//inspired by zilloy's btd mission on coaltown //made by wacev //idc if you use this popfile and create your own btd mission //this popfile contains no map specific logic in it //this popfile contains custom bloons, moab class bloons, player attributes, weapon attributes, item whitelist, player upgrades, and some other logic //created on 1/11/2025 //rafmod required, duh FunFactYouCanPutAnythingAsThisLineNotJustWaveScheduleSoYeaBepis { AllowBotExtraSlots 1 RobotLimit 94 StartingCurrency 0 WaveStartCountdown 3 RespawnWaveTime 0 MaxSpeedLimit 6000 MaxEntitySpeed 6000 SendBotsToSpectatorImmediately 1 StandableHeads 1 NoRomevisionCosmetics 1 NoReanimators 1 BotPushaway 0 ExtendedUpgradesOnly 1 BonusRatioHalf 2 BonusRatioFull 3 TextPrintTime 0 AllowUpgradesForUnintendedClassWeapons 0 LuaScriptFile "scripts/btd_td_loigc.lua" CustomScriptSounds { "ACID.BURN" { "channel" "CHAN_ITEM" "volume" "0.9" "pitch" "95,105" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB" "wave" ")npc\stalker\laser_flesh.wav" } } ItemWhitelist { SimilarToItem "TF_WEAPON_SCATTERGUN" SimilarToItem "TF_WEAPON_BAT" SimilarToItem "TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER" SimilarToItem "TF_WEAPON_SHOVEL" SimilarToItem "TF_WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER" SimilarToItem "TF_WEAPON_FIREAXE" SimilarToItem "TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER" SimilarToItem "TF_WEAPON_BOTTLE" SimilarToItem "TF_WEAPON_MINIGUN" SimilarToItem "TF_WEAPON_FISTS" SimilarToItem "TF_WEAPON_WRENCH" SimilarToItem "TF_WEAPON_PDA_ENGINEER_BUILD" SimilarToItem "TF_WEAPON_PDA_ENGINEER_DESTROY" SimilarToItem "TF_WEAPON_BUILDER" SimilarToItem "TF_WEAPON_SYRINGEGUN_MEDIC" SimilarToItem "TF_WEAPON_BONESAW" SimilarToItem "TF_WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE" SimilarToItem "TF_WEAPON_CLUB" SimilarToItem "TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER" SimilarToItem "TF_WEAPON_KNIFE" SimilarToItem "TF_WEAPON_BUILDER_SPY" } ItemAttributes { ItemName TF_WEAPON_BUILDER_SPY "provide on active" 1 "no_attack" 1 } PrecacheModel models/mvm_forever/mvm_coaltown_rubber_defence/balloon_classic.mdl PrecacheModel models/mvm_forever/mvm_coaltown_rubber_defence/balloon_classicheart.mdl PrecacheModel "models/bots/boss_bot/boss_blimp.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/bots/boss_bot/boss_blimp_damage1.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/bots/boss_bot/boss_blimp_damage2.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/bots/boss_bot/boss_blimp_damage3.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/weapons/c_models/c_scopelessrifle/c_scopelessrifle.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/buildables/artily1.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/buildables/artily1_animations.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/buildables/artily1_heavy.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/buildables/artily2.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/buildables/artily2_heavy.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/buildables/artily3.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/buildables/artily3_heavy.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/buildables/artily3_artillery_rockets.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/buildables/artily3_rockets.mdl" PrecacheModel models/buildables/artily3_artillery_rockets.mdl PrecacheModel "models/buildables/skirmy1.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/buildables/skirmy1_animations.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/buildables/skirmy1_blueprint.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/buildables/skirmy1_heavy.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/buildables/skirmy2.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/buildables/skirmy2_heavy.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/buildables/skirmy3.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/buildables/skirmy3_heavy.mdl" PrecacheSound mvm_forever/ceramicdestroyed04.mp3 PrecacheSound mvm_forever/hitceramic01.mp3 PrecacheSound mvm_forever/hitmetal01.mp3 PrecacheSound mvm_forever/hitpurple01.mp3 PrecacheSound mvm_forever/musiccitya.mp3 PrecacheSound mvm_forever/musiccoopa.mp3 PrecacheSound mvm_forever/musicsailsagain.mp3 PrecacheSound mvm_forever/musicupbeat1a.mp3 PrecacheSound mvm_forever/pop01.mp3 PrecacheSound mvm_forever/pop02.mp3 PrecacheSound mvm_forever/pop03.mp3 PrecacheSound mvm_forever/pop04.mp3 PointTemplates { autoblimpcollision { logic_relay { "onspawn" "scalecounter,setvalue,1.3,0,-1" "onspawn" "!parent,$getprop$m_clrRender,blimp|$setprop$m_clrRender|0,0,-1" "onspawn" "!parent,$getprop$m_nRenderMode,blimp|$setprop$m_nRenderMode|0,0,-1" "onspawn" "!parent,$getkey$skin,blimp|skin|0,0,-1" "onspawn" "!parent,addoutput,onuser4 @c@!self:fireuser1::0:-1,0.01,-1" "onspawn" "!parent,$getprop$m_flModelScale,scalecounter|multiply|1,0.01,-1" "onspawn" "!parent,$getprop$m_flModelScale,blimp|$setprop$m_flModelScale|1,0.01,-1" "onspawn" "scalecounter,getvalue,,0.02,-1" "onspawn" "blimp_checker_1,SetCompareValue,$$=!parent.m_iHealth*0.75,0.02,-1" "onspawn" "blimp_checker_2,SetCompareValue,$$=!parent.m_iHealth*0.5,0.02,-1" "onspawn" "blimp_checker_3,SetCompareValue,$$=!parent.m_iHealth*0.25,0.02,-1" } math_counter { "targetname" "scalecounter" "ongetvalue" "!parent,$setprop$m_flModelScale,,0,-1" } logic_timer { RefireTime 0.1 StartDisabled 0 OnTimer "blimp_checker_1,SetValueCompare,$$=!parent.m_iHealth,0,-1" OnTimer "blimp_checker_2,SetValueCompare,$$=!parent.m_iHealth,0,-1" OnTimer "blimp_checker_3,SetValueCompare,$$=!parent.m_iHealth,0,-1" } logic_compare { targetname "blimp_checker_1" CompareValue 501 InitialValue 750 OnLessThan "blimp,SetModel,models/bots/boss_bot/boss_blimp_damage1.mdl,0,-1" OnLessThan "!self,kill,,0,-1" } logic_compare { targetname "blimp_checker_2" CompareValue 501 InitialValue 750 OnLessThan "blimp,SetModel,models/bots/boss_bot/boss_blimp_damage2.mdl,0,-1" OnLessThan "!self,kill,,0,-1" } logic_compare { targetname "blimp_checker_3" CompareValue 501 InitialValue 750 OnLessThan "blimp,SetModel,models/bots/boss_bot/boss_blimp_damage3.mdl,0,-1" OnLessThan "!self,kill,,0,-1" } prop_dynamic { "targetname" "blimp" "model" "models/bots/boss_bot/boss_blimp.mdl" "defaultanim" "movement" "origin" "0 0 -100" "onuser1" "!self,setanimation,deploy,0,-1" "onuser1" "!self,setplaybackrate,0,8,-1" } } Ammofix { OnSpawnOutput { Target "!activator" Action "$Regenerate" } OnSpawnOutput { Target "!activator" Action AddOutput Param "targetname realplayer" } OnSpawnOutput { Target "!activator" Action "$giveitem" Param "Poopy Doe" Delay 0.01 } } Bloon { OnSpawnOutput { Target !activator Action AddOutput Param "renderamt 255" } OnSpawnOutput { Target !activator Action AddOutput Param "rendermode 0" } OnParentKilledOutput { Target BloonPopPick Action PickRandom } } BloonPopSound { NoFixup 1 logic_relay { "targetname" "BloonPop01" "OnTrigger" "player*,$PlaySoundToSelf,mvm_forever/pop01.mp3,0,-1" } logic_relay { "targetname" "BloonPop02" "OnTrigger" "player*,$PlaySoundToSelf,mvm_forever/pop02.mp3,0,-1" } logic_relay { "targetname" "BloonPop03" "OnTrigger" "player*,$PlaySoundToSelf,mvm_forever/pop03.mp3,0,-1" } logic_relay { "targetname" "BloonPop04" "OnTrigger" "player*,$PlaySoundToSelf,mvm_forever/pop04.mp3,0,-1" } logic_case { "targetname" "BloonPopPick" "oncase01" "BloonPop01,Trigger,,0,-1" "oncase02" "BloonPop02,Trigger,,0,-1" "oncase03" "BloonPop03,Trigger,,0,-1" "oncase04" "BloonPop04,Trigger,,0,-1" } } Camo { OnSpawnOutput { Target !activator Action $AddPlayerAttribute Param "ignored by enemy sentries|1" Delay 0 } OnSpawnOutput { Target !activator Action AddOutput Param "renderamt 48" Delay 0.01 } OnSpawnOutput { Target !activator Action AddOutput Param "rendermode 1" Delay 0.01 } OnParentKilledOutput { Target !activator Action AddOutput Param "renderamt 255" } OnParentKilledOutput { Target !activator Action AddOutput Param "rendermode 1" } } MOAB { OnSpawnOutput { Target !activator Action AddOutput Param "renderamt 255" } OnSpawnOutput { Target !activator Action AddOutput Param "rendermode 1" } OnSpawnOutput { Target !activator Action AddOutput Param "rendercolor 94 185 255" } } BFB { OnSpawnOutput { Target !activator Action AddOutput Param "renderamt 255" } OnSpawnOutput { Target !activator Action AddOutput Param "rendermode 1" } OnSpawnOutput { Target !activator Action AddOutput Param "rendercolor 254 77 77" } } ZOMG { OnSpawnOutput { Target !activator Action AddOutput Param "renderamt 255" } OnSpawnOutput { Target !activator Action AddOutput Param "rendermode 1" } OnSpawnOutput { Target !activator Action AddOutput Param "rendercolor 37 88 29" } } DDT { OnSpawnOutput { Target !activator Action AddOutput Param "renderamt 48" Delay 0.01 } OnSpawnOutput { Target !activator Action AddOutput Param "rendermode 1" Delay 0.01 } OnParentKilledOutput { Target !activator Action AddOutput Param "renderamt 255" } OnParentKilledOutput { Target !activator Action AddOutput Param "rendermode 1" } OnSpawnOutput { Target !activator Action AddOutput Param "rendercolor 27 27 27" } } BAD { OnSpawnOutput { Target !activator Action AddOutput Param "renderamt 255" } OnSpawnOutput { Target !activator Action AddOutput Param "rendermode 1" } OnSpawnOutput { Target !activator Action AddOutput Param "rendercolor 234 61 255" } } W_Flame_Trail { info_particle_system { targetname "flame_trail_flame" origin "0 0 0" start_active 1 effect_name h2013_corpse_flame } trigger_ignite { targetname "flame_trail_hurt" origin "0 0 8" mins "-16 -16 -16" maxs "16 16 16" burn_duration 10 spawnflags 1 startdisabled 0 filtername filter_blue_backup damage_percent_per_second 10 ignite_particle_name dragons_fury_effect ignite_sound_name weapons\dragons_fury_impact_bonus_damage_hit.wav } OnSpawnOutput { Target "flame_trail_flame" Action "kill" Delay 1 } OnSpawnOutput { Target "flame_trail_hurt" Action "kill" Delay 1 } } Flame_Trail_Maker { NoFixup 1 env_entity_maker { targetname "FT_Spawner" EntityTemplate "W_Flame_Trail" } } W_Flame_Ring { info_particle_system { targetname "flame_ring_fire" origin "0 0 8" start_active 1 effect_name heavy_ring_of_fire } trigger_ignite { targetname "flame_ring_hurt" origin "0 0 8" mins "-128 -128 -128" maxs "128 128 128" burn_duration 10 spawnflags 1 startdisabled 0 filtername filter_blue_backup damage_percent_per_second 40 ignite_particle_name dragons_fury_effect ignite_sound_name weapons\dragons_fury_impact_bonus_damage_hit.wav } OnSpawnOutput { Target "heavy_ring_of_fire" Action Kill Delay 0.25 } OnSpawnOutput { Target "flame_ring_hurt" Action Kill Delay 0.25 } } Flame_Ring_Maker { NoFixup 1 env_entity_maker { targetname "FR_Spawner" EntityTemplate "W_Flame_Ring" } } W_Chem_Spill //inspired by night of the living bread's acid pool, some values copied but most were not { OnSpawnOutput { Target "chem_spill_relay" Action "Trigger" } logic_relay { targetname "chem_spill_relay" OnTrigger "chem_fade_in_timer,enable,,0,-1" OnTrigger "chem_fade_out_timer,enable,,4.25,-1" OnTrigger "chem_spill_prop,kill,,5,-1" OnTrigger "!self,kill,,5,-1" OnTrigger "chem_spill_timer,disable,,4.25,-1" OnTrigger "chem_spill_timer,kill,,5,-1" OnTrigger "chem_spill_hurt,kill,,5,-1" OnTrigger "chem_spill_aura,stop,,3,-1" OnTrigger "chem_spill_aura,kill,,5,-1" } logic_timer { targetname "chem_fade_in_timer" refiretime 0.015 //every tick startdisabled 1 OnTimer "chem_fade_counter,add,4,0,-1" } logic_timer { targetname "chem_fade_out_timer" refiretime 0.015 //every tick startdisabled 1 OnTimer "chem_fade_counter,subtract,4,0,-1" } math_counter { targetname "chem_fade_counter" max 200 min 0 OutValue "chem_spill_prop,$SetKey$renderamt,,0,-1" OnHitMax "chem_fade_in_timer,disable,,0,-1" OnHitMin "chem_fade_out_timer,disable,,0,-1" } logic_timer { targetname "chem_spill_timer" refiretime 0.15 //every 10 ticks OnTimer "chem_spill_hurt,enable,,0,-1" OnTimer "chem_spill_hurt,disable,,0.03,-1" } prop_dynamic { targetname "chem_spill_prop" origin "0 0 0" renderamt 0 rendermode 1 renderfx 0 renderfx "235 255 66" model models/props_invasion/2fort/chem_spill_1.mdl } info_particle_system { targetname "chem_spill_aura" angles "0 0 0" origin "16 8 0" effect_name utaunt_bubbles_glow_green_parent start_active 1 } trigger_multiple { startdisabled 1 targetname "chem_spill_hurt" origin "16 8 0" mins "-48 -48 -16" maxs "48 48 16" spawnflags 1 filtername filter_blue_backup OnStartTouch "!activatorRunScriptCodeself.TakeDamageEx(custom_acid_dmg, self, null, Vector(), Vector(), 50, 262144)0-1" //OnStartTouch "!activatorRunScriptCodeself.EmitSound(`ACID.BURN`)0-1" } } Chem_Spill_Maker { NoFixup 1 env_entity_maker { targetname "CS_Spawner" EntityTemplate "W_Chem_Spill" } } W_Cluster_Bomb { tf_point_weapon_mimic { targetname "clusterbomb" origin "0 0 8" //so that bombs aren't spawned in the ground angles "0 0 0" speedmin 300 speedmax 300 WeaponType 1 SplashRadius 100 ModelScale 1 Damage 50 teamnum 2 SpreadAngle 0 $weaponname "Cluster Bomb Weapon" } tf_point_weapon_mimic { targetname "clusterbomb" origin "0 0 8" //so that bombs aren't spawned in the ground angles "0 45 0" speedmin 300 speedmax 300 WeaponType 1 SplashRadius 100 ModelScale 1 Damage 50 teamnum 2 SpreadAngle 0 $weaponname "Cluster Bomb Weapon" } tf_point_weapon_mimic { targetname "clusterbomb" origin "0 0 8" //so that bombs aren't spawned in the ground angles "0 90 0" speedmin 300 speedmax 300 WeaponType 1 SplashRadius 100 ModelScale 1 Damage 50 teamnum 2 SpreadAngle 0 $weaponname "Cluster Bomb Weapon" } tf_point_weapon_mimic { targetname "clusterbomb" origin "0 0 8" //so that bombs aren't spawned in the ground angles "0 135 0" speedmin 300 speedmax 300 WeaponType 1 SplashRadius 100 ModelScale 1 Damage 50 teamnum 2 SpreadAngle 0 $weaponname "Cluster Bomb Weapon" } tf_point_weapon_mimic { targetname "clusterbomb" origin "0 0 8" //so that bombs aren't spawned in the ground angles "0 180 0" speedmin 300 speedmax 300 WeaponType 1 SplashRadius 100 ModelScale 1 Damage 50 teamnum 2 SpreadAngle 0 $weaponname "Cluster Bomb Weapon" } tf_point_weapon_mimic { targetname "clusterbomb" origin "0 0 8" //so that bombs aren't spawned in the ground angles "0 -45 0" speedmin 300 speedmax 300 WeaponType 1 SplashRadius 100 ModelScale 1 Damage 50 teamnum 2 SpreadAngle 0 $weaponname "Cluster Bomb Weapon" } tf_point_weapon_mimic { targetname "clusterbomb" origin "0 0 8" //so that bombs aren't spawned in the ground angles "0 -90 0" speedmin 300 speedmax 300 WeaponType 1 SplashRadius 100 ModelScale 1 Damage 50 teamnum 2 SpreadAngle 0 $weaponname "Cluster Bomb Weapon" } tf_point_weapon_mimic { targetname "clusterbomb" origin "0 0 8" //so that bombs aren't spawned in the ground angles "0 -135 0" speedmin 300 speedmax 300 WeaponType 1 SplashRadius 100 ModelScale 1 Damage 50 teamnum 2 SpreadAngle 0 $weaponname "Cluster Bomb Weapon" } OnSpawnOutput { Target "clusterbomb" Action "FireOnce" } OnSpawnOutput { Target "clusterbomb" Action "Kill" Delay 2 } } Cluster_Bomb_Maker { NoFixup 1 env_entity_maker { targetname "CB_Spawner" EntityTemplate "W_Cluster_Bomb" } } W_Cluster_Bomb_Extreme { tf_point_weapon_mimic { targetname "clusterbomb" origin "0 0 8" angles "0 0 0" speedmin 300 speedmax 300 WeaponType 1 SplashRadius 100 ModelScale 1 Damage 50 teamnum 2 SpreadAngle 0 $weaponname "Cluster Bomb Weapon" } tf_point_weapon_mimic { targetname "clusterbomb" origin "0 0 8" angles "0 30 0" speedmin 300 speedmax 300 WeaponType 1 SplashRadius 100 ModelScale 1 Damage 50 teamnum 2 SpreadAngle 0 $weaponname "Cluster Bomb Weapon" } tf_point_weapon_mimic { targetname "clusterbomb" origin "0 0 8" angles "0 60 0" speedmin 300 speedmax 300 WeaponType 1 SplashRadius 100 ModelScale 1 Damage 50 teamnum 2 SpreadAngle 0 $weaponname "Cluster Bomb Weapon" } tf_point_weapon_mimic { targetname "clusterbomb" origin "0 0 8" angles "0 90 0" speedmin 300 speedmax 300 WeaponType 1 SplashRadius 100 ModelScale 1 Damage 50 teamnum 2 SpreadAngle 0 $weaponname "Cluster Bomb Weapon" } tf_point_weapon_mimic { targetname "clusterbomb" origin "0 0 8" angles "0 120 0" speedmin 300 speedmax 300 WeaponType 1 SplashRadius 100 ModelScale 1 Damage 50 teamnum 2 SpreadAngle 0 $weaponname "Cluster Bomb Weapon" } tf_point_weapon_mimic { targetname "clusterbomb" origin "0 0 8" angles "0 150 0" speedmin 300 speedmax 300 WeaponType 1 SplashRadius 100 ModelScale 1 Damage 50 teamnum 2 SpreadAngle 0 $weaponname "Cluster Bomb Weapon" } tf_point_weapon_mimic { targetname "clusterbomb" origin "0 0 8" angles "0 180 0" speedmin 300 speedmax 300 WeaponType 1 SplashRadius 100 ModelScale 1 Damage 50 teamnum 2 SpreadAngle 0 $weaponname "Cluster Bomb Weapon" } tf_point_weapon_mimic { targetname "clusterbomb" origin "0 0 8" angles "0 -30 0" speedmin 300 speedmax 300 WeaponType 1 SplashRadius 100 ModelScale 1 Damage 50 teamnum 2 SpreadAngle 0 $weaponname "Cluster Bomb Weapon" } tf_point_weapon_mimic { targetname "clusterbomb" origin "0 0 8" angles "0 -60 0" speedmin 300 speedmax 300 WeaponType 1 SplashRadius 100 ModelScale 1 Damage 50 teamnum 2 SpreadAngle 0 $weaponname "Cluster Bomb Weapon" } tf_point_weapon_mimic { targetname "clusterbomb" origin "0 0 8" angles "0 -90 0" speedmin 300 speedmax 300 WeaponType 1 SplashRadius 100 ModelScale 1 Damage 50 teamnum 2 SpreadAngle 0 $weaponname "Cluster Bomb Weapon" } tf_point_weapon_mimic { targetname "clusterbomb" origin "0 0 8" angles "0 -120 0" speedmin 300 speedmax 300 WeaponType 1 SplashRadius 100 ModelScale 1 Damage 50 teamnum 2 SpreadAngle 0 $weaponname "Cluster Bomb Weapon" } tf_point_weapon_mimic { targetname "clusterbomb" origin "0 0 8" angles "0 -150 0" speedmin 300 speedmax 300 WeaponType 1 SplashRadius 100 ModelScale 1 Damage 50 teamnum 2 SpreadAngle 0 $weaponname "Cluster Bomb Weapon" } OnSpawnOutput { Target "clusterbomb" Action "FireOnce" } OnSpawnOutput { Target "clusterbomb" Action "Kill" Delay 2 } } Cluster_Bomb_Extreme_Maker { NoFixup 1 env_entity_maker { targetname "CBE_Spawner" EntityTemplate "W_Cluster_Bomb_Extreme" } } Filters { filter_activator_tfteam { targetname filter_red_backup teamnum 2 negated 0 } filter_activator_tfteam { targetname filter_blue_backup teamnum 3 negated 0 } } Vscript_Logic { info_target { targetname CodeRunner origin "0 0 0" } OnSpawnOutput { Target "CodeRunner" Action "RunScriptCode" Param " ::custom_acid_dmg <- SpawnEntityFromTable(`info_target`,{classname = `infection_acid_puddle`}); " } } } SpawnTemplate BloonPopSound SpawnTemplate Flame_Trail_Maker SpawnTemplate Flame_Ring_Maker SpawnTemplate Filters SpawnTemplate Vscript_Logic SpawnTemplate Chem_Spill_Maker SpawnTemplate Cluster_Bomb_Maker SpawnTemplate Cluster_Bomb_Extreme_Maker Templates { Sig_AddTemplate_BloonBaseLogic { Class Sniper BehaviorModifiers Push ExtAttr IgnoreBuildings ExtAttr IgnorePlayers Attributes IgnoreFlag Attributes IgnoreEnemies Attributes DisableDodge NoPushaway 1 StripItemSlot 0 StripItemSlot 1 StripItemSlot 2 UseCustomModel models/mvm_forever/mvm_coaltown_rubber_defence/balloon_classic.mdl SpawnTemplate Bloon } Money { TotalCount 1 Where spawnbot HideIcon 1 TFBot { Class Scout Health 1 Scale 0.01 StripItemSlot 0 StripItemSlot 1 StripItemSlot 2 Attributes IgnoreFlag Attributes IgnoreEnemies CharacterAttributes { "is suicide counter" 2 "force distribute currency on death" 1 } } } T_TFBloon_Red { Health 50 //1 rbe = 50 hp, same as zilloy's mission Name "Red Bloon" ClassIcon bloon_red Skin 0 //Scale 0.8 AddTemplate Sig_AddTemplate_BloonBaseLogic CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 1 "model scale" 0.8 } } T_TFBloon_Blue { Health 100 Name "Blue Bloon" ClassIcon bloon_blue Skin 1 //Scale 0.85 AddTemplate Sig_AddTemplate_BloonBaseLogic CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 2 "model scale" 0.85 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.01 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 51 Name "Red" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 51 } EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 0 //Scale 0.8 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 1 "model scale" 0.8 } } } } T_TFBloon_Green { Health 150 Name "Green Bloon" ClassIcon bloon_green Skin 2 //Scale 0.9 AddTemplate Sig_AddTemplate_BloonBaseLogic CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 3 "model scale" 0.9 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.02 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 51 Name "Red" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 51 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.01 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 101 Name "Blue" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 101 } EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 0 //Scale 0.8 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 1 "model scale" 0.8 } } Blue { Skin 1 //Scale 0.85 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 2 "model scale" 0.85 } } } } T_TFBloon_Yellow { Health 200 Name "Yellow Bloon" ClassIcon bloon_yellow Skin 3 //Scale 0.95 AddTemplate Sig_AddTemplate_BloonBaseLogic CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 4 "model scale" 0.95 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.03 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 51 Name "Red" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 51 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.02 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 101 Name "Blue" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 101 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.01 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 151 Name "Green" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 151 } EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 0 //Scale 0.8 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 1 "model scale" 0.8 } } Blue { Skin 1 //Scale 0.85 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 2 "model scale" 0.85 } } Green { Skin 2 //Scale 0.9 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 3 "model scale" 0.9 } } } } T_TFBloon_Pink { Health 250 Name "Pink Bloon" ClassIcon bloon_pink Skin 4 //Scale 1 AddTemplate Sig_AddTemplate_BloonBaseLogic CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.167 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 5 "model scale" 1 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.04 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 51 Name "Red" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 51 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.03 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 101 Name "Blue" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 101 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.02 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 151 Name "Green" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 151 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.01 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 201 Name "Yellow" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 201 } EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 0 //Scale 0.8 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 1 "model scale" 0.8 } } Blue { Skin 1 //Scale 0.85 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 2 "model scale" 0.85 } } Green { Skin 2 //Scale 0.9 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 3 "model scale" 0.9 } } Yellow { Skin 3 //Scale 0.95 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 4 "model scale" 0.95 } } } } T_TFBloon_Black { Health 550 Name "Black Bloon" ClassIcon bloon_black Skin 5 AddTemplate Sig_AddTemplate_BloonBaseLogic CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 11 "model scale" 0.5 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.001337 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.05 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 101 Name "Red" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 101 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.04 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 201 Name "Blue" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 201 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.03 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 301 Name "Green" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 301 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.02 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 401 Name "Yellow" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 401 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.01 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 501 Name "Pink" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 501 } EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 0 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 2 "model scale" 0.8 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 } } Blue { Skin 1 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 4 "model scale" 0.85 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 } } Green { Skin 2 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 6 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 } } Yellow { Skin 3 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 8 "model scale" 0.95 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 } } Pink { Skin 4 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.167 "Wrench index" 10 "model scale" 1 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 } } } } T_TFBloon_White { Health 550 Name "White Bloon" ClassIcon bloon_white Skin 6 AddTemplate Sig_AddTemplate_BloonBaseLogic CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.667 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 11 "model scale" 0.5 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 0.001337 //ice "mult stun resistance" 0 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.05 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 101 Name "Red" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 101 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.04 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 201 Name "Blue" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 201 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.03 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 301 Name "Green" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 301 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.02 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 401 Name "Yellow" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 401 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.01 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 501 Name "Pink" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 501 } EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 0 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 2 "model scale" 0.8 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 } } Blue { Skin 1 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 4 "model scale" 0.85 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 } } Green { Skin 2 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 6 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 } } Yellow { Skin 3 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 8 "model scale" 0.95 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 } } Pink { Skin 4 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.167 "Wrench index" 10 "model scale" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 } } } } T_TFBloon_Purple { Health 550 Name "Purple Bloon" ClassIcon bloon_purple Skin 7 AddTemplate Sig_AddTemplate_BloonBaseLogic PainSound mvm_forever/hitpurple01.mp3 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 11 "model scale" 0.95 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 0.001337 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 2" 0.001337 //energy/laser/plasma } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.05 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 101 Name "Red" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 101 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.04 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 201 Name "Blue" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 201 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.03 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 301 Name "Green" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 301 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.02 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 401 Name "Yellow" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 401 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.01 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 501 Name "Pink" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 501 } EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 0 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 2 "model scale" 0.8 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 2" 1 //energy/laser/plasma } } Blue { Skin 1 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 4 "model scale" 0.85 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 2" 1 //energy/laser/plasma } } Green { Skin 2 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 6 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 2" 1 //energy/laser/plasma } } Yellow { Skin 3 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 8 "model scale" 0.95 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 2" 1 //energy/laser/plasma } } Pink { Skin 4 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.167 "Wrench index" 10 "model scale" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 2" 1 //energy/laser/plasma } } } } T_TFBloon_Lead { Health 1150 Name "Lead Bloon" ClassIcon bloon_lead Skin 8 AddTemplate Sig_AddTemplate_BloonBaseLogic PainSound mvm_forever/hitmetal01.mp3 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 11 "model scale" 0.95 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 //cancels out the dmg taken increased to just deal normal damage "dmg taken mult from special damage type 2" 1 //energy/laser/plasma; cancels out the dmg taken increased to just deal normal damage "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 0.001 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 0.001 "dmg from melee increased" 0.001 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.06 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 201 Name "Red" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 201 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.05 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 401 Name "Blue" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 401 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.04 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 601 Name "Green" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 601 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.03 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 801 Name "Yellow" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 801 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.02 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 1001 Name "Pink" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 1001 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.01 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 1101 Name "Black" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 1101 } EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 0 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 4 "model scale" 0.8 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 2" 1 //energy/laser/plasma "dmg taken increased" 1 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 1 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 1 "dmg from melee increased" 1 } } Blue { Skin 1 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 8 "model scale" 0.85 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 2" 1 //energy/laser/plasma "dmg taken increased" 1 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 1 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 1 "dmg from melee increased" 1 } } Green { Skin 2 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 12 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 2" 1 //energy/laser/plasma "dmg taken increased" 1 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 1 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 1 "dmg from melee increased" 1 } } Yellow { Skin 3 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 16 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 2" 1 //energy/laser/plasma "dmg taken increased" 1 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 1 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 1 "dmg from melee increased" 1 } } Pink { Skin 4 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.167 "Wrench index" 20 "model scale" 1 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 2" 1 //energy/laser/plasma "dmg taken increased" 1 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 1 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 1 "dmg from melee increased" 1 } } Black { Skin 5 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 22 "model scale" 0.5 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.001337 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 2" 1 //energy/laser/plasma "dmg taken increased" 1 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 1 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 1 "dmg from melee increased" 1 } } } } T_TFBloon_Zebra_A //have to do 2 versions of zebra, rainbow, and ceramics for a white or black child bloon { Health 1150 Name "Zebra Bloon" ClassIcon bloon_zebra Skin 9 AddTemplate Sig_AddTemplate_BloonBaseLogic CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 23 "model scale" 0.95 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.001337 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 0.001337 //ice "mult stun resistance" 0 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.06 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 201 Name "Red" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 201 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.05 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 401 Name "Blue" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 401 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.04 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 601 Name "Green" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 601 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.03 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 801 Name "Yellow" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 801 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.02 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 1001 Name "Pink" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 1001 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.01 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 1101 Name "Black" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 1101 } EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 0 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 4 "model scale" 0.8 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } Blue { Skin 1 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 8 "model scale" 0.85 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } Green { Skin 2 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 12 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } Yellow { Skin 3 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 16 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } Pink { Skin 4 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.167 "Wrench index" 20 "model scale" 1 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } Black { Skin 5 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 22 "model scale" 0.5 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.001337 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } } } T_TFBloon_Zebra_B //have to do 2 versions of zebra, rainbow, and ceramics for a white or black child bloon { Health 1150 Name "Zebra Bloon" ClassIcon bloon_zebra Skin 9 AddTemplate Sig_AddTemplate_BloonBaseLogic CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 23 "model scale" 0.95 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.001337 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 0.001337 //ice "mult stun resistance" 0 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.06 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 201 Name "Red" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 201 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.05 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 401 Name "Blue" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 401 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.04 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 601 Name "Green" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 601 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.03 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 801 Name "Yellow" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 801 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.02 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 1001 Name "Pink" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 1001 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.01 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 1101 Name "White" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 1101 } EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 0 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 4 "model scale" 0.8 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } Blue { Skin 1 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 8 "model scale" 0.85 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } Green { Skin 2 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 12 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } Yellow { Skin 3 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 16 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } Pink { Skin 4 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.167 "Wrench index" 20 "model scale" 1 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } White { Skin 6 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.667 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 22 "model scale" 0.5 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 0.001337 //ice "mult stun resistance" 0 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 } } } } T_TFBloon_Rainbow_A //have to do 2 versions of zebra, rainbow, and ceramics for a white or black child bloon { Health 2350 Name "Rainbow Bloon" ClassIcon bloon_rainbow Skin 10 AddTemplate Sig_AddTemplate_BloonBaseLogic CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.734 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 47 "model scale" 1.05 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.07 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 401 Name "Red" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 401 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.06 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 801 Name "Blue" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 801 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.05 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 1201 Name "Green" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 1201 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.04 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 1601 Name "Yellow" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 1601 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.03 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 2001 Name "Pink" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 2001 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.02 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 2201 Name "Black" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 2201 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.01 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 2301 Name "Zebra" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 2301 } EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 0 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 8 "model scale" 0.8 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } Blue { Skin 1 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 16 "model scale" 0.85 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } Green { Skin 2 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 24 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } Yellow { Skin 3 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 32 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } Pink { Skin 4 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.167 "Wrench index" 40 "model scale" 1 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } Black { Skin 5 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 44 "model scale" 0.5 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.001337 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } Zebra { Skin 9 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 46 "model scale" 0.95 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.001337 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 0.001337 //ice "mult stun resistance" 0 } } } } T_TFBloon_Rainbow_B //have to do 2 versions of zebra, rainbow, and ceramics for a white or black child bloon { Health 2350 Name "Rainbow Bloon" ClassIcon bloon_rainbow Skin 10 AddTemplate Sig_AddTemplate_BloonBaseLogic CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.734 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 47 "model scale" 1.05 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.07 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 401 Name "Red" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 401 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.06 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 801 Name "Blue" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 801 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.05 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 1201 Name "Green" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 1201 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.04 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 1601 Name "Yellow" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 1601 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.03 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 2001 Name "Pink" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 2001 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.02 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 2201 Name "White" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 2201 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.01 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 2301 Name "Zebra" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 2301 } EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 0 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 8 "model scale" 0.8 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } Blue { Skin 1 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 16 "model scale" 0.85 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } Green { Skin 2 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 24 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } Yellow { Skin 3 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 32 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } Pink { Skin 4 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.167 "Wrench index" 40 "model scale" 1 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } White { Skin 6 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 44 "model scale" 0.5 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 0.001337 //ice "mult stun resistance" 0 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 } } Zebra { Skin 9 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 46 "model scale" 0.95 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.001337 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 0.001337 //ice "mult stun resistance" 0 } } } } T_TFBloon_Ceramic_A //have to do 2 versions of zebra, rainbow, and ceramics for a white or black child bloon { Health 5200 Name "Ceramic Bloon" ClassIcon bloon_ceramic Skin 11 PainSound mvm_forever/hitceramic01.mp3 AddTemplate Sig_AddTemplate_BloonBaseLogic CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.834 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 104 "model scale" 1.15 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 2 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.07 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 801 Name "Red" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 801 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.06 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 1601 Name "Blue" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 1601 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.05 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 2401 Name "Green" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 2401 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.04 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 3201 Name "Yellow" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 3201 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.03 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 4001 Name "Pink" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 4001 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.02 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 4401 Name "Black" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 4401 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.01 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 4601 Name "Zebra" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 4601 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.01 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 4701 Name "Rainbow" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 4701 } EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 0 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 16 "model scale" 0.8 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 } } Blue { Skin 1 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 32 "model scale" 0.85 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 } } Green { Skin 2 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 48 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 } } Yellow { Skin 3 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 64 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 } } Pink { Skin 4 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.167 "Wrench index" 80 "model scale" 1 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 } } Black { Skin 5 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 88 "model scale" 0.5 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.001337 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 } } Zebra { Skin 9 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 92 "model scale" 0.95 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.001337 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 0.001337 //ice "mult stun resistance" 0 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 } } Rainbow { Skin 10 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.734 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 94 "model scale" 1.05 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 } } } } T_TFBloon_Ceramic_B //have to do 2 versions of zebra, rainbow, and ceramics for a white or black child bloon { Health 5200 Name "Ceramic Bloon" ClassIcon bloon_ceramic Skin 11 PainSound mvm_forever/hitceramic01.mp3 AddTemplate Sig_AddTemplate_BloonBaseLogic CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.834 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 104 "model scale" 1.15 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 2 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.07 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 801 Name "Red" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 801 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.06 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 1601 Name "Blue" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 1601 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.05 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 2401 Name "Green" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 2401 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.04 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 3201 Name "Yellow" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 3201 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.03 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 4001 Name "Pink" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 4001 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.02 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 4401 Name "White" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 4401 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.01 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 4601 Name "Zebra" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 4601 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0.01 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 4701 Name "Rainbow" } FireInput { Target "BloonPopPick" Action "PickRandom" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 4701 } EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 0 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 16 "model scale" 0.8 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 } } Blue { Skin 1 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 32 "model scale" 0.85 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 } } Green { Skin 2 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 48 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 } } Yellow { Skin 3 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 64 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 } } Pink { Skin 4 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.167 "Wrench index" 80 "model scale" 1 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 } } White { Skin 6 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 88 "model scale" 0.5 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 0.001337 //ice "mult stun resistance" 0 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 } } Zebra { Skin 9 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 92 "model scale" 0.95 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.001337 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 0.001337 //ice "mult stun resistance" 0 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 } } Rainbow { Skin 10 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.734 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 94 "model scale" 1.05 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 } } } } T_TFBloon_Red_Camo { Template T_TFBloon_Red ClassIcon redcamo skin 12 SpawnTemplate Camo } T_TFBloon_Red_Regrow { Template T_TFBloon_Red ClassIcon redregrow skin 0 UseCustomModel models/mvm_forever/mvm_coaltown_rubber_defence/balloon_classicheart.mdl CharacterAttributes { "health regen" 17 } } T_TFBloon_Red_CamoRegrow { Template T_TFBloon_Red ClassIcon redregrowcamo skin 12 SpawnTemplate Camo UseCustomModel models/mvm_forever/mvm_coaltown_rubber_defence/balloon_classicheart.mdl CharacterAttributes { "health regen" 17 } } T_TFBloon_blue_Camo { Template T_TFBloon_blue ClassIcon bluecamo skin 13 SpawnTemplate Camo EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 12 //Scale 0.8 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 1 "model scale" 0.8 } } } } T_TFBloon_blue_Regrow { Template T_TFBloon_blue ClassIcon blueregrow skin 1 UseCustomModel models/mvm_forever/mvm_coaltown_rubber_defence/balloon_classicheart.mdl CharacterAttributes { "health regen" 17 } EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 0 //Scale 0.8 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 1 "model scale" 0.8 } } } } T_TFBloon_blue_CamoRegrow { Template T_TFBloon_blue ClassIcon blueregrowcamo skin 13 SpawnTemplate Camo UseCustomModel models/mvm_forever/mvm_coaltown_rubber_defence/balloon_classicheart.mdl CharacterAttributes { "health regen" 17 } EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 0 //Scale 0.8 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 1 "model scale" 0.8 } } } } T_TFBloon_green_Camo { Template T_TFBloon_green ClassIcon greencamo skin 14 SpawnTemplate Camo EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 12 //Scale 0.8 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 1 "model scale" 0.8 } } Blue { Skin 13 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 2 "model scale" 0.85 } } } } T_TFBloon_green_Regrow { Template T_TFBloon_green ClassIcon greenregrow skin 2 UseCustomModel models/mvm_forever/mvm_coaltown_rubber_defence/balloon_classicheart.mdl CharacterAttributes { "health regen" 17 } EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 0 //Scale 0.8 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 1 "model scale" 0.8 } } Blue { Skin 1 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 2 "model scale" 0.85 } } } } T_TFBloon_green_CamoRegrow { Template T_TFBloon_green ClassIcon greenregrowcamo skin 14 SpawnTemplate Camo UseCustomModel models/mvm_forever/mvm_coaltown_rubber_defence/balloon_classicheart.mdl CharacterAttributes { "health regen" 17 } EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 12 //Scale 0.8 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 1 "model scale" 0.8 } } Blue { Skin 13 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 2 "model scale" 0.85 } } } } T_TFBloon_yellow_Camo { Template T_TFBloon_yellow ClassIcon yellowcamo skin 15 SpawnTemplate Camo EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 12 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 1 "model scale" 0.8 } } Blue { Skin 13 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 2 "model scale" 0.85 } } Green { Skin 14 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 3 "model scale" 0.9 } } } } T_TFBloon_yellow_Regrow { Template T_TFBloon_yellow ClassIcon yellowregrow skin 3 UseCustomModel models/mvm_forever/mvm_coaltown_rubber_defence/balloon_classicheart.mdl CharacterAttributes { "health regen" 17 } EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 0 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 1 "model scale" 0.8 } } Blue { Skin 1 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 2 "model scale" 0.85 } } Green { Skin 2 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 3 "model scale" 0.9 } } } } T_TFBloon_yellow_CamoRegrow { Template T_TFBloon_yellow ClassIcon yellowregrowcamo skin 15 SpawnTemplate Camo UseCustomModel models/mvm_forever/mvm_coaltown_rubber_defence/balloon_classicheart.mdl CharacterAttributes { "health regen" 17 } EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 12 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 1 "model scale" 0.8 } } Blue { Skin 13 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 2 "model scale" 0.85 } } Green { Skin 14 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 3 "model scale" 0.9 } } } } T_TFBloon_pink_Camo { Template T_TFBloon_pink ClassIcon pinkcamo skin 16 SpawnTemplate Camo EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 12 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 1 "model scale" 0.8 } } Blue { Skin 13 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 2 "model scale" 0.85 } } Green { Skin 14 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 3 "model scale" 0.9 } } Yellow { Skin 15 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 4 "model scale" 0.95 } } } } T_TFBloon_pink_Regrow { Template T_TFBloon_pink ClassIcon pinkregrow skin 4 UseCustomModel models/mvm_forever/mvm_coaltown_rubber_defence/balloon_classicheart.mdl CharacterAttributes { "health regen" 17 } EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 0 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 1 "model scale" 0.8 } } Blue { Skin 1 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 2 "model scale" 0.85 } } Green { Skin 2 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 3 "model scale" 0.9 } } Yellow { Skin 3 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 4 "model scale" 0.95 } } } } T_TFBloon_pink_CamoRegrow { Template T_TFBloon_pink ClassIcon pinkregrowcamo skin 16 SpawnTemplate Camo UseCustomModel models/mvm_forever/mvm_coaltown_rubber_defence/balloon_classicheart.mdl CharacterAttributes { "health regen" 17 } EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 12 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 1 "model scale" 0.8 } } Blue { Skin 13 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 2 "model scale" 0.85 } } Green { Skin 14 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 3 "model scale" 0.9 } } Yellow { Skin 15 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 4 "model scale" 0.95 } } } } T_TFBloon_black_Camo { Template T_TFBloon_black ClassIcon blackcamo skin 17 SpawnTemplate Camo EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 12 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 2 "model scale" 0.8 } } Blue { Skin 13 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 4 "model scale" 0.85 } } Green { Skin 14 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 6 "model scale" 0.9 } } Yellow { Skin 15 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 8 "model scale" 0.95 } } Pink { Skin 16 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.167 "Wrench index" 10 "model scale" 1 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "health regen" 34 } } } } T_TFBloon_black_Regrow { Template T_TFBloon_black ClassIcon blackregrow skin 5 UseCustomModel models/mvm_forever/mvm_coaltown_rubber_defence/balloon_classicheart.mdl CharacterAttributes { "health regen" 17 } EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 0 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 2 "model scale" 0.8 } } Blue { Skin 1 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 4 "model scale" 0.85 } } Green { Skin 2 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 6 "model scale" 0.9 } } Yellow { Skin 3 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 8 "model scale" 0.95 } } Pink { Skin 4 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.167 "Wrench index" 10 "model scale" 1 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "health regen" 34 } } } } T_TFBloon_black_CamoRegrow { Template T_TFBloon_black ClassIcon blackregrowcamo skin 17 SpawnTemplate Camo UseCustomModel models/mvm_forever/mvm_coaltown_rubber_defence/balloon_classicheart.mdl CharacterAttributes { "health regen" 17 } EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 12 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 2 "model scale" 0.8 } } Blue { Skin 13 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 4 "model scale" 0.85 } } Green { Skin 14 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 6 "model scale" 0.9 } } Yellow { Skin 15 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 8 "model scale" 0.95 } } Pink { Skin 16 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.167 "Wrench index" 10 "model scale" 1 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "health regen" 34 } } } } T_TFBloon_white_Camo { Template T_TFBloon_white ClassIcon whitecamo skin 18 SpawnTemplate Camo EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 12 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 2 "model scale" 0.8 } } Blue { Skin 13 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 4 "model scale" 0.85 } } Green { Skin 14 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 6 "model scale" 0.9 } } Yellow { Skin 15 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 8 "model scale" 0.95 } } Pink { Skin 16 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.167 "Wrench index" 10 "model scale" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } } } T_TFBloon_white_Regrow { Template T_TFBloon_white ClassIcon whiteregrow skin 6 UseCustomModel models/mvm_forever/mvm_coaltown_rubber_defence/balloon_classicheart.mdl CharacterAttributes { "health regen" 17 } EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 0 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 2 "model scale" 0.8 } } Blue { Skin 1 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 4 "model scale" 0.85 } } Green { Skin 2 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 6 "model scale" 0.9 } } Yellow { Skin 3 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 8 "model scale" 0.95 } } Pink { Skin 4 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.167 "Wrench index" 10 "model scale" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 34 } } } } T_TFBloon_white_CamoRegrow { Template T_TFBloon_white ClassIcon whiteregrowcamo skin 18 SpawnTemplate Camo UseCustomModel models/mvm_forever/mvm_coaltown_rubber_defence/balloon_classicheart.mdl CharacterAttributes { "health regen" 34 } EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 12 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 2 "model scale" 0.8 } } Blue { Skin 13 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 4 "model scale" 0.85 } } Green { Skin 14 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 6 "model scale" 0.9 } } Yellow { Skin 15 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 8 "model scale" 0.95 } } Pink { Skin 16 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.167 "Wrench index" 10 "model scale" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 34 } } } } T_TFBloon_purple_Camo { Template T_TFBloon_purple ClassIcon purplecamo skin 19 SpawnTemplate Camo EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 12 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 2 "model scale" 0.8 } } Blue { Skin 13 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 4 "model scale" 0.85 } } Green { Skin 14 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 6 "model scale" 0.9 } } Yellow { Skin 15 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 8 "model scale" 0.95 } } Pink { Skin 16 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.167 "Wrench index" 10 "model scale" 1 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 2" 1 //energy/laser/plasma } } } } T_TFBloon_purple_Regrow { Template T_TFBloon_purple ClassIcon purpleregrow skin 7 UseCustomModel models/mvm_forever/mvm_coaltown_rubber_defence/balloon_classicheart.mdl CharacterAttributes { "health regen" 17 } EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 0 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 2 "model scale" 0.8 } } Blue { Skin 1 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 4 "model scale" 0.85 } } Green { Skin 2 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 6 "model scale" 0.9 } } Yellow { Skin 3 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 8 "model scale" 0.95 } } Pink { Skin 4 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.167 "Wrench index" 10 "model scale" 1 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 2" 1 //energy/laser/plasma "health regen" 34 } } } } T_TFBloon_purple_CamoRegrow { Template T_TFBloon_purple ClassIcon purpleregrowcamo skin 19 SpawnTemplate Camo UseCustomModel models/mvm_forever/mvm_coaltown_rubber_defence/balloon_classicheart.mdl CharacterAttributes { "health regen" 17 } EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 12 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 2 "model scale" 0.8 } } Blue { Skin 13 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 4 "model scale" 0.85 } } Green { Skin 14 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 6 "model scale" 0.9 } } Yellow { Skin 15 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 8 "model scale" 0.95 } } Pink { Skin 16 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.167 "Wrench index" 10 "model scale" 1 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 2" 1 //energy/laser/plasma "health regen" 34 } } } } T_TFBloon_lead_Camo { Template T_TFBloon_lead ClassIcon leadcamo skin 20 SpawnTemplate Camo EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 12 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 4 "model scale" 0.8 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 2" 1 //energy/laser/plasma "dmg taken increased" 1 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 1 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 1 "dmg from melee increased" 1 } } Blue { Skin 13 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 8 "model scale" 0.85 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 2" 1 //energy/laser/plasma "dmg taken increased" 1 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 1 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 1 "dmg from melee increased" 1 } } Green { Skin 14 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 12 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 2" 1 //energy/laser/plasma "dmg taken increased" 1 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 1 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 1 "dmg from melee increased" 1 } } Yellow { Skin 15 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 16 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 2" 1 //energy/laser/plasma "dmg taken increased" 1 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 1 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 1 "dmg from melee increased" 1 } } Pink { Skin 16 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.167 "Wrench index" 20 "model scale" 1 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 2" 1 //energy/laser/plasma "dmg taken increased" 1 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 1 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 1 "dmg from melee increased" 1 } } Black { Skin 17 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 22 "model scale" 0.5 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.001337 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 2" 1 //energy/laser/plasma "dmg taken increased" 1 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 1 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 1 "dmg from melee increased" 1 } } } } T_TFBloon_lead_Regrow { Template T_TFBloon_lead ClassIcon leadregrow skin 8 UseCustomModel models/mvm_forever/mvm_coaltown_rubber_defence/balloon_classicheart.mdl CharacterAttributes { "health regen" 17 } EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 0 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 4 "model scale" 0.8 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 2" 1 //energy/laser/plasma "dmg taken increased" 1 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 1 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 1 "dmg from melee increased" 1 "health regen" 68 } } Blue { Skin 1 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 8 "model scale" 0.85 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 2" 1 //energy/laser/plasma "dmg taken increased" 1 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 1 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 1 "dmg from melee increased" 1 "health regen" 68 } } Green { Skin 2 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 12 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 2" 1 //energy/laser/plasma "dmg taken increased" 1 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 1 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 1 "dmg from melee increased" 1 "health regen" 68 } } Yellow { Skin 3 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 16 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 2" 1 //energy/laser/plasma "dmg taken increased" 1 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 1 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 1 "dmg from melee increased" 1 "health regen" 68 } } Pink { Skin 4 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.167 "Wrench index" 20 "model scale" 1 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 2" 1 //energy/laser/plasma "dmg taken increased" 1 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 1 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 1 "dmg from melee increased" 1 "health regen" 68 } } Black { Skin 5 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 22 "model scale" 0.5 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.001337 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 2" 1 //energy/laser/plasma "dmg taken increased" 1 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 1 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 1 "dmg from melee increased" 1 "health regen" 34 } } } } T_TFBloon_lead_CamoRegrow { Template T_TFBloon_lead ClassIcon leadregrowcamo skin 20 //missing texture smh, zilloy fix your shit SpawnTemplate Camo UseCustomModel models/mvm_forever/mvm_coaltown_rubber_defence/balloon_classicheart.mdl CharacterAttributes { "health regen" 17 } EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 12 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 4 "model scale" 0.8 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 2" 1 //energy/laser/plasma "dmg taken increased" 1 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 1 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 1 "dmg from melee increased" 1 "health regen" 68 } } Blue { Skin 13 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 8 "model scale" 0.85 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 2" 1 //energy/laser/plasma "dmg taken increased" 1 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 1 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 1 "dmg from melee increased" 1 "health regen" 68 } } Green { Skin 14 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 12 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 2" 1 //energy/laser/plasma "dmg taken increased" 1 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 1 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 1 "dmg from melee increased" 1 "health regen" 68 } } Yellow { Skin 15 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 16 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 2" 1 //energy/laser/plasma "dmg taken increased" 1 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 1 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 1 "dmg from melee increased" 1 "health regen" 68 } } Pink { Skin 16 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.167 "Wrench index" 20 "model scale" 1 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 2" 1 //energy/laser/plasma "dmg taken increased" 1 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 1 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 1 "dmg from melee increased" 1 "health regen" 68 } } Black { Skin 17 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 22 "model scale" 0.5 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.001337 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 2" 1 //energy/laser/plasma "dmg taken increased" 1 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 1 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 1 "dmg from melee increased" 1 "health regen" 34 } } } } T_TFBloon_zebra_a_Camo { Template T_TFBloon_zebra_a ClassIcon zebracamo skin 21 SpawnTemplate Camo EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 12 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 4 "model scale" 0.8 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } Blue { Skin 13 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 8 "model scale" 0.85 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } Green { Skin 14 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 12 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } Yellow { Skin 15 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 16 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } Pink { Skin 16 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.167 "Wrench index" 20 "model scale" 1 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } Black { Skin 17 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 22 "model scale" 0.5 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.001337 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } } } T_TFBloon_zebra_a_Regrow { Template T_TFBloon_zebra_a ClassIcon zebraregrow skin 9 UseCustomModel models/mvm_forever/mvm_coaltown_rubber_defence/balloon_classicheart.mdl CharacterAttributes { "health regen" 17 } EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 0 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 4 "model scale" 0.8 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 68 } } Blue { Skin 1 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 8 "model scale" 0.85 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 68 } } Green { Skin 2 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 12 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 68 } } Yellow { Skin 3 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 16 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 68 } } Pink { Skin 4 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.167 "Wrench index" 20 "model scale" 1 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 68 } } Black { Skin 5 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 22 "model scale" 0.5 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.001337 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 34 } } } } T_TFBloon_zebra_a_CamoRegrow { Template T_TFBloon_zebra_a ClassIcon zebraregrowcamo skin 21 //missing texture smh, zilloy fix your shit SpawnTemplate Camo UseCustomModel models/mvm_forever/mvm_coaltown_rubber_defence/balloon_classicheart.mdl CharacterAttributes { "health regen" 17 } EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 12 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 4 "model scale" 0.8 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 68 } } Blue { Skin 13 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 8 "model scale" 0.85 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 68 } } Green { Skin 14 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 12 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 68 } } Yellow { Skin 15 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 16 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 68 } } Pink { Skin 16 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.167 "Wrench index" 20 "model scale" 1 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 68 } } Black { Skin 17 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 22 "model scale" 0.5 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.001337 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 34 } } } } T_TFBloon_zebra_b_Camo { Template T_TFBloon_zebra_b ClassIcon zebracamo skin 21 SpawnTemplate Camo EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 12 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 4 "model scale" 0.8 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } Blue { Skin 13 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 8 "model scale" 0.85 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } Green { Skin 14 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 12 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } Yellow { Skin 15 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 16 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } Pink { Skin 16 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.167 "Wrench index" 20 "model scale" 1 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } White { Skin 18 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.667 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 22 "model scale" 0.5 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 0.001337 //ice "mult stun resistance" 0 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 } } } } T_TFBloon_zebra_b_Regrow { Template T_TFBloon_zebra_b ClassIcon zebraregrow skin 9 UseCustomModel models/mvm_forever/mvm_coaltown_rubber_defence/balloon_classicheart.mdl CharacterAttributes { "health regen" 17 } EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 0 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 4 "model scale" 0.8 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 68 } } Blue { Skin 1 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 8 "model scale" 0.85 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 68 } } Green { Skin 2 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 12 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 68 } } Yellow { Skin 3 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 16 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 68 } } Pink { Skin 4 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.167 "Wrench index" 20 "model scale" 1 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 68 } } White { Skin 6 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.667 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 22 "model scale" 0.5 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 0.001337 //ice "mult stun resistance" 0 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "health regen" 34 } } } } T_TFBloon_zebra_b_CamoRegrow { Template T_TFBloon_zebra_b ClassIcon zebraregrowcamo skin 21 //missing texture smh, zilloy fix your shit SpawnTemplate Camo UseCustomModel models/mvm_forever/mvm_coaltown_rubber_defence/balloon_classicheart.mdl CharacterAttributes { "health regen" 17 } EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 12 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 4 "model scale" 0.8 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 68 } } Blue { Skin 13 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 8 "model scale" 0.85 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 68 } } Green { Skin 14 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 12 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 68 } } Yellow { Skin 15 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 16 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 68 } } Pink { Skin 16 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.167 "Wrench index" 20 "model scale" 1 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 68 } } White { Skin 18 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.667 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 22 "model scale" 0.5 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 0.001337 //ice "mult stun resistance" 0 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "health regen" 34 } } } } T_TFBloon_rainbow_a_Camo { Template T_TFBloon_rainbow_a ClassIcon rainbowcamo skin 22 SpawnTemplate Camo EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 12 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 8 "model scale" 0.8 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } Blue { Skin 13 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 16 "model scale" 0.85 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } Green { Skin 14 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 24 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } Yellow { Skin 15 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 32 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } Pink { Skin 16 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.167 "Wrench index" 40 "model scale" 1 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } Black { Skin 17 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 44 "model scale" 0.5 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.001337 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } Zebra { Skin 21 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 46 "model scale" 0.95 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.001337 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 0.001337 //ice "mult stun resistance" 0 } } } } T_TFBloon_rainbow_a_Regrow { Template T_TFBloon_rainbow_a ClassIcon rainbowregrow skin 10 UseCustomModel models/mvm_forever/mvm_coaltown_rubber_defence/balloon_classicheart.mdl CharacterAttributes { "health regen" 17 } EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 0 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 8 "model scale" 0.8 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 136 } } Blue { Skin 1 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 16 "model scale" 0.85 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 136 } } Green { Skin 2 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 24 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 136 } } Yellow { Skin 3 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 32 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 136 } } Pink { Skin 4 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.167 "Wrench index" 40 "model scale" 1 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 136 } } Black { Skin 5 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 44 "model scale" 0.5 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.001337 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 68 } } Zebra { Skin 9 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 46 "model scale" 0.95 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.001337 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 0.001337 //ice "mult stun resistance" 0 "health regen" 34 } } } } T_TFBloon_rainbow_a_CamoRegrow { Template T_TFBloon_rainbow_a ClassIcon rainbowregrowcamo skin 22 //missing texture smh, zilloy fix your shit SpawnTemplate Camo UseCustomModel models/mvm_forever/mvm_coaltown_rubber_defence/balloon_classicheart.mdl CharacterAttributes { "health regen" 17 } EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 12 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 8 "model scale" 0.8 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 136 } } Blue { Skin 13 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 16 "model scale" 0.85 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 136 } } Green { Skin 14 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 24 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 136 } } Yellow { Skin 15 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 32 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 136 } } Pink { Skin 16 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.167 "Wrench index" 40 "model scale" 1 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 136 } } Black { Skin 17 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 44 "model scale" 0.5 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.001337 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 68 } } Zebra { Skin 21 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 46 "model scale" 0.95 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.001337 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 0.001337 //ice "mult stun resistance" 0 "health regen" 34 } } } } T_TFBloon_rainbow_b_Camo { Template T_TFBloon_rainbow_b ClassIcon rainbowcamo skin 22 SpawnTemplate Camo EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 12 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 8 "model scale" 0.8 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } Blue { Skin 13 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 16 "model scale" 0.85 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } Green { Skin 14 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 24 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } Yellow { Skin 15 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 32 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } Pink { Skin 16 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.167 "Wrench index" 40 "model scale" 1 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 } } White { Skin 18 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 44 "model scale" 0.5 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 0.001337 //ice "mult stun resistance" 0 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 } } Zebra { Skin 21 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 46 "model scale" 0.95 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.001337 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 0.001337 //ice "mult stun resistance" 0 } } } } T_TFBloon_rainbow_b_Regrow { Template T_TFBloon_rainbow_b ClassIcon rainbowregrow skin 10 UseCustomModel models/mvm_forever/mvm_coaltown_rubber_defence/balloon_classicheart.mdl CharacterAttributes { "health regen" 17 } EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 0 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 8 "model scale" 0.8 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 136 } } Blue { Skin 1 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 16 "model scale" 0.85 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 136 } } Green { Skin 2 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 24 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 136 } } Yellow { Skin 3 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 32 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 136 } } Pink { Skin 4 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.167 "Wrench index" 40 "model scale" 1 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 136 } } White { Skin 6 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 44 "model scale" 0.5 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 0.001337 //ice "mult stun resistance" 0 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "health regen" 68 } } Zebra { Skin 9 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 46 "model scale" 0.95 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.001337 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 0.001337 //ice "mult stun resistance" 0 "health regen" 34 } } } } T_TFBloon_rainbow_b_CamoRegrow { Template T_TFBloon_rainbow_b ClassIcon rainbowregrowcamo skin 22 //missing texture smh, zilloy fix your shit SpawnTemplate Camo UseCustomModel models/mvm_forever/mvm_coaltown_rubber_defence/balloon_classicheart.mdl CharacterAttributes { "health regen" 17 } EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 12 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 8 "model scale" 0.8 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 136 } } Blue { Skin 13 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 16 "model scale" 0.85 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 136 } } Green { Skin 14 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 24 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 136 } } Yellow { Skin 15 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 32 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 136 } } Pink { Skin 16 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.167 "Wrench index" 40 "model scale" 1 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 136 } } White { Skin 18 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 44 "model scale" 0.5 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 0.001337 //ice "mult stun resistance" 0 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "health regen" 68 } } Zebra { Skin 21 CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 46 "model scale" 0.95 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.001337 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 0.001337 //ice "mult stun resistance" 0 "health regen" 34 } } } } T_TFBloon_ceramic_a_Camo { Template T_TFBloon_ceramic_a ClassIcon ceramiccamo skin 23 SpawnTemplate Camo EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 12 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 16 "model scale" 0.8 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 } } Blue { Skin 13 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 32 "model scale" 0.85 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 } } Green { Skin 14 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 48 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 } } Yellow { Skin 15 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 64 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 } } Pink { Skin 16 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.167 "Wrench index" 80 "model scale" 1 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 } } Black { Skin 17 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 88 "model scale" 0.5 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.001337 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 } } Zebra { Skin 21 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 92 "model scale" 0.95 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.001337 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 0.001337 //ice "mult stun resistance" 0 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 } } Rainbow { Skin 22 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.734 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 94 "model scale" 1.05 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 } } } } T_TFBloon_ceramic_a_Regrow { Template T_TFBloon_ceramic_a ClassIcon ceramicregrow skin 11 UseCustomModel models/mvm_forever/mvm_coaltown_rubber_defence/balloon_classicheart.mdl CharacterAttributes { "health regen" 17 } EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 0 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 16 "model scale" 0.8 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 "health regen" 272 } } Blue { Skin 1 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 32 "model scale" 0.85 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 "health regen" 272 } } Green { Skin 2 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 48 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 "health regen" 272 } } Yellow { Skin 3 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 64 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 "health regen" 272 } } Pink { Skin 4 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.167 "Wrench index" 80 "model scale" 1 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 272 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 } } Black { Skin 5 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 88 "model scale" 0.5 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.001337 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 "health regen" 136 } } Zebra { Skin 9 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 92 "model scale" 0.95 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.001337 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 0.001337 //ice "mult stun resistance" 0 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 "health regen" 68 } } Rainbow { Skin 10 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.734 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 94 "model scale" 1.05 "health regen" 34 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 } } } } T_TFBloon_ceramic_a_CamoRegrow { Template T_TFBloon_ceramic_a ClassIcon ceramicregrowcamo skin 23 //missing texture smh, zilloy fix your shit SpawnTemplate Camo UseCustomModel models/mvm_forever/mvm_coaltown_rubber_defence/balloon_classicheart.mdl CharacterAttributes { "health regen" 17 } EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 12 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 16 "model scale" 0.8 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 "health regen" 272 } } Blue { Skin 13 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 32 "model scale" 0.85 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 "health regen" 272 } } Green { Skin 14 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 48 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 "health regen" 272 } } Yellow { Skin 15 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 64 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 "health regen" 272 } } Pink { Skin 16 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.167 "Wrench index" 80 "model scale" 1 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 "health regen" 272 } } Black { Skin 17 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 88 "model scale" 0.5 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.001337 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 "health regen" 136 } } Zebra { Skin 21 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 92 "model scale" 0.95 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.001337 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 0.001337 //ice "mult stun resistance" 0 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 "health regen" 68 } } Rainbow { Skin 22 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.734 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 94 "model scale" 1.05 "health regen" 34 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 } } } } T_TFBloon_ceramic_b_Camo { Template T_TFBloon_ceramic_b ClassIcon ceramiccamo skin 23 SpawnTemplate Camo EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 12 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 16 "model scale" 0.8 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 } } Blue { Skin 13 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 32 "model scale" 0.85 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 } } Green { Skin 14 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 48 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 } } Yellow { Skin 15 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 64 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 } } Pink { Skin 16 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.167 "Wrench index" 80 "model scale" 1 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 } } White { Skin 18 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 88 "model scale" 0.5 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 0.001337 //ice "mult stun resistance" 0 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 } } Zebra { Skin 21 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 92 "model scale" 0.95 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.001337 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 0.001337 //ice "mult stun resistance" 0 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 } } Rainbow { Skin 22 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.734 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 94 "model scale" 1.05 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 } } } } T_TFBloon_ceramic_b_Regrow { Template T_TFBloon_ceramic_b ClassIcon ceramicregrow skin 11 UseCustomModel models/mvm_forever/mvm_coaltown_rubber_defence/balloon_classicheart.mdl CharacterAttributes { "health regen" 17 } EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 0 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 16 "model scale" 0.8 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 "health regen" 272 } } Blue { Skin 1 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 32 "model scale" 0.85 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 272 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 } } Green { Skin 2 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 48 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 272 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 } } Yellow { Skin 3 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 64 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 272 } } Pink { Skin 4 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.167 "Wrench index" 80 "model scale" 1 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 272 } } White { Skin 6 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 "Wrench index" 88 "model scale" 0.5 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 0.001337 //ice "mult stun resistance" 0 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "health regen" 272 } } Zebra { Skin 9 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 "Wrench index" 92 "model scale" 0.95 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.001337 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 0.001337 //ice "mult stun resistance" 0 "health regen" 68 } } Rainbow { Skin 10 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.734 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 94 "model scale" 1.05 "health regen" 34 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 } } } } T_TFBloon_ceramic_b_CamoRegrow { Template T_TFBloon_ceramic_b ClassIcon ceramicregrowcamo skin 23 //missing texture smh, zilloy fix your shit SpawnTemplate Camo UseCustomModel models/mvm_forever/mvm_coaltown_rubber_defence/balloon_classicheart.mdl CharacterAttributes { "health regen" 17 } EventChangeAttributes { Red { Skin 12 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.334 "Wrench index" 16 "model scale" 0.8 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 "health regen" 272 } } Blue { Skin 13 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.467 "Wrench index" 32 "model scale" 0.85 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 "health regen" 272 } } Green { Skin 14 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "Wrench index" 48 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 "health regen" 272 } } Yellow { Skin 15 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.067 "Wrench index" 64 "model scale" 0.9 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 "health regen" 272 } } Pink { Skin 16 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 1.167 "Wrench index" 80 "model scale" 1 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 1 //ice "mult stun resistance" 1 "health regen" 272 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 } } White { Skin 18 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 88 "model scale" 0.5 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 0.001337 //ice "mult stun resistance" 0 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "health regen" 272 } } Zebra { Skin 21 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 92 "model scale" 0.95 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.001337 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 1" 0.001337 //ice "mult stun resistance" 0 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 "health regen" 68 } } Rainbow { Skin 22 PainSound common/null.wav CharacterAttributes { "major move speed bonus" 0.734 "damage force reduction" 0 "not solid to players" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "Wrench index" 94 "model scale" 1.05 "health regen" 34 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 3" 1 } } } } T_TFBlimp_MOAB { SpawnTemplate MOAB SpawnTemplate autoblimpcollision skin 2 Model "models/empty.mdl" ClassIcon bloon_moab StartingPathTrackNode blimp_path_1 Health 30800 Speed 100 DisableSmokestack 1 MaxTurnRate 150 Gravity 0 NoCrushDamage 1 DisableTracks 1 DisableChildModels 1 EngineLoopSound "npc/combine_gunship/dropship_engine_distant_loop1.wav" PingSound "npc/combine_gunship/ping_search.wav" Name "MOAB" OnKilledOutput { Target boss_dead_relay Action Trigger } OnBombDroppedOutput { Target boss_deploy_relay Action Trigger } } T_TFBlimp_BFB { SpawnTemplate BFB SpawnTemplate autoblimpcollision skin 2 Model "models/empty.mdl" ClassIcon bfb StartingPathTrackNode blimp_path_1 Health 158200 Scale 1.5 Speed 50 DisableSmokestack 1 MaxTurnRate 150 Gravity 0 NoCrushDamage 1 DisableTracks 1 DisableChildModels 1 EngineLoopSound "npc/combine_gunship/dropship_engine_distant_loop1.wav" PingSound "npc/combine_gunship/ping_search.wav" Name "BFB" OnKilledOutput { Target boss_dead_relay Action Trigger } OnBombDroppedOutput { Target boss_deploy_relay Action Trigger } } T_TFBlimp_ZOMG { SpawnTemplate ZOMG SpawnTemplate autoblimpcollision skin 2 Model "models/empty.mdl" ClassIcon zomg StartingPathTrackNode blimp_path_1 Health 832800 Scale 2.25 Speed 36 DisableSmokestack 1 MaxTurnRate 150 Gravity 0 NoCrushDamage 1 DisableTracks 1 DisableChildModels 1 EngineLoopSound "npc/combine_gunship/dropship_engine_distant_loop1.wav" PingSound "npc/combine_gunship/ping_search.wav" Name "ZOMG" OnKilledOutput { Target boss_dead_relay Action Trigger } OnBombDroppedOutput { Target boss_deploy_relay Action Trigger } } T_TFBlimp_DDT { SpawnTemplate DDT SpawnTemplate autoblimpcollision skin 2 Model "models/empty.mdl" ClassIcon ddt StartingPathTrackNode blimp_path_1 Health 40800 Scale 1.2 Speed 264 DisableSmokestack 1 MaxTurnRate 150 Gravity 0 NoCrushDamage 1 DisableTracks 1 DisableChildModels 1 EngineLoopSound "npc/combine_gunship/dropship_engine_distant_loop1.wav" PingSound "npc/combine_gunship/ping_search.wav" Name "DDT" OnKilledOutput { Target boss_dead_relay Action Trigger } OnBombDroppedOutput { Target boss_deploy_relay Action Trigger } } T_TFBlimp_BAD { SpawnTemplate BAD SpawnTemplate autoblimpcollision skin 2 Model "models/empty.mdl" ClassIcon bad StartingPathTrackNode blimp_path_1 Health 2788000 Scale 3 Speed 36 DisableSmokestack 1 MaxTurnRate 150 Gravity 0 NoCrushDamage 1 DisableTracks 1 DisableChildModels 1 EngineLoopSound "npc/combine_gunship/dropship_engine_distant_loop1.wav" PingSound "npc/combine_gunship/ping_search.wav" Name "BAD" OnKilledOutput { Target boss_dead_relay Action Trigger } OnBombDroppedOutput { Target boss_deploy_relay Action Trigger } } } ItemAttributes { SimilarToItem "TF_WEAPON_SCATTERGUN" "provide on active" 1 "tag__summer2014" 2 "no double jump" 1 } ItemAttributes { SimilarToItem "TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER" "tag__summer2014" 64 } ItemAttributes { SimilarToItem "TF_WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER" "tag__summer2014" 8 } ItemAttributes { SimilarToItem "TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER" "tag__summer2014" 64 } ItemAttributes { SimilarToItem "TF_WEAPON_MINIGUN" "tag__summer2014" 2 } ItemAttributes { SimilarToItem "TF_WEAPON_SYRINGEGUN_MEDIC" "tag__summer2014" 2 } ItemAttributes { SimilarToItem "TF_WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE" "tag__summer2014" 2 "sniper only fire zoomed" 1 "damage penalty" 0.5 } ItemAttributes { SimilarToItem "TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER" "tag__summer2014" 2 } ItemAttributes { SimilarToItem "TF_WEAPON_BAT" "provide on active" 1 "no_attack" 1 "move speed bonus" 1.3 "switch from wep deploy time decreased" 0.25 "special item description" "When active: provides a move speed bonus but no attack" } ItemAttributes { SimilarToItem "TF_WEAPON_SHOVEL" "provide on active" 1 "no_attack" 1 "move speed bonus" 2.2 "switch from wep deploy time decreased" 0.25 "special item description" "When active: provides a move speed bonus but no attack" } ItemAttributes { SimilarToItem "TF_WEAPON_FIREAXE" "provide on active" 1 "no_attack" 1 "move speed bonus" 1.8 "switch from wep deploy time decreased" 0.25 "special item description" "When active: provides a move speed bonus but no attack" } ItemAttributes { SimilarToItem "TF_WEAPON_BOTTLE" "provide on active" 1 "no_attack" 1 "move speed bonus" 1.9 "switch from wep deploy time decreased" 0.25 "special item description" "When active: provides a move speed bonus but no attack" } ItemAttributes { SimilarToItem "TF_WEAPON_FISTS" "provide on active" 1 "no_attack" 1 "move speed bonus" 2.3 "switch from wep deploy time decreased" 0.25 "special item description" "When active: provides a move speed bonus but no attack" } ItemAttributes { SimilarToItem "TF_WEAPON_BONESAW" "provide on active" 1 "no_attack" 1 "move speed bonus" 1.625 "switch from wep deploy time decreased" 0.25 "special item description" "When active: provides a move speed bonus but no attack" } ItemAttributes { SimilarToItem "TF_WEAPON_CLUB" "provide on active" 1 "no_attack" 1 "move speed bonus" 1.8 "switch from wep deploy time decreased" 0.25 "special item description" "When active: provides a move speed bonus but no attack" } ItemAttributes { SimilarToItem "TF_WEAPON_KNIFE" "provide on active" 1 "no_attack" 1 "move speed bonus" 1.625 "switch from wep deploy time decreased" 0.25 "special item description" "When active: provides a move speed bonus but no attack" } ItemAttributes { SimilarToItem "TF_WEAPON_WRENCH" "provide on active" 1 "fire rate bonus" 0.31 "mult smack time" 0.001337 "damage penalty" 0.001337 "Construction rate increased" 10 "upgrade rate decrease" 10 "cannot taunt" 1 "special item description" "Faster attack rate but no damage, move speed bonus when not active." } ItemAttributes { SimilarToItem "TF_WEAPON_PDA_ENGINEER_BUILD" "provide on active" 1 "move speed bonus" 1.8 "switch from wep deploy time decreased" 0.25 } ItemAttributes { SimilarToItem "TF_WEAPON_PDA_ENGINEER_DESTROY" "provide on active" 1 "move speed bonus" 1.8 "switch from wep deploy time decreased" 0.25 } ItemAttributes { SimilarToItem "TF_WEAPON_BUILDER" "provide on active" 1 "move speed bonus" 1.8 "switch from wep deploy time decreased" 0.25 } PlayerSpawnTemplate { Name Ammofix } ExtendedUpgrades { MaxUpgradesTier // For tiered upgrades: Specify how many upgrades can be bought per tier. (1 by default) { 1 2 // Max 2 upgrades on tier 1 2 2 // Max 2 upgrade on tier 2 3 1 // Max 1 upgrade on tier 3 4 1 // Max 1 upgrade on tier 4 5 1 // Max 1 upgrade on tier 5 } Tier1 { Name "Tier 1" Attribute "medigun charge is crit boost" Cap 0 Increment 1 Cost 0 AllowedWeapons { Slot Primary ItemName TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER Slot PDA } } Scout_Tier1_A { Name "Packed Buckshot" Description "Slightly increased damage" Tier 1 Attribute "sniper zoom penalty" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 35 SecondaryAttributes { "damage bonus" 0.25 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SCATTERGUN } AllowPlayerClass Scout } Scout_Tier1_B { Name "Quick Cycle" Description "Slightly Faster fire rate" Tier 1 Attribute "sniper no charge" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 20 SecondaryAttributes { "fire rate bonus" -0.2 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SCATTERGUN } AllowPlayerClass Scout } Scout_Tier1_C { Name "Tight Spread" Description "Less spread" Tier 1 Attribute "absorb damage while cloaked" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 10 SecondaryAttributes { "weapon spread bonus" -0.15 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SCATTERGUN } AllowPlayerClass Scout } Soldier_Tier1_A { Name "Breach Explosives" Description "Slightly increased blast radius" Tier 1 Attribute "heal rate penalty" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 48 SecondaryAttributes { "blast radius increased" 0.15 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER } AllowPlayerClass Soldier } Soldier_Tier1_B { Name "More Fuel" Description "Rockets travel faster" Tier 1 Attribute "mult charge turn control" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 36 SecondaryAttributes { "projectile speed increased" 0.5 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER } AllowPlayerClass Soldier } Soldier_Tier1_C { Name "Rapid Relaunch" Description "Slightly faster fire rate" Tier 1 Attribute "ubercharge rate penalty" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 64 SecondaryAttributes { "fire rate bonus" -0.15 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER } AllowPlayerClass Soldier } Pyro_Tier1_A { Name "Burny Stuff" Description "Increased After burn damage" Tier 1 Attribute "increase player capture value" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 25 SecondaryAttributes { "weapon burn dmg increased" 1 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER } AllowPlayerClass Pyro } Pyro_Tier1_B { Name "Multi Flames" Description "+1 Bloon affected by flamethrower at once" Tier 1 Attribute "health from healers reduced" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 55 SecondaryAttributes { "max aoe targets" 2 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER } AllowPlayerClass Pyro } Pyro_Tier1_C { Name "Jet Pack" Description "Gives you a jetpack" Tier 1 Attribute "health from healers increased" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 15 OnApply { Output "!activator,$AwardAndGiveExtraItem,Jet Pack,0.3,-1" } OnDowngrade { Output "!activator,$StripExtraItem,Jet Pack,0.5,-1" } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER } AllowPlayerClass Pyro } Demoman_Tier1_A { Name "Bigger Bombs" Description "Increased explosion radius" Tier 1 Attribute "add cloak on hit" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 40 SecondaryAttributes { "blast radius increased" 0.25 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER } AllowPlayerClass Demoman } Demoman_Tier1_B { Name "Long Range Bombs" Description "Projectiles travel faster" Tier 1 Attribute "disguise damage reduction" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 25 SecondaryAttributes { "projectile speed increased" 0.25 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER } AllowPlayerClass Demoman } Demoman_Tier1_C { Name "Rapid Rotation" Description "Rapid chamber rotation allows for faster fire rate" Tier 1 Attribute "disguise no burn" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 60 SecondaryAttributes { "fire rate bonus" -0.33 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER } AllowPlayerClass Demoman } Heavyweapons_Tier1_A { Name "Rapid Rotation" Description "Significantly faster fire rate" Tier 1 Attribute "max pipebombs decreased" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 90 SecondaryAttributes { "fire rate bonus" -0.25 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_MINIGUN } AllowPlayerClass Heavyweapons } Heavyweapons_Tier1_B { Name "Quick Deployment" Description "Greatly increased deploy speed" Tier 1 Attribute "Projectile range increased" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 35 SecondaryAttributes { "minigun spinup time decreased" -0.75 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_MINIGUN } AllowPlayerClass Heavyweapons } Heavyweapons_Tier1_C { Name "Overheated Targeting" Description "Significantly increased damage vs burning" Tier 1 Attribute "Projectile range decreased" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 70 SecondaryAttributes { "damage bonus vs burning" 0.75 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_MINIGUN } AllowPlayerClass Heavyweapons } Engineer_Tier1_A { Name "Blueprint Upgrade" Description "Sentry lvl 2 Unlocked" Tier 1 Attribute "cannot giftwrap" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 80 OnApply { Output "!activator,$AddItemAttribute,building max level|1|4,0,-1" } OnDowngrade { Output "!activator,$RemoveItemAttribute,building max level|4,0.5,-1" } AllowedWeapons { Slot PDA } AllowPlayerClass Engineer } Engineer_Tier1_B { Name "Long Range Sensors" Description "Increased Range" Tier 1 Attribute "mod medic killed marked for death" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 20 OnApply { Output "!activator,$AddPlayerAttribute,engy sentry radius increased|1.3,0,-1" } OnDowngrade { Output "!activator,$RemovePlayerAttribute,engy sentry radius increased,0.5,-1" } AllowedWeapons { Slot PDA } AllowPlayerClass Engineer } Engineer_Tier1_C { Name "Rapid Fire" Description "Increased sentry fire rate" Tier 1 Attribute "mod rage damage boost" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 35 OnApply { Output "!activator,$AddPlayerAttribute,engy sentry fire rate increased|1.6,0,-1" } OnDowngrade { Output "!activator,$AddPlayerAttribute,engy sentry fire rate increased|2,0.5,-1" } AllowedWeapons { Slot PDA } AllowPlayerClass Engineer } Medic_Tier1_A { Name "Quick Cycle" Description "Quick chamber rotation allows for faster fire rate" Tier 1 Attribute "selfmade description" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 30 SecondaryAttributes { "fire rate bonus" -0.25 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SYRINGEGUN_MEDIC } AllowPlayerClass Medic } Medic_Tier1_B { Name "Sharp Needles" Description "Needles deal extra damage" Tier 1 Attribute "custom employee number" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 45 SecondaryAttributes { "damage bonus" 0.5 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SYRINGEGUN_MEDIC } AllowPlayerClass Medic } Medic_Tier1_C { Name "Thirsty Needles" Description "Needles now cause bleed damage" Tier 1 Attribute "damage applies to sappers" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 15 SecondaryAttributes { "bleeding duration" 6 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SYRINGEGUN_MEDIC } AllowPlayerClass Medic } Sniper_Tier1_A { Name "Higher Caliber" Description "Greatly increased damage" Tier 1 Attribute "mod mini-crit airborne deploy" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 60 SecondaryAttributes { "damage bonus" 1 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE } AllowPlayerClass Sniper } Sniper_Tier1_B { Name "Hunting Rifle Mod" Description "Removes scope but allows you to fire without scoping" Tier 1 Attribute "powerup max charges" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 30 OnApply { Output "!activator,$RemoveItemAttribute,sniper only fire zoomed|0,0.3,-1" } OnDowngrade { Output "!activator,$AddItemAttribute,sniper only fire zoomed|1|0,0.5,-1" } SecondaryAttributes { "custom item model" models/weapons/c_models/c_scopelessrifle/c_scopelessrifle.mdl "alt-fire disabled" 1 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE } AllowPlayerClass Sniper } Sniper_Tier1_C { Name "Fast Hands" Description "Significantly increased fire rate" Tier 1 Attribute "powerup charges" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 40 SecondaryAttributes { "faster reload rate" -0.25 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE } AllowPlayerClass Sniper } Spy_Tier1_A { Name "Nanomachines" Description "Nanomachines allows the revolver to strip camo properties from bloons" Tier 1 Attribute "always tradable" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 25 SecondaryAttributes { "fire input on hit" "popscript^$DeProperty^" "fire input on hit name restrict" player "Wrench Index" 5 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER } AllowPlayerClass Spy } Spy_Tier1_B { Name "Bloon Sapper" Description "Unlocks the sapper which can stun a singular bloon" Tier 1 Attribute "gesture speed increase" //this one is funny Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 20 OnApply { Output "!activator,$RemoveItemAttribute,no_attack|4,0.3,-1" } OnDowngrade { Output "!activator,$AddItemAttribute,no_attack|1|4,0.5,-1" } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER } AllowPlayerClass Spy } Spy_Tier1_C { Name "Higher Caliber" Description "Increased damage" Tier 1 Attribute "charge time increased" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 65 SecondaryAttributes { "damage bonus" 1 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER } AllowPlayerClass Spy } tier2 { Name "Tier 2" Attribute "medigun charge is crit boost" Cap 0 Increment 1 Cost 0 AllowedWeapons { Slot Primary ItemName TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER Slot PDA } } Scout_Tier2_A { Name "Combo Style" Description "Temprary bonus damage on hit, goes away after not dealing damage for too long" Tier 2 Attribute "backstab shield" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 240 SecondaryAttributes { "self add attributes on hit" "damage bonus|2|2" } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SCATTERGUN } AllowPlayerClass Scout RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Scout_Tier1_A } } Scout_Tier2_B { Name "Quick Hands" Description "Faster fire rate" Tier 2 Attribute "fire retardant" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 280 SecondaryAttributes { "fire rate bonus" -0.5 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SCATTERGUN } AllowPlayerClass Scout RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Scout_Tier1_B } } Scout_Tier2_C { Name "High Powered Buckshot" Description "Slightly less spread and bullets pierce +1 bloons" Tier 2 Attribute "self dmg push force increased" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 180 SecondaryAttributes { "weapon spread bonus" -0.25 "projectile penetration heavy" 1 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SCATTERGUN } AllowPlayerClass Scout RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Scout_Tier1_C } } Soldier_Tier2_A { Name "Shrapnel" Description "Bigger blast radius and rockets now inflict bleed" Tier 2 Attribute "ubercharge rate bonus" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 440 SecondaryAttributes { "blast radius increased" 0.4 "bleeding duration" 10 "mult bleeding dmg" 1.5 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER } AllowPlayerClass Soldier RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Soldier_Tier1_A } } Soldier_Tier2_B { Name "Ignition" Description "Sets bloons on fire and now deals fire damage" Tier 2 Attribute "overheal bonus" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 300 SecondaryAttributes { "set damagetype ignite" 1 "add damage type" 8 "tag__summer2014" -56 "remove damage type" 64 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER } AllowPlayerClass Soldier RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Soldier_Tier1_B } } Soldier_Tier2_C { Name "Course Correction" Description "Rockets now have a minor half second home time" Tier 2 Attribute "overheal decay penalty" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 380 SecondaryAttributes { "mod projectile heat seek power" 30 "mod projectile heat aim error" 40 "mod projectile heat aim time" 0.5 "mod projectile heat no predict target speed" 0 "projectile trail particle" eyeboss_projectile } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER } AllowPlayerClass Soldier RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Soldier_Tier1_C } } Pyro_Tier2_A { Name "Hydrogen Fuel" Description "Greatly increased main damage" Tier 2 Attribute "health from packs increased" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 480 SecondaryAttributes { "damage bonus" 1 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER } AllowPlayerClass Pyro RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Pyro_Tier1_A } } Pyro_Tier2_B { Name "Enhanced Flames" Description "Flames travel slightly farther" Tier 2 Attribute "maxammo secondary increased" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 330 SecondaryAttributes { "flame_drag" -2 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER } AllowPlayerClass Pyro RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Pyro_Tier1_B } } Pyro_Tier2_C { Name "Speed Blast" Description "Airblast gives you and teammates a speed short boost" Tier 2 Attribute "maxammo secondary reduced" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 120 SecondaryAttributes { "airblast_give_teammate_speed_boost" 1 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER } AllowPlayerClass Pyro RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Pyro_Tier1_C } } Demoman_Tier2_A { Name "Heavy Bombs" Description "Bombs now deal 2 layers of damage" Tier 2 Attribute "airblast cost increased" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 420 SecondaryAttributes { "damage bonus" 1 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER } RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Demoman_Tier1_A } AllowPlayerClass Demoman } Demoman_Tier2_B { Name "Enhanced Launcher" Description "Enhancements to grenade launcher allows for faster fire rate and faster bombs" Tier 2 Attribute "airblast cost decreased" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 320 SecondaryAttributes { "projectile speed increased" 0.4 "fire rate bonus HIDDEN" -0.2 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER } RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Demoman_Tier1_B } AllowPlayerClass Demoman } Demoman_Tier2_C { Name "Shrapnel" Description "Grenades now inflict bleed" Tier 2 Attribute "flame ammopersec increased" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 240 SecondaryAttributes { "bleeding duration" 10 "mult bleeding dmg" 1.5 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER } RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Demoman_Tier1_C } AllowPlayerClass Demoman } Heavyweapons_Tier2_A { Name "Multi Barreled" Description "Slightly faster fire rate and extra bullets per shot" Tier 2 Attribute "Construction rate increased" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 540 SecondaryAttributes { "fire rate bonus" -0.5 "bullets per shot bonus" 0.5 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_MINIGUN } AllowPlayerClass Heavyweapons RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Heavyweapons_Tier1_A } } Heavyweapons_Tier2_B { Name "Hollow Metal" Description "No move speed reduction from being spun up" Tier 2 Attribute "Construction rate decreased" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 320 SecondaryAttributes { "aiming movespeed increased" 3 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_MINIGUN } AllowPlayerClass Heavyweapons RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Heavyweapons_Tier1_B } } Heavyweapons_Tier2_C { Name "Larger Caliber" Description "Extra damage" Tier 2 Attribute "Repair rate increased" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 450 SecondaryAttributes { "damage bonus" 0.3 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_MINIGUN } AllowPlayerClass Heavyweapons RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Heavyweapons_Tier1_C } } Engineer_Tier2_A { Name "Blueprint Upgrade" Description "Sentry lvl 3 Unlocked" Tier 2 Attribute "heal rate bonus" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 300 OnApply { Output "!activator,$AddItemAttribute,building max level|2|4,0,-1" } AllowedWeapons { Slot PDA } AllowPlayerClass Engineer RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Engineer_Tier1_A } } Engineer_Tier2_B { Name "Higher Caliber" Description "Increased damage and range" Tier 2 Attribute "no charge impact range" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 200 OnApply { Output "!activator,$AddPlayerAttribute,engy sentry radius increased|1.75,0,-1" Output "!activator,$AddPlayerAttribute,engy sentry damage bonus|1.5,0,-1" } OnDowngrade { Output "!activator,$RemovePlayerAttribute,engy sentry damage bonus,0.5,-1" } AllowedWeapons { Slot PDA } AllowPlayerClass Engineer RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Engineer_Tier1_B } } Engineer_Tier2_C { Name "Rapid Rotation" Description "Further increased sentry fire rate" Tier 2 Attribute "charge impact damage increased" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 250 OnApply { Output "!activator,$AddPlayerAttribute,engy sentry fire rate increased|1.2,0,-1" } AllowedWeapons { Slot PDA } AllowPlayerClass Engineer RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Engineer_Tier1_C } } Medic_Tier2_A { Name "High Pressure" Description "Higher chamber pressure increases fire rate drastically" Tier 2 Attribute "building cost reduction" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 420 SecondaryAttributes { "fire rate bonus" -0.5 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SYRINGEGUN_MEDIC } AllowPlayerClass Medic RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Medic_Tier1_A } } Medic_Tier2_B { Name "Sharper Needles" Description "Needles deal even more damage" Tier 2 Attribute "turn to gold" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 350 SecondaryAttributes { "damage bonus" 1 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SYRINGEGUN_MEDIC } AllowPlayerClass Medic RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Medic_Tier1_B } } Medic_Tier2_C { Name "Weakening Needles" Description "Needles now mark bloons for death for a few seconds" Tier 2 Attribute "cannot trade" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 240 SecondaryAttributes { "add cond on hit" 30 "add cond on hit duration" 5 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SYRINGEGUN_MEDIC } AllowPlayerClass Medic RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Medic_Tier1_C } } Sniper_Tier2_A { Name "Power Shot" Description "Significantly increased charge shot damage" Tier 2 Attribute "powerup duration" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 240 SecondaryAttributes { "sniper full charge damage bonus" 0.5 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE } AllowPlayerClass Sniper RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Sniper_Tier1_A } } Sniper_Tier2_B { Name "Advanced Hunting" Description "Damage always deals full charge damage" Tier 2 Attribute "cancel falling damage" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 540 SecondaryAttributes { "mult sniper charge after bodyshot" 1 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE } AllowPlayerClass Sniper RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Sniper_Tier1_B } } Sniper_Tier2_C { Name "Rapid Reload" Description "Greatly increased fire rate" Tier 2 Attribute "bidirectional teleport" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 40 SecondaryAttributes { "faster reload rate" -0.67 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE } AllowPlayerClass Sniper RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Sniper_Tier1_C } } Spy_Tier2_A { Name "Overclocked Nanomachines" Description "Nanomachines now strip regen properties from bloons" Tier 2 Attribute "dmg from ranged reduced" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 160 SecondaryAttributes { "Wrench Index" 6 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER } AllowPlayerClass Spy RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Spy_Tier1_A } } Spy_Tier2_B { Name "Multi-Sapper" Description "Sapper can now stun a group of bloons and recharges faster" Tier 2 Attribute "dmg from melee increased" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 320 OnApply { Output "!activator,$AddItemAttribute,robo sapper|3|4,0.3,-1" Output "!activator,$AddPlayerAttribute,effect bar recharge rate increased|0.75,0.3,-1" } OnDowngrade { Output "!activator,$RemoveItemAttribute,robo sapper|4,0.5,-1" Output "!activator,$RemovePlayerAttribute,effect bar recharge rate increased,0.5,-1" } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER } AllowPlayerClass Spy RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Spy_Tier1_B } } Spy_Tier2_C { Name "Faster Cycle" Description "Faster chamber rotation allows for faster fire rate" Tier 2 Attribute "blast dmg to self increased" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 360 SecondaryAttributes { "fire rate bonus" -0.45 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER } AllowPlayerClass Spy RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Spy_Tier1_C } } tier3 { Name "Tier 3" Attribute "medigun charge is crit boost" Cap 0 Increment 1 Cost 0 AllowedWeapons { Slot Primary ItemName TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER Slot PDA } } Scout_Tier3_A { Name "Dense Shot" Description "Greatly increased damage" Tier 3 Attribute "self dmg push force decreased" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 1250 SecondaryAttributes { "damage bonus" 1.8 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SCATTERGUN } AllowPlayerClass Scout RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Scout_Tier2_A } } Scout_Tier3_B { Name "Quick Succession" Description "On kill: gain a temporary fire rate bonus" Tier 3 Attribute "dmg taken from fire reduced" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 1000 SecondaryAttributes { "add attributes on kill" "fire rate bonus|0.4|10" } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SCATTERGUN } AllowPlayerClass Scout RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Scout_Tier2_B } } Scout_Tier3_C { Name "Wide Shot" Description "+5 bullets per shot, spread pattern is now a rectangle" Tier 3 Attribute "dmg taken from fire increased" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 1200 SecondaryAttributes { "bullets per shot bonus" 0.5 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SCATTERGUN } AllowPlayerClass Scout RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Scout_Tier2_C } } Soldier_Tier3_A { Name "Loaded Payload" Description "Greatly increased damage" Tier 3 Attribute "overheal decay bonus" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 1360 SecondaryAttributes { "damage bonus" 1 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER } AllowPlayerClass Soldier RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Soldier_Tier2_A } } Soldier_Tier3_B { Name "Fuel leak" Description "leaves behind a trail of fire that burns bloons" Tier 3 Attribute "overheal decay disabled" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 1680 SecondaryAttributes { "wrench index" 1 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER } AllowPlayerClass Soldier RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Soldier_Tier2_B } } Soldier_Tier3_C { Name "Micro Missiles" Description "Greatly increased fire rate" Tier 3 Attribute "add uber charge on hit" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 1224 SecondaryAttributes { "fire rate bonus" -0.35 "mult projectile scale" -0.15 "ignores other projectiles" 1 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER } AllowPlayerClass Soldier RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Soldier_Tier2_C } } Pyro_Tier3_A { Name "Plasma Flames" Description "Flames can now melt lead bloons and deal extra damage" Tier 3 Attribute "cloak consume rate decreased" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 1600 SecondaryAttributes { "special damage type" 2 "tag__summer2014" 64 "damage bonus" 1.5 "lunchbox adds minicrits" 1 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER } AllowPlayerClass Pyro RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Pyro_Tier2_A } } Pyro_Tier3_B { Name "Dense Flames" Description "Flames now slightly slow bloons and can affect +2 bloons" Tier 3 Attribute "cloak regen rate increased" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 1500 SecondaryAttributes { "max aoe targets" 4 "slow enemy on hit major" 1 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER } AllowPlayerClass Pyro RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Pyro_Tier2_B } } Pyro_Tier3_C { Name "White Hot Flames" Description "Greatly increased damage vs MOAB class bloons" Tier 3 Attribute "cloak regen rate decreased" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 1250 SecondaryAttributes { "mult dmg vs tanks" 5 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER } AllowPlayerClass Pyro RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Pyro_Tier2_C } } Demoman_Tier3_A { Name "Loaded Bombs" Description "Bombs no longer have blast fall off and have a bigger blast radius" Tier 3 Attribute "flame ammopersec decreased" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 2400 SecondaryAttributes { "dmg falloff decreased" -0.5 "blast radius increased" 0.5 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER } RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Demoman_Tier2_A } AllowPlayerClass Demoman } Demoman_Tier3_B { Name "MOAB Mauler" Description "Greatly increased damage vs moab class bloons" Tier 3 Attribute "heal on kill" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 2000 SecondaryAttributes { "mult dmg vs tanks" 9 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER } RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Demoman_Tier2_B } AllowPlayerClass Demoman } Demoman_Tier3_C { Name "Cluster Bomb" Description "Grenades now explode into 8 smaller bombs" Tier 3 Attribute "no self blast dmg" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 2750 SecondaryAttributes { "fire input on attack" "popscript^$TrackProjectile^" "wrench index" 3 "explosion particle" rd_robot_explosion "explosion particle on direct hit" rd_robot_explosion } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER } RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Demoman_Tier2_C } AllowPlayerClass Demoman } Heavyweapons_Tier3_A { Name "Overheat Module" Description "Bullets set bloons on fire, can not pop purples" Tier 3 Attribute "dmg bonus vs buildings" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 2400 SecondaryAttributes { "set damagetype ignite" 1 "add damage type" 8 "remove damage type" 2 "tag__summer2014" 6 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_MINIGUN } AllowPlayerClass Heavyweapons RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Heavyweapons_Tier2_A } } Heavyweapons_Tier3_B { Name "Piercing Rounds" Description "Bullets can pierce +3 bloons" Tier 3 Attribute "sticky air burst mode" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 1800 SecondaryAttributes { "projectile penetration heavy" 3 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_MINIGUN } AllowPlayerClass Heavyweapons RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Heavyweapons_Tier2_B } } Heavyweapons_Tier3_C { Name "Fragmentation" Description "Bullets now cause bleed damage and deal extra damage to ceramic bloons" Tier 3 Attribute "taunt is highfive" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 1400 SecondaryAttributes { "bleeding duration" 6 "Special damage type" 3 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_MINIGUN } AllowPlayerClass Heavyweapons RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Heavyweapons_Tier2_C } } Engineer_Tier3_A { Name "Artillery Sentry" Description "Sentry’s bullets now explode, rockets deal extra damage" Tier 3 Attribute "charge recharge rate increased" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 1800 OnApply { Output "!activator,$AddItemAttribute,custom sentry model|models/buildables/artily|4,0.3,-1" Output "!activator,$AddPlayerAttribute,custom sentry model|models/buildables/artily,0.3,-1" Output "!activator,$AddPlayerAttribute,sentry bullet weapon|sentry_300_weapon_bullet,0.3,-1" Output "!activator,$AddPlayerAttribute,sentry rocket weapon|sentry_300_weapon_rocket,0.3,-1" } OnDowngrade { Output "!activator,$RemoveItemAttribute,custom sentry model|4,0.5,-1" Output "!activator,$RemovePlayerAttribute,custom sentry model,0.5,-1" Output "!activator,$RemovePlayerAttribute,sentry bullet weapon,0.5,-1" Output "!activator,$RemovePlayerAttribute,sentry rocket weapon,0.5,-1" } SecondaryAttributes { "sentry bullet weapon" sentry_300_weapon_bullet "sentry rocket weapon" sentry_300_weapon_rocket } AllowedWeapons { Slot PDA } AllowPlayerClass Engineer RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Engineer_Tier2_A } } Engineer_Tier3_B { Name "Laser Blasts" Description "Replaces bullet attacks with lasers and rocket attack with a power beam" Tier 3 Attribute "damage force reduction" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 1600 OnApply { Output "!activator,$AddItemAttribute,custom sentry model|models/buildables/skirmy|4,0.3,-1" Output "!activator,$AddPlayerAttribute,custom sentry model|models/buildables/skirmy,0.3,-1" Output "!activator,$AddPlayerAttribute,sentry bullet weapon|sentry_030_weapon_bullet,0.3,-1" Output "!activator,$AddPlayerAttribute,sentry rocket weapon|sentry_030_weapon_rocket,0.3,-1" } OnDowngrade { Output "!activator,$RemoveItemAttribute,custom sentry model|4,0.5,-1" Output "!activator,$RemovePlayerAttribute,custom sentry model,0.5,-1" Output "!activator,$RemovePlayerAttribute,sentry bullet weapon,0.5,-1" Output "!activator,$RemovePlayerAttribute,sentry rocket weapon,0.5,-1" } AllowedWeapons { Slot PDA } AllowPlayerClass Engineer RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Engineer_Tier2_B } } Engineer_Tier3_C { Name "Multi Shot" Description "Sentry shoots more bullets per shot" Tier 3 Attribute "mult cloak rate" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 1750 OnApply { Output "!activator,$AddPlayerAttribute,sentry bullet weapon|sentry_003_weapon_bullet,0.3,-1" } OnDowngrade { Output "!activator,$RemovePlayerAttribute,sentry bullet weapon,0.5,-1" } AllowedWeapons { Slot PDA } AllowPlayerClass Engineer RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Engineer_Tier2_C } } Medic_Tier3_A { Name "Magnetic Propulsion" Description "Replaces needles with bullets" Tier 3 Attribute "cannot disguise" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 1400 SecondaryAttributes { "override projectile type" 1 "sniper fires tracer" 1 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SYRINGEGUN_MEDIC } AllowPlayerClass Medic RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Medic_Tier2_A } } Medic_Tier3_B { Name "Focus Fire" Description "Successive hits deal extra damage" Tier 3 Attribute "silent killer" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 1500 SecondaryAttributes { "self add attributes on hit" "damage bonus|1.5|1" } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SYRINGEGUN_MEDIC } AllowPlayerClass Medic RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Medic_Tier2_B } } Medic_Tier3_C { Name "Thick Needles" Description "Needles briefly slow bloons on hit" Tier 3 Attribute "disguise speed penalty" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 1750 SecondaryAttributes { "slow enemy on hit" 1 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SYRINGEGUN_MEDIC } AllowPlayerClass Medic RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Medic_Tier2_C } } Sniper_Tier3_A { Name "Shrapnel" Description "Bullets now inflict deadly bleed to bloons" Tier 3 Attribute "multiple sentries" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 1400 SecondaryAttributes { "bleeding duration" 10 "mult bleeding dmg" 2.75 "mult bleeding delay" -0.5 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE } AllowPlayerClass Sniper RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Sniper_Tier2_A } } Sniper_Tier3_B { Name "Mark of the Hunter" Description "Shots now weaken bloons" Tier 3 Attribute "maxammo grenades1 increased" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 1200 SecondaryAttributes { "add cond on hit" 30 "add cond on hit duration" 5 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE } AllowPlayerClass Sniper RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Sniper_Tier2_B } } Sniper_Tier3_C { Name "Piercer Round" Description "Bullets now pierce 2 bloons" Tier 3 Attribute "energy weapon no hurt building" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 1500 SecondaryAttributes { "projectile penetration heavy" 2 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE } AllowPlayerClass Sniper RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Sniper_Tier2_C } } Spy_Tier3_A { Name "Weakening Shot" Description "Shots now temporarily weaken targets, can affect several bloons" Tier 3 Attribute "tradable after date" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 1500 SecondaryAttributes { "add cond on hit" 30 "add cond on hit duration" 10 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER } AllowPlayerClass Spy RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Spy_Tier2_A } } Spy_Tier3_B { Name "Damage Sapper" Description "Sapper now deals damage along with the stun and recharges faster" Tier 3 Attribute "sanguisuge" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 1800 OnApply { Output "!activator,$AddItemAttribute,sapper damage bonus|2|4,0.3,-1" Output "!activator,$AddPlayerAttribute,effect bar recharge rate increased|0.6,0.3,-1" } OnDowngrade { Output "!activator,$RemoveItemAttribute,sapper damage bonus|4,0.5,-1" } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER } AllowPlayerClass Spy RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Spy_Tier2_B } } Spy_Tier3_C { Name "Gunslinger" Description "Faster switch speed, higher damage, bullets pierce +1 bloons" Tier 3 Attribute "restore health on kill" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 1600 SecondaryAttributes { "single wep deploy time decreased" -0.75 "switch from wep deploy time decreased" -0.75 "damage bonus" 2 "projectile penetration heavy" 1 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER } AllowPlayerClass Spy RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Spy_Tier2_C } } tier4 { Name "Tier 4" Attribute "medigun charge is crit boost" Cap 0 Increment 1 Cost 0 AllowedWeapons { Slot Primary ItemName TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER Slot PDA } } Scout_Tier4_A { Name "Armor Penetration Rounds" Description "Greatly increased damage to ceramics and MOAB class bloons" Tier 4 Attribute "dmg taken from crit reduced" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 3000 SecondaryAttributes { "special damage type" 3 "mult dmg vs tanks" 2 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SCATTERGUN } AllowPlayerClass Scout RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Scout_Tier3_A } } Scout_Tier4_B { Name "Overheat Module" Description "Slightly faster fire rate, bullets now set bloons on fire, can not pop purples" Tier 4 Attribute "dmg taken from crit increased" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 3500 SecondaryAttributes { "add damage type" 8 "tag__summer2014" 6 "remove damage type" 2 "fire rate bonus" -0.75 "set DamageType Ignite" 1 "weapon burn dmg increased" 1 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SCATTERGUN } AllowPlayerClass Scout RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Scout_Tier3_B } } Scout_Tier4_C { Name "Collateral Damage" Description "Bullets pierce +2 bloons and gain damage for each bloon pierced" Tier 4 Attribute "dmg taken from blast reduced" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 3750 SecondaryAttributes { "projectile penetration heavy" 3 "penetration damage penalty" 1 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SCATTERGUN } AllowPlayerClass Scout RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Scout_Tier3_C } } Soldier_Tier4_A { Name "Anti Mat Explosive" Description "Greatly increased damage to MOAB Class Bloons" Tier 4 Attribute "mult cloak meter consume rate" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 3200 SecondaryAttributes { "damage bonus" 1.5 "mult dmg vs tanks" 3 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER } AllowPlayerClass Soldier RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Soldier_Tier3_A } } Soldier_Tier4_B { Name "Napalm Fuel" Description "Rockets explode into a large ball of fire that incinerates bloons" Tier 4 Attribute "mult cloak meter regen rate" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 5200 SecondaryAttributes { "explosion particle" rd_robot_explosion_smoke_linger "explosion particle on direct hit" rd_robot_explosion_smoke_linger "weapon burn dmg increased" 3 "weapon burn time increased" 1.5 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER } AllowPlayerClass Soldier RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Soldier_Tier3_B } } Soldier_Tier4_C { Name "Advanced Targeting and Tracking System" Description "Rockets now have a strong home for 2 seconds, right click to shoot normal rockets" Tier 4 Attribute "health from packs decreased" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 4424 SecondaryAttributes { "mod projectile heat aim time" 2 "mod projectile heat seek power" 90 "mod projectile heat aim error" 120 "alt fire attack" 1 "alt fire attributes" "mod projectile heat aim start time|1000" } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER } AllowPlayerClass Soldier RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Soldier_Tier3_C } } Pyro_Tier4_A { Name "Ring of Fire" Description "Every half second a deadly burst of fire happens around the player" Tier 4 Attribute "maxammo metal increased" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 4800 SecondaryAttributes { "wrench index" 2 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER } AllowPlayerClass Pyro RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Pyro_Tier3_A } } Pyro_Tier4_B { Name "Ice Thrower" Description "Flames slow bloons even more and now deal ice damage" Tier 4 Attribute "maxammo metal reduced" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 5200 SecondaryAttributes { "slow enemy on hit" 1 "remove damage type" 8 "special damage type" 1 "Paintkit_proto_def_index" 282 //Glacial Glazed "Set_item_texture_wear" 0 //Factory New "attach particle effect" 703 //Cool } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER } AllowPlayerClass Pyro RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Pyro_Tier3_B } } Pyro_Tier4_C { Name "House of Matches" Description "Gain a speed boost and mini crit boost on kill, slightly increased damage" Tier 4 Attribute "cloak consume rate increased" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 3800 SecondaryAttributes { "CARD: damage bonus" 0.25 "minicritboost on kill" 10 "speed_boost_on_kill" 10 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER } AllowPlayerClass Pyro RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Pyro_Tier3_C } } Demoman_Tier4_A { Name "More Gunpowder" Description "Bombs deal 5 layers of damage and deal extra damage vs ceramics" Tier 4 Attribute "aiming movespeed decreased" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 4800 SecondaryAttributes { "damage bonus" 4 "special damage type" 3 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER } RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Demoman_Tier3_A } AllowPlayerClass Demoman } Demoman_Tier4_B { Name "MOAB Destroyer" Description "Greatly increased damage vs moab class bloons" Tier 4 Attribute "event date" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 6400 SecondaryAttributes { "mult dmg vs tanks" 49 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER } RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Demoman_Tier3_B } AllowPlayerClass Demoman } Demoman_Tier4_C { Name "Bombardment" Description "Shoots 3 grenades at once" Tier 4 Attribute "gifter account id" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 5400 SecondaryAttributes { "mult projectile count" 2 "projectile spread angle penalty" 5 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER } RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Demoman_Tier3_C } AllowPlayerClass Demoman } Heavyweapons_Tier4_A { Name "Bullet Spewer" Description "Even faster fire rate and even more bullets per shot" Tier 4 Attribute "heal on hit for rapidfire" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 6500 SecondaryAttributes { "fire rate bonus" -0.65 "bullets per shot bonus" 1.5 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_MINIGUN } AllowPlayerClass Heavyweapons RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Heavyweapons_Tier3_A } } Heavyweapons_Tier4_B { Name "Energy Blasts" Description "Bullets now deal energy damage allowing them to pop leads and pierce unlimited targets, can not pop purples" Tier 4 Attribute "heal on hit for slowfire" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 4800 SecondaryAttributes { "sniper fires tracer" 1 "special damage type" 2 "tag__summer2014" 64 "projectile penetration" 1 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_MINIGUN } AllowPlayerClass Heavyweapons RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Heavyweapons_Tier3_B } } Heavyweapons_Tier4_C { Name "Armor Penetration Rounds" Description "Greatly increased damage vs MOAB class bloons and extra base damage" Tier 4 Attribute "disguise on backstab" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 5200 SecondaryAttributes { "damage bonus" 0.75 "mult dmg vs tanks" 3 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_MINIGUN } AllowPlayerClass Heavyweapons RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Heavyweapons_Tier3_C } } Engineer_Tier4_A { Name "Hydra Rocket Pods" Description "Replaces bullet weapons with rockets, increased rocket attack damage" Tier 4 Attribute "airblast pushback scale" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 5000 OnApply { Output "!activator,$AddPlayerAttribute,sentry bullet weapon|sentry_400_weapon_bullet,0.3,-1" Output "!activator,$AddPlayerAttribute,sentry rocket weapon|sentry_400_weapon_rocket,0.3,-1" } AllowedWeapons { Slot PDA } AllowPlayerClass Engineer RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Engineer_Tier3_A } } Engineer_Tier4_B { Name "Higher Energy" Description "Lasers deal more damage and power beam attacks more often" Tier 4 Attribute "mult airblast refire time" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 4800 OnApply { Output "!activator,$AddPlayerAttribute,sentry bullet weapon|sentry_040_weapon_bullet,0.3,-1" Output "!activator,$AddPlayerAttribute,sentry rocket weapon|sentry_040_weapon_rocket,0.3,-1" Output "!activator,$AddPlayerAttribute,mult firerocket rate|0.75,0.3,-1" } OnDowngrade { Output "!activator,$RemovePlayerAttribute,sentry rocket weapon,0.5,-1" Output "!activator,$RemovePlayerAttribute,mult firerocket rate,0.5,-1" } AllowedWeapons { Slot PDA } AllowPlayerClass Engineer RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Engineer_Tier3_B } } Engineer_Tier4_C { Name "Bloon Area Denial System" Description "Sentry shoots more bullets at once and has increased ramp up" Tier 4 Attribute "airblast vertical pushback scale" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 5400 OnApply { Output "!activator,$AddPlayerAttribute,sentry bullet weapon|sentry_004_weapon_bullet,0.3,-1" } AllowedWeapons { Slot PDA } AllowPlayerClass Engineer RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Engineer_Tier3_C } } Medic_Tier4_A { Name "Shock Value" Description "Bullets now deal energy damage and deal extra damage to weakened bloons" Tier 4 Attribute "add cloak on kill" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 3000 SecondaryAttributes { "mult crit dmg" 1 "special damage type" 2 "tag__summer2014" 64 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SYRINGEGUN_MEDIC } AllowPlayerClass Medic RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Medic_Tier3_A } } Medic_Tier4_B { Name "Medical Harming Grenade" Description "Alt fire to launch a high damaging grenade, grenade has a slower fire rate" Tier 4 Attribute "flame size penalty" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 4200 SecondaryAttributes { "alt fire attack" 1 "alt fire attributes" "fire rate penalty|15|CARD: damage bonus|25|override projectile type|3|projectile speed increased hidden|1250" } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SYRINGEGUN_MEDIC } AllowPlayerClass Medic RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Medic_Tier3_B } } Medic_Tier4_C { Name "Corrosive Needles" Description "Needles now corrode enemies, corroded enemies drop a corrosive puddle on death" Tier 4 Attribute "flame size bonus" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 4600 SecondaryAttributes { "mult bleeding delay" -0.75 "purchased" 1 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SYRINGEGUN_MEDIC } AllowPlayerClass Medic RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Medic_Tier3_C } } Sniper_Tier4_A { Name "Rapid Charge" Description "Charge shot charges faster and deals greatly increased damage" Tier 4 Attribute "energy weapon no deflect" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 5250 SecondaryAttributes { "sniper full charge damage bonus" 1.667 "SRifle Charge rate increased" 0.75 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE } AllowPlayerClass Sniper RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Sniper_Tier3_A } } Sniper_Tier4_B { Name "Dangerous Game" Description "Increased damage vs ceramics and moab class bloons" Tier 4 Attribute "engy building health bonus" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 4500 SecondaryAttributes { "special damage type" 3 "mult dmg vs tanks" 4 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE } AllowPlayerClass Sniper RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Sniper_Tier3_B } } Sniper_Tier4_C { Name "Electromagnetic Rounds" Description "Bullets now pierce unlimited targets, deals energy damage, and deals extra damage for each pierce" Tier 4 Attribute "no crit boost" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 5600 SecondaryAttributes { "projectile penetration" 1 "special damage type" 2 "sniper fires tracer" 1 "penetration damage penalty" 1 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE } AllowPlayerClass Sniper RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Sniper_Tier3_C } } Spy_Tier4_A { Name "Slowing Shot" Description "Bullets now slow bloons for a few seconds" Tier 4 Attribute "mult decloak rate" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 3600 SecondaryAttributes { "stun on hit" 3 "stun on hit type" movement "stun on hit slow" 0.5 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER } AllowPlayerClass Spy RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Spy_Tier3_A } } Spy_Tier4_B { Name "Explosive Sapper" Description "Sapper now explodes after a few seconds, dealing heavy damage and faster recharge" Tier 4 Attribute "mod medic killed revenge" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 4000 OnApply { Output "!activator,$AddItemAttribute,sapper health bonus|2|4,0.3,-1" Output "!activator,$AddPlayerAttribute,effect bar recharge rate increased|0.4,0.3,-1" } OnDowngrade { Output "!activator,$RemoveItemAttribute,sapper health bonus|4,0.5,-1" } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER } AllowPlayerClass Spy RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Spy_Tier3_B } } Spy_Tier4_C { Name "Pristine Targeting" Description "Significantly reduced spread, more damage, +2 pierce" Tier 4 Attribute "mod medic killed minicrit boost" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 3600 SecondaryAttributes { "weapon spread bonus" -0.8 "damage bonus" 3.5 "projectile penetration heavy" 3 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER } AllowPlayerClass Spy RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Spy_Tier3_C } } tier5 { Name "Tier 5" Attribute "medigun charge is crit boost" Cap 0 Increment 1 Cost 0 AllowedWeapons { Slot Primary ItemName TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER Slot PDA } } Scout_Tier5_A { Name "Anti Mat Round" Description "Greatly increased base damage, damage to MOAB class bloons, and can pop leads." Tier 5 Attribute "dmg taken from blast increased" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 20000 SecondaryAttributes { "tag__summer2014" 64 "damage bonus" 3.2 "mult dmg vs tanks" 3 "dmg pierces resists absorbs" 1 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SCATTERGUN } AllowPlayerClass Scout RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Scout_Tier4_A } } Scout_Tier5_B { Name "Overclock" Description "Greatly increased fire rate and increased burn damage" Tier 5 Attribute "dmg taken from bullets reduced" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 22500 SecondaryAttributes { "fire rate bonus" -0.95 "weapon burn dmg increased" 10 "weapon burn time increased" 2 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SCATTERGUN } AllowPlayerClass Scout RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Scout_Tier4_B } } Scout_Tier5_C { Name "Power Shot" Description "Bullets pierce +3 bloons and gain even more damage for each pierce, greatly decreased spread" Tier 5 Attribute "dmg taken from bullets increased" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 24000 SecondaryAttributes { "projectile penetration heavy" 6 "penetration damage penalty" 2 "weapon spread bonus" -0.75 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SCATTERGUN } AllowPlayerClass Scout RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Scout_Tier4_C } } Soldier_Tier5_A { Name "Atomic Rockets" Description "Bigger blast radius and farther increased damage" Tier 5 Attribute "zoom speed mod disabled" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 27500 SecondaryAttributes { "damage bonus" 9 "blast radius increased" 2 "explosion particle" hightower_explosion "explosion particle on direct hit" hightower_explosion } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER } AllowPlayerClass Soldier RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Soldier_Tier4_A } } Soldier_Tier5_B { Name "Hydrogen Fuel" Description "Rockets travel even faster and deal extra burn damage" Tier 5 Attribute "ammo regen" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 26000 SecondaryAttributes { "projectile speed increased" 1.5 "weapon burn dmg increased" 10 "weapon burn time increased" 5 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER } AllowPlayerClass Soldier RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Soldier_Tier4_B } } Soldier_Tier5_C { Name "Swarm O’ Rockets" Description "Even faster fire rate and shoots 2 rockets at once" Tier 5 Attribute "metal regen" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 24000 SecondaryAttributes { "fire rate bonus" -0.9 "mult projectile count" 1 "projectile spread angle penalty" 8 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER } AllowPlayerClass Soldier RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Soldier_Tier4_C } } Pyro_Tier5_A { Name "Arsonist" Description "Greatly increased after burn damage and main damage" Tier 5 Attribute "dmg falloff increased" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 20000 SecondaryAttributes { "weapon burn dmg increased" 3 "weapon burn time increased" 2 "damage bonus" 3 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER } AllowPlayerClass Pyro RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Pyro_Tier4_A } } Pyro_Tier5_B { Name "Absolute Zero" Description "Bloons move even slow and flames can affect +4 bloons" Tier 5 Attribute "stickies detonate stickies" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 24000 SecondaryAttributes { "max aoe targets" 8 "stun on hit" 0.5 "stun on hit type" movement "stun on hit slow" 0.75 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER } AllowPlayerClass Pyro RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Pyro_Tier4_B } } Pyro_Tier5_C { Name "High Pressure Fuel" Description "Flames travel even farther and deal insane damage to MOAB class bloons" Tier 5 Attribute "max pipebombs increased" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 27500 SecondaryAttributes { "flame_speed" 1300 "mult dmg vs tanks" 25 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER } AllowPlayerClass Pyro RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Pyro_Tier4_C } } Demoman_Tier5_A { Name "Bloon Impact" Description "Bombs now briefly stun bloons" Tier 5 Attribute "set supply crate series" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 27500 SecondaryAttributes { "stun on hit" 0.33 "stun on hit type" bonk "damage bonus" 9 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER } RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Demoman_Tier4_A } AllowPlayerClass Demoman } Demoman_Tier5_B { Name "MOAB Decimation" Description "Greatly increased damage vs moab class bloons" Tier 5 Attribute "preserve ubercharge" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 29000 SecondaryAttributes { "mult dmg vs tanks" 124 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER } RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Demoman_Tier4_B } AllowPlayerClass Demoman } Demoman_Tier5_C { Name "Extreme Payload" Description "Extra cluster bombs and faster fire rate" Tier 5 Attribute "elevate quality" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 28000 SecondaryAttributes { "fire rate bonus" -0.667 "wrench index" 4 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER } RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Demoman_Tier4_C } AllowPlayerClass Demoman } Heavyweapons_Tier5_A { Name "Overcharged Heat" Description "Greatly increased after burn damage and build up rage on damage, rage greatly increases fire rate and damage" Tier 5 Attribute "medic regen bonus" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 30000 SecondaryAttributes { "throwable fire speed" 1 "rage receive scale" -0.9 "weapon burn dmg increased" 5 "weapon burn time increased" 2 "generate rage on damage" 1 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_MINIGUN } OnApply { Output "popscript,$KnockbackRageStart,,0.1" } OnDowngrade { Output "popscript,$KnockbackRageStop,,0" } AllowPlayerClass Heavyweapons RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Heavyweapons_Tier4_A } } Heavyweapons_Tier5_B { Name "Dynamo" Description "Bullets deal more damage per penetration, have less spread, and deal more damage vs camo bloons" Tier 5 Attribute "medic regen penalty" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 20000 SecondaryAttributes { "sniper fires tracer" 1 "penetration damage penalty" 1 "weapon spread bonus" -0.5 "tag__eotlearlysupport" 2 "special item description" "+200% damage to camouflaged bloons" } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_MINIGUN } AllowPlayerClass Heavyweapons RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Heavyweapons_Tier4_B } } Heavyweapons_Tier5_C { Name "Explosive Rounds" Description "Bullets now explode, greatly increased damage vs MOAB class bloons" Tier 5 Attribute "rocket jump damage reduction" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 27500 SecondaryAttributes { "explosive bullets" 64 "mult dmg vs tanks" 7 "explosion particle" "lowV_blood_impact_red_01" "explosion particle on direct hit" "lowV_blood_impact_red_01" "dmg pierces resists absorbs" 1 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_MINIGUN } AllowPlayerClass Heavyweapons RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Heavyweapons_Tier4_C } } Engineer_Tier5_A { Name "Advanced Targeting" Description "Rockets now home, super rocket homes more, increased damage and moab damage" Tier 5 Attribute "saxxy award category" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 25000 OnApply { Output "!activator,$AddPlayerAttribute,sentry bullet weapon|sentry_500_weapon_bullet,0.3,-1" Output "!activator,$AddPlayerAttribute,sentry rocket weapon|sentry_500_weapon_rocket,0.3,-1" } AllowedWeapons { Slot PDA } AllowPlayerClass Engineer RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Engineer_Tier4_A } } Engineer_Tier5_B { Name "Ray of Doom" Description "Lasers deal even more damage, power beam attacks even more" Tier 5 Attribute "melee bounds multiplier" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 26000 OnApply { Output "!activator,$AddPlayerAttribute,sentry bullet weapon|sentry_050_weapon_bullet,0.3,-1" Output "!activator,$AddPlayerAttribute,sentry rocket weapon|sentry_050_weapon_rocket,0.3,-1" Output "!activator,$AddPlayerAttribute,mult firerocket rate|0.4,0.3,-1" } OnDowngrade { Output "!activator,$RemovePlayerAttribute,sentry rocket weapon,0.5,-1" Output "!activator,$RemovePlayerAttribute,mult firerocket rate,0.5,-1" } AllowedWeapons { Slot PDA } AllowPlayerClass Engineer RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Engineer_Tier4_B } } Engineer_Tier5_C { Name "Shotgun Blast" Description "Sentry now shoots even more bullets per shot" Tier 5 Attribute "melee range multiplier" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 29000 OnApply { Output "!activator,$AddPlayerAttribute,sentry bullet weapon|sentry_005_weapon_bullet,0.3,-1" } AllowedWeapons { Slot PDA } AllowPlayerClass Engineer RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Engineer_Tier4_C } } Medic_Tier5_A { Name "Piercer Blast" Description "Beam now pierces several enemies and deals extra damage per penetration" Tier 5 Attribute "flame life penalty" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 20000 SecondaryAttributes { "projectile penetration heavy" 5 "penetration damage penalty" 2 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SYRINGEGUN_MEDIC } AllowPlayerClass Medic RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Medic_Tier4_A } } Medic_Tier5_B { Name "Bigger Bombs" Description "M.H.G. deals more damage and has a bigger blast" Tier 5 Attribute "flame life bonus" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 18000 SecondaryAttributes { "alt fire attributes" "fire rate penalty|15|CARD: damage bonus|40|override projectile type|3|projectile speed increased hidden|1250|blast radius increased|1.75" } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SYRINGEGUN_MEDIC } AllowPlayerClass Medic RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Medic_Tier4_B } } Medic_Tier5_C { Name "Acidic Needles" Description "Needles deal extra bleed damage and make bloons take even more damage" Tier 5 Attribute "charged airblast" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 24000 SecondaryAttributes { "mult bleeding delay" -0.9 "mult bleeding dmg" 5 "add attributes on hit" "dmg taken increased|1.5|5" } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SYRINGEGUN_MEDIC } AllowPlayerClass Medic RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Medic_Tier4_C } } Sniper_Tier5_A { Name "A.P. Bullets" Description "Greatly increased damage and bullets can now pop all bloon types" Tier 5 Attribute "kill eater score type" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 26000 SecondaryAttributes { "dmg pierces resists absorbs" 1 "damage bonus" 5 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE } AllowPlayerClass Sniper RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Sniper_Tier4_A } } Sniper_Tier5_B { Name "Prey on the Weaker" Description "Greatly increased damage vs weakened bloons, shots now weaken bloons even more" Tier 5 Attribute "kill eater score type 2" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 27500 SecondaryAttributes { "mult crit dmg" 2.5 "add attributes on hit" "dmg taken increased|2|5|move speed penalty|0.75|5" } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE } AllowPlayerClass Sniper RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Sniper_Tier4_B } } Sniper_Tier5_C { Name "Sniper master" Description "Faster re-zoom, faster charge rate, faster attack rate" Tier 5 Attribute "kill eater 2" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 22500 SecondaryAttributes { "ability master sniper" 2 "SRifle Charge rate increased" 0.33 "faster reload rate" -0.75 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE } AllowPlayerClass Sniper RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Sniper_Tier4_C } } Spy_Tier5_A { Name "Uberclocked Nanomachines" Description "Shots now weaken and slow bloons even more" Tier 5 Attribute "mod medic healed damage bonus" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 18000 SecondaryAttributes { "stun on hit" 3 "stun on hit type" movement "stun on hit slow" 0.8 "add attributes on hit" "dmg taken increased|1.5|10" } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER } AllowPlayerClass Spy RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Spy_Tier4_A } } Spy_Tier5_B { Name "Overheated Sapper" Description "Sapper now ignites targets and has a much more violent explosion" Tier 5 Attribute "minigun no spin sounds" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 22500 OnApply { Output "!activator,$AddItemAttribute,sapper degenerates buildings|1|4,0.3,-1" } OnDowngrade { Output "!activator,$RemoveItemAttribute,sapper degenerates buildings|4,0.5,-1" } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER } AllowPlayerClass Spy RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Spy_Tier4_B } } Spy_Tier5_C { Name "Enhanced Gun Specs" Description "Significantly increased damage and fire rate, and +5 pierce" Tier 5 Attribute "ubercharge rate bonus for healer" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 25000 SecondaryAttributes { "fire rate bonus" -0.7 "damage bonus" 7.5 "projectile penetration heavy" 8 } AllowedWeapons { ItemName TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER } AllowPlayerClass Spy RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade Spy_Tier4_C } } } PlayerAttributes { "crit mod disabled" 0 "mod max primary clip override" -1 "ammo regen" 1 "hidden primary max ammo bonus" 10 "hidden secondary max ammo penalty" 10 "blast dmg to self increased" 0 "self dmg push force decreased" 0.25 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 0.001 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.001 "cancel falling damage" 1 "penetrate teammates" 1 "no damage falloff" 1 "maxammo metal increased" 10 "metal regen" 2000 "damage force reduction" 0.0001 Scout { "fire rate penalty" 2 } Soldier { "damage penalty" 0.556 "fire rate penalty" 1.5 "Blast radius decreased" 0.68 "centerfire projectile" 1 } Pyro { "airblast_pushback_disabled" 1 "damage penalty" 0.4 "max aoe targets" 1 } HeavyWeapons { "damage penalty" 0.25 "mult dmg vs tanks" 4 } Medic { "fire rate bonus" 0.85 "damage penalty" 0.4 } Demoman { "damage penalty" 0.5 "fire rate penalty" 1.65 "Blast radius decreased" 0.68 } Spy { "fire rate penalty" 1.33 } Engineer { "sentry rapid fire" 1 "building max level" 1 "sentry rapid fire" 1 "mvm sentry ammo" 10 "mult sentry rocket ammo" 10 "engy sentry fire rate increased" 2 } } CustomWeapon { "Jet Pack" { OriginalItemName "The Thermal Thruster" "holster_anim_time" 0.5 "thermal_thruster_air_launch" 1 "mult_item_meter_charge_rate" 0.5 } "Cluster Bomb Weapon" { OriginalItemName "TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER" "Blast radius decreased" 0.68 "grenade explode on impact" 1 "explosion particle" ExplosionCore_MidAir "explosion particle on direct hit" ExplosionCore_MidAir "projectile speed decreased" 0.2467 "custom weapon fire sound" common/null.wav "no damage falloff" 1 "dmg falloff decreased" 0.5 } "sentry_300_weapon_bullet" { OriginalItemName TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER "explosive bullets" 64 "explosion particle" "lowV_blood_impact_red_01" "explosion particle on direct hit" "lowV_blood_impact_red_01" "damage penalty" 0.4 "tag__summer2014" 2 "no damage falloff" 1 } "sentry_300_weapon_rocket" { OriginalItemName TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER "custom projectile model" models/buildables/artily3_rockets.mdl "damage penalty" 1.667 //150 dmg "tag__summer2014" 64 "no damage falloff" 1 } "sentry_030_weapon_bullet" { OriginalItemName TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER "sniper fires tracer" 1 "damage penalty" 0.4 "special damage type" 2 "tag__summer2014" 64 "add damage type" 64 "remove damage type" 2 "no damage falloff" 1 } "sentry_030_weapon_rocket" { OriginalItemName TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER "sniper fires tracer" 1 "damage penalty" 4.5 //180 dmg "weapon spread bonus" 0.001337 "special damage type" 2 "tag__summer2014" 64 "no damage falloff" 1 } "sentry_003_weapon_bullet" { OriginalItemName TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER "damage penalty" 0.4 "bullets per shot bonus" 2 "tag__summer2014" 2 "no damage falloff" 1 } "sentry_400_weapon_bullet" { OriginalItemName TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER "damage penalty" 0.2667 //24 dmg "tag__summer2014" 64 "no damage falloff" 1 "ignores other projectiles" 1 "projectile trail particle" rockettrail_airstrike "custom projectile model" models/buildables/artily3_artillery_rockets.mdl } "sentry_400_weapon_rocket" { OriginalItemName TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER "custom projectile model" models/buildables/artily3_rockets.mdl "damage penalty" 3.33 //300 dmg "tag__summer2014" 64 "no damage falloff" 1 "ignores other projectiles" 1 } "sentry_040_weapon_bullet" { OriginalItemName TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER "sniper fires tracer" 1 "special damage type" 2 "tag__summer2014" 64 "no damage falloff" 1 } "sentry_040_weapon_rocket" { OriginalItemName TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER "sniper fires tracer" 1 "damage penalty" 18.75 //750 dmg "weapon spread bonus" 0.001337 "special damage type" 2 "tag__summer2014" 64 "no damage falloff" 1 } "sentry_004_weapon_bullet" { OriginalItemName TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER "damage penalty" 0.5 "bullets per shot bonus" 5 "tag__summer2014" 2 "force damage falloff" 1 "no reduced damage rampup" 1 } "sentry_500_weapon_bullet" { OriginalItemName TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER "damage penalty" 0.6 //54 dmg "mult dmg vs tanks" 3 "tag__summer2014" 64 "no damage falloff" 1 "ignores other projectiles" 1 "projectile trail particle" eyeboss_projectile "mod projectile heat seek power" 15 "mod projectile heat aim error" 50 "mod projectile heat aim time" 2 "mod projectile heat no predict target speed" 0 "custom projectile model" models/buildables/artily3_artillery_rockets.mdl } "sentry_500_weapon_rocket" { OriginalItemName TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER "custom projectile model" models/buildables/artily3_rockets.mdl "damage penalty" 8.889 //800 dmg "mult dmg vs tanks" 3 "tag__summer2014" 64 "no damage falloff" 1 "ignores other projectiles" 1 "projectile trail particle" eyeboss_projectile "mod projectile heat seek power" 60 "mod projectile heat aim error" 90 "mod projectile heat aim time" 5 "mod projectile heat no predict target speed" 1 } "sentry_050_weapon_bullet" { OriginalItemName TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER "sniper fires tracer" 1 "special damage type" 2 "tag__summer2014" 64 "damage bonus" 2 "weapon spread bonus" 0.001337 "no damage falloff" 1 } "sentry_050_weapon_rocket" { OriginalItemName TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER "sniper fires tracer" 1 "damage penalty" 30 //1200 dmg "weapon spread bonus" 0.001337 "special damage type" 2 "tag__summer2014" 64 "no damage falloff" 1 } "sentry_005_weapon_bullet" { OriginalItemName TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER "damage penalty" 0.75 "bullets per shot bonus" 15 "tag__summer2014" 2 "force damage falloff" 1 "no reduced damage rampup" 1 } } ExtraLoadoutItems { Pyro { Secondary { Item "Jet Pack" Cost 0 AllowRefund 0 Hidden 1 } } } }