::PointTemplates <- { VoidBoss_Escape = { // for the final boss duo, once the overworld boss dies the underworld one goes to the overworld. NoFixup = 1, [0] = { info_teleport_destination = { targetname = "overworld_hatch" origin = "3700 -1024 326" } }, [1] = { filter_tf_bot_has_tag = { targetname = "filter_voidboss" negated = "0" tags = "tag_voidboss" } }, [2] = { info_teleport_destination = { targetname = "overworld_escape" origin = "3700 -1024 326" } }, [3] = { trigger_add_tf_player_condition = { targetname = "overworld_escape_cond" origin = "-5757 -8345 -4801" maxs = "2600 2600 2600" mins = "-2600 -2600 -2600" spawnflags = "1" condition = "108" duration = "-1" filtername = "filter_voidboss" } }, [4] = { trigger_teleport = { targetname = "overworld_escape_teleporter" origin = "-5757 -8345 -4801" maxs = "2600 2600 2600" mins = "-2600 -2600 -2600" spawnflags = "1" startdisabled = "1" filtername = "filter_voidboss" target = "overworld_hatch" "OnStartTouch": "overworld_esc*,kill,,1,-1" } }, [5] = { filter_tf_bot_has_tag = { targetname = "filter_timer" negated = "0" tags = "tag_timer" } }, [6] = { info_teleport_destination = { targetname = "timer_hell" origin = "-1216 2205 -105" } }, [7] = { trigger_teleport = { targetname = "timer_heleporter" origin = "0 0 0" maxs = "9999 9999 9999" mins = "-9999 -9999 -9999" spawnflags = "1" filtername = "filter_timer" target = "timer_hell" } } } }