0, 0, 0)) Entities.FindByName(null, "end_pit_destroy_particle").Teleport(true, Vector(2275, 565, 0), false, QAngle(0, 0, 0), false, Vector(0, 0, 0)) Entities.FindByName(null, "trigger_hurt_hatch_fire").Teleport(true, Vector(2275, 565, 0), false, QAngle(0, 0, 0), false, Vector(0, 0, 0)) local bombcart_speed = 22.5 if (debug) bombcart_speed = 200.0 SpawnEntityGroupFromTable( { ent1 = { path_track = { origin = Vector(2295, 550, -64) targetname = "bombcart_endpath" speed = bombcart_speed } }, ent2 = { path_track = { origin = Vector(3700, 550, -64) targetname = "bombcart_startpath" target = "bombcart_endpath" speed = bombcart_speed } }, ent3 = { func_tracktrain = { targetname = "bombcart_train" target = "bombcart_startpath" startspeed = bombcart_speed speed = bombcart_speed origin = Vector(3700, 550, -64) angles = QAngle(90, 0, 0) orientationtype = 0 spawnflags = 128 MoveSound = "bombcart_moving.wav" volume = 10 } }, ent4 = { prop_dynamic = { targetname = "bombcart" parentname = "bombcart_train" origin = Vector(3700, 550, -64) model = "models/props_medical/med_table002.mdl" solid = 6 angles = QAngle(0, 0, 0) } }, ent5 = { prop_dynamic = { origin = Vector(3700, 550, -22) targetname = "bombcart_bomb" model = "models/props_td/atom_bomb.mdl" solid = 6 angles = QAngle(0, -90, 0) modelscale = 1.5 parentname = "bombcart" } }, ent6 = { tf_glow = { target = "bombcart_bomb" GlowColor = "153 194 216 255" } }, ent7 = { env_beam = { life = 0 boltwidth = 20 LightningStart = "blood_tank" LightningEnd = "bombcart_bomb" NoiseAmplitude = 0 rendercolor = "153 194 216" texture = "sprites/laserbeam.spr" spawnflags = 1 } } }) local cart_bbox = Entities.FindByName(null, "bombcart_train") cart_bbox.KeyValueFromInt("solid", 2) cart_bbox.KeyValueFromString("mins", "-35 -15 -55") cart_bbox.KeyValueFromString("maxs", "35 15 55") } SetUpIceBlock = function() { in_cutscene = true for (local ent; ent = Entities.FindByClassname(ent, "tf_glow"); ) EntFireByHandle(ent, "Disable", null, -1.0, null, null) blood_tank.KeyValueFromFloat("speed", 0.0) local iceblockcam = SpawnEntityFromTable("point_viewcontrol", { origin = Vector(-581, 612, -37) angles = QAngle(8, -42, 0) }) iceblockcam.ValidateScriptScope() iceblockcam.GetScriptScope().obj_free_camera_tick <- 0 EntFireByHandle(iceblockcam, "$EnableAll", null, 1.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(iceblockcam, "RunScriptCode", "AddThinkToEnt(self, `CameraMove_Think`)", 3.0, null, null) iceblock_prop = SpawnEntityFromTable("base_boss", { targetname = "iceblock" origin = Vector(0, 0, 3000) model = "models/props_moonbase/moon_cube_crystal07.mdl" teamnum = 2 solid = 6 rendermode = 1 rendercolor = "255 255 255" renderamt = 0 health = 50000 }) local iceblock_prop_dummy = SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_physics_override", { targetname = "iceblock_dummy" origin = Vector(0, 0, 2000) model = "models/props_moonbase/moon_cube_crystal07.mdl" rendermode = 1 rendercolor = "255 255 255" renderamt = 80 health = 100 spawnflags = 2 }) local iceblock_glow = SpawnEntityFromTable("tf_glow", { target = "iceblock" GlowColor = "184 56 59 255" StartDisabled = 1 }) EntFireByHandle(iceblock_glow, "SetParent", "!activator", 5.4, iceblock_prop, null) AddThinkToEnt(iceblock_glow, "IceBlockBlink_Think") // iceblock_prop.SetSize(Vector(-60, -100, -100), Vector(60, 100, 100)) AddThinkToEnt(iceblock_prop, "StayInPosition_Think") local pyro_prop = SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_dynamic", { origin = Vector(0, 0, 1900) targetname = "pyro_dummy" model = "models/bots/pyro_boss/bot_pyro_boss.mdl" skin = 1 modelscale = 1.9 }) SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_dynamic_ornament", { model = "models/workshop_partner/player/items/all_class/ai_spacehelmet/ai_spacehelmet_pyro.mdl" skin = 1 modelscale = 1.9 disablebonefollowers = 1 disableshadows = 1 initialowner = "pyro_dummy" }) EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "RunScriptCode", "EmitGlobalSound(`ambient/cp_harbor/furnace_1_shot_05.wav`)", 5.4, null, null) for (local i = 1; i <= MaxClients().tointeger(); i++) { local player = PlayerInstanceFromIndex(i) if (player == null) continue if (player.GetTeam() == 1) continue if (player.IsFakeClient()) { player.AddCondEx(71, 8.0, player) continue } player.ValidateScriptScope() local scope = player.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage if (NetProps.GetPropInt(player, "m_lifeState") != 0) scope.pos_before_iceblock_cutscene = Vector(100, 1700, 0) // prevent issues with dead spectator camera else scope.pos_before_iceblock_cutscene = player.GetOrigin() EntFireByHandle(player, "RunScriptCode", "self.SetMoveType(0, 0)", -1.0, null, null) player.AddCustomAttribute("no_attack", 1, -1) player.AddCustomAttribute("voice pitch scale", 0, -1) EntFireByHandle(player, "RunScriptCode", "self.AddHudHideFlags(4)", -1.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(player, "RunScriptCode", "self.Teleport(true, Vector(700, 1600, 0), false, QAngle(0, 0, 0), false, Vector(0, 0, 0))", 1.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(player, "RunScriptCode", "ScreenFade(self, 0, 0, 0, 255, 1.0, -1.0, 2)", -1.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(player, "RunScriptCode", "ScreenFade(self, 0, 0, 0, 255, 1.0, -1.0, 1)", 1.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(player, "RunScriptCode", "ScreenFade(self, 0, 0, 0, 255, 1.0, -1.0, 2)", 7.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(player, "RunScriptCode", "ScreenFade(self, 0, 0, 0, 255, 1.0, -1.0, 1)", 8.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(player, "RunScriptCode", "self.RemoveHudHideFlags(4)", 8.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(player, "RunScriptCode", "self.SetMoveType(2, 0)", 8.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(player, "RunScriptCode", "self.RemoveCustomAttribute(`no_attack`)", 8.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(player, "RunScriptCode", "self.RemoveCustomAttribute(`voice pitch scale`)", 8.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(player, "RunScriptCode", "self.Teleport(true, self.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage.pos_before_iceblock_cutscene, false, QAngle(0, 0, 0), false, Vector(0, 0, 0))", 8.0, null, null) } EntFireByHandle(iceblock_prop_dummy, "DisableMotion", null, -1.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(pyro_prop, "SetParent", "!activator", -1.0, iceblock_prop_dummy, null) EntFire("wormhole_start_relay", "Trigger", null, 2.0) EntFire("wormhole_end_relay", "Trigger", null, 20.0) EntFireByHandle(iceblock_prop_dummy, "EnableMotion", null, 3.1, null, null) EntFireByHandle(iceblock_prop_dummy, "DisableMotion", null, 5.4, null, null) EntFireByHandle(iceblock_prop_dummy, "RunScriptCode", "DispatchParticleEffect(`heavy_ring_of_fire`, self.GetOrigin() - Vector(0, 0, 125), Vector(0, 90, 0))", 5.4, null, null) EntFireByHandle(pyro_prop, "SetParent", "!activator", 5.4, iceblock_prop, null) EntFireByHandle(iceblock_prop_dummy, "Kill", null, 5.4, null, null) EntFireByHandle(iceblock_prop, "RunScriptCode", "self.KeyValueFromInt(`renderamt`, 80)", 5.4, null, null) EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "CallScriptFunction", "Objective_Start", 8.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(pop_interface_ent, "$ResumeWavespawn", "iceblock_healthbar", 8.0, null, null) // EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "RunScriptCode", "EmitGlobalSound(`ui/rd_2base_alarm.wav`)", 13.0, null, null) // EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "RunScriptCode", "EmitGlobalSound(`ui/rd_2base_alarm.wav`)", 13.5, null, null) // EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "RunScriptCode", "EmitGlobalSound(`ui/rd_2base_alarm.wav`)", 14.0, null, null) // EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "RunScriptCode", "EmitGlobalSound(`ui/rd_2base_alarm.wav`)", 14.5, null, null) // EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "CallScriptFunction", "IceBlock_WormholeDanger", 13.0, null, null) } IceBlock_WormholeDanger = function() { SendGlobalGameEvent("show_annotation", { id = 12001 text = "Danger!" worldPosX = 0 worldPosY = 0 worldPosZ = 2208 play_sound = "misc/null.wav" show_distance = true show_effect = true lifetime = 7.5 }) } DestroyIceBlock_P1 = function() { local pyro_dummy = Entities.FindByName(null, "pyro_dummy") local pyro_prop = SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_dynamic", { targetname = "pyro_dummy_freed" origin = pyro_dummy.GetOrigin() skin = 1 modelscale = 1.9 model = "models/player/pyro.mdl" defaultanim = "taunt_bubbles" disablebonefollowers = 1 renderamt = 0 rendermode = 1 }) SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_dynamic_ornament", { model = "models/bots/pyro_boss/bot_pyro_boss.mdl" skin = 1 modelscale = 1.9 disablebonefollowers = 1 initialowner = "pyro_dummy_freed" }) SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_dynamic_ornament", { model = "models/workshop_partner/player/items/all_class/ai_spacehelmet/ai_spacehelmet_pyro.mdl" skin = 1 modelscale = 1.9 disablebonefollowers = 1 disableshadows = 1 initialowner = "pyro_dummy_freed" }) pyro_dummy.Kill() EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "CallScriptFunction", "DestroyIceBlock_P2", 3.3, null, null) } DestroyIceBlock_P2 = function() { Entities.FindByName(null, "pyro_dummy_freed").Kill() ObjectiveProgress() EntFireByHandle(pop_interface_ent, "$ResumeWavespawn", "AlienHunter", -1.0, null, null) DispatchParticleEffect("fireSmoke_Collumn_mvmAcres", iceblock_prop.GetOrigin(), Vector(0, 90, 0)) for (local player; player = Entities.FindByClassnameWithin(player, "player", Vector(0, 0, -100), 500.0); ) { if (player == null) continue if (player.IsFakeClient()) if (player.HasBotTag("alienhunter")) continue local pushforce = player.GetOrigin() - Vector(0, 0, -100) pushforce.Norm() pushforce.z = 0.5 pushforce = pushforce * 750 player.RemoveFlag(1) player.AddCond(115) player.ApplyAbsVelocityImpulse(pushforce) } EmitSoundEx( { sound_name = "ambient/explosions/explode_2.wav", filter_type = 5, volume = 1, flags = 1, channel = 6 }) iceblock_prop.Kill() SendGlobalGameEvent("hide_annotation", { id = 7001 }) } // StayInPosition_Think = function() { self.SetOrigin(iceblock_prop_dummy.GetOrigin()); return -1 } StayInPosition_Think = function() { self.SetOrigin(Vector(0, 0, -100)); return -1 } DisplayIceblockHealthbar_Think = function() { if (NetProps.GetPropInt(self, "m_lifeState") != 0) { NetProps.SetPropString(self, "m_iszScriptThinkFunction", "") return } self.SetHealth(self.GetMaxHealth() - (iceblock_prop.GetMaxHealth() - iceblock_prop.GetHealth())) if (self.GetHealth() <= 0) self.TakeDamage(10000.0, 64, null) return -1 } BarricadeBomb_Think = function() { local scope = self.GetScriptScope() if (!("barricadebomb" in scope)) { barricade_destroyed_recently = false scope.barricadebomb <- SpawnEntityFromTable("base_boss", { targetname = "barricade_bomb" origin = (current_stage == 2) ? Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_path_a_11").GetOrigin() : Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_path_a_38").GetOrigin() model = "models/props_td/atom_bomb.mdl" solid = 6 teamnum = 2 rendermode = 0 speed = 0 health = 50000 }) EntFireByHandle(scope.barricadebomb, "SetStepHeight", "1", -1, null, null) scope.barricadebomb_glow <- SpawnEntityFromTable("tf_glow", { origin = scope.barricadebomb.GetOrigin() target = "barricade_bomb" GlowColor = "184 56 59 255" }) EntFireByHandle(scope.barricadebomb_glow, "SetParent", "!activator", -1.0, scope.barricadebomb, null) AddThinkToEnt(scope.barricadebomb_glow, "DangerBlink_Think") SendGlobalGameEvent("show_annotation", { id = 952318 text = "Danger!" follow_entindex = scope.barricadebomb_glow.entindex() play_sound = "misc/null.wav" show_distance = true show_effect = false lifetime = 7.5 }) local admin_alertline_array if (current_stage == 2) { admin_alertline_array = [ "vo/mvm_bomb_alerts01.mp3", "vo/mvm_bomb_alerts02.mp3" ] } else { admin_alertline_array = [ "vo/mvm_another_bomb05.mp3", "vo/mvm_another_bomb06.mp3", "vo/mvm_another_bomb07.mp3", "vo/mvm_another_bomb08.mp3" ] } EmitGlobalSound(admin_alertline_array[RandomInt(0, admin_alertline_array.len() - 1)]) NetProps.SetPropString(self, "m_PlayerClass.m_iszClassIcon", "scout_bombrunner") } DeliverTipToBLU("barricadebombs", "Bombs can spawn on their own and block the Blood Tank's path. When driven over, they instantly destroy it.") if (self.GetHealth() > 0) self.SetHealth(self.GetMaxHealth() - (scope.barricadebomb.GetMaxHealth() - scope.barricadebomb.GetHealth())) if ((self.GetHealth() <= 0 || NetProps.GetPropInt(self, "m_lifeState") != 0) && !barricade_destroyed_recently) { barricade_destroyed_recently = true DispatchParticleEffect("explosionTrail_seeds_mvm", scope.barricadebomb.GetOrigin(), Vector(0, 90, 0)) DispatchParticleEffect("fluidSmokeExpl_ring_mvm", scope.barricadebomb.GetOrigin(), Vector(0, 90, 0)) EmitGlobalSound("MVM.TankExplodes") EmitGlobalSound("MVM.TankEnd") ScreenShake(scope.barricadebomb.GetOrigin(), 25, 5.0, 5.0, 1000.0, 0, true) self.TakeDamage(10000.0, 64, null) // DecrementIcon() NetProps.SetPropString(self, "m_iszScriptThinkFunction", "") foreach (thing in scope) { try { thing.GetClassname() } catch (e) { continue } if (thing.GetClassname() != "player") thing.Kill() } self.TerminateScriptScope() } return -1 } CameraMove_Think = function() { local scope = self.GetScriptScope() scope.obj_free_camera_tick = scope.obj_free_camera_tick + 1 if (scope.obj_free_camera_tick < 45) self.SetAbsAngles(self.GetAngles() + QAngle(-1.5, 0, 0)) if (scope.obj_free_camera_tick > 100 && scope.obj_free_camera_tick < 160) self.SetAbsAngles(self.GetAngles() + QAngle(1.0, 0, 0)) if (scope.obj_free_camera_tick > 340) { EntFireByHandle(self, "$DisableAll", null, -1.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(self, "Kill", null, -1.0, null, null) } return -1 } ReceiveTNT_Think = function() { local scope try { scope = self.GetScriptScope() } catch (e) { return 1 } if (!("spawned" in scope)) { scope.spawned <- true scope.tnt_required <- tntspot_amounts_array[self.GetName().slice(9).tointeger() - 1] scope.tnt_counter <- SpawnEntityFromTable("point_worldtext", { textsize = 40 message = scope.tnt_required.tostring() font = 1 orientation = 1 textspacingx = 1 textspacingy = 1 spawnflags = 0 origin = self.GetOrigin() + Vector(0, 0, 100) rendermode = 3 }) scope.tnt_glow <- SpawnEntityFromTable("tf_glow", { target = self.GetName() GlowColor = "191 255 0 255" }) AddThinkToEnt(scope.tnt_glow, "ObjectiveBlink_Think") EntFireByHandle(scope.tnt_counter, "SetParent", "!activator", -1.0, self, null) EntFireByHandle(scope.tnt_glow, "SetParent", "!activator", -1.0, self, null) } scope.arming_cooldown <- 0.5 for (local player_to_extract_from; player_to_extract_from = Entities.FindByClassnameWithin(player_to_extract_from, "player", self.GetOrigin(), 100); ) { if (player_to_extract_from == null) continue; if (player_to_extract_from.IsFakeClient()) continue if (player_to_extract_from.GetTeam() != 3) continue player_to_extract_from.ValidateScriptScope() local player_scope = player_to_extract_from.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage if (player_scope.tnt_count <= 0) return if (scope.tnt_required > 0) { player_scope.BloodCountUpdate("arm") scope.tnt_required = scope.tnt_required - 1 } scope.tnt_counter.KeyValueFromString("message", scope.tnt_required.tostring()) if (player_to_extract_from.GetPlayerClass() == scout || player_scope.is_giant_robot) scope.arming_cooldown = 0.25 } if (scope.tnt_required == 0 && "tnt_glow" in scope) { scope.tnt_counter.KeyValueFromString("color", "0 128 0 255") EmitGlobalSound("ui/killsound_beepo.wav") bombs_satisfied = bombs_satisfied + 1 bombs_remaining = bombs_remaining - 1 current_bombs_remaining = current_bombs_remaining - 1 scope.tnt_glow.Kill() delete scope.tnt_glow } return scope.arming_cooldown } FlankRoutesBlockade_Think = function() { if (self.GetOrigin().z <= 0) { NetProps.SetPropString(self, "m_iszScriptThinkFunction", "") return -1 } self.SetOrigin(self.GetOrigin() - Vector(0, 0, 1.0)) return -1 } ReentryBlockadeFall_Think = function() { if (!player_has_escaped) return 0.1 if (!reentry_gates_sound_playing) { EmitSoundEx( { sound_name = "reentry_gate_sound.wav", filter_type = 5, origin = Vector(1400, -800, -300) volume = 1, flags = 1, channel = 6 }) reentry_gates_sound_playing = true } switch (self.GetName()) { case "reentry_blockade_center": { if (self.GetOrigin().z <= -325) { reentry_gates_down = reentry_gates_down + 1 EmitSoundEx( { sound_name = "plats/elevator_stop.wav", filter_type = 5, origin = Vector(1400, -800, -300) volume = 1, flags = 1, channel = 6 }) NetProps.SetPropString(self, "m_iszScriptThinkFunction", "") return -1 } foreach (bluplayer in bluplayer_array) { if (bluplayer.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage.escaped != "[X]") { if (IsInside(bluplayer.GetOrigin(), Vector(1214, -815, -380) + Vector(-300, -140, -500), Vector(1214, -815, -380) + Vector(200, 1, 500))) // middle entrance { local pushforce = Vector(1150, 0, -400) - bluplayer.GetOrigin() pushforce.Norm() pushforce = pushforce * 1000 bluplayer.RemoveFlag(1) bluplayer.AddCond(115) bluplayer.ApplyAbsVelocityImpulse(pushforce) } } if (!bluplayer.IsMiniBoss()) { if (IsInside(bluplayer.EyePosition(), self.GetOrigin() - Vector(250, 0, 125) + Vector(-250, -30, -40), self.GetOrigin() - Vector(250, 0, 125) + Vector(250, 25, 5))) { bluplayer.TakeDamage(2, 1, self) return 0.075 } } else if (IsInside(bluplayer.EyePosition(), self.GetOrigin() - Vector(250, 0, 125) + Vector(-250, -55, -45), self.GetOrigin() - Vector(250, 0, 125) + Vector(250, 25, 5))) return 0.1 } break } case "reentry_blockade_right": { if (self.GetOrigin().z <= -230) { reentry_gates_down = reentry_gates_down + 1 EmitSoundEx( { sound_name = "plats/elevator_stop.wav", filter_type = 5, origin = Vector(1400, -800, -300) volume = 1, flags = 1, channel = 6 }) NetProps.SetPropString(self, "m_iszScriptThinkFunction", "") return -1 } foreach (bluplayer in bluplayer_array) { if (bluplayer.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage.escaped != "[X]") { if (IsInside(bluplayer.GetOrigin(), Vector(200, -1170, -784), Vector(500, -1160, 216))) // right entrance { local pushforce = Vector(376, -300, -284) - bluplayer.GetOrigin() pushforce.Norm() pushforce = pushforce * 1000 bluplayer.RemoveFlag(1) bluplayer.AddCond(115) bluplayer.ApplyAbsVelocityImpulse(pushforce) } } if (!bluplayer.IsMiniBoss()) { if (IsInside(bluplayer.EyePosition(), Vector(250, -1163, -1000), Vector(450, -1125, 1000)) && self.GetOrigin().z < -120) { bluplayer.TakeDamage(2, 1, self) return 0.075 } } else if (IsInside(bluplayer.EyePosition(), Vector(250, -1163, -1000), Vector(450, -1125, 1000)) && self.GetOrigin().z < -64) return 0.1 } break } case "reentry_blockade_left": { if (self.GetOrigin().z <= -95) { reentry_gates_down = reentry_gates_down + 1 EmitSoundEx( { sound_name = "plats/elevator_stop.wav", filter_type = 5, origin = Vector(1400, -800, -300) volume = 1, flags = 1, channel = 6 }) EmitSoundEx( { sound_name = "reentry_gate_sound.wav", filter_type = 5, origin = Vector(1400, -800, -300) volume = 1, flags = 4, channel = 6 }) NetProps.SetPropString(self, "m_iszScriptThinkFunction", "") return -1 } foreach (bluplayer in bluplayer_array) { if (bluplayer.