WaveSchedule { ItemAttributes { ClassName tf_weapon_compound_bow "faster reload rate" 1.6 "fire rate bonus" 1.8 "killstreak tier" 1 "Projectile speed increased" 0.2 "mod projectile heat follow crosshair" 1 "mod projectile heat seek power" 360 "mod projectile heat aim error" 360 "Projectile range increased" 50 } CustomWeapon //Allows you to use an alias for items with custom attributes { "Explosive Rifle" // The name you would use in Item key in TFBot { OriginalItemName "Festive Sniper Rifle 2011" // The item used as a base "fire rate bonus" 0.2 // Attributes "faster reload rate" 0.2 "override projectile type" 2 "maxammo primary increased" 50 "damage bonus" 11 } "ScoutKnight" { OriginalItemName "Three-Rune Blade" "damage bonus" 11 "max health additive bonus" 150 "move speed bonus" 1.8 "hit self on miss" 0 "no double jump" 1 "maxammo primary increased" 0 "maxammo secondary increased" 0 "is_a_sword" 1 "kill eater score type" 6 "kill eater kill type" 6 } "ScoutBoots" { OriginalItemName "The Bootlegger" "maxammo secondary increased" 0 "max health additive bonus" 50 "move speed bonus" 1.4 } "ScoutShield" { OriginalItemName "The Splendid Screen" "charge recharge rate increased" 101 "charge impact damage increased" 21 } "The New Napalmer" { OriginalItemName "The Nostromo Napalmer" "flame size bonus" 2 "flame life bonus" 1.5 "maxammo primary increased" 0.6 } "DemoTreads" { OriginalItemName "The Bootlegger" "max health additive bonus" 25 "blast dmg to self increased" 0.01 "increased air control" 3 } "SkyrimKnife" { OriginalItemName "The Sharp Dresser" "increased jump height" 1.4 "cancel falling damage" 1 "fire rate bonus" 1.2 } "T.A.M.E" { OriginalItemName "The C.A.P.P.E.R" "damage bonus" 2 "weapon spread bonus" 0.75 "fire rate bonus" 1.7 "faster reload rate" 1.2 } "Micro-Gun" { OriginalItemName "Tomislav" "move speed bonus" 1.4 "minigun spinup time decreased" 0.4 "damage penalty" 1.5 "weapon spread bonus" 1.6 "maxammo primary reduced" 0.5 "provide on active" 1 "aiming movespeed increased" 3 } "Medicinal MachineGun" { OriginalItemName tf_weapon_syringegun_medic "add uber charge on hit" 0.01 "clip size bonus upgrade" 2 "fire rate bonus" 0.5 "projectile speed increased" 1.5 "maxammo primary increased" 1.6 "damage penalty" 1.75 "faster reload rate" 1.4 "deploy time increased" 1.5 "single wep holster time increased" 1.5 "provide on active" 1 "aiming movespeed decreased" 1.2 } "Longstop" { OriginalItemName "The Shortstop" "weapon spread bonus" 1.6 "fire rate bonus" 0.7 "clip size upgrade atomic" 2 "healing received bonus" 1.4 "bullets per shot bonus" 0.25 "dmg falloff increased" 0.4 } } ExtraLoadoutItems // Extra loadout items available after typing !missionitems in chat { AllowEquipOutsideSpawn 1 // Allow equipping items outside spawn Scout { Primary { Item "ScoutBoots" Cost 1 } Primary { Item "Longstop" Cost 1 } Secondary { Item "ScoutShield" Cost 1 } Secondary { Item "T.A.M.E" Cost 1 } Melee { Item "ScoutKnight" Cost 1 } } Soldier // Player Class { Secondary "The Tide Turner" // Item slot and name Secondary { Item "Turner" // Item name, custom weapon names are available Cost 0 // The cost of the weapon (default: 0) AllowedMinWave 1 //The wave at which the weapon is enabled (default: 1) AllowedMaxWave 55 //The max wave at which the weapon is enabled (default: infinite) AllowRefund 0 //Allow refunding of the weapon (default: 1) // Hidden 1 //If set, this item is only accessible via $AwardExtraItem input (default: 0) } // Available slots: // Primary // Secondary // Melee // PDA (construction kit, disguise kit) // PDA2 (destruction kit, watch) // Head // Misc // Action (canteen) // Misc2 } Pyro { Primary "The Brass Beast" Primary { Item "The New Napalmer" Cost 1 } Secondary "Darwin's Danger Shield" Secondary {} Melee "Sun-on-a-Stick" Melee {} } Demoman { Melee "gentlemanne_knife_topshelf" Melee {} Primary { Item "DemoTreads" Cost 1 } } HeavyWeapons { Primary "Silver Botkiller Scattergun Mk.I" Primary { Item "Micro-Gun" Cost 1 } Secondary "The Winger" Secondary {} Melee "The Atomizer" Melee {} Secondary { Item "The Tide Turner" Cost 20000 } } Engineer { Secondary "Jarate" Secondary {} Secondary { Item "T.A.M.E" Cost 1 } } Medic { Primary { Item "Medicinal MachineGun" Cost 1 } } Sniper { Primary { Item "Explosive Rifle" Cost 100 } } Spy { Melee { Item "SkyrimKnife" Cost 1 } } } }