PrecacheModel("models/props_breadspace_new/bread_mama_new.mdl") PrecacheModel("models/bots/boss_bot/bread_boss/tentacle.mdl") // Yes I know this file needs serious refactoring // I would, but I'm too busy with my full-time job at the moment local CurrentWaveNum = GetPropInt(FindByClassname(null, "tf_objective_resource"), "m_nMannVsMachineWaveCount") ::dbug <- false if(dbug) ClientPrint(null, 3, "cur wave " + CurrentWaveNum.tostring()) local EventsID = "breadeventslol" if(!("breadeventslol" in getroottable())){ getroottable()[EventsID] <- { // Cleanup events on round restart. Do not remove this event. OnGameEvent_recalculate_holidays = function(_) { if (GetRoundState() == 3) { delete getroottable()[EventsID] delete ::Bread } } // OnGameEvent_teamplay_round_start = function(_) { // //PopExtUtil.PrintTable(PopExtUtil.BotArray) // Cleanup() // } ////////// Add your events here ////////////// OnGameEvent_player_spawn = function(params) { local player = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.userid); player.ValidateScriptScope() if (player != null && player.GetTeam() == 2) { // player.GetScriptScope().buttons_last <- 0 // PopExtUtil.AddThinkToEnt(player, "BreadPlayerThink") Bread.PlayerSetup(player) } } OnGameEvent_post_inventory_application = function(params) { local player = GetPlayerFromUserID(params.userid); player.ValidateScriptScope() if (player != null && player.GetTeam() == 2) { // player.GetScriptScope().buttons_last <- 0 // PopExtUtil.AddThinkToEnt(player, "BreadPlayerThink") Bread.PlayerSetup(player) } } OnGameEvent_npc_hurt = function(params) { if (!("Bread" in getroottable())) return //if(dbug) PopExtUtil.PrintTable(params) local ent = EntIndexToHScript(params.entindex) if (ent == Bread.breadboss) { // Check if a bot is about to die //if(dbug) ClientPrint(null, 3, "bosshealth " + ent.GetHealth().tostring() + params.damageamount.tostring()) if ((ent.GetHealth() - params.damageamount) <= 0) { Bread.ResetBoss() EntFire("tf_gamerules", "$SetBossHealthPercentage", 0) Bread.DoScript("killed") // Change life state to "dying" // The bot won't take any more damage, and sentries will stop targeting it NetProps.SetPropInt(Bread.breadboss, "m_lifeState", 1) // Reset health, preventing the default base_boss death behavior Bread.breadboss.SetHealth(Bread.breadboss.GetMaxHealth() * 20) EntFire("tf_gamerules", "$SetBossHealthPercentage", 0,0.1) EntFire("tf_gamerules", "$SetBossHealthPercentage", 0,0.2) EntFire("tf_gamerules", "$SetBossHealthPercentage", 0,0.3) for (local t; t = Entities.FindByClassname(t, "base_boss"); ) { if(t.GetName().find("tentacleboss")!= null) { t.GetScriptScope().iHealth = 100000 NetProps.SetPropInt(ent, "m_lifeState", 1) Bread.TentySetSeq(t, t.GetScriptScope().SEQ_DIE, 1, 0) EntFireByHandle(t.GetScriptScope().coreParent, "kill", null, 5,null,null) } } } //if(dbug) ClientPrint(null, 3, "dmg " + params.damageamount.tostring()) } //if(dbug) ClientPrint(null, 3, NetProps.GetPropInt(ent, "m_LastHitGroup").tostring()) } OnScriptHook_OnTakeDamage = function(params) { if (!("Bread" in getroottable())) return //PopExtUtil.PrintTable(params) if(params.const_entity == null || params.attacker == null) return local ent = params.const_entity; try { if(params.inflictor.GetClassname() == "obj_sentrygun" && params.weapon.GetAttribute("projectile penetration",0) > 0){ // && params.attacker.GetTeam()==2 if(dbug) PopExtUtil.PrintTable(params) local hits = Bread.GetSentryTrace(params.inflictor, params.damage_position) local owner = params.attacker if(ent.GetName().find("crate")!= null || ent == Bread.breadboss) {ent.TakeDamageEx(owner, owner, params.weapon, params.damage_force, params.damage_position, params.damage*0.55, 2)} if(hits != null) { //local dmgBonus = self.GetAttribute("damage bonus",1) //if(dbug) ClientPrint(null,3,"dmgbonus " + dmgBonus.tostring() ) local bonus = 0.7 foreach (i, hit in hits) { hit.enthit.TakeDamageEx(owner, owner, params.weapon, params.damage_force, hit.pos, params.damage*bonus, 2) bonus *=0.7 //TakeDamageEx(handle hInflictor, handle hAttacker, handle hWeapon, Vector vecDamageForce, Vector vecDamagePosition, float flDamage, int nDamageType) } } } else if (params.inflictor.GetClassname() == "obj_sentrygun" && params.attacker.GetTeam()==2){ if(ent.GetName().find("crate")!= null || ent == Bread.breadboss) params.damage = params.damage*1.4 } } catch (exception){ } if(ent.GetClassname() == "player") { try { if(params.attacker.GetName().find("tentacle")!= null) { if(dbug) PopExtUtil.PrintTable(params) //if(dbug) ClientPrint(null, 3, params.weapon.GetName()) if(params.weapon.GetName().find("launcher")!= null) { // if(params.const_entity.GetHealth() > params.damage) { // if(dbug) ClientPrint(null, 3, params.const_entity.GetHealth().tostring()) // params.damage_force = Vector(0,0,0) // params.damage_position.z = 1000 // } EmitSoundEx({ sound_name = "Weapon_BoxingGloves.CritHit", channel = 6, filter = 5, origin = params.const_entity.GetOrigin(), entity = params.const_entity, volume = 1, sound_level = 0.5 }) } } } catch (e){ } } if(ent.GetClassname() == "tank_boss") { if(GetPropInt(FindByClassname(null, "tf_objective_resource"), "m_nMannVsMachineWaveCount") > 1){ params.early_out == true params.damage = 0 ent.SetHealth(ent.GetMaxHealth()) } } if(ent.GetClassname() == "base_boss") { //PopExtUtil.PrintTable(params) if(params.attacker.GetTeam()!=2) { params.damage = 0 return } else if (Bread.desperation == true) { params.damage = params.damage * 1.25 } // if(params.attacker.GetClassname().find("sentrygun")!=null) { // params.attacker = params.attacker.GetOwner() // } //Bread.GetPlayerTraceBoss(params.attacker) local armorPen = (params.weapon.GetAttribute("armor piercing", 0)/100) + 1.0 // local bleedDur = params.weapon.GetAttribute("bleeding duration", 0) // local backfire = params.weapon.GetAttribute("mod flamethrower back crit", 0) //PopExtUtil.PrintTable(params) // if(dbug) ClientPrint(null, 3, "backfire " + backfire.tostring()) if(dbug) ClientPrint(null, 3, "pene " + params.weapon.GetAttribute("projectile penetration",0).tostring()) // non-tentacles if(ent.GetName().find("tentacleboss") == null) { if( params.weapon.GetClassname().find("minigun")!=null ){ //ClientPrint(null, 3, "pls nerf") //params.damage = params.damage * (0.9 + 0.1*params.weapon.GetAttribute("projectile penetration heavy",0)) params.damage = params.damage * 0.85 } else if (params.weapon.GetClassname().find("flamethrower")!=null || params.weapon.GetClassname().find("tf_weapon_rocketlauncher_fireball")!=null ) { params.damage = params.damage * 0.65 } // bow with penetration is way too strong, need to nerf else if((params.weapon.GetClassname().find("bow")!=null && params.weapon.GetAttribute("projectile penetration",0) > 0) || params.weapon.GetClassname().find("tf_weapon_raygun")!=null){ //ClientPrint(null, 3, "pls nerf") params.damage = params.damage * 0.7 } // Explosive damage needs to be nerfed slightly, because of the multiple hitbox mechanic else if(params.attacker.GetClassname() == "player" && (params.damage_type & Constants.FDmgType.DMG_BLAST) && params.attacker.GetPlayerClass() == Constants.ETFClass.TF_CLASS_DEMOMAN){ //ClientPrint(null, 3, "pls nerf") params.damage = params.damage * 0.70 } else if(params.attacker.GetClassname() == "player" && (params.damage_type & Constants.FDmgType.DMG_BLAST) && params.attacker.GetPlayerClass() == Constants.ETFClass.TF_CLASS_SOLDIER){ //ClientPrint(null, 3, "pls nerf") if(params.weapon.GetAttribute("can overload", -1) > 0) params.damage = params.damage * 0.70 else params.damage = params.damage * 0.85 } // For Cactus Overclocks if(params.weapon.GetAttribute("mult dmg vs tanks", -99) > -99) { params.damage = params.damage * params.weapon.GetAttribute("mult dmg vs tanks", 1) } if(params.attacker.GetPlayerClass() != Constants.ETFClass.TF_CLASS_SPY && (params.damage_type & Constants.FDmgType.DMG_CLUB)) { params.damage = params.damage * 1.2 } } local dmg = params.damage local isCrit = false if ((params.damage_type & Constants.FDmgType.DMG_ACID) && params.crit_type != 1 || ClaudzUtil.IsPlayerCritBoosted(params.attacker)) { if(params.weapon.GetClassname()!= "tf_weapon_pda_engineer_build"){ dmg *= 3 isCrit = true if(!(params.damage_type & Constants.FDmgType.DMG_ACID)) params.damage_type += Constants.FDmgType.DMG_ACID } } else if (ClaudzUtil.IsPlayerMiniCritBoosted(params.attacker) || params.crit_type == 1) dmg *= 1.35 if(ent.GetName().find("tentacleboss")!= null) { if( params.attacker.GetClassname() == "player" && params.attacker.GetPlayerClass() == Constants.ETFClass.TF_CLASS_SPY ) { if(params.damage_type & Constants.FDmgType.DMG_BULLET) { params.damage = params.damage * 1.5 } else { params.damage = 110 * armorPen if(!(params.damage_type & Constants.FDmgType.DMG_ACID)) params.damage_type += Constants.FDmgType.DMG_ACID params.damage_stats = Constants.ETFDmgCustom.TF_DMG_CUSTOM_BACKSTAB isCrit = true params.crit_type = 0 //ClientPrint(params.attacker, 4, "Bonus Damage: " + (dmg*3).tostring()) } } else if ( params.attacker.GetClassname() == "player" && params.attacker.GetPlayerClass() == Constants.ETFClass.TF_CLASS_SNIPER ){ if(params.attacker.InCond(Constants.ETFCond.TF_COND_ZOOMED) && (params.damage_type & Constants.FDmgType.DMG_BULLET)) { dmg = params.damage * 1 if(!(params.damage_type & Constants.FDmgType.DMG_ACID)) params.damage_type += Constants.FDmgType.DMG_ACID params.damage_stats = Constants.ETFDmgCustom.TF_DMG_CUSTOM_HEADSHOT NetProps.SetPropInt(ent, "m_LastHitGroup",1) isCrit = true params.crit_type = 0 } else if(params.weapon.GetClassname().find("bow")!=null){ params.damage = params.damage * 0.9 if(!(params.damage_type & Constants.FDmgType.DMG_ACID)) params.damage_type += Constants.FDmgType.DMG_ACID params.damage_stats = Constants.ETFDmgCustom.TF_DMG_CUSTOM_HEADSHOT NetProps.SetPropInt(ent, "m_LastHitGroup",1) //ClientPrint(null, 3, params.inflictor.GetClassname()) //if(params.inflictor.GetClassname() == "tf_projectile_arrow" && params.attacker.GetPlayerClass() == Constants.ETFClass.TF_CLASS_SNIPER) { //EntFireByHandle(params.inflictor, "kill", null, -1, null, null) //} isCrit = true params.crit_type = 0 } else if (params.damage_type & Constants.FDmgType.DMG_CLUB) { if(!(params.damage_type & Constants.FDmgType.DMG_ACID)) params.damage_type += Constants.FDmgType.DMG_ACID params.damage_stats = Constants.ETFDmgCustom.TF_DMG_CUSTOM_BACKSTAB isCrit = true params.crit_type = 0 } } else { if(params.damage_type & Constants.FDmgType.DMG_CLUB) { if(!(params.damage_type & Constants.FDmgType.DMG_ACID)) params.damage_type += Constants.FDmgType.DMG_ACID params.damage_stats = Constants.ETFDmgCustom.TF_DMG_CUSTOM_BACKSTAB isCrit = true params.crit_type = 0 } } try { if(ent.GetScriptScope().meleeOnly) { params.damage = params.damage*0.75 } } catch (exception){ } if(isCrit) dmg = params.damage*3 try { ent.GetScriptScope().iHealth -= dmg if(ent.GetScriptScope().iHealth < 0) { DispatchParticleEffect("merasmus_blood", params.damage_position, Vector(0,0,0)) ent.GetScriptScope().iHealth = 100000 params.damage = 0 Bread.TentySetSeq(ent, ent.GetScriptScope().SEQ_DIE, 1, 0) EntFireByHandle(ent.GetScriptScope().shooter, "kill", null, 0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(ent.GetScriptScope().sweepShooter, "kill", null, 0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(ent.GetScriptScope().lungeShooter, "kill", null, 0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(ent.GetScriptScope().coreParent, "kill", null, 5,null,null) EntFire("tf_gamerules", "PlayVO", "ambient_mp3/hell/hell_rumbles_02.mp3", 0, null) EmitSoundEx({ sound_name = "Crocs.Hiss", channel = 6, filter = 5, origin = ent.GetOrigin(), entity = ent, volume = 1, sound_level = 0.5 }) if(ent.GetScriptScope().meleeOnly) { Bread.ActiveMeleeTentacles -= 1 } else if(ent.GetOrigin().z > -4000) { Bread.ActiveTentacles -= 1 } } DispatchParticleEffect("merasmus_blood_lowdamage", params.damage_position, Vector(0,0,0)) Bread.breadboss.TakeDamageEx(ent, params.attacker, params.weapon, Vector(0,0,0), Bread.breadboss.GetOrigin(), dmg, 1) } catch(e) { return } return } if(dbug) ClientPrint(null, 3, ent.GetName()) local loc = Bread.breadboss.GetAttachmentOrigin(Bread.breadboss.LookupAttachment("MOUTHDEEP")) local dis = params.damage_position - loc local disOrigin = Bread.breadheadshot.GetOrigin()-params.damage_position // local bakloc = Bread.breadboss.GetAttachmentOrigin(Bread.breadboss.LookupAttachment("UPPERBACK")) // local bakdis = params.damage_position - bakloc if(dbug) ClientPrint(null, 3, "mouth dist" + dis.Length().tostring() + "disOrigin" + disOrigin.Length().tostring()) if(Bread.IsPlayerBehind(Bread.breadinfo, params.attacker)) { if( params.attacker.GetClassname() == "player" && params.attacker.GetPlayerClass() == Constants.ETFClass.TF_CLASS_SPY ) { if(params.damage_type & Constants.FDmgType.DMG_BULLET) { params.damage = params.damage * 1.5 } else { params.damage = 110 * armorPen if(!(params.damage_type & Constants.FDmgType.DMG_ACID)) params.damage_type += Constants.FDmgType.DMG_ACID params.damage_stats = Constants.ETFDmgCustom.TF_DMG_CUSTOM_BACKSTAB isCrit = true params.crit_type = 0 //ClientPrint(params.attacker, 4, "Bonus Damage: " + (dmg*3).tostring()) } } else if(params.weapon.GetAttribute("crit from behind", 0) || params.weapon.GetAttribute("mod flamethrower back crit", 0)) { if(!(params.damage_type & Constants.FDmgType.DMG_ACID)) params.damage_type += Constants.FDmgType.DMG_ACID params.damage_stats = Constants.ETFDmgCustom.TF_DMG_CUSTOM_BACKSTAB isCrit = true params.crit_type = 0 } else if(params.weapon.GetAttribute("closerange backattack minicrits", 0) && ClaudzUtil.Dist(Bread.breadinfo, params.attacker) < 512) { //if(dbug) ClientPrint(null,3,"old crit type " + params.crit_type.tostring()) params.crit_type = 1 if (ClaudzUtil.IsPlayerCritBoosted(params.attacker)) { params.crit_type = 0 if(!(params.damage_type & Constants.FDmgType.DMG_ACID)) params.damage_type += Constants.FDmgType.DMG_ACID } else { params.damage *= 0.95 } //if(dbug) ClientPrint(null,3,"new crit type " + params.crit_type.tostring()) } } dmg = params.damage if ((params.damage_type & Constants.FDmgType.DMG_ACID) || ClaudzUtil.IsPlayerCritBoosted(params.attacker)) { isCrit = true if(params.crit_type == 1) dmg *= 1.35 else if(params.weapon.GetClassname()!= "tf_weapon_pda_engineer_build") dmg *= 3 } else if (ClaudzUtil.IsPlayerMiniCritBoosted(params.attacker) ||params.crit_type == 1) dmg *= 1.35 // local arrow = Entities.FindByClassnameNearest("tf_projectile_arrow", loc, 300) // if(arrow!=null && arrow.GetOwner().GetTeam()== 2) { // self.TakeDamage(60,2,arrow.GetOwner()) // EntFireByHandle(arrow, "kill", null, -1, null, null) // } if(dbug) PopExtUtil.PrintTable(params) //if(dbug) ClientPrint(null,3,params.attacker.GetOwner()) if(ent.GetName().find("crate")!= null) { if(dis.Length() < 50 || disOrigin.Length() < 70) { if(params.attacker.GetClassname() == "player" && params.attacker.GetPlayerClass() == Constants.ETFClass.TF_CLASS_SNIPER ) { if((params.attacker.InCond(Constants.ETFCond.TF_COND_ZOOMED) || params.weapon.GetAttribute("revolver use hit locations", 0) == 1) && (params.damage_type & Constants.FDmgType.DMG_BULLET)) { params.damage = params.damage * 0.5 if(!(params.damage_type & Constants.FDmgType.DMG_ACID)) params.damage_type += Constants.FDmgType.DMG_ACID params.damage_stats = Constants.ETFDmgCustom.TF_DMG_CUSTOM_HEADSHOT NetProps.SetPropInt(ent, "m_LastHitGroup",1) isCrit = true params.crit_type = 0 dmg = params.damage*3 } else if(params.weapon.GetClassname().find("bow")!=null){ params.inflictor.ValidateScriptScope() params.inflictor.GetScriptScope().penetrations <- params.inflictor.GetScriptScope().rawin("penetrations") ? params.inflictor.GetScriptScope().penetrations + 1.0 : 1.0 if(dbug) ClientPrint(null, 3, "penetrations " + params.inflictor.GetScriptScope().penetrations.tostring()) params.damage = params.damage * 1.0 * (1.0/(params.inflictor.GetScriptScope().penetrations)) if(params.weapon.GetAttribute("cannot headshot", 0) != 1) { if(!(params.damage_type & Constants.FDmgType.DMG_ACID)) params.damage_type += Constants.FDmgType.DMG_ACID params.damage_stats = Constants.ETFDmgCustom.TF_DMG_CUSTOM_HEADSHOT NetProps.SetPropInt(ent, "m_LastHitGroup",1) params.crit_type = 0 isCrit = true dmg = params.damage*3 } } } else if(params.attacker.GetClassname() == "player" && params.attacker.GetPlayerClass() == Constants.ETFClass.TF_CLASS_SPY ) { if(params.damage_type & Constants.FDmgType.DMG_BULLET) { params.damage = params.damage * 1.25 if(!(params.damage_type & Constants.FDmgType.DMG_ACID)) params.damage_type += Constants.FDmgType.DMG_ACID params.damage_stats = Constants.ETFDmgCustom.TF_DMG_CUSTOM_HEADSHOT NetProps.SetPropInt(ent, "m_LastHitGroup",1) isCrit = true params.crit_type = 0 dmg = params.damage*3 } } } else if (dis.Length() < 100 || disOrigin.Length() < 100) { if(params.attacker.GetClassname() == "player" && params.attacker.GetPlayerClass() == Constants.ETFClass.TF_CLASS_SNIPER ) { if(params.attacker.InCond(Constants.ETFCond.TF_COND_ZOOMED) && (params.damage_type & Constants.FDmgType.DMG_BULLET)) { params.damage = params.damage * 0.5 if(!