RedVoters = '' BluVoters = '' RandomVoters = '' VoteTimerDuration = 1980 --1980 ticks divided by 66 ticks per second = 30 seconds PlayerCount = 0 RedVotes = 0 BluVotes = 0 RandomVotes = 0 UnanimousVote = false VoteTimerDurationUnanimous = 1980 VoteTimerActive = false VoteList = {} VotePassed = false VoteActive = false WaveActive = false RandomActive = false CurrentWave = 0 WavesPlayed = {[1] = 'n', [2] = 'n', [3] = 'n', [4] = 'n', [5] = 'n', [6] = 'n'} AiFirstSpawn = false SpyDisabled = false MirrorMode = false MirrorVote = false MirrorAlreadyVoted = false MirrorUnanimousVote = false MirrorVoteTimerActive = false MirrorVoteTimerDuration = 660 MirrorVoteTimerDurationUnanimous = 660 YesVoters = '' NoVoters = '' YesVotes = 0 NoVotes = 0 KaizoVote = false KaizoMode = false ExtraVoteTitle = 'Enable Mirror Mode?\n \nWaves will swap position\nbetween RED and BLU Side!\n \n' spawnbot_front_left = ents.FindByName('spawnbot_front_left'):GetAbsOrigin() spawnbot_front_right = ents.FindByName('spawnbot_front_right'):GetAbsOrigin() spawnbot_left = ents.FindByName('spawnbot_left'):GetAbsOrigin() spawnbot_right = ents.FindByName('spawnbot_right'):GetAbsOrigin() Wavebar = { ['r'] = { [1] = { [1] = {class = 'soldier_giant', count = 2, flag = 8}, [2] = {class = 'demoknight_giant', count = 3, flag = 8}, [3] = {class = 'pyro_giant', count = 4, flag = 8}, [4] = {class = 'scout_bat', count = 33, flag = 1}, [5] = {class = 'medic', count = 9, flag = 1}, [6] = {class = 'heavy_gru', count = 12, flag = 1}, [7] = {class = 'heavy_champ', count = 0, flag = 2} }, [2] = { [1] = {class = 'demo_spammer', count = 3, flag = 8}, [2] = {class = 'tank', count = 1, flag = 8}, [3] = {class = 'heavy_shotgun', count = 3, flag = 8}, [4] = {class = 'soldier_crit', count = 2, flag = 24}, [5] = {class = 'soldier_directhit_lite', count = 2, flag = 8}, [6] = {class = 'pyro', count = 16, flag = 1}, [7] = {class = 'heavy_steelfist', count = 9, flag = 1}, [8] = {class = 'soldier', count = 16, flag = 1}, [9] = {class = 'demo', count = 16, flag = 1}, [10] = {class = 'pyro_detonator_lite', count = 12, flag = 1}, [11] = {class = 'scout', count = 0, flag = 2}, [12] = {class = 'spy', count = 0, flag = 2} }, [3] = { [1] = {class = 'demo_burst_giant', count = 6, flag = 8}, [2] = {class = 'medic_crossbow', count = 3, flag = 8}, [3] = {class = 'heavy_giant', count = 2, flag = 8}, [4] = {class = 'soldier_spammer', count = 2, flag = 8}, [5] = {class = 'heavy', count = 24, flag = 1}, [6] = {class = 'pyro', count = 10, flag = 1}, [7] = {class = 'medic_blast', count = 10, flag = 1}, [8] = {class = 'demoknight', count = 32, flag = 1}, [9] = {class = 'sniper_smg', count = 12, flag = 1}, [10] = {class = 'scout_shortstop', count = 9, flag = 1}, [11] = {class = 'demoknight_persian_nys', count = 0, flag = 2} }, [4] = { [1] = {class = 'heavy_steelfist', count = 4, flag = 8}, [2] = {class = 'demoknight_giant', count = 3, flag = 8}, [3] = {class = 'medic_giant', count = 3, flag = 8}, [4] = {class = 'pyro_dragonfury_giant', count = 6, flag = 8}, [5] = {class = 'soldier_burstfire', count = 4, flag = 8}, [6] = {class = 'medic_uber', count = 8, flag = 1}, [7] = {class = 'demo', count = 24, flag = 1}, [8] = {class = 'scout', count = 16, flag = 1}, [9] = {class = 'sniper_antiheal', count = 16, flag = 1}, [10] = {class = 'soldier_bison', count = 15, flag = 1}, [11] = {class = 'soldier_directhit_lite', count = 0, flag = 2}, [12] = {class = 'sniper', count = 0, flag = 2} }, [5] = { [1] = {class = 'heavy_heater_giant', count = 2, flag = 8}, [2] = {class = 'soldier_barrage', count = 2, flag = 8}, [3] = {class = 'tank', count = 1, flag = 8}, [4] = {class = 'scout_bonk_giant', count = 3, flag = 8}, [5] = {class = 'heavy_shotgun_giant', count = 3, flag = 8}, [6] = {class = 'soldier_blackbox_giant', count = 3, flag = 8}, [7] = {class = 'soldier_buff', count = 20, flag = 1}, [8] = {class = 'sniper_bow_multi', count = 12, flag = 1}, [9] = {class = 'demo_loch', count = 18, flag = 1}, [10] = {class = 'heavy_shotgun', count = 27, flag = 1}, [11] = {class = 'heavy_champ', count = 28, flag = 1}, [12] = {class = 'soldier_mangler', count = 24, flag = 1}, [13] = {class = 'demo_burst', count = 0, flag = 2} }, [6] = { [1] = {class = 'heavy_giant', count = 2, flag = 8}, [2] = {class = 'medic_giant', count = 2, flag = 8}, [3] = {class = 'demo_burst_giant', count = 3, flag = 8}, [4] = {class = 'soldier_burstfire', count = 3, flag = 24}, [5] = {class = 'pyro_phlog', count = 20, flag = 1}, [6] = {class = 'demoknight_samurai', count = 9, flag = 1}, [7] = {class = 'medic_uber', count = 9, flag = 1}, [8] = {class = 'scout_cleaver', count = 12, flag = 1}, [9] = {class = 'scout_pistol', count = 12, flag = 1}, [10] = {class = 'heavy_steelfist', count = 20, flag = 17}, [11] = {class = 'sniper_antiheal', count = 0, flag = 2} } }, ['b'] = { [1] = { [1] = {class = 'tank', count = 1, flag = 8}, [2] = {class = 'soldier_giant', count = 2, flag = 8}, [3] = {class = 'demo_giant', count = 2, flag = 8}, [4] = {class = 'pyro_fireaxe_lite', count = 27, flag = 1}, [5] = {class = 'demoknight_samurai', count = 4, flag = 1}, [6] = {class = 'heavy_champ', count = 8, flag = 1}, [7] = {class = 'pyro_detonator_lite', count = 12, flag = 1}, [8] = {class = 'soldier_shovel', count = 0, flag = 2} }, [2] = { [1] = {class = 'pyro_giant', count = 3, flag = 8}, [2] = {class = 'heavy_giant', count = 1, flag = 8}, [3] = {class = 'scout_fan_giant', count = 3, flag = 8}, [4] = {class = 'soldier_blackbox_giant', count = 3, flag = 8}, [5] = {class = 'medic_kritz', count = 6, flag = 1}, [6] = {class = 'soldier', count = 15, flag = 1}, [7] = {class = 'medic', count = 1, flag = 1}, [8] = {class = 'scout', count = 12, flag = 1}, [9] = {class = 'sniper_bow_multi', count = 6, flag = 1}, [10] = {class = 'heavy_mittens', count = 40, flag = 17}, [11] = {class = 'demo', count = 0, flag = 2}, [12] = {class = 'sniper', count = 0, flag = 2} }, [3] = { [1] = {class = 'heavy_champ_giant', count = 6, flag = 8}, [2] = {class = 'engineer_widowmaker_nys', count = 2, flag = 8}, [3] = {class = 'medic_bullet', count = 2, flag = 8}, [4] = {class = 'demo_spammer', count = 3, flag = 8}, [5] = {class = 'soldier_directhit_lite', count = 2, flag = 8}, [6] = {class = 'pyro_dragonfury', count = 24, flag = 1}, [7] = {class = 'heavy_gru', count = 20, flag = 1}, [8] = {class = 'heavy_shotgun', count = 18, flag = 1}, [9] = {class = 'demo', count = 12, flag = 1}, [10] = {class = 'demo_sticky_daan', count = 12, flag = 1}, [11] = {class = 'heavy', count = 0, flag = 2} }, [4] = { [1] = {class = 'heavy_shotgun', count = 4, flag = 8}, [2] = {class = 'demo_burst_giant', count = 6, flag = 8}, [3] = {class = 'tank', count = 1, flag = 8}, [4] = {class = 'pyro_phlog', count = 6, flag = 8}, [5] = {class = 'heavy_healonkill', count = 3, flag = 8}, [6] = {class = 'scout_bat', count = 40, flag = 1}, [7] = {class = 'soldier_blackbox', count = 20, flag = 1}, [8] = {class = 'sniper_ammodrain', count = 16, flag = 1}, [9] = {class = 'sniper_smg', count = 8, flag = 1}, [10] = {class = 'demo_loch', count = 0, flag = 2}, [11] = {class = 'spy', count = 0, flag = 2} }, [5] = { [1] = {class = 'soldier_conch_giant', count = 2, flag = 8}, [2] = {class = 'medic_giant', count = 2, flag = 8}, [3] = {class = 'demoknight_giant', count = 6, flag = 8}, [4] = {class = 'heavy_shotgun_giant', count = 3, flag = 8}, [5] = {class = 'heavy', count = 12, flag = 1}, [6] = {class = 'scout_pistol', count = 24, flag = 1}, [7] = {class = 'scout_shortstop', count = 8, flag = 1}, [8] = {class = 'heavy_steelfist', count = 21, flag = 1}, [9] = {class = 'scout', count = 25, flag = 1}, [10] = {class = 'pyro', count = 25, flag = 1}, [11] = {class = 'soldier_conch', count = 20, flag = 1}, [12] = {class = 'medic_uber', count = 18, flag = 1}, [13] = {class = 'sniper_bow', count = 30, flag = 1}, [14] = {class = 'soldier_blackbox', count = 0, flag = 2} }, [6] = { [1] = {class = 'demo_sticky_daan', count = 1, flag = 8}, [2] = {class = 'medic_shield', count = 1, flag = 8}, [3] = {class = 'scout_stun_giant_armored', count = 8, flag = 8}, [4] = {class = 'heavy_giant', count = 2, flag = 8}, [5] = {class = 'medic_giant', count = 2, flag = 8}, [6] = {class = 'demo_ibomber', count = 5, flag = 24}, [7] = {class = 'pyro_dragonfury_giant', count = 5, flag = 8}, [8] = {class = 'heavy_champ', count = 64, flag = 1}, [9] = {class = 'soldier', count = 16, flag = 1}, [10] = {class = 'demo', count = 16, flag = 1}, [11] = {class = 'sniper_ammodrain', count = 0, flag = 2} } }, ['k'] = { [1] = { [1] = {class = 'soldier_giant', count = 4, flag = 8}, [2] = {class = 'demoknight_giant', count = 3, flag = 8}, [3] = {class = 'pyro_giant', count = 4, flag = 8}, [4] = {class = 'tank', count = 1, flag = 8}, [5] = {class = 'demo_giant', count = 2, flag = 8}, [6] = {class = 'scout_bat', count = 33, flag = 1}, [7] = {class = 'medic', count = 9, flag = 1}, [8] = {class = 'heavy_gru', count = 12, flag = 1}, [9] = {class = 'pyro_fireaxe_lite', count = 27, flag = 1}, [10] = {class = 'demoknight_samurai', count = 4, flag = 1}, [11] = {class = 'heavy_champ', count = 8, flag = 1}, [12] = {class = 'pyro_detonator_lite', count = 12, flag = 1}, [13] = {class = 'heavy_champ', count = 0, flag = 2}, [14] = {class = 'soldier_shovel', count = 0, flag = 2} }, [2] = { [1] = {class = 'demo_spammer', count = 3, flag = 8}, [2] = {class = 'tank', count = 1, flag = 8}, [3] = {class = 'heavy_shotgun', count = 3, flag = 8}, [4] = {class = 'soldier_crit', count = 2, flag = 24}, [5] = {class = 'soldier_directhit_lite', count = 2, flag = 8}, [6] = {class = 'pyro_giant', count = 3, flag = 8}, [7] = {class = 'heavy_giant', count = 1, flag = 8}, [8] = {class = 'scout_fan_giant', count = 3, flag = 8}, [9] = {class = 'soldier_blackbox_giant', count = 3, flag = 8}, [10] = {class = 'pyro', count = 16, flag = 1}, [11] = {class = 'heavy_steelfist', count = 9, flag = 1}, [12] = {class = 'soldier', count = 31, flag = 1}, [13] = {class = 'demo', count = 16, flag = 1}, [14] = {class = 'pyro_detonator_lite', count = 12, flag = 1}, [15] = {class = 'medic_kritz', count = 6, flag = 1}, [16] = {class = 'medic', count = 1, flag = 1}, [17] = {class = 'scout', count = 12, flag = 1}, [18] = {class = 'sniper_bow_multi', count = 6, flag = 1}, [19] = {class = 'heavy_mittens', count = 40, flag = 17}, [20] = {class = 'scout', count = 0, flag = 2}, [21] = {class = 'demo', count = 0, flag = 2}, [22] = {class = 'spy', count = 0, flag = 2}, [23] = {class = 'sniper', count = 0, flag = 2} }, [3] = { [1] = {class = 'demo_burst_giant', count = 6, flag = 8}, [2] = {class = 'medic_crossbow', count = 3, flag = 8}, [3] = {class = 'heavy_giant', count = 2, flag = 8}, [4] = {class = 'soldier_spammer', count = 2, flag = 8}, [5] = {class = 'heavy_champ_giant', count = 6, flag = 8}, [6] = {class = 'engineer_widowmaker_nys', count = 2, flag = 8}, [7] = {class = 'medic_bullet', count = 2, flag = 8}, [8] = {class = 'demo_spammer', count = 3, flag = 8}, [9] = {class = 'soldier_directhit_lite', count = 2, flag = 8}, [10] = {class = 'heavy', count = 24, flag = 1}, [11] = {class = 'pyro', count = 10, flag = 1}, [12] = {class = 'medic_blast', count = 10, flag = 1}, [13] = {class = 'demoknight', count = 32, flag = 1}, [14] = {class = 'sniper_smg', count = 12, flag = 1}, [15] = {class = 'scout_shortstop', count = 9, flag = 1}, [16] = {class = 'pyro_dragonfury', count = 24, flag = 1}, [17] = {class = 'heavy_gru', count = 20, flag = 1}, [18] = {class = 'heavy_shotgun', count = 18, flag = 1}, [19] = {class = 'demo', count = 12, flag = 1}, [20] = {class = 'demo_sticky_daan', count = 12, flag = 1}, [21] = {class = 'demoknight_persian_nys', count = 0, flag = 2}, [22] = {class = 'heavy', count = 0, flag = 2} }, [4] = { [1] = {class = 'heavy_steelfist', count = 4, flag = 8}, [2] = {class = 'demoknight_giant', count = 3, flag = 8}, [3] = {class = 'medic_giant', count = 3, flag = 8}, [4] = {class = 'pyro_dragonfury_giant', count = 6, flag = 8}, [5] = {class = 'soldier_burstfire', count = 4, flag = 8}, [6] = {class = 'heavy_shotgun', count = 4, flag = 8}, [7] = {class = 'demo_burst_giant', count = 6, flag = 8}, [8] = {class = 'tank', count = 1, flag = 8}, [9] = {class = 'pyro_phlog', count = 6, flag = 8}, [10] = {class = 'heavy_healonkill', count = 3, flag = 8}, [11] = {class = 'medic_uber', count = 8, flag = 1}, [12] = {class = 'demo', count = 24, flag = 1}, [13] = {class = 'scout', count = 16, flag = 1}, [14] = {class = 'sniper_antiheal', count = 16, flag = 1}, [15] = {class = 'soldier_bison', count = 15, flag = 1}, [16] = {class = 'scout_bat', count = 40, flag = 1}, [17] = {class = 'soldier_blackbox', count = 20, flag = 1}, [18] = {class = 'sniper_ammodrain', count = 16, flag = 1}, [19] = {class = 'sniper_smg', count = 8, flag = 1}, [20] = {class = 'soldier_directhit_lite', count = 0, flag = 2}, [21] = {class = 'demo_loch', count = 0, flag = 2}, [22] = {class = 'sniper', count = 0, flag = 2}, [23] = {class = 'spy', count = 0, flag = 2} }, [5] = { [1] = {class = 'heavy_heater_giant', count = 2, flag = 8}, [2] = {class = 'soldier_barrage', count = 2, flag = 8}, [3] = {class = 'tank', count = 1, flag = 