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage.escaped != "[X]") { if (IsInside(bluplayer.GetOrigin(), Vector(1700, -770, -679), Vector(1795, -470, 321))) // left entrance { local pushforce = Vector(800, -620, -179) - bluplayer.GetOrigin() pushforce.Norm() pushforce = pushforce * 1000 bluplayer.RemoveFlag(1) bluplayer.AddCond(115) bluplayer.ApplyAbsVelocityImpulse(pushforce) } } if (!bluplayer.IsMiniBoss()) { if (IsInside(bluplayer.EyePosition(), Vector(1680, -700, -1000), Vector(1714, -500, 1000)) && self.GetOrigin().z < 15) { bluplayer.TakeDamage(2, 1, self) return 0.075 } } else if (IsInside(bluplayer.EyePosition(), Vector(1680, -700, -1000), Vector(1714, -500, 1000)) && self.GetOrigin().z < 71) return 0.1 } break } } self.SetOrigin(self.GetOrigin() - Vector(0, 0, 0.2)) return -1 } SetUpEndSequence_Part1 = function() { obj_end_text = "" for (local dispenser; dispenser = Entities.FindByClassname(dispenser, "obj_dispenser"); ) dispenser.Kill() for (local teleporter; teleporter = Entities.FindByClassname(teleporter, "obj_teleporter"); ) teleporter.Kill() for (local graycash; graycash = Entities.FindByName(graycash, "gray_blood_*"); ) graycash.Kill() SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_dynamic", { origin = boombox_box.GetOrigin() + Vector(0, 0, 300) targetname = "barrelbeam_start" model = "models/props_hydro/barrel_crate_half.mdl" modelscale = 0.001 }) SpawnEntityFromTable("env_beam", { targetname = "barrel_beam_up" life = 1 boltwidth = 20 LightningStart = "boombox_box" LightningEnd = "barrelbeam_start" NoiseAmplitude = 0 rendercolor = "153 194 216" texture = "sprites/laserbeam.spr" spawnflags = 1 }) boombox_glow.Kill() EmitGlobalSound("misc/doomsday_cap_open_start.wav") EmitGlobalSound("endgame_music.wav") tank_objective_explosion_time = Time() + 99999 } SetUpEndSequence_Part2 = function() { EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "RunScriptCode", "in_endgame = true", 0.1, null, null) // delayed to avoid issues with teleported players for (local ent; ent = Entities.FindByClassname(ent, "info_player_teamspawn"); ) ent.SetOrigin(Vector(4100, 2250, 100)) for (local ent; ent = Entities.FindByClassname(ent, "func_capturezone"); ) ent.SetOrigin(Vector(1200, -400, -400)) SpawnEntityFromTable("point_populator_interface", {targetname = "behavior_control"}) foreach (bluplayer in bluplayer_array) { if (NetProps.GetPropInt(bluplayer, "m_lifeState") != 0 || Entities.FindByNameWithin(null, "blood_tank", bluplayer.GetOrigin(), 1000.0) == null) { if (!bluplayer.IsFakeClient()) bluplayer.ForceRespawn() bluplayer.SetOrigin(Vector(4100 + RandomInt(-250, 250), 800 + RandomInt(-250, 250), 0)) bluplayer.SnapEyeAngles(QAngle(0, 90, 0)) } bluplayer.AddCondEx(71, 9.5, null) local utilstun = Entities.CreateByClassname("trigger_stun") utilstun.KeyValueFromString("targetname", "__utilstun") utilstun.KeyValueFromInt("stun_type", 1) utilstun.KeyValueFromFloat("stun_duration", 9.75) utilstun.KeyValueFromFloat("move_speed_reduction", 1) utilstun.KeyValueFromFloat("trigger_delay", 0) utilstun.KeyValueFromInt("spawnflags", 1) Entities.DispatchSpawn(utilstun) EntFireByHandle(utilstun, "EndTouch", null, -1, bluplayer, bluplayer) } for (local i = 1; i <= MaxClients().tointeger(); i++) { local player = PlayerInstanceFromIndex(i) if (player == null) continue; if (player.GetTeam() == 1) continue if (!player.IsFakeClient()) continue; if (player.HasBotTag("alienhunter")) continue player.TakeDamage(99999.9, 64, null) } local reentry_blockade_center = SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_dynamic", { targetname = "reentry_blockade_center" origin = Vector(1400, -800, -50) model = "models/props_gameplay/security_fence512.mdl" solid = 6 angles = QAngle(0, 0, 0) }) local reentry_blockade_center_nobuild = SpawnEntityFromTable("func_nobuild", { origin = Vector(1214, -749, -380) }) reentry_blockade_center_nobuild.KeyValueFromInt("solid", 2) reentry_blockade_center_nobuild.KeyValueFromString("mins", "-300 -150 -100") reentry_blockade_center_nobuild.KeyValueFromString("maxs", "300 150 100") local reentry_blockade_left = SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_dynamic", { targetname = "reentry_blockade_left" origin = Vector(1700, -450, 200) model = "models/props_gameplay/security_fence512.mdl" solid = 6 angles = QAngle(0, 90, 0) }) local reentry_blockade_left_nobuild = SpawnEntityFromTable("func_nobuild", { origin = Vector(1677, -620, -179) }) reentry_blockade_left_nobuild.KeyValueFromInt("solid", 2) reentry_blockade_left_nobuild.KeyValueFromString("mins", "-100 -150 -100") reentry_blockade_left_nobuild.KeyValueFromString("maxs", "100 150 100") local reentry_blockade_right = SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_dynamic", { targetname = "reentry_blockade_right" origin = Vector(450, -1150, 0) model = "models/props_gameplay/security_fence512.mdl" solid = 6 angles = QAngle(0, 0, 0) }) local reentry_blockade_right_nobuild = SpawnEntityFromTable("func_nobuild", { origin = Vector(376, -1125, -284) }) reentry_blockade_right_nobuild.KeyValueFromInt("solid", 2) reentry_blockade_right_nobuild.KeyValueFromString("mins", "-150 -150 -150") reentry_blockade_right_nobuild.KeyValueFromString("maxs", "150 150 150") local flank_blockade = SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_dynamic", { targetname = "flank_blockade" origin = Vector(3315, 650, 300) model = "models/props_gameplay/security_fence256.mdl" solid = 6 angles = QAngle(0, 90, 0) }) local overpass_blockade = SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_dynamic", { targetname = "overpass_blockade" origin = Vector(3800, -140, 300) model = "models/props_gameplay/security_fence256.mdl" solid = 6 angles = QAngle(0, 0, 0) }) AddThinkToEnt(reentry_blockade_center, "ReentryBlockadeFall_Think") AddThinkToEnt(reentry_blockade_right, "ReentryBlockadeFall_Think") AddThinkToEnt(reentry_blockade_left, "ReentryBlockadeFall_Think") AddThinkToEnt(flank_blockade, "FlankRoutesBlockade_Think") AddThinkToEnt(overpass_blockade, "FlankRoutesBlockade_Think") local barrel_beam = SpawnEntityFromTable("env_beam", { life = 0.25 boltwidth = 20 LightningStart = "boombox_box" LightningEnd = "barrelbeam_start" NoiseAmplitude = 0 rendercolor = "153 194 216" texture = "sprites/laserbeam.spr" spawnflags = 1 }) barrel_beam.ValidateScriptScope() AddThinkToEnt(barrel_beam, "EmitBarrelBeam_Think") } SetUpEndSequence_Part3 = function() { obj_end_text = "Escape from the enemy base" for (local i = 1; i <= MaxClients().tointeger(); i++) { local player = PlayerInstanceFromIndex(i) if (player == null) continue; if (player.GetTeam() == 1) continue if (!player.IsFakeClient()) continue; if (player.HasBotTag("alienhunter")) continue player.TakeDamage(99999.9, 64, null) } intel_entity.Teleport(true, Vector(1200, -400, 3000), false, QAngle(0, 0, 0), false, Vector(0, 0, 0)) foreach (bluplayer in bluplayer_array) { if (bluplayer.IsFakeClient()) { SetFakeClientConVarValue(bluplayer, "name", "Alien Hunter") bluplayer.GetScriptScope().escaping = true bluplayer.AddCustomAttribute("move speed bonus", 10, -1.0) bluplayer.AddCustomAttribute("increased air control", 10, -1.0) EntFireByHandle(bluplayer, "$BotCommand", "stop interrupt action", -1.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(bluplayer, "$BotCommand", "interrupt_action -pos 1200 -500 -400 -delay 0 -waituntildone -duration 3600 -cooldown 3600", 0.05, null, null) local gravity_mixup_bot = SpawnEntityFromTable("trigger_gravity", { targetname = "gravity_mixup_Alien Hunter" gravity = -0.25 spawnflags = 64 }) gravity_mixup_bot.KeyValueFromInt("solid", 2) gravity_mixup_bot.KeyValueFromString("mins", "-25 -25 -25") gravity_mixup_bot.KeyValueFromString("maxs", "25 25 25") } else { bluplayer.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage.ResetBloodCounter() bluplayer.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage.BloodCountUpdate("none") EmitSoundEx( { sound_name = "fire_alarm.wav", filter_type = 4, entity = bluplayer volume = 1, flags = 1, channel = 6 }) EmitSoundEx( { sound_name = "ambient/rain.wav", filter_type = 4, entity = bluplayer volume = 1, flags = 1, channel = 6 }) local gravity_mixup = SpawnEntityFromTable("trigger_gravity", { targetname = "gravity_mixup_" + NetProps.GetPropString(bluplayer, "m_szNetname") gravity = -0.25 spawnflags = 64 }) gravity_mixup.KeyValueFromInt("solid", 2) gravity_mixup.KeyValueFromString("mins", "-25 -25 -25") gravity_mixup.KeyValueFromString("maxs", "25 25 25") } if (Entities.FindByNameWithin(null, "blood_tank", bluplayer.GetOrigin(), 500.0) != null) { local pushforce = bluplayer.GetOrigin() - blood_tank.GetOrigin() pushforce.Norm() pushforce.z = 0.5 pushforce = pushforce * 750 bluplayer.RemoveFlag(1) bluplayer.AddCond(115) bluplayer.ApplyAbsVelocityImpulse(pushforce) // bluplayer.SetOrigin(bluplayer.GetOrigin() + Vector(0, 0, 50)) // bluplayer.SetAbsVelocity(Vector(0, -600, 500)) } } blood_tank.SetHealth(blood_tank.GetHealth() - 999999.9) blood_tank.TakeDamage(1.0, 1, blood_tank_heal_hud_update) SetUpRain() SetUpRain() SetUpRain() SetUpRain() escapestatus_hud = SpawnEntityFromTable("logic_case", { case16 = "test string|0" case01 = "![X] Player 1" case02 = "![X] Player 2" case03 = "![X] Player 3" case04 = "![X] Player 4" case05 = "![X] Player 5" case06 = "![X] Player 6" case07 = "![X] Player 7" }) local think_redblinker_ent = SpawnEntityFromTable("logic_relay", {}) AddThinkToEnt(think_redblinker_ent, "RedBlinker_Think") think_redblinker_ent.ValidateScriptScope() } BoomboxHandleActivate_Think = function() { if (self.GetOrigin().z <= -125) { NetProps.SetPropString(self, "m_iszScriptThinkFunction", "") return -1 } self.SetOrigin(self.GetOrigin() - Vector(0, 0, 0.15)) boombox_bbox.SetOrigin(boombox_bbox.GetOrigin() - Vector(0, 0, 0.15)) return -1 } EmitBarrelBeam_Think = function() { local scope = self.GetScriptScope() if (!("tick" in scope)) scope.tick <- 1 if (tnt_to_connect_beam_to > 20) { Entities.FindByName(null, "barrel_beam_up").Kill() self.Kill() return 0.1 } local cur_tnt = Entities.FindByName(null, "tnt_spot_" + tnt_to_connect_beam_to) self.KeyValueFromString("LightningStart", "barrelbeam_start") self.KeyValueFromString("LightningEnd", cur_tnt.GetName()) EntFire("!self", "StrikeOnce") DispatchParticleEffect("explosionTrail_seeds_mvm", cur_tnt.GetOrigin(), Vector(0, 90, 0)) DispatchParticleEffect("fluidSmokeExpl_ring_mvm", cur_tnt.GetOrigin(), Vector(0, 90, 0)) if (Entities.FindByName(null, "tnt_spot_" + (tnt_to_connect_beam_to - 1)) != null) Entities.FindByName(null, "tnt_spot_" + (tnt_to_connect_beam_to - 1)).Kill() foreach (bluplayer in bluplayer_array) { if (bluplayer.IsFakeClient()) continue local distvol = 1 - (Distance(bluplayer.GetOrigin(), cur_tnt.GetOrigin()) / 5000) if (distvol < 0.1) distvol = 0.1 if (distvol > 1) distvol = 1 EmitSoundEx( { sound_name = explosion_soundarray[RandomInt(0,explosion_soundarray.len() - 1)], filter_type = 4, entity = bluplayer volume = distvol, flags = 1, channel = 6 }) local distshake = 16 - (Distance(bluplayer.GetOrigin(), cur_tnt.GetOrigin()) / 300) if (distshake < 1) distshake = 1 if (distshake > 16) distshake = 16 ScreenShake(bluplayer.GetOrigin(), distshake, 5.0, 5.0, 64.0, 0, true) bluplayer.AddCustomAttribute("mod teleporter cost", 50, -1) } EntFireByHandle(cur_tnt, "CallScriptFunction", "CreateExplosion", 0.1, null, null) EntFireByHandle(cur_tnt, "CallScriptFunction", "CreateExplosion", 0.2, null, null) EntFireByHandle(cur_tnt, "CallScriptFunction", "CreateExplosion", 0.3, null, null) EntFireByHandle(cur_tnt, "CallScriptFunction", "CreateExplosion", 0.4, null, null) if (scope.tick % 2 == 0) tnt_to_connect_beam_to = tnt_to_connect_beam_to + 1 scope.tick = scope.tick + 1 return 0.5 } CreateExplosion = function() { local random_offset = Vector(RandomInt(-500, 500), RandomInt(-500, 500), RandomInt(-500, 500)) DispatchParticleEffect("explosionTrail_seeds_mvm", self.GetOrigin() + random_offset, Vector(0, 90, 0)) DispatchParticleEffect("fluidSmokeExpl_ring_mvm", self.GetOrigin() + random_offset, Vector(0, 90, 0)) foreach (bluplayer in bluplayer_array) { if (bluplayer.IsFakeClient()) continue if (bluplayer == null) continue local distvol = 1 - (Distance(bluplayer.GetOrigin(), random_offset) / 5000) if (distvol < 0.1) distvol = 0.1 if (distvol > 1) distvol = 1 EmitSoundEx( { sound_name = explosion_soundarray[RandomInt(0,explosion_soundarray.len() - 1)], filter_type = 4, entity = bluplayer volume = distvol, flags = 1, channel = 6 }) local distshake = 16 - (Distance(bluplayer.GetOrigin(), self.EyePosition() + random_offset) / 300) if (distshake < 1) distshake = 1 if (distshake > 16) distshake = 16 ScreenShake(bluplayer.GetOrigin(), distshake, 5.0, 5.0, 64.0, 0, true) } } RedBlinker_Think = function() { local scope = self.GetScriptScope() if (!("tick" in scope)) scope.tick <- 0 ///////////// gravity mixup code vvvvv foreach (bluplayer in bluplayer_array) { local bluplayer_gravity = Entities.FindByName(null, "gravity_mixup_" + NetProps.GetPropString(bluplayer, "m_szNetname")) local player_scope = bluplayer.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage if (player_scope.escaped != "[X]") { if (bluplayer_gravity != null) bluplayer_gravity.Kill() if (bluplayer.IsFakeClient()) bluplayer.SetGravity(0.5) continue } if (scope.tick % 2 == 0) { if (NetProps.GetPropEntity(bluplayer, "m_hGroundEntity") != null) bluplayer.SetOrigin(bluplayer.GetOrigin() + Vector(0, 0, 24)) bluplayer_gravity.KeyValueFromFloat("gravity", 1) bluplayer_gravity.Teleport(true, bluplayer.GetOrigin(), false, QAngle(0, 0, 0), false, Vector(0, 0, 0)) } if (scope.tick % 4 == 0) bluplayer_gravity.KeyValueFromFloat("gravity", -0.25) } ///////////// gravity mixup code ^^^^^ ///////////// red fade blink code vvvvv foreach (bluplayer in bluplayer_array) { if (bluplayer.IsFakeClient()) continue local player_scope = bluplayer.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage if (player_scope.escaped != "[X]") continue if (scope.tick % 2 == 0) ScreenFade(bluplayer, 255, 0, 0, 120, 0.5, -1.0, 2) else ScreenFade(bluplayer, 255, 0, 0, 120, 0.5, -1.0, 1) } ///////////// red fade blink code ^^^^^ ///////////// random explosions code vvvvv foreach (bluplayer in bluplayer_array) { local player_scope = bluplayer.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage bluplayer.SetScriptOverlayMaterial(null) if (player_scope.escaped != "[X]") continue bluplayer.BleedPlayerEx(0.4, 3, false, 64) if (RandomInt(1, 10) != 1) continue // 10% chance to create an explosion else { local expl_pos = bluplayer.EyePosition() + (bluplayer.EyeAngles().Forward() * (RandomInt(500, 1000))) + (bluplayer.EyeAngles().Left() * (RandomInt(-500, 500))) + (bluplayer.EyeAngles().Up() * (RandomInt(-500, 500))) DispatchParticleEffect("explosionTrail_seeds_mvm", expl_pos , Vector(0, 90, 0)) DispatchParticleEffect("fluidSmokeExpl_ring_mvm", expl_pos, Vector(0, 90, 0)) EmitSoundEx( { sound_name = explosion_soundarray[RandomInt(0,explosion_soundarray.len() - 1)], filter_type = 5, origin = expl_pos, volume = 1, flags = 1, channel = 6 }) ScreenShake(expl_pos, 16.0, 5.0, 5.0, 1000.0, 0, true) } } ///////////// random explosions code ^^^^^ ///////////// escape hud code vvvvv escapestatus_hud.KeyValueFromString("case16", "Escaped: " + players_escaped + "/" + bluplayer_array.len()) for (local i = 0; i <= (bluplayer_array.len() - 1); i++) { local scope = bluplayer_array[i].GetScriptScope().bloodstorage escapestatus_hud.KeyValueFromString("case0" + (i + 1), "!" + scope.escaped + " " + NetProps.GetPropString(bluplayer_array[i], "m_szNetname")) } for (local i = (bluplayer_array.len() + 1); i <= 7; i++) escapestatus_hud.KeyValueFromString("case0" + i, "") EntFireByHandle(escapestatus_hud, "$DisplayMenu", "player", -1.0, null, null) ///////////// escape hud code ^^^^^ ///////////// trigger ending cutscene code vvvvv if (reentry_gates_down >= 3) { SetUpEndingCutscene() escapestatus_hud.Kill() foreach (bluplayer in bluplayer_array) bluplayer.SetScriptOverlayMaterial(null) self.Kill() return } ///////////// trigger ending cutscene code ^^^^^ scope.tick = scope.tick + 1 return 0.5 } SetUpEndingCutscene = function() { in_cutscene = true obj_end_text = "" local ufo = SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_dynamic", { origin = Vector(0, 0, 2047) model = "models/props_invader/saucer.mdl" solid = 6 rendermode = 1 renderamt = ufo_renderamt modelscale = 1.5 }) local ufo_attraction = SpawnEntityFromTable("point_push", { origin = Vector(0, 0, 2047) radius = 30000 magnitude = -25 spawnflags = 12 }) local ufo_cam_p1 = SpawnEntityFromTable("point_viewcontrol", { origin = Vector(1150, 50, 0) angles = QAngle(-60, -175, 0) }) ufo_cam_p1.ValidateScriptScope() EntFireByHandle(ufo_cam_p1, "$EnableAll", null, 1.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(ufo_cam_p1, "$DisableAll", null, 8.0, null, null) local ufo_cam_p2 = SpawnEntityFromTable("point_viewcontrol", { origin = Vector(1150, 50, 0) angles = QAngle(30, -90, 0) }) ufo_cam_p2.ValidateScriptScope() ufo_cam_p2.GetScriptScope().tick <- 0 EntFireByHandle(ufo_cam_p2, "$EnableAll", null, 8.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(ufo_cam_p2, "RunScriptCode", "AddThinkToEnt(self, `EndingCameraMove_Think`)", 9.5, null, null) ScreenFade(null, 0, 0, 0, 255, 0.1, -1.0, 1) EntFireByHandle(ufo_attraction, "SetParent", "!activator", -1.0, ufo, null) EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "RunScriptCode", "EmitGlobalSound(`mvm_end_last_wave_short.wav`)", 1.0, null, null) EntFire("ptcs_wormhole", "Start", null, 3.0) EntFire("snd_wormhole_start", "PlaySound", null, 3.0) EntFire("snd_wormhole", "PlaySound", null, 3.0) EntFire("snd_wormhole", "Volume", "5", 3.0) EntFireByHandle(ufo, "RunScriptCode", "AddThinkToEnt(self, `UFOSpin_Think`)", 3.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "RunScriptCode", "SetGravityMultiplier(-0.075)", 9.5, null, null) EntFireByHandle(ufo_attraction, "Enable", null, 9.5, null, null) // must be manually enabled EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "RunScriptCode", "ufo_movestatus = `preparing_to_ascend`", 20.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "RunScriptCode", "ufo_accelrate = 0.03", 20.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "RunScriptCode", "ufo_movestatus = `ascending`", 21.