class AI_Bot { function constructor(bot) { = bot this.scope = bot.GetScriptScope() = bot.GetTeam() this.cur_ammo = 0 this.cur_melee = false this.threat_time = 0.0 this.threat_lost_time = 0.0 this.threat_aim_time = 0.0 this.threat_behind_time = 0.0 this.threat_visible = false this.fire_next_time = 0.0 this.aim_time = FLT_MAX this.random_aim_time = 0.0 this.botLevel = bot.GetDifficulty() } function IsLookingTowards(target, cos_tolerance) { local to_target = target - bot.EyePosition() to_target.Norm() local dot = cur_eye_fwd.Dot(to_target) return (dot >= cos_tolerance) } function IsInFieldOfView(target) { local tolerance = 0.5736 // cos(110/2) local delta = target.GetOrigin() - cur_eye_pos delta.Norm() if (cur_eye_fwd.Dot(target) >= tolerance) return true delta = target.GetCenter() - cur_eye_pos delta.Norm() if (cur_eye_fwd.Dot(delta) >= tolerance) return true delta = target.EyePosition() - cur_eye_pos delta.Norm() return (cur_eye_fwd.Dot(delta) >= tolerance) } function IsVisible(target) { local trace = { start = bot.EyePosition(), end = target.EyePosition(), mask = 16513, // CONTENTS_SOLID|CONTENTS_OPAQUE|CONTENTS_MOVEABLE ignore = bot } TraceLineEx(trace) return !trace.hit } function IsThreatVisible(target) { return IsInFieldOfView(target) && IsVisible(target) } function GetThreatDistanceSqr(target) { return (target.GetOrigin() - bot.GetOrigin()).LengthSqr() } function FindThreat(min_dist_sqr) { local closestThreat = null local closestThreatDist = min_dist_sqr foreach (player in PopExtUtil.PlayerArray) { if (player == bot || !PopExtUtil.IsAlive(player) || player.GetTeam() == team || !IsThreatVisible(player)) continue local dist = GetThreatDistanceSqr(player) if (dist < closestThreatDist) { closestThreat = player closestThreatDist = dist } } return closestThreat } function SetThreat(target, visible) { threat = target threat_pos = threat.GetOrigin() threat_visible = visible threat_behind_time = time + 0.5 } function SwitchToBestWeapon() { local weapon = bot.GetActiveWeapon() } function CheckForProjectileThreat() { local projectile while ((projectile = FindByClassname(projectile, STR_PROJECTILES)) != null) { if (projectile.GetTeam() == team || !IsValidProjectile(projectile)) continue local dist = GetThreatDistanceSqr(projectile) if (dist <= 67000 && IsVisible(projectile)) //67700 { switch (botLevel) { case 1: // Normal Skill, only deflect if in FOV if (!IsInFieldOfView(projectile)) return break case 2: // Hard skill, deflect regardless of FOV LookAt(projectile.GetOrigin(), INT_MAX, INT_MAX) break case 3: // Expert skill, deflect regardless of FOV back to Sender local owner = projectile.GetOwner() if (owner != null) { local owner_head = owner.GetAttachmentOrigin(owner.LookupAttachment("head")) LookAt(owner_head, INT_MAX, INT_MAX) } break } bot.PressAltFireButton() } } } function LookAt(target_pos, min_rate, max_rate) { local dt = FrameTime() local dir = target_pos - cur_eye_pos dir.Norm() local dot = cur_eye_fwd.Dot(dir) local desired_angles = PopExtUtil.VectorAngles(dir) local rate_x = PopExtUtil.RemapValClamped(fabs(PopExtUtil.NormalizeAngle(cur_eye_ang.x) - PopExtUtil.NormalizeAngle(desired_angles.x)), 0.0, 180.0, min_rate, max_rate) local rate_y = PopExtUtil.RemapValClamped(fabs(PopExtUtil.NormalizeAngle(cur_eye_ang.y) - PopExtUtil.NormalizeAngle(desired_angles.y)), 0.0, 180.0, min_rate, max_rate) if (dot > 0.7) { local t = PopExtUtil.RemapValClamped(dot, 0.7, 1.0, 1.0, 0.05) local d = sin(1.57 * t) // pi/2 rate_x *= d rate_y *= d } cur_eye_ang.x = PopExtUtil.NormalizeAngle(PopExtUtil.ApproachAngle(desired_angles.x, cur_eye_ang.x, rate_x * dt)) cur_eye_ang.y = PopExtUtil.NormalizeAngle(PopExtUtil.ApproachAngle(desired_angles.y, cur_eye_ang.y, rate_y * dt)) bot.SnapEyeAngles(cur_eye_ang) } //260 Hammer Units or 67700 SQR function FireWeapon() { if (cur_melee) { if (threat != null) { local threat_dist = GetThreatDistanceSqr(threat) if (threat_dist < 16384.0) // 128 bot.PressFireButton(0.2) } return true } if (fire_next_time > time) { bot.AddBotAttribute(SUPPRESS_FIRE) bot.PressFireButton() bot.RemoveBotAttribute(SUPPRESS_FIRE) return false } if (cur_ammo == 0) return false local duration = 0.11 local velocity_max = 50.0 if (1) if (cur_vel.Length() < velocity_max) bot.PressFireButton(duration) else fire_next_time = time + RandomFloat(0.3, 0.6) return true } function StartAimWithWeapon() { if (aim_time != FLT_MAX) return bot.PressAltFireButton(INT_MAX) aim_time = time } function EndAimWithWeapon() { if (aim_time == FLT_MAX) return bot.AddBotAttribute(SUPPRESS_FIRE) bot.PressAltFireButton() bot.RemoveBotAttribute(SUPPRESS_FIRE) aim_time = FLT_MAX } function OnTakeDamage(params) { if (params.attacker != null && params.attacker != this && params.attacker.IsPlayer()) { if (threat != null && threat.IsValid()) { local threat_dist = GetThreatDistanceSqr(threat) * 0.8 if (threat_dist > 16384.0) { // 128 local attacker_dist = GetThreatDistanceSqr(params.attacker) local threat_dist = GetThreatDistanceSqr(threat) * 0.8 if (attacker_dist > threat_dist) return } } SetThreat(params.attacker, true) } } function OnUpdate() { cur_pos = bot.GetOrigin() cur_vel = bot.GetAbsVelocity() cur_speed = cur_vel.Length() cur_eye_pos = bot.EyePosition() cur_eye_ang = bot.EyeAngles() cur_eye_fwd = cur_eye_ang.Forward() time = Time() // foreach (k, v in bot.GetLocomotionInterface()) // printl(bot.GetLocomotionInterface()) // printl(bot.GetVisionInterface()) foreach(_, func in scope.PlayerThinkTable) func() //SwitchToBestWeapon() //DrawDebugInfo() return -1 } bot = null scope = null team = null time = null botLevel = null cur_pos = null cur_vel = null cur_speed = null cur_eye_pos = null cur_eye_ang = null cur_eye_fwd = null cur_weapon = null cur_ammo = null cur_melee = null threat = null threat_time = null threat_lost_time = null threat_aim_time = null threat_behind_time = null threat_visible = null threat_pos = null fire_next_time = null aim_time = null random_aim_pos = null random_aim_time = null cosmetic = null }