// Itemdef constants generated on 17:25 2024/04/13 UTC const ID_DEFAULT = "default" // '#TF_Default_ItemDef' const ID_BAT = 0 // 'Bat' const ID_BOTTLE = 1 // 'Bottle' const ID_FIREAXE = 2 // 'Fire Axe' const ID_CLUB = 3 // 'Kukri' const ID_KNIFE = 4 // 'Knife' const ID_FISTS = 5 // 'Fists' const ID_SHOVEL = 6 // 'Shovel' const ID_WRENCH = 7 // 'Wrench' const ID_BONESAW = 8 // 'Bonesaw' const ID_SHOTGUN_PRIMARY = 9 // Engineer's Shotgun const ID_SHOTGUN_SOLDIER = 10 // Soldier's Shotgun const ID_SHOTGUN_HWG = 11 // Heavy's Shotgun const ID_SHOTGUN_PYRO = 12 // Pyro's Shotgun const ID_SCATTERGUN = 13 // 'Scattergun' const ID_SNIPERRIFLE = 14 // 'Sniper Rifle' const ID_MINIGUN = 15 // 'Minigun' const ID_SMG = 16 // 'SMG' const ID_SYRINGEGUN_MEDIC = 17 // 'Syringe Gun' const ID_ROCKETLAUNCHER = 18 // 'Rocket Launcher' const ID_GRENADELAUNCHER = 19 // 'Grenade Launcher' const ID_PIPEBOMBLAUNCHER = 20 // 'Stickybomb Launcher' const ID_FLAMETHROWER = 21 // 'Flame Thrower' const ID_PISTOL = 22 // 'Pistol' const ID_PISTOL_SCOUT = 23 // 'Pistol' const ID_REVOLVER = 24 // 'Revolver' const ID_PDA_ENGINEER_BUILD = 25 // 'Construction PDA' const ID_PDA_ENGINEER_DESTROY = 26 // 'Destruction PDA' const ID_PDA_SPY = 27 // 'Disguise Kit' const ID_BUILDER = 28 // 'PDA' const ID_MEDIGUN = 29 // 'Medi Gun' const ID_INVIS = 30 // 'Invis Watch' const ID_KRITZKRIEG = 35 // 'Kritzkrieg' const ID_BLUTSAUGER = 36 // 'Blutsauger' const ID_UBERSAW = 37 // 'Ubersaw' const ID_AXTINGUISHER = 38 // 'Axtinguisher' const ID_FLARE_GUN = 39 // 'Flare Gun' const ID_BACKBURNER = 40 // 'Backburner' const ID_NATASCHA = 41 // 'Natascha' const ID_SANDVICH = 42 // 'Sandvich' const ID_KILLING_GLOVES_OF_BOXING = 43 // 'Killing Gloves of Boxing' const ID_SANDMAN = 44 // 'Sandman' const ID_FORCE_A_NATURE = 45 // 'Force-A-Nature' const ID_BONK_ATOMIC_PUNCH = 46 // 'Bonk! Atomic Punch' const ID_DEMOMANS_FRO = 47 // 'Demoman's Fro' const ID_MINING_LIGHT = 48 // 'Mining Light' const ID_FOOTBALL_HELMET = 49 // 'Football Helmet' const ID_PRUSSIAN_PICKELHAUBE = 50 // 'Prussian Pickelhaube' const ID_PYROS_BEANIE = 51 // 'Pyro's Beanie' const ID_BATTERS_HELMET = 52 // 'Batter's Helmet' const ID_TROPHY_BELT = 53 // 'Trophy Belt' const ID_SOLDIERS_STASH = 54 // 'Soldier's Stash' const ID_FANCY_FEDORA = 55 // 'Fancy Fedora' const ID_HUNTSMAN = 56 // 'Huntsman' const ID_RAZORBACK = 57 // 'Razorback' const ID_JARATE = 58 // 'Jarate' const ID_DEAD_RINGER = 59 // 'Dead Ringer' const ID_CLOAK_AND_DAGGER = 60 // 'Cloak and Dagger' const ID_AMBASSADOR = 61 // 'Ambassador' const ID_TEXAS_TEN_GALLON = 94 // 'Texas Ten Gallon' const ID_ENGINEERS_CAP = 95 // 'Engineer's Cap' const ID_OFFICERS_USHANKA = 96 // 'Officer's Ushanka' const ID_TOUGH_GUYS_TOQUE = 97 // 'Tough Guy's Toque' const ID_STAINLESS_POT = 98 // 'Stainless Pot' const ID_TYRANTS_HELM = 99 // 'Tyrant's Helm' const ID_GLENGARRY_BONNET = 100 // 'Glengarry Bonnet' const ID_VINTAGE_TYROLEAN = 101 // 'Vintage Tyrolean' const ID_RESPECTLESS_RUBBER_GLOVE = 102 // 'Respectless Rubber Glove' const ID_CAMERA_BEARD = 103 // 'Camera Beard' const ID_OTOLARYNGOLOGISTS_MIRROR = 104 // 'Otolaryngologist's Mirror' const ID_BRIGADE_HELM = 105 // 'Brigade Helm' const ID_BONK_HELM = 106 // 'Bonk Helm' const ID_YE_OLDE_BAKER_BOY = 107 // 'Ye Olde Baker Boy' const ID_BACKBITERS_BILLYCOCK = 108 // 'Backbiter's Billycock' const ID_PROFESSIONALS_PANAMA = 109 // 'Professional's Panama' const ID_MASTERS_YELLOW_BELT = 110 // 'Master's Yellow Belt' const ID_BASEBALL_BILLS_SPORTS_SHINE = 111 // 'Baseball Bill's Sports Shine' const ID_MILDLY_DISTURBING_HALLOWEEN_MASK = 115 // 'Mildly Disturbing Halloween Mask' const ID_GHASTLY_GIBUS = 116 // 'Ghastlierest Gibus' const ID_RITZY_RICKS_HAIR_FIXATIVE = 117 // 'Ritzy Rick's Hair Fixative' const ID_TEXAS_SLIMS_DOME_SHINE = 118 // 'Texas Slim's Dome Shine' const ID_SCOTSMANS_STOVE_PIPE = 120 // 'Scotsman's Stove Pipe' const ID_WEB_EASTEREGG_MEDAL = 121 // 'Gentle Manne's Service Medal' const ID_CHEATDETECTEDMINOR = 122 // 'Your account has been flagged for circum...' const ID_CHEATDETECTEDMAJOR = 123 // 'Your account has been flagged for circum...' const ID_CHEATDETECTEDHONESTY = 124 // 'Congratulations! Your Honesty has been r...' const ID_HONEST_HALO = 125 // 'Cheater's Lament' const ID_L4D_HAT = 126 // 'Bill's Hat' const ID_DIRECT_HIT = 127 // 'Direct Hit' const ID_EQUALIZER = 128 // 'Equalizer' const ID_BUFF_BANNER = 129 // 'Buff Banner' const ID_SCOTTISH_RESISTANCE = 130 // 'Scottish Resistance' const ID_CHARGIN_TARGE = 131 // 'Chargin' Targe' const ID_EYELANDER = 132 // 'Eyelander' const ID_GUNBOATS = 133 // 'Gunboats' const ID_PROPAGANDA_CONTEST_FIRST_PLACE = 134 // 'J.Axer's Dapper Topper' const ID_TOWERING_PILLAR_OF_HATS = 135 // 'Towering Pillar of Hats' const ID_PROPAGANDA_CONTEST_SECOND_PLACE = 136 // 'Amber's Rad As All Hell Hat' const ID_NOBLE_AMASSMENT_OF_HATS = 137 // 'Noble Amassment of Hats' const ID_PROPAGANDA_CONTEST_THIRD_PLACE = 138 // 'Uncle Sam' const ID_MODEST_PILE_OF_HAT = 139 // 'Modest Pile of Hat' const ID_WRANGLER = 140 // 'Wrangler' const ID_FRONTIER_JUSTICE = 141 // 'Frontier Justice' const ID_GUNSLINGER = 142 // 'Gunslinger' const ID_OSX_ITEM = 143 // 'Earbuds' const ID_MEDIC_MASK = 144 // 'Physician's Procedure Mask' const ID_HEAVY_HAIR = 145 // 'Hound Dog' const ID_DEMOMAN_HALLMARK = 146 // 'Hustler's Hallmark' const ID_SPY_NOBLE_HAIR = 147 // 'Magistrate's Mullet' const ID_ENGINEER_WELDING_MASK = 148 // 'Hotrod' const ID_SCOUT_BEANIE = 150 // 'Troublemaker's Tossle Cap' const ID_PYRO_BRAIN_SUCKER = 151 // 'Triboniophorus Tyrannus' const ID_SOLDIER_SAMURAI_HAT = 152 // 'Killer's Kabuto' const ID_HOMEWRECKER = 153 // 'Homewrecker' const ID_PAIN_TRAIN = 154 // 'Pain Train' const ID_SOUTHERN_HOSPITALITY = 155 // 'Southern Hospitality' const ID_SNIPER_PITH_HELMET = 158 // 'Shooter's Sola Topi' const ID_DALOKOHS_BAR = 159 // 'Dalokohs Bar' const ID_TTG_MAX_PISTOL = 160 // 'Lugermorph' const ID_TTG_SAM_REVOLVER = 161 // 'Big Kill' const ID_TTG_MAX_HAT = 162 // 'Max's Severed Head' const ID_CRIT_A_COLA = 163 // 'Crit-a-Cola' const ID_EMPLOYEE_BADGE_A = 164 // 'Grizzled Veteran' const ID_EMPLOYEE_BADGE_B = 165 // 'Soldier of Fortune' const ID_EMPLOYEE_BADGE_C = 166 // 'Mercenary' const ID_HIGH_FIVE_TAUNT = 167 // 'Taunt: The High Five!' const ID_GOLDEN_WRENCH = 169 // 'Golden Wrench' const ID_EMPLOYEE_BADGE_PLAT = 170 // 'Primeval Warrior' const ID_TRIBALMANS_SHIV = 171 // 'Tribalman's Shiv' const ID_SCOTSMANS_SKULLCUTTER = 172 // 'Scotsman's Skullcutter' const ID_VITA_SAW = 173 // 'Vita-Saw' const ID_SCOUT_WHOOPEE_CAP = 174 // 'Whoopee Cap' const ID_PYRO_MONOCLE = 175 // 'Whiskered Gentleman' const ID_MEDIC_GOGGLES = 177 // 'Ze Goggles' const ID_ENGINEER_EARMUFFS = 178 // 'Safe'n'Sound' const ID_DEMOMAN_TRICORNE = 179 // 'Tippler's Tricorne' const ID_SPY_BERET = 180 // 'Frenchman's Beret' const ID_SNIPER_FISHING_HAT = 181 // 'Bloke's Bucket Hat' const ID_PYRO_HELM = 182 // 'Vintage Merryweather' const ID_SOLDIER_DRILL_HAT = 183 // 'Sergeant's Drill Hat' const ID_MEDIC_GATSBY = 184 // 'Gentleman's Gatsby' const ID_HEAVY_DO_RAG = 185 // 'Heavy Duty Rag' const ID_PARASITE_HAT = 189 // 'Alien Swarm Parasite' const ID_UNIQUE_TF_WEAPON_BAT = 190 // 'Bat' const ID_UNIQUE_TF_WEAPON_BOTTLE = 191 // 'Bottle' const ID_UNIQUE_TF_WEAPON_FIREAXE = 192 // 'Fire Axe' const ID_UNIQUE_TF_WEAPON_CLUB = 193 // 'Kukri' const ID_UNIQUE_TF_WEAPON_KNIFE = 194 // 'Knife' const ID_UNIQUE_TF_WEAPON_FISTS = 195 // 'Fists' const ID_UNIQUE_TF_WEAPON_SHOVEL = 196 // 'Shovel' const ID_UNIQUE_TF_WEAPON_WRENCH = 197 // 'Wrench' const ID_UNIQUE_TF_WEAPON_BONESAW = 198 // 'Bonesaw' const ID_UNIQUE_TF_WEAPON_SHOTGUN_PRIMARY = 199 // 'Shotgun' const ID_UNIQUE_TF_WEAPON_SCATTERGUN = 200 // 'Scattergun' const ID_UNIQUE_TF_WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE = 201 // 'Sniper Rifle' const ID_UNIQUE_TF_WEAPON_MINIGUN = 202 // 'Minigun' const ID_UNIQUE_TF_WEAPON_SMG = 203 // 'SMG' const ID_UNIQUE_TF_WEAPON_SYRINGEGUN_MEDIC = 204 // 'Syringe Gun' const ID_UNIQUE_TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER = 205 // 'Rocket Launcher' const ID_UNIQUE_TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER = 206 // 'Grenade Launcher' const ID_UNIQUE_TF_WEAPON_PIPEBOMBLAUNCHER = 207 // 'Stickybomb Launcher' const ID_UNIQUE_TF_WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER = 208 // 'Flame Thrower' const ID_UNIQUE_TF_WEAPON_PISTOL = 209 // 'Pistol' const ID_UNIQUE_TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER = 210 // 'Revolver' const ID_UNIQUE_TF_WEAPON_MEDIGUN = 211 // 'Medi Gun' const ID_UNIQUE_TF_WEAPON_INVIS = 212 // 'Invis Watch' const ID_ATTENDANT = 213 // 'Attendant' const ID_POWERJACK = 214 // 'Powerjack' const ID_DEGREASER = 215 // 'Degreaser' const ID_RIMMED_RAINCATCHER = 216 // 'Rimmed Raincatcher' const ID_MILKMAN = 219 // 'Milkman' const ID_SHORTSTOP = 220 // 'Shortstop' const ID_HOLY_MACKEREL = 221 // 'Holy Mackerel' const ID_MAD_MILK = 222 // 'Mad Milk' const ID_FAMILIAR_FEZ = 223 // 'Familiar Fez' const ID_LETRANGER = 224 // 'L'Etranger' const ID_YOUR_ETERNAL_REWARD = 225 // 'Your Eternal Reward' const ID_BATTALIONS_BACKUP = 226 // 'Battalion's Backup' const ID_GRENADIERS_SOFTCAP = 227 // 'Grenadier's Softcap' const ID_BLACK_BOX = 228 // 'Black Box' const ID_OL_SNAGGLETOOTH = 229 // 'Ol' Snaggletooth' const ID_SYDNEY_SLEEPER = 230 // 'Sydney Sleeper' const ID_DARWINS_DANGER_SHIELD = 231 // 'Darwin's Danger Shield' const ID_BUSHWACKA = 232 // 'Bushwacka' const ID_GIFT_1_PLAYER = 233 // 'Secret Saxton' const ID_GIFT_24_PLAYERS = 234 // 'Pile o' Gifts' const ID_ROCKET_JUMPER = 237 // 'Rocket Jumper' const ID_GLOVES_OF_RUNNING_URGENTLY = 239 // 'Gloves of Running Urgently' const ID_WORMS_GEAR = 240 // 'Lumbricus Lid' const ID_DUEL_MINIGAME = 241 // 'Dueling Mini-Game' const ID_DUEL_MEDAL_BRONZE = 242 // 'Bronze Dueling Badge' const ID_DUEL_MEDAL_SILVER = 243 // 'Silver Dueling Badge' const ID_DUEL_MEDAL_GOLD = 244 // 'Gold Dueling Badge' const ID_DUEL_MEDAL_PLAT = 245 // 'Platinum Dueling Badge' const ID_PUGILISTS_PROTECTOR = 246 // 'Pugilist's Protector' const ID_OLD_GUADALAJARA = 247 // 'Old Guadalajara' const ID_NAPPERS_RESPITE = 248 // 'Napper's Respite' const ID_BOMBING_RUN = 249 // 'Bombing Run' const ID_CHIEFTAINS_CHALLENGE = 250 // 'Chieftain's Challenge' const ID_STOUT_SHAKO = 251 // 'Stout Shako' const ID_DRS_DAPPER_TOPPER = 252 // 'Dr's Dapper Topper' const ID_HANDYMANS_HANDLE = 253 // 'Handyman's Handle' const ID_HARD_COUNTER = 254 // 'Hard Counter' const ID_SOBER_STUNTMAN = 255 // 'Sober Stuntman' const ID_CAROUSERS_CAPOTAIN = 259 // 'Carouser's Capotain' const ID_WIKI_CAP = 260 // 'Wiki Cap' const ID_MANN_CO_CAP = 261 // 'Mann Co. Cap' const ID_POLYCOUNT_PIN = 262 // 'Polycount Pin' const ID_ELLIS_HAT = 263 // 'Ellis' Cap' const ID_FRYING_PAN = 264 // 'Frying Pan' const ID_STICKYBOMB_JUMPER = 265 // 'Sticky Jumper' const ID_HORSELESS_HEADLESS_HORSEMANS_HEADTAKER = 266 // 'Horseless Headless Horsemann's Headtaker' const ID_HAUNTED_METAL_SCRAP = 267 // 'Haunted Metal Scrap' const ID_HALLOWEEN_MASK_SCOUT = 268 // 'Scout Mask' const ID_HALLOWEEN_MASK_SNIPER = 269 // 'Sniper Mask' const ID_HALLOWEEN_MASK_SOLDIER = 270 // 'Soldier Mask' const ID_HALLOWEEN_MASK_DEMOMAN = 271 // 'Demoman Mask' const ID_HALLOWEEN_MASK_MEDIC = 272 // 'Medic Mask' const ID_HALLOWEEN_MASK_HEAVY = 273 // 'Heavy Mask' const ID_HALLOWEEN_MASK_SPY = 274 // 'Spy Mask' const ID_HALLOWEEN_MASK_ENGINEER = 275 // 'Engineer Mask' const ID_HALLOWEEN_MASK_PYRO = 276 // 'Pyro Mask' const ID_HALLOWEEN_MASK_SAXTON_HALE = 277 // 'Saxton Hale Mask' const ID_HORSELESS_HEADLESS_HORSEMANS_HEAD = 278 // 'Horseless Headless Horsemann's Head' const ID_GHASTLY_GIBUS_2010 = 279 // 'Ghastlier Gibus' const ID_HALLOWEEN_NOISE_MAKER_BLACK_CAT = 280 // 'Noise Maker - Black Cat' const ID_HALLOWEEN_NOISE_MAKER_GREMLIN = 281 // 'Noise Maker - Gremlin' const ID_HALLOWEEN_NOISE_MAKER_WEREWOLF = 282 // 'Noise Maker - Werewolf' const ID_HALLOWEEN_NOISE_MAKER_WITCH = 283 // 'Noise Maker - Witch' const ID_HALLOWEEN_NOISE_MAKER_BANSHEE = 284 // 'Noise Maker - Banshee' const ID_HALLOWEEN_NOISE_MAKER_CRAZY_LAUGH = 286 // 'Noise Maker - Crazy Laugh' const ID_SPINE_CHILLING_SKULL = 287 // 'Spine-Chilling Skull' const ID_HALLOWEEN_NOISE_MAKER_STABBY = 288 // 'Noise Maker - Stabby' const ID_VOODOO_JUJU = 289 // 'Voodoo Juju' const ID_CADAVERS_CRANIUM = 290 // 'Cadaver's Cranium' const ID_HORRIFIC_HEADSPLITTER = 291 // 'Horrific Headsplitter' const ID_POKER_VISOR = 292 // 'Dealer's Visor' const ID_TTG_MAX_PISTOL_POKER_NIGHT = 294 // 'Lugermorph' const ID_TTG_GLASSES = 295 // 'Dangeresque, Too?' const ID_TTG_BADGE = 296 // 'License to Maim' const ID_TTG_WATCH = 297 // 'Enthusiast's Timepiece' const ID_IRON_CURTAIN = 298 // 'Iron Curtain' const ID_PORTAL_2_PIN = 299 // 'Companion Cube Pin' const ID_CAMERA_HELM = 302 // 'Frontline Field Recorder' const ID_BERLINERS_BUCKET_HELM = 303 // 'Berliner's Bucket Helm' const ID_AMPUTATOR = 304 // 'Amputator' const ID_CRUSADERS_CROSSBOW = 305 // 'Crusader's Crossbow' const ID_SCOTCH_BONNET = 306 // 'Scotch Bonnet' const ID_ULLAPOOL_CABER = 307 // 'Ullapool Caber' const ID_LOCH_N_LOAD = 308 // 'Loch-n-Load' const ID_BIG_CHIEF = 309 // 'Big Chief' const ID_WARRIORS_SPIRIT = 310 // 'Warrior's Spirit' const ID_BUFFALO_STEAK_SANDVICH = 311 // 'Buffalo Steak Sandvich' const ID_BRASS_BEAST = 312 // 'Brass Beast' const ID_MAGNIFICENT_MONGOLIAN = 313 // 'Magnificent Mongolian' const ID_LARRIKIN_ROBIN = 314 // 'Larrikin Robin' const ID_BLIGHTED_BEAK = 315 // 'Blighted Beak' const ID_PYROMANCERS_MASK = 316 // 'Pyromancer's Mask' const ID_CANDY_CANE = 317 // 'Candy Cane' const ID_PRANCERS_PRIDE = 318 // 'Prancer's Pride' const ID_DETECTIVE_NOIR = 319 // 'Détective Noir' const ID_MADAME_DIXIE = 321 // 'Madame Dixie' const ID_BUCKAROOS_HAT = 322 // 'Buckaroo's Hat' const ID_GERMAN_GONZILA = 323 // 'German Gonzila' const ID_FLIPPED_TRILBY = 324 // 'Flipped Trilby' const ID_BOSTON_BASHER = 325 // 'Boston Basher' const ID_BACK_SCRATCHER = 326 // 'Back Scratcher' const ID_CLAIDHEAMOHMOR = 327 // 'Claidheamh Mòr' const ID_JAG = 329 // 'Jag' const ID_COUPE_DISASTER = 330 // 'Coupe D'isaster' const ID_FISTS_OF_STEEL = 331 // 'Fists of Steel' const ID_TREASURE_HAT_1 = 332 // 'Bounty Hat' const ID_TREASURE_HAT_2 = 333 // 'Treasure Hat' const ID_TREASURE_HAT_3 = 334 // 'Hat of Undeniable Wealth And Respect' const ID_KF_PYRO_MASK = 335 // 'Foster's Facade' const ID_KF_PYRO_TIE = 336 // 'Stockbroker's Scarf' const ID_LE_PARTY_PHANTOM = 337 // 'Le Party Phantom' const ID_INDUSTRIAL_FESTIVIZER = 338 // 'Industrial Festivizer' const ID_EXQUISITE_RACK = 339 // 'Exquisite Rack' const ID_DEFIANT_SPARTAN = 340 // 'Defiant Spartan' const ID_A_RATHER_FESTIVE_TREE = 341 // 'A Rather Festive Tree' const ID_PRINCE_TAVISHS_CROWN = 342 // 'Prince Tavish's Crown' const ID_FRIENDLY_ITEM = 343 // 'Professor Speks' const ID_CROCLEATHER_SLOUCH = 344 // 'Crocleather Slouch' const ID_MNC_HAT = 345 // 'The Athletic Supporter' const ID_MNC_MASCOT_HAT = 346 // 'The Superfan' const ID_MNC_MASCOT_OUTFIT = 347 // 'The Essential Accessories' const ID_SHARPENED_VOLCANO_FRAGMENT = 348 // 'Sharpened Volcano Fragment' const ID_SUN_ON_A_STICK = 349 // 'Sun-on-a-Stick' const ID_DETONATOR = 351 // 'Detonator' const ID_CONCHEROR = 354 // 'Concheror' const ID_FAN_OWAR = 355 // 'Fan O'War' const ID_CONNIVERS_KUNAI = 356 // 'Conniver's Kunai' const ID_HALF_ZATOICHI = 357 // 'Half-Zatoichi' const ID_HEAVY_TOPKNOT = 358 // 'Dread Knot' const ID_DEMO_KABUTO = 359 // 'Samur-Eye' const ID_HEROS_HACHIMAKI = 360 // 'Hero's Hachimaki' const ID_SPY_ONI_MASK = 361 // 'Noh Mercy' const ID_CHARITY_NOISE_MAKER_BELL = 362 // 'Noise Maker - Bell' const ID_MEDIC_GEISHA_HAIR = 363 // 'Geisha Boy' const ID_CHARITY_NOISE_MAKER_TINGSHA = 364 // 'Noise Maker - Gong' const ID_PROMOTIONAL_NOISE_MAKER_KOTO = 365 // 'Noise Maker - Koto' const ID_HOTTIES_HOODIE = 377 // 'Hottie's Hoodie' const ID_TEAM_CAPTAIN = 378 // 'Team Captain' const ID_WESTERN_WEAR = 379 // 'Western Wear' const ID_LARGE_LUCHADORE = 380 // 'Large Luchadore' const ID_MEDICS_MOUNTAIN_CAP = 381 // 'Medic's Mountain Cap' const ID_BIG_COUNTRY = 382 // 'Big Country' const ID_GRIMM_HATTE = 383 // 'Grimm Hatte' const ID_PROFESSORS_PECULIARITY = 384 // 'Professor's Peculiarity' const ID_TEDDY_ROOSEBELT = 386 // 'Teddy Roosebelt' const ID_SIGHT_FOR_SORE_EYES = 387 // 'Sight for Sore Eyes' const ID_PRIVATE_EYE = 388 // 'Private Eye' const ID_GOOGLY_GAZER = 389 // 'Googly Gazer' const ID_REGGAELATOR = 390 // 'Reggaelator' const ID_HONCHOS_HEADGEAR = 391 // 'Honcho's Headgear' const ID_POCKET_MEDIC = 392 // 'Pocket Medic' const ID_VILLAINS_VEIL = 393 // 'Villain's Veil' const ID_CONNOISSEURS_CAP = 394 // 'Connoisseur's Cap' const ID_FURIOUS_FUKAAMIGASA = 395 // 'Furious Fukaamigasa' const ID_CHARMERS_CHAPEAU = 397 // 'Charmer's Chapeau' const ID_DOCTORS_SACK = 398 // 'Doctor's Sack' const ID_OL_GEEZER = 399 // 'Ol' Geezer' const ID_DESERT_MARAUDER = 400 // 'Desert Marauder' const ID_SHAHANSHAH = 401 // 'Shahanshah' const ID_BAZAAR_BARGAIN = 402 // 'Bazaar Bargain' const ID_SULTANS_CEREMONIAL = 403 // 'Sultan's Ceremonial' const ID_PERSIAN_PERSUADER = 404 // 'Persian Persuader' const ID_ALI_BABAS_WEE_BOOTIES = 405 // 'Ali Baba's Wee Booties' const ID_SPLENDID_SCREEN = 406 // 'Splendid Screen' const ID_HUMANITARIANS_HACHIMAKI = 408 // 'Humanitarian's Hachimaki' const ID_BENEFACTORS_KANMURI = 409 // 'Benefactor's Kanmuri' const ID_MANGNANIMOUS_MONARCH = 410 // 'Magnanimous Monarch' const ID_QUICK_FIX = 411 // 'Quick-Fix' const ID_OVERDOSE = 412 // 'Overdose' const ID_SOLEMN_VOW = 413 // 'Solemn Vow' const ID_LIBERTY_LAUNCHER = 414 // 'Liberty Launcher' const ID_RESERVE_SHOOTER = 415 // 'Reserve Shooter' const ID_MARKET_GARDENER = 416 // 'Market Gardener' const ID_JUMPERS_JEEPCAP = 417 // 'Jumper's Jeepcap' const ID_POTATO_HAT = 420 // 'Aperture Labs Hard Hat' const ID_RESURRECTION_ASSOCIATE_PIN = 422 // 'Resurrection Associate Pin' const ID_SAXXY = 423 // 'Saxxy' const ID_TOMISLAV = 424 // 'Tomislav' const ID_FAMILY_BUSINESS = 425 // 'Family Business' const ID_EVICTION_NOTICE = 426 // 'Eviction Notice' const ID_CAPONES_CAPPER = 427 // 'Capo's Capper' const ID_MOUSTACHIUM_BAR = 429 // 'Moustachium Bar' const ID_SPACECHEM_FISHCAKE_FRAGMENT = 430 // ''Fish'' const ID_SPACECHEM_PIN_FRAGMENT = 431 // 'Spacemetal Scrap' const ID_SPACECHEM_PIN = 432 // 'SpaceChem Pin' const ID_FISHCAKE = 433 // 'Fishcake' const ID_BUCKET_HAT = 434 // 'Brain Bucket' const ID_TRAFFIC_CONE = 435 // 'Dead Cone' const ID_POLISH_WAR_BABUSHKA = 436 // 'Hetman's Headpiece' const ID_JANISSARY_HAT = 437 // 'Janissary Ketche' const ID_REPLAY_TAUNT = 438 // 'Taunt: The Director's Vision' const ID_LORD_COCKSWAINS_PITH_HELMET = 439 // 'Lord Cockswain's Pith Helmet' const ID_LORD_COCKSWAINS_NOVELTY_MUTTON_CHOPS_AND_PIPE = 440 // 'Lord Cockswain's Novelty Mutton Chops an...' const ID_COW_MANGLER_5000 = 441 // 'Cow Mangler 5000' const ID_RIGHTEOUS_BISON = 442 // 'Righteous Bison' const ID_DR_GRORDBORTS_CREST = 443 // 'Dr. Grordbort's Crest' const ID_MANTREADS = 444 // 'Mantreads' const ID_ARMORED_AUTHORITY = 445 // 'Armored Authority' const ID_FANCY_DRESS_UNIFORM = 446 // 'Fancy Dress Uniform' const ID_DISCIPLINARY_ACTION = 447 // 'Disciplinary Action' const ID_SODA_POPPER = 448 // 'Soda Popper' const ID_WINGER = 449 // 'Winger' const ID_ATOMIZER = 450 // 'Atomizer' const ID_BONK_BOY = 451 // 'Bonk Boy' const ID_THREE_RUNE_BLADE = 452 // 'Three-Rune Blade' const ID_HEROS_TAIL = 453 // 'Hero's Tail' const ID_SIGN_OF_THE_WOLFS_SCHOOL = 454 // 'Sign of the Wolf's School' const ID_POSTAL_PUMMELER = 457 // 'Postal Pummeler' const ID_COSA_NOSTRA_CAP = 459 // 'Cosa Nostra Cap' const ID_ENFORCER = 460 // 'Enforcer' const ID_BIG_EARNER = 461 // 'Big Earner' const ID_MADE_MAN = 462 // 'Made Man' const ID_LAUGH_TAUNT = 463 // 'Taunt: The Schadenfreude' const ID_CONJURERS_COWL = 465 // 'Conjurer's Cowl' const ID_MAUL = 466 // 'Maul' const ID_MEDIC_MTG_HAT = 467 // 'Planeswalker Helm' const ID_SCOUT_MTG_HAT = 468 // 'Planeswalker Goggles' const ID_LO_FI_LONGWAVE = 470 // 'Lo-Fi Longwave' const ID_LOYALTY_REWARD = 471 // 'Proof of Purchase' const ID_FREE_TRIAL_PREMIUM_UPGRADE = 472 // 'Team Fortress 2 - Upgrade to Premium' const ID_SPIRAL_SALLET = 473 // 'Spiral Sallet' const ID_CONSCIENTIOUS_OBJECTOR = 474 // 'Conscientious Objector' const ID_MEET_THE_MEDIC_HEROIC_TAUNT = 477 // 'Taunt: The Meet the Medic' const ID_COPPERS_HARD_TOP = 478 // 'Copper's Hard Top' const ID_SECURITY_SHADES = 479 // 'Security Shades' const ID_TAM_OSHANTER = 480 // 'Tam O' Shanter' const ID_STATELY_STEEL_TOE = 481 // 'Stately Steel Toe' const ID_NESSIES_NINE_IRON = 482 // 'Nessie's Nine Iron' const ID_ROGUES_COL_ROULE = 483 // 'Rogue's Col Roule' const ID_PRAIRIE_HEEL_BITERS = 484 // 'Prairie Heel Biters' const ID_BIG_STEEL_JAW_OF_SUMMER_FUN = 485 // 'Big Steel Jaw of Summer Fun' const ID_SUMMER_SHADES = 486 // 'Summer Shades' const ID_POWER_UP_CANTEEN_MVM = 489 // 'Power Up Canteen' const ID_SCOUT_FLIP_FLOPS = 490 // 'Flip-Flops' const ID_LUCKY_NO_42 = 491 // 'Lucky No. 42' const ID_SUMMER_HAT = 492 // 'Summer Hat' const ID_PROMOTIONAL_NOISE_MAKER_FIREWORKS = 493 // 'Noise Maker - Fireworks' const ID_TOURNAMENTMEDAL_GWJ_WINNERS = 496 // 'First Place - Gamers With Jobs Tournamen...' const ID_TOURNAMENTMEDAL_GWJ_RUNNERUPS = 497 // 'Second Place - Gamers With Jobs Tourname...' const ID_TOURNAMENTMEDAL_GWJ_PARTICIPANTS = 498 // 'Participant - Gamers With Jobs Tournamen...' const ID_TOURNAMENTMEDAL_ETF2LHL_WINNERS = 499 // 'First Place - ETF2L Highlander Tournamen...' const ID_TOURNAMENTMEDAL_ETF2LHL_2ND = 500 // 'Second Place - ETF2L Highlander Tourname...' const ID_TOURNAMENTMEDAL_ETF2LHL_3RD = 501 // 'Third Place - ETF2L Highlander Tournamen...' const ID_TOURNAMENTMEDAL_ETF2LHL_PARTICIPANTS = 502 // 'Participant - ETF2L Highlander Tournamen...' const ID_TOURNAMENTMEDAL_UGCHL_PARTICIPANTS = 503 // 'UGC Highlander Participant' const ID_TOURNAMENTMEDAL_UGCHLDIV1_WINNERS = 504 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 1st Place' const ID_TOURNAMENTMEDAL_UGCHLDIV1_2ND = 505 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_TOURNAMENTMEDAL_UGCHLDIV1_3RD = 506 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_TOURNAMENTMEDAL_UGCHLDIV2_WINNERS = 507 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 1st Place' const ID_TOURNAMENTMEDAL_UGCHLDIV2_2ND = 508 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 2nd Place' const ID_TOURNAMENTMEDAL_UGCHLDIV2_3RD = 509 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 3rd Place' const ID_TOURNAMENTMEDAL_UGCHLDIV3_WINNERS = 510 // 'UGC Highlander Iron 1st Place' const ID_TOURNAMENTMEDAL_UGCHLDIV3_2ND = 511 // 'UGC Highlander Iron 2nd Place' const ID_TOURNAMENTMEDAL_UGCHLDIV3_3RD = 512 // 'UGC Highlander Iron 3rd Place' const ID_ORIGINAL = 513 // 'Original' const ID_MASK_OF_THE_SHAMAN = 514 // 'Mask of the Shaman' const ID_PILOTKA = 515 // 'Pilotka' const ID_STAHLHELM = 516 // 'Stahlhelm' const ID_DRAGONBORN_HELMET = 517 // 'Dragonborn Helmet' const ID_ANGER = 518 // 'Anger' const ID_PIP_BOY = 519 // 'Pip-Boy' const ID_WINGSTICK = 520 // 'Wingstick' const ID_BELLTOWER_SPEC_OPS = 521 // 'Nanobalaclava' const ID_DEUS_SPECS = 522 // 'Deus Specs' const ID_SARIF_CAP = 523 // 'Company Man' const ID_PURITY_FIST = 524 // 'Purity Fist' const ID_DIAMONDBACK = 525 // 'Diamondback' const ID_MACHINA = 526 // 'Machina' const ID_WIDOWMAKER = 527 // 'Widowmaker' const ID_SHORT_CIRCUIT = 528 // 'Short Circuit' const ID_CLOCKWERKS_HELM = 533 // 'Clockwerk's Helm' const ID_SNIPERS_SNIPIN_GLASS = 534 // 'Sniper's Snipin' Glass' const ID_STORM_SPIRITS_JOLLY_HAT = 535 // 'Storm Spirit's Jolly Hat' const ID_NOISE_MAKER_TF_BIRTHDAY = 536 // 'Noise Maker - TF Birthday' const ID_TF_BIRTHDAY_HAT_2011 = 537 // 'Party Hat' const ID_KILLER_EXCLUSIVE = 538 // 'Killer Exclusive' const ID_EL_JEFE = 539 // 'El Jefe' const ID_BALL_KICKING_BOOTS = 540 // 'Ball-Kicking Boots' const ID_MERCS_PRIDE_SCARF = 541 // 'Merc's Pride Scarf' const ID_NOISE_MAKER_VUVUZELA = 542 // 'Noise Maker - Vuvuzela' const ID_HAIR_OF_THE_DOG = 543 // 'Hair of the Dog' const ID_SCOTTISH_SNARL = 544 // 'Scottish Snarl' const ID_PICKLED_PAWS = 545 // 'Pickled Paws' const ID_WRAP_BATTLER = 546 // 'Wrap Battler' const ID_B_ANKH = 547 // 'B-ankh!' const ID_FUTANKHAMUN = 548 // 'Futankhamun' const ID_BLAZING_BULL = 549 // 'Blazing Bull' const ID_FALLEN_ANGEL = 550 // 'Fallen Angel' const ID_TAIL_FROM_THE_CRYPT = 551 // 'Tail from the Crypt' const ID_EINSTEIN = 552 // 'Einstein' const ID_DR_GOGGLESTACHE = 553 // 'Dr. Gogglestache' const ID_EMERALD_JARATE = 554 // 'Emerald Jarate' const ID_IDIOT_BOX = 555 // 'Idiot Box' const ID_STEEL_PIPES = 556 // 'Steel Pipes' const ID_SHOESTRING_BUDGET = 557 // 'Shoestring Budget' const ID_UNDER_COVER = 558 // 'Under Cover' const ID_GRIFFINS_GOG = 559 // 'Griffin's Gog' const ID_INTANGIBLE_ASCOT = 560 // 'Intangible Ascot' const ID_CAN_OPENER = 561 // 'Can Opener' const ID_SOVIET_STITCH_UP = 562 // 'Soviet Stitch-Up' const ID_STEEL_TOED_STOMPERS = 563 // 'Steel-Toed Stompers' const ID_HOLY_HUNTER = 564 // 'Holy Hunter' const ID_SILVER_BULLETS = 565 // 'Silver Bullets' const ID_GARLIC_FLANK_STAKE = 566 // 'Garlic Flank Stake' const ID_BUZZ_KILLER = 567 // 'Buzz Killer' const ID_FRONTIER_FLYBOY = 568 // 'Frontier Flyboy' const ID_LEGEND_OF_BUGFOOT = 569 // 'Legend of Bugfoot' const ID_LAST_BREATH = 570 // 'Last Breath' const ID_APPARITIONS_ASPECT = 571 // 'Apparition's Aspect' const ID_UNARMED_COMBAT = 572 // 'Unarmed Combat' const ID_WANGA_PRICK = 574 // 'Wanga Prick' const ID_INFERNAL_IMPALER = 575 // 'Infernal Impaler' const ID_SPINE_CHILLING_SKULL_2011 = 576 // 'Spine-Chilling Skull 2011' const ID_HALLOWEEN_GIVEAWAY_PACKAGE_2011_CAULDRON = 577 // 'Antique Halloween Goodie Cauldron' const ID_SPINE_CHILLING_SKULL_2011_STYLE_1 = 578 // 'Spine-Tingling Skull' const ID_SPINE_CHILLING_SKULL_2011_STYLE_2 = 579 // 'Spine-Cooling Skull' const ID_SPINE_CHILLING_SKULL_2011_STYLE_3 = 580 // 'Spine-Twisting Skull' const ID_MONOCULUS = 581 // 'MONOCULUS!' const ID_SEAL_MASK = 582 // 'Seal Mask' const ID_BOMBINOMICON = 583 // 'Bombinomicon' const ID_GHASTLY_GIBUS_2011 = 584 // 'Ghastly Gibus' const ID_COLD_WAR_LUCHADOR = 585 // 'Cold War Luchador' const ID_MARK_OF_THE_SAINT = 586 // 'Mark of the Saint' const ID_APOCO_FISTS = 587 // 'Apoco-Fists' const ID_POMSON_6000 = 588 // 'Pomson 6000' const ID_EUREKA_EFFECT = 589 // 'Eureka Effect' const ID_BRAINIAC_HAIRPIECE = 590 // 'Brainiac Hairpiece' const ID_BRAINIAC_GOGGLES = 591 // 'Brainiac Goggles' const ID_DR_GRORDBORTS_COPPER_CREST = 592 // 'Dr. Grordbort's Copper Crest' const ID_THIRD_DEGREE = 593 // 'Third Degree' const ID_PHLOGISTINATOR = 594 // 'Phlogistinator' const ID_MANMELTER = 595 // 'Manmelter' const ID_MOONMAN_BACKPACK = 596 // 'Moonman Backpack' const ID_BUBBLE_PIPE = 597 // 'Bubble Pipe' const ID_MANNIVERSARY_PAPER_HAT = 598 // 'Manniversary Paper Hat' const ID_MANNIVERSARY_GIVEAWAY_PACKAGE = 599 // 'Manniversary Package' const ID_YOUR_WORST_NIGHTMARE = 600 // 'Your Worst Nightmare' const ID_ONE_MAN_ARMY = 601 // 'One-Man Army' const ID_COUNTERFEIT_BILLYCOCK = 602 // 'Counterfeit Billycock' const ID_OUTDOORSMAN = 603 // 'Outdoorsman' const ID_TAVISH_DEGROOT_EXPERIENCE = 604 // 'Tavish DeGroot Experience' const ID_PENCIL_PUSHER = 605 // 'Pencil Pusher' const ID_BUILDERS_BLUEPRINTS = 606 // 'Builder's Blueprints' const ID_BUCCANEERS_BICORNE = 607 // 'Buccaneer's Bicorne' const ID_BOOTLEGGER = 608 // 'Bootlegger' const ID_SCOTTISH_HANDSHAKE = 609 // 'Scottish Handshake' const ID_A_WHIFF_OF_THE_OLD_BRIMSTONE = 610 // 'A Whiff of the Old Brimstone' const ID_SALTY_DOG = 611 // 'Salty Dog' const ID_LITTLE_BUDDY = 612 // 'Little Buddy' const ID_GYM_RAT = 613 // 'Gym Rat' const ID_HOT_DOGGER = 614 // 'Hot Dogger' const ID_BIRDCAGE = 615 // 'Birdcage' const ID_SURGEONS_STAHLHELM = 616 // 'Surgeon's Stahlhelm' const ID_BACKWARDS_BALLCAP = 617 // 'Backwards Ballcap' const ID_CROCODILE_SMILE = 618 // 'Crocodile Smile' const ID_FLAIR = 619 // 'Flair!' const ID_COUVRE_CORNER = 620 // 'Couvre Corner' const ID_SURGEONS_STETHOSCOPE = 621 // 'Surgeon's Stethoscope' const ID_LINSPECTEUR = 622 // 'L'Inspecteur' const ID_PHOTO_BADGE = 623 // 'Photo Badge' const ID_CLAN_PRIDE = 625 // 'Clan Pride' const ID_SWAGMANS_SWATTER = 626 // 'Swagman's Swatter' const ID_FLAMBOYANT_FLAMENCO = 627 // 'Flamboyant Flamenco' const ID_VIRTUAL_REALITY_HEADSET = 628 // 'Virtual Reality Headset' const ID_SPECTRES_SPECTACLES = 629 // 'Spectre's Spectacles' const ID_STEREOSCOPIC_SHADES = 630 // 'Stereoscopic Shades' const ID_HAT_WITH_NO_NAME = 631 // 'Hat With No Name' const ID_CREMATORS_CONSCIENCE = 632 // 'Cremator's Conscience' const ID_HERMES = 633 // 'Hermes' const ID_POINT_AND_SHOOT = 634 // 'Point and Shoot' const ID_WAR_HEAD = 635 // 'War Head' const ID_DR_GRORDBORTS_SILVER_CREST = 636 // 'Dr. Grordbort's Silver Crest' const ID_DASHIN_HASHSHASHIN = 637 // 'Dashin' Hashshashin' const ID_SHARP_DRESSER = 638 // 'Sharp Dresser' const ID_BOWTIE = 639 // 'Dr. Whoa' const ID_TOP_NOTCH = 640 // 'Top Notch' const ID_ORNAMENT_ARMAMENT = 641 // 'Ornament Armament' const ID_COZY_CAMPER = 642 // 'Cozy Camper' const ID_SANDVICH_SAFE = 643 // 'Sandvich Safe' const ID_HEAD_WARMER = 644 // 'Head Warmer' const ID_OUTBACK_INTELLECTUAL = 645 // 'Outback Intellectual' const ID_ITSY_BITSY_SPYER = 646 // 'Itsy Bitsy Spyer' const ID_ALL_FATHER = 647 // 'All-Father' const ID_WRAP_ASSASSIN = 648 // 'Wrap Assassin' const ID_SPY_CICLE = 649 // 'Spy-cicle' const ID_KRINGLE_COLLECTION = 650 // 'Kringle Collection' const ID_JINGLE_BELT = 651 // 'Jingle Belt' const ID_BIG_ELFIN_DEAL = 652 // 'Big Elfin Deal' const ID_BOOTIE_TIME = 653 // 'Bootie Time' const ID_FESTIVE_MINIGUN_2011 = 654 // 'Festive Minigun' const ID_SPIRIT_OF_GIVING = 655 // 'Spirit of Giving' const ID_HOLIDAY_PUNCH = 656 // 'Holiday Punch' const ID_NINE_PIPE_PROBLEM = 657 // 'Nine-Pipe Problem' const ID_FESTIVE_ROCKET_LAUNCHER_2011 = 658 // 'Festive Rocket Launcher' const ID_FESTIVE_FLAMETHROWER_2011 = 659 // 'Festive Flame Thrower' const ID_FESTIVE_BAT_2011 = 660 // 'Festive Bat' const ID_FESTIVE_STICKYBOMB_LAUNCHER_2011 = 661 // 'Festive Stickybomb Launcher' const ID_FESTIVE_WRENCH_2011 = 662 // 'Festive Wrench' const ID_FESTIVE_MEDIGUN_2011 = 663 // 'Festive Medi Gun' const ID_FESTIVE_SNIPER_RIFLE_2011 = 664 // 'Festive Sniper Rifle' const ID_FESTIVE_KNIFE_2011 = 665 // 'Festive Knife' const ID_BMOC = 666 // 'B.M.O.C.' const ID_HOLIDAY_HEADCASE = 667 // 'Holiday Headcase' const ID_FULL_HEAD_OF_STEAM = 668 // 'Full Head of Steam' const ID_FESTIVE_SCATTERGUN_2011 = 669 // 'Festive Scattergun' const ID_STOCKING_STUFFER = 670 // 'Stocking Stuffer' const ID_BROWN_BOMBER = 671 // 'Brown Bomber' const ID_NOISE_MAKER_WINTER_2011 = 673 // 'Noise Maker - Winter Holiday' const ID_EBENEZER = 675 // 'Ebenezer' const ID_UGC_TOURNAMENT_FALL_2011_PLATINUM_1ST_PLACE = 680 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_TOURNAMENT_FALL_2011_PLATINUM_2ND_PLACE = 681 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_TOURNAMENT_FALL_2011_PLATINUM_3RD_PLACE = 682 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_TOURNAMENT_FALL_2011_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT = 683 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_TOURNAMENT_AUTUMN_2011_EURO_PLATINUM = 684 // 'UGC Highlander Euro Platinum' const ID_UGC_TOURNAMENT_FALL_2011_SILVER_1ST_PLACE = 685 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 1st Place' const ID_UGC_TOURNAMENT_FALL_2011_SILVER_2ND_PLACE = 686 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_TOURNAMENT_FALL_2011_SILVER_3RD_PLACE = 687 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_TOURNAMENT_FALL_2011_SILVER_PARTICIPANT = 688 // 'UGC Highlander Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_TOURNAMENT_AUTUMN_2011_EURO_SILVER = 689 // 'UGC Highlander Euro Silver' const ID_UGC_TOURNAMENT_FALL_2011_IRON_2ND_PLACE = 690 // 'UGC Highlander Iron 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_TOURNAMENT_FALL_2011_IRON_1ST_PLACE = 691 // 'UGC Highlander Iron 1st Place' const ID_UGC_TOURNAMENT_FALL_2011_IRON_3RD_PLACE = 692 // 'UGC Highlander Iron 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_TOURNAMENT_AUTUMN_2011_EURO_IRON = 693 // 'UGC Highlander Euro Iron' const ID_UGC_TOURNAMENT_FALL_2011_TIN_1ST_PLACE = 694 // 'UGC Highlander Tin 1st Place' const ID_UGC_TOURNAMENT_FALL_2011_TIN_2ND_PLACE = 695 // 'UGC Highlander Tin 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_TOURNAMENT_FALL_2011_TIN_3RD_PLACE = 696 // 'UGC Highlander Tin 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_TOURNAMENT_FALL_2011_PARTICIPANT = 697 // 'UGC Highlander Participant' const ID_UGC_TOURNAMENT_AUTUMN_2011_EURO_PARTICIPANT = 698 // 'UGC Highlander Euro Participant' const ID_SOMETHING_SPECIAL_FOR_SOMEONE_SPECIAL = 699 // 'Something Special For Someone Special' const ID_LUCKY_SHOT = 701 // 'Lucky Shot' const ID_WARSWORN_HELMET = 702 // 'Warsworn Helmet' const ID_BOLGAN = 703 // 'Bolgan' const ID_BOLGAN_FAMILY_CREST = 704 // 'Bolgan Family Crest' const ID_BOSTON_BOOM_BRINGER = 707 // 'Boston Boom-Bringer' const ID_ALADDINS_PRIVATE_RESERVE = 708 // 'Aladdin's Private Reserve' const ID_SNAPPED_PUPIL = 709 // 'Snapped Pupil' const ID_DAILY_DUEL_WINNER_REWARD_HAT = 711 // 'Dueler' const ID_DAILY_GIFT_GIVER_REWARD_HAT = 712 // 'Gifting Man From Gifting Land' const ID_DAILY_MAP_STAMP_REWARD_HAT = 713 // 'Philateler' const ID_MAP_MAKERS_MEDALLION = 717 // 'Map Maker's Medallion' const ID_MERC_MEDAL = 718 // 'Merc Medal' const ID_BATTLE_BOB = 719 // 'Battle Bob' const ID_BUSHMANS_BOONIE = 720 // 'Bushman's Boonie' const ID_CONQUISTADOR = 721 // 'Conquistador' const ID_FAST_LEARNER = 722 // 'Fast Learner' const ID_TOUR_OF_DUTY_TICKET = 725 // 'Tour of Duty Ticket' const ID_TOUR_OF_DUTY_BADGE_ADVANCED_1 = 726 // 'Operation Steel Trap Badge' const ID_BLACK_ROSE = 727 // 'Black Rose' const ID_STORE_PURCHASE_PROMOTION_PACKAGE = 729 // 'Mann Co. Store Package' const ID_BEGGARS_BAZOOKA = 730 // 'Beggar's Bazooka' const ID_CAPTAINS_COCKTAILS = 731 // 'Captain's Cocktails' const ID_HELMET_WITHOUT_A_HOME = 732 // 'Helmet Without a Home' const ID_PET_ROBRO = 733 // 'RoBro 3000' const ID_TEUFORT_TOOTH_KICKER = 734 // 'Teufort Tooth Kicker' const ID_BUILDER_SPY = 735 // 'Sapper' const ID_UNIQUE_TF_WEAPON_BUILDER_SPY = 736 // 'Sapper' const ID_UNIQUE_TF_WEAPON_PDA_ENGINEER_BUILD = 737 // 'Construction PDA' const ID_PET_BALLOONICORN = 738 // 'Balloonicorn' const ID_LOLLICHOP = 739 // 'Lollichop' const ID_SCORCH_SHOT = 740 // 'Scorch Shot' const ID_RAINBLOWER = 741 // 'Rainblower' const ID_AUTOGRANT_PYROVISION_GOGGLES = 743 // 'Pyrovision Goggles' const ID_PYROVISION_GOGGLES = 744 // 'Pyrovision Goggles' const ID_INFERNAL_ORCHESTRINA = 745 // 'Infernal Orchestrina' const ID_BURNING_BONGOS = 746 // 'Burning Bongos' const ID_CLEANERS_CARBINE = 751 // 'Cleaner's Carbine' const ID_HITMANS_HEATMAKER = 752 // 'Hitman's Heatmaker' const ID_WAXY_WAYFINDER = 753 // 'Waxy Wayfinder' const ID_SCRAP_PACK = 754 // 'Scrap Pack' const ID_TEXAS_HALF_PANTS = 755 // 'Texas Half-Pants' const ID_BOLT_ACTION_BLITZER = 756 // 'Bolt Action Blitzer' const ID_TOSS_PROOF_TOWEL = 757 // 'Toss-Proof Towel' const ID_MVM_SQUAD_SURPLUS_VOUCHER = 758 // 'Squad Surplus Voucher' const ID_FRUIT_SHOOT = 759 // 'Fruit Shoot' const ID_FRONT_RUNNER = 760 // 'Front Runner' const ID_TRICLOPS = 761 // 'Triclops' const ID_FLAMINGO_KID = 762 // 'Flamingo Kid' const ID_SNEAKY_SPATS_OF_SNEAKING = 763 // 'Sneaky Spats of Sneaking' const ID_CROSS_COMM_CRASH_HELMET = 764 // 'Cross-Comm Crash Helmet' const ID_CROSS_COMM_EXPRESS = 765 // 'Cross-Comm Express' const ID_DOUBLECROSS_COMM = 766 // 'Doublecross-Comm' const ID_ATOMIC_ACCOLADE = 767 // 'Atomic Accolade' const ID_PROFESSORS_PINEAPPLE = 768 // 'Professor's Pineapple' const ID_QUADWRANGLER = 769 // 'Quadwrangler' const ID_SURGEONS_SIDE_SATCHEL = 770 // 'Surgeon's Side Satchel' const ID_LIQUOR_LOCKER = 771 // 'Liquor Locker' const ID_BABY_FACES_BLASTER = 772 // 'Baby Face's Blaster' const ID_PRETTY_BOYS_POCKET_PISTOL = 773 // 'Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol' const ID_GENTLE_MUNITIONNE_OF_LEISURE = 774 // 'Gentle Munitionne of Leisure' const ID_ESCAPE_PLAN = 775 // 'Escape Plan' const ID_BIRD_MAN_OF_ABERDEEN = 776 // 'Bird-Man of Aberdeen' const ID_APPARATCHIKS_APPAREL = 777 // 'Apparatchik's Apparel' const ID_GENTLEMANS_USHANKA = 778 // 'Gentleman's Ushanka' const ID_LIQUIDATORS_LID = 779 // 'Liquidator's Lid' const ID_FED_FIGHTIN_FEDORA = 780 // 'Fed-Fightin' Fedora' const ID_DILLINGERS_DUFFEL = 781 // 'Dillinger's Duffel' const ID_BUSINESS_CASUAL = 782 // 'Business Casual' const ID_HAZMAT_HEADCASE = 783 // 'HazMat Headcase' const ID_IDEA_TUBE = 784 // 'Idea Tube' const ID_ROBOT_CHICKEN_HAT = 785 // 'Robot Chicken Hat' const ID_GRENADIER_HELM = 786 // 'Grenadier Helm' const ID_TRIBAL_BONES = 787 // 'Tribal Bones' const ID_VOID_MONK_HAIR = 788 // 'Void Monk Hair' const ID_NINJA_COWL = 789 // 'Ninja Cowl' const ID_SANDVICH_PROMO_PACKAGE = 790 // 'What's in the Sandvich Box?' const ID_COMPANION_SQUARE_PROMO_PACKAGE = 791 // 'What's in the Companion Square Box?' const ID_SILVER_BOTKILLER_SNIPER_RIFLE_MKI = 792 // 'Silver Botkiller Sniper Rifle Mk.I' const ID_SILVER_BOTKILLER_MINIGUN_MKI = 793 // 'Silver Botkiller Minigun Mk.I' const ID_SILVER_BOTKILLER_KNIFE_MKI = 794 // 'Silver Botkiller Knife Mk.I' const ID_SILVER_BOTKILLER_WRENCH_MKI = 795 // 'Silver Botkiller Wrench Mk.I' const ID_SILVER_BOTKILLER_MEDI_GUN_MKI = 796 // 'Silver Botkiller Medi Gun Mk.I' const ID_SILVER_BOTKILLER_STICKYBOMB_LAUNCHER_MKI = 797 // 'Silver Botkiller Stickybomb Launcher Mk....' const ID_SILVER_BOTKILLER_FLAME_THROWER_MKI = 798 // 'Silver Botkiller Flame Thrower Mk.I' const ID_SILVER_BOTKILLER_SCATTERGUN_MKI = 799 // 'Silver Botkiller Scattergun Mk.I' const ID_SILVER_BOTKILLER_ROCKET_LAUNCHER_MKI = 800 // 'Silver Botkiller Rocket Launcher Mk.I' const ID_GOLD_BOTKILLER_SNIPER_RIFLE_MKI = 801 // 'Gold Botkiller Sniper Rifle Mk.I' const ID_GOLD_BOTKILLER_MINIGUN_MKI = 802 // 'Gold Botkiller Minigun Mk.I' const ID_GOLD_BOTKILLER_KNIFE_MKI = 803 // 'Gold Botkiller Knife Mk.I' const ID_GOLD_BOTKILLER_WRENCH_MKI = 804 // 'Gold Botkiller Wrench Mk.I' const ID_GOLD_BOTKILLER_MEDI_GUN_MKI = 805 // 'Gold Botkiller Medi Gun Mk.I' const ID_GOLD_BOTKILLER_STICKYBOMB_LAUNCHER_MKI = 806 // 'Gold Botkiller Stickybomb Launcher Mk.I' const ID_GOLD_BOTKILLER_FLAME_THROWER_MKI = 807 // 'Gold Botkiller Flame Thrower Mk.I' const ID_GOLD_BOTKILLER_SCATTERGUN_MKI = 808 // 'Gold Botkiller Scattergun Mk.I' const ID_GOLD_BOTKILLER_ROCKET_LAUNCHER_MKI = 809 // 'Gold Botkiller Rocket Launcher Mk.I' const ID_RED_TAPE_RECORDER = 810 // 'Red-Tape Recorder' const ID_HUO_LONG_HEATMAKER = 811 // 'Huo-Long Heater' const ID_FLYING_GUILLOTINE = 812 // 'Flying Guillotine' const ID_NEON_ANNIHILATOR = 813 // 'Neon Annihilator' const ID_TRIAD_TRINKET = 814 // 'Triad Trinket' const ID_CHAMP_STAMP = 815 // 'Champ Stamp' const ID_MARXMAN = 816 // 'Marxman' const ID_HUMAN_CANNONBALL = 817 // 'Human Cannonball' const ID_AWESOMENAUTS_BADGE = 818 // 'Awesomenauts Badge' const ID_LONE_STAR = 819 // 'Lone Star' const ID_RUSSIAN_ROCKETEER = 820 // 'Russian Rocketeer' const ID_SOVIET_GENTLEMAN = 821 // 'Soviet Gentleman' const ID_POCKET_PURRER = 823 // 'Pocket Purrer' const ID_KOALA_COMPACT = 824 // 'Koala Compact' const ID_HAT_OF_CARDS = 825 // 'Hat of Cards' const ID_MEDI_MASK = 826 // 'Medi-Mask' const ID_TRACK_TERRORIZER = 827 // 'Track Terrorizer' const ID_ARCHIMEDES = 828 // 'Archimedes' const ID_WAR_PIG = 829 // 'War Pig' const ID_BEARDED_BOMBARDIER = 830 // 'Bearded Bombardier' const ID_GENUINE_RED_TAPE_RECORDER = 831 // 'Red-Tape Recorder' const ID_GENUINE_HUO_LONG_HEATMAKER = 832 // 'Huo-Long Heater' const ID_GENUINE_FLYING_GUILLOTINE = 833 // 'Flying Guillotine' const ID_GENUINE_NEON_ANNIHILATOR = 834 // 'Neon Annihilator' const ID_GENUINE_TRIAD_TRINKET = 835 // 'Triad Trinket' const ID_GENUINE_CHAMP_STAMP = 836 // 'Champ Stamp' const ID_GENUINE_MARXMAN = 837 // 'Marxman' const ID_GENUINE_HUMAN_CANNONBALL = 838 // 'Human Cannonball' const ID_STEAM_TRANSLATION_PACKAGE = 839 // 'Mann Co. Store Package' const ID_U_CLANK_A = 840 // 'U-clank-a' const ID_STEALTH_STEELER = 841 // 'Stealth Steeler' const ID_PYROBOTICS_PACK = 842 // 'Pyrobotics Pack' const ID_MEDIC_MECH_BAG = 843 // 'Medic Mech-Bag' const ID_TIN_POT = 844 // 'Tin Pot' const ID_BATTERY_BANDOLIER = 845 // 'Battery Bandolier' const ID_ROBOT_RUNNING_MAN = 846 // 'Robot Running Man' const ID_BOLTED_BUSHMAN = 847 // 'Bolted Bushman' const ID_TIN_1000 = 848 // 'Tin-1000' const ID_DEFLECTOR = 850 // 'Deflector' const ID_AWPER_HAND = 851 // 'AWPer Hand' const ID_SOLDIERS_STOGIE = 852 // 'Soldier's Stogie' const ID_CRAFTY_HAIR = 853 // 'Crafty Hair' const ID_AREA_451 = 854 // 'Area 451' const ID_VIGILANT_PIN = 855 // 'Vigilant Pin' const ID_PYROTECHNIC_TOTE = 856 // 'Pyrotechnic Tote' const ID_FLUNKYWARE = 857 // 'Flunkyware' const ID_HANGER_ON_HOOD = 858 // 'Hanger-On Hood' const ID_FLIGHT_OF_MONARCH = 859 // 'Flight of the Monarch' const ID_ROBO_SANDVICH = 863 // 'Robo-Sandvich' const ID_FRIENDS_FOREVER_COMPANION_SQUARE_BADGE = 864 // 'Friends Forever Companion Square Badge' const ID_TRIPLE_A_BADGE = 865 // 'Triple A Badge' const ID_HEAVY_ARTILLERY_OFFICERS_CAP = 866 // 'Heavy Artillery Officer's Cap' const ID_COMBAT_MEDICS_CRUSHER_CAP = 867 // 'Combat Medic's Crusher Cap' const ID_HEROIC_COMPANION_BADGE = 868 // 'Heroic Companion Badge' const ID_RUMP_O_LANTERN = 869 // 'Rump-o'-Lantern' const ID_TOUR_OF_DUTY_BADGE_INTERMEDIATE_1 = 870 // 'Operation Oil Spill Badge' const ID_TOUR_OF_DUTY_BADGE_EXPERT_1 = 871 // 'Operation Gear Grinder Badge' const ID_LACKING_MORAL_FIBER_MASK = 872 // 'Lacking Moral Fiber Mask' const ID_WHALE_BONE_CHARM = 873 // 'Whale Bone Charm' const ID_KING_OF_SCOTLAND_CAPE = 874 // 'King of Scotland Cape' const ID_MENPO = 875 // 'Menpo' const ID_K_9_MANE = 876 // 'K-9 Mane' const ID_STOVEPIPE_SNIPER_SHAKO = 877 // 'Stovepipe Sniper Shako' const ID_FOPPISH_PHYSICIAN = 878 // 'Foppish Physician' const ID_DISTINGUISHED_ROGUE = 879 // 'Distinguished Rogue' const ID_FREEDOM_STAFF = 880 // 'Freedom Staff' const ID_RUST_BOTKILLER_SNIPER_RIFLE_MKI = 881 // 'Rust Botkiller Sniper Rifle Mk.I' const ID_RUST_BOTKILLER_MINIGUN_MKI = 882 // 'Rust Botkiller Minigun Mk.I' const ID_RUST_BOTKILLER_KNIFE_MKI = 883 // 'Rust Botkiller Knife Mk.I' const ID_RUST_BOTKILLER_WRENCH_MKI = 884 // 'Rust Botkiller Wrench Mk.I' const ID_RUST_BOTKILLER_MEDI_GUN_MKI = 885 // 'Rust Botkiller Medi Gun Mk.I' const ID_RUST_BOTKILLER_STICKYBOMB_LAUNCHER_MKI = 886 // 'Rust Botkiller Stickybomb Launcher Mk.I' const ID_RUST_BOTKILLER_FLAME_THROWER_MKI = 887 // 'Rust Botkiller Flame Thrower Mk.I' const ID_RUST_BOTKILLER_SCATTERGUN_MKI = 888 // 'Rust Botkiller Scattergun Mk.I' const ID_RUST_BOTKILLER_ROCKET_LAUNCHER_MKI = 889 // 'Rust Botkiller Rocket Launcher Mk.I' const ID_BLOOD_BOTKILLER_SNIPER_RIFLE_MKI = 890 // 'Blood Botkiller Sniper Rifle Mk.I' const ID_BLOOD_BOTKILLER_MINIGUN_MKI = 891 // 'Blood Botkiller Minigun Mk.I' const ID_BLOOD_BOTKILLER_KNIFE_MKI = 892 // 'Blood Botkiller Knife Mk.I' const ID_BLOOD_BOTKILLER_WRENCH_MKI = 893 // 'Blood Botkiller Wrench Mk.I' const ID_BLOOD_BOTKILLER_MEDI_GUN_MKI = 894 // 'Blood Botkiller Medi Gun Mk.I' const ID_BLOOD_BOTKILLER_STICKYBOMB_LAUNCHER_MKI = 895 // 'Blood Botkiller Stickybomb Launcher Mk.I' const ID_BLOOD_BOTKILLER_FLAME_THROWER_MKI = 896 // 'Blood Botkiller Flame Thrower Mk.I' const ID_BLOOD_BOTKILLER_SCATTERGUN_MKI = 897 // 'Blood Botkiller Scattergun Mk.I' const ID_BLOOD_BOTKILLER_ROCKET_LAUNCHER_MKI = 898 // 'Blood Botkiller Rocket Launcher Mk.I' const ID_CARBONADO_BOTKILLER_SNIPER_RIFLE_MKI = 899 // 'Carbonado Botkiller Sniper Rifle Mk.I' const ID_CARBONADO_BOTKILLER_MINIGUN_MKI = 900 // 'Carbonado Botkiller Minigun Mk.I' const ID_CARBONADO_BOTKILLER_KNIFE_MKI = 901 // 'Carbonado Botkiller Knife Mk.I' const ID_CARBONADO_BOTKILLER_WRENCH_MKI = 902 // 'Carbonado Botkiller Wrench Mk.I' const ID_CARBONADO_BOTKILLER_MEDI_GUN_MKI = 903 // 'Carbonado Botkiller Medi Gun Mk.I' const ID_CARBONADO_BOTKILLER_STICKYBOMB_LAUNCHER_MKI = 904 // 'Carbonado Botkiller Stickybomb Launcher ...' const ID_CARBONADO_BOTKILLER_FLAME_THROWER_MKI = 905 // 'Carbonado Botkiller Flame Thrower Mk.I' const ID_CARBONADO_BOTKILLER_SCATTERGUN_MKI = 906 // 'Carbonado Botkiller Scattergun Mk.I' const ID_CARBONADO_BOTKILLER_ROCKET_LAUNCHER_MKI = 907 // 'Carbonado Botkiller Rocket Launcher Mk.I' const ID_DIAMOND_BOTKILLER_SNIPER_RIFLE_MKI = 908 // 'Diamond Botkiller Sniper Rifle Mk.I' const ID_DIAMOND_BOTKILLER_MINIGUN_MKI = 909 // 'Diamond Botkiller Minigun Mk.I' const ID_DIAMOND_BOTKILLER_KNIFE_MKI = 910 // 'Diamond Botkiller Knife Mk.I' const ID_DIAMOND_BOTKILLER_WRENCH_MKI = 911 // 'Diamond Botkiller Wrench Mk.I' const ID_DIAMOND_BOTKILLER_MEDI_GUN_MKI = 912 // 'Diamond Botkiller Medi Gun Mk.I' const ID_DIAMOND_BOTKILLER_STICKYBOMB_LAUNCHER_MKI = 913 // 'Diamond Botkiller Stickybomb Launcher Mk...' const ID_DIAMOND_BOTKILLER_FLAME_THROWER_MKI = 914 // 'Diamond Botkiller Flame Thrower Mk.I' const ID_DIAMOND_BOTKILLER_SCATTERGUN_MKI = 915 // 'Diamond Botkiller Scattergun Mk.I' const ID_DIAMOND_BOTKILLER_ROCKET_LAUNCHER_MKI = 916 // 'Diamond Botkiller Rocket Launcher Mk.I' const ID_SIR_HOOTSALOT = 917 // 'Sir Hootsalot' const ID_MASTER_MIND = 918 // 'Master Mind' const ID_SCARECROW = 919 // 'Scarecrow' const ID_CRONES_DOME = 920 // 'Crone's Dome' const ID_EXECUTIONER = 921 // 'Executioner' const ID_BONEDOLIER = 922 // 'Bonedolier' const ID_PLUTONIDOME = 923 // 'Plutonidome' const ID_SPOOKY_SHOES = 924 // 'Spooky Shoes' const ID_SPOOKY_SLEEVES = 925 // 'Spooky Sleeves' const ID_ZIPPERFACE = 926 // 'Zipperface' const ID_BOO_BALLOON = 927 // 'Boo Balloon' const ID_PORTAL_2_SOUNDTRACK_PROMO_PACKAGE = 928 // 'What's in the Portal 2 Soundtrack Box?' const ID_UNKNOWN_MONKEYNAUT = 929 // 'Unknown Monkeynaut' const ID_GRAND_DUCHESS_TUTU = 930 // 'Grand Duchess Tutu' const ID_GRAND_DUCHESS_FAIRY_WINGS = 931 // 'Grand Duchess Fairy Wings' const ID_GRAND_DUCHESS_TIARA = 932 // 'Grand Duchess Tiara' const ID_AP_SAP = 933 // 'Ap-Sap' const ID_DEAD_LITTLE_BUDDY = 934 // 'Dead Little Buddy' const ID_VOODOO_JUJU_SLIGHT_RETURN = 935 // 'Voodoo JuJu (Slight Return)' const ID_EXORCIZOR = 936 // 'Exorcizor' const ID_WRAITH_WRAP = 937 // 'Wraith Wrap' const ID_COFFIN_KIT = 938 // 'Coffin Kit' const ID_BAT_OUTTA_HELL = 939 // 'Bat Outta Hell' const ID_GHOSTLY_GIBUS = 940 // 'Ghostly Gibus' const ID_SKULL_ISLAND_TOPPER = 941 // 'Skull Island Topper' const ID_COCKFIGHTER = 942 // 'Cockfighter' const ID_HITT_MANN_BADGE = 943 // 'Hitt Mann Badge' const ID_THAT_70S_CHAPEAU = 944 // 'That '70s Chapeau' const ID_CHIEF_CONSTABLE = 945 // 'Chief Constable' const ID_SIBERIAN_SOPHISTICATE = 946 // 'Siberian Sophisticate' const ID_QUACKENBIRDT = 947 // 'Quäckenbirdt' const ID_DEADLIEST_DUCKLING = 948 // 'Deadliest Duckling' const ID_DETHKAPP = 949 // 'DethKapp' const ID_NOSE_CANDY = 950 // 'Nose Candy' const ID_RAIL_SPIKES = 951 // 'Rail Spikes' const ID_BROCKS_LOCKS = 952 // 'Brock's Locks' const ID_SAXXY_CLAPPER_BADGE = 953 // 'Saxxy Clapper Badge' const ID_MEMORY_MAKER = 954 // 'Memory Maker' const ID_TUXXY = 955 // 'Tuxxy' const ID_FAERIE_SOLITAIRE_PIN = 956 // 'Faerie Solitaire Pin' const ID_SILVER_BOTKILLER_SNIPER_RIFLE_MKII = 957 // 'Silver Botkiller Sniper Rifle Mk.II' const ID_SILVER_BOTKILLER_MINIGUN_MKII = 958 // 'Silver Botkiller Minigun Mk.II' const ID_SILVER_BOTKILLER_KNIFE_MKII = 959 // 'Silver Botkiller Knife Mk.II' const ID_SILVER_BOTKILLER_WRENCH_MKII = 960 // 'Silver Botkiller Wrench Mk.II' const ID_SILVER_BOTKILLER_MEDI_GUN_MKII = 961 // 'Silver Botkiller Medi Gun Mk.II' const ID_SILVER_BOTKILLER_STICKYBOMB_LAUNCHER_MKII = 962 // 'Silver Botkiller Stickybomb Launcher Mk....' const ID_SILVER_BOTKILLER_FLAME_THROWER_MKII = 963 // 'Silver Botkiller Flame Thrower Mk.II' const ID_SILVER_BOTKILLER_SCATTERGUN_MKII = 964 // 'Silver Botkiller Scattergun Mk.II' const ID_SILVER_BOTKILLER_ROCKET_LAUNCHER_MKII = 965 // 'Silver Botkiller Rocket Launcher Mk.II' const ID_GOLD_BOTKILLER_SNIPER_RIFLE_MKII = 966 // 'Gold Botkiller Sniper Rifle Mk.II' const ID_GOLD_BOTKILLER_MINIGUN_MKII = 967 // 'Gold Botkiller Minigun Mk.II' const ID_GOLD_BOTKILLER_KNIFE_MKII = 968 // 'Gold Botkiller Knife Mk.II' const ID_GOLD_BOTKILLER_WRENCH_MKII = 969 // 'Gold Botkiller Wrench Mk.II' const ID_GOLD_BOTKILLER_MEDI_GUN_MKII = 970 // 'Gold Botkiller Medi Gun Mk.II' const ID_GOLD_BOTKILLER_STICKYBOMB_LAUNCHER_MKII = 971 // 'Gold Botkiller Stickybomb Launcher Mk.II' const ID_GOLD_BOTKILLER_FLAME_THROWER_MKII = 972 // 'Gold Botkiller Flame Thrower Mk.II' const ID_GOLD_BOTKILLER_SCATTERGUN_MKII = 973 // 'Gold Botkiller Scattergun Mk.II' const ID_GOLD_BOTKILLER_ROCKET_LAUNCHER_MKII = 974 // 'Gold Botkiller Rocket Launcher Mk.II' const ID_TOUR_OF_DUTY_BADGE_ADVANCED_2 = 975 // 'Operation Mecha Engine Badge' const ID_WINTER_WONDERLAND_WRAP = 976 // 'Winter Wonderland Wrap' const ID_CUT_THROAT_CONCIERGE = 977 // 'Cut Throat Concierge' const ID_DER_WINTERMANTEL = 978 // 'Der Wintermantel' const ID_COOL_BREEZE = 979 // 'Cool Breeze' const ID_SOLDIERS_SLOPE_SCOPERS = 980 // 'Soldier's Slope Scopers' const ID_COLD_KILLER = 981 // 'Cold Killer' const ID_DOCS_HOLIDAY = 982 // 'Doc's Holiday' const ID_DIGIT_DIVULGER = 983 // 'Digit Divulger' const ID_TOUGH_STUFF_MUFFS = 984 // 'Tough Stuff Muffs' const ID_HEAVYS_HOCKEY_HAIR = 985 // 'Heavy's Hockey Hair' const ID_MUTTON_MANN = 986 // 'Mutton Mann' const ID_MERCS_MUFFLER = 987 // 'Merc's Muffler' const ID_BARNSTORMER = 988 // 'Barnstormer' const ID_CARL = 989 // 'Carl' const ID_AQUA_FLOPS = 990 // 'Aqua Flops' const ID_HUNGER_FORCE = 991 // 'Hunger Force' const ID_SMISSMAS_WREATH = 992 // 'Smissmas Wreath' const ID_ANTLERS = 993 // 'Antlers' const ID_MANN_CO_ONLINE_CAP = 994 // 'Mann Co. Online Cap' const ID_PET_REINDOONICORN = 995 // 'Reindoonicorn' const ID_LOOSE_CANNON = 996 // 'Loose Cannon' const ID_RESCUE_RANGER = 997 // 'Rescue Ranger' const ID_VACCINATOR = 998 // 'Vaccinator' const ID_FESTIVE_HOLY_MACKEREL = 999 // 'Festive Holy Mackerel' const ID_FESTIVE_AXTINGUISHER = 1000 // 'Festive Axtinguisher' const ID_FESTIVE_BUFF_BANNER = 1001 // 'Festive Buff Banner' const ID_FESTIVE_SANDVICH = 1002 // 'Festive Sandvich' const ID_FESTIVE_UBERSAW = 1003 // 'Festive Ubersaw' const ID_FESTIVE_FRONTIER_JUSTICE = 1004 // 'Festive Frontier Justice' const ID_FESTIVE_HUNTSMAN = 1005 // 'Festive Huntsman' const ID_FESTIVE_AMBASSADOR = 1006 // 'Festive Ambassador' const ID_FESTIVE_GRENADE_LAUNCHER = 1007 // 'Festive Grenade Launcher' const ID_PRIZE_PLUSHY = 1008 // 'Prize Plushy' const ID_GRIZZLED_GROWTH = 1009 // 'Grizzled Growth' const ID_LAST_STRAW = 1010 // 'Last Straw' const ID_TUX = 1011 // 'Tux' const ID_WILSON_WEAVE = 1012 // 'Wilson Weave' const ID_HAM_SHANK = 1013 // 'Ham Shank' const ID_BRUTAL_BOUFFANT = 1014 // 'Brütal Bouffant' const ID_SHRED_ALERT = 1015 // 'Shred Alert' const ID_BUCK_TURNER_ALL_STARS = 1016 // 'Buck Turner All-Stars' const ID_VOX_DIABOLUS = 1017 // 'Vox Diabolus' const ID_POUNDING_FATHER = 1018 // 'Pounding Father' const ID_BLIND_JUSTICE = 1019 // 'Blind Justice' const ID_PERSON_IN_IRON_MASK = 1020 // 'Person in the Iron Mask' const ID_DOE_BOY = 1021 // 'Doe-Boy' const ID_SYDNEY_STRAW_BOAT = 1022 // 'Sydney Straw Boat' const ID_STEEL_SONGBIRD = 1023 // 'Steel Songbird' const ID_CROFTS_CREST = 1024 // 'Croft's Crest' const ID_FORTUNE_HUNTER = 1025 // 'Fortune Hunter' const ID_TOMB_WRAPPER = 1026 // 'Tomb Wrapper' const ID_RANDOM_DROPPABLE_PAINTS_PACKAGE = 1027 // 'Mann Co. Painting Set' const ID_SAMSON_SKEWER = 1028 // 'Samson Skewer' const ID_BLOODHOUND = 1029 // 'Bloodhound' const ID_DAPPER_DISGUISE = 1030 // 'Dapper Disguise' const ID_NECRONOMICROWN = 1031 // 'Necronomicrown' const ID_LONG_FALL_LOAFERS = 1032 // 'Long Fall Loafers' const ID_TF2VRH = 1033 // 'TF2VRH' const ID_CONSPIRACY_CAP = 1034 // 'Conspiracy Cap' const ID_PUBLIC_ACCESSOR = 1035 // 'Public Accessor' const ID_PALLET_OF_CRATES = 1037 // 'Pallet of Crates' const ID_BREATHER_BAG = 1038 // 'Breather Bag' const ID_WEATHER_MASTER = 1039 // 'Weather Master' const ID_BACTERIA_BLOCKER = 1040 // 'Bacteria Blocker' const ID_MVM_GATEBOT_LIGHT_SCOUT = 1057 // '#TF_GateBot_Light' const ID_MVM_GATEBOT_LIGHT_PYRO = 1058 // '#TF_GateBot_Light' const ID_MVM_GATEBOT_LIGHT_MEDIC = 1059 // '#TF_GateBot_Light' const ID_MVM_GATEBOT_LIGHT_HEAVY = 1060 // '#TF_GateBot_Light' const ID_MVM_GATEBOT_LIGHT_DEMOMAN = 1061 // '#TF_GateBot_Light' const ID_MVM_GATEBOT_LIGHT_SNIPER = 1062 // '#TF_GateBot_Light' const ID_MVM_GATEBOT_LIGHT_SOLDIER = 1063 // '#TF_GateBot_Light' const ID_MVM_GATEBOT_LIGHT_SPY = 1064 // '#TF_GateBot_Light' const ID_MVM_GATEBOT_LIGHT_ENGINEER = 1065 // '#TF_GateBot_Light' const ID_TOUR_OF_DUTY_BADGE_ADVANCED_3 = 1066 // 'Operation Two Cities Badge' const ID_GRANDMASTER = 1067 // 'Grandmaster' const ID_HALLOWEEN_UNFILLED_SPELLBOOK = 1068 // 'Unfilled Fancy Spellbook' const ID_HALLOWEEN_SPELLBOOK = 1069 // 'Fancy Spellbook' const ID_BASIC_SPELLBOOK = 1070 // 'Spellbook Magazine' const ID_GOLD_FRYING_PAN = 1071 // 'Golden Frying Pan' const ID_PORTABLE_SMISSMAS_SPIRIT_DISPENSER = 1072 // 'Portable Smissmas Spirit Dispenser' const ID_WAR_ON_SMISSMAS_BATTLE_HOOD = 1073 // 'War on Smissmas Battle Hood' const ID_WAR_ON_SMISSMAS_BATTLE_SOCKS = 1074 // 'War on Smissmas Battle Socks' const ID_SACK_FULLA_SMISSMAS = 1075 // 'Sack Fulla Smissmas' const ID_SMISSMAS_CARIBOU = 1076 // 'Smissmas Caribou' const ID_RANDOLPH_THE_BLOOD_NOSED_CARIBOU = 1077 // 'Randolph the Blood-Nosed Caribou' const ID_FESTIVE_FORCE_A_NATURE = 1078 // 'Festive Force-A-Nature' const ID_FESTIVE_CRUSADERS_CROSSBOW = 1079 // 'Festive Crusader's Crossbow' const ID_FESTIVE_SAPPER = 1080 // 'Festive Sapper' const ID_FESTIVE_FLARE_GUN = 1081 // 'Festive Flare Gun' const ID_FESTIVE_EYELANDER = 1082 // 'Festive Eyelander' const ID_FESTIVE_JARATE = 1083 // 'Festive Jarate' const ID_FESTIVE_GLOVES_OF_RUNNING_URGENTLY = 1084 // 'Festive Gloves of Running Urgently' const ID_FESTIVE_BLACK_BOX = 1085 // 'Festive Black Box' const ID_FESTIVE_WRANGLER = 1086 // 'Festive Wrangler' const ID_DER_MASCHINENSOLDATEN_HELM = 1087 // 'Der Maschinensoldaten-Helm' const ID_DIE_REGIME_PANZERUNG = 1088 // 'Die Regime-Panzerung' const ID_MISTER_BUBBLES = 1089 // 'Mister Bubbles' const ID_BIG_DADDY = 1090 // 'Big Daddy' const ID_FIRST_AMERICAN = 1091 // 'First American' const ID_FORTIFIED_COMPOUND = 1092 // 'Fortified Compound' const ID_GILDED_GUARD = 1093 // 'Gilded Guard' const ID_CRIMINAL_CLOAK = 1094 // 'Criminal Cloak' const ID_DREAD_HIDING_HOOD = 1095 // 'Dread Hiding Hood' const ID_BARONIAL_BADGE = 1096 // 'Baronial Badge' const ID_LITTLE_BEAR = 1097 // 'Little Bear' const ID_CLASSIC = 1098 // 'Classic' const ID_TIDE_TURNER = 1099 // 'Tide Turner' const ID_BREAD_BITE = 1100 // 'Bread Bite' const ID_BASE_JUMPER = 1101 // 'B.A.S.E. Jumper' const ID_SNACK_ATTACK = 1102 // 'Snack Attack' const ID_BACK_SCATTER = 1103 // 'Back Scatter' const ID_AIR_STRIKE = 1104 // 'Air Strike' const ID_SELF_AWARE_BEAUTY_MARK = 1105 // 'Self-Aware Beauty Mark' const ID_SQUARE_DANCE_TAUNT = 1106 // 'Taunt: Square Dance' const ID_FLIPPIN_AWESOME_TAUNT = 1107 // 'Taunt: Flippin' Awesome' const ID_BUY_A_LIFE_TAUNT = 1108 // 'Taunt: Buy A Life' const ID_RESULTS_ARE_IN_TAUNT = 1109 // 'Taunt: Results Are In' const ID_RPS_TAUNT = 1110 // 'Taunt: Rock, Paper, Scissors' const ID_SKULLCRACKER_TAUNT = 1111 // 'Taunt: Skullcracker' const ID_PARTY_TRICK_TAUNT = 1112 // 'Taunt: Party Trick' const ID_FRESH_BREWED_VICTORY_TAUNT = 1113 // 'Taunt: Fresh Brewed Victory' const ID_SPENT_WELL_SPIRITS_TAUNT = 1114 // 'Taunt: Spent Well Spirits' const ID_RANCHO_RELAXO_TAUNT = 1115 // 'Taunt: Rancho Relaxo' const ID_I_SEE_YOU_TAUNT = 1116 // 'Taunt: I See You' const ID_BATTIN_A_THOUSAND_TAUNT = 1117 // 'Taunt: Battin' a Thousand' const ID_CONGA_TAUNT = 1118 // 'Taunt: Conga' const ID_DEEP_FRIED_DESIRE_TAUNT = 1119 // 'Taunt: Deep Fried Desire' const ID_OBLOOTERATED_TAUNT = 1120 // 'Taunt: Oblooterated' const ID_MUTATED_MILK = 1121 // 'Mutated Milk' const ID_TOWERING_PILLAR_OF_SUMMER_SHADES = 1122 // 'Towering Pillar of Summer Shades' const ID_NECRO_SMASHER = 1123 // 'Necro Smasher' const ID_NABLER = 1124 // 'Nabler' const ID_DUCK_BADGE = 1126 // 'Duck Journal' const ID_CROSSING_GUARD = 1127 // 'Crossing Guard' const ID_SPELLBOOK = 1132 // 'Spellbook Magazine' const ID_POWERUP_STRENGTH = 1133 // 'Powerup: Strength' const ID_POWERUP_HASTE = 1134 // 'Powerup: Haste' const ID_POWERUP_REGEN = 1135 // 'Powerup: Regeneration' const ID_POWERUP_RESIST = 1136 // 'Powerup: Resistance' const ID_POWERUP_VAMPIRE = 1137 // 'Powerup: Vampire' const ID_POWERUP_REFLECT = 1138 // 'Powerup: Reflect' const ID_POWERUP_PRECISION = 1139 // 'Powerup: Precision' const ID_POWERUP_AGILITY = 1140 // 'Powerup: Agility' const ID_FESTIVE_SHOTGUN_2014 = 1141 // 'Festive Shotgun' const ID_FESTIVE_REVOLVER_2014 = 1142 // 'Festive Revolver' const ID_FESTIVE_BONESAW_2014 = 1143 // 'Festive Bonesaw' const ID_FESTIVE_TARGE_2014 = 1144 // 'Festive Chargin' Targe' const ID_FESTIVE_BONK_2014 = 1145 // 'Festive Bonk! Atomic Punch' const ID_FESTIVE_BACKBURNER_2014 = 1146 // 'Festive Backburner' const ID_FESTIVE_SMG_2014 = 1149 // 'Festive SMG' const ID_QUICKIEBOMB_LAUNCHER = 1150 // 'Quickiebomb Launcher' const ID_IRON_BOMBER = 1151 // 'Iron Bomber' const ID_GRAPPLINGHOOK = 1152 // 'Grappling Hook' const ID_PANIC_ATTACK_SHOTGUN = 1153 // 'Panic Attack' const ID_POWERUP_KNOCKOUT = 1154 // 'Powerup: Knockout' const ID_PASSTIME_GUN = 1155 // '#Weapon_Passtime_Gun' const ID_COMPETITIVE_MATCHMAKING_BETA_PASS_VINTAGE = 1156 // 'Competitive Matchmaking Beta Pass' const ID_TAUNT_KAZOTSKY_KICK = 1157 // 'Taunt: Kazotsky Kick' const ID_FINDERS_FEE = 1158 // 'Finder's Fee' const ID_POWERUP_KING = 1159 // 'Powerup: King' const ID_POWERUP_PLAGUE = 1160 // 'Powerup: Plague' const ID_POWERUP_SUPERNOVA = 1161 // 'Powerup: Supernova' const ID_TAUNT_MANNROBICS = 1162 // 'Taunt: Mannrobics' const ID_DEFAULT_POWER_UP_CANTEEN_MVM = 1163 // 'Power Up Canteen' const ID_CIVILIAN_GRADE_JACK_HAT = 1164 // 'Civilian Grade JACK Hat' const ID_COMPETITIVE_MATCHMAKING_BETA_PASS = 1165 // 'Competitive Matchmaking Beta Pass' const ID_COMPETITIVE_MATCHMAKING_BETA_GIFTABLE_INVITE = 1166 // 'Competitive Matchmaking Beta Invite' const ID_COMPETITIVE_MATCHMAKING_OFFICIAL = 1167 // 'Competitive Matchmaking Pass' const ID_TAUNT_THE_CARLTON = 1168 // 'Taunt: The Carlton' const ID_MILITARY_GRADE_JACK_HAT = 1169 // 'Military Grade JACK Hat' const ID_PASS_TIME_MINIATURE_HALF_JACK = 1170 // 'PASS Time Miniature Half JACK' const ID_PASS_TIME_EARLY_PARTICIPATION_PIN = 1171 // 'PASS Time Early Participation Pin' const ID_TAUNT_THE_VICTORY_LAP = 1172 // 'Taunt: The Victory Lap' const ID_UNUSUAL_CAP = 1173 // 'Unusual Cap' const ID_TAUNT_THE_TABLE_TANTRUM = 1174 // 'Taunt: The Table Tantrum' const ID_TAUNT_THE_BOILING_POINT = 1175 // 'Taunt: The Boiling Point' const ID_TEAM_FORTRESS_2_SOUNDTRACK_PROMO_PACKAGE = 1176 // 'What's in the Team Fortress 2 Soundtrack...' const ID_AUDIO_FILE = 1177 // 'Audio File' const ID_DRAGONS_FURY = 1178 // 'Dragon's Fury' const ID_THERMAL_THRUSTER = 1179 // 'Thermal Thruster' const ID_GAS_PASSER = 1180 // 'Gas Passer' const ID_HOT_HAND = 1181 // 'Hot Hand' const ID_TAUNT_YETI_PUNCH = 1182 // 'Taunt: Yeti Punch' const ID_TAUNT_YETI_SMASH = 1183 // 'Taunt: Yeti Smash' const ID_GLOVES_OF_RUNNING_URGENTLY_MVM = 1184 // 'Gloves of Running Urgently' const ID_SAXTON_HAT = 1185 // 'Saxton' const ID_YETI_PARK_CAP = 1186 // 'Monstrous Memento' const ID_YETI_HEAD = 1187 // 'Kathman-Hairdo' const ID_YETI_LEGS = 1188 // 'Abominable Snow Pants' const ID_YETI_ARMS = 1189 // 'Himalayan Hair Shirt' const ID_SECOND_BANANA = 1190 // 'Second Banana' const ID_MERCENARY_PARK_CAP = 1191 // 'Mercenary Park' const ID_MANNANAS_CAP = 1192 // 'Mannanas Hat' const ID_NEVER_FORGET_CAP = 1193 // 'Never Forget Hat' const ID_YETI_PARK_HARDHAT = 1194 // 'Yeti Park Hardhat' const ID_HALLOWEEN_CONTRACT_PACKAGE = 1195 // 'Halloween Package' const ID_TAUNT_PANZER_PANTS = 1196 // 'Taunt: Panzer Pants' const ID_TAUNT_THE_SCOOTY_SCOOT = 1197 // 'Taunt: The Scooty Scoot' const ID_TEAM_FORTRESS_2_SOUNDTRACK_PROMO_PACKAGE_UNTRADABLE = 1198 // 'What's in the Team Fortress 2 Soundtrack...' const ID_WORLD_TRAVELER = 1899 // 'World Traveler's Hat' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_EGYPT = 1900 // 'Map Stamp - Egypt' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_COLDFRONT = 1901 // 'Map Stamp - Coldfront' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_FASTLANE = 1902 // 'Map Stamp - Fastlane' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_TURBINE = 1903 // 'Map Stamp - Turbine' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_STEEL = 1904 // 'Map Stamp - Steel' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_JUNCTION = 1905 // 'Map Stamp - Junction' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_WATCHTOWER = 1906 // 'Map Stamp - Watchtower' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_HOODOO = 1907 // 'Map Stamp - Hoodoo' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_OFFBLAST = 1908 // 'Map Stamp - Offblast' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_YUKON = 1909 // 'Map Stamp - Yukon' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_HARVEST = 1910 // 'Map Stamp - Harvest' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_FREIGHT = 1911 // 'Map Stamp - Freight' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_MOUNTAIN_LAB = 1912 // 'Map Stamp - Mountain Lab' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_MANOR_EVENT = 1913 // 'Map Stamp - Mann Manor' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_NIGHTFALL = 1914 // 'Map Stamp - Nightfall' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_FRONTIER = 1915 // 'Map Stamp - Frontier' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_LAKESIDE = 1916 // 'Map Stamp - Lakeside' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_GULLYWASH = 1917 // 'Map Stamp - Gullywash' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_KONG_KING = 1918 // 'Map Stamp - Kong King' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_PROCESS = 1919 // 'Map Stamp - Process' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_STANDIN = 1920 // 'Map Stamp - Standin' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_SNAKEWATER = 1921 // 'Map Stamp - Snakewater' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_SNOWPLOW = 1922 // 'Map Stamp - Snowplow' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_BORNEO = 1923 // 'Map Stamp - Borneo' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_SUIJIN = 1924 // 'Map Stamp - Suijin' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_2FORT_INVASION = 1925 // 'Map Stamp - 2Fort Invasion' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_PROBED = 1926 // 'Map Stamp - Probed' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_WATERGATE = 1927 // 'Map Stamp - Watergate' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_BYRE = 1928 // 'Map Stamp - Byre' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_GORGE_EVENT = 1929 // 'Map Stamp - Gorge Event' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_SUNSHINE_EVENT = 1930 // 'Map Stamp - Sinshine' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_MOONSHINE_EVENT = 1931 // 'Map Stamp - Moonshine Event' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_MILLSTONE_EVENT = 1932 // 'Map Stamp - Hellstone' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_SNOWYCOAST = 1933 // 'Map Stamp - Snowycoast' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_VANGUARD = 1934 // 'Map Stamp - Vanguard' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_LANDFALL = 1935 // 'Map Stamp - Landfall' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_HIGHPASS = 1936 // 'Map Stamp - Highpass' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_SUNSHINE = 1937 // 'Map Stamp - Sunshine' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_METALWORKS = 1938 // 'Map Stamp - Metalworks' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_SWIFTWATER = 1939 // 'Map Stamp - Swiftwater' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_MAPLE_RIDGE_EVENT = 1940 // 'Map Stamp - Maple Ridge Event' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_FIFTH_CURVE_EVENT = 1941 // 'Map Stamp - Brimstone' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_PIT_OF_DEATH = 1942 // 'Map Stamp - Pit of Death' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_MOSSROCK = 1943 // 'Map Stamp - Mossrock' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_LAZARUS = 1944 // 'Map Stamp - Lazarus' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_BANANA_BAY = 1945 // 'Map Stamp - Banana Bay' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_ENCLOSURE = 1946 // 'Map Stamp - Enclosure' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_BRAZIL = 1947 // 'Map Stamp - Brazil' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_BAGEL_EVENT = 1948 // 'Map Stamp - Cauldron' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_RUMBLE_EVENT = 1949 // 'Map Stamp - Gravestone' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_MONSTER_BASH = 1950 // 'Map Stamp - Monster Bash' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_SLASHER = 1951 // 'Map Stamp - Slasher' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_CURSED_COVE = 1952 // 'Map Stamp - Cursed Cove' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_LAUGHTER = 1953 // 'Map Stamp - Laughter' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_PRECIPICE = 1954 // 'Map Stamp - Precipice' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_MEGALO = 1955 // 'Map Stamp - Megalo' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_HASSLE_CASTLE = 1956 // 'Map Stamp - Hassle Castle' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_BLOODWATER = 1957 // 'Map Stamp - Bloodwater' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_UNDERGROVE_EVENT = 1958 // 'Map Stamp - Moldergrove' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_PIER = 1959 // 'Map Stamp - Pier' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_SNOWVILLE = 1960 // 'Map Stamp - SnowVille' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_SNOWFALL = 1961 // 'Map Stamp - Snowfall' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_WUTVILLE = 1962 // 'Map Stamp - Wutville' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_FARMAGEDDON = 1963 // 'Map Stamp - Farmageddon' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_LOS_MUERTOS = 1964 // 'Map Stamp - Los Muertos' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_EREBUS = 1965 // 'Map Stamp - Erebus' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_TERROR = 1966 // 'Map Stamp - Terror' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_GRAVEYARD = 1967 // 'Map Stamp - Graveyard' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_SINTHETIC = 1968 // 'Map Stamp - Sinthetic' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_POLAR = 1969 // 'Map Stamp - Polar' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_BREAD_SPACE = 1970 // 'Map Stamp - Bread Space' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_CHILLY = 1971 // 'Map Stamp - Chilly' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_CASCADE = 1972 // 'Map Stamp - Cascade' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_ALTITUDE = 1973 // 'Map Stamp - Altitude' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_DOUBLEFROST = 1974 // 'Map Stamp - Doublefrost' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_SOUL_MILL = 1975 // 'Map Stamp - Soul-Mill' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_HELLTRAIN = 1976 // 'Map Stamp - Helltrain' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_BONESAW = 1977 // 'Map Stamp - Bonesaw' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_CRASHER = 1978 // 'Map Stamp - Crasher' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_GHOULPIT = 1979 // 'Map Stamp - Ghoulpit' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_SPOOKEYRIDGE = 1980 // 'Map Stamp - Spookeyridge' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_FROSTWATCH = 1981 // 'Map Stamp - Frostwatch' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_FROSTCLIFF = 1982 // 'Map Stamp - Frostcliff' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_RUMFORD = 1983 // 'Map Stamp - Rumford' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_FROSTY = 1984 // 'Map Stamp - Frosty' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_COAL_PIT = 1985 // 'Map Stamp - Coal Pit' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_SHARKBAY = 1986 // 'Map Stamp - Sharkbay' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_ROTUNDA = 1987 // 'Map Stamp - Rotunda' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_PHOENIX = 1988 // 'Map Stamp - Phoenix' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_CASHWORKS = 1989 // 'Map Stamp - Cashworks' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_VENICE = 1990 // 'Map Stamp - Venice' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_RECKONER = 1991 // 'Map Stamp - Reckoner' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_SULFUR = 1992 // 'Map Stamp - Sulfur' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_HARDWOOD = 1993 // 'Map Stamp - Hardwood' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_PELICAN_PEAK = 1994 // 'Map Stamp - Pelican Peak' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_SELBYEN = 1995 // 'Map Stamp - Selbyen' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_VSH_TINY_ROCK = 1996 // 'Map Stamp - Tiny Rock' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_VSH_DISTILLERY = 1997 // 'Map Stamp - Distillery' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_VSH_SKIRMISH = 1998 // 'Map Stamp - Skirmish' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_VSH_NUCLEUS = 1999 // 'Map Stamp - Nucleus VSH' const ID_POLYCOUNT_PYRO_BUNDLE = 2000 // 'The Gas Jockey's Gear' const ID_POLYCOUNT_SPY_BUNDLE = 2001 // 'The Saharan Spy' const ID_POLYCOUNT_SOLDIER_BUNDLE = 2002 // 'The Tank Buster' const ID_POLYCOUNT_SNIPER_BUNDLE = 2003 // 'The Croc-o-Style Kit' const ID_POLYCOUNT_SCOUT_BUNDLE = 2004 // 'The Special Delivery' const ID_POLYCOUNT_BUNDLE = 2005 // 'Polycount Pack' const ID_HALLOWEEN_NOISE_MAKER_BUNDLE = 2006 // 'Noise Maker Bundle' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_BUNDLE = 2007 // 'Map Stamps Collection' const ID_MEDIEVAL_MEDIC_BUNDLE = 2008 // 'The Medieval Medic' const ID_HIBERNATING_BEAR_BUNDLE = 2009 // 'The Hibernating Bear' const ID_EXPERTS_ORDNANCE_BUNDLE = 2010 // 'The Expert's Ordnance' const ID_WINTER_UPDATE_BUNDLE = 2011 // 'Winter Update Pack' const ID_FANCY_HAT_BUNDLE = 2012 // 'Box of Fancy Hats' const ID_EXCESSIVE_BUNDLE_OF_BUNDLES = 2013 // 'A Bargaining Manne's Bundle of Bargains' const ID_NASTY_WEAPON_BUNDLE = 2014 // 'Pile of Nasty Weapons' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_BUNDLE_2 = 2015 // 'Map Stamps Collection' const ID_SHOGUN_COMPLETE_BUNDLE = 2016 // 'The Emperor's Assortment' const ID_JAPAN_CHARITY_BUNDLE = 2017 // 'Japan Charity Bundle' const ID_SCOUT_STARTER_BUNDLE = 2018 // 'Scout Starter Pack' const ID_SOLDIER_STARTER_BUNDLE = 2019 // 'Soldier Starter Pack' const ID_PYRO_STARTER_BUNDLE = 2020 // 'Pyro Starter Pack' const ID_DEMOMAN_STARTER_BUNDLE = 2021 // 'Demoman Starter Pack' const ID_HEAVY_STARTER_BUNDLE = 2022 // 'Heavy Starter Pack' const ID_ENGINEER_STARTER_BUNDLE = 2023 // 'Engineer Starter Pack' const ID_MEDIC_STARTER_BUNDLE = 2024 // 'Medic Starter Pack' const ID_SNIPER_STARTER_BUNDLE = 2025 // 'Sniper Starter Pack' const ID_SPY_STARTER_BUNDLE = 2026 // 'Spy Starter Pack' const ID_MOBSTER_MONDAY_BUNDLE = 2028 // 'Mobster Monday Bundle' const ID_TIMBUKTUESDAY_BUNDLE = 2029 // 'Timbuk-Tuesday Bundle' const ID_WORLD_WAR_WEDNESDAY_BUNDLE = 2030 // 'World War Wednesday Bundle' const ID_MEET_THE_MEDIC_BUNDLE = 2031 // 'Meet the Medic! Bundle' const ID_UBER_BUNDLE = 2032 // 'The Uber Update Bundle' const ID_SUMMER_SUN_BUNDLE = 2033 // 'Summer Sun Bundle' const ID_DR_GRORDBORTS_VICTORY_PACK = 2034 // 'Dr. Grordbort's Victory Pack' const ID_DR_GRORDBORT_COMICCON_PROMO_CODE = 2035 // '#TF_Bundle_DrGComicCon' const ID_BETHESDA_EMPLOYEE_BUNDLE = 2036 // 'Bethesda Employee Bundle' const ID_TRIPWIRE_EMPLOYEE_BUNDLE = 2037 // 'Tripwire Employee Bundle' const ID_BETHESDA_EMPLOYEE_BUNDLE_GENUINE = 2038 // 'Bethesda Employee Bundle' const ID_TRIPWIRE_EMPLOYEE_BUNDLE_GENUINE = 2039 // 'Tripwire Employee Bundle' const ID_DEUS_EX_PROMO_BUNDLE = 2040 // 'The Manno-Technology Bundle' const ID_DEUS_EX_PURITY_FIST_PROMO = 2041 // '#TF_Bundle_DeusExFistPromo' const ID_DOTA2_GAMESCOM_WINNERS_FINALS_PROMO_BUNDLE = 2042 // '#TF_Bundle_DOTA2GamescomWinnersFinals' const ID_DOTA2_GAMESCOM_LOSERS_FINALS_PROMO_BUNDLE = 2043 // '#TF_Bundle_DOTA2GamescomLosersFinals' const ID_DOTA2_GAMESCOM_CHAMPIONSHIP_PROMO_BUNDLE = 2044 // '#TF_Bundle_DOTA2GamescomChampionship' const ID_DEUS_EX_SELF_MADE_BUNDLE = 2045 // '#TF_Bundle_DeusExSelfMade' const ID_SHOGUN_COMPLETE_GENUINE_BUNDLE = 2046 // 'The Emperor's Assortment' const ID_KILLER_EXCLUSIVE_PCGAMER_BUNDLE = 2047 // '#TF_Bundle_KillerExclusive' const ID_DEUS_EX_CONTEST_BUNDLE = 2048 // '#TF_Bundle_DeusExContest' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_BUNDLE_3 = 2049 // 'Map Stamps Collection' const ID_FOOTBALL_MANAGER_2012_PROMO_BUNDLE = 2050 // 'Footballer's Kit' const ID_DEMO_HALLOWEEN_2011_BUNDLE = 2051 // 'The Highland Hound Bundle' const ID_SCOUT_HALLOWEEN_2011_BUNDLE = 2052 // 'The Curse-a-Nature Bundle' const ID_PYRO_HALLOWEEN_2011_BUNDLE = 2053 // 'The Infernal Imp Bundle' const ID_MEDIC_HALLOWEEN_2011_BUNDLE = 2054 // 'The Mad Doktor Bundle' const ID_SOLDIER_HALLOWEEN_2011_BUNDLE = 2055 // 'The Tin Soldier Bundle' const ID_SPY_HALLOWEEN_2011_BUNDLE = 2056 // 'The Invisible Rogue Bundle' const ID_HEAVY_HALLOWEEN_2011_BUNDLE = 2057 // 'The FrankenHeavy Bundle' const ID_SNIPER_HALLOWEEN_2011_BUNDLE = 2058 // 'The Camper Van Helsing Bundle' const ID_ENGINEER_HALLOWEEN_2011_BUNDLE = 2059 // 'The Brundle Bundle Bundle' const ID_HALLOWEEN_2011_BUNDLE = 2060 // 'Halloween 2011 Costume Bundle of Bundles' const ID_ARCHIMEDES_PROMO = 2061 // 'Archimedes Promo' const ID_DR_GRORDBORTS_BRAINIAC_PACK = 2062 // 'Dr. Grordbort's Brainiac Pack' const ID_DR_GRORDBORTS_MOONMAN_PACK = 2063 // 'Dr. Grordbort's Moonman Pack' const ID_DR_GRORDBORTS_MOONBRAIN_DOUBLE_PACK = 2064 // 'Dr. Grordbort's Moonbrain Double Pack' const ID_SANTAS_LITTLE_ACCOMPLICE_BUNDLE = 2065 // 'Santa's Little Accomplice Bundle' const ID_PET_BALLOONICORN_PROMO = 2066 // 'Pet Balloonicorn Promo' const ID_SANDVICH_PROMO = 2067 // 'Sandvich Promo' const ID_COMPANION_SQUARE_PROMO = 2068 // 'Companion Square Promo' const ID_SOLDIER_EQUALIZER_ESCAPE_PLAN_BUNDLE = 2069 // 'The Pickaxe Pack' const ID_ROBOT_CHICKEN_HAT_PROMO = 2070 // 'Robot Chicken Hat Promo' const ID_URBAN_PROFESSIONAL_BUNDLE = 2071 // 'Urban Professional Bundle' const ID_DUMPSTER_DIVER_BUNDLE = 2072 // 'Dumpster Diver Bundle' const ID_PUBLIC_ENEMY_BUNDLE = 2073 // 'Public Enemy Bundle' const ID_PYROMANIA_BUNDLE = 2074 // 'Pyromania Mega Bundle' const ID_SUMMER_2012_COMMUNITY_BUNDLE = 2075 // 'Summer 2012 Community Bundle' const ID_SLEEPING_DOGS_BUNDLE = 2076 // 'Triad Bundle' const ID_QUAKECON2012_BUNDLE = 2077 // 'QuakeCon Bundle' const ID_STEAM_TRANSLATION_BUNDLE = 2078 // 'Steam Translation Bundle' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_BUNDLE_4 = 2079 // 'Map Stamps Collection' const ID_HERO_ACADEMY_GOLD_BUNDLE = 2080 // 'Hero Academy Gold Pack' const ID_SLEEPING_DOGS_EMPLOYEE_BUNDLE = 2081 // 'Triad Bundle' const ID_PORTAL_2_SOUNDTRACK_PROMO = 2082 // 'Portal 2 Soundtrack Promo' const ID_RED_HEAVY_ACTION_FIGURE_PROMO = 2083 // 'Red Heavy Action Figure Promo' const ID_RED_PYRO_ACTION_FIGURE_PROMO = 2084 // 'Red Pyro Action Figure Promo' const ID_RED_DEMOMAN_ACTION_FIGURE_PROMO = 2085 // 'Red Demoman Action Figure Promo' const ID_RED_SOLDIER_ACTION_FIGURE_PROMO = 2086 // 'Red Soldier Action Figure Promo' const ID_BLUE_HEAVY_ACTION_FIGURE_PROMO = 2087 // 'Blue Heavy Action Figure Promo' const ID_BLUE_PYRO_ACTION_FIGURE_PROMO = 2088 // 'Blue Pyro Action Figure Promo' const ID_BLUE_DEMOMAN_ACTION_FIGURE_PROMO = 2089 // 'Blue Demoman Action Figure Promo' const ID_BLUE_SOLDIER_ACTION_FIGURE_PROMO = 2090 // 'Blue Soldier Action Figure Promo' const ID_TOTAL_WAR_BUNDLE = 2091 // 'Total War Bundle' const ID_HALLOWEEN_2012_COMMUNITY_BUNDLE = 2092 // 'Halloween 2012 Community Bundle' const ID_NAME_TAG_FOR_BUNDLES = 2093 // 'Name Tag' const ID_SCOUT_STARTER_BUNDLE_NO_HAT = 2094 // 'Scout Starter Pack' const ID_SOLDIER_STARTER_BUNDLE_NO_HAT = 2095 // 'Soldier Starter Pack' const ID_PYRO_STARTER_BUNDLE_NO_HAT = 2096 // 'Pyro Starter Pack' const ID_DEMOMAN_STARTER_BUNDLE_NO_HAT = 2097 // 'Demoman Starter Pack' const ID_HEAVY_STARTER_BUNDLE_NO_HAT = 2098 // 'Heavy Starter Pack' const ID_ENGINEER_STARTER_BUNDLE_NO_HAT = 2099 // 'Engineer Starter Pack' const ID_MEDIC_STARTER_BUNDLE_NO_HAT = 2100 // 'Medic Starter Pack' const ID_SNIPER_STARTER_BUNDLE_NO_HAT = 2101 // 'Sniper Starter Pack' const ID_SPY_STARTER_BUNDLE_NO_HAT = 2102 // 'Spy Starter Pack' const ID_PURITY_FIST_PROMO = 2103 // 'Purity Fist Promo' const ID_HENCHMANN_BUNDLE = 2104 // 'The Henchmann Bundle' const ID_ROCKZO_BUNDLE = 2105 // 'The Rockzo Bundle' const ID_BRUTANANADILEWSKI_BUNDLE = 2106 // 'The Brutananadilewski Bundle' const ID_ADULT_SWIM_BUNDLE = 2107 // 'The Adult Swim Bundle' const ID_WINTER_2012_BUNDLE = 2108 // 'Smissmas 2012 Bundle' const ID_PET_BALLOONICORN_PLUSH_PROMO = 2109 // 'Pet Balloonicorn Promo' const ID_SANDVICH_V2_PROMO = 2110 // 'Sandvich Promo' const ID_OCULUS_RIFT_PROMO = 2111 // 'Oculus Rift Promo' const ID_RED_ENGINEER_ACTION_FIGURE_PROMO = 2112 // 'Red Engineer Action Figure Promo' const ID_BLUE_ENGINEER_ACTION_FIGURE_PROMO = 2113 // 'Blue Engineer Action Figure Promo' const ID_RED_SPY_ACTION_FIGURE_PROMO = 2114 // 'Red Spy Action Figure Promo' const ID_BLUE_SPY_ACTION_FIGURE_PROMO = 2115 // 'Blue Spy Action Figure Promo' const ID_RED_SNIPER_ACTION_FIGURE_PROMO = 2116 // 'Red Sniper Action Figure Promo' const ID_BLUE_SNIPER_ACTION_FIGURE_PROMO = 2117 // 'Blue Sniper Action Figure Promo' const ID_RED_SCOUT_ACTION_FIGURE_PROMO = 2118 // 'Red Scout Action Figure Promo' const ID_BLUE_SCOUT_ACTION_FIGURE_PROMO = 2119 // 'Blue Scout Action Figure Promo' const ID_RED_MEDIC_ACTION_FIGURE_PROMO = 2120 // 'Red Medic Action Figure Promo' const ID_BLUE_MEDIC_ACTION_FIGURE_PROMO = 2121 // 'Blue Medic Action Figure Promo' const ID_TEAM_FORTRESS_CHESS_PROMO = 2122 // 'Team Fortress Chess Promo' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_BUNDLE_5 = 2123 // 'Map Stamps Collection' const ID_BYZANTINE_BUNDLE = 2124 // 'The Byzantine Bundle' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_BUNDLE_6 = 2125 // 'Map Stamps Collection' const ID_HALLOWEEN_2013_EVERYTHING_BUNDLE = 2126 // 'Halloween 2013 Community Bundle' const ID_TF2MIXUP_COMMUNITY_EVENT_2013_PROMO = 2127 // 'TF2mixup Community Event 2013 Promo' const ID_ROBOT_HEAVY_COLLECTIBLE_FIGURE_PROMO = 2128 // 'Robot Heavy Collectible Figure Promo' const ID_LOVE_WAR_TAUNT_BUNDLE = 2129 // 'Love And War Taunts Bundle' const ID_LOVE_WAR_WEAPONS_BUNDLE = 2130 // 'Love And War Weapons Bundle' const ID_LOVE_WAR_COSMETICS_BUNDLE = 2131 // 'Love And War Cosmetics Bundle' const ID_SPYCRAB_PROMO = 2132 // 'Spycrab Promo' const ID_RPS_PROMO = 2133 // 'RPS Promo' const ID_ALIEN_ISOLATION_PROMO_BUNDLE = 2134 // 'Alien: Isolation Promo' const ID_HALLOWEEN_2014_EVERYTHING_BUNDLE = 2135 // 'Halloween 2014 Community Bundle' const ID_ROBOT_PYRO_COLLECTIBLE_FIGURE_PROMO = 2136 // 'Robot Pyro Collectible Figure Promo' const ID_TF2MIXUP_COMMUNITY_EVENT_2014_PROMO = 2137 // 'TF2mixup Community Event 2014 Promo' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_BUNDLE_7 = 2138 // 'Map Stamps Collection' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_BUNDLE_8 = 2139 // 'Map Stamps Collection' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_BUNDLE_9 = 2140 // 'Map Stamps Collection' const ID_YOGSCAST_JINGLE_JAM_2015_PROMO = 2141 // 'Yogscast Jingle Jam 2015 Promo' const ID_BATMAN_ARKHAM_KNIGHT_PROMO_BUNDLE = 2142 // 'Batman Arkham Knight Promo' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_BUNDLE_10 = 2143 // 'Map Stamps Collection' const ID_TOUGH_BREAK_COMMUNITY_MAPS_BUNDLE = 2144 // 'Tough Break Community Maps Bundle' const ID_LOVE_WAR_COSMETICS_BUNDLE_NEW = 2145 // 'Love And War Cosmetics Bundle' const ID_SCOUT_STARTER_BUNDLE_V2 = 2146 // 'Scout Starter Pack' const ID_SOLDIER_STARTER_BUNDLE_V2 = 2147 // 'Soldier Starter Pack' const ID_PYRO_STARTER_BUNDLE_V2 = 2148 // 'Pyro Starter Pack' const ID_DEMOMAN_STARTER_BUNDLE_V2 = 2149 // 'Demoman Starter Pack' const ID_HEAVY_STARTER_BUNDLE_V2 = 2150 // 'Heavy Starter Pack' const ID_ENGINEER_STARTER_BUNDLE_V2 = 2151 // 'Engineer Starter Pack' const ID_MEDIC_STARTER_BUNDLE_V2 = 2152 // 'Medic Starter Pack' const ID_SNIPER_STARTER_BUNDLE_V2 = 2153 // 'Sniper Starter Pack' const ID_SPY_STARTER_BUNDLE_V2 = 2154 // 'Spy Starter Pack' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_BUNDLE_11 = 2155 // 'Map Stamps Collection' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_BUNDLE_12 = 2156 // 'Map Stamps Collection' const ID_YOGSCAST_JINGLE_JAM_2016_PROMO = 2157 // 'Yogscast Jingle Jam 2016 Promo' const ID_CHEFSTEPS_JOULE_PROMO = 2158 // 'ChefSteps Joule Promo' const ID_TEAM_FORTRESS_2_SOUNDTRACK_PROMO = 2159 // 'Team Fortress 2 Soundtrack Promo' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_BUNDLE_13 = 2160 // 'Map Stamps Collection' const ID_YOGSCAST_JINGLE_JAM_2017_PROMO = 2161 // 'Yogscast Jingle Jam 2017 Promo' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_BUNDLE_14 = 2162 // 'Map Stamps Collection' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_BUNDLE_15 = 2163 // 'Map Stamps Collection' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_BUNDLE_16 = 2164 // 'Map Stamps Collection' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_BUNDLE_17 = 2165 // 'Map Stamps Collection' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_BUNDLE_18 = 2166 // 'Map Stamps Collection' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_BUNDLE_19 = 2167 // 'Map Stamps Collection' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_BUNDLE_20 = 2168 // 'Map Stamps Collection' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_BUNDLE_21 = 2169 // 'Map Stamps Collection' const ID_TEAM_FORTRESS_2_SOUNDTRACK_PROMO_UNTRADABLE = 2170 // 'Team Fortress 2 Soundtrack Promo' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_BUNDLE_22 = 2171 // 'Map Stamps Collection' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_BUNDLE_23 = 2172 // 'Map Stamps Collection' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_BUNDLE_24 = 2173 // 'Map Stamps Collection' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_PERKS = 2500 // 'Map Stamp - Perks' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_SLIME = 2501 // 'Map Stamp - Slime' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_LAVA_PIT = 2502 // 'Map Stamp - Lava Pit' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_MANNSYLVANIA = 2503 // 'Map Stamp - Mannsylvania' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_SANDCASTLE = 2504 // 'Map Stamp - Sandcastle' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_SPINEYARD = 2505 // 'Map Stamp - Spineyard' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_CORRUPTION = 2506 // 'Map Stamp - Corruption' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_MURKY = 2507 // 'Map Stamp - Murky' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_ATOLL = 2508 // 'Map Stamp - Atoll' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_WOODS = 2509 // 'Map Stamp - Woods' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_SANITARIUM = 2510 // 'Map Stamp - Sanitarium' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_DEVASTATION = 2511 // 'Map Stamp - Devastation' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_SNOWTOWER = 2512 // 'Map Stamp - Snowtower' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_KRAMPUS = 2513 // 'Map Stamp - Krampus' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_HAARP = 2514 // 'Map Stamp - Haarp' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_BREW = 2515 // 'Map Stamp - Brew' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_HACKSAW = 2516 // 'Map Stamp - Hacksaw' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_TURBINE_EVENT = 2517 // 'Map Stamp - Turbine Center' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_CARRIER = 2518 // 'Map Stamp - Carrier' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_GALLERIA = 2519 // 'Map Stamp - Galleria' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_EMERGE = 2520 // 'Map Stamp - Emerge' const ID_MAP_TOKEN_CAMBER = 2521 // 'Map Stamp - Camber' const ID_CRAFT_BAR_LEVEL_1 = 5000 // 'Scrap Metal' const ID_CRAFT_BAR_LEVEL_2 = 5001 // 'Reclaimed Metal' const ID_CRAFT_BAR_LEVEL_3 = 5002 // 'Refined Metal' const ID_SCOUT_CLASS_TOKEN = 5003 // 'Class Token - Scout' const ID_SNIPER_CLASS_TOKEN = 5004 // 'Class Token - Sniper' const ID_SOLDIER_CLASS_TOKEN = 5005 // 'Class Token - Soldier' const ID_DEMOMAN_CLASS_TOKEN = 5006 // 'Class Token - Demoman' const ID_HEAVY_CLASS_TOKEN = 5007 // 'Class Token - Heavy' const ID_MEDIC_CLASS_TOKEN = 5008 // 'Class Token - Medic' const ID_PYRO_CLASS_TOKEN = 5009 // 'Class Token - Pyro' const ID_SPY_CLASS_TOKEN = 5010 // 'Class Token - Spy' const ID_ENGINEER_CLASS_TOKEN = 5011 // 'Class Token - Engineer' const ID_SLOT_TOKEN_PRIMARY = 5012 // 'Slot Token - Primary' const ID_SLOT_TOKEN_SECONDARY = 5013 // 'Slot Token - Secondary' const ID_SLOT_TOKEN_MELEE = 5014 // 'Slot Token - Melee' const ID_SLOT_TOKEN_PDA2 = 5018 // 'Slot Token - PDA2' const ID_NAME_TAG = 5020 // 'Name Tag' const ID_DECODER_RING = 5021 // 'Mann Co. Supply Crate Key' const ID_SUPPLY_CRATE = 5022 // 'Mann Co. Supply Crate' const ID_PAINT_CAN = 5023 // 'Paint Can' const ID_CUSTOMIZE_TEXTURE_TOOL = 5026 // 'Decal Tool' const ID_PAINT_CAN_1 = 5027 // 'Indubitably Green' const ID_PAINT_CAN_2 = 5028 // 'Zepheniah's Greed' const ID_PAINT_CAN_3 = 5029 // 'Noble Hatter's Violet' const ID_PAINT_CAN_4 = 5030 // 'Color No. 216-190-216' const ID_PAINT_CAN_5 = 5031 // 'A Deep Commitment to Purple' const ID_PAINT_CAN_6 = 5032 // 'Mann Co. Orange' const ID_PAINT_CAN_7 = 5033 // 'Muskelmannbraun' const ID_PAINT_CAN_8 = 5034 // 'Peculiarly Drab Tincture' const ID_PAINT_CAN_9 = 5035 // 'Radigan Conagher Brown' const ID_PAINT_CAN_10 = 5036 // 'Ye Olde Rustic Colour' const ID_PAINT_CAN_11 = 5037 // 'Australium Gold' const ID_PAINT_CAN_12 = 5038 // 'Aged Moustache Grey' const ID_PAINT_CAN_13 = 5039 // 'An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge' const ID_PAINT_CAN_14 = 5040 // 'A Distinctive Lack of Hue' const ID_SUPPLY_CRATE_2 = 5041 // 'Mann Co. Supply Crate' const ID_GIFT_WRAP = 5042 // 'Gift Wrap' const ID_WRAPPED_GIFT = 5043 // 'A Carefully Wrapped Gift' const ID_DESCRIPTION_TAG = 5044 // 'Description Tag' const ID_SUPPLY_CRATE_3 = 5045 // 'Mann Co. Supply Crate' const ID_PAINT_CAN_TEAM_COLOR = 5046 // 'Team Spirit' const ID_WINTER_CRATE = 5048 // 'Festive Winter Crate' const ID_WINTER_KEY = 5049 // 'Mann Co. Supply Crate Key' const ID_BACKPACK_EXPANDER = 5050 // 'Backpack Expander' const ID_PAINT_CAN_15 = 5051 // 'Pink as Hell' const ID_PAINT_CAN_16 = 5052 // 'A Color Similar to Slate' const ID_PAINT_CAN_17 = 5053 // 'Drably Olive' const ID_PAINT_CAN_18 = 5054 // 'The Bitter Taste of Defeat and Lime' const ID_PAINT_CAN_19 = 5055 // 'The Color of a Gentlemann's Business Pan...' const ID_PAINT_CAN_20 = 5056 // 'Dark Salmon Injustice' const ID_CHRISTMAS_KEY_2010 = 5057 // 'Stocking Stuffer Key' const ID_PAINT_CAN_TEAM_COLOR_2 = 5060 // 'Operator's Overalls' const ID_PAINT_CAN_TEAM_COLOR_3 = 5061 // 'Waterlogged Lab Coat' const ID_PAINT_CAN_TEAM_COLOR_4 = 5062 // 'Balaclavas Are Forever' const ID_PAINT_CAN_TEAM_COLOR_5 = 5063 // 'An Air of Debonair' const ID_PAINT_CAN_TEAM_COLOR_6 = 5064 // 'The Value of Teamwork' const ID_PAINT_CAN_TEAM_COLOR_7 = 5065 // 'Cream Spirit' const ID_SUMMER_CRATE = 5066 // 'Refreshing Summer Cooler' const ID_SUMMER_KEY = 5067 // 'Mann Co. Supply Crate Key' const ID_SUPPLY_CRATE_RARE = 5068 // 'Salvaged Mann Co. Supply Crate' const ID_NAUGHTY_WINTER_CRATE_2011 = 5070 // 'Naughty Winter Crate' const ID_NICE_WINTER_CRATE_2011 = 5071 // 'Nice Winter Crate' const ID_NAUGHTY_WINTER_KEY_2011 = 5072 // 'Mann Co. Supply Crate Key' const ID_NICE_WINTER_KEY_2011 = 5073 // 'Mann Co. Supply Crate Key' const ID_SOMETHING_SPECIAL_FOR_SOMEONE_SPECIAL_TOOL = 5074 // 'Something Special For Someone Special' const ID_SOMETHING_SPECIAL_FOR_SOMEONE_SPECIAL_WEARABLE = 5075 // 'Something Special For Someone Special' const ID_PAINT_CAN_21 = 5076 // 'A Mann's Mint' const ID_PAINT_CAN_22 = 5077 // 'After Eight' const ID_SCORCHED_CRATE = 5078 // 'Scorched Crate' const ID_SCORCHED_KEY = 5079 // 'Mann Co. Supply Crate Key' const ID_FALL_CRATE_2012 = 5080 // 'Fall Crate' const ID_FALL_KEY_2012 = 5081 // 'Mann Co. Supply Crate Key' const ID_ACCOUNT_UPGRADE_TO_PREMIUM = 5082 // 'Upgrade to Premium Gift' const ID_GIFTAPULT_GIFT_WRAP = 5083 // 'Giftapult' const ID_WRAPPED_GIFTAPULT_PACKAGE = 5084 // 'Loaded Giftapult' const ID_DELIVERED_GIFTAPULT_PACKAGE = 5085 // 'Delivered Giftapult Package' const ID_SUMMER_STARTER_KIT = 5086 // 'Summer Starter Kit' const ID_SUMMER_ADVENTURE_PACK = 5087 // 'Summer Adventure Pack' const ID_RIFT_SPIDER_HAT_CODE = 5500 // 'RIFT Well Spun Hat Claim Code' const ID_GOLDFISH = 5600 // 'Roasted Goldfish' const ID_POCKET_LINT = 5601 // 'Charred Pocket Lint' const ID_CHEESE_WHEEL = 5602 // 'Smoked Cheese Wheel' const ID_BANANA_PEEL = 5603 // 'Burned Banana Peel' const ID_BARN_DOOR_PLANK = 5604 // 'Incinerated Barn Door Plank' const ID_SECRET_DIARY = 5605 // 'Fireproof Secret Diary' const ID_DAMAGED_CAPACITOR = 5606 // 'Barely-Melted Capacitor' const ID_PILE_OF_ASH = 5607 // 'Pile of Ash' const ID_VOODOO_CURSED_ITEM_ARMORY = 5608 // 'Voodoo-Cursed Object' const ID_VOODOO_CURSED_OLD_BOOT = 5609 // 'Voodoo-Cursed Old Boot' const ID_VOODOO_CURSED_SKELETON = 5610 // 'Voodoo-Cursed Skeleton' const ID_VOODOO_CURSED_BAG_OF_QUICKLIME = 5611 // 'Voodoo-Cursed Bag of Quicklime' const ID_VOODOO_CURSED_ROBOT_ARM = 5612 // 'Voodoo-Cursed Robot Arm' const ID_VOODOO_CURSED_NOVELTY_BASS = 5613 // 'Voodoo-Cursed Novelty Bass' const ID_VOODOO_CURSED_STICKY_BOMB = 5614 // 'Voodoo-Cursed Sticky-Bomb' const ID_VOODOO_CURSED_NAIL = 5615 // 'Voodoo-Cursed Nail' const ID_VOODOO_CURSED_SOUL_ARMORY = 5616 // 'Voodoo-Cursed Soul' const ID_ZOMBIE_SCOUT = 5617 // 'Voodoo-Cursed Scout Soul' const ID_ZOMBIE_SOLDIER = 5618 // 'Voodoo-Cursed Soldier Soul' const ID_ZOMBIE_HEAVY = 5619 // 'Voodoo-Cursed Heavy Soul' const ID_ZOMBIE_DEMO = 5620 // 'Voodoo-Cursed Demoman Soul' const ID_ZOMBIE_ENGINEER = 5621 // 'Voodoo-Cursed Engineer Soul' const ID_ZOMBIE_MEDIC = 5622 // 'Voodoo-Cursed Medic Soul' const ID_ZOMBIE_SPY = 5623 // 'Voodoo-Cursed Spy Soul' const ID_ZOMBIE_PYRO = 5624 // 'Voodoo-Cursed Pyro Soul' const ID_ZOMBIE_SNIPER = 5625 // 'Voodoo-Cursed Sniper Soul' const ID_PILE_OF_CURSES = 5626 // 'Pile of Curses' const ID_EERIE_CRATE = 5627 // 'Eerie Crate' const ID_EERIE_KEY = 5628 // 'Mann Co. Supply Crate Key' const ID_NAUGHTY_WINTER_CRATE_2012 = 5629 // 'Naughty Winter Crate 2012' const ID_NICE_WINTER_CRATE_2012 = 5630 // 'Nice Winter Crate 2012' const ID_NAUGHTY_WINTER_KEY_2012 = 5631 // 'Mann Co. Supply Crate Key' const ID_NICE_WINTER_KEY_2012 = 5632 // 'Mann Co. Supply Crate Key' const ID_STRANGE_BACON_GREASE = 5633 // 'Strange Bacon Grease' const ID_ROBO_CRATE_2013 = 5635 // 'Robo Community Crate' const ID_ROBO_KEY_2013 = 5636 // 'Robo Community Crate Key' const ID_GIFT_23_ROBOKEYS_2013 = 5637 // 'Pile of Robo Community Crate Key Gifts' const ID_GIFT_1_ROBOKEY_2013 = 5638 // 'A Random Robo Community Crate Key Gift' const ID_JULY_2013_CLAIM_CHECK = 5639 // 'Summer Claim Check' const ID_JULY_2013_EARLY_CRATE = 5640 // 'Summer Appetizer Crate' const ID_JULY_2013_EARLY_KEY = 5641 // 'Summer Appetizer Key' const ID_JULY_2013_CRATE_01 = 5642 // 'Red Summer 2013 Cooler' const ID_JULY_2013_KEY_01 = 5643 // 'Red Summer 2013 Cooler Key' const ID_JULY_2013_CRATE_02 = 5644 // 'Orange Summer 2013 Cooler' const ID_JULY_2013_KEY_02 = 5645 // 'Orange Summer 2013 Cooler Key' const ID_JULY_2013_CRATE_03 = 5646 // 'Yellow Summer 2013 Cooler' const ID_JULY_2013_KEY_03 = 5647 // 'Yellow Summer 2013 Cooler Key' const ID_JULY_2013_CRATE_04 = 5648 // 'Green Summer 2013 Cooler' const ID_JULY_2013_KEY_04 = 5649 // 'Green Summer 2013 Cooler Key' const ID_JULY_2013_CRATE_05 = 5650 // 'Aqua Summer 2013 Cooler' const ID_JULY_2013_KEY_05 = 5651 // 'Aqua Summer 2013 Cooler Key' const ID_JULY_2013_CRATE_06 = 5652 // 'Blue Summer 2013 Cooler' const ID_JULY_2013_KEY_06 = 5653 // 'Blue Summer 2013 Cooler Key' const ID_JULY_2013_CRATE_07 = 5654 // 'Brown Summer 2013 Cooler' const ID_JULY_2013_KEY_07 = 5655 // 'Brown Summer 2013 Cooler Key' const ID_JULY_2013_CRATE_08 = 5656 // 'Black Summer 2013 Cooler' const ID_JULY_2013_KEY_08 = 5657 // 'Black Summer 2013 Cooler Key' const ID_GIFT_23_SUMMERKEYS_2013 = 5658 // 'Pile of Summer Cooler Key Gifts' const ID_GIFT_1_SUMMERKEY_2013 = 5659 // 'A Random Summer Cooler Key Gift' const ID_SUPPLY_CRATE_RARE_2 = 5660 // 'Select Reserve Mann Co. Supply Crate' const ID_POMSON_6000_STRANGIFIER = 5661 // 'Strangifier' const ID_ROBITS_LOOT_01 = 5700 // 'Pristine Robot Currency Digester' const ID_ROBITS_LOOT_02 = 5701 // 'Pristine Robot Brainstorm Bulb' const ID_ROBITS_LOOT_03 = 5702 // 'Reinforced Robot Emotion Detector' const ID_ROBITS_LOOT_04 = 5703 // 'Reinforced Robot Humor Suppression Pump' const ID_ROBITS_LOOT_05 = 5704 // 'Reinforced Robot Bomb Stabilizer' const ID_ROBITS_LOOT_06 = 5705 // 'Battle-Worn Robot Taunt Processor' const ID_ROBITS_LOOT_07 = 5706 // 'Battle-Worn Robot KB-808' const ID_ROBITS_LOOT_08 = 5707 // 'Battle-Worn Robot Money Furnace' const ID_FALL_2013_ACORNS_CRATE = 5708 // 'Fall 2013 Acorns Crate' const ID_FALL_2013_GOURD_CRATE = 5709 // 'Fall 2013 Gourd Crate' const ID_FALL_2013_ACORNS_KEY = 5710 // 'Fall 2013 Acorns Crate Key' const ID_FALL_2013_GOURD_KEY = 5711 // 'Fall 2013 Gourd Crate Key' const ID_HALLOWEEN_2013_CRATE = 5712 // 'Spooky Crate' const ID_HALLOWEEN_2013_KEY = 5713 // 'Mann Co. Supply Crate Key' const ID_NAUGHTY_WINTER_CRATE_2013 = 5714 // 'Naughty Winter Crate 2013' const ID_NICE_WINTER_CRATE_2013 = 5715 // 'Nice Winter Crate 2013' const ID_NAUGHTY_WINTER_KEY_2013 = 5716 // 'Mann Co. Supply Crate Key' const ID_NICE_WINTER_KEY_2013 = 5717 // 'Mann Co. Supply Crate Key' const ID_SELF_GIFT_STOCKING_STUFFER_2013 = 5718 // 'Gift-Stuffed Stocking' const ID_STRONGBOX_CRATE_2014 = 5719 // 'Mann Co. Strongbox' const ID_STRONGBOX_KEY_2014 = 5720 // 'Mann Co. Strongbox Key' const ID_PRETTY_BOYS_POCKET_PISTOL_STRANGIFIER = 5721 // 'Strangifier' const ID_PHLOGISTINATOR_STRANGIFIER = 5722 // 'Strangifier' const ID_CLEANERS_CARBINE_STRANGIFIER = 5723 // 'Strangifier' const ID_PRIVATE_EYE_STRANGIFIER = 5724 // 'Strangifier' const ID_BIG_CHIEF_STRANGIFIER = 5725 // 'Strangifier' const ID_ROCKET_LAUNCHER_KILLSTREAKIFIER_BASIC = 5726 // 'Kit' const ID_SCATTERGUN_KILLSTREAKIFIER_BASIC = 5727 // 'Kit' const ID_SNIPERRIFLE_KILLSTREAKIFIER_BASIC = 5728 // 'Kit' const ID_SHOTGUN_KILLSTREAKIFIER_BASIC = 5729 // 'Kit' const ID_UBERSAW_KILLSTREAKIFIER_BASIC = 5730 // 'Kit' const ID_GRU_KILLSTREAKIFIER_BASIC = 5731 // 'Kit' const ID_SPY_CICLE_LAUNCHER_KILLSTREAKIFIER_BASIC = 5732 // 'Kit' const ID_AXTINGUISHER_KILLSTREAKIFIER_BASIC = 5733 // 'Kit' const ID_SUPPLY_CRATE_RATION = 5734 // 'Mann Co. Supply Munition' const ID_SUPPLY_CRATE_RATION_2 = 5735 // 'Mann Co. Supply Munition' const ID_SHORT_2014_COMMUNITY_CRATE_A = 5737 // 'Mann Co. Stockpile Crate' const ID_SHORT_2014_COMMUNITY_CRATE_B = 5738 // 'Mann Co. Stockpile Crate' const ID_SHORT_2014_TAUNT_CRATE = 5739 // 'Mann Co. Audition Reel' const ID_SHORT_2014_KEY = 5740 // 'Mann Co. Stockpile Crate Key' const ID_SELF_GIFT_MUTATED_BREAD_BOX = 5741 // 'Bread Box' const ID_SUPPLY_CRATE_RATION_3 = 5742 // 'Mann Co. Supply Munition' const ID_STICKYLAUNCHER_KILLSTREAKIFIER_BASIC = 5743 // 'Kit' const ID_MINIGUN_KILLSTREAKIFIER_BASIC = 5744 // 'Kit' const ID_DIRECTHIT_KILLSTREAKIFIER_BASIC = 5745 // 'Kit' const ID_HUNTSMAN_KILLSTREAKIFIER_BASIC = 5746 // 'Kit' const ID_BACKBURNER_KILLSTREAKIFIER_BASIC = 5747 // 'Kit' const ID_BACKSCATTER_KILLSTREAKIFIER_BASIC = 5748 // 'Kit' const ID_KRITZKRIEG_KILLSTREAKIFIER_BASIC = 5749 // 'Kit' const ID_AMBASSADOR_KILLSTREAKIFIER_BASIC = 5750 // 'Kit' const ID_FRONTIER_JUSTICE_KILLSTREAKIFIER_BASIC = 5751 // 'Kit' const ID_SUPPLY_CRATE_RATION_4 = 5752 // 'Mann Co. Supply Munition' const ID_AIR_STRIKE_STRANGIFIER = 5753 // 'Strangifier' const ID_CLASSIC_STRANGIFIER = 5754 // 'Strangifier' const ID_MANMELTER_STRANGIFIER = 5755 // 'Strangifier' const ID_VACCINATOR_STRANGIFIER = 5756 // 'Strangifier' const ID_WIDOWMAKER_STRANGIFIER = 5757 // 'Strangifier' const ID_ANGER_STRANGIFIER = 5758 // 'Strangifier' const ID_APPARITIONS_ASPECT_STRANGIFIER = 5759 // 'Strangifier' const ID_TAUNT_SHUFFLE_CRATE = 5760 // 'Mann Co. Director's Cut Reel' const ID_SUMMER_CRATE_2014 = 5761 // 'Limited Late Summer Crate' const ID_LIMITED_SUMMER_2014_KEY = 5762 // 'Mann Co. Supply Crate Key' const ID_HALLOWEEN_2014_SCOUT_CRATE = 5763 // 'Unlocked Creepy Scout Crate' const ID_HALLOWEEN_2014_PYRO_CRATE = 5764 // 'Unlocked Creepy Pyro Crate' const ID_HALLOWEEN_2014_HEAVY_CRATE = 5765 // 'Unlocked Creepy Heavy Crate' const ID_HALLOWEEN_2014_ENGINEER_CRATE = 5766 // 'Unlocked Creepy Engineer Crate' const ID_HALLOWEEN_2014_SPY_CRATE = 5767 // 'Unlocked Creepy Spy Crate' const ID_HALLOWEEN_2014_SNIPER_CRATE = 5768 // 'Unlocked Creepy Sniper Crate' const ID_HALLOWEEN_2014_SOLDIER_CRATE = 5769 // 'Unlocked Creepy Soldier Crate' const ID_HALLOWEEN_2014_MEDIC_CRATE = 5770 // 'Unlocked Creepy Medic Crate' const ID_HALLOWEEN_2014_DEMO_CRATE = 5771 // 'Unlocked Creepy Demo Crate' const ID_HALLOWEEN_GIVEAWAY_CAULDRON_2014_BASE = 5772 // 'Halloween Gift Cauldron' const ID_HALLOWEEN_GIVEAWAY_CAULDRON_2014_ACHIEVEMENT = 5773 // 'Halloween Gift Cauldron' const ID_EOTL_COMMUNITY_CRATE = 5774 // 'End of the Line Community Crate' const ID_EOTL_COMMUNITY_KEY = 5775 // 'End of the Line Key' const ID_GIFT_23_EOTL_KEYS = 5776 // 'Pile of End of the Line Key Gifts' const ID_GIFT_1_EOTL_KEY = 5777 // 'A Random End of the Line Key Gift' const ID_DUCK_TOKEN = 5778 // 'Duck Token' const ID_GIFT_23_DUCK_TOKENS = 5779 // 'Pile of Duck Token Gifts' const ID_GIFT_1_DUCK_TOKEN = 5780 // 'A Random Duck Token Gift' const ID_SUPPLY_CRATE_RATION_5 = 5781 // 'Mann Co. Supply Munition' const ID_COW_MANGLER_5000_STRANGIFIER = 5783 // 'Strangifier' const ID_THIRD_DEGREE_STRANGIFIER = 5784 // 'Strangifier' const ID_NAUGHTY_WINTER_CRATE_2014 = 5789 // 'Naughty Winter Crate 2014' const ID_NICE_WINTER_CRATE_2014 = 5790 // 'Nice Winter Crate 2014' const ID_NAUGHTY_KEY_2014_KEY = 5791 // 'Mann Co. Supply Crate Key' const ID_NICE_KEY_2014_KEY = 5792 // 'Mann Co. Supply Crate Key' const ID_FLAREGUN_KILLSTREAKIFIER_BASIC = 5793 // 'Kit' const ID_WRENCH_KILLSTREAKIFIER_BASIC = 5794 // 'Kit' const ID_REVOLVER_KILLSTREAKIFIER_BASIC = 5795 // 'Kit' const ID_MACHINA_KILLSTREAKIFIER_BASIC = 5796 // 'Kit' const ID_BABY_FACE_BLASTER_KILLSTREAKIFIER_BASIC = 5797 // 'Kit' const ID_HUO_LONG_HEATMAKER_KILLSTREAKIFIER_BASIC = 5798 // 'Kit' const ID_LOOSE_CANNON_KILLSTREAKIFIER_BASIC = 5799 // 'Kit' const ID_VACCINATOR_KILLSTREAKIFIER_BASIC = 5800 // 'Kit' const ID_AIR_STRIKE_KILLSTREAKIFIER_BASIC = 5801 // 'Kit' const ID_SUPPLY_CRATE_RATION_6 = 5802 // 'Mann Co. Supply Munition' const ID_SUPPLY_CRATE_RATION_7 = 5803 // 'Mann Co. Supply Munition' const ID_RIGHTEOUS_BISON_STRANGIFIER = 5804 // 'Strangifier' const ID_SUMMER_2015_OPERATION_KEY = 5805 // 'Gun Mettle Key' const ID_OPERATION_SUMMER_2015_CONCEALED_KILLER_CASE = 5806 // 'The Concealed Killer Weapons Case' const ID_OPERATION_SUMMER_2015_POWERHOUSE_CASE = 5807 // 'The Powerhouse Weapons Case' const ID_UNUSED_SUMMER_2015_OPERATION_PASS = 5808 // 'Gun Mettle Campaign Pass' const ID_ACTIVATED_SUMMER_2015_OPERATION_PASS = 5809 // 'Gun Mettle Campaign Coin' const ID_CONCEALED_KILLER_COLLECTION_DUMMY = 5810 // 'Concealed Killer Collection' const ID_CRAFTSMANN_COLLECTION_DUMMY = 5811 // 'Craftsmann Collection' const ID_POWERHOUSE_COLLECTION_DUMMY = 5812 // 'Powerhouse Collection' const ID_TEUFORT_COLLECTION_DUMMY = 5813 // 'Teufort Collection' const ID_GUN_METTLE_COSMETICS_COLLECTION_DUMMY = 5814 // 'Gun Mettle Cosmetics Collection' const ID_GUN_METTLE_COSMETIC_KEY = 5816 // 'Gun Mettle Cosmetic Key' const ID_GUN_METTLE_COSMETIC_CASE = 5817 // 'Gun Mettle Cosmetic Case' const ID_STRANGE_COUNT_TRANSFER_TOOL = 5818 // 'Strange Count Transfer Tool' const ID_UNUSED_INVASION_PASS = 5819 // 'Invasion Community Update Pass' const ID_ACTIVATED_INVASION_PASS = 5820 // 'Invasion Community Update Coin' const ID_INVASION_KEY = 5821 // 'Invasion Community Update Key' const ID_INVASION_CASE_01 = 5822 // 'Quarantined Collection Case' const ID_INVASION_CASE_02 = 5823 // 'Confidential Collection Case' const ID_INVASION_COLLECTION_DUMMY_01 = 5824 // 'Quarantined Collection' const ID_INVASION_COLLECTION_DUMMY_02 = 5825 // 'Confidential Collection' const ID_ACTIVATED_HALLOWEEN_PASS = 5826 // 'Soul Gargoyle' const ID_HALLOWEEN_2015_KEY = 5827 // 'Gargoyle Key' const ID_HALLOWEEN_2015_CASE = 5828 // 'Gargoyle Case' const ID_UNUSED_OPERATION_TOUGH_BREAK_PASS = 5829 // 'Tough Break Campaign Pass' const ID_ACTIVATED_OPERATION_TOUGH_BREAK_PASS = 5830 // 'Tough Break Campaign Stamp' const ID_TOUGH_BREAK_CASE_01_PYROLAND = 5831 // 'Pyroland Weapons Case' const ID_TOUGH_BREAK_CASE_02_WARBIRDS = 5832 // 'Warbird Weapons Case' const ID_TOUGH_BREAK_KEY = 5833 // 'Tough Break Key' const ID_TOUGH_BREAK_COLLECTION_DUMMY_01 = 5834 // 'Harvest Collection' const ID_TOUGH_BREAK_COLLECTION_DUMMY_02 = 5835 // 'Gentlemanne's Collection' const ID_TOUGH_BREAK_COLLECTION_DUMMY_03 = 5836 // 'Pyroland Collection' const ID_TOUGH_BREAK_COLLECTION_DUMMY_04 = 5837 // 'Warbird Collection' const ID_WINTER_2015_MYSTERY_BOX = 5838 // 'Smissmas 2015 Festive Gift' const ID_FESTIVIZER = 5839 // 'Festivizer' const ID_TOUGH_BREAK_COSMETICS_COLLECTION_DUMMY = 5840 // 'Tough Break Cosmetics Collection' const ID_TOUGH_BREAK_COSMETIC_KEY = 5841 // 'Tough Break Cosmetic Key' const ID_TOUGH_BREAK_COSMETIC_CASE = 5842 // 'Tough Break Cosmetic Case' const ID_COMMON_STAT_CLOCK = 5843 // 'Civilian Grade Stat Clock' const ID_FALL_2013_ACORNS_KEY_NEW = 5844 // 'Fall 2013 Acorns Crate Key' const ID_STRONGBOX_KEY_2014_NEW = 5845 // 'Mann Co. Strongbox Key' const ID_SHORT_2014_KEY_NEW = 5846 // 'Mann Co. Stockpile Crate Key' const ID_HALLOWEEN_2015_KEY_NEW = 5847 // 'Gargoyle Key' const ID_MAYFLOWER_COSMETIC_KEY = 5848 // 'Mayflower Cosmetic Key' const ID_MAYFLOWER_COSMETIC_CASE = 5849 // 'Mayflower Cosmetic Case' const ID_KEYLESS_COSMETIC_CRATE_SCOUT = 5850 // 'Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Scout' const ID_KEYLESS_COSMETIC_CRATE_SNIPER = 5851 // 'Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Sniper' const ID_KEYLESS_COSMETIC_CRATE_SOLDIER = 5852 // 'Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Soldier' const ID_KEYLESS_COSMETIC_CRATE_DEMOMAN = 5853 // 'Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Demo' const ID_KEYLESS_COSMETIC_CRATE_MEDIC = 5854 // 'Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Medic' const ID_KEYLESS_COSMETIC_CRATE_HEAVY = 5855 // 'Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Heavy' const ID_KEYLESS_COSMETIC_CRATE_PYRO = 5856 // 'Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Pyro' const ID_KEYLESS_COSMETIC_CRATE_SPY = 5857 // 'Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Spy' const ID_KEYLESS_COSMETIC_CRATE_ENGINEER = 5858 // 'Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Engineer' const ID_SUPPLY_CRATE_RATION_8 = 5859 // 'Mann Co. Supply Munition' const ID_KEYLESS_COSMETIC_CRATE_MULTICLASS = 5860 // 'Unlocked Cosmetic Crate Multi-Class' const ID_HALLOWEEN_2016_CASE = 5861 // 'Creepy Crawly Case' const ID_HALLOWEEN_2016_KEY = 5862 // 'Creepy Crawly Key' const ID_HALLOWEEN_2015_COLLECTION_DUMMY = 5863 // 'Gargoyle Collection' const ID_HALLOWEEN_2016_COLLECTION_DUMMY = 5864 // 'Creepy Crawly Collection' const ID_KEYLESS_WINTER_2016_CASE = 5865 // 'Unlocked Winter 2016 Cosmetic Case' const ID_RAINY_DAY_COSMETIC_KEY = 5866 // 'Rainy Day Cosmetic Key' const ID_RAINY_DAY_COSMETIC_CASE = 5867 // 'Rainy Day Cosmetic Case' const ID_UNUSED_CAMPAIGN_3_PASS = 5868 // 'Jungle Inferno Campaign Pass' const ID_ACTIVATED_CAMPAIGN_3_PASS = 5869 // 'Jungle Inferno ConTracker' const ID_ABOMINABLE_COSMETIC_CASE = 5871 // 'Abominable Cosmetic Case' const ID_CAMPAIGN_3_COSMETICS_CASE_1_COLLECTION_DUMMY = 5872 // 'Abominable Cosmetic Collection' const ID_ABOMINABLE_COSMETIC_KEY = 5873 // 'Abominable Cosmetic Key' const ID_UNLEASH_THE_BEAST_COSMETIC_CASE = 5875 // 'Unleash the Beast Cosmetic Case' const ID_CAMPAIGN_3_COSMETICS_CASE_2_COLLECTION_DUMMY = 5876 // 'Unleash the Beast Cosmetic Collection' const ID_UNLEASH_THE_BEAST_COSMETIC_KEY = 5877 // 'Unleash the Beast Cosmetic Key' const ID_CAMPAIGN_3_CONTRACT_PAINTKIT_COLLECTION_DUMMY_1 = 5878 // 'Decorated War Hero Collection' const ID_CAMPAIGN_3_CONTRACT_PAINTKIT_COLLECTION_DUMMY_2 = 5879 // 'Contract Campaigner Collection' const ID_CAMPAIGN_3_PAINTKIT_CASE_COLLECTION_DUMMY_1 = 5880 // 'Jungle Jackpot Collection' const ID_CAMPAIGN_3_PAINTKIT_CASE_COLLECTION_DUMMY_2 = 5881 // 'Infernal Reward Collection' const ID_JUNGLE_JACKPOT_WAR_PAINT_KEY = 5882 // 'Jungle Jackpot War Paint Key' const ID_JUNGLE_JACKPOT_WAR_PAINT_CASE = 5883 // 'Jungle Jackpot War Paint Case' const ID_INFERNAL_REWARD_WAR_PAINT_KEY = 5884 // 'Infernal Reward War Paint Key' const ID_INFERNAL_REWARD_WAR_PAINT_CASE = 5885 // 'Infernal Reward War Paint Case' const ID_SELF_GIFT_STOCKING_STUFFER_2017 = 5886 // 'Gift-Stuffed Stocking 2017' const ID_WINTER_2017_COSMETIC_KEY = 5887 // 'Winter 2017 Cosmetic Key' const ID_WINTER_2017_COSMETIC_CASE = 5888 // 'Winter 2017 Cosmetic Case' const ID_WINTER_2017_WAR_PAINT_KEY = 5889 // 'Winter 2017 War Paint Key' const ID_WINTER_2017_WAR_PAINT_CASE = 5890 // 'Winter 2017 War Paint Case' const ID_JUNGLE_INFERNO_CONTRACTS_PASS = 5891 // 'Jungle Inferno Contracts Pass' const ID_BLUE_MOON_COSMETIC_KEY = 5892 // 'Blue Moon Cosmetic Key' const ID_BLUE_MOON_COSMETIC_CASE = 5893 // 'Blue Moon Cosmetic Case' const ID_HALLOWEEN_2018_CASE = 5894 // 'Violet Vermin Case' const ID_HALLOWEEN_2018_KEY = 5895 // 'Violet Vermin Key' const ID_HALLOWEEN_2018_COLLECTION_DUMMY = 5896 // 'Violet Vermin Collection' const ID_SCREAM_FORTRESS_2018_WAR_PAINT_CASE = 5897 // 'Scream Fortress X War Paint Case' const ID_SCREAM_FORTRESS_2018_WAR_PAINT_KEY = 5898 // 'Scream Fortress X War Paint Key' const ID_SCREAM_FORTRESS_2018_WAR_PAINT_DUMMY = 5899 // 'Scream Fortress X Collection' const ID_SELF_GIFT_STOCKING_STUFFER_2018 = 5900 // 'Gift-Stuffed Stocking 2018' const ID_WINTER_2018_COSMETIC_KEY = 5901 // 'Winter 2018 Cosmetic Key' const ID_WINTER_2018_COSMETIC_CASE = 5902 // 'Winter 2018 Cosmetic Case' const ID_SUMMER_2019_COSMETIC_KEY = 5903 // 'Summer 2019 Cosmetic Key' const ID_SUMMER_2019_COSMETIC_CASE = 5904 // 'Summer 2019 Cosmetic Case' const ID_HALLOWEEN_2019_CASE = 5905 // 'Spooky Spoils Case' const ID_HALLOWEEN_2019_KEY = 5906 // 'Spooky Spoils Key' const ID_HALLOWEEN_2019_COLLECTION_DUMMY = 5907 // 'Spooky Spoils Collection' const ID_WINTER_2019_COSMETIC_KEY = 5908 // 'Winter 2019 Cosmetic Key' const ID_WINTER_2019_COSMETIC_CASE = 5909 // 'Winter 2019 Cosmetic Case' const ID_SELF_GIFT_STOCKING_STUFFER_2019 = 5910 // 'Gift-Stuffed Stocking 2019' const ID_WINTER_2019_WAR_PAINT_KEY = 5911 // 'Winter 2019 War Paint Key' const ID_WINTER_2019_WAR_PAINT_CASE = 5912 // 'Winter 2019 War Paint Case' const ID_SUMMER_2020_COSMETIC_KEY = 5913 // 'Summer 2020 Cosmetic Key' const ID_SUMMER_2020_COSMETIC_CASE = 5914 // 'Summer 2020 Cosmetic Case' const ID_HALLOWEEN_2020_CASE = 5915 // 'Wicked Windfall Case' const ID_HALLOWEEN_2020_KEY = 5916 // 'Wicked Windfall Key' const ID_HALLOWEEN_2020_COLLECTION_DUMMY = 5917 // 'Wicked Windfall Collection' const ID_SCREAM_FORTRESS_2020_WAR_PAINT_CASE = 5918 // 'Scream Fortress XII War Paint Case' const ID_SCREAM_FORTRESS_2020_WAR_PAINT_KEY = 5919 // 'Scream Fortress XII War Paint Key' const ID_SCREAM_FORTRESS_2020_WAR_PAINT_DUMMY = 5920 // 'Scream Fortress XII Collection' const ID_WINTER_2020_COSMETIC_KEY = 5921 // 'Winter 2020 Cosmetic Key' const ID_WINTER_2020_COSMETIC_CASE = 5922 // 'Winter 2020 Cosmetic Case' const ID_SELF_GIFT_STOCKING_STUFFER_2020 = 5923 // 'Gift-Stuffed Stocking 2020' const ID_WINTER_2020_WAR_PAINT_KEY = 5924 // 'Winter 2020 War Paint Key' const ID_WINTER_2020_WAR_PAINT_CASE = 5925 // 'Winter 2020 War Paint Case' const ID_SUMMER_2021_COSMETIC_KEY = 5926 // 'Summer 2021 Cosmetic Key' const ID_SUMMER_2021_COSMETIC_CASE = 5927 // 'Summer 2021 Cosmetic Case' const ID_HALLOWEEN_2021_CASE = 5928 // 'Crimson Cache Case' const ID_HALLOWEEN_2021_KEY = 5929 // 'Crimson Cache Key' const ID_HALLOWEEN_2021_COLLECTION_DUMMY = 5930 // 'Crimson Cache Collection' const ID_SCREAM_FORTRESS_2021_WAR_PAINT_CASE = 5931 // 'Scream Fortress XIII War Paint Case' const ID_SCREAM_FORTRESS_2021_WAR_PAINT_KEY = 5932 // 'Scream Fortress XIII War Paint Key' const ID_SCREAM_FORTRESS_2021_WAR_PAINT_DUMMY = 5933 // 'Scream Fortress XIII Collection' const ID_WINTER_2021_COSMETIC_KEY = 5934 // 'Winter 2021 Cosmetic Key' const ID_WINTER_2021_COSMETIC_CASE = 5935 // 'Winter 2021 Cosmetic Case' const ID_SELF_GIFT_STOCKING_STUFFER_2021 = 5936 // 'Gift-Stuffed Stocking 2021' const ID_SUMMER_2022_COSMETIC_KEY = 5937 // 'Summer 2022 Cosmetic Key' const ID_SUMMER_2022_COSMETIC_CASE = 5938 // 'Summer 2022 Cosmetic Case' const ID_HALLOWEEN_2022_CASE = 5939 // 'Ghoulish Gains Case' const ID_HALLOWEEN_2022_KEY = 5940 // 'Ghoulish Gains Key' const ID_HALLOWEEN_2022_COLLECTION_DUMMY = 5941 // 'Ghoulish Gains Collection' const ID_SCREAM_FORTRESS_2022_WAR_PAINT_CASE = 5942 // 'Scream Fortress XIV War Paint Case' const ID_SCREAM_FORTRESS_2022_WAR_PAINT_KEY = 5943 // 'Scream Fortress XIV War Paint Key' const ID_SCREAM_FORTRESS_2022_WAR_PAINT_DUMMY = 5944 // 'Scream Fortress XIV Collection' const ID_SELF_GIFT_STOCKING_STUFFER_2022 = 5945 // 'Gift-Stuffed Stocking 2022' const ID_WINTER_2022_COSMETIC_KEY = 5946 // 'Winter 2022 Cosmetic Key' const ID_WINTER_2022_COSMETIC_CASE = 5947 // 'Winter 2022 Cosmetic Case' const ID_SUMMER_2023_COSMETIC_KEY = 5948 // 'Summer 2023 Cosmetic Key' const ID_SUMMER_2023_COSMETIC_CASE = 5949 // 'Summer 2023 Cosmetic Case' const ID_SUMMER_2023_WAR_PAINT_KEY = 5950 // 'Summer 2023 War Paint Key' const ID_SUMMER_2023_WAR_PAINT_CASE = 5951 // 'Summer 2023 War Paint Case' const ID_HALLOWEEN_2023_CASE = 5952 // 'Bone-Chilling Bonanza Case' const ID_HALLOWEEN_2023_KEY = 5953 // 'Bone-Chilling Bonanza Key' const ID_HALLOWEEN_2023_COLLECTION_DUMMY = 5954 // 'Bone-Chilling Bonanza Collection' const ID_SELF_GIFT_STOCKING_STUFFER_2023 = 5955 // 'Gift-Stuffed Stocking 2023' const ID_WINTER_2023_COSMETIC_KEY = 5956 // 'Winter 2023 Cosmetic Key' const ID_WINTER_2023_COSMETIC_CASE = 5957 // 'Winter 2023 Cosmetic Case' const ID_STRANGE_PART_ARMORY = 5999 // 'Strange Part' const ID_STRANGE_PART_HEAVIES_KILLED = 6000 // 'Strange Part: Heavies Killed' const ID_STRANGE_PART_DEMOMEN_KILLED = 6001 // 'Strange Part: Demomen Killed' const ID_STRANGE_PART_SOLDIERS_KILLED = 6002 // 'Strange Part: Soldiers Killed' const ID_STRANGE_PART_SCOUTS_KILLED = 6003 // 'Strange Part: Scouts Killed' const ID_STRANGE_PART_ENGINEERS_KILLED = 6004 // 'Strange Part: Engineers Killed' const ID_STRANGE_PART_SNIPERS_KILLED = 6005 // 'Strange Part: Snipers Killed' const ID_STRANGE_PART_PYROS_KILLED = 6006 // 'Strange Part: Pyros Killed' const ID_STRANGE_PART_MEDICS_KILLED = 6007 // 'Strange Part: Medics Killed' const ID_STRANGE_PART_SPIES_KILLED = 6008 // 'Strange Part: Spies Killed' const ID_STRANGE_PART_BUILDINGS_DESTROYED = 6009 // 'Strange Part: Buildings Destroyed' const ID_STRANGE_PART_PROJECTILES_REFLECTED = 6010 // 'Strange Part: Projectiles Reflected' const ID_STRANGE_PART_HEADSHOT_KILLS = 6011 // 'Strange Part: Headshot Kills' const ID_STRANGE_PART_AIRBORNE_ENEMIES_KILLED = 6012 // 'Strange Part: Airborne Enemies Killed' const ID_STRANGE_PART_ENEMIES_GIBBED = 6013 // 'Strange Part: Gib Kills' const ID_STRANGE_PART_FULL_MOON_KILLS = 6015 // 'Strange Part: Full Moon Kills' const ID_STRANGE_PART_DOMINATION_KILLS = 6016 // 'Strange Part: Domination Kills' const ID_STRANGE_PART_REVENGE_KILLS = 6018 // 'Strange Part: Revenge Kills' const ID_STRANGE_PART_POSTHUMOUS_KILLS = 6019 // 'Strange Part: Posthumous Kills' const ID_STRANGE_PART_ALLIES_EXTINGUISHED = 6020 // 'Strange Part: Teammates Extinguished' const ID_STRANGE_PART_CRITICAL_KILLS = 6021 // 'Strange Part: Critical Kills' const ID_STRANGE_PART_KILLS_WHILE_EXPLOSIVE_JUMPING = 6022 // 'Strange Part: Kills While Explosive Jump...' const ID_STRANGE_PART_UBERS_DROPPED = 6023 // 'Strange Part: Medics Killed That Have Fu...' const ID_STRANGE_PART_CLOAKED_SPIES_KILLED = 6024 // 'Strange Part: Cloaked Spies Killed' const ID_STRANGE_PART_SAPPERS_DESTROYED = 6025 // 'Strange Part: Sappers Destroyed' const ID_STRANGE_PART_ROBOTS_DESTROYED = 6026 // 'Strange Part: Robots Destroyed' const ID_STRANGE_PART_GIANT_ROBOTS_DESTROYED = 6028 // 'Strange Part: Giant Robots Destroyed' const ID_STRANGE_PART_KILLS_WHILE_LOW_HEALTH = 6032 // 'Strange Part: Low-Health Kills' const ID_STRANGE_PART_HALLOWEEN_KILLS = 6033 // 'Strange Part: Halloween Kills' const ID_STRANGE_PART_ROBOTS_DESTROYED_DURING_HALLOWEEN = 6034 // 'Strange Part: Robots Destroyed During Ha...' const ID_STRANGE_PART_DEFENDER_KILLS = 6035 // 'Strange Part: Defender Kills' const ID_STRANGE_PART_UNDERWATER_KILLS = 6036 // 'Strange Part: Underwater Kills' const ID_STRANGE_PART_KILLS_WHILE_UBERCHARGED = 6037 // 'Strange Part: Kills While Übercharged' const ID_STRANGE_PART_TANKS_DESTROYED = 6038 // 'Strange Part: Tanks Destroyed' const ID_STRANGE_PART_LONG_DISTANCE_KILLS = 6039 // 'Strange Part: Long-Distance Kills' const ID_STRANGE_PART_VICTORY_TIME_KILLS = 6041 // 'Strange Part: Kills During Victory Time' const ID_STRANGE_PART_ROBOT_SCOUT_KILLS = 6042 // 'Strange Part: Robot Scouts Destroyed' const ID_STRANGE_PART_ROBOT_SPY_KILLS = 6048 // 'Strange Part: Robot Spies Destroyed' const ID_STRANGE_PART_TAUNT_KILLS = 6051 // 'Strange Part: Kills with a Taunt Attack' const ID_STRANGE_PART_PLAYERS_WEARING_UNUSUALS = 6052 // 'Strange Part: Unusual-Wearing Player Kil...' const ID_STRANGE_PART_BURNING_ENEMIES_KILLED = 6053 // 'Strange Part: Burning Enemy Kills' const ID_STRANGE_PART_KILLSTREAKS_ENDED = 6054 // 'Strange Part: Killstreaks Ended' const ID_STRANGE_COSMETIC_PART_KILLCAM_TAUNTS = 6055 // 'Strange Cosmetic Part: Freezecam Taunt A...' const ID_STRANGE_PART_DAMAGE_DEALT = 6056 // 'Strange Part: Damage Dealt' const ID_STRANGE_COSMETIC_PART_FIRES_SURVIVED = 6057 // 'Strange Cosmetic Part: Fires Survived' const ID_STRANGE_PART_ALLY_HEALING_DONE = 6058 // 'Strange Part: Allied Healing Done' const ID_STRANGE_PART_POINT_BLANK_KILLS = 6059 // 'Strange Part: Point-Blank Kills' const ID_STRANGE_COSMETIC_PART_KILLS = 6060 // 'Strange Cosmetic Part: Kills' const ID_STRANGE_PART_FULL_HEALTH_KILLS = 6061 // 'Strange Part: Full Health Kills' const ID_STRANGE_PART_TAUNTING_PLAYER_KILLS = 6062 // 'Strange Part: Taunting Player Kills' const ID_STRANGE_PART_NON_CRITICAL_KILLS = 6063 // 'Strange Part: Not Crit nor MiniCrit Kill...' const ID_STRANGE_PART_PLAYERS_HIT = 6064 // 'Strange Part: Player Hits' const ID_STRANGE_COSMETIC_PART_ASSISTS = 6065 // 'Strange Cosmetic Part: Assists' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_COLDFRONT_COMMUNITY = 6500 // 'Strange Filter: Coldfront (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_EGYPT_COMMUNITY = 6502 // 'Strange Filter: Egypt (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_JUNCTION_COMMUNITY = 6503 // 'Strange Filter: Junction (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_MOUNTAIN_LAB_COMMUNITY = 6504 // 'Strange Filter: Mountain Lab (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_STEEL_COMMUNITY = 6505 // 'Strange Filter: Steel (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_GULLYWASH_COMMUNITY = 6506 // 'Strange Filter: Gullywash (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_TURBINE_COMMUNITY = 6507 // 'Strange Filter: Turbine (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_FASTLANE_COMMUNITY = 6508 // 'Strange Filter: Fastlane (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_FREIGHT_COMMUNITY = 6509 // 'Strange Filter: Freight (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_YUKON_COMMUNITY = 6510 // 'Strange Filter: Yukon (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_HARVEST_COMMUNITY = 6511 // 'Strange Filter: Harvest (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_LAKESIDE_COMMUNITY = 6512 // 'Strange Filter: Lakeside (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_KONG_KING_COMMUNITY = 6513 // 'Strange Filter: Kong King (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_FRONTIER_COMMUNITY = 6514 // 'Strange Filter: Frontier (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_HOODOO_COMMUNITY = 6515 // 'Strange Filter: Hoodoo (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_NIGHTFALL_COMMUNITY = 6516 // 'Strange Filter: Nightfall (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_WATCHTOWER_COMMUNITY = 6517 // 'Strange Filter: Watchtower (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_OFFBLAST_COMMUNITY = 6518 // 'Strange Filter: Offblast (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_MANN_MANOR_COMMUNITY = 6519 // 'Strange Filter: Mann Manor (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_PROCESS_COMMUNITY = 6520 // 'Strange Filter: Process (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_STANDIN_COMMUNITY = 6521 // 'Strange Filter: Standin (Community)' const ID_STRANGIFIER = 6522 // 'Strangifier' const ID_KILLSTREAKIFIER = 6523 // 'Kit' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_SNAKEWATER_COMMUNITY = 6524 // 'Strange Filter: Snakewater (Community)' const ID_KILLSTREAKIFIER_RARE = 6526 // 'Kit' const ID_KILLSTREAKIFIER_BASIC = 6527 // 'Kit' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_SNOWPLOW_COMMUNITY = 6528 // 'Strange Filter: Snowplow (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_BORNEO_COMMUNITY = 6529 // 'Strange Filter: Borneo (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_SUIJIN_COMMUNITY = 6530 // 'Strange Filter: Suijin (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_2FORT_INVASION_COMMUNITY = 6531 // 'Strange Filter: 2Fort Invasion (Communit...' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_PROBED_COMMUNITY = 6532 // 'Strange Filter: Probed (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_WATERGATE_COMMUNITY = 6533 // 'Strange Filter: Watergate (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_BYRE_COMMUNITY = 6534 // 'Strange Filter: Byre (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_GORGE_EVENT_COMMUNITY = 6535 // 'Strange Filter: Gorge Event (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_SUNSHINE_EVENT_COMMUNITY = 6536 // 'Strange Filter: Sinshine (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_MOONSHINE_EVENT_COMMUNITY = 6537 // 'Strange Filter: Moonshine Event (Communi...' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_MILLSTONE_EVENT_COMMUNITY = 6538 // 'Strange Filter: Hellstone (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_SNOWYCOAST_COMMUNITY = 6539 // 'Strange Filter: Snowycoast (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_VANGUARD_COMMUNITY = 6540 // 'Strange Filter: Vanguard (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_LANDFALL_COMMUNITY = 6541 // 'Strange Filter: Landfall (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_HIGHPASS_COMMUNITY = 6542 // 'Strange Filter: Highpass (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_COMPETITIVE = 6543 // 'Strange Filter: Competitive' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_SUNSHINE_COMMUNITY = 6544 // 'Strange Filter: Sunshine (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_METALWORKS_COMMUNITY = 6545 // 'Strange Filter: Metalworks (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_SWIFTWATER_COMMUNITY = 6546 // 'Strange Filter: Swiftwater (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_MAPLE_RIDGE_EVENT_COMMUNITY = 6547 // 'Strange Filter: Maple Ridge Event (Commu...' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_FIFTH_CURVE_EVENT_COMMUNITY = 6548 // 'Strange Filter: Brimstone (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_PIT_OF_DEATH_COMMUNITY = 6549 // 'Strange Filter: Pit of Death (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_MOSSROCK_COMMUNITY = 6550 // 'Strange Filter: Mossrock (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_LAZARUS_COMMUNITY = 6551 // 'Strange Filter: Lazarus (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_BANANA_BAY_COMMUNITY = 6552 // 'Strange Filter: Banana Bay (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_ENCLOSURE_COMMUNITY = 6553 // 'Strange Filter: Enclosure (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_2FORT = 6554 // 'Strange Filter: 2Fort' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_DUSTBOWL = 6555 // 'Strange Filter: Dustbowl' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_UPWARD = 6556 // 'Strange Filter: Upward' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_BADWATER = 6557 // 'Strange Filter: Badwater' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_HIGHTOWER = 6558 // 'Strange Filter: Hightower' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_GOLDRUSH = 6559 // 'Strange Filter: Goldrush' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_DEGROOT_KEEP = 6560 // 'Strange Filter: DeGroot Keep' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_THUNDERMOUNTAIN = 6561 // 'Strange Filter: Thundermountain' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_COALTOWN = 6562 // 'Strange Filter: Coaltown' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_MANNHATTAN = 6563 // 'Strange Filter: Mannhattan' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_BRAZIL_COMMUNITY = 6564 // 'Strange Filter: Brazil (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_BAGEL_EVENT_COMMUNITY = 6565 // 'Strange Filter: Cauldron (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_RUMBLE_EVENT_COMMUNITY = 6566 // 'Strange Filter: Gravestone (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_MONSTER_BASH_COMMUNITY = 6567 // 'Strange Filter: Monster Bash (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_SLASHER_COMMUNITY = 6568 // 'Strange Filter: Slasher (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_CURSED_COVE_COMMUNITY = 6569 // 'Strange Filter: Cursed Cove (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_LAUGHTER_COMMUNITY = 6570 // 'Strange Filter: Laughter (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_PRECIPICE_COMMUNITY = 6571 // 'Strange Filter: Precipice (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_MEGALO_COMMUNITY = 6572 // 'Strange Filter: Megalo (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_HASSLE_CASTLE_COMMUNITY = 6573 // 'Strange Filter: Hassle Castle (Community...' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_BLOODWATER_COMMUNITY = 6574 // 'Strange Filter: Bloodwater (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_UNDERGROVE_EVENT_COMMUNITY = 6575 // 'Strange Filter: Moldergrove (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_PIER_COMMUNITY = 6576 // 'Strange Filter: Pier (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_SNOWVILLE_COMMUNITY = 6577 // 'Strange Filter: SnowVille (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_SNOWFALL_COMMUNITY = 6578 // 'Strange Filter: Snowfall (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_WUTVILLE_COMMUNITY = 6579 // 'Strange Filter: Wutville (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_FARMAGEDDON_COMMUNITY = 6580 // 'Strange Filter: Farmageddon (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_LOS_MUERTOS_COMMUNITY = 6581 // 'Strange Filter: Los Muertos (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_EREBUS_COMMUNITY = 6582 // 'Strange Filter: Erebus (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_TERROR_COMMUNITY = 6583 // 'Strange Filter: Terror (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_GRAVEYARD_COMMUNITY = 6584 // 'Strange Filter: Graveyard (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_SINTHETIC_COMMUNITY = 6585 // 'Strange Filter: Sinthetic (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_POLAR_COMMUNITY = 6586 // 'Strange Filter: Polar (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_BREAD_SPACE_COMMUNITY = 6587 // 'Strange Filter: Bread Space (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_CHILLY_COMMUNITY = 6588 // 'Strange Filter: Chilly (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_CASCADE_COMMUNITY = 6589 // 'Strange Filter: Cascade (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_ALTITUDE_COMMUNITY = 6590 // 'Strange Filter: Altitude (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_DOUBLEFROST_COMMUNITY = 6591 // 'Strange Filter: Doublefrost (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_SOUL_MILL_COMMUNITY = 6592 // 'Strange Filter: Soul-Mill (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_HELLTRAIN_COMMUNITY = 6593 // 'Strange Filter: Helltrain (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_BONESAW_COMMUNITY = 6594 // 'Strange Filter: Bonesaw (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_CRASHER_COMMUNITY = 6595 // 'Strange Filter: Crasher (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_GHOULPIT_COMMUNITY = 6596 // 'Strange Filter: Ghoulpit (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_SPOOKEYRIDGE_COMMUNITY = 6597 // 'Strange Filter: Spookeyridge (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_FROSTWATCH_COMMUNITY = 6598 // 'Strange Filter: Frostwatch (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_FROSTCLIFF_COMMUNITY = 6599 // 'Strange Filter: Frostcliff (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_RUMFORD_COMMUNITY = 6600 // 'Strange Filter: Rumford (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_FROSTY_COMMUNITY = 6601 // 'Strange Filter: Frosty (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_COAL_PIT_COMMUNITY = 6602 // 'Strange Filter: Coal Pit (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_SHARKBAY_COMMUNITY = 6603 // 'Strange Filter: Sharkbay (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_ROTUNDA_COMMUNITY = 6604 // 'Strange Filter: Rotunda (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_PHOENIX_COMMUNITY = 6605 // 'Strange Filter: Phoenix (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_CASHWORKS_COMMUNITY = 6606 // 'Strange Filter: Cashworks (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_VENICE_COMMUNITY = 6607 // 'Strange Filter: Venice (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_RECKONER_COMMUNITY = 6608 // 'Strange Filter: Reckoner (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_SULFUR_COMMUNITY = 6609 // 'Strange Filter: Sulfur (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_HARDWOOD_COMMUNITY = 6610 // 'Strange Filter: Hardwood (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_PELICAN_PEAK_COMMUNITY = 6611 // 'Strange Filter: Pelican Peak (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_SELBYEN_COMMUNITY = 6612 // 'Strange Filter: Selbyen (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_VSH_TINY_ROCK_COMMUNITY = 6613 // 'Strange Filter: Tiny Rock (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_VSH_DISTILLERY_COMMUNITY = 6614 // 'Strange Filter: Distillery (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_VSH_SKIRMISH_COMMUNITY = 6615 // 'Strange Filter: Skirmish (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_VSH_NUCLEUS_COMMUNITY = 6616 // 'Strange Filter: Nucleus VSH (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_PERKS_COMMUNITY = 6617 // 'Strange Filter: Perks (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_SLIME_COMMUNITY = 6618 // 'Strange Filter: Slime (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_LAVA_PIT_COMMUNITY = 6619 // 'Strange Filter: Lava Pit (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_MANNSYLVANIA_COMMUNITY = 6620 // 'Strange Filter: Mannsylvania (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_SANDCASTLE_COMMUNITY = 6621 // 'Strange Filter: Sandcastle (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_SPINEYARD_COMMUNITY = 6622 // 'Strange Filter: Spineyard (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_CORRUPTION_COMMUNITY = 6623 // 'Strange Filter: Corruption (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_MURKY_COMMUNITY = 6624 // 'Strange Filter: Murky (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_ATOLL_COMMUNITY = 6625 // 'Strange Filter: Atoll (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_WOODS_COMMUNITY = 6626 // 'Strange Filter: Woods (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_SANITARIUM_COMMUNITY = 6627 // 'Strange Filter: Sanitarium (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_DEVASTATION_COMMUNITY = 6628 // 'Strange Filter: Devastation (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_SNOWTOWER_COMMUNITY = 6629 // 'Strange Filter: Snowtower (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_KRAMPUS_COMMUNITY = 6630 // 'Strange Filter: Krampus (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_HAARP_COMMUNITY = 6631 // 'Strange Filter: Haarp (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_BREW_COMMUNITY = 6632 // 'Strange Filter: Brew (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_HACKSAW_COMMUNITY = 6633 // 'Strange Filter: Hacksaw (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_TURBINE_EVENT_COMMUNITY = 6634 // 'Strange Filter: Turbine Center (Communit...' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_CARRIER_COMMUNITY = 6635 // 'Strange Filter: Carrier (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_GALLERIA_COMMUNITY = 6636 // 'Strange Filter: Galleria (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_EMERGE_COMMUNITY = 6637 // 'Strange Filter: Emerge (Community)' const ID_STRANGE_FILTER_CAMBER_COMMUNITY = 6638 // 'Strange Filter: Camber (Community)' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_NORTH_AMERICAN_PLATINUM_SEASON_6 = 8000 // 'UGC Highlander 1st Place North American ...' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_NORTH_AMERICAN_PLATINUM_SEASON_6 = 8001 // 'UGC Highlander 2nd Place North American ...' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_NORTH_AMERICAN_PLATINUM_SEASON_6 = 8002 // 'UGC Highlander 3rd Place North American ...' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_EUROPEAN_PLATINUM_SEASON_6 = 8003 // 'UGC Highlander 1st Place European Platin...' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_EUROPEAN_PLATINUM_SEASON_6 = 8004 // 'UGC Highlander 2nd Place European Platin...' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_EUROPEAN_PLATINUM_SEASON_6 = 8005 // 'UGC Highlander 3rd Place European Platin...' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SOUTH_AMERICAN_PLATINUM_SEASON_6 = 8006 // 'UGC Highlander 1st Place South American ...' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SOUTH_AMERICAN_PLATINUM_SEASON_6 = 8007 // 'UGC Highlander 2nd Place South American ...' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SOUTH_AMERICAN_PLATINUM_SEASON_6 = 8008 // 'UGC Highlander 3rd Place South American ...' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_NORTH_AMERICAN_SILVER_SEASON_6 = 8009 // 'UGC Highlander 1st Place North American ...' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_NORTH_AMERICAN_SILVER_SEASON_6 = 8010 // 'UGC Highlander 2nd Place North American ...' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_NORTH_AMERICAN_SILVER_SEASON_6 = 8011 // 'UGC Highlander 3rd Place North American ...' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_EUROPEAN_SILVER_SEASON_6 = 8012 // 'UGC Highlander 1st Place European Silver' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_EUROPEAN_SILVER_SEASON_6 = 8013 // 'UGC Highlander 2nd Place European Silver' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_EUROPEAN_SILVER_SEASON_6 = 8014 // 'UGC Highlander 3rd Place European Silver' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_NORTH_AMERICAN_STEEL_SEASON_6 = 8015 // 'UGC Highlander 1st Place North American ...' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_NORTH_AMERICAN_STEEL_SEASON_6 = 8016 // 'UGC Highlander 2nd Place North American ...' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_NORTH_AMERICAN_STEEL_SEASON_6 = 8017 // 'UGC Highlander 3rd Place North American ...' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_EUROPEAN_STEEL_SEASON_6 = 8018 // 'UGC Highlander 1st Place European Steel' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_EUROPEAN_STEEL_SEASON_6 = 8019 // 'UGC Highlander 2nd Place European Steel' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_EUROPEAN_STEEL_SEASON_6 = 8020 // 'UGC Highlander 3rd Place European Steel' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SOUTH_AMERICAN_STEEL_SEASON_6 = 8021 // 'UGC Highlander 1st Place South American ...' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SOUTH_AMERICAN_STEEL_SEASON_6 = 8022 // 'UGC Highlander 2nd Place South American ...' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SOUTH_AMERICAN_STEEL_SEASON_6 = 8023 // 'UGC Highlander 3rd Place South American ...' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_6 = 8024 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_6 = 8025 // 'UGC Highlander Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_6 = 8026 // 'UGC Highlander Steel Participant' const ID_ESL_SEASON_VI_PREMIER_DIVISION_1ST_PLACE = 8027 // 'ESL Season VI Premier Division 1st Place' const ID_ESL_SEASON_VI_PREMIER_DIVISION_2ND_PLACE = 8028 // 'ESL Season VI Premier Division 2nd Place' const ID_ESL_SEASON_VI_PREMIER_DIVISION_3RD_PLACE = 8029 // 'ESL Season VI Premier Division 3rd Place' const ID_ESL_SEASON_VI_PREMIER_DIVISION_PARTICIPANT = 8030 // 'ESL Season VI Premier Division Participa...' const ID_ESL_SEASON_VI_DIVISION_1_1ST_PLACE = 8031 // 'ESL Season VI Division 1 1st Place' const ID_ESL_SEASON_VI_DIVISION_1_2ND_PLACE = 8032 // 'ESL Season VI Division 1 2nd Place' const ID_ESL_SEASON_VI_DIVISION_1_3RD_PLACE = 8033 // 'ESL Season VI Division 1 3rd Place' const ID_ESL_SEASON_VI_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPANT = 8034 // 'ESL Season VI Division 1 Participant' const ID_ESL_SEASON_VI_DIVISION_2_1ST_PLACE = 8035 // 'ESL Season VI Division 2 1st Place' const ID_ESL_SEASON_VI_DIVISION_2_2ND_PLACE = 8036 // 'ESL Season VI Division 2 2nd Place' const ID_ESL_SEASON_VI_DIVISION_2_3RD_PLACE = 8037 // 'ESL Season VI Division 2 3rd Place' const ID_ESL_SEASON_VI_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPANT = 8038 // 'ESL Season VI Division 2 Participant' const ID_ESL_SEASON_VI_DIVISION_3_1ST_PLACE = 8039 // 'ESL Season VI Division 3 1st Place' const ID_ESL_SEASON_VI_DIVISION_3_2ND_PLACE = 8040 // 'ESL Season VI Division 3 2nd Place' const ID_ESL_SEASON_VI_DIVISION_3_3RD_PLACE = 8041 // 'ESL Season VI Division 3 3rd Place' const ID_ESL_SEASON_VI_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPANT = 8042 // 'ESL Season VI Division 3 Participant' const ID_ESL_SEASON_VI_DIVISION_4_1ST_PLACE = 8043 // 'ESL Season VI Division 4 1st Place' const ID_ESL_SEASON_VI_DIVISION_4_2ND_PLACE = 8044 // 'ESL Season VI Division 4 2nd Place' const ID_ESL_SEASON_VI_DIVISION_4_3RD_PLACE = 8045 // 'ESL Season VI Division 4 3rd Place' const ID_ESL_SEASON_VI_DIVISION_4_PARTICIPANT = 8046 // 'ESL Season VI Division 4 Participant' const ID_ESL_SEASON_VI_DIVISION_5_1ST_PLACE = 8047 // 'ESL Season VI Division 5 1st Place' const ID_ESL_SEASON_VI_DIVISION_5_2ND_PLACE = 8048 // 'ESL Season VI Division 5 2nd Place' const ID_ESL_SEASON_VI_DIVISION_5_3RD_PLACE = 8049 // 'ESL Season VI Division 5 3rd Place' const ID_ESL_SEASON_VI_DIVISION_5_PARTICIPANT = 8050 // 'ESL Season VI Division 5 Participant' const ID_ESL_SEASON_VII_PREMIERSHIP_DIVISION_1ST_PLACE = 8051 // 'ESL Season VII Premiership Division 1st ...' const ID_ESL_SEASON_VII_PREMIERSHIP_DIVISION_2ND_PLACE = 8052 // 'ESL Season VII Premiership Division 2nd ...' const ID_ESL_SEASON_VII_PREMIERSHIP_DIVISION_3RD_PLACE = 8053 // 'ESL Season VII Premiership Division 3rd ...' const ID_ESL_SEASON_VII_PREMIERSHIP_DIVISION_PARTICIPANT = 8054 // 'ESL Season VII Premiership Division Part...' const ID_ESL_SEASON_VII_DIVISION_1_1ST_PLACE = 8055 // 'ESL Season VII Division 1 1st Place' const ID_ESL_SEASON_VII_DIVISION_1_2ND_PLACE = 8056 // 'ESL Season VII Division 1 2nd Place' const ID_ESL_SEASON_VII_DIVISION_1_3RD_PLACE = 8057 // 'ESL Season VII Division 1 3rd Place' const ID_ESL_SEASON_VII_DIVISION_2_1ST_PLACE = 8058 // 'ESL Season VII Division 2 1st Place' const ID_ESL_SEASON_VII_DIVISION_2_2ND_PLACE = 8059 // 'ESL Season VII Division 2 2nd Place' const ID_ESL_SEASON_VII_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPANT = 8060 // 'ESL Season VII Division 2 Participant' const ID_ESL_SEASON_VII_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPANT = 8061 // 'ESL Season VII Division 3 Participant' const ID_ESL_SEASON_VII_DIVISION_4_1ST_PLACE = 8062 // 'ESL Season VII Division 4 1st Place' const ID_ESL_SEASON_VII_DIVISION_4_2ND_PLACE = 8063 // 'ESL Season VII Division 4 2nd Place' const ID_ESL_SEASON_VII_DIVISION_4_3RD_PLACE = 8064 // 'ESL Season VII Division 4 3rd Place' const ID_ESL_SEASON_VII_DIVISION_4_PARTICIPANT = 8065 // 'ESL Season VII Division 4 Participant' const ID_ESL_SEASON_VII_DIVISION_5_1ST_PLACE = 8066 // 'ESL Season VII Division 5 1st Place' const ID_ESL_SEASON_VII_DIVISION_5_2ND_PLACE = 8067 // 'ESL Season VII Division 5 2nd Place' const ID_ESL_SEASON_VII_DIVISION_5_3RD_PLACE = 8068 // 'ESL Season VII Division 5 3rd Place' const ID_ESL_SEASON_VII_DIVISION_5_PARTICIPANT = 8069 // 'ESL Season VII Division 5 Participant' const ID_READY_STEADY_PAN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 8070 // 'Ready Steady Pan Participant' const ID_READY_STEADY_PAN_HELPER_SEASON_1 = 8071 // 'Ready Steady Pan Participant' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_8 = 8072 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_8 = 8073 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_8 = 8074 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_9 = 8075 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_9 = 8076 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_9 = 8077 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_10 = 8078 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_10 = 8079 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_10 = 8080 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_11 = 8081 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_11 = 8082 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_11 = 8083 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_12 = 8084 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_12 = 8085 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_12 = 8086 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_13 = 8087 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_13 = 8088 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_13 = 8089 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_8 = 8090 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_8 = 8091 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_3_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_8 = 8092 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 3 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_4_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_8 = 8093 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 4 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_5_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_8 = 8094 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 5 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_6_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_8 = 8095 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 6 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_9 = 8096 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_9 = 8097 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_3_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_9 = 8098 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 3 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_4_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_9 = 8099 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 4 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_5_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_9 = 8100 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 5 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_6_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_9 = 8101 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 6 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_10 = 8102 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_10 = 8103 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_3_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_10 = 8104 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 3 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_4_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_10 = 8105 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 4 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_5_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_10 = 8106 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 5 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_6_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_10 = 8107 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 6 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_11 = 8108 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_11 = 8109 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_3_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_11 = 8110 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 3 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_4_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_11 = 8111 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 4 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_5_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_11 = 8112 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 5 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_6_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_11 = 8113 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 6 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_12 = 8114 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_12 = 8115 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_3_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_12 = 8116 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 3 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_4_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_12 = 8117 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 4 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_5_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_12 = 8118 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 5 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_6_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_12 = 8119 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 6 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_13 = 8120 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_13 = 8121 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_3_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_13 = 8122 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 3 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_4_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_13 = 8123 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 4 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_5_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_13 = 8124 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 5 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_6_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_13 = 8125 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 6 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_8 = 8126 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Participation...' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_8 = 8127 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_8 = 8128 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_8 = 8129 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 3 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_4_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_8 = 8130 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 4 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_5_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_8 = 8131 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 5 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_6_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_8 = 8132 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 6 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_9 = 8133 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Participation...' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_9 = 8134 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_9 = 8135 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_9 = 8136 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 3 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_4_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_9 = 8137 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 4 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_5_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_9 = 8138 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 5 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_6_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_9 = 8139 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 6 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_10 = 8140 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Participation...' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_10 = 8141 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_10 = 8142 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_10 = 8143 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 3 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_4_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_10 = 8144 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 4 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_5_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_10 = 8145 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 5 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_6_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_10 = 8146 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 6 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_11 = 8147 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Participation...' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_11 = 8148 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_11 = 8149 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_11 = 8150 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 3 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_4_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_11 = 8151 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 4 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_5_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_11 = 8152 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 5 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_6_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_11 = 8153 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 6 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_12 = 8154 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Participation...' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_12 = 8155 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_12 = 8156 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_12 = 8157 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 3 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_4_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_12 = 8158 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 4 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_5_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_12 = 8159 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 5 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_6_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_12 = 8160 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 6 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_13 = 8161 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Participation...' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_13 = 8162 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_13 = 8163 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_13 = 8164 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 3 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_4_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_13 = 8165 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 4 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_5_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_13 = 8166 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 5 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_6_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_13 = 8167 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 6 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 8168 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 8169 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 8170 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_2 = 8171 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_2 = 8172 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_2 = 8173 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_DIVISION_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 8174 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premier Division Gold M...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_DIVISION_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 8175 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premier Division Silver...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_DIVISION_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 8176 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premier Division Bronze...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_1 = 8177 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_3_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_1 = 8178 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 3 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_4_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_1 = 8179 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 4 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_5_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_1 = 8180 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 5 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_6_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_1 = 8181 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 6 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_2 = 8182 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_3_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_2 = 8183 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 3 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_4_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_2 = 8184 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 4 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_5_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_2 = 8185 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 5 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_6_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_2 = 8186 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 6 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_3 = 8187 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_3 = 8188 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_3_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_3 = 8189 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 3 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_4_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_3 = 8190 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 4 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_5_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_3 = 8191 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 5 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_6_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_3 = 8192 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 6 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 8193 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 8194 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 8195 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 3 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_4_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 8196 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 4 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_5_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 8197 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 5 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_6_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 8198 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 6 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_2 = 8199 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_2 = 8200 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_2 = 8201 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 3 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_4_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_2 = 8202 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 4 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_5_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_2 = 8203 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 5 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_6_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_2 = 8204 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 6 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_DIVISION_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 8205 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premier Division Partic...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 8206 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 8207 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 8208 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 3 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_4_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 8209 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 4 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_5_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 8210 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 5 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_6_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 8211 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 6 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_ULTIDUO_1_GOLD_MEDAL = 8212 // 'ETF2L Ultiduo #1 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_ULTIDUO_2_GOLD_MEDAL = 8213 // 'ETF2L Ultiduo #2 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_ULTIDUO_3_GOLD_MEDAL = 8214 // 'ETF2L Ultiduo #3 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_ULTIDUO_4_GOLD_MEDAL = 8215 // 'ETF2L Ultiduo #4 Gold Medal' const ID_ESH_ULTIDUO_1_GOLD_MEDAL = 8216 // 'ESH Ultiduo #1 Gold Medal' const ID_ESH_ULTIDUO_2_GOLD_MEDAL = 8217 // 'ESH Ultiduo #2 Gold Medal' const ID_ESH_ULTIDUO_3_GOLD_MEDAL = 8218 // 'ESH Ultiduo #3 Gold Medal' const ID_ESH_ULTIDUO_4_GOLD_MEDAL = 8219 // 'ESH Ultiduo #4 Gold Medal' const ID_ESH_ULTIDUO_5_GOLD_MEDAL = 8220 // 'ESH Ultiduo #5 Gold Medal' const ID_ESH_ULTIDUO_6_GOLD_MEDAL = 8221 // 'ESH Ultiduo #6 Gold Medal' const ID_ESH_ULTIDUO_7_GOLD_MEDAL = 8222 // 'ESH Ultiduo #7 Gold Medal' const ID_TOURNAMENT_MEDAL_ARMORY = 8223 // 'Tournament Medal' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_8 = 8224 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_8 = 8225 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_8 = 8226 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_8 = 8227 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_8 = 8228 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_8 = 8229 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_STEEL_SEASON_8 = 8230 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_STEEL_SEASON_8 = 8231 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_STEEL_SEASON_8 = 8232 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_IRON_SEASON_8 = 8233 // 'UGC Highlander Iron 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_IRON_SEASON_8 = 8234 // 'UGC Highlander Iron 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_IRON_SEASON_8 = 8235 // 'UGC Highlander Iron 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 8236 // 'UGC Highlander 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 8237 // 'UGC Highlander 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 8238 // 'UGC Highlander 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_8 = 8239 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_8 = 8240 // 'UGC Highlander Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_8 = 8241 // 'UGC Highlander Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_8 = 8242 // 'UGC Highlander Participant' const ID_READY_STEADY_PAN_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 8243 // 'Ready Steady Pan First Place' const ID_READY_STEADY_PAN_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 8244 // 'Ready Steady Pan Second Place' const ID_READY_STEADY_PAN_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 8245 // 'Ready Steady Pan Third Place' const ID_READY_STEADY_PAN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 8246 // 'Ready Steady Pan Participant' const ID_READY_STEADY_PAN_HELPER_SEASON_2 = 8247 // 'Ready Steady Pan Helper' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_9 = 8248 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_9 = 8249 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_9 = 8250 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_9 = 8251 // 'UGC Highlander Gold 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_9 = 8252 // 'UGC Highlander Gold 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_9 = 8253 // 'UGC Highlander Gold 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_9 = 8254 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_9 = 8255 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_9 = 8256 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_STEEL_SEASON_9 = 8257 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_STEEL_SEASON_9 = 8258 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_STEEL_SEASON_9 = 8259 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_IRON_SEASON_9 = 8260 // 'UGC Highlander Iron 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_IRON_SEASON_9 = 8261 // 'UGC Highlander Iron 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_IRON_SEASON_9 = 8262 // 'UGC Highlander Iron 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 8263 // 'UGC Highlander 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 8264 // 'UGC Highlander 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 8265 // 'UGC Highlander 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_9 = 8266 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_GOLD_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_9 = 8267 // 'UGC Highlander Gold Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_9 = 8268 // 'UGC Highlander Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_9 = 8269 // 'UGC Highlander Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_IRON_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_9 = 8270 // 'UGC Highlander Iron Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_11 = 8271 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_11 = 8272 // 'UGC 6vs6 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_11 = 8273 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_EUROPEAN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_11 = 8274 // 'UGC 6vs6 European Participant' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_14 = 8275 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_14 = 8276 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_14 = 8277 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_14 = 8278 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_14 = 8279 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_3_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_14 = 8280 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 3 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_4_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_14 = 8281 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 4 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_5_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_14 = 8282 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 5 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_6_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_14 = 8283 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 6 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_14 = 8284 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Participation...' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_14 = 8285 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_14 = 8286 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_14 = 8287 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 3 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_4_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_14 = 8288 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 4 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_5_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_14 = 8289 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 5 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_6_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_14 = 8290 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 6 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_DIVISION_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_4 = 8291 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premier Division Gold M...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_DIVISION_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_4 = 8292 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premier Division Silver...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_DIVISION_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_4 = 8293 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premier Division Bronze...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_4 = 8294 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_4 = 8295 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_3_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_4 = 8296 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 3 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_4_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_4 = 8297 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 4 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_5_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_4 = 8298 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 5 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_6_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_4 = 8299 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 6 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_DIVISION_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_4 = 8300 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premier Division Partic...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_4 = 8301 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_4 = 8302 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_4 = 8303 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 3 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_4_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_4 = 8304 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 4 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_5_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_4 = 8305 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 5 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_6_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_4 = 8306 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 6 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_15 = 8307 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_15 = 8308 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_15 = 8309 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_15 = 8310 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_15 = 8311 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_3_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_15 = 8312 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 3 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_4_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_15 = 8313 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 4 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_5_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_15 = 8314 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 5 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_6_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_15 = 8315 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 6 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_15 = 8316 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Participation...' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_15 = 8317 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_15 = 8318 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_15 = 8319 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 3 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_4_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_15 = 8320 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 4 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_5_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_15 = 8321 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 5 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_6_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_15 = 8322 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 6 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_16 = 8323 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_16 = 8324 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_16 = 8325 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_16 = 8326 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_16 = 8327 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_3_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_16 = 8328 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 3 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_4_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_16 = 8329 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 4 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_5_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_16 = 8330 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 5 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_6_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_16 = 8331 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 6 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_16 = 8332 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Participation...' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_16 = 8333 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_16 = 8334 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_16 = 8335 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 3 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_4_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_16 = 8336 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 4 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_5_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_16 = 8337 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 5 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_6_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_16 = 8338 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 6 Participation Medal' const ID_OWL_10_PREMIER_DIVISION_FIRST_PLACE = 8339 // 'OWL 10 Premier Division First Place' const ID_OWL_10_PREMIER_DIVISION_SECOND_PLACE = 8340 // 'OWL 10 Premier Division Second Place' const ID_OWL_10_PREMIER_DIVISION_THIRD_PLACE = 8341 // 'OWL 10 Premier Division Third Place' const ID_OWL_10_PREMIER_DIVISION_PARTICIPANT = 8342 // 'OWL 10 Premier Division Participant' const ID_OWL_10_DIVISION_2_FIRST_PLACE = 8343 // 'OWL 10 Division 2 First Place' const ID_OWL_10_DIVISION_2_SECOND_PLACE = 8344 // 'OWL 10 Division 2 Second Place' const ID_OWL_10_DIVISION_2_THIRD_PLACE = 8345 // 'OWL 10 Division 2 Third Place' const ID_OWL_10_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPANT = 8346 // 'OWL 10 Division 2 Participant' const ID_OWL_10_DIVISION_3_FIRST_PLACE = 8347 // 'OWL 10 Division 3 First Place' const ID_OWL_10_DIVISION_3_SECOND_PLACE = 8348 // 'OWL 10 Division 3 Second Place' const ID_OWL_10_DIVISION_3_THIRD_PLACE = 8349 // 'OWL 10 Division 3 Third Place' const ID_OWL_10_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPANT = 8350 // 'OWL 10 Division 3 Participant' const ID_OWL_10_DIVISION_4_FIRST_PLACE = 8351 // 'OWL 10 Division 4 First Place' const ID_OWL_10_DIVISION_4_SECOND_PLACE = 8352 // 'OWL 10 Division 4 Second Place' const ID_OWL_10_DIVISION_4_THIRD_PLACE = 8353 // 'OWL 10 Division 4 Third Place' const ID_OWL_10_DIVISION_4_PARTICIPANT = 8354 // 'OWL 10 Division 4 Participant' const ID_OWL_10_DIVISION_5_FIRST_PLACE = 8355 // 'OWL 10 Division 5 First Place' const ID_OWL_10_DIVISION_5_SECOND_PLACE = 8356 // 'OWL 10 Division 5 Second Place' const ID_OWL_10_DIVISION_5_THIRD_PLACE = 8357 // 'OWL 10 Division 5 Third Place' const ID_OWL_10_DIVISION_5_PARTICIPANT = 8358 // 'OWL 10 Division 5 Participant' const ID_OWL_10_DIVISION_6_FIRST_PLACE = 8359 // 'OWL 10 Division 6 First Place' const ID_OWL_10_DIVISION_6_SECOND_PLACE = 8360 // 'OWL 10 Division 6 Second Place' const ID_OWL_10_DIVISION_6_THIRD_PLACE = 8361 // 'OWL 10 Division 6 Third Place' const ID_OWL_10_DIVISION_6_PARTICIPANT = 8362 // 'OWL 10 Division 6 Participant' const ID_AU_HIGHLANDER_COMMUNITY_LEAGUE_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 8363 // 'AU Highlander Community League First Pla...' const ID_AU_HIGHLANDER_COMMUNITY_LEAGUE_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 8364 // 'AU Highlander Community League Second Pl...' const ID_AU_HIGHLANDER_COMMUNITY_LEAGUE_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 8365 // 'AU Highlander Community League Third Pla...' const ID_AU_HIGHLANDER_COMMUNITY_LEAGUE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 8366 // 'AU Highlander Community League Participa...' const ID_HEART_OF_GOLD = 8367 // 'Heart of Gold' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_11 = 8368 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_11 = 8369 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_11 = 8370 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_11 = 8371 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_11 = 8372 // 'UGC Highlander Gold 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_11 = 8373 // 'UGC Highlander Gold 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_11 = 8374 // 'UGC Highlander Gold 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_GOLD_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_11 = 8375 // 'UGC Highlander Gold Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_11 = 8376 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_11 = 8377 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_11 = 8378 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_11 = 8379 // 'UGC Highlander Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_STEEL_SEASON_11 = 8380 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_STEEL_SEASON_11 = 8381 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_STEEL_SEASON_11 = 8382 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_11 = 8383 // 'UGC Highlander Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_IRON_SEASON_11 = 8384 // 'UGC Highlander Iron 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_IRON_SEASON_11 = 8385 // 'UGC Highlander Iron 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_IRON_SEASON_11 = 8386 // 'UGC Highlander Iron 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_IRON_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_11 = 8387 // 'UGC Highlander Iron Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_1ST_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_13 = 8388 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_2ND_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_13 = 8389 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_3RD_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_13 = 8390 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_13 = 8391 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_13 = 8392 // 'UGC 6vs6 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_13 = 8393 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_IRON_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_13 = 8394 // 'UGC 6vs6 Iron Participant' const ID_TUMBLR_VS_REDDIT_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 8395 // 'Tumblr Vs Reddit Participant' const ID_INFOSHOW_LAN_PARTY_2014_PARTICIPANT = 8396 // 'InfoShow TF2 Tournament Participant' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_17 = 8397 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_17 = 8398 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_17 = 8399 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_17 = 8400 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_17 = 8401 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_3_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_17 = 8402 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 3 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_4_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_17 = 8403 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 4 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_5_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_17 = 8404 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 5 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_6_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_17 = 8405 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 6 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_17 = 8406 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Participation...' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_17 = 8407 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_17 = 8408 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_17 = 8409 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 3 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_4_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_17 = 8410 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 4 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_5_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_17 = 8411 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 5 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_6_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_17 = 8412 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 6 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_DIVISION_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_5 = 8413 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premier Division Gold M...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_DIVISION_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_5 = 8414 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premier Division Silver...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_DIVISION_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_5 = 8415 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premier Division Bronze...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_5 = 8416 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_5 = 8417 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_3_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_5 = 8418 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 3 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_4_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_5 = 8419 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 4 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_5_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_5 = 8420 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 5 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_6_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_5 = 8421 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 6 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_DIVISION_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_5 = 8422 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premier Division Partic...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_5 = 8423 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_5 = 8424 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_5 = 8425 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 3 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_4_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_5 = 8426 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 4 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_5_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_5 = 8427 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 5 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_6_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_5 = 8428 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 6 Participatio...' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 8429 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 8430 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 8431 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_9 = 8432 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite Participant' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_CENTRAL_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 8433 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Central 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_CENTRAL_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 8434 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Central 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_CENTRAL_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 8435 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Central 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_CENTRAL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_9 = 8436 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Central Participant' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 8437 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 8438 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 8439 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_9 = 8440 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access Participant' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 8441 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 8442 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 8443 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_9 = 8444 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open Participant' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 8445 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 8446 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 8447 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_7 = 8448 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 Participant' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 8449 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 8450 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 8451 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_7 = 8452 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 Participant' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 8453 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 8454 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 8455 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_7 = 8456 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 Participant' const ID_OWL_11_PREMIER_DIVISION_FIRST_PLACE = 8457 // 'OWL 11 Premier Division First Place' const ID_OWL_11_PREMIER_DIVISION_SECOND_PLACE = 8458 // 'OWL 11 Premier Division Second Place' const ID_OWL_11_PREMIER_DIVISION_THIRD_PLACE = 8459 // 'OWL 11 Premier Division Third Place' const ID_OWL_11_PREMIER_DIVISION_PARTICIPANT = 8460 // 'OWL 11 Premier Division Participant' const ID_OWL_11_DIVISION_2_FIRST_PLACE = 8461 // 'OWL 11 Division 2 First Place' const ID_OWL_11_DIVISION_2_SECOND_PLACE = 8462 // 'OWL 11 Division 2 Second Place' const ID_OWL_11_DIVISION_2_THIRD_PLACE = 8463 // 'OWL 11 Division 2 Third Place' const ID_OWL_11_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPANT = 8464 // 'OWL 11 Division 2 Participant' const ID_OWL_11_DIVISION_3_FIRST_PLACE = 8465 // 'OWL 11 Division 3 First Place' const ID_OWL_11_DIVISION_3_SECOND_PLACE = 8466 // 'OWL 11 Division 3 Second Place' const ID_OWL_11_DIVISION_3_THIRD_PLACE = 8467 // 'OWL 11 Division 3 Third Place' const ID_OWL_11_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPANT = 8468 // 'OWL 11 Division 3 Participant' const ID_OWL_11_DIVISION_4_FIRST_PLACE = 8469 // 'OWL 11 Division 4 First Place' const ID_OWL_11_DIVISION_4_SECOND_PLACE = 8470 // 'OWL 11 Division 4 Second Place' const ID_OWL_11_DIVISION_4_THIRD_PLACE = 8471 // 'OWL 11 Division 4 Third Place' const ID_OWL_11_DIVISION_4_PARTICIPANT = 8472 // 'OWL 11 Division 4 Participant' const ID_OWL_11_DIVISION_5_FIRST_PLACE = 8473 // 'OWL 11 Division 5 First Place' const ID_OWL_11_DIVISION_5_SECOND_PLACE = 8474 // 'OWL 11 Division 5 Second Place' const ID_OWL_11_DIVISION_5_THIRD_PLACE = 8475 // 'OWL 11 Division 5 Third Place' const ID_OWL_11_DIVISION_5_PARTICIPANT = 8476 // 'OWL 11 Division 5 Participant' const ID_TUMBLR_VS_REDDIT_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 8477 // 'Tumblr Vs Reddit Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_12 = 8478 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_12 = 8479 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_12 = 8480 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_12 = 8481 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_12 = 8482 // 'UGC Highlander Gold 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_12 = 8483 // 'UGC Highlander Gold 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_12 = 8484 // 'UGC Highlander Gold 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_GOLD_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_12 = 8485 // 'UGC Highlander Gold Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_12 = 8486 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_12 = 8487 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_12 = 8488 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_12 = 8489 // 'UGC Highlander Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_12 = 8490 // 'UGC Highlander Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_IRON_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_12 = 8491 // 'UGC Highlander Iron Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_1ST_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_14 = 8492 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_2ND_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_14 = 8493 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_3RD_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_14 = 8494 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_14 = 8495 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_GOLD_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_14 = 8496 // 'UGC 6vs6 Gold Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_14 = 8497 // 'UGC 6vs6 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_14 = 8498 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_IRON_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_14 = 8499 // 'UGC 6vs6 Iron Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 8500 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 8501 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel Participant' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_18 = 8502 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_18 = 8503 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_18 = 8504 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_18 = 8505 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_18 = 8506 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_3_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_18 = 8507 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 3 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_4_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_18 = 8508 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 4 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_5_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_18 = 8509 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 5 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_6_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_18 = 8510 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 6 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_18 = 8511 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Participation...' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_18 = 8512 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_18 = 8513 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_18 = 8514 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 3 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_4_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_18 = 8515 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 4 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_5_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_18 = 8516 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 5 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_6_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_18 = 8517 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 6 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_DIVISION_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_6 = 8518 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premier Division Gold M...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_DIVISION_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_6 = 8519 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premier Division Silver...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_DIVISION_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_6 = 8520 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premier Division Bronze...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_6 = 8521 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_6 = 8522 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_3_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_6 = 8523 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 3 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_4_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_6 = 8524 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 4 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_5_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_6 = 8525 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 5 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_6_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_6 = 8526 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 6 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_DIVISION_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_6 = 8527 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premier Division Partic...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_6 = 8528 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_6 = 8529 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_6 = 8530 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 3 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_4_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_6 = 8531 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 4 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_5_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_6 = 8532 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 5 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_6_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_6 = 8533 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 6 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_19 = 8534 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_19 = 8535 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_19 = 8536 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_19 = 8537 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_19 = 8538 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_3_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_19 = 8539 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 3 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_4_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_19 = 8540 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 4 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_5_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_19 = 8541 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 5 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_6_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_19 = 8542 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 6 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIER_DIVISION_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_19 = 8543 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premier Division Participation...' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_19 = 8544 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_19 = 8545 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_19 = 8546 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 3 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_4_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_19 = 8547 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 4 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_5_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_19 = 8548 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 5 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_6_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_19 = 8549 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 6 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_DIVISION_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_7 = 8550 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premier Division Gold M...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_DIVISION_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_7 = 8551 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premier Division Silver...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_DIVISION_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_7 = 8552 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premier Division Bronze...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_7 = 8553 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_7 = 8554 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_3_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_7 = 8555 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 3 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_4_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_7 = 8556 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 4 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_5_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_7 = 8557 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 5 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_6_GROUP_WINNER_SEASON_7 = 8558 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 6 Group Winner' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_DIVISION_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_7 = 8559 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premier Division Partic...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_7 = 8560 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_7 = 8561 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_7 = 8562 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 3 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_4_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_7 = 8563 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 4 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_5_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_7 = 8564 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 5 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_6_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_7 = 8565 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 6 Participatio...' const ID_RETF2_EE22_6V6_WINNER_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 8566 // 'RETF2 EE22 6v6 Winner' const ID_RETF2_EE22_6V6_PARTICIPANT_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 8567 // 'RETF2 EE22 6v6 Participant' const ID_RETF2_EE22_4V4_WINNER_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 8568 // 'RETF2 EE22 4v4 Winner' const ID_RETF2_EE22_4V4_PARTICIPANT_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 8569 // 'RETF2 EE22 4v4 Participant' const ID_RETF2_EE22_DODGEBALL_WINNER_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 8570 // 'RETF2 EE22 Dodgeball Winner' const ID_RETF2_EE22_DODGEBALL_PARTICIPANT_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 8571 // 'RETF2 EE22 Dodgeball Participant' const ID_RETF2_EE22_PAN_TOURNAMENT_WINNER_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 8572 // 'RETF2 EE22 Pan Tournament Winner' const ID_RETF2_EE22_PAN_TOURNAMENT_PARTICIPANT_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 8573 // 'RETF2 EE22 Pan Tournament Participant' const ID_RETF2_EE22_CONTRIBUTOR_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 8574 // 'RETF2 EE22 Contributor' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 8575 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open 1st Place' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 8576 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open 2nd Place' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 8577 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open 3rd Place' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 8578 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Participant' const ID_BETA_LAN_1ST_PLACE_MEDAL_2014 = 8579 // 'BETA LAN 1st Place' const ID_BETA_LAN_2ND_PLACE_MEDAL_2014 = 8580 // 'BETA LAN 2nd Place' const ID_BETA_LAN_3RD_PLACE_MEDAL_2014 = 8581 // 'BETA LAN 3rd Place' const ID_BETA_LAN_PARTICIPANT_MEDAL_2014 = 8582 // 'BETA LAN Participant' const ID_FLORIDA_LAN_MEDAL_2014 = 8583 // 'Florida LAN 2014' const ID_THOUGHT_THAT_COUNTS = 8584 // 'Thought that Counts' const ID_GAMERS_ASSEMBLY_GOLD_MEDAL_2013 = 8585 // 'Gamers Assembly Gold Medal' const ID_GAMERS_ASSEMBLY_SILVER_MEDAL_2013 = 8586 // 'Gamers Assembly Silver Medal' const ID_GAMERS_ASSEMBLY_BRONZE_MEDAL_2013 = 8587 // 'Gamers Assembly Bronze Medal' const ID_GAMERS_ASSEMBLY_PARTICIPANT_BADGE_2013 = 8588 // 'Gamers Assembly Participant Badge' const ID_GALLOWEEN_GOLD_MEDAL_2013 = 8589 // 'GA'lloween Gold Medal' const ID_GALLOWEEN_SILVER_MEDAL_2013 = 8590 // 'GA'lloween Silver Medal' const ID_GALLOWEEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_2013 = 8591 // 'GA'lloween Bronze Medal' const ID_GALLOWEEN_PARTICIPANT_BADGE_2013 = 8592 // 'GA'lloween Participant Badge' const ID_GAMERS_ASSEMBLY_GOLD_MEDAL_2014 = 8593 // 'Gamers Assembly Gold Medal' const ID_GAMERS_ASSEMBLY_SILVER_MEDAL_2014 = 8594 // 'Gamers Assembly Silver Medal' const ID_GAMERS_ASSEMBLY_BRONZE_MEDAL_2014 = 8595 // 'Gamers Assembly Bronze Medal' const ID_GAMERS_ASSEMBLY_PARTICIPANT_BADGE_2014 = 8596 // 'Gamers Assembly Participant Badge' const ID_GALLOWEEN_GOLD_MEDAL_2014 = 8597 // 'GA'lloween Gold Medal' const ID_GALLOWEEN_SILVER_MEDAL_2014 = 8598 // 'GA'lloween Silver Medal' const ID_GALLOWEEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_2014 = 8599 // 'GA'lloween Bronze Medal' const ID_GALLOWEEN_PARTICIPANT_BADGE_2014 = 8600 // 'GA'lloween Participant Badge' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 8601 // 'LBTF2 Highlander 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 8602 // 'LBTF2 Highlander 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 8603 // 'LBTF2 Highlander 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 8604 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Participant' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 8605 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 8606 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 8607 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_10 = 8608 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite Participant' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_CENTRAL_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 8609 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Central 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_CENTRAL_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 8610 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Central 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_CENTRAL_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 8611 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Central 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_CENTRAL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_10 = 8612 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Central Participant' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 8613 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 8614 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 8615 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_10 = 8616 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access Participant' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 8617 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 8618 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 8619 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_10 = 8620 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open Participant' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_WASTEX_MILLER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 8621 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Wastex Miller 1st Place' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_WASTEX_MILLER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 8622 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Wastex Miller 2nd Place' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_WASTEX_MILLER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 8623 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Wastex Miller 3rd Place' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_WASTEX_MILLER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 8624 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Wastex Miller Participant' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_BARTS_RIMET_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 8625 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Barts Rimet 1st Place' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_BARTS_RIMET_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 8626 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Barts Rimet 2nd Place' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_BARTS_RIMET_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 8627 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Barts Rimet 3rd Place' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_BARTS_RIMET_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 8628 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Barts Rimet Participant' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_VIC_BASTEN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 8629 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Vic Basten 1st Place' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_VIC_BASTEN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 8630 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Vic Basten 2nd Place' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_VIC_BASTEN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 8631 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Vic Basten 3rd Place' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_VIC_BASTEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 8632 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Vic Basten Participant' const ID_ASYMMETRIC_ACCOLADE = 8633 // 'Asymmetric Accolade' const ID_TF2CONNEXION_DIVISION_1_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_14 = 8634 // 'TF2Connexion Division 1 Gold Medal' const ID_TF2CONNEXION_DIVISION_1_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_14 = 8635 // 'TF2Connexion Division 1 Silver Medal' const ID_TF2CONNEXION_DIVISION_1_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_14 = 8636 // 'TF2Connexion Division 1 Bronze Medal' const ID_TF2CONNEXION_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_14 = 8637 // 'TF2Connexion Division 1 Participant' const ID_TF2CONNEXION_DIVISION_2_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_14 = 8638 // 'TF2Connexion Division 2 Gold Medal' const ID_TF2CONNEXION_DIVISION_2_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_14 = 8639 // 'TF2Connexion Division 2 Silver Medal' const ID_TF2CONNEXION_DIVISION_2_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_14 = 8640 // 'TF2Connexion Division 2 Bronze Medal' const ID_TF2CONNEXION_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_14 = 8641 // 'TF2Connexion Division 2 Participant' const ID_TF2CONNEXION_DIVISION_3_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_14 = 8642 // 'TF2Connexion Division 3 Gold Medal' const ID_TF2CONNEXION_DIVISION_3_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_14 = 8643 // 'TF2Connexion Division 3 Silver Medal' const ID_TF2CONNEXION_DIVISION_3_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_14 = 8644 // 'TF2Connexion Division 3 Bronze Medal' const ID_TF2CONNEXION_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_14 = 8645 // 'TF2Connexion Division 3 Participant' const ID_TF2CONNEXION_DIVISION_4_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_14 = 8646 // 'TF2Connexion Division 4 Gold Medal' const ID_TF2CONNEXION_DIVISION_4_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_14 = 8647 // 'TF2Connexion Division 4 Silver Medal' const ID_TF2CONNEXION_DIVISION_4_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_14 = 8648 // 'TF2Connexion Division 4 Bronze Medal' const ID_TF2CONNEXION_DIVISION_4_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_14 = 8649 // 'TF2Connexion Division 4 Participant' const ID_OWL_12_PREMIER_DIVISION_FIRST_PLACE = 8650 // 'OWL 12 Premier Division First Place' const ID_OWL_12_PREMIER_DIVISION_SECOND_PLACE = 8651 // 'OWL 12 Premier Division Second Place' const ID_OWL_12_PREMIER_DIVISION_THIRD_PLACE = 8652 // 'OWL 12 Premier Division Third Place' const ID_OWL_12_PREMIER_DIVISION_PARTICIPANT = 8653 // 'OWL 12 Premier Division Participant' const ID_OWL_12_DIVISION_2_FIRST_PLACE = 8654 // 'OWL 12 Division 2 First Place' const ID_OWL_12_DIVISION_2_SECOND_PLACE = 8655 // 'OWL 12 Division 2 Second Place' const ID_OWL_12_DIVISION_2_THIRD_PLACE = 8656 // 'OWL 12 Division 2 Third Place' const ID_OWL_12_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPANT = 8657 // 'OWL 12 Division 2 Participant' const ID_OWL_12_DIVISION_3_FIRST_PLACE = 8658 // 'OWL 12 Division 3 First Place' const ID_OWL_12_DIVISION_3_SECOND_PLACE = 8659 // 'OWL 12 Division 3 Second Place' const ID_OWL_12_DIVISION_3_THIRD_PLACE = 8660 // 'OWL 12 Division 3 Third Place' const ID_OWL_12_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPANT = 8661 // 'OWL 12 Division 3 Participant' const ID_OWL_12_DIVISION_4_FIRST_PLACE = 8662 // 'OWL 12 Division 4 First Place' const ID_OWL_12_DIVISION_4_SECOND_PLACE = 8663 // 'OWL 12 Division 4 Second Place' const ID_OWL_12_DIVISION_4_THIRD_PLACE = 8664 // 'OWL 12 Division 4 Third Place' const ID_OWL_12_DIVISION_4_PARTICIPANT = 8665 // 'OWL 12 Division 4 Participant' const ID_OWL_12_DIVISION_5_FIRST_PLACE = 8666 // 'OWL 12 Division 5 First Place' const ID_OWL_12_DIVISION_5_SECOND_PLACE = 8667 // 'OWL 12 Division 5 Second Place' const ID_OWL_12_DIVISION_5_THIRD_PLACE = 8668 // 'OWL 12 Division 5 Third Place' const ID_OWL_12_DIVISION_5_PARTICIPANT = 8669 // 'OWL 12 Division 5 Participant' const ID_OSLTF_FIRST_PLACE_CUP_1 = 8670 // 'OSL.tf 1st Place' const ID_OSLTF_SECOND_PLACE_CUP_1 = 8671 // 'OSL.tf 2nd Place' const ID_OSLTF_THIRD_PLACE_CUP_1 = 8672 // 'OSL.tf 3rd Place' const ID_OSLTF_PARTICIPANT_CUP_1 = 8673 // 'OSL.tf Participant' const ID_FLORIDA_LAN_MEDAL_2015 = 8674 // 'Florida LAN 2015' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_13 = 8675 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_13 = 8676 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_13 = 8677 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_13 = 8678 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_13 = 8679 // 'UGC Highlander Gold 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_13 = 8680 // 'UGC Highlander Gold 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_13 = 8681 // 'UGC Highlander Gold 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_GOLD_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_13 = 8682 // 'UGC Highlander Gold Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_13 = 8683 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_13 = 8684 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_13 = 8685 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_13 = 8686 // 'UGC Highlander Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_13 = 8687 // 'UGC Highlander Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_IRON_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_13 = 8688 // 'UGC Highlander Iron Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_1ST_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_15 = 8689 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_2ND_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_15 = 8690 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_3RD_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_15 = 8691 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_15 = 8692 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_GOLD_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_15 = 8693 // 'UGC 6vs6 Gold Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_15 = 8694 // 'UGC 6vs6 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_15 = 8695 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_IRON_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_15 = 8696 // 'UGC 6vs6 Iron Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_1ST_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_2 = 8697 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 1st Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_2ND_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_2 = 8698 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_3RD_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_2 = 8699 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_GOLD_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 8700 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 8701 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 8702 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_IRON_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 8703 // 'UGC 4vs4 Iron Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_14 = 8704 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_14 = 8705 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_14 = 8706 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_14 = 8707 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_14 = 8708 // 'UGC Highlander Gold 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_14 = 8709 // 'UGC Highlander Gold 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_14 = 8710 // 'UGC Highlander Gold 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_GOLD_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_14 = 8711 // 'UGC Highlander Gold Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_14 = 8712 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_14 = 8713 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_14 = 8714 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_14 = 8715 // 'UGC Highlander Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_14 = 8716 // 'UGC Highlander Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_IRON_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_14 = 8717 // 'UGC Highlander Iron Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_1ST_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_16 = 8718 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_2ND_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_16 = 8719 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_3RD_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_16 = 8720 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_16 = 8721 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_GOLD_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_16 = 8722 // 'UGC 6vs6 Gold Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_16 = 8723 // 'UGC 6vs6 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_16 = 8724 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_IRON_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_16 = 8725 // 'UGC 6vs6 Iron Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_1ST_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_3 = 8726 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 1st Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_2ND_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_3 = 8727 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_3RD_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_3 = 8728 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_GOLD_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 8729 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 8730 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 8731 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_IRON_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 8732 // 'UGC 4vs4 Iron Participant' const ID_GAMERS_ASSEMBLY_GOLD_MEDAL_2015 = 8733 // 'Gamers Assembly Gold Medal' const ID_GAMERS_ASSEMBLY_SILVER_MEDAL_2015 = 8734 // 'Gamers Assembly Silver Medal' const ID_GAMERS_ASSEMBLY_BRONZE_MEDAL_2015 = 8735 // 'Gamers Assembly Bronze Medal' const ID_GAMERS_ASSEMBLY_PARTICIPANT_BADGE_2015 = 8736 // 'Gamers Assembly Participant Badge' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_20 = 8737 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_20 = 8738 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_20 = 8739 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_20 = 8740 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Participation Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_20 = 8741 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_20 = 8742 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_20 = 8743 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_20 = 8744 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_20 = 8745 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_20 = 8746 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_20 = 8747 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_20 = 8748 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_20 = 8749 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_20 = 8750 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_20 = 8751 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_20 = 8752 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_20 = 8753 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_20 = 8754 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_20 = 8755 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_8 = 8756 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_8 = 8757 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Silver Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_8 = 8758 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Bronze Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_8 = 8759 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Participati...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_HIGH_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_8 = 8760 // 'ETF2L Highlander High Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_HIGH_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_8 = 8761 // 'ETF2L Highlander High Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_HIGH_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_8 = 8762 // 'ETF2L Highlander High Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_HIGH_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_8 = 8763 // 'ETF2L Highlander High Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_HIGH_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_8 = 8764 // 'ETF2L Highlander High Participation Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_8 = 8765 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_8 = 8766 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_8 = 8767 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_8 = 8768 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_8 = 8769 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_8 = 8770 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_8 = 8771 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_8 = 8772 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_8 = 8773 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_8 = 8774 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Participation Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_ULTIDUO_5_GOLD_MEDAL = 8775 // 'ETF2L Ultiduo #5 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_ULTIDUO_5_SILVER_MEDAL = 8776 // 'ETF2L Ultiduo #5 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_ULTIDUO_5_BRONZE_MEDAL = 8777 // 'ETF2L Ultiduo #5 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_ULTIDUO_5_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL = 8778 // 'ETF2L Ultiduo #5 Participation Medal' const ID_TIP_OF_THE_HATS_2015_MEDAL = 8779 // 'Jaunty Pin 2015' const ID_OWL_13_PREMIER_DIVISION_FIRST_PLACE = 8780 // 'OWL 13 Premier Division First Place' const ID_OWL_13_PREMIER_DIVISION_SECOND_PLACE = 8781 // 'OWL 13 Premier Division Second Place' const ID_OWL_13_PREMIER_DIVISION_THIRD_PLACE = 8782 // 'OWL 13 Premier Division Third Place' const ID_OWL_13_PREMIER_DIVISION_PARTICIPANT = 8783 // 'OWL 13 Premier Division Participant' const ID_OWL_13_DIVISION_2_FIRST_PLACE = 8784 // 'OWL 13 Division 2 First Place' const ID_OWL_13_DIVISION_2_SECOND_PLACE = 8785 // 'OWL 13 Division 2 Second Place' const ID_OWL_13_DIVISION_2_THIRD_PLACE = 8786 // 'OWL 13 Division 2 Third Place' const ID_OWL_13_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPANT = 8787 // 'OWL 13 Division 2 Participant' const ID_OWL_13_DIVISION_3_FIRST_PLACE = 8788 // 'OWL 13 Division 3 First Place' const ID_OWL_13_DIVISION_3_SECOND_PLACE = 8789 // 'OWL 13 Division 3 Second Place' const ID_OWL_13_DIVISION_3_THIRD_PLACE = 8790 // 'OWL 13 Division 3 Third Place' const ID_OWL_13_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPANT = 8791 // 'OWL 13 Division 3 Participant' const ID_OWL_13_DIVISION_4_FIRST_PLACE = 8792 // 'OWL 13 Division 4 First Place' const ID_OWL_13_DIVISION_4_SECOND_PLACE = 8793 // 'OWL 13 Division 4 Second Place' const ID_OWL_13_DIVISION_4_THIRD_PLACE = 8794 // 'OWL 13 Division 4 Third Place' const ID_OWL_13_DIVISION_4_PARTICIPANT = 8795 // 'OWL 13 Division 4 Participant' const ID_OWL_13_DIVISION_5_FIRST_PLACE = 8796 // 'OWL 13 Division 5 First Place' const ID_OWL_13_DIVISION_5_SECOND_PLACE = 8797 // 'OWL 13 Division 5 Second Place' const ID_OWL_13_DIVISION_5_THIRD_PLACE = 8798 // 'OWL 13 Division 5 Third Place' const ID_OWL_13_DIVISION_5_PARTICIPANT = 8799 // 'OWL 13 Division 5 Participant' const ID_TF2CONNEXION_DIVISION_1_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_15 = 8800 // 'TF2Connexion Division 1 Gold Medal' const ID_TF2CONNEXION_DIVISION_1_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_15 = 8801 // 'TF2Connexion Division 1 Silver Medal' const ID_TF2CONNEXION_DIVISION_1_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_15 = 8802 // 'TF2Connexion Division 1 Bronze Medal' const ID_TF2CONNEXION_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_15 = 8803 // 'TF2Connexion Division 1 Participant' const ID_TF2CONNEXION_DIVISION_2_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_15 = 8804 // 'TF2Connexion Division 2 Gold Medal' const ID_TF2CONNEXION_DIVISION_2_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_15 = 8805 // 'TF2Connexion Division 2 Silver Medal' const ID_TF2CONNEXION_DIVISION_2_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_15 = 8806 // 'TF2Connexion Division 2 Bronze Medal' const ID_TF2CONNEXION_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_15 = 8807 // 'TF2Connexion Division 2 Participant' const ID_TF2CONNEXION_DIVISION_3_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_15 = 8808 // 'TF2Connexion Division 3 Gold Medal' const ID_TF2CONNEXION_DIVISION_3_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_15 = 8809 // 'TF2Connexion Division 3 Silver Medal' const ID_TF2CONNEXION_DIVISION_3_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_15 = 8810 // 'TF2Connexion Division 3 Bronze Medal' const ID_TF2CONNEXION_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_15 = 8811 // 'TF2Connexion Division 3 Participant' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 8812 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 8813 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 8814 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 8815 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Participation Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 8816 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 8817 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 8818 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 8819 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 8820 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 8821 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 8822 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 8823 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 8824 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 8825 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 8826 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 8827 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 8828 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 8829 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 8830 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Participation Medal' const ID_ARMS_RACE_1_1ST_PLACE = 8831 // 'Arms Race 1st Place Medal' const ID_ARMS_RACE_1_2ND_PLACE = 8832 // 'Arms Race 2nd Place Medal' const ID_ARMS_RACE_1_3RD_PLACE = 8833 // 'Arms Race 3rd Place Medal' const ID_ARMS_RACE_1_PARTICIPANT = 8834 // 'Arms Race Participant Medal' const ID_ARMS_RACE_2_1ST_PLACE = 8835 // 'Arms Race 1st Place Medal' const ID_ARMS_RACE_2_2ND_PLACE = 8836 // 'Arms Race 2nd Place Medal' const ID_ARMS_RACE_2_3RD_PLACE = 8837 // 'Arms Race 3rd Place Medal' const ID_ARMS_RACE_2_PARTICIPANT = 8838 // 'Arms Race Participant Medal' const ID_OWL_14_PREMIER_FIRST_PLACE = 8839 // 'OWL 14 Premier First Place' const ID_OWL_14_PREMIER_SECOND_PLACE = 8840 // 'OWL 14 Premier Second Place' const ID_OWL_14_PREMIER_THIRD_PLACE = 8841 // 'OWL 14 Premier Third Place' const ID_OWL_14_PREMIER_PARTICIPANT = 8842 // 'OWL 14 Premier Participant' const ID_OWL_14_DIVISION_2_FIRST_PLACE = 8843 // 'OWL 14 Division 2 First Place' const ID_OWL_14_DIVISION_2_SECOND_PLACE = 8844 // 'OWL 14 Division 2 Second Place' const ID_OWL_14_DIVISION_2_THIRD_PLACE = 8845 // 'OWL 14 Division 2 Third Place' const ID_OWL_14_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPANT = 8846 // 'OWL 14 Division 2 Participant' const ID_OWL_14_DIVISION_3_FIRST_PLACE = 8847 // 'OWL 14 Division 3 First Place' const ID_OWL_14_DIVISION_3_SECOND_PLACE = 8848 // 'OWL 14 Division 3 Second Place' const ID_OWL_14_DIVISION_3_THIRD_PLACE = 8849 // 'OWL 14 Division 3 Third Place' const ID_OWL_14_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPANT = 8850 // 'OWL 14 Division 3 Participant' const ID_OWL_14_DIVISION_4_FIRST_PLACE = 8851 // 'OWL 14 Division 4 First Place' const ID_OWL_14_DIVISION_4_SECOND_PLACE = 8852 // 'OWL 14 Division 4 Second Place' const ID_OWL_14_DIVISION_4_THIRD_PLACE = 8853 // 'OWL 14 Division 4 Third Place' const ID_OWL_14_DIVISION_4_PARTICIPANT = 8854 // 'OWL 14 Division 4 Participant' const ID_OWL_14_DIVISION_5_FIRST_PLACE = 8855 // 'OWL 14 Division 5 First Place' const ID_OWL_14_DIVISION_5_SECOND_PLACE = 8856 // 'OWL 14 Division 5 Second Place' const ID_OWL_14_DIVISION_5_THIRD_PLACE = 8857 // 'OWL 14 Division 5 Third Place' const ID_OWL_14_DIVISION_5_PARTICIPANT = 8858 // 'OWL 14 Division 5 Participant' const ID_DEUTSCHLAN_1ST_PLACE_2015 = 8859 // 'DeutschLAN 1st Place' const ID_DEUTSCHLAN_2ND_PLACE_2015 = 8860 // 'DeutschLAN 2nd Place' const ID_DEUTSCHLAN_3RD_PLACE_2015 = 8861 // 'DeutschLAN 3rd Place' const ID_DEUTSCHLAN_PARTICIPANT_2015 = 8862 // 'DeutschLAN Participant' const ID_DEUTSCHLAN_SUPPORTER_2015 = 8863 // 'DeutschLAN Supporter' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_ACCESS_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 8864 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Access 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_ACCESS_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 8865 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Access 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_ACCESS_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 8866 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Access 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_ACCESS_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 8867 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Access Participant' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_11 = 8868 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_11 = 8869 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_11 = 8870 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_11 = 8871 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite Participant' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_CENTRAL_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_11 = 8872 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Central 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_CENTRAL_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_11 = 8873 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Central 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_CENTRAL_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_11 = 8874 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Central 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_CENTRAL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_11 = 8875 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Central Participant' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_11 = 8876 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_11 = 8877 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_11 = 8878 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_11 = 8879 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access Participant' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_11 = 8880 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_11 = 8881 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_11 = 8882 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_11 = 8883 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open Participant' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_PRINCIPAL_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 8884 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Principal 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_PRINCIPAL_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 8885 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Principal 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_PRINCIPAL_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 8886 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Principal 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_PRINCIPAL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 8887 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Principal Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_15 = 8888 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_15 = 8889 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_15 = 8890 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_15 = 8891 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_15 = 8892 // 'UGC Highlander Gold 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_15 = 8893 // 'UGC Highlander Gold 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_15 = 8894 // 'UGC Highlander Gold 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_GOLD_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_15 = 8895 // 'UGC Highlander Gold Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_15 = 8896 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_15 = 8897 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_15 = 8898 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_15 = 8899 // 'UGC Highlander Silver Participant' const ID_HALLOWEEN_SPELL_PAINT_1 = 8900 // 'Halloween Spell: Putrescent Pigmentation' const ID_HALLOWEEN_SPELL_PAINT_2 = 8901 // 'Halloween Spell: Die Job' const ID_HALLOWEEN_SPELL_PAINT_3 = 8902 // 'Halloween Spell: Chromatic Corruption' const ID_HALLOWEEN_SPELL_PAINT_4 = 8903 // 'Halloween Spell: Spectral Spectrum' const ID_HALLOWEEN_SPELL_PAINT_5 = 8904 // 'Halloween Spell: Sinister Staining' const ID_HALLOWEEN_SPELL_SOLDIER_VOICE = 8905 // 'Halloween Spell: Soldier's Booming Bark' const ID_HALLOWEEN_SPELL_SCOUT_VOICE = 8906 // 'Halloween Spell: Scout's Spectral Snarl' const ID_HALLOWEEN_SPELL_SNIPER_VOICE = 8907 // 'Halloween Spell: Sniper's Deep Downunder...' const ID_HALLOWEEN_SPELL_ENGINEER_VOICE = 8908 // 'Halloween Spell: Engineer's Gravelly Gro...' const ID_HALLOWEEN_SPELL_HEAVY_VOICE = 8909 // 'Halloween Spell: Heavy's Bottomless Bass' const ID_HALLOWEEN_SPELL_DEMOMAN_VOICE = 8910 // 'Halloween Spell: Demoman's Cadaverous Cr...' const ID_HALLOWEEN_SPELL_PYRO_VOICE = 8911 // 'Halloween Spell: Pyro's Muffled Moan' const ID_HALLOWEEN_SPELL_SPY_VOICE = 8912 // 'Halloween Spell: Spy's Creepy Croon' const ID_HALLOWEEN_SPELL_MEDIC_VOICE = 8913 // 'Halloween Spell: Medic's Blood-curdling ...' const ID_HALLOWEEN_SPELL_TEAM_SPIRIT_FOOTPRINTS = 8914 // 'Halloween Spell: Team Spirit Footprints' const ID_HALLOWEEN_SPELL_GANGREEN_FOOTPRINTS = 8915 // 'Halloween Spell: Gangreen Footprints' const ID_HALLOWEEN_SPELL_CORPSE_GRAY_FOOTPRINTS = 8916 // 'Halloween Spell: Corpse Gray Footprints' const ID_HALLOWEEN_SPELL_VIOLENT_VIOLET_FOOTPRINTS = 8917 // 'Halloween Spell: Violent Violet Footprin...' const ID_HALLOWEEN_SPELL_ROTTEN_ORANGE_FOOTPRINTS = 8918 // 'Halloween Spell: Rotten Orange Footprint...' const ID_HALLOWEEN_SPELL_BRUISED_PURPLE_FOOTPRINTS = 8919 // 'Halloween Spell: Bruised Purple Footprin...' const ID_HALLOWEEN_SPELL_HEADLESS_HORSESHOES = 8920 // 'Halloween Spell: Headless Horseshoes' const ID_HALLOWEEN_SPELL_EXORCISM = 8921 // 'Halloween Spell: Exorcism' const ID_HALLOWEEN_SPELL_SQUASH_ROCKETS = 8922 // 'Halloween Spell: Squash Rockets' const ID_HALLOWEEN_SPELL_GOURD_GRENADES = 8923 // 'Halloween Spell: Gourd Grenades' const ID_HALLOWEEN_SPELL_SENTRY_QUAD_PUMPKINS = 8924 // 'Halloween Spell: Sentry Quad-Pumpkins' const ID_HALLOWEEN_SPELL_SPECTRAL_FLAME = 8925 // 'Halloween Spell: Spectral Flame' const ID_HALLOWEEN_TRANSMOGRIFIER_PYRO = 8926 // 'Pyro Costume Transmogrifier' const ID_HALLOWEEN_TRANSMOGRIFIER_SCOUT = 8927 // 'Scout Costume Transmogrifier' const ID_HALLOWEEN_TRANSMOGRIFIER_SOLDIER = 8928 // 'Soldier Costume Transmogrifier' const ID_HALLOWEEN_TRANSMOGRIFIER_DEMO = 8929 // 'Demo Costume Transmogrifier' const ID_HALLOWEEN_TRANSMOGRIFIER_HEAVY = 8930 // 'Heavy Costume Transmogrifier' const ID_HALLOWEEN_TRANSMOGRIFIER_MEDIC = 8931 // 'Medic Costume Transmogrifier' const ID_HALLOWEEN_TRANSMOGRIFIER_SNIPER = 8932 // 'Sniper Costume Transmogrifier' const ID_HALLOWEEN_TRANSMOGRIFIER_SPY = 8933 // 'Spy Costume Transmogrifier' const ID_HALLOWEEN_TRANSMOGRIFIER_ENGINEER = 8934 // 'Engineer Costume Transmogrifier' const ID_HALLOWEEN_SPELLBOOK_PAGE = 8935 // 'Spellbook Page' const ID_HALLOWEEN_SPELLBOOK_PAGE_ACHIEVEMENT = 8936 // 'Spellbook Page' const ID_ETERNAWEEN_ENCHANTMENT = 8937 // 'Enchantment: Eternaween' const ID_GLITCHED_CIRCUIT_BOARD = 8938 // 'Glitched Circuit Board' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_STEEL_SEASON_15 = 8939 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_STEEL_SEASON_15 = 8940 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_STEEL_SEASON_15 = 8941 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_15 = 8942 // 'UGC Highlander Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_IRON_SEASON_15 = 8943 // 'UGC Highlander Iron 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_IRON_SEASON_15 = 8944 // 'UGC Highlander Iron 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_IRON_SEASON_15 = 8945 // 'UGC Highlander Iron 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_IRON_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_15 = 8946 // 'UGC Highlander Iron Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_1ST_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_17 = 8947 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_2ND_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_17 = 8948 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_3RD_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_17 = 8949 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_17 = 8950 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_GOLD_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_17 = 8951 // 'UGC 6vs6 Gold Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_17 = 8952 // 'UGC 6vs6 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_17 = 8953 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_IRON_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_17 = 8954 // 'UGC 6vs6 Iron Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_1ST_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_4 = 8955 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 1st Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_2ND_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_4 = 8956 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_3RD_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_4 = 8957 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_GOLD_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 8958 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 8959 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 8960 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_IRON_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 8961 // 'UGC 4vs4 Iron Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_16 = 8962 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_16 = 8963 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_16 = 8964 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_16 = 8965 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_16 = 8966 // 'UGC Highlander Gold 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_16 = 8967 // 'UGC Highlander Gold 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_16 = 8968 // 'UGC Highlander Gold 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_GOLD_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_16 = 8969 // 'UGC Highlander Gold Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_16 = 8970 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_16 = 8971 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_16 = 8972 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_16 = 8973 // 'UGC Highlander Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_STEEL_SEASON_16 = 8974 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_STEEL_SEASON_16 = 8975 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_STEEL_SEASON_16 = 8976 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_16 = 8977 // 'UGC Highlander Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_IRON_SEASON_16 = 8978 // 'UGC Highlander Iron 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_IRON_SEASON_16 = 8979 // 'UGC Highlander Iron 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_IRON_SEASON_16 = 8980 // 'UGC Highlander Iron 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_IRON_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_16 = 8981 // 'UGC Highlander Iron Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_1ST_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_18 = 8982 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_2ND_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_18 = 8983 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_3RD_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_18 = 8984 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_18 = 8985 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_GOLD_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_18 = 8986 // 'UGC 6vs6 Gold Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_18 = 8987 // 'UGC 6vs6 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_18 = 8988 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_IRON_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_18 = 8989 // 'UGC 6vs6 Iron Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_1ST_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_5 = 8990 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 1st Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_2ND_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_5 = 8991 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_3RD_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_5 = 8992 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_GOLD_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_5 = 8993 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_5 = 8994 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_5 = 8995 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_IRON_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_5 = 8996 // 'UGC 4vs4 Iron Participant' const ID_GALLOWEEN_GOLD_MEDAL_2015 = 9029 // 'GA'lloween Gold Medal' const ID_GALLOWEEN_SILVER_MEDAL_2015 = 9030 // 'GA'lloween Silver Medal' const ID_GALLOWEEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_2015 = 9031 // 'GA'lloween Bronze Medal' const ID_GALLOWEEN_PARTICIPANT_BADGE_2015 = 9032 // 'GA'lloween Participant Badge' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 9033 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 9034 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 9035 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_8 = 9036 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 Participant' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 9037 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 9038 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 9039 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_8 = 9040 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 Participant' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 9041 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 9042 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 9043 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_8 = 9044 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 Participant' const ID_XEPHOS_PHILANTHROPIC_PHYSIOGNOMY = 9045 // 'Xephos' Philanthropic Physiognomy' const ID_HONEYDEWS_CHARITABLE_COUNTENANCE = 9046 // 'Honeydew's Charitable Countenance' const ID_SPECIAL_SNOWFLAKE = 9047 // 'Special Snowflake' const ID_GIFT_OF_GIVING = 9048 // 'Gift of Giving' const ID_EDGEGAMERS_ULTIDUO_PARTICIPANT_2015 = 9049 // 'EdgeGamers UltiDuo Participant' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_12 = 9050 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_12 = 9051 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_12 = 9052 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_12 = 9053 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite Participant' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_CENTRAL_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_12 = 9054 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Central 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_CENTRAL_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_12 = 9055 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Central 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_CENTRAL_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_12 = 9056 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Central 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_CENTRAL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_12 = 9057 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Central Participant' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_12 = 9058 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_12 = 9059 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_12 = 9060 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_12 = 9061 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access Participant' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_12 = 9062 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_12 = 9063 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_12 = 9064 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_12 = 9065 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open Participant' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_ACCESS_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 9066 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Access 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_ACCESS_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 9067 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Access 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_ACCESS_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 9068 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Access 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_ACCESS_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 9069 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Access Participant' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_PRINCIPAL_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 9070 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Principal 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_PRINCIPAL_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 9071 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Principal 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_PRINCIPAL_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 9072 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Principal 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_PRINCIPAL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 9073 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Principal Participant' const ID_GAMERS_ASSEMBLY_GOLD_MEDAL_2016 = 9074 // 'Gamers Assembly Gold Medal' const ID_GAMERS_ASSEMBLY_SILVER_MEDAL_2016 = 9075 // 'Gamers Assembly Silver Medal' const ID_GAMERS_ASSEMBLY_BRONZE_MEDAL_2016 = 9076 // 'Gamers Assembly Bronze Medal' const ID_GAMERS_ASSEMBLY_PARTICIPANT_BADGE_2016 = 9077 // 'Gamers Assembly Participant Badge' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 9078 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 9079 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 9080 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_9 = 9081 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 Participant' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 9082 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 9083 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 9084 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_9 = 9085 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 Participant' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 9086 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 9087 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 9088 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_9 = 9089 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_15 = 9090 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_15 = 9091 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_15 = 9092 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_15 = 9093 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_15 = 9094 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate First Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_15 = 9095 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Second Pla...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_15 = 9096 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Third Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_15 = 9097 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Participan...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_15 = 9098 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_15 = 9099 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_15 = 9100 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_15 = 9101 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_1ST_PLACE_2016 = 9102 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_2ND_PLACE_2016 = 9103 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_3RD_PLACE_2016 = 9104 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_PARTICIPANT_2016 = 9105 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup Participant' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 9106 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 9107 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 9108 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 9109 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Participation Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 9110 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 9111 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 9112 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 9113 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 9114 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 9115 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 9116 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 9117 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 9118 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 9119 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 9120 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 9121 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 9122 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 9123 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 9124 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 9125 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 9126 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 9127 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 9128 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Participation Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 9129 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 9130 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 9131 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 9132 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 9133 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 9134 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 9135 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 9136 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 9137 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 9138 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 9139 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 9140 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 9141 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 9142 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 9143 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_9 = 9144 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_9 = 9145 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Silver Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_9 = 9146 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Bronze Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_9 = 9147 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Participati...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_HIGH_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_9 = 9148 // 'ETF2L Highlander High Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_HIGH_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_9 = 9149 // 'ETF2L Highlander High Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_HIGH_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_9 = 9150 // 'ETF2L Highlander High Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_HIGH_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_9 = 9151 // 'ETF2L Highlander High Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_HIGH_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_9 = 9152 // 'ETF2L Highlander High Participation Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_9 = 9153 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_9 = 9154 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_9 = 9155 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_9 = 9156 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_9 = 9157 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_9 = 9158 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_9 = 9159 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_9 = 9160 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_9 = 9161 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_9 = 9162 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Participation Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_10 = 9163 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_10 = 9164 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Silver Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_10 = 9165 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Bronze Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_10 = 9166 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Participati...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_HIGH_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_10 = 9167 // 'ETF2L Highlander High Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_HIGH_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_10 = 9168 // 'ETF2L Highlander High Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_HIGH_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_10 = 9169 // 'ETF2L Highlander High Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_HIGH_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_10 = 9170 // 'ETF2L Highlander High Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_HIGH_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_10 = 9171 // 'ETF2L Highlander High Participation Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_10 = 9172 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_10 = 9173 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_10 = 9174 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_10 = 9175 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_10 = 9176 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_10 = 9177 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_10 = 9178 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_10 = 9179 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_10 = 9180 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_10 = 9181 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Participation Meda...' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_17 = 9182 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_GOLD_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_17 = 9183 // 'UGC Highlander Gold Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_17 = 9184 // 'UGC Highlander Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_17 = 9185 // 'UGC Highlander Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_IRON_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_17 = 9186 // 'UGC Highlander Iron Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_19 = 9187 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_GOLD_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_19 = 9188 // 'UGC 6vs6 Gold Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_19 = 9189 // 'UGC 6vs6 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_19 = 9190 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_IRON_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_19 = 9191 // 'UGC 6vs6 Iron Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_GOLD_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_6 = 9192 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_6 = 9193 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_6 = 9194 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_IRON_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_6 = 9195 // 'UGC 4vs4 Iron Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_18 = 9196 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_18 = 9197 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_18 = 9198 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_18 = 9199 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_18 = 9200 // 'UGC Highlander Gold 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_18 = 9201 // 'UGC Highlander Gold 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_18 = 9202 // 'UGC Highlander Gold 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_GOLD_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_18 = 9203 // 'UGC Highlander Gold Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_18 = 9204 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_18 = 9205 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_18 = 9206 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_18 = 9207 // 'UGC Highlander Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_18 = 9208 // 'UGC Highlander Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_IRON_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_18 = 9209 // 'UGC Highlander Iron Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_1ST_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_20 = 9210 // 'UGC 6vs6 Gold 1st Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_2ND_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_20 = 9211 // 'UGC 6vs6 Gold 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_3RD_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_20 = 9212 // 'UGC 6vs6 Gold 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_GOLD_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_20 = 9213 // 'UGC 6vs6 Gold Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_20 = 9214 // 'UGC 6vs6 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_20 = 9215 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_IRON_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_20 = 9216 // 'UGC 6vs6 Iron Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_1ST_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_7 = 9217 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 1st Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_2ND_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_7 = 9218 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_3RD_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_7 = 9219 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_GOLD_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_7 = 9220 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_7 = 9221 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_7 = 9222 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_IRON_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_7 = 9223 // 'UGC 4vs4 Iron Participant' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_MERCENARIES_CUP_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 9224 // 'AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_MERCENARIES_CUP_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 9225 // 'AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_MERCENARIES_CUP_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 9226 // 'AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_MERCENARIES_CUP_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_7 = 9227 // 'AsiaFortress Mercenaries Cup Participant' const ID_TF2MAPS_72HR_TF2JAM_SUMMER_PARTICIPANT_2016 = 9228 // 'TF2Maps 72hr TF2Jam Summer Participant' const ID_ALTRUISTS_ADORNMENT = 9229 // 'Altruist's Adornment' const ID_FLORIDA_LAN_MEDAL_2016 = 9230 // 'Florida LAN 2016' const ID_JAUNTY_CAMPER_2016 = 9231 // 'Jaunty Camper' const ID_JAUNTY_BENEFACTOR_2016 = 9232 // 'Jaunty Benefactor' const ID_JAUNTY_TRAILBLAZER_2016 = 9233 // 'Jaunty Trailblazer' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_16 = 9234 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_16 = 9235 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_16 = 9236 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_16 = 9237 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_16 = 9238 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate First Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_16 = 9239 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Second Pla...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_16 = 9240 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Third Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_16 = 9241 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Participan...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_16 = 9242 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_16 = 9243 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_16 = 9244 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_16 = 9245 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_17 = 9246 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_17 = 9247 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_17 = 9248 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_17 = 9249 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_17 = 9250 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate First Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_17 = 9251 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Second Pla...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_17 = 9252 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Third Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_17 = 9253 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Participan...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_17 = 9254 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_17 = 9255 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_17 = 9256 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_17 = 9257 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Participant' const ID_TAUNT_UNUSUALIFIER = 9258 // 'Unusualifier' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_13 = 9260 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_13 = 9261 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_13 = 9262 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_13 = 9263 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite Participant' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_CENTRAL_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_13 = 9264 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Central 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_CENTRAL_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_13 = 9265 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Central 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_CENTRAL_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_13 = 9266 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Central 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_CENTRAL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_13 = 9267 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Central Participant' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_13 = 9268 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_13 = 9269 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_13 = 9270 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_13 = 9271 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access Participant' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_13 = 9272 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_13 = 9273 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_13 = 9274 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_13 = 9275 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open Participant' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 9276 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 9277 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 9278 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_10 = 9279 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 Participant' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 9280 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 9281 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 9282 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_10 = 9283 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 Participant' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 9284 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 9285 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 9286 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_10 = 9287 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 Participant' const ID_GALLOWEEN_GOLD_MEDAL_2016 = 9288 // 'GA'lloween Gold Medal' const ID_GALLOWEEN_SILVER_MEDAL_2016 = 9289 // 'GA'lloween Silver Medal' const ID_GALLOWEEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_2016 = 9290 // 'GA'lloween Bronze Medal' const ID_GALLOWEEN_PARTICIPANT_BADGE_2016 = 9291 // 'GA'lloween Participant Badge' const ID_CHAPELARIA_6V6_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 9292 // 'Chapelaria 6v6 1st Place' const ID_CHAPELARIA_6V6_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 9293 // 'Chapelaria 6v6 2nd Place' const ID_CHAPELARIA_6V6_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 9294 // 'Chapelaria 6v6 3rd Place' const ID_CHAPELARIA_6V6_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 9295 // 'Chapelaria 6v6 Participant' const ID_HANNAHS_ALTRUISTIC_ASPECT = 9296 // 'Hannah's Altruistic Aspect' const ID_DUNCANS_KINDHEARTED_KISSER = 9297 // 'Duncan's Kindhearted Kisser' const ID_SIPS_SELFLESS_SIMULACRUM = 9298 // 'Sips' Selfless Simulacrum' const ID_SJINS_GENEROUS_GUISE = 9299 // 'Sjin's Generous Guise' const ID_PASS_TIME_TOURNAMENT_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 9300 // 'PASS Time Tournament Gold Medal' const ID_PASS_TIME_TOURNAMENT_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 9301 // 'PASS Time Tournament Silver Medal' const ID_PASS_TIME_TOURNAMENT_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 9302 // 'PASS Time Tournament Bronze Medal' const ID_ESA_REWIND_1ST_PLACE_2017 = 9303 // 'ESA Rewind 1st Place' const ID_ESA_REWIND_2ND_PLACE_2017 = 9304 // 'ESA Rewind 2nd Place' const ID_ESA_REWIND_3RD_PLACE_2017 = 9305 // 'ESA Rewind 3rd Place' const ID_ESA_REWIND_PARTICIPANT_2017 = 9306 // 'ESA Rewind Participant' const ID_SPECIAL_SNOWFLAKE_2016 = 9307 // 'Special Snowflake 2016' const ID_GIFT_OF_GIVING_2016 = 9308 // 'Gift of Giving 2016' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_14 = 9309 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_14 = 9310 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_14 = 9311 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_14 = 9312 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite Participant' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_14 = 9313 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_14 = 9314 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_14 = 9315 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_14 = 9316 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access Participant' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_14 = 9317 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_14 = 9318 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_14 = 9319 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_14 = 9320 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open Participant' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_CENTRAL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_14 = 9321 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Central Participant' const ID_TF2MAPS_72HR_TF2JAM_WINTER_PARTICIPANT_2017 = 9322 // 'TF2Maps 72hr TF2Jam Winter Participant' const ID_RALLY_CALL_2017_1ST_PLACE_MEDAL = 9323 // 'Rally Call 2017 - 1st place Medal' const ID_RALLY_CALL_2017_2ND_PLACE_MEDAL = 9324 // 'Rally Call 2017 - 2nd Place Medal' const ID_RALLY_CALL_2017_PARTICIPANTHELPER_MEDAL = 9325 // 'Rally Call 2017 Participant/Helper Medal' const ID_RALLY_CALL_2017_DONATOR_MEDAL = 9326 // 'Rally Call 2017 Donator Medal' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 9327 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 9328 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 9329 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_18 = 9330 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 9331 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate First Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 9332 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Second Pla...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 9333 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Third Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_18 = 9334 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Participan...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 9335 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 9336 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 9337 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_18 = 9338 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_19 = 9339 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_19 = 9340 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_19 = 9341 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_19 = 9342 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_19 = 9343 // 'UGC Highlander Gold 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_19 = 9344 // 'UGC Highlander Gold 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_19 = 9345 // 'UGC Highlander Gold 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_GOLD_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_19 = 9346 // 'UGC Highlander Gold Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_19 = 9347 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_19 = 9348 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_19 = 9349 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_19 = 9350 // 'UGC Highlander Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_19 = 9351 // 'UGC Highlander Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_IRON_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_19 = 9352 // 'UGC Highlander Iron Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_1ST_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_21 = 9353 // 'UGC 6vs6 Gold 1st Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_2ND_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_21 = 9354 // 'UGC 6vs6 Gold 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_3RD_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_21 = 9355 // 'UGC 6vs6 Gold 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_GOLD_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_21 = 9356 // 'UGC 6vs6 Gold Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_21 = 9357 // 'UGC 6vs6 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_21 = 9358 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_IRON_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_21 = 9359 // 'UGC 6vs6 Iron Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_1ST_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_8 = 9360 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 1st Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_2ND_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_8 = 9361 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_3RD_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_8 = 9362 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_GOLD_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_8 = 9363 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_8 = 9364 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_8 = 9365 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_IRON_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_8 = 9366 // 'UGC 4vs4 Iron Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_20 = 9367 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_20 = 9368 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_20 = 9369 // 'UGC Highlander Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_20 = 9370 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_20 = 9371 // 'UGC Highlander Gold 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_20 = 9372 // 'UGC Highlander Gold 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_20 = 9373 // 'UGC Highlander Gold 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_GOLD_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_20 = 9374 // 'UGC Highlander Gold Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_20 = 9375 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_20 = 9376 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_20 = 9377 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_20 = 9378 // 'UGC Highlander Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_20 = 9379 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_1ST_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_22 = 9380 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_2ND_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_22 = 9381 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_3RD_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_22 = 9382 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_22 = 9383 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_22 = 9384 // 'UGC 6vs6 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_22 = 9385 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_1ST_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_9 = 9386 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 1st Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_2ND_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_9 = 9387 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_3RD_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_9 = 9388 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_GOLD_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_9 = 9389 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_9 = 9390 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_9 = 9391 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel Participant' const ID_RGB_LAN_1ST_PLACE_2017 = 9392 // 'RGB LAN 1st Place' const ID_RGB_LAN_2ND_PLACE_2017 = 9393 // 'RGB LAN 2nd Place' const ID_RGB_LAN_3RD_PLACE_2017 = 9394 // 'RGB LAN 3rd Place' const ID_RGB_LAN_PARTICIPANT_2017 = 9395 // 'RGB LAN Participant' const ID_GAMERS_ASSEMBLY_GOLD_MEDAL_2017 = 9396 // 'Gamers Assembly Gold Medal' const ID_GAMERS_ASSEMBLY_SILVER_MEDAL_2017 = 9397 // 'Gamers Assembly Silver Medal' const ID_GAMERS_ASSEMBLY_BRONZE_MEDAL_2017 = 9398 // 'Gamers Assembly Bronze Medal' const ID_GAMERS_ASSEMBLY_PARTICIPANT_BADGE_2017 = 9399 // 'Gamers Assembly Participant Badge' const ID_CHAPELARIA_6V6_LEGATUS_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 9400 // 'Chapelaria 6v6 Legatus 1st Place' const ID_CHAPELARIA_6V6_LEGATUS_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 9401 // 'Chapelaria 6v6 Legatus 2nd Place' const ID_CHAPELARIA_6V6_LEGATUS_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 9402 // 'Chapelaria 6v6 Legatus 3rd Place' const ID_CHAPELARIA_6V6_LEGATUS_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 9403 // 'Chapelaria 6v6 Legatus Participant' const ID_CHAPELARIA_6V6_GLADIATOR_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 9404 // 'Chapelaria 6v6 Gladiator 1st Place' const ID_CHAPELARIA_6V6_GLADIATOR_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 9405 // 'Chapelaria 6v6 Gladiator 2nd Place' const ID_CHAPELARIA_6V6_GLADIATOR_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 9406 // 'Chapelaria 6v6 Gladiator 3rd Place' const ID_CHAPELARIA_6V6_GLADIATOR_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 9407 // 'Chapelaria 6v6 Gladiator Participant' const ID_CHAPELARIA_ULTIDUO_GLADIATOR_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 9408 // 'Chapelaria Ultiduo Gladiator 1st Place' const ID_CHAPELARIA_ULTIDUO_GLADIATOR_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 9409 // 'Chapelaria Ultiduo Gladiator 2nd Place' const ID_CHAPELARIA_ULTIDUO_GLADIATOR_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 9410 // 'Chapelaria Ultiduo Gladiator 3rd Place' const ID_CHAPELARIA_ULTIDUO_GLADIATOR_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 9411 // 'Chapelaria Ultiduo Gladiator Participant' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 9412 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 9413 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 9414 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 9415 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Participation Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 9416 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 9417 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 9418 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 9419 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 9420 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 9421 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 9422 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 9423 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 9424 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 9425 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 9426 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 9427 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 9428 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 9429 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 9430 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 9431 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 9432 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 9433 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 9434 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Participation Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 9435 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 9436 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 9437 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 9438 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 9439 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 9440 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 9441 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 9442 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 9443 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 9444 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 9445 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 9446 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 9447 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 9448 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 9449 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 9450 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 9451 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 9452 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 9453 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Participation Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 9454 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 9455 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 9456 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 9457 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 9458 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 9459 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 9460 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 9461 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 9462 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 9463 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 9464 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 9465 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 9466 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 9467 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 9468 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_11 = 9469 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_11 = 9470 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Silver Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_11 = 9471 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Bronze Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_11 = 9472 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Participati...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_HIGHMID_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_11 = 9473 // 'ETF2L Highlander High/Mid Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_HIGHMID_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_11 = 9474 // 'ETF2L Highlander High/Mid Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_HIGHMID_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_11 = 9475 // 'ETF2L Highlander High/Mid Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_HIGHMID_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_11 = 9476 // 'ETF2L Highlander High/Mid Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_HIGHMID_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_11 = 9477 // 'ETF2L Highlander High/Mid Participation ...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_11 = 9478 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_11 = 9479 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_11 = 9480 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_11 = 9481 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_11 = 9482 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Participation Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_12 = 9483 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_12 = 9484 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Silver Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_12 = 9485 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Bronze Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_12 = 9486 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Participati...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_HIGH_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_12 = 9487 // 'ETF2L Highlander High Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_HIGH_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_12 = 9488 // 'ETF2L Highlander High Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_HIGH_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_12 = 9489 // 'ETF2L Highlander High Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_HIGH_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_12 = 9490 // 'ETF2L Highlander High Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_HIGH_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_12 = 9491 // 'ETF2L Highlander High Participation Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_12 = 9492 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_12 = 9493 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_12 = 9494 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_12 = 9495 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_12 = 9496 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_12 = 9497 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_12 = 9498 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_12 = 9499 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_12 = 9500 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_12 = 9501 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Participation Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_ULTIDUO_6_GOLD_MEDAL = 9502 // 'ETF2L Ultiduo #6 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_ULTIDUO_6_SILVER_MEDAL = 9503 // 'ETF2L Ultiduo #6 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_ULTIDUO_6_BRONZE_MEDAL = 9504 // 'ETF2L Ultiduo #6 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_ULTIDUO_6_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL = 9505 // 'ETF2L Ultiduo #6 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_2_GOLD_MEDAL = 9506 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open 2 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_2_SILVER_MEDAL = 9507 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open 2 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_2_BRONZE_MEDAL = 9508 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open 2 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL = 9509 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open 2 Participation Me...' const ID_MAPPERS_VS_MACHINES_PARTICIPANT_MEDAL_2017 = 9510 // 'Mappers vs. Machines Participant Medal 2...' const ID_CAPPINGTV_ULTIDUO_SUMMER_BRAWL_1ST_PLACE_2017 = 9511 // 'CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl 1st Place' const ID_CAPPINGTV_ULTIDUO_SUMMER_BRAWL_2ND_PLACE_2017 = 9512 // 'CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl 2nd Place' const ID_CAPPINGTV_ULTIDUO_SUMMER_BRAWL_3RD_PLACE_2017 = 9513 // 'CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl 3rd Place' const ID_CAPPINGTV_ULTIDUO_SUMMER_BRAWL_PARTICIPANT_2017 = 9514 // 'CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl Participa...' const ID_HEARTFELT_HUG = 9515 // 'Heartfelt Hug' const ID_SNACKS_SUMMERY_ULTIDUO_SIESTA_GOLD_MEDAL_2017 = 9516 // 'Snack's Summery Ultiduo Siesta Gold Meda...' const ID_SNACKS_SUMMERY_ULTIDUO_SIESTA_SILVER_MEDAL_2017 = 9517 // 'Snack's Summery Ultiduo Siesta Silver Me...' const ID_SNACKS_SUMMERY_ULTIDUO_SIESTA_BRONZE_MEDAL_2017 = 9518 // 'Snack's Summery Ultiduo Siesta Bronze Me...' const ID_SNACKS_SUMMERY_ULTIDUO_SIESTA_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_2017 = 9519 // 'Snack's Summery Ultiduo Siesta Participa...' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_WASTEX_MILLER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 9520 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Wastex Miller 1st Place' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_WASTEX_MILLER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 9521 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Wastex Miller 2nd Place' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_WASTEX_MILLER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 9522 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Wastex Miller 3rd Place' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_WASTEX_MILLER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 9523 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Wastex Miller Participant' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_BARTS_RIMET_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 9524 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Barts Rimet 1st Place' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_BARTS_RIMET_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 9525 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Barts Rimet 2nd Place' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_BARTS_RIMET_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 9526 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Barts Rimet 3rd Place' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_BARTS_RIMET_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 9527 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Barts Rimet Participant' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_VIC_BASTEN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 9528 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Vic Basten 1st Place' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_VIC_BASTEN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 9529 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Vic Basten 2nd Place' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_VIC_BASTEN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 9530 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Vic Basten 3rd Place' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_VIC_BASTEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 9531 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Vic Basten Participant' const ID_ARMS_RACE_3_1ST_PLACE = 9532 // 'Arms Race 1st Place Medal' const ID_ARMS_RACE_3_2ND_PLACE = 9533 // 'Arms Race 2nd Place Medal' const ID_ARMS_RACE_3_3RD_PLACE = 9534 // 'Arms Race 3rd Place Medal' const ID_ARMS_RACE_3_PARTICIPANT = 9535 // 'Arms Race Participant Medal' const ID_PAINTKIT = 9536 // 'War Paint' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_19 = 9537 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_19 = 9538 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_19 = 9539 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_19 = 9540 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_19 = 9541 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate First Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_19 = 9542 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Second Pla...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_19 = 9543 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Third Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_19 = 9544 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Participan...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_19 = 9545 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_19 = 9546 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_19 = 9547 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_19 = 9548 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Participant' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 9549 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 9550 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 9551 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 9552 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Participation Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 9553 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 9554 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 9555 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 9556 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 9557 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 9558 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 9559 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 9560 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 9561 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 9562 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 9563 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 9564 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 9565 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 9566 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 9567 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_FRESH_MEAT_CHALLENGE_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 9568 // 'ETF2L Fresh Meat Challenge Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_FRESH_MEAT_CHALLENGE_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 9569 // 'ETF2L Fresh Meat Challenge Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_FRESH_MEAT_CHALLENGE_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 9570 // 'ETF2L Fresh Meat Challenge Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_FRESH_MEAT_CHALLENGE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 9571 // 'ETF2L Fresh Meat Challenge Participation...' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_11 = 9572 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_11 = 9573 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_11 = 9574 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_11 = 9575 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 Participant' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_11 = 9576 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_11 = 9577 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_11 = 9578 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_11 = 9579 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 Participant' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_11 = 9580 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_11 = 9581 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_11 = 9582 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_11 = 9583 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 Participant' const ID_CHAPELARIA_ULTIDUO_BRAZUCA_WINNER_SEASON_1 = 9584 // 'Chapelaria Ultiduo Brazuca Winner' const ID_CHAPELARIA_ULTIDUO_BRAZUCA_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 9585 // 'Chapelaria Ultiduo Brazuca Participant' const ID_CHAPELARIA_ULTIDUO_HERMANOS_WINNER_SEASON_1 = 9586 // 'Chapelaria Ultiduo Hermanos Winner' const ID_CHAPELARIA_ULTIDUO_HERMANOS_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 9587 // 'Chapelaria Ultiduo Hermanos Participant' const ID_CHAPELARIA_ULTIDUO_LEGATUS_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 9588 // 'Chapelaria Ultiduo Legatus 1st Place' const ID_CHAPELARIA_ULTIDUO_LEGATUS_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 9589 // 'Chapelaria Ultiduo Legatus 2nd Place' const ID_CHAPELARIA_ULTIDUO_LEGATUS_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 9590 // 'Chapelaria Ultiduo Legatus 3rd Place' const ID_BLAPATURE_CO_CONTRIBUTOR_2017 = 9591 // 'Blapature Co. Contributor' const ID_TF2MAPS_72HR_TF2JAM_SUMMER_PARTICIPANT_2017 = 9592 // 'TF2Maps 72hr TF2Jam Summer Participant' const ID_TFCL_6V6_ALPHA = 9593 // 'TFCL 6v6 Alpha' const ID_TFCL_6V6_1ST_PLACE_ALPHA_SEASON = 9594 // 'TFCL 6v6 1st Place' const ID_TFCL_6V6_2ND_PLACE_ALPHA_SEASON = 9595 // 'TFCL 6v6 2nd Place' const ID_TFCL_6V6_3RD_PLACE_ALPHA_SEASON = 9596 // 'TFCL 6v6 3rd Place' const ID_TFCL_6V6_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 9597 // 'TFCL 6v6 1st Place' const ID_TFCL_6V6_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 9598 // 'TFCL 6v6 2nd Place' const ID_TFCL_6V6_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 9599 // 'TFCL 6v6 3rd Place' const ID_TFCL_6V6_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 9600 // 'TFCL 6v6 Participant' const ID_TFCL_ULTIDUO_ALPHA = 9601 // 'TFCL Ultiduo Alpha' const ID_TFCL_ULTIDUO_1ST_PLACE_ALPHA_SEASON = 9602 // 'TFCL Ultiduo 1st Place' const ID_TFCL_ULTIDUO_2ND_PLACE_ALPHA_SEASON = 9603 // 'TFCL Ultiduo 2nd Place' const ID_TFCL_ULTIDUO_3RD_PLACE_ALPHA_SEASON = 9604 // 'TFCL Ultiduo 3rd Place' const ID_TFCL_ULTIDUO_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 9605 // 'TFCL Ultiduo 1st Place' const ID_TFCL_ULTIDUO_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 9606 // 'TFCL Ultiduo 2nd Place' const ID_TFCL_ULTIDUO_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 9607 // 'TFCL Ultiduo 3rd Place' const ID_TFCL_ULTIDUO_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 9608 // 'TFCL Ultiduo Participant' const ID_TFCL_ULTIDUO_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 9609 // 'TFCL Ultiduo 1st Place' const ID_TFCL_ULTIDUO_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 9610 // 'TFCL Ultiduo 2nd Place' const ID_TFCL_ULTIDUO_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 9611 // 'TFCL Ultiduo 3rd Place' const ID_TFCL_ULTIDUO_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 9612 // 'TFCL Ultiduo Participant' const ID_TF2MAPS_CHARITABLE_HEART_2017 = 9613 // 'TF2Maps Charitable Heart 2017' const ID_CAPPINGTV_ULTIDUO_WINTER_CHALICE_1ST_PLACE_2017 = 9614 // 'CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice 1st Pla...' const ID_CAPPINGTV_ULTIDUO_WINTER_CHALICE_2ND_PLACE_2017 = 9615 // 'CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice 2nd Pla...' const ID_CAPPINGTV_ULTIDUO_WINTER_CHALICE_3RD_PLACE_2017 = 9616 // 'CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice 3rd Pla...' const ID_CAPPINGTV_ULTIDUO_WINTER_CHALICE_PARTICIPANT_2017 = 9617 // 'CappingTV Ultiduo Winter Chalice Partici...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_20 = 9618 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_20 = 9619 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_20 = 9620 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_20 = 9621 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_20 = 9622 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate First Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_20 = 9623 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Second Pla...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_20 = 9624 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Third Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_20 = 9625 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Participan...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_20 = 9626 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_20 = 9627 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_20 = 9628 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_20 = 9629 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Participant' const ID_JAUNTY_GLOBETROTTER_2017 = 9630 // 'Jaunty Globetrotter' const ID_JAUNTY_VOYAGER_2017 = 9631 // 'Jaunty Voyager' const ID_JAUNTY_ADVENTURER_2017 = 9632 // 'Jaunty Adventurer' const ID_SNACKS_SUMMERY_ULTIDUO_SIESTA_GOLD_MEDAL_2017_SEASON_2 = 9633 // 'Snack's Summery Ultiduo Siesta Gold Meda...' const ID_SNACKS_SUMMERY_ULTIDUO_SIESTA_SILVER_MEDAL_2017_SEASON_2 = 9634 // 'Snack's Summery Ultiduo Siesta Silver Me...' const ID_SNACKS_SUMMERY_ULTIDUO_SIESTA_BRONZE_MEDAL_2017_SEASON_2 = 9635 // 'Snack's Summery Ultiduo Siesta Bronze Me...' const ID_SNACKS_SUMMERY_ULTIDUO_SIESTA_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_2017_SEASON_2 = 9636 // 'Snack's Summery Ultiduo Siesta Participa...' const ID_READY_STEADY_PAN_WINNER_SEASON_3 = 9637 // 'Finalist Fryer' const ID_READY_STEADY_PAN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 9638 // 'Ready Steady Pan Panticipant' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 9639 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 9640 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 9641 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 9642 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 9643 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_13 = 9644 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_13 = 9645 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Silver Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_13 = 9646 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Bronze Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_13 = 9647 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Participati...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_HIGH_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_13 = 9648 // 'ETF2L Highlander High Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_HIGH_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_13 = 9649 // 'ETF2L Highlander High Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_HIGH_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_13 = 9650 // 'ETF2L Highlander High Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_HIGH_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_13 = 9651 // 'ETF2L Highlander High Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_HIGH_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_13 = 9652 // 'ETF2L Highlander High Participation Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_13 = 9653 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_13 = 9654 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_13 = 9655 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_13 = 9656 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_13 = 9657 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_13 = 9658 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_13 = 9659 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_13 = 9660 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_13 = 9661 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_13 = 9662 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Participation Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_28 = 9663 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_28 = 9664 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_28 = 9665 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_28 = 9666 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Participation Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_28 = 9667 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_28 = 9668 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_28 = 9669 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_28 = 9670 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_HIGH_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_28 = 9671 // 'ETF2L 6v6 High Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_28 = 9672 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_28 = 9673 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_28 = 9674 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_28 = 9675 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_28 = 9676 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_28 = 9677 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_28 = 9678 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_28 = 9679 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_28 = 9680 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_28 = 9681 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Participation Medal' const ID_TFCL_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 9682 // 'TFCL Highlander 1st Place' const ID_TFCL_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 9683 // 'TFCL Highlander 2nd Place' const ID_TFCL_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 9684 // 'TFCL Highlander 3rd Place' const ID_TFCL_HIGHLANDER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 9685 // 'TFCL Highlander Participant' const ID_TFCL_4V4_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 9686 // 'TFCL 4v4 1st Place' const ID_TFCL_4V4_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 9687 // 'TFCL 4v4 2nd Place' const ID_TFCL_4V4_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 9688 // 'TFCL 4v4 3rd Place' const ID_TFCL_4V4_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 9689 // 'TFCL 4v4 Participant' const ID_TFCL_BBALL_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 9690 // 'TFCL bball 1st Place' const ID_TFCL_BBALL_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 9691 // 'TFCL bball 2nd Place' const ID_TFCL_BBALL_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 9692 // 'TFCL bball 3rd Place' const ID_TFCL_BBALL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 9693 // 'TFCL bball Participant' const ID_TFCL_6V6_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 9694 // 'TFCL 6v6 1st Place' const ID_TFCL_6V6_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 9695 // 'TFCL 6v6 2nd Place' const ID_TFCL_6V6_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 9696 // 'TFCL 6v6 3rd Place' const ID_TFCL_6V6_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 9697 // 'TFCL 6v6 Participant' const ID_TFCL_ULTIDUO_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 9698 // 'TFCL Ultiduo 1st Place' const ID_TFCL_ULTIDUO_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 9699 // 'TFCL Ultiduo 2nd Place' const ID_TFCL_ULTIDUO_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 9700 // 'TFCL Ultiduo 3rd Place' const ID_TFCL_ULTIDUO_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 9701 // 'TFCL Ultiduo Participant' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_12 = 9702 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_12 = 9703 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_12 = 9704 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_12 = 9705 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 Participant' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_12 = 9706 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_12 = 9707 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_12 = 9708 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_12 = 9709 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 Participant' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_12 = 9710 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_12 = 9711 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_12 = 9712 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_12 = 9713 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 Participant' const ID_INSOMNIA_61_FIRST_PLACE_MEDAL = 9714 // 'Insomnia 61 First Place' const ID_INSOMNIA_61_SECOND_PLACE_MEDAL = 9715 // 'Insomnia 61 Second Place' const ID_INSOMNIA_61_THIRD_PLACE_MEDAL = 9716 // 'Insomnia 61 Third Place' const ID_INSOMNIA_61_PARTICIPANT_MEDAL = 9717 // 'Insomnia 61 Participant' const ID_INSOMNIA_61_CONTRIBUTOR_MEDAL = 9718 // 'Insomnia 61 Contributor' const ID_RGLGG_PICK_BAN_PROLANDER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 9719 // 'RGL.gg Pick/Ban Prolander Participant' const ID_TITANIUM_TANK_PARTICIPANT_MEDAL_2017 = 9720 // 'Titanium Tank Participant Medal 2017' const ID_MANDREWS_MUNIFICENT_MUG = 9721 // 'Mandrew's Munificent Mug' const ID_ISRAPHELS_ELEEMOSYNARY_EXPRESSION = 9722 // 'Israphel's Eleemosynary Expression' const ID_CHAPELARIA_6V6_LEGATUS_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 9723 // 'Chapelaria 6v6 Legatus 1st Place' const ID_CHAPELARIA_6V6_LEGATUS_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 9724 // 'Chapelaria 6v6 Legatus 2nd Place' const ID_CHAPELARIA_6V6_LEGATUS_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 9725 // 'Chapelaria 6v6 Legatus 3rd Place' const ID_CHAPELARIA_6V6_LEGATUS_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 9726 // 'Chapelaria 6v6 Legatus Participant' const ID_CHAPELARIA_6V6_GLADIATOR_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 9727 // 'Chapelaria 6v6 Gladiator 1st Place' const ID_CHAPELARIA_6V6_GLADIATOR_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 9728 // 'Chapelaria 6v6 Gladiator 2nd Place' const ID_CHAPELARIA_6V6_GLADIATOR_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 9729 // 'Chapelaria 6v6 Gladiator 3rd Place' const ID_CHAPELARIA_6V6_GLADIATOR_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 9730 // 'Chapelaria 6v6 Gladiator Participant' const ID_PHILANTHROPISTS_INDULGENCE = 9731 // 'Philanthropist's Indulgence' const ID_SPECTRAL_SNOWFLAKE = 9732 // 'Spectral Snowflake' const ID_HEALS_FOR_REALS_EVENT_1ST_PLACE_2017 = 9733 // 'Heals for Reals Event 1st Place' const ID_HEALS_FOR_REALS_EVENT_2ND_PLACE_2017 = 9734 // 'Heals for Reals Event 2nd Place' const ID_HEALS_FOR_REALS_EVENT_3RD_PLACE_2017 = 9735 // 'Heals for Reals Event 3rd Place' const ID_HEALS_FOR_REALS_EVENT_PARTICIPANT_2017 = 9736 // 'Heals for Reals Event Participant' const ID_HEALS_FOR_REALS_DONOR_2017 = 9737 // 'Heals for Reals Donor' const ID_READY_STEADY_PAN_PLAYOFF_SEASON_3 = 9738 // 'Pantastic Playoff Champ' const ID_READY_STEADY_PAN_HELPER_SEASON_3 = 9739 // 'Ready Steady Pan Helper' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_21 = 9740 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_21 = 9741 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_21 = 9742 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_21 = 9743 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_21 = 9744 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_21 = 9745 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_21 = 9746 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_21 = 9747 // 'UGC Highlander Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_STEEL_SEASON_21 = 9748 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_STEEL_SEASON_21 = 9749 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_STEEL_SEASON_21 = 9750 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_21 = 9751 // 'UGC Highlander Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_22 = 9752 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_22 = 9753 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_22 = 9754 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_22 = 9755 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_22 = 9756 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_22 = 9757 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_22 = 9758 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_22 = 9759 // 'UGC Highlander Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_STEEL_SEASON_22 = 9760 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_STEEL_SEASON_22 = 9761 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_STEEL_SEASON_22 = 9762 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_22 = 9763 // 'UGC Highlander Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_23 = 9764 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_23 = 9765 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_23 = 9766 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_23 = 9767 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_23 = 9768 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_23 = 9769 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_23 = 9770 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_23 = 9771 // 'UGC Highlander Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_STEEL_SEASON_23 = 9772 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_STEEL_SEASON_23 = 9773 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_STEEL_SEASON_23 = 9774 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_23 = 9775 // 'UGC Highlander Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_1ST_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_23 = 9776 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_2ND_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_23 = 9777 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_3RD_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_23 = 9778 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_23 = 9779 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_23 = 9780 // 'UGC 6vs6 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_23 = 9781 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_1ST_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_24 = 9782 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_2ND_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_24 = 9783 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_3RD_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_24 = 9784 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_24 = 9785 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_24 = 9786 // 'UGC 6vs6 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_24 = 9787 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_1ST_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_25 = 9788 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_2ND_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_25 = 9789 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_3RD_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_25 = 9790 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_25 = 9791 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_25 = 9792 // 'UGC 6vs6 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_25 = 9793 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_1ST_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_10 = 9794 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 1st Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_2ND_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_10 = 9795 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_3RD_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_10 = 9796 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_GOLD_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_10 = 9797 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_10 = 9798 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_10 = 9799 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_1ST_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_11 = 9800 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 1st Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_2ND_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_11 = 9801 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_3RD_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_11 = 9802 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_GOLD_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_11 = 9803 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_11 = 9804 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_11 = 9805 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_1ST_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_12 = 9806 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 1st Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_2ND_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_12 = 9807 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_3RD_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_12 = 9808 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_GOLD_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_12 = 9809 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_12 = 9810 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_12 = 9811 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_21 = 9812 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_21 = 9813 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_21 = 9814 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_21 = 9815 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_21 = 9816 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate First Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_21 = 9817 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Second Pla...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_21 = 9818 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Third Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_21 = 9819 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Participan...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_21 = 9820 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_21 = 9821 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_21 = 9822 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_21 = 9823 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Participant' const ID_NHBL_SASHA_HEAVYWEIGHT_CHAMPION_SEASON_1 = 9824 // 'NHBL 1st Sasha Cup Champion' const ID_NHBL_SASHA_HEAVYWEIGHT_CHAMPION_SEASON_2 = 9825 // 'NHBL 2nd Sasha Heavyweight Champion' const ID_NHBL_SASHA_HEAVYWEIGHT_CHAMPION_SEASON_3 = 9826 // 'NHBL 3rd Sasha Heavyweight Champion' const ID_NHBL_SASHA_HEAVYWEIGHT_CHAMPION_SEASON_4 = 9827 // 'NHBL 4th Sasha Heavyweight Champion' const ID_NHBL_SASHA_HEAVYWEIGHT_CHAMPION_SEASON_5 = 9828 // 'NHBL 5th Sasha Heavyweight Champion' const ID_NHBL_SASHA_HEAVYWEIGHT_CHAMPION_SEASON_6 = 9829 // 'NHBL 6th Sasha Heavyweight Champion' const ID_FLORIDA_LAN_2018_DONATOR_MEDAL = 9830 // 'Florida LAN 2018 Donator Medal' const ID_FLORIDA_LAN_2018_PARTICIPANT_MEDAL = 9831 // 'Florida LAN 2018 Participant Medal' const ID_FLORIDA_LAN_2018_CONTRIBUTOR_MEDAL = 9832 // 'Florida LAN 2018 Contributor Medal' const ID_NHBL_NATASCHA_HEAVYWEIGHT_CHAMPION_SEASON_7 = 9833 // 'NHBL 1st Natascha Heavyweight Champion' const ID_NHBL_FINALS_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_7 = 9834 // 'NHBL Finals Participant' const ID_NHBL_FINALS_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 9835 // 'NHBL Finals 2nd Place' const ID_NHBL_FINALS_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 9836 // 'NHBL Finals 3rd Place' const ID_NHBL_FINALS_4TH_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 9837 // 'NHBL Finals 4th Place' const ID_ULTIMATE_ULTIDUO_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 9838 // 'Ultimate Ultiduo 1st Place' const ID_ULTIMATE_ULTIDUO_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 9839 // 'Ultimate Ultiduo 2nd Place' const ID_ULTIMATE_ULTIDUO_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 9840 // 'Ultimate Ultiduo 3rd Place' const ID_ULTIMATE_ULTIDUO_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 9841 // 'Ultimate Ultiduo Participant' const ID_ULTIMATE_ULTIDUO_HELPER_SEASON_1 = 9842 // 'Ultimate Ultiduo Helper' const ID_RGLGG_PICK_BAN_PROLANDER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 9843 // 'RGL.gg Pick/Ban Prolander Participant' const ID_RGLGG_ONE_DAY_PROLANDER_CUP_NORTH_AMERICA_WINTER_2017 = 9844 // 'RGL.gg One Day Prolander Cup - North Ame...' const ID_RGLGG_ONE_DAY_PROLANDER_CUP_EUROPE_WINTER_2017 = 9845 // 'RGL.gg One Day Prolander Cup - Europe' const ID_PALAISE_MGE_DOUBLES_COMMUNITY_CLASH_CHAMPION_SEASON_1 = 9846 // 'Palaise MGE Doubles Community Clash Cham...' const ID_PALAISE_MGE_DOUBLES_COMMUNITY_CLASH_RUNNER_UP_SEASON_1 = 9847 // 'Palaise MGE Doubles Community Clash Runn...' const ID_PALAISE_MGE_DOUBLES_COMMUNITY_CLASH_CONTESTANT_SEASON_1 = 9848 // 'Palaise MGE Doubles Community Clash Cont...' const ID_JOURNEY_TO_THE_EAST_1ST_PLACE = 9849 // 'Journey to the East 1st Place' const ID_JOURNEY_TO_THE_EAST_2ND_PLACE = 9850 // 'Journey to the East 2nd Place' const ID_JOURNEY_TO_THE_EAST_3RD_PLACE = 9851 // 'Journey to the East 3rd Place' const ID_JOURNEY_TO_THE_EAST_PARTICIPANT = 9852 // 'Journey to the East Participant' const ID_NEWBIE_PROLANDER_CUP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 9853 // 'Newbie Prolander Cup Gold Medal' const ID_NEWBIE_PROLANDER_CUP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 9854 // 'Newbie Prolander Cup Silver Medal' const ID_NEWBIE_PROLANDER_CUP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 9855 // 'Newbie Prolander Cup Bronze Medal' const ID_NEWBIE_PROLANDER_CUP_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 9856 // 'Newbie Prolander Cup Participant' const ID_ESA_REWIND_II_TIER_1_DONOR = 9857 // 'ESA Rewind II Tier 1 Donor' const ID_ESA_REWIND_II_TIER_2_DONOR = 9858 // 'ESA Rewind II Tier 2 Donor' const ID_ESA_REWIND_II_TIER_3_DONOR = 9859 // 'ESA Rewind II Tier 3 Donor' const ID_ESA_REWIND_II_TOP_8 = 9860 // 'ESA Rewind II Top 8' const ID_ESA_REWIND_II_PARTICIPANT = 9861 // 'ESA Rewind II Participant' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_14 = 9862 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_14 = 9863 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Silver Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_14 = 9864 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Bronze Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_14 = 9865 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Participati...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_HIGH_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_14 = 9866 // 'ETF2L Highlander High Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_HIGH_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_14 = 9867 // 'ETF2L Highlander High Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_HIGH_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_14 = 9868 // 'ETF2L Highlander High Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_HIGH_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_14 = 9869 // 'ETF2L Highlander High Participation Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_14 = 9870 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_14 = 9871 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_14 = 9872 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_14 = 9873 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_14 = 9874 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_14 = 9875 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_14 = 9876 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_14 = 9877 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_14 = 9878 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_14 = 9879 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Participation Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_29 = 9880 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_29 = 9881 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_29 = 9882 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_29 = 9883 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Participation Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_29 = 9884 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_29 = 9885 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_29 = 9886 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_29 = 9887 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_29 = 9888 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_29 = 9889 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_29 = 9890 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_29 = 9891 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_29 = 9892 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_29 = 9893 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_29 = 9894 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_29 = 9895 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_29 = 9896 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_29 = 9897 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_29 = 9898 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_29 = 9899 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_29 = 9900 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_29 = 9901 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_29 = 9902 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_29 = 9903 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_29 = 9904 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_29 = 9905 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_29 = 9906 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Participation Medal' const ID_CANTEEN_CRASHER_PLATINUM_CRIT_MEDAL_2018 = 9907 // 'Canteen Crasher Platinum Crit Medal 2018' const ID_CANTEEN_CRASHER_GOLD_UBER_MEDAL_2018 = 9908 // 'Canteen Crasher Gold Uber Medal 2018' const ID_CANTEEN_CRASHER_SILVER_BUILDING_MEDAL_2018 = 9909 // 'Canteen Crasher Silver Building Medal 20...' const ID_CANTEEN_CRASHER_BRONZE_AMMO_MEDAL_2018 = 9910 // 'Canteen Crasher Bronze Ammo Medal 2018' const ID_CANTEEN_CRASHER_IRON_RECALL_MEDAL_2018 = 9911 // 'Canteen Crasher Iron Recall Medal 2018' const ID_CANTEEN_CRASHER_RUST_STARTER_MEDAL_2018 = 9912 // 'Canteen Crasher Rust Starter Medal 2018' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_13 = 9913 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_13 = 9914 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_13 = 9915 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_13 = 9916 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 Participant' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_13 = 9917 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_13 = 9918 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_13 = 9919 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_13 = 9920 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 Participant' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_13 = 9921 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_13 = 9922 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_13 = 9923 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_13 = 9924 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 Participant' const ID_COPENHAGEN_GAMES_6V6_GOLD_MEDAL_2018 = 9925 // 'Copenhagen Games 6v6 1st Place' const ID_COPENHAGEN_GAMES_6V6_SILVER_MEDAL_2018 = 9926 // 'Copenhagen Games 6v6 2nd Place' const ID_COPENHAGEN_GAMES_6V6_BRONZE_MEDAL_2018 = 9927 // 'Copenhagen Games 6v6 3rd Place' const ID_COPENHAGEN_GAMES_6V6_IRON_MEDAL_2018 = 9928 // 'Copenhagen Games 6v6 Participant' const ID_COPENHAGEN_GAMES_STAFF_MEDAL_2018 = 9929 // 'Copenhagen Games Staff' const ID_TFCL_6V6_ALPHA_FC = 9930 // 'TFCL frag_club 1st Place' const ID_TFCL_6V6_ALPHA_RK = 9931 // 'TFCL RoyalKeys 2nd Place' const ID_GETTE_IT_ONNE_CHAMPION_SEASON_1 = 9932 // 'Gette it Onne! Champion' const ID_GETTE_IT_ONNE_PLAYOFFS_SEASON_1 = 9933 // 'Gette it Onne! Playoffs Participant' const ID_GETTE_IT_ONNE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 9934 // 'Gette it Onne! Participant' const ID_GETTE_IT_ONNE_HELPER_SEASON_1 = 9935 // 'Gette it Onne! Helper' const ID_HLPUGSTF_HIGHLANDER_CUP_GOLD_SEASON_1 = 9936 // 'HLPugs.tf Highlander Cup 1st Place' const ID_HLPUGSTF_HIGHLANDER_CUP_SILVER_SEASON_1 = 9937 // 'HLPugs.tf Highlander Cup 2nd Place' const ID_HLPUGSTF_HIGHLANDER_CUP_BRONZE_SEASON_1 = 9938 // 'HLPugs.tf Highlander Cup 3rd Place' const ID_HLPUGSTF_HIGHLANDER_CUP_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 9939 // 'HLPugs.tf Highlander Cup Participant' const ID_HLPUGSTF_HIGHLANDER_CUP_CONTRIBUTOR_SEASON_1 = 9940 // 'HLPugs.tf Highlander Cup Contributor' const ID_HEARTFELT_HERO = 9941 // 'Heartfelt Hero' const ID_ESSENTIALS_MONTHLY_FIRST_PLACE = 9942 // 'Essentials.TF Monthly Tournament Gold Me...' const ID_ESSENTIALS_MONTHLY_SECOND_PLACE = 9943 // 'Essentials.TF Monthly Tournament Silver ...' const ID_ESSENTIALS_MONTHLY_THIRD_PLACE = 9944 // 'Essentials.TF Monthly Tournament Bronze ...' const ID_ESSENTIALS_MONTHLY_PARTICIPANT = 9945 // 'Essentials.TF Monthly Tournament Partici...' const ID_ESSENTIALS_MONTHLY_CONTRIBUTOR = 9946 // 'Essentials.TF Monthly Tournament Contrib...' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_3 = 9947 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Champions' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 9948 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 9949 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 9950 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Participant' const ID_RGLGG_DIV1_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_3 = 9951 // 'RGL.gg - Div1 Champions' const ID_RGLGG_DIV1_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 9952 // 'RGL.gg - Div1 2nd Place' const ID_RGLGG_DIV1_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 9953 // 'RGL.gg - Div1 3rd Place' const ID_RGLGG_DIV1_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 9954 // 'RGL.gg - Div1 Participant' const ID_RGLGG_REC_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 9955 // 'RGL.gg - Rec Participant' const ID_RGLGG_ONE_DAY_PROLANDER_CUP_NORTH_AMERICA_SPRING_2018 = 9956 // 'RGL.gg One Day Prolander Cup - North Ame...' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_CHAMPIONS_EU_SEASON_1 = 9957 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Invite Champions' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_EU_SEASON_1 = 9958 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_EU_SEASON_1 = 9959 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_EU_SEASON_1 = 9960 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Invite Participant' const ID_RGLGG_DIV2_CHAMPIONS_EU_SEASON_1 = 9961 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Div2 Champions' const ID_RGLGG_DIV2_2ND_PLACE_EU_SEASON_1 = 9962 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Div2 2nd Place' const ID_RGLGG_DIV2_3RD_PLACE_EU_SEASON_1 = 9963 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Div2 3rd Place' const ID_RGLGG_DIV2_PARTICIPANT_EU_SEASON_1 = 9964 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Div2 Participant' const ID_PURE_LEAGUE_PREMIER_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 9965 // 'PURE League Premier Division 1st Place' const ID_PURE_LEAGUE_PREMIER_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 9966 // 'PURE League Premier Division 2nd Place' const ID_PURE_LEAGUE_PREMIER_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 9967 // 'PURE League Premier Division 3rd Place' const ID_PURE_LEAGUE_PREMIER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 9968 // 'PURE League Premier Division Participant' const ID_PURE_LEAGUE_INTERMEDIATE_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 9969 // 'PURE League Intermediate Division 1st Pl...' const ID_PURE_LEAGUE_INTERMEDIATE_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 9970 // 'PURE League Intermediate Division 2nd Pl...' const ID_PURE_LEAGUE_INTERMEDIATE_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 9971 // 'PURE League Intermediate Division 3rd Pl...' const ID_PURE_LEAGUE_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 9972 // 'PURE League Intermediate Division Partic...' const ID_PURE_LEAGUE_OPEN_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 9973 // 'PURE League Open Division 1st Place' const ID_PURE_LEAGUE_OPEN_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 9974 // 'PURE League Open Division 2nd Place' const ID_PURE_LEAGUE_OPEN_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 9975 // 'PURE League Open Division 3rd Place' const ID_PURE_LEAGUE_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 9976 // 'PURE League Open Division Participant' const ID_COPENHAGEN_GAMES_HIGHLANDER_GOLD_MEDAL_2018 = 9977 // 'Copenhagen Games Highlander 1st Place' const ID_COPENHAGEN_GAMES_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_MEDAL_2018 = 9978 // 'Copenhagen Games Highlander 2nd Place' const ID_COPENHAGEN_GAMES_HIGHLANDER_BRONZE_MEDAL_2018 = 9979 // 'Copenhagen Games Highlander 3rd Place' const ID_COPENHAGEN_GAMES_HIGHLANDER_IRON_MEDAL_2018 = 9980 // 'Copenhagen Games Highlander Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_22 = 9981 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_22 = 9982 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_22 = 9983 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_22 = 9984 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_22 = 9985 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate First Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_22 = 9986 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Second Pla...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_22 = 9987 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Third Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_22 = 9988 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Participan...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_22 = 9989 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_22 = 9990 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_22 = 9991 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_22 = 9992 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Participant' const ID_BEGINNINGS_5_FIRST_PLACE_MEDAL = 9993 // 'Beginnings 5 First Place Medal' const ID_BEGINNINGS_5_SECOND_PLACE_MEDAL = 9994 // 'Beginnings 5 Second Place Medal' const ID_BEGINNINGS_5_THIRD_PLACE_MEDAL = 9995 // 'Beginnings 5 Third Place Medal' const ID_BEGINNINGS_5_PARTICIPANT_MEDAL = 9996 // 'Beginnings 5 Participant Medal' const ID_BEGINNINGS_5_HELPER_MEDAL = 9997 // 'Beginnings 5 Helper Medal' const ID_HLMIXES_FIRST_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 9998 // 'HLMixes Showdown 1st Place Medal' const ID_HLMIXES_FINALIST_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 9999 // 'HLMixes Showdown Finalist Medal' const ID_HLMIXES_PARTICIPANT_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 10002 // 'HLMixes Showdown Participant Medal' const ID_HYDROTF_PARTICIPANT_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 10003 // 'Hydro.tf Participant Medal' const ID_HYDROTF_ALL_STAR_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 10004 // 'Hydro.tf All-Star Medal' const ID_READY_STEADY_PAN_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 10005 // 'Finalist Fry Hard' const ID_READY_STEADY_PAN_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 10006 // 'Second Seasonal Stomper' const ID_READY_STEADY_PAN_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 10007 // 'Third Thyme Champ' const ID_READY_STEADY_PAN_PLAYOFF_SEASON_4 = 10008 // 'Ready Steady Pan-tastic Playoffs' const ID_READY_STEADY_PAN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 10009 // 'Fourth Seasoning Pan-ticipant' const ID_READY_STEADY_PAN_HELPER_SEASON_4 = 10010 // 'Eggcellent Helper' const ID_BLAPATURE_CO_BACKER_2018 = 10011 // 'Blapature Co. Backer' const ID_BLAPATURE_CO_SUPPORTER_2018 = 10012 // 'Blapature Co. Supporter' const ID_BLAPATURE_CO_BENEFACTOR_2018 = 10013 // 'Blapature Co. Benefactor' const ID_NHBL_SASHA_HEAVYWEIGHT_CHAMPION_SEASON_7 = 10014 // 'NHBL 7th Sasha Heavyweight Champion' const ID_TF2MAPS_RAY_OF_SUNSHINE_2018 = 10015 // 'TF2Maps Ray of Sunshine 2018' const ID_CHAPELARIA_ULTIDUO_GLADIATOR_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 10016 // 'Chapelaria Ultiduo Gladiator 1st Place' const ID_CHAPELARIA_ULTIDUO_GLADIATOR_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 10017 // 'Chapelaria Ultiduo Gladiator 2nd Place' const ID_CHAPELARIA_ULTIDUO_GLADIATOR_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 10018 // 'Chapelaria Ultiduo Gladiator 3rd Place' const ID_CHAPELARIA_ULTIDUO_GLADIATOR_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 10019 // 'Chapelaria Ultiduo Gladiator Participant' const ID_CHAPELARIA_ULTIDUO_LEGATUS_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 10020 // 'Chapelaria Ultiduo Legatus 1st Place' const ID_CHAPELARIA_ULTIDUO_LEGATUS_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 10021 // 'Chapelaria Ultiduo Legatus 2nd Place' const ID_CHAPELARIA_ULTIDUO_LEGATUS_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 10022 // 'Chapelaria Ultiduo Legatus 3rd Place' const ID_CHAPELARIA_ULTIDUO_LEGATUS_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 10023 // 'Chapelaria Ultiduo Legatus Participant' const ID_NEWBIE_HIGHLANDER_CUP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_2 = 10024 // 'Newbie Highlander Cup Gold Medal' const ID_NEWBIE_HIGHLANDER_CUP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_2 = 10025 // 'Newbie Highlander Cup Silver Medal' const ID_NEWBIE_HIGHLANDER_CUP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_2 = 10026 // 'Newbie Highlander Cup Bronze Medal' const ID_NEWBIE_HIGHLANDER_CUP_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 10027 // 'Newbie Highlander Cup Participant' const ID_RALLY_CALL_2018_WHALE = 10028 // 'Rally Call - Whale' const ID_RALLY_CALL_2018_WHALE_DONOR = 10029 // 'Rally Call - Whale Donor' const ID_NEWBIE_PROLANDER_CUP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 10030 // 'Newbie Prolander Cup Gold Medal' const ID_NEWBIE_PROLANDER_CUP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 10031 // 'Newbie Prolander Cup Silver Medal' const ID_NEWBIE_PROLANDER_CUP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 10032 // 'Newbie Prolander Cup Bronze Medal' const ID_NEWBIE_PROLANDER_CUP_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 10033 // 'Newbie Prolander Cup Participant' const ID_TFCL_6V6_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 10034 // 'TFCL 6v6 1st Place' const ID_TFCL_6V6_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 10035 // 'TFCL 6v6 2nd Place' const ID_TFCL_6V6_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 10036 // 'TFCL 6v6 3rd Place' const ID_TFCL_6V6_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 10037 // 'TFCL 6v6 Participant' const ID_TFCL_ULTIDUO_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 10038 // 'TFCL Ultiduo 1st Place' const ID_TFCL_ULTIDUO_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 10039 // 'TFCL Ultiduo 2nd Place' const ID_TFCL_ULTIDUO_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 10040 // 'TFCL Ultiduo 3rd Place' const ID_TFCL_ULTIDUO_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_5 = 10041 // 'TFCL Ultiduo Participant' const ID_TFCL_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 10042 // 'TFCL Highlander 1st Place' const ID_TFCL_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 10043 // 'TFCL Highlander 2nd Place' const ID_TFCL_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 10044 // 'TFCL Highlander 3rd Place' const ID_TFCL_HIGHLANDER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 10045 // 'TFCL Highlander Participant' const ID_TF2MAPS_72HR_TF2JAM_SUMMER_PARTICIPANT_2018 = 10046 // 'TF2Maps 72hr TF2Jam Summer Participant' const ID_INSOMNIA_63_FIRST_PLACE_MEDAL = 10047 // 'Insomnia 63 First Place' const ID_INSOMNIA_63_SECOND_PLACE_MEDAL = 10048 // 'Insomnia 63 Second Place' const ID_INSOMNIA_63_THIRD_PLACE_MEDAL = 10049 // 'Insomnia 63 Third Place' const ID_INSOMNIA_63_PARTICIPANT_MEDAL = 10050 // 'Insomnia 63 Participant' const ID_INSOMNIA_63_CONTRIBUTOR_MEDAL = 10051 // 'Insomnia 63 Contributor' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_24 = 10052 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_24 = 10053 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_24 = 10054 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_24 = 10055 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_24 = 10056 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_24 = 10057 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_24 = 10058 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_24 = 10059 // 'UGC Highlander Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_STEEL_SEASON_24 = 10060 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_STEEL_SEASON_24 = 10061 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_STEEL_SEASON_24 = 10062 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_24 = 10063 // 'UGC Highlander Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_1ST_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_26 = 10064 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_2ND_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_26 = 10065 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_3RD_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_26 = 10066 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_26 = 10067 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_26 = 10068 // 'UGC 6vs6 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_26 = 10069 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_1ST_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_13 = 10070 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 1st Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_2ND_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_13 = 10071 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_3RD_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_13 = 10072 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_GOLD_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_13 = 10073 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_13 = 10074 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_13 = 10075 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_25 = 10076 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_25 = 10077 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_25 = 10078 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_25 = 10079 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_25 = 10080 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_25 = 10081 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_25 = 10082 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_25 = 10083 // 'UGC Highlander Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_STEEL_SEASON_25 = 10084 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_STEEL_SEASON_25 = 10085 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_STEEL_SEASON_25 = 10086 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_25 = 10087 // 'UGC Highlander Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_1ST_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_27 = 10088 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_2ND_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_27 = 10089 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_3RD_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_27 = 10090 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_27 = 10091 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_27 = 10092 // 'UGC 6vs6 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_27 = 10093 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_1ST_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_14 = 10094 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 1st Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_2ND_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_14 = 10095 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_3RD_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_14 = 10096 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_GOLD_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_14 = 10097 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_14 = 10098 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_14 = 10099 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel Participant' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_15 = 10100 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_15 = 10101 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_15 = 10102 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_15 = 10103 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite Participant' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_CENTRAL_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_15 = 10104 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Central 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_CENTRAL_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_15 = 10105 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Central 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_CENTRAL_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_15 = 10106 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Central 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_CENTRAL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_15 = 10107 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Central Participant' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_15 = 10108 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_15 = 10109 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_15 = 10110 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_15 = 10111 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open Participant' const ID_FRESH_MEAT_PROLANDER_CUP_1ST_PLACE_SUMMER_2018 = 10112 // 'Fresh Meat Prolander Cup 1st Place' const ID_FRESH_MEAT_PROLANDER_CUP_2ND_PLACE_SUMMER_2018 = 10113 // 'Fresh Meat Prolander Cup 2nd Place' const ID_FRESH_MEAT_PROLANDER_CUP_3RD_PLACE_SUMMER_2018 = 10114 // 'Fresh Meat Prolander Cup 3rd Place' const ID_FRESH_MEAT_PROLANDER_CUP_AMATEUR_1ST_PLACE_SUMMER_2018 = 10115 // 'Fresh Meat Prolander Cup Amateur 1st Pla...' const ID_FRESH_MEAT_PROLANDER_CUP_AMATEUR_2ND_PLACE_SUMMER_2018 = 10116 // 'Fresh Meat Prolander Cup Amateur 2nd Pla...' const ID_FRESH_MEAT_PROLANDER_CUP_AMATEUR_3RD_PLACE_SUMMER_2018 = 10117 // 'Fresh Meat Prolander Cup Amateur 3rd Pla...' const ID_FRESH_MEAT_PROLANDER_CUP_HELPER_SUMMER_2018 = 10118 // 'Fresh Meat Prolander Cup Helper' const ID_FRESH_MEAT_PROLANDER_CUP_PARTICIPANT_SUMMER_2018 = 10119 // 'Fresh Meat Prolander Cup Participant' const ID_FRESH_MEAT_PROLANDER_CUP_1ST_PLACE_AUTUMN_2018 = 10120 // 'Fresh Meat Prolander Cup 1st Place' const ID_FRESH_MEAT_PROLANDER_CUP_2ND_PLACE_AUTUMN_2018 = 10121 // 'Fresh Meat Prolander Cup 2nd Place' const ID_FRESH_MEAT_PROLANDER_CUP_3RD_PLACE_AUTUMN_2018 = 10122 // 'Fresh Meat Prolander Cup 3rd Place' const ID_FRESH_MEAT_PROLANDER_CUP_AMATEUR_1ST_PLACE_AUTUMN_2018 = 10123 // 'Fresh Meat Prolander Cup Amateur 1st Pla...' const ID_FRESH_MEAT_PROLANDER_CUP_AMATEUR_2ND_PLACE_AUTUMN_2018 = 10124 // 'Fresh Meat Prolander Cup Amateur 2nd Pla...' const ID_FRESH_MEAT_PROLANDER_CUP_AMATEUR_3RD_PLACE_AUTUMN_2018 = 10125 // 'Fresh Meat Prolander Cup Amateur 3rd Pla...' const ID_FRESH_MEAT_PROLANDER_CUP_ELITE_1ST_PLACE_AUTUMN_2018 = 10126 // 'Fresh Meat Prolander Cup Elite 1st Place' const ID_FRESH_MEAT_PROLANDER_CUP_ELITE_2ND_PLACE_AUTUMN_2018 = 10127 // 'Fresh Meat Prolander Cup Elite 2nd Place' const ID_FRESH_MEAT_PROLANDER_CUP_ELITE_3RD_PLACE_AUTUMN_2018 = 10128 // 'Fresh Meat Prolander Cup Elite 3rd Place' const ID_FRESH_MEAT_PROLANDER_CUP_HELPER_AUTUMN_2018 = 10129 // 'Fresh Meat Prolander Cup Helper' const ID_FRESH_MEAT_PROLANDER_CUP_PARTICIPANT_AUTUMN_2018 = 10130 // 'Fresh Meat Prolander Cup Participant' const ID_NEWBIDUO_CUP_1ST_PLACE_SUMMER_2018 = 10131 // 'NewbiDuo Cup 1st Place' const ID_NEWBIDUO_CUP_2ND_PLACE_SUMMER_2018 = 10132 // 'NewbiDuo Cup 2nd Place' const ID_NEWBIDUO_CUP_3RD_PLACE_SUMMER_2018 = 10133 // 'NewbiDuo Cup 3rd Place' const ID_NEWBIDUO_CUP_PARTICIPANT_SUMMER_2018 = 10134 // 'NewbiDuo Cup Participant' const ID_NEWBIDUO_CUP_HELPER_SUMMER_2018 = 10135 // 'NewbiDuo Cup Helper' const ID_ULTIMATE_ULTIDUO_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 10136 // 'Ultimate Ultiduo 1st Place' const ID_ULTIMATE_ULTIDUO_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 10137 // 'Ultimate Ultiduo 2nd Place' const ID_ULTIMATE_ULTIDUO_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 10138 // 'Ultimate Ultiduo 3rd Place' const ID_ULTIMATE_ULTIDUO_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 10139 // 'Ultimate Ultiduo Participant' const ID_ULTIMATE_ULTIDUO_HELPER_SEASON_2 = 10140 // 'Ultimate Ultiduo Helper' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_15 = 10141 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_15 = 10142 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Silver Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_15 = 10143 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Bronze Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_15 = 10144 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Participati...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_HIGH_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_15 = 10145 // 'ETF2L Highlander High Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_HIGH_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_15 = 10146 // 'ETF2L Highlander High Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_HIGH_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_15 = 10147 // 'ETF2L Highlander High Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_HIGH_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_15 = 10148 // 'ETF2L Highlander High Participation Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_15 = 10149 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_15 = 10150 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_15 = 10151 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_15 = 10152 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_15 = 10153 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_15 = 10154 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_15 = 10155 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_15 = 10156 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_15 = 10157 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_15 = 10158 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Participation Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_30 = 10159 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_30 = 10160 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_30 = 10161 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_30 = 10162 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Participation Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_30 = 10163 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_30 = 10164 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_30 = 10165 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_30 = 10166 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_30 = 10167 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_30 = 10168 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_30 = 10169 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_30 = 10170 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_30 = 10171 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_30 = 10172 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_30 = 10173 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_30 = 10174 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_30 = 10175 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_30 = 10176 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_30 = 10177 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_30 = 10178 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_30 = 10179 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_30 = 10180 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_30 = 10181 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_30 = 10182 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_30 = 10183 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_30 = 10184 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_30 = 10185 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_16 = 10186 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_16 = 10187 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Silver Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_16 = 10188 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Bronze Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_16 = 10189 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Participati...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_16 = 10190 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_16 = 10191 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_16 = 10192 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_16 = 10193 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_16 = 10194 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_16 = 10195 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_16 = 10196 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_16 = 10197 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_16 = 10198 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_16 = 10199 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_16 = 10200 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_16 = 10201 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_16 = 10202 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_LOW_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_16 = 10203 // 'ETF2L Highlander Low Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_LOW_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_16 = 10204 // 'ETF2L Highlander Low Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_LOW_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_16 = 10205 // 'ETF2L Highlander Low Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_LOW_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_16 = 10206 // 'ETF2L Highlander Low Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_LOW_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_16 = 10207 // 'ETF2L Highlander Low Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_16 = 10208 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_16 = 10209 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_16 = 10210 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_16 = 10211 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_16 = 10212 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Participation Meda...' const ID_NEWBIE_HIGHLANDER_CUP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_4 = 10213 // 'Newbie Highlander Cup Gold Medal' const ID_NEWBIE_HIGHLANDER_CUP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_4 = 10214 // 'Newbie Highlander Cup Silver Medal' const ID_NEWBIE_HIGHLANDER_CUP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_4 = 10215 // 'Newbie Highlander Cup Bronze Medal' const ID_NEWBIE_HIGHLANDER_CUP_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 10216 // 'Newbie Highlander Cup Participant' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_4 = 10217 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Champions' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 10218 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 10219 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 10220 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Participant' const ID_RGLGG_DIV2_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_4 = 10221 // 'RGL.gg - Div2 Champions' const ID_RGLGG_DIV2_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 10222 // 'RGL.gg - Div2 2nd Place' const ID_RGLGG_DIV2_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 10223 // 'RGL.gg - Div2 3rd Place' const ID_RGLGG_DIV2_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 10224 // 'RGL.gg - Div2 Participant' const ID_RGLGG_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 10225 // 'RGL.gg - Open Participant' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_5 = 10226 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Champions' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 10227 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 10228 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_5 = 10229 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Participant' const ID_RGLGG_DIV1_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_5 = 10230 // 'RGL.gg - Div1 Champions' const ID_RGLGG_DIV1_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 10231 // 'RGL.gg - Div1 2nd Place' const ID_RGLGG_DIV1_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 10232 // 'RGL.gg - Div1 3rd Place' const ID_RGLGG_DIV1_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_5 = 10233 // 'RGL.gg - Div1 Participant' const ID_RGLGG_DIV2_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_5 = 10234 // 'RGL.gg - Div2 Champions' const ID_RGLGG_DIV2_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 10235 // 'RGL.gg - Div2 2nd Place' const ID_RGLGG_DIV2_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 10236 // 'RGL.gg - Div2 3rd Place' const ID_RGLGG_DIV2_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_5 = 10237 // 'RGL.gg - Div2 Participant' const ID_RGLGG_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_5 = 10238 // 'RGL.gg - Open Participant' const ID_RGLGG_ONE_DAY_PROLANDER_CUP_NORTH_AMERICA_SUMMER_2018 = 10239 // 'RGL.gg One Day Prolander Cup - North Ame...' const ID_RGLGG_ONE_DAY_PROLANDER_CUP_AUSTRALIA_SUMMER_2018 = 10240 // 'RGL.gg One Day Prolander Cup - Australia' const ID_PASS_TIME_FEDERATION_1ST_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 10241 // 'PASS Time Federation 1st Place Medal' const ID_PASS_TIME_FEDERATION_2ND_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 10242 // 'PASS Time Federation 2nd Place Medal' const ID_PASS_TIME_FEDERATION_3RD_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 10243 // 'PASS Time Federation 3rd Place Medal' const ID_PASS_TIME_FEDERATION_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 10244 // 'PASS Time Federation Participant' const ID_PASS_TIME_FEDERATION_HELPER_SEASON_1 = 10245 // 'PASS Time Federation Helper' const ID_CHAPELARIA_HIGHLANDER_GLADIATOR_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10246 // 'Chapelaria Highlander Gladiator 1st Plac...' const ID_CHAPELARIA_HIGHLANDER_GLADIATOR_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10247 // 'Chapelaria Highlander Gladiator 2nd Plac...' const ID_CHAPELARIA_HIGHLANDER_GLADIATOR_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10248 // 'Chapelaria Highlander Gladiator 3rd Plac...' const ID_CHAPELARIA_HIGHLANDER_GLADIATOR_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 10249 // 'Chapelaria Highlander Gladiator Particip...' const ID_CHAPELARIA_HIGHLANDER_LEGATUS_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10250 // 'Chapelaria Highlander Legatus 1st Place' const ID_CHAPELARIA_HIGHLANDER_LEGATUS_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10251 // 'Chapelaria Highlander Legatus 2nd Place' const ID_CHAPELARIA_HIGHLANDER_LEGATUS_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10252 // 'Chapelaria Highlander Legatus 3rd Place' const ID_CHAPELARIA_HIGHLANDER_LEGATUS_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 10253 // 'Chapelaria Highlander Legatus Participan...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10254 // 'Respawn League Highlander 1st Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10255 // 'Respawn League Highlander 2nd Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10256 // 'Respawn League Highlander 3rd Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_HIGHLANDER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 10257 // 'Respawn League Highlander Participant' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_HIGHLANDER_FOUNDER_SEASON_1 = 10258 // 'Respawn League Highlander Founder' const ID_MOSCOW_LAN_1ST_PLACE_SUMMER_2018 = 10259 // 'Moscow LAN 1st Place' const ID_MOSCOW_LAN_2ND_PLACE_SUMMER_2018 = 10260 // 'Moscow LAN 2nd Place' const ID_MOSCOW_LAN_3RD_PLACE_SUMMER_2018 = 10261 // 'Moscow LAN 3rd Place' const ID_MOSCOW_LAN_PARTICIPANT_SUMMER_2018 = 10262 // 'Moscow LAN Participant' const ID_MOSCOW_LAN_HELPER_SUMMER_2018 = 10263 // 'Moscow LAN Staff' const ID_JAUNTY_MOUNTAINEER_2018 = 10264 // 'Jaunty Mountaineer' const ID_JAUNTY_RANGER_2018 = 10265 // 'Jaunty Ranger' const ID_JAUNTY_EXPLORER_2018 = 10266 // 'Jaunty Explorer' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_23 = 10267 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_23 = 10268 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_23 = 10269 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_23 = 10270 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_23 = 10271 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate First Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_23 = 10272 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Second Pla...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_23 = 10273 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Third Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_23 = 10274 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Participan...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_23 = 10275 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_23 = 10276 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_23 = 10277 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_23 = 10278 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Participant' const ID_TFNEW_CUP_1ST_PLACE_MEDAL = 10279 // 'TFNew Cup 1st Place' const ID_TFNEW_CUP_2ND_PLACE_MEDAL = 10280 // 'TFNew Cup 2nd Place' const ID_TFNEW_CUP_3RD_PLACE_MEDAL = 10281 // 'TFNew Cup 3rd Place' const ID_TFNEW_CUP_PARTICIPANT_MEDAL = 10282 // 'TFNew Cup Participant' const ID_RGB_3_LAN_1ST_PLACE_2018 = 10283 // 'RGB 3 LAN 1st Place' const ID_RGB_3_LAN_2ND_PLACE_2018 = 10284 // 'RGB 3 LAN 2nd Place' const ID_RGB_3_LAN_3RD_PLACE_2018 = 10285 // 'RGB 3 LAN 3rd Place' const ID_RGB_3_LAN_PARTICIPANT_2018 = 10286 // 'RGB 3 LAN Participant' const ID_UDL_1ST_PLACE_2018 = 10287 // 'United Dodgeball League 1st Place' const ID_UDL_2ND_PLACE_2018 = 10288 // 'United Dodgeball League 2nd Place' const ID_UDL_3RD_PLACE_2018 = 10289 // 'United Dodgeball League 3rd Place' const ID_UDL_PARTICIPANT_2018 = 10290 // 'United Dodgeball League Participant' const ID_ESEA_6S_INVITE_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_29 = 10291 // 'ESEA 6s Invite 1st Place' const ID_ESEA_6S_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_29 = 10292 // 'ESEA 6s Invite 2nd Place' const ID_ESEA_6S_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_29 = 10293 // 'ESEA 6s Invite 3rd Place' const ID_ESEA_6S_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_29 = 10294 // 'ESEA 6s Invite Participant' const ID_ESEA_6S_INVITE_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_30 = 10295 // 'ESEA 6s Invite 1st Place' const ID_ESEA_6S_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_30 = 10296 // 'ESEA 6s Invite 2nd Place' const ID_ESEA_6S_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_30 = 10297 // 'ESEA 6s Invite 3rd Place' const ID_ESEA_6S_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_30 = 10298 // 'ESEA 6s Invite Participant' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10299 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 First Place' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10300 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Second Place' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10301 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Third Place' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 10302 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Participant' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 10303 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 First Place' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 10304 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Second Place' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 10305 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Third Place' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 10306 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Participant' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_14 = 10307 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_14 = 10308 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_14 = 10309 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_14 = 10310 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 Participant' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_14 = 10311 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_14 = 10312 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_14 = 10313 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_14 = 10314 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 Participant' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_14 = 10315 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_14 = 10316 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_14 = 10317 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_14 = 10318 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 Participant' const ID_SACRED_SCOUTS_6V6_GOLD_MEDAL_2018 = 10319 // 'Sacred Scouts 6v6 Gold Medal' const ID_SACRED_SCOUTS_6V6_SILVER_MEDAL_2018 = 10320 // 'Sacred Scouts 6v6 Silver Medal' const ID_SACRED_SCOUTS_6V6_BRONZE_MEDAL_2018 = 10321 // 'Sacred Scouts 6v6 Bronze Medal' const ID_SACRED_SCOUTS_6V6_PARTICIPANT_2018 = 10322 // 'Sacred Scouts 6v6 Participant' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_31 = 10323 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_31 = 10324 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_31 = 10325 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_31 = 10326 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Participation Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_31 = 10327 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_31 = 10328 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_31 = 10329 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_31 = 10330 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_31 = 10331 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_31 = 10332 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_31 = 10333 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_31 = 10334 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_31 = 10335 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_31 = 10336 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_31 = 10337 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_31 = 10338 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_31 = 10339 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_31 = 10340 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_31 = 10341 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_31 = 10342 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_31 = 10343 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_31 = 10344 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_31 = 10345 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_31 = 10346 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_31 = 10347 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_31 = 10348 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_31 = 10349 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_17 = 10350 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_17 = 10351 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Silver Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_17 = 10352 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Bronze Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_17 = 10353 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Participati...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_17 = 10354 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_17 = 10355 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_17 = 10356 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_17 = 10357 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_17 = 10358 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_17 = 10359 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_17 = 10360 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_17 = 10361 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_17 = 10362 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_17 = 10363 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_17 = 10364 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_17 = 10365 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_17 = 10366 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_17 = 10367 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_17 = 10368 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_17 = 10369 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_17 = 10370 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_17 = 10371 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Participation Meda...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_OPEN_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 10372 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open First Place' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_OPEN_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 10373 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open Second Place' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_OPEN_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 10374 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open Third Place' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 10375 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Open Participant' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_INVITE_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 10376 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite First Place' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_INVITE_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 10377 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite Second Place' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_INVITE_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 10378 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite Third Place' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 10379 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite Participant' const ID_LAN_DOWNUNDER_1ST_PLACE_2018 = 10380 // 'LAN Downunder 1st Place' const ID_LAN_DOWNUNDER_2ND_PLACE_2018 = 10381 // 'LAN Downunder 2nd Place' const ID_LAN_DOWNUNDER_3RD_PLACE_2018 = 10382 // 'LAN Downunder 3rd Place' const ID_LAN_DOWNUNDER_PARTICIPANT_2018 = 10383 // 'LAN Downunder Participant' const ID_RUSSIAN_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10384 // 'Russian Highlander 1st Place' const ID_RUSSIAN_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10385 // 'Russian Highlander 2nd Place' const ID_RUSSIAN_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10386 // 'Russian Highlander 3rd Place' const ID_RUSSIAN_HIGHLANDER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 10387 // 'Russian Highlander Participant' const ID_RUSSIAN_HIGHLANDER_STAFF_SEASON_1 = 10388 // 'Russian Highlander Staff' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_LAN_1ST_PLACE_2018 = 10389 // 'AsiaFortress LAN 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_LAN_2ND_PLACE_2018 = 10390 // 'AsiaFortress LAN 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_LAN_3RD_PLACE_2018 = 10391 // 'AsiaFortress LAN 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_LAN_PARTICIPANT_2018 = 10392 // 'AsiaFortress LAN Participant' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_LAN_ATTENDEE_2018 = 10393 // 'AsiaFortress LAN Attendee' const ID_NEWBIDUO_CUP_1ST_PLACE_WINTER_2018 = 10394 // 'NewbiDuo Cup 1st Place' const ID_NEWBIDUO_CUP_2ND_PLACE_WINTER_2018 = 10395 // 'NewbiDuo Cup 2nd Place' const ID_NEWBIDUO_CUP_3RD_PLACE_WINTER_2018 = 10396 // 'NewbiDuo Cup 3rd Place' const ID_NEWBIDUO_CUP_PARTICIPANT_WINTER_2018 = 10397 // 'NewbiDuo Cup Participant' const ID_NEWBIDUO_CUP_HELPER_WINTER_2018 = 10398 // 'NewbiDuo Cup Helper' const ID_STREAMER_CUP_GOLD_MEDAL_CUP_1 = 10399 // 'Streamer Cup Gold Medal' const ID_STREAMER_CUP_SILVER_MEDAL_CUP_1 = 10400 // 'Streamer Cup Silver Medal' const ID_STREAMER_CUP_BRONZE_MEDAL_CUP_1 = 10401 // 'Streamer Cup Bronze Medal' const ID_STREAMER_CUP_PARTICIPANT_CUP_1 = 10402 // 'Streamer Cup Participant' const ID_STREAMER_CUP_STAFF_CUP_1 = 10403 // 'Streamer Cup Staff' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_4V4_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10404 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ 4v4 1st Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_4V4_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10405 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ 4v4 2nd Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_4V4_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10406 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ 4v4 3rd Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_4V4_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 10407 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ 4v4 Participant' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_4V4_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10408 // 'Respawn League ASIA 4v4 1st Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_4V4_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10409 // 'Respawn League ASIA 4v4 2nd Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_4V4_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10410 // 'Respawn League ASIA 4v4 3rd Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_4V4_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 10411 // 'Respawn League ASIA 4v4 Participant' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10412 // 'Respawn League ASIA Highlander 1st Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10413 // 'Respawn League ASIA Highlander 2nd Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10414 // 'Respawn League ASIA Highlander 3rd Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_HIGHLANDER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 10415 // 'Respawn League ASIA Highlander Participa...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 10416 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander 1st Pla...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 10417 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander 2nd Pla...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 10418 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander 3rd Pla...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 10419 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Partici...' const ID_EU_MIXES_1ST_PLACE_CUP_1 = 10420 // 'Eu Mixes 1st Place' const ID_EU_MIXES_2ND_PLACE_CUP_1 = 10421 // 'Eu Mixes 2nd Place' const ID_EU_MIXES_3RD_PLACE_CUP_1 = 10422 // 'Eu Mixes 3rd Place' const ID_EU_MIXES_PLAYOFF_CUP_1 = 10423 // 'Eu Mixes Playoff' const ID_EU_MIXES_PARTICIPANT_CUP_1 = 10424 // 'Eu Mixes Participant' const ID_EU_MIXES_STAFF_CUP_1 = 10425 // 'Eu Mixes Staff' const ID_KNIGHTCOMP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 10426 // 'KnightComp Gold Medal' const ID_KNIGHTCOMP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 10427 // 'KnightComp Silver Medal' const ID_KNIGHTCOMP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 10428 // 'KnightComp Bronze Medal' const ID_KNIGHTCOMP_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 10429 // 'KnightComp Participant' const ID_KNIGHTCOMP_HELPER_SEASON_1 = 10430 // 'KnightComp Helper' const ID_NHBL_NATASCHA_HEAVYWEIGHT_CHAMPION_SEASON_8 = 10431 // 'NHBL 2nd Natascha Heavyweight Champion' const ID_NHBL_FINALS_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_8 = 10432 // 'NHBL Finals Participant' const ID_NHBL_FINALS_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 10433 // 'NHBL Finals 2nd Place' const ID_NHBL_FINALS_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 10434 // 'NHBL Finals 3rd Place' const ID_NHBL_FINALS_4TH_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 10435 // 'NHBL Finals 4th Place' const ID_TFCL_20_TESTER = 10436 // 'TFCL 2.0 Tester' const ID_RUSSIAN_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 10437 // 'Russian Highlander 1st Place' const ID_RUSSIAN_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 10438 // 'Russian Highlander 2nd Place' const ID_RUSSIAN_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 10439 // 'Russian Highlander 3rd Place' const ID_RUSSIAN_HIGHLANDER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 10440 // 'Russian Highlander Participant' const ID_RUSSIAN_HIGHLANDER_STAFF_SEASON_2 = 10441 // 'Russian Highlander Staff' const ID_MADNESS_VS_MACHINES_BURNISHED_BERYL_2019 = 10442 // 'Madness vs Machines Burnished Beryl 2019' const ID_MADNESS_VS_MACHINES_GRANDIOSE_GARNET_2019 = 10443 // 'Madness vs Machines Grandiose Garnet 201...' const ID_MADNESS_VS_MACHINES_TEMPERED_TOURMALINE_2019 = 10444 // 'Madness vs Machines Tempered Tourmaline ...' const ID_MADNESS_VS_MACHINES_ROYAL_RHODONITE_2019 = 10445 // 'Madness vs Machines Royal Rhodonite 2019' const ID_MADNESS_VS_MACHINES_CHAOTIC_CRYSTAL_2019 = 10446 // 'Madness vs Machines Chaotic Crystal 2019' const ID_MADNESS_VS_MACHINES_HOPEFUL_HEART_2019 = 10447 // 'Madness vs Machines Hopeful Heart 2019' const ID_MADNESS_VS_MACHINES_BOUNDLESS_HEART_2019 = 10448 // 'Madness vs Machines Boundless Heart 2019' const ID_MADNESS_VS_MACHINES_PINNACLE_OF_INGENUITY_2019 = 10449 // 'Madness vs Machines Pinnacle of Ingenuit...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_1 = 10450 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Champions - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10451 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10452 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 10453 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Participant - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_1 = 10454 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Champions - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10455 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 2nd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10456 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 3rd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 10457 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Participant - Highland...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_1 = 10458 // 'RGL.gg - Main Champions - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10459 // 'RGL.gg - Main 2nd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10460 // 'RGL.gg - Main 3rd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 10461 // 'RGL.gg - Main Participant - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_1 = 10462 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Champions - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10463 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 2nd Place - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10464 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 3rd Place - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 10465 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Participant - High...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 10466 // 'RGL.gg - Open Participant - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_DIV1_CHAMPIONS_AU_SEASON_1 = 10467 // 'RGL.gg - Div1 Champions AU' const ID_RGLGG_DIV1_2ND_PLACE_AU_SEASON_1 = 10468 // 'RGL.gg - Div1 2nd Place AU' const ID_RGLGG_DIV1_3RD_PLACE_AU_SEASON_1 = 10469 // 'RGL.gg - Div1 3rd Place AU' const ID_RGLGG_DIV1_PARTICIPANT_AU_SEASON_1 = 10470 // 'RGL.gg - Div1 Participant AU' const ID_RGLGG_STAFF_AU_SEASON_1 = 10471 // 'RGL.gg - Staff AU' const ID_RGLGG_DIV2_CHAMPIONS_AU_SEASON_1 = 10472 // 'RGL.gg - Div2 Champions AU' const ID_RGLGG_DIV2_2ND_PLACE_AU_SEASON_1 = 10473 // 'RGL.gg - Div2 2nd Place AU' const ID_RGLGG_DIV2_3RD_PLACE_AU_SEASON_1 = 10474 // 'RGL.gg - Div2 3rd Place AU' const ID_RGLGG_DIV2_PARTICIPANT_AU_SEASON_1 = 10475 // 'RGL.gg - Div2 Participant AU' const ID_RGLGG_ONE_DAY_PROLANDER_CUP_NORTH_AMERICA_SPRING_2019_1 = 10476 // 'RGL.gg One Day Prolander Cup - NA #1' const ID_RGLGG_ONE_DAY_PROLANDER_CUP_NORTH_AMERICA_SPRING_2019_2 = 10477 // 'RGL.gg One Day Prolander Cup - NA #2' const ID_RGLGG_ONE_DAY_PROLANDER_CUP_NORTH_AMERICA_STAFF_SPRING_2019_1 = 10478 // 'RGL.gg Staff - One Day Prolander Cup - N...' const ID_RGLGG_ONE_DAY_PROLANDER_CUP_NORTH_AMERICA_STAFF_SPRING_2019_2 = 10479 // 'RGL.gg Staff - One Day Prolander Cup - N...' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 10480 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander Gold Medal' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 10481 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander Silver Medal' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 10482 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander Bronze Medal' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 10483 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander Participant' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_STAFF_SEASON_1 = 10484 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander Staff' const ID_NEW_CAPS_CUP_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10485 // 'New Caps Cup 1st Place' const ID_NEW_CAPS_CUP_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10486 // 'New Caps Cup 2nd Place' const ID_NEW_CAPS_CUP_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10487 // 'New Caps Cup 3rd Place' const ID_NEW_CAPS_CUP_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 10488 // 'New Caps Cup Participant' const ID_UDL_GOLD_MEDAL_SPRING_2019 = 10489 // 'United Dodgeball League Gold Medal' const ID_UDL_SILVER_MEDAL_SPRING_2019 = 10490 // 'United Dodgeball League Silver Medal' const ID_UDL_BRONZE_MEDAL_SPRING_2019 = 10491 // 'United Dodgeball League Bronze Medal' const ID_UDL_PARTICIPANT_SPRING_2019 = 10492 // 'United Dodgeball League Participant' const ID_UDL_SUPPORTER_SPRING_2019 = 10493 // 'United Dodgeball League Supporter' const ID_RASSLABYXA_CUP_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10494 // 'Rasslabyxa Cup 1st Place' const ID_RASSLABYXA_CUP_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10495 // 'Rasslabyxa Cup 2nd Place' const ID_RASSLABYXA_CUP_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10496 // 'Rasslabyxa Cup 3rd Place' const ID_RASSLABYXA_CUP_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 10497 // 'Rasslabyxa Cup Participant' const ID_RASSLABYXA_CUP_HELPER_SEASON_1 = 10498 // 'Rasslabyxa Cup Helper' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_24 = 10499 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_24 = 10500 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_24 = 10501 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_24 = 10502 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_24 = 10503 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate First Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_24 = 10504 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Second Pla...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_24 = 10505 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Third Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_24 = 10506 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Participan...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_24 = 10507 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_24 = 10508 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_24 = 10509 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_24 = 10510 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Participant' const ID_AUSTRALIAN_HIGHTOWER_HIGHJINX_CHAMPION_2019 = 10511 // 'Australian Hightower Highjinx Champion' const ID_AUSTRALIAN_HIGHTOWER_HIGHJINX_PARTICIPANT_2019 = 10512 // 'Australian Hightower Highjinx Participan...' const ID_AUSTRALIAN_HIGHTOWER_HIGHJINX_DONOR_2019 = 10513 // 'Australian Hightower Highjinx Donor' const ID_AUSTRALIAN_HIGHTOWER_HIGHJINX_HELPER_2019 = 10514 // 'Australian Hightower Highjinx Helper' const ID_ULTIMATE_ULTIDUO_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 10515 // 'Ultimate Ultiduo 1st Place' const ID_ULTIMATE_ULTIDUO_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 10516 // 'Ultimate Ultiduo 2nd Place' const ID_ULTIMATE_ULTIDUO_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 10517 // 'Ultimate Ultiduo 3rd Place' const ID_ULTIMATE_ULTIDUO_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 10518 // 'Ultimate Ultiduo Participant' const ID_ULTIMATE_ULTIDUO_HELPER_SEASON_3 = 10519 // 'Ultimate Ultiduo Helper' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_SOLDIER_1ST_PLACE_DIVISION_1_SEASON_1 = 10520 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Divisio...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_SOLDIER_2ND_PLACE_DIVISION_1_SEASON_1 = 10521 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Divisio...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_SOLDIER_3RD_PLACE_DIVISION_1_SEASON_1 = 10522 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Divisio...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_SOLDIER_PARTICIPANT_DIVISION_1_SEASON_1 = 10523 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Divisio...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_SOLDIER_1ST_PLACE_DIVISION_2_SEASON_1 = 10524 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Divisio...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_SOLDIER_2ND_PLACE_DIVISION_2_SEASON_1 = 10525 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Divisio...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_SOLDIER_3RD_PLACE_DIVISION_2_SEASON_1 = 10526 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Divisio...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_SOLDIER_PARTICIPANT_DIVISION_2_SEASON_1 = 10527 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Divisio...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_DEMOMAN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10528 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman First P...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_DEMOMAN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10529 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Second ...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_DEMOMAN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10530 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Third P...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_DEMOMAN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 10531 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Partici...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_HELPER_SEASON_1 = 10532 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Helper' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_EXPERIMENTAL_MAPS_CUP_WINTER_2018 = 10533 // 'RGL.gg Highlander Experimental Maps Cup' const ID_RETF2_RETROSPECTIVE_2_ULTIDUO_WINNER_SEASON_2_2015 = 10534 // 'RETF2 Retrospective 2 Ultiduo Winner Sea...' const ID_RETF2_RETROSPECTIVE_2_ULTIDUO_FINALIST_SEASON_2_2015 = 10535 // 'RETF2 Retrospective 2 Ultiduo Finalist S...' const ID_RETF2_RETROSPECTIVE_2_ULTIDUO_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2_2015 = 10536 // 'RETF2 Retrospective 2 Ultiduo Participan...' const ID_RETF2_RETROSPECTIVE_2_6V6_NEWBIE_WINNER_SEASON_2_2015 = 10537 // 'RETF2 Retrospective 2 6v6 Newbie Winner ...' const ID_RETF2_RETROSPECTIVE_2_6V6_NEWBIE_FINALIST_SEASON_2_2015 = 10538 // 'RETF2 Retrospective 2 6v6 Newbie Finalis...' const ID_RETF2_RETROSPECTIVE_2_6V6_NEWBIE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2_2015 = 10539 // 'RETF2 Retrospective 2 6v6 Newbie Partici...' const ID_RETF2_RETROSPECTIVE_2_ARENA_RESPAWN_WINNER_SEASON_2_2015 = 10540 // 'RETF2 Retrospective 2 Arena: Respawn Win...' const ID_RETF2_RETROSPECTIVE_2_ARENA_RESPAWN_FINALIST_SEASON_2_2015 = 10541 // 'RETF2 Retrospective 2 Arena: Respawn Fin...' const ID_RETF2_RETROSPECTIVE_2_ARENA_RESPAWN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2_2015 = 10542 // 'RETF2 Retrospective 2 Arena: Respawn Par...' const ID_RETF2_RETROSPECTIVE_2_HIGHLANDER_WINNER_SEASON_2_2015 = 10543 // 'RETF2 Retrospective 2 Highlander Winner ...' const ID_RETF2_RETROSPECTIVE_2_HIGHLANDER_FINALIST_SEASON_2_2015 = 10544 // 'RETF2 Retrospective 2 Highlander Finalis...' const ID_RETF2_RETROSPECTIVE_2_HIGHLANDER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2_2015 = 10545 // 'RETF2 Retrospective 2 Highlander Partici...' const ID_RETF2_RETROSPECTIVE_2_RSP_WINNER_SEASON_2_2015 = 10546 // 'RETF2 Retrospective 2 Ready Steady Pan! ...' const ID_RETF2_RETROSPECTIVE_2_RSP_FINALIST_SEASON_2_2015 = 10547 // 'RETF2 Retrospective 2 Ready Steady Pan! ...' const ID_RETF2_RETROSPECTIVE_2_RSP_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2_2015 = 10548 // 'RETF2 Retrospective 2 Ready Steady Pan! ...' const ID_RETF2_RETROSPECTIVE_2_6V6_SENIOR_WINNER_SEASON_2_2015 = 10549 // 'RETF2 Retrospective 2 6v6 Senior Winner ...' const ID_RETF2_RETROSPECTIVE_2_6V6_SENIOR_FINALIST_SEASON_2_2015 = 10550 // 'RETF2 Retrospective 2 6v6 Senior Finalis...' const ID_RETF2_RETROSPECTIVE_2_6V6_SENIOR_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2_2015 = 10551 // 'RETF2 Retrospective 2 6v6 Senior Partici...' const ID_RETF2_RETROSPECTIVE_2_CONTRIBUTOR_SEASON_2_2015 = 10552 // 'RETF2 Retrospective 2 Contributor Season...' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_32 = 10553 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_32 = 10554 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_32 = 10555 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_32 = 10556 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Participation Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_32 = 10557 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_32 = 10558 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_32 = 10559 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_32 = 10560 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_32 = 10561 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_32 = 10562 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_32 = 10563 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_32 = 10564 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_32 = 10565 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_32 = 10566 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_32 = 10567 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_32 = 10568 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_32 = 10569 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_32 = 10570 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_32 = 10571 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_32 = 10572 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_32 = 10573 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_32 = 10574 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_32 = 10575 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_32 = 10576 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_32 = 10577 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_32 = 10578 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_32 = 10579 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_18 = 10580 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_18 = 10581 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Silver Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_18 = 10582 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Bronze Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_18 = 10583 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Participati...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_18 = 10584 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_18 = 10585 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_18 = 10586 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_18 = 10587 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_18 = 10588 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_18 = 10589 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_18 = 10590 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_18 = 10591 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_18 = 10592 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_18 = 10593 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_18 = 10594 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_18 = 10595 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_18 = 10596 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_18 = 10597 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_18 = 10598 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_18 = 10599 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_18 = 10600 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_18 = 10601 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Participation Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_FRESH_MEAT_CHALLENGE_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_2 = 10602 // 'ETF2L Fresh Meat Challenge Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_FRESH_MEAT_CHALLENGE_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_2 = 10603 // 'ETF2L Fresh Meat Challenge Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_FRESH_MEAT_CHALLENGE_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_2 = 10604 // 'ETF2L Fresh Meat Challenge Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_FRESH_MEAT_CHALLENGE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 10605 // 'ETF2L Fresh Meat Challenge Participation...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_INVITE_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10606 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Invi...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_INVITE_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10607 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Invi...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_INVITE_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10608 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Invi...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 10609 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Invi...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10610 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Inte...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10611 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Inte...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10612 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Inte...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 10613 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Inte...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_OPEN_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10614 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Open...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_OPEN_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10615 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Open...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_OPEN_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10616 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Open...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 10617 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Open...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_SUPPORTER_SEASON_1 = 10618 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Supp...' const ID_ASIA_BBALL_CUP_1ST_PLACE_2018 = 10619 // 'Asia BBall Cup 1st Place' const ID_ASIA_BBALL_CUP_2ND_PLACE_2018 = 10620 // 'Asia BBall Cup 2nd Place' const ID_ASIA_BBALL_CUP_3RD_PLACE_2018 = 10621 // 'Asia BBall Cup 3rd Place' const ID_ASIA_BBALL_CUP_PARTICIPANT_2018 = 10622 // 'Asia BBall Cup Participant' const ID_PALAISE_LIMITLESS_6V6_CHAMPION = 10623 // 'Palaise Limitless 6v6 Champion' const ID_PALAISE_LIMITLESS_6V6_RUNNER_UP = 10624 // 'Palaise Limitless 6v6 Runner-Up' const ID_PALAISE_LIMITLESS_6V6_PARTICIPANT = 10625 // 'Palaise Limitless 6v6 Participant' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 10626 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander 1st Pla...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 10627 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander 2nd Pla...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 10628 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander 3rd Pla...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 10629 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Partici...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_4V4_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 10630 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ 4v4 1st Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_4V4_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 10631 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ 4v4 2nd Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_4V4_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 10632 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ 4v4 3rd Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_4V4_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 10633 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ 4v4 Participant' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_4V4_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 10634 // 'Respawn League ASIA 4v4 1st Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_4V4_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 10635 // 'Respawn League ASIA 4v4 2nd Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_4V4_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 10636 // 'Respawn League ASIA 4v4 3rd Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_4V4_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 10637 // 'Respawn League ASIA 4v4 Participant' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 10638 // 'Respawn League ASIA Highlander 1st Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 10639 // 'Respawn League ASIA Highlander 2nd Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 10640 // 'Respawn League ASIA Highlander 3rd Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_HIGHLANDER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 10641 // 'Respawn League ASIA Highlander Participa...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_HALLOWEEN_FIRST_2018 = 10642 // 'First Scary' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_HALLOWEEN_SECOND_2018 = 10643 // 'Second Spell' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_HALLOWEEN_THIRD_2018 = 10644 // 'Third Monstrosity' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_HALLOWEEN_PLAYOFFS_2018 = 10645 // 'Friday's Playoff' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_HALLOWEEN_PARTICIPANT_2018 = 10646 // 'Vampiric Participant' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_HALLOWEEN_ASSISTANT_2018 = 10647 // 'Cursed Assistant' const ID_CLTF2_PROLANDER_TOURNAMENT_GOLD_MEDAL = 10648 // 'CLTF2 Prolander Tournament Gold Medal' const ID_CLTF2_PROLANDER_TOURNAMENT_SILVER_MEDAL = 10649 // 'CLTF2 Prolander Tournament Silver Medal' const ID_CLTF2_PROLANDER_TOURNAMENT_BRONZE_MEDAL = 10650 // 'CLTF2 Prolander Tournament Bronze Medal' const ID_CLTF2_PROLANDER_TOURNAMENT_PARTICIPANT = 10651 // 'CLTF2 Prolander Tournament Participant' const ID_CLTF2_PROLANDER_TOURNAMENT_SUPPORTER = 10652 // 'CLTF2 Prolander Tournament Supporter' const ID_MEMES_VS_MACHINES_PLAYER_2019 = 10653 // 'Memes vs. Machines Baked Potato 2019' const ID_MEMES_VS_MACHINES_CREATOR_2019 = 10654 // 'Memes vs. Machines PotatOS Server 2019' const ID_FBTF2_4V4_ELITE_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10655 // 'FBTF 4v4 Elite 1st Place' const ID_FBTF2_4V4_ELITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10656 // 'FBTF 4v4 Elite 2nd Place' const ID_FBTF2_4V4_ELITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10657 // 'FBTF 4v4 Elite 3rd Place' const ID_FBTF2_4V4_ELITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 10658 // 'FBTF 4v4 Elite Participant' const ID_FBTF2_4V4_ACCESS_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10659 // 'FBTF 4v4 Access 1st Place' const ID_FBTF2_4V4_ACCESS_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10660 // 'FBTF 4v4 Access 2nd Place' const ID_FBTF2_4V4_ACCESS_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10661 // 'FBTF 4v4 Access 3rd Place' const ID_FBTF2_4V4_ACCESS_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 10662 // 'FBTF 4v4 Access Participant' const ID_FBTF2_4V4_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10663 // 'FBTF 4v4 Open 1st Place' const ID_FBTF2_4V4_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10664 // 'FBTF 4v4 Open 2nd Place' const ID_FBTF2_4V4_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10665 // 'FBTF 4v4 Open 3rd Place' const ID_FBTF2_4V4_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 10666 // 'FBTF 4v4 Open Participant' const ID_TFARENA_6V6_ARENA_MODE_CUP_GOLD = 10667 // 'TFArena Gold Medal' const ID_TFARENA_6V6_ARENA_MODE_CUP_SILVER = 10668 // 'TFArena Silver Medal' const ID_TFARENA_6V6_ARENA_MODE_CUP_BRONZE = 10669 // 'TFArena Bronze Medal' const ID_TFARENA_6V6_ARENA_MODE_CUP_PARTICIPANT = 10670 // 'TFArena Participation Medal' const ID_TFARENA_6V6_ARENA_MODE_CUP_HELPER = 10671 // 'TFArena Helper Medal' const ID_COPENHAGEN_GAMES_6V6_GOLD_MEDAL_2019 = 10672 // 'Copenhagen Games 6v6 1st Place' const ID_COPENHAGEN_GAMES_6V6_SILVER_MEDAL_2019 = 10673 // 'Copenhagen Games 6v6 2nd Place' const ID_COPENHAGEN_GAMES_6V6_BRONZE_MEDAL_2019 = 10674 // 'Copenhagen Games 6v6 3rd Place' const ID_COPENHAGEN_GAMES_HIGHLANDER_GOLD_MEDAL_2019 = 10675 // 'Copenhagen Games Highlander 1st Place' const ID_COPENHAGEN_GAMES_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_MEDAL_2019 = 10676 // 'Copenhagen Games Highlander 2nd Place' const ID_COPENHAGEN_GAMES_HIGHLANDER_BRONZE_MEDAL_2019 = 10677 // 'Copenhagen Games Highlander 3rd Place' const ID_COPENHAGEN_GAMES_PARTICIPANT_2019 = 10678 // 'Copenhagen Games Participant' const ID_COPENHAGEN_GAMES_STAFF_2019 = 10679 // 'Copenhagen Games Staff' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 10680 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Open 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 10681 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Open 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 10682 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Open 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 10683 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Open Participant' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 10684 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Main 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 10685 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Main 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 10686 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Main 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 10687 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Main Participant' const ID_CAP_THAT_CUP_1ST_PLACE = 10688 // 'Cap that Cup 1st Place' const ID_CAP_THAT_CUP_2ND_PLACE = 10689 // 'Cap that Cup 2nd Place' const ID_CAP_THAT_CUP_3RD_PLACE = 10690 // 'Cap that Cup 3rd Place' const ID_CAP_THAT_CUP_PARTICIPANT = 10691 // 'Cap that Cup Participant' const ID_CAP_THAT_CUP_STAFF = 10692 // 'Cap that Cup Staff' const ID_EUROLANDER_PREMIER_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 10693 // 'EuroLander Premier Gold Medal' const ID_EUROLANDER_PREMIER_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 10694 // 'EuroLander Premier Silver Medal' const ID_EUROLANDER_PREMIER_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 10695 // 'EuroLander Premier Bronze Medal' const ID_EUROLANDER_PREMIER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 10696 // 'EuroLander Premier Participant' const ID_EUROLANDER_SUPPORTER = 10697 // 'EuroLander Supporter' const ID_EUROLANDER_MAIN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 10698 // 'EuroLander Main Gold Medal' const ID_EUROLANDER_MAIN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 10699 // 'EuroLander Main Silver Medal' const ID_EUROLANDER_MAIN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 10700 // 'EuroLander Main Bronze Medal' const ID_EUROLANDER_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 10701 // 'EuroLander Main Participant' const ID_EUROLANDER_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 10702 // 'EuroLander Open Gold Medal' const ID_EUROLANDER_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 10703 // 'EuroLander Open Silver Medal' const ID_EUROLANDER_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 10704 // 'EuroLander Open Bronze Medal' const ID_EUROLANDER_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 10705 // 'EuroLander Open Participant' const ID_CLASSIC_MGE_CUP_GOLD_MEDAL_SPRING_2019 = 10706 // 'Classic MGE Cup 1st Place' const ID_CLASSIC_MGE_CUP_SILVER_MEDAL_SPRING_2019 = 10707 // 'Classic MGE Cup 2nd Place' const ID_CLASSIC_MGE_CUP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SPRING_2019 = 10708 // 'Classic MGE Cup 3rd Place' const ID_CLASSIC_MGE_CUP_PARTICIPANT_SPRING_2019 = 10709 // 'Classic MGE Cup Participant' const ID_CLASSIC_MGE_CUP_HELPER_SPRING_2019 = 10710 // 'Classic MGE Cup Helper' const ID_LATE_NIGHT_TF2_CUP_GOLD_MEDAL_SUMMER_2019 = 10711 // 'Late Night TF2 Cup Gold Medal' const ID_LATE_NIGHT_TF2_CUP_SILVER_MEDAL_SUMMER_2019 = 10712 // 'Late Night TF2 Cup Silver Medal' const ID_LATE_NIGHT_TF2_CUP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SUMMER_2019 = 10713 // 'Late Night TF2 Cup Bronze Medal' const ID_LATE_NIGHT_TF2_CUP_PARTICIPANT_SUMMER_2019 = 10714 // 'Late Night TF2 Cup Participant' const ID_LATE_NIGHT_TF2_CUP_HELPER_SUMMER_2019 = 10715 // 'Late Night TF2 Cup Helper' const ID_EBL_1ST_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 10716 // 'EBL 1st Place Medal' const ID_EBL_2ND_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 10717 // 'EBL 2nd Place Medal' const ID_EBL_3RD_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_1 = 10718 // 'EBL 3rd Place Medal' const ID_EBL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 10719 // 'EBL Participant' const ID_EBL_STAFF_SEASON_1 = 10720 // 'EBL Staff' const ID_HLMIXES_FIRST_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_2 = 10721 // 'HLMixes Showdown 1st Place Medal' const ID_HLMIXES_FINALIST_MEDAL_SEASON_2 = 10722 // 'HLMixes Showdown Finalist Medal' const ID_HLMIXES_PARTICIPANT_MEDAL_SEASON_2 = 10723 // 'HLMixes Showdown Participant Medal' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_6 = 10724 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Champions' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 10725 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 10726 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_6 = 10727 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Participant' const ID_RGLGG_DIV1_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_6 = 10728 // 'RGL.gg - Div1 Champions' const ID_RGLGG_DIV1_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 10729 // 'RGL.gg - Div1 2nd Place' const ID_RGLGG_DIV1_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 10730 // 'RGL.gg - Div1 3rd Place' const ID_RGLGG_DIV1_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_6 = 10731 // 'RGL.gg - Div1 Participant' const ID_RGLGG_DIV2_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_6 = 10732 // 'RGL.gg - Div2 Champions' const ID_RGLGG_DIV2_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 10733 // 'RGL.gg - Div2 2nd Place' const ID_RGLGG_DIV2_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 10734 // 'RGL.gg - Div2 3rd Place' const ID_RGLGG_DIV2_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_6 = 10735 // 'RGL.gg - Div2 Participant' const ID_RGLGG_DIV3_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_6 = 10736 // 'RGL.gg - Div3 Champions' const ID_RGLGG_DIV3_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 10737 // 'RGL.gg - Div3 2nd Place' const ID_RGLGG_DIV3_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 10738 // 'RGL.gg - Div3 3rd Place' const ID_RGLGG_DIV3_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_6 = 10739 // 'RGL.gg - Div3 Participant' const ID_RGLGG_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_6 = 10740 // 'RGL.gg - Open Participant' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_CHAMPIONS_EU_SEASON_3 = 10741 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Invite Champions' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_EU_SEASON_3 = 10742 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_EU_SEASON_3 = 10743 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_EU_SEASON_3 = 10744 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Invite Participant' const ID_RGLGG_DIV2_CHAMPIONS_EU_SEASON_3 = 10745 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Div2 Champions' const ID_RGLGG_DIV2_2ND_PLACE_EU_SEASON_3 = 10746 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Div2 2nd Place' const ID_RGLGG_DIV2_3RD_PLACE_EU_SEASON_3 = 10747 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Div2 3rd Place' const ID_RGLGG_DIV2_PARTICIPANT_EU_SEASON_3 = 10748 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Div2 Participant' const ID_RGLGG_DIV3_CHAMPIONS_EU_SEASON_3 = 10749 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Div3 Champions' const ID_RGLGG_DIV3_2ND_PLACE_EU_SEASON_3 = 10750 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Div3 2nd Place' const ID_RGLGG_DIV3_3RD_PLACE_EU_SEASON_3 = 10751 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Div3 3rd Place' const ID_RGLGG_DIV3_PARTICIPANT_EU_SEASON_3 = 10752 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Div3 Participant' const ID_RGLGG_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_EU_SEASON_3 = 10753 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Open Participant' const ID_RGLGG_DIV1_CHAMPIONS_AU_SEASON_2 = 10754 // 'RGL.gg - Div1 Champions AU' const ID_RGLGG_DIV1_2ND_PLACE_AU_SEASON_2 = 10755 // 'RGL.gg - Div1 2nd Place AU' const ID_RGLGG_DIV1_3RD_PLACE_AU_SEASON_2 = 10756 // 'RGL.gg - Div1 3rd Place AU' const ID_RGLGG_DIV1_PARTICIPANT_AU_SEASON_2 = 10757 // 'RGL.gg - Div1 Participant AU' const ID_RGLGG_DIV2_CHAMPIONS_AU_SEASON_2 = 10758 // 'RGL.gg - Div2 Champions AU' const ID_RGLGG_DIV2_2ND_PLACE_AU_SEASON_2 = 10759 // 'RGL.gg - Div2 2nd Place AU' const ID_RGLGG_DIV2_3RD_PLACE_AU_SEASON_2 = 10760 // 'RGL.gg - Div2 3rd Place AU' const ID_RGLGG_DIV2_PARTICIPANT_AU_SEASON_2 = 10761 // 'RGL.gg - Div2 Participant AU' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_2 = 10762 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Champions - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 10763 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 10764 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 10765 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Participant - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_2 = 10766 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Champions - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 10767 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 2nd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 10768 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 3rd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 10769 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Participant - Highland...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_2 = 10770 // 'RGL.gg - Main Champions - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 10771 // 'RGL.gg - Main 2nd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 10772 // 'RGL.gg - Main 3rd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 10773 // 'RGL.gg - Main Participant - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_2 = 10774 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Champions - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 10775 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 2nd Place - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 10776 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 3rd Place - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 10777 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Participant - High...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 10778 // 'RGL.gg - Open Participant - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_3 = 10779 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Champions - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 10780 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 10781 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 10782 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Participant - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_3 = 10783 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Champions - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 10784 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 2nd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 10785 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 3rd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 10786 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Participant - Highland...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_3 = 10787 // 'RGL.gg - Main Champions - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 10788 // 'RGL.gg - Main 2nd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 10789 // 'RGL.gg - Main 3rd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 10790 // 'RGL.gg - Main Participant - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_3 = 10791 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Champions - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 10792 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 2nd Place - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 10793 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 3rd Place - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 10794 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Participant - High...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 10795 // 'RGL.gg - Open Participant - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_EXPERIMENTAL_MAPS_CUP_SPRING_2019 = 10796 // 'RGL.gg Highlander Experimental Maps Cup' const ID_CLTF2_6V6_HIGH_NO_RESTRICTIONS_GOLD_SEASON_1 = 10797 // 'CLTF2 6v6 High - No Restrictions Tournam...' const ID_CLTF2_6V6_HIGH_NO_RESTRICTIONS_SILVER_SEASON_1 = 10798 // 'CLTF2 6v6 High - No Restrictions Tournam...' const ID_CLTF2_6V6_HIGH_NO_RESTRICTIONS_BRONZE_SEASON_1 = 10799 // 'CLTF2 6v6 High - No Restrictions Tournam...' const ID_CLTF2_6V6_HIGH_NO_RESTRICTIONS_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 10800 // 'CLTF2 6v6 High - No Restrictions Tournam...' const ID_CLTF2_6V6_OPEN_NO_RESTRICTIONS_GOLD_SEASON_1 = 10805 // 'CLTF2 6v6 Open - No Restrictions Tournam...' const ID_CLTF2_6V6_OPEN_NO_RESTRICTIONS_SILVER_SEASON_1 = 10806 // 'CLTF2 6v6 Open - No Restrictions Tournam...' const ID_CLTF2_6V6_OPEN_NO_RESTRICTIONS_BRONZE_SEASON_1 = 10807 // 'CLTF2 6v6 Open - No Restrictions Tournam...' const ID_CLTF2_6V6_OPEN_NO_RESTRICTIONS_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 10808 // 'CLTF2 6v6 Open - No Restrictions Tournam...' const ID_CLTF2_TOURNAMENT_SUPPORTER = 10809 // 'CLTF2 Tournament Supporter' const ID_BBALL_ONE_DAY_CUP_FIRST_PLACE = 10810 // 'BBall One Day Cup First Place' const ID_BBALL_ONE_DAY_CUP_SECOND_PLACE = 10811 // 'BBall One Day Cup Second Place' const ID_BBALL_ONE_DAY_CUP_THIRD_PLACE = 10812 // 'BBall One Day Cup Third Place' const ID_BBALL_ONE_DAY_CUP_PARTICIPANT = 10813 // 'BBall One Day Cup Participant' const ID_BBALL_ONE_DAY_CUP_STAFF = 10814 // 'BBall One Day Cup Staff' const ID_PUGIKLANDER_FIRST_PLACE_SPRING_2019 = 10815 // 'Pugiklander 1st Place' const ID_PUGIKLANDER_SECOND_PLACE_SPRING_2019 = 10816 // 'Pugiklander 2nd Place' const ID_PUGIKLANDER_THIRD_PLACE_SPRING_2019 = 10817 // 'Pugiklander 3rd Place' const ID_PUGIKLANDER_PARTICIPANT_SPRING_2019 = 10818 // 'Pugiklander Participant' const ID_PUGIKLANDER_STAFF_SPRING_2019 = 10819 // 'Pugiklander Staff' const ID_MIDNIGHT_MOON_GOLD_2019 = 10820 // 'MidNight Moon 1st Place' const ID_MIDNIGHT_MOON_SILVER_2019 = 10821 // 'MidNight Moon 2nd Place' const ID_MIDNIGHT_MOON_BRONZE_2019 = 10822 // 'MidNight Moon 3rd Place' const ID_MIDNIGHT_MOON_PARTICIPANT_2019 = 10823 // 'MidNight Moon Participant' const ID_MIDNIGHT_MOON_STAFF_2019 = 10824 // 'MidNight Moon Staff' const ID_UGC_LEAGUE_CONTRIBUTOR_AND_ADMIN_2018 = 10825 // 'UGC League Contributor and Admin' const ID_UGC_LEAGUE_CONTRIBUTOR_AND_ADMIN_2019 = 10826 // 'UGC League Contributor and Admin' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_26 = 10827 // 'UGC Highlander 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_26 = 10828 // 'UGC Highlander 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_26 = 10829 // 'UGC Highlander 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PREMIUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_26 = 10830 // 'UGC Highlander Premium Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_MAIN_SEASON_26 = 10831 // 'UGC Highlander Main 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_MAIN_SEASON_26 = 10832 // 'UGC Highlander Main 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_MAIN_SEASON_26 = 10833 // 'UGC Highlander Main 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_26 = 10834 // 'UGC Highlander Main Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_27 = 10835 // 'UGC Highlander 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_27 = 10836 // 'UGC Highlander 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_27 = 10837 // 'UGC Highlander 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PREMIUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_27 = 10838 // 'UGC Highlander Premium Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_MAIN_SEASON_27 = 10839 // 'UGC Highlander Main 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_MAIN_SEASON_27 = 10840 // 'UGC Highlander Main 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_MAIN_SEASON_27 = 10841 // 'UGC Highlander Main 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_27 = 10842 // 'UGC Highlander Main Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_1ST_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_28 = 10843 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_2ND_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_28 = 10844 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_3RD_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_28 = 10845 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_28 = 10846 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_1ST_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_28 = 10847 // 'UGC 6vs6 Silver 1st Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_2ND_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_28 = 10848 // 'UGC 6vs6 Silver 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_3RD_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_28 = 10849 // 'UGC 6vs6 Silver 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_28 = 10850 // 'UGC 6vs6 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_1ST_PLACE_STEEL_SEASON_28 = 10851 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel 1st Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_2ND_PLACE_STEEL_SEASON_28 = 10852 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_3RD_PLACE_STEEL_SEASON_28 = 10853 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_28 = 10854 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_1ST_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_29 = 10855 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_2ND_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_29 = 10856 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_3RD_PLACE_PLATINUM_SEASON_29 = 10857 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_29 = 10858 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_1ST_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_29 = 10859 // 'UGC 6vs6 Silver 1st Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_2ND_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_29 = 10860 // 'UGC 6vs6 Silver 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_3RD_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_29 = 10861 // 'UGC 6vs6 Silver 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_29 = 10862 // 'UGC 6vs6 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_1ST_PLACE_STEEL_SEASON_29 = 10863 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel 1st Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_2ND_PLACE_STEEL_SEASON_29 = 10864 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_3RD_PLACE_STEEL_SEASON_29 = 10865 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_29 = 10866 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_1ST_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_15 = 10867 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 1st Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_2ND_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_15 = 10868 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_3RD_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_15 = 10869 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_GOLD_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_15 = 10870 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_1ST_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_15 = 10871 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver 1st Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_2ND_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_15 = 10872 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_3RD_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_15 = 10873 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_15 = 10874 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_1ST_PLACE_STEEL_SEASON_15 = 10875 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel 1st Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_2ND_PLACE_STEEL_SEASON_15 = 10876 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_3RD_PLACE_STEEL_SEASON_15 = 10877 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_15 = 10878 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_1ST_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_16 = 10879 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 1st Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_2ND_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_16 = 10880 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_3RD_PLACE_GOLD_SEASON_16 = 10881 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_GOLD_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_16 = 10882 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_1ST_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_16 = 10883 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver 1st Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_2ND_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_16 = 10884 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_3RD_PLACE_SILVER_SEASON_16 = 10885 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_16 = 10886 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_1ST_PLACE_STEEL_SEASON_16 = 10887 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel 1st Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_2ND_PLACE_STEEL_SEASON_16 = 10888 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_3RD_PLACE_STEEL_SEASON_16 = 10889 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_16 = 10890 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel Participant' const ID_RUSSIAN_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 10891 // 'Russian Highlander 1st Place' const ID_RUSSIAN_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 10892 // 'Russian Highlander 2nd Place' const ID_RUSSIAN_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 10893 // 'Russian Highlander 3rd Place' const ID_RUSSIAN_HIGHLANDER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 10894 // 'Russian Highlander Participant' const ID_RUSSIAN_HIGHLANDER_STAFF_SEASON_3 = 10895 // 'Russian Highlander Staff' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_25 = 10896 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_25 = 10897 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_25 = 10898 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_25 = 10899 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_25 = 10900 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate First Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_25 = 10901 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Second Pla...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_25 = 10902 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Third Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_25 = 10903 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Participan...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_25 = 10904 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_25 = 10905 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_25 = 10906 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_25 = 10907 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_25 = 10908 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_25 = 10909 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_25 = 10910 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_25 = 10911 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Participant' const ID_RGLGG_SIXES_INVITE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_1 = 10912 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Champions - No Restricti...' const ID_RGLGG_SIXES_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10913 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place - No Restricti...' const ID_RGLGG_SIXES_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10914 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place - No Restricti...' const ID_RGLGG_SIXES_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 10915 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Participant - No Restric...' const ID_RGLGG_SIXES_DIV1_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_1 = 10916 // 'RGL.gg - Div-1 Champions - No Restrictio...' const ID_RGLGG_SIXES_DIV1_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10917 // 'RGL.gg - Div-1 2nd Place - No Restrictio...' const ID_RGLGG_SIXES_DIV1_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10918 // 'RGL.gg - Div-1 3rd Place - No Restrictio...' const ID_RGLGG_SIXES_DIV1_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 10919 // 'RGL.gg - Div-1 Participant - No Restrict...' const ID_RGLGG_SIXES_DIV2_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_1 = 10920 // 'RGL.gg - Div-2 Champions - No Restrictio...' const ID_RGLGG_SIXES_DIV2_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10921 // 'RGL.gg - Div-2 2nd Place - No Restrictio...' const ID_RGLGG_SIXES_DIV2_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10922 // 'RGL.gg - Div-2 3rd Place - No Restrictio...' const ID_RGLGG_SIXES_DIV2_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 10923 // 'RGL.gg - Div-2 Participant - No Restrict...' const ID_RGLGG_SIXES_DIV3_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_1 = 10924 // 'RGL.gg - Div-3 Champions - No Restrictio...' const ID_RGLGG_SIXES_DIV3_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10925 // 'RGL.gg - Div-3 2nd Place - No Restrictio...' const ID_RGLGG_SIXES_DIV3_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 10926 // 'RGL.gg - Div-3 3rd Place - No Restrictio...' const ID_RGLGG_SIXES_DIV3_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 10927 // 'RGL.gg - Div-3 Participant - No Restrict...' const ID_RGLGG_SIXES_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 10928 // 'RGL.gg - Open Participant - No Restricti...' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_16 = 10929 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_16 = 10930 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_16 = 10931 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_16 = 10932 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite Participant' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_CENTRAL_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_16 = 10933 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Central 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_CENTRAL_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_16 = 10934 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Central 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_CENTRAL_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_16 = 10935 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Central 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_CENTRAL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_16 = 10936 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Central Participant' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_16 = 10937 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_16 = 10938 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_16 = 10939 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_16 = 10940 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access Participant' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_16 = 10941 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_16 = 10942 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_16 = 10943 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_16 = 10944 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open Participant' const ID_EBL_1ST_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_2 = 10945 // 'EBL 1st Place Medal' const ID_EBL_2ND_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_2 = 10946 // 'EBL 2nd Place Medal' const ID_EBL_3RD_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_2 = 10947 // 'EBL 3rd Place Medal' const ID_EBL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 10948 // 'EBL Participant' const ID_EBL_STAFF_SEASON_2 = 10949 // 'EBL Staff' const ID_RGB_4_LAN_1ST_PLACE_2019 = 10950 // 'RGB 4 LAN 1st Place' const ID_RGB_4_LAN_2ND_PLACE_2019 = 10951 // 'RGB 4 LAN 2nd Place' const ID_RGB_4_LAN_3RD_PLACE_2019 = 10952 // 'RGB 4 LAN 3rd Place' const ID_RGB_4_LAN_PARTICIPANT_2019 = 10953 // 'RGB 4 LAN Participant' const ID_NHBL_SASHA_HEAVYWEIGHT_CHAMPION_SEASON_8 = 10954 // 'NHBL 8th Sasha Heavyweight Champion' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_15 = 10955 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_15 = 10956 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_15 = 10957 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_15 = 10958 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 Participant' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_15 = 10959 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_15 = 10960 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_15 = 10961 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_15 = 10962 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 Participant' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_15 = 10963 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_15 = 10964 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_15 = 10965 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_15 = 10966 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 Participant' const ID_ESL_MONTHLY_CHALLENGE_1ST_PLACE_APRIL_2019 = 10967 // 'ESL TF2 Monthly Challenge Final 1st Plac...' const ID_ESL_MONTHLY_CHALLENGE_2ND_PLACE_APRIL_2019 = 10968 // 'ESL TF2 Monthly Challenge Final 2nd Plac...' const ID_ESL_MONTHLY_CHALLENGE_3RD_PLACE_APRIL_2019 = 10969 // 'ESL TF2 Monthly Challenge Final 3rd Plac...' const ID_LAN_DOWNUNDER_1ST_PLACE_2019 = 10970 // 'LAN Downunder 1st Place' const ID_LAN_DOWNUNDER_2ND_PLACE_2019 = 10971 // 'LAN Downunder 2nd Place' const ID_LAN_DOWNUNDER_3RD_PLACE_2019 = 10972 // 'LAN Downunder 3rd Place' const ID_LAN_DOWNUNDER_PARTICIPANT_2019 = 10973 // 'LAN Downunder Participant' const ID_BLAPATURE_CO_BACKER_2019 = 10974 // 'BlapBash Backer 2019' const ID_BLAPATURE_CO_SUPPORTER_2019 = 10975 // 'BlapBash Supporter 2019' const ID_BLAPATURE_CO_BENEFACTOR_2019 = 10976 // 'BlapBash Benefactor 2019' const ID_TF2MAPS_RAY_OF_SUNSHINE_2019 = 10977 // 'TF2Maps Ray of Sunshine 2019' const ID_READY_STEADY_PAN_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 10978 // 'Hotplate Hero' const ID_READY_STEADY_PAN_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 10979 // 'Sous-Chef' const ID_READY_STEADY_PAN_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 10980 // 'Three Star Tipper' const ID_READY_STEADY_PAN_PARTICIPANT_1_SEASON_5 = 10981 // 'Ready Steady Pan Panticipant' const ID_READY_STEADY_PAN_PARTICIPANT_2_SEASON_5 = 10982 // 'Ready Steady Pan Panticipant' const ID_READY_STEADY_PAN_PLAYOFFS_SEASON_5 = 10983 // 'Ready Steady Pan-tastic Playoffs' const ID_READY_STEADY_PAN_TIER_I_DONOR_SEASON_5 = 10984 // 'Ready Steady Pan Tier I Donor' const ID_READY_STEADY_PAN_TIER_II_DONOR_SEASON_5 = 10985 // 'Ready Steady Pan Tier II Donor' const ID_ULTIMATE_ULTIDUO_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 10986 // 'Ultimate Ultiduo 1st Place' const ID_ULTIMATE_ULTIDUO_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 10987 // 'Ultimate Ultiduo 2nd Place' const ID_ULTIMATE_ULTIDUO_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 10988 // 'Ultimate Ultiduo 3rd Place' const ID_ULTIMATE_ULTIDUO_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 10989 // 'Ultimate Ultiduo Participant' const ID_ULTIMATE_ULTIDUO_HELPER_SEASON_4 = 10990 // 'Ultimate Ultiduo Helper' const ID_NEWBIDUO_CUP_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 10991 // 'NewbiDuo Cup 1st Place' const ID_NEWBIDUO_CUP_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 10992 // 'NewbiDuo Cup 2nd Place' const ID_NEWBIDUO_CUP_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 10993 // 'NewbiDuo Cup 3rd Place' const ID_NEWBIDUO_CUP_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 10994 // 'NewbiDuo Cup Participant' const ID_NEWBIDUO_CUP_HELPER_SEASON_3 = 10995 // 'NewbiDuo Cup Helper' const ID_TF2MAPS_72HR_TF2JAM_SUMMER_PARTICIPANT_2019 = 10996 // 'TF2Maps 72hr TF2Jam Summer Participant' const ID_MOSCOW_LAN_1ST_PLACE_SUMMER_2019 = 10997 // 'Moscow LAN 1st Place' const ID_MOSCOW_LAN_2ND_PLACE_SUMMER_2019 = 10998 // 'Moscow LAN 2nd Place' const ID_MOSCOW_LAN_3RD_PLACE_SUMMER_2019 = 10999 // 'Moscow LAN 3rd Place' const ID_MOSCOW_LAN_PARTICIPANT_SUMMER_2019 = 11000 // 'Moscow LAN Participant' const ID_MOSCOW_LAN_HELPER_SUMMER_2019 = 11001 // 'Moscow LAN Staff' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_HIGHPREM_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_2 = 11002 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander High/Prem Gold Me...' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_HIGHPREM_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_2 = 11003 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander High/Prem Silver ...' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_HIGHPREM_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_2 = 11004 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander High/Prem Bronze ...' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_HIGHPREM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 11005 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander High/Prem Partici...' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_STAFF_SEASON_2 = 11006 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander Staff' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_33 = 11007 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_33 = 11008 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_33 = 11009 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_33 = 11010 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Participation Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_33 = 11011 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_33 = 11012 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_33 = 11013 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_33 = 11014 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_33 = 11015 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_33 = 11016 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_33 = 11017 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_33 = 11018 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_33 = 11019 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_33 = 11020 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_33 = 11021 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_33 = 11022 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_33 = 11023 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_33 = 11024 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_33 = 11025 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_33 = 11026 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_33 = 11027 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_33 = 11028 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_33 = 11029 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_33 = 11030 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_33 = 11031 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_33 = 11032 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_33 = 11033 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_19 = 11034 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_19 = 11035 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Silver Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_19 = 11036 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Bronze Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_19 = 11037 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Participati...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_19 = 11038 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_19 = 11039 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_19 = 11040 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_19 = 11041 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_19 = 11042 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_19 = 11043 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_19 = 11044 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_19 = 11045 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_19 = 11046 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_19 = 11047 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_19 = 11048 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_19 = 11049 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_19 = 11050 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_19 = 11051 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_19 = 11052 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_19 = 11053 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_19 = 11054 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_19 = 11055 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Participation Meda...' const ID_INSOMNIA_65_FIRST_PLACE_MEDAL = 11056 // 'Insomnia 65 First Place' const ID_INSOMNIA_65_SECOND_PLACE_MEDAL = 11057 // 'Insomnia 65 Second Place' const ID_INSOMNIA_65_THIRD_PLACE_MEDAL = 11058 // 'Insomnia 65 Third Place' const ID_INSOMNIA_65_PARTICIPANT_MEDAL = 11059 // 'Insomnia 65 Participant' const ID_INSOMNIA_65_CONTRIBUTOR_MEDAL = 11060 // 'Insomnia 65 Contributor' const ID_CAP_THAT_CHARITY_1ST_PLACE_2019 = 11061 // 'Cap that Charity 1st Place' const ID_CAP_THAT_CHARITY_2ND_PLACE_2019 = 11062 // 'Cap that Charity 2nd Place' const ID_CAP_THAT_CHARITY_3RD_PLACE_2019 = 11063 // 'Cap that Charity 3rd Place' const ID_CAP_THAT_CHARITY_PARTICIPANT_2019 = 11064 // 'Cap that Charity Participant' const ID_CAP_THAT_CHARITY_DONOR_2019 = 11065 // 'Cap that Charity Donor' const ID_JAUNTY_TIPPER_2019 = 11066 // 'Jaunty Tipper' const ID_JAUNTY_BENEFACTOR_2019 = 11067 // 'Jaunty Benefactor' const ID_JAUNTY_PHILANTHROPIST_2019 = 11068 // 'Jaunty Philanthropist' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 11069 // 'Respawn League ASIA Highlander 1st Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 11070 // 'Respawn League ASIA Highlander 2nd Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 11071 // 'Respawn League ASIA Highlander 3rd Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_HIGHLANDER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 11072 // 'Respawn League ASIA Highlander Participa...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_APAC_4V4_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 11073 // 'Respawn League APAC 4v4 1st Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_APAC_4V4_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 11074 // 'Respawn League APAC 4v4 2nd Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_APAC_4V4_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 11075 // 'Respawn League APAC 4v4 3rd Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_APAC_4V4_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 11076 // 'Respawn League APAC 4v4 Participant' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 11077 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander 1st Pla...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 11078 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander 2nd Pla...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 11079 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander 3rd Pla...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 11080 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Partici...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_INVITE_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 11081 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite First Place' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_INVITE_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 11082 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite Second Place' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_INVITE_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 11083 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite Third Place' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 11084 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite Participant' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_DIVISION_1_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 11085 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 First Pla...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_DIVISION_1_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 11086 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 Second Pl...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_DIVISION_1_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 11087 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 Third Pla...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 11088 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 Participa...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_DIVISION_2_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 11089 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 First Pla...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_DIVISION_2_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 11090 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 Second Pl...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_DIVISION_2_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 11091 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 Third Pla...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 11092 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 Participa...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_ACADEMY_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 11093 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy First Place' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_ACADEMY_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 11094 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy Second Place' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_ACADEMY_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 11095 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy Third Place' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_ACADEMY_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 11096 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy Participant' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_QUALIFIED_STAGE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_4 = 11097 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Qualified Stage Cham...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_HELPER_SEASON_4 = 11098 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Helper' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_SOLDIER_DIVISION_1_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11099 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Divisio...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_SOLDIER_DIVISION_1_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11100 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Divisio...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_SOLDIER_DIVISION_1_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11101 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Divisio...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_SOLDIER_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 11102 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Divisio...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_SOLDIER_DIVISION_2_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11103 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Divisio...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_SOLDIER_DIVISION_2_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11104 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Divisio...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_SOLDIER_DIVISION_2_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11105 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Divisio...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_SOLDIER_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPANT_DIVISION_2_SEASON_2 = 11106 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Divisio...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_DEMOMAN_DIVISION_1_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11107 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Divisio...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_DEMOMAN_DIVISION_1_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11108 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Divisio...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_DEMOMAN_DIVISION_1_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11109 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Divisio...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_DEMOMAN_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 11110 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Divisio...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_DEMOMAN_DIVISION_2_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11111 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Divisio...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_DEMOMAN_DIVISION_2_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11112 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Divisio...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_DEMOMAN_DIVISION_2_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11113 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Divisio...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_DEMOMAN_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 11114 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Divisio...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_HELPER_SEASON_2 = 11115 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Helper' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_26 = 11116 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_26 = 11117 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_26 = 11118 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_26 = 11119 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_26 = 11120 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate First Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_26 = 11121 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Second Pla...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_26 = 11122 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Third Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_26 = 11123 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Participan...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_26 = 11124 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_26 = 11125 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_26 = 11126 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_26 = 11127 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_26 = 11128 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_26 = 11129 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_26 = 11130 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_26 = 11131 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Participant' const ID_EBL_INVITE_1ST_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 11132 // 'EBL Invite 1st Place Medal' const ID_EBL_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 11133 // 'EBL Invite 2nd Place Medal' const ID_EBL_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 11134 // 'EBL Invite 3rd Place Medal' const ID_EBL_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 11135 // 'EBL Invite Participant' const ID_EBL_STAFF_SEASON_3 = 11136 // 'EBL Staff' const ID_RUSSIAN_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 11137 // 'Russian Highlander 1st Place' const ID_RUSSIAN_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 11138 // 'Russian Highlander 2nd Place' const ID_RUSSIAN_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 11139 // 'Russian Highlander 3rd Place' const ID_RUSSIAN_HIGHLANDER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 11140 // 'Russian Highlander Participant' const ID_RUSSIAN_HIGHLANDER_STAFF_SEASON_4 = 11141 // 'Russian Highlander Staff' const ID_LATE_NIGHT_TF2_CUP_GOLD_MEDAL_AUTUMN_2019 = 11142 // 'Late Night TF2 Cup Gold Medal' const ID_LATE_NIGHT_TF2_CUP_SILVER_MEDAL_AUTUMN_2019 = 11143 // 'Late Night TF2 Cup Silver Medal' const ID_LATE_NIGHT_TF2_CUP_BRONZE_MEDAL_AUTUMN_2019 = 11144 // 'Late Night TF2 Cup Bronze Medal' const ID_LATE_NIGHT_TF2_CUP_PARTICIPANT_AUTUMN_2019 = 11145 // 'Late Night TF2 Cup Participant' const ID_LATE_NIGHT_TF2_CUP_HELPER_AUTUMN_2019 = 11146 // 'Late Night TF2 Cup Helper' const ID_EBL_MAIN_1ST_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 11147 // 'EBL Main 1st Place Medal' const ID_EBL_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 11148 // 'EBL Main 2nd Place Medal' const ID_EBL_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 11149 // 'EBL Main 3rd Place Medal' const ID_EBL_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 11150 // 'EBL Main Participant' const ID_EBL_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 11151 // 'EBL Open 1st Place Medal' const ID_EBL_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 11152 // 'EBL Open 2nd Place Medal' const ID_EBL_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 11153 // 'EBL Open 3rd Place Medal' const ID_EBL_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 11154 // 'EBL Open Participant' const ID_EBL_ONE_DAY_CUP_PARTICIPANT_CUP_1 = 11155 // 'EBL One Day Cup Participant' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_ACCESS_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 11171 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Access 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_ACCESS_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 11172 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Access 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_ACCESS_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 11173 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Access 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_ACCESS_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_5 = 11174 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Access Participant' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_PRINCIPAL_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 11175 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Principal 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_PRINCIPAL_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 11176 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Principal 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_PRINCIPAL_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 11177 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Principal 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_PRINCIPAL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_5 = 11178 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Principal Participant' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 11179 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Open 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 11180 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Open 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 11181 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Open 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_5 = 11182 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Open Participant' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 11183 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 11184 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 11185 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 11186 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 11187 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 11188 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 11189 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 11190 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_SUPPORTER_SEASON_1 = 11191 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_INVITE_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11192 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Invi...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_INVITE_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11193 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Invi...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_INVITE_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11194 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Invi...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 11195 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Invi...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11196 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Inte...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11197 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Inte...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11198 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Inte...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 11199 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Inte...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_OPEN_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11200 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Open...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_OPEN_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11201 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Open...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_OPEN_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11202 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Open...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 11203 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Open...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_SUPPORTER_SEASON_2 = 11204 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Supp...' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_34 = 11205 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_34 = 11206 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_34 = 11207 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_34 = 11208 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Participation Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_34 = 11209 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_34 = 11210 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_34 = 11211 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_34 = 11212 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_34 = 11213 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_34 = 11214 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_34 = 11215 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_34 = 11216 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_34 = 11217 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_34 = 11218 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_34 = 11219 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_34 = 11220 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_34 = 11221 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_34 = 11222 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_34 = 11223 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_34 = 11224 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_34 = 11225 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_34 = 11226 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_34 = 11227 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_34 = 11228 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_34 = 11229 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_34 = 11230 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_34 = 11231 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_20 = 11232 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_20 = 11233 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Silver Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_20 = 11234 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Bronze Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_20 = 11235 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Participati...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_20 = 11236 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_20 = 11237 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_20 = 11238 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_20 = 11239 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_20 = 11240 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_20 = 11241 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_20 = 11242 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_20 = 11243 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_20 = 11244 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_20 = 11245 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_20 = 11246 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_20 = 11247 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_20 = 11248 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_20 = 11249 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_20 = 11250 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_20 = 11251 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_20 = 11252 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_20 = 11253 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Participation Meda...' const ID_PURE_LEAGUE_PREMIER_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11254 // 'PURE League Premier Division 1st Place' const ID_PURE_LEAGUE_PREMIER_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11255 // 'PURE League Premier Division 2nd Place' const ID_PURE_LEAGUE_PREMIER_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11256 // 'PURE League Premier Division 3rd Place' const ID_PURE_LEAGUE_PREMIER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 11257 // 'PURE League Premier Division Participant' const ID_PURE_LEAGUE_INTERMEDIATE_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11258 // 'PURE League Intermediate Division 1st Pl...' const ID_PURE_LEAGUE_INTERMEDIATE_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11259 // 'PURE League Intermediate Division 2nd Pl...' const ID_PURE_LEAGUE_INTERMEDIATE_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11260 // 'PURE League Intermediate Division 3rd Pl...' const ID_PURE_LEAGUE_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 11261 // 'PURE League Intermediate Division Partic...' const ID_PURE_LEAGUE_OPEN_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11262 // 'PURE League Open Division 1st Place' const ID_PURE_LEAGUE_OPEN_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11263 // 'PURE League Open Division 2nd Place' const ID_PURE_LEAGUE_OPEN_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11264 // 'PURE League Open Division 3rd Place' const ID_PURE_LEAGUE_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 11265 // 'PURE League Open Division Participant' const ID_ASIA_BBALL_CUP_1ST_PLACE_2019 = 11266 // 'Asia BBall Cup 1st Place' const ID_ASIA_BBALL_CUP_2ND_PLACE_2019 = 11267 // 'Asia BBall Cup 2nd Place' const ID_ASIA_BBALL_CUP_3RD_PLACE_2019 = 11268 // 'Asia BBall Cup 3rd Place' const ID_ASIA_BBALL_CUP_PARTICIPANT_2019 = 11269 // 'Asia BBall Cup Participant' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_CHAMPIONS_EU_SEASON_2 = 11270 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Invite Champions' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_EU_SEASON_2 = 11271 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_EU_SEASON_2 = 11272 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_EU_SEASON_2 = 11273 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Invite Participant' const ID_RGLGG_DIV1_CHAMPIONS_EU_SEASON_2 = 11274 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Div1 Champions' const ID_RGLGG_DIV1_2ND_PLACE_EU_SEASON_2 = 11275 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Div1 2nd Place' const ID_RGLGG_DIV1_3RD_PLACE_EU_SEASON_2 = 11276 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Div1 3rd Place' const ID_RGLGG_DIV1_PARTICIPANT_EU_SEASON_2 = 11277 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Div1 Participant' const ID_RGLGG_DIV2_CHAMPIONS_EU_SEASON_2 = 11278 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Div2 Champions' const ID_RGLGG_DIV2_2ND_PLACE_EU_SEASON_2 = 11279 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Div2 2nd Place' const ID_RGLGG_DIV2_3RD_PLACE_EU_SEASON_2 = 11280 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Div2 3rd Place' const ID_RGLGG_DIV2_PARTICIPANT_EU_SEASON_2 = 11281 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Div2 Participant' const ID_RGLGG_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_EU_SEASON_2 = 11282 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Open Participant' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_CHAMPIONS_EU_SEASON_4 = 11283 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Invite Champions' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_EU_SEASON_4 = 11284 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_EU_SEASON_4 = 11285 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_EU_SEASON_4 = 11286 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Invite Participant' const ID_RGLGG_DIV1_CHAMPIONS_EU_SEASON_4 = 11287 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Div1 Champions' const ID_RGLGG_DIV1_2ND_PLACE_EU_SEASON_4 = 11288 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Div1 2nd Place' const ID_RGLGG_DIV1_3RD_PLACE_EU_SEASON_4 = 11289 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Div1 3rd Place' const ID_RGLGG_DIV1_PARTICIPANT_EU_SEASON_4 = 11290 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Div1 Participant' const ID_RGLGG_DIV2_CHAMPIONS_EU_SEASON_4 = 11291 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Div2 Champions' const ID_RGLGG_DIV2_2ND_PLACE_EU_SEASON_4 = 11292 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Div2 2nd Place' const ID_RGLGG_DIV2_3RD_PLACE_EU_SEASON_4 = 11293 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Div2 3rd Place' const ID_RGLGG_DIV2_PARTICIPANT_EU_SEASON_4 = 11294 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Div2 Participant' const ID_RGLGG_DIV3_CHAMPIONS_EU_SEASON_4 = 11295 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Div3 Champions' const ID_RGLGG_DIV3_2ND_PLACE_EU_SEASON_4 = 11296 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Div3 2nd Place' const ID_RGLGG_DIV3_3RD_PLACE_EU_SEASON_4 = 11297 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Div3 3rd Place' const ID_RGLGG_DIV3_PARTICIPANT_EU_SEASON_4 = 11298 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Div3 Participant' const ID_RGLGG_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_EU_SEASON_4 = 11299 // 'EU.RGL.gg - Open Participant' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_7 = 11300 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Champions' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 11301 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 11302 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_7 = 11303 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Participant' const ID_RGLGG_ADVANCED_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_7 = 11304 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Champions' const ID_RGLGG_ADVANCED_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 11305 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 2nd Place' const ID_RGLGG_ADVANCED_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 11306 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 3rd Place' const ID_RGLGG_ADVANCED_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_7 = 11307 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Participant' const ID_RGLGG_MAIN_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_7 = 11308 // 'RGL.gg - Main Champions' const ID_RGLGG_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 11309 // 'RGL.gg - Main 2nd Place' const ID_RGLGG_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 11310 // 'RGL.gg - Main 3rd Place' const ID_RGLGG_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_7 = 11311 // 'RGL.gg - Main Participant' const ID_RGLGG_IM_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_7 = 11312 // 'RGL.gg - IM Champions' const ID_RGLGG_IM_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 11313 // 'RGL.gg - IM 2nd Place' const ID_RGLGG_IM_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 11314 // 'RGL.gg - IM 3rd Place' const ID_RGLGG_IM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_7 = 11315 // 'RGL.gg - IM Participant' const ID_RGLGG_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_7 = 11316 // 'RGL.gg - Open Participant' const ID_RGLGG_DIV1_CHAMPIONS_AU_SEASON_3 = 11317 // 'RGL.gg - Div1 Champions AU' const ID_RGLGG_DIV1_2ND_PLACE_AU_SEASON_3 = 11318 // 'RGL.gg - Div1 2nd Place AU' const ID_RGLGG_DIV1_3RD_PLACE_AU_SEASON_3 = 11319 // 'RGL.gg - Div1 3rd Place AU' const ID_RGLGG_DIV1_PARTICIPANT_AU_SEASON_3 = 11320 // 'RGL.gg - Div1 Participant AU' const ID_RGLGG_DIV2_CHAMPIONS_AU_SEASON_3 = 11321 // 'RGL.gg - Div2 Champions AU' const ID_RGLGG_DIV2_2ND_PLACE_AU_SEASON_3 = 11322 // 'RGL.gg - Div2 2nd Place AU' const ID_RGLGG_DIV2_3RD_PLACE_AU_SEASON_3 = 11323 // 'RGL.gg - Div2 3rd Place AU' const ID_RGLGG_DIV2_PARTICIPANT_AU_SEASON_3 = 11324 // 'RGL.gg - Div2 Participant AU' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_4 = 11325 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Champions - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 11326 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 11327 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 11328 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Participant - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_4 = 11329 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Champions - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 11330 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 2nd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 11331 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 3rd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 11332 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Participant - Highland...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_4 = 11333 // 'RGL.gg - Main Champions - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 11334 // 'RGL.gg - Main 2nd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 11335 // 'RGL.gg - Main 3rd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 11336 // 'RGL.gg - Main Participant - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_4 = 11337 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Champions - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 11338 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 2nd Place - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 11339 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 3rd Place - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 11340 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Participant - High...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 11341 // 'RGL.gg - Open Participant - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_5 = 11342 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Champions - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 11343 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 11344 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_5 = 11345 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Participant - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_5 = 11346 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Champions - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 11347 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 2nd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 11348 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 3rd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_5 = 11349 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Participant - Highland...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_5 = 11350 // 'RGL.gg - Main Champions - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 11351 // 'RGL.gg - Main 2nd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 11352 // 'RGL.gg - Main 3rd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_5 = 11353 // 'RGL.gg - Main Participant - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_5 = 11354 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Champions - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 11355 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 2nd Place - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 11356 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 3rd Place - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_5 = 11357 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Participant - High...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_5 = 11358 // 'RGL.gg - Open Participant - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_1 = 11359 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 11360 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 11361 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 11362 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_ADVANCED_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_1 = 11363 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_ADVANCED_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 11364 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_ADVANCED_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 11365 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_ADVANCED_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 11366 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_1 = 11367 // 'RGL.gg - Main Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 11368 // 'RGL.gg - Main 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 11369 // 'RGL.gg - Main 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 11370 // 'RGL.gg - Main Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_1 = 11371 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 11372 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 11373 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 11374 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 11375 // 'RGL.gg - Open Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_2 = 11376 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11377 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11378 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 11379 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_ADVANCED_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_2 = 11380 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_ADVANCED_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11381 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_ADVANCED_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11382 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_ADVANCED_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 11383 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_2 = 11384 // 'RGL.gg - Main Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11385 // 'RGL.gg - Main 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11386 // 'RGL.gg - Main 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 11387 // 'RGL.gg - Main Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_2 = 11388 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11389 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11390 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 11391 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 11392 // 'RGL.gg - Open Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_EXPERIMENTAL_MAPS_CUP_WINTER_2019 = 11393 // 'RGL.gg Highlander Experimental Maps Cup' const ID_NHBL_NATASCHA_HEAVYWEIGHT_CHAMPION_SEASON_9 = 11394 // 'NHBL 3rd Natascha Heavyweight Champion' const ID_NHBL_FINALS_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_9 = 11395 // 'NHBL Finals Participant' const ID_NHBL_FINALS_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 11396 // 'NHBL Finals 2nd Place' const ID_NHBL_FINALS_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 11397 // 'NHBL Finals 3rd Place' const ID_NHBL_FINALS_4TH_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 11398 // 'NHBL Finals 4th Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_27 = 11399 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_27 = 11400 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_27 = 11401 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_27 = 11402 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_27 = 11403 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate First Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_27 = 11404 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Second Pla...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_27 = 11405 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Third Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_27 = 11406 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Participan...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_27 = 11407 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_27 = 11408 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_27 = 11409 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_27 = 11410 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_27 = 11411 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_27 = 11412 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_27 = 11413 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_27 = 11414 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Participant' const ID_UDL_GOLD_MEDAL_SUMMER_2020 = 11415 // 'United Dodgeball League Gold Medal' const ID_UDL_SILVER_MEDAL_SUMMER_2020 = 11416 // 'United Dodgeball League Silver Medal' const ID_UDL_BRONZE_MEDAL_SUMMER_2020 = 11417 // 'United Dodgeball League Bronze Medal' const ID_UDL_PARTICIPANT_SUMMER_2020 = 11418 // 'United Dodgeball League Participant' const ID_UDL_SUPPORTER_SUMMER_2020 = 11419 // 'United Dodgeball League Supporter' const ID_RASSLABYXA_CUP_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11420 // 'Rasslabyxa Cup 1st Place' const ID_RASSLABYXA_CUP_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11421 // 'Rasslabyxa Cup 2nd Place' const ID_RASSLABYXA_CUP_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11422 // 'Rasslabyxa Cup 3rd Place' const ID_RASSLABYXA_CUP_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 11423 // 'Rasslabyxa Cup Participant' const ID_RASSLABYXA_CUP_HELPER_SEASON_2 = 11424 // 'Rasslabyxa Cup Helper' const ID_CLASSIC_MGE_CUP_GOLD_MEDAL_SPRING_2020 = 11425 // 'Classic MGE Cup 1st Place' const ID_CLASSIC_MGE_CUP_SILVER_MEDAL_SPRING_2020 = 11426 // 'Classic MGE Cup 2nd Place' const ID_CLASSIC_MGE_CUP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SPRING_2020 = 11427 // 'Classic MGE Cup 3rd Place' const ID_CLASSIC_MGE_CUP_PARTICIPANT_SPRING_2020 = 11428 // 'Classic MGE Cup Participant' const ID_CLASSIC_MGE_CUP_HELPER_SPRING_2020 = 11429 // 'Classic MGE Cup Helper' const ID_MASHED_MEDIOCRITY_PLAYER_2020 = 11430 // 'Mashed Mediocrity Potato 2020' const ID_MASHED_MEDIOCRITY_CREATOR_2020 = 11431 // 'Mashed Mediocrity Super Potato 2020' const ID_MASHED_MEDIOCRITY_HELPER_2020 = 11432 // 'Mashed Mediocrity Memer Motherboard 2020' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_INVITE_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 11433 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite First Place' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_INVITE_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 11434 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite Second Place' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_INVITE_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 11435 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite Third Place' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_5 = 11436 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite Participant' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_DIVISION_1_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 11437 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 First Pla...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_DIVISION_1_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 11438 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 Second Pl...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_DIVISION_1_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 11439 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 Third Pla...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_5 = 11440 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 Participa...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_DIVISION_2_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 11441 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 First Pla...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_DIVISION_2_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 11442 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 Second Pl...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_DIVISION_2_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 11443 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 Third Pla...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_5 = 11444 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 Participa...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_ACADEMY_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 11445 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy First Place' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_ACADEMY_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 11446 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy Second Place' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_ACADEMY_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 11447 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy Third Place' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_ACADEMY_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_5 = 11448 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy Participant' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_QUALIFIED_STAGE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_5 = 11449 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Qualified Stage Cham...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_HELPER_SEASON_5 = 11450 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Helper' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_HALLOWEEN_SCARY_GROUP_FIRST_2019 = 11451 // 'Brazil Fortress Halloween - Scary Group ...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_HALLOWEEN_SCARY_GROUP_SECOND_2019 = 11452 // 'Brazil Fortress Halloween - Scary Group ...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_HALLOWEEN_SCARY_GROUP_THIRD_2019 = 11453 // 'Brazil Fortress Halloween - Scary Group ...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_HALLOWEEN_SCARY_GROUP_PARTICIPANT_2019 = 11454 // 'Brazil Fortress Halloween - Scary Group ...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_HALLOWEEN_HAUNTED_GROUP_WINNER_2019 = 11455 // 'Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Grou...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_HALLOWEEN_HAUNTED_GROUP_PARTICIPANT_2019 = 11456 // 'Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Grou...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_HALLOWEEN_GHASTLY_GROUP_WINNER_2019 = 11457 // 'Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Grou...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_HALLOWEEN_GHASTLY_GROUP_PARTICIPANT_2019 = 11458 // 'Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Grou...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_HALLOWEEN_HELPER_2019 = 11459 // 'Brazil Fortress Halloween - Helper' const ID_EBL_INVITE_1ST_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_4 = 11460 // 'EBL Invite 1st Place Medal' const ID_EBL_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_4 = 11461 // 'EBL Invite 2nd Place Medal' const ID_EBL_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_4 = 11462 // 'EBL Invite 3rd Place Medal' const ID_EBL_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 11463 // 'EBL Invite Participant' const ID_EBL_MAIN_1ST_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_4 = 11464 // 'EBL Main 1st Place Medal' const ID_EBL_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_4 = 11465 // 'EBL Main 2nd Place Medal' const ID_EBL_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_4 = 11466 // 'EBL Main 3rd Place Medal' const ID_EBL_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 11467 // 'EBL Main Participant' const ID_EBL_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_4 = 11468 // 'EBL Open 1st Place Medal' const ID_EBL_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_4 = 11469 // 'EBL Open 2nd Place Medal' const ID_EBL_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_4 = 11470 // 'EBL Open 3rd Place Medal' const ID_EBL_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 11471 // 'EBL Open Participant' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_35 = 11472 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_35 = 11473 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_35 = 11474 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_35 = 11475 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Participation Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_35 = 11476 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_35 = 11477 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_35 = 11478 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_35 = 11479 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_35 = 11480 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_35 = 11481 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_35 = 11482 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_35 = 11483 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_3_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_35 = 11484 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 3 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_3_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_35 = 11485 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 3 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_3_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_35 = 11486 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 3 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_35 = 11487 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 3 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_35 = 11488 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_35 = 11489 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_35 = 11490 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_35 = 11491 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_35 = 11492 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_35 = 11493 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_35 = 11494 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_35 = 11495 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_35 = 11496 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_35 = 11497 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_35 = 11498 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_35 = 11499 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_35 = 11500 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_35 = 11501 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_35 = 11502 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 11503 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 11504 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Silver Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 11505 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Bronze Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 11506 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Participati...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 11507 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 11508 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 11509 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 11510 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 11511 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 11512 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 11513 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 11514 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 11515 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 11516 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 11517 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 11518 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_LOW_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 11519 // 'ETF2L Highlander Low Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_LOW_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 11520 // 'ETF2L Highlander Low Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_LOW_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 11521 // 'ETF2L Highlander Low Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_LOW_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 11522 // 'ETF2L Highlander Low Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 11523 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 11524 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 11525 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 11526 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_21 = 11527 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Participation Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_3_GOLD_MEDAL = 11528 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open 3 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_3_SILVER_MEDAL = 11529 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open 3 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_3_BRONZE_MEDAL = 11530 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open 3 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_3_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL = 11531 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open 3 Participation Me...' const ID_EBL_STAFF_SEASON_4 = 11532 // 'EBL Staff' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 11533 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander 1st Pla...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 11534 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander 2nd Pla...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 11535 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander 3rd Pla...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_5 = 11536 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Partici...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 11537 // 'Respawn League ASIA Highlander 1st Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 11538 // 'Respawn League ASIA Highlander 2nd Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 11539 // 'Respawn League ASIA Highlander 3rd Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_HIGHLANDER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 11540 // 'Respawn League ASIA Highlander Participa...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 11541 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Main 1s...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 11542 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Main 2n...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 11543 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Main 3r...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_6 = 11544 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Main Pa...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 11545 // 'Respawn League ASIA Highlander 1st Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 11546 // 'Respawn League ASIA Highlander 2nd Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 11547 // 'Respawn League ASIA Highlander 3rd Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_HIGHLANDER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_5 = 11548 // 'Respawn League ASIA Highlander Participa...' const ID_HLMIXES_FIRST_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 11549 // 'HLMixes Showdown 1st Place Medal' const ID_HLMIXES_FINALIST_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 11550 // 'HLMixes Showdown Finalist Medal' const ID_HLMIXES_PARTICIPANT_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 11551 // 'HLMixes Showdown Participant Medal' const ID_ASIA_BBALL_CUP_INVITE_1ST_PLACE_2020 = 11552 // 'Asia BBall Cup Invite 1st Place' const ID_ASIA_BBALL_CUP_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_2020 = 11553 // 'Asia BBall Cup Invite 2nd Place' const ID_ASIA_BBALL_CUP_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_2020 = 11554 // 'Asia BBall Cup Invite 3rd Place' const ID_ASIA_BBALL_CUP_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_2020 = 11555 // 'Asia BBall Cup Invite Participant' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 11556 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Premier...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 11557 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Premier...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 11558 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Premier...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_6 = 11559 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Premier...' const ID_ASIA_BBALL_CUP_MAIN_1ST_PLACE_2020 = 11560 // 'Asia BBall Cup Main 1st Place' const ID_ASIA_BBALL_CUP_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_2020 = 11561 // 'Asia BBall Cup Main 2nd Place' const ID_ASIA_BBALL_CUP_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_2020 = 11562 // 'Asia BBall Cup Main 3rd Place' const ID_ASIA_BBALL_CUP_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_2020 = 11563 // 'Asia BBall Cup Main Participant' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_16 = 11564 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_16 = 11565 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_16 = 11566 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_16 = 11567 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 Participant' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_16 = 11568 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_16 = 11569 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_16 = 11570 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_16 = 11571 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 Participant' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_16 = 11572 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_16 = 11573 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_16 = 11574 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_16 = 11575 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 Participant' const ID_PUGIKLANDER_EXPERIENCED_FIRST_PLACE_SUMMER_2020 = 11576 // 'Pugiklander Experienced 1st Place' const ID_PUGIKLANDER_EXPERIENCED_SECOND_PLACE_SUMMER_2020 = 11577 // 'Pugiklander Experienced 2nd Place' const ID_PUGIKLANDER_EXPERIENCED_THIRD_PLACE_SUMMER_2020 = 11578 // 'Pugiklander Experienced 3rd Place' const ID_PUGIKLANDER_EXPERIENCED_PARTICIPANT_SUMMER_2020 = 11579 // 'Pugiklander Experienced Participant' const ID_PUGIKLANDER_BEGINNER_FIRST_PLACE_SUMMER_2020 = 11580 // 'Pugiklander Beginner 1st Place' const ID_PUGIKLANDER_BEGINNER_SECOND_PLACE_SUMMER_2020 = 11581 // 'Pugiklander Beginner 2nd Place' const ID_PUGIKLANDER_BEGINNER_THIRD_PLACE_SUMMER_2020 = 11582 // 'Pugiklander Beginner 3rd Place' const ID_PUGIKLANDER_BEGINNER_PARTICIPANT_SUMMER_2020 = 11583 // 'Pugiklander Beginner Participant' const ID_PUGIKLANDER_HELPER_SUMMER_2020 = 11584 // 'Pugiklander Helper' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_28 = 11585 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_28 = 11586 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_28 = 11587 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_28 = 11588 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGH_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_28 = 11589 // 'ozfortress Sixes High First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGH_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_28 = 11590 // 'ozfortress Sixes High Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGH_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_28 = 11591 // 'ozfortress Sixes High Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGH_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_28 = 11592 // 'ozfortress Sixes High Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_28 = 11593 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate First Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_28 = 11594 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Second Pla...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_28 = 11595 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Third Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_28 = 11596 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Participan...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_28 = 11597 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_28 = 11598 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_28 = 11599 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_28 = 11600 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_28 = 11601 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_28 = 11602 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_28 = 11603 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_28 = 11604 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Participant' const ID_PUGIKLANDER_PREMIER_FIRST_PLACE_SUMMER_2020 = 11605 // 'Pugiklander Premier 1st Place' const ID_PUGIKLANDER_PREMIER_SECOND_PLACE_SUMMER_2020 = 11606 // 'Pugiklander Premier 2nd Place' const ID_PUGIKLANDER_PREMIER_THIRD_PLACE_SUMMER_2020 = 11607 // 'Pugiklander Premier 3rd Place' const ID_PUGIKLANDER_PREMIER_PARTICIPANT_SUMMER_2020 = 11608 // 'Pugiklander Premier Participant' const ID_NHBL_SASHA_HEAVYWEIGHT_CHAMPION_SEASON_9 = 11609 // 'NHBL 9th Sasha Heavyweight Champion' const ID_REPLICA_TITANIUM_TANK_2020 = 11610 // 'Replica Titanium Tank 2020' const ID_TITANIUM_TANK_GILDED_GIVER_2020 = 11611 // 'Titanium Tank Gilded Giver 2020' const ID_TITANIUM_TANK_CHROMATIC_CARDIOID_2020 = 11612 // 'Titanium Tank Chromatic Cardioid 2020' const ID_MIDNIGHT_MOON_GOLD_2020 = 11613 // 'MidNight Moon 1st Place' const ID_MIDNIGHT_MOON_SILVER_2020 = 11614 // 'MidNight Moon 2nd Place' const ID_MIDNIGHT_MOON_BRONZE_2020 = 11615 // 'MidNight Moon 3rd Place' const ID_MIDNIGHT_MOON_PARTICIPANT_2020 = 11616 // 'MidNight Moon Participant' const ID_MIDNIGHT_MOON_STAFF_2020 = 11617 // 'MidNight Moon Staff' const ID_CLTF2_NO_RESTRICTION_6V6_TOURNAMENT_CUP_2_GOLD_MEDAL = 11618 // 'CLTF2 No Restriction 6v6 Tournament Gold...' const ID_CLTF2_NO_RESTRICTION_6V6_TOURNAMENT_CUP_2_SILVER_MEDAL = 11619 // 'CLTF2 No Restriction 6v6 Tournament Silv...' const ID_CLTF2_NO_RESTRICTION_6V6_TOURNAMENT_CUP_2_BRONZE_MEDAL = 11620 // 'CLTF2 No Restriction 6v6 Tournament Bron...' const ID_CLTF2_NO_RESTRICTION_6V6_TOURNAMENT_CUP_2_PARTICIPANT = 11621 // 'CLTF2 No Restriction 6v6 Tournament Part...' const ID_CLTF2_NO_RESTRICTION_6V6_TOURNAMENT_CUP_2_SUPPORTER = 11622 // 'CLTF2 No Restriction 6v6 Tournament Supp...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_INVITE_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 11623 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite First Place' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_INVITE_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 11624 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite Second Place' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_INVITE_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 11625 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite Third Place' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_6 = 11626 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Invite Participant' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_DIVISION_1_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 11627 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 First Pla...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_DIVISION_1_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 11628 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 Second Pl...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_DIVISION_1_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 11629 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 Third Pla...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_6 = 11630 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 1 Participa...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_DIVISION_2_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 11631 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 First Pla...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_DIVISION_2_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 11632 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 Second Pl...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_DIVISION_2_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 11633 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 Third Pla...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_6 = 11634 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Division 2 Participa...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_ACADEMY_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 11635 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy First Place' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_ACADEMY_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 11636 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy Second Place' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_ACADEMY_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 11637 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy Third Place' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_ACADEMY_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_6 = 11638 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Academy Participant' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_QUALIFIED_STAGE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_6 = 11639 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Qualified Stage Cham...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_6V6_HELPER_SEASON_6 = 11640 // 'Brazil Fortress 6v6 Helper' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_SOLDIER_DIVISION_1_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 11641 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Divisio...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_SOLDIER_DIVISION_1_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 11642 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Divisio...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_SOLDIER_DIVISION_1_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 11643 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Divisio...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_SOLDIER_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 11644 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Divisio...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_SOLDIER_DIVISION_2_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 11645 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Divisio...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_SOLDIER_DIVISION_2_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 11646 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Divisio...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_SOLDIER_DIVISION_2_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 11647 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Divisio...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_SOLDIER_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPANT_DIVISION_2_SEASON_3 = 11648 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Soldier Divisio...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_DEMOMAN_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 11649 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman First P...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_DEMOMAN_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 11650 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Second ...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_DEMOMAN_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 11651 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Third P...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_DEMOMAN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 11652 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Demoman Partici...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_SPEED_RUN_SOLDIER_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 11653 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldi...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_SPEED_RUN_SOLDIER_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 11654 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldi...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_SPEED_RUN_SOLDIER_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 11655 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldi...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_SPEED_RUN_SOLDIER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 11656 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Soldi...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_SPEED_RUN_DEMOMAN_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 11657 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demom...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_SPEED_RUN_DEMOMAN_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 11658 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demom...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_SPEED_RUN_DEMOMAN_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 11659 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demom...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_SPEED_RUN_DEMOMAN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 11660 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Speed Run Demom...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_JUMPCUP_HELPER_SEASON_3 = 11661 // 'Brazil Fortress Jump Cup Helper' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_6 = 11667 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Champions - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 11668 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 11669 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_6 = 11670 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Participant - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_6 = 11671 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Champions - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 11672 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 2nd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 11673 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 3rd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_6 = 11674 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Participant - Highland...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_6 = 11675 // 'RGL.gg - Main Champions - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 11676 // 'RGL.gg - Main 2nd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 11677 // 'RGL.gg - Main 3rd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_6 = 11678 // 'RGL.gg - Main Participant - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_6 = 11679 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Champions - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 11680 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 2nd Place - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 11681 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 3rd Place - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_6 = 11682 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Participant - High...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_AMATEUR_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_6 = 11683 // 'RGL.gg - Amateur Participant - Highlande...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_NEWCOMER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_6 = 11684 // 'RGL.gg - Newcomer Participant - Highland...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_7 = 11685 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Champions - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 11686 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 11687 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_7 = 11688 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Participant - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_7 = 11689 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Champions - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 11690 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 2nd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 11691 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 3rd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_7 = 11692 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Participant - Highland...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_7 = 11693 // 'RGL.gg - Main Champions - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 11694 // 'RGL.gg - Main 2nd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 11695 // 'RGL.gg - Main 3rd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_7 = 11696 // 'RGL.gg - Main Participant - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_7 = 11697 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Champions - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 11698 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 2nd Place - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 11699 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 3rd Place - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_7 = 11700 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Participant - High...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_AMATEUR_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_7 = 11701 // 'RGL.gg - Amateur Participant - Highlande...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_NEWCOMER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_7 = 11702 // 'RGL.gg - Newcomer Participant - Highland...' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_3 = 11703 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 11704 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 11705 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 11706 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_DIVISION_1_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_3 = 11707 // 'RGL.gg - Div-1 Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_DIVISION_1_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 11708 // 'RGL.gg - Div-1 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_DIVISION_1_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 11709 // 'RGL.gg - Div-1 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 11710 // 'RGL.gg - Div-1 Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_DIVISION_2_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_3 = 11711 // 'RGL.gg - Div-2 Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_DIVISION_2_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 11712 // 'RGL.gg - Div-2 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_DIVISION_2_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 11713 // 'RGL.gg - Div-2 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 11714 // 'RGL.gg - Div-2 Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_3 = 11715 // 'RGL.gg - Main Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 11716 // 'RGL.gg - Main 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 11717 // 'RGL.gg - Main 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 11718 // 'RGL.gg - Main Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_3 = 11719 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 11720 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 11721 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 11722 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_AMATEUR_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 11723 // 'RGL.gg - Amateur Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_NEWCOMER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 11724 // 'RGL.gg - Newcomer Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_4 = 11725 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 11726 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 11727 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 11728 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_DIVISION_1_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_4 = 11729 // 'RGL.gg - Div-1 Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_DIVISION_1_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 11730 // 'RGL.gg - Div-1 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_DIVISION_1_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 11731 // 'RGL.gg - Div-1 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 11732 // 'RGL.gg - Div-1 Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_DIVISION_2_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_4 = 11733 // 'RGL.gg - Div-2 Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_DIVISION_2_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 11734 // 'RGL.gg - Div-2 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_DIVISION_2_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 11735 // 'RGL.gg - Div-2 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 11736 // 'RGL.gg - Div-2 Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_4 = 11737 // 'RGL.gg - Main Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 11738 // 'RGL.gg - Main 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 11739 // 'RGL.gg - Main 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 11740 // 'RGL.gg - Main Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_4 = 11741 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 11742 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 11743 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 11744 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_AMATEUR_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 11745 // 'RGL.gg - Amateur Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_NEWCOMER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 11746 // 'RGL.gg - Newcomer Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_SIXES_INVITE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_2 = 11747 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Champions - No Restricti...' const ID_RGLGG_SIXES_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11748 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place - No Restricti...' const ID_RGLGG_SIXES_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11749 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place - No Restricti...' const ID_RGLGG_SIXES_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 11750 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Participant - No Restric...' const ID_RGLGG_SIXES_ADVANCED_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_2 = 11751 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Champions - No Restric...' const ID_RGLGG_SIXES_ADVANCED_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11752 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 2nd Place - No Restric...' const ID_RGLGG_SIXES_ADVANCED_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11753 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 3rd Place - No Restric...' const ID_RGLGG_SIXES_ADVANCED_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 11754 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Participant - No Restr...' const ID_RGLGG_SIXES_MAIN_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_2 = 11755 // 'RGL.gg - Main Champions - No Restriction...' const ID_RGLGG_SIXES_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11756 // 'RGL.gg - Main 2nd Place - No Restriction...' const ID_RGLGG_SIXES_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11757 // 'RGL.gg - Main 3rd Place - No Restriction...' const ID_RGLGG_SIXES_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 11758 // 'RGL.gg - Main Participant - No Restricti...' const ID_RGLGG_SIXES_INTERMEDIATE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_2 = 11759 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Champions - No Res...' const ID_RGLGG_SIXES_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11760 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 2nd Place - No Res...' const ID_RGLGG_SIXES_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 11761 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 3rd Place - No Res...' const ID_RGLGG_SIXES_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 11762 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Participant - No R...' const ID_RGLGG_SIXES_AMATEUR_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 11763 // 'RGL.gg - Amateur Participant - No Restri...' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_NEWCOMER_CUP_SUMMER_2020 = 11764 // 'RGL.gg - Newcomer Cup - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_EXPERIMENTAL_MAPS_CUP_SPRING_2020 = 11765 // 'RGL.gg Highlander Experimental Maps Cup' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_8 = 11766 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Champions' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 11767 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 11768 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_8 = 11769 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Participant' const ID_RGLGG_ADVANCED_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_8 = 11770 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Champions' const ID_RGLGG_ADVANCED_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 11771 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 2nd Place' const ID_RGLGG_ADVANCED_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 11772 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 3rd Place' const ID_RGLGG_ADVANCED_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_8 = 11773 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Participant' const ID_RGLGG_MAIN_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_8 = 11774 // 'RGL.gg - Main Champions' const ID_RGLGG_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 11775 // 'RGL.gg - Main 2nd Place' const ID_RGLGG_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 11776 // 'RGL.gg - Main 3rd Place' const ID_RGLGG_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_8 = 11777 // 'RGL.gg - Main Participant' const ID_RGLGG_IM_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_8 = 11778 // 'RGL.gg - IM Champions' const ID_RGLGG_IM_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 11779 // 'RGL.gg - IM 2nd Place' const ID_RGLGG_IM_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 11780 // 'RGL.gg - IM 3rd Place' const ID_RGLGG_IM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_8 = 11781 // 'RGL.gg - IM Participant' const ID_RGLGG_AMATEUR_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_8 = 11782 // 'RGL.gg - Amateur Participant' const ID_RGLGG_NEWCOMER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_8 = 11783 // 'RGL.gg - Newcomer Participant' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_9 = 11784 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Champions' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 11785 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 11786 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_9 = 11787 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Participant' const ID_RGLGG_ADVANCED_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_9 = 11788 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Champions' const ID_RGLGG_ADVANCED_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 11789 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 2nd Place' const ID_RGLGG_ADVANCED_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 11790 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 3rd Place' const ID_RGLGG_ADVANCED_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_9 = 11791 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Participant' const ID_RGLGG_MAIN_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_9 = 11792 // 'RGL.gg - Main Champions' const ID_RGLGG_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 11793 // 'RGL.gg - Main 2nd Place' const ID_RGLGG_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 11794 // 'RGL.gg - Main 3rd Place' const ID_RGLGG_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_9 = 11795 // 'RGL.gg - Main Participant' const ID_RGLGG_IM_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_9 = 11796 // 'RGL.gg - IM Champions' const ID_RGLGG_IM_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 11797 // 'RGL.gg - IM 2nd Place' const ID_RGLGG_IM_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 11798 // 'RGL.gg - IM 3rd Place' const ID_RGLGG_IM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_9 = 11799 // 'RGL.gg - IM Participant' const ID_RGLGG_AMATEUR_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_9 = 11800 // 'RGL.gg - Amateur Participant' const ID_RGLGG_NEWCOMER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_9 = 11801 // 'RGL.gg - Newcomer Participant' const ID_TF2MAPS_72HR_TF2JAM_PARTICIPANT_2020 = 11802 // 'TF2Maps 72hr TF2Jam Participant' const ID_TF2MAPS_RAY_OF_SUNSHINE_2020 = 11803 // 'TF2Maps Ray of Sunshine 2020' const ID_CAPPINGTV_SUMMER_BRAWL_1ST_PLACE_2020 = 11804 // 'CappingTV Summer Brawl 1st Place' const ID_CAPPINGTV_SUMMER_BRAWL_2ND_PLACE_2020 = 11805 // 'CappingTV Summer Brawl 2nd Place' const ID_CAPPINGTV_SUMMER_BRAWL_3RD_PLACE_2020 = 11806 // 'CappingTV Summer Brawl 3rd Place' const ID_CAPPINGTV_SUMMER_BRAWL_PARTICIPANT_2020 = 11807 // 'CappingTV Summer Brawl Participant' const ID_CAPPINGTV_PASS_TIME_CHAMPIONSHIP_1ST_PLACE_2020 = 11808 // 'CappingTV PASS Time Championship 1st Pla...' const ID_CAPPINGTV_PASS_TIME_CHAMPIONSHIP_2ND_PLACE_2020 = 11809 // 'CappingTV PASS Time Championship 2nd Pla...' const ID_CAPPINGTV_PASS_TIME_CHAMPIONSHIP_3RD_PLACE_2020 = 11810 // 'CappingTV PASS Time Championship 3rd Pla...' const ID_CAPPINGTV_PASS_TIME_CHAMPIONSHIP_PARTICIPANT_2020 = 11811 // 'CappingTV PASS Time Championship Partici...' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_LOWMID_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_2 = 11812 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander Low/Mid Gold Meda...' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_LOWMID_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_2 = 11813 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander Low/Mid Silver Me...' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_LOWMID_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_2 = 11814 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander Low/Mid Bronze Me...' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_LOWMID_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 11815 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander Low/Mid Participa...' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_2 = 11816 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander Open Gold Medal' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_2 = 11817 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander Open Silver Medal' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_2 = 11818 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander Open Bronze Medal' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 11819 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander Open Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PLATINUM_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_28 = 11820 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PLATINUM_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_28 = 11821 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PLATINUM_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_28 = 11822 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_28 = 11823 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_28 = 11824 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_28 = 11825 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_28 = 11826 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_28 = 11827 // 'UGC Highlander Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_STEEL_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_28 = 11828 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_STEEL_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_28 = 11829 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_STEEL_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_28 = 11830 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_28 = 11831 // 'UGC Highlander Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PLATINUM_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_29 = 11832 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PLATINUM_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_29 = 11833 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PLATINUM_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_29 = 11834 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_29 = 11835 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_29 = 11836 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_29 = 11837 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_29 = 11838 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_29 = 11839 // 'UGC Highlander Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_STEEL_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_29 = 11840 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_STEEL_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_29 = 11841 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_STEEL_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_29 = 11842 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_29 = 11843 // 'UGC Highlander Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_PLATINUM_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_30 = 11844 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_PLATINUM_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_30 = 11845 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_PLATINUM_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_30 = 11846 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_30 = 11847 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_SILVER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_30 = 11848 // 'UGC 6vs6 Silver 1st Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_SILVER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_30 = 11849 // 'UGC 6vs6 Silver 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_SILVER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_30 = 11850 // 'UGC 6vs6 Silver 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_30 = 11851 // 'UGC 6vs6 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_STEEL_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_30 = 11852 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel 1st Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_STEEL_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_30 = 11853 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_STEEL_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_30 = 11854 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_30 = 11855 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_PLATINUM_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_31 = 11856 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_PLATINUM_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_31 = 11857 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_PLATINUM_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_31 = 11858 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_31 = 11859 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_SILVER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_31 = 11860 // 'UGC 6vs6 Silver 1st Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_SILVER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_31 = 11861 // 'UGC 6vs6 Silver 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_SILVER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_31 = 11862 // 'UGC 6vs6 Silver 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_31 = 11863 // 'UGC 6vs6 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_STEEL_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_31 = 11864 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel 1st Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_STEEL_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_31 = 11865 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_STEEL_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_31 = 11866 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_31 = 11867 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_GOLD_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_17 = 11868 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 1st Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_GOLD_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_17 = 11869 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_GOLD_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_17 = 11870 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_GOLD_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_17 = 11871 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_SILVER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_17 = 11872 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver 1st Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_SILVER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_17 = 11873 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_SILVER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_17 = 11874 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_17 = 11875 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_STEEL_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_17 = 11876 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel 1st Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_STEEL_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_17 = 11877 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_STEEL_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_17 = 11878 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_17 = 11879 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_GOLD_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 11880 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 1st Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_GOLD_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 11881 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_GOLD_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 11882 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_GOLD_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_18 = 11883 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_SILVER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 11884 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver 1st Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_SILVER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 11885 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_SILVER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 11886 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_18 = 11887 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_STEEL_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 11888 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel 1st Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_STEEL_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 11889 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_STEEL_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 11890 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_18 = 11891 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PLATINUM_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_30 = 11892 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PLATINUM_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_30 = 11893 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PLATINUM_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_30 = 11894 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_30 = 11895 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_30 = 11896 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_30 = 11897 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_30 = 11898 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_30 = 11899 // 'UGC Highlander Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_STEEL_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_30 = 11900 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_STEEL_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_30 = 11901 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_STEEL_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_30 = 11902 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_30 = 11903 // 'UGC Highlander Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PLATINUM_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_31 = 11904 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PLATINUM_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_31 = 11905 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PLATINUM_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_31 = 11906 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_31 = 11907 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_31 = 11908 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_31 = 11909 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_31 = 11910 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_31 = 11911 // 'UGC Highlander Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_STEEL_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_31 = 11912 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_STEEL_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_31 = 11913 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_STEEL_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_31 = 11914 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_31 = 11915 // 'UGC Highlander Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_PLATINUM_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_32 = 11916 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_PLATINUM_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_32 = 11917 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_PLATINUM_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_32 = 11918 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_32 = 11919 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_SILVER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_32 = 11920 // 'UGC 6vs6 Silver 1st Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_SILVER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_32 = 11921 // 'UGC 6vs6 Silver 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_SILVER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_32 = 11922 // 'UGC 6vs6 Silver 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_32 = 11923 // 'UGC 6vs6 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_STEEL_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_32 = 11924 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel 1st Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_STEEL_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_32 = 11925 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_STEEL_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_32 = 11926 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_32 = 11927 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_PLATINUM_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_33 = 11928 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_PLATINUM_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_33 = 11929 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_PLATINUM_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_33 = 11930 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_33 = 11931 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_SILVER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_33 = 11932 // 'UGC 6vs6 Silver 1st Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_SILVER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_33 = 11933 // 'UGC 6vs6 Silver 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_SILVER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_33 = 11934 // 'UGC 6vs6 Silver 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_33 = 11935 // 'UGC 6vs6 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_STEEL_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_33 = 11936 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel 1st Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_STEEL_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_33 = 11937 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_STEEL_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_33 = 11938 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_33 = 11939 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_GOLD_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_19 = 11940 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 1st Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_GOLD_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_19 = 11941 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_GOLD_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_19 = 11942 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_GOLD_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_19 = 11943 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_SILVER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_19 = 11944 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver 1st Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_SILVER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_19 = 11945 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_SILVER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_19 = 11946 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_19 = 11947 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_STEEL_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_19 = 11948 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel 1st Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_STEEL_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_19 = 11949 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_STEEL_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_19 = 11950 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_19 = 11951 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_GOLD_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_20 = 11952 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 1st Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_GOLD_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_20 = 11953 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_GOLD_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_20 = 11954 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_GOLD_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_20 = 11955 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_SILVER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_20 = 11956 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver 1st Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_SILVER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_20 = 11957 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_SILVER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_20 = 11958 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_20 = 11959 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_STEEL_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_20 = 11960 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel 1st Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_STEEL_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_20 = 11961 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_STEEL_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_20 = 11962 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_20 = 11963 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_LEAGUE_ADMIN_AND_CONTRIBUTOR_2020 = 11964 // 'UGC League Admin and Contributor' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_INVITE_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 11965 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Invi...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_INVITE_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 11966 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Invi...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_INVITE_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 11967 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Invi...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 11968 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Invi...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 11969 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Inte...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 11970 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Inte...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 11971 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Inte...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 11972 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Inte...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_OPEN_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 11973 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Open...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_OPEN_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 11974 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Open...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_OPEN_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 11975 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Open...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 11976 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Open...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_SUPPORTER_SEASON_3 = 11977 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Supp...' const ID_TFARENA_6V6_ARENA_MODE_CUP_2_GOLD = 11978 // 'TFArena Gold Medal' const ID_TFARENA_6V6_ARENA_MODE_CUP_2_SILVER = 11979 // 'TFArena Silver Medal' const ID_TFARENA_6V6_ARENA_MODE_CUP_2_BRONZE = 11980 // 'TFArena Bronze Medal' const ID_TFARENA_6V6_ARENA_MODE_CUP_2_PARTICIPANT = 11981 // 'TFArena Participation Medal' const ID_TFARENA_6V6_ARENA_MODE_CUP_2_HELPER = 11982 // 'TFArena Helper Medal' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_29 = 11983 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_29 = 11984 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_29 = 11985 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_29 = 11986 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGH_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_29 = 11987 // 'ozfortress Sixes High First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGH_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_29 = 11988 // 'ozfortress Sixes High Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGH_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_29 = 11989 // 'ozfortress Sixes High Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGH_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_29 = 11990 // 'ozfortress Sixes High Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_29 = 11991 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate First Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_29 = 11992 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Second Pla...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_29 = 11993 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Third Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_29 = 11994 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Participan...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_29 = 11995 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_29 = 11996 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_29 = 11997 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_29 = 11998 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_29 = 11999 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_29 = 12000 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_29 = 12001 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_29 = 12002 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Participant' const ID_CAPPINGTV_ULTIDUO_1ST_PLACE_2020 = 12003 // 'CappingTV Ultiduo 1st Place' const ID_CAPPINGTV_ULTIDUO_2ND_PLACE_2020 = 12004 // 'CappingTV Ultiduo 2nd Place' const ID_CAPPINGTV_ULTIDUO_3RD_PLACE_2020 = 12005 // 'CappingTV Ultiduo 3rd Place' const ID_CAPPINGTV_ULTIDUO_PARTICIPANT_2020 = 12006 // 'CappingTV Ultiduo Participant' const ID_DREAMHACK_COMMUNITY_CLASH_FIRST_PLACE_2020 = 12007 // 'DreamHack Community Clash 1st Place' const ID_DREAMHACK_COMMUNITY_CLASH_SECOND_PLACE_2020 = 12008 // 'DreamHack Community Clash 2nd Place' const ID_DREAMHACK_COMMUNITY_CLASH_THIRD_PLACE_2020 = 12009 // 'DreamHack Community Clash 3rd Place' const ID_DREAMHACK_COMMUNITY_CLASH_PARTICIPANT_2020 = 12010 // 'DreamHack Community Clash Participant' const ID_DREAMHACK_COMMUNITY_CLASH_STAFF_2020 = 12011 // 'DreamHack Community Clash Staff' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_17 = 12012 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_17 = 12013 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_17 = 12014 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_17 = 12015 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite Participant' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_CENTRAL_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_17 = 12016 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Central 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_CENTRAL_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_17 = 12017 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Central 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_CENTRAL_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_17 = 12018 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Central 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_CENTRAL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_17 = 12019 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Central Participant' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_17 = 12020 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_17 = 12021 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_17 = 12022 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_17 = 12023 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access Participant' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_17 = 12024 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_17 = 12025 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_17 = 12026 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_17 = 12027 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open Participant' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 12028 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 12029 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 12030 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 12031 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 12032 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 12033 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 12034 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 12035 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 12036 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 12037 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 12038 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 12039 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_SUPPORTER_SEASON_2 = 12040 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_CLASSIC_MGE_CUP_ADVANCED_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 12041 // 'Classic MGE Cup Advanced 1st Place' const ID_CLASSIC_MGE_CUP_ADVANCED_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 12042 // 'Classic MGE Cup Advanced 2nd Place' const ID_CLASSIC_MGE_CUP_ADVANCED_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 12043 // 'Classic MGE Cup Advanced 3rd Place' const ID_CLASSIC_MGE_CUP_ADVANCED_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 12044 // 'Classic MGE Cup Advanced Participant' const ID_CLASSIC_MGE_CUP_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 12045 // 'Classic MGE Cup Open 1st Place' const ID_CLASSIC_MGE_CUP_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 12046 // 'Classic MGE Cup Open 2nd Place' const ID_CLASSIC_MGE_CUP_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 12047 // 'Classic MGE Cup Open 3rd Place' const ID_CLASSIC_MGE_CUP_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 12048 // 'Classic MGE Cup Open Participant' const ID_CLASSIC_MGE_CUP_HELPER_SEASON_3 = 12049 // 'Classic MGE Cup Helper' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_36 = 12050 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_36 = 12051 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_36 = 12052 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_36 = 12053 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Participation Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_36 = 12054 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_36 = 12055 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_36 = 12056 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_36 = 12057 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_36 = 12058 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_36 = 12059 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_36 = 12060 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_36 = 12061 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_36 = 12062 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_36 = 12063 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_36 = 12064 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_36 = 12065 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_36 = 12066 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_36 = 12067 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_36 = 12068 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_36 = 12069 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_36 = 12070 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_36 = 12071 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_36 = 12072 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_36 = 12073 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_36 = 12074 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_36 = 12075 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_36 = 12076 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_37 = 12077 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_37 = 12078 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_37 = 12079 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_37 = 12080 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Participation Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_37 = 12081 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_37 = 12082 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_37 = 12083 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_37 = 12084 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_37 = 12085 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_37 = 12086 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_37 = 12087 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_37 = 12088 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_37 = 12089 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_37 = 12090 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_37 = 12091 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_37 = 12092 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_37 = 12093 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_37 = 12094 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_37 = 12095 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_37 = 12096 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_37 = 12097 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_37 = 12098 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_37 = 12099 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_37 = 12100 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_37 = 12101 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_37 = 12102 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_37 = 12103 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 12104 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 12105 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Silver Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 12106 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Bronze Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 12107 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Participati...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 12108 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 12109 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 12110 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 12111 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 12112 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 12113 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 12114 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 12115 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 12116 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 12117 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 12118 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 12119 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_LOW_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 12120 // 'ETF2L Highlander Low Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_LOW_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 12121 // 'ETF2L Highlander Low Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_LOW_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 12122 // 'ETF2L Highlander Low Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_LOW_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 12123 // 'ETF2L Highlander Low Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 12124 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 12125 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 12126 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 12127 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_22 = 12128 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Participation Meda...' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_HIGHPREM_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 12129 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander High/Prem Gold Me...' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_HIGHPREM_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 12130 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander High/Prem Silver ...' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_HIGHPREM_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 12131 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander High/Prem Bronze ...' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_HIGHPREM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 12132 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander High/Prem Partici...' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_MID_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 12133 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander Mid Gold Medal' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_MID_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 12134 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander Mid Silver Medal' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_MID_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 12135 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander Mid Bronze Medal' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_MID_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 12136 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander Mid Participant' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_LOW_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 12137 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander Low Gold Medal' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_LOW_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 12138 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander Low Silver Medal' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_LOW_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 12139 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander Low Bronze Medal' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_LOW_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 12140 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander Low Participant' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 12141 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander Open Gold Medal' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 12142 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander Open Silver Medal' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 12143 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander Open Bronze Medal' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 12144 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander Open Participant' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_STAFF_SEASON_3 = 12145 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander Staff' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_DIVISION_1_1ST_PLACE_2021 = 12146 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup Division 1 First P...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_DIVISION_1_2ND_PLACE_2021 = 12147 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup Division 1 Second ...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_DIVISION_1_3RD_PLACE_2021 = 12148 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup Division 1 Third P...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPANT_2021 = 12149 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup Division 1 Partici...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_DIVISION_2_1ST_PLACE_2021 = 12150 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup Division 2 First P...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_DIVISION_2_2ND_PLACE_2021 = 12151 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup Division 2 Second ...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_DIVISION_2_3RD_PLACE_2021 = 12152 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup Division 2 Third P...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPANT_2021 = 12153 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup Division 2 Partici...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_DIVISION_3_1ST_PLACE_2021 = 12154 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup Division 3 First P...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_DIVISION_3_2ND_PLACE_2021 = 12155 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup Division 3 Second ...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_DIVISION_3_3RD_PLACE_2021 = 12156 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup Division 3 Third P...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPANT_2021 = 12157 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup Division 3 Partici...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_DIVISION_4_1ST_PLACE_2021 = 12158 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup Division 4 First P...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_DIVISION_4_2ND_PLACE_2021 = 12159 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup Division 4 Second ...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_DIVISION_4_3RD_PLACE_2021 = 12160 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup Division 4 Third P...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_DIVISION_4_PARTICIPANT_2021 = 12161 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup Division 4 Partici...' const ID_PASS_TIME_FEDERATION_1ST_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_2 = 12162 // 'PASS Time Federation 1st Place Medal' const ID_PASS_TIME_FEDERATION_2ND_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_2 = 12163 // 'PASS Time Federation 2nd Place Medal' const ID_PASS_TIME_FEDERATION_3RD_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_2 = 12164 // 'PASS Time Federation 3rd Place Medal' const ID_PASS_TIME_FEDERATION_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 12165 // 'PASS Time Federation Participant' const ID_PASS_TIME_FEDERATION_HELPER_SEASON_2 = 12166 // 'PASS Time Federation Helper' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 12167 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Main 1s...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 12168 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Main 2n...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 12169 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Main 3r...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_7 = 12170 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Main Pa...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 12171 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Premier...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 12172 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Premier...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 12173 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Premier...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_7 = 12174 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Premier...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 12175 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Main 1s...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 12176 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Main 2n...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 12177 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Main 3r...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_8 = 12178 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Main Pa...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 12179 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Premier...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 12180 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Premier...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 12181 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Premier...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_8 = 12182 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Premier...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 12183 // 'Respawn League ASIA Highlander 1st Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 12184 // 'Respawn League ASIA Highlander 2nd Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 12185 // 'Respawn League ASIA Highlander 3rd Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_HIGHLANDER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_6 = 12186 // 'Respawn League ASIA Highlander Participa...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 12187 // 'Respawn League ASIA Highlander 1st Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 12188 // 'Respawn League ASIA Highlander 2nd Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 12189 // 'Respawn League ASIA Highlander 3rd Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_HIGHLANDER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_7 = 12190 // 'Respawn League ASIA Highlander Participa...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_QUADLANDER_MAIN_4V4_1ST_PLACE_2021 = 12191 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Quadlander Main 4v...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_QUADLANDER_MAIN_4V4_2ND_PLACE_2021 = 12192 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Quadlander Main 4v...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_QUADLANDER_MAIN_4V4_3RD_PLACE_2021 = 12193 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Quadlander Main 4v...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_QUADLANDER_MAIN_4V4_PARTICIPANT_2021 = 12194 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Quadlander Main 4v...' const ID_NHBL_NATASCHA_HEAVYWEIGHT_CHAMPION_SEASON_10 = 12195 // 'NHBL 4th Natascha Heavyweight Champion' const ID_NHBL_FINALS_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_10 = 12196 // 'NHBL Finals Participant' const ID_NHBL_FINALS_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 12197 // 'NHBL Finals 2nd Place' const ID_NHBL_FINALS_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 12198 // 'NHBL Finals 3rd Place' const ID_NHBL_FINALS_4TH_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 12199 // 'NHBL Finals 4th Place' const ID_NHBL_SASHA_HEAVYWEIGHT_CHAMPION_SEASON_10 = 12200 // 'NHBL 10th Sasha Heavyweight Champion' const ID_EBL_INVITE_1ST_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_5 = 12201 // 'EBL Invite 1st Place Medal' const ID_EBL_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_5 = 12202 // 'EBL Invite 2nd Place Medal' const ID_EBL_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_5 = 12203 // 'EBL Invite 3rd Place Medal' const ID_EBL_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_5 = 12204 // 'EBL Invite Participant' const ID_EBL_MAIN_1ST_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_5 = 12205 // 'EBL Main 1st Place Medal' const ID_EBL_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_5 = 12206 // 'EBL Main 2nd Place Medal' const ID_EBL_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_5 = 12207 // 'EBL Main 3rd Place Medal' const ID_EBL_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_5 = 12208 // 'EBL Main Participant' const ID_EBL_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_5 = 12209 // 'EBL Open 1st Place Medal' const ID_EBL_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_5 = 12210 // 'EBL Open 2nd Place Medal' const ID_EBL_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_5 = 12211 // 'EBL Open 3rd Place Medal' const ID_EBL_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_5 = 12212 // 'EBL Open Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_30 = 12213 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_30 = 12214 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_30 = 12215 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_30 = 12216 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_30 = 12217 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate First Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_30 = 12218 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Second Pla...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_30 = 12219 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Third Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_30 = 12220 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Participan...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_30 = 12221 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_30 = 12222 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_30 = 12223 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_30 = 12224 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_30 = 12225 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_30 = 12226 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_30 = 12227 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_30 = 12228 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Participant' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_ELITE_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 12229 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Elite 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_ELITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 12230 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Elite 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_ELITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 12231 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Elite 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_ELITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_6 = 12232 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Elite Participant' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_CENTRAL_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 12233 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Central 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_CENTRAL_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 12234 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Central 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_CENTRAL_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 12235 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Central 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_CENTRAL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_6 = 12236 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Central Participant' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_ACCESS_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 12237 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Access 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_ACCESS_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 12238 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Access 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_ACCESS_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 12239 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Access 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_ACCESS_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_6 = 12240 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Access Participant' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 12241 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Open 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 12242 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Open 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 12243 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Open 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_6 = 12244 // 'LBTF2 Highlander Open Participant' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_QUADLANDER_PREMIER_4V4_1ST_PLACE_2021 = 12245 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Quadlander Premier...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_QUADLANDER_PREMIER_4V4_2ND_PLACE_2021 = 12246 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Quadlander Premier...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_QUADLANDER_PREMIER_4V4_3RD_PLACE_2021 = 12247 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Quadlander Premier...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_QUADLANDER_PREMIER_4V4_PARTICIPANT_2021 = 12248 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Quadlander Premier...' const ID_STARCHED_SILLINESS_POTATO_LOOKALIKE_2021 = 12249 // 'Starched Silliness Potato Lookalike 2021' const ID_STARCHED_SILLINESS_SUPER_SPUD_2021 = 12250 // 'Starched Silliness Super Spud 2021' const ID_STARCHED_SILLINESS_CURIOUS_CARBON_2021 = 12251 // 'Starched Silliness Curious Carbon 2021' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_WASTEX_MILLER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 12252 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Wastex Miller 1st Place' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_WASTEX_MILLER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 12253 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Wastex Miller 2nd Place' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_WASTEX_MILLER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 12254 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Wastex Miller 3rd Place' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_WASTEX_MILLER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_5 = 12255 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Wastex Miller Participant' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_BARTS_RIMET_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 12256 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Barts Rimet 1st Place' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_BARTS_RIMET_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 12257 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Barts Rimet 2nd Place' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_BARTS_RIMET_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 12258 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Barts Rimet 3rd Place' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_BARTS_RIMET_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_5 = 12259 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Barts Rimet Participant' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_VIC_BASTEN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 12260 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Vic Basten 1st Place' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_VIC_BASTEN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 12261 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Vic Basten 2nd Place' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_VIC_BASTEN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 12262 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Vic Basten 3rd Place' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_VIC_BASTEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_5 = 12263 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Vic Basten Participant' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_GHOSTEN_TUCHEL_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 12264 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Ghosten Tüchel 1st Place' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_GHOSTEN_TUCHEL_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 12265 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Ghosten Tüchel 2nd Place' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_GHOSTEN_TUCHEL_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 12266 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Ghosten Tüchel 3rd Place' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_GHOSTEN_TUCHEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_5 = 12267 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Ghosten Tüchel Participant' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_JOTEN_KLOPP_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 12268 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Jöten Klopp 1st Place' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_JOTEN_KLOPP_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 12269 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Jöten Klopp 2nd Place' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_JOTEN_KLOPP_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 12270 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Jöten Klopp 3rd Place' const ID_FBTF_CUP_6V6_JOTEN_KLOPP_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_5 = 12271 // 'FBTF Cup 6v6 Jöten Klopp Participant' const ID_DREAMHACK_COMMUNITY_CLASH_FIRST_PLACE_2021 = 12272 // 'DreamHack Community Clash 1st Place' const ID_DREAMHACK_COMMUNITY_CLASH_SECOND_PLACE_2021 = 12273 // 'DreamHack Community Clash 2nd Place' const ID_DREAMHACK_COMMUNITY_CLASH_THIRD_PLACE_2021 = 12274 // 'DreamHack Community Clash 3rd Place' const ID_DREAMHACK_COMMUNITY_CLASH_PARTICIPANT_2021 = 12275 // 'DreamHack Community Clash Participant' const ID_DREAMHACK_COMMUNITY_CLASH_STAFF_2021 = 12276 // 'DreamHack Community Clash Staff' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_INVITE_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 12277 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Invi...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_INVITE_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 12278 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Invi...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_INVITE_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 12279 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Invi...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 12280 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Invi...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 12281 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Inte...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 12282 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Inte...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 12283 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Inte...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 12284 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Inte...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_OPEN_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 12285 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Open...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_OPEN_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 12286 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Open...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_OPEN_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 12287 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Open...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 12288 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Open...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_SUPPORTER_SEASON_4 = 12289 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Supp...' const ID_CAPPINGTV_ULTIDUO_SUMMER_BRAWL_1ST_PLACE_2021 = 12290 // 'CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl 1st Place' const ID_CAPPINGTV_ULTIDUO_SUMMER_BRAWL_2ND_PLACE_2021 = 12291 // 'CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl 2nd Place' const ID_CAPPINGTV_ULTIDUO_SUMMER_BRAWL_3RD_PLACE_2021 = 12292 // 'CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl 3rd Place' const ID_CAPPINGTV_ULTIDUO_SUMMER_BRAWL_PARTICIPANT_2021 = 12293 // 'CappingTV Ultiduo Summer Brawl Participa...' const ID_LAN_DOWNUNDER_1ST_PLACE_2021 = 12294 // 'LAN Downunder 1st Place' const ID_LAN_DOWNUNDER_2ND_PLACE_2021 = 12295 // 'LAN Downunder 2nd Place' const ID_LAN_DOWNUNDER_3RD_PLACE_2021 = 12296 // 'LAN Downunder 3rd Place' const ID_LAN_DOWNUNDER_PARTICIPANT_2021 = 12297 // 'LAN Downunder Participant' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_8 = 12298 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Champions - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 12299 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 12300 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_8 = 12301 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Participant - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_CHALLENGER_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_8 = 12302 // 'RGL.gg - Challenger Champions - Highland...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_CHALLENGER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 12303 // 'RGL.gg - Challenger 2nd Place - Highland...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_CHALLENGER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 12304 // 'RGL.gg - Challenger 3rd Place - Highland...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_CHALLENGER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_8 = 12305 // 'RGL.gg - Challenger Participant - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_8 = 12306 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Champions - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 12307 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 2nd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 12308 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 3rd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_8 = 12309 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Participant - Highland...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_8 = 12310 // 'RGL.gg - Main Champions - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 12311 // 'RGL.gg - Main 2nd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 12312 // 'RGL.gg - Main 3rd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_8 = 12313 // 'RGL.gg - Main Participant - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_8 = 12314 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Champions - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 12315 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 2nd Place - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 12316 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 3rd Place - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_8 = 12317 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Participant - High...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_AMATEUR_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_8 = 12318 // 'RGL.gg - Amateur Participant - Highlande...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_NEWCOMER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_8 = 12319 // 'RGL.gg - Newcomer Participant - Highland...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_9 = 12320 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Champions - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 12321 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 12322 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_9 = 12323 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Participant - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_CHALLENGER_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_9 = 12324 // 'RGL.gg - Challenger Champions - Highland...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_CHALLENGER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 12325 // 'RGL.gg - Challenger 2nd Place - Highland...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_CHALLENGER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 12326 // 'RGL.gg - Challenger 3rd Place - Highland...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_CHALLENGER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_9 = 12327 // 'RGL.gg - Challenger Participant - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_9 = 12328 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Champions - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 12329 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 2nd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 12330 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 3rd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_9 = 12331 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Participant - Highland...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_9 = 12332 // 'RGL.gg - Main Champions - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 12333 // 'RGL.gg - Main 2nd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 12334 // 'RGL.gg - Main 3rd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_9 = 12335 // 'RGL.gg - Main Participant - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_9 = 12336 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Champions - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 12337 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 2nd Place - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 12338 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 3rd Place - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_9 = 12339 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Participant - High...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_AMATEUR_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_9 = 12340 // 'RGL.gg - Amateur Participant - Highlande...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_NEWCOMER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_9 = 12341 // 'RGL.gg - Newcomer Participant - Highland...' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_5 = 12342 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 12343 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 12344 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_5 = 12345 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_ADVANCED_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_5 = 12346 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_ADVANCED_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 12347 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_ADVANCED_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 12348 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_ADVANCED_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_5 = 12349 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_5 = 12350 // 'RGL.gg - Main Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 12351 // 'RGL.gg - Main 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 12352 // 'RGL.gg - Main 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_5 = 12353 // 'RGL.gg - Main Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_5 = 12354 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 12355 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 12356 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_5 = 12357 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_AMATEUR_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_5 = 12358 // 'RGL.gg - Amateur Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_NEWCOMER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_5 = 12359 // 'RGL.gg - Newcomer Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_6 = 12360 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 12361 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 12362 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_6 = 12363 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_ADVANCED_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_6 = 12364 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_ADVANCED_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 12365 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_ADVANCED_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 12366 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_ADVANCED_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_6 = 12367 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_6 = 12368 // 'RGL.gg - Main Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 12369 // 'RGL.gg - Main 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 12370 // 'RGL.gg - Main 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_6 = 12371 // 'RGL.gg - Main Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_6 = 12372 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 12373 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_6 = 12374 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_6 = 12375 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_AMATEUR_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_6 = 12376 // 'RGL.gg - Amateur Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_NEWCOMER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_6 = 12377 // 'RGL.gg - Newcomer Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_10 = 12378 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Champions' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 12379 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 12380 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place' const ID_RGLGG_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_10 = 12381 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Participant' const ID_RGLGG_ADVANCED_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_10 = 12382 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Champions' const ID_RGLGG_ADVANCED_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 12383 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 2nd Place' const ID_RGLGG_ADVANCED_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 12384 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 3rd Place' const ID_RGLGG_ADVANCED_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_10 = 12385 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Participant' const ID_RGLGG_MAIN_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_10 = 12386 // 'RGL.gg - Main Champions' const ID_RGLGG_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 12387 // 'RGL.gg - Main 2nd Place' const ID_RGLGG_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 12388 // 'RGL.gg - Main 3rd Place' const ID_RGLGG_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_10 = 12389 // 'RGL.gg - Main Participant' const ID_RGLGG_IM_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_10 = 12390 // 'RGL.gg - IM Champions' const ID_RGLGG_IM_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 12391 // 'RGL.gg - IM 2nd Place' const ID_RGLGG_IM_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 12392 // 'RGL.gg - IM 3rd Place' const ID_RGLGG_IM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_10 = 12393 // 'RGL.gg - IM Participant' const ID_RGLGG_AMATEUR_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_10 = 12394 // 'RGL.gg - Amateur Participant' const ID_RGLGG_NEWCOMER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_10 = 12395 // 'RGL.gg - Newcomer Participant' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_EXPERIMENTAL_MAPS_CUP_SUMMER_2021 = 12396 // 'RGL.gg Highlander Experimental Maps Cup' const ID_RGLGG_ONE_DAY_PROLANDER_CUP_NORTH_AMERICA_AUTUMN_2020 = 12397 // 'RGL.gg One Day Prolander Cup - NA #1' const ID_RGLGG_ONE_DAY_PROLANDER_CUP_NORTH_AMERICA_WINTER_2020 = 12398 // 'RGL.gg One Day Prolander Cup - NA #1' const ID_UGC_ULTIDUO_STEEL_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 12399 // 'UGC Ultiduo Steel 1st Place' const ID_UGC_ULTIDUO_STEEL_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 12400 // 'UGC Ultiduo Steel 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_ULTIDUO_STEEL_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 12401 // 'UGC Ultiduo Steel 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_ULTIDUO_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 12402 // 'UGC Ultiduo Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_ULTIDUO_PLATINUM_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 12403 // 'UGC Ultiduo Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_ULTIDUO_PLATINUM_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 12404 // 'UGC Ultiduo Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_ULTIDUO_PLATINUM_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 12405 // 'UGC Ultiduo Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_ULTIDUO_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 12406 // 'UGC Ultiduo Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_ULTIDUO_STEEL_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 12407 // 'UGC Ultiduo Steel 1st Place' const ID_UGC_ULTIDUO_STEEL_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 12408 // 'UGC Ultiduo Steel 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_ULTIDUO_STEEL_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 12409 // 'UGC Ultiduo Steel 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_ULTIDUO_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 12410 // 'UGC Ultiduo Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PLATINUM_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_32 = 12411 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PLATINUM_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_32 = 12412 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PLATINUM_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_32 = 12413 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_32 = 12414 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_32 = 12415 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_32 = 12416 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_32 = 12417 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_32 = 12418 // 'UGC Highlander Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_STEEL_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_32 = 12419 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_STEEL_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_32 = 12420 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_STEEL_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_32 = 12421 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_32 = 12422 // 'UGC Highlander Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_PLATINUM_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_34 = 12423 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_PLATINUM_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_34 = 12424 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_PLATINUM_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_34 = 12425 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_34 = 12426 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_STEEL_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_34 = 12427 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel 1st Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_STEEL_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_34 = 12428 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_STEEL_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_34 = 12429 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_34 = 12430 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_GOLD_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_21 = 12431 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 1st Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_GOLD_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_21 = 12432 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_GOLD_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_21 = 12433 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_GOLD_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_21 = 12434 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_SILVER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_21 = 12435 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver 1st Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_SILVER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_21 = 12436 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_SILVER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_21 = 12437 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_21 = 12438 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_STEEL_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_21 = 12439 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel 1st Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_STEEL_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_21 = 12440 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_STEEL_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_21 = 12441 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_21 = 12442 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_ULTIDUO_PLATINUM_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 12443 // 'UGC Ultiduo Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_ULTIDUO_PLATINUM_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 12444 // 'UGC Ultiduo Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_ULTIDUO_PLATINUM_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 12445 // 'UGC Ultiduo Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_ULTIDUO_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 12446 // 'UGC Ultiduo Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_ULTIDUO_STEEL_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 12447 // 'UGC Ultiduo Steel 1st Place' const ID_UGC_ULTIDUO_STEEL_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 12448 // 'UGC Ultiduo Steel 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_ULTIDUO_STEEL_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 12449 // 'UGC Ultiduo Steel 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_ULTIDUO_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 12450 // 'UGC Ultiduo Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PLATINUM_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_33 = 12451 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PLATINUM_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_33 = 12452 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PLATINUM_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_33 = 12453 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_33 = 12454 // 'UGC Highlander Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_33 = 12455 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_33 = 12456 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_33 = 12457 // 'UGC Highlander Silver 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_33 = 12458 // 'UGC Highlander Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_STEEL_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_33 = 12459 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 1st Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_STEEL_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_33 = 12460 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_STEEL_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_33 = 12461 // 'UGC Highlander Steel 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_HIGHLANDER_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_33 = 12462 // 'UGC Highlander Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_PLATINUM_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_35 = 12463 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_PLATINUM_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_35 = 12464 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_PLATINUM_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_35 = 12465 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_35 = 12466 // 'UGC 6vs6 Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_6VS6_STEEL_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_35 = 12467 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel 1st Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_STEEL_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_35 = 12468 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_STEEL_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_35 = 12469 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_6VS6_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_35 = 12470 // 'UGC 6vs6 Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_GOLD_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_22 = 12471 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 1st Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_GOLD_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_22 = 12472 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_GOLD_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_22 = 12473 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_GOLD_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_22 = 12474 // 'UGC 4vs4 Gold Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_SILVER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_22 = 12475 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver 1st Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_SILVER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_22 = 12476 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_SILVER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_22 = 12477 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_SILVER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_22 = 12478 // 'UGC 4vs4 Silver Participant' const ID_UGC_4VS4_STEEL_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_22 = 12479 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel 1st Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_STEEL_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_22 = 12480 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_STEEL_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_22 = 12481 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_4VS4_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_22 = 12482 // 'UGC 4vs4 Steel Participant' const ID_UGC_ULTIDUO_PLATINUM_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 12483 // 'UGC Ultiduo Platinum 1st Place' const ID_UGC_ULTIDUO_PLATINUM_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 12484 // 'UGC Ultiduo Platinum 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_ULTIDUO_PLATINUM_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 12485 // 'UGC Ultiduo Platinum 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_ULTIDUO_PLATINUM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 12486 // 'UGC Ultiduo Platinum Participant' const ID_UGC_ULTIDUO_STEEL_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 12487 // 'UGC Ultiduo Steel 1st Place' const ID_UGC_ULTIDUO_STEEL_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 12488 // 'UGC Ultiduo Steel 2nd Place' const ID_UGC_ULTIDUO_STEEL_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 12489 // 'UGC Ultiduo Steel 3rd Place' const ID_UGC_ULTIDUO_STEEL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 12490 // 'UGC Ultiduo Steel Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_31 = 12491 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_31 = 12492 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_31 = 12493 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_31 = 12494 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_31 = 12495 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate First Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_31 = 12496 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Second Pla...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_31 = 12497 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Third Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_31 = 12498 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Participan...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_31 = 12499 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_31 = 12500 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_31 = 12501 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_31 = 12502 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_31 = 12503 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_31 = 12504 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_31 = 12505 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_31 = 12506 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Participant' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_17 = 12507 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_17 = 12508 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_17 = 12509 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_17 = 12510 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 Participant' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_17 = 12511 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_17 = 12512 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_17 = 12513 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_17 = 12514 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 Participant' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_17 = 12515 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_17 = 12516 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_17 = 12517 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_17 = 12518 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 Participant' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_4_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_17 = 12519 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_4_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_17 = 12520 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_4_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_17 = 12521 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_4_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_17 = 12522 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 Participant' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 12523 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Main 1s...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 12524 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Main 2n...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 12525 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Main 3r...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_9 = 12526 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Main Pa...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 12527 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Premier...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 12528 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Premier...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 12529 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Premier...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_9 = 12530 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Premier...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 12531 // 'Respawn League ASIA Highlander 1st Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 12532 // 'Respawn League ASIA Highlander 2nd Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 12533 // 'Respawn League ASIA Highlander 3rd Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_HIGHLANDER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_8 = 12534 // 'Respawn League ASIA Highlander Participa...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 12535 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Main 1s...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 12536 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Main 2n...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 12537 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Main 3r...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_10 = 12538 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Main Pa...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 12539 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Premier...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 12540 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Premier...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 12541 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Premier...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_10 = 12542 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Premier...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 12543 // 'Respawn League ASIA Highlander 1st Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 12544 // 'Respawn League ASIA Highlander 2nd Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 12545 // 'Respawn League ASIA Highlander 3rd Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_HIGHLANDER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_9 = 12546 // 'Respawn League ASIA Highlander Participa...' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_38 = 12547 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_38 = 12548 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_38 = 12549 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_38 = 12550 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Participation Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_38 = 12551 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_38 = 12552 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_38 = 12553 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_38 = 12554 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_38 = 12555 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_38 = 12556 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_38 = 12557 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_38 = 12558 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_38 = 12559 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_38 = 12560 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_38 = 12561 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_38 = 12562 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_38 = 12563 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_38 = 12564 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_38 = 12565 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_38 = 12566 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_38 = 12567 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_38 = 12568 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_38 = 12569 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_38 = 12570 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_38 = 12571 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_38 = 12572 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_38 = 12573 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_39 = 12574 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_39 = 12575 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_39 = 12576 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_39 = 12577 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Participation Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_39 = 12578 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_39 = 12579 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_39 = 12580 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_39 = 12581 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_39 = 12582 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_39 = 12583 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_39 = 12584 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_39 = 12585 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_39 = 12586 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_39 = 12587 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_39 = 12588 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_39 = 12589 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_39 = 12590 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_39 = 12591 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_39 = 12592 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_39 = 12593 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_39 = 12594 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_39 = 12595 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_39 = 12596 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_39 = 12597 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_39 = 12598 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_39 = 12599 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_39 = 12600 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 12601 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 12602 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Silver Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 12603 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Bronze Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 12604 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Participati...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 12605 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 12606 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 12607 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 12608 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 12609 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 12610 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 12611 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 12612 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_3_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 12613 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 3 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_3_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 12614 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 3 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_3_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 12615 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 3 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 12616 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 3 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_4_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 12617 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 4 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_4_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 12618 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 4 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_4_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 12619 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 4 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_4_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 12620 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 4 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_5_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 12621 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 5 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_5_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 12622 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 5 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_5_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 12623 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 5 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_5_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 12624 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 5 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 12625 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 12626 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 12627 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 12628 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_23 = 12629 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Participation Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 12630 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 12631 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Silver Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 12632 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Bronze Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 12633 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Participati...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 12634 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 12635 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 12636 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 12637 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 12638 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 12639 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 12640 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 12641 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 12642 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 12643 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 12644 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 12645 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 12646 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_LOW_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 12647 // 'ETF2L Highlander Low Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_LOW_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 12648 // 'ETF2L Highlander Low Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_LOW_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 12649 // 'ETF2L Highlander Low Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_LOW_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 12650 // 'ETF2L Highlander Low Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_LOW_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 12651 // 'ETF2L Highlander Low Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 12652 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 12653 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 12654 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 12655 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_24 = 12656 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Participation Meda...' const ID_BLAPATURE_CO_BACKER_2021 = 12657 // 'BlapBash Backer 2021' const ID_BLAPATURE_CO_SUPPORTER_2021 = 12658 // 'BlapBash Supporter 2021' const ID_BLAPATURE_CO_BENEFACTOR_2021 = 12659 // 'BlapBash Benefactor 2021' const ID_HEXADECIMAL_HORRORS_MACABRE_MEMENTO_2021 = 12660 // 'Hexadecimal Horrors Macabre Memento 2021' const ID_HEXADECIMAL_HORRORS_MOONLIT_MAGNATE_2021 = 12661 // 'Hexadecimal Horrors Moonlit Magnate 2021' const ID_OZFORTRESS_WINTER_LEAGUE_DIVISION_1_1ST_PLACE_2021 = 12662 // 'ozfortress Winter League Division 1 Firs...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_WINTER_LEAGUE_DIVISION_1_2ND_PLACE_2021 = 12663 // 'ozfortress Winter League Division 1 Seco...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_WINTER_LEAGUE_DIVISION_1_3RD_PLACE_2021 = 12664 // 'ozfortress Winter League Division 1 Thir...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_WINTER_LEAGUE_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPANT_2021 = 12665 // 'ozfortress Winter League Division 1 Part...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_WINTER_LEAGUE_DIVISION_2_1ST_PLACE_2021 = 12666 // 'ozfortress Winter League Division 2 Firs...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_WINTER_LEAGUE_DIVISION_2_2ND_PLACE_2021 = 12667 // 'ozfortress Winter League Division 2 Seco...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_WINTER_LEAGUE_DIVISION_2_3RD_PLACE_2021 = 12668 // 'ozfortress Winter League Division 2 Thir...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_WINTER_LEAGUE_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPANT_2021 = 12669 // 'ozfortress Winter League Division 2 Part...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_WINTER_LEAGUE_DIVISION_3_1ST_PLACE_2021 = 12670 // 'ozfortress Winter League Division 3 Firs...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_WINTER_LEAGUE_DIVISION_3_2ND_PLACE_2021 = 12671 // 'ozfortress Winter League Division 3 Seco...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_WINTER_LEAGUE_DIVISION_3_3RD_PLACE_2021 = 12672 // 'ozfortress Winter League Division 3 Thir...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_WINTER_LEAGUE_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPANT_2021 = 12673 // 'ozfortress Winter League Division 3 Part...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_WINTER_LEAGUE_DIVISION_4_1ST_PLACE_2021 = 12674 // 'ozfortress Winter League Division 4 Firs...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_WINTER_LEAGUE_DIVISION_4_2ND_PLACE_2021 = 12675 // 'ozfortress Winter League Division 4 Seco...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_WINTER_LEAGUE_DIVISION_4_3RD_PLACE_2021 = 12676 // 'ozfortress Winter League Division 4 Thir...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_WINTER_LEAGUE_DIVISION_4_PARTICIPANT_2021 = 12677 // 'ozfortress Winter League Division 4 Part...' const ID_EBL_INVITE_1ST_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_6 = 12678 // 'EBL Invite 1st Place Medal' const ID_EBL_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_6 = 12679 // 'EBL Invite 2nd Place Medal' const ID_EBL_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_6 = 12680 // 'EBL Invite 3rd Place Medal' const ID_EBL_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_6 = 12681 // 'EBL Invite Participant' const ID_EBL_MAIN_1ST_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_6 = 12682 // 'EBL Main 1st Place Medal' const ID_EBL_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_6 = 12683 // 'EBL Main 2nd Place Medal' const ID_EBL_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_6 = 12684 // 'EBL Main 3rd Place Medal' const ID_EBL_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_6 = 12685 // 'EBL Main Participant' const ID_EBL_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_6 = 12686 // 'EBL Open 1st Place Medal' const ID_EBL_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_6 = 12687 // 'EBL Open 2nd Place Medal' const ID_EBL_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_6 = 12688 // 'EBL Open 3rd Place Medal' const ID_EBL_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_6 = 12689 // 'EBL Open Participant' const ID_MIDNIGHT_MOON_GOLD_2021 = 12690 // 'MidNight Moon 1st Place' const ID_MIDNIGHT_MOON_SILVER_2021 = 12691 // 'MidNight Moon 2nd Place' const ID_MIDNIGHT_MOON_BRONZE_2021 = 12692 // 'MidNight Moon 3rd Place' const ID_MIDNIGHT_MOON_PARTICIPANT_2021 = 12693 // 'MidNight Moon Participant' const ID_MIDNIGHT_MOON_STAFF_2021 = 12694 // 'MidNight Moon Staff' const ID_NEWBIE_HIGHLANDER_CUP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_6 = 12695 // 'Gibus Highlander Cup Gold Medal' const ID_NEWBIE_HIGHLANDER_CUP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_6 = 12696 // 'Gibus Highlander Cup Silver Medal' const ID_NEWBIE_HIGHLANDER_CUP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_6 = 12697 // 'Gibus Highlander Cup Bronze Medal' const ID_NEWBIE_HIGHLANDER_CUP_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_6 = 12698 // 'Gibus Highlander Cup Participant' const ID_NEWBIE_PROLANDER_CUP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_6 = 12699 // 'Gibus Prolander Cup Gold Medal' const ID_NEWBIE_PROLANDER_CUP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_6 = 12700 // 'Gibus Prolander Cup Silver Medal' const ID_NEWBIE_PROLANDER_CUP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_6 = 12701 // 'Gibus Prolander Cup Bronze Medal' const ID_NEWBIE_PROLANDER_CUP_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_6 = 12702 // 'Gibus Prolander Cup Participant' const ID_BINARY_BLACKOUT_GOLDEN_GREAT_2021 = 12703 // 'Binary Blackout Golden Great 2021' const ID_BINARY_BLACKOUT_SILVER_SOLDIER_2021 = 12704 // 'Binary Blackout Silver Soldier 2021' const ID_BINARY_BLACKOUT_BRONZE_BEGINNER_2021 = 12705 // 'Binary Blackout Bronze Beginner 2021' const ID_BINARY_BLACKOUT_JUVENILES_JADE_2021 = 12706 // 'Binary Blackout Juvenile's Jade 2021' const ID_BINARY_BLACKOUT_MARVELLOUS_MOONSTONE_2021 = 12707 // 'Binary Blackout Marvellous Moonstone 202...' const ID_AUSPICIOUS_AUTOMATON_ASSEMBLERS_ACCOLADE = 12708 // 'Auspicious Automaton Assembler's Accolad...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_HALLOWEEN_HAUNTED_GROUP_FIRST_2021 = 12709 // 'Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Grou...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_HALLOWEEN_HAUNTED_GROUP_SECOND_2021 = 12710 // 'Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Grou...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_HALLOWEEN_HAUNTED_GROUP_THIRD_2021 = 12711 // 'Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Grou...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_HALLOWEEN_HAUNTED_GROUP_PARTICIPANT_2021 = 12712 // 'Brazil Fortress Halloween - Haunted Grou...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_HALLOWEEN_GHASTLY_GROUP_FIRST_2021 = 12713 // 'Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Grou...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_HALLOWEEN_GHASTLY_GROUP_SECOND_2021 = 12714 // 'Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Grou...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_HALLOWEEN_GHASTLY_GROUP_THIRD_2021 = 12715 // 'Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Grou...' const ID_BRAZIL_FORTRESS_HALLOWEEN_GHASTLY_GROUP_PARTICIPANT_2021 = 12716 // 'Brazil Fortress Halloween - Ghastly Grou...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_BBALL_MAIN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 12717 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ BBall Main 1st Pla...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_BBALL_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 12718 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ BBall Main 2nd Pla...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_BBALL_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 12719 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ BBall Main 3rd Pla...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_BBALL_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 12720 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ BBall Main Partici...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_BBALL_INTERMEDIATE_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 12721 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ BBall Intermediate...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_BBALL_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 12722 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ BBall Intermediate...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_BBALL_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 12723 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ BBall Intermediate...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_BBALL_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 12724 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ BBall Intermediate...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_BBALL_PREMIER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 12725 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ BBall Premier 1st ...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_BBALL_PREMIER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 12726 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ BBall Premier 2nd ...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_BBALL_PREMIER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 12727 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ BBall Premier 3rd ...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_BBALL_PREMIER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 12728 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ BBall Premier Part...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_BBALL_MAIN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 12729 // 'Respawn League Asia BBall Main 1st Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_BBALL_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 12730 // 'Respawn League Asia BBall Main 2nd Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_BBALL_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 12731 // 'Respawn League Asia BBall Main 3rd Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_BBALL_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 12732 // 'Respawn League Asia BBall Main Participa...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_BBALL_PREMIER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 12733 // 'Respawn League Asia BBall Premier 1st Pl...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_BBALL_PREMIER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 12734 // 'Respawn League Asia BBall Premier 2nd Pl...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_BBALL_PREMIER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 12735 // 'Respawn League Asia BBall Premier 3rd Pl...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_BBALL_PREMIER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 12736 // 'Respawn League Asia BBall Premier Partic...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_32 = 12737 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_32 = 12738 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_32 = 12739 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_32 = 12740 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGH_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_32 = 12741 // 'ozfortress Sixes High First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGH_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_32 = 12742 // 'ozfortress Sixes High Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGH_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_32 = 12743 // 'ozfortress Sixes High Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGH_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_32 = 12744 // 'ozfortress Sixes High Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_32 = 12745 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate First Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_32 = 12746 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Second Pla...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_32 = 12747 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Third Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_32 = 12748 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Participan...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_32 = 12749 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_32 = 12750 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_32 = 12751 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_32 = 12752 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_32 = 12753 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_32 = 12754 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_32 = 12755 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_32 = 12756 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Participant' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 12757 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 12758 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 12759 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_18 = 12760 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 Participant' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 12761 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 12762 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 12763 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_18 = 12764 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 Participant' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 12765 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 12766 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 12767 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_18 = 12768 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 Participant' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_4_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 12769 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_4_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 12770 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_4_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 12771 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_4_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_18 = 12772 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 4 Participant' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 12773 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 12774 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 12775 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 12776 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 12777 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 12778 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 12779 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 12780 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 12781 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 12782 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 12783 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 12784 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_SUPPORTER_SEASON_3 = 12785 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_AUSTRALIAN_HIGHTOWER_HIGHJINX_ROYALTY_2022 = 12786 // 'Australian Hightower Highjinx Royalty' const ID_AUSTRALIAN_HIGHTOWER_HIGHJINX_PARTICIPANT_2022 = 12787 // 'Australian Hightower Highjinx Participan...' const ID_AUSTRALIAN_HIGHTOWER_HIGHJINX_DONOR_2022 = 12788 // 'Australian Hightower Highjinx Donor' const ID_AUSTRALIAN_HIGHTOWER_HIGHJINX_HELPER_2022 = 12789 // 'Australian Hightower Highjinx Helper' const ID_TF2MAPS_CHARITABLE_HEART_2021 = 12790 // 'TF2Maps Charitable Heart 2021' const ID_TF2MAPS_72HR_TF2JAM_PARTICIPANT_2021 = 12791 // 'TF2Maps 72hr TF2Jam Participant' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 12792 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 12793 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 12794 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_18 = 12795 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite Participant' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_CENTRAL_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 12796 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Central 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_CENTRAL_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 12797 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Central 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_CENTRAL_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 12798 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Central 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_CENTRAL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_18 = 12799 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Central Participant' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 12800 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 12801 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 12802 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_18 = 12803 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access Participant' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 12804 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 12805 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 12806 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_18 = 12807 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open Participant' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_BEGINNER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 12808 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Beginner 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_BEGINNER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 12809 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Beginner 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_BEGINNER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_18 = 12810 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Beginner 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_BEGINNER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_18 = 12811 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Beginner Participant' const ID_CLASSIC_MGE_CUP_ADVANCED_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_4 = 12812 // 'Classic MGE Cup Advanced 1st Place' const ID_CLASSIC_MGE_CUP_ADVANCED_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_4 = 12813 // 'Classic MGE Cup Advanced 2nd Place' const ID_CLASSIC_MGE_CUP_ADVANCED_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_4 = 12814 // 'Classic MGE Cup Advanced 3rd Place' const ID_CLASSIC_MGE_CUP_ADVANCED_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 12815 // 'Classic MGE Cup Advanced Participant' const ID_CLASSIC_MGE_CUP_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_4 = 12816 // 'Classic MGE Cup Open 1st Place' const ID_CLASSIC_MGE_CUP_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_4 = 12817 // 'Classic MGE Cup Open 2nd Place' const ID_CLASSIC_MGE_CUP_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_4 = 12818 // 'Classic MGE Cup Open 3rd Place' const ID_CLASSIC_MGE_CUP_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 12819 // 'Classic MGE Cup Open Participant' const ID_CLASSIC_MGE_CUP_HELPER_SEASON_4 = 12820 // 'Classic MGE Cup Helper' const ID_CLTF2_6V6_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 12821 // 'CLTF2 6v6 Tournament Gold Medal' const ID_CLTF2_6V6_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 12822 // 'CLTF2 6v6 Tournament Silver Medal' const ID_CLTF2_6V6_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 12823 // 'CLTF2 6v6 Tournament Bronze Medal' const ID_CLTF2_6V6_PARTICIPANT_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 12824 // 'CLTF2 6v6 Tournament Participant' const ID_CLTF2_6V6_STAFF_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 12825 // 'CLTF2 6v6 Tournament Staff Medal' const ID_PECULIAR_PANDEMONIUM_TUNGSTEN_ROBOT_OF_LEADED_LUNACY_2022 = 12826 // 'Peculiar Pandemonium Tungsten Robot of L...' const ID_PECULIAR_PANDEMONIUM_LUXURIOUS_LEPIDOLITE_2022 = 12827 // 'Peculiar Pandemonium Luxurious Lepidolit...' const ID_PECULIAR_PANDEMONIUM_MESMERIZING_MORGANITE_2022 = 12828 // 'Peculiar Pandemonium Mesmerizing Morgani...' const ID_PECULIAR_PANDEMONIUM_PINK_DIAMOND_2022 = 12829 // 'Peculiar Pandemonium Pink Diamond' const ID_STREAMER_CUP_GOLD_MEDAL = 12830 // 'Streamer Cup Gold Medal' const ID_STREAMER_CUP_SILVER_MEDAL = 12831 // 'Streamer Cup Silver Medal' const ID_STREAMER_CUP_BRONZE_MEDAL = 12832 // 'Streamer Cup Bronze Medal' const ID_STREAMER_CUP_PARTICIPANT = 12833 // 'Streamer Cup Participant' const ID_STREAMER_CUP_STAFF = 12834 // 'Streamer Cup Staff' const ID_CAPPINGTV_SUMMER_BRAWL_1ST_PLACE_2022 = 12835 // 'CappingTV Summer Brawl 1st Place' const ID_CAPPINGTV_SUMMER_BRAWL_2ND_PLACE_2022 = 12836 // 'CappingTV Summer Brawl 2nd Place' const ID_CAPPINGTV_SUMMER_BRAWL_3RD_PLACE_2022 = 12837 // 'CappingTV Summer Brawl 3rd Place' const ID_CAPPINGTV_SUMMER_BRAWL_PARTICIPANT_2022 = 12838 // 'CappingTV Summer Brawl Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_33 = 12839 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_33 = 12840 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_33 = 12841 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_33 = 12842 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_33 = 12843 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate First Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_33 = 12844 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Second Pla...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_33 = 12845 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Third Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_33 = 12846 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Participan...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_33 = 12847 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_33 = 12848 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_33 = 12849 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_33 = 12850 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_33 = 12851 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_33 = 12852 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_33 = 12853 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_33 = 12854 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_34 = 12855 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_34 = 12856 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_34 = 12857 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_34 = 12858 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_34 = 12859 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate First Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_34 = 12860 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Second Pla...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_34 = 12861 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Third Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_34 = 12862 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Participan...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_34 = 12863 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_34 = 12864 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_34 = 12865 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_34 = 12866 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_34 = 12867 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_34 = 12868 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_34 = 12869 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_34 = 12870 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Participant' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_11 = 12871 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander 1st Pla...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_11 = 12872 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander 2nd Pla...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_11 = 12873 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander 3rd Pla...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_AUSNZ_HIGHLANDER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_11 = 12874 // 'Respawn League AUS/NZ Highlander Partici...' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_HIGHLANDER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 12875 // 'Respawn League ASIA Highlander 1st Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_HIGHLANDER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 12876 // 'Respawn League ASIA Highlander 2nd Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_HIGHLANDER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 12877 // 'Respawn League ASIA Highlander 3rd Place' const ID_RESPAWN_LEAGUE_ASIA_HIGHLANDER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_10 = 12878 // 'Respawn League ASIA Highlander Participa...' const ID_TFCL_SUMMER_CUP_1ST_PLACE_2022 = 12879 // 'TFCL Summer Cup 1st Place' const ID_TFCL_SUMMER_CUP_2ND_PLACE_2022 = 12880 // 'TFCL Summer Cup 2nd Place' const ID_TFCL_SUMMER_CUP_3RD_PLACE_2022 = 12881 // 'TFCL Summer Cup 3rd Place' const ID_TFCL_SUMMER_CUP_PARTICIPANT_2022 = 12882 // 'TFCL Summer Cup Participant' const ID_TFCL_HELPER = 12883 // 'TFCL Helper' const ID_REWIRED_RAMPAGE_REVERSE_ENGINEERED_RUBY_2022 = 12884 // 'Rewired Rampage Reverse-Engineered Ruby' const ID_REWIRED_RAMPAGE_QUARRELOUS_QUARTZ_2022 = 12885 // 'Rewired Rampage Quarrelous Quartz' const ID_REWIRED_RAMPAGE_PERILOUS_PERIDOT_2022 = 12886 // 'Rewired Rampage Perilous Peridot' const ID_REWIRED_RAMPAGE_SOPHISTICATED_SAPPHIRE_2022 = 12887 // 'Rewired Rampage Sophisticated Sapphire' const ID_REWIRED_RAMPAGE_GEM_OF_GENEROSITY_2022 = 12888 // 'Rewired Rampage Gem of Generosity' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_10 = 12889 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Champions - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 12890 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 12891 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_10 = 12892 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Participant - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_10 = 12893 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Champions - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 12894 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 2nd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 12895 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 3rd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_10 = 12896 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Participant - Highland...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_10 = 12897 // 'RGL.gg - Main Champions - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 12898 // 'RGL.gg - Main 2nd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 12899 // 'RGL.gg - Main 3rd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_10 = 12900 // 'RGL.gg - Main Participant - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_10 = 12901 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Champions - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 12902 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 2nd Place - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 12903 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 3rd Place - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_10 = 12904 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Participant - High...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_AMATEUR_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_10 = 12905 // 'RGL.gg - Amateur Participant - Highlande...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_NEWCOMER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_10 = 12906 // 'RGL.gg - Newcomer Participant - Highland...' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_7 = 12907 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 12908 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 12909 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_7 = 12910 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_ADVANCED_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_7 = 12911 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_ADVANCED_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 12912 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_ADVANCED_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 12913 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_ADVANCED_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_7 = 12914 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_7 = 12915 // 'RGL.gg - Main Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 12916 // 'RGL.gg - Main 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 12917 // 'RGL.gg - Main 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_7 = 12918 // 'RGL.gg - Main Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_7 = 12919 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 12920 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_7 = 12921 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_7 = 12922 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_AMATEUR_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_7 = 12923 // 'RGL.gg - Amateur Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_NEWCOMER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_7 = 12924 // 'RGL.gg - Newcomer Participant - 6v6' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_ELITE_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 12925 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Elit...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_ELITE_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 12926 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Elit...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_ELITE_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 12927 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Elit...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_ELITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_5 = 12928 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Elit...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_CENTRAL_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 12929 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Cent...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_CENTRAL_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 12930 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Cent...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_CENTRAL_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 12931 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Cent...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_CENTRAL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_5 = 12932 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Cent...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_ACCESS_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 12933 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Acce...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_ACCESS_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 12934 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Acce...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_ACCESS_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 12935 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Acce...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_ACCESS_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_5 = 12936 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Acce...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_OPEN_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 12937 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Open...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_OPEN_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 12938 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Open...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_OPEN_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_5 = 12939 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Open...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_5 = 12940 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress 6v6 Open...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_ELITE_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 12941 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_ELITE_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 12942 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_ELITE_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 12943 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_ELITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 12944 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_CENTRAL_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 12945 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_CENTRAL_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 12946 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_CENTRAL_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 12947 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_CENTRAL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 12948 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_ACCESS_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 12949 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_ACCESS_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 12950 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_ACCESS_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 12951 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_ACCESS_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 12952 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 12953 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 12954 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 12955 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_SOUTH_AMERICAN_VANILLA_FORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 12956 // 'South American Vanilla Fortress Highland...' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_19 = 12957 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_19 = 12958 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_19 = 12959 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_19 = 12960 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 Participant' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_19 = 12961 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_19 = 12962 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_19 = 12963 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_19 = 12964 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 Participant' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_19 = 12965 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_19 = 12966 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_19 = 12967 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_19 = 12968 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 12969 // 'ozfortress Highlander Premier First Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 12970 // 'ozfortress Highlander Premier Second Pla...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 12971 // 'ozfortress Highlander Premier Third Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 12972 // 'ozfortress Highlander Premier Participan...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 12973 // 'ozfortress Highlander Intermediate First...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 12974 // 'ozfortress Highlander Intermediate Secon...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 12975 // 'ozfortress Highlander Intermediate Third...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 12976 // 'ozfortress Highlander Intermediate Parti...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 12977 // 'ozfortress Highlander Open First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 12978 // 'ozfortress Highlander Open Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_1 = 12979 // 'ozfortress Highlander Open Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_1 = 12980 // 'ozfortress Highlander Open Participant' const ID_LAN_DOWNUNDER_1ST_PLACE_2022 = 12981 // 'LAN Downunder Champion' const ID_LAN_DOWNUNDER_2ND_PLACE_2022 = 12982 // 'LAN Downunder 2nd Place' const ID_LAN_DOWNUNDER_3RD_PLACE_2022 = 12983 // 'LAN Downunder 3rd Place' const ID_LAN_DOWNUNDER_PARTICIPANT_2022 = 12984 // 'LAN Downunder Participant' const ID_ANNIVERSARY_ANNIHILATION_PARTICIPATION_TROPHY_2022 = 12985 // 'Anniversary Annihilation Participation T...' const ID_ANNIVERSARY_ANNIHILATION_GALVANIZED_GOBLET_2022 = 12986 // 'Anniversary Annihilation Galvanized Gobl...' const ID_ANNIVERSARY_ANNIHILATION_SOUL_BINDING_STAR_2022 = 12987 // 'Anniversary Annihilation Soul-Binding St...' const ID_ANNIVERSARY_ANNIHILATION_CAREGIVING_CORUNDUM_2022 = 12988 // 'Anniversary Annihilation Caregiving Coru...' const ID_ANNIVERSARY_ANNIHILATION_HEROISTIC_HEART_2022 = 12989 // 'Anniversary Annihilation Heroistic Heart...' const ID_ANNIVERSARY_ANNIHILATION_DASTARDLY_DIAMOND_2022 = 12990 // 'Anniversary Annihilation Dastardly Diamo...' const ID_TF2MAPS_72HR_TF2JAM_SUMMER_PARTICIPANT_2022 = 12991 // 'TF2Maps 72hr TF2Jam Summer Participant' const ID_TF2MAPS_RAY_OF_SUNSHINE_2022 = 12992 // 'TF2Maps Ray of Sunshine 2022' const ID_BLAPATURE_CO_BACKER_2022 = 12993 // 'BlapBash Backer 2022' const ID_BLAPATURE_CO_SUPPORTER_2022 = 12994 // 'BlapBash Supporter 2022' const ID_BLAPATURE_CO_BENEFACTOR_2022 = 12995 // 'BlapBash Benefactor 2022' const ID_BLAPATURE_CO_ADVOCATOR_2022 = 12996 // 'BlapBash Advocator 2022' const ID_INSOMNIA_69_FIRST_PLACE_MEDAL = 12997 // 'Insomnia 69 First Place' const ID_INSOMNIA_69_SECOND_PLACE_MEDAL = 12998 // 'Insomnia 69 Second Place' const ID_INSOMNIA_69_THIRD_PLACE_MEDAL = 12999 // 'Insomnia 69 Third Place' const ID_INSOMNIA_69_PARTICIPANT_MEDAL = 13000 // 'Insomnia 69 Participant' const ID_INSOMNIA_69_STAFF_MEDAL = 13001 // 'Insomnia 69 Staff' const ID_DREAMHACK_COMMUNITY_CLASH_FIRST_PLACE_2022 = 13002 // 'DreamHack Community Clash 1st Place' const ID_DREAMHACK_COMMUNITY_CLASH_SECOND_PLACE_2022 = 13003 // 'DreamHack Community Clash 2nd Place' const ID_DREAMHACK_COMMUNITY_CLASH_THIRD_PLACE_2022 = 13004 // 'DreamHack Community Clash 3rd Place' const ID_DREAMHACK_COMMUNITY_CLASH_PARTICIPANT_2022 = 13005 // 'DreamHack Community Clash Participant' const ID_DREAMHACK_COMMUNITY_CLASH_STAFF_2022 = 13006 // 'DreamHack Community Clash Staff' const ID_TFARENA_6V6_ARENA_MODE_ELITE_DIVISION_CUP_3_GOLD = 13007 // 'TFArena Elite Division Champions' const ID_TFARENA_6V6_ARENA_MODE_ELITE_DIVISION_CUP_3_SILVER = 13008 // 'TFArena Elite Division 2nd Place' const ID_TFARENA_6V6_ARENA_MODE_ELITE_DIVISION_CUP_3_BRONZE = 13009 // 'TFArena Elite Division 3rd Place' const ID_TFARENA_6V6_ARENA_MODE_ELITE_DIVISION_CUP_3_PARTICIPANT = 13010 // 'TFArena Elite Division Participant' const ID_TFARENA_6V6_ARENA_MODE_EXPERIENCED_DIVISION_CUP_3_GOLD = 13011 // 'TFArena Experienced Division Champions' const ID_TFARENA_6V6_ARENA_MODE_EXPERIENCED_DIVISION_CUP_3_SILVER = 13012 // 'TFArena Experienced Division 2nd Place' const ID_TFARENA_6V6_ARENA_MODE_EXPERIENCED_DIVISION_CUP_3_BRONZE = 13013 // 'TFArena Experienced Division 3rd Place' const ID_TFARENA_6V6_ARENA_MODE_EXPERIENCED_DIVISION_CUP_3_PARTICIPANT = 13014 // 'TFArena Experienced Division Participant' const ID_TFARENA_6V6_ARENA_MODE_ROOKIE_DIVISION_CUP_3_GOLD = 13015 // 'TFArena Rookie Division Champions' const ID_TFARENA_6V6_ARENA_MODE_ROOKIE_DIVISION_CUP_3_SILVER = 13016 // 'TFArena Rookie Division 2nd Place' const ID_TFARENA_6V6_ARENA_MODE_ROOKIE_DIVISION_CUP_3_BRONZE = 13017 // 'TFArena Rookie Division 3rd Place' const ID_TFARENA_6V6_ARENA_MODE_ROOKIE_DIVISION_CUP_3_PARTICIPANT = 13018 // 'TFArena Rookie Division Participant' const ID_TFARENA_6V6_ARENA_MODE_CUP_3_HELPER = 13019 // 'TFArena Helper Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_40 = 13020 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_40 = 13021 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_40 = 13022 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_40 = 13023 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Participation Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_40 = 13024 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_40 = 13025 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_40 = 13026 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_40 = 13027 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_40 = 13028 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_40 = 13029 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_40 = 13030 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_40 = 13031 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_40 = 13032 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_40 = 13033 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_40 = 13034 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_40 = 13035 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_40 = 13036 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_40 = 13037 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_40 = 13038 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_40 = 13039 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_40 = 13040 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_40 = 13041 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_40 = 13042 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_40 = 13043 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_40 = 13044 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_40 = 13045 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_40 = 13046 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_41 = 13047 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_41 = 13048 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_41 = 13049 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_41 = 13050 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Participation Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_41 = 13051 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_41 = 13052 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_41 = 13053 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_41 = 13054 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_41 = 13055 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_41 = 13056 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_41 = 13057 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_41 = 13058 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_41 = 13059 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_41 = 13060 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_41 = 13061 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_41 = 13062 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_41 = 13063 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_41 = 13064 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_41 = 13065 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_41 = 13066 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_41 = 13067 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_41 = 13068 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_41 = 13069 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_41 = 13070 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_41 = 13071 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_41 = 13072 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_41 = 13073 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_42 = 13074 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_42 = 13075 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_42 = 13076 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_PREMIERSHIP_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_42 = 13077 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Premiership Participation Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_42 = 13078 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_42 = 13079 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_42 = 13080 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_42 = 13081 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 1 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_42 = 13082 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_42 = 13083 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_42 = 13084 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_42 = 13085 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Division 2 Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_42 = 13086 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_42 = 13087 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_42 = 13088 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_42 = 13089 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_MID_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_42 = 13090 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Mid Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_42 = 13091 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_42 = 13092 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_42 = 13093 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_42 = 13094 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_LOW_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_42 = 13095 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Low Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_42 = 13096 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_42 = 13097 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_42 = 13098 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_42 = 13099 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_42 = 13100 // 'ETF2L 6v6 Open Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 13101 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 13102 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Silver Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 13103 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Bronze Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 13104 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Participati...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 13105 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 13106 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 13107 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 13108 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 13109 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 13110 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 13111 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 13112 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_3_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 13113 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 3 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_3_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 13114 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 3 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_3_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 13115 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 3 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 13116 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 3 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_4_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 13117 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 4 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_4_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 13118 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 4 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_4_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 13119 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 4 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_4_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 13120 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 4 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_LOW_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 13121 // 'ETF2L Highlander Low Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_LOW_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 13122 // 'ETF2L Highlander Low Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_LOW_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 13123 // 'ETF2L Highlander Low Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_LOW_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 13124 // 'ETF2L Highlander Low Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_LOW_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 13125 // 'ETF2L Highlander Low Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 13126 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 13127 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 13128 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 13129 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_25 = 13130 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Participation Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 13131 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 13132 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Silver Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 13133 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Bronze Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 13134 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Participati...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 13135 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 13136 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 13137 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 13138 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 13139 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 13140 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 13141 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 13142 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_3_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 13143 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 3 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_3_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 13144 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 3 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_3_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 13145 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 3 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 13146 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 3 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_4_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 13147 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 4 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_4_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 13148 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 4 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_4_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 13149 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 4 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_4_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 13150 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 4 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 13151 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 13152 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 13153 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 13154 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_26 = 13155 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Participation Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 13156 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 13157 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Silver Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 13158 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Bronze Meda...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_PREMIERSHIP_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 13159 // 'ETF2L Highlander Premiership Participati...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 13160 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 13161 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 13162 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 13163 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 1 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 13164 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 13165 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 13166 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 13167 // 'ETF2L Highlander Division 2 Participatio...' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 13168 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 13169 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 13170 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 13171 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_MID_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 13172 // 'ETF2L Highlander Mid Participation Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 13173 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Gold Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 13174 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Silver Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 13175 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Bronze Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PLAYOFF_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 13176 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Playoff Medal' const ID_ETF2L_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PARTICIPATION_MEDAL_SEASON_27 = 13177 // 'ETF2L Highlander Open Participation Meda...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_11 = 13178 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Champions - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_11 = 13179 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_11 = 13180 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_11 = 13181 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Participant - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_11 = 13182 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Champions - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_11 = 13183 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 2nd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_11 = 13184 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 3rd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_11 = 13185 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Participant - Highland...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_11 = 13186 // 'RGL.gg - Main Champions - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_11 = 13187 // 'RGL.gg - Main 2nd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_11 = 13188 // 'RGL.gg - Main 3rd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_11 = 13189 // 'RGL.gg - Main Participant - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_11 = 13190 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Champions - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_11 = 13191 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 2nd Place - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_11 = 13192 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 3rd Place - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_11 = 13193 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Participant - High...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_AMATEUR_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_11 = 13194 // 'RGL.gg - Amateur Participant - Highlande...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_NEWCOMER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_11 = 13195 // 'RGL.gg - Newcomer Participant - Highland...' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_8 = 13196 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 13197 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 13198 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_8 = 13199 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_ADVANCED_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_8 = 13200 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_ADVANCED_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 13201 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_ADVANCED_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 13202 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_ADVANCED_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_8 = 13203 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_8 = 13204 // 'RGL.gg - Main Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 13205 // 'RGL.gg - Main 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 13206 // 'RGL.gg - Main 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_8 = 13207 // 'RGL.gg - Main Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_8 = 13208 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 13209 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_8 = 13210 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_8 = 13211 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_AMATEUR_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_8 = 13212 // 'RGL.gg - Amateur Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_NEWCOMER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_8 = 13213 // 'RGL.gg - Newcomer Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_ONE_DAY_PROLANDER_CUP_WINTER_2021 = 13214 // 'RGL.gg One Day Prolander Cup' const ID_HOLOGRAPHIC_HARVEST_CARBON_COMPASSION_2022 = 13215 // 'Holographic Harvest Carbon Compassion 20...' const ID_HOLOGRAPHIC_HARVEST_ZEBRA_ZIRCONIA_2022 = 13216 // 'Holographic Harvest Zebra Zirconia 2022' const ID_HOLOGRAPHIC_HARVEST_LAHSUNIYA_RATNA_2022 = 13217 // 'Holographic Harvest Lahsuniya Ratna 2022' const ID_HOLOGRAPHIC_HARVEST_HAUNTED_SCRAP_CANTEEN_2022 = 13218 // 'Holographic Harvest Haunted Scrap Cantee...' const ID_PASS_TIME_FEDERATION_EU_1ST_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 13219 // 'PASS Time Federation - EU - 1st Place Me...' const ID_PASS_TIME_FEDERATION_EU_2ND_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 13220 // 'PASS Time Federation - EU - 2nd Place Me...' const ID_PASS_TIME_FEDERATION_EU_3RD_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 13221 // 'PASS Time Federation - EU - 3rd Place Me...' const ID_PASS_TIME_FEDERATION_EU_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 13222 // 'PASS Time Federation - EU - Participant' const ID_PASS_TIME_FEDERATION_NA_1ST_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 13223 // 'PASS Time Federation - NA - 1st Place Me...' const ID_PASS_TIME_FEDERATION_NA_2ND_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 13224 // 'PASS Time Federation - NA - 2nd Place Me...' const ID_PASS_TIME_FEDERATION_NA_3RD_PLACE_MEDAL_SEASON_3 = 13225 // 'PASS Time Federation - NA - 3rd Place Me...' const ID_PASS_TIME_FEDERATION_NA_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 13226 // 'PASS Time Federation - NA - Participant' const ID_PASS_TIME_FEDERATION_STAFF_SEASON_3 = 13227 // 'PASS Time Federation Staff Medal' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_HIGHPREM_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_4 = 13228 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander High/Prem Gold Me...' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_HIGHPREM_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_4 = 13229 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander High/Prem Silver ...' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_HIGHPREM_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_4 = 13230 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander High/Prem Bronze ...' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_HIGHPREM_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 13231 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander High/Prem Partici...' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_MID_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_4 = 13232 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander Mid Gold Medal' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_MID_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_4 = 13233 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander Mid Silver Medal' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_MID_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_4 = 13234 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander Mid Bronze Medal' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_MID_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 13235 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander Mid Participant' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_LOW_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_4 = 13236 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander Low Gold Medal' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_LOW_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_4 = 13237 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander Low Silver Medal' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_LOW_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_4 = 13238 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander Low Bronze Medal' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_LOW_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 13239 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander Low Participant' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_GOLD_MEDAL_SEASON_4 = 13240 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander Open Gold Medal' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_SILVER_MEDAL_SEASON_4 = 13241 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander Open Silver Medal' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_BRONZE_MEDAL_SEASON_4 = 13242 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander Open Bronze Medal' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 13243 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander Open Participant' const ID_FRUIT_MIXES_HIGHLANDER_STAFF_SEASON_4 = 13244 // 'Fruit Mixes Highlander Staff' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_20 = 13245 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_20 = 13246 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_20 = 13247 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_20 = 13248 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 1 Participant' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_20 = 13249 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_20 = 13250 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_20 = 13251 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_20 = 13252 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 2 Participant' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_20 = 13253 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_20 = 13254 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_20 = 13255 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_CUP_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_20 = 13256 // 'AsiaFortress Cup Division 3 Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_35 = 13257 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_35 = 13258 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_35 = 13259 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_35 = 13260 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_35 = 13261 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate First Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_35 = 13262 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Second Pla...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_35 = 13263 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Third Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_35 = 13264 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Participan...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_35 = 13265 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_35 = 13266 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_35 = 13267 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_35 = 13268 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_35 = 13269 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_35 = 13270 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_35 = 13271 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_35 = 13272 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 13273 // 'ozfortress Highlander Premier First Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 13274 // 'ozfortress Highlander Premier Second Pla...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 13275 // 'ozfortress Highlander Premier Third Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 13276 // 'ozfortress Highlander Premier Participan...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 13277 // 'ozfortress Highlander Main First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 13278 // 'ozfortress Highlander Main Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_2 = 13279 // 'ozfortress Highlander Main Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_2 = 13280 // 'ozfortress Highlander Main Participant' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_12 = 13281 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Champions - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_12 = 13282 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_12 = 13283 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_12 = 13284 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Participant - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_12 = 13285 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Champions - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_12 = 13286 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 2nd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_12 = 13287 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 3rd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_12 = 13288 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Participant - Highland...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_12 = 13289 // 'RGL.gg - Main Champions - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_12 = 13290 // 'RGL.gg - Main 2nd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_12 = 13291 // 'RGL.gg - Main 3rd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_12 = 13292 // 'RGL.gg - Main Participant - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_12 = 13293 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Champions - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_12 = 13294 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 2nd Place - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_12 = 13295 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 3rd Place - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_12 = 13296 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Participant - High...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_AMATEUR_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_12 = 13297 // 'RGL.gg - Amateur Participant - Highlande...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_NEWCOMER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_12 = 13298 // 'RGL.gg - Newcomer Participant - Highland...' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_9 = 13299 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 13300 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 13301 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_9 = 13302 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_ADVANCED_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_9 = 13303 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_ADVANCED_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 13304 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_ADVANCED_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 13305 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_ADVANCED_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_9 = 13306 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_9 = 13307 // 'RGL.gg - Main Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 13308 // 'RGL.gg - Main 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 13309 // 'RGL.gg - Main 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_9 = 13310 // 'RGL.gg - Main Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_9 = 13311 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 13312 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_9 = 13313 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_9 = 13314 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_AMATEUR_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_9 = 13315 // 'RGL.gg - Amateur Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_NEWCOMER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_9 = 13316 // 'RGL.gg - Newcomer Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_EXPERIMENTAL_MAPS_CUP_AUTUMN_2022 = 13317 // 'RGL.gg Highlander Experimental Maps Cup' const ID_CAPPINGTV_SUMMER_BRAWL_1ST_PLACE_2023 = 13318 // 'CappingTV Summer Brawl 1st Place' const ID_CAPPINGTV_SUMMER_BRAWL_2ND_PLACE_2023 = 13319 // 'CappingTV Summer Brawl 2nd Place' const ID_CAPPINGTV_SUMMER_BRAWL_3RD_PLACE_2023 = 13320 // 'CappingTV Summer Brawl 3rd Place' const ID_CAPPINGTV_SUMMER_BRAWL_PARTICIPANT_2023 = 13321 // 'CappingTV Summer Brawl Participant' const ID_POTATO_OF_LABOR = 13322 // 'Potato of Labor' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_SIXES_DIVISION_1_1ST_PLACE_2023 = 13323 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup Sixes Division 1 F...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_SIXES_DIVISION_1_2ND_PLACE_2023 = 13324 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup Sixes Division 1 S...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_SIXES_DIVISION_1_3RD_PLACE_2023 = 13325 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup Sixes Division 1 T...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_SIXES_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPANT_2023 = 13326 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup Sixes Division 1 P...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_SIXES_DIVISION_2_1ST_PLACE_2023 = 13327 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup Sixes Division 2 F...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_SIXES_DIVISION_2_2ND_PLACE_2023 = 13328 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup Sixes Division 2 S...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_SIXES_DIVISION_2_3RD_PLACE_2023 = 13329 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup Sixes Division 2 T...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_SIXES_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPANT_2023 = 13330 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup Sixes Division 2 P...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_SIXES_DIVISION_3_1ST_PLACE_2023 = 13331 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup Sixes Division 3 F...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_SIXES_DIVISION_3_2ND_PLACE_2023 = 13332 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup Sixes Division 3 S...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_SIXES_DIVISION_3_3RD_PLACE_2023 = 13333 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup Sixes Division 3 T...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_SIXES_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPANT_2023 = 13334 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup Sixes Division 3 P...' const ID_OPERATION_LAST_LAUGH_COPPER_CHICANERY_2023 = 13335 // 'Operation Last Laugh Copper Chicanery 20...' const ID_OPERATION_LAST_LAUGH_HAPPY_SPUD_2023 = 13336 // 'Operation Last Laugh Happy Spud 2023' const ID_OPERATION_LAST_LAUGH_BRUISED_JOHNSTONE_2023 = 13337 // 'Operation Last Laugh Bruised Johnstone 2...' const ID_OPERATION_LAST_LAUGH_CAUSTIC_CONTAINER_2023 = 13338 // 'Operation Last Laugh Caustic Container 2...' const ID_OPERATION_LAST_LAUGH_ALLURING_ARTIFACT_2023 = 13339 // 'Operation Last Laugh Alluring Artifact 2...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_1ST_PLACE_2023 = 13340 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup Highlander Divisio...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_2ND_PLACE_2023 = 13341 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup Highlander Divisio...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_3RD_PLACE_2023 = 13342 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup Highlander Divisio...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPANT_2023 = 13343 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup Highlander Divisio...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_1ST_PLACE_2023 = 13344 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup Highlander Divisio...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_2ND_PLACE_2023 = 13345 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup Highlander Divisio...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_3RD_PLACE_2023 = 13346 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup Highlander Divisio...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPANT_2023 = 13347 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup Highlander Divisio...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_3_1ST_PLACE_2023 = 13348 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup Highlander Divisio...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_3_2ND_PLACE_2023 = 13349 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup Highlander Divisio...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_3_3RD_PLACE_2023 = 13350 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup Highlander Divisio...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_SUMMER_CUP_HIGHLANDER_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPANT_2023 = 13351 // 'ozfortress Summer Cup Highlander Divisio...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_36 = 13352 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_36 = 13353 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_36 = 13354 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_36 = 13355 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_36 = 13356 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate First Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_36 = 13357 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Second Pla...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_36 = 13358 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Third Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_36 = 13359 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Participan...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_36 = 13360 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_36 = 13361 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_36 = 13362 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_36 = 13363 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_36 = 13364 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_36 = 13365 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_36 = 13366 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_36 = 13367 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 13368 // 'ozfortress Highlander Premier First Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 13369 // 'ozfortress Highlander Premier Second Pla...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 13370 // 'ozfortress Highlander Premier Third Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 13371 // 'ozfortress Highlander Premier Participan...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 13372 // 'ozfortress Highlander Intermediate First...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 13373 // 'ozfortress Highlander Intermediate Secon...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 13374 // 'ozfortress Highlander Intermediate Third...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 13375 // 'ozfortress Highlander Intermediate Parti...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 13376 // 'ozfortress Highlander Open First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 13377 // 'ozfortress Highlander Open Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_3 = 13378 // 'ozfortress Highlander Open Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_3 = 13379 // 'ozfortress Highlander Open Participant' const ID_OPERATION_VOLTAIC_VIOLENCE_VANITY_2023 = 13380 // 'Operation Voltaic Violence Verdant Vexat...' const ID_OPERATION_VOLTAIC_VIOLENCE_VALOR_2023 = 13381 // 'Operation Voltaic Violence Volcanic Vesu...' const ID_OPERATION_VOLTAIC_VIOLENCE_VITALITY_2023 = 13382 // 'Operation Voltaic Violence Virtual Vascu...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_13 = 13383 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Champions - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_13 = 13384 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_13 = 13385 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_13 = 13386 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Participant - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_13 = 13387 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Champions - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_13 = 13388 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 2nd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_13 = 13389 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 3rd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_13 = 13390 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Participant - Highland...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_13 = 13391 // 'RGL.gg - Main Champions - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_13 = 13392 // 'RGL.gg - Main 2nd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_13 = 13393 // 'RGL.gg - Main 3rd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_13 = 13394 // 'RGL.gg - Main Participant - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_13 = 13395 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Champions - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_13 = 13396 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 2nd Place - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_13 = 13397 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 3rd Place - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_13 = 13398 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Participant - High...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_AMATEUR_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_13 = 13399 // 'RGL.gg - Amateur Participant - Highlande...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_NEWCOMER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_13 = 13400 // 'RGL.gg - Newcomer Participant - Highland...' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_10 = 13401 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 13402 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 13403 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_10 = 13404 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_ADVANCED_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_10 = 13405 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_ADVANCED_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 13406 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_ADVANCED_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 13407 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_ADVANCED_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_10 = 13408 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_10 = 13409 // 'RGL.gg - Main Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 13410 // 'RGL.gg - Main 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 13411 // 'RGL.gg - Main 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_10 = 13412 // 'RGL.gg - Main Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_10 = 13413 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 13414 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_10 = 13415 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_10 = 13416 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_AMATEUR_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_10 = 13417 // 'RGL.gg - Amateur Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_NEWCOMER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_10 = 13418 // 'RGL.gg - Newcomer Participant - 6v6' const ID_LAN_DOWNUNDER_1ST_PLACE_2023 = 13419 // 'LAN Downunder Champion' const ID_LAN_DOWNUNDER_2ND_PLACE_2023 = 13420 // 'LAN Downunder 2nd Place' const ID_LAN_DOWNUNDER_3RD_PLACE_2023 = 13421 // 'LAN Downunder 3rd Place' const ID_LAN_DOWNUNDER_PARTICIPANT_2023 = 13422 // 'LAN Downunder Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_37 = 13423 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_37 = 13424 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_37 = 13425 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_PREMIER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_37 = 13426 // 'ozfortress Sixes Premier Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGH_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_37 = 13427 // 'ozfortress Sixes High First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGH_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_37 = 13428 // 'ozfortress Sixes High Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGH_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_37 = 13429 // 'ozfortress Sixes High Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGH_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_37 = 13430 // 'ozfortress Sixes High Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_37 = 13431 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate First Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_37 = 13432 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Second Pla...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_37 = 13433 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Third Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_37 = 13434 // 'ozfortress Sixes Intermediate Participan...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_37 = 13435 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_37 = 13436 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_37 = 13437 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_37 = 13438 // 'ozfortress Sixes Main Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_37 = 13439 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_37 = 13440 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_37 = 13441 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_37 = 13442 // 'ozfortress Sixes Open Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 13443 // 'ozfortress Highlander Premier First Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 13444 // 'ozfortress Highlander Premier Second Pla...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 13445 // 'ozfortress Highlander Premier Third Plac...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_PREMIER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 13446 // 'ozfortress Highlander Premier Participan...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 13447 // 'ozfortress Highlander Intermediate First...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 13448 // 'ozfortress Highlander Intermediate Secon...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 13449 // 'ozfortress Highlander Intermediate Third...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 13450 // 'ozfortress Highlander Intermediate Parti...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 13451 // 'ozfortress Highlander Main First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 13452 // 'ozfortress Highlander Main Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 13453 // 'ozfortress Highlander Main Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 13454 // 'ozfortress Highlander Main Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_FIRST_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 13455 // 'ozfortress Highlander Open First Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_SECOND_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 13456 // 'ozfortress Highlander Open Second Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_THIRD_PLACE_SEASON_4 = 13457 // 'ozfortress Highlander Open Third Place' const ID_OZFORTRESS_HIGHLANDER_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_4 = 13458 // 'ozfortress Highlander Open Participant' const ID_HEARTFELT_HUG_2023 = 13459 // 'Heartfelt Hug 2023' const ID_HEARTFELT_HERO_2023 = 13460 // 'Heartfelt Hero 2023' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_CENTRAL_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_19 = 13461 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Central 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_CENTRAL_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_19 = 13462 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Central 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_CENTRAL_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_19 = 13463 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Central 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_CENTRAL_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_19 = 13464 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Central Participant' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_19 = 13465 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_19 = 13466 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_19 = 13467 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_19 = 13468 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open Participant' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_20 = 13469 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_20 = 13470 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_20 = 13471 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_20 = 13472 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite Participant' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_20 = 13473 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_20 = 13474 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_20 = 13475 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_20 = 13476 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access Participant' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_20 = 13477 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_20 = 13478 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_20 = 13479 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_20 = 13480 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open Participant' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_21 = 13481 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_21 = 13482 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_21 = 13483 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ELITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_21 = 13484 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Elite Participant' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_21 = 13485 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_21 = 13486 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_21 = 13487 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_ACCESS_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_21 = 13488 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Access Participant' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_1ST_PLACE_SEASON_21 = 13489 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open 1st Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_21 = 13490 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open 2nd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_21 = 13491 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open 3rd Place' const ID_LBTF2_6V6_OPEN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_21 = 13492 // 'LBTF2 6v6 Open Participant' const ID_OPERATION_GALVANIZED_GAUNTLET_SHIMMERING_SOUVENIR_2023 = 13493 // 'Operation Galvanized Gauntlet Shimmering...' const ID_OPERATION_GALVANIZED_GAUNTLET_BEJEWELED_BOUNTY_2023 = 13494 // 'Operation Galvanized Gauntlet Bejeweled ...' const ID_OPERATION_GALVANIZED_GAUNTLET_OPULENT_ORNAMENT_2023 = 13495 // 'Operation Galvanized Gauntlet Opulent Or...' const ID_OPERATION_GALVANIZED_GAUNTLET_SOLDIERS_SPOILS_2023 = 13496 // 'Operation Galvanized Gauntlet Soldiers S...' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_INVITE_1ST_PLACE_SUMMER_2023 = 13497 // 'AsiaFortress Invite 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_SUMMER_2023 = 13498 // 'AsiaFortress Invite 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_SUMMER_2023 = 13499 // 'AsiaFortress Invite 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SUMMER_2023 = 13500 // 'AsiaFortress Invite Participant' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_QUALIFIERS_PARTICIPANT_SUMMER_2023 = 13501 // 'AsiaFortress Qualifiers Participant' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_INTERNATIONAL_JADE_MEDAL_SUMMER_2023 = 13502 // 'AsiaFortress International Jade Medal' const ID_INSOMNIA_71_FIRST_PLACE_MEDAL = 13503 // 'Insomnia 71 First Place' const ID_INSOMNIA_71_SECOND_PLACE_MEDAL = 13504 // 'Insomnia 71 Second Place' const ID_INSOMNIA_71_THIRD_PLACE_MEDAL = 13505 // 'Insomnia 71 Third Place' const ID_INSOMNIA_71_PARTICIPANT_MEDAL = 13506 // 'Insomnia 71 Participant' const ID_INSOMNIA_71_STAFF_MEDAL = 13507 // 'Insomnia 71 Staff' const ID_TF2MAPS_CHARITABLE_HEART_2023 = 13508 // 'TF2Maps Charitable Heart 2023' const ID_TF2MAPS_72HR_TF2JAM_PARTICIPANT_2023 = 13509 // 'TF2Maps 72hr TF2Jam Participant' const ID_OZFORTRESS_EXPERIMENTAL_CUP_2_DIVISION_1_1ST_PLACE_2023 = 13510 // 'ozfortress Experimental Cup 2 Division 1...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_EXPERIMENTAL_CUP_2_DIVISION_1_2ND_PLACE_2023 = 13511 // 'ozfortress Experimental Cup 2 Division 1...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_EXPERIMENTAL_CUP_2_DIVISION_1_3RD_PLACE_2023 = 13512 // 'ozfortress Experimental Cup 2 Division 1...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_EXPERIMENTAL_CUP_2_DIVISION_1_PARTICIPANT_2023 = 13513 // 'ozfortress Experimental Cup 2 Division 1...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_EXPERIMENTAL_CUP_2_DIVISION_2_1ST_PLACE_2023 = 13514 // 'ozfortress Experimental Cup 2 Division 2...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_EXPERIMENTAL_CUP_2_DIVISION_2_2ND_PLACE_2023 = 13515 // 'ozfortress Experimental Cup 2 Division 2...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_EXPERIMENTAL_CUP_2_DIVISION_2_3RD_PLACE_2023 = 13516 // 'ozfortress Experimental Cup 2 Division 2...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_EXPERIMENTAL_CUP_2_DIVISION_2_PARTICIPANT_2023 = 13517 // 'ozfortress Experimental Cup 2 Division 2...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_EXPERIMENTAL_CUP_2_DIVISION_3_1ST_PLACE_2023 = 13518 // 'ozfortress Experimental Cup 2 Division 3...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_EXPERIMENTAL_CUP_2_DIVISION_3_2ND_PLACE_2023 = 13519 // 'ozfortress Experimental Cup 2 Division 3...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_EXPERIMENTAL_CUP_2_DIVISION_3_3RD_PLACE_2023 = 13520 // 'ozfortress Experimental Cup 2 Division 3...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_EXPERIMENTAL_CUP_2_DIVISION_3_PARTICIPANT_2023 = 13521 // 'ozfortress Experimental Cup 2 Division 3...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_EXPERIMENTAL_CUP_2_DIVISION_4_1ST_PLACE_2023 = 13522 // 'ozfortress Experimental Cup 2 Division 4...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_EXPERIMENTAL_CUP_2_DIVISION_4_2ND_PLACE_2023 = 13523 // 'ozfortress Experimental Cup 2 Division 4...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_EXPERIMENTAL_CUP_2_DIVISION_4_3RD_PLACE_2023 = 13524 // 'ozfortress Experimental Cup 2 Division 4...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_EXPERIMENTAL_CUP_2_DIVISION_4_PARTICIPANT_2023 = 13525 // 'ozfortress Experimental Cup 2 Division 4...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_EXPERIMENTAL_CUP_2_DIVISION_5_1ST_PLACE_2023 = 13526 // 'ozfortress Experimental Cup 2 Division 5...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_EXPERIMENTAL_CUP_2_DIVISION_5_2ND_PLACE_2023 = 13527 // 'ozfortress Experimental Cup 2 Division 5...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_EXPERIMENTAL_CUP_2_DIVISION_5_3RD_PLACE_2023 = 13528 // 'ozfortress Experimental Cup 2 Division 5...' const ID_OZFORTRESS_EXPERIMENTAL_CUP_2_DIVISION_5_PARTICIPANT_2023 = 13529 // 'ozfortress Experimental Cup 2 Division 5...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_14 = 13530 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Champions - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_14 = 13531 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_14 = 13532 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_14 = 13533 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Participant - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_14 = 13534 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Champions - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_14 = 13535 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 2nd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_14 = 13536 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 3rd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_ADVANCED_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_14 = 13537 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Participant - Highland...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_14 = 13538 // 'RGL.gg - Main Champions - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_14 = 13539 // 'RGL.gg - Main 2nd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_14 = 13540 // 'RGL.gg - Main 3rd Place - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_14 = 13541 // 'RGL.gg - Main Participant - Highlander' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_14 = 13542 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Champions - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_14 = 13543 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 2nd Place - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_14 = 13544 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 3rd Place - Highla...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_14 = 13545 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Participant - High...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_AMATEUR_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_14 = 13546 // 'RGL.gg - Amateur Participant - Highlande...' const ID_RGLGG_HIGHLANDER_NEWCOMER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_14 = 13547 // 'RGL.gg - Newcomer Participant - Highland...' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_11 = 13548 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_11 = 13549 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_11 = 13550 // 'RGL.gg - Invite 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_11 = 13551 // 'RGL.gg - Invite Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_ADVANCED_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_11 = 13552 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_ADVANCED_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_11 = 13553 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_ADVANCED_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_11 = 13554 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_ADVANCED_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_11 = 13555 // 'RGL.gg - Advanced Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_11 = 13556 // 'RGL.gg - Main Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_11 = 13557 // 'RGL.gg - Main 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_11 = 13558 // 'RGL.gg - Main 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_MAIN_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_11 = 13559 // 'RGL.gg - Main Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_CHAMPIONS_SEASON_11 = 13560 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Champions - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_2ND_PLACE_SEASON_11 = 13561 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 2nd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_3RD_PLACE_SEASON_11 = 13562 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate 3rd Place - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_INTERMEDIATE_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_11 = 13563 // 'RGL.gg - Intermediate Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_AMATEUR_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_11 = 13564 // 'RGL.gg - Amateur Participant - 6v6' const ID_RGLGG_6V6_NEWCOMER_PARTICIPANT_SEASON_11 = 13565 // 'RGL.gg - Newcomer Participant - 6v6' const ID_OPERATION_FIRMWARE_FRENZY_STAR_OF_THE_COMPANY_2023 = 13566 // 'Operation Firmware Frenzy Star of the Co...' const ID_OPERATION_FIRMWARE_FRENZY_PUREHEARTED_PURPLE_2023 = 13567 // 'Operation Firmware Frenzy Purehearted Pu...' const ID_OPERATION_FIRMWARE_FRENZY_BOUNTIFUL_BENEVOLENCE_2023 = 13568 // 'Operation Firmware Frenzy Bountiful Bene...' const ID_OPERATION_FIRMWARE_FRENZY_GIVER_IN_GOLD_2023 = 13569 // 'Operation Firmware Frenzy Giver in Gold ...' const ID_OPERATION_FIRMWARE_FRENZY_SUPERCRITICAL_SELFLESSNESS_2023 = 13570 // 'Operation Firmware Frenzy Supercritical ...' const ID_SUPREME_STRATEGISTS_SIGIL_OF_STATUS = 13571 // 'Supreme Strategist's Sigil of Status' const ID_UDL_GOLD_MEDAL_WINTER_2023 = 13572 // 'United Dodgeball League Gold Medal' const ID_UDL_SILVER_MEDAL_WINTER_2023 = 13573 // 'United Dodgeball League Silver Medal' const ID_UDL_BRONZE_MEDAL_WINTER_2023 = 13574 // 'United Dodgeball League Bronze Medal' const ID_UDL_PARTICIPANT_WINTER_2023 = 13575 // 'United Dodgeball League Participant' const ID_UDL_SUPPORTER_WINTER_2023 = 13576 // 'United Dodgeball League Supporter' const ID_TFARENA_6V6_ARENA_MODE_ELITE_DIVISION_CUP_4_GOLD = 13577 // 'TFArena Elite Division Champions' const ID_TFARENA_6V6_ARENA_MODE_ELITE_DIVISION_CUP_4_SILVER = 13578 // 'TFArena Elite Division 2nd Place' const ID_TFARENA_6V6_ARENA_MODE_ELITE_DIVISION_CUP_4_BRONZE = 13579 // 'TFArena Elite Division 3rd Place' const ID_TFARENA_6V6_ARENA_MODE_ELITE_DIVISION_CUP_4_PARTICIPANT = 13580 // 'TFArena Elite Division Participant' const ID_TFARENA_6V6_ARENA_MODE_EXPERIENCED_DIVISION_CUP_4_GOLD = 13581 // 'TFArena Experienced Division Champions' const ID_TFARENA_6V6_ARENA_MODE_EXPERIENCED_DIVISION_CUP_4_SILVER = 13582 // 'TFArena Experienced Division 2nd Place' const ID_TFARENA_6V6_ARENA_MODE_EXPERIENCED_DIVISION_CUP_4_BRONZE = 13583 // 'TFArena Experienced Division 3rd Place' const ID_TFARENA_6V6_ARENA_MODE_EXPERIENCED_DIVISION_CUP_4_PARTICIPANT = 13584 // 'TFArena Experienced Division Participant' const ID_TFARENA_6V6_ARENA_MODE_ROOKIE_DIVISION_CUP_4_GOLD = 13585 // 'TFArena Rookie Division Champions' const ID_TFARENA_6V6_ARENA_MODE_ROOKIE_DIVISION_CUP_4_SILVER = 13586 // 'TFArena Rookie Division 2nd Place' const ID_TFARENA_6V6_ARENA_MODE_ROOKIE_DIVISION_CUP_4_BRONZE = 13587 // 'TFArena Rookie Division 3rd Place' const ID_TFARENA_6V6_ARENA_MODE_ROOKIE_DIVISION_CUP_4_PARTICIPANT = 13588 // 'TFArena Rookie Division Participant' const ID_TFARENA_6V6_ARENA_MODE_CUP_4_HELPER = 13589 // 'TFArena Helper Medal' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_INVITE_1ST_PLACE_FALL_2023 = 13590 // 'AsiaFortress Invite 1st Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_INVITE_2ND_PLACE_FALL_2023 = 13591 // 'AsiaFortress Invite 2nd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_INVITE_3RD_PLACE_FALL_2023 = 13592 // 'AsiaFortress Invite 3rd Place' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_INVITE_PARTICIPANT_FALL_2023 = 13593 // 'AsiaFortress Invite Participant' const ID_ASIAFORTRESS_QUALIFIERS_PARTICIPANT_FALL_2023 = 13594 // 'AsiaFortress Qualifiers Participant' const ID_CAPPINGTV_SUMMER_BRAWL_1ST_PLACE_2024 = 13595 // 'TF2 Summer Brawl 1st Place' const ID_CAPPINGTV_SUMMER_BRAWL_2ND_PLACE_2024 = 13596 // 'TF2 Summer Brawl 2nd Place' const ID_CAPPINGTV_SUMMER_BRAWL_3RD_PLACE_2024 = 13597 // 'TF2 Summer Brawl 3rd Place' const ID_CAPPINGTV_SUMMER_BRAWL_PARTICIPANT_2024 = 13598 // 'TF2 Summer Brawl Participant' const ID_CONCEALEDKILLER_SNIPERRIFLE_NIGHTOWL = 15000 // 'Sniper Rifle' const ID_CONCEALEDKILLER_SMG_WOODSYWIDOWMAKER = 15001 // 'SMG' const ID_CONCEALEDKILLER_SCATTERGUN_NIGHTTERROR = 15002 // 'Scattergun' const ID_CONCEALEDKILLER_SHOTGUN_BACKWOODSBOOMSTICK = 15003 // 'Shotgun' const ID_CONCEALEDKILLER_MINIGUN_KINGOFTHEJUNGLE = 15004 // 'Minigun' const ID_CONCEALEDKILLER_FLAMETHROWER_FORESTFIRE = 15005 // 'Flame Thrower' const ID_CONCEALEDKILLER_ROCKETLAUNCHER_WOODLANDWARRIOR = 15006 // 'Rocket Launcher' const ID_CONCEALEDKILLER_SNIPERRIFLE_PURPLERANGE = 15007 // 'Sniper Rifle' const ID_CONCEALEDKILLER_MEDIGUN_MASKEDMENDER = 15008 // 'Medi Gun' const ID_CONCEALEDKILLER_STICKYBOMBLAUNCHER_SUDDENFLURRY = 15009 // 'Stickybomb Launcher' const ID_CONCEALEDKILLER_MEDIGUN_WRAPPEDREVIVER = 15010 // 'Medi Gun' const ID_CONCEALEDKILLER_REVOLVER_PSYCHEDELICSLUGGER = 15011 // 'Revolver' const ID_CONCEALEDKILLER_STICKYBOMBLAUNCHER_CARPETBOMBER = 15012 // 'Stickybomb Launcher' const ID_CONCEALEDKILLER_PISTOL_REDROCKROSCOE = 15013 // 'Pistol' const ID_CONCEALEDKILLER_ROCKETLAUNCHER_SANDCANNON = 15014 // 'Rocket Launcher' const ID_CRAFTSMANN_SCATTERGUN_TARTANTORPEDO = 15015 // 'Scattergun' const ID_CRAFTSMANN_SHOTGUN_RUSTICRUINER = 15016 // 'Shotgun' const ID_CRAFTSMANN_FLAMETHROWER_BARNBURNER = 15017 // 'Flame Thrower' const ID_CRAFTSMANN_PISTOL_HOMEMADEHEATER = 15018 // 'Pistol' const ID_CRAFTSMANN_SNIPERRIFLE_LUMBERFROMDOWNUNDER = 15019 // 'Sniper Rifle' const ID_CRAFTSMANN_MINIGUN_IRONWOOD = 15020 // 'Minigun' const ID_CRAFTSMANN_SCATTERGUN_COUNTRYCRUSHER = 15021 // 'Scattergun' const ID_CRAFTSMANN_SMG_PLAIDPOTSHOTTER = 15022 // 'SMG' const ID_CRAFTSMANN_SNIPERRIFLE_SHOTINTHEDARK = 15023 // 'Sniper Rifle' const ID_CRAFTSMANN_STICKYBOMBLAUNCHER_BLASTEDBOMBARDIER = 15024 // 'Stickybomb Launcher' const ID_CRAFTSMANN_MEDIGUN_RECLAIMEDREANIMATOR = 15025 // 'Medi Gun' const ID_CRAFTSMANN_MINIGUN_ANTIQUEANNIHILATOR = 15026 // 'Minigun' const ID_CRAFTSMANN_REVOLVER_OLDCOUNTRY = 15027 // 'Revolver' const ID_CRAFTSMANN_ROCKETLAUNCHER_AMERICANPASTORAL = 15028 // 'Rocket Launcher' const ID_CRAFTSMANN_SCATTERGUN_BACKCOUNTRYBLASTER = 15029 // 'Scattergun' const ID_TEUFORT_FLAMETHROWER_BOVINEBLAZEMAKER = 15030 // 'Flame Thrower' const ID_TEUFORT_MINIGUN_WARROOM = 15031 // 'Minigun' const ID_TEUFORT_SMG_TREADPLATETORMENTER = 15032 // 'SMG' const ID_TEUFORT_SNIPERRIFLE_BOGTROTTER = 15033 // 'Sniper Rifle' const ID_TEUFORT_FLAMETHROWER_EARTHSKYANDFIRE = 15034 // 'Flame Thrower' const ID_TEUFORT_PISTOL_HICKORYHOLEPUNCHER = 15035 // 'Pistol' const ID_TEUFORT_SCATTERGUN_SPRUCEDEUCE = 15036 // 'Scattergun' const ID_TEUFORT_SMG_TEAMSPRAYER = 15037 // 'SMG' const ID_TEUFORT_STICKYBOMBLAUNCHER_ROOFTOPWRANGLER = 15038 // 'Stickybomb Launcher' const ID_TEUFORT_MEDIGUN_CIVILSERVANT = 15039 // 'Medi Gun' const ID_TEUFORT_MINIGUN_CITIZENPAIN = 15040 // 'Minigun' const ID_TEUFORT_PISTOL_LOCALHERO = 15041 // 'Pistol' const ID_TEUFORT_REVOLVER_MAYOR = 15042 // 'Revolver' const ID_TEUFORT_ROCKETLAUNCHER_SMALLTOWNBRINGDOWN = 15043 // 'Rocket Launcher' const ID_TEUFORT_SHOTGUN_CIVICDUTY = 15044 // 'Shotgun' const ID_POWERHOUSE_STICKYBOMBLAUNCHER_LIQUIDASSET = 15045 // 'Stickybomb Launcher' const ID_POWERHOUSE_PISTOL_BLACKDAHLIA = 15046 // 'Pistol' const ID_POWERHOUSE_SHOTGUN_LIGHTNINGROD = 15047 // 'Shotgun' const ID_POWERHOUSE_STICKYBOMBLAUNCHER_PINKELEPHANT = 15048 // 'Stickybomb Launcher' const ID_POWERHOUSE_FLAMETHROWER_FLASHFRYER = 15049 // 'Flame Thrower' const ID_POWERHOUSE_MEDIGUN_SPARKOFLIFE = 15050 // 'Medi Gun' const ID_POWERHOUSE_REVOLVER_DEADRECKONER = 15051 // 'Revolver' const ID_POWERHOUSE_ROCKETLAUNCHER_SHELLSHOCKER = 15052 // 'Rocket Launcher' const ID_POWERHOUSE_SCATTERGUN_CURRENTEVENT = 15053 // 'Scattergun' const ID_POWERHOUSE_FLAMETHROWER_TURBINETORCHER = 15054 // 'Flame Thrower' const ID_POWERHOUSE_MINIGUN_BRICKHOUSE = 15055 // 'Minigun' const ID_POWERHOUSE_PISTOL_SANDSTONESPECIAL = 15056 // 'Pistol' const ID_POWERHOUSE_ROCKETLAUNCHER_AQUAMARINE = 15057 // 'Rocket Launcher' const ID_POWERHOUSE_SMG_LOWPROFILE = 15058 // 'SMG' const ID_POWERHOUSE_SNIPERRIFLE_THUNDERBOLT = 15059 // 'Sniper Rifle' const ID_HARVEST_PISTOL_MACABREWEB = 15060 // 'Pistol' const ID_HARVEST_PISTOL_NUTCRACKER = 15061 // 'Pistol' const ID_HARVEST_REVOLVER_BONEYARD = 15062 // 'Revolver' const ID_HARVEST_REVOLVER_WILDWOOD = 15063 // 'Revolver' const ID_HARVEST_REVOLVER_MACABREWEB = 15064 // 'Revolver' const ID_HARVEST_SCATTERGUN_MACABREWEB = 15065 // 'Scattergun' const ID_HARVEST_FLAMETHROWER_AUTUMN = 15066 // 'Flame Thrower' const ID_HARVEST_FLAMETHROWER_PUMPKINPATCH = 15067 // 'Flame Thrower' const ID_HARVEST_FLAMETHROWER_NUTCRACKER = 15068 // 'Flame Thrower' const ID_HARVEST_SCATTERGUN_NUTCRACKER = 15069 // 'Scattergun' const ID_HARVEST_SNIPERRIFLE_PUMPKINPATCH = 15070 // 'Sniper Rifle' const ID_HARVEST_SNIPERRIFLE_BONEYARD = 15071 // 'Sniper Rifle' const ID_HARVEST_SNIPERRIFLE_WILDWOOD = 15072 // 'Sniper Rifle' const ID_HARVEST_WRENCH_NUTCRACKER = 15073 // 'Wrench' const ID_HARVEST_WRENCH_AUTUMN = 15074 // 'Wrench' const ID_HARVEST_WRENCH_BONEYARD = 15075 // 'Wrench' const ID_HARVEST_SMG_WILDWOOD = 15076 // 'SMG' const ID_HARVEST_GRENADELAUNCHER_AUTUMN = 15077 // 'Grenade Launcher' const ID_HARVEST_MEDIGUN_WILDWOOD = 15078 // 'Medi Gun' const ID_HARVEST_GRENADELAUNCHER_MACABREWEB = 15079 // 'Grenade Launcher' const ID_HARVEST_KNIFE_BONEYARD = 15080 // 'Knife' const ID_HARVEST_ROCKETLAUNCHER_AUTUMN = 15081 // 'Rocket Launcher' const ID_HARVEST_STICKYBOMBLAUNCHER_AUTUMN = 15082 // 'Stickybomb Launcher' const ID_HARVEST_STICKYBOMBLAUNCHER_PUMPKINPATCH = 15083 // 'Stickybomb Launcher' const ID_HARVEST_STICKYBOMBLAUNCHER_MACABREWEB = 15084 // 'Stickybomb Launcher' const ID_HARVEST_SHOTGUN_AUTUMN = 15085 // 'Shotgun' const ID_HARVEST_MINIGUN_MACABREWEB = 15086 // 'Minigun' const ID_HARVEST_MINIGUN_PUMPKINPATCH = 15087 // 'Minigun' const ID_HARVEST_MINIGUN_NUTCRACKER = 15088 // 'Minigun' const ID_PYROLAND_FLAMETHROWER_BALLOONICORN = 15089 // 'Flame Thrower' const ID_PYROLAND_FLAMETHROWER_RAINBOW = 15090 // 'Flame Thrower' const ID_PYROLAND_GRENADELAUNCHER_RAINBOW = 15091 // 'Grenade Launcher' const ID_PYROLAND_GRENADELAUNCHER_SWEETDREAMS = 15092 // 'Grenade Launcher' const ID_PYROLAND_KNIFE_BLUEMEW = 15094 // 'Knife' const ID_PYROLAND_KNIFE_BRAINCANDY = 15095 // 'Knife' const ID_PYROLAND_KNIFE_STABBEDTOHELL = 15096 // 'Knife' const ID_PYROLAND_MEDIGUN_FLOWERPOWER = 15097 // 'Medi Gun' const ID_PYROLAND_MINIGUN_BRAINCANDY = 15098 // 'Minigun' const ID_PYROLAND_MINIGUN_MISTERCUDDLES = 15099 // 'Minigun' const ID_PYROLAND_PISTOL_BLUEMEW = 15100 // 'Pistol' const ID_PYROLAND_PISTOL_BRAINCANDY = 15101 // 'Pistol' const ID_PYROLAND_PISTOL_SHOTTOHELL = 15102 // 'Pistol' const ID_PYROLAND_REVOLVER_FLOWERPOWER = 15103 // 'Revolver' const ID_PYROLAND_ROCKETLAUNCHER_BLUEMEW = 15104 // 'Rocket Launcher' const ID_PYROLAND_ROCKETLAUNCHER_BRAINCANDY = 15105 // 'Rocket Launcher' const ID_PYROLAND_SCATTERGUN_BLUEMEW = 15106 // 'Scattergun' const ID_PYROLAND_SCATTERGUN_FLOWERPOWER = 15107 // 'Scattergun' const ID_PYROLAND_SCATTERGUN_SHOTTOHELL = 15108 // 'Scattergun' const ID_PYROLAND_SHOTGUN_FLOWERPOWER = 15109 // 'Shotgun' const ID_PYROLAND_SMG_BLUEMEW = 15110 // 'SMG' const ID_PYROLAND_SNIPERRIFLE_BALLOONICORN = 15111 // 'Sniper Rifle' const ID_PYROLAND_SNIPERRIFLE_RAINBOW = 15112 // 'Sniper Rifle' const ID_PYROLAND_STICKYBOMBLAUNCHER_SWEETDREAMS = 15113 // 'Stickybomb Launcher' const ID_PYROLAND_WRENCH_TORQUEDTOHELL = 15114 // 'Wrench' const ID_GENTLEMANNE_FLAMETHROWER_COFFINNAIL = 15115 // 'Flame Thrower' const ID_GENTLEMANNE_GRENADELAUNCHER_COFFINNAIL = 15116 // 'Grenade Launcher' const ID_GENTLEMANNE_GRENADELAUNCHER_TOPSHELF = 15117 // 'Grenade Launcher' const ID_GENTLEMANNE_KNIFE_DRESSEDTOKILL = 15118 // 'Knife' const ID_GENTLEMANNE_KNIFE_TOPSHELF = 15119 // 'Knife' const ID_GENTLEMANNE_MEDIGUN_COFFINNAIL = 15120 // 'Medi Gun' const ID_GENTLEMANNE_MEDIGUN_DRESSEDTOKILL = 15121 // 'Medi Gun' const ID_GENTLEMANNE_MEDIGUN_HIGHROLLERS = 15122 // 'Medi Gun' const ID_GENTLEMANNE_MINIGUN_COFFINNAIL = 15123 // 'Minigun' const ID_GENTLEMANNE_MINIGUN_DRESSEDTOKILL = 15124 // 'Minigun' const ID_GENTLEMANNE_MINIGUN_TOPSHELF = 15125 // 'Minigun' const ID_GENTLEMANNE_PISTOL_DRESSEDTOKILL = 15126 // 'Pistol' const ID_GENTLEMANNE_REVOLVER_COFFINNAIL = 15127 // 'Revolver' const ID_GENTLEMANNE_REVOLVER_TOPSHELF = 15128 // 'Revolver' const ID_GENTLEMANNE_ROCKETLAUNCHER_COFFINNAIL = 15129 // 'Rocket Launcher' const ID_GENTLEMANNE_ROCKETLAUNCHER_HIGHROLLERS = 15130 // 'Rocket Launcher' const ID_GENTLEMANNE_SCATTERGUN_COFFINNAIL = 15131 // 'Scattergun' const ID_GENTLEMANNE_SHOTGUN_COFFINNAIL = 15132 // 'Shotgun' const ID_GENTLEMANNE_SHOTGUN_DRESSEDTOKILL = 15133 // 'Shotgun' const ID_GENTLEMANNE_SMG_HIGHROLLERS = 15134 // 'SMG' const ID_GENTLEMANNE_SNIPERRIFLE_COFFINNAIL = 15135 // 'Sniper Rifle' const ID_GENTLEMANNE_SNIPERRIFLE_DRESSEDTOKILL = 15136 // 'Sniper Rifle' const ID_GENTLEMANNE_STICKYBOMBLAUNCHER_COFFINNAIL = 15137 // 'Stickybomb Launcher' const ID_GENTLEMANNE_STICKYBOMBLAUNCHER_DRESSEDTOKILL = 15138 // 'Stickybomb Launcher' const ID_GENTLEMANNE_WRENCH_DRESSEDTOKILL = 15139 // 'Wrench' const ID_GENTLEMANNE_WRENCH_TOPSHELF = 15140 // 'Wrench' const ID_WARBIRD_FLAMETHROWER_WARHAWK = 15141 // 'Flame Thrower' const ID_WARBIRD_GRENADELAUNCHER_WARHAWK = 15142 // 'Grenade Launcher' const ID_WARBIRD_KNIFE_BLITZKRIEG = 15143 // 'Knife' const ID_WARBIRD_KNIFE_AIRWOLF = 15144 // 'Knife' const ID_WARBIRD_MEDIGUN_BLITZKRIEG = 15145 // 'Medi Gun' const ID_WARBIRD_MEDIGUN_CORSAIR = 15146 // 'Medi Gun' const ID_WARBIRD_MINIGUN_BUTCHERBIRD = 15147 // 'Minigun' const ID_WARBIRD_PISTOL_BLITZKRIEG = 15148 // 'Pistol' const ID_WARBIRD_REVOLVER_BLITZKRIEG = 15149 // 'Revolver' const ID_WARBIRD_ROCKETLAUNCHER_WARHAWK = 15150 // 'Rocket Launcher' const ID_WARBIRD_SCATTERGUN_KILLERBEE = 15151 // 'Scattergun' const ID_WARBIRD_SHOTGUN_REDBEAR = 15152 // 'Shotgun' const ID_WARBIRD_SMG_BLITZKRIEG = 15153 // 'SMG' const ID_WARBIRD_SNIPERRIFLE_AIRWOLF = 15154 // 'Sniper Rifle' const ID_WARBIRD_STICKYBOMBLAUNCHER_BLITZKRIEG = 15155 // 'Stickybomb Launcher' const ID_WARBIRD_WRENCH_AIRWOLF = 15156 // 'Wrench' const ID_WARBIRD_SCATTERGUN_CORSAIR = 15157 // 'Scattergun' const ID_WARBIRD_GRENADELAUNCHER_BUTCHERBIRD = 15158 // 'Grenade Launcher' const ID_PAINTKIT_102 = 16102 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_104 = 16104 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_105 = 16105 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_106 = 16106 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_109 = 16109 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_112 = 16112 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_113 = 16113 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_114 = 16114 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_120 = 16120 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_122 = 16122 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_130 = 16130 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_139 = 16139 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_143 = 16143 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_144 = 16144 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_151 = 16151 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_160 = 16160 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_161 = 16161 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_163 = 16163 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_300 = 16300 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_301 = 16301 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_302 = 16302 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_303 = 16303 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_304 = 16304 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_305 = 16305 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_306 = 16306 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_307 = 16307 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_308 = 16308 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_309 = 16309 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_310 = 16310 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_390 = 16390 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_391 = 16391 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_200 = 17200 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_201 = 17201 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_202 = 17202 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_203 = 17203 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_204 = 17204 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_205 = 17205 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_206 = 17206 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_207 = 17207 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_208 = 17208 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_209 = 17209 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_210 = 17210 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_211 = 17211 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_212 = 17212 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_213 = 17213 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_214 = 17214 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_215 = 17215 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_217 = 17217 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_218 = 17218 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_220 = 17220 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_221 = 17221 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_223 = 17223 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_224 = 17224 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_225 = 17225 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_226 = 17226 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_228 = 17228 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_230 = 17230 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_232 = 17232 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_234 = 17234 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_235 = 17235 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_236 = 17236 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_237 = 17237 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_238 = 17238 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_239 = 17239 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_240 = 17240 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_241 = 17241 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_242 = 17242 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_243 = 17243 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_244 = 17244 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_245 = 17245 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_246 = 17246 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_247 = 17247 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_248 = 17248 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_249 = 17249 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_250 = 17250 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_251 = 17251 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_252 = 17252 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_253 = 17253 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_254 = 17254 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_255 = 17255 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_256 = 17256 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_257 = 17257 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_258 = 17258 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_259 = 17259 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_260 = 17260 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_261 = 17261 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_262 = 17262 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_263 = 17263 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_264 = 17264 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_265 = 17265 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_266 = 17266 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_267 = 17267 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_268 = 17268 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_269 = 17269 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_270 = 17270 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_271 = 17271 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_272 = 17272 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_273 = 17273 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_275 = 17275 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_276 = 17276 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_277 = 17277 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_278 = 17278 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_279 = 17279 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_280 = 17280 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_281 = 17281 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_282 = 17282 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_283 = 17283 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_284 = 17284 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_285 = 17285 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_286 = 17286 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_287 = 17287 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_289 = 17289 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_290 = 17290 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_291 = 17291 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_292 = 17292 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_293 = 17293 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_294 = 17294 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_295 = 17295 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_296 = 17296 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_297 = 17297 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_400 = 17400 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_401 = 17401 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_402 = 17402 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_403 = 17403 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_404 = 17404 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_405 = 17405 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_406 = 17406 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_407 = 17407 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_408 = 17408 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_409 = 17409 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_410 = 17410 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_411 = 17411 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_412 = 17412 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_413 = 17413 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_414 = 17414 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_415 = 17415 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_416 = 17416 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_417 = 17417 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_418 = 17418 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_419 = 17419 // 'War Paint' const ID_PAINTKIT_420 = 17420 // 'War Paint' const ID_WARPAINT_COLLECTION_1_TIER_1_KEYLESS_CASE = 18000 // ''Decorated War Hero' War Paint\nCivilian...' const ID_WARPAINT_COLLECTION_1_TIER_2_KEYLESS_CASE = 18001 // ''Decorated War Hero' War Paint\nFreelanc...' const ID_WARPAINT_COLLECTION_1_TIER_3_KEYLESS_CASE = 18002 // ''Decorated War Hero' War Paint\nMercenar...' const ID_WARPAINT_COLLECTION_2_TIER_1_KEYLESS_CASE = 18003 // ''Contract Campaigner' War Paint\nCivilia...' const ID_WARPAINT_COLLECTION_2_TIER_2_KEYLESS_CASE = 18004 // ''Contract Campaigner' War Paint\nFreelan...' const ID_WARPAINT_COLLECTION_2_TIER_3_KEYLESS_CASE = 18005 // ''Contract Campaigner' War Paint\nMercena...' const ID_COSMETIC_STRANGIFIER_RECIPE_1 = 20000 // 'Chemistry Set' const ID_COSMETIC_STRANGIFIER_RECIPE_1_RARE = 20001 // 'Chemistry Set' const ID_MVM_KILLSTREAK_RECIPE_1 = 20002 // 'Fabricator' const ID_MVM_KILLSTREAK_RECIPE_2 = 20003 // 'Fabricator' const ID_COSMETIC_STRANGIFIER_RECIPE_2 = 20005 // 'Chemistry Set' const ID_COLLECTOR_RECIPE_1 = 20006 // 'Chemistry Set' const ID_FESTIVE_COLLECTOR_RECIPE_2013 = 20007 // 'Chemistry Set' const ID_REBUILD_STRANGE_WEAPON_RECIPE = 20008 // 'Chemistry Set' const ID_COSMETIC_STRANGIFIER_RECIPE_3 = 20009 // 'Chemistry Set' const ID_QUEST25000 = 25000 const ID_QUEST25001 = 25001 const ID_QUEST25002 = 25002 const ID_QUEST25003 = 25003 const ID_QUEST25004 = 25004 const ID_QUEST25005 = 25005 const ID_QUEST25006 = 25006 const ID_QUEST25007 = 25007 const ID_QUEST25008 = 25008 const ID_QUEST25009 = 25009 const ID_QUEST25010 = 25010 const ID_QUEST25011 = 25011 const ID_QUEST25012 = 25012 const ID_QUEST25013 = 25013 const ID_QUEST25014 = 25014 const ID_QUEST25015 = 25015 const ID_QUEST25016 = 25016 const ID_QUEST25017 = 25017 const ID_QUEST25018 = 25018 const ID_QUEST25019 = 25019 const ID_QUEST25020 = 25020 const ID_QUEST25021 = 25021 const ID_QUEST25022 = 25022 const ID_QUEST25023 = 25023 const ID_QUEST25024 = 25024 const ID_QUEST25025 = 25025 const ID_QUEST25026 = 25026 const ID_QUEST25027 = 25027 const ID_QUEST25028 = 25028 const ID_QUEST25029 = 25029 const ID_QUEST25030 = 25030 const ID_QUEST25031 = 25031 const ID_QUEST25032 = 25032 const ID_QUEST25033 = 25033 const ID_QUEST25034 = 25034 const ID_QUEST25035 = 25035 const ID_QUEST25036 = 25036 const ID_QUEST25037 = 25037 const ID_QUEST25038 = 25038 const ID_QUEST25039 = 25039 const ID_QUEST25040 = 25040 const ID_QUEST25041 = 25041 const ID_QUEST25042 = 25042 const ID_QUEST25043 = 25043 const ID_QUEST25044 = 25044 const ID_QUEST25045 = 25045 const ID_QUEST25046 = 25046 const ID_QUEST25047 = 25047 const ID_QUEST25048 = 25048 const ID_QUEST25049 = 25049 const ID_QUEST25050 = 25050 const ID_QUEST25051 = 25051 const ID_QUEST25052 = 25052 const ID_ELECTRIC_BADGE_ALOO = 30000 // 'Electric Badge-aloo' const ID_MODEST_METAL_PILE_OF_SCRAP = 30001 // 'Modest Metal Pile of Scrap' const ID_LETCHS_LED = 30002 // 'Letch's LED' const ID_GALVANIZED_GIBUS = 30003 // 'Galvanized Gibus' const ID_SOLDERED_SENSEI = 30004 // 'Soldered Sensei' const ID_SHOOTERS_TIN_TOPI = 30005 // 'Shooter's Tin Topi' const ID_NOBLE_NICKEL_AMASSMENT_OF_HATS = 30006 // 'Noble Nickel Amassment of Hats' const ID_BASE_METAL_BILLYCOCK = 30007 // 'Base Metal Billycock' const ID_TOWERING_TITANIUM_PILLAR_OF_HATS = 30008 // 'Towering Titanium Pillar of Hats' const ID_MEGAPIXEL_BEARD = 30009 // 'Megapixel Beard' const ID_HDMI_PATCH = 30010 // 'HDMI Patch' const ID_BOLTED_BOMBARDIER = 30011 // 'Bolted Bombardier' const ID_TITANIUM_TOWEL = 30012 // 'Titanium Towel' const ID_GRIDIRON_GUARDIAN = 30013 // 'Gridiron Guardian' const ID_TYRANTIUM_HELMET = 30014 // 'Tyrantium Helmet' const ID_BATTERY_CANTEENS = 30015 // 'Battery Canteens' const ID_FR_0 = 30016 // 'FR-0' const ID_STEEL_SHAKO = 30017 // 'Steel Shako' const ID_BOT_DOGGER = 30018 // 'Bot Dogger' const ID_YE_OILED_BAKER_BOY = 30019 // 'Ye Oiled Baker Boy' const ID_SCRAP_SACK = 30020 // 'Scrap Sack' const ID_PURE_TIN_CAPOTAIN = 30021 // 'Pure Tin Capotain' const ID_PLUMBERS_PIPE = 30022 // 'Plumber's Pipe' const ID_TEDDY_ROBOBELT = 30023 // 'Teddy Robobelt' const ID_CYBORG_STUNT_HELMET = 30024 // 'Cyborg Stunt Helmet' const ID_ELECTRIC_ESCORTER = 30025 // 'Electric Escorter' const ID_FULL_METAL_DRILL_HAT = 30026 // 'Full Metal Drill Hat' const ID_BOLT_BOY = 30027 // 'Bolt Boy' const ID_METAL_SLUG = 30028 // 'Metal Slug' const ID_BROADBAND_BONNET = 30029 // 'Broadband Bonnet' const ID_BONK_LEADWEAR = 30030 // 'Bonk Leadwear' const ID_PLUG_IN_PROSPECTOR = 30031 // 'Plug-In Prospector' const ID_RUSTY_REAPER = 30032 // 'Rusty Reaper' const ID_SOLDIERS_SPARKPLUG = 30033 // 'Soldier's Sparkplug' const ID_BOLTED_BICORNE = 30034 // 'Bolted Bicorne' const ID_TIMELESS_TOPPER = 30035 // 'Timeless Topper' const ID_FILAMENTAL = 30036 // 'Filamental' const ID_STRONTIUM_STOVE_PIPE = 30037 // 'Strontium Stove Pipe' const ID_FIREWALL_HELMET = 30038 // 'Firewall Helmet' const ID_RESPECTLESS_ROBO_GLOVE = 30039 // 'Respectless Robo-Glove' const ID_PYROS_BORON_BEANIE = 30040 // 'Pyro's Boron Beanie' const ID_HALOGEN_HEAD_LAMP = 30041 // 'Halogen Head Lamp' const ID_PLATINUM_PICKELHAUBE = 30042 // 'Platinum Pickelhaube' const ID_VIRUS_DOCTOR = 30043 // 'Virus Doctor' const ID_TEXAS_TIN_GALLON = 30044 // 'Texas Tin-Gallon' const ID_TITANIUM_TYROLEAN = 30045 // 'Titanium Tyrolean' const ID_PRACTITIONERS_PROCESSING_MASK = 30046 // 'Practitioner's Processing Mask' const ID_BOOTLEG_BASE_METAL_BILLYCOCK = 30047 // 'Bootleg Base Metal Billycock' const ID_MECHA_MEDES = 30048 // 'Mecha-Medes' const ID_TUNGSTEN_TOQUE = 30049 // 'Tungsten Toque' const ID_STEAM_PIPE = 30050 // 'Steam Pipe' const ID_DATA_MINING_LIGHT = 30051 // 'Data Mining Light' const ID_BYTED_BEAK = 30052 // 'Byte'd Beak' const ID_GOOGOL_GLASS_EYES = 30053 // 'Googol Glass Eyes' const ID_BUNSEN_BRAVE = 30054 // 'Bunsen Brave' const ID_SCRUMPY_STRONGBOX = 30055 // 'Scrumpy Strongbox' const ID_DUAL_CORE_DEVIL_DOLL = 30056 // 'Dual-Core Devil Doll' const ID_BOLTED_BIRDCAGE = 30057 // 'Bolted Birdcage' const ID_CROSSLINKERS_COIL = 30058 // 'Crosslinker's Coil' const ID_BEASTLY_BONNET = 30059 // 'Beastly Bonnet' const ID_CHEET_SHEET = 30060 // 'Cheet Sheet' const ID_TARTANTALOONS = 30061 // 'Tartantaloons' const ID_STEEL_SIXPACK = 30062 // 'Steel Sixpack' const ID_CENTURION = 30063 // 'Centurion' const ID_TARTAN_SHADE = 30064 // 'Tartan Shade' const ID_HARDY_LAUREL = 30065 // 'Hardy Laurel' const ID_BROTHERHOOD_OF_ARMS = 30066 // 'Brotherhood of Arms' const ID_WELL_ROUNDED_RIFLEMAN = 30067 // 'Well-Rounded Rifleman' const ID_BREAKNECK_BAGGIES = 30068 // 'Breakneck Baggies' const ID_POWDERED_PRACTITIONER = 30069 // 'Powdered Practitioner' const ID_POCKET_PYRO = 30070 // 'Pocket Pyro' const ID_CLOUD_CRASHER = 30071 // 'Cloud Crasher' const ID_POM_POMMED_PROVOCATEUR = 30072 // 'Pom-Pommed Provocateur' const ID_DARK_AGE_DEFENDER = 30073 // 'Dark Age Defender' const ID_TYURTLENEK = 30074 // 'Tyurtlenek' const ID_MAIR_MASK = 30075 // 'Mair Mask' const ID_BIGG_MANN_ON_CAMPUS = 30076 // 'Bigg Mann on Campus' const ID_COOL_CAT_CARDIGAN = 30077 // 'Cool Cat Cardigan' const ID_GREASED_LIGHTNING = 30078 // 'Greased Lightning' const ID_RED_ARMY_ROBIN = 30079 // 'Red Army Robin' const ID_HEAVY_WEIGHT_CHAMP = 30080 // 'Heavy-Weight Champ' const ID_TSARBOOSH = 30081 // 'Tsarboosh' const ID_GLASGOW_GREAT_HELM = 30082 // 'Glasgow Great Helm' const ID_CAFFEINE_COOLER = 30083 // 'Caffeine Cooler' const ID_HALF_PIPE_HURDLER = 30084 // 'Half-Pipe Hurdler' const ID_MACHO_MANN = 30085 // 'Macho Mann' const ID_TRASH_TOTER = 30086 // 'Trash Toter' const ID_DRY_GULCH_GULP = 30087 // 'Dry Gulch Gulp' const ID_EL_MUCHACHO = 30089 // 'El Muchacho' const ID_BACKPACK_BROILER = 30090 // 'Backpack Broiler' const ID_BURNING_BANDANA = 30091 // 'Burning Bandana' const ID_SOOT_SUIT = 30092 // 'Soot Suit' const ID_HIVE_MINDER = 30093 // 'Hive Minder' const ID_KATYUSHA = 30094 // 'Katyusha' const ID_DAS_HAZMATTENHATTEN = 30095 // 'Das Hazmattenhatten' const ID_DAS_FEELINBETERBAGER = 30096 // 'Das Feelinbeterbager' const ID_DAS_UBERSTERNMANN = 30097 // 'Das Ubersternmann' const ID_DAS_METALMEATENCASEN = 30098 // 'Das Metalmeatencasen' const ID_PARDNERS_POMPADOUR = 30099 // 'Pardner's Pompadour' const ID_BIRDMAN_OF_AUSTRALIACATRAZ = 30100 // 'Birdman of Australiacatraz' const ID_COBBER_CHAMELEON = 30101 // 'Cobber Chameleon' const ID_FALCONER = 30103 // 'Falconer' const ID_GRAYBANNS = 30104 // 'Graybanns' const ID_BLACK_WATCH = 30105 // 'Black Watch' const ID_TARTAN_SPARTAN = 30106 // 'Tartan Spartan' const ID_GAELIC_GOLF_BAG = 30107 // 'Gaelic Golf Bag' const ID_BORSCHT_BELT = 30108 // 'Borscht Belt' const ID_DAS_NAGGENVATCHER = 30109 // 'Das Naggenvatcher' const ID_WHISKEY_BIB = 30110 // 'Whiskey Bib' const ID_STORMIN_NORMAN = 30112 // 'Stormin' Norman' const ID_FLARED_FRONTIERSMAN = 30113 // 'Flared Frontiersman' const ID_VALLEY_FORGE = 30114 // 'Valley Forge' const ID_COMPATRIOT = 30115 // 'Compatriot' const ID_CARIBBEAN_CONQUEROR = 30116 // 'Caribbean Conqueror' const ID_COLONIAL_CLOGS = 30117 // 'Colonial Clogs' const ID_WHIRLY_WARRIOR = 30118 // 'Whirly Warrior' const ID_FEDERAL_CASEMAKER = 30119 // 'Federal Casemaker' const ID_REBEL_ROUSER = 30120 // 'Rebel Rouser' const ID_DAS_MADDENDOKTOR = 30121 // 'Das Maddendoktor' const ID_BEAR_NECESSITIES = 30122 // 'Bear Necessities' const ID_HARMBURG = 30123 // 'Harmburg' const ID_GAELIC_GARB = 30124 // 'Gaelic Garb' const ID_ROGUES_BROGUES = 30125 // 'Rogue's Brogues' const ID_SHOGUNS_SHOULDER_GUARD = 30126 // 'Shogun's Shoulder Guard' const ID_DAS_GUTENKUTTEHAREN = 30127 // 'Das Gutenkutteharen' const ID_BELGIAN_DETECTIVE = 30128 // 'Belgian Detective' const ID_HORNBLOWER = 30129 // 'Hornblower' const ID_LIEUTENANT_BITES = 30130 // 'Lieutenant Bites' const ID_BRAWLING_BUCCANEER = 30131 // 'Brawling Buccaneer' const ID_BLOOD_BANKER = 30132 // 'Blood Banker' const ID_AFTER_DARK = 30133 // 'After Dark' const ID_DELINQUENTS_DOWN_VEST = 30134 // 'Delinquent's Down Vest' const ID_WET_WORKS = 30135 // 'Wet Works' const ID_BARON_VON_HAVENAPLANE = 30136 // 'Baron von Havenaplane' const ID_DAS_FANTZIPANTZEN = 30137 // 'Das Fantzipantzen' const ID_BOLSHEVIK_BIKER = 30138 // 'Bolshevik Biker' const ID_PAMPERED_PYRO = 30139 // 'Pampered Pyro' const ID_VIRTUAL_VIEWFINDER = 30140 // 'Virtual Viewfinder' const ID_GABE_GLASSES = 30141 // 'Gabe Glasses' const ID_FOUNDING_FATHER = 30142 // 'Founding Father' const ID_TW_DEMOBOT_ARMOR = 30143 // 'Demobot Armor' const ID_TW_DEMOBOT_HELMET = 30144 // 'Demobot Helmet' const ID_TW_ENGINEERBOT_ARMOR = 30145 // 'Engineerbot Armor' const ID_TW_ENGINEERBOT_HELMET = 30146 // 'Engineerbot Helmet' const ID_TW_HEAVYBOT_ARMOR = 30147 // 'Heavybot Armor' const ID_TW_HEAVYBOT_HELMET = 30148 // 'Heavybot Helmet' const ID_TW_MEDIBOT_CHARIOT = 30149 // 'Medicbot Chariot' const ID_TW_MEDIBOT_HAT = 30150 // 'Medicbot Hat' const ID_TW_PYROBOT_ARMOR = 30151 // 'Pyrobot Armor' const ID_TW_PYROBOT_HELMET = 30152 // 'Pyrobot Helmet' const ID_TW_SCOUTBOT_ARMOR = 30153 // 'Scoutbot Armor' const ID_TW_SCOUTBOT_HAT = 30154 // 'Scoutbot Hat' const ID_TW_SNIPERBOT_ARMOR = 30155 // 'Sniperbot Armor' const ID_TW_SNIPERBOT_HELMET = 30156 // 'Sniperbot Helmet' const ID_TW_SOLDIERBOT_ARMOR = 30157 // 'Soldierbot Armor' const ID_TW_SOLDIERBOT_HELMET = 30158 // 'Soldierbot Helmet' const ID_TW_SPYBOT_ARMOR = 30159 // 'Spybot Armor' const ID_TW_SPYBOT_HOOD = 30160 // 'Spybot Hood' const ID_TW_SENTRYBUSTER = 30161 // 'Sentrybuster' const ID_BONE_DOME = 30162 // 'Bone Dome' const ID_AIR_RAIDER = 30163 // 'Air Raider' const ID_VIKING_BRAIDER = 30164 // 'Viking Braider' const ID_CUBAN_BRISTLE_CRISIS = 30165 // 'Cuban Bristle Crisis' const ID_BEEP_BOY = 30167 // 'Beep Boy' const ID_SPECIAL_EYES = 30168 // 'Special Eyes' const ID_TRICKSTERS_TURNOUT_GEAR = 30169 // 'Trickster's Turnout Gear' const ID_CHRONOMANCER = 30170 // 'Chronomancer' const ID_MEDICAL_MYSTERY = 30171 // 'Medical Mystery' const ID_GOLD_DIGGER = 30172 // 'Gold Digger' const ID_BRIM_FULL_OF_BULLETS = 30173 // 'Brim-Full of Bullets' const ID_COTTON_HEAD = 30175 // 'Cotton Head' const ID_POP_EYES = 30176 // 'Pop-Eyes' const ID_HONG_KONG_CONE = 30177 // 'Hong Kong Cone' const ID_WEIGHT_ROOM_WARMER = 30178 // 'Weight Room Warmer' const ID_HURT_LOCHER = 30179 // 'Hurt Locher' const ID_PIRATE_BANDANA = 30180 // 'Pirate Bandana' const ID_LIL_SNAGGLETOOTH = 30181 // 'Li'l Snaggletooth' const ID_LHOMME_BURGLERRE = 30182 // 'L'homme Burglerre' const ID_ESCAPIST = 30183 // 'Escapist' const ID_FLAPJACK = 30185 // 'Flapjack' const ID_A_BRUSH_WITH_DEATH = 30186 // 'A Brush with Death' const ID_SLICK_CUT = 30187 // 'Slick Cut' const ID_FRENCHMANS_FORMALS = 30189 // 'Frenchman's Formals' const ID_WARD = 30190 // 'Ward' const ID_BEAST_FROM_BELOW = 30191 // 'Beast from Below' const ID_HARD_HEADED_HARDWARE = 30192 // 'Hard-Headed Hardware' const ID_CAPN_CALAMARI = 30193 // 'Cap'n Calamari' const ID_SPECTRALNAUT = 30194 // 'Spectralnaut' const ID_ETHEREAL_HOOD = 30195 // 'Ethereal Hood' const ID_MANIACS_MANACLES = 30196 // 'Maniac's Manacles' const ID_SECOND_OPINION = 30197 // 'Second Opinion' const ID_POCKET_HORSEMANN = 30198 // 'Pocket Horsemann' const ID_LAST_BITE = 30199 // 'Last Bite' const ID_BAPHOMET_TROTTERS = 30200 // 'Baphomet Trotters' const ID_BURNYS_BONEY_BONNET = 30203 // 'Burny's Boney Bonnet' const ID_CRISPY_GOLDEN_LOCKS = 30204 // 'Crispy Golden Locks' const ID_SCORCHED_SKIRT = 30205 // 'Scorched Skirt' const ID_ACCURSED_APPARITION = 30206 // 'Accursed Apparition' const ID_HOUNDS_HOOD = 30207 // 'Hound's Hood' const ID_TERRIER_TROUSERS = 30208 // 'Terrier Trousers' const ID_HORRIFIC_HEAD_OF_HARE = 30211 // 'Horrific Head of Hare' const ID_SNAGGLETOOTHED_STETSON = 30212 // 'Snaggletoothed Stetson' const ID_UP_PYROSCOPES = 30213 // 'Up Pyroscopes' const ID_ONE_WAY_TICKET = 30214 // 'One-Way Ticket' const ID_BIRDIE_BONNET = 30215 // 'Birdie Bonnet' const ID_EXTERNAL_ORGAN = 30216 // 'External Organ' const ID_IVAN_THE_INEDIBLE = 30217 // 'Ivan the Inedible' const ID_RUGGED_RESPIRATOR = 30218 // 'Rugged Respirator' const ID_SQUIDS_LID = 30219 // 'Squid's Lid' const ID_HOLLOWHEAD = 30220 // 'Hollowhead' const ID_GRUB_GRENADES = 30221 // 'Grub Grenades' const ID_GOTHIC_GUISE = 30222 // 'Gothic Guise' const ID_GREASE_MONKEY = 30223 // 'Grease Monkey' const ID_ALTERNATIVE_MEDICINE_MANN = 30224 // 'Alternative Medicine Mann' const ID_CAUTERIZERS_CAUDAL_APPENDAGE = 30225 // 'Cauterizer's Caudal Appendage' const ID_POLLY_PUTRID = 30226 // 'Polly Putrid' const ID_FAUX_MANCHU = 30227 // 'Faux Manchu' const ID_HIDDEN_DRAGON = 30228 // 'Hidden Dragon' const ID_LO_GRAV_LOAFERS = 30229 // 'Lo-Grav Loafers' const ID_SURGEONS_SPACE_SUIT = 30230 // 'Surgeon's Space Suit' const ID_FACE_PLANTE = 30231 // 'Face Plante' const ID_DAS_BLUTLIEBHABER = 30232 // 'Das Blutliebhaber' const ID_TREPANABOTOMIZER = 30233 // 'Trepanabotomizer' const ID_SACKCLOTH_SPOOK = 30234 // 'Sackcloth Spook' const ID_MUCOUS_MEMBRAIN = 30235 // 'Mucous Membrain' const ID_PIN_PALS = 30236 // 'Pin Pals' const ID_MEDIMEDES = 30237 // 'Medimedes' const ID_CHICKEN_KIEV = 30238 // 'Chicken Kiev' const ID_FREEDOM_FEATHERS = 30239 // 'Freedom Feathers' const ID_HEADTAKERS_HOOD = 30240 // 'Headtaker's Hood' const ID_TRANSYLVANIA_TOP = 30241 // 'Transylvania Top' const ID_CANDLEER = 30242 // 'Candleer' const ID_HORSEMANNS_HAND_ME_DOWN = 30243 // 'Horsemann's Hand-Me-Down' const ID_BOZOS_BOUFFANT = 30245 // 'Bozo's Bouffant' const ID_FAUN_FEET = 30247 // 'Faun Feet' const ID_HALLOWEINER = 30248 // 'Halloweiner' const ID_LORDLY_LAPELS = 30249 // 'Lordly Lapels' const ID_CADAVERS_CAPPER = 30251 // 'Cadaver's Capper' const ID_GUANO = 30252 // 'Guano' const ID_SPRINTING_CEPHALOPOD = 30253 // 'Sprinting Cephalopod' const ID_UNIDENTIFIED_FOLLOWING_OBJECT = 30254 // 'Unidentified Following Object' const ID_BEACON_FROM_BEYOND = 30255 // 'Beacon from Beyond' const ID_HYPERBARIC_BOWLER = 30256 // 'Hyperbaric Bowler' const ID_DEATH_SUPPORT_PACK = 30257 // 'Death Support Pack' const ID_CARIOUS_CHAMELEON = 30258 // 'Carious Chameleon' const ID_MONSTERS_STOMPERS = 30259 // 'Monster's Stompers' const ID_BOUNTIFUL_BOW = 30260 // 'Bountiful Bow' const ID_CANDYMANS_CAP = 30261 // 'Candyman's Cap' const ID_VICARS_VESTMENTS = 30263 // 'Vicar's Vestments' const ID_HARDIUM_HELM = 30264 // 'Hardium Helm' const ID_JUPITER_JUMPERS = 30265 // 'Jupiter Jumpers' const ID_SPACE_BRACERS = 30266 // 'Space Bracers' const ID_HANDHUNTER = 30267 // 'Handhunter' const ID_SPELLBINDERS_BONNET = 30268 // 'Spellbinder's Bonnet' const ID_MACABRE_MASK = 30269 // 'Macabre Mask' const ID_SHAMANS_SKULL = 30270 // 'Shaman's Skull' const ID_VICIOUS_VISAGE = 30273 // 'Vicious Visage' const ID_TUQUE_OR_TREAT = 30274 // 'Tuque or Treat' const ID_HORNED_HONCHO = 30275 // 'Horned Honcho' const ID_LIEUTENANT_BITES_THE_DUST = 30276 // 'Lieutenant Bites the Dust' const ID_GRISLY_GUMBO = 30277 // 'Grisly Gumbo' const ID_DARK_HELM = 30278 // 'Dark Helm' const ID_ARCHIMEDES_THE_UNDYING = 30279 // 'Archimedes the Undying' const ID_MONSTROUS_MANDIBLE = 30280 // 'Monstrous Mandible' const ID_SHAOLIN_SASH = 30281 // 'Shaolin Sash' const ID_MANN_BIRD_OF_ABERDEEN = 30282 // 'Mann-Bird of Aberdeen' const ID_FOUL_COWL = 30283 // 'Foul Cowl' const ID_SIR_SHOOTSALOT = 30284 // 'Sir Shootsalot' const ID_CORPSEMOPOLITAN = 30285 // 'Corpsemopolitan' const ID_GLOB = 30286 // 'Glob' const ID_HALLOWED_HEADCASE = 30287 // 'Hallowed Headcase' const ID_CARRION_COMPANION = 30288 // 'Carrion Companion' const ID_QUOTH = 30289 // 'Quoth' const ID_PY_40_INCINIBOT = 30290 // 'PY-40 Incinibot' const ID_PARASIGHT = 30292 // 'Parasight' const ID_TEUTONKAHMUN = 30293 // 'Teutonkahmun' const ID_LARVAL_LID = 30294 // 'Larval Lid' const ID_MANNEATER = 30295 // 'Manneater' const ID_CREATURE_FROM_HEAP = 30296 // 'Creature from the Heap' const ID_MAGICAL_MERCENARY = 30297 // 'Magical Mercenary' const ID_RAVENS_VISAGE = 30298 // 'Raven's Visage' const ID_RAMSES_REGALIA = 30299 // 'Ramses' Regalia' const ID_HAUNTED_HAT = 30300 // 'Haunted Hat' const ID_BOZOS_BROGUES = 30301 // 'Bozo's Brogues' const ID_CRYPTIC_KEEPSAKE = 30302 // 'Cryptic Keepsake' const ID_ABHORRENT_APPENDAGES = 30303 // 'Abhorrent Appendages' const ID_BLIZZARD_BREATHER = 30304 // 'Blizzard Breather' const ID_SUB_ZERO_SUIT = 30305 // 'Sub Zero Suit' const ID_DICTATOR = 30306 // 'Dictator' const ID_NECKWEAR_HEADWEAR = 30307 // 'Neckwear Headwear' const ID_TRAIL_BLAZER = 30308 // 'Trail-Blazer' const ID_DEAD_OF_NIGHT = 30309 // 'Dead of Night' const ID_SNOW_SCOPER = 30310 // 'Snow Scoper' const ID_NUNHOOD = 30311 // 'Nunhood' const ID_ANGEL_OF_DEATH = 30312 // 'Angel of Death' const ID_KISS_KING = 30313 // 'Kiss King' const ID_SLO_POKE = 30314 // 'Slo-Poke' const ID_MINNESOTA_SLICK = 30315 // 'Minnesota Slick' const ID_TOY_SOLDIER = 30316 // 'Toy Soldier' const ID_FIVE_MONTH_SHADOW = 30317 // 'Five-Month Shadow' const ID_MANN_OF_REASON = 30318 // 'Mann of Reason' const ID_MANN_OF_HOUSE = 30319 // 'Mann of the House' const ID_CHUCKLENUTS = 30320 // 'Chucklenuts' const ID_TINY_TIMBER = 30321 // 'Tiny Timber' const ID_FACE_FULL_OF_FESTIVE = 30322 // 'Face Full of Festive' const ID_RUFFLED_RUPRECHT = 30323 // 'Ruffled Ruprecht' const ID_GOLDEN_GARMENT = 30324 // 'Golden Garment' const ID_LITTLE_DRUMMER_MANN = 30325 // 'Little Drummer Mann' const ID_SCOUT_SHAKO = 30326 // 'Scout Shako' const ID_TOY_TAILOR = 30327 // 'Toy Tailor' const ID_EXTRA_LAYER = 30328 // 'Extra Layer' const ID_POLAR_PULLOVER = 30329 // 'Polar Pullover' const ID_DOGFIGHTER = 30330 // 'Dogfighter' const ID_ANTARCTIC_PARKA = 30331 // 'Antarctic Parka' const ID_RUNNERS_WARM_UP = 30332 // 'Runner's Warm-Up' const ID_HIGHLAND_HIGH_HEELS = 30333 // 'Highland High Heels' const ID_TARTAN_TYROLEAN = 30334 // 'Tartan Tyrolean' const ID_MARSHALLS_MUTTON_CHOPS = 30335 // 'Marshall's Mutton Chops' const ID_TRENCHERS_TOPPER = 30336 // 'Trencher's Topper' const ID_TRENCHERS_TUNIC = 30337 // 'Trencher's Tunic' const ID_GROUND_CONTROL = 30338 // 'Ground Control' const ID_KILLERS_KIT = 30339 // 'Killer's Kit' const ID_STYLISH_DEGROOT = 30340 // 'Stylish DeGroot' const ID_EIN = 30341 // 'Ein' const ID_HEAVY_LIFTER = 30342 // 'Heavy Lifter' const ID_GONE_COMMANDO = 30343 // 'Gone Commando' const ID_BULLET_BUZZ = 30344 // 'Bullet Buzz' const ID_LEFTOVER_TRAP = 30345 // 'Leftover Trap' const ID_TRASH_MAN = 30346 // 'Trash Man' const ID_SCOTCH_SAVER = 30347 // 'Scotch Saver' const ID_BUSHI_DOU = 30348 // 'Bushi-Dou' const ID_FASHIONABLE_MEGALOMANIAC = 30349 // 'Fashionable Megalomaniac' const ID_DOUGH_PUNCHER = 30350 // 'Dough Puncher' const ID_TEUTONIC_TOQUE = 30351 // 'Teutonic Toque' const ID_MUSTACHIOED_MANN = 30352 // 'Mustachioed Mann' const ID_BACKSTABBERS_BOOMSLANG = 30353 // 'Backstabber's Boomslang' const ID_RAT_STOMPERS = 30354 // 'Rat Stompers' const ID_SOLE_MATE = 30355 // 'Sole Mate' const ID_HEAT_OF_WINTER = 30356 // 'Heat of Winter' const ID_DARK_FALKIRK_HELM = 30357 // 'Dark Falkirk Helm' const ID_SOLE_SAVIORS = 30358 // 'Sole Saviors' const ID_HUNTSMANS_ESSENTIALS = 30359 // 'Huntsman's Essentials' const ID_NAPOLEON_COMPLEX = 30360 // 'Napoleon Complex' const ID_COLONELS_COAT = 30361 // 'Colonel's Coat' const ID_LAW = 30362 // 'Law' const ID_JUGGERNAUT_JACKET = 30363 // 'Juggernaut Jacket' const ID_WARMTH_PRESERVER = 30364 // 'Warmth Preserver' const ID_SMOCK_SURGEON = 30365 // 'Smock Surgeon' const ID_SANGU_SLEEVES = 30366 // 'Sangu Sleeves' const ID_CUTE_SUIT = 30367 // 'Cute Suit' const ID_WAR_GOGGLES = 30368 // 'War Goggles' const ID_ELIMINATORS_SAFEGUARD = 30369 // 'Eliminator's Safeguard' const ID_ARCHERS_GROUNDINGS = 30371 // 'Archer's Groundings' const ID_COMBAT_SLACKS = 30372 // 'Combat Slacks' const ID_TOOWOOMBA_TUNIC = 30373 // 'Toowoomba Tunic' const ID_SAMMY_CAP = 30374 // 'Sammy Cap' const ID_DEEP_COVER_OPERATOR = 30375 // 'Deep Cover Operator' const ID_TICKET_BOY = 30376 // 'Ticket Boy' const ID_ANTARCTIC_RESEARCHER = 30377 // 'Antarctic Researcher' const ID_HEERS_HELMET = 30378 // 'Heer's Helmet' const ID_GAITER_GUARDS = 30379 // 'Gaiter Guards' const ID_CLASSIFIED_COIF = 30388 // 'Classified Coif' const ID_ROGUES_ROBE = 30389 // 'Rogue's Robe' const ID_SPOOK_SPECS = 30390 // 'Spook Specs' const ID_SENGOKU_SCORCHER = 30391 // 'Sengoku Scorcher' const ID_MAN_IN_SLACKS = 30392 // 'Man in Slacks' const ID_RAZOR_CUT = 30393 // 'Razor Cut' const ID_FRICKIN_SWEET_NINJA_HOOD = 30394 // 'Frickin' Sweet Ninja Hood' const ID_SOUTHIE_SHINOBI = 30395 // 'Southie Shinobi' const ID_RED_SOCKS = 30396 // 'Red Socks' const ID_BRUISERS_BANDANNA = 30397 // 'Bruiser's Bandanna' const ID_GAS_GUZZLER = 30398 // 'Gas Guzzler' const ID_SMOKING_SKID_LID = 30399 // 'Smoking Skid Lid' const ID_LUNATICS_LEATHERS = 30400 // 'Lunatic's Leathers' const ID_YURIS_REVENGE = 30401 // 'Yuri's Revenge' const ID_TOOLS_OF_TRADE = 30402 // 'Tools of the Trade' const ID_JOE_ON_THE_GO = 30403 // 'Joe-on-the-Go' const ID_AVIATOR_ASSASSIN = 30404 // 'Aviator Assassin' const ID_SKY_CAPTAIN = 30405 // 'Sky Captain' const ID_PEACENIKS_PONYTAIL = 30406 // 'Peacenik's Ponytail' const ID_LEVEL_THREE_CHIN = 30407 // 'Level Three Chin' const ID_EGGHEADS_OVERALLS = 30408 // 'Egghead's Overalls' const ID_LONESOME_LOAFERS = 30409 // 'Lonesome Loafers' const ID_ZE_UBERMENSCH = 30410 // 'Ze Übermensch' const ID_AU_COURANT_ASSASSIN = 30411 // 'Au Courant Assassin' const ID_ENDOTHERMIC_EXOWEAR = 30412 // 'Endothermic Exowear' const ID_MERCS_MOHAWK = 30413 // 'Merc's Mohawk' const ID_EYE_CATCHER = 30414 // 'Eye-Catcher' const ID_MEDICINE_MANPURSE = 30415 // 'Medicine Manpurse' const ID_EMPLOYEE_OF_THE_MMMPH = 30416 // 'Employee of the Mmmph' const ID_FRYMASTER = 30417 // 'Frymaster' const ID_COMBUSTIBLE_KABUTO = 30418 // 'Combustible Kabuto' const ID_CHRONOSCARF = 30419 // 'Chronoscarf' const ID_DANGER = 30420 // 'Danger' const ID_FRONTIER_DJUSTICE = 30421 // 'Frontier Djustice' const ID_VIVE_LA_FRANCE = 30422 // 'Vive La France' const ID_SCOPERS_SMOKE = 30423 // 'Scoper's Smoke' const ID_TRIGGERMANS_TACTICALS = 30424 // 'Triggerman's Tacticals' const ID_TIPPED_LID = 30425 // 'Tipped Lid' const ID_PAISLEY_PRO = 30426 // 'Paisley Pro' const ID_ARGYLE_ACE = 30427 // 'Argyle Ace' const ID_POMADE_PRINCE = 30428 // 'Pomade Prince' const ID_ALLBRERO = 30429 // 'Allbrero' const ID_SEEING_DOUBLE = 30430 // 'Seeing Double' const ID_SIX_PACK_ABS = 30431 // 'Six Pack Abs' const ID_SPYCRAB = 30467 // 'Spycrab' const ID_HORACE = 30469 // 'Horace' const ID_BIOMECH_BACKPACK = 30470 // 'Biomech Backpack' const ID_ALIEN_CRANIUM = 30471 // 'Alien Cranium' const ID_XENO_SUIT = 30472 // 'Xeno Suit' const ID_MK_50 = 30473 // 'MK 50' const ID_NOSTROMO_NAPALMER = 30474 // 'Nostromo Napalmer' const ID_MISHAP_MERCENARY = 30475 // 'Mishap Mercenary' const ID_LADY_KILLER = 30476 // 'Lady Killer' const ID_LONE_SURVIVOR = 30477 // 'Lone Survivor' const ID_POACHERS_SAFARI_JACKET = 30478 // 'Poacher's Safari Jacket' const ID_THIRST_BLOOD = 30479 // 'Thirst Blood' const ID_MANN_OF_THE_SEVEN_SEES = 30480 // 'Mann of the Seven Sees' const ID_HILLBILLY_SPEED_BUMP = 30481 // 'Hillbilly Speed Bump' const ID_UNSHAVED_BEAR = 30482 // 'Unshaved Bear' const ID_POCKET_HEAVY = 30483 // 'Pocket Heavy' const ID_DADLIEST_CATCH = 30484 // 'Dadliest Catch' const ID_HERZENSBRECHER = 30486 // 'Herzensbrecher' const ID_HUNDEKOPF = 30487 // 'Hundkopf' const ID_KRIEGSMASCHINE_9000 = 30488 // 'Kriegsmaschine-9000' const ID_TRANSYLVANIAN_TOUPE = 30489 // 'Vampire Makeover' const ID_VAMPIRIC_VESTURE = 30490 // 'Vampiric Vesture' const ID_NUGGET_NOGGIN = 30491 // 'Nugget Noggin' const ID_FOWL_FISTS = 30492 // 'Fowl Fists' const ID_TALON_TROTTERS = 30493 // 'Talon Trotters' const ID_HEAD_HUNTER = 30494 // 'Head Hunter' const ID_CLAWS_AND_INFECT = 30495 // 'Claws And Infect' const ID_CRAZY_LEGS = 30496 // 'Crazy Legs' const ID_GHOST_OF_SPIES_CHECKED_PAST = 30497 // 'Ghost of Spies Checked Past' const ID_HOODED_HAUNTER = 30498 // 'Hooded Haunter' const ID_CONSPIRATORIAL_CUT = 30499 // 'Cranial Conspiracy' const ID_SKINLESS_SLASHERS = 30500 // 'Scaly Scrapers' const ID_MARSUPIAL_MAN = 30501 // 'Marsupial Man' const ID_KANGA_KICKERS = 30502 // 'Kanga Kickers' const ID_ROO_RIPPERS = 30503 // 'Roo Rippers' const ID_MARSUPIAL_MUZZLE = 30504 // 'Marsupial Muzzle' const ID_SHADOWMANS_SHADE = 30505 // 'Shadowman's Shade' const ID_NIGHTMARE_HUNTER = 30506 // 'Nightmare Hunter' const ID_ROGUES_RABBIT = 30507 // 'Rogue's Rabbit' const ID_IRON_FIST = 30508 // 'Iron Fist' const ID_BEEP_MAN = 30509 // 'Beep Man' const ID_SOUL_OF_SPENSERS_PAST = 30510 // 'Soul of 'Spensers Past' const ID_TINY_TEXAN = 30511 // 'Tiny Texan' const ID_FACEPEELER = 30512 // 'Facepeeler' const ID_MR_MUNDEES_WILD_RIDE = 30513 // 'Mr. Mundee's Wild Ride' const ID_TEMPLARS_SPIRIT = 30514 // 'Templar's Spirit' const ID_WINGS_OF_PURITY = 30515 // 'Wings of Purity' const ID_FORGOTTEN_KINGS_RESTLESS_HEAD = 30516 // 'Forgotten King's Restless Head' const ID_FORGOTTEN_KINGS_PAULDRONS = 30517 // 'Forgotten King's Pauldrons' const ID_EYEBORG = 30518 // 'Eyeborg' const ID_EXPLOSIVE_MIND = 30519 // 'Mannhattan Project' const ID_GHOUL_GIBBIN_GEAR = 30520 // 'Ghoul Gibbin' Gear' const ID_HELLHUNTERS_HEADPIECE = 30521 // 'Hellhunter's Headpiece' const ID_SUPERNATURAL_STALKER = 30522 // 'Supernatural Stalker' const ID_GARDEN_BRISTLES = 30523 // 'Garden Bristles' const ID_BATTLE_BIRD = 30524 // 'Battle Bird' const ID_CREATURES_GRIN = 30525 // 'Creature's Grin' const ID_ARSONIST_APPARATUS = 30526 // 'Arsonist Apparatus' const ID_MOCCASIN_MACHINERY = 30527 // 'Moccasin Machinery' const ID_LOLLICHOP_LICKER = 30528 // 'Lollichop Licker' const ID_MR_JUICE = 30529 // 'Mr. Juice' const ID_VAMPYRO = 30530 // 'Vampyro' const ID_BONE_CUT_BELT = 30531 // 'Bone-Cut Belt' const ID_BULL_LOCKS = 30532 // 'Bull Locks' const ID_MINSK_BEEF = 30533 // 'Minsk Beef' const ID_IMMOBILE_SUIT = 30534 // 'Immobile Suit' const ID_KRITZ_OR_TREAT_CANTEEN = 30535 // 'Kritz or Treat Canteen' const ID_CURSED_CRUISE = 30536 // 'Li'l Dutchman' const ID_EOTL_SKIER = 30538 // 'Wartime Warmth' const ID_EOTL_INSULATED_INNOVATOR = 30539 // 'Insulated Inventor' const ID_EOTL_BLINKS_BREECHES = 30540 // 'Brooklyn Booties' const ID_EOTL_DEMO_DYNAMITE = 30541 // 'Double Dynamite' const ID_EOTL_BRISK_WEATHER_BEANIE = 30542 // 'Coldsnap Cap' const ID_EOTL_WINTER_PANTS = 30543 // 'Snow Stompers' const ID_EOTL_PYRO_SWEATER = 30544 // 'North Polar Fleece' const ID_EOTL_FLAT_CAP = 30545 // 'Fur-Lined Fighter' const ID_EOTL_FURCAP = 30546 // 'Boxcar Bomber' const ID_EOTL_SUMMERHAT = 30547 // 'Bomber's Bucket Hat' const ID_EOTL_SOLDIER_GARRISON = 30548 // 'Screamin' Eagle' const ID_EOTL_HIPHUNTER_HAT = 30549 // 'Winter Woodsman' const ID_EOTL_HIPHUNTER_JACKET = 30550 // 'Snow Sleeves' const ID_EOTL_HIPHUNTER_BOOTS = 30551 // 'Flashdance Footies' const ID_EOTL_THERMAL_SLEEVES = 30552 // 'Thermal Tracker' const ID_EOTL_SOLDIERHAT = 30553 // 'Condor Cap' const ID_EOTL_BEARD = 30554 // 'Mistaken Movember' const ID_EOTL_DEMOPANTS = 30555 // 'Double Dog Dare Demo Pants' const ID_EOTL_URSA_MAJOR = 30556 // 'Sleeveless in Siberia' const ID_EOTL_SHEAVYSHIRT = 30557 // 'Hunter Heavy' const ID_EOTL_COLDFRONT_CURBSTOMPERS = 30558 // 'Coldfront Curbstompers' const ID_END_OF_THE_LINE_COMMUNITY_UPDATE_MEDAL = 30559 // 'End of the Line Community Update Medal' const ID_BOOTENKHAMUNS = 30561 // 'Bootenkhamuns' const ID_JUNGLE_BOOTY = 30563 // 'Jungle Booty' const ID_ORIONS_BELT = 30564 // 'Orion's Belt' const ID_CROWN_OF_OLD_KINGDOM = 30567 // 'Crown of the Old Kingdom' const ID_TOMB_READERS = 30569 // 'Tomb Readers' const ID_POOL_PARTY_TAUNT = 30570 // 'Taunt: Pool Party' const ID_BRIMSTONE = 30571 // 'Brimstone' const ID_TAUNT_THE_BOSTON_BREAKDANCE = 30572 // 'Taunt: The Boston Breakdance' const ID_DEC2014_MARAUDERS_MASK = 30573 // 'Mountebank's Masque' const ID_DEC2014_TRUANDS_TUNIC = 30574 // 'Courtier's Collar' const ID_DEC2014_FOOLS_FOOTWEAR = 30575 // 'Harlequin's Hooves' const ID_DEC2014_COPILOT_2014 = 30576 // 'Co-Pilot' const ID_DEC2014_SKULLCAP = 30578 // 'Skullcap' const ID_DEC2014_2014_PYROMANCER_HOOD = 30580 // 'Pyromancer's Hood' const ID_DEC2014_PYROMANCERS_RAIMENTS = 30581 // 'Pyromancer's Raiments' const ID_DEC2014_BLACK_KNIGHTS_BASCINET = 30582 // 'Black Knight's Bascinet' const ID_DEC2014_TORCHERS_TABARD = 30583 // 'Torcher's Tabard' const ID_DEC2014_ARMOURED_APPENDAGES = 30584 // 'Charred Chainmail' const ID_DEC2014_VIKING_HELMET = 30586 // 'Valhalla Helm' const ID_DEC2014_VIKING_BOOTS = 30587 // 'Storm Stompers' const ID_DEC2014_HEAVY_PARKA = 30588 // 'Siberian Facehugger' const ID_DEC2014_THE_BIG_PAPA = 30589 // 'Old Man Frost' const ID_DEC2014_ENGINEER_DETECTIVEHOLSTER = 30590 // 'Holstered Heaters' const ID_DEC2014_ENGINEER_DETECTIVERADIO = 30591 // 'Cop Caller' const ID_DEC2014_ENGINEER_DETECTIVEGLASSES = 30592 // 'Conagher's Combover' const ID_DEC2014_ENGINEER_SEAL = 30593 // 'Clubsy The Seal' const ID_DEC2014_MEDIC_UNKNOWN_MANN = 30595 // 'Unknown Mann' const ID_DEC2014_SURGEONS_SHAKO = 30596 // 'Surgeon's Shako' const ID_DEC2014_HUNTER_BEARD = 30597 // 'Bushman's Bristles' const ID_DEC2014_HUNTER_USHANKA = 30598 // 'Professional's Ushanka' const ID_DEC2014_HUNTER_VEST = 30599 // 'Marksman's Mohair' const ID_DEC2014_WALLY_POCKET = 30600 // 'Wally Pocket' const ID_EOTL_WINTER_COAT = 30601 // 'Cold Snap Coat' const ID_DEC2014_THE_PUFFY_PROVOCATEUR = 30602 // 'Puffy Provocateur' const ID_DEC2014_STEALTHY_SCARF = 30603 // 'Stealthy Scarf' const ID_DEC2014_COMFORTER = 30604 // 'Scot Bonnet' const ID_DEC2014_THERMAL_INSULATION_LAYER = 30605 // 'Thermal Insulation Layer' const ID_DEC2014_POCKET_MOMMA = 30606 // 'Pocket Momma' const ID_POCKET_RAIDERS = 30607 // 'Pocket Raiders' const ID_TAUNT_THE_KILLER_SOLO = 30609 // 'Taunt: The Killer Solo' const ID_TAUNT_MOST_WANTED = 30614 // 'Taunt: Most Wanted' const ID_TAUNT_THE_BOXTROT = 30615 // 'Taunt: The Box Trot' const ID_TAUNT_THE_PROLETARIAT_SHOWOFF = 30616 // 'Taunt: The Proletariat Posedown' const ID_TAUNT_BUCKING_BRONCO = 30618 // 'Taunt: Bucking Bronco' const ID_TAUNT_BURSTCHESTER = 30621 // 'Taunt: Burstchester' const ID_ROTATION_SENSATION = 30623 // 'Rotation Sensation' const ID_PHYSICIANS_PROTECTOR = 30625 // 'Physician's Protector' const ID_VASCULAR_VESTMENT = 30626 // 'Vascular Vestment' const ID_BRUCES_BONNET = 30627 // 'Bruce's Bonnet' const ID_OUTTA_SIGHT = 30628 // 'Outta Sight' const ID_SUPPORT_SPURS = 30629 // 'Support Spurs' const ID_LURKERS_LEATHERS = 30631 // 'Lurker's Leathers' const ID_COMMISSARS_COAT = 30633 // 'Commissar's Coat' const ID_SHERIFFS_STETSON = 30634 // 'Sheriff's Stetson' const ID_WILD_WEST_WAISTCOAT = 30635 // 'Wild West Waistcoat' const ID_FORTUNATE_SON = 30636 // 'Fortunate Son' const ID_FLAK_JACK = 30637 // 'Flak Jack' const ID_CAPTAIN_CARDBEARD_CUTTHROAT = 30640 // 'Captain Cardbeard Cutthroat' const ID_POTASSIUM_BONNETT = 30643 // 'Potassium Bonnet' const ID_WHITE_RUSSIAN = 30644 // 'White Russian' const ID_EL_DUDERINO = 30645 // 'El Duderino' const ID_CAPTAIN_SPACE_MANN = 30646 // 'Captain Space Mann' const ID_PHONONAUT = 30647 // 'Phononaut' const ID_CORONA_AUSTRALIS = 30648 // 'Corona Australis' const ID_FINAL_FRONTIERSMAN = 30649 // 'Final Frontiersman' const ID_STARDUSTER = 30650 // 'Starduster' const ID_GRAYLIEN = 30651 // 'Graylien' const ID_PHOBOS_FILTER = 30652 // 'Phobos Filter' const ID_SUCKER_SLUG = 30653 // 'Sucker Slug' const ID_LIFE_SUPPORT_SYSTEM = 30654 // 'Life Support System' const ID_ROCKET_OPERATOR = 30655 // 'Rocket Operator' const ID_UNIVERSAL_TRANSLATOR = 30658 // 'Universal Translator' const ID_CADET_VISOR = 30661 // 'Cadet Visor' const ID_A_HEAD_FULL_OF_HOT_AIR = 30662 // 'A Head Full of Hot Air' const ID_JUPITER_JETPACK = 30663 // 'Jupiter Jetpack' const ID_SPACE_DIVER = 30664 // 'Space Diver' const ID_SHOOTING_STAR = 30665 // 'Shooting Star' const ID_CAPPER = 30666 // 'C.A.P.P.E.R' const ID_BATSABER = 30667 // 'Batsaber' const ID_GIGER_COUNTER = 30668 // 'Giger Counter' const ID_SPACE_HAMSTER_HAMMY = 30669 // 'Space Hamster Hammy' const ID_INVASION_COMMUNITY_UPDATE_MEDAL = 30670 // 'Invasion Community Update Medal' const ID_TAUNT_TRUE_SCOTSMANS_CALL = 30671 // 'Taunt: Bad Pipes' const ID_TAUNT_ZOOMIN_BROOM = 30672 // 'Taunt: Zoomin' Broom' const ID_TAUNT_SOLDIERS_REQUIEM = 30673 // 'Taunt: Soldier's Requiem' const ID_ROBOOT = 30675 // 'Roboot' const ID_FACE_OF_MERCY = 30676 // 'Face of Mercy' const ID_EL_CABALLERO = 30680 // 'El Caballero' const ID_EL_PATRON = 30681 // 'El Patron' const ID_SMOKEY_SOMBRERO = 30682 // 'Smokey Sombrero' const ID_NEPTUNES_NIGHTMARE = 30684 // 'Neptune's Nightmare' const ID_THRILLING_TRACKSUIT = 30685 // 'Thrilling Tracksuit' const ID_DEATH_RACERS_HELMET = 30686 // 'Death Racer's Helmet' const ID_GRIM_TWEETER = 30693 // 'Grim Tweeter' const ID_IRON_LUNG = 30698 // 'Iron Lung' const ID_DUCK_BILLED_HATYPUS = 30700 // 'Duck Billed Hatypus' const ID_PREHISTORIC_PULLOVER = 30704 // 'Prehistoric Pullover' const ID_CATASTROPHIC_COMPANIONS = 30706 // 'Catastrophic Companions' const ID_DEADER_ALIVE = 30707 // 'Dead'er Alive' const ID_HELLMET = 30708 // 'Hellmet' const ID_CRUSADERS_GETUP = 30716 // 'Crusader's Getup' const ID_ARTHROPODS_ASPECT = 30717 // 'Arthropod's Aspect' const ID_BAAARRGH_N_BICORNE = 30718 // 'B'aaarrgh-n-Bicorne' const ID_BAAARRGH_N_BRITCHES = 30719 // 'B'aaarrgh-n-Britches' const ID_ARKHAM_COWL = 30720 // 'Arkham Cowl' const ID_FIREFLY = 30721 // 'Firefly' const ID_BATTERS_BRACERS = 30722 // 'Batter's Bracers' const ID_HOOD_OF_SORROWS = 30723 // 'Hood of Sorrows' const ID_FEAR_MONGER = 30724 // 'Fear Monger' const ID_POCKET_VILLAINS = 30726 // 'Pocket Villains' const ID_CAPED_CRUSADER = 30727 // 'Caped Crusader' const ID_BUTTLER = 30728 // 'Buttler' const ID_TEUFORT_KNIGHT = 30733 // 'Teufort Knight' const ID_SIDEKICKS_SIDE_SLICK = 30735 // 'Sidekick's Side Slick' const ID_BAT_BACKUP = 30736 // 'Bat Backup' const ID_CROOK_COMBATANT = 30737 // 'Crook Combatant' const ID_BATBELT = 30738 // 'Batbelt' const ID_GENUINE_FEAR_MONGER = 30739 // 'Fear Monger' const ID_GENUINE_ARKHAM_COWL = 30740 // 'Arkham Cowl' const ID_GENUINE_THE_FIREFLY = 30741 // 'Firefly' const ID_SHIN_SHREDDERS = 30742 // 'Shin Shredders' const ID_PATRIOT_PEAK = 30743 // 'Patriot Peak' const ID_DIPLOMAT = 30744 // 'Diplomat' const ID_SIBERIAN_SWEATER = 30745 // 'Siberian Sweater' const ID_A_WELL_WRAPPED_HAT = 30746 // 'A Well Wrapped Hat' const ID_GIFT_BRINGER = 30747 // 'Gift Bringer' const ID_CHILL_CHULLO = 30748 // 'Chill Chullo' const ID_WINTER_BACKUP = 30749 // 'Winter Backup' const ID_MEDICAL_MONARCH = 30750 // 'Medical Monarch' const ID_BONK_BATTERS_BACKUP = 30751 // 'Bonk Batter's Backup' const ID_CHICAGO_OVERCOAT = 30752 // 'Chicago Overcoat' const ID_A_HAT_TO_KILL_FOR = 30753 // 'A Hat to Kill For' const ID_HOT_HEELS = 30754 // 'Hot Heels' const ID_BERLIN_BRAIN_BOWL = 30755 // 'Berlin Brain Bowl' const ID_BUNNYHOPPERS_BALLISTICS_VEST = 30756 // 'Bunnyhopper's Ballistics Vest' const ID_PRINNY_POUCH = 30757 // 'Prinny Pouch' const ID_PRINNY_MACHETE = 30758 // 'Prinny Machete' const ID_PRINNY_HAT = 30759 // 'Prinny Hat' const ID_TAUNT_THE_FUBAR_FANFARE = 30761 // 'Taunt: The Fubar Fanfare' const ID_TAUNT_DISCO_FEVER = 30762 // 'Taunt: Disco Fever' const ID_TAUNT_THE_BALLOONIBOUNCER = 30763 // 'Taunt: The Balloonibouncer' const ID_AIRDOG = 30767 // 'Airdog' const ID_BEDOUIN_BANDANA = 30768 // 'Bedouin Bandana' const ID_HERALDS_HELM = 30769 // 'Herald's Helm' const ID_COURTLY_CUIRASS = 30770 // 'Courtly Cuirass' const ID_SQUIRES_SABATONS = 30771 // 'Squire's Sabatons' const ID_SURGICAL_SURVIVALIST = 30773 // 'Surgical Survivalist' const ID_DEAD_HEAD = 30775 // 'Dead Head' const ID_LURKING_LEGIONNAIRE = 30777 // 'Lurking Legionnaire' const ID_DAYJOGGER = 30779 // 'Dayjogger' const ID_PATRIOTS_POUCHES = 30780 // 'Patriot's Pouches' const ID_DAD_DUDS = 30785 // 'Dad Duds' const ID_GAUZED_GAZE = 30786 // 'Gauzed Gaze' const ID_DEMOS_DUSTCATCHER = 30788 // 'Demo's Dustcatcher' const ID_SCOPED_SPARTAN = 30789 // 'Scoped Spartan' const ID_COLOSSAL_CRANIUM = 30792 // 'Colossal Cranium' const ID_AEROBATICS_DEMONSTRATOR = 30793 // 'Aerobatics Demonstrator' const ID_FINAL_FRONTIER_FREIGHTER = 30794 // 'Final Frontier Freighter' const ID_HOVERING_HOTSHOT = 30795 // 'Hovering Hotshot' const ID_TOADSTOOL_TOPPER = 30796 // 'Toadstool Topper' const ID_SHOWSTOPPER = 30797 // 'Showstopper' const ID_BIG_TOPPER = 30798 // 'Big Topper' const ID_COMBUSTIBLE_CUTIE = 30799 // 'Combustible Cutie' const ID_CRANIAL_CARCHARODON = 30800 // 'Cranial Carcharodon' const ID_SPOOKTACLES = 30801 // 'Spooktacles' const ID_HEAVY_TOURISM = 30803 // 'Heavy Tourism' const ID_EL_PASO_PONCHO = 30804 // 'El Paso Poncho' const ID_WIDE_BRIMMED_BANDITO = 30805 // 'Wide-Brimmed Bandito' const ID_CORPUS_CHRISTI_CRANIUM = 30806 // 'Corpus Christi Cranium' const ID_SPIRIT_OF_THE_BOMBING_PAST = 30807 // 'Spirit of the Bombing Past' const ID_CLASS_CROWN = 30808 // 'Class Crown' const ID_WING_MANN = 30809 // 'Wing Mann' const ID_NASTY_NORSEMANN = 30810 // 'Nasty Norsemann' const ID_PESTERING_JESTER = 30811 // 'Pestering Jester' const ID_MOHORN = 30812 // 'Mo'Horn' const ID_SURGEONS_SIDEARMS = 30813 // 'Surgeon's Sidearms' const ID_LIL_BITEY = 30814 // 'Lil' Bitey' const ID_MAD_MASK = 30815 // 'Mad Mask' const ID_TAUNT_SECOND_RATE_SORCERY = 30816 // 'Taunt: Second Rate Sorcery' const ID_BURLY_BEAST = 30817 // 'Burly Beast' const ID_SOCKED_AND_LOADED = 30818 // 'Socked and Loaded' const ID_FLAMMABLE_FAVOR = 30819 // 'Flammable Favor' const ID_SNOWWING = 30820 // 'Snowwing' const ID_PACKABLE_PROVISIONS = 30821 // 'Packable Provisions' const ID_HANDY_CANES = 30822 // 'Handy Canes' const ID_BOMB_BEANIE = 30823 // 'Bomb Beanie' const ID_ELECTRIC_TWANGER = 30824 // 'Electric Twanger' const ID_SANTARCHIMEDES = 30825 // 'Santarchimedes' const ID_SWEET_SMISSMAS_SWEATER = 30826 // 'Sweet Smissmas Sweater' const ID_BRAIN_WARMING_WEAR = 30827 // 'Brain-Warming Wear' const ID_SNOWMANN = 30829 // 'Snowmann' const ID_BOMBER_KNIGHT = 30830 // 'Bomber Knight' const ID_READERS_CHOICE = 30831 // 'Reader's Choice' const ID_WOOLEN_WARMER = 30833 // 'Woolen Warmer' const ID_PYRO_THE_FLAMEDEER = 30835 // 'Pyro the Flamedeer' const ID_ELF_ESTEEM = 30836 // 'Elf Esteem' const ID_HEAD_PRIZE = 30838 // 'Head Prize' const ID_TAUNT_DIDGERIDRONGO = 30839 // 'Taunt: Didgeridrongo' const ID_TAUNT_SCOTSMANNS_STAGGER = 30840 // 'Taunt: Scotsmann's Stagger' const ID_TAUNT_THE_DUELING_BANJO = 30842 // 'Taunt: The Dueling Banjo' const ID_TAUNT_THE_RUSSIAN_ARMS_RACE = 30843 // 'Taunt: The Russian Arms Race' const ID_TAUNT_THE_SOVIET_STRONGARM = 30844 // 'Taunt: The Soviet Strongarm' const ID_TAUNT_THE_JUMPING_JACK = 30845 // 'Taunt: The Jumping Jack' const ID_PLUMBERS_CAP = 30846 // 'Plumber's Cap' const ID_UPGRADE = 30848 // 'Upgrade' const ID_POCKET_PAULING = 30849 // 'Pocket Pauling' const ID_FLAKCATCHER = 30853 // 'Flakcatcher' const ID_DOWN_UNDER_DUSTER = 30856 // 'Down Under Duster' const ID_GUILDEN_GUARDIAN = 30857 // 'Guilden Guardian' const ID_HAWK_EYED_HUNTER = 30858 // 'Hawk-Eyed Hunter' const ID_AIRTIGHT_ARSONIST = 30859 // 'Airtight Arsonist' const ID_FIELD_PRACTICE = 30862 // 'Field Practice' const ID_BLAST_DEFENSE = 30863 // 'Blast Defense' const ID_WARHOOD = 30866 // 'Warhood' const ID_LIGHTNING_LID = 30867 // 'Lightning Lid' const ID_LEGENDARY_LID = 30868 // 'Legendary Lid' const ID_MESSENGERS_MAIL_BAG = 30869 // 'Messenger's Mail Bag' const ID_FLASH_OF_INSPIRATION = 30871 // 'Flash of Inspiration' const ID_HEAD_MOUNTED_DOUBLE_OBSERVATORY = 30872 // 'Head Mounted Double Observatory' const ID_AIRBORNE_ATTIRE = 30873 // 'Airborne Attire' const ID_ARCHERS_STERLING = 30874 // 'Archer's Sterling' const ID_SPEEDSTERS_SPANDEX = 30875 // 'Speedster's Spandex' const ID_TAUNT_THE_HEADCASE = 30876 // 'Taunt: The Headcase' const ID_HUNTER_IN_DARKNESS = 30877 // 'Hunter in Darkness' const ID_QUIZZICAL_QUETZAL = 30878 // 'Quizzical Quetzal' const ID_AZTEC_WARRIOR = 30879 // 'Aztec Warrior' const ID_POCKET_SAXTON = 30880 // 'Pocket Saxton' const ID_CROAKING_HAZARD = 30881 // 'Croaking Hazard' const ID_JUNGLE_WREATH = 30882 // 'Jungle Wreath' const ID_SLITHERING_SCARF = 30883 // 'Slithering Scarf' const ID_ALOHA_APPAREL = 30884 // 'Aloha Apparel' const ID_NUKE = 30885 // 'Nuke' const ID_BANANADES = 30886 // 'Bananades' const ID_WAR_EAGLE = 30887 // 'War Eagle' const ID_JUNGLE_JERSEY = 30888 // 'Jungle Jersey' const ID_TRANSPARENT_TROUSERS = 30889 // 'Transparent Trousers' const ID_FOREST_FOOTWEAR = 30890 // 'Forest Footwear' const ID_CAMMY_JAMMIES = 30891 // 'Cammy Jammies' const ID_CONSPICUOUS_CAMOUFLAGE = 30892 // 'Conspicuous Camouflage' const ID_CLASSY_CAPPER = 30893 // 'Classy Capper' const ID_MOST_DANGEROUS_MANE = 30894 // 'Most Dangerous Mane' const ID_RIFLEMANS_REGALIA = 30895 // 'Rifleman's Regalia' const ID_ATTACK_PACKS = 30896 // 'Attack Packs' const ID_SHELLMET = 30897 // 'Shellmet' const ID_SHARP_CHEST_PAIN = 30898 // 'Sharp Chest Pain' const ID_CRIT_CLOAK = 30899 // 'Crit Cloak' const ID_FIREMANS_ESSENTIALS = 30900 // 'Fireman's Essentials' const ID_D_EYE_MONDS = 30901 // 'D-eye-monds' const ID_DEITYS_DRESS = 30902 // 'Deity's Dress' const ID_FEATHERED_FIEND = 30903 // 'Feathered Fiend' const ID_SACRIFICIAL_STONE = 30904 // 'Sacrificial Stone' const ID_HOT_HUARACHES = 30905 // 'Hot Huaraches' const ID_VITALS_VEST = 30906 // 'Vitals Vest' const ID_BATTLE_BOONIE = 30907 // 'Battle Boonie' const ID_CONAGHERS_UTILITY_IDOL = 30908 // 'Conaghers' Utility Idol' const ID_TROPICAL_TOAD = 30909 // 'Tropical Toad' const ID_HEAVY_HARNESS = 30910 // 'Heavy Harness' const ID_FAT_MANS_FIELD_CAP = 30911 // 'Fat Man's Field Cap' const ID_COMMANDO_ELITE = 30912 // 'Commando Elite' const ID_SIBERIAN_TIGERSTRIPE = 30913 // 'Siberian Tigerstripe' const ID_AZTEC_AGGRESSOR = 30914 // 'Aztec Aggressor' const ID_PITHY_PROFESSIONAL = 30915 // 'Pithy Professional' const ID_BAIT_AND_BITE = 30916 // 'Bait and Bite' const ID_TAUNT_THE_TRACKMANS_TOUCHDOWN = 30917 // 'Taunt: The Trackman's Touchdown' const ID_TAUNT_SURGEONS_SQUEEZEBOX = 30918 // 'Taunt: Surgeon's Squeezebox' const ID_TAUNT_THE_SKATING_SCORCHER = 30919 // 'Taunt: The Skating Scorcher' const ID_TAUNT_THE_BUNNYHOPPER = 30920 // 'Taunt: The Bunnyhopper' const ID_TAUNT_RUNNERS_RHYTHM = 30921 // 'Taunt: Runner's Rhythm' const ID_TAUNT_LUXURY_LOUNGE = 30922 // 'Taunt: Luxury Lounge' const ID_SLEDDERS_SIDEKICK = 30923 // 'Sledder's Sidekick' const ID_BALLOONIHOODIE = 30928 // 'Balloonihoodie' const ID_POCKET_YETI = 30929 // 'Pocket Yeti' const ID_TRUCKERS_TOPPER = 30930 // 'Trucker's Topper' const ID_BURNING_BEANIE = 30936 // 'Burning Beanie' const ID_CATS_PAJAMAS = 30937 // 'Cat's Pajamas' const ID_COLDFRONT_COMMANDER = 30939 // 'Coldfront Commander' const ID_COLDFRONT_CARAPACE = 30940 // 'Coldfront Carapace' const ID_BLAST_BLOCKER = 30945 // 'Blast Blocker' const ID_HUNGOVER_HERO = 30954 // 'Hungover Hero' const ID_HANDSOME_HITMAN = 30955 // 'Handsome Hitman' const ID_PUFFY_POLAR_CAP = 30958 // 'Puffy Polar Cap' const ID_SINNERS_SHADE = 30959 // 'Sinner's Shade' const ID_WILD_WEST_WHISKERS = 30960 // 'Wild West Whiskers' const ID_POLAR_BEAR = 30964 // 'Polar Bear' const ID_BRASS_BUCKET = 30969 // 'Brass Bucket' const ID_DOWN_TUNDRA_COAT = 30971 // 'Down Tundra Coat' const ID_POCKET_SANTA = 30972 // 'Pocket Santa' const ID_MELODY_OF_MISERY = 30973 // 'Melody of Misery' const ID_CARIBOU_COMPANION = 30974 // 'Caribou Companion' const ID_ROBIN_WALKERS = 30975 // 'Robin Walkers' const ID_TUNDRA_TOP = 30976 // 'Tundra Top' const ID_ANTARCTIC_EYEWEAR = 30977 // 'Antarctic Eyewear' const ID_HEAD_HEDGE = 30978 // 'Head Hedge' const ID_FRAG_PROOF_FRAGGER = 30979 // 'Frag Proof Fragger' const ID_TSAR_PLATINUM = 30980 // 'Tsar Platinum' const ID_STARBOARD_CRUSADER = 30981 // 'Starboard Crusader' const ID_SCOURGE_OF_THE_SKY = 30982 // 'Scourge of the Sky' const ID_VETERANS_ATTIRE = 30983 // 'Veteran's Attire' const ID_SKY_HIGH_FLY_GUY = 30984 // 'Sky High Fly Guy' const ID_PRIVATE_MAGGOT_MUNCHER = 30985 // 'Private Maggot Muncher' const ID_HOT_CASE = 30986 // 'Hot Case' const ID_BURNING_QUESTION = 30987 // 'Burning Question' const ID_ARISTOTLE = 30988 // 'Aristotle' const ID_ASSASSINS_ATTIRE = 30989 // 'Assassin's Attire' const ID_WIPE_OUT_WRAPS = 30990 // 'Wipe Out Wraps' const ID_BLIZZARD_BRITCHES = 30991 // 'Blizzard Britches' const ID_COLD_CASE = 30992 // 'Cold Case' const ID_PUNKS_POMP = 30993 // 'Punk's Pomp' const ID_A_SHELL_OF_A_MANN = 30994 // 'A Shell of a Mann' const ID_DELL_IN_THE_SHELL = 30995 // 'Dell in the Shell' const ID_TERROR_ANTULA = 30996 // 'Terror-antula' const ID_DEADBEATS = 30997 // 'Deadbeats' const ID_LUCKY_CAT_HAT = 30998 // 'Lucky Cat Hat' const ID_OLYMPIC_LEAPERS = 30999 // 'Olympic Leapers' const ID_HEPHAISTOS_HANDCRAFT = 31000 // 'Hephaistos' Handcraft' const ID_ATHENIAN_ATTIRE = 31001 // 'Athenian Attire' const ID_TANK_TOP = 31002 // 'Tank Top' const ID_VAMPIRE_VANQUISHER = 31003 // 'Vampire Vanquisher' const ID_PYRO_IN_CHINATOWN = 31004 // 'Pyro in Chinatown' const ID_SCOPERS_SCALES = 31005 // 'Scoper's Scales' const ID_MR_QUACKERS = 31006 // 'Mr. Quackers' const ID_ARACHNO_ARSONIST = 31007 // 'Arachno-Arsonist' const ID_MANN_O_WAR = 31008 // 'Mann-O-War' const ID_CROCODILE_MUN_DEE = 31009 // 'Crocodile Mun-Dee' const ID_HIGHWAY_STAR = 31010 // 'Highway Star' const ID_DEFRAGMENTING_HARD_HAT_17 = 31011 // 'Defragmenting Hard Hat 17%' const ID_AIM_ASSISTANT = 31012 // 'Aim Assistant' const ID_MINI_ENGY = 31013 // 'Mini-Engy' const ID_DRESSPERADO = 31014 // 'Dressperado' const ID_BANDITS_BOOTS = 31015 // 'Bandit's Boots' const ID_MURDERERS_MOTIF = 31016 // 'Murderer's Motif' const ID_GAELIC_GLUTTON = 31017 // 'Gaelic Glutton' const ID_POLAR_PAL = 31018 // 'Polar Pal' const ID_POCKET_ADMIN = 31019 // 'Pocket Admin' const ID_BREAD_HEADS = 31020 // 'Bread Heads' const ID_CATCHERS_COMPANION = 31021 // 'Catcher's Companion' const ID_JUVENILES_JUMPER = 31022 // 'Juvenile's Jumper' const ID_MILLENNIAL_MERCENARY = 31023 // 'Millennial Mercenary' const ID_CRACK_POT = 31024 // 'Crack Pot' const ID_CLIMBING_COMMANDER = 31025 // 'Climbing Commander' const ID_POCKET_PARDNER = 31026 // 'Pocket Pardner' const ID_MISERS_MUTTONCHOPS = 31027 // 'Miser's Muttonchops' const ID_SNOWCAPPED = 31028 // 'Snowcapped' const ID_COOL_CAPUCHON = 31029 // 'Cool Capuchon' const ID_PAKA_PARKA = 31030 // 'Paka Parka' const ID_WISE_WHISKERS = 31031 // 'Wise Whiskers' const ID_PUGGYBACK = 31032 // 'Puggyback' const ID_HARRY = 31033 // 'Harry' const ID_MIGHTY_MITRE = 31034 // 'Mighty Mitre' const ID_DUMB_BELL = 31035 // 'Dumb Bell' const ID_STAPLERS_SPECS = 31036 // 'Stapler's Specs' const ID_DYNAMITE_ABS = 31037 // 'Dynamite Abs' const ID_BACKBREAKERS_SKULLCRACKER = 31038 // 'Backbreaker's Skullcracker' const ID_BACKBREAKERS_GUARDS = 31039 // 'Backbreaker's Guards' const ID_UNFORGIVEN_GLORY = 31040 // 'Unforgiven Glory' const ID_MELTED_MOP = 31041 // 'Melted Mop' const ID_BOTTLE_CAP = 31042 // 'Bottle Cap' const ID_POMPOUS_PRIVATEER = 31043 // 'Pompous Privateer' const ID_PEACEBREAKER = 31044 // 'Peacebreaker' const ID_DANCING_DOE = 31045 // 'Dancing Doe' const ID_TEXAS_TOAST = 31046 // 'Texas Toast' const ID_FIERY_PHOENIX = 31047 // 'Fiery Phoenix' const ID_SHUTTERBUG = 31048 // 'Shutterbug' const ID_BRAIN_INTERFACE = 31049 // 'Brain Interface' const ID_SPAWN_CAMPER = 31050 // 'Spawn Camper' const ID_WANDERERS_WEAR = 31051 // 'Wanderer's Wear' const ID_MEDITERRANEAN_MERCENARY = 31052 // 'Mediterranean Mercenary' const ID_KAPITANS_KAFTAN = 31053 // 'Kapitan's Kaftan' const ID_BARE_NECESSITIES = 31054 // 'Bare Necessities' const ID_WAGGA_WAGGA_WEAR = 31055 // 'Wagga Wagga Wear' const ID_SPEEDY_SCOUNDREL = 31056 // 'Speedy Scoundrel' const ID_BOBBY_BONNET = 31057 // 'Bobby Bonnet' const ID_BAT_HAT = 31058 // 'Bat Hat' const ID_MISTER_BONES = 31059 // 'Mister Bones' const ID_BINOCULUS = 31060 // 'BINOCULUS!' const ID_POCKET_HALLOWEEN_BOSS = 31061 // 'Pocket Halloween Boss' const ID_BREAD_BITER = 31062 // 'Bread Biter' const ID_HORRIBLE_HORNS = 31063 // 'Horrible Horns' const ID_TRICK_STABBER = 31064 // 'Trick Stabber' const ID_HEAD_OF_THE_DEAD = 31065 // 'Head of the Dead' const ID_SKULLBRERO = 31066 // 'Skullbrero' const ID_CANDY_CRANIUM = 31067 // 'Candy Cranium' const ID_PYRO_SHARK = 31068 // 'Pyro Shark' const ID_EL_ZAPATEADOR = 31069 // 'El Zapateador' const ID_PARTY_PONCHO = 31070 // 'Party Poncho' const ID_RACC_MANN = 31071 // 'Racc Mann' const ID_VOODOO_VIZIER = 31072 // 'Voodoo Vizier' const ID_AVIAN_AMANTE = 31073 // 'Avian Amante' const ID_EL_MOSTACHO = 31074 // 'El Mostacho' const ID_EINGINEER = 31075 // 'Eingineer' const ID_PYRO_LANTERN = 31076 // 'Pyr'o Lantern' const ID_MADMANNS_MUZZLE = 31077 // 'Madmann's Muzzle' const ID_DERANGEMENT_GARMENT = 31078 // 'Derangement Garment' const ID_SOVIET_STRONGMANN = 31079 // 'Soviet Strongmann' const ID_CONVICT_CAP = 31080 // 'Convict Cap' const ID_FUEL_INJECTOR = 31081 // 'Fuel Injector' const ID_REMORSELESS_RAPTOR = 31082 // 'Remorseless Raptor' const ID_WILD_WHIP = 31083 // 'Wild Whip' const ID_ELIZABETH_THE_THIRD = 31084 // 'Elizabeth the Third' const ID_BUMBLE_BEENIE = 31085 // 'Bumble Beenie' const ID_PEBBLES_THE_PENGUIN = 31086 // 'Pebbles the Penguin' const ID_YULE_HOG = 31087 // 'Yule Hog' const ID_GINGERBREAD_MANN = 31088 // 'Gingerbread Mann' const ID_SMISSMAS_SAXTON = 31089 // 'Smissmas Saxton' const ID_GLOBETROTTER = 31090 // 'Globetrotter' const ID_CITIZEN_CANE = 31091 // 'Citizen Cane' const ID_CANDY_CROWN = 31092 // 'Candy Crown' const ID_GLITTERING_GARLAND = 31093 // 'Glittering Garland' const ID_WINTER_WRAP_UP = 31094 // 'Winter Wrap Up' const ID_PUBLIC_SPEAKER = 31095 // 'Public Speaker' const ID_DISCOVISION = 31096 // 'Discovision' const ID_PROVISIONS_CAP = 31097 // 'Provisions Cap' const ID_TELEFRAGGER_TOQUE = 31098 // 'Telefragger Toque' const ID_POCKET_MEDES = 31099 // 'Pocket-Medes' const ID_SPIKY_VIKING = 31100 // 'Spiky Viking' const ID_MISSING_PIECE = 31101 // 'Missing Piece' const ID_MISLAID_SWEATER = 31102 // 'Mislaid Sweater' const ID_HYPNO_EYES = 31103 // 'Hypno-Eyes' const ID_BREADCRAB = 31104 // 'Breadcrab' const ID_LOAF_LOAFERS = 31105 // 'Loaf Loafers' const ID_SOPHISTICATED_SMOKER = 31106 // 'Sophisticated Smoker' const ID_FLAMEHAWK = 31107 // 'Flamehawk' const ID_FIRE_FIGHTER = 31108 // 'Fire Fighter' const ID_CRABE_DE_CHAPEAU = 31109 // 'Crabe de Chapeau' const ID_BIRDS_EYE_VIEWER = 31110 // 'Bird's Eye Viewer' const ID_HAWK_WARRIOR = 31111 // 'Hawk Warrior' const ID_BAZAAR_BAUBLE = 31112 // 'Bazaar Bauble' const ID_BREACH_AND_BOMB = 31113 // 'Breach and Bomb' const ID_HEAD_OF_DEFENSE = 31114 // 'Head of Defense' const ID_HAZARD_HEADGEAR = 31115 // 'Hazard Headgear' const ID_SODA_SPECS = 31116 // 'Soda Specs' const ID_CALIFORNIA_CAP = 31117 // 'California Cap' const ID_POOLSIDE_POLO = 31118 // 'Poolside Polo' const ID_TOOLS_OF_THE_TOURIST = 31119 // 'Tools of the Tourist' const ID_JARMAMENTS = 31120 // 'Jarmaments' const ID_FLATLINER = 31121 // 'Flatliner' const ID_SELF_CARE = 31122 // 'Self-Care' const ID_MOMMA_KIEV = 31123 // 'Momma Kiev' const ID_SMOKING_JACKET = 31124 // 'Smoking Jacket' const ID_IMPISH_EARS = 31125 // 'Impish Ears' const ID_BALLOONICORPSE = 31126 // 'Balloonicorpse' const ID_GOURD_GRIN = 31127 // 'Gourd Grin' const ID_HOLLOWED_HELM = 31128 // 'Hollowed Helm' const ID_A_HANDSOME_HANDY_THING = 31129 // 'A Handsome Handy Thing' const ID_KING_CARDBEARD = 31130 // 'King Cardbeard' const ID_SIR_PUMPKINTON = 31131 // 'Sir Pumpkinton' const ID_WRAP_A_KHAMON = 31132 // 'Wrap-A-Khamon' const ID_BOOM_BOXERS = 31133 // 'Boom Boxers' const ID_EYE_SEE_YOU = 31134 // 'Eye-See-You' const ID_HANDSOME_DEVIL = 31135 // 'Handsome Devil' const ID_MISFORTUNE_FEDORA = 31136 // 'Misfortune Fedora' const ID_WAR_BLUNDER = 31137 // 'War Blunder' const ID_GROUNDED_FLYBOY = 31138 // 'Grounded Flyboy' const ID_ROLFE_COPTER = 31139 // 'Rolfe Copter' const ID_PUG_MUG = 31140 // 'Pug Mug' const ID_TREEHUGGER = 31141 // 'Treehugger' const ID_MANNVICH = 31142 // 'Mannvich' const ID_SEARED_SORCERER = 31143 // 'Seared Sorcerer' const ID_FIRE_TOOTH = 31144 // 'Fire Tooth' const ID_FLAVORFUL_BAGGIES = 31145 // 'Flavorful Baggies' const ID_CALAMITOUS_CAULDRON = 31146 // 'Calamitous Cauldron' const ID_SEMI_TAME_TRAPPERS_HAT = 31147 // 'Semi-Tame Trapper's Hat' const ID_WAVEFINDER = 31148 // 'Wavefinder' const ID_GLOW_FROM_BELOW = 31149 // 'Glow from Below' const ID_GOBLINEER = 31150 // 'Goblineer' const ID_GHOUL_BOX = 31151 // 'Ghoul Box' const ID_ALL_HALLOWS_HATTE = 31152 // 'All Hallows' Hatte' const ID_TAUNT_THE_POOPED_DECK = 31153 // 'Taunt: The Pooped Deck' const ID_TAUNT_TIME_OUT_THERAPY = 31154 // 'Taunt: Time Out Therapy' const ID_TAUNT_ROCKET_JOCKEY = 31155 // 'Taunt: Rocket Jockey' const ID_TAUNT_THE_BOSTON_BOARDER = 31156 // 'Taunt: The Boston Boarder' const ID_TAUNT_SCORCHERS_SOLO = 31157 // 'Taunt: Scorcher's Solo' const ID_TAUNT_TEXAS_TRUCKIN = 31160 // 'Taunt: Texas Truckin'' const ID_TAUNT_SPIN_TO_WIN = 31161 // 'Taunt: Spin-to-Win' const ID_TAUNT_THE_FIST_BUMP = 31162 // 'Taunt: The Fist Bump' const ID_PARTICULATE_PROTECTOR = 31163 // 'Particulate Protector' const ID_CANDY_CANTLERS = 31164 // 'Candy Cantlers' const ID_JOLLY_JINGLER = 31165 // 'Jolly Jingler' const ID_SMISSMASS_SORCERER = 31166 // 'Smissmas Sorcerer' const ID_FESTIVE_FLIP_THWOMPS = 31167 // 'Festive Flip-Thwomps' const ID_TOWERING_PILLAR_OF_BEANIES = 31168 // 'Towering Pillar of Beanies' const ID_SHOESTRING_SANTA = 31169 // 'Shoestring Santa' const ID_PROFESSIONALS_POM_POM = 31170 // 'Professional's Pom-Pom' const ID_REINDOONIBEANIE = 31171 // 'Reindoonibeanie' const ID_FESTIVE_FASCINATOR = 31172 // 'Festive Fascinator' const ID_TOWERING_PILE_OF_PRESENTS = 31173 // 'Towering Pile of Presents' const ID_ROUND_A_BOUT = 31174 // 'Round-A-Bout' const ID_BLITZEN_BOWL = 31175 // 'Blitzen Bowl' const ID_ELF_CARE_PROVIDER = 31176 // 'Elf Care Provider' const ID_NIGHT_WARD = 31177 // 'Night Ward' const ID_SANDMANNS_BRUSH = 31178 // 'SandMann's Brush' const ID_BEDBUG_PROTECTION = 31179 // 'BedBug Protection' const ID_BEAR_WALKER = 31180 // 'Bear Walker' const ID_KILLING_TREE = 31181 // 'Killing Tree' const ID_HELM_HELM = 31182 // 'Helm Helm' const ID_BALLOONIPHONES = 31183 // 'Ballooniphones' const ID_MANNDATORY_ATTIRE = 31184 // 'Manndatory Attire' const ID_BRIM_OF_FIRE = 31185 // 'Brim of Fire' const ID_REEL_FLY_HAT = 31186 // 'Reel Fly Hat' const ID_HOOK_LINE_AND_CINDER = 31187 // 'Hook, Line, and Cinder' const ID_WATER_WADERS = 31188 // 'Water Waders' const ID_SIGHTLINER = 31189 // 'Sightliner' const ID_SNACK_STACK = 31190 // 'Snack Stack' const ID_TWO_PUNCH_MANN = 31191 // 'Two Punch Mann' const ID_WILD_BRIM_SLOUCH = 31192 // 'Wild Brim Slouch' const ID_CROCODILE_DANDY = 31193 // 'Crocodile Dandy' const ID_CRUSTACEOUS_COWL = 31194 // 'Crustaceous Cowl' const ID_FAST_FOOD = 31195 // 'Fast Food' const ID_MEAL_DEALER = 31196 // 'Meal Dealer' const ID_FRIED_BATTER = 31197 // 'Fried Batter' const ID_ROAMING_ROMAN = 31198 // 'Roaming Roman' const ID_PANISHER = 31199 // 'Panisher' const ID_THOUSAND_YARD_STARE = 31200 // 'Thousand-Yard Stare' const ID_TAUNT_THE_DRUNKEN_SAILOR = 31201 // 'Taunt: The Drunken Sailor' const ID_TAUNT_THE_PROFANE_PUPPETEER = 31202 // 'Taunt: The Profane Puppeteer' const ID_TAUNT_THE_MANNBULANCE = 31203 // 'Taunt: The Mannbulance!' const ID_TAUNT_BARE_KNUCKLE_BEATDOWN = 31207 // 'Taunt: Bare Knuckle Beatdown' const ID_CREEPY_CRAWLERS = 31208 // 'Creepy Crawlers' const ID_SPOOKY_HEAD_BOUNCERS = 31209 // 'Spooky Head-Bouncers' const ID_TOWERING_PATCH_OF_PUMPKINS = 31210 // 'Towering Patch of Pumpkins' const ID_TWISTED_TOPPER = 31211 // 'Twisted Topper' const ID_BEANIE_THE_ALL_GNAWING = 31212 // 'Beanie The All-Gnawing' const ID_EYEQUARIUM = 31213 // 'Eyequarium' const ID_SECOND_HEAD_HEADWEAR = 31214 // 'Second-Head Headwear' const ID_ALAKABLAMICON = 31215 // 'Alakablamicon' const ID_HAT_OUTTA_HELL = 31216 // 'Hat Outta Hell' const ID_GOALKEEPER = 31217 // 'Goalkeeper' const ID_BONE_CONE = 31218 // 'Bone Cone' const ID_SCARIEST_MASK_EVER = 31219 // 'Scariest Mask EVER' const ID_TRICKSTERS_TREATS = 31220 // 'Trickster's Treats' const ID_WANDERING_WRAITH = 31221 // 'Wandering Wraith' const ID_SMILING_SOMEN = 31222 // 'Smiling Somen' const ID_HOOK_LINE_AND_THINKER = 31223 // 'Hook, Line, and Thinker' const ID_OPTIC_NERVE = 31224 // 'Optic Nerve' const ID_DEATH_STARE = 31225 // 'Death Stare' const ID_CORPSE_CARRIER = 31226 // 'Corpse Carrier' const ID_GRUESOME_GOURD = 31227 // 'Gruesome Gourd' const ID_POOPY_DOE = 31228 // 'Poopy Doe' const ID_BATTERS_BEAK = 31229 // 'Batter's Beak' const ID_WAR_DOG = 31230 // 'War Dog' const ID_MIAMI_ROOSTER = 31231 // 'Miami Rooster' const ID_COMPUTRON_5000 = 31232 // 'Computron 5000' const ID_TAUNT_THE_HOMERUNNERS_HOBBY = 31233 // 'Taunt: The Homerunner's Hobby' const ID_TAUNT_DOCTORS_DEFIBRILLATORS = 31236 // 'Taunt: Doctor's Defibrillators' const ID_TAUNT_SHOOTERS_STAKEOUT = 31237 // 'Taunt: Shooter's Stakeout' const ID_TAUNT_THE_HOT_WHEELER = 31239 // 'Taunt: The Hot Wheeler' const ID_EL_FIESTIBRERO = 31241 // 'El Fiestibrero' const ID_GNOME_DOME = 31242 // 'Gnome Dome' const ID_JOLLY_JESTER = 31243 // 'Jolly Jester' const ID_SEASONAL_SPRING = 31244 // 'Seasonal Spring' const ID_OH_DEER = 31245 // 'Oh Deer!' const ID_GIFTCRAFTER = 31246 // 'Giftcrafter' const ID_MERRY_CONE = 31247 // 'Merry Cone' const ID_BRAIN_CANE = 31248 // 'Brain Cane' const ID_REINDOONIHORNS = 31249 // 'Reindoonihorns' const ID_COZY_CATCHERS = 31250 // 'Cozy Catchers' const ID_OMINOUS_OFFERING = 31251 // 'Ominous Offering' const ID_FESTIVE_FRAMES = 31252 // 'Festive Frames' const ID_ELF_IGNITION = 31253 // 'Elf Ignition' const ID_TRAIN_OF_THOUGHT = 31254 // 'Train of Thought' const ID_MOOSHANKA = 31255 // 'Mooshanka' const ID_ELF_DEFENCE = 31256 // 'Elf Defense' const ID_FESTIVE_COVER_UP = 31257 // 'Festive Cover-Up' const ID_SEASONAL_EMPLOYEE = 31258 // 'Seasonal Employee' const ID_HAT_CHOCOLATE = 31259 // 'Hat Chocolate' const ID_ELF_MADE_BANDANNA = 31260 // 'Elf-Made Bandanna' const ID_DECORATED_VETERAN = 31261 // 'Decorated Veteran' const ID_UNDERCOVER_BROLLY = 31262 // 'Undercover Brolly' const ID_KAZAN_KARATEGI = 31263 // 'Kazan Karategi' const ID_WESTERN_WRAPS = 31264 // 'Western Wraps' const ID_SODA_CAP = 31265 // 'Soda Cap' const ID_FIZZY_PHARMACIST = 31266 // 'Fizzy Pharmacist' const ID_SQUATTERS_RIGHT = 31267 // 'Squatter's Right' const ID_COMBAT_CASUAL = 31268 // 'Combat Casual' const ID_ROCKO = 31269 // 'Rocko' const ID_TROPICAL_CAMO = 31270 // 'Tropical Camo' const ID_HAWAIIAN_HUNTER = 31271 // 'Hawaiian Hunter' const ID_LAWNMAKER = 31272 // 'Lawnmaker' const ID_HEAD_BANGER = 31273 // 'Head Banger' const ID_HAWAIIAN_HANGOVER = 31274 // 'Hawaiian Hangover' const ID_BAREFOOT_BRAWLER = 31275 // 'Barefoot Brawler' const ID_CHASER = 31276 // 'Chaser' const ID_DETECTIVE = 31277 // 'Detective' const ID_TACTICAL_TURTLENECK = 31278 // 'Tactical Turtleneck' const ID_NIGHT_VISION_GAWKERS = 31279 // 'Night Vision Gawkers' const ID_MONSIEUR_GRENOUILLE = 31280 // 'Monsieur Grenouille' const ID_RIPPED_RIDER = 31281 // 'Ripped Rider' const ID_THROTTLEHEAD = 31282 // 'Throttlehead' const ID_TEAM_PLAYER = 31283 // 'Team Player' const ID_BOSTON_BRAIN_BUCKET = 31284 // 'Boston Brain Bucket' const ID_PESTS_PADS = 31285 // 'Pest's Pads' const ID_TAUNT_TEXAS_TWIRL_EM = 31286 // 'Taunt: Texas Twirl 'Em' const ID_TAUNT_THE_SCAREDY_CAT = 31288 // 'Taunt: The Scaredy-cat!' const ID_TAUNT_THE_CRYPT_CREEPER = 31289 // 'Taunt: The Crypt Creeper' const ID_TAUNT_THE_TRAVEL_AGENT = 31290 // 'Taunt: The Travel Agent' const ID_TAUNT_DRUNK_MANNS_CANNON = 31291 // 'Taunt: Drunk Mann's Cannon' const ID_TAUNT_SHANTY_SHIPMATE = 31292 // 'Taunt: Shanty Shipmate' const ID_BEATEN_AND_BRUISED = 31293 // 'Beaten and Bruised' const ID_STARLIGHT_SORCERER = 31294 // 'Starlight Sorcerer' const ID_ONIMANN = 31295 // 'Onimann' const ID_PROPANIAC = 31296 // 'Propaniac' const ID_DUSTBOWL_DEVIL = 31297 // 'Dustbowl Devil' const ID_MORE_GUN_MARSHAL = 31298 // 'More Gun Marshal' const ID_LAVISH_LABWEAR = 31299 // 'Lavish Labwear' const ID_VICTORIAN_VILLAINY = 31300 // 'Victorian Villainy' const ID_TURNCOAT = 31301 // 'Turncoat' const ID_IMPS_IMPRINT = 31302 // 'Imp's Imprint' const ID_MASKED_FIEND = 31303 // 'Masked Fiend' const ID_HORROR_SHAWL = 31304 // 'Horror Shawl' const ID_ROAD_RAGE = 31305 // 'Road Rage' const ID_ROAD_BLOCK = 31306 // 'Road Block' const ID_ALCOHOLIC_AUTOMATON = 31307 // 'Alcoholic Automaton' const ID_NIGHTBANE_BRIM = 31308 // 'Nightbane Brim' const ID_BOMBARD_BRIGADIER = 31309 // 'Bombard Brigadier' const ID_FIREARM_PROTECTOR = 31310 // 'Firearm Protector' const ID_SAFETY_STRIPES = 31311 // 'Safety Stripes' const ID_CRANIAL_COWL = 31312 // 'Cranial Cowl' const ID_HEADHUNTERS_BRIM = 31313 // 'Headhunter's Brim' const ID_HUNTING_CLOAK = 31314 // 'Hunting Cloak' const ID_MISHAS_MAW = 31315 // 'Misha's Maw' const ID_CABINET_MANN = 31316 // 'Cabinet Mann' const ID_FIRE_BREATHER = 31317 // 'Fire Breather' const ID_MAGICAL_MOUNT = 31318 // 'Magical Mount' const ID_PONY_EXPRESS = 31319 // 'Pony Express' const ID_TAUNT_RUSSIAN_RUBDOWN = 31320 // 'Taunt: Russian Rubdown' const ID_TAUNT_TAILORED_TERMINAL = 31321 // 'Taunt: Tailored Terminal' const ID_TAUNT_ROASTY_TOASTY = 31322 // 'Taunt: Roasty Toasty' const ID_TRAPPERS_FLAP = 31323 // 'Trapper's Flap' const ID_BATTLE_BEAR = 31324 // 'Battle Bear' const ID_COLONEL_KRINGLE = 31325 // 'Colonel Kringle' const ID_LUMBERCAP = 31326 // 'Lumbercap' const ID_FESTIVE_RACK = 31327 // 'Festive Rack' const ID_FIREBRAND = 31328 // 'Firebrand' const ID_PARTIZAN = 31329 // 'Partizan' const ID_SOFT_HARD_HAT = 31331 // 'Soft Hard Hat' const ID_COOL_WARM_SWEATER = 31332 // 'Cool Warm Sweater' const ID_ARCTIC_MOLE = 31333 // 'Arctic Mole' const ID_UNDERMINERS_OVERCOAT = 31334 // 'Underminer's Overcoat' const ID_BULB_BONNET = 31335 // 'Bulb Bonnet' const ID_COLD_BLOODED_COAT = 31336 // 'Cold Blooded Coat' const ID_FROSTBITE_BONNET = 31337 // 'Frostbite Bonnet' const ID_INFILTRATORS_INSULATION = 31338 // 'Infiltrator's Insulation' const ID_MOTLEY_SLEEVES = 31339 // 'Motley Sleeves' const ID_CROSSHAIR_CARDIGAN = 31340 // 'Crosshair Cardigan' const ID_PLAID_LAD = 31341 // 'Plaid Lad' const ID_GLASGOW_BANKROLL = 31342 // 'Glasgow Bankroll' const ID_WOOLY_PULLI = 31343 // 'Wooly Pulli' const ID_OKTOBERFESTER = 31344 // 'Oktoberfester' const ID_OL_RELIABLE = 31345 // 'Ol' Reliable' const ID_HEAVY_HEATING = 31346 // 'Heavy Heating' const ID_TAUNT_STAR_SPANGLED_STRATEGY = 31347 // 'Taunt: Star-Spangled Strategy' const ID_TAUNT_KILLER_JOKE = 31348 // 'Taunt: Killer Joke' const ID_TAUNT_THE_HEAD_DOCTOR = 31349 // 'Taunt: The Head Doctor' const ID_TAUNT_TUEFORT_TANGO = 31351 // 'Taunt: Teufort Tango' const ID_TAUNT_THE_ROAD_RAGER = 31352 // 'Taunt: The Road Rager' const ID_TAUNT_THE_KILLER_SIGNATURE = 31354 // 'Taunt: The Killer Signature' const ID_FULL_METAL_HELMET = 31355 // 'Full Metal Helmet' const ID_BROTHERS_IN_BLUES = 31356 // 'Brothers in Blues' const ID_FLAME_WARRIOR = 31357 // 'Flame Warrior' const ID_SOHO_SLEUTH = 31358 // 'Soho Sleuth' const ID_FIRESTALKER = 31359 // 'Firestalker' const ID_GLORIOUS_GAMBESON = 31360 // 'Glorious Gambeson' const ID_BUSHMAN = 31361 // 'Bushman' const ID_CRANIUM_COVER = 31362 // 'Cranium Cover' const ID_PREVENTATIVE_MEASURE = 31363 // 'Preventative Measure' const ID_UBER_WEAR = 31364 // 'Über-Wear' const ID_MEDICAL_EMERGENCY = 31365 // 'Medical Emergency' const ID_BRIMMED_BOOTLEGGER = 31366 // 'Brimmed Bootlegger' const ID_PROHIBITION_OPPOSITION = 31367 // 'Prohibition Opposition' const ID_BROTHER_MANN = 31368 // 'Brother Mann' const ID_HEAVY_METAL = 31369 // 'Heavy Metal' const ID_HOG_HEELS = 31370 // 'Hog Heels' const ID_BLAST_BOWL = 31371 // 'Blast Bowl' const ID_SHRAPNEL_SHELL = 31372 // 'Shrapnel Shell' const ID_CARGO_CONSTRUCTOR = 31373 // 'Cargo Constructor' const ID_HAZARD_HANDLER = 31374 // 'Hazard Handler' const ID_CRANIUM_COOLER = 31375 // 'Cranium Cooler' const ID_CLEANERS_CAP = 31376 // 'Cleaner's Cap' const ID_LE_PROFESSIONNEL = 31377 // 'Le Professionnel' const ID_CLOSE_QUARTERS_COVER = 31378 // 'Close Quarters Cover' const ID_STEALTH_BOMBER = 31379 // 'Stealth Bomber' const ID_TAUNT_ROAR_OWAR = 31380 // 'Taunt: Roar O'War' const ID_TAUNT_NECK_SNAP = 31381 // 'Taunt: Neck Snap' const ID_TAUNT_BORROWED_BONES = 31382 // 'Taunt: Borrowed Bones' const ID_LUDICROUSLY_LUNATIC_LUNON_FEDORA = 31383 // 'Ludicrously Lunatic Lunon Fedora' const ID_DEMONIC_DOME = 31384 // 'Demonic Dome' const ID_MEAN_CAPTAIN = 31385 // 'Mean Captain' const ID_CLOWNS_COVER_UP = 31386 // 'Clown's Cover-Up' const ID_SHORTNESS_OF_BREATH = 31387 // 'Shortness Of Breath' const ID_WARLOCKS_WARCLOAK = 31388 // 'Warlock's Warcloak' const ID_DEAD_HEAT = 31389 // 'Dead Heat' const ID_SPLITTING_HEADACHE = 31390 // 'Splitting Headache' const ID_THUNDER_DOME = 31391 // 'Thunder Dome' const ID_STUNT_SUIT = 31392 // 'Stunt Suit' const ID_MAD_LAD = 31393 // 'Mad Lad' const ID_DELL_DYNAMIC = 31394 // 'Dell Dynamic' const ID_CONSTRUCTORS_COVER = 31395 // 'Constructor's Cover' const ID_CLASSIC_CRIMINAL = 31396 // 'Classic Criminal' const ID_CONCEALED_CONVICT = 31397 // 'Concealed Convict' const ID_SIX_EYED_SPECS = 31398 // 'Six-Eyed Specs' const ID_MEDICAL_MUMMY = 31399 // 'Medical Mummy' const ID_MAIN_CAST = 31400 // 'Main Cast' const ID_POWER_SPIKE = 31401 // 'Power Spike' const ID_BARE_BEAR_BONES = 31402 // 'Bare Bear Bones' const ID_MAKE_OGRE = 31403 // 'Make Ogre' const ID_SIGHTSEER = 31404 // 'Sightseer' const ID_SHARPSHOOTERS_SHROUD = 31405 // 'Sharpshooter's Shroud' const ID_LAST_LAUGH = 31406 // 'Last Laugh' const ID_JUMPING_JESTER = 31407 // 'Jumping Jester' const ID_BLASTPHOMET = 31408 // 'Blastphomet' const ID_SPYDER = 31409 // 'Spyder' const ID_CARRY_VAN = 31410 // 'Carry-Van' const ID_FIERCESOME_FLUORESCENCE = 31411 // 'Fiercesome Fluorescence' const ID_TAUNT_CHEERS = 31412 // 'Taunt: Cheers!' const ID_TAUNT_MOURNING_MERCS = 31413 // 'Taunt: Mourning Mercs' const ID_TAUNT_FOUL_PLAY = 31414 // 'Taunt: Foul Play' const ID_BOARDERS_BEANIE = 31415 // 'Boarder's Beanie' const ID_COZY_COVER_UP = 31416 // 'Cozy Cover-Up' const ID_DAPPER_DICKENS = 31417 // 'Dapper Dickens' const ID_TRENCH_WAREFARER = 31418 // 'Trench Warfarer' const ID_WANDERERS_WOOL = 31419 // 'Wanderer's Wool' const ID_PUFFED_PRACTITIONER = 31420 // 'Puffed Practitioner' const ID_FRIGID_FASHION = 31421 // 'Frigid Fashion' const ID_NIGHTCAP = 31422 // 'Nightcap' const ID_LAZY_LOUNGER = 31423 // 'Lazy Lounger' const ID_SLUMBER_SLACKS = 31424 // 'Slumber Slacks' const ID_CLUE_HAIRDO = 31425 // 'Clue Hairdo' const ID_SLEUTH_SUIT = 31426 // 'Sleuth Suit' const ID_STRASBOURG_SCHOLAR = 31427 // 'Strasbourg Scholar' const ID_COVERT_COVERS = 31428 // 'Covert Covers' const ID_SCRUFFED_N_STITCHED = 31429 // 'Scruffed 'n Stitched' const ID_RUGGED_RAGS = 31430 // 'Rugged Rags' const ID_MASKED_LOYALTY = 31431 // 'Masked Loyalty' const ID_IMPACT_IMPALER = 31432 // 'Impact Impaler' const ID_TORCHERS_TRENCH_COAT = 31433 // 'Torcher's Trench Coat' const ID_BALKANS_BRUTE = 31434 // 'Balkan's Brute' const ID_BIGGER_MANN_ON_CAMPUS = 31435 // 'Bigger Mann on Campus' const ID_ISOTOPIC_INSULATOR = 31436 // 'Isotopic Insulator' const ID_BONK_BEANIE = 31437 // 'Bonk Beanie'