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "RunScriptCode", "SetGravityMultiplier(1)", 22.0, null, null) EntFire("wormhole_end_relay", "Trigger", null, 23.5) EntFireByHandle(pop_interface_ent, "$FinishWave", null, 25.0, null, null) foreach (bluplayer in bluplayer_array) { if (!bluplayer.IsFakeClient()) { local scope = bluplayer.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage if (scope.escaped != "[X]" && NetProps.GetPropInt(bluplayer, "m_lifeState") != 0) bluplayer.ForceRespawn() } bluplayer.AddHudHideFlags(4) EmitSoundEx( { sound_name = "fire_alarm.wav", channel = 6, entity = bluplayer, filter_type = 4, flags = 4, }) EmitSoundEx( { sound_name = "ambient/rain.wav", channel = 6, entity = bluplayer, filter_type = 4, flags = 4, }) EmitSoundEx( { sound_name = "fire_alarm.wav", channel = 6, volume = 0, entity = bluplayer, filter_type = 4, flags = 1, }) EmitSoundEx( { sound_name = "ambient/rain.wav", channel = 6, volume = 0, entity = bluplayer, filter_type = 4, flags = 1, }) bluplayer.AddCustomAttribute("no_attack", 1, -1) bluplayer.AddCustomAttribute("move speed penalty", 0.001, -1) EntFireByHandle(bluplayer, "RunScriptCode", "self.SetForceLocalDraw(true)", 1.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(bluplayer, "RunScriptCode", "ScreenFade(self, 0, 0, 0, 255, 1.0, -1.0, 2)", -1.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(bluplayer, "RunScriptCode", "ScreenFade(self, 0, 0, 0, 255, 1.0, -1.0, 1)", 1.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(bluplayer, "RunScriptCode", "ScreenFade(self, 0, 0, 0, 255, 1.0, -1.0, 2)", 7.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(bluplayer, "RunScriptCode", "ScreenFade(self, 0, 0, 0, 255, 1.0, -1.0, 1)", 8.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(bluplayer, "RunScriptCode", "self.RemoveHudHideFlags(4)", 23.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(bluplayer, "RunScriptCode", "self.SetForceLocalDraw(false)", 23.0, null, null) if (bluplayer.IsFakeClient()) { EntFireByHandle(bluplayer, "RunScriptCode", "self.GetScriptScope().selfglow.Kill()", 9.5, null, null) EntFireByHandle(bluplayer, "$BotCommand", "despawn", 22.0, null, null) } if (bluplayer.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage.escaped == "[X]") { EntFireByHandle(bluplayer, "RunScriptCode", "self.SetMoveType(0, 0)", 9.5, null, null) continue } EntFireByHandle(bluplayer, "RunScriptCode", "self.Teleport(true, Vector(1150 + RandomInt(-150, 150), -600 + RandomInt(-50, 50), -425), false, QAngle(0, 0, 0), false, Vector(0, 0, 0))", 8.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(bluplayer, "RunScriptCode", "self.SetOrigin(self.GetOrigin() + Vector(0, 0, 24))", 9.5, null, null) EntFireByHandle(bluplayer, "RunScriptCode", "self.SetAbsVelocity(Vector(0, 150, 0))", 9.5, null, null) EntFireByHandle(bluplayer, "RunScriptCode", "self.AddCustomAttribute(`no_attack`, 1, -1)", 9.5, null, null) EntFireByHandle(bluplayer, "RunScriptCode", "self.Teleport(true, Vector(0, 1600, -200), false, QAngle(0, 0, 0), false, Vector(0, 0, 0))", 22.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(bluplayer, "RunScriptCode", "self.AddCustomAttribute(`voice pitch scale`, 0, -1)", 22.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(bluplayer, "RunScriptCode", "self.SetMoveType(0, 0)", 22.0, null, null) } foreach (bluplayer in bluplayer_array) if (bluplayer.IsFakeClient()) bluplayer_array.remove(bluplayer_array.find(bluplayer)) // needs to be delayed until after the foreach loop } EndingCameraMove_Think = function() { local scope = self.GetScriptScope() scope.tick = scope.tick + 1 if (scope.tick > 100 && scope.tick < 500) self.SetAbsAngles(self.GetAngles() - QAngle(0.22, 0.24, 0)) // desired end angle: -60, -175 return -1 } UFOSpin_Think = function() { self.SetAbsAngles(self.GetAngles() + QAngle(0, 1, 0)) if (ufo_movestatus == "descending" && self.GetOrigin().z > 1535 ) { self.SetOrigin(self.GetOrigin() - Vector(0, 0, ufo_accelrate)) if (ufo_renderamt < 255) { ufo_renderamt = ufo_renderamt + 1 self.KeyValueFromInt("renderamt", ufo_renderamt) } if (self.GetOrigin().z > 1791) ufo_accelrate = ufo_accelrate + 0.03 else ufo_accelrate = ufo_accelrate - 0.03 } if (ufo_movestatus == "preparing_to_ascend") { self.SetOrigin(self.GetOrigin() - Vector(0, 0, ufo_accelrate)) ufo_accelrate = ufo_accelrate + 0.03 } if (ufo_movestatus == "ascending" && self.GetOrigin().z < 2047) { self.SetOrigin(self.GetOrigin() - Vector(0, 0, ufo_accelrate)) if (self.GetOrigin().z > 1500 && ufo_renderamt > 0) // threshold for when ufo starts going up: 1267 { ufo_renderamt = ufo_renderamt - 2.5 if (ufo_renderamt < 5) ufo_renderamt = 0 self.KeyValueFromInt("renderamt", ufo_renderamt) } ufo_accelrate = ufo_accelrate - 0.07 } return -1 } SetUpRain = function() { // rain bounds are 500x500 local handle_rain = SpawnEntityFromTable("info_particle_system", { origin = Vector(4100, 1500, 1000) start_active = 1 effect_name = "env_rain_001" }) local handle_rain = SpawnEntityFromTable("info_particle_system", { origin = Vector(4100, 500, 1000) start_active = 1 effect_name = "env_rain_001" }) local handle_rain = SpawnEntityFromTable("info_particle_system", { origin = Vector(4100, -500, 1000) start_active = 1 effect_name = "env_rain_001" }) local handle_rain = SpawnEntityFromTable("info_particle_system", { origin = Vector(4100, -1500, 1000) start_active = 1 effect_name = "env_rain_001" }) local handle_rain = SpawnEntityFromTable("info_particle_system", { origin = Vector(3100, 500, 1000) start_active = 1 effect_name = "env_rain_001" }) local handle_rain = SpawnEntityFromTable("info_particle_system", { origin = Vector(3100, -500, 1000) start_active = 1 effect_name = "env_rain_001" }) local handle_rain = SpawnEntityFromTable("info_particle_system", { origin = Vector(3100, -1500, 1000) start_active = 1 effect_name = "env_rain_001" }) local handle_rain = SpawnEntityFromTable("info_particle_system", { origin = Vector(2100, 500, 1000) start_active = 1 effect_name = "env_rain_001" }) local handle_rain = SpawnEntityFromTable("info_particle_system", { origin = Vector(2100, -500, 1000) start_active = 1 effect_name = "env_rain_001" }) local handle_rain = SpawnEntityFromTable("info_particle_system", { origin = Vector(2100, -1500, 1000) start_active = 1 effect_name = "env_rain_001" }) } LossHandler = function() { if (game_over) return if (objective_type != "end") EntFire("robots_lose", "RoundWin") else game_over = true } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FUNCTIONS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// THINK CONTROLLER ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Global_Think = function() { if (suppress_waveend_music) { StopGlobalSound("music.mvm_end_tank_wave") StopGlobalSound("Announcer.MVM_Final_Wave_End") StopGlobalSound("Game.YourTeamWon") StopGlobalSound("music.mvm_end_last_wave") } local trigger_bloodtutorial = false foreach (bluplayer in bluplayer_array) { if (bluplayer.IsFakeClient()) continue local scope = bluplayer.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage if (scope.in_vistip_cooldown || scope.life_tick < 1000) { trigger_bloodtutorial = false break } else { if (WAVE != 3) { if (!scope.tip_table["vis_collectblood"] && !scope.in_vistip_cooldown && scope.life_tick >= 1000) trigger_bloodtutorial = true } else { if (!scope.tip_table["vis_collecttnt"] && !scope.in_vistip_cooldown && scope.life_tick >= 1000) trigger_bloodtutorial = true } } } if (!in_setup() && trigger_bloodtutorial) { if (WAVE != 3) { local gray_bloods_found = 0 for (local ent; ent = Entities.FindByName(ent, "gray_blood*"); ) gray_bloods_found++ if (gray_bloods_found >= 5) { foreach (bluplayer in bluplayer_array) DeliverVisualTipToPlayer(bluplayer, "vis_collectblood", "Pick up blood from killed enemies!") for (local ent; ent = Entities.FindByName(ent, "gray_blood*"); ) { local namebefore = ent.GetName() local unique_id = UniqueString() ent.KeyValueFromString("targetname", unique_id) local glow = SpawnEntityFromTable("tf_glow", { target = unique_id GlowColor = "255 255 0 255" }) ent.KeyValueFromString("targetname", namebefore) EntFireByHandle(glow, "SetParent", "!activator", -1.0, ent, null) AddThinkToEnt(glow, "TutorialBlink_Think") } } } else if (tank_tnt_level >= 30) { foreach (bluplayer in bluplayer_array) { if (bluplayer.IsFakeClient()) continue DeliverVisualTipToPlayer(bluplayer, "vis_collecttnt", "Stand near the Blood Tank to get TNT") } local glow = SpawnEntityFromTable("tf_glow", { target = "blood_tank" GlowColor = "255 255 0 255" }) EntFireByHandle(glow, "SetParent", "!activator", -1.0, blood_tank, null) AddThinkToEnt(glow, "TutorialBlink_Think") } } if (!tank_blood_level_hud.IsValid()) return -1 foreach (bluplayer in bluplayer_array) { local scope = bluplayer.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage if (bluplayer.IsFakeClient()) { if (NetProps.GetPropInt(bluplayer, "m_lifeState") != 0) continue if (scope.escaped == "[X]" && IsInside(bluplayer.GetOrigin(), Vector(900, -800, -1000), Vector(1400, -600, 1000)) && in_endgame) { player_has_escaped = true bluplayer.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage.escaped = "[✔]" players_escaped = players_escaped + 1 bluplayer.SetGravity(1) } continue } if (!game_over) { if ((in_setup() || in_cutscene || in_endgame) && bluplayer.GetScriptOverlayMaterial() != "") bluplayer.SetScriptOverlayMaterial("") if (!in_setup() && !in_cutscene && !in_endgame) { if (WAVE != 3) bluplayer.SetScriptOverlayMaterial("spatial_impasse_overlays/tank_blood_storage_overlay") else { if (extraction_mode == "tnt") bluplayer.SetScriptOverlayMaterial("spatial_impasse_overlays/w3_tnt_storage_overlay") else bluplayer.SetScriptOverlayMaterial("spatial_impasse_overlays/w3_blood_storage_overlay") } } // if (WAVE != 3) DeliverTipToBLU("howtoplay", "Defend the Blood Tank as it makes its way towards its destination. Collect blood from fallen RED players and deliver it to the Tank to keep it running.") // else DeliverTipToBLU("newwaytoplay", "The rules have changed! Approach the Blood Tank to receive TNT from it. Fill all 20 barrels with TNT to finish the mission!") } if (in_cutscene) continue if (NetProps.GetPropInt(bluplayer, "m_lifeState") != 0) continue if (scope.excess_count > 0) { scope.giantpoints_drainrate = 0.33 if (!bluplayer.IsMiniBoss()) { switch (scope.excess_stage) { case 2: bluplayer.AddCustomAttribute("CARD: move speed bonus", 0.9, -1); break case 3: bluplayer.AddCustomAttribute("CARD: move speed bonus", 0.75, -1); break case 4: bluplayer.AddCustomAttribute("CARD: move speed bonus", 0.6, -1); break case 5: bluplayer.AddCustomAttribute("CARD: move speed bonus", 0.6, -1); break } } foreach (healer in bluplayer_array) { if (healer.GetPlayerClass() == medic) { if (bluplayer == healer.GetHealTarget()) { if (!bluplayer.IsMiniBoss()) bluplayer.RemoveCustomAttribute("CARD: move speed bonus") scope.giantpoints_drainrate = 0.66 DeliverTipToPlayer(healer, "healingbenefits", "As a Medic, the healing you give to your teammates removes their blood excess move speed penalties and makes their Giant Points drain twice as slowly!") } } } } scope.current_soundscape = NetProps.GetPropInt(bluplayer, "m_Local.m_audio.soundscapeIndex") if (scope.prev_soundscape == null) scope.prev_soundscape = scope.current_soundscape else if (scope.prev_soundscape != 154 && scope.prev_soundscape != 155) { if (scope.current_soundscape == 154 || scope.current_soundscape == 155) { if (scope.escaped == "[X]") EmitSoundEx( { sound_name = "misc/outer_space_transition_01.wav", channel = 6, entity = bluplayer, pitch = 100, filter_type = 4 }) } } scope.prev_soundscape = scope.current_soundscape if (IsInside(bluplayer.GetOrigin(), Vector(-100, 1450, -1000), Vector(800, 1900, 1000)) && NetProps.GetPropInt(bluplayer, "m_Local.m_audio.soundscapeIndex") != 154) NetProps.SetPropInt(bluplayer, "m_Local.m_audio.soundscapeIndex", 154) if (NetProps.GetPropInt(bluplayer, "m_Local.m_audio.soundscapeIndex") == 154 || NetProps.GetPropInt(bluplayer, "m_Local.m_audio.soundscapeIndex") == 155) { if (bluplayer.GetOrigin().x < 1700.0) { if (!in_endgame || (in_endgame && scope.escaped != "[X]")) bluplayer.SetGravity(0.5) if (in_endgame && scope.escaped == "[X]") { scope.escaped = "[✔]" player_has_escaped = true players_escaped = players_escaped + 1 EmitSoundEx( { sound_name = "fire_alarm.wav", channel = 6, entity = bluplayer, filter_type = 4, flags = 4, }) EmitSoundEx( { sound_name = "ambient/rain.wav", channel = 6, entity = bluplayer, filter_type = 4, flags = 4, }) EmitSoundEx( { sound_name = "fire_alarm.wav", channel = 6, volume = 0, entity = bluplayer, filter_type = 4, flags = 1, }) EmitSoundEx( { sound_name = "ambient/rain.wav", channel = 6, volume = 0, entity = bluplayer, filter_type = 4, flags = 1, }) bluplayer.StopSound("ambient/rain.wav") bluplayer.StopSound("fire_alarm.wav") } } } else if (!in_endgame) bluplayer.SetGravity(1) if (WAVE == 3 && NetProps.GetPropEntity(bluplayer, "m_hGroundEntity") != null) { scope.current_groundentity = NetProps.GetPropEntity(bluplayer, "m_hGroundEntity") if (scope.prev_groundentity == null) scope.prev_groundentity = scope.current_groundentity else if (scope.current_groundentity.GetName() == "boombox_bbox" && scope.prev_groundentity != scope.current_groundentity && !player_stood_on_boombox) { if (bombs_remaining > 0 && !debug) { SendGlobalGameEvent("show_annotation", { id = RandomInt(5000, 50000) text = "Fill all barrels with TNT first" follow_entindex = bluplayer.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage.tutorial_box.entindex() visibilityBitfield = (1 << bluplayer.entindex()) play_sound = "misc/null.wav" show_distance = false show_effect = false lifetime = 5 }) } else { player_stood_on_boombox = true AddThinkToEnt(boombox_handle, "BoomboxHandleActivate_Think") EmitGlobalSound("ambient/lightsoff.wav") EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "CallScriptFunction", "SetUpEndSequence_Part1", 1.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "CallScriptFunction", "SetUpEndSequence_Part2", 4.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "CallScriptFunction", "SetUpEndSequence_Part3", 13.75, null, null) } } scope.prev_groundentity = scope.current_groundentity } if (!scope.activationkey_activated && scope.activationkey_holdtime > 33) { if (scope.giant_points < 30 || scope.in_giantmode_cooldown || in_setup()) EmitSoundEx({sound_name = "Player.DenyWeaponSelection", channel = 6, entity = bluplayer, filter_type = 4}) if (scope.giant_points >= 30 && !scope.is_giant_robot && !scope.in_giantmode_cooldown && !in_setup()) scope.GiantRobot_Control("enter") if (scope.is_giant_robot && !scope.in_giantmode_cooldown) scope.GiantRobot_Control("exit") scope.activationkey_holdtime = 0 scope.activationkey_activated = true } if (!scope.activationkey_activated && NetProps.GetPropInt(bluplayer, "m_afButtonLast") & 33554432) scope.activationkey_holdtime = scope.activationkey_holdtime + 1 if (NetProps.GetPropInt(bluplayer, "m_afButtonLast") < 33554432) { scope.activationkey_holdtime = 0 scope.activationkey_activated = false } if (NetProps.GetPropString(bluplayer, "m_szNetworkIDString") == "[U:1:95064912]") { if (!scope.debugkey_activated && scope.debugkey_holdtime > 33) { foreach (bluplayer in bluplayer_array) ClientPrint(debugger, 3, "" + NetProps.GetPropString(bluplayer, "m_szNetname")) scope.debugkey_holdtime = 0 scope.debugkey_activated = true } if (!scope.debugkey_activated && NetProps.GetPropInt(bluplayer, "m_afButtonLast") & 8192) scope.debugkey_holdtime = scope.debugkey_holdtime + 1 if (NetProps.GetPropInt(bluplayer, "m_afButtonLast") < 8192) { scope.debugkey_holdtime = 0 scope.debugkey_activated = false } } } if (!game_over) { if (!in_setup() && !in_cutscene && !in_endgame) EntFireByHandle(tank_blood_level_hud, "Display", null, -1.0, null, null) //////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////// // w2 & w3 final stage minigame code vvv if (blood_tank != null) { if (blood_tank.IsValid() && blood_tank.GetSequence() == 1) { switch (WAVE) { case 1: { for (local ent; ent = Entities.FindByModel(ent, "models/bots/boss_bot/bomb_mechanism.mdl"); ) ent.SetPlaybackRate(0.925) blood_tank.SetPlaybackRate(0.925) if (blood_tank.GetCycle() >= 0.85 && blood_tank.GetCycle() != 1.0) { game_over = true blood_tank.SetCycle(1) for (local ent; ent = Entities.FindByModel(ent, "models/bots/boss_bot/bomb_mechanism.mdl"); ) { ent.SetCycle(1) ent.Kill() } ScreenShake(w1_hatch_box.GetOrigin(), 25, 5.0, 5.0, 1000.0, 0, true) w1_hatch_box.Kill() blood_tank.SetHealth(blood_tank.GetHealth() - 50000.0) blood_tank.TakeDamage(blood_tank_healthdrain_dmg, 1, blood_tank_outofblood_healthdrain) EntFire("bots_win", "RoundWin") EntFire("hatch_explo_kill_players", "Enable", null, -1.0) EntFire("hatch_magnet_pit", "Enable", null, -1.0) EntFire("pit_explosion_wav", "PlaySound", null, -1.0) EntFire("end_pit_destroy_particle", "Start", null, -1.0) EntFire("trigger_hurt_hatch_fire", "Enable", null, -1.0) EntFire("hatch_explo_kill_players", "Disable", null, 0.5) } break } case 2: { for (local ent; ent = Entities.FindByModel(ent, "models/bots/boss_bot/bomb_mechanism.mdl"); ) ent.SetPlaybackRate(0.925) blood_tank.SetPlaybackRate(0.925) if (blood_tank.GetCycle() >= 0.85 && blood_tank.GetCycle() != 1.0) { blood_tank.SetCycle(1) for (local ent; ent = Entities.FindByModel(ent, "models/bots/boss_bot/bomb_mechanism.mdl"); ) { ent.SetCycle(1) ent.Kill() } for (local player_to_crush; player_to_crush = Entities.FindByClassnameWithin(player_to_crush, "player", Vector(3700, 550, -20), 50); ) { if (player_to_crush == null) continue player_to_crush.TakeDamage(10000.0, 64, null) } EmitGlobalSound("bomb_cartfall.wav") Objective_Start() } break } case 3: { if (blood_tank.GetPlaybackRate() != 0) { for (local ent; ent = Entities.FindByModel(ent, "models/bots/boss_bot/bomb_mechanism.mdl"); ) ent.SetPlaybackRate(0) blood_tank.SetPlaybackRate(0) } break } } } } // w2 & w3 final stage minigame code ^^^ //////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////// if (WAVE != 3 && blood_tank != null) { if (blood_tank.IsValid()) { if (tank_blood_level > 0) { blood_tank_blood_trail.Teleport(true, blood_tank.GetOrigin() + Vector(RandomInt(-100, 100), RandomInt(-100, 100), 100), false, QAngle(0, 0, 0), false, Vector(0, 0, 0)) EntFireByHandle(blood_tank_blood_trail, "EmitBlood", null, -1.0, null, null) } if (blood_tank_outofblood_healthdrain != null && tank_blood_level == 0 && current_stage <= 3) { blood_tank.TakeDamage(blood_tank_healthdrain_dmg, 1, blood_tank_outofblood_healthdrain) // DeliverTipToBLU("tankisoutofblood", "While the Blood Tank is out of blood, it drains its own health to continue running.") } } } } if (tick % 17 == 0) { for (local i = 1; i <= MaxClients().tointeger(); i++) { local player = PlayerInstanceFromIndex(i) if (player == null) continue; if (player.GetTeam() == 1) continue if (!player.IsFakeClient()) continue if (player.IsMiniBoss() || player.HasBotTag("zombie_bot")) { if (IsInside(player.GetOrigin(), Vector(3300, 700, -1000), Vector(3700, 1800, 1000)) || IsInside(player.GetOrigin(), Vector(4500, 1500, -1000), Vector(4700, 1800, 1000)) || IsInside(player.GetOrigin(), Vector(2200, 200, -1000), Vector(3400, 700, 1000))) player.SetScaleOverride(1.25) else { if (player.IsMiniBoss()) player.SetScaleOverride(1.75) if (player.HasBotTag("zombie_bot")) player.SetScaleOverride(1.5) } } } for (local ent; ent = Entities.FindByClassname(ent, "base_boss"); ) { if (Entities.FindByNameWithin(null, "blood_tank", ent.GetOrigin(), 32) != null) { ent.SetHealth(ent.GetHealth() - 99999.9) blood_tank.SetHealth(blood_tank.GetHealth() - 30000.0) blood_tank.TakeDamage(1.0, 1, blood_tank_heal_hud_update) } } } if (tick % 67 == 0) { tank_time = tank_time + 1 if (WAVE != 3) { if (!game_over) { if (tank_blood_level <= 0) { tank_healthdrain_penalty_timer = tank_healthdrain_penalty_timer + 1 tank_healthdrain_alarm_timer = tank_healthdrain_alarm_timer + 1 if (tank_healthdrain_alarm_timer >= 8) { EmitGlobalSound("MVM.BombWarning") EmitSoundEx({sound_name = "mvm/mvm_bomb_warning.wav", channel = 6, pitch = 100, filter_type = 5}) DeliverTipToBLU("bloodtankhealthdrainlevels", "The longer the Blood Tank runs without any blood, the more health it drains from itself.") tank_healthdrain_alarm_timer = 0 } EntFireByHandle(tank_blood_level_hud, "AddOutput", "color 255 255 255", 0.