8}, [4] = {class = 'scout_bonk_giant', count = 3, flag = 8}, [5] = {class = 'heavy_shotgun_giant', count = 6, flag = 8}, [6] = {class = 'soldier_blackbox_giant', count = 3, flag = 8}, [7] = {class = 'soldier_conch_giant', count = 2, flag = 8}, [8] = {class = 'medic_giant', count = 2, flag = 8}, [9] = {class = 'demoknight_giant', count = 6, flag = 8}, [10] = {class = 'soldier_buff', count = 20, flag = 1}, [11] = {class = 'sniper_bow_multi', count = 12, flag = 1}, [12] = {class = 'demo_loch', count = 18, flag = 1}, [13] = {class = 'heavy_shotgun', count = 27, flag = 1}, [14] = {class = 'heavy_champ', count = 28, flag = 1}, [15] = {class = 'soldier_mangler', count = 24, flag = 1}, [16] = {class = 'heavy', count = 12, flag = 1}, [17] = {class = 'scout_pistol', count = 24, flag = 1}, [18] = {class = 'scout_shortstop', count = 8, flag = 1}, [19] = {class = 'heavy_steelfist', count = 21, flag = 1}, [20] = {class = 'scout', count = 25, flag = 1}, [21] = {class = 'pyro', count = 25, flag = 1}, [22] = {class = 'soldier_conch', count = 20, flag = 1}, [23] = {class = 'medic_uber', count = 18, flag = 1}, [24] = {class = 'sniper_bow', count = 30, flag = 1} }, [6] = { [1] = {class = 'heavy_giant', count = 4, flag = 8}, [2] = {class = 'medic_giant', count = 4, flag = 8}, [3] = {class = 'demo_burst_giant', count = 3, flag = 8}, [4] = {class = 'soldier_burstfire', count = 3, flag = 24}, [5] = {class = 'demo_sticky_daan', count = 1, flag = 8}, [6] = {class = 'medic_shield', count = 1, flag = 8}, [7] = {class = 'scout_stun_giant_armored', count = 8, flag = 8}, [8] = {class = 'demo_ibomber', count = 5, flag = 24}, [9] = {class = 'pyro_dragonfury_giant', count = 5, flag = 8}, [10] = {class = 'pyro_phlog', count = 20, flag = 1}, [11] = {class = 'demoknight_samurai', count = 9, flag = 1}, [12] = {class = 'medic_uber', count = 9, flag = 1}, [13] = {class = 'scout_cleaver', count = 12, flag = 1}, [14] = {class = 'scout_pistol', count = 12, flag = 1}, [15] = {class = 'heavy_steelfist', count = 20, flag = 17}, [16] = {class = 'heavy_champ', count = 64, flag = 1}, [17] = {class = 'soldier', count = 16, flag = 1}, [18] = {class = 'demo', count = 16, flag = 1}, [19] = {class = 'sniper_antiheal', count = 0, flag = 2}, [20] = {class = 'sniper_ammodrain', count = 0, flag = 2} } } } WavebarCount = 0 VoteMenu = { timeout = 0, title = 'Choose a wave\n ', flags = MENUFLAG_NO_SOUND, onSelect = function (voter, index) if index == 1 and voter.VoteChoice ~= 2 then voter.VoteChoice = 2 voter:PlaySoundToSelf('ui/hint.wav') elseif index == 2 and voter.VoteChoice ~= 3 then voter.VoteChoice = 3 voter:PlaySoundToSelf('ui/hint.wav') elseif index == 3 and voter.VoteChoice ~= 1 then voter.VoteChoice = 1 voter:PlaySoundToSelf('ui/hint.wav') else voter.VoteChoice = 0 end UpdateMenu() end } MirrorVoteMenu = { timeout = 0, title = ExtraVoteTitle, flags = MENUFLAG_NO_SOUND, onSelect = function (voter, index) if index == 1 and voter.MirrorVoteChoice ~= 1 then voter.MirrorVoteChoice = 1 voter:PlaySoundToSelf('ui/vote_yes.wav') elseif index == 2 and voter.MirrorVoteChoice ~= 2 then voter.MirrorVoteChoice = 2 voter:PlaySoundToSelf('ui/vote_no.wav') else voter.MirrorVoteChoice = 0 end UpdateMenu() end } ResultMenu = { timeout = 3, title = '✓ Vote Passed...', flags = MENUFLAG_NO_SOUND, [1] = {text=''}, } --[[ function OnPlayerConnected(player) player:AddCallback(ON_DEATH, function() if WaveActive == true then local remaining = 0 for k = 1, 12 do if ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassFlags[k] ~= 4 then remaining = remaining + ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts[k] end end for k = 1, 2 do if ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassFlags2[k] ~= 4 then remaining = remaining + ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts2[k] end end for k = 1, 12 do print(k, ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts[k], ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_iszMannVsMachineWaveClassNames[k]) end for k = 1, 12 do print(k+12, ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts2[k], ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_iszMannVsMachineWaveClassNames2[k]) end if remaining == 0 then EndWave() end end end) end ]] function UpdateMenu() RedVoters = '' BluVoters = '' RandomVoters = '' VoteMenu[1] = {text = 'Unlock RED Side'} VoteMenu[2] = {text = 'Unlock BLU Side'} VoteMenu[3] = {text = 'Random'} PlayerCount = 0 RedVotes = 0 BluVotes = 0 RandomVotes = 0 for _, player in pairs(ents.GetAllPlayers()) do if player:IsRealPlayer() and player.m_iTeamNum == 2 then PlayerCount = PlayerCount + 1 if player.VoteChoice == 1 then RandomVoters = RandomVoters .. '\n✓ ' .. player.m_szNetname VoteMenu[3].text = 'Random' .. RandomVoters RandomVotes = RandomVotes + 1 elseif player.VoteChoice == 2 then RedVoters = RedVoters .. '\n✓ ' .. player.m_szNetname VoteMenu[1].text = 'Unlock RED Side' .. RedVoters RedVotes = RedVotes + 1 elseif player.VoteChoice == 3 then BluVoters = BluVoters .. '\n✓ ' .. player.m_szNetname VoteMenu[2].text = 'Unlock BLU Side' .. BluVoters BluVotes = BluVotes + 1 end end end if RedVotes == 0 and BluVotes == 0 and RandomVotes == 0 then VoteTimerActive = false VoteTimerDuration = 1980 VoteMenu.title = 'Choose a wave\n ' else VoteTimerActive = true end if (RedVotes == PlayerCount or BluVotes == PlayerCount or RandomVotes == PlayerCount) and VoteTimerDuration >= 198 and UnanimousVote == false then UnanimousVote = true VoteTimerDurationUnanimous = VoteTimerDuration VoteTimerDuration = 198 end if (RedVotes ~= PlayerCount and BluVotes ~= PlayerCount and RandomVotes ~= PlayerCount) and UnanimousVote == true then UnanimousVote = false VoteTimerDuration = VoteTimerDurationUnanimous end for _, player in pairs(ents.GetAllPlayers()) do if player:IsRealPlayer() and player.m_iTeamNum == 2 then player:DisplayMenu(VoteMenu) player.Overlay = 'wavebar' if KaizoMode == false then if MirrorMode == true then player:AcceptInput('SetScriptOverlayMaterial', 'yiresahud/wavebar'..CurrentWave..'m') else player:AcceptInput('SetScriptOverlayMaterial', 'yiresahud/wavebar'..CurrentWave) end else player:AcceptInput('SetScriptOverlayMaterial', '') end end end if MirrorVote == true then YesVoters = '' NoVoters = '' MirrorVoteMenu[1] = {text = 'Yes'} MirrorVoteMenu[2] = {text = 'No'} YesVotes = 0 NoVotes = 0 for _, player in pairs(ents.GetAllPlayers()) do if player:IsRealPlayer() and player.m_iTeamNum == 2 then PlayerCount = PlayerCount + 1 if player.MirrorVoteChoice == 1 then YesVoters = YesVoters .. '\n✓ ' .. player.m_szNetname MirrorVoteMenu[1].text = 'Yes' .. YesVoters YesVotes = YesVotes + 1 elseif player.MirrorVoteChoice == 2 then NoVoters = NoVoters .. '\n✓ ' .. player.m_szNetname MirrorVoteMenu[2].text = 'No' .. NoVoters NoVotes = NoVotes + 1 end end end for _, player in pairs(ents.GetAllPlayers()) do if player:IsRealPlayer() and player.m_iTeamNum == 2 then player:DisplayMenu(MirrorVoteMenu) player:AcceptInput('SetScriptOverlayMaterial', 'yiresahud/wavebar'..CurrentWave) end end end if (YesVotes == PlayerCount or NoVotes == PlayerCount) and MirrorVoteTimerDuration >= 198 and MirrorUnanimousVote == false then MirrorUnanimousVote = true MirrorVoteTimerDurationUnanimous = MirrorVoteTimerDuration MirrorVoteTimerDuration = 198 end if (YesVotes ~= PlayerCount and NoVotes ~= PlayerCount) and MirrorUnanimousVote == true then MirrorUnanimousVote = false MirrorVoteTimerDuration = MirrorVoteTimerDurationUnanimous end end function OnWaveInit(wave) CurrentWave = wave SpyDisabled = false WaveActive = false RandomActive = false AiFirstSpawn = false timer.Simple(1, function() for _, player in pairs(ents.GetAllPlayers()) do if player:IsRealPlayer() then player.VoteChoice = 0 player.MirrorVoteChoice = 0 player:PlaySoundToSelf('ui/vote_started.wav') VoteActive = true end end VoteActive = true UpdateMenu() end) for k = 1, 12 do ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassFlags[k] = 0 ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassFlags2[k] = 0 end if KaizoMode == false then for k = 1, ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineMaxWaveCount do if k < wave then ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts[k] = k ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassFlags[k] = 1 if string.sub((WavesPlayed[k]), 1, 1) == 'r' then ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_iszMannVsMachineWaveClassNames[k] = 'pathred' elseif string.sub((WavesPlayed[k]), 1, 1) == 'b' then ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_iszMannVsMachineWaveClassNames[k] = 'pathblu' elseif string.sub((WavesPlayed[k]), 1, 1) == 'd' then ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_iszMannVsMachineWaveClassNames[k] = 'pathrandom' else ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_iszMannVsMachineWaveClassNames[k] = 'random_lite' end else ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts[k] = 0 ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassFlags[k] = 0 end end WavebarCount = 0 for k = 1, wave do WavebarCount = WavebarCount + k end ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveEnemyCount = WavebarCount ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts[wave] = wave ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts[wave + 1] = 0 ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts[wave + 2] = 0 ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts[wave + 3] = 0 ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_iszMannVsMachineWaveClassNames[wave] = 'random_lite' ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_iszMannVsMachineWaveClassNames[wave + 1] = 'pathred' ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_iszMannVsMachineWaveClassNames[wave + 2] = 'pathblu' ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_iszMannVsMachineWaveClassNames[wave + 3] = 'pathrandom' ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassFlags[wave] = 1 ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassFlags[wave + 1] = 2 ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassFlags[wave + 2] = 2 ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassFlags[wave + 3] = 2 else InitializeWavebar(wave, 'k') end if wave == 1 then ents.FindByClass('tf_gamerules'):RunScriptFile('enablemirror') end end function OnWaveStart(wave) WavesPlayed[wave] = string.sub((VoteListSorted)[3], 2, 3) WaveActive = true if MirrorMode == false then InitializeWavebar(wave, string.sub((WavesPlayed[wave]), 1, 1)) else if string.sub((WavesPlayed[wave]), 1, 1) == 'r' then InitializeWavebar(wave, 'b') else InitializeWavebar(wave, 'r') end end if KaizoMode == false then if wave == 2 then ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassFlags[12] = 0 if string.sub((WavesPlayed[wave]), 1, 1) == 'r' then ents.FindByName('spawnbot_mission_sniper'):AcceptInput("Disable") ents.FindByName('spawnbot_mission_sniper_left'):AcceptInput("Disable") ents.FindByName('spawnbot_mission_sniper_right'):AcceptInput("Disable") elseif string.sub((WavesPlayed[wave]), 1, 1) == 'b' then ents.FindByName('spawnbot_mission_spy'):AcceptInput("Disable") SpyDisabled = true end if MirrorMode == false then if string.sub((WavesPlayed[wave]), 1, 1) == 'r' then ents.FindByName('spawnbot_mission_spy'):AcceptInput("Disable") SpyDisabled = true elseif string.sub((WavesPlayed[wave]), 1, 1) == 'b' then ents.FindByName('spawnbot_mission_sniper'):AcceptInput("Disable") ents.FindByName('spawnbot_mission_sniper_left'):AcceptInput("Disable") ents.FindByName('spawnbot_mission_sniper_right'):AcceptInput("Disable") end end end if wave == 4 then if string.sub((WavesPlayed[wave]), 1, 1) == 'b' then ents.FindByName('spawnbot_mission_sniper'):AcceptInput("Disable") ents.FindByName('spawnbot_mission_sniper_left'):AcceptInput("Disable") ents.FindByName('spawnbot_mission_sniper_right'):AcceptInput("Disable") ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassFlags[11] = 0 elseif string.sub((WavesPlayed[wave]), 1, 1) == 'r' then ents.FindByName('spawnbot_mission_spy'):AcceptInput("Disable") ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassFlags[12] = 0 SpyDisabled = true end if MirrorMode == false then if string.sub((WavesPlayed[wave]), 1, 1) == 'r' then ents.FindByName('spawnbot_mission_spy'):AcceptInput("Disable") ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassFlags[12] = 0 SpyDisabled = true elseif string.sub((WavesPlayed[wave]), 1, 1) == 'b' then ents.FindByName('spawnbot_mission_sniper'):AcceptInput("Disable") ents.FindByName('spawnbot_mission_sniper_left'):AcceptInput("Disable") ents.FindByName('spawnbot_mission_sniper_right'):AcceptInput("Disable") ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassFlags[11] = 0 end end end else InitializeWavebar(wave, 'k') if wave == 2 or wave == 4 then ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassFlags2[11] = 0 ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassFlags2[10] = 0 end end if string.sub((WavesPlayed[wave]), 2, 2) == 'd' then RandomActive = true end end function OnWaveSuccess(wave) --[[ if RandomActive == true then timer.Simple(1, function() if wave - 1 ~= 6 then util.PrintToChatAll("\x076cc94d$100 bonus for randoming has been awarded!") for _, player in pairs(ents.GetAllPlayers()) do if player:IsRealPlayer() and player.m_iTeamNum == 2 then player:AddCurrency(100) end end end end) end ]] if wave - 1 == 1 then if string.sub((WavesPlayed[wave - 1]), 1, 1) == 'r' then util.PrintToChatAll("\x07ff3d3dAI-dol\x07fbeccb has been upgraded with: \x07FFD700Equip Rocket Launcher") else util.PrintToChatAll("\x07ff3d3dAI-dol\x07fbeccb has been upgraded with: \x07FFD700Equip Flamethrower") end elseif wave - 1 == 2 then if string.sub((WavesPlayed[wave - 1]), 1, 1) == 'r' then util.PrintToChatAll("\x07ff3d3dAI-dol\x07fbeccb has been upgraded with: \x07FFD700Rapid Reload Module") else util.PrintToChatAll("\x07ff3d3dAI-dol\x07fbeccb has been upgraded with: \x07FFD700Heal On Hit Module") end elseif wave - 1 == 3 then if string.sub((WavesPlayed[wave - 1]), 1, 1) == 'r' then util.PrintToChatAll("\x07ff3d3dAI-dol\x07fbeccb has been upgraded with: \x07FFD700Blast Resist Aura") else util.PrintToChatAll("\x07ff3d3dAI-dol\x07fbeccb has been upgraded with: \x07FFD700Bullet Resist Aura") end elseif wave - 1 == 4 then if string.sub((WavesPlayed[wave - 1]), 1, 1) == 'r' then util.PrintToChatAll("\x07ff3d3dAI-dol\x07fbeccb has been upgraded with: \x07FFD700Anti-Heal Attacks") else util.PrintToChatAll("\x07ff3d3dAI-dol\x07fbeccb has been upgraded with: \x07FFD700Ammo Drain Attacks") end elseif wave - 1 == 5 then if string.sub((WavesPlayed[wave - 1]), 1, 1) == 'r' then util.PrintToChatAll("\x07ff3d3dAI-dol\x07fbeccb has been upgraded with: \x07FFD700Equip Buff Banner") else util.PrintToChatAll("\x07ff3d3dAI-dol\x07fbeccb has been upgraded with: \x07FFD700Equip Concheror") end elseif wave - 1 == 6 then local clearstring = "" clearstring = clearstring .. "\x07FFD700>>> " for k = 1, 6 do if string.sub((WavesPlayed[k]), 1, 1) == 'r' then clearstring = clearstring .. "\x07ff3d3d 【R" if string.sub((WavesPlayed[k]), 2, 2) == 'd' then clearstring = clearstring .. "\x07FFD700◆\x07ff3d3d】 " else clearstring = clearstring .. "\x07ff3d3d】 " end else clearstring = clearstring .. "\x0799CCFF 【B" if string.sub((WavesPlayed[k]), 2, 2) == 'd' then clearstring = clearstring .. "\x07FFD700◆\x0799CCFF】 " else clearstring = clearstring .. "\x0799CCFF】 " end end end clearstring = clearstring .. "\x07FFD700 <<<" util.PrintToChatAll(clearstring) if MirrorMode == true then util.PrintToChatAll("\x0700FF00>>>>>>>> MIRROR MODE CLEAR <<<<<<<<") end if KaizoMode == true then util.PrintToChatAll("\x07FFFF00>>>>>>>> KAIZO MODE CLEAR <<<<<<<<") end local k = 0 for i = 1, 6, 1 do if string.sub((WavesPlayed[i]), 2, 2) == 'd' then k = k + 1 end if k == 6 then util.PrintToChatAll("\x0700FF00Mirror Mode unlocked! Type \x07FFFFFFenablemirror \x0700FF00in chat during Wave 1 voting time to enable Mirror Mode") util.PrintToChatAll("\x07FFFF00Kaizo Mode unlocked! Type \x07FFFFFFenablekaizo \x07FFFF00in chat during Wave 1 voting time to enable Kaizo Mode.") for _, player in pairs(ents.GetAllPlayers()) do if player:IsRealPlayer() and player.m_iTeamNum == 2 then player:RunScriptFile('unlockmirror') end end end end end end --[[ function OnWaveReset(wave) for k = 1, wave do if WavesPlayed[k] ~= nil then if string.sub((WavesPlayed[k]), 2, 2) == 'd' then timer.Simple(1, function() for _, player in pairs(ents.GetAllPlayers()) do if player:IsRealPlayer() and player.m_iTeamNum == 2 then player:AddCurrency(100) end end end) end end end end ]] function OnGameTick() if (VoteTimerDuration == 0 and VoteTimerActive == true) or (math.abs(ents.FindByClass('tf_gamerules').m_flRestartRoundTime - CurTime()) < 10 and VoteActive == true) then VoteTimerActive = false VoteActive = false for _, player in pairs(ents.GetAllPlayers()) do if player:IsRealPlayer() then if player.Overlay == 'wavebar' then player:AcceptInput('SetScriptOverlayMaterial', '') player.Overlay = 'none' end end end VoteResult() if MirrorVote == true then MirrorVoteTimerActive = false MirrorVote = false end end if VoteTimerActive == true then VoteTimerDuration = VoteTimerDuration - 1 if math.ceil(VoteTimerDuration/66) == 1 then VoteMenu.title = 'Choose a wave\n' .. math.ceil(VoteTimerDuration/66) .. ' second remaining\n ' else VoteMenu.title = 'Choose a wave\n' .. math.ceil(VoteTimerDuration/66) .. ' seconds remaining\n ' end end if UnanimousVote == true then VoteTimerDurationUnanimous = VoteTimerDurationUnanimous - 1 end if VoteActive == true then UpdateMenu() end if VoteActive == false then for _, player in pairs(ents.GetAllPlayers()) do if (player:InCond(65) == true and player:InCond(12) == true) and not (player:InCond(5) == true or player:InCond(52) == true) then if player.Overlay ~= 'combined' then player.Overlay = 'combined' player:SetScriptOverlayMaterial("yiresahud/combined") player:Print(2, "Healing Disabled!\nAmmo Drained!") player:AcceptInput("AddOutput", "rendercolor 228 75 128") player:PlaySoundToSelf('ana_biotic_grenade_no_healing_sound.mp3') end else if (player:InCond(12) == true and player:IsAlive() == true and not (player:InCond(5) == true or player:InCond(52) == true)) then if player.Overlay ~= 'antiheal' then player.Overlay = 'antiheal' player:SetScriptOverlayMaterial("yiresahud/antiheal") player:Print(2, "Healing Disabled!") player:SetAttributeValue("healing received penalty", 0) if player:IsRealPlayer() then player:SetAttributeValue("mod weapon blocks healing", 1) end player:AcceptInput("AddOutput", "rendercolor 200 0 255") player:PlaySoundToSelf('ana_biotic_grenade_no_healing_sound.mp3') for i = 0, 6 do if player:GetPlayerItemBySlot(i) ~= nil then player:GetPlayerItemBySlot(i):SetAttributeValue("healing received penalty", 0) if player:IsRealPlayer() then player:GetPlayerItemBySlot(i):SetAttributeValue("mod weapon blocks healing", 1) end end end end end if (player:InCond(65) == true and player:IsAlive() == true and not (player:InCond(5) == true or player:InCond(52) == true)) then if player.Overlay ~= 'ammodrain' then player.Overlay = 'ammodrain' player:SetScriptOverlayMaterial("yiresahud/ammodrain") player:Print(2, "Ammo Drained!") player:AcceptInput("AddOutput", "rendercolor 255 150 0") player:PlaySoundToSelf('ana_biotic_grenade_no_healing_sound.mp3') if player.m_iTeamNum == 3 then for i = 0, 1 do if player:GetPlayerItemBySlot(i) ~= nil then player:GetPlayerItemBySlot(i):SetAttributeValue("fire rate penalty HIDDEN", 1.8) player:GetPlayerItemBySlot(i):SetAttributeValue("reload time increased hidden", 1.8) end end end end end end if (player:InCond(65) == false and player:InCond(12) == false) then if