const RADIUS = 8; const DISP_RADIUS = 410; const DISP_COOLDOWN = 1; if ("RedRidgeEvents" in getroottable()) delete ::RedRidgeEvents // this is done to prevent hook stacking ::RedRidgeEvents <- { function OnGameEvent_post_inventory_application(params) { local player = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.userid); if (player.GetTeam() == 2) // set up the stuffs { player.ValidateScriptScope(); local scope = player.GetScriptScope(); //stuff we want to put in player scope local items = { playerskin = "null" mysteryitemname = "null" mysteryslot = "null" mysteryresponse = "null" // values to shit you pull from box, put in scope for simple access papweapon = "null" // same goes to PaP, they're written into user's scope to make things less of a hassle papslot = "null" powerups = {} isinstrongmannroom = false isusingbox = false isusingstrongmann = false isinanimation = false hasdeathmachine = false activeweapon = null timesrepaired = 0 timesteleported = 0 hurttime = 0 ammotime = 0 ammobuys = 0 gasheld = 0 cooldown = 0 animationtime = 0 cooldowntime = 0 // cooldown time between button presses teleporttime = 0 // timer for strongmann room instakilltime = 0 miniguntime = 0 // for death machine doublepointstime = 0 multiplier = 1 // double points, to double points } if ("Preserved" in player.GetScriptScope()) { foreach (k, v in items) player.GetScriptScope().Preserved[k] <- v // calls an error but still works, probably happens because the player entity doesn't exist when the hook tries to hook? PlayerSpawn(player); EntFireByHandle(player,"RunScriptCode","ApplyPlayerAttributes(self)",0.1,null,player); } }; if (player.GetTeam() == 3) { player.ValidateScriptScope(); local scope = player.GetScriptScope(); //stuff we want to put in player scope local items = { isenteringlevel = 1 voicecooldown = 0 attackcooldown = 0 warpcooldown = 0 zombie_type = 0 // used to swap type of noise isinanimation = 0 // if true, bot gets no_attack } foreach (k, v in items) player.GetScriptScope().Preserved[k] <- v ZombieSpawn(player); } } function OnGameEvent_player_changeclass(params) { local player = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.userid); if (player.GetTeam() == 2) EntFireByHandle(player,"RunScriptCode","ApplyPlayerAttributes(self)",0.1,null,player); } function OnScriptHook_OnTakeDamage (params) { local victim = params.const_entity local attacker = params.attacker local inflictor = params.inflictor local damage = params.damage local weapon = params.weapon if (attacker.GetTeam() == 3) { if (attacker.GetScriptScope().Preserved.zombie_type <= 5) NetProps.SetPropString(params.weapon, "m_iClassname", "unarmed_combat") if (attacker.GetScriptScope().Preserved.zombie_type == 7) NetProps.SetPropString(params.weapon, "m_iClassname", "battleaxe") if (attacker.GetScriptScope().Preserved.zombie_type == 10) NetProps.SetPropString(params.weapon, "m_iClassname", "battleneedle") } if (attacker.GetTeam() == 2) { if (params.damage_type & DMG_ALWAYSGIB) { params.damage_type = params.damage_type | TF_DMG_CUSTOM_END NetProps.SetPropString(params.weapon, "m_iClassname", "megaton") } if (weapon != null && weapon.GetAttribute("Set DamageType Ignite",0) != 0) { local utilignite = FindByName(null, "__utilignite") if (utilignite == null) { utilignite = SpawnEntityFromTable("trigger_ignite", { targetname = "__utilignite" burn_duration = 3.0 damage = damage spawnflags = SF_TRIGGER_ALLOW_CLIENTS }) } EntFireByHandle(utilignite, "StartTouch", "", -1, victim, victim) EntFireByHandle(utilignite, "EndTouch", "", SINGLE_TICK, victim, victim) } } if ((victim.GetTeam() == 2 && victim.IsPlayer() && victim.GetCustomAttribute("health regen",0) != 0)) { victim.RemoveCustomAttribute("health regen") victim.GetScriptScope().Preserved.hurttime = Time() + (DISP_COOLDOWN + 1) } } function OnGameEvent_player_builtobject(params) { local builder = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.userid) local object = params.object local building = EntIndexToHScript(params.index) local isbuilding = EntIndexToHScript(params.index) local hasthestuff = false local outputs = [] if (GetRoundState() != 4) { building.Destroy() return } if (object == 0) // dispenser { AddThinkToEnt(building, "DispenserThink") SetPropInt(building, "m_iHighestUpgradeLevel", 1) ::DispenserThink <- function() { if (!building.IsValid()) NetProps.SetPropString(building, "m_iszScriptThinkFunction", "") local metalcount = GetPropInt(building,"m_iAmmoMetal") local isbuilding = GetPropInt(building,"m_bBuilding") local touchtrig = Entities.FindByClassnameWithin(null,"dispenser_touch_trigger",building.GetCenter(),DISP_RADIUS); if (building.IsValid() && isbuilding == 0 && touchtrig != null) { if (!hasthestuff) { AddThinkToEnt(touchtrig, "DispenserTick") hasthestuff = true } if (metalcount == 0) { touchtrig.AcceptInput("Disable","",null,null) // supposed to be for a check that drains ammometal when a player touches dispenser_touch_trigger } else touchtrig.AcceptInput("Enable","",null,null) // I can't get it to work so it's dummied out entirely, more OBSOLETE } } ::DispenserTick <- function() // find players snooping around dispenser_touch_trigger and take away metal { local metalcount = GetPropInt(building,"m_iAmmoMetal") for (local players; players = FindByClassnameWithin(players, "player", self.GetOrigin(), (RADIUS + 402)); ) { if (players.IsAlive && players.GetTeam() == 2) { local scope = players.GetScriptScope().Preserved local HasMaxedAmmo = false if ((GetPropIntArray(players,"m_iAmmo",1) < CustomWeapons.GetMaxAmmo(players, 1)) || (GetPropIntArray(players,"m_iAmmo",2) < CustomWeapons.GetMaxAmmo(players, 2))) { HasMaxedAmmo = false } else { HasMaxedAmmo = true } if (scope.ammotime < Time() && metalcount > 0 && !HasMaxedAmmo) { metalcount -= 25 if (metalcount < 0) metalcount = 0 NetProps.SetPropInt(building, "m_iAmmoMetal", metalcount) scope.ammotime = Time() + (DISP_COOLDOWN); } } } } } // if (object == 2) // sentry gun // { // SetPropInt(building, "m_iHighestUpgradeLevel", 2) // } if (object == 1) // teleporters { // building.SetModelSimple("models/props_frontline/mine_norock.mdl") // doesn't work but kept for precaching // SpawnTemplate("Engineer_Landmine",null,building.GetOrigin()) // ,building.GetAngles() causes errors // EmitSoundEx // ({ // sound_name = "Building_Teleporter.Build1", // this also needs to be precached??? // origin = building.GetCenter(), // filter_type = Constants.EScriptRecipientFilter.RECIPIENT_FILTER_DEFAULT // }); building.Destroy() // don't allow teleporters } } function OnGameEvent_player_hurt(params) // WOW! it's money { local victim = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.userid) local attacker = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.attacker) if (victim.GetTeam() == 2 && victim.InCond(129)) { if (params.damageamount > victim.GetHealth()) { victim.AddCondEx(5,2.5,null) victim.AddCondEx(11,2.5,null) victim.SetHealth(500) victim.RemoveCond(129) victim.RemoveCond(70) PopExtUtil.PlaySoundOnClient(victim,"misc/halloween/merasmus_stun.wav",1.0,100) EntFireByHandle(victim,"runscriptcode","UpdateHUDForPerks(self)",0.1,null,victim); } } if (victim.GetTeam() == 3) // we can probably do something more with this { if (attacker != null) { if (attacker.InCond(56)) // gib anything hit by instakill // || or { params.damageamount = victim.GetHealth(); victim.SetScaleOverride(1.01); // make bigger to force gib victim.SetHealth(-400) } if (params.damageamount > 4 && attacker.GetTeam() == 2) // player_hurt can't check damagetype { local currency = GetPropInt(FindByClassname(null, "tf_mann_vs_machine_stats"),"m_currentWaveStats.nCreditsAcquired") attacker.RemoveCurrency(-10 * attacker.GetScriptScope().Preserved.multiplier) // the rest of the cash is handled by player_death below currency = currency + (10 * attacker.GetScriptScope().Preserved.multiplier) SetPropInt(FindByClassname(null, "tf_mann_vs_machine_stats"),"m_currentWaveStats.nCreditsAcquired",currency) SetPropInt(FindByClassname(null, "tf_mann_vs_machine_stats"),"m_currentWaveStats.nCreditsDropped",currency) // writing into creditsacquired affects this too } if (victim.GetScriptScope().Preserved.zombie_type == 5 && (victim.GetHealth() / victim.GetMaxHealth().tofloat()) <= 0.2 && victim.IsAllowedToTaunt()) { victim.GetScriptScope().Preserved.voicecooldown = Time() + 5 victim.GetScriptScope().Preserved.attackcooldown = Time() + 5 victim.AddCustomAttribute("gesture speed increase" ,0.3, -1); victim.Taunt(1,92) EntFireByHandle(victim, "SetHealth", "-300", 2, victim, victim) EmitSoundEx ({ sound_name = "Fat.BlastOff", origin = victim.GetCenter(), filter_type = Constants.EScriptRecipientFilter.RECIPIENT_FILTER_DEFAULT }); } if (params.damageamount > victim.GetHealth()) // death sounds { if (victim.GetScriptScope().Preserved.zombie_type <= 3) { EmitSoundEx ({ sound_name = "Zombie.Death", origin = victim.GetCenter(), filter_type = Constants.EScriptRecipientFilter.RECIPIENT_FILTER_DEFAULT }); } if (victim.GetScriptScope().Preserved.zombie_type == 4) { EmitSoundEx ({ sound_name = "Sock.Death", origin = victim.GetCenter(), filter_type = Constants.EScriptRecipientFilter.RECIPIENT_FILTER_DEFAULT }); } if (victim.GetScriptScope().Preserved.zombie_type == 5) { EmitSoundEx ({ sound_name = "Fat.Death", origin = victim.GetCenter(), filter_type = Constants.EScriptRecipientFilter.RECIPIENT_FILTER_DEFAULT }); } if (victim.GetScriptScope().Preserved.zombie_type == 8) { EmitSoundEx ({ sound_name = "Shotgunner.Death", origin = victim.GetCenter(), filter_type = Constants.EScriptRecipientFilter.RECIPIENT_FILTER_DEFAULT }); } } } } } function OnGameEvent_player_death(params) { local deadguy = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.userid) local damagebits = params.damagebits local attacker = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.attacker) local assister = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.assister) local botcount = NetProps.GetPropInt(PopExtUtil.ObjectiveResource, "m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts") local playerclass = deadguy.GetPlayerClass() if (deadguy.GetTeam() == 3) { ExitStageLeft() SpawnPowerup(deadguy) local payout = 0 local assist = 0 for (local wearable = deadguy.FirstMoveChild(); wearable != null; wearable = wearable.NextMovePeer()) { if (wearable.GetClassname() != "tf_wearable") continue SetPropInt(wearable,"m_nRenderMode",10) } if (deadguy.GetPlayerClass() == 2) { if (botcount <= 1) { ForceMaxAmmo(deadguy) } } if (deadguy.GetScriptScope().Preserved.zombie_type == 5) { EntFireByHandle(deadguy, "runscriptcode", "SpawnEntityFromTable(`npc_handgrenade`{origin = self.GetCenter()})",0, deadguy, deadguy) } // kill money if (attacker == null) return if (attacker.GetTeam() == 2) { local currency = GetPropInt(FindByClassname(null, "tf_mann_vs_machine_stats"),"m_currentWaveStats.nCreditsAcquired") payout = -40 assist = -25 local multiplier = attacker.GetScriptScope().Preserved.multiplier if (multiplier == null) { printl("wtf??") multiplier = 0 } if (damagebits & DMG_CRITICAL) // fancy bullet { payout = -90 assist = -50 } if (damagebits & DMG_CLUB) // melee { payout = -120 assist = -75 } attacker.RemoveCurrency(payout * multiplier) if (assister != null && assister.IsAlive()) { assister.RemoveCurrency(assist * multiplier) // assist money } currency = currency + (payout*-1) SetPropInt(FindByClassname(null, "tf_mann_vs_machine_stats"),"m_currentWaveStats.nCreditsAcquired",currency) SetPropInt(FindByClassname(null, "tf_mann_vs_machine_stats"),"m_currentWaveStats",currency) } } if (deadguy.GetTeam() == 2) { deadguy.SetCustomModelWithClassAnimations(PlayerModels[playerclass]) deadguy.RemoveCurrency(deadguy.GetCurrency() * 0.05) if ("gasheld" in deadguy.GetScriptScope().Preserved) DropGascans(deadguy) if (PopExtUtil.CountAlivePlayers() == 1) LastManWarning() EntFire("tf_gamerules", "RunScriptCode", "if (PopExtUtil.CountAlivePlayers() == 0) EntFire(`gameover_relay`, `trigger`)") EntFireByHandle(deadguy,"runscriptcode","for (local entity; entity = Entities.FindByClassname(entity, `entity_revive_marker`);){SetPropBool(entity,`m_bGlowEnabled`,true)}",0.2,null,deadguy); } } function OnGameEvent_player_disconnect(params) { local quitter = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.userid) if (quitter == null) return if (quitter.GetTeam() == 2) // no no, no no no no { local scope = quitter.GetScriptScope(); if ("gasheld" in scope.Preserved) DropGascans(quitter) } } function OnGameEvent_teamplay_round_win(params) { if ( == 3) SendGlobalGameEvent("tf_game_over", {}) } } __CollectGameEventCallbacks(RedRidgeEvents)