local healthBar = Entities.FindByClassname(null, "monster_resource") local Glass1 = Entities.FindByName(null, "glass_boss1") local Glass2 = Entities.FindByName(null, "glass_boss2") local healthGlass1 = null local healthGlass2 = null local healthMultiplier = null function healthshow1() //The glass of 3rd phase. { healthGlass1 = Glass1.GetHealth().tofloat() healthMultiplier = healthGlass1 / 300000 NetProps.SetPropInt(healthBar, "m_iBossHealthPercentageByte", healthMultiplier * 255) printl(healthGlass1) //Error check } function healthshow2() //The glass of 4th phase. { healthGlass2 = Glass2.GetHealth().tofloat() healthMultiplier = healthGlass2 / 300000 NetProps.SetPropInt(healthBar, "m_iBossHealthPercentageByte", healthMultiplier * 255) printl(healthGlass2) //Error check } function healthshow3() //It removes health bar. { healthMultiplier = 0 NetProps.SetPropInt(healthBar, "m_iBossHealthPercentageByte", healthMultiplier * 255) }