

const EFL_USER = 1048576
if (!("ScriptLoadTable" in ROOT))
	::ScriptLoadTable   <- {}
if (!("ScriptUnloadTable" in ROOT))
	::ScriptUnloadTable <- {}

::MissionAttributes <- {

	CurAttrs = {} // Array storing currently modified attributes.
	ConVars  = {} //table storing original convar values
	SoundsToReplace = {}

	ThinkTable      = {}
	TakeDamageTable = {}
	TakeDamageTablePost = {}
	SpawnHookTable  = {}
	DeathHookTable  = {}
	// InitWaveTable = {}
	DisconnectTable = {}
	StartWaveTable = {}

	DebugText        = false
	RaisedParseError = false

	PathNum = 0

	// function InitWave() {
	// 	foreach (_, func in MissionAttributes.InitWaveTable) func()

	// 	foreach (attr, value in MissionAttributes.CurAttrs) printl(attr+" = "+value)
	// 	MissionAttributes.RaisedParseError = false
	// }

	function Cleanup()
		MissionAttributes.PathNum = 0
		foreach (bot in PopExtUtil.BotArray)
			if (bot.GetTeam() == TF_TEAM_PVE_DEFENDERS)
				bot.ForceChangeTeam(TEAM_SPECTATOR, true)

		for (local wearable; wearable = FindByClassname(wearable, "tf_wearable");)
			if (wearable.GetOwner() == null || IsPlayerABot(wearable.GetOwner()))
				EntFireByHandle(wearable, "Kill", "", -1, null, null)

		MissionAttributes.DebugLog(format("Cleaned up mission attributes"))
	Events = {

		function OnScriptHook_OnTakeDamage(params) { foreach (_, func in MissionAttributes.TakeDamageTable) func(params) }
		function OnGameEvent_player_hurt(params) { foreach (_, func in MissionAttributes.TakeDamageTablePost) func(params) }
		function OnGameEvent_player_death(params) { foreach (_, func in MissionAttributes.DeathHookTable) func(params) }
		function OnGameEvent_player_disconnect(params) { foreach (_, func in MissionAttributes.DisconnectTable) func(params) }
		function OnGameEvent_mvm_begin_wave(params) { foreach (_, func in MissionAttributes.StartWaveTable) func(params) }
		function OnGameEvent_player_team(params) {
			local player = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.userid)
			if (!player.IsBotOfType(1337) && == TEAM_SPECTATOR && params.oldteam == TF_TEAM_PVE_INVADERS)
				EntFireByHandle(player, "RunScriptCode", "PopExtUtil.ChangePlayerTeamMvM(self, TF_TEAM_PVE_INVADERS)", -1, null, null)
				EntFireByHandle(player, "RunScriptCode", "self.ForceRespawn()", SINGLE_TICK, null, null)
		// Hook all wave inits to reset parsing error counter.

		function OnGameEvent_recalculate_holidays(params) 

			if (GetRoundState() != GR_STATE_PREROUND) return

            foreach (player in PopExtUtil.PlayerArray)


		function OnGameEvent_mvm_wave_complete(params) 

		function OnGameEvent_mvm_mission_complete(params) 
			foreach (_, func in ScriptUnloadTable) func()
			EntFire("_popext_missionattr_ent", "Kill")
			delete ::MissionAttributes
		function OnGameEvent_teamplay_broadcast_audio(params)
			if (MissionAttributes.SoundsToReplace.len() == 0) return

			if (params.sound in MissionAttributes.SoundsToReplace)
				foreach (player in PopExtUtil.HumanArray)
					StopSoundOn(params.sound, player)

				if (MissionAttributes.SoundsToReplace[params.sound] == null) return

				EmitSoundEx({sound_name = MissionAttributes.SoundsToReplace[params.sound]})

foreach (_, func in ScriptLoadTable) func()


// Mission Attribute Functions
// =========================================================
// Function is called in popfile by mission maker to modify mission attributes.

local MissionAttrEntity = FindByName(null, "_popext_missionattr_ent")
if (MissionAttrEntity == null) MissionAttrEntity = SpawnEntityFromTable("info_teleport_destination", {targetname = "_popext_missionattr_ent"});

function MissionAttributes::SetConvar(convar, value, duration = 0, hideChatMessage = true) {

	local commentaryNode = FindByClassname(null, "point_commentary_node")
	if (commentaryNode == null && hideChatMessage) commentaryNode = SpawnEntityFromTable("point_commentary_node", {targetname = "  IGNORE THIS ERROR \r"})

	//save original values to restore later
	if (!(convar in MissionAttributes.ConVars)) MissionAttributes.ConVars[convar] <- Convars.GetStr(convar);

	if (Convars.GetStr(convar) != value) Convars.SetValue(convar, value)

	if (duration > 0) EntFire("tf_gamerules", "RunScriptCode", "MissionAttributes.SetConvar("+convar+","+MissionAttributes.ConVars[convar]+")", duration)

	if (commentaryNode != null) EntFireByHandle(commentaryNode, "Kill", "", -1, null, null)

function MissionAttributes::ResetConvars(hideChatMessage = true) 
	local commentaryNode = FindByClassname(null, "point_commentary_node")
	if (commentaryNode == null && hideChatMessage) commentaryNode = SpawnEntityFromTable("point_commentary_node", {targetname = "  IGNORE THIS ERROR \r"})

	foreach (convar, value in MissionAttributes.ConVars) Convars.SetValue(convar, value)

	if (commentaryNode != null) EntFireByHandle(commentaryNode, "Kill", "", -1, null, null)

local noromecarrier = false
function MissionAttributes::MissionAttr(...) {
	local args = vargv
	local attr
	local value

	if (args.len() == 0)
	else if (args.len() == 1) {
		attr  = args[0]
		value = null
	else {
		attr  = args[0]
		value = args[1]

	local success = true
	switch(attr) {

	// =========================================
		// Replicates sigsegv-mvm: ForceHoliday.
		// Forces a tf_holiday for the mission.
		// Supported Holidays are:
		//	0 - None
		//	1 - Birthday
		//	2 - Halloween
		//	3 - Christmas
	// =========================================

	case "ForceHoliday":
		// @param Holiday		Holiday number to force.
		// @error TypeError		If type is not an integer.
		// @error IndexError	If invalid holiday number is passed.
			// Error Handling
		try (value.tointeger()) catch(_) {RaiseTypeError(attr, "int"); success = false; break}
		if (type(value) != "integer") {RaiseTypeError(attr, "int"); success = false; break}
		if (value < 0 || value > 11) {RaiseIndexError(attr, [0, 11]); success = false; break}

		// Set Holiday logic
		SetConvar("tf_forced_holiday", value)
		if (value == 0) break

		local ent = FindByName(null, "MissionAttrHoliday");
		if (ent != null) ent.Kill();

		SpawnEntityFromTable("tf_logic_holiday", {
			targetname   = "MissionAttrHoliday",
			holiday_type = value


	// =================================
	// disable random crits for red bots
	// =================================

	case "RedBotsNoRandomCrit":

		function MissionAttributes::RedBotsNoRandomCrit(params)
			local player = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.userid)
			if (!player.IsBotOfType(1337) && player.GetTeam() != TF_TEAM_PVE_DEFENDERS) return

			PopExtUtil.AddAttributeToLoadout(player, "crit mod disabled hidden", 0)
		MissionAttributes.SpawnHookTable.RedBotsNoRandomCrit <- MissionAttributes.RedBotsNoRandomCrit

	// =====================
	// disable crit pumpkins
	// =====================

	case "NoCrumpkins":

		local pumpkinIndex = PrecacheModel("models/props_halloween/pumpkin_loot.mdl")

		MissionAttributes.ThinkTable.NoCrumpkins <- function() {
			case 1:
				for (local pumpkin; pumpkin = FindByClassname(pumpkin, "tf_ammo_pack");)
					if (GetPropInt(pumpkin, "m_nModelIndex") == pumpkinIndex)
						EntFireByHandle(pumpkin, "Kill", "", -1, null, null) //should't do .Kill() in the loop, entfire kill is delayed to the end of the frame.

			foreach (player in PopExtUtil.PlayerArray)
					EntFireByHandle(player, "RunScriptCode", "self.RemoveCond(TF_COND_CRITBOOSTED_PUMPKIN)", -1, null, null)


	// ===================
	// disable reanimators
	// ===================

	case "NoReanimators":

		if (value < 1) return

		MissionAttributes.DeathHookTable.NoReanimators <- function(params) {
			for (local revivemarker; revivemarker = FindByClassname(revivemarker, "entity_revive_marker");)
				EntFireByHandle(revivemarker, "Kill", "", -1, null, null)


	// ===========================
	// allow standing on bot heads
	// ===========================

	case "StandableHeads":

		local movekeys = IN_FORWARD | IN_BACK | IN_LEFT | IN_RIGHT
		MissionAttributes.SpawnHookTable.StandableHeads <- function(params) {
			local player = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.userid)
			if (player.IsBotOfType(1337)) return

			player.GetScriptScope().PlayerThinkTable.StandableHeads <- function() {
				local groundent = GetPropEntity(player, "m_hGroundEntity")

				if (!groundent || !groundent.IsPlayer() || PopExtUtil.InButton(player, movekeys)) return


	// =================================================
	// doesn't work until wave switches, won't work on W1
	// =================================================

	case "666Wavebar":
		MissionAttributes.StartWaveTable.EventWavebar <- function(params) { SetPropInt(PopExtUtil.ObjectiveResource, "m_nMannVsMachineWaveCount", value) }

	// ===================================
	// sets the wave number on the wavebar
	// ===================================

	case "WaveNum":
		MissionAttributes.StartWaveTable.SetWaveNum <- function(params) { SetPropInt(PopExtUtil.ObjectiveResource, "m_nMannVsMachineWaveCount", value) }

	// =======================================
	// sets the max wave number on the wavebar
	// =======================================

	case "MaxWaveNum":
		MissionAttributes.StartWaveTable.SetMaxWaveNum <- function(params) { SetPropInt(PopExtUtil.ObjectiveResource, "m_nMannVsMachineMaxWaveCount", value) }

	// =========================================================
	// =========================================================

	case "NegativeDmgHeals":
		// function MissionAttributes::NegativeDmgHeals(params) {
		// 	local player = params.const_entity

		// 	local damage = params.damage
		// 	if (!player.IsPlayer() || damage > 0) return

		// 	if ((value == 2 && player.GetHealth() - damage > player.GetMaxHealth()) || //don't overheal is value is 2
		// 	(value == 1 && player.GetHealth() - damage > player.GetMaxHealth() * 1.5)) return //don't go past max overheal if value is 1

		// 	player.SetHealth(player.GetHealth() - damage)

		// }
		// MissionAttributes.TakeDamageTable.NegativeDmgHeals <- MissionAttributes.NegativeDmgHeals
	// ==============================================================
	// Allows spies to place multiple sappers when item meter is full
	// ==============================================================

	case "MultiSapper":
		MissionAttributes.SpawnHookTable.MultiSapper <- function(params) {
			local player = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.userid)
			if (player.IsBotOfType(1337) || player.GetPlayerClass() < TF_CLASS_SPY) return

			player.GetScriptScope().BuiltObjectTable.MultiSapper <- function(params) {
				if (params.object != OBJ_ATTACHMENT_SAPPER) return
				local sapper = EntIndexToHScript(params.index)
				SetPropBool(sapper, "m_bDisposableBuilding", true)

	// =========================================================

	//all of these could just be set directly in the pop easily, however popfile's have a 4096 character limit for vscript so might as well save space

	case "NoRefunds":
		SetConvar("tf_mvm_respec_enabled", 0);

	// =========================================================

	case "RefundLimit":
		SetConvar("tf_mvm_respec_enabled", 1)
		SetConvar("tf_mvm_respec_limit", value)

	// =========================================================

	case "RefundGoal":
		SetConvar("tf_mvm_respec_enabled", 1)
		SetConvar("tf_mvm_respec_credit_goal", value)

	// =========================================================

	case "FixedBuybacks":
		SetConvar("tf_mvm_buybacks_method", 1)

	// =========================================================

	case "BuybacksPerWave":
		SetConvar("tf_mvm_buybacks_per_wave", value)

	// =========================================================

	case "NoBuybacks":
		SetConvar("tf_mvm_buybacks_method", value)
		SetConvar("tf_mvm_buybacks_per_wave", 0)

	// =========================================================

	case "DeathPenalty":
		SetConvar("tf_mvm_death_penalty", value)

	// =========================================================

	case "BonusRatioHalf":
		SetConvar("tf_mvm_currency_bonus_ratio_min", value)

	// =========================================================

	case "BonusRatioFull":
		SetConvar("tf_mvm_currency_bonus_ratio_max", value)

	// =========================================================

	case "UpgradeFile":
		EntFire("tf_gamerules", "SetCustomUpgradesFile", value)

	// =========================================================

	case "FlagEscortCount":
		SetConvar("tf_bot_flag_escort_max_count", value)

	// =========================================================

	case "BombMovementPenalty":
		SetConvar("tf_mvm_bot_flag_carrier_movement_penalty", value)

	// =========================================================

	case "MaxSkeletons":
		SetConvar("tf_max_active_zombie", value)

	// =========================================================

	case "TurboPhysics":
		SetConvar("sv_turbophysics", value)

	// =========================================================

	case "Accelerate":
		SetConvar("sv_accelerate", value)

	// =========================================================

	case "AirAccelerate":
		SetConvar("sv_airaccelerate", value)

	// =========================================================

	case "BotPushaway":
		SetConvar("tf_avoidteammates_pushaway", value)

	// =========================================================

	case "TeleUberDuration":
		SetConvar("tf_mvm_engineer_teleporter_uber_duration", value)

	// =========================================================

	case "RedMaxPlayers":
		SetConvar("tf_mvm_defenders_team_size", value)

	// =========================================================

	case "MaxVelocity":
		SetConvar("sv_maxvelocity", value)

	// =========================================================

	case "ConchHealthOnHitRegen":
		SetConvar("tf_dev_health_on_damage_recover_percentage", value)

	// =========================================================

	case "MarkForDeathLifetime":
		SetConvar("tf_dev_marked_for_death_lifetime", value)

	// =========================================================

	case "GrapplingHookEnable":
		SetConvar("tf_grapplinghook_enable", value)

	// =========================================================

	case "GiantScale":
		SetConvar("tf_mvm_miniboss_scale", value)

	// =========================================================

	case "VacNumCharges":
		SetConvar("weapon_medigun_resist_num_chunks", value)

	// =========================================================

	case "DoubleDonkWindow":
		SetConvar("tf_double_donk_window", value)

	// =========================================================

	case "ConchSpeedBoost":
		SetConvar("tf_whip_speed_increase", value)

	// =========================================================

	case "StealthDmgReduction":
		SetConvar("tf_stealth_damage_reduction", value)

	// =========================================================

	case "FlagCarrierCanFight":
		SetConvar("tf_mvm_bot_allow_flag_carrier_to_fight", value)

	// =========================================================

	case "HHHChaseRange":
		SetConvar("tf_halloween_bot_chase_range", value)

	// =========================================================

	case "HHHAttackRange":
		SetConvar("tf_halloween_bot_attack_range", value)

	// =========================================================

	case "HHHQuitRange":
		SetConvar("tf_halloween_bot_quit_range", value)

	// =========================================================

	case "HHHTerrifyRange":
		SetConvar("tf_halloween_bot_terrify_radius", value)

	// =========================================================

	case "HHHHealthBase":
		SetConvar("tf_halloween_bot_health_base", value)

	// =========================================================

	case "HHHHealthPerPlayer":
		SetConvar("tf_halloween_bot_health_per_player", value)

	// =========================================================

	case "SentryHintBombForwardRange":
		SetConvar("tf_bot_engineer_mvm_sentry_hint_bomb_forward_range", value)

	// =========================================================

	case "SentryHintBombBackwardRange":
		SetConvar("tf_bot_engineer_mvm_sentry_hint_bomb_backward_range", value)

	// =========================================================

	case "SentryHintMinDistanceFromBomb":
		SetConvar("tf_bot_engineer_mvm_hint_min_distance_from_bomb", value)

	// =========================================================

	case "NoBusterFF":
		if (value != 1 || value != 0 ) RaiseIndexError(attr)
		SetConvar("tf_bot_suicide_bomb_friendly_fire", value = 1 ? 0 : 1)

	// =====================
	// Disable sniper lasers
	// =====================

	case "SniperHideLasers":
		if (value < 1) return

		function MissionAttributes::SniperHideLasers() {
			for (local dot; dot = FindByClassname(dot, "env_sniperdot");)
				if (dot.GetOwner().GetTeam() == TF_TEAM_PVE_INVADERS)
					EntFireByHandle(dot, "Kill", "", -1, null, null)

			return -1;

		MissionAttributes.ThinkTable.SniperHideLasers <- MissionAttributes.SniperHideLasers

	// ===================================
	// lose wave when all players are dead
	// ===================================

	case "TeamWipeWaveLoss":
		MissionAttributes.DeathHookTable.TeamWipeWaveLoss <- function(params) {
			if (!PopExtUtil.IsWaveStarted) return
			EntFire("tf_gamerules", "RunScriptCode", "if (PopExtUtil.CountAlivePlayers() == 0) EntFire(`__utilroundwin`, `RoundWin`)")

	// =================================================================================
	// change sentry kill count per mini-boss kill.  -4 will make giants count as 1 kill
	// =================================================================================

	case "GiantSentryKillCountOffset":

		MissionAttributes.DeathHookTable.GiantSentryKillCount <- function(params) {

			local sentry = EntIndexToHScript(params.inflictor_entindex)
			local victim = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.userid)

			if (sentry == null) return

			if (sentry.GetClassname() != "obj_sentrygun" || !victim.IsMiniBoss()) return
			local kills = GetPropInt(sentry, "m_iKills")
			SetPropInt(sentry, "m_iKills", kills + value)

	// ========================================================================
	// set reset time for flags (bombs).
	// accepts a key/value table of flag targetnames and their new return times
	// can also just accept a float value to apply to all flags
	// ========================================================================

	case "FlagResetTime":
		MissionAttributes.FlagResetTime <- function() {
			for (local flag; flag = FindByClassname(flag, "item_teamflag");)
				if (typeof value == "table")
					foreach (k, v in value)
						EntFire(k, "SetReturnTime", v)
				else if (typeof value == "integer" || typeof value == "float")
					EntFire("item_teamflag", "SetReturnTime", value)

	// ===========================
	// enable bot headshots (jank)
	// ===========================

	case "BotHeadshots":
		if (value < 1) return

		MissionAttributes.TakeDamageTable.BotHeadshots <- function(params) {
			local player = params.attacker, victim = params.const_entity
			local scope = victim.GetScriptScope()
			local wep = params.weapon

			//re-enable headshots for snipers and ambassador
			if (
				!player.IsPlayer() || !victim.IsPlayer() ||   //check if non-bot victim

				player.GetPlayerClass() != TF_CLASS_SPY && player.GetPlayerClass() != TF_CLASS_SNIPER || //check if we're spy/sniper

				GetPropInt(victim, "m_LastHitGroup") != HITGROUP_HEAD || //check for headshot

				player.GetPlayerClass() == TF_CLASS_SNIPER && (wep.GetSlot() == SLOT_SECONDARY || PopExtUtil.GetItemIndex(wep) == ID_SYDNEY_SLEEPER) || //ignore sydney sleeper and SMGs

				GetPropFloat(wep, "m_flChargedDamage") < 150.0 && PopExtUtil.GetItemIndex(wep) == ID_CLASSIC || //check classic charge
				player.GetPlayerClass() == TF_CLASS_SPY && PopExtUtil.GetItemIndex(wep) != ID_AMBASSADOR || // check for ambassador
				victim.InCond(TF_COND_BLEEDING) && GetPropInt(victim, "m_iStunFlags") & TF_STUN_MOVEMENT //check for explosive headshot victim.
			) return 

			params.damage_type = params.damage_type | DMG_CRITICAL //DMG_USE_HITLOCATIONS doesn't actually work here, no headshot icon.
			params.damage_stats = TF_DMG_CUSTOM_HEADSHOT

	// ==============================================================
	// Uses bitflags to enable certain behavior
	// 1  = Robot animations (excluding sticky demo and jetpack pyro)
	// 2  = Human animations
	// 4  = Enable footstep sfx
	// 8  = Enable voicelines (WIP)
	// 16 = Enable viewmodels (WIP)
	// ==============================================================

	case "PlayersAreRobots":
		// TODO: Make PlayersAreRobots 16 and HandModelOverride incompatible
		// Doesn't work
		ScriptLoadTable.PlayersAreRobotsReset <- function() {
			DoEntFire("__bot_bonemerge_model", "Kill", "", -1, null, null)
			printl("TEST TEST TEST")
			foreach (player in PopExtUtil.HumanArray) {
				local scope = player.GetScriptScope()

				EntFireByHandle(player, "SetCustomModelWithClassAnimations", format("models/player/%s.mdl", PopExtUtil.Classes[player.GetPlayerClass()]), -1, null, null)
				SetPropInt(player, "m_clrRender", 0xFFFFFF)
				SetPropInt(player, "m_nRenderMode", 0)
			delete ScriptLoadTable.PlayersAreRobotsReset

		MissionAttributes.SpawnHookTable.PlayersAreRobots <- function(params) {
			local player = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.userid)
			if (player.IsBotOfType(1337)) return

			local scope = player.GetScriptScope()

			if ("wearable" in scope && scope.wearable != null) {
				scope.wearable <- null

			local playerclass  = player.GetPlayerClass()
			local class_string = PopExtUtil.Classes[playerclass]
			local model = format("models/bots/%s/bot_%s.mdl", class_string, class_string)

			if (value & 1) {
				//sticky anims and thruster anims are particularly problematic
				if (PopExtUtil.HasItemInLoadout(player, "tf_weapon_pipebomblauncher") || PopExtUtil.HasItemInLoadout(player, ID_THERMAL_THRUSTER)) {
					PopExtUtil.PlayerRobotModel(player, model)

				EntFireByHandle(player, "SetCustomModelWithClassAnimations", model, 1, null, null)
				PopExtUtil.SetEntityColor(player, 255, 255, 255, 255)
				SetPropInt(player, "m_nRenderMode", kRenderFxNone) //dangerous constant name lol

			if (value & 2) {
				if (value & 1) value = value & 1 //incompatible flags
				PopExtUtil.PlayerRobotModel(player, model)

			if (value & 4) {
				scope.stepside <- GetPropInt(player, "m_Local.m_nStepside")

				function StepThink() {
					if (self.GetPlayerClass() == TF_CLASS_MEDIC) return

					if (GetPropInt(self,"m_Local.m_nStepside") != stepside)
						EmitSoundOn("MVM.BotStep", self)

					scope.stepside = GetPropInt(self,"m_Local.m_nStepside")
					return -1
				if (!("StepThink" in scope.PlayerThinkTable))
					scope.PlayerThinkTable.StepThink <- StepThink

			} else if ("StepThink" in scope.PlayerThinkTable) delete scope.PlayerThinkTable.StepThink

			if (value & 8) {
				MissionAttributes.ThinkTable.RobotVOThink <- function() {

					for (local ent; ent = FindByClassname(ent, "instanced_scripted_scene"); ) {
						if (ent.GetEFlags() & EFL_USER) continue
						local owner = GetPropEntity(ent, "m_hOwner")
						if (owner != null && !owner.IsBotOfType(1337)) {

							local vcdpath = GetPropString(ent, "m_szInstanceFilename");
							if (!vcdpath || vcdpath == "") return -1

							local dotindex	 = vcdpath.find(".")
							local slashindex = null;
							for (local i = dotindex; i >= 0; --i) {
								if (vcdpath[i] == '/' || vcdpath[i] == '\\') {
									slashindex = i

							local scope = owner.GetScriptScope()
							scope.soundtable <- VCD_SOUNDSCRIPT_MAP[owner.GetPlayerClass()]
							scope.vcdname	 <- vcdpath.slice(slashindex+1, dotindex)

							if (scope.vcdname in scope.soundtable) {
								local soundscript = scope.soundtable[scope.vcdname];
								if (typeof soundscript == "string")
									PopExtUtil.StopAndPlayMVMSound(owner, soundscript, 0);
								else if (typeof soundscript == "array")
									foreach (sound in soundscript)
										PopExtUtil.StopAndPlayMVMSound(owner, sound[1], sound[0]);
					return -1;

			} else if ("RobotVOThink" in scope.PlayerThinkTable) delete scope.PlayerThinkTable.RobotVOThink

			if (value & 16) {

				if ("HandModelOverride" in MissionAttributes.SpawnHookTable) return

				local vmodel   = PopExtUtil.ROBOT_ARM_PATHS[player.GetPlayerClass()]
				local playervm = GetPropEntity(player, "m_hViewModel")

				if (playervm == null) return

				if (playervm.GetModelName() != vmodel) playervm.SetModelSimple(vmodel)

				for (local i = 0; i < SLOT_COUNT; i++) {

					local wep = GetPropEntityArray(player, "m_hMyWeapons", i)
					if (wep == null || wep.GetModelName() == vmodel) continue


			} else if ("RobotArmThink" in scope.PlayerThinkTable) delete scope.PlayerThinkTable.RobotArmThink

	// =======================================================
	// Uses bitflags to change behavior:
	// 1 = Blu bots use human models.
	// 2 = Blu bots use zombie models. Overrides human models.
	// 4 = Red bots use human models.
	// 4 = Red bots use zombie models. Overrides human models.
	// =======================================================

		case "BotsAreHumans":
			MissionAttributes.SpawnHookTable.BotsAreHumans <- function(params) {
				local player = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.userid)
				if (!player.IsBotOfType(1337)) return

				if (player.GetTeam() == TF_TEAM_PVE_INVADERS && value & 1)
					EntFireByHandle(player, "SetCustomModelWithClassAnimations", format("models/player/%s.mdl", PopExtUtil.Classes[player.GetPlayerClass()]), -1, null, null)
					if (value & 2) activator.GenerateAndWearItem(format("Zombie %s",PopExtUtil.Classes[player.GetPlayerClass()]))

				if (player.GetTeam() == TF_TEAM_PVE_DEFENDERS && value & 4)
					EntFireByHandle(player, "SetCustomModelWithClassAnimations", format("models/player/%s.mdl", PopExtUtil.Classes[player.GetPlayerClass()]), -1, null, null)
					if (value & 8) activator.GenerateAndWearItem(format("Zombie %s",PopExtUtil.Classes[player.GetPlayerClass()]))

	// ==============================================================
	// 1 = disables romevision on bots 2 = disables rome carrier tank
	// ==============================================================

	case "NoRome":

		local carrierPartsIndex = GetModelIndex("models/bots/boss_bot/carrier_parts.mdl")

		MissionAttributes.SpawnHookTable.NoRome <- function(params) {

			local bot = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.userid)

			EntFireByHandle(bot, "RunScriptCode", @"
				if (self.IsBotOfType(1337))
					// if (!self.HasBotTag(`popext_forceromevision`)) //handle these elsewhere
						for (local child = self.FirstMoveChild(); child != null; child = child.NextMovePeer())
							if (child.GetClassname() == `tf_wearable` && startswith(child.GetModelName(), `models/workshop/player/items/`+PopExtUtil.Classes[self.GetPlayerClass()]+`/tw`))
								EntFireByHandle(child, `Kill`, ``, -1, null, null)
			", -1, null, null)

			if (value < 2 || noromecarrier) return

			local carrier = FindByName(null, "botship_dynamic") //some maps have a targetname for it

			if (carrier == null) {
				for (local props; props = FindByClassname(props, "prop_dynamic");) {
					if (GetPropInt(props, "m_nModelIndex") != carrierPartsIndex) continue

					carrier = props

			SetPropIntArray(carrier, "m_nModelIndexOverrides", carrierPartsIndex, 3)
			noromecarrier = true

	// =========================================================

	case "SpellRateCommon":
		SetConvar("tf_spells_enabled", 1)
		MissionAttributes.DeathHookTable.SpellRateCommon <- function(params) {
			if (RandomFloat(0, 1) > value) return

			local bot = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.userid)
			if (!bot.IsBotOfType(1337) || bot.IsMiniBoss()) return

			local spell = SpawnEntityFromTable("tf_spell_pickup", {targetname = "_commonspell" origin = bot.GetLocalOrigin() TeamNum = 2 tier = 0 "OnPlayerTouch": "!self,Kill,,0,-1" })


	// =========================================================

	case "SpellRateGiant":
		SetConvar("tf_spells_enabled", 1)
		MissionAttributes.DeathHookTable.SpellRateGiant <- function(params) {
			if (RandomFloat(0, 1) > value) return

			local bot = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.userid)
			if (!bot.IsBotOfType(1337) || !bot.IsMiniBoss()) return

			local spell = SpawnEntityFromTable("tf_spell_pickup", {targetname = "_giantspell" origin = bot.GetLocalOrigin() TeamNum = 2 tier = 0 "OnPlayerTouch": "!self,Kill,,0,-1" })


	// =========================================================

	case "RareSpellRateCommon":
		SetConvar("tf_spells_enabled", 1)
		MissionAttributes.DeathHookTable.RareSpellRateCommon <- function(params) {
			if (RandomFloat(0, 1) > value) return

			local bot = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.userid)
			if (!bot.IsBotOfType(1337) || bot.IsMiniBoss()) return

			local spell = SpawnEntityFromTable("tf_spell_pickup", {targetname = "_commonspell" origin = bot.GetLocalOrigin() TeamNum = 2 tier = 1 "OnPlayerTouch": "!self,Kill,,0,-1" })


	// =========================================================

	case "RareSpellRateGiant":
		SetConvar("tf_spells_enabled", 1)
		MissionAttributes.DeathHookTable.RareSpellRateGiant <- function(params) {
			if (RandomFloat(0, 1) > value) return

			local bot = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.userid)
			if (!bot.IsBotOfType(1337) || !bot.IsMiniBoss()) return

			local spell = SpawnEntityFromTable("tf_spell_pickup", {targetname = "_giantspell" origin = bot.GetLocalOrigin() TeamNum = 2 tier = 1 "OnPlayerTouch": "!self,Kill,,0,-1" })


	// ===========================================================================================
	//skeleton's spawned by bots or tf_zombie entities will no longer split into smaller skeletons
	// ===========================================================================================

	case "NoSkeleSplit":
		MissionAttributes.ThinkTable.NoSkeleSplit <- function() {

			//kill skele spawners before they split from tf_zombie_spawner
			for (local skelespell; skelespell = FindByClassname(skelespell, "tf_projectile_spellspawnzombie"); )
				if (GetPropEntity(skelespell, "m_hThrower") == null)
					EntFireByHandle(skelespell, "Kill", "", -1, null, null)

			// m_hThrower does not change when the skeletons split for spell-casted skeles, just need to kill them after spawning
			for (local skeles; skeles = FindByClassname(skeles, "tf_zombie");  ) {
				//kill blu split skeles
				if (skeles.GetModelScale() == 0.5 && (skeles.GetOwner() == null || skeles.GetOwner().IsBotOfType(1337))) {
					EntFireByHandle(skeles, "Kill", "", -1, null, null)
				// if (skeles.GetTeam() == 5) {
				// 	skeles.SetTeam(TF_TEAM_PVE_INVADERS)
				// 	skeles.SetSkin(1)
				// }


	// ====================================================================
	// ready-up countdown time.  Values below 9 will disable starting music
	// ====================================================================

	case "WaveStartCountdown":
		MissionAttributes.ThinkTable.WaveStartCountdown <- function() {
			if (PopExtUtil.IsWaveStarted) return

			local roundtime = GetPropFloat(PopExtUtil.GameRules, "m_flRestartRoundTime")
			if (roundtime > Time() + value) {
				local ready = PopExtUtil.GetPlayerReadyCount()
				if (ready >= PopExtUtil.HumanArray.len() || (roundtime <= 12.0))
					SetPropFloat(PopExtUtil.GameRules, "m_flRestartRoundTime", Time() + value)

	// =======================================================================================================================
	// array of arrays with xyz values to spawn path_tracks at
	// path_track names are ordered based on where they are listed in the array
	// example: 
	//`ExtraTankPath`: [
	//	[`686 4000 392`, `667 4358 390`, `378 4515 366`, `-193 4250 289`], // starting node: extratankpath1_1
	//	[`640 5404 350`, `640 4810 350`, `640 4400 550`, `1100 4100 650`, `1636 3900 770`] //starting node: extratankpath2_1
	// the last track in the list will have _lastnode appended to the targetname
	// ======================================================================================================================

	case "ExtraTankPath":
		if (typeof value != "array") {
			MissionAttributes.RaiseValueError("ItemWhitelist", value, "Value must be array")
			success = false
		if (!("ExtraTankPathTracks" in MissionAttributes)) MissionAttributes.ExtraTankPathTracks <- []
		foreach (path in value) {
			local tracks = []


			foreach (i, pos in path) {
				local org = split(pos, " ")

				local track = SpawnEntityFromTable("path_track", {
					targetname = format("extratankpath%d_%d", MissionAttributes.PathNum, i+1)
					origin = Vector(org[0].tointeger(), org[1].tointeger(), org[2].tointeger())

		local lastnode = tracks[tracks.len() - 1]
		PopExtUtil.SetTargetname(lastnode, format("%s_lastnode", GetPropString(lastnode, "m_iName")))
		tracks.append(null) //dummy value to put at the end
		for (local i = 0; i < tracks.len() - 1; i++)
			if (tracks[i] != null)
				SetPropEntity(tracks[i], "m_pnext", tracks[i+1])

	// =======================================
	// replace viewmodel arms with custom ones
	// =======================================

	case "HandModelOverride":

		MissionAttributes.SpawnHookTable.HandModelOverride <- function(params) {
			local player = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.userid)
			if (player.IsBotOfType(1337)) return

			local scope = player.GetScriptScope()

			scope.PlayerThinkTable.ArmThink <- function() {
				local tfclass	   = player.GetPlayerClass()
				local class_string = PopExtUtil.Classes[tfclass]

				local vmodel   = null
				local playervm = GetPropEntity(player, "m_hViewModel")

				if (typeof value == "string")
					vmodel = PopExtUtil.StringReplace(value, "%class", class_string);
				else if (typeof value == "array") {
					if (value.len() == 0) return

					if (tfclass >= value.len())
						vmodel = PopExtUtil.StringReplace(value[0], "%class", class_string);
						vmodel = value[tfclass]
				else {
					// do we need to do anything special for thinks??
					MissionAttributes.RaiseValueError("HandModelOverride", value, "Value must be string or array of strings")

				if (vmodel == null) return

				if (playervm.GetModelName() != vmodel) playervm.SetModelSimple(vmodel)

				for (local i = 0; i < SLOT_COUNT; i++) {
					local wep = GetPropEntityArray(player, "m_hMyWeapons", i)
					if (wep == null || (wep.GetModelName() == vmodel)) continue


	// ===========================================================
	// add cond to every player on spawn with an optional duration
	// ===========================================================

	case "AddCond":
		MissionAttributes.SpawnHookTable.AddCond <- function(params) {
			local player = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.userid)
			if (player.IsBotOfType(1337)) return

			if (typeof value == "array") {

				player.RemoveCondEx(value[0], true)
				EntFireByHandle(player, "RunScriptCode", format("self.AddCondEx(%d, %f, null)", value[0], value[1]), -1, null, null)
			else if (typeof value == "integer") {

				EntFireByHandle(player, "RunScriptCode", format("self.AddCond(%d)", value), -1, null, null)

	// ======================================================
	// add/modify player attributes, can be filtered by class
	// ======================================================

	case "PlayerAttributes":
		//setting maxhealth attribs doesn't update current HP
		local healthattribs = {
			"max health additive bonus" : null,
			"max health additive penalty": null,
			"SET BONUS: max health additive bonus": null,
			"hidden maxhealth non buffed": null,
		MissionAttributes.SpawnHookTable.PlayerAttributes <- function(params) {

			local player = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.userid)
			if (player.IsBotOfType(1337)) return
			if (typeof value != "table") {
				MissionAttributes.RaiseValueError("PlayerAttributes", value, "Value must be table")
				success = false

			local tfclass = player.GetPlayerClass()
			foreach (k, v in value)
				if (typeof k == "string" && (typeof v == "integer" || typeof v == "float"))
					if (k in CustomAttributes.Attrs)
						CustomAttributes.AddAttr(player, k, v, player.GetActiveWeapon())
						EntFireByHandle(player, "RunScriptCode", format("self.AddCustomAttribute(`%s`, %1.8e, -1)", k, v.tofloat()), -1, null, null)

				if (!(tfclass in value)) continue
				local table = value[tfclass]
				foreach (k, v in table) {
					if (k in CustomAttributes.Attrs && !player.IsBotOfType(1337))
						CustomAttributes.AddAttr(player, k, v, player.GetActiveWeapon())
					else {
						local valformat = ""
						if (typeof v == "integer")
							valformat = format("self.AddCustomAttribute(`%s`, %d, -1)", k, v)

						else if (typeof v == "float")
							valformat = format("self.AddCustomAttribute(`%s`, %f, -1)", k, v)

						else if (typeof v == "string") {
							MissionAttributes.RaiseValueError("PlayerAttributes", v, "Cannot set string attributes!")
							success = false

						EntFireByHandle(player, "RunScriptCode", valformat, -1, null, null)
						if (k in healthattribs) EntFireByHandle(player, "RunScriptCode", "self.SetHealth(self.GetMaxHealth())", -1, null, null)


	// ======================================================================
	// add/modify item attributes, can be filtered by item index or classname
	// ======================================================================

	case "ItemAttributes":
		MissionAttributes.SpawnHookTable.ItemAttributes <- function(params) {
			local player = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.userid)
			if (player.IsBotOfType(1337)) return

			if (typeof value != "table") {
				MissionAttributes.RaiseValueError("ItemAttributes", value, "Value must be table")
				success = false
			foreach(k, v in value)
				local wep = PopExtUtil.HasItemInLoadout(player, k)
				if (wep == null) continue

				foreach (a, b in v)
					if (a in CustomAttributes.Attrs)
						CustomAttributes.AddAttr(player, a, b, wep)
						wep.AddAttribute(a, b, -1)



	// =========================================================

	// TODO: once we have our own giveweapon functions, finish this
	case "LoadoutControl":
		MissionAttributes.SpawnHookTable.LoadoutControl <- function(params) {
			local player = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.userid)
			if (player.IsBotOfType(1337)) return

			local scope = player.GetScriptScope()

			function HasVal(arr, val) foreach (v in arr) if (v == val) return true
			function IsInMultiList(arr, val) {
				if (arr.len() <= 0) return false

				local in_list = false
				foreach (a in arr) {
					if (HasVal(a, val)) {
						in_list = true
				return in_list

			for (local i = 0; i < SLOT_COUNT; ++i) {
				local wep = GetPropEntityArray(player, "m_hMyWeapons", i)
				if (wep == null) continue

				local tfclass = PopExtUtil.Classes[player.GetPlayerClass()]

				local slot  = PopExtUtil.Slots[i]
				local index = PopExtUtil.GetItemIndex(wep)
				local cls	= wep.GetClassname()

				local whitelists = []
				local tables     = []

				tables.insert(0, value)
				if ("Whitelist" in value) whitelists.insert(0, value.Whitelist)

				if (tfclass in value) {
					tables.insert(0, value[tfclass])
					if ("Whitelist" in value[tfclass])
						whitelists.insert(0, value[tfclass].Whitelist)

				if (tfclass in value && slot in value[tfclass]) {
					tables.insert(0, value[tfclass][slot])
					if ("Whitelist" in value[tfclass][slot])
						whitelists.insert(0, value[tfclass][slot].Whitelist)

				if (whitelists.len() > 0) {
					local in_whitelist = IsInMultiList(whitelists, index) || IsInMultiList(whitelists, cls)

					if (!in_whitelist) {

				foreach (table in tables) {
					local identifiers = [index, cls]
					local full_break  = false

					foreach (id in identifiers) {
						if (id in table) {
							local value = table[id]

							if (value == null) {
								full_break = true
							else if (value == "") {
								printl("GIVE STOCK ITEM, check with IsInMultiList")
							else if (typeof value == "string" && value.len() > 0) {
								printl("INVALID VALUE "+value+ "FOR k: "+id)
							else {
								try {
									local value = value.tointeger()
									printl("REPLACE ITEM WITH ITEMINDEX "+value)
								catch (e) {}

					if (full_break) break

			EntFireByHandle(player, "RunScriptCode", "PopExtUtil.SwitchToFirstValidWeapon(self)", SINGLE_TICK, null, null)

	case "SoundOverrides":
		if (typeof value != "table") MissionAttributes.RaiseValueError("SoundOverrides", value, "value must be a table")

		foreach (sound, override in value) 
			if (override != null) 
				MissionAttributes.SoundsToReplace[sound] <- override
		//catch-all for disabling non teamplay_broadcast_audio sfx
		MissionAttributes.ThinkTable.DisableSounds <- function() {

			foreach (sound, override in value) 
				if (override == null) 
					foreach (player in PopExtUtil.HumanArray) 
						StopSoundOn(sound, player)

	case "NoThrillerTaunt":
		MissionAttributes.SpawnHookTable.NoThrillerTaunt <- function(params) {
			local player = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.userid)

			player.GetScriptScope().PlayerThinkTable.NoThrillerTaunt <- function() {
				if (self.IsTaunting())
					for (local scene; scene = FindByClassname(scene, "instanced_scripted_scene");)
						local owner = GetPropEntity(scene, "m_hOwner");
						if (owner == self)
							local name = GetPropString(scene, "m_szInstanceFilename");
							local thriller_name = self.GetPlayerClass() == TF_CLASS_MEDIC ? "taunt07" : "taunt06";
							if (name.find(thriller_name) != null)
								self.Taunt(TAUNT_BASE_WEAPON, 0);
	// =====================================
	// uses bitflags to enable random crits:
	// 1 - Blue humans
	// 2 - Blue robots
	// 4 - Red  robots
	// =====================================

	case "EnableRandomCrits":
		if (value == 0.0) return

		local user_chance = (args.len() > 2) ? args[2] : null

		// Simplified rare high moments
		local base_ranged_crit_chance = 0.0005
		local max_ranged_crit_chance  = 0.0020
		local base_melee_crit_chance  = 0.15
		local max_melee_crit_chance   = 0.60
		// 4 kills to reach max chance

		local timed_crit_weapons = {
			"tf_weapon_handgun_scout_secondary" : null,
			"tf_weapon_pistol_scout" : null,
			"tf_weapon_flamethrower" : null,
			"tf_weapon_minigun" : null,
			"tf_weapon_pistol" : null,
			"tf_weapon_syringegun_medic" : null,
			"tf_weapon_smg" : null,
			"tf_weapon_charged_smg" : null,

		local no_crit_weapons = {
			"tf_weapon_laser_pointer" : null,
			"tf_weapon_medigun"	: null,
			"tf_weapon_sniperrifle" : null,

		MissionAttributes.ThinkTable.EnableRandomCritsThink <- function() {
			if (!PopExtUtil.IsWaveStarted) return -1

			foreach (player in PopExtUtil.PlayerArray) 
				if (!( (value & 1 && player.GetTeam() == TF_TEAM_PVE_INVADERS && !player.IsBotOfType(1337)) ||
					   (value & 2 && player.GetTeam() == TF_TEAM_PVE_INVADERS && player.IsBotOfType(1337))  ||
					   (value & 4 && player.GetTeam() == TF_TEAM_PVE_DEFENDERS && player.IsBotOfType(1337)) ))

				local scope = player.GetScriptScope()
				if (!("crit_weapon" in scope))
					scope.crit_weapon <- null

				if (!("ranged_crit_chance" in scope) || !("melee_crit_chance" in scope)) 
					scope.ranged_crit_chance <- base_ranged_crit_chance
					scope.melee_crit_chance <- base_melee_crit_chance

				if (!PopExtUtil.IsAlive(player) || player.GetTeam() == TEAM_SPECTATOR) continue

				local wep       = player.GetActiveWeapon()
				local index     = PopExtUtil.GetItemIndex(wep)
				local classname = wep.GetClassname()

				// Lose the crits if we switch weapons
				if (scope.crit_weapon != null && scope.crit_weapon != wep)

				// Wait for bot to use its crits
				if (scope.crit_weapon != null && player.InCond(TF_COND_CRITBOOSTED_CTF_CAPTURE)) continue

				// We handle melee weapons elsewhere in OnTakeDamage
				if (wep == null || wep.IsMeleeWeapon()) continue
				// Certain weapon types never receive random crits
				if (classname in no_crit_weapons || wep.GetSlot() > 2) continue
				// Ignore weapons with certain attributes
				// if (wep.GetAttribute("crit mod disabled", 1) == 0 || wep.GetAttribute("crit mod disabled hidden", 1) == 0) continue

				local crit_chance_override = (user_chance > 0) ? user_chance : null
				local chance_to_use        = (crit_chance_override != null) ? crit_chance_override : scope.ranged_crit_chance

				// Roll for random crits
				if (RandomFloat(0, 1) < chance_to_use) 
					scope.crit_weapon <- wep

					// Detect weapon fire to remove our crits
					wep.GetScriptScope().last_fire_time <- Time()
					wep.GetScriptScope().Think <- function() 
						local fire_time = NetProps.GetPropFloat(self, "m_flLastFireTime");
						if (fire_time > last_fire_time) 
							local owner = self.GetOwner()

							local scope = owner.GetScriptScope()

							// Continuous fire weapons get 2 seconds of crits once they fire
							if (classname in timed_crit_weapons) 
								owner.AddCondEx(TF_COND_CRITBOOSTED_CTF_CAPTURE, 2, null)
								EntFireByHandle(owner, "RunScriptCode", format("crit_weapon <- null; ranged_crit_chance <- %f", base_ranged_crit_chance), 2, null, null)
								scope.crit_weapon <- null
								scope.ranged_crit_chance <- base_ranged_crit_chance

							NetProps.SetPropString(self, "m_iszScriptThinkFunction", "")
						return -1
					AddThinkToEnt(wep, "Think")

		MissionAttributes.DeathHookTable.EnableRandomCritsKill <- function(params) {
			local attacker = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.attacker)
			if (attacker == null || !attacker.IsBotOfType(1337)) return

			local scope = attacker.GetScriptScope()
			if (!("ranged_crit_chance" in scope) || !("melee_crit_chance" in scope)) return

			if (scope.ranged_crit_chance + base_ranged_crit_chance > max_ranged_crit_chance)
				scope.ranged_crit_chance <- max_ranged_crit_chance
				scope.ranged_crit_chance <- scope.ranged_crit_chance + base_ranged_crit_chance

			if (scope.melee_crit_chance + base_melee_crit_chance > max_melee_crit_chance)
				scope.melee_crit_chance <- max_melee_crit_chance
				scope.melee_crit_chance <- scope.melee_crit_chance + base_melee_crit_chance

		MissionAttributes.TakeDamageTable.EnableRandomCritsTakeDamage <- function(params) {
			if (!("inflictor" in params)) return

			local attacker = params.inflictor
			if (attacker == null || !attacker.IsPlayer() || !attacker.IsBotOfType(1337)) return

			local scope = attacker.GetScriptScope()
			if (!("melee_crit_chance" in scope)) return

			// Already a crit
			if (params.damage_type & DMG_CRITICAL) return

			// Only Melee weapons
			local wep = attacker.GetActiveWeapon()
			if (!wep.IsMeleeWeapon()) return

			// Certain weapon types never receive random crits
			if (attacker.GetPlayerClass() == TF_CLASS_SPY) return
			// Ignore weapons with certain attributes
			// if (wep.GetAttribute("crit mod disabled", 1) == 0 || wep.GetAttribute("crit mod disabled hidden", 1) == 0) return

			// Roll our crit chance
			if (RandomFloat(0, 1) < scope.melee_crit_chance) {
				params.damage_type = params.damage_type | DMG_CRITICAL
				// We delay here to allow death code to run so the reset doesn't get overriden
				EntFireByHandle(attacker, "RunScriptCode", format("melee_crit_chance <- %f", base_melee_crit_chance), SINGLE_TICK, null, null)

	// =======================================
	// 1 = enables basic Reverse MvM behavior
	// 2 = blu players cannot pick up bombs
	// 4 = blu players have infinite ammo
	// 8 = blu spies have infinite cloak
	// 16 = blu players have spawn protection
	// 32 = blu players cannot attack in spawn
	// 64 = remove blu footsteps
	// =======================================

	case "ReverseMVM":
		// Prevent bots on red team from hogging slots so players can always join and get switched to blue
		// TODO: Needs testing
		// also need to reset it
		//MissionAttributes.SetConvar("tf_mvm_defenders_team_size", 999)
		MissionAttributes.ThinkTable.ReverseMVMThink <- function() {
			// Enforce max team size
			local player_count  = 0
			local max_team_size = 6
			foreach (player in PopExtUtil.HumanArray) {

				if (player_count + 1 > max_team_size && player.GetTeam() != TEAM_SPECTATOR && !player.IsBotOfType(1337)) {
					player.ForceChangeTeam(TEAM_SPECTATOR, false)


			// Readying up starts the round
			if (!PopExtUtil.IsWaveStarted) {
				local ready = PopExtUtil.GetPlayerReadyCount()
				if (ready > 0 && ready >= PopExtUtil.HumanArray.len() && !("WaveStartCountdown" in MissionAttributes) && GetPropFloat(PopExtUtil.GameRules, "m_flRestartRoundTime") >= Time() + 12.0)
						SetPropFloat(PopExtUtil.GameRules, "m_flRestartRoundTime", Time() + 10.0)

		MissionAttributes.SpawnHookTable.ReverseMVMSpawn <- function(params) {

			local player = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.userid)
			if (player.IsBotOfType(1337)) return
			local scope = player.GetScriptScope()
			if ("ReverseMVMCurrencyThink" in scope.PlayerThinkTable) delete scope.PlayerThinkTable.ReverseMVMCurrencyThink
			if ("ReverseMVMPackThink" in scope.PlayerThinkTable)  delete scope.PlayerThinkTable.ReverseMVMPackThink
			if ("ReverseMVMLaserThink" in scope.PlayerThinkTable)  delete scope.PlayerThinkTable.ReverseMVMLaserThink
			if ("ReverseMVMDrainAmmoThink" in scope.PlayerThinkTable)  delete scope.PlayerThinkTable.ReverseMVMDrainAmmoThink

			// Switch to blue team
			// TODO: Need to fix players getting stuck in spec on wave fail, mission complete, etc
			if (player.GetTeam() != TF_TEAM_PVE_INVADERS) {
				EntFireByHandle(player, "RunScriptCode", "PopExtUtil.ChangePlayerTeamMvM(self, TF_TEAM_PVE_INVADERS)", SINGLE_TICK, null, null)
				EntFireByHandle(player, "RunScriptCode", "self.ForceRespawn()", SINGLE_TICK, null, null)

			// Kill any phantom lasers from respawning as engie (yes this is real)
			EntFireByHandle(player, "RunScriptCode", @"
				for (local ent; ent = FindByClassname(ent, `env_laserdot`);)
					if (ent.GetOwner() == self)
			", 0.5, null, null)

			// Temporary solution for engie wrangler laser
			scope.handled_laser   <- false
			scope.PlayerThinkTable.ReverseMVMLaserThink <- function() {

				if (!("laser_spawntime" in scope)) scope.laser_spawntime <- -1

				if (!PopExtUtil.IsAlive(player) || player.GetTeam() == TEAM_SPECTATOR) return

				local wep = self.GetActiveWeapon()

				if (wep.GetClassname() == "tf_weapon_laser_pointer") {
					if (laser_spawntime == -1)
						laser_spawntime = Time() + 0.55
				else {
					if (laser_spawntime > -1) {
						laser_spawntime = -1
						handled_laser   = false

				if (handled_laser) return
				if (Time() < laser_spawntime) return

				local laser = null
				for (local ent; ent = FindByClassname(ent, "env_laserdot");) {
					if (ent.GetOwner() == self) {
						laser = ent

				for (local ent; ent = FindByClassname(ent, "obj_sentrygun");) {
					local builder = GetPropEntity(ent, "m_hBuilder")
					if (builder != self) continue

					if (!GetPropBool(ent, "m_bPlayerControlled") || laser == null) continue

					originalposition <- self.GetOrigin()
					originalvelocity <- self.GetAbsVelocity()
					originalmovetype <- self.GetMoveType()
					self.SetAbsOrigin(ent.GetOrigin() + Vector(0, 0, -32))
					EntFireByHandle(laser, "RunScriptCode", "self.SetTeam(TF_TEAM_PVE_DEFENDERS)", SINGLE_TICK, null, null)
					EntFireByHandle(self, "RunScriptCode", "self.SetAbsOrigin(originalposition); self.SetAbsVelocity(originalvelocity); self.SetMoveType(originalmovetype, MOVECOLLIDE_DEFAULT)", SINGLE_TICK, null, null)

					handled_laser = true

				if (!handled_laser && laser != null)

			// Allow money collection
			local collectionradius = 0
			scope.PlayerThinkTable.ReverseMVMCurrencyThink <- function() {

				// Save money netprops because we fuck it in the loop below
				local money              = GetPropInt(PopExtUtil.ObjectiveResource, "m_nMvMWorldMoney")
				local prev_wave_money    = GetPropInt(PopExtUtil.MvMStatsEnt, "m_previousWaveStats.nCreditsDropped")
				local current_wave_money = GetPropInt(PopExtUtil.MvMStatsEnt, "m_currentWaveStats.nCreditsDropped")

				// Find currency near us
				local origin = self.GetOrigin()
				self.GetPlayerClass() != TF_CLASS_SCOUT ? collectionradius = 72 : collectionradius = 288

				for ( local ent; ent = FindByClassnameWithin(ent, "item_currencypack_*", origin, collectionradius); ) {
					// Move the money to the origin and respawn it to allow us to collect it after it touches the ground
					ent.SetAbsOrigin(Vector(0, 0, INT_MIN))

				// The money counters are fucked from what we did in the above loop, fix it here
				SetPropInt(PopExtUtil.ObjectiveResource, "m_nMvMWorldMoney", money)
				SetPropInt(PopExtUtil.MvMStatsEnt, "m_previousWaveStats.nCreditsDropped", prev_wave_money)
				SetPropInt(PopExtUtil.MvMStatsEnt, "m_currentWaveStats.nCreditsDropped", current_wave_money)

			// Allow pack collection
			scope.PlayerThinkTable.ReverseMVMPackThink <- function() {
				local origin = self.GetOrigin()
				for ( local ent; ent = FindByClassnameWithin(ent, "item_*", origin, 40); ) {
					if (ent.GetEFlags() & EFL_USER) continue
					if (GetPropInt(ent, "m_fEffects") & EF_NODRAW) continue

					local classname = ent.GetClassname()
					if (startswith(classname, "item_currencypack_")) continue

					local refill    = false
					local is_health = false

					local multiplier = 0.0
					if (endswith(classname, "_small"))       multiplier = 0.2
					else if (endswith(classname, "_medium")) multiplier = 0.5
					else if (endswith(classname, "_full"))   multiplier = 1.0

					if (startswith(classname, "item_ammopack_")) {
						local metal    = GetPropIntArray(self, "m_iAmmo", TF_AMMO_METAL)
						local maxmetal = 200

						if (metal < maxmetal) {
							local maxmult  = PopExtUtil.Round(maxmetal * multiplier)
							local setvalue = (metal + maxmult > maxmetal) ? maxmetal : metal + maxmult

							SetPropIntArray(self, "m_iAmmo", setvalue, TF_AMMO_METAL)
							refill = true

						for (local i = 0; i < SLOT_MELEE; ++i) {
							local wep     = PopExtUtil.GetItemInSlot(self, i)
							local ammo    = GetPropIntArray(self, "m_iAmmo", i+1)
							local maxammo = PopExtUtil.GetWeaponMaxAmmo(self, wep)

							if (ammo >= maxammo)
							else {
								local maxmult  = PopExtUtil.Round(maxammo * multiplier)
								local setvalue = (ammo + maxmult > maxammo) ? maxammo : ammo + maxmult

								SetPropIntArray(self, "m_iAmmo", setvalue, i+1)
								refill = true

					else if (startswith(classname, "item_healthkit_")) {
						is_health = true

						local hp    = self.GetHealth()
						local maxhp = self.GetMaxHealth()
						if (hp >= maxhp) continue

						refill = true

						local maxmult  = PopExtUtil.Round(maxhp * multiplier)
						local setvalue = (hp + maxmult > maxhp) ? maxhp : hp + maxmult

						SendGlobalGameEvent("player_healed", {
							patient = PopExtUtil.GetPlayerUserID(self)
							healer  = 0
							amount  = setvalue - hp
						SendGlobalGameEvent("player_healonhit", {
							entindex         = self.entindex()
							weapon_def_index = 65535
							amount           = setvalue - hp


					if (refill) {
						if (is_health)
							EmitSoundOnClient("HealthKit.Touch", self)
							EmitSoundOnClient("AmmoPack.Touch", self)

						EntFireByHandle(ent, "Disable", "", -1, null, null)

						EntFireByHandle(ent, "Enable", "", 10, null, null)
						EntFireByHandle(ent, "RunScriptCode", "self.RemoveEFlags(EFL_USER)", 10, null, null)

			// Drain player ammo on weapon usage
			scope.PlayerThinkTable.ReverseMVMDrainAmmoThink <- function() {
				if (value & 4) return
				local buttons = NetProps.GetPropInt(self, "m_nButtons");

				local wep = player.GetActiveWeapon()
				if (wep == null || wep.IsMeleeWeapon()) return

				local scope = wep.GetScriptScope()
				if (!("nextattack" in scope)) {
					scope.nextattack <- -1
					scope.lastattack <- -1

				local classname = wep.GetClassname()
				local itemid    = PopExtUtil.GetItemIndex(wep)
				local sequence  = wep.GetSequence()

				// These weapons have clips but either function fine or don't need to be handled
				if (classname == "tf_weapon_particle_cannon"  || classname == "tf_weapon_raygun"     ||
					classname == "tf_weapon_flaregun_revenge" || classname == "tf_weapon_drg_pomson" ||
					classname == "tf_weapon_medigun") return

				local clip = wep.Clip1()

				if (clip > -1) {
					if (!("lastclip" in scope))
						scope.lastclip <- clip

					// We reloaded
					if (clip > scope.lastclip) {
						local difference = clip - scope.lastclip
						if (self.GetPlayerClass() == TF_CLASS_SPY && classname == "tf_weapon_revolver") {
							local maxammo = GetPropIntArray(self, "m_iAmmo", SLOT_SECONDARY + 1)
							SetPropIntArray(self, "m_iAmmo", maxammo - difference, SLOT_SECONDARY + 1)
						else {
							local maxammo = GetPropIntArray(self, "m_iAmmo", wep.GetSlot() + 1)
							SetPropIntArray(self, "m_iAmmo", maxammo - difference, wep.GetSlot() + 1)

					scope.lastclip <- clip
				else {
					if (classname == "tf_weapon_rocketlauncher_fireball") {
						local recharge = GetPropFloat(player, "m_Shared.m_flItemChargeMeter")
						if (recharge == 0) {
							local cost = (sequence == 13) ? 2 : 1
							local maxammo = GetPropIntArray(self, "m_iAmmo", wep.GetSlot() + 1)

							if (maxammo - cost > -1)
								SetPropIntArray(self, "m_iAmmo", maxammo - cost, wep.GetSlot() + 1)
					else if (classname == "tf_weapon_flamethrower") {
						if (sequence == 12) return // Weapon deploy
						if (Time() < scope.nextattack) return

						local maxammo = GetPropIntArray(self, "m_iAmmo", wep.GetSlot() + 1)

						// The airblast sequence lasts 0.25s too long so we check against it here
						if (buttons & IN_ATTACK && sequence != 13) {
							if (maxammo - 1 > -1) {
								SetPropIntArray(self, "m_iAmmo", maxammo - 1, wep.GetSlot() + 1)
								scope.nextattack <- Time() + 0.105
						else if (buttons & IN_ATTACK2) {
							local cost = 20
							if (itemid == ID_BACKBURNER || itemid == ID_FESTIVE_BACKBURNER) // Backburner
								cost = 50
							else if (itemid == ID_DEGREASER) // Degreaser
								cost = 25

							if (maxammo - cost > -1) {
								SetPropIntArray(self, "m_iAmmo", maxammo - cost, wep.GetSlot() + 1)
								scope.nextattack <- Time() + 0.75
					else if (classname == "tf_weapon_flaregun") {
						local nextattack = GetPropFloat(wep, "m_flNextPrimaryAttack")
						if (Time() < nextattack) return

						local maxammo = GetPropIntArray(self, "m_iAmmo", wep.GetSlot() + 1)
						if (buttons & IN_ATTACK) {
							if (maxammo - 1 > -1)
								SetPropIntArray(self, "m_iAmmo", maxammo - 1, wep.GetSlot() + 1)
					else if (classname == "tf_weapon_minigun") {
						local nextattack = GetPropFloat(wep, "m_flNextPrimaryAttack")
						if (Time() < nextattack) return

						local maxammo = GetPropIntArray(self, "m_iAmmo", wep.GetSlot() + 1)
						if (sequence == 21) {
							if (maxammo - 1 > -1)
								SetPropIntArray(self, "m_iAmmo", maxammo - 1, wep.GetSlot() + 1)
						else if (sequence == 25) {
							if (Time() < scope.nextattack) return
							if (itemid != ID_HUO_LONG_HEATMAKER && itemid != ID_GENUINE_HUO_LONG_HEATMAKER) return

							if (maxammo - 1 > -1) {
								SetPropIntArray(self, "m_iAmmo", maxammo - 1, wep.GetSlot() + 1)
								scope.nextattack <- Time() + 0.25
					else if (classname == "tf_weapon_mechanical_arm") {
						// Reset hack
						SetPropIntArray(self, "m_iAmmo", 0, TF_AMMO_GRENADES1)
						SetPropInt(wep, "m_iPrimaryAmmoType", 3)

						local nextattack1 = GetPropFloat(wep, "m_flNextPrimaryAttack")
						local nextattack2 = GetPropFloat(wep, "m_flNextSecondaryAttack")

						local maxmetal = GetPropIntArray(self, "m_iAmmo", TF_AMMO_METAL)

						if (buttons & IN_ATTACK) {
							if (Time() < nextattack1) return
							if (maxmetal - 5 > -1) {
								SetPropIntArray(self, "m_iAmmo", maxmetal - 5, TF_AMMO_METAL)
								// This prevents an exploit where you M1 and M2 in rapid succession to evade the 65 orb cost
								SetPropFloat(wep, "m_flNextSecondaryAttack", Time() + 0.25)
						else if (buttons & IN_ATTACK2) {
							if (Time() < nextattack2) return

							if (maxmetal - 65 > -1) {
								// Hack to get around the game blocking SecondaryAttack below 65 metal
								SetPropIntArray(self, "m_iAmmo", INT_MAX, TF_AMMO_GRENADES1)
								SetPropInt(wep, "m_iPrimaryAmmoType", TF_AMMO_GRENADES1)

								SetPropIntArray(self, "m_iAmmo", maxmetal - 65, TF_AMMO_METAL)
					else if (itemid == ID_WIDOWMAKER) { // Widowmaker
						local nextattack = GetPropFloat(wep, "m_flNextPrimaryAttack")
						if (Time() < nextattack) return

						local maxmetal = GetPropIntArray(self, "m_iAmmo", TF_AMMO_METAL)

						if (buttons & IN_ATTACK) {
							if (maxmetal - 30 > -1)
								SetPropIntArray(self, "m_iAmmo", maxmetal - 30, TF_AMMO_METAL)
					else if (classname == "tf_weapon_sniperrifle" || itemid == ID_BAZAAR_BARGAIN || itemid == ID_CLASSIC) {
						local lastfire = GetPropFloat(wep, "m_flLastFireTime")
						if (scope.lastattack == lastfire) return

						scope.lastattack <- lastfire
						local maxammo = GetPropIntArray(self, "m_iAmmo", wep.GetSlot() + 1)
						if (scope.lastattack > 0 && scope.lastattack < Time()) {
							if (maxammo - 1 > -1)
								SetPropIntArray(self, "m_iAmmo", maxammo - 1, wep.GetSlot() + 1)
			if (player.GetPlayerClass() == TF_CLASS_ENGINEER)
				scope.BuiltObjectTable.DrainMetal <- function(params) {
					if (value & 4) return
					local player = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.userid)
					local scope = player.GetScriptScope()
					local curmetal = GetPropIntArray(player, "m_iAmmo", TF_AMMO_METAL)
					if (!("buildings" in scope)) scope.buildings <- [-1, array(2), -1]
					// don't drain metal if this buildings entindex exists in the players scope
					if (scope.buildings.find(params.index) != null || scope.buildings[1].find(params.index) != null) return

					// add entindexes to player scope
					if (params.object == OBJ_TELEPORTER)
						if (GetPropInt(EntIndexToHScript(params.index), "m_iTeleportType") == TTYPE_ENTRANCE)
							scope.buildings[1][0] = params.index
							scope.buildings[1][1] = params.index
						scope.buildings[params.object] = params.index

						case OBJ_DISPENSER:
							SetPropIntArray(player, "m_iAmmo", curmetal - 100, TF_AMMO_METAL)

						case OBJ_TELEPORTER:
							if (PopExtUtil.HasItemInLoadout(player, ID_EUREKA_EFFECT))
								SetPropIntArray(player, "m_iAmmo", curmetal - 25, TF_AMMO_METAL)
								SetPropIntArray(player, "m_iAmmo", curmetal - 50, TF_AMMO_METAL)

						case OBJ_SENTRYGUN:
							if (PopExtUtil.HasItemInLoadout(player, ID_GUNSLINGER))
								SetPropIntArray(player, "m_iAmmo", curmetal - 100, TF_AMMO_METAL)
								SetPropIntArray(player, "m_iAmmo", curmetal - 130, TF_AMMO_METAL)
					if (GetPropIntArray(player, "m_iAmmo", TF_AMMO_METAL) < 0) EntFireByHandle(player, "RunScriptCode", "SetPropIntArray(player, `m_iAmmo`, 0, TF_AMMO_METAL)", -1, null, null)


			//cannot pick up intel
			if (value & 2 && !IsPlayerABot(player))
				player.AddCustomAttribute("cannot pick up intelligence", 1, -1)

			//infinite cloak
			if (value & 8 && player.GetPlayerClass() == TF_CLASS_SPY)
				//setting it to -FLT_MAX makes it display as +inf%
				player.AddCustomAttribute("cloak consume rate decreased", -FLT_MAX, -1)

			//spawnroom behavior.  16 = spawn protection 32 = can't attack
			if (value & 16 || value & 32)
				scope.PlayerThinkTable.InRespawnThink <- function()
					if (!PopExtUtil.IsPointInRespawnRoom(player.EyePosition())) return

					if (value & 16 && !player.InCond(TF_COND_INVULNERABLE_HIDE_UNLESS_DAMAGED))

					if (value & 32)
						player.AddCustomAttribute("no_attack", 1, 0.033)

			if (value & 64)  {
				// player.AddCond(TF_COND_DISGUISED)
				scope.PlayerThinkTable.RemoveFootsteps <- function() {
					if (!player.IsMiniBoss()) player.SetIsMiniBoss(true)

	// Options to revert global fixes below:
	// View globalfixes.nut for more info

	// =========================================================

	case "ReflectableDF":
		if ("DragonsFuryFix" in GlobalFixes.ThinkTable)
			delete GlobalFixes.ThinkTable.DragonsFuryFix

	// =========================================================

	case "RestoreYERNerf":
		if ("YERDisguiseFix" in GlobalFixes.TakeDamageTable)
			delete GlobalFixes.TakeDamageTable.YERDisguiseFix

	// =========================================================

	// Don't add attribute to clean-up list if it could not be found.

		ParseError(format("Could not find mission attribute '%s'", attr))
		success = false

	// Add attribute to clean-up list if its modification was successful.
	if (success) {
		MissionAttributes.DebugLog(format("Added mission attribute %s", attr))
		MissionAttributes.CurAttrs[attr] <- value

function MissionAttrThink() {
	try foreach (_, func in MissionAttributes.ThinkTable) func() catch(e) printl(e)
	return -1

MissionAttrEntity.GetScriptScope().MissionAttrThink <- MissionAttrThink
AddThinkToEnt(MissionAttrEntity, "MissionAttrThink")

// This only supports key : value pairs, if you want var args call MissionAttr directly
function MissionAttrs(attrs = {}) {
	foreach (attr, value in attrs)
		MissionAttributes.MissionAttr(attr, value)

//super truncated version incase the pop character limit becomes an issue.
function MAtrs(attrs = {}) {
	foreach (attr, value in attrs)
		MissionAttributes.MissionAttr(attr, value)

// Allow calling MissionAttributes::MissionAttr() directly with MissionAttr().
function MissionAttr(...) {
	MissionAttr.acall(vargv.insert(0, MissionAttributes))

//super truncated version incase the pop character limit becomes an issue.
function MAtr(...) {
	MissionAttr.acall(vargv.insert(0, MissionAttributes))

// Logging Functions
// =========================================================
// Generic debug message that is visible if PrintDebugText is true.
// Example: Print a message that the script is working as expected.
function MissionAttributes::DebugLog(LogMsg) {
	if (MissionAttributes.DebugText) {
		ClientPrint(null, HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, format("MissionAttr: %s.", LogMsg))

// TODO: implement a try catch raise system instead of this

// Raises an error if the user passes an index that is out of range.
// Example: Allowed values are 1-2, but user passed 3.
function MissionAttributes::RaiseIndexError(attr, max = [0, 1]) ParseError(format("Index out of range for %s, value range: %d - %d", attr, max[0], max[1]))

// Raises an error if the user passes an argument of the wrong type.
// Example: Allowed values are strings, but user passed a float.
function MissionAttributes::RaiseTypeError(attr, type) ParseError(format("Bad type for %s (should be %s)", attr, type))

// Raises an error if the user passes an invalid argument
// Example: Attribute expects a bitwise operator but value cannot be evenly split into a power of 2
function MissionAttributes::RaiseValueError(attr, value, extra = "") ParseError(format("Bad value	%s	passed to %s. %s", value.tostring(), attr, extra))

// Raises a template parsing error, if nothing else fits.
function MissionAttributes::ParseError(ErrorMsg) {
	if (!MissionAttributes.RaisedParseError) {
		MissionAttributes.RaisedParseError = true
		ClientPrint(null, HUD_PRINTTALK, "\x08FFB4B4FFIt is possible that a parsing error has occured. Check console for details.")
	ClientPrint(null, HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, format("%s %s.\n", MATTR_ERROR, ErrorMsg))

	foreach (player in PopExtUtil.HumanArray) {
		if (player == null) continue

		EntFireByHandle(ClientCommand, "Command", format("echo %s %s.\n", MATTR_ERROR, ErrorMsg), -1, player, player)
	printf("%s %s.\n", MATTR_ERROR, ErrorMsg)

// Raises an exception.
// Example: Script modification has not been performed correctly. User should never see one of these.
function MissionAttributes::RaiseException(ExceptionMsg) {
	Assert(false, format("MissionAttr EXCEPTION: %s.", ExceptionMsg))