::PointTemplates <- { redwin = { NoFixup = 1, [0] = { game_round_win = { origin = "-1611.31 4748.55 169.35", TeamNum = 2, targetname = "bots_win_red", switch_teams = 0, force_map_reset = 1, classname = "game_round_win", }, }, }, redwin2 = { NoFixup = 1, [0] = { logic_relay = { origin = "-1611.31 4748.55 169.35", targetname = "redwin_relay", "OnTrigger#1" : "bots_win_red,RoundWin,,0,-1", "OnTrigger#2" : "pit_explosion_wav,PlaySound,,0,-1", "OnTrigger#3" : "player,setforcedtauntcam,1,0.1,-1", }, }, }, spawnpoints = { NoFixup = 1, [0] = { info_teleport_destination = { targetname = "gateAspawn" origin = "-27 635 -60" } }, [1] = { info_teleport_destination = { targetname = "runespawn" origin = "-2226.3 1508.2 -119" } }, [2] = { info_teleport_destination = { targetname = "w5runespawn3" origin = "-508.4 699 -49" } }, [3] = { info_teleport_destination = { targetname = "w5runespawn2" origin = "-268.4 485 -59" } }, [4] = { info_teleport_destination = { targetname = "gateBspawn" origin = "-3521.3 1590.2 -189" } }, [5] = { info_teleport_destination = { targetname = "frontrockspawn" origin = "1174 1058 -12" } }, [6] = { info_teleport_destination = { targetname = "hatchspawn" origin = "-3846.5 -270 -299.25" } }, [7] = { info_teleport_destination = { targetname = "smallhatchspawn" origin = "-3813 -1315 -216" } }, [8] = { info_teleport_destination = { targetname = "bighatchspawn" origin = "-2878 -321.7 -25" } }, [9] = { info_teleport_destination = { targetname = "engispawn" origin = "1134.5 -402 -95" } }, [10] = { info_teleport_destination = { targetname = "engispawn2" origin = "2000.5 -165 -106" } }, [11] = { info_teleport_destination = { targetname = "engispawn3" origin = "1989.7 906.3 -228" } }, [12] = { info_teleport_destination = { targetname = "gatebotA" origin = "1989.7 906.3 -228" } }, [13] = { info_teleport_destination = { targetname = "backcapA" origin = "-336 -319 -58" } }, [14] = { info_teleport_destination = { targetname = "backcapB" origin = "-964.1 2405 -86" } }, [15] = { info_teleport_destination = { targetname = "frontlinespawn" origin = "1487.3 -467 -247" } } }, bombresetfixendurance = { NoFixup = 1, [0] = { logic_relay = { origin = "-685.043213 1461.691772 -122.968689", targetname = "resetfixendurance", "OnTrigger#1" : "intel_new,Enable,,0,-1", "OnTrigger#2" : "intel_new,SetTeam,3,0,-1", "OnTrigger#3" : "intel_new,AddOutput,OnPickupTeam2 intel_new:SetTeam:0:0:-1,0,-1", "OnTrigger#4" : "intel_new,AddOutput,OnDrop intel_new:SetTeam:0:0.01:-1,0,-1", "OnTrigger#5" : "intel_new,AddOutput,OnReturn intel_new:SetTeam:0:0.01:-1,0,-1", // "OnSpawn#1" : "item_teamflag,AddOutput,OnPickupTeam1 !self:ForceResetSilent::0:-1,0,-1" }, }, }, bombresetfixendurance2 = { NoFixup = 1, [0] = { item_teamflag = { origin = "-685.043213 1461.691772 -122.968689", trail_effect = 2, TeamNum = 2, targetname = "intel_new", StartDisabled = 1, ScoringType = 0, ReturnTime = 35, ReturnBetweenWaves = 1, GameType = 3, NeutralType = 0, flag_trail = "flagtrail", flag_paper = "player_intel_papertrail", flag_model = "models/props_td/atom_bomb.mdl", flag_icon = "../hud/objectives_flagpanel_carried", angles = "0 270 0", }, }, }, playercap = { NoFixup = 1, [0] = { OnSpawnOutput = { Target = "capture_filter", Action = "Kill", }, }, }, reversegatebot = { NoFixup = 1, [0] = { logic_relay = { origin = "-596 -232 34", targetname = "redgatebot", "OnTrigger#1" : "cap_b_trigtimer,AddOutput,OnCapTeam1 pop_interface:PauseBotSpawning::0:-1,0,-1", "OnTrigger#2" : "cap_b_trigtimer,AddOutput,OnCapTeam1 nav_interface:RecomputeBlockers::0.05:-1,0,-1", "OnTrigger#3" : "cap_b_trigtimer,AddOutput,OnCapTeam1 cap_a_pointreq:Enable::0:-1,0,-1", "OnTrigger#4" : "cap_b_trigtimer,AddOutput,OnCapTeam1 cap_a_prereq:Enable::0.02:-1,0,-1", "OnTrigger#5" : "cap_b_trigtimer,AddOutput,OnCapTeam1 cap_b_prereq:Disable::0.03:-1,0,-1", "OnTrigger#6" : "cap_b_trigtimer,AddOutput,OnCapTeam1 cap_b_pointreq:Disable::0.03:-1,0,-1", "OnTrigger#7" : "cap_b_trigtimer,AddOutput,OnCapTeam1 sniper_b:Disable::0.04:-1,0,-1", "OnTrigger#8" : "cap_b_trigtimer,AddOutput,OnCapTeam1 sniper_a:Enable::0.04:-1,0,-1", "OnTrigger#9" : "cap_b_trigtimer,AddOutput,OnCapTeam1 nest_b*:Disable::0.04:-1,0,-1", "OnTrigger#10" : "cap_b_trigtimer,AddOutput,OnCapTeam1 nest_a*:Enable::0.04:-1,0,-1", "OnTrigger#11" : "cap_b_trigtimer,AddOutput,OnCapTeam1 nav_interface:RecomputeBlockers::0.1:-1.0.-1,0,-1", "OnTrigger#12" : "cap_b_trigtimer,AddOutput,OnCapTeam1 nav_interface:RecomputeBlockers::0.15:-1,0,-1", "OnTrigger#13" : "cap_b_trigtimer,AddOutput,OnCapTeam1 gate_b_blocker:Enable::0:-1,0,-1", "OnTrigger#14" : "cap_b_trigtimer,AddOutput,OnCapTeam1 pop_interface:UnpauseBotSpawning::1:-1,0,-1", "OnTrigger#15" : "cap_a_trigtimer,AddOutput,OnCapTeam2 forcecapture_a_relay:Trigger::1:-1,0,-1", "OnTrigger#16" : "cap_b_trigtimer,AddOutput,OnCapTeam2 forcecapture_ab_relay:Trigger::1:-1,0,-1", "OnTrigger#17" : "cap_b_trigtimer,AddOutput,OnCapTeam2 hatchspawn:Enable::0:-1,0,-1", "OnTrigger#18" : "cap_b_trigtimer,AddOutput,OnCapTeam2 gatebotA:Disable::0:-1,0,-1", "OnTrigger#19" : "cap_b_trigtimer,AddOutput,OnCapTeam1 hatchspawn:Disable::0:-1,0,-1", "OnTrigger#20" : "cap_b_trigtimer,AddOutput,OnCapTeam1 gatebotA:Enable::0:-1,0,-1", "OnTrigger#21" : "cap_a_trigtimer,AddOutput,OnCapTeam2 gatebotA:Disable::0:-1,0,-1", "OnTrigger#22" : "cap_a_trigtimer,AddOutput,OnCapTeam2 hatchspawn:Enable::0:-1,0,-1", "OnTrigger#23" : "cap_a_trigtimer,AddOutput,OnCapTeam1 gatebotA:Enable::0:-1,0,-1", "OnTrigger#24" : "cap_a_trigtimer,AddOutput,OnCapTeam1 hatchspawn:Disable::0:-1,0,-1", "OnTrigger#25" : "intel*,ForceReset,,0,-1", "OnTrigger#26" : "backcapBhint,Show,,0,-1", "OnTrigger#27" : "gatebotA,Disable,,1,-1", "OnTrigger#28" : "gatebot_enable_relay,Trigger,,0,-1", "OnTrigger#29" : "cap_b_pointreq,Enable,,0.05,-1", "OnTrigger#30" : "cap_b_prereq,Enable,,0.05,-1", "OnTrigger#31" : "nav_interface,RecomputeBlockers,,11,-1", "OnTrigger#32" : "nav_interface,RecomputeBlockers,,11.1,-1", "OnTrigger#33" : "nav_interface,RecomputeBlockers,,11.2,-1", }, }, }, reversegatebot2 = { NoFixup = 1, [0] = { logic_relay = { origin = "-596 -232 34", targetname = "redgatebot2", "OnTrigger#1" : "forcecapture_ab_relay,Trigger,,90,-1", }, }, }, hatchunblocker = { NoFixup = 1, [0] = { logic_relay = { targetname = "unblockhatch", "OnSpawn#1" : "func_capturezone,Disable,,0,-1", "OnSpawn#2" : "func_flagdetectionzone,Disable,,0,-1", "OnTrigger#1" : "func_flagdetectionzone,Enable,,0,-1", "OnTrigger#2" : "func_capturezone,Enable,,0,-1", "OnTrigger#3" : "prop_forcefield_hatch,SetAnimation,disable,0,-1", "OnTrigger#4" : "prop_forcefield_hatch,Kill,,1,-1", "OnTrigger#5" : "hatchopen,Show,,0,-1", "OnTrigger#6" : "thirdperson,Enable,,0.01,-1", }, }, [1] = { prop_dynamic = { targetname = "prop_forcefield_hatch", angles = "0 0 0", model = "models/props_mvm/hatch_shield.mdl", disableshadows = 1, skin = 0, solid = 0, spawnflags = 0, DefaultAnim = "ref", origin = "-3822.866699 -199.705338 -379.256287", }, }, //restore hatch [2] = { logic_relay = { spawnflags = 1 "OnSpawn#1": "hatch_prop,Enable,,0,-1" "OnSpawn#2": "hatch_prop_wrecked,Disable,,0,-1" "OnSpawn#3": "hatch_destroy_eff,Stop,,0,-1" "OnSpawn#4": "hatch_hurt*,Disable,,0,-1" "OnSpawn#5": "hatch_magnet_pit,Disable,,0,-1" } }, [3] = { trigger_teleport = { targetname = "waveendtele" origin = "-212.935059 1837.151611 39.605919" mins = "-1000 -1000 -1000" maxs = "1000 1000 1000" target = "spawnbot_boss0" "OnStartTouch#1": "!self,Disable,,1,-1" "OnStartTouch#2": "player,SetForcedTauntCam,0,0,-1" } } }, enableforwardsniperhints = { NoFixup = 1, [0] = { logic_relay = { targetname = "sniperhints", "OnTrigger#1" : "sniper_b,Disable,,0.01,-1", "OnTrigger#2" : "sniper_c,Disable,,0.01,-1", }, }, }, progressblocker1 = { NoFixup = 1, [0] = { prop_dynamic = { targetname = "blocker1", angles = "0 -90 0", DisableBoneFollowers = 1, disablereceiveshadows = 1, model = "models/props_mvm/reversemvm_redwall_696x337.mdl", disableshadows = 1, ExplodeDamage = 0, ExplodeRadius = 0, fademaxdist = 0, fademindist = -1, fadescale = 1, MaxAnimTime = 10, maxdxlevel = 0, MinAnimTime = 5, mindxlevel = 0, PerformanceMode = 0, pressuredelay = 0, RandomAnimation = 0, rendercolor = "255 255 255", rendermode = 0, SetBodyGroup = 0, skin = 1, CollisionGroup = 0, solid = 0, spawnflags = 0, StartDisabled = 0, origin = "-812.905945 -59.750450 49.555325", }, }, [1] = { prop_dynamic = { targetname = "blocker1", angles = "0 -90 0", DisableBoneFollowers = 1, disablereceiveshadows = 1, model = "models/props_mvm/reversemvm_redwall_696x337.mdl", disableshadows = 1, ExplodeDamage = 0, ExplodeRadius = 0, fademaxdist = 0, fademindist = -1, fadescale = 1, MaxAnimTime = 10, maxdxlevel = 0, MinAnimTime = 5, mindxlevel = 0, PerformanceMode = 0, pressuredelay = 0, RandomAnimation = 0, rendercolor = "255 255 255", rendermode = 0, SetBodyGroup = 0, skin = 1, CollisionGroup = 0, solid = 0, spawnflags = 0, StartDisabled = 0, origin = "-819.186035 635.778198 51.793148", }, }, [2] = { func_forcefield = { disablereceiveshadows = 0, origin = "-808.848999 -283 86.746536", renderamt = 255, rendercolor = "255 255 255", renderfx = 0, rendermode = 10, TeamNum = 2, targetname = "blocker1collision", parentname = "blocker1", mins = "-100 -1500 -1000", maxs = "100 1500 1200", StartDisabled = 0, }, }, [3] = { OnSpawnOutput = { Target = "cap_a_trigtimer", Action = "AddOutput", // Action = "RunScriptCode", Param = "OnCapTeam2 blocker1*:KillHierarchy::0:-1", }, }, }, progressblocker2 = { NoFixup = 1, [0] = { prop_dynamic = { targetname = "blocker2", angles = "0 -90 0", DisableBoneFollowers = 1, disablereceiveshadows = 1, model = "models/props_mvm/reversemvm_redwall_696x337.mdl", disableshadows = 1, ExplodeDamage = 0, ExplodeRadius = 0, fademaxdist = 0, fademindist = -1, fadescale = 1, MaxAnimTime = 10, maxdxlevel = 0, MinAnimTime = 5, mindxlevel = 0, PerformanceMode = 0, pressuredelay = 0, RandomAnimation = 0, rendercolor = "255 255 255", rendermode = 0, SetBodyGroup = 0, skin = 1, CollisionGroup = 0, solid = 0, spawnflags = 0, StartDisabled = 0, origin = "-2724.406738 1926.408691 -83.646896", }, }, [1] = { prop_dynamic = { targetname = "blocker2", angles = "0 -90 0", DisableBoneFollowers = 1, disablereceiveshadows = 1, model = "models/props_mvm/reversemvm_redwall_696x337.mdl", disableshadows = 1, ExplodeDamage = 0, ExplodeRadius = 0, fademaxdist = 0, fademindist = -1, fadescale = 1, MaxAnimTime = 10, maxdxlevel = 0, MinAnimTime = 5, mindxlevel = 0, PerformanceMode = 0, pressuredelay = 0, RandomAnimation = 0, rendercolor = "255 255 255", rendermode = 0, SetBodyGroup = 0, skin = 1, CollisionGroup = 0, solid = 0, spawnflags = 0, StartDisabled = 0, origin = "-2724.406738 1231.152222 -84.287155", }, }, [3] = { func_forcefield = { disablereceiveshadows = 0, origin = "-2787.520996 1519.227051 321.069092;", renderamt = 255, rendercolor = "255 255 255", renderfx = 0, rendermode = 10, TeamNum = 2, targetname = "blocker2collision", parentname = "blocker2", mins = "-100 -2500 -2000", maxs = "100 2500 2000", StartDisabled = 0, }, }, [4] = { OnSpawnOutput = { Target = "cap_b_trigtimer", Action = "AddOutput", Param = "OnCapTeam2 blocker2*:KillHierarchy::0:-1", } } }, annotation = { NoFixup = 1, [0] = { training_annotation = { targetname = "protectgianthint", parentname = "spawnbot_main1", display_text = "Protect your giants!", lifetime = 10, origin = "-348 1523.044434 -41.983353", }, }, [1] = { training_annotation = { targetname = "grabpowerup", parentname = "gateAspawn", display_text = "Grab a powerup", lifetime = 20, origin = "-114.802933 857.427673 -113", }, }, [2] = { training_annotation = { targetname = "onegiantleft", parentname = "spawnbot_main1", display_text = "Only 1 giant remains!", lifetime = 10, origin = "-348 1523.044434 -41.983353", }, }, [3] = { training_annotation = { targetname = "backcapAhint", parentname = "cap_a_trigtimer", display_text = "Defend the gate!", lifetime = 10, origin = "-438.802246 -276.666229 -58.968689", }, }, [4] = { training_annotation = { targetname = "backcapBhint", parentname = "cap_b_trigtimer", display_text = "Defend the gate!", lifetime = 10, origin = "-1321.850464 2452.971436 -134.968689", }, }, [5] = { training_annotation = { targetname = "escorttogate", parentname = "intel*", display_text = "Deliver the bomb, capture the gate to spawn giants!", lifetime = 10, origin = "1994.725098 -3075.044434 -88.983353", }, }, [6] = { training_annotation = { targetname = "hatchopen", parentname = "hatch_prop", display_text = "The bomb can now be deployed!", lifetime = 10, origin = "-3822 -224 -352", }, }, [7] = { training_annotation = { targetname = "finalsubwave", parentname = "hatch_prop", display_text = "The hatch will unlock when all bots are dead", lifetime = 10, origin = "-3822 -224 -352", }, }, [8] = { training_annotation = { targetname = "runehint", parentname = "engispawn2", display_text = "More powerups have been scattered around the map...", lifetime = 15, origin = "145.989761 1743.196655 -117.968689", }, }, [9] = { env_hudhint = { targetname = "hudhint", message = "VIPs will follow the bomb carrier!", spawnflags = 1, }, }, [10] = { env_hudhint = { targetname = "hudhint2", message = "Players can drop bombs and powerups by presing 'L'", spawnflags = 1, }, }, [11] = { logic_relay = { spawnflags = 1, "OnSpawn#1" : "cap_a_trigtimer,AddOutput,OnCapTeam2 hudhint:ShowHudHint::0:-1,0,-1", "OnSpawn#2" : "cap_a_trigtimer,AddOutput,OnCapTeam2 spawnbot_main_slow1:Enable::0:-1,0,-1", }, }, }, teleporter = { NoFixup = 1, [0] = { obj_teleporter = { angles = "0 0 0", matchingTeleporter = "entrance", spawnflags = 2, targetname = "exit", TeamNum = 3, teleporterType = 1, origin = "-334.810974 911.863647 -112.084236", }, }, [1] = { obj_teleporter = { angles = "0 0 0", matchingTeleporter = "exit", targetname = "entrance", TeamNum = 3, teleporterType = 2, origin = "-2247.480713 1497.250610 -171.709137", }, }, }, StickyTank = { [0] = { OnParentKilledOutput = { Target = "tf_projectile_pipe", Action = "Kill", Delay = 0.1, }, }, [1] = { OnSpawnOutput = { Target = "stickytank_init_relay", Action = "Trigger", Delay = 0.1, }, }, [2] = { logic_relay = { targetname = "stickytank_init_relay", "OnTrigger#1" : "!parent,AddOutput,OnHealthBelow60Percent stickytank_timer:UpperRandomBound:5:0:-1,0,-1", "OnTrigger#2" : "!parent,AddOutput,OnHealthBelow60Percent stickytank_timer:LowerRandomBound:5:0:-1,0,-1", "OnTrigger#3" : "!parent,AddOutput,OnHealthBelow30Percent stickytank_timer:UpperRandomBound:2.5:0:-1,0,-1", "OnTrigger#4" : "!parent,AddOutput,OnHealthBelow30Percent stickytank_timer:LowerRandomBound:2.5:0:-1,0,-1", }, }, [3] = { logic_relay = { targetname = "stickytank_shooter_relay", "OnTrigger#1" : "stickytank_mimic,FireOnce,,0,-1", "OnTrigger#2" : "stickytank_shoot_sound,PlaySound,,0,-1", "OnTrigger#3" : "stickytank_mimic,FireOnce,,0.1,-1", "OnTrigger#4" : "stickytank_shoot_sound,PlaySound,,0.1,-1", "OnTrigger#5" : "stickytank_mimic,FireOnce,,0.2,-1", "OnTrigger#6" : "stickytank_shoot_sound,PlaySound,,0.2,-1", "OnTrigger#7" : "stickytank_mimic,FireOnce,,0.3,-1", "OnTrigger#8" : "stickytank_shoot_sound,PlaySound,,0.3,-1", "OnTrigger#9" : "stickytank_mimic,FireOnce,,0.4,-1", "OnTrigger#10" : "stickytank_shoot_sound,PlaySound,,0.4,-1", "OnTrigger#11" : "stickytank_mimic,FireMultiple,4,0.5,-1", "OnTrigger#12" : "stickytank_shoot_sound,PlaySound,,0.5,-1", "OnTrigger#13" : "stickytank_mimic,FireOnce,,0.6,-1", "OnTrigger#14" : "stickytank_shoot_sound,PlaySound,,0.6,-1", "OnTrigger#15" : "stickytank_mimic,FireOnce,,0.7,-1", "OnTrigger#16" : "stickytank_shoot_sound,PlaySound,,0.7,-1", "OnTrigger#17" : "stickytank_mimic,FireOnce,,0.8,-1", "OnTrigger#18" : "stickytank_shoot_sound,PlaySound,,0.8,-1", "OnTrigger#19" : "stickytank_mimic,FireOnce,,0.9,-1", "OnTrigger#20" : "stickytank_shoot_sound,PlaySound,,0.9,-1", "OnTrigger#21" : "stickytank_mimic,FireMultiple,4,1,-1", "OnTrigger#22" : "stickytank_shoot_sound,PlaySound,,1,-1", "OnTrigger#23" : "stickytank_mimic_crit,FireOnce,,1.5,-1", "OnTrigger#24" : "stickytank_shoot_sound_crit,PlaySound,,1.5,-1", "OnTrigger#25" : "stickytank_mimic_crit,FireMultiple,2,2,-1", "OnTrigger#26" : "stickytank_shoot_sound_crit,PlaySound,,2,-1", "OnTrigger#27" : "!self,EnableRefire,,2,-1", "OnTrigger#28" : "stickytank_mimic_crit,FireMultiple,3,2.5,-1", "OnTrigger#29" : "stickytank_shoot_sound_crit,PlaySound,,2.5,-1", "OnTrigger#30" : "stickytank_mimic_crit,FireMultiple,6,3,-1", "OnTrigger#31" : "stickytank_shoot_sound_crit,PlaySound,,3,-1", "OnTrigger#32" : "stickytank_mimic,DetonateStickies,,7,-1", "OnTrigger#33" : "stickytank_mimic_crit,DetonateStickies,,7,-1", }, }, [4] = { logic_timer = { targetname = "stickytank_timer", spawnflags = 0, UpperRandomBound = 10, LowerRandomBound = 7, UseRandomTime = 1, "OnTimer#1" : "stickytank_shooter_relay,Trigger,,0,-1", }, }, [5] = { prop_dynamic = { targetname = "stickytank_model", model = "models/props_frontline/tank_turret.mdl", skin = 1, solid = 0, spawnflags = 0, origin = "-16 -44 178", angles = "-56.5 0 -90", }, }, [6] = { prop_dynamic = { targetname = "stickytank_model", model = "models/props_frontline/tank_turret.mdl", skin = 1, solid = 0, spawnflags = 0, origin = "-12 44 178", angles = "-58.5 0 90", }, }, [7] = { tf_point_weapon_mimic = { targetname = "stickytank_mimic", WeaponType = 3, TeamNum = 2, ModelScale = 1, SpeedMax = 525, SpeedMin = 525, Crits = 0, Damage = 75, SpreadAngle = 25, SplashRadius = 125, FireSound = "weapons/stickybomblauncher_shoot_crit.wav", origin = "54 -56 216", angles = "-58.5 359 180", }, }, [8] = { tf_point_weapon_mimic = { targetname = "stickytank_mimic_crit", WeaponType = 3, TeamNum = 2, ModelScale = 1, SpeedMax = 525, SpeedMin = 525, Crits = 1, Damage = 75, SpreadAngle = 25, SplashRadius = 125, FireSound = "weapons/stickybomblauncher_shoot_crit.wav", origin = "54 -56 216", angles = "-58.5 359 180", }, }, [9] = { tf_point_weapon_mimic = { targetname = "stickytank_mimic", WeaponType = 3, TeamNum = 2, ModelScale = 1, SpeedMax = 525, SpeedMin = 525, Crits = 0, Damage = 75, SpreadAngle = 25, SplashRadius = 125, FireSound = "weapons/stickybomblauncher_shoot_crit.wav", origin = "54 56 214", angles = "-56.5 359 0", }, }, [10] = { tf_point_weapon_mimic = { targetname = "stickytank_mimic_crit", WeaponType = 3, TeamNum = 2, ModelScale = 1, SpeedMax = 525, SpeedMin = 525, Crits = 1, Damage = 75, SpreadAngle = 25, SplashRadius = 125, FireSound = "weapons/stickybomblauncher_shoot_crit.wav", origin = "54 56 214", angles = "-56.5 359 0", }, }, [11] = { ambient_generic = { targetname = "stickytank_shoot_sound", health = 10, message = "weapons/stickybomblauncher_shoot.wav", pitch = 100, pitchstart = 100, radius = 5000, spawnflags = 48, origin = "64 0 224", }, }, [12] = { ambient_generic = { targetname = "stickytank_shoot_sound_crit", health = 10, message = "weapons/stickybomblauncher_shoot_crit.wav", pitch = 100, pitchstart = 100, radius = 5000, spawnflags = 48, origin = "64 0 224", }, }, }, disablebarrier1 = { NoFixup = 1, [0] = { logic_relay = { targetname = "barrierkill", "OnTrigger#1" : "barrier*,Disable,,0,-1", "OnTrigger#2" : "barrier*,DisableCollision,,0,-1", }, }, }, disablebarrier2 = { NoFixup = 1, [0] = { logic_relay = { targetname = "gateunfuck", "OnTrigger#1" : "cap_b_trigtimer,AddOutput,OnCapTeam2 forcecapture_ab_relay:Trigger::0:1:-1,0,-1", "OnTrigger#2" : "cap_a_trigtimer,AddOutput,OnCapTeam2 forcecapture_a_relay:Trigger::0:1:-1,0,-1", "OnTrigger#3" : "pop_interface,ChangeBotAttributes,RevertGateBotsBehavior,0.1,-1", "OnTrigger#4" : "pop_interface,ChangeDefaultEventAttributes,RevertGateBotsBehavior,0.1,-1", }, }, }, disablebarrier3 = { NoFixup = 1, [0] = { logic_relay = { targetname = "bosswave", "OnTrigger#1" : "gate_a_blue_relay,Trigger,,0,-1", "OnTrigger#2" : "spawnbot_boss0*,Disable,,3,-1", "OnTrigger#3" : "bosstele,Enable,,0,-1", "OnTrigger#4" : "bosstele,Kill,,10,-1", "OnTrigger#5" : "item_teamflag,Kill,,0,-1", }, }, }, disablebarrier4 = { [0] = { trigger_teleport = { targetname = "bosstele", spawnflags = 1, StartDisabled = 1, target = "spawnbot_main1", origin = "1489.683472 -2599.624756 4.725704", mins = "-2000 -2000 -2000", maxs = "2000 2000 2000", }, }, [1] = { trigger_teleport = { targetname = "spytele", filtername = "filter_red", spawnflags = 1, StartDisabled = 1, target = "bighatchspawn", origin = "1489.683472 -2599.624756 4.725704", mins = "-2000 -2000 -2000", maxs = "2000 2000 2000", }, }, }, disablebarrier = { NoFixup = 1, [0] = { trigger_multiple = { targetname = "thirdperson", StartDisabled = 1, spawnflags = 3, origin = "-3822.866699 -202.705338 -329.256287", maxs = "50 50 50", mins = "-50 -50 -50", "OnStartTouch#1" : "!activator,SetForcedTauntCam,1,0,-1", "OnStartTouch#2" : "!activator,SetHUDVisibility,0,0.01,-1", "OnStartTouch#3" : "!activator,DisableDamageForces,,0,-1", "OnEndTouch#1" : "!activator,SetForcedTauntCam,0,0,-1", "OnEndTouch#2" : "!activator,SetHUDVisibility,1,0,-1", "OnEndTouch#3" : "!activator,EnableDamageForces,,0,-1", }, }, }, ammokiller1 = { NoFixup = 1, [0] = { logic_relay = { spawnflags = 1, "OnSpawn#1" : "item_ammopack*,Kill,,0,-1", "OnSpawn#2" : "func_respawnroomvisualizer,Kill,,0,-1", }, }, }, nogatealarm = { NoFixup = 1, [0] = { OnSpawnOutput = { Target = "gate1_alarm", Action = "kill", }, }, }, antitele = { NoFixup = 1, [0] = { func_nobuild = { AllowDispenser = 1, AllowSentry = 1, AllowTeleporters = 1, StartDisabled = 0, targetname = "reversemvm_teleban", TeamNum = 3, origin = "0 0 0", mins = "-9368 -8992 -2792", maxs = "9368 8992 2792", }, }, }, shop = { NoFixup = 1, [0] = { prop_dynamic = { targetname = "upgradestation", modelscale = 1.0, PerformanceMode = 0, physdamagescale = 1.0, pressuredelay = 0, RandomAnimation = 0, renderamt = 255, rendercolor = "255 255 255", renderfx = 0, rendermode = 0, SetBodyGroup = 0, skin = 0, solid = 6, spawnflags = 0, model = "models/props_mvm/mvm_upgrade_blu.mdl", DisableBoneFollowers = 1, disablereceiveshadows = 1, disableshadows = 1, ExplodeDamage = 0, ExplodeRadius = 0, fademaxdist = 0, fademindist = -1, fadescale = 1, MaxAnimTime = 10, maxdxlevel = 0, MinAnimTime = 5, mindxlevel = 0, }, }, [1] = { func_upgradestation = { mins = "-150 -100 0", maxs = "150 100 100", // parentname = "upgradestation", }, }, }, stopinvis = { NoFixup = 1, [0] = { prop_dynamic = { id = 3, targetname = "barrier1", classname = "prop_dynamic", angles = "0 0 0", DisableBoneFollowers = 0, disablereceiveshadows = 0, disableshadows = 1, ExplodeDamage = 0, ExplodeRadius = 0, fademaxdist = 0, fademindist = 0.0001, fadescale = 1, MaxAnimTime = 10, maxdxlevel = 0, MinAnimTime = 5, mindxlevel = 0, model = "models/props_buildings/building_002a.mdl", modelscale = 1, PerformanceMode = 0, pressuredelay = 0, RandomAnimation = 0, renderamt = 255, renderfx = 0, rendermode = 10, SetBodyGroup = 0, skin = 0, solid = 6, spawnflags = 0, origin = "0 0 0", }, }, }, stop1 = { NoFixup = 1, [0] = { prop_dynamic = { id = 3, targetname = "barrier1", classname = "prop_dynamic", angles = "0 0 0", DisableBoneFollowers = 0, disablereceiveshadows = 0, disableshadows = 1, ExplodeDamage = 0, ExplodeRadius = 0, fademaxdist = 0, fademindist = -1, fadescale = 1, MaxAnimTime = 10, maxdxlevel = 0, MinAnimTime = 5, mindxlevel = 0, model = "models/props_2fort/sniper_fence01.mdl", modelscale = 1, PerformanceMode = 0, pressuredelay = 0, RandomAnimation = 0, renderamt = 255, renderfx = 0, rendermode = 0, SetBodyGroup = 0, skin = 0, solid = 6, spawnflags = 0, origin = "0 0 0", }, }, }, stop2 = { NoFixup = 1, [0] = { prop_dynamic = { id = 3, targetname = "barrier2", classname = "prop_dynamic", angles = "0 0 0", DisableBoneFollowers = 0, disablereceiveshadows = 0, disableshadows = 1, ExplodeDamage = 0, ExplodeRadius = 0, fademaxdist = 0, fademindist = -1, fadescale = 1, MaxAnimTime = 10, maxdxlevel = 0, MinAnimTime = 5, mindxlevel = 0, model = "models/props_2fort/sniper_fence02.mdl", modelscale = 1, PerformanceMode = 0, pressuredelay = 0, RandomAnimation = 0, renderamt = 255, renderfx = 0, rendermode = 0, SetBodyGroup = 0, skin = 0, solid = 6, spawnflags = 0, origin = "0 0 0", }, }, }, idiot = { NoFixup = 1, [0] = { prop_dynamic = { id = 3, classname = "prop_dynamic", targetname = "stoopid", angles = "0 0 0", DisableBoneFollowers = 1, disablereceiveshadows = 0, disableshadows = 1, ExplodeDamage = 0, ExplodeRadius = 0, fademaxdist = 0, fademindist = -1, fadescale = 1, MaxAnimTime = 10, maxdxlevel = 0, MinAnimTime = 5, mindxlevel = 0, model = "models/bots/bot_worker/bot_worker_a.mdl", modelscale = 1, PerformanceMode = 0, pressuredelay = 0, RandomAnimation = 0, DefaultAnim = "idle", renderamt = 255, renderfx = 0, rendermode = 0, SetBodyGroup = 2, skin = 1, solid = 0, spawnflags = 0, origin = "0 0 0", }, }, }, tankdozer_relay = { NoFixup = 1, [0] = { ambient_generic = { targetname = "ambience", origin = "440 48 128", volstart = 10, spawnflags = 17, radius = 99999, preset = 0, message = "ambient/levels/citadel/citadel_drone_loop4.wav", lfotype = 0, lforate = 0, lfomodvol = 0, lfomodpitch = 0, health = 10, fadeoutsecs = 0, fadeinsecs = 0, cspinup = 0, }, }, }, powerupteleporter = { NoFixup = 1, [0] = { trigger_teleport = { targetname = "hastetele", filtername = "filter_red", target = "hasteexit", StartDisabled = 1, spawnflags = 1, mins = "-150 -150 -150", maxs = "150 150 150", origin = "-2226.294189 1508.539185 -118.968689", }, }, }, powerupnode = { NoFixup = 1, [0] = { info_teleport_destination = { targetname = "hasteexit", }, }, }, powerupspawner = { NoFixup = 1, [0] = { env_entity_maker = { targetname = "nodespawner", EntityTemplate = "powerupnode", "OnEntitySpawned#1" : "!self,Kill,,0,-1", }, }, }, } SpawnTemplate("stop2", null, "1201.650024 -1695.816895 -100.03253", "0 -90 0") SpawnTemplate("stop1", null, "2521.925781 -1483.154175 -33.031311", "0 -18 0") SpawnTemplate("stop2", null, "1377.793945 -1683.350098 -100", "0 -90 0") SpawnTemplate("stop1", null, "1377.793945 -1683.350098 -280", "0 -90 0") SpawnTemplate("stop1", null, "753.191101 -1526.889282 122.031311", "0 -136 0") SpawnTemplate("stop2", null, "1701.650024 -1695.816895 -100.03253", "0 -90 0") SpawnTemplate("stop1", null, "1537.793945 -1683.350098 -280", "0 -90 0") SpawnTemplate("stop2", null, "623.191101 -1396.889282 122.031311", "0 -136 0") SpawnTemplate("stop1", null, "1701.650024 -1695.816895 -280.03253", "0 -90 0") SpawnTemplate("stopinvis", null, "1583.191101 -1396.889282 992.031311", "0 70 95") SpawnTemplate("stop1", null, "1201.650024 -1695.816895 -280.03253", "0 -90 0") SpawnTemplate("stop2", null, "1537.793945 -1683.350098 -100", "0 -90 0") SpawnTemplate("shop", null, "2211.710205 -3486.608154 -99.098686", "0 135 0") SpawnTemplate("idiot", null, "2146.644775 -3543.594727 -79.098686", "0 131.289230 0") SpawnTemplate("shop", null, "2825.014648 -2269.287842 -33.278595", "0 90 0") SpawnTemplate("idiot", null, "2734.400635 -2259.087402 -23.031311", "0 90 0") SpawnTemplate("shop", null, "369.352661 -1891.981689 120.0313111", "0 90 0") SpawnTemplate("idiot", null, "281.985077 -1871.968750 127.031311", "0 90 0") SpawnTemplate("shop", null, "165.968750 1832.067139 -127.968689", "0 -180 0") SpawnTemplate("idiot", null, "145.989761 1743.196655 -117.968689", "0 -180 0") SpawnTemplate("redwin") SpawnTemplate("redwin2") SpawnTemplate("antitele") SpawnTemplate("ammokiller1") SpawnTemplate("nogatealarm") SpawnTemplate("annotation") SpawnTemplate("bombresetfixendurance") SpawnTemplate("bombresetfixendurance2") SpawnTemplate("playercap") SpawnTemplate("hatchunblocker", null, "-3822.866699 -199.705338 -379.256287") SpawnTemplate("enableforwardsniperhints") // SpawnTemplate("reversegatebot") // SpawnTemplate("reversegatebot2") SpawnTemplate("disablebarrier1") SpawnTemplate("disablebarrier2") SpawnTemplate("disablebarrier3") SpawnTemplate("disablebarrier4") SpawnTemplate("tankdozer_relay") SpawnTemplate("spawnpoints") // if (template != "StickyTank") // SpawnTemplate(template])