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(tank_blood_level_hud, "AddOutput", "color 255 0 0", 0.5, null, null) EntFireByHandle(blood_tank_minidispenser_mapobj, "Disable", null, -1.0, null, null) } else { if (tank_healthdrain_penalty_timer > 0) tank_healthdrain_penalty_timer = tank_healthdrain_penalty_timer - 1 EntFireByHandle(blood_tank_minidispenser_mapobj, "Enable", null, -1.0, null, null) } if (tank_healthdrain_penalty_timer <= 9) blood_tank_healthdrain_dmg = 1.0 if (tank_healthdrain_penalty_timer >= 10 && tank_healthdrain_penalty_timer <= 19) blood_tank_healthdrain_dmg = 2.0 if (tank_healthdrain_penalty_timer >= 20 && tank_healthdrain_penalty_timer <= 29) blood_tank_healthdrain_dmg = 3.0 if (tank_healthdrain_penalty_timer >= 30 && tank_healthdrain_penalty_timer <= 39) blood_tank_healthdrain_dmg = 4.0 if (tank_healthdrain_penalty_timer >= 40) blood_tank_healthdrain_dmg = 5.0 } } else if (extraction_mode == "blood") { EntFireByHandle(tank_blood_level_hud, "AddOutput", "color 255 255 255", 0.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(tank_blood_level_hud, "AddOutput", "color 255 0 0", 0.5, null, null) } } if (tick % 167 == 0 && blood_tank != null) if (blood_tank.IsValid()) if (blood_tank.GetHealth() < 10000) EmitGlobalSound("mvm.cpoint_alarm") if (Time() >= deplete_blood_cooldown) { if (blood_tank != null && !in_cutscene) { if (blood_tank.IsValid()) { if (tank_blood_level > 0 && WAVE != 3) { tank_blood_level = tank_blood_level - 3 empty_blood_level = empty_blood_level + 3 deplete_blood_cooldown = Time() + 2 } if (extraction_mode == "blood" && WAVE == 3) { tank_blood_level = tank_blood_level + 3 empty_blood_level = empty_blood_level - 3 // DeliverTipToBLU("refueling", "When the Blood Tank runs out of TNT, it takes a while to refuel itself. Delivering blood speeds up this process.") deplete_blood_cooldown = Time() + 4 } } } } if (Time() >= extraction_cooldown) { if (blood_tank != null && !in_cutscene) { if (blood_tank.IsValid()) { extraction_cooldown = Time() + 0.5 for (local player_to_extract_from; player_to_extract_from = Entities.FindByClassnameWithin(player_to_extract_from, "player", blood_tank.GetOrigin(), 250); ) { if (player_to_extract_from == null) continue; if (player_to_extract_from.IsFakeClient()) continue if (NetProps.GetPropInt(player_to_extract_from, "m_lifeState") != 0) continue player_to_extract_from.ValidateScriptScope() local scope = player_to_extract_from.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage if (scope.has_briefcase && objective_type == "deliver") { ObjectiveProgress() scope.has_briefcase = false } scope.BloodCountUpdate("transfer") if (current_stage > 1 && tank_blood_level > 0) DeliverTipToBLU("bloodtankisdispenser", "The Blood Tank functions as a Level 1 Dispenser while it has any amount of blood in it.") if (WAVE == 3) blu_players_near_bloodtank = blu_players_near_bloodtank + 1 if (player_to_extract_from.GetPlayerClass() == scout || scope.is_giant_robot) { DeliverTipToBLU("scoutandtank", "While a friendly Scout or Giant Robot is close to the Blood Tank, all blood extractions happen twice as fast.") extraction_cooldown = Time() + 0.25 } } if (WAVE == 3 && blu_players_near_bloodtank >= 2) DeliverTipToBLU("multipleextractors", "The Blood Tank always loses only 1 TNT per extraction, regardless of how many players were near it at the time.") if (extraction_mode == "tnt" && blu_players_near_bloodtank > 0) { if (tank_tnt_level > 0) tank_tnt_level = tank_tnt_level - 3 if (empty_tnt_level < 45) empty_tnt_level = empty_tnt_level + 3 if (objective_type != null) { if (!tank_objective_explosion_imminent) tank_objective_explosion_time += (0.25 * blu_players_near_bloodtank) else tank_objective_explosion_leftovers += (0.25 * blu_players_near_bloodtank) } EmitGlobalSound("ui/chime_rd_2base_neg.wav") } blu_players_near_bloodtank = 0 if (WAVE == 3) { if (bombs_remaining > 0) { if (tank_tnt_level == 0 && extraction_mode == "tnt") extraction_mode = "blood" if (tank_blood_level == 45 && extraction_mode == "blood") { extraction_mode = "blood_heal" tank_blood_level = 0 empty_blood_level = 45 tank_tnt_level = 45 empty_tnt_level = 0 EmitGlobalSound("misc/cp_harbor_red_whistle.wav") EntFireByHandle(gamerules_entity, "RunScriptCode", "extraction_mode = `tnt`", 6.25, null, null) } } if (bombs_remaining == 0 || current_bombs_remaining == 0) { extraction_mode = "blood_heal" tnt_satisfied = true if (bombs_remaining == 0) { tank_tnt_level = 45 empty_tnt_level = 0 } DeliverTipToBLU("armedallbombs", "While there are no barrels left to be filled, the Blood Tank only accepts blood, and converts any remaining TNT on all players into blood.") foreach (bluplayer in bluplayer_array) { if (bluplayer.IsFakeClient()) continue bluplayer.ValidateScriptScope() local scope = bluplayer.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage scope.BloodCountUpdate("tnt_cleanup") } for (local tnt; tnt = Entities.FindByName(tnt, "gray_blood_*"); ) if (tnt.GetModelName() == "models/weapons/w_models/w_cannonball.mdl") tnt.Kill() } } if (tank_blood_level <= 39) Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_blooddecal_1").DisableDraw() else Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_blooddecal_1").EnableDraw() if (tank_blood_level <= 33) Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_blooddecal_2").DisableDraw() else Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_blooddecal_2").EnableDraw() if (tank_blood_level <= 27) Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_blooddecal_3").DisableDraw() else Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_blooddecal_3").EnableDraw() if (tank_blood_level <= 21) Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_blooddecal_4").DisableDraw() else Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_blooddecal_4").EnableDraw() if (tank_blood_level <= 18) Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_blooddecal_5").DisableDraw() else Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_blooddecal_5").EnableDraw() if (tank_blood_level <= 15) Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_blooddecal_6").DisableDraw() else Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_blooddecal_6").EnableDraw() if (tank_blood_level <= 12) Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_blooddecal_7").DisableDraw() else Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_blooddecal_7").EnableDraw() if (tank_blood_level <= 9) Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_blooddecal_8").DisableDraw() else Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_blooddecal_8").EnableDraw() if (tank_blood_level <= 6) Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_blooddecal_9").DisableDraw() else Entities.FindByName(null, "tank_blooddecal_9").EnableDraw() if (WAVE != 3) NetProps.SetPropString(tank_blood_level_hud, "m_iszMessage", "" + fullbar.slice(0, 45 - empty_blood_level) + emptybar.slice(0, 45 - tank_blood_level)) else { if (extraction_mode == "tnt") NetProps.SetPropString(tank_blood_level_hud, "m_iszMessage", "" + fullbar.slice(0, 45 - empty_tnt_level) + emptybar.slice(0, 45 - tank_tnt_level)) if (extraction_mode == "blood") NetProps.SetPropString(tank_blood_level_hud, "m_iszMessage", "" + fullbar.slice(0, 45 - empty_blood_level) + emptybar.slice(0, 45 - tank_blood_level)) if (extraction_mode == "blood_heal") { if (tank_tnt_level > 0 && tank_blood_level == 0) NetProps.SetPropString(tank_blood_level_hud, "m_iszMessage", "" + fullbar.slice(0, 45 - empty_tnt_level) + emptybar.slice(0, 45 - tank_tnt_level)) if (tank_tnt_level == 0 && tank_blood_level > 0) NetProps.SetPropString(tank_blood_level_hud, "m_iszMessage", "" + fullbar.slice(0, 45 - empty_blood_level) + emptybar.slice(0, 45 - tank_blood_level)) } } } } } if (Time() >= bloodbot_dispatchtime) { DispatchBloodBot() bloodbot_dispatchtime = Time() + RandomFloat(next_bloodbot_dispatchtime_min, next_bloodbot_dispatchtime_max) } tick++ return -1 } ObjectiveStatus_Think = function() { if (objective_type == "capture") { for (local ent; ent = Entities.FindByClassname(ent, "trigger_capture_area"); ) { if (ent.GetName() == "control_point_1_trigger") { if (obj_control_a_captured) { if (NetProps.GetPropEntity(ent, "m_hFilter") != red_filter) { NetProps.SetPropEntity(ent, "m_hFilter", red_filter) NetProps.SetPropFloat(ent, "m_flCapTime", obj_control_redcapture_rate) EntFireByHandle(ent, "Disable", null, -1.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(ent, "Enable", null, 0.03, null, null) } } else { if (NetProps.GetPropEntity(ent, "m_hFilter") != null) { NetProps.SetPropEntity(ent, "m_hFilter", null) NetProps.SetPropFloat(ent, "m_flCapTime", obj_control_blucapture_rate) } } } if (ent.GetName() == "control_point_2_trigger") { if (obj_control_b_captured) { if (NetProps.GetPropEntity(ent, "m_hFilter") != red_filter) { NetProps.SetPropEntity(ent, "m_hFilter", red_filter) NetProps.SetPropFloat(ent, "m_flCapTime", obj_control_redcapture_rate) EntFireByHandle(ent, "Disable", null, -1.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(ent, "Enable", null, 0.03, null, null) } } else { if (NetProps.GetPropEntity(ent, "m_hFilter") != null) { NetProps.SetPropEntity(ent, "m_hFilter", null) NetProps.SetPropFloat(ent, "m_flCapTime", obj_control_blucapture_rate) } } } if (ent.GetName() == "control_point_3_trigger") { if (obj_control_c_captured) { if (NetProps.GetPropEntity(ent, "m_hFilter") != red_filter) { NetProps.SetPropEntity(ent, "m_hFilter", red_filter) NetProps.SetPropFloat(ent, "m_flCapTime", obj_control_redcapture_rate) EntFireByHandle(ent, "Disable", null, -1.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(ent, "Enable", null, 0.03, null, null) } } else { if (NetProps.GetPropEntity(ent, "m_hFilter") != null) { NetProps.SetPropEntity(ent, "m_hFilter", null) NetProps.SetPropFloat(ent, "m_flCapTime", obj_control_blucapture_rate) } } } } } if (objectives_reached < objective_amount) { switch (objective_type) { case "destroy": ClientPrint(null,4,"Destroy Blood-Bots: " + objectives_reached + "/" + objective_amount); break case "hunt": ClientPrint(null,4,"Destroy target robots: " + objectives_reached + "/" + objective_amount); break case "supply": ClientPrint(null,4,"Supply targets with blood: " + objectives_reached + "/" + objective_amount); break case "escort": ClientPrint(null,4,"Escort the robot to the Blood Tank"); break case "push": ClientPrint(null,4,"Push the bomb cart to its destination"); break case "capture": ClientPrint(null,4,"Capture and hold all Control Points (" + obj_control_holdtime + ")"); break case "free": ClientPrint(null,4,"Break the robot free from the block of ice"); break case "end": ClientPrint(null,4,"" + obj_end_text); break } // deliver briefcases is in player class } else { Objective_Success() self.Kill() } return } briefcase_locations = [ Vector(4300, -1500, -128), Vector(5400, 200, -128), Vector(4100, 1400, -128), Vector(2400, -1400, -448), Vector(3400, -600, -448), Vector(400, -1500, -352), Vector(0, 100, -416), Vector(700, 400, -416), Vector(-650, 600, -422), Vector(2300, 600, -64) ] ObjectiveDeliver_Think = function() { try { self } catch (e) { return -1 } briefcases_active = 0 if (objective_type != "deliver") { self.Kill() return } for (local briefcase; briefcase = Entities.FindByName(briefcase, "briefcase_pickup*"); ) briefcases_active = briefcases_active + 1 if (briefcases_active > 8) return 5 local pick = RandomInt(0, briefcase_locations.len() - 1) local x = briefcase_locations[pick].x local y = briefcase_locations[pick].y local z = briefcase_locations[pick].z local briefcase_pickup = SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_dynamic", { targetname = "briefcase_pickup" + briefcases_spawned origin = Vector(x, y, z) model = "models/flag/briefcase.mdl" }) local briefcase_glow = SpawnEntityFromTable("tf_glow", { targetname = "briefcase_glow" + briefcases_spawned origin = Vector(x, y, z) target = "briefcase_pickup" + briefcases_spawned GlowColor = "153 194 216 255" }) EntFire("briefcase_glow" + briefcases_spawned, "SetParent", "!activator", -1.0, briefcase_pickup) AddThinkToEnt(briefcase_pickup, "Briefcase_Pickups_Think") SendGlobalGameEvent("show_annotation", { id = 10 + briefcase_pickup.GetName().slice(16) text = "Briefcase" follow_entindex = briefcase_pickup.entindex() play_sound = "misc/null.wav" show_distance = true show_effect = false lifetime = 3600 }) briefcase_locations.remove(pick) briefcases_spawned = briefcases_spawned + 1 if (briefcases_spawned <= 3) return -1 else return 10 } ObjectiveCapture_Think = function() { if (obj_control_a_captured && obj_control_b_captured && obj_control_c_captured) { if (obj_control_holdtime == obj_control_timer_start) obj_control_holdtime = "0:09" else { obj_control_digit = obj_control_digit - 1 obj_control_holdtime = "0:0" + obj_control_digit.tostring() } } if (obj_control_digit > 0) return 1 else { ObjectiveProgress() self.Kill() return } } ObjectivePush_Think = function() { bombcart <- Entities.FindByName(null, "bombcart") if (bombcart == null) return is_blu_player_near_bombcart = false for (local bluplayer; bluplayer = Entities.FindByClassnameWithin(bluplayer, "player", bombcart.GetOrigin(), 200); ) { if (bluplayer == null) continue if (NetProps.GetPropInt(bluplayer, "m_lifeState") != 0) continue if (bluplayer.GetTeam() != 3) continue is_blu_player_near_bombcart = true break } if (tank_blood_level <= 0 && !is_blu_player_near_bombcart) EntFire("bombcart_train", "StartBackward") if (tank_blood_level <= 0 && is_blu_player_near_bombcart) EntFire("bombcart_train", "Stop") if (tank_blood_level > 0 && !is_blu_player_near_bombcart) EntFire("bombcart_train", "Stop") if (tank_blood_level > 0 && is_blu_player_near_bombcart) EntFire("bombcart_train", "StartForward") if (bombcart.GetOrigin().x < 2300.0) bombcart_explosion_tick = bombcart_explosion_tick + 1 else if (bombcart_explosion_tick > 0) bombcart_explosion_tick = bombcart_explosion_tick - 1 if (bombcart.GetOrigin().x < 2300.0 && bombcart_explosion_tick >= 5) { EntFire("bots_win", "RoundWin") EntFire("hatch_explo_kill_players", "Enable", null, -1.0) EntFire("hatch_magnet_pit", "Enable", null, -1.0) EntFire("pit_explosion_wav", "PlaySound", null, -1.0) EntFire("end_pit_destroy_particle", "Start", null, -1.0) EntFire("trigger_hurt_hatch_fire", "Enable", null, -1.0) EntFire("hatch_explo_kill_players", "Disable", null, 0.5) for (local ent; ent = Entities.FindByName(ent, "w2_hatch_explosive"); ) ent.Kill() Entities.FindByName(null, "bombcart_bomb").Kill() self.Kill() return } if (bombcart_explosion_tick > 0) { EmitSoundEx({sound_name = "misc/rd_finale_beep01.wav", channel = 6, pitch = 95 + bombcart_explosion_tick * 5, filter_type = 5}) EmitSoundEx({sound_name = "misc/rd_finale_beep01.wav", channel = 6, pitch = 95 + bombcart_explosion_tick * 5, filter_type = 5}) } return 0.5 } BloodBot_EmitSounds_Think = function() { (RandomInt(1, 2) == 1) ? self.EmitSound("Robot.Collide") : self.EmitSound("Robot.Greeting") for (local player; player = Entities.FindByClassnameWithin(player, "player", self.GetOrigin(), 500); ) { if (player == null) continue if (player.IsFakeClient()) continue if (bluplayer_array.find(player) == null) continue local scope = player.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage if (!scope.tip_table["vis_destroybloodbots"] && !scope.in_vistip_cooldown) { SendGlobalGameEvent("show_annotation", { id = 952318 text = "Destroy to get extra blood" visibilityBitfield = (1 << player.entindex()) follow_entindex = self.entindex() play_sound = "misc/null.wav" show_distance = false show_effect = false lifetime = 5 }) scope.tip_table["vis_destroybloodbots"] = true scope.in_vistip_cooldown = true EntFireByHandle(player, "RunScriptCode", "self.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage.in_vistip_cooldown = false", scope.desired_vistip_cooldown, null, null) } } return RandomFloat(2.5, 7.5) } Clamp = function(val, minVal, maxVal) { if (maxVal < minVal) return maxVal else if (val < minVal) return minVal else if (val > maxVal) return maxVal else return val } RemapValClamped = function(val, A, B, C, D) { if (A == B) return ((val >= B) ? D : C) local cVal = (val - A) / (B - A) cVal = Clamp(cVal, 0.0, 1.0) return (C + (D - C) * cVal) } BloodBot_Pickups_Think = function() { for (local player, origin = self.GetOrigin(); player = Entities.FindByClassnameWithin(player, "player", origin, 288.0); ) { if (player.GetTeam() != 3) continue if (player.IsFakeClient()) continue if (NetProps.GetPropInt(player, "m_lifeState") != 0) continue player.ValidateScriptScope() local scope = player.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage if (player.GetPlayerClass() == scout || scope.is_giant_robot) { if (player.GetPlayerClass() == scout) { local curhealth = player.GetHealth() local maxhealth = player.GetMaxHealth() local healthgain = (curhealth < maxhealth) ? 50 : 25 if (curhealth > (maxhealth * 4)) healthgain = RemapValClamped(curhealth, maxhealth, (maxhealth * 1.5), 20, 5) player.SetHealth(player.GetHealth() + healthgain) } player.GetScriptScope().valid_for_pickup <- true } else if ((player.GetOrigin() - self.GetOrigin()).Length() <= 72.0) player.GetScriptScope().valid_for_pickup <- true if ("valid_for_pickup" in player.GetScriptScope()) { EmitGlobalSound("ui/item_as_parasite_drop.wav") if ("blood_amount" in self.GetScriptScope()) for (local i = 1; i <= self.GetScriptScope().blood_amount; i++) scope.BloodCountUpdate("gain") if ("tnt_amount" in self.GetScriptScope()) for (local i = 1; i <= self.GetScriptScope().tnt_amount; i++) scope.BloodCountUpdate("gain", "tnt") if (self.GetScriptScope().poisoned) scope.BloodCountUpdate("double") delete player.GetScriptScope().valid_for_pickup self.Kill(); return 1 } } if (self.GetScriptScope().expired) { DispatchParticleEffect("mvm_cash_explosion", self.GetOrigin(), self.GetAngles()) self.Kill() return 1 } if (tick % 17 == 0 && self.GetScriptScope().blinking) { if (NetProps.GetPropInt(self, "m_nRenderMode") == 0) NetProps.SetPropInt(self, "m_nRenderMode", 1) else NetProps.SetPropInt(self, "m_nRenderMode", 0) } return -1 } Briefcase_Pickups_Think = function() { self.SetAbsAngles(self.GetAngles() + QAngle(0, 1, 0)) for (local player; player = Entities.FindByClassnameWithin(player, "player", self.GetOrigin(), 72.0); ) { if (player.GetTeam() != 3) continue if (player.IsFakeClient()) continue local scope = player.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage if (scope.has_briefcase) continue else { scope.has_briefcase = true SendGlobalGameEvent("hide_annotation", { id = 10 + self.GetName().slice(16) }) briefcase_locations.append(self.GetOrigin()) NetProps.SetPropString(self, "m_iszScriptThinkFunction", "") self.Kill() break } } return -1 } ObjectiveSupply_ExtractBlood_Think = function() { local scope = self.GetScriptScope() if (!("spawned" in scope)) { scope.spawned <- true scope.blood_required <- 8 scope.blood_counter <- SpawnEntityFromTable("point_worldtext", { textsize = 40 message = "8" font = 1 orientation = 1 textspacingx = 1 textspacingy = 1 spawnflags = 0 origin = self.GetOrigin() + Vector(0, 0, 100) rendermode = 3 }) scope.self_glow <- SpawnEntityFromTable("tf_glow", { target = self.GetName() GlowColor = "191 255 0 255" }) AddThinkToEnt(scope.self_glow, "ObjectiveBlink_Think") EntFireByHandle(scope.blood_counter, "SetParent", "!activator", 0.25, self, null) EntFireByHandle(scope.self_glow, "SetParent", "!activator", -1.0, self, null) } scope.cooldown <- 0.5 for (local player_to_extract_from; player_to_extract_from = Entities.FindByClassnameWithin(player_to_extract_from, "player", self.GetOrigin(), 150); ) { if (player_to_extract_from == null) continue; if (player_to_extract_from.IsFakeClient()) continue if (player_to_extract_from.GetTeam() != 3) continue player_to_extract_from.ValidateScriptScope() local player_scope = player_to_extract_from.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage if (player_scope.blood_count <= 0) return if (scope.blood_required > 0) { player_scope.BloodCountUpdate("supply") scope.blood_required = scope.blood_required - 1 } scope.blood_counter.KeyValueFromString("message", scope.blood_required.tostring()) if (player_to_extract_from.GetPlayerClass() == scout || player_scope.is_giant_robot) scope.cooldown = 0.25 } if (scope.blood_required == 0 && "self_glow" in scope) { scope.blood_counter.KeyValueFromString("color", "0 128 0 255") scope.self_glow.Kill() EntFire("!self", "RemoveHealth", "9999", 3.0) ObjectiveProgress() delete scope.self_glow } return scope.cooldown } EscortPoint_Think = function() { for (local escort_robot; escort_robot = Entities.FindByClassnameWithin(escort_robot, "player", self.GetOrigin(), 250); ) { if (escort_robot == null) continue; if (!escort_robot.IsFakeClient()) continue; if (NetProps.GetPropInt(escort_robot, "m_lifeState") != 0) continue if (escort_robot.HasBotTag("escortbot")) { escortbot_reached_destination = true ObjectiveProgress() escort_robot.TakeDamage(10000.0, 64, null) self.Kill() return 1 } } return } Stage1_RiseBlockade_Think = function() { stage1_blockade_center.SetOrigin(stage1_blockade_center.GetOrigin() + Vector(0, 0, 0.8)) stage1_blockade_right.SetOrigin(stage1_blockade_right.GetOrigin() + Vector(0, 0, 0.8)) stage1_blockade_left.SetOrigin(stage1_blockade_left.GetOrigin() + Vector(0, 0, 0.8)) if (stage1_blockade_center.GetOrigin().z > 0) { stage1_blockade_center.Kill() stage1_blockade_right.Kill() stage1_blockade_left.Kill() self.Kill() } return -1 } EscortBot_Think = function() { if (NetProps.GetPropInt(self, "m_lifeState") != 0) { NetProps.SetPropString(self, "m_iszScriptThinkFunction", "") return } local scope = self.GetScriptScope() if (!("spawned" in scope)) { scope.spawned <- true SendGlobalGameEvent("show_annotation", { id = 9999 text = "Escort" worldPosX = self.GetOrigin().x worldPosY = self.GetOrigin().y worldPosZ = self.GetOrigin().z play_sound = "misc/null.wav" show_distance = true show_effect = true lifetime = 5 }) self.KeyValueFromString("targetname", "glow_target") scope.selfglow <- SpawnEntityFromTable("tf_glow", { target = "glow_target" GlowColor = "0 255 0 255" }) self.KeyValueFromString("targetname", "") EntFireByHandle(scope.selfglow, "SetParent", "!activator", -1.0, self, null) // parenting a tf_glow fixes issues where it doesn't render if it's too far from you AddThinkToEnt(scope.selfglow, "ObjectiveBlink_Think") } for (local blu_player; blu_player = Entities.FindByClassnameWithin(blu_player, "player", self.GetOrigin(), 250); ) { if (blu_player == null) continue if (blu_player.IsFakeClient()) continue if (NetProps.GetPropInt(blu_player, "m_lifeState") != 0) continue is_blu_player_near_escortbot = true } if (is_blu_player_near_escortbot) { self.SetMoveType(2, 0) if (RandomInt(1, 100) == 1) self.PlayScene("scenes/Player/Scout/low/435.vcd", -1.0) } else self.SetMoveType(0, 0) is_blu_player_near_escortbot = false return 0.1 } SniperRifleLaser_Think = function() // huge credit goes to royall for finding this out { local scope try { scope = self.GetScriptScope() } catch (e) { return } local weaponowner = NetProps.GetPropEntity(self, "m_hOwner") if (!("laser" in scope)) { scope.laser <- SpawnEntityFromTable("info_particle_system", { targetname = "sniperrifle_laser" effect_name = "laser_sight_beam" start_active = 1 flag_as_weather = 0 }) scope.pointer <- SpawnEntityFromTable("info_particle_system", { targetname = "sniperrifle_laserpointer" effect_name = "laser_sight_beam" }) scope.color <- SpawnEntityFromTable("info_particle_system", { targetname = "sniperrifle_lasercolor" effect_name = "laser_sight_beam" }) scope.color.SetAbsOrigin(Vector(255, 0, 0)) NetProps.SetPropEntityArray(scope.laser, "m_hControlPointEnts", scope.pointer, 0) NetProps.SetPropEntityArray(scope.laser, "m_hControlPointEnts", scope.color, 1) scope.laser.SetOwner(weaponowner) scope.pointer.SetOwner(weaponowner) scope.color.SetOwner(weaponowner) NetProps.SetPropString(scope.laser, "m_iClassname", "env_sprite") NetProps.SetPropString(scope.pointer, "m_iClassname", "env_sprite") } if (weaponowner.InCond(1)) { local tracetable = { start = weaponowner.EyePosition(), end = weaponowner.EyePosition() + (weaponowner.EyeAngles().Forward() * 32768.0) ignore = weaponowner } TraceLineEx(tracetable) if (!tracetable.hit) return scope.laser.SetAbsOrigin(weaponowner.EyePosition()) scope.pointer.SetAbsOrigin(tracetable.pos) EntFireByHandle(scope.laser, "Start", null, -1, null, null) } else { EntFireByHandle(scope.laser, "Stop", null, -1, null, null) scope.laser.SetAbsOrigin(scope.pointer.GetOrigin()) } } BombRunner_Think = function() { if (blood_tank == null) return local scope = self.GetScriptScope() if (!("spawn_alert" in scope)) { scope.spawn_alert <- true scope.default_model <- self.GetModelName() GetWearable("models/bots/gameplay_cosmetic/bot_light_bomb_helmet.mdl") EmitGlobalSound("ui/rd_2base_alarm.wav") self.KeyValueFromString("targetname", "glow_target") scope.bombglow <- SpawnEntityFromTable("tf_glow", { origin = self.GetOrigin() targetname = "bombglow_" + self target = "glow_target" GlowColor = "255 255 0 255" }) self.KeyValueFromString("targetname", "") EntFireByHandle(scope.bombglow, "SetParent", "!activator", -1.0, self, null) // parenting a tf_glow fixes issues where it doesn't render if it's too far from you AddThinkToEnt(scope.bombglow, "DangerBlink_Think") SendGlobalGameEvent("show_annotation", { id = 952318 text = "Danger!" follow_entindex = scope.bombglow.entindex() play_sound = "misc/null.wav" show_distance = true show_effect = false lifetime = 7.5 }) } if (!self.IsTaunting()) { if ("deploy_dummy" in scope) { scope.deploy_dummy.Kill() delete scope.deploy_dummy delete scope.deploy_dummy_glow delete scope.deploy_dummy_ornament_1 delete scope.deploy_dummy_ornament_2 if ("deploy_dummy_ornament_3" in scope) delete scope.deploy_dummy_ornament_3 } if (self.GetModelName() != scope.default_model) { self.SetCustomModelWithClassAnimations(scope.default_model) self.SetCustomModelOffset(Vector(0, 0, 0)) } } else { if (!("deploy_dummy" in scope)) { scope.deploy_dummy <- SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_dynamic", { targetname = "deploy_dummy_" + self origin = self.GetOrigin() model = self.GetModelName() DefaultAnim = "melee_deploybomb" modelscale = 1.75 }) scope.deploy_dummy_ornament_1 <- SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_dynamic_ornament", { model = (scope.default_model == "models/bots/scout_boss/bot_scout_boss.mdl") ? "models/workshop/player/items/scout/bonk_mask/bonk_mask.mdl" : "models/player/items/heavy/pugilist_protector.mdl" disablebonefollowers = 1 disableshadows = 1 initialowner = "deploy_dummy_" + self }) scope.deploy_dummy_ornament_2 <- SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_dynamic_ornament", { model = "models/bots/gameplay_cosmetic/bot_light_bomb_helmet.mdl" disablebonefollowers = 1 disableshadows = 1 initialowner = "deploy_dummy_" + self }) if (scope.default_model == "models/bots/heavy_boss/bot_heavy_boss.mdl") { scope.deploy_dummy_ornament_3 <- SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_dynamic_ornament", { model = "models/weapons/c_models/c_boxing_gloves/c_boxing_gloves.mdl" disablebonefollowers = 1 disableshadows = 1 initialowner = "deploy_dummy_" + self }) } scope.deploy_dummy_glow <- SpawnEntityFromTable("tf_glow", { targetname = "deploy_dummy_glow_" + self target = "deploy_dummy_" + self GlowColor = "255 255 0 255" }) EntFireByHandle(scope.deploy_dummy_glow, "SetParent", "!activator", -1.0, scope.deploy_dummy, null) AddThinkToEnt(scope.deploy_dummy_glow, "DangerBlink_Think") EmitGlobalSound("mvm/mvm_deploy_giant.wav") self.SetCustomModel("models/empty.mdl") self.SetCustomModelOffset(Vector(0, 0, -500)) } if ("deploy_dummy" in scope) { if (scope.deploy_dummy.GetCycle() > 0.4) { EmitGlobalSound("mvm/mvm_bomb_explode.wav") DispatchParticleEffect("fireSmoke_Collumn_mvmAcres", blood_tank.GetOrigin(), Vector(0, 90, 0)) blood_tank.SetHealth(blood_tank.GetHealth() - 10000.0) blood_tank.TakeDamage(1.0, 1, blood_tank_heal_hud_update) self.TakeDamage(10000.0, 64, null) } } } if (Entities.FindByNameWithin(null, "blood_tank", self.GetOrigin(), 200.0) != null) self.Taunt(1, 91) DeliverTipToBLU("bombrunners", "Certain enemies spawn with bombs that do massive damage to the Blood Tank. Their presence is indicated by a flashing yellow-red outline.") return -1 } DangerBlink_Think = function() { EntFireByHandle(self, "SetGlowColor", "255 255 0 255", 0.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(self, "SetGlowColor", "184 56 59 255", 0.5, null, null) return 1 } ObjectiveBlink_Think = function() { EntFireByHandle(self, "SetGlowColor", "0 255 0 255", 0.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(self, "SetGlowColor", "153 194 216 255", 0.5, null, null) return 1 } BloodBlink_Think = function() { EntFireByHandle(self, "SetGlowColor", "255 255 0 255", 0.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(self, "SetGlowColor", "153 194 216 255", 0.5, null, null) return 1 } TankProximity_Think = function() { local owner = NetProps.GetPropEntity(self, "m_hTarget") if (Entities.FindByNameWithin(null, "blood_tank", owner.GetOrigin(), 500.0) == null) EntFireByHandle(self, "Disable", null, -1.0, null, null) else EntFireByHandle(self, "Enable", null, -1.0, null, null) return 1 } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// THINK CONTROLLER ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DispatchBloodBot = function() { if (bloodbots_alive >= 12.0 || in_endgame || WAVE > 3 || current_stage > 3) return bloodbots_spawned = bloodbots_spawned + 1 if (draw_debugchat) ClientPrint(null,3,"dispatched") local bloodbot_number = bloodbots_spawned local group_pick = null switch (current_stage) { case 1: group_pick = 1; break // 100% stage 1 bots case 2: group_pick = RandomInt(1, 5); break // 80% stage 2 bots, 20% stage 1 bots case 3: group_pick = RandomInt(1, 10); break // 50% stage 3 bots, 40% stage 2 bots, 10% stage 1 bots } local path_a_pick = RandomInt(0, bloodbot_path_p1.len() - 1) local path_b_pick = RandomInt(0, bloodbot_path_p2.len() - 1) local path_c_pick = RandomInt(0, bloodbot_path_p3.len() - 1) local bloodbot_path_group_name_picker = { [1] = bloodbot_path_p1_name_picker[path_a_pick], [2] = bloodbot_path_p2_name_picker[path_b_pick], [3] = bloodbot_path_p2_name_picker[path_b_pick], [4] = bloodbot_path_p2_name_picker[path_b_pick], [5] = bloodbot_path_p2_name_picker[path_b_pick], [6] = bloodbot_path_p3_name_picker[path_c_pick], [7] = bloodbot_path_p3_name_picker[path_c_pick], [8] = bloodbot_path_p3_name_picker[path_c_pick], [9] = bloodbot_path_p3_name_picker[path_c_pick], [10] = bloodbot_path_p3_name_picker[path_c_pick] } local bloodbot_path_group_origin_picker = { [1] = bloodbot_path_p1_origin_picker[path_a_pick], [2] = bloodbot_path_p2_origin_picker[path_b_pick], [3] = bloodbot_path_p2_origin_picker[path_b_pick], [4] = bloodbot_path_p2_origin_picker[path_b_pick], [5] = bloodbot_path_p2_origin_picker[path_b_pick], [6] = bloodbot_path_p3_origin_picker[path_c_pick], [7] = bloodbot_path_p3_origin_picker[path_c_pick], [8] = bloodbot_path_p3_origin_picker[path_c_pick], [9] = bloodbot_path_p3_origin_picker[path_c_pick], [10] = bloodbot_path_p3_origin_picker[path_c_pick] } local directionchoice = RandomInt(1, 2) SpawnEntityGroupFromTable( { S1 = { func_tracktrain = { targetname = "bloodbot_path_train_" + bloodbot_number target = bloodbot_path_group_name_picker[group_pick] startspeed = bloodbot_path_speed speed = bloodbot_path_speed origin = bloodbot_path_group_origin_picker[group_pick] orientationtype = 3 } } S2 = { obj_dispenser = { targetname = "bloodbot_robot_" + bloodbot_number parentname = "bloodbot_path_train_" + bloodbot_number origin = bloodbot_path_group_origin_picker[group_pick] teamnum = 2 SolidToPlayer = 0 } } }) local bloodbot_path_train = Entities.FindByName(null, "bloodbot_path_train_" + bloodbot_number) local bloodbot_robot = Entities.FindByName(null, "bloodbot_robot_" + bloodbot_number) for (local vgui_to_kill; vgui_to_kill = Entities.FindInSphere(vgui_to_kill, bloodbot_path_train.GetOrigin(), 32); ) if (vgui_to_kill.GetClassname() == "vgui_screen") vgui_to_kill.Kill() EntityOutputs.AddOutput(bloodbot_robot, "OnDestroyed", "bloodbot_path_train_" + bloodbot_number, "Kill", null, -1.0, -1) if (group_pick == 1) { bloodbot_robot.SetModel("models/bots/bot_worker/bot_worker.mdl") EntFire("bloodbot_robot_" + bloodbot_number, "SetHealth", 100) EntityOutputs.AddOutput(bloodbot_robot, "OnDestroyed", "bloodbot_path_train_" + bloodbot_number, "RunScriptCode", "SpawnGrayBlood(self.GetOrigin(), `bloodbot`)", -1.0, -1) } if (group_pick >= 2 && group_pick <= 5) { bloodbot_robot.SetModel("models/bots/bot_worker/bot_worker2.mdl") EntFire("bloodbot_robot_" + bloodbot_number, "SetHealth", 200) EntityOutputs.AddOutput(bloodbot_robot, "OnDestroyed", "bloodbot_path_train_" + bloodbot_number, "RunScriptCode", "SpawnGrayBlood(self.GetOrigin(), `bloodbot`, 3)", -1.0, -1) } if (group_pick >= 6 && group_pick <= 10) { bloodbot_robot.SetModel("models/bots/bot_worker/bot_worker3.mdl") EntFire("bloodbot_robot_" + bloodbot_number, "SetHealth", 300) EntityOutputs.AddOutput(bloodbot_robot, "OnDestroyed", "bloodbot_path_train_" + bloodbot_number, "RunScriptCode", "SpawnGrayBlood(self.GetOrigin(), `bloodbot`, 5)", -1.0, -1) } bloodbot_path_train.SetSolidFlags(4) AddThinkToEnt(bloodbot_robot, "BloodBot_EmitSounds_Think") bloodbots_alive = bloodbots_alive + 1.0 next_bloodbot_dispatchtime_min = 6.0 + bloodbots_alive next_bloodbot_dispatchtime_max = 10.0 + bloodbots_alive // if (bloodbot_number >= 3) DeliverTipToBLU("bloodbots", "Blood-Bots are mobile blood dispensers. Destroy them to gain extra blood to give to the Blood Tank.") if (current_stage > 1) DeliverTipToBLU("betterbloodbots", "Blood-Bots become more durable and profitable as the Blood Tank advances further into the enemy base.") } ReverseBloodBot = function() { if (RandomInt(1, 20) == 1) EntFireByHandle(self, "Reverse", null, -1.0, null, null) } // 5% chance for bloodbot to reverse direction when crossing a node SpawnGrayBlood = function(where, dropper, amount = 1, poisoned = false, is_tnt = false) { if (amount <= 0) return local unique_self_id = UniqueString() local gray_blood = SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_dynamic", { targetname = "gray_blood_" + unique_self_id model = (!is_tnt) ? "models/props_halloween/flask_vial.mdl" : "models/weapons/w_models/w_cannonball.mdl" origin = where + Vector(0, 0, 50) }) if (!is_tnt) { gray_blood.SetModelScale(2.0, 0.0) if (!poisoned) EntFireByHandle(gray_blood, "Color", "255 0 0 5000", -1.0, null, null) } gray_blood.KeyValueFromFloat("renderamt", 25.0) EntFireByHandle(gray_blood, "RunScriptCode", "blinking = true", 25.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(gray_blood, "RunScriptCode", "expired = true", 30.0, null, null) local vecImpulse = Vector(RandomInt(-1, 1), RandomInt(-1, 1), 1) vecImpulse.Norm() local vecVelocity = vecImpulse * 250.0 gray_blood.SetMoveType(5, 1) gray_blood.SetAbsVelocity(vecVelocity) gray_blood.SetSolid(2) if (dropper != "human") { local embers = SpawnEntityFromTable("trigger_particle", { particle_name = "mvm_cash_embers_red" attachment_type = 1 spawnflags = 64 }) NetProps.SetPropBool(embers, "m_bForcePurgeFixedupStrings", true) EntFireByHandle(embers, "StartTouch", "!activator", -1, gray_blood, gray_blood) EntFireByHandle(embers, "Kill", null, -1, null, null) } NetProps.SetPropBool(gray_blood, "m_bForcePurgeFixedupStrings", true) gray_blood.ValidateScriptScope() local scope = gray_blood.GetScriptScope() if (!("blinking" in scope)) scope.blinking <- false if (!("expired" in scope)) scope.expired <- false if (!is_tnt && !("blood_amount" in scope)) scope.blood_amount <- amount if (is_tnt && !("tnt_amount" in scope)) scope.tnt_amount <- amount if (!("poisoned" in scope)) scope.poisoned <- poisoned switch (dropper) { case "bloodbot": { bloodbots_alive = bloodbots_alive - 1.0 if (objective_type == "destroy") ObjectiveProgress() if (bloodbots_alive <= 5) bloodbot_dispatchtime -= (5.0 - bloodbots_alive.tofloat()) break } case "human": { local blood_glow = SpawnEntityFromTable("tf_glow", { target = "gray_blood_" + unique_self_id GlowColor = "153 194 216 255" }) AddThinkToEnt(blood_glow, "BloodBlink_Think") NetProps.SetPropBool(blood_glow, "m_bForcePurgeFixedupStrings", true) EntFireByHandle(blood_glow, "SetParent", "!activator", -1.0, gray_blood, null) break } } if (amount > 1) { local gray_blood_amount_text = SpawnEntityFromTable("point_worldtext", { textsize = 12 message = amount.tostring() font = 1 orientation = 1 textspacingx = 1 textspacingy = 1 spawnflags = 0 origin = gray_blood.GetOrigin() + Vector(0, 0, is_tnt ? 