(params.damage_type & Constants.FDmgType.DMG_ACID)) params.damage_type += Constants.FDmgType.DMG_ACID params.damage_stats = Constants.ETFDmgCustom.TF_DMG_CUSTOM_HEADSHOT NetProps.SetPropInt(ent, "m_LastHitGroup",1) isCrit = true params.crit_type = 0 dmg = params.damage*3 } } } Bread.HurtBoss(dmg) DispatchParticleEffect("merasmus_blood_lowdamage", params.damage_position, Vector(0,0,0)) //Bread.breadboss.TakeDamageEx(params.inflictor, params.attacker, params.weapon, Vector(0,0,0), params.damage_position, dmg, 1) } else if(ent == Bread.breadboss) { if(params.attacker.GetTeam()!=2) { params.damage = 0 return } //PopExtUtil.PrintTable(params) if(dis.Length() < 50 || disOrigin.Length() < 70) { if(params.attacker.GetClassname() == "player" && params.attacker.GetPlayerClass() == Constants.ETFClass.TF_CLASS_SNIPER ) { if((params.attacker.InCond(Constants.ETFCond.TF_COND_ZOOMED) || params.weapon.GetAttribute("revolver use hit locations", 0) == 1) && (params.damage_type & Constants.FDmgType.DMG_BULLET)) { params.damage = params.damage * 0.5 if(!(params.damage_type & Constants.FDmgType.DMG_ACID)) params.damage_type += Constants.FDmgType.DMG_ACID params.damage_stats = Constants.ETFDmgCustom.TF_DMG_CUSTOM_HEADSHOT NetProps.SetPropInt(ent, "m_LastHitGroup",1) isCrit = true dmg = params.damage*3 } else if(params.weapon.GetClassname().find("bow")!=null ){ params.inflictor.ValidateScriptScope() params.inflictor.GetScriptScope().penetrations <- params.inflictor.GetScriptScope().rawin("penetrations") ? params.inflictor.GetScriptScope().penetrations +1 : 1 params.damage = params.damage * 1.0 * (1/(params.inflictor.GetScriptScope().penetrations)) if(params.weapon.GetAttribute("cannot headshot", 0) != 1) { if(!(params.damage_type & Constants.FDmgType.DMG_ACID)) params.damage_type += Constants.FDmgType.DMG_ACID params.damage_stats = Constants.ETFDmgCustom.TF_DMG_CUSTOM_HEADSHOT EntFireByHandle(params.inflictor, "kill", null, -1, null, null) NetProps.SetPropInt(ent, "m_LastHitGroup",1) isCrit = true dmg = params.damage*3 } } } else if(params.attacker.GetClassname() == "player" && params.attacker.GetPlayerClass() == Constants.ETFClass.TF_CLASS_SPY ) { if(params.damage_type & Constants.FDmgType.DMG_BULLET) { params.damage = params.damage * 1.25 if(!(params.damage_type & Constants.FDmgType.DMG_ACID)) params.damage_type += Constants.FDmgType.DMG_ACID params.damage_stats = Constants.ETFDmgCustom.TF_DMG_CUSTOM_HEADSHOT NetProps.SetPropInt(ent, "m_LastHitGroup",1) isCrit = true dmg = params.damage*3 } } } else if (dis.Length() < 100 || disOrigin.Length() < 100) { if(params.attacker.GetClassname() == "player" && params.attacker.GetPlayerClass() == Constants.ETFClass.TF_CLASS_SNIPER ) { if(params.attacker.InCond(Constants.ETFCond.TF_COND_ZOOMED) && (params.damage_type & Constants.FDmgType.DMG_BULLET)) { params.damage = params.damage * 0.5 if(!(params.damage_type & Constants.FDmgType.DMG_ACID)) params.damage_type += Constants.FDmgType.DMG_ACID params.damage_stats = Constants.ETFDmgCustom.TF_DMG_CUSTOM_HEADSHOT NetProps.SetPropInt(ent, "m_LastHitGroup",1) isCrit = true params.crit_type = 0 dmg = params.damage*3 } } } local hpPercent = ((1.0*Bread.breadboss.GetHealth()) / (1.0*Bread.breadboss.GetMaxHealth())) EntFire("tf_gamerules", "$SetBossHealthPercentage", hpPercent) //if(dbug) ClientPrint(null, 3, "isbleed " + params.weapon.GetAttribute("bleeding duration", -1).tostring()) //this works yay if(isCrit) DispatchParticleEffect("merasmus_blood", params.damage_position, Vector(0,0,0)) else DispatchParticleEffect("merasmus_blood_lowdamage", params.damage_position, Vector(0,0,0)) //if(dbug) ClientPrint(null, 4, "cur health " + Bread.breadboss.GetHealth().tostring() + "/" + Bread.breadboss.GetMaxHealth().tostring() + " percent: " + hpPercent.tostring()) } if(dbug) ClientPrint(null, 3, "dmg " + dmg) if(params.damage_stats == Constants.ETFDmgCustom.TF_DMG_CUSTOM_HEADSHOT && params.weapon.GetAttribute("explosive sniper shot",-1) > -1) { local flDmgRange = 125 + params.weapon.GetAttribute("explosive sniper shot",-1) * 25; local flDmg = 100 + params.weapon.GetAttribute("explosive sniper shot",-1) * 20; //in game the dmg starts at 130, not 100 local expMult = params.weapon.GetAttribute("mult bleeding dmg",1); flDmg *= expMult local xEnt = null while ( xEnt = Entities.FindByClassnameWithin(xEnt, "base_boss", params.damage_position, flDmgRange)) { xEnt.TakeDamageEx(params.attacker, params.attacker, params.weapon, Vector(0,0,0), params.damage_position, flDmg*0.75, 64) if(self.GetClassname().find("sniperrifle") != null) Bread.EmitFx(xEnt,"Weapon_Upgrade.ExplosiveHeadshot",0.6) } xEnt = null while ( xEnt = Entities.FindByClassnameWithin(xEnt, "player", params.damage_position, flDmgRange)) { if(xEnt.GetTeam()!=2) { xEnt.TakeDamageEx(params.attacker, params.attacker, params.weapon, Vector(0,0,0), params.damage_position, flDmg, 64) if(self.GetClassname().find("sniperrifle") != null) Bread.EmitFx(xEnt,"Weapon_Upgrade.ExplosiveHeadshot",0.6) } } } } } } local EventsTable = getroottable()[EventsID] foreach (name, callback in EventsTable) EventsTable[name] = callback.bindenv(this) __CollectGameEventCallbacks(EventsTable) } ::Bread <- { OnGameEvent_scorestats_accumulated_update = function(params) { delete getroottable()["Bread"] } OnGameEvent_recalculate_holiday = function(_) { if (GetRoundState() == 3) delete getroottable()["Bread"] } // Cleanup = function() { // //EntFireByHandle(Bread.breadtank, "kill", "", 0, null, null) // delete ::Bread // } // OnGameEvent_recalculate_holiday = function(_) { if (GetRoundState() == 3) Cleanup() } // OnGameEvent_mvm_wave_complete = function(_) { // Cleanup() // } // OnGameEvent_teamplay_round_start = function(_) { // //PopExtUtil.PrintTable(PopExtUtil.BotArray) // Cleanup() // } } __CollectGameEventCallbacks(Bread) Bread.PlayerSetup <- function(player) { if(dbug) ClientPrint(null,3,"player setup for " + player.tostring()) for (local i = 0; i < 8; i++) { local weapon = NetProps.GetPropEntityArray(player, "m_hMyWeapons", i) if (weapon == null || weapon.IsMeleeWeapon()) continue // need to exclude bow, crossbow, rescue ranger if(!(weapon.GetAttribute("projectile penetration",0) > 0 || weapon.GetAttribute("projectile penetration heavy",0) > 0 ) || weapon.GetClassname().find("bow")!=null || weapon.GetClassname().find("building_rescue")!=null) { continue } //ClientPrint(null,3,weapon.GetClassname()) local bDmg = weapon.GetClassname().find("shotgun") != null ? 30 : 3 if(weapon.GetClassname().find("pistol") != null || weapon.GetClassname().find("handgun_scout_secondary") != null) bDmg = 7 if(weapon.GetClassname().find("scattergun") != null || weapon.GetClassname().find("soda_popper") != null || weapon.GetClassname().find("brawler_blaster") != null) bDmg = 30 if(weapon.GetClassname().find("revolver") != null|| weapon.GetClassname().find("handgun_scout_primary") != null) bDmg = 15 weapon.ValidateScriptScope() weapon.GetScriptScope().last_fire_time <- 0.0 weapon.GetScriptScope().last_charge_amt <- 0.0 weapon.GetScriptScope().charges <- [0] weapon.GetScriptScope().baseDmg <- bDmg weapon.GetScriptScope().BreadCheckWeaponFire <- BreadCheckWeaponFire EntFireByHandle(weapon, "RunScriptCode", "PopExtUtil.AddThinkToEnt(self, `BreadCheckWeaponFire`)", 1, null, null) //PopExtUtil.AddThinkToEnt(weapon, "BreadCheckWeaponFire") } } ::BreadCheckWeaponFire <- function() { local fire_time = NetProps.GetPropFloat(self, "m_flLastFireTime") if (fire_time > last_fire_time) { //if you need to do things here on weapon fire, now's the chance local owner = self.GetOwner() if(owner.GetActiveWeapon()!=self) return else if(dbug) ClientPrint(null,4,"thinktest" + Time().tostring()) if(owner.GetPlayerClass() == Constants.ETFClass.TF_CLASS_SNIPER && self.GetClassname().find("sniperrifle") != null){ //if(dbug) ClientPrint(null,3,"im here " + self.GetClassname()+ " " + self.GetAttribute("projectile penetration",0).tostring()) if(self.GetAttribute("projectile penetration",0) > 0){ local hits = Bread.GetPlayerTraceBoss(self) if(hits != null) { local dmgBonus = self.GetAttribute("damage bonus",1) local charge = Bread.MaxArr(charges) if(dbug) ClientPrint(null,3,"dmgbonus " + dmgBonus.tostring() + " charge " + charge.tostring()) foreach (i, hit in hits) { hit.enthit.TakeDamageEx(owner, owner, owner.GetActiveWeapon(), Vector(0,0,0), hit.pos, (25 + charge)*dmgBonus, 2) //25 instead of 50 //TakeDamageEx(handle hInflictor, handle hAttacker, handle hWeapon, Vector vecDamageForce, Vector vecDamagePosition, float flDamage, int nDamageType) } } } } else if(self.GetAttribute("projectile penetration",0) > 0){ local hits = Bread.GetPlayerTraceBoss(self) local bDmg = baseDmg if(hits != null) { local dmgBonus = self.GetAttribute("damage bonus",1) foreach (i, hit in hits) { local falloff = 1.0 - ((ClaudzUtil.Min((owner.GetOrigin()-hit.enthit.GetOrigin()).Length(), 1500.0))/1500.0) local rampup = bDmg * falloff hit.enthit.TakeDamageEx(owner, owner, owner.GetActiveWeapon(), Vector(0,0,0), hit.pos, (bDmg + rampup)*dmgBonus, 2) //TakeDamageEx(handle hInflictor, handle hAttacker, handle hWeapon, Vector vecDamageForce, Vector vecDamagePosition, float flDamage, int nDamageType) } } } else if (self.GetAttribute("projectile penetration heavy",0) > 0){ local hits = Bread.GetPlayerTraceBoss(self) local max = self.GetAttribute("projectile penetration heavy",0) if(hits != null) { local dmgBonus = self.GetAttribute("damage bonus",1) local bDmg = baseDmg foreach (i, hit in hits) { local falloff = 1.0 - ((ClaudzUtil.Min((owner.GetOrigin()-hit.enthit.GetOrigin()).Length(), 1500.0))/1500.0) //ClientPrint(null,3,"falloff" + falloff.tostring() + " len " + (owner.GetOrigin()-hit.enthit.GetOrigin()).Length().tostring()) local rampup = bDmg * falloff hit.enthit.TakeDamageEx(owner, owner, owner.GetActiveWeapon(), Vector(0,0,0), hit.pos, (baseDmg + rampup)*dmgBonus, 2) if(i == max) break //TakeDamageEx(handle hInflictor, handle hAttacker, handle hWeapon, Vector vecDamageForce, Vector vecDamagePosition, float flDamage, int nDamageType) } } } last_fire_time = fire_time } if(self.GetClassname().find("sniperrifle") != null ) { local charge = NetProps.GetPropFloat(self, "m_flChargedDamage") charges.push(charge) if(charges.len() > 5) charges.remove(0) if(dbug) ClientPrint(null,4, " charge " + charge.tostring()) } return -1 } for (local i = 1, player; i <= MaxClients().tointeger(); i++) { if (player = PlayerInstanceFromIndex(i), player && player.GetTeam() == 2) { if(dbug) ClientPrint(null,3,"thinkinitadd " + player.tostring()) Bread.PlayerSetup(player) // player.GetScriptScope().buttons_last <- 0 // PopExtUtil.AddThinkToEnt(player, "BreadPlayerThink") } } ::SwitchMedsOffMedigun <- function() { for (local i = 1, player; i <= MaxClients().tointeger(); i++) { if (player = PlayerInstanceFromIndex(i), player && player.GetTeam() == 2 && player.GetPlayerClass() == Constants.ETFClass.TF_CLASS_MEDIC) { for (local i = 0; i < 8; i++) { local weapon = NetProps.GetPropEntityArray(player, "m_hMyWeapons", i) if (weapon == null || !weapon.IsMeleeWeapon()) continue player.Weapon_Switch(weapon) break } } } } ::BreadPlayerThink <- function() { //if(!ClaudzUtil.IsPlayerAlive(self)) return // ClientPrint(null,4,self.tostring()) // local buttons = NetProps.GetPropInt(self, "m_nButtons"); // local buttons_changed = buttons_last ^ buttons; // local buttons_pressed = buttons_changed & buttons; // local buttons_released = buttons_changed & (~buttons); // if(self.GetPlayerClass() == Constants.ETFClass.TF_CLASS_SNIPER) // { // if (buttons_pressed & Constants.FButtons.IN_ATTACK) // { // Bread.GetPlayerTraceBoss(self) // } // } // buttons_last = buttons; } Bread.MaxArr <- function(arr) { local big = 0 foreach(i in arr) { if(big < i) big = i } return big } Bread.GetPlayerTraceBoss <- function(player) { local trace = { start = player.EyePosition(), end = player.EyePosition() + player.EyeAngles().Forward() * 9999.0, ignore = player, mask = -1, //33570881, filter = function(entity) { //if(dbug) ClientPrint(null,3,"trace "+entity.tostring()) if (entity.GetClassname() == "base_boss") return TRACE_OK_CONTINUE; else if(entity.GetClassname() == "player") return TRACE_OK_CONTINUE; else return TRACE_CONTINUE; //return TRACE_STOP; } }; TraceLineGather(trace); if (trace.hits.len() > 0) { if(dbug) ClientPrint(null,3,"hits: "); foreach (i, hit in trace.hits) { if(dbug) ClientPrint(null,3,hit.enthit.tostring()) //hit.enthit.TakeDamageEx(player, player, player.GetActiveWeapon(), Vector(0,0,0), hit.pos, 50, 2) //dont use printtable, it crashes // foreach (k, v in hit) // { // ClientPrint(null,3,k.tostring() + " " + v.tostring()) // } } return trace.hits; } else { if(dbug) ClientPrint(null,3,"no hits"); return null } } Bread.GetSentryTrace <- function(sentry, targetpos) { local sentryPos = sentry.GetOrigin() + Vector(0,0,65) local target = targetpos //NetProps.GetPropEntity(sentry, "m_hEnemy").GetOrigin() //if(dbug) ClientPrint(null,3,"target pos" + targetpos.tostring()) local aimThrough = target - sentryPos aimThrough.Norm() local trace = { start = sentryPos, end = sentryPos + aimThrough * 9999.0, ignore = sentry, mask = -1, //33570881, filter = function(entity) { //if(dbug) ClientPrint(null,3,"trace "+entity.tostring()) if (entity.GetClassname() == "base_boss") return TRACE_OK_CONTINUE; else if (entity.GetClassname() == "player") return TRACE_OK_CONTINUE; else return TRACE_CONTINUE; //return TRACE_STOP; } }; TraceLineGather(trace); if (trace.hits.len() > 0) { if(dbug) ClientPrint(null,3,"hits: "); foreach (i, hit in trace.hits) { if(dbug) ClientPrint(null,3,hit.enthit.tostring()) //hit.enthit.TakeDamageEx(player, player, player.GetActiveWeapon(), Vector(0,0,0), hit.pos, 50, 2) //dont use printtable, it crashes // foreach (k, v in hit) // { // ClientPrint(null,3,k.tostring() + " " + v.tostring()) // } } trace.hits.remove(0) return trace.hits; } else { if(dbug) ClientPrint(null,3,"no hits"); return null } } Bread.HurtBoss <- function(amt) { if(Bread.breadboss.GetHealth() < amt) { NetProps.SetPropInt(Bread.breadboss, "m_lifeState", 1) if(dbug) ClientPrint(null, 3, "killed") EntFire("tf_gamerules", "$SetBossHealthPercentage", 0) Bread.ResetBoss() Bread.DoScript("killed") // Change life state to "dying" // The bot won't take any more damage, and sentries will stop targeting it // Reset health, preventing the default base_boss death behavior Bread.breadboss.SetHealth(Bread.breadboss.GetMaxHealth() * 20) for (local t; t = Entities.FindByClassname(t, "base_boss"); ) { if(t.GetName().find("tentacleboss")!= null) { t.GetScriptScope().iHealth = 100000 NetProps.SetPropInt(t, "m_lifeState", 1) Bread.TentySetSeq(t, t.GetScriptScope().SEQ_DIE, 1, 0) EntFireByHandle(t.GetScriptScope().coreParent, "kill", null, 5,null,null) } } return } Bread.breadboss.SetHealth(Bread.breadboss.GetHealth()-amt) local hpPercent = ((1.0*Bread.breadboss.GetHealth()) / (1.0*Bread.breadboss.GetMaxHealth())) EntFire("tf_gamerules", "$SetBossHealthPercentage", hpPercent) DispatchParticleEffect("merasmus_blood", Bread.breadboss.GetOrigin() + Vector(0,0,100), Vector(0,0,0)) } // Bread.breadtank <- null // Bread.tanks <- {} // Bread.tankModelFix <- function(tank) { // local model = "models/props_breadspace_new/bread_mama_new.mdl" // local hpPercent = ((1.0*tank.GetHealth()) / tank.GetMaxHealth()) // local curThreshold = 1.0 // if(Bread.tanks.rawin(tank.GetName())) curThreshold = Bread.tanks[tank.GetName()] // // if(debugzz) if(dbug) ClientPrint(null, 3 ,"hppercent" + hpPercent.tostring() + " wait threshold " + curThreshold) // if(hpPercent <= curThreshold || tank.GetModelName()!= model) { // tank.SetModelSimple(model) // Bread.tanks[tank.GetName()] <- curThreshold - 0.25 // } // } /** * Returns the position on ground below from the entity's origin. * Modified from: * */ ::GetLocationBelow <- function(player) { local startPt = player.GetOrigin(); local endPt = startPt + Vector(0, 0, -99999); //MASK_PLAYERSOLID_BRUSHONLY 81931 //(CONTENTS_SOLID|CONTENTS_MOVEABLE|CONTENTS_WINDOW|CONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP|CONTENTS_GRATE) //everything normally solid for player movement, except monsters (world+brush only) local m_trace = { start = startPt, end = endPt, ignore = player, mask = 81931 }; TraceLineEx(m_trace); if (!m_trace.hit) return; return m_trace.pos; } Bread.IsPlayerBehind <- function(ent, player) { // ent should be Bread.breadinfo or bread_rotator for the boss local ent_angles = ent.GetAbsAngles() ent_angles.x = 0 ent_angles.z = 0 local a = ent.GetOrigin() + ent_angles.Forward()*70 // the "vertex" local b = ent.GetOrigin() + ent_angles.Forward()*200 local c = player.GetOrigin() a.z = 0 b.z = 0 c.z = 0 local v1 = a-b local v2 = a-c v1.Norm() v2.Norm() local ang =acos((v1).Dot(v2)) * (180.0 / PI); //ClientPrint(null, 4, "ang " + ang.tostring()) return ang > 125 } Bread.EmitFx <- function(ent,sound,vol = 1) { EmitSoundEx({ sound_name = sound, channel = 6, filter = 5, origin = ent.GetOrigin(), entity = ent, volume = vol, sound_level = 0.5 }) } Bread.PrintCollisionInfo <- function() { // { // movetype = 4 // m_CollisionGroup = 5 // m_nSurroundType = -1 // solidflags = -1 // movecollide = 0 // solidtype = -1 // } local collision = { solidtype = NetProps.GetPropInt(breadboss, "m_nSolidType") solidflags = NetProps.GetPropInt(breadboss, "m_usSolidFlags") m_nSurroundType = NetProps.GetPropInt(breadboss, "m_nSurroundType") movetype = NetProps.GetPropInt(breadboss, "movetype") movecollide = NetProps.GetPropInt(breadboss, "movecollide") m_CollisionGroup = NetProps.GetPropInt(breadboss, "m_CollisionGroup") } if(dbug) PopExtUtil.PrintTable(collision) } Bread.breadboss <- null Bread.BreadBossSetup <- function(breadboss) { EntFire("breadboss", "SetMaxHealth", "220000") breadboss.SetResolvePlayerCollisions(true) // NetProps.SetPropInt(breadboss, "m_CollisionGroup",9) // NetProps.SetPropInt(breadboss, "m_nSolidType",2) // NetProps.SetPropInt(breadboss, "m_usSolidFlags",0) //NetProps.SetPropInt(breadboss, "m_nSurroundType",0) Bread.PrintCollisionInfo() Bread.breadinfo <- Entities.FindByName(null, "bread_rotator") Bread.breadheadshot <- Entities.FindByName(null, "cratetop1") Bread.breadorigin <- Entities.FindByName(null, "breadorigin") //EntFire("breadtank", "SetSpeed", "200", 2, null) EntFire("tf_gamerules", "RunScriptCode", "Bread.SetBreadTankSpeed(`200`)", 2, null) Bread.breadboss <- breadboss Bread.SEQ_IDLE <- Bread.breadboss.LookupSequence("idle") Bread.SEQ_BITE <- Bread.breadboss.LookupSequence("bite") Bread.SEQ_INTRO <- Bread.breadboss.LookupSequence("intro") Bread.SEQ_SLEEP <- Bread.breadboss.LookupSequence("sleep") Bread.SEQ_DEATH <- Bread.breadboss.LookupSequence("death") Bread.AimLevel <- 0 // 0 is low, 1 is mid, 2 is high Bread.OldAimLevel <- 0 Bread.curSeq <- Bread.SEQ_SLEEP if(dbug) ClientPrint(null,2,"bread boss setup") // NetProps.SetPropInt(breadboss, "movetype",0) // NetProps.SetPropInt(breadboss, "movecollide",0) Bread.Hints() } Bread.desperation <- false Bread.DesperateTimes <- function() { Bread.desperation = true ClientPrint(null,3,"desperation mode enabled") } Bread.Hints <- function() { for (local i = 1, player; i <= MaxClients().tointeger(); i++) { if (player = PlayerInstanceFromIndex(i), player && player.GetTeam() == 2) { if(player.GetPlayerClass() == Constants.ETFClass.TF_CLASS_SNIPER) ClientPrint(player, 3, "\x078ff347 Hint: While zoomed, try aiming for the tentacles or the center of the boss' forehead") if(player.GetPlayerClass() == Constants.ETFClass.TF_CLASS_SPY) ClientPrint(player, 3, "\x078ff347 Hint: You can backstab the boss, just watch out for the tentacles") } } } Bread.curTarget <- null Bread.noRotate <- true Bread.lookFront <- true Bread.nextUpdate <- Time() + 1.5 Bread.UpdateTarget <- function(){ Bread.curTarget = ClaudzUtil.GetClosestTargetLOS(Bread.breadinfo, 2000, 2, Bread.breadboss,true) //if(dbug) ClientPrint(null, 3, "new target " + Bread.curTarget.tostring()) Bread.nextUpdate <- Time() + 1.5 return Bread.curTarget } Bread.overrideTarget <- null Bread.SetTargetOverride <- function(ent) { Bread.overrideTarget = ent } Bread.ClearTargetOverride <- function() { Bread.overrideTarget = null Bread.curTarget = null Bread.Rotate() } Bread.Rotate <- function(){ if(!ClaudzUtil.IsPlayerAlive(Bread.breadboss)) return //Bread.PrintCollisionInfo() // NetProps.SetPropInt(Bread.breadboss, "m_CollisionGroup",9) // NetProps.SetPropInt(Bread.breadboss, "m_nSolidType",2) // NetProps.SetPropInt(Bread.breadboss, "m_usSolidFlags",0) if(Bread.noRotate == true) { if(Bread.lookFront == true) EntFire("bread_rotator*", "$RotateTowards", "breadabove", 0) else EntFire("bread_rotator*", "$StopRotateTowards", "", 0) return } if(Bread.overrideTarget != null) { Bread.curTarget = Bread.overrideTarget } else if(Bread.curTarget == null || !ClaudzUtil.IsPlayerAlive(Bread.curTarget) || !ClaudzUtil.IsPlayerLOSofMe(Bread.breadboss,Bread.curTarget,Bread.breadboss,true) || ClaudzUtil.Dist(Bread.breadboss, Bread.curTarget) > 800 || ClaudzUtil.IsPlayerDisguisedSpy(Bread.curTarget)|| Time() > Bread.nextUpdate) { if(Bread.UpdateTarget() == null){ EntFire("bread_rotator*", "$StopRotateTowards", "", 0) return } } EntFire("bread_rotator*", "$RotateTowards", "!activator", 0, Bread.curTarget) //if(Bread.curTarget!= null) if(dbug) ClientPrint(null, 4, Bread.curTarget.tostring()) } Bread.ToggleRotate <- function() { if(Bread.noRotate) { Bread.noRotate = false } else { Bread.noRotate = true } Bread.Rotate() } Bread.PlaybackRate <- 1 Bread.DigDown <- function() { Bread.curSeq = Bread.SEQ_SLEEP Bread.PlaybackRate = 0.1 Bread.breadboss.ResetSequence(Bread.SEQ_SLEEP) Bread.breadboss.SetCycle(0.0) Bread.noRotate = true } Bread.BiteAttack <- function() { Bread.PlaybackRate = 1 Bread.curSeq = Bread.SEQ_BITE Bread.breadboss.ResetSequence(Bread.SEQ_BITE) Bread.breadboss.SetCycle(0.0) Bread.noRotate = false Bread.Rotate() EntFire("BreadSoundBite", "ForceSpawnAtEntityOrigin", "bread_rotator", 0) EntFire("bitehurt", "Enable", null, 0.3, null) EntFire("bitehurt", "Disable", null, 0.8, null) } Bread.BiteReverse <- function() { Bread.PlaybackRate = -1 Bread.curSeq = Bread.SEQ_BITE Bread.breadboss.ResetSequence(Bread.SEQ_BITE) Bread.breadboss.SetCycle(1.0) Bread.noRotate = false Bread.Rotate() EntFire("toggleCrate", "trigger", 8, 0.35, null) EntFire("breadGoopMortar", "FireOnce", 8, 0.4, null) } Bread.BiteReverseBig <- function() { Bread.PlaybackRate = -1 Bread.curSeq = Bread.SEQ_BITE Bread.breadboss.ResetSequence(Bread.SEQ_BITE) Bread.breadboss.SetCycle(1.0) Bread.noRotate = false Bread.Rotate() EntFire("toggleCrate", "trigger", 8, 0.35, null) EntFire("breadGoopMortarBig", "FireOnce", 8, 0.4, null) } Bread.BiteReverseShotty <- function() { Bread.PlaybackRate = -1.0 Bread.curSeq = Bread.SEQ_BITE Bread.breadboss.ResetSequence(Bread.SEQ_BITE) Bread.breadboss.SetCycle(1.0) Bread.noRotate = false Bread.Rotate() EntFire("toggleCrate", "trigger", 8, 0.6, null) EntFire("breadGoopShotgun", "FireOnce", 8, 0.7, null) } Bread.BiteReverseAcid <- function() { Bread.PlaybackRate = -1.0 Bread.curSeq = Bread.SEQ_BITE Bread.breadboss.ResetSequence(Bread.SEQ_BITE) Bread.breadboss.SetCycle(1.0) Bread.noRotate = false Bread.Rotate() EntFire("toggleCrate", "trigger", 8, 0.6, null) EntFire("breadGoopAcid", "FireMultiple", 4, 0.7, null) } Bread.BiteReverseGas <- function() { Bread.PlaybackRate = -0.8 Bread.curSeq = Bread.SEQ_BITE Bread.breadboss.ResetSequence(Bread.SEQ_BITE) Bread.breadboss.SetCycle(1.0) Bread.noRotate = false Bread.Rotate() EntFire("toggleCrate", "trigger", 8, 0.5, null) EntFire("breadGasMortar", "FireOnce", 8, 0.6, null) EntFire("breadGasMortar", "FireOnce", 8, 0.75, null) } Bread.BiteReverseSlow <- function() { Bread.PlaybackRate = -0.8 Bread.curSeq = Bread.SEQ_BITE Bread.breadboss.ResetSequence(Bread.SEQ_BITE) Bread.breadboss.SetCycle(1.0) Bread.noRotate = false Bread.Rotate() EntFire("toggleCrate", "trigger", 8, 0.5, null) //EntFire("breadGoopMortar", "FireOnce", 8, 0.5, null) //EntFire("breadGoopMortar", "FireOnce", 8, 0.65, null) EntFire("breadGoopMortar", "FireOnce", 8, 0.6, null) EntFire("breadGoopMortar", "FireOnce", 8, 0.75, null) EntFire("breadGoopMortar", "FireOnce", 8, 0.9, null) EntFire("breadGasMortar", "FireOnce", 8, 0.6, null) } Bread.BiteReverseRocket <- function() { // Bread.PlaybackRate = -1.4 // Bread.curSeq = Bread.SEQ_BITE // Bread.breadboss.ResetSequence(Bread.SEQ_BITE) // Bread.breadboss.SetCycle(1.0) // Bread.noRotate = false // Bread.Rotate() // EntFire("toggleCrate", "trigger", 8, 0.25, null) // EntFire("breadGoopShooter", "FireOnce", 8, 0.3, null) // //EntFire("breadGoopShooter", "FireOnce", 8, 0.6, null) // EntFire("breadGoopShooter", "FireOnce", 8, 0.5, null) Bread.PlaybackRate = -1 Bread.curSeq = Bread.SEQ_BITE Bread.breadboss.ResetSequence(Bread.SEQ_BITE) Bread.breadboss.SetCycle(1.0) Bread.noRotate = false Bread.Rotate() EntFire("toggleCrate", "trigger", 8, 0.4, null) EntFire("breadGoopShooter", "FireOnce", 8, 0.5, null) EntFire("breadGoopShooter", "FireOnce", 8, 0.6, null) EntFire("breadGoopShooter", "FireOnce", 8, 0.7, null) } Bread.EruptAttack <- function() { Bread.PlaybackRate = 1 Bread.curSeq = Bread.SEQ_INTRO //Bread.breadboss.SetCycle(0.0) Bread.breadboss.ResetSequence(Bread.SEQ_INTRO) Bread.breadboss.SetCycle(0.15) //21 Bread.noRotate = true Bread.Rotate() } Bread.PillSpit <- function() { Bread.PlaybackRate = 0.6 Bread.curSeq = Bread.SEQ_INTRO //Bread.breadboss.SetCycle(0.0) Bread.breadboss.ResetSequence(Bread.SEQ_INTRO) Bread.breadboss.SetCycle(0.35) //21 Bread.noRotate = false Bread.Rotate() EntFire("tf_gamerules", "PlayVO", "ambient_mp3/hell/hell_rumbles_02.mp3", 0, null) EntFire("tf_gamerules", "PlayVO", "ambient_mp3/hell/hell_rumbles_03.mp3", 2, null) //Crocs.Growl EmitSoundEx({ sound_name = "Crocs.Growl", channel = 6, filter = 5, origin = Bread.breadboss.GetOrigin(), entity = Bread.breadboss, volume = 1, sound_level = 0.5 }) //EntFire("toggleCrate", "trigger", 8, 0.35, null) EntFire("breadGoopPills", "$StartFiring", 8, 1.5, null) EntFire("breadGoopPills", "FireMultiple", 4, 1.5, null) EntFire("breadGoopPills", "FireMultiple", 4, 2, null) EntFire("breadGoopPills", "FireMultiple", 4, 2.5, null) EntFire("breadGoopPills", "FireMultiple", 4, 3, null) EntFire("breadGoopPills", "FireMultiple", 4, 3.5, null) EntFire("breadGoopPills", "FireMultiple", 4, 4, null) EntFire("breadGoopPills", "FireMultiple", 4, 4.5, null) EntFire("breadGoopPills", "FireMultiple", 4, 5, null) EntFire("breadGoopPills", "$StopFiring", 8, 5.5, null) } Bread.Roar <- function() { Bread.PlaybackRate = 2 Bread.curSeq = Bread.SEQ_INTRO //Bread.breadboss.SetCycle(0.0) Bread.breadboss.ResetSequence(Bread.SEQ_INTRO) Bread.breadboss.SetCycle(0.4) //21 Bread.noRotate = false Bread.Rotate() EntFire("tf_gamerules", "PlayVO", "ambient_mp3/hell/hell_rumbles_02.mp3", 0, null) //Crocs.Growl EmitSoundEx({ sound_name = "Crocs.Growl", channel = 6, filter = 5, origin = Bread.breadboss.GetOrigin(), entity = Bread.breadboss, volume = 1, sound_level = 0.5 }) } Bread.RoarSlow <- function() { Bread.PlaybackRate = 1.0 Bread.curSeq = Bread.SEQ_INTRO //Bread.breadboss.SetCycle(0.0) Bread.breadboss.ResetSequence(Bread.SEQ_INTRO) Bread.breadboss.SetCycle(0.4) //21 Bread.noRotate = false Bread.Rotate() EntFire("tf_gamerules", "PlayVO", "ambient_mp3/hell/hell_rumbles_02.mp3", 0, null) //Crocs.Growl EmitSoundEx({ sound_name = "Crocs.Growl", channel = 6, filter = 5, origin = Bread.breadboss.GetOrigin(), entity = Bread.breadboss, volume = 1, sound_level = 0.5 }) } Bread.EruptReverse <- function() { Bread.PlaybackRate = -1 Bread.curSeq = Bread.SEQ_INTRO Bread.breadboss.ResetSequence(Bread.SEQ_INTRO) Bread.breadboss.SetCycle(0.30) Bread.noRotate = true Bread.Rotate() //if(dbug) ClientPrint(null, 3, "EruptReverse") } Bread.DoIdle <- function() { Bread.PlaybackRate = 1 Bread.curSeq = Bread.SEQ_IDLE Bread.breadboss.SetCycle(0.0) Bread.breadboss.ResetSequence(Bread.SEQ_IDLE) Bread.noRotate = false Bread.Rotate() if(Bread.AimLevel < 1) Bread.AimLevel = 1 } Bread.DoStunned <- function() { Bread.PlaybackRate = 0.8 Bread.curSeq = Bread.SEQ_IDLE Bread.breadboss.SetCycle(0.0) Bread.breadboss.ResetSequence(Bread.SEQ_IDLE) Bread.noRotate = true Bread.Rotate() } Bread.BreadDie <- function() { Bread.lookFront = true Bread.PlaybackRate = 1.0 Bread.curSeq = Bread.SEQ_DEATH //Bread.breadboss.SetCycle(0.0) Bread.breadboss.ResetSequence(Bread.SEQ_DEATH) Bread.breadboss.SetCycle(0.0) //21 Bread.noRotate = true Bread.Rotate() //EntFire("tf_gamerules", "PlayVO", "ambient_mp3/hell/hell_rumbles_02.mp3", 0, null) EntFire("tf_gamerules", "PlayVO", "breadspace/breadboss_wakeup.mp3", 0, null) //Crocs.Growl EmitSoundEx({ sound_name = "Crocs.Growl", channel = 6, filter = 5, origin = Bread.breadboss.GetOrigin(), entity = Bread.breadboss, volume = 1, sound_level = 0.5 }) EntFire("deathrattle", "StartShake", null, 0) TextualTimer.Pause() } Bread.BreadKillCue <- function() { //Bread.lookFront = true Bread.noRotate = true //Bread.Rotate() EntFire("bread_rotator*", "$RotateTowards", "breadabove", 0) EntFire("kill_bread_relay", "trigger", null, 0) EntFire("deathrattle", "StopShake", null, 0) Bread.PlaybackRate = 0 NetProps.SetPropString(Bread.breadboss, "m_iszScriptThinkFunction", "") EntFire("bread_rotate_relay", "disable") EntFire("tf_gamerules", "$SetBossHealthPercentage", 0) } Bread.BreadSetSeq <- function(seq, rate = 1, cycle = 0.0, norotate = false) { local scope = Bread.breadboss.GetScriptScope() Bread.PlaybackRate = rate Bread.curSeq = seq Bread.breadboss.SetCycle(cycle) Bread.breadboss.ResetSequence(seq) Bread.noRotate = norotate Bread.Rotate() } Bread.BreadSetSeqTable <- function(tab) { local scope = Bread.breadboss.GetScriptScope() Bread.PlaybackRate = table.rawin("rate") ? tab.rate : 1 Bread.curSeq = tab.seq Bread.breadboss.SetCycle(table.rawin("cycle") ? tab.cycle : 0.0) Bread.breadboss.ResetSequence(tab.seq) Bread.noRotate = table.rawin("noRotate") ? tab.noRotate : false Bread.Rotate() } Bread.AnimQueue <- [] Bread.AnimScripts<- { mortar = ["Roar","BiteReverseSlow","BiteReverseSlow","BiteReverseSlow","BiteReverseGas","BiteReverseBig","DoIdle"], //,"BiteReverse" biteComplex = ["Roar","BiteAttack"], summon = ["Roar","DoIdle"], payloadHit = ["RoarSlow","DoStunned"], rapid = ["Roar","BiteReverseRocket","BiteReverseRocket","BiteReverseRocket","BiteReverseRocket","BiteReverseRocket","BiteReverseRocket","DoIdle"], shotgun = ["BiteReverseShotty","BiteReverseShotty","BiteReverseShotty","BiteReverseShotty","BiteReverseShotty","BiteReverseShotty","BiteReverseShotty","BiteReverseShotty","DoIdle"] acid = ["BiteReverseAcid","BiteReverseAcid","BiteReverseAcid","BiteReverseAcid","BiteReverseAcid","BiteReverseAcid","BiteReverseAcid","BiteReverseAcid","DoIdle"] pills = ["PillSpit","DoIdle"] killed = ["BreadDie","BreadKillCue"] } Bread.DoScript <- function(scriptname) { if(dbug) ClientPrint(null, 3, "doscript " + scriptname) local scrpt = Bread.AnimScripts[scriptname] local first = scrpt[0] Bread[first]() Bread.AnimQueue <- clone(scrpt) Bread.AnimQueue.remove(0) } Bread.DoChase <- 0 ::AnimThinkTest <- function() { if(!(NetProps.GetPropInt(self, "m_lifeState") == 0)) EntFire("tf_gamerules", "$SetBossHealthPercentage", 0) if (!("Bread" in getroottable())) return local bot = self //if(dbug) ClientPrint(null, 4, Bread.AnimQueue.len().tostring()) if(Bread.AnimQueue.len() > 0) { if (bot.GetCycle() > 0.98 && Bread.PlaybackRate > 0) { local nextAnim = Bread.AnimQueue.remove(0) //if(dbug) ClientPrint(null, 3, nextAnim) Bread[nextAnim]() } else if (bot.GetCycle() < 0.02 && Bread.PlaybackRate < 0) { local nextAnim = Bread.AnimQueue.remove(0) //if(dbug) ClientPrint(null, 3, nextAnim) Bread[nextAnim]() } } //intro for popping out else if(Bread.curSeq == Bread.SEQ_INTRO && bot.GetCycle() > 0.95) { Bread.DoIdle() } else if (bot.GetCycle() > 0.99 && Bread.PlaybackRate > 0){ bot.SetCycle(0.0) if(Bread.curSeq == Bread.SEQ_BITE){ EntFire("BreadSoundBite", "ForceSpawnAtEntityOrigin", "bread_rotator", 0) } } // reversed intro for going down anim else if (Bread.curSeq == Bread.SEQ_INTRO && bot.GetCycle() < 0.08 && Bread.PlaybackRate < 0){ Bread.DigDown() //EntFire("breadboss", "$SetKey$renderfx", "6", 0) //EntFire("breadboss", "$SetKey$renderamt", "0", 0) } else if (bot.GetCycle() < 0.01 && Bread.PlaybackRate < 0){ bot.SetCycle(0.99) if(Bread.curSeq == Bread.SEQ_BITE){ //EntFire("BreadSoundBite", "ForceSpawnAtEntityOrigin", "bread_rotator", 0) EntFire("toggleCrate", "trigger", 8, 0.35, null) EntFire("breadGoopMortar", "FireOnce", null, 0.4, null) } } bot.SetSequence(Bread.curSeq) bot.StudioFrameAdvance() bot.DispatchAnimEvents(bot) bot.SetPlaybackRate(Bread.PlaybackRate) //handle rotation local angles = Bread.breadinfo.GetAbsAngles() //z value shouldnt get lower than -20 if(Bread.OldAimLevel != Bread.AimLevel) { if(Bread.OldAimLevel < Bread.AimLevel) Bread.OldAimLevel += 0.05 else Bread.OldAimLevel -= 0.05 } local z = ClaudzUtil.Max(angles.x + 60 + (Bread.OldAimLevel*(-10)), -20) //ClaudzUtil.Max(angles.x + 50, -20) local breadangles = QAngle(180, angles.y - 90, z) if(Bread.noRotate) { breadangles = QAngle(180, angles.y - 90, 0) } if(Bread.curSeq == Bread.SEQ_BITE && Bread.PlaybackRate < 0) { breadangles.z -= 15 } Bread.breadboss.SetAbsAngles(breadangles) //if(dbug) ClientPrint(null, 4, Bread.breadboss.GetAbsAngles().tostring()) if(Bread.DoChase != 0) { if(Bread.curTarget == null) return -1 if(dbug) ClientPrint(null, 4, Bread.DoChase.tostring()) //local dir = Bread.curTarget.GetOrigin() - Bread.breadboss.GetOrigin() local dir = angles.Forward() dir.z = 0 dir.Norm() local new_pos = Bread.breadorigin.GetOrigin() + dir*(Bread.DoChase*FrameTime()) if( !