player.Overlay ~= 'none' then player.Overlay = 'none' player:SetScriptOverlayMaterial("") player:Print(2, "") player:SetAttributeValue("healing received penalty", nil) if player:IsRealPlayer() then player:SetAttributeValue("mod weapon blocks healing", nil) end player:AcceptInput("AddOutput", "rendercolor 255 255 255") for i = 0, 6 do if player:GetPlayerItemBySlot(i) ~= nil then player:GetPlayerItemBySlot(i):SetAttributeValue("healing received penalty", nil) if player:IsRealPlayer() then player:GetPlayerItemBySlot(i):SetAttributeValue("mod weapon blocks healing", nil) end end end for i = 0, 1 do if player:GetPlayerItemBySlot(i) ~= nil then player:GetPlayerItemBySlot(i):SetAttributeValue("fire rate penalty HIDDEN", nil) player:GetPlayerItemBySlot(i):SetAttributeValue("reload time increased hidden", nil) end end end end end end if WaveActive == true then local remaining = 0 for k = 1, 12 do if (ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassFlags2[k] ~= 4) and (ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassFlags2[k] ~= 2) then remaining = remaining + ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts[k] end end for k = 1, 12 do if (ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassFlags2[k] ~= 4) and (ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassFlags2[k] ~= 2) then remaining = remaining + ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts2[k] end end --[[ for k = 1, 12 do print(k, ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts[k], ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_iszMannVsMachineWaveClassNames[k]) end for k = 1, 12 do print(k+12, ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts2[k], ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_iszMannVsMachineWaveClassNames2[k]) end ]] if remaining == 0 then EndWave() end end if (MirrorVoteTimerDuration == 0 and MirrorVoteTimerActive == true) then MirrorVoteTimerActive = false MirrorVote = false MirrorVoteResult() end if MirrorVoteTimerActive == true then MirrorVoteTimerDuration = MirrorVoteTimerDuration - 1 if math.ceil(MirrorVoteTimerDuration/66) == 1 then MirrorVoteMenu.title = ExtraVoteTitle .. math.ceil(MirrorVoteTimerDuration/66) .. ' second remaining\n ' else MirrorVoteMenu.title = ExtraVoteTitle .. math.ceil(MirrorVoteTimerDuration/66) .. ' seconds remaining\n ' end end if MirrorUnanimousVote == true then MirrorVoteTimerDurationUnanimous = MirrorVoteTimerDurationUnanimous - 1 end if VoteActive == true then UpdateMenu() end end function VoteResult() VoteList = {RedVotes..'r', BluVotes..'b', RandomVotes..'d'} table.sort(VoteList) VoteListSorted = {} for k, v in ipairs(VoteList) do VoteListSorted[k] = v end if string.sub((VoteListSorted)[3], 1, 1) == string.sub((VoteListSorted)[2], 1, 1) then ResultMenu.title = '✗ Vote Failed\n ' ResultMenu[1].text = 'Not enough players voted. Random wave selected.' ChooseRandom(ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveCount) VotePassed = false elseif string.sub((VoteListSorted)[3], -1, -1) == 'r' then ResultMenu.title = '✓ Vote Passed\n ' ResultMenu[1].text = 'Unlocking RED side...' ChooseRed(ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveCount, 'r') VoteListSorted[3] = ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveCount..'rn' VotePassed = true elseif string.sub((VoteListSorted)[3], -1, -1) == 'b' then ResultMenu.title = '✓ Vote Passed\n ' ResultMenu[1].text = 'Unlocking BLU side...' ChooseBlu(ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveCount, 'b') VoteListSorted[3] = ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveCount..'bn' VotePassed = true elseif string.sub((VoteListSorted)[3], -1, -1) == 'd' then ResultMenu.title = '✓ Vote Passed\n ' ResultMenu[1].text = 'Random selected!' ChooseRandom(ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveCount) VotePassed = true end for _, player in pairs(ents.GetAllPlayers()) do if player:IsRealPlayer() then player:DisplayMenu(ResultMenu) end if VotePassed == true then player:PlaySoundToSelf('ui/vote_success.wav') else player:PlaySoundToSelf('ui/vote_failure.wav') end end end function MirrorVoteResult() MirrorVoteList = {YesVotes..'y', NoVotes..'n'} table.sort(MirrorVoteList) MirrorVoteListSorted = {} for k, v in ipairs(MirrorVoteList) do MirrorVoteListSorted[k] = v end if string.sub((MirrorVoteListSorted)[2], 1, 1) == string.sub((MirrorVoteListSorted)[1], 1, 1) then VotePassed = false util.PrintToChatAll("\x07FF0000Vote Failed") elseif string.sub((MirrorVoteListSorted)[2], -1, -1) == 'y' then VotePassed = true if KaizoVote == false then MirrorMode = true ents.FindByName('spawnbot_front_left'):Teleport(spawnbot_front_right) ents.FindByName('spawnbot_front_right'):Teleport(spawnbot_front_left) ents.FindByName('spawnbot_left'):Teleport(spawnbot_right) ents.FindByName('spawnbot_right'):Teleport(spawnbot_left) ents.FindByName('movespawns_left'):AddOutput('OnTrigger spawnbot_left:Disable:0:0.1:-1') ents.FindByName('movespawns_left'):AddOutput('OnTrigger spawnbot_right:Enable:0:0.1:-1') ents.FindByName('movespawns_right'):AddOutput('OnTrigger spawnbot_right:Disable:0:0.1:-1') ents.FindByName('movespawns_right'):AddOutput('OnTrigger spawnbot_left:Enable:0:0.1:-1') util.PrintToChatAll("\x0700FF00Mirror Mode has been enabled! RED and BLU waves have switched sides.") else KaizoMode = true InitializeWavebar(1, 'k') ents.FindByName('movespawns_left'):AddOutput('OnTrigger spawnbot_right:Enable:0:0.1:-1') ents.FindByName('movespawns_left'):AddOutput('OnTrigger popscript:$TeleportLeft:0:0.1:-1') ents.FindByName('movespawns_right'):AddOutput('OnTrigger popscript:$TeleportRight:0:0.1:-1') ents.FindByName('movespawns_right'):AddOutput('OnTrigger spawnbot_left:Enable:0:0.1:-1') util.PrintToChatAll("\x07FFFF00Kaizo Mode has been enabled! Both waves will spawn simultaneously. Good luck...") end elseif string.sub((MirrorVoteListSorted)[2], -1, -1) == 'n' then VotePassed = false util.PrintToChatAll("\x07FF0000Vote Failed") end for _, player in pairs(ents.GetAllPlayers()) do if player:IsRealPlayer() then player:DisplayMenu(ResultMenu) end if VotePassed == true then if KaizoVote == true then player:PlaySoundToSelf('ui/duel_challenge_accepted_with_restriction.wav') else player:PlaySoundToSelf('ui/duel_challenge_accepted.wav') end else if KaizoVote == true then player:PlaySoundToSelf('ui/duel_challenge_rejected_with_restriction.wav') else player:PlaySoundToSelf('ui/duel_challenge_rejected.wav') end end end end function ChooseRed(wave, team) ents.FindByName('wave_finished_nextwave_left'):AcceptInput("Trigger") if KaizoMode == false then timer.Simple(2, function() ents.FindByName('spawnbot_front_left'):AcceptInput("Disable") end) end if MirrorMode == true then timer.Simple(2.1, function() ents.FindByName('spawnbot_front_left'):AcceptInput("Enable") end) timer.Simple(2.1, function() ents.FindByName('spawnbot_front_right'):AcceptInput("Disable") end) end if KaizoMode == false then for k = 1, 12 do ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts[k] = 0 ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassFlags[k] = 0 end InitializeWavebar(wave, team) if MirrorMode == true then InitializeWavebar(wave, 'b') end end end function ChooseBlu(wave, team) ents.FindByName('wave_finished_nextwave_right'):AcceptInput("Trigger") if KaizoMode == false then timer.Simple(2, function() ents.FindByName('spawnbot_front_right'):AcceptInput("Disable") end) end if MirrorMode == true then timer.Simple(2.1, function() ents.FindByName('spawnbot_front_right'):AcceptInput("Enable") end) timer.Simple(2.1, function() ents.FindByName('spawnbot_front_left'):AcceptInput("Disable") end) end if KaizoMode == false then for k = 1, 12 do ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts[k] = 0 ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassFlags[k] = 0 end InitializeWavebar(wave, team) if MirrorMode == true then InitializeWavebar(wave, 'r') end end end function ChooseRandom(wave) local team = '' local number = math.random(2) if number == 1 then team = 'r' ChooseRed(wave, team) else team = 'b' ChooseBlu(wave, team) end VoteListSorted[3] ='d' end function EndWave() for _, player in pairs(ents.GetAllPlayers()) do if player.m_iTeamNum == 3 then player:AcceptInput('$Suicide') end end end function InitializeWavebar(wave, team) WavebarCount = 0 for k = 1, 12 do if Wavebar[team][wave][k] ~= nil then ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_iszMannVsMachineWaveClassNames[k] = Wavebar[team][wave][k].class ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts[k] = Wavebar[team][wave][k].count ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassFlags[k] = Wavebar[team][wave][k].flag WavebarCount = WavebarCount + Wavebar[team][wave][k].count else ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_iszMannVsMachineWaveClassNames[k] = '' ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts[k] = 0 ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassFlags[k] = 0 end end for k = 13, 24 do if Wavebar[team][wave][k] ~= nil then ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_iszMannVsMachineWaveClassNames2[k-12] = Wavebar[team][wave][k].class ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts2[k-12] = Wavebar[team][wave][k].count ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassFlags2[k-12] = Wavebar[team][wave][k].flag WavebarCount = WavebarCount + Wavebar[team][wave][k].count else ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_iszMannVsMachineWaveClassNames2[k-12] = '' ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts2[k-12] = 0 ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassFlags2[k-12] = 0 end end if KaizoMode == false then if team == 'r' then ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_iszMannVsMachineWaveClassNames2[12] = 'pathred' ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts2[12] = 0 ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassFlags2[12] = 2 if MirrorMode == true then ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_iszMannVsMachineWaveClassNames2[12] = 'pathblu' end else ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_iszMannVsMachineWaveClassNames2[12] = 'pathblu' ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts2[12] = 0 ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassFlags2[12] = 2 if MirrorMode == true then ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_iszMannVsMachineWaveClassNames2[12] = 'pathred' end end end ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveEnemyCount = WavebarCount end --[[ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ]] timer.Create(0.5, function () for _, player in pairs(ents.GetAllPlayers()) do if (player:InCond(65) == true and player:IsAlive() == true and player:InCond(5) == false) then if player.m_iClass == 6 or player.m_iClass == 7 then if player:GetPlayerItemBySlot(0):GetClassname() == "tf_weapon_rocketlauncher_fireball" then player.m_iAmmo[2] = math.max(player.m_iAmmo[2] - 2, 0) else player.m_iAmmo[2] = math.max(player.m_iAmmo[2] - 10, 0) end elseif player.m_iClass == 5 then if player:GetPlayerItemBySlot(0):GetClassname() == "tf_weapon_crossbow" then player.m_iAmmo[2] = math.max(player.m_iAmmo[2] - 1, 0) else player.m_iAmmo[2] = math.max(player.m_iAmmo[2] - 10, 0) end else player.m_iAmmo[2] = math.max(player.m_iAmmo[2] - 1, 0) end player.m_iAmmo[3] = math.max(player.m_iAmmo[3] - 1, 0) if player.m_iClass == 9 then player.m_iAmmo[4] = math.max(player.m_iAmmo[4] - 10, 0) end end end end, 0) function OnWaveSpawnBot(bot, wave, tags) if tags[3] == "die" then timer.Simple(1, function() bot:Suicide() end) end if bot.m_iClass == 8 and tags[1] == nil then ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_iszMannVsMachineWaveClassNames2[11] = 'spy' --ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts2[11] = ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts2[11] + 1 ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassFlags2[11] = 4 bot:AddCallback(ON_DEATH, function() --ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts2[11] = ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts2[11] - 1 if ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts2[11] == 0 then ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassFlags2[11] = 0 end bot:RemoveAllCallbacks() end) if SpyDisabled == true then bot:AcceptInput('$Suicide') end end if bot.m_iClass == 2 and tags[1] == nil then ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_iszMannVsMachineWaveClassNames2[10] = 'sniper' --ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts2[10] = ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts2[10] + 1 ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassFlags2[10] = 4 bot:AddCallback(ON_DEATH, function() --ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts2[10] = ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts2[10] - 1 if ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts2[10] == 0 then ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassFlags2[10] = 0 end bot:RemoveAllCallbacks() end) end if bot:GetPlayerItemBySlot(2):GetClassname() == "tf_weapon_stickbomb" then if KaizoMode == false then ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_iszMannVsMachineWaveClassNames2[9] = 'sentry_buster' --ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts2[9] = ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts2[9] + 1 ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassFlags2[9] = 4 bot:AddCallback(ON_DEATH, function() --ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts2[9] = ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts2[9] - 1 if ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts2[9] == 0 then ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassFlags2[9] = 0 end bot:RemoveAllCallbacks() end) elseif KaizoMode == true and CurrentWave ~= 5 then ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_iszMannVsMachineWaveClassNames2[12] = 'sentry_buster' ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassFlags2[12] = 4 bot:AddCallback(ON_DEATH, function() if ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts2[12] == 0 then ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassFlags2[12] = 0 end bot:RemoveAllCallbacks() end) end end if tags[1] == 'ally' and bot.m_iTeamNum == 2 then if AiFirstSpawn == false then bot:Teleport(Vector(-675, 379, -1200)) AiFirstSpawn = true else bot:Teleport(Vector(264, 512, 128)) bot:SetAttributeValue('CARD: move speed bonus', 3) bot:AddCond(32) bot:AddCond(6, 18) --non functional bot:AddCond(5, 5) bot:AddCallback(ON_KEY_PRESSED, function(ent, key) if key == 1 then bot:SetAttributeValue('CARD: move speed bonus', nil) ent:RemoveCond(32) end end) end util.ParticleEffect("teleportedin_red", bot:GetAbsOrigin()) util.ParticleEffect("teleported_red", bot:GetAbsOrigin()) util.ParticleEffect("player_recent_teleport_red", bot:GetAbsOrigin(),_,bot) bot:PlaySound('weapons/teleporter_send.wav') ents.SpawnTemplate('RedBotParticle', {parent = bot}) function Equip() local timer1 = 0 local timer2 = 0 local timer3 = 0 local timer4 = 0 bot:AddCallback(ON_DEATH, function() if timer1 ~= 0 then timer.Stop(timer1) timer1 = 0 end if timer2 ~= 0 then timer.Stop(timer2) timer2 = 0 end if timer3 ~= 0 then timer.Stop(timer3) timer3 = 0 end if timer4 ~= 0 then timer.Stop(timer4) timer4 = 0 end end) for k = 1, wave - 1 do if k == 1 then if string.sub((WavesPlayed[k]), 1, 1) == 'r' then bot:GiveItem('TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER') else bot:GiveItem('TF_WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER') end elseif k == 2 then if string.sub((WavesPlayed[k]), 1, 1) == 'r' then bot:SetAttributeValue('faster reload rate', 0.1) else bot:SetAttributeValue('heal on hit for rapidfire', 5) end elseif k == 3 then if string.sub((WavesPlayed[k]), 1, 1) == 'r' then timer1 = timer.Create(1, function() if bot.m_lifeState == 0 then for _, player in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(bot:GetAbsOrigin(), 450)) do if player:IsPlayer() and player.m_iTeamNum == 2 then player:AddCond(62, 2, bot) end end end end, 0) else timer2 = timer.Create(1, function() if bot.m_lifeState == 0 then for _, player in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(bot:GetAbsOrigin(), 450)) do if player:IsPlayer() and player.m_iTeamNum == 2 then player:AddCond(61, 2, bot) end end end end, 0) end elseif k == 4 then if string.sub((WavesPlayed[k]), 1, 1) == 'r' then bot:SetAttributeValue('add cond on hit', 12) bot:SetAttributeValue('add cond on hit duration', 10) else bot:SetAttributeValue('add cond on hit', 65) bot:SetAttributeValue('add cond on hit duration', 3) end elseif k == 5 then if string.sub((WavesPlayed[k]), 1, 1) == 'r' then timer3 = timer.Create(1, function() if bot.m_lifeState == 0 then for _, player in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(bot:GetAbsOrigin(), 450)) do if player:IsPlayer() and player.m_iTeamNum == 2 then player:AddCond(16, 2, bot) end end end end, 0) else timer4 = timer.Create(1, function() if bot.m_lifeState == 0 then for _, player in pairs(ents.FindInSphere(bot:GetAbsOrigin(), 450)) do if player:IsPlayer() and player.m_iTeamNum == 2 then player:AddCond(29, 2, bot) end end end end, 0) end end end end Equip() end end function OnWaveSpawnTank(tank, wave) tank:AddCallback(ON_REMOVE, function() local remaining = 0 if KaizoMode == false then if wave == 1 then ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts[1] = ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts[1] - 1 elseif wave == 2 then ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts[2] = ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts[2] - 1 elseif wave == 4 or wave == 5 then ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts[3] = ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts[3] - 1 end else if wave == 1 then ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts[4] = ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts[4] - 1 elseif wave == 2 then ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts[2] = ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts[2] - 1 elseif wave == 4 then ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts[8] = ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts[8] - 1 elseif wave == 5 then ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts[3] = ents.FindByClass('tf_objective_resource').m_nMannVsMachineWaveClassCounts[3] - 1 end end end) end function EnableMirrorMode() if MirrorAlreadyVoted == false and VoteActive == true and CurrentWave == 1 then for _, player in pairs(ents.GetAllPlayers()) do if player:IsRealPlayer() then player.VoteChoice = 0 player.MirrorVoteChoice = 0 player:PlaySoundToSelf('ui/duel_challenge.wav') end end MirrorVote = true MirrorVoteTimerActive = true MirrorAlreadyVoted = true end end function EnableKaizoMode() if MirrorAlreadyVoted == false and VoteActive == true and CurrentWave == 1 then for _, player in pairs(ents.GetAllPlayers()) do if player:IsRealPlayer() then player.VoteChoice = 0 player.KaizoVoteChoice = 0 player:PlaySoundToSelf('ui/duel_challenge_with_restriction.wav') end end MirrorVote = true MirrorVoteTimerActive = true MirrorAlreadyVoted = true KaizoVote = true ExtraVoteTitle = 'Enable Kaizo Mode?\n \nBoth waves will be active at the same time!\nWARNING: This is a long and gruelling challenge\n \n' end end function TeleportLeft() ents.FindByName('spawnbot_left'):Teleport(spawnbot_left) ents.FindByName('spawnbot_right'):Teleport(spawnbot_left) end function TeleportRight() ents.FindByName('spawnbot_left'):Teleport(spawnbot_right) ents.FindByName('spawnbot_right'):Teleport(spawnbot_right) end