24 : 20) rendermode = 3 }) NetProps.SetPropBool(gray_blood_amount_text, "m_bForcePurgeFixedupStrings", true) EntFireByHandle(gray_blood_amount_text, "SetParent", "!activator", -1.0, gray_blood, null) } if (poisoned) { EntFireByHandle(gray_blood, "Color", "85 107 47 5000", -1.0, null, null) local gray_blood_amount_poisonsign = SpawnEntityFromTable("env_sprite", { origin = gray_blood.GetOrigin() + Vector(0, 0, 35) scale = 0.5 rendermode = 1 model = "sprites/minimap_icons/death.vmt" }) NetProps.SetPropBool(gray_blood_amount_poisonsign, "m_bForcePurgeFixedupStrings", true) EntFireByHandle(gray_blood_amount_poisonsign, "SetParent", "!activator", -1.0, gray_blood, null) } AddThinkToEnt(gray_blood, "BloodBot_Pickups_Think") } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BLOOD STORAGE CLASS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BloodStorage = class { owner = null blood_count = 0 excess_stage = 0 excess_stage_progression_requirement = 0 prev_excess_stage = 0 excess_bounds = 0 excess_string = "" blood_hud_shift_amount = 0 giant_points = 0 tnt_count = 0 poisoned = false poison_count = 0 blood_loss_tick = 0 blood_loss_rate = 0 poisoned_string = "" hud_x = 0 hud_color = "255 255 255" max_empty_bloodbar = "aaaaaaaaa" message_format = "" excess_count = 0 prev_soundscape = null current_soundscape = null prev_groundentity = null current_groundentity = null debugkey_activated = false debugkey_holdtime = 0 received_stage1_cash_reward = false received_stage2_cash_reward = false /////////////// OBJECTIVE VARS (DEFINITIONS) has_briefcase = false obj_deliver_time = 9999 obj_deliver_time_string = "" obj_deliver_text = "" obj_deliver_text = "" pos_before_iceblock_cutscene = null escaped = "[X]" /////////////// OBJECTIVE VARS (ENTITIES) think_deliver = null think_update_deliver_time = null think_giant = null think_poison = null /////////////// GIANT MODE activationkey_holdtime = 0 activationkey_activated = false is_giant_robot = false in_giantmode_cooldown = false giantpoints_drainrate = 0.33 giantpoints_nextdraintime = 0 /////////////// TIPS firsttimeplayer = true wants_tips = true desired_tip_cooldown = 15 in_tip_cooldown = false desired_vistip_cooldown = 7.5 in_vistip_cooldown = false tip_table = { howtoplay = false, collectblood = false, tankisoutofblood = false, scoutandtank = false, bloodexcess = false, bloodfrombloodbots = false, giantpoints = false, aggrobots = false, bloodtankhealthdrainlevels = false, tankhealing = false, bloodbots = false, bombrunners = false, zombieblood = false, deathandblood = false, barricadebombs = false, newwaytoplay = false, nobloodexcess = false, refueling = false, multipleextractors = false, volatilebloodtank = false, armedallbombs = false, voluntarygiantexit = false, betterbloodbots = false, healingbenefits = false, bloodtankisdispenser = false, vis_collectblood = false, vis_collecttnt = false, vis_deliverblood = false, vis_armbarrels = false, vis_bloodconversion = false, vis_giantpoints = false, vis_giantpoints_turnback = false, vis_bloodexcess = false, vis_destroybloodbots = false, vis_tankhasnoblood = false, vis_wave3objective = false } hasyettoturngiant = true turngiantreminder_cooldown = 0 firsttimeasgiant = false blood_carried_hud = null tutorial_box = null life_tick = 0 function constructor(player) { owner = player InitializeBloodCounter() if (!in_setup()) { SendGlobalGameEvent("show_annotation", { id = 1 text = "Blood Tank" follow_entindex = blood_tank.entindex() visibilityBitfield = (1 << player.entindex()) play_sound = "misc/null.wav" show_distance = true show_effect = false lifetime = 3600 }) firsttimeplayer = false } AddThinkToEnt(player, "BLUPlayer_Think") } ResetBloodCounter = function() { blood_count = 0 excess_stage = 0 excess_stage_progression_requirement = 0 prev_excess_stage = 0 excess_bounds = 0 excess_string = "" blood_hud_shift_amount = 0 tnt_count = 0 poisoned = false poison_count = 0 blood_loss_rate = 0 poisoned_string = "" hud_x = 0 hud_color = "255 255 255" max_empty_bloodbar = "aaaaaaaaa" message_format = "" excess_count = 0 has_briefcase = false obj_deliver_time = 9999 obj_deliver_time_string = "" obj_deliver_text = "" is_giant_robot = false InitializeBloodCounter() life_tick = 0 } InitializeBloodCounter = function() { local tf_class = owner.GetPlayerClass() if (tf_class == scout) { excess_bounds = 3 excess_stage_progression_requirement = 2 message_format = "▯▯▯" } if (tf_class == soldier || tf_class == pyro || tf_class == demoman || tf_class == spy) { excess_bounds = 5 excess_stage_progression_requirement = 3 message_format = "▯▯▯▯▯" } if (tf_class == engineer || tf_class == medic || tf_class == sniper) { excess_bounds = 7 excess_stage_progression_requirement = 4 message_format = "▯▯▯▯▯▯▯" } if (tf_class == heavyweapons) { excess_bounds = 9 excess_stage_progression_requirement = 5 message_format = "▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯" } } ResetBloodHUD = function() { owner.GetScriptScope().blood_carried_hud <- SpawnEntityFromTable("game_text", { targetname = "bloodhud_counter" channel = 1 color = "255 255 255" effect = 0 fadein = 0 fadeout = 0 fxtime = 0 message = "" holdtime = 1.0 spawnflags = 0 x = 0.756 y = 0.677 }) blood_carried_hud = owner.GetScriptScope().blood_carried_hud } ResetTutorialBox = function() { owner.GetScriptScope().tutorial_box <- SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_dynamic", { origin = owner.EyePosition() + (owner.EyeAngles().Forward() * 400) model = "models/props_hydro/barrel_crate_half.mdl" modelscale = 0.001 rendermode = 1 renderamt = 0 disableshadows = 1 }) tutorial_box = owner.GetScriptScope().tutorial_box EntFireByHandle(tutorial_box, "SetParent", "!activator", 0, owner, owner) } GlobalThinker = function() { if (blood_carried_hud == null) ResetBloodHUD() else if (!blood_carried_hud.IsValid()) ResetBloodHUD() if (tutorial_box == null) ResetTutorialBox() else if (!tutorial_box.IsValid()) ResetTutorialBox() if (WAVE == 3) NetProps.SetPropString(blood_carried_hud, "m_iszMessage", " " + giant_points + hud_separate_giantpoints_from_bloodheld + " " + message_format + poisoned_string + "\n" + SmallDigits(owner.GetCurrency()) + SmallDigits(blood_count, "blood") + SmallDigits(bombs_satisfied, "tnt") + "₂₀") else NetProps.SetPropString(blood_carried_hud, "m_iszMessage", " " + giant_points + hud_separate_giantpoints_from_bloodheld + " " + message_format + poisoned_string + "\n" + SmallDigits(owner.GetCurrency())) if (!in_setup() && !in_cutscene && !in_endgame) EntFireByHandle(blood_carried_hud, "Display", null, -1.0, owner, owner) if (Time() >= giantpoints_nextdraintime) { if (is_giant_robot && !in_cutscene) { giant_points = giant_points - 1 if (giant_points <= 0) GiantRobot_Control("exit") for (local bloodbot; bloodbot = Entities.FindByNameWithin(bloodbot, "bloodbot_robot_*", owner.GetOrigin(), 100); ) EntFireByHandle(bloodbot, "RemoveHealth", "300", -1.0, null, null) giantpoints_nextdraintime = Time() + giantpoints_drainrate } } if (Time() >= blood_loss_tick) { if (poison_count > 0) { if (blood_loss_tick == 0) blood_loss_tick = Time() + blood_loss_rate else { poisoned = true if (poison_count < 100) { poison_count = poison_count - 1 BloodCountUpdate("leak") blood_loss_tick = Time() + blood_loss_rate } else // failsafe for when we're carrying too much! { poison_count = poison_count - 3 BloodCountUpdate("leak"); BloodCountUpdate("leak"); BloodCountUpdate("leak") blood_loss_tick = Time() } owner.BleedPlayer(0.05) } } if (poison_count == 0) { poisoned = false poisoned_string = "" blood_loss_rate = 0 blood_loss_tick = 0 } } if (!in_setup()) { if (WAVE < 3 && blood_count >= 5 && !tip_table["vis_deliverblood"]) DeliverVisualTipToPlayer(owner, "vis_deliverblood", "Take the blood to the Blood Tank!") if (tnt_count >= 5 && !tip_table["vis_armbarrels"]) DeliverVisualTipToPlayer(owner, "vis_armbarrels", "Take the TNT to any glowing barrel!") if (giant_points >= 30 && !tip_table["vis_giantpoints"]) DeliverVisualTipToPlayer(owner, "vis_giantpoints", "Hold your Projectile Shield\nkey to become giant!") if (is_giant_robot && !tip_table["vis_giantpoints_turnback"]) DeliverVisualTipToPlayer(owner, "vis_giantpoints_turnback", "Hold the same key again\nto turn back to normal") if (excess_stage > 0 && !tip_table["vis_bloodexcess"]) DeliverVisualTipToPlayer(owner, "vis_bloodexcess", "Carrying too much makes\nyou slow and fragile") if (WAVE < 3 && tank_blood_level == 0) DeliverVisualTipToPlayer(owner, "vis_tankhasnoblood", "Blood Tank drains its own health\nwhile it has no blood") if (WAVE == 3 && extraction_mode == "blood") DeliverVisualTipToPlayer(owner, "vis_bloodconversion", "Bring blood to the Blood Tank\nwhile it's refilling its TNT!") if (WAVE == 3 && objective_type != null) DeliverVisualTipToPlayer(owner, "vis_wave3objective", "Blood Tank creates explosions\nwhile it's not moving") } if (objective_type == "deliver") { obj_deliver_text = "Deliver briefcases to the Tank (" + objectives_reached + "/" + objective_amount + ")" + obj_deliver_time_string local scope = owner.GetScriptScope() if (has_briefcase) { obj_deliver_time_string = "\nYou are currently carrying a briefcase" if (!("selfglow" in scope)) { owner.KeyValueFromString("targetname", "glow_target") scope.selfglow <- SpawnEntityFromTable("tf_glow", { target = "glow_target" GlowColor = "0 0 255 255" }) owner.KeyValueFromString("targetname", "") EntFireByHandle(scope.selfglow, "SetParent", "!activator", -1.0, owner, null) } } else { obj_deliver_time_string = "" if ("selfglow" in scope) { if (scope.selfglow.IsValid()) scope.selfglow.Kill() delete scope.selfglow } } ClientPrint(owner, 4, "" + obj_deliver_text) } if (NetProps.GetPropInt(owner, "m_lifeState") == 0) life_tick++ return -1 } BloodCountUpdate = function(operation, type = "blood") { switch (operation) { case "gain": { if (type == "blood") { blood_count = blood_count + 1 if (WAVE == 3) DeliverTipToPlayer(owner, "nobloodexcess", "Blood acts as a secondary resource in this wave. You won't become slow or vulnerable if you carry too much of it.") } if (type == "tnt") tnt_count = tnt_count + 1 break } case "double": { if (blood_count == 0) blood_count = blood_count + 1 poison_count = poison_count + blood_count blood_count = blood_count * 2 blood_loss_rate = 10.0 / poison_count if (blood_loss_rate < 0.15) blood_loss_rate = 0.15 poisoned_string = " (☠)" DeliverTipToPlayer(owner, "zombieblood", "Enemy zombies drop rotten blood. Rotten blood doubles and damages your blood storage, causing it to leak over time.") break } case "transfer": { if (poison_count > 0) poison_count = poison_count - 1 if (extraction_mode == "blood" && blood_count > 0) // tank grabs blood from players { blood_count = blood_count - 1 giant_points = giant_points + 1 if (tank_blood_level < 45) { if (WAVE != 3) { tank_blood_level = tank_blood_level + 3 empty_blood_level = empty_blood_level - 3 } else { if (objective_type != null) { if (!tank_objective_explosion_imminent) tank_objective_explosion_time = tank_objective_explosion_time + 0.25 else tank_objective_explosion_leftovers += 0.25 } tank_blood_level_increment_threshold = tank_blood_level_increment_threshold + 1 if (tank_blood_level_increment_threshold >= 3) { tank_blood_level = tank_blood_level + 3 empty_blood_level = empty_blood_level - 3 tank_blood_level_increment_threshold = 0 } } if (supplysound_cooldown < Time()) { EmitGlobalSound("passtime/ball_dropped.wav"); supplysound_cooldown = Time() + 0.1 } } else { if (blood_tank.GetHealth() < 30000) blood_tank.SetHealth(blood_tank.GetHealth() + 301) else blood_tank.SetHealth(blood_tank.GetHealth() + 101) blood_tank.TakeDamage(1, 1, blood_tank_heal_hud_update) EntFireByHandle(tank_blood_level_hud, "AddOutput", "color 0 128 0", 0.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(tank_blood_level_hud, "AddOutput", "color 255 0 0", 0.1, null, null) EntFireByHandle(blood_tank.GetScriptScope().healglow, "Enable", null, -1.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(blood_tank.GetScriptScope().healglow, "Disable", null, 0.1, null, null) if (overhealsound_cooldown < Time()) { EmitGlobalSound("misc/rd_finale_beep01.wav"); overhealsound_cooldown = Time() + 0.1 } DeliverTipToBLU("tankhealing", "While the Blood Tank is at max blood capacity, all blood extracted by it turns into extra health.") } if (draw_debugchat) ClientPrint(null,3,"" + blood_tank.GetHealth()) // if (giant_points >= 30) DeliverTipToPlayer(owner, "giantpoints", "You have earned enough Giant Points to transform into a Giant Robot. Hold your Projectile Shield activation key to receive a power boost.") } if (extraction_mode == "tnt" && tank_tnt_level > 0) tnt_count = tnt_count + 1 // players grab tnt from tank if (extraction_mode == "blood_heal" && blood_count > 0) // players have a short window to heal the tank when it has received max blood { blood_count = blood_count - 1 if (objective_type != null) { if (!tank_objective_explosion_imminent) tank_objective_explosion_time += 0.25 else tank_objective_explosion_leftovers += 0.25 } if (blood_tank.GetHealth() < 30000) blood_tank.SetHealth(blood_tank.GetHealth() + 301) else blood_tank.SetHealth(blood_tank.GetHealth() + 101) blood_tank.TakeDamage(1, 1, blood_tank_heal_hud_update) EntFireByHandle(blood_tank.GetScriptScope().healglow, "Enable", null, -1.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(blood_tank.GetScriptScope().healglow, "Disable", null, 0.1, null, null) if (overhealsound_cooldown < Time()) { EmitGlobalSound("misc/rd_finale_beep01.wav"); overhealsound_cooldown = Time() + 0.1 } if (bombs_remaining == 0) return } break } case "supply": { if (blood_count > 0) { blood_count = blood_count - 1 if (supplysound_cooldown < Time()) { EmitGlobalSound("passtime/ball_dropped.wav"); supplysound_cooldown = Time() + 0.1 } } break } case "arm": { if (tnt_count > 0) { tnt_count = tnt_count - 1 EmitSoundEx({ sound_name = "ui/item_helmet_pickup.wav", filter_type = 4, flags = 0, entity = owner, channel = 6 }) } break } case "leak": blood_count = blood_count - 1; break case "tnt_cleanup": { blood_count = blood_count + tnt_count tnt_count = 0 break } } message_format = "" local pickup_count = null if (WAVE != 3) pickup_count = blood_count else pickup_count = tnt_count if (pickup_count < 0) pickup_count = 0 if (pickup_count > excess_bounds) { excess_count = pickup_count - excess_bounds excess_string = "+" + excess_count blood_hud_shift_amount = -0.01 // if (WAVE != 3) DeliverTipToPlayer(owner, "bloodexcess", "While you carry an excess of blood, you get slower and more vulnerable.") } if (pickup_count <= excess_bounds) { excess_stage = 0 excess_count = 0 excess_string = "" blood_hud_shift_amount = 0 } foreach (character in max_empty_bloodbar.slice(0, 0 + pickup_count - excess_count)) { message_format += "▮" // full } foreach (character in max_empty_bloodbar.slice(0, excess_bounds - pickup_count + excess_count)) { message_format += "▯" // empty } message_format = message_format.slice(0, 0 + excess_bounds * 3) + excess_string // each block character counts as 3 prev_excess_stage = excess_stage for (local i = 1; i <= 5; i++) if (pickup_count >= excess_bounds - (excess_stage_progression_requirement - 1) + (excess_stage_progression_requirement * i)) excess_stage = i // excess_bounds = 3 // excess_stage_progression_requirement = 2 // if (4 >= 3 - 1 + 2) = 4 <- stage 1 // if (6 >= 3 - 1 + 4) = 6 <- stage 2 if (!is_giant_robot) { if (excess_stage == 0) { owner.RemoveCond(30) owner.RemoveCustomAttribute("CARD: move speed bonus") owner.RemoveCustomAttribute("dmg taken increased") } if (excess_stage >= 1 && !owner.InCond(30)) owner.AddCond(30) if (excess_stage == 2) owner.AddCustomAttribute("dmg taken increased", 1.25, -1) if (excess_stage == 3) owner.AddCustomAttribute("dmg taken increased", 1.25, -1) if (excess_stage == 4) owner.AddCustomAttribute("dmg taken increased", 1.5, -1) if (excess_stage == 5) { owner.AddCustomAttribute("dmg taken increased", 2, -1); owner.AddCustomAttribute("no_attack", 1, -1) } if (excess_stage < 5) owner.RemoveCustomAttribute("no_attack") if (prev_excess_stage < excess_stage) EmitSoundEx({sound_name = "weapons/samurai/TF_marked_for_death_indicator.wav", channel = 1, entity = owner, pitch = 95 + excess_stage * 5, filter_type = 4, sound_level = 100}) } if (draw_debugchat) ClientPrint(null,3,"" + pickup_count) } GiantRobot_Control = function(operation) { local tf_class = owner.GetPlayerClass() local healthpercentage = owner.GetHealth().tofloat() / owner.GetMaxHealth().tofloat() if (healthpercentage > 1.0) healthpercentage = 1.0 if (operation == "enter") { is_giant_robot = true in_giantmode_cooldown = true if (hasyettoturngiant) { hasyettoturngiant = false firsttimeasgiant = true } EntFireByHandle(owner, "RunScriptCode", "self.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage.GiantRobot_Control(`end_cooldown`)", 3.0, null, null) owner.SetIsMiniBoss(true) NetProps.SetPropBool(owner, "m_bIsMiniBoss", true) owner.AddCustomAttribute("is miniboss", 1, -1) owner.RemoveCond(30) owner.RemoveCustomAttribute("CARD: move speed bonus") owner.RemoveCustomAttribute("dmg taken increased") owner.RemoveCustomAttribute("no_attack") if (tf_class != scout && tf_class != engineer && tf_class != spy) owner.AddCustomAttribute("CARD: move speed bonus", 0.5, -1) if (tf_class == scout) { owner.SetCustomModelWithClassAnimations("models/bots/scout_boss/bot_scout_boss.mdl") owner.AddCustomAttribute("max health additive bonus", 1475, -1) owner.AddCustomAttribute("override footstep sound set", 5, -1) owner.SetHealth(1600 * healthpercentage) } if (tf_class == soldier) { owner.SetCustomModelWithClassAnimations("models/bots/soldier_boss/bot_soldier_boss.mdl") owner.AddCustomAttribute("max health additive bonus", 3800, -1) owner.AddCustomAttribute("override footstep sound set", 3, -1) owner.AddCustomAttribute("faster reload rate", -0.8, -1) owner.SetHealth(4000 * healthpercentage) } if (tf_class == pyro) { owner.SetCustomModelWithClassAnimations("models/bots/pyro_boss/bot_pyro_boss.mdl") owner.AddCustomAttribute("max health additive bonus", 2825, -1) owner.AddCustomAttribute("override footstep sound set", 6, -1) owner.SetHealth(3000 * healthpercentage) } if (tf_class == demoman) { owner.SetCustomModelWithClassAnimations("models/bots/demo_boss/bot_demo_boss.mdl") owner.AddCustomAttribute("max health additive bonus", 2825, -1) owner.AddCustomAttribute("override footstep sound set", 4, -1) owner.AddCustomAttribute("faster reload rate", -0.8, -1) owner.SetHealth(3000 * healthpercentage) } if (tf_class == heavyweapons) { owner.SetCustomModelWithClassAnimations("models/bots/heavy_boss/bot_heavy_boss.mdl") owner.AddCustomAttribute("max health additive bonus", 4700, -1) owner.AddCustomAttribute("override footstep sound set", 2, -1) owner.AddCustomAttribute("damage bonus", 1.5, -1) owner.SetHealth(5000 * healthpercentage) } if (tf_class == engineer || tf_class == sniper || tf_class == spy) { owner.AddCustomAttribute("max health additive bonus", 1475, -1) owner.AddCustomAttribute("override footstep sound set", 4, -1) owner.SetHealth(1600 * healthpercentage) if (tf_class == sniper) owner.AddCustomAttribute("SRifle Charge rate decreased", 10, -1) if (tf_class == spy) owner.AddCustomAttribute("not solid to players", 1, -1) } if (tf_class == medic) { owner.AddCustomAttribute("max health additive bonus", 3850, -1) owner.AddCustomAttribute("heal rate bonus", 200, -1) owner.SetHealth(4000 * healthpercentage) } owner.SetModelScale(1.75, 2) owner.AddCustomAttribute("cannot be backstabbed", 1, -1) if (draw_debugchat) ClientPrint(null,3,"turned giant") ClientPrint(null,3,"\x079ACDFF" + NetProps.GetPropString(owner, "m_szNetname") + " \x07FBECCBhas turned into a \x079EC34FGIANT ROBOT\x07FBECCB!") EmitGlobalSound("mvm/mvm_used_powerup.wav") } if (operation == "exit") { if (!is_giant_robot) return owner.SetModelScale(1, 2) owner.AddCustomAttribute("CARD: move speed bonus", 1, -1) owner.RemoveCustomAttribute("cannot be backstabbed") owner.RemoveCustomAttribute("max health additive bonus") owner.RemoveCustomAttribute("override footstep sound set") owner.RemoveCustomAttribute("faster reload rate") owner.RemoveCustomAttribute("damage bonus") owner.RemoveCustomAttribute("heal rate bonus") owner.RemoveCustomAttribute("SRifle Charge rate decreased") owner.RemoveCustomAttribute("not solid to players") if (tf_class == scout) { owner.SetCustomModelWithClassAnimations("models/bots/scout/bot_scout.mdl") owner.SetHealth(125 * healthpercentage) } if (tf_class == soldier) { owner.SetCustomModelWithClassAnimations("models/bots/soldier/bot_soldier.mdl") owner.SetHealth(200 * healthpercentage) } if (tf_class == pyro) { owner.SetCustomModelWithClassAnimations("models/bots/pyro/bot_pyro.mdl") owner.SetHealth(175 * healthpercentage) } if (tf_class == demoman) { owner.SetCustomModelWithClassAnimations("models/bots/demo/bot_demo.mdl") owner.SetHealth(175 * healthpercentage) } if (tf_class == heavyweapons) { owner.SetCustomModelWithClassAnimations("models/bots/heavy/bot_heavy.mdl") owner.SetHealth(300 * healthpercentage) } if (tf_class == engineer || tf_class == sniper || tf_class == spy) owner.SetHealth(125 * healthpercentage) if (tf_class == medic) owner.SetHealth(150 * healthpercentage) owner.SetIsMiniBoss(false) NetProps.SetPropBool(owner, "m_bIsMiniBoss", false) is_giant_robot = false in_giantmode_cooldown = true EntFireByHandle(owner, "RunScriptCode", "self.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage.BloodCountUpdate(`none`)", -1.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(owner, "RunScriptCode", "self.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage.GiantRobot_Control(`end_cooldown`)", 3.0, null, null) if (draw_debugchat) ClientPrint(null,3,"exited giant") } if (operation == "end_cooldown") { if (!in_giantmode_cooldown) return // if (is_giant_robot) DeliverTipToPlayer(owner, "voluntarygiantexit", "Hold the Projectile Shield activation key again to exit the Giant transformation prematurely.") in_giantmode_cooldown = false if (draw_debugchat) ClientPrint(null,3,"giant cooldown lifted") } } ToggleTips = function() { if (wants_tips) { ClientPrint(owner, 3, "Tips disabled") wants_tips = false foreach (tip, value in tip_table) tip_table[tip] = true } else { ClientPrint(owner, 3, "Tips enabled") wants_tips = true foreach (tip, value in tip_table) tip_table[tip] = false } } } BLUPlayer_Think = function() { return self.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage.GlobalThinker() } AlienHunter_Think = function() { local scope = self.GetScriptScope() if (!("bloodstorage" in scope)) { scope.bloodstorage <- {} scope.bloodstorage.escaped <- "[X]" scope.escaping <- false scope.hasthanked <- false scope.nexthelptime <- Time() + 8.0 } if (scope.escaping) { if (Time() > scope.nexthelptime) { self.PlayScene("scenes/Player/Pyro/low/1463.vcd", -1.0) ClientPrint(null, 3, "\x0799CCFF(Voice) Alien Hunter\x07FBECCB: Help!") scope.nexthelptime = Time() + 8.0 } } if (scope.bloodstorage.escaped != "[X]") { scope.escaping = false if (!scope.hasthanked) { self.PlayScene("scenes/Player/Pyro/low/1550.vcd", -1.0) ClientPrint(null, 3, "\x0799CCFF(Voice) Alien Hunter\x07FBECCB: Thanks!") scope.hasthanked = true } } return -1 } AttachToTank_Think = function() { if (blood_tank != null) if (blood_tank.IsValid()) self.SetOrigin(blood_tank.GetOrigin() + Vector(0, 0, 50)) } TraceTest = function() { // local tracetable = // { // start = self.GetOrigin() // end = self.GetOrigin() + Vector(0, 0, -500) // mask = -1 // ignore = self // } // TraceLineEx(tracetable) // ClientPrint(null,3,"" + tracetable.pos) return 0.1 } } if (!("PEA_ONETIME" in getroottable())) { ::PEA_ONETIME <- // declare these variables only once on initial load, don't update them on any future loads { bluplayer_array = [] players_joining_array = [] suppress_waveend_music = false } foreach (thing, var in PEA_ONETIME) getroottable()[thing] <- getroottable()["PEA_ONETIME"][thing] EntFire("wormhole_start_relay", "Trigger") EntFire("wormhole_end_relay", "Trigger", null, 5.0) for (local i = 1; i <= MaxClients().tointeger(); i++) { local player = PlayerInstanceFromIndex(i) if (player == null) continue player.ValidateScriptScope() if (player.IsFakeClient()) continue EntFireByHandle(player, "RunScriptCode", "self.ForceRespawn()", -1.0, null, null) } } foreach (thing, var in PEA) getroottable()[thing] <- getroottable()["PEA"][thing] AddThinkToEnt(gamerules_entity, "Global_Think") ////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////// PRECACHES ////////////////////////////////////////////////// PrecacheModel("models/props_halloween/flask_vial.mdl") PrecacheModel("models/bots/bot_worker/bot_worker.mdl"); PrecacheModel("models/bots/bot_worker/bot_worker2.mdl"); PrecacheModel("models/bots/bot_worker/bot_worker3.mdl"); PrecacheModel("models/bots/spy/bot_spy.mdl"); PrecacheModel("models/bots/heavy_boss/bot_heavy_boss.mdl") PrecacheModel("models/workshop/player/items/all_class/hw2013_the_magical_mercenary/hw2013_the_magical_mercenary_scout.mdl") PrecacheSound("mvm/giant_heavy/giant_heavy_entrance.wav"); PrecacheSound("mvm/mvm_bomb_warning.wav"); PrecacheSound("mvm/mvm_bought_upgrade.wav") PrecacheSound("ui/duel_challenge.wav"); PrecacheSound("ui/item_helmet_pickup.wav") PrecacheSound("bomb_cartfall.wav"); PrecacheSound("bombcart_moving.wav") PrecacheSound("vo/mvm_bomb_alerts01.mp3"); PrecacheSound("vo/mvm_bomb_alerts02.mp3"); PrecacheSound("vo/mvm_another_bomb05.mp3"); PrecacheSound("vo/mvm_another_bomb06.mp3"); PrecacheSound("vo/mvm_another_bomb07.mp3"); PrecacheSound("vo/mvm_another_bomb08.mp3") PrecacheSound("misc/outer_space_transition_01.wav"); PrecacheSound("misc/doomsday_cap_open_start.wav") PrecacheSound("endgame_music.wav"); PrecacheSound("fire_alarm.wav"); PrecacheSound("pl_hoodoo/alarm_clock_ticking_3.wav"); PrecacheSound("plats/elevator_stop.wav"); PrecacheSound("reentry_gate_sound.wav"); PrecacheSound("sniper_cashteleport.wav") PrecacheSound("ambient/cp_harbor/furnace_1_shot_05.wav"); PrecacheSound("ambient/rain.wav"); PrecacheSound("ambient/lightsoff.wav"); PrecacheSound("ambient/explosions/explode_1.wav"); PrecacheSound("ambient/explosions/explode_2.wav"); PrecacheSound("ambient/explosions/explode_3.wav"); PrecacheSound("ambient/explosions/explode_4.wav"); PrecacheSound("ambient/explosions/explode_5.wav"); PrecacheSound("ambient/explosions/explode_7.wav"); PrecacheSound("ambient/explosions/explode_8.wav"); PrecacheSound("ambient/explosions/explode_9.wav") PrecacheScriptSound("Player.DenyWeaponSelection"); PrecacheScriptSound("MVM.GiantHeavyEntrance"); PrecacheSound("ui/item_as_parasite_drop.wav"); PrecacheSound("misc/rd_finale_beep01.wav"); PrecacheScriptSound("MVM.GiantHeavyExplodes"); PrecacheSound("mvm/mvm_used_powerup.wav") PrecacheSound("ui/rd_2base_alarm.wav"); PrecacheScriptSound("Robot.Collide"); PrecacheScriptSound("Robot.Greeting"); PrecacheSound("ui/chime_rd_2base_neg.wav"); PrecacheSound("ui/item_helmet_pickup.wav"); PrecacheScriptSound("Weapon_Marked_for_Death.Indicator"); PrecacheSound("ui/killsound_beepo.wav") PrecacheSound("ambient/cp_harbor/furnace_1_shot_05.wav"); PrecacheSound("ui/quest_status_tick_novice_complete.wav"); PrecacheSound("ui/quest_status_tick_advanced_complete.wav"); PrecacheSound("ui/quest_status_tick_expert_complete.wav"); PrecacheSound("ui/mm_level_six_achieved.wav") PrecacheSound("mvm_end_last_wave_short.wav"); PrecacheScriptSound("Announcer.MVM_Bonus"); PrecacheSound("mvm/mvm_money_pickup.wav"); PrecacheSound("ui/quest_status_tick_novice.wav"); PrecacheSound("ui/quest_status_tick_advanced.wav"); PrecacheSound("ui/quest_status_tick_expert.wav") PrecacheModel("models/bots/boss_bot/boss_tank.mdl"); PrecacheModel("models/bots/boss_bot/boss_tank_damage1.mdl"); PrecacheModel("models/bots/boss_bot/boss_tank_damage2.mdl"); PrecacheModel("models/bots/boss_bot/boss_tank_damage3.mdl"); PrecacheScriptSound("MVM.BombWarning") PrecacheScriptSound("mvm.cpoint_alarm"); PrecacheSound("ui/chat_display_text.wav"); PrecacheSound("misc/cp_harbor_red_whistle.wav"); PrecacheSound("vo/mvm_final_wave_end01.mp3"); PrecacheSound("vo/mvm_final_wave_end02.mp3"); PrecacheSound("vo/mvm_final_wave_end03.mp3") PrecacheSound("vo/mvm_final_wave_end04.mp3"); PrecacheSound("vo/mvm_final_wave_end05.mp3"); PrecacheSound("vo/mvm_final_wave_end06.mp3"); PrecacheScriptSound("Announcer.mvm_spybot_death_all"); PrecacheScriptSound("Announcer.MVM_Spy_Alert") PrecacheSound("weapons/samurai/TF_marked_for_death_indicator.wav"); PrecacheScriptSound("music.mvm_end_tank_wave"); PrecacheSound("pl_hoodoo/alarm_clock_alarm_3.wav"); PrecacheSound("weapons/loose_cannon_explode.wav") // PrecacheEntityFromTable({ classname = "instanced_scripted_scene", model = MODEL_NAME });( ////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////// AUTOEXECUTE ////////////////////////////////////////////////// Convars.SetValue("sv_turbophysics", 0) ForceEscortPushLogic(2) //////////// debugging if (debug) { if (debug_objective) current_stage = debug_stage else current_stage = debug_stage - 1 if (debug_stage >= 2) { EntFireByHandle(pop_interface_ent, "$FinishWavespawn", "W" + WAVE + "-S" + (debug_stage - 1) + "*", -1.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(pop_interface_ent, "$FinishWavespawn", "W" + WAVE + "-O" + (debug_stage - 1) + "*", -1.0, null, null) } if (debug_stage >= 3) { EntFireByHandle(pop_interface_ent, "$FinishWavespawn", "W" + WAVE + "-S" + (debug_stage - 2) + "*", -1.0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(pop_interface_ent, "$FinishWavespawn", "W" + WAVE + "-O" + (debug_stage - 2) + "*", -1.0, null, null) } if (debug_objective) EntFireByHandle(pop_interface_ent, "$FinishWavespawn", "W" + WAVE + "-S" + debug_stage + "*", -1.0, null, null) } if (WAVE == 3) { escapestatus_rows = [ "Escaped: " + players_escaped + "/" + bluplayer_array.len() + "\n", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ] } EntFire("spawnbot_boss", "Disable") NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(4509).UnblockArea(); NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(4510).UnblockArea(); NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(4511).UnblockArea(); NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(4512).UnblockArea() NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(4703).UnblockArea(); NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(4704).UnblockArea(); NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(4705).UnblockArea(); NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(4706).UnblockArea() NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(4721).UnblockArea(); NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(4722).UnblockArea(); NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(4723).UnblockArea(); NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(4724).UnblockArea() NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(4747).UnblockArea(); NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(4748).UnblockArea() NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(53).ConnectTo(NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(12), NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(53).ComputeDirection(NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(12).GetCenter())) NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(53).ConnectTo(NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(44), NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(53).ComputeDirection(NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(44).GetCenter())) NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(53).ConnectTo(NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(124), NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(53).ComputeDirection(NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(124).GetCenter())) NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(80).ConnectTo(NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(195), NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(80).ComputeDirection(NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(195).GetCenter())) NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(650).ConnectTo(NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(195), NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(650).ComputeDirection(NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(195).GetCenter())) NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(905).ConnectTo(NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(195), NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(905).ComputeDirection(NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(195).GetCenter())) NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(3617).ConnectTo(NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(195), NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(3617).ComputeDirection(NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(195).GetCenter())) NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(266).ConnectTo(NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(26), NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(266).ComputeDirection(NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(26).GetCenter())) NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(266).ConnectTo(NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(576), NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(266).ComputeDirection(NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(576).GetCenter())) NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(71).Disconnect(NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(12)) NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(122).Disconnect(NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(12)) NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(3261).Disconnect(NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(12)) NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(67).Disconnect(NavMesh.GetNavAreaByID(5038)) for (local i = 1; i <= 18; i++) { getroottable()["spawnbot_red_" + i + "_visual"].KeyValueFromString("message", i.tostring()) getroottable()["spawnbot_red_" + i + "_visual"].KeyValueFromInt("textsize", 40) getroottable()["spawnbot_red_" + i + "_visual"].KeyValueFromInt("font", 1) getroottable()["spawnbot_red_" + i + "_visual"].KeyValueFromInt("orientation", 1) getroottable()["spawnbot_red_" + i + "_visual"].KeyValueFromInt("rendermode", 3) } SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_dynamic", { origin = Vector(2580, -600, -155), angles = QAngle(40, 0, 90), model = "models/props_gameplay/security_fence64.mdl", solid = 6 }) SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_dynamic", { origin = Vector(3100, -1040, -110), angles = QAngle(40, 90, 90), model = "models/props_gameplay/security_fence64.mdl", solid = 6 }) SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_dynamic", { origin = Vector(3350, -1300, -110), angles = QAngle(40, 0, 90), model = "models/props_gameplay/security_fence64.mdl", solid = 6 }) SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_dynamic", { origin = Vector(400, -920, -330), angles = QAngle(40, -90, 90), model = "models/props_gameplay/security_fence64.mdl", solid = 6 }) for (local ent; ent = Entities.FindByClassname(ent, "point_worldtext"); ) { if (ent.GetName().find("nav_") != null) { ent.KeyValueFromInt("textsize", 20) ent.KeyValueFromInt("font", 1) ent.KeyValueFromInt("orientation", 1) ent.KeyValueFromInt("rendermode", 3) } } for (local ent; ent = Entities.FindByModel(ent, "models/props_mvm/robot_spawnpoint.mdl"); ) ent.DisableDraw() for (local ent; ent = Entities.FindByModel(ent, "models/props_mvm/hologram_projector.mdl"); ) ent.Kill() for (local ent; ent = Entities.FindByModel(ent, "models/props_mvm/robot_hologram.mdl"); ) ent.Kill() if (!draw_worldtext) for (local ent; ent = Entities.FindByClassname(ent, "point_worldtext"); ) if (ent.GetName() != "mobile_station_text" && ent.GetName() != "infobooth_text") ent.Kill() //////////// delete the invisible wall next to spawnbot red 5 for (local ent; ent = Entities.FindByClassname(ent, "func_respawnroomvisualizer"); ) if (NetProps.GetPropInt(ent, "m_iHammerID") == 1051019) ent.Kill() //////////// Kill all default nav_prefers, nav_avoids, and default sniper spots for (local ent; ent = Entities.FindByClassname(ent, "func_tfbot_hint"); ) ent.Kill() for (local ent; ent = Entities.FindByClassname(ent, "func_nav_prefer"); ) ent.Kill() for (local ent; ent = Entities.FindByClassname(ent, "func_nav_avoid"); ) ent.Kill() //////////// Implement custom nav funcs SetUpCustomNavigation(); SetUpCustomNavigation() // calling this twice to make sure bots never disobey the fun //////////// set up objective types and tank paths for each stage on each wave for (local ent; ent = Entities.FindByClassname(ent, "trigger_multiple"); ) if (NetProps.GetPropInt(ent, "m_iHammerID") == 1072738) ent.Kill() // remove the imperfect default giant shrink trigger (doesn't revert the shrink after leaving it) switch (WAVE) { case 1: { tank_stage1_speed = 35.0 tank_stage2_speed = 30.0 tank_stage3_speed = 30.0 stage1_cash_reward = 750 stage2_cash_reward = 750 stage3_cash_reward = 500 stage1_objective = "destroy" stage2_objective = "escort" stage3_objective = "deliver" pathbranch_array[0].SetOrigin(Vector(2800, -544, -416)); pathbranch_array[1].SetOrigin(Vector(2800, -1200, -416)); pathbranch_array[2].SetOrigin(Vector(3400, -1200, -416)); pathbranch_array[3].SetOrigin(Vector(4350, -1200, -100)); pathbranch_array[4].SetOrigin(Vector(4350, -1500, -100)); pathbranch_array[5].SetOrigin(Vector(3450, -1500, -100)); pathbranch_array[6].SetOrigin(Vector(3450, -900, -100)); pathbranch_array[7].SetOrigin(Vector(2700, -900, -100)); pathbranch_array[8].SetOrigin(Vector(2250, -900, -100)); pathbranch_array[9].SetOrigin(Vector(2070, -900, -100)); pathbranch_array[10].SetOrigin(Vector(2070, -1000, -100)) for (local i = 11; i <= pathbranch_array.len() - 1; i++) pathbranch_array[i].SetOrigin(Vector(2070, -1010, -100)) EntityOutputs.AddOutput(pathbranch_array[2], "OnPass", "gamerules", "CallScriptFunction", "Objective_Start", 0.0, -1) EntityOutputs.AddOutput(pathbranch_array[7], "OnPass", "!activator", "$SetGravity", "0.2", 0.0, -1) // fix issue with tank falling through stair grate EntityOutputs.AddOutput(pathbranch_array[8], "OnPass", "!activator", "$SetGravity", "1.0", 0.0, -1) EntityOutputs.AddOutput(pathbranch_array[10], "OnPass", "gamerules", "CallScriptFunction", "Objective_Start", 0.0, -1) SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_dynamic", { targetname = "w1_hatch" origin = Vector(2070, -1170, -218) angles = QAngle(0, -90, 0) model = "models/props_mvm/mann_hatch.mdl" }) w1_hatch_box = SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_physics_multiplayer", { origin = Vector(2070, -1170, -218) model = "models/props_badlands/barrel03.mdl" }) EntFireByHandle(w1_hatch_box, "DisableMotion", null, 1.0, null, null) w1_hatch_box.SetCollisionGroup(5) SpawnEngineerHint(1850, 0, -150, 2050, -250, -224, -90); SpawnEngineerHint(2600, -400, -125, 2600, -250, -176, 180); SpawnEngineerHint(3100, 100, -50, 3100, 0, -128, -90); SpawnEngineerHint(4200, -1700, -50, 4400, -1700, -112, 90) SpawnEngineerHint(2700, -1700, -50, 2650, -1900, -128, 90); SpawnEngineerHint(1750, -600, -175, 1550, -600, -224, 90); SpawnEngineerHint(2450, -1300, -400, 2400, -1500, -448, 90); SpawnEngineerHint(2400, -250, -450, 2150, -300, -512, 270) Entities.FindByName(null, "hatch_explo_kill_players").Teleport(true, w1_hatch_box.GetOrigin(), false, QAngle(0, 0, 0), false, Vector(0, 0, 0)) Entities.FindByName(null, "hatch_magnet_pit").Teleport(true, w1_hatch_box.GetOrigin(), false, QAngle(0, 0, 0), false, Vector(0, 0, 0)) Entities.FindByName(null, "pit_explosion_wav").Teleport(true, w1_hatch_box.GetOrigin(), false, QAngle(0, 0, 0), false, Vector(0, 0, 0)) Entities.FindByName(null, "end_pit_destroy_particle").Teleport(true, w1_hatch_box.GetOrigin(), false, QAngle(0, 0, 0), false, Vector(0, 0, 0)) Entities.FindByName(null, "trigger_hurt_hatch_fire").Teleport(true, w1_hatch_box.GetOrigin(), false, QAngle(0, 0, 0), false, Vector(0, 0, 0)) break } case 2: { tank_stage1_speed = 35.0 tank_stage2_speed = 25.0 tank_stage3_speed = 27.0 stage1_cash_reward = 750 stage2_cash_reward = 750 stage3_cash_reward = 500 stage1_objective = "hunt" stage2_objective = "supply" stage3_objective = "push" pathbranch_array[0].SetOrigin(Vector(2800, -544, -416)); pathbranch_array[1].SetOrigin(Vector(2800, -1200, -416)); pathbranch_array[2].SetOrigin(Vector(3400, -1200, -416)); pathbranch_array[3].SetOrigin(Vector(4350, -1200, -100)) pathbranch_array[4].SetOrigin(Vector(4350, -750, -100)); pathbranch_array[5].SetOrigin(Vector(4350, -300, -100)); pathbranch_array[6].SetOrigin(Vector(3700, -300, -20)); pathbranch_array[7].SetOrigin(Vector(3700, 300, -20)) for (local i = 8; i <= pathbranch_array.len() - 1; i++) pathbranch_array[i].SetOrigin(Vector(3700, 387.5, -20)) EntityOutputs.AddOutput(pathbranch_array[2], "OnPass", "gamerules", "CallScriptFunction", "Objective_Start", 0.0, -1) EntityOutputs.AddOutput(pathbranch_array[4], "OnPass", "!activator", "RunScriptCode", "self.Teleport(true, self.GetOrigin() + Vector(0, 20, 0), false, QAngle(0, 0, 0), false, Vector(0, 0, 0))", 0.0, -1) w2_s3_minigame_bombcart_prop = SpawnEntityFromTable("prop_dynamic", { origin = Vector(3700, 550, -64) model = "models/props_medical/med_table002.mdl" solid = 6 angles = QAngle(0, 180, 0) }) w2_s3_minigame_bombcart_prop_bbox = SpawnEntityFromTable("func_button", { origin = Vector(3700, 550, -64) angles = QAngle(0, 180, 0) }) w2_s3_minigame_bombcart_prop_bbox.KeyValueFromInt("solid", 2) w2_s3_minigame_bombcart_prop_bbox.KeyValueFromString("mins", "-30 -15 -40") w2_s3_minigame_bombcart_prop_bbox.KeyValueFromString("maxs", "30 15 40") break } case 3: { tank_stage1_speed = 27.0 tank_stage2_speed = 27.0 tank_stage3_speed = 18.0 stage1_cash_reward = 800 stage2_cash_reward = 800 stage3_cash_reward = 0 stage1_objective = "capture" stage2_objective = "free" stage3_objective = "end" extraction_mode = "tnt" tank_blood_level = 0 empty_blood_level = 45 EntityOutputs.AddOutput(pathbranch_array[5], "OnPass", "gamerules", "CallScriptFunction", "SetUpIceBlock", -1.0, -1) EntityOutputs.AddOutput(pathbranch_array[28], "OnPass", "gamerules", "CallScriptFunction", "Objective_Start", -1.0, -1) for (local ent; ent = Entities.FindByClassname(ent, "trigger_multiple"); ) if (NetProps.GetPropInt(ent, "m_iHammerID") == 102478 || NetProps.GetPropInt(ent, "m_iHammerID") == 102630) NetProps.SetPropEntity(ent, "m_hFilter", null) for (local ent; ent = Entities.FindByClassname(ent, "func_respawnroomvisualizer"); ) if (NetProps.GetPropInt(ent, "m_iHammerID") == 111420 || NetProps.GetPropInt(ent, "m_iHammerID") == 111455) ent.Kill() SpawnTNTBarrel(800, 1000, -500); SpawnTNTBarrel(0, 0, -400); SpawnTNTBarrel(-1000, 1000, -250); SpawnTNTBarrel(500, -1500, -350); SpawnTNTBarrel(1550, -600, -200); SpawnTNTBarrel(-1000, -750, -350); SpawnTNTBarrel(1800, 100, -200); SpawnTNTBarrel(2000, -1200, -200); SpawnTNTBarrel(2650, -1900, -100); SpawnTNTBarrel(4400, -1600, -100); SpawnTNTBarrel(3100, 0, -100); SpawnTNTBarrel(3900, -700, -150); SpawnTNTBarrel(2450, -1400, -400); SpawnTNTBarrel(2600, -200, -100); SpawnTNTBarrel(2200, 600, -50); SpawnTNTBarrel(4350, -200, -100); SpawnTNTBarrel(5400, 250, -100); SpawnTNTBarrel(4500, 1000, 50); SpawnTNTBarrel(4100, 2200, 50); SpawnTNTBarrel(3700, 550, 0) SpawnSniperHint(1550, -100, -200, "-150 -50 -200", "150 125 200"); SpawnSniperHint(2900, -400, -400, "-250 -125 -200", "50 100 200"); SpawnSniperHint(5300, 0, -100, "-100 -50 -200", "100 125 200"); SpawnSniperHint(3500, 1700, 0, "-75 -50 -200", "50 100 200"); SpawnSniperHint(2300, 600, 0, "-200 -150 -200", "100 50 200") break } } for (local ent; ent = Entities.FindByClassname(ent, "func_nobuild"); ) ent.KeyValueFromInt("solid", 2) stage1_blockade_center_nobuild.KeyValueFromString("mins", "-300 -150 -100"); stage1_blockade_center_nobuild.KeyValueFromString("maxs", "300 150 100") stage1_blockade_left_nobuild.KeyValueFromString("mins", "-100 -150 -100"); stage1_blockade_left_nobuild.KeyValueFromString("maxs", "100 150 100") stage1_blockade_right_nobuild.KeyValueFromString("mins", "-150 -150 -150"); stage1_blockade_right_nobuild.KeyValueFromString("maxs", "150 150 150") blood_tank_minidispenser_trigger.KeyValueFromInt("solid", 2) blood_tank_minidispenser_trigger.KeyValueFromString("mins", "-250 -250 -250") blood_tank_minidispenser_trigger.KeyValueFromString("maxs", "250 250 250") //////////// EXECUTE AT WAVE START EntityOutputs.AddOutput(Entities.FindByName(null, "wave_start_relay"), "OnTrigger", "gamerules", "CallScriptFunction", "WaveStartFunctions", -1.0, -1) switch (WAVE) { case 1: { bloodbot_path_p2_vectorarray = [ Vector(2300, 100, -160), Vector(2300, 100, -64), Vector(2300, 600, -64), Vector(3700, 600, -64), Vector(3700, -300, -64), Vector(3834, -300, -64), Vector(3939, -300, -128), Vector(4350, -300, -128), Vector(4350, -900, -128), Vector(4201, -900, -128), Vector(4096, -900, -192), Vector(3850, -900, -192), Vector(3850, -600, -192), Vector(3709, -600, -192), Vector(3604, -600, -128), Vector(3100, -600, -128), Vector(3100, 100, -128), Vector(2625, 100, -128), Vector(2552, 100, -160) ] bloodbot_path_p3_vectorarray = [ Vector(4500, 1000, 0), Vector(4500, 1850, 0), Vector(3700, 1850, 0), Vector(3700, 880, 0), Vector(3700, 775, -64), Vector(3700, -300, -64), Vector(3838, -300, -64), Vector(3943, -300, -128), Vector(5200, -300, -128), Vector(5400, 400, -128), Vector(5246, 471, -192), Vector(5000, 600, -192), Vector(5000, 100, -192), Vector(4712, 100, -192), Vector(4183, 100, -448), Vector(3400, 100, -448), Vector(3400, -500, -448) ] break } case 2: { bloodbot_path_p2_vectorarray = [ Vector(2300, 100, -160), Vector(2552, 100, -160), Vector(2625, 100, -128), Vector(3100, 100, -128), Vector(3100, -900, -128), Vector(3500, -900, -128), Vector(3500, -1700, -128), Vector(2750, -1700, -128), Vector(2750, -900, -128), Vector(2687, -900, -128), Vector(2320, -900, -224), Vector(1800, -900, -224), Vector(1800, 100, -224), Vector(1988, 100, -224), Vector(2093, 100, -160) ] bloodbot_path_p3_vectorarray = [ Vector(4100, 1500, -136), Vector(4100, 1416, -136), Vector(4100, 1322, -128), Vector(4100, 1028, -128), Vector(4100, 891, -64), Vector(4100, 600, -64), Vector(4470, 600, -64), Vector(4711, 600, -192), Vector(5000, 600, -192), Vector(5000, 100, -192), Vector(4712, 100, -192), Vector(4183, 100, -448), Vector(3400, 100, -448), Vector(3400, -500, -448) ] break } case 3: { bloodbot_path_p2_vectorarray = [ Vector(1800, -950, -224), Vector(2260, -950, -224), Vector(2750, -950, -128), Vector(2750, -1600, -128), Vector(4350, -1600, -128), Vector(4350, -1200, -128), Vector(4200, -1200, -128), Vector(3560, -1200, -448), Vector(3100, -1320, -448), Vector(3100, -1320, -128), Vector(3100, 100, -128), Vector(2600, 100, -128), Vector(2500, 100, -160), Vector(2100, 100, -160), Vector(1800, 100, -224) ] bloodbot_path_p3_vectorarray = // copy of w1's b path [ Vector(2300, 100, -160), Vector(2300, 100, -64), Vector(2300, 600, -64), Vector(3700, 600, -64), Vector(3700, -300, -64), Vector(3834, -300, -64), Vector(3939, -300, -128), Vector(4350, -300, -128), Vector(4350, -900, -128), Vector(4201, -900, -128), Vector(4096, -900, -192), Vector(3850, -900, -192), Vector(3850, -600, -192), Vector(3709, -600, -192), Vector(3604, -600, -128), Vector(3100, -600, -128), Vector(3100, 100, -128), Vector(2625, 100, -128), Vector(2552, 100, -160) ] break } } if (WAVE <= 3) { for (local stage = 1; stage <= 3; stage++) { for (local j = 1; j <= getroottable()["bloodbot_path_p" + stage + "_vectorarray"].len(); j++) local path = SpawnEntityFromTable("path_track", {targetname = "bloodbot_path_p" + stage + "_" + j}) for (local j = 1; j <= getroottable()["bloodbot_path_p" + stage + "_vectorarray"].len(); j++) { Entities.FindByName(null, "bloodbot_path_p" + stage + "_" + j).KeyValueFromFloat("speed", bloodbot_path_speed) Entities.FindByName(null, "bloodbot_path_p" + stage + "_" + j).KeyValueFromVector("origin", getroottable()["bloodbot_path_p" + stage + "_vectorarray"][j - 1]) if (j > 1) NetProps.SetPropEntity(Entities.FindByName(null, "bloodbot_path_p" + stage + "_" + j), "m_pprevious", Entities.FindByName(null, "bloodbot_path_p" + stage + "_" + (j - 1))) else if (stage == 2 || (stage == 3 && WAVE == 3)) NetProps.SetPropEntity(Entities.FindByName(null, "bloodbot_path_p" + stage + "_" + j), "m_pprevious", Entities.FindByName(null, "bloodbot_path_p" + stage + "_" + getroottable()["bloodbot_path_p" + stage + "_vectorarray"].len())) // looping path else // non-looping path { EntityOutputs.AddOutput(Entities.FindByName(null, "bloodbot_path_p" + stage + "_" + j), "OnPass", "!activator", "StartForward", null, -1.0, -1) EntityOutputs.AddOutput(Entities.FindByName(null, "bloodbot_path_p" + stage + "_" + j), "OnPass", "!activator", "AddOutput", "angles 0 0 0", -1.0, -1) } if (j < getroottable()["bloodbot_path_p" + stage + "_vectorarray"].len()) NetProps.SetPropEntity(Entities.FindByName(null, "bloodbot_path_p" + stage + "_" + j), "m_pnext", Entities.FindByName(null, "bloodbot_path_p" + stage + "_" + (j + 1))) else if (stage == 2 || (stage == 3 && WAVE == 3)) NetProps.SetPropEntity(Entities.FindByName(null, "bloodbot_path_p" + stage + "_" + j), "m_pnext", Entities.FindByName(null, "bloodbot_path_p" + stage + "_" + "1")) // looping path else // non-looping path { EntityOutputs.AddOutput(Entities.FindByName(null, "bloodbot_path_p" + stage + "_" + j), "OnPass", "!activator", "StartBackward", null, -1.0, -1) EntityOutputs.AddOutput(Entities.FindByName(null, "bloodbot_path_p" + stage + "_" + j), "OnPass", "!activator", "AddOutput", "angles 0 180 0", -1.0, -1) } if (j > 1 && j < getroottable()["bloodbot_path_p" + stage + "_vectorarray"].len()) EntityOutputs.AddOutput(Entities.FindByName(null, "bloodbot_path_p" + stage + "_" + j), "OnPass", "!activator", "CallScriptFunction", "ReverseBloodBot", -1.0, -1) getroottable()["bloodbot_path_p" + stage].append(Entities.FindByName(null, "bloodbot_path_p" + stage + "_" + j)) getroottable()["bloodbot_path_p" + stage + "_name_picker"].append("bloodbot_path_p" + stage + "_" + j) getroottable()["bloodbot_path_p" + stage + "_origin_picker"].append(getroottable()["bloodbot_path_p" + stage][j - 1].GetOrigin()) } } } //////////// CALLBACKS //// Set up blood carry params that reset on death intel_entity.Teleport(true, Vector(-352, 1824, -496), false, QAngle(0, 0, 0), false, Vector(0, 0, 0)) EntityOutputs.AddOutput(intel_entity, "OnPickup1", "!activator", "RunScriptCode", "self.DropFlag(true)", -1.0, -1.0) EntFireByHandle(intel_entity, "ForceGlowDisabled", "1", -1.0, null, null) AddThinkToEnt(intel_entity, "AttachToTank_Think") local control_point_controller_test = SpawnEntityFromTable("team_control_point_master", { targetname = "control_point_controller" team_base_icon_3 = "sprites/obj_icons/icon_base_blu" team_base_icon_2 = "sprites/obj_icons/icon_base_red" switch_teams = 0 score_style = 1 custom_position_y = -1 custom_position_x = 5 cpm_restrict_team_cap_win = 1 caplayout = "" }) for (local ent; ent = Entities.FindByClassname(ent, "team_control_point_master"); ) ent.Kill() ////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////// DEBUG ////////////////////////////////////////////////// seterrorhandler(function(e) { for (local player; player = Entities.FindByClassname(player, "player");) { if (NetProps.GetPropString(player, "m_szNetworkIDString") == "[U:1:95064912]") { local Chat = @(m) (printl(m), ClientPrint(player, 2, m)) ClientPrint(player, 3, format("\x07FF0000AN ERROR HAS OCCURRED [%s].\nCheck console for details", e)) Chat(format("\n====== TIMESTAMP: %g ======\nAN ERROR HAS OCCURRED [%s]", Time(), e)) Chat("CALLSTACK") local s, l = 2 while (s = getstackinfos(l++)) Chat(format("*FUNCTION [%s()] %s line [%d]", s.func, s.src, s.line)) Chat("LOCALS") if (s = getstackinfos(2)) { foreach (n, v in s.locals) { local t = type(v) t == "null" ? Chat(format("[%s] NULL" , n)) : t == "integer" ? Chat(format("[%s] %d" , n, v)) : t == "float" ? Chat(format("[%s] %.14g" , n, v)) : t == "string" ? Chat(format("[%s] \"%s\"", n, v)) : Chat(format("[%s] %s %s" , n, t, v.tostring())) } } return } } }) SetGravityMultiplier(1) for (local ent; ent = Entities.FindByClassname(ent, "point_viewcontrol"); ) ent.Kill() // preserved entities! if (debug) { for (local i = 1; i <= MaxClients().tointeger(); i++) { local player = PlayerInstanceFromIndex(i) if (NetProps.GetPropString(player, "m_szNetworkIDString") == "[U:1:95064912]") { player.SetHealth(90000) player.SetMoveType(8, 0) // player.GrantOrRemoveAllUpgrades(false, false) player.SetForceLocalDraw(false) } } } CALLBACKS.OnGameEvent_player_say <- function(params) { local player = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.userid) if (NetProps.GetPropString(player, "m_szNetworkIDString") == "[U:1:95064912]") { // if (params.text == "!getblood") for (local i = 1; i <= params.text.slice(10).tointeger(); i++) scope.BloodCountUpdate("gain") // if (params.text == "!poison") scope.BloodCountUpdate("double") // if (params.text == "test") // { // ClientPrint(null,3,"" + NetProps.GetPropArraySize(GetListenServerHost(), "tflocaldata.`player_object_array`")) // ClientPrint(null,3,"" + NetProps.GetPropEntityArray(GetListenServerHost(), "`player_object_array`", 0)) // foreach (thing in NetProps.GetPropEntityArray(GetListenServerHost(), "player_object_array" // } if (params.text == "gpoints") { if (debug) { if (bluplayer_array.find(player) == null) return local scope = player.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage scope.giant_points += 300 } } if (params.text == "test") { SendGlobalGameEvent("show_annotation", { id = 927382 text = "Remember to collect blood!" worldPosX = player.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage.tutorial_box.GetOrigin().x worldPosY = player.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage.tutorial_box.GetOrigin().y worldPosZ = player.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage.tutorial_box.GetOrigin().z follow_entindex = player.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage.tutorial_box.entindex() visibilityBitfield = (1 << player.entindex()) play_sound = "misc/null.wav" show_distance = false show_effect = false lifetime = 3 }) } if (params.text == "!p") { ClientPrint(null,3,"DebugMenu: Destroyed all REDs and Blood Bots") for (local i = 1; i <= MaxClients().tointeger(); i++) { local player = PlayerInstanceFromIndex(i) if (player == null) continue; if (!player.IsFakeClient()) continue if (player.GetTeam() != 2) continue player.TakeDamage(10000.0, 64, player) } for (local ent; ent = Entities.FindByName(ent, "bloodbot_robot_*"); ) EntFireByHandle(ent, "RemoveHealth", "300", -1.0, null, null) } if (params.text == "!h") { blood_tank.SetHealth((blood_tank.GetHealth() + 10000.0) > 30000 ? 30000 : (blood_tank.GetHealth() + 10000.0)) blood_tank.TakeDamage(1.0, 1, blood_tank_heal_hud_update) if (WAVE < 3) { tank_blood_level = 45 empty_blood_level = 0 } ClientPrint(null,3,"DebugMenu: Healed Blood Tank") } // if (params.text.find("!tips") != null) // { // for (local i = 1; i <= MaxClients().tointeger(); i++) // { // local player = PlayerInstanceFromIndex(i) // if (NetProps.GetPropString(player, "m_szNetname") != params.text.slice(6)) continue // else // { // player.ValidateScriptScope() // local scope = player.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage // foreach (tip, value in scope.tip_table) ClientPrint(player,3,tip + ": " + value) // ClientPrint(player,3,"in tip cooldown? " + scope.in_tip_cooldown) // } // } // } // if (params.text.find("!giant") != null) // { // for (local i = 1; i <= params.text.slice(7).tointeger(); i++) EntFireByHandle(player, "RunScriptCode", "self.GetScriptScope().bloodstorage.giant_points++", -1.0, null, null) // } } } // tastytest <- SpawnEntityFromTable("func_brush", // { // vrad_brush_cast_shadows = 1 // spawnflags = 2 // Solidity = 2 // solidbsp = 0 // origin = Vector(0, 0, 0) // disableshadows = 0 // disablereceiveshadows = 0 // model = "*56" // angles = QAngle(0, 0, 0) // }) // tastytest.KeyValueFromInt("solid", 2) // tastytest.KeyValueFromString("mins", "-300 -300 -300") // tastytest.KeyValueFromString("maxs", "300 300 300") // important func_brush model indexes: // *56 - tank doors // *86 - red spawn doors 1 // *119 - red spawn doors 2 for (local ent; ent = Entities.FindByClassname(ent, "*"); ) NetProps.SetPropBool(ent, "m_bForcePurgeFixedupStrings", true) if (draw_debugchat) ClientPrint(null,3,"main file started") __CollectGameEventCallbacks(CALLBACKS)