function AddHooksToScope(name, table, scope) { foreach (hookName, func in table) { // Entries in hook table must begin with 'On' to be considered hooks if (hookName[0] == 'O' && hookName[1] == 'n') { if (!("popHooks" in scope)) { scope["popHooks"] <- {}; } if (!(hookName in scope.popHooks)) { scope.popHooks[hookName] <- []; } scope.popHooks[hookName].append(func); } else { if (!("popProperty" in scope)) { scope["popProperty"] <- {}; } scope.popProperty[hookName] <- func; if (hookName == "TankModel") { local tankModelNames = typeof func == "string" ? {} : func; if (typeof func == "string") { tankModelNames.Default <- func; tankModelNames.Damage1 <- func; tankModelNames.Damage2 <- func; tankModelNames.Damage3 <- func; } scope.popProperty[hookName] <- tankModelNames; local tankModelNamesPrecached = {} foreach (k, v in tankModelNames) { tankModelNamesPrecached[k] <- PrecacheModel(v); } scope.popProperty.TankModelPrecached <- tankModelNamesPrecached; } } } } function FireHooks(entity, scope, name) { if (scope != null && "popHooks" in scope && name in scope.popHooks) { foreach (index, func in scope.popHooks[name]) { func(entity); } } } function FireHooksParam(entity, scope, name, param) { if (scope != null && "popHooks" in scope && name in scope.popHooks) { foreach (index, func in scope.popHooks[name]) { func(entity, param); } } } function PopulatorThink() { for (local tank = null; (tank = Entities.FindByClassname(tank, "tank_boss")) != null;) { tank.ValidateScriptScope(); local scope = tank.GetScriptScope(); if (!("created" in scope)) { scope.created <- true; local tankName = tank.GetName().tolower(); foreach (name, table in tankNamesWildcard) { if (name == tankName || name == tankName.slice(0, name.len())) { AddHooksToScope(tankName, table, scope); if ("OnSpawn" in table) { table.OnSpawn(tank, tankName); } } } if (tankName in tankNames) { local table = tankNames[tankName]; AddHooksToScope(tankName, table, scope); if ("OnSpawn" in table) { table.OnSpawn(tank, tankName); } } if ("popProperty" in scope && "DisableTracks" in scope.popProperty && scope.popProperty.DisableTracks) { for (local child = tank.FirstMoveChild(); child != null; child = child.NextMovePeer()) { if (child.GetClassname() != "prop_dynamic") continue; if (child.GetModelName() == "models/bots/boss_bot/tank_track_L.mdl" || child.GetModelName() == "models/bots/boss_bot/tank_track_R.mdl") { NetProps.SetPropInt(child, "m_fEffects", NetProps.GetPropInt(child, "m_fEffects") | 32); } } } if ("popProperty" in scope && "DisableBomb" in scope.popProperty && scope.popProperty.DisableBomb) { for (local child = tank.FirstMoveChild(); child != null; child = child.NextMovePeer()) { if (child.GetClassname() != "prop_dynamic") continue; if (child.GetModelName() == "models/bots/boss_bot/bomb_mechanism.mdl") { NetProps.SetPropInt(child, "m_fEffects", NetProps.GetPropInt(child, "m_fEffects") | 32); } } } if ("popProperty" in scope && "TankModel" in scope.popProperty) { if (!("TankModelVisionOnly" in scope.popProperty && scope.popProperty.TankModelVisionOnly)) { tank.SetModelSimple(scope.popProperty.TankModel.Default); } NetProps.SetPropIntArray(tank, "m_nModelIndexOverrides", scope.popProperty.TankModelPrecached.Default, 0); NetProps.SetPropIntArray(tank, "m_nModelIndexOverrides", scope.popProperty.TankModelPrecached.Default, 3); for (local child = tank.FirstMoveChild(); child != null; child = child.NextMovePeer()) { if (child.GetClassname() != "prop_dynamic") continue; local replace_model = -1; local replace_model_str = ""; local childModelName = child.GetModelName(); if ("Bomb" in scope.popProperty.TankModel && childModelName == "models/bots/boss_bot/bomb_mechanism.mdl") { replace_model = scope.popProperty.TankModelPrecached.Bomb; replace_model_str = scope.popProperty.TankModel.Bomb; } else if ("LeftTrack" in scope.popProperty.TankModel && childModelName == "models/bots/boss_bot/tank_track_L.mdl") { replace_model = scope.popProperty.TankModelPrecached.LeftTrack; replace_model_str = scope.popProperty.TankModel.LeftTrack; } else if ("RightTrack" in scope.popProperty.TankModel && childModelName == "models/bots/boss_bot/tank_track_R.mdl") { replace_model = scope.popProperty.TankModelPrecached.RightTrack; replace_model_str = scope.popProperty.TankModel.RightTrack; } if (replace_model != -1) { child.SetModel(replace_model_str); NetProps.SetPropIntArray(child, "m_nModelIndexOverrides", replace_model, 0); NetProps.SetPropIntArray(child, "m_nModelIndexOverrides", replace_model, 3); } } } } else { if (!("lastHealth" in scope)) { scope.lastHealth <- tank.GetHealth(); scope.lastHealthStage <- 0; } if (("changeTankModelIndex" in scope)) { if (!("TankModelVisionOnly" in scope.popProperty && scope.popProperty.TankModelVisionOnly)) { tank.SetModelSimple(scope.popProperty.TankModel[scope.changeTankModelIndex]); } NetProps.SetPropIntArray(tank, "m_nModelIndexOverrides", scope.popProperty.TankModelPrecached[scope.changeTankModelIndex], 0); NetProps.SetPropIntArray(tank, "m_nModelIndexOverrides", scope.popProperty.TankModelPrecached[scope.changeTankModelIndex], 3); delete scope.changeTankModelIndex; } if (scope.lastHealth != tank.GetHealth()) { local health_per_model = tank.GetMaxHealth() / 4; local health_threshold = tank.GetMaxHealth() - health_per_model; local health_stage; for (health_stage = 0; health_stage < 3; health_stage++) { if (tank.GetHealth() > health_threshold) break; health_threshold -= health_per_model; } if (scope.lastHealthStage != health_stage && "popProperty" in scope && "TankModel" in scope.popProperty) { local name = health_stage == 0 ? "Default" : "Damage" + health_stage; scope.changeTankModelIndex <- name; if (!("TankModelVisionOnly" in scope.popProperty && scope.popProperty.TankModelVisionOnly)) { tank.SetModelSimple(scope.popProperty.TankModel[name]); } NetProps.SetPropIntArray(tank, "m_nModelIndexOverrides", scope.popProperty.TankModelPrecached[name], 0); NetProps.SetPropIntArray(tank, "m_nModelIndexOverrides", scope.popProperty.TankModelPrecached[name], 3); } scope.lastHealth = tank.GetHealth(); } } } for (local i = 1; i <= Constants.Server.MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { local player = PlayerInstanceFromIndex(i); if (player == null) continue; if (player.IsBotOfType(1337)) { player.ValidateScriptScope(); local scope = player.GetScriptScope(); local alive = NetProps.GetPropInt(player, "m_lifeState") == 0; if (alive && !("botCreated" in scope)) { scope.botCreated <- true; foreach (tag, table in robotTags) { if (player.HasBotTag(tag)) { scope.popFiredDeathHook <- false; AddHooksToScope(tag, table, scope); if ("OnSpawn" in table) { table.OnSpawn(player, tag); } } } } // Make sure that ondeath hook is fired always if (!alive && "popFiredDeathHook" in scope) { local scope = player.GetScriptScope(); if (!scope.popFiredDeathHook) { FireHooksParam(player, scope, "OnDeath", null); } delete scope.popFiredDeathHook; } } } return 0.00; } function OnScriptHook_OnTakeDamage(params) { local victim = params.const_entity; if (victim != null && ((victim.IsPlayer() && victim.IsBotOfType(1337)) || victim.GetClassname() == "tank_boss")) { local scope = victim.GetScriptScope(); FireHooksParam(victim, scope, "OnTakeDamage", params); } local attacker = params.attacker; if (attacker != null && attacker.IsPlayer() && attacker.IsBotOfType(1337)) { local scope = attacker.GetScriptScope(); FireHooksParam(attacker, scope, "OnDealDamage", params); } } function OnGameEvent_player_spawn(params) { local player = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.userid); if (player.GetScriptScope() != null && "popWearablesToDestroy" in player.GetScriptScope()) { foreach(i, wearable in player.GetScriptScope().popWearablesToDestroy) { if (wearable.IsValid()) { wearable.Kill(); } } delete player.GetScriptScope().popWearablesToDestroy; } if (player != null && player.IsBotOfType(1337)) { player.ValidateScriptScope(); local scope = player.GetScriptScope(); if ("popFiredDeathHook" in scope) { if (!scope.popFiredDeathHook) { FireHooksParam(player, scope, "OnDeath", null); } delete scope.popFiredDeathHook; } // Reset hooks if ("botCreated" in scope) { delete scope.botCreated; } if ("popHooks" in scope) { delete scope.popHooks; } } } function OnGameEvent_player_hurt(params) { local victim = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.userid); if (victim != null && victim.IsBotOfType(1337)) { local scope = victim.GetScriptScope(); FireHooksParam(victim, scope, "OnTakeDamagePost", params); } local attacker = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.attacker); if (attacker != null && attacker.IsBotOfType(1337)) { local scope = attacker.GetScriptScope(); FireHooksParam(attacker, scope, "OnDealDamagePost", params); } } function OnGameEvent_player_death(params) { local player = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.userid); if (player != null && player.IsBotOfType(1337)) { local scope = player.GetScriptScope(); scope.popFiredDeathHook <- true; FireHooksParam(player, scope, "OnDeath", params); } local attacker = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.attacker); if (attacker != null && attacker.IsBotOfType(1337)) { local scope = attacker.GetScriptScope(); FireHooksParam(attacker, scope, "OnKill", params); } if (player.GetScriptScope() != null && "popWearablesToDestroy" in player.GetScriptScope()) { foreach(i, wearable in player.GetScriptScope().popWearablesToDestroy) { if (wearable.IsValid()) { wearable.Kill(); } } delete player.GetScriptScope().popWearablesToDestroy; } } function OnGameEvent_npc_hurt(params) { local victim = EntIndexToHScript(params.entindex); if (victim != null && victim.GetClassname() == "tank_boss") { local scope = victim.GetScriptScope(); local dead = (victim.GetHealth() - params.damageamount) <= 0; FireHooksParam(victim, scope, "OnTakeDamagePost", params); if (dead && !("popFiredDeathHook" in scope)) { scope.popFiredDeathHook <- true; if ("popProperty" in scope && "Icon" in scope.popProperty) { local icon = scope.popProperty.Icon; local flags = MVM_CLASS_FLAG_NORMAL; if (!("isBoss" in icon) || icon.isBoss) { flags= flags | MVM_CLASS_FLAG_MINIBOSS; } if ("isCrit" in icon && icon.isCrit) { flags= flags | MVM_CLASS_FLAG_ALWAYSCRIT; } if (GetWaveIconSpawnCount("tank", MVM_CLASS_FLAG_MINIBOSS | MVM_CLASS_FLAG_NORMAL) > 0 && GetWaveIconSpawnCount(, flags) > 0) { // Compensate for the decreasing of normal tank icon IncrementWaveIconSpawnCount("tank", MVM_CLASS_FLAG_MINIBOSS | MVM_CLASS_FLAG_NORMAL, 1, false); } // Decrement custom tank icon when killed. DecrementWaveIconSpawnCount(, flags, 1, false); } FireHooksParam(victim, scope, "OnDeath", params); } } } tankIcons <- []; icons <- []; function OnGameEvent_mvm_begin_wave(params) { if ("waveIconsFunction" in this) { this.waveIconsFunction(); } foreach (i,v in tankIcons) { _PopIncrementTankIcon(v); } foreach (i,v in icons) { _PopIncrementIcon(v); } } function OnGameEvent_teamplay_round_start(params) { if ("waveIconsFunction" in this) { delete waveIconsFunction; } tankIcons <- []; icons <- []; } __CollectGameEventCallbacks(this);