(new_pos.x > 4100 || new_pos.x < 3000 || new_pos.y > 300 || new_pos.y < -1800) ) Bread.breadorigin.SetAbsOrigin(Bread.breadorigin.GetOrigin() + dir*(Bread.DoChase*FrameTime())) //Bread.breadorigin.SetAbsVelocity(dir*Bread.DoChase) Bread.breadboss.SetResolvePlayerCollisions(true) } return -1 } ::Breggbusterthink <- function() { if(self.IsTaunting()) { local scope = self.GetScriptScope() delete scope.PlayerThinkTable.Breggbusterthink EntFireByHandle(scope.bregg, "kill", "", 2, null, null) } } Bread.AttackIndex <- -1 Bread.Phase1AttackScripts <- [ "bite_relay", "digdown_relay", "erupt_relay", "shotgun_relay" ] Bread.Phase2AttackScripts <- [ "acid_relay", "pill_relay", "biterevrocket_relay", "tentacleburst_relay", //tent "mortar_relay", "shotgun_relay", "summonRelay", //tent ] Bread.Phase3AttackScripts <- [ "bite_relay_chase", //tent "pill_relay", "biterevrocket_relay", "bite_relay_chase", //tent "moreTentacleBurstRelay", "mortar_relay", "shotgun_relay", "summonRelay", //tent "acid_relay" ] Bread.Phase <- 0 Bread.TriggerNextAttack <- function() { if(!(NetProps.GetPropInt(Bread.breadboss, "m_lifeState") == 0)) return Bread.AttackIndex += 1 local nextAttack = "" // // start phase 3 if fall under 50% health // if(Bread.Phase == 2 && ((1.0*Bread.breadboss.GetHealth()) / (1.0*Bread.breadboss.GetMaxHealth())) < 0.5) { // Bread.AttackIndex = -1 // Bread.Phase = 3 // } if(Bread.Phase == 2) { if(Bread.AttackIndex >= Bread.Phase2AttackScripts.len()) Bread.AttackIndex = 0 nextAttack = Bread.Phase2AttackScripts[Bread.AttackIndex] } else if (Bread.Phase == 3) { if(Bread.AttackIndex >= Bread.Phase3AttackScripts.len()) Bread.AttackIndex = 0 nextAttack = Bread.Phase3AttackScripts[Bread.AttackIndex] if(nextAttack == "bite_relay_chase" || nextAttack == "mortar_relay" || nextAttack == "tentacleburst_relay" || nextAttack == "pill_relay"|| nextAttack == "acid_relay" || nextAttack == "moreTentacleBurstRelay") { Bread.DoChase = 0 } else { Bread.DoChase = 100 } } else if (Bread.Phase == 0) { // if phase is set to 0, it is a transitional phase } EntFire(nextAttack, "trigger") } Bread.ResetBoss <- function() { Bread.Phase = 0 Bread.ClearTargetOverride() Bread.lookFront = true Bread.AttackIndex = -1 Bread.StopAllRelays() Bread.AimLevel = 1 } Bread.TriggerPhase2 <- function() { Bread.Phase = 2 Bread.TriggerNextAttack() } Bread.TriggerPhase3 <- function() { Bread.Phase = 3 Bread.TriggerNextAttack() } Bread.StopAllRelays <- function() { local relays = [ "digdown_relay", "bite_relay_chase", "pill_relay", "mortar_relay", "shotgun_relay", "biterevrocket_relay", "summonRelay", "tentacleburst_relay", "bite_relay", "acid_relay", "moreTentacleBurstRelay" ] foreach (r in relays) { EntFire(r, "CancelPending") } Bread.ClearTargetOverride() } Bread.PayloadHitFunc <- function() { if(dbug) ClientPrint(null, 3, "payloadhit called") //If boss has not died from payload damage if((NetProps.GetPropInt(Bread.breadboss, "m_lifeState") == 0)) { if(dbug) ClientPrint(null, 3, "trigger phase 3") Bread.ResetBoss() EntFire("tf_gamerules", "RunScriptCode", "Bread.TriggerPhase3()", 0.2) } else { if(dbug) ClientPrint(null, 3, "we shouldnt do anything here") //Bread.DoScript("killed") } } Bread.ActiveTentacles <- 0 Bread.ActiveMeleeTentacles <- 0 Bread.SummonTentacles <- function() { local left = ["tent_spot_2","tent_spot_5","tent_spot_6"] local right = ["tent_spot_1","tent_spot_3","tent_spot_4"] if(Bread.ActiveTentacles < 3) { local i = RandomInt(0,2) local lspot = FindByName(null, left[i]) if(FindByNameNearest("tentacleboss*", lspot.GetOrigin(), 100) == null) { EntFire("TentaclebossPT", "ForceSpawnAtEntityOrigin", left[i]) } i = RandomInt(0,2) local rspot = FindByName(null, right[i]) if(FindByNameNearest("tentacleboss*", rspot.GetOrigin(), 100) == null) { EntFire("TentaclebossPT", "ForceSpawnAtEntityOrigin", right[i]) } } } Bread.SummonMeleeTentacles <- function() { if(Bread.ActiveMeleeTentacles < 1) { EntFire("breadtentrelay", "trigger") } } Bread.TentyDie <- function(ent) { //ClientPrint(null,3,"tentydie " + ent.tostring()) ent.GetScriptScope().iHealth = 100000 Bread.TentySetSeq(ent, ent.GetScriptScope().SEQ_DIE, 1, 0) EntFireByHandle(ent.GetScriptScope().shooter, "kill", null, 0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(ent.GetScriptScope().sweepShooter, "kill", null, 0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(ent.GetScriptScope().lungeShooter, "kill", null, 0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(ent.GetScriptScope().coreParent, "kill", null, 5,null,null) EmitSoundEx({ sound_name = "Crocs.Hiss", channel = 6, filter = 5, origin = ent.GetOrigin(), entity = ent, volume = 1, sound_level = 0.5 }) if(ent.GetScriptScope().meleeOnly) { Bread.ActiveMeleeTentacles -= 1 } else if(ent.GetOrigin().z > -4000) { Bread.ActiveTentacles -= 1 } } Bread.TentySetSeq <- function(tenty, seq, rate = 1, cycle = 0.0) { local scope = tenty.GetScriptScope() scope.PlaybackRate = rate scope.curSeq = seq tenty.SetCycle(cycle) tenty.ResetSequence(seq) if(seq == scope.SEQ_LUNGE) { EntFireByHandle(scope.lungeShooter, "FireOnce", null, 1.2, null,null) if(dbug) ClientPrint(null, 3, "tent lunge") } else if (seq == scope.SEQ_SWEEP) { EntFireByHandle(scope.sweepShooter, "$StartFiring", null, 1, null,null) EntFireByHandle(scope.sweepShooter, "$StopFiring", null, 1.5, null,null) //EntFireByHandle(scope.sweepShooter, "FireOnce", null, 1.0, null,null) // EntFireByHandle(scope.sweepShooter, "FireOnce", null, 1.1, null,null) // EntFireByHandle(scope.sweepShooter, "FireOnce", null, 1.2, null,null) // EntFireByHandle(scope.sweepShooter, "FireOnce", null, 1.3, null,null) // EntFireByHandle(scope.sweepShooter, "FireOnce", null, 1.4, null,null) // EntFireByHandle(scope.sweepShooter, "FireOnce", null, 1.5, null,null) EntFireByHandle(scope.sweeprotate, "StartForward",null, 1, null,null) EntFireByHandle(scope.sweeprotate, "SnapToStartPos",null, 1.6, null,null) //frames 30-46 //30 fps if(dbug) ClientPrint(null, 3, "tent sweep") } else if (seq == scope.SEQ_SHOOT) { //EntFire("tentWepShoot", "FireOnce", null, 0.3, null) EntFireByHandle(scope.shooter, "FireOnce", null, 0.3, null, null) if(dbug) ClientPrint(null, 3, "tent shoot") } else if (seq == scope.SEQ_DIE) { if(dbug) ClientPrint(null, 3, "kill tent") EntFireByHandle(scope.glow, "disable", "", 0.1, null, null) EntFireByHandle(tenty, "disable", "", 0, null, null) EntFireByHandle(tenty, "$SetSolidFlags", "4", 0, null, null) } else if (seq == scope.SEQ_IDLE) { tenty.SetCycle(0.5*RandomInt(0,3)/10.0) } } Bread.TentyUpdateTarget <- function(tenty) { local ent = ClaudzUtil.GetClosestTargetLOS(tenty, 1200, 2, tenty) tenty.GetScriptScope().curTarget <- ent tenty.GetScriptScope().nextUpdate <- Time() + 4 } Bread.TentyRotate <- function(tenty) { local scope = tenty.GetScriptScope() if(Time() > scope.nextUpdate) Bread.TentyUpdateTarget(tenty) else if(scope.curTarget == null || !ClaudzUtil.IsPlayerAlive(scope.curTarget) || !ClaudzUtil.IsPlayerLOSofMe(tenty,scope.curTarget,tenty) || ClaudzUtil.Dist(tenty, scope.curTarget) > 460) Bread.TentyUpdateTarget(tenty) if(scope.curTarget != null) { EntFireByHandle(tenty.GetScriptScope().rotator, "$RotateTowards", "!activator", 0, scope.curTarget, null) EntFireByHandle(tenty.GetScriptScope().shootrotator, "$RotateTowards", "!activator", 0, scope.curTarget, null) } else EntFireByHandle(tenty.GetScriptScope().rotator, "$StopRotateTowards", "", 0, null, null) } ::TentacleSetup <- function(tenty, meleeOnly = false) { if(!meleeOnly) Bread.ActiveTentacles += 1 else Bread.ActiveMeleeTentacles += 1 // local arr = split(tenty.GetName() , "_") // local FixupId = arr[arr.len()-1] // local rotator = Entities.FindByNameNearest("tentacleorigin_" + FixupId, tenty.GetOrigin(), 50) // if(rotator == null) { // rotator = Entities.FindByNameNearest("tentacleorigin", tenty.GetOrigin(), 50) // FixupId = "" // } EntFire("tf_gamerules", "PlayVO", "ambient_mp3/hell/hell_rumbles_02.mp3", 1, null) if(dbug) ClientPrint(null,3,tenty.GetName()) tenty.ValidateScriptScope() local scope = tenty.GetScriptScope() scope.nextUpdate <- Time() + 2 scope.SEQ_INTRO <- tenty.LookupSequence("extend") scope.SEQ_LUNGE <- tenty.LookupSequence("attack_lunge") scope.SEQ_SWEEP <- tenty.LookupSequence("attack_sweep") scope.SEQ_SHOOT <- tenty.LookupSequence("attack_shoot") scope.SEQ_DIE <- tenty.LookupSequence("die") scope.SEQ_IDLE <- tenty.LookupSequence("wiggle_idle") //scope.fixupId <- FixupId scope.TENTY <- tenty scope.curTarget <- null //scope.rotator <- rotator scope.rotator <- Entities.FindByNameNearest("tentacleorigin*", tenty.GetOrigin(), 200) //rotator scope.shootrotator <- Entities.FindByNameNearest("tentacleshootrotate*", tenty.GetOrigin(), 200) scope.shooter <- Entities.FindByNameNearest("tentWepShoot*", tenty.GetOrigin(), 200) scope.sweeprotate <- Entities.FindByNameNearest("sweep_rotate*", tenty.GetOrigin(), 200) scope.sweepShooter <- Entities.FindByNameNearest("tentWepMortarSweep*", tenty.GetOrigin(), 200) scope.lungeShooter <- Entities.FindByNameNearest("tentWepMortar*", tenty.GetOrigin(), 200) scope.glow <- Entities.FindByNameNearest("tent_glow*", tenty.GetOrigin(), 100) scope.blood <- Entities.FindByNameNearest("tentblood*", tenty.GetOrigin(), 200) scope.coreParent <- Entities.FindByNameNearest("tentaclecore*", tenty.GetOrigin(), 200) scope.meleeOnly <- meleeOnly scope.iHealth <- 800 if(meleeOnly) scope.iHealth <- 1000 if(dbug) PopExtUtil.PrintTable(scope) scope.PlaybackRate <- 0 scope.curSeq <- scope.SEQ_INTRO EntFireByHandle(tenty, "$SetKey$renderamt", "255", 1.1, null, null) EntFireByHandle(tenty, "RunScriptCode", "Bread.TentySetSeq(self,self.GetScriptScope().SEQ_INTRO,0.3)", 1, null, null) EmitSoundEx({ sound_name = "breadspace/newlocknew_rockrumble_short.mp3", channel = 6, filter = 5, origin = tenty.GetOrigin(), entity = tenty, volume = 1, sound_level = 0.5 }) EntFireByHandle(tenty, "RunScriptCode", "self.StopSound(`breadspace/newlocknew_rockrumble_short.mp3`)", 3, null, null) if(tenty.GetOrigin().z < -4000) { EntFireByHandle(scope.glow, "kill", "", 0.1, null, null) Bread.ActiveTentacles -= 1 scope.iHealth <- 1500 } //tenty.SetAbsOrigin(Entities.FindByName(null, "tentacleorigin").GetOrigin()) AddThinkToEnt(self, "TentacleThink") //Bread.TentyUpdateTarget(tenty) } // tentacle AI is like a flowchart // checks for closest target on a cycle of 0.5 secs // if there's no closest target, go idle // if idling, immediatly switch modes when there's a new target // if closest target is far, shoot // if closest target is near (300), lunge then sweep ::TentacleThink <- function() { //if(!(NetProps.GetPropInt(self, "m_lifeState") == 0)) return //ClientPrint(null, 4,self.GetCycle().tostring()) local scope = self.GetScriptScope() local targetDist = 5000 self.SetPlaybackRate(scope.PlaybackRate) if(scope.curTarget != null && ClaudzUtil.IsPlayerAlive(scope.curTarget)) { targetDist = ClaudzUtil.Dist(self, scope.curTarget) } if (scope.curSeq == scope.SEQ_DIE ){ if(self.GetCycle() > 0.98) scope.PlaybackRate = 0 } else if((scope.curTarget == null|| scope.curSeq == scope.SEQ_INTRO ) && self.GetCycle() > 0.98) { Bread.TentySetSeq(self,scope.SEQ_IDLE) } else if(scope.curSeq == scope.SEQ_IDLE && scope.curTarget != null && !scope.meleeOnly) { if(targetDist > 300) Bread.TentySetSeq(self,scope.SEQ_SHOOT) else Bread.TentySetSeq(self,scope.SEQ_LUNGE,1.5) } else if(scope.curSeq == scope.SEQ_IDLE && scope.curTarget != null && scope.meleeOnly) { if(targetDist < 300 ) Bread.TentySetSeq(self,scope.SEQ_LUNGE,1.5) } else if(scope.curSeq == scope.SEQ_LUNGE && self.GetCycle() > 0.98) { if(targetDist > 300 && !scope.meleeOnly) Bread.TentySetSeq(self,scope.SEQ_SHOOT) else if(targetDist > 300 && scope.meleeOnly) Bread.TentySetSeq(self,scope.SEQ_IDLE) else { Bread.TentySetSeq(self,scope.SEQ_SWEEP) self.SetCycle(0) return -1 } } else if(scope.curSeq == scope.SEQ_SWEEP && self.GetCycle() > 0.98 ) { if(targetDist > 300 && !scope.meleeOnly) Bread.TentySetSeq(self,scope.SEQ_SHOOT) else if(targetDist > 300 && scope.meleeOnly) Bread.TentySetSeq(self,scope.SEQ_IDLE) else { Bread.TentySetSeq(self,scope.SEQ_IDLE) //Bread.TentySetSeq(self,scope.SEQ_LUNGE,1.5) self.SetCycle(0) return -1 } } else if(scope.curSeq == scope.SEQ_SHOOT && targetDist < 300 && self.GetCycle() > 0.98) { Bread.TentySetSeq(self,scope.SEQ_LUNGE,1.5) } else if(scope.curSeq == scope.SEQ_SHOOT && targetDist >= 300 && self.GetCycle() > 0.98) { //EntFire("tentWepShoot", "FireOnce", null, 0.3, null) EntFireByHandle(scope.shooter, "FireOnce", null, 0.3, null, null) self.SetCycle(0.0) } else if (self.GetCycle() > 0.98 && scope.PlaybackRate > 0){ self.SetCycle(0.0) } else if (self.GetCycle() < 0.01 && Bread.PlaybackRate < 0){ self.SetCycle(0.99) } self.SetSequence(scope.curSeq) self.StudioFrameAdvance() self.DispatchAnimEvents(self) self.SetPlaybackRate(scope.PlaybackRate) return -1 } Bread.NoMove <- function(prop) { //AddThinkToEnt(prop, "NoMove") local props = { owner = NetProps.GetPropEntity(self, "m_hOwnerEntity"), moveparent = NetProps.GetPropEntity(self, "moveparent"), movetype = NetProps.GetPropInt(self, "movetype") movecollide = NetProps.GetPropInt(self, "movecollide") } if(dbug) ClientPrint(null, 3, self.GetPropEntity(handle entity, string propertyName)) } ::NoMove <- function() { self.SetGravity(0.0001) if(dbug) ClientPrint(null, 4, "base " + self.GetBaseVelocity().tostring() + " phys " + self.GetPhysVelocity().tostring() + " abs " + self.GetAbsVelocity().tostring() + " grav " + self.GetGravity().tostring()) } Bread.WeakSetup <- function(prop) { prop.ValidateScriptScope() local scope = prop.GetScriptScope() scope.locTarget <- Entities.FindByNameNearest("breadbossmouth", prop.GetOrigin(), 1000) AddThinkToEnt(prop, "WeakThink") } ::WeakThink <- function() { local scope = self.GetScriptScope() self.SetAbsOrigin(scope.locTarget.GetOrigin()) self.SetAbsAngles(scope.locTarget.GetAbsAngles()) local loc = Bread.breadboss.GetAttachmentOrigin(Bread.breadboss.LookupAttachment("MOUTHDEEP")) //if(dbug) ClientPrint(null, 4, "box loc " + self.GetOrigin().tostring() + " point loc " + scope.locTarget.GetOrigin().tostring() + " attach loc " + loc.tostring()) //if(dbug) ClientPrint(null, 4, "boss loc " + Bread.breadboss.GetOrigin().tostring() + " origin loc " + Bread.breadorigin.GetOrigin().tostring() ) } ::StrikeMarkerThink <- function() { local scope = self.GetScriptScope() local parent = scope.parent if(parent == null || !ClaudzUtil.IsPlayerAlive(parent) || !parent.GetAbsVelocity) return -1; local newpos = self.GetOrigin() local ground = GetLocationBelow(parent) //local diff = ground - self.GetOrigin() scope.sparker.SetAbsOrigin(ground + Vector(0,0,1)) // self.SetAbsAngles(QAngle(0,0,0)) // newpos = ground + Vector(0,0,1) // local diff = (newpos - scope.oldpos) // self.SetAbsOrigin(scope.oldpos + diff*FrameTime()) // scope.oldpos <- scope.oldpos + diff*FrameTime() return -1; // return -1 for 0.015; return 0 for next frame } Bread.CreateStrikeMarker <- function(projectile) { projectile.ValidateScriptScope() local scope = projectile.GetScriptScope() scope.sparker <- projectile scope.parent <- projectile.GetMoveParent() scope.oldpos <- GetLocationBelow(projectile) AddThinkToEnt(projectile, "StrikeMarkerThink") } Bread.breadtank <- null Bread.SetBreadTank <- function(tank) { Bread.breadtank <- tank } Bread.SetBreadTankSpeed <- function(spd) { if(Bread.breadtank == null) {if(dbug)ClientPrint(null,3,"something fucked up")} EntFireByHandle(Bread.breadtank, "SetSpeed", spd, 0, null, null) } Bread.KillBreadTank <- function() { EntFireByHandle(Bread.breadtank, "kill", null, 0, null, null) } // ///////////////////// Debug /////////////////// // Setting a error handler allows us to view vscript error messages, even if we are not testing locally i.e. on potato testing server // Bread.DebugSteamIds <- {} // Bread.DebugSteamIds["[U:1:66915592]"] <- 1 // seterrorhandler(function(e) // { // for (local player; player = Entities.FindByClassname(player, "player");) // { // if (Bread.DebugSteamIds.rawin(NetProps.GetPropString(player, "m_szNetworkIDString"))) // { // local Chat = @(m) (printl(m), ClientPrint(player, 2, m)) // ClientPrint(player, 3, format("\x07FF0000AN ERROR HAS OCCURRED [%s].\nCheck console for details", e)) // Chat(format("\n====== TIMESTAMP: %g ======\nAN ERROR HAS OCCURRED [%s]", Time(), e)) // Chat("CALLSTACK") // local s, l = 2 // while (s = getstackinfos(l++)) // Chat(format("*FUNCTION [%s()] %s line [%d]", s.func, s.src, s.line)) // Chat("LOCALS") // if (s = getstackinfos(2)) // { // foreach (n, v in s.locals) // { // local t = type(v) // t == "null" ? Chat(format("[%s] NULL" , n)) : // t == "integer" ? Chat(format("[%s] %d" , n, v)) : // t == "float" ? Chat(format("[%s] %.14g" , n, v)) : // t == "string" ? Chat(format("[%s] \"%s\"", n, v)) : // Chat(format("[%s] %s %s" , n, t, v.tostring())) // } // } // return // } // } // })