// Modded weapons by BlacKy // Massive thanks to Lazy, Oskar, Murko and others for helping me test these weapons. // Massive thanks to Ptyx and Ian Hunter for assisting me with custom models and attributes. WaveSchedule { // PrecacheModel "models/weapons/c_models/c_sd_cleaver/c_sd_cleaver.mdl" // weapon doesnt exist in this popfile // PrecacheModel "models\weapons\c_models\c_sho_scattergun.mdl" // weapon doesnt exist in this popfile PrecacheModel "models\weapons\c_models\c_eternal_earner\c_eternal_earner.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/weapons/w_models/w_stickybomb3.mdl" PointTemplates // this piece of code is to remove the powerup from the game if its dropped, hence making it only be used by the designated class { powerup_fix { logic_timer { "targetname" "powerup_kill" "RefireTime" "0.1" "OnTimer" "item_powerup_rune,kill,,0,-1" } } } SpawnTemplate powerup_fix // SCOUT CustomWeapon { Name "Sacrificial lamb" OriginalItemName "The Soda Popper" "killstreak tier" 2 // enables killstreak effects with sheen "killstreak idleeffect" 2 // Deadly Daffodil "set_item_texture_wear" 0 // FN "paintkit_proto_def_index" 403 // Sacred Slayer "damage penalty" 0.9 "effect cond override" 16 // minicrits "special item description" "On hype: Deals minicrits; -10% damage" // WORKS PERFECTLY! } CustomWeapon { Name "MilkBoy" OriginalItemName "Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol" "killstreak tier" 2 // enables killstreak effects with sheen "killstreak idleeffect" 3 // Manndarin "add cond on hit" 27 // Milk "add cond on hit duration" 3 "fire rate penalty" 2 "spread penalty" 0.01 "special item description" "Applies 3s milk effect on hit; Shoots very accurately even when moving; 200% slower firing speed" // WORKS PERFECTLY } CustomWeapon { Name "Tanksaber" OriginalItemName "Batsaber" "killstreak tier" 2 // enables killstreak effects with sheen "killstreak idleeffect" 1 // Team Shine "mult dmg vs tanks" 2.5 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "provide on active" 1 "special item description" "-25% move speed when equipped" // WORKS PERFECTLY! } CustomWeapon { Name "Olympic Protection" OriginalItemName "Sun-on-a-Stick" "killstreak tier" 2 // enables killstreak effects with sheen "killstreak idleeffect" 3 // Manndarin "dmg taken from fire reduced" 0.01 // full fire immunity (will say 99% in game but its 100%) "dmg taken from crit reduced" 0 "add cond when active" 60 // fire vac bubble "mult credit collect range" 0.1 "provide on active" 1 "special item description" "Full protection from fire damage when equipped" // WORKS PERFECTLY! } // SOLDIER CustomWeapon { Name "Mortartillery Cannon" OriginalItemName "TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER" "set_item_texture_wear" 0 // FN "paintkit_proto_def_index" 413 // Sky Stallion "killstreak tier" 2 // enables killstreak effects with sheen "killstreak idleeffect" 2 // Deadly Daffodil "clip size penalty" 0.75 // "clip size upgrade atomic" -1 "projectile gravity" 600 "damage penalty" 0.8 "no damage falloff" 1 "fire rate bonus" 0.2 "projectile spread angle penalty" 5 "special item description" "Fires a barrage of spreaded mortars; -25% clip size; -20% damage" // WORKS PERFECTLY! } DisallowUpgrade { Upgrade "clip size upgrade atomic" MaxLevel 2 // can only buy up to 2 ticks of that upgrade ItemName "Mortartillery Cannon" } CustomWeapon { Name "Sober Bomber" OriginalItemName "The Beggar's Bazooka" "killstreak tier" 2 // enables killstreak effects with sheen "killstreak idleeffect" 4 // Mean Green "projectile spread angle penalty" 0 "projectile speed decreased" 0.75 "reload time increased" 1.15 "special item description" "Shoots projectiles without angle deviation; -25% projectile speed; -15% reload speed" } CustomWeapon { Name "Selfish Soldier (Uber)" OriginalItemName "The Battalion's Backup" "effect cond override" 51 // Uber effect "mod soldier buff range" 0.05 "max health additive penalty" -20 "rage receive scale" 0.33 "increase buff duration" 0.5 "cannot taunt" 1 // Taunting causes a glitch with a pickaxe taunt triggering infinite uber, thus disabled "special item description" "Personal Uber effect; -50% banner duration; no passive HP buff" // WORKS PERFECTLY! } CustomWeapon { Name "Critqualizer" OriginalItemName "The Equalizer" "killstreak tier" 2 // enables killstreak effects with sheen "killstreak idleeffect" 7 // Hot Rod "mult crit when health is below percent" 0.5 "move speed penalty" 0.7 "provide on active" 1 "special item description" "-30% movement speed when equipped" // WORKS PERFECTLY! } // PYRO CustomWeapon { Name "Pressurized Phosphorus" OriginalItemName "The Backburner" "killstreak tier" 2 // enables killstreak effects with sheen "killstreak idleeffect" 4 // Mean Green "flame_drag" 4.5 "lunchbox adds minicrits" 2 "weapon burn dmg increased" 2 "mult dmg vs tanks" 0 "flame ammopersec decreased" 2 "special item description" "Longer flame reach; double afterburn damage; double ammo consumption (no extra damage)" // WORKS PERFECTLY! } CustomWeapon { Name "Draconic Dash" OriginalItemName "The Dragon's Fury" "set_item_texture_wear" 0 // FN "paintkit_proto_def_index" 390 // Dragon Slayer "killstreak tier" 2 // enables killstreak effects with sheen "killstreak idleeffect" 3 // Manndarin "airblast dashes" 1 "special item description" "Stronger airblast force when crouching" // WORKS PERFECTLY! } CustomWeapon { Name "Kinetic Bhop" OriginalItemName "The Detonator" "set_item_texture_wear" 0 // FN "paintkit_proto_def_index" 297 // Necromanced "killstreak tier" 2 // enables killstreak effects with sheen "killstreak idleeffect" 5 // Agonizing Emerald "self dmg push force increased" 1.5 "blast dmg to self increased" 2 "allow bunny hop" 1 "special item description" "Self push force is 50% stronger; Self blast damage is 100% stronger" // WORKS PERFECTLY! } CustomWeapon { Name "TankScratcher" OriginalItemName "The Back Scratcher" "killstreak tier" 2 // enables killstreak effects with sheen "killstreak idleeffect" 6 // Villainous Violet "provide on active" 1 "dmg taken increased" 1.3 "mult dmg vs tanks" 1.5 "crits_become_minicrits" 1 // "health from healers reduced" 1 // "health from packs increased" 1 "special item description" "Original health attributes are only active when the weapon is equipped; +30% damage taken when deployed; minicrits instead of crits" // WORKS PERFECTLY! } // DEMOMAN CustomWeapon { Name "Calcium Cannon" OriginalItemName "TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER" "set_item_texture_wear" 0 // FN "paintkit_proto_def_index" 130 // Bovine Blazemaker "killstreak tier" 2 // enables killstreak effects with sheen "killstreak idleeffect" 1 // Team Shine "add cond on hit" 27 // milk enemies "add cond on hit duration" 3 "add cond when active" 27 // milk yourself, idiot! "fire rate penalty" 1.3 "sticky air burst mode" 2 // projectiles shatter on surface impact "reduced_healing_from_medics" 0.33 // -66% heal rate from medics "provide on active" 1 "special item description" "Shoots milk-doused grenades that last 3s; -30% fire rate; pipes shatter on miss; when equipped: -66% healing from medics and you're constantly under milk effect" // WORKS PERFECTLY! } DisallowUpgrade { Upgrade "heal on kill" ItemName "Calcium Cannon" } CustomWeapon { Name "Erratic Spammerfester" OriginalItemName "The Quickiebomb Launcher" "killstreak tier" 2 // enables killstreak effects with sheen "killstreak idleeffect" 3 // Manndarin "damage penalty" 0.75 "fire rate bonus" 0.5 "mult dmg vs tanks" 0.8 "alt-fire disabled" 1 // can only detonate a sticky by releasing another "max pipebombs decreased" -7 // only 1 sticky is alive at any given time "clip size bonus" 25 // basically infinite clip size so no reload is needed "maxammo secondary increased" 0 // removes all ammo from your spare ammo bag - effectively means you only have ammo inside the weapon // "mod max primary clip override" -1 // removes the clip so the weapon operates with a single ammo pool (similar to miniguns/flamethrowers) "special item description" "Spam stickies without the need to reload; +50% fire rate; 100 stickies depository that cant be regained via ammo sources; -25% damage" // WORKS PERFECTLY! } DisallowUpgrade { Upgrade "clip size bonus upgrade" ItemName "Erratic Spammerfester" } DisallowUpgrade { Upgrade "faster reload rate" // redundant as its impossible to buy even without this restriction ItemName "Erratic Spammerfester" } DisallowUpgrade { Upgrade "maxammo secondary increased" ItemName "Erratic Spammerfester" } CustomWeapon { Name "Papa Sticky" OriginalItemName "The Scottish Resistance" "killstreak tier" 2 // enables killstreak effects with sheen "killstreak idleeffect" 1 // Team-Shine "damage bonus HIDDEN" 2.5 "blast radius increased" 1.75 "reload time increased" 3 "clip size penalty" 0.12 "maxammo secondary increased" 0.4 "sticky arm time penalty" 0.75 "Projectile range increased" 0.75 "max pipebombs decreased" -13 "crits_become_minicrits" 1 "provide on active" 1 "hand scale" 2.5 "mult projectile scale" 4 "single wep deploy time increased" 1.5 "single wep holster time increased" 1.5 "self dmg push force increased" 1.5 // Mann Co. Space Program is under way! "custom kill icon" "megaton" "special item description" "Releases a single high damage sticky with a bigger blast radius; 0.75s longer sticky arm time; Cant buy spare ammo nor fire rate upgrades" } DisallowUpgrade { Upgrade "maxammo secondary increased" ItemName "Papa Sticky" } DisallowUpgrade { Upgrade "fire rate bonus" ItemName "Papa Sticky" } CustomWeapon { Name "Shredded Shaelob" OriginalItemName "TF_WEAPON_PIPEBOMBLAUNCHER" "killstreak tier" 2 // enables killstreak effects with sheen "killstreak idleeffect" 1 // Team-Shine "damage bonus HIDDEN" 2.5 "blast radius increased" 1.75 "reload time increased" 3 "clip size penalty" 0.15 "maxammo secondary reduced" 0.4 "sticky arm time penalty" 1 "Projectile range increased" 0.75 "max pipebombs decreased" -7 // "crits_become_minicrits" 1 "provide on active" 1 "hand scale" 2.5 "mult projectile scale" 4 "single wep deploy time increased" 1.5 "single wep holster time increased" 1.5 "self dmg push force increased" 1.5 // Mann Co. Space Program is under way! "custom kill icon" "megaton" "custom item model" "models/weapons/c_models/c_big_man/c_big_man.mdl" "custom projectile model" "models/weapons/w_models/w_stickybomb3.mdl" "custom impact sound" "misc\halloween\spell_mirv_explode_secondary.wav" // sound when fired // "custom weapon fire sound" "weapons\cow_mangler_explode.wav" // "custom impact sound" "weapons\cow_mangler_explode.wav" // sound when fired // "custom impact sound" "weapons\explode1.wav" // sound when fired // "custom impact sound" "mvm\giant_common\giant_common_explodes_01.wav" // sound when fired // "custom impact sound" "misc\halloween\merasmus_hiding_explode.wav" // sound when fired // "custom impact sound" "weapons\air_burster_explode1.wav" // sound when fired "explosion particle" "rd_robot_explosion_smoke_linger" "special item description" "Releases a single high damage sticky with a bigger blast radius; 0.75s longer sticky arm time; Cant buy spare ammo nor fire rate upgrades" } DisallowUpgrade { Upgrade "maxammo secondary increased" ItemName "Shredded Shaelob" } DisallowUpgrade { Upgrade "fire rate bonus" ItemName "Shredded Shaelob" } CustomWeapon { Name "Sluggish Silo" OriginalItemName "The Chargin' Targe" "maxammo primary increased" 2 "move speed penalty" 0.8 "charge time decreased" -69 "cannot be upgraded" 1 "special item description" "x2 max ammo on primary weapon; -20% move speed; cannot charge" // WORKS PERFECTLY! } // HEAVY CustomWeapon { Name "Artful Dodger" OriginalItemName "TF_WEAPON_MINIGUN" "set_item_texture_wear" 0 // FN "paintkit_proto_def_index" 427 // Pirnaha Mania "killstreak tier" 2 // enables killstreak effects with sheen "killstreak idleeffect" 5 // Agonizing Emerald "mod minigun can holster while spinning" 1 "minigun full movement" 1 "move accuracy mult" 0.5 "aiming movespeed increased" 69 // an arbitrary number that means 'move as fast as a non revved-up heavy' "provide on active" 1 "damage penalty" 0.8 "hand scale" 0.8 "special item description" "Spinup movespeed debuff is removed; -20% damage" } CustomWeapon { Name "DShK" OriginalItemName "Tomislav" "set_item_texture_wear" 0 // FN "paintkit_proto_def_index" 217 // Bomber Soul "killstreak tier" 2 // enables killstreak effects with sheen "killstreak idleeffect" 5 // Agonizing Emerald "damage bonus" 3 "mult dmg vs giants" 1.5 "penetrate teammates" 1 // "maxammo primary increased" 0.2 // a scrapped idea to give the weapon 40 ammo // "fire rate bonus" 5 // while the weapon fires slowly, you can tapfire to bypass this negative attribute, hence its fairly broken "bullets per shot bonus" 0.25 "explosive bullets" 100 "special item description" "Fires single heavy caliber rounds that explode with AoE damage on impact (weapon deals blast damage)" // WORKS PERFECTLY! } DisallowUpgrade // apparently i cant stack disallowing upgrades into one block so i need to write them individually. come on... { Upgrade "projectile penetration heavy" ItemName "DShK" } DisallowUpgrade { Upgrade "attack projectiles" ItemName "DShK" } DisallowUpgrade { Upgrade "generate rage on damage" ItemName "DShK" } CustomWeapon { Name "Fast food" OriginalItemName "The Second Banana" "gesture speed increase" 2 "switch from wep deploy time decreased" 0.33 // "alt-fire disabled" 1 // disabled due to it allowing infinite taunt-healing - Thanks to Missing for finding this bug! "special item description" "40% less 'noms'; +67% faster deploy time; -50% health given when eaten" // WORKS PERFECTLY } CustomWeapon { Name "Terminal Tumor" OriginalItemName "The Bread Bite" "killstreak tier" 2 // enables killstreak effects with sheen "killstreak idleeffect" 5 // Agonizing Emerald "mod_maxhealth_drain_rate" 0 "reduced_healing_from_medics" 0.9 "special item description" "No health drain; -10% heal rate from medics" // WORKS PERFECTLY! } // ENGINEER CustomWeapon { Name "Target Practice" OriginalItemName "The Widowmaker" "killstreak tier" 2 // enables killstreak effects with sheen "killstreak idleeffect" 7 // Hot-Rod "damage bonus bullet vs sentry target" 1.75 "fire rate penalty" 1.2 "mod ammo per shot" 45 "special item description" "+75% damage on targets being shot at by your sentry gun; +50% metal consuption per shot; -20% fire rate" // WORKS PERFECTLY! } CustomWeapon { Name "EMP Casings" OriginalItemName "The C.A.P.P.E.R" "killstreak tier" 2 // enables killstreak effects with sheen "killstreak idleeffect" 3 // Manndarin "damage applies to sappers" 1 "stun on damage" 120 "weapon spread bonus" 0.2 "mult dmg vs giants" 3 "maxammo secondary reduced" 0.12 // only 24 base reserve ammo "special item description" "Removes sappers on hit; +80% accuracy; giants and armored enemies cant be stunned; a lot less reserve ammo" // WORKS PERFECTLY! } CustomWeapon { Name "Metallic Milling" OriginalItemName "Roboot" "metal regen" 25 "special item description" "Passive +25 metal regen every 5s" // WORKS PERFECTLY! } CustomWeapon { Name "Immovable Object" OriginalItemName "TF_WEAPON_WRENCH" "set_item_texture_wear" 0 // FN "paintkit_proto_def_index" 412 // Secretly Serviced "killstreak tier" 2 // enables killstreak effects with sheen "killstreak idleeffect" 6 // Villainous Violet "building color rgb" 69 // BlacK, like my soul "engy building health bonus" 5 "Repair rate decreased" 0 // "arrow heals buildings" 0 // doesnt work :( "disable wrangler shield" 1 "buildings cannot be sapped" 1 "cannot pick up buildings" 1 "special item description" "Buldings have x5 health; cant be repaired by wrench or picked up" // WORKS PERFECTLY! (you can exploit this wrench by equipping it, placing the buildings, and then changing to a different wrench and still retain the HP buffs till they're destroyed.) } // MEDIC CustomWeapon { Name "Milk of the Sloppy" OriginalItemName "The Crusader's Crossbow" "killstreak tier" 2 // enables killstreak effects with sheen "killstreak idleeffect" 7 // Hot Rod "add cond on hit" 27 // milk enemies "add cond on hit duration" 8 "damage penalty" 0.1 "passive reload" 1 "projectile spread angle penalty" 2.5 "fire full clip at once" 1 "special item description" "Milks enemies on hit for 8s; fires entire clip at once; slight spread; -90% damage" // WORKS PERFECTLY! } CustomWeapon { Name "Flash Protocol" OriginalItemName "gentlemanne_medigun_highrollers" "set_item_texture_wear" 0 // FN "killstreak tier" 2 // enables killstreak effects with sheen "killstreak idleeffect" 1 // Team Shine "ubercharge rate bonus" 7 "uber duration bonus" -4 "special item description" "+600% faster uber rate; -4 sec uber duration; cant buy shield nor Uber duration upgrades" // WORKS PERFECTLY! } DisallowUpgrade { Upgrade "generate rage on heal" ItemName "Flash Protocol" } CustomWeapon { Name "Passive Powerlifter" OriginalItemName "The Kritzkrieg" "killstreak tier" 2 // enables killstreak effects with sheen "killstreak idleeffect" 2 // Deadly Daffodil "medigun passive attributes" "minicritboost on kill|2|effect cond override|16|mult dmg vs tanks|1.15" "effect cond override" 90 // 'Strength' powerup "special item description" "While healing players, they will recieve 2s minicrit on kill and +15% damage to tanks; Kritz Ubercharge is replaced with the 'Strength' powerup - double damage (doesnt work on tanks)" // WORKS PERFECTLY! } CustomWeapon { Name "Uberweisen Saw" OriginalItemName "The Ubersaw" "killstreak tier" 2 // enables killstreak effects with sheen "killstreak idleeffect" 6 // Villainous Violet "set_item_texture_wear" 0 // Factory New "paintkit_proto_def_index" 204 // Kill Covered "add uber charge on hit" 0.5 "fire input on hit" "!activator^$TakeDamage^50" "special item description" "+25% uber gain per hit; when hitting enemies, hit yourself for 50hp" // WORKS PERFECTLY! } CustomWeapon { Name "Cannibal Corpse" OriginalItemName "The Solemn Vow" "killstreak tier" 2 // enables killstreak effects with sheen "killstreak idleeffect" 6 // Villainous Violet "mult dmg vs same class" 3 "fire rate penalty" 2 "special item description" "-100% swing speed" // WORKS PERFECTLY! } // SNIPER CustomWeapon { Name "Black King" OriginalItemName "The Machina" "killstreak tier" 2 // enables killstreak effects with sheen "killstreak idleeffect" 3 // Manndarin "explosive bullets" 250 "sniper full charge damage bonus" 1.25 "mult dmg vs tanks" 1.5 "No self blast dmg" 2 // "sniper no headshot without full charge" 1 "maxammo primary reduced" 0.66 "fire rate penalty" 2.5 "sniper charge per sec" 0.5 "sniper penetrate players when charged" 0 "sniper fires tracer" 0 "special item description" "Fires explosive rounds; +25% damage on full charge; -150% fire rate; x2 slower charge time; -33% ammo; can't penetrate on full charge" // WORKS PERFECTLY! } DisallowUpgrade { Upgrade "projectile penetration" ItemName "Black King" } DisallowUpgrade { Upgrade "explosive sniper shot" ItemName "Black King" } CustomWeapon { Name "Bodkin Arrows" OriginalItemName "The Fortified Compound" "killstreak tier" 2 // enables killstreak effects with sheen "killstreak idleeffect" 1 // Team Shine "arrow snap to next target radius" 1000 "projectile penetration" 1 "projectile no deflect" 1 "projectile speed increased" 1.5 "damage penalty" 0.8 "special item description" "+50% arrow speed; -20% damage" } CustomWeapon { Name "Roo Revival" OriginalItemName "The Cozy Camper" "teleport instead of die" 0.5 "zoom speed mod disabled" 1 "no revive" 1 } // SPY CustomWeapon { Name "Magnum Opus" OriginalItemName "The Enforcer" "killstreak tier" 2 // enables killstreak effects with sheen "killstreak idleeffect" 2 // Deadly Daffodil "provide on active" 1 "alt-fire disabled" 1 "mult dmg vs tanks" 3 "move speed penalty" 0.33 "Reload time increased" 2.5 "hand scale" 2 "special item description" "66% slower movement speed while deployed; +250% reload time; cant use invis watches when euqipped" // WORKS PERFECTLY! } CustomWeapon { Name "AB+" OriginalItemName "TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER" "set_item_texture_wear" 0 // Factory New "paintkit_proto_def_index" 263 // Death Deluxe "killstreak tier" 2 // enables killstreak effects with sheen "killstreak idleeffect" 5 // Agonizing Emerald "bleeding duration" 10 "mult bleeding delay" 0.5 "mult bleeding dmg" 3 "damage penalty" 0.5 "self add attributes on hit" "move speed penalty|0.85|0.5" "special item description" "Enemies bleed for 10s on hit; Bleed damage causes 15% slow movement to self; -50% damage" // WORKS PERFECTLY! } CustomWeapon { Name "Eternal Earner" OriginalItemName "The Big Earner" "killstreak tier" 2 // enables killstreak effects with sheen "killstreak idleeffect" 6 // Villainous Violet "disguise on backstab" 1 "silent killer" 1 "lunchbox adds minicrits" 1 "special taunt" 1 "mult cloak meter consume rate" 1.33 "mod_disguise_consumes_cloak" 1 "custom kill icon" "eternal_reward" "custom item model" "models\weapons\c_models\c_eternal_earner\c_eternal_earner.mdl" "special item description" "Big Earner + YER properties combined" // WORKS PERFECTLY! } ExtraLoadoutItems { Scout { Primary "Sacrificial lamb" Secondary "Milkboy" Melