/* * Author: Needles * https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198026257137/ */ printl("*** HANDLER/MILK"); local MilkHandler = class extends ::Handler.BaseHandler { /* BASE CLASS self = The entity that the handler is assigned to activator = The entity that assigned the handler time = When this handler was assigned */ function OnAdd() { local particleAttachment = ::Particle.Validate(self); if (particleAttachment != null) particleAttachment.AddEffect("peejar_drips_milk"); } function OnRemove() { local particleAttachment = ::Particle.Validate(self); if (particleAttachment != null) particleAttachment.RemoveEffect("peejar_drips_milk"); } function OnEvent_DamagePost(params) { if (params.const_entity != self) return; // Heal attcker ::Players.HealPlayer(params.attacker, activator, params.damage * ::Const.WEAPON_MILK_HEAL_FACTOR); } } ::Handler.RegisterHandler("milk", @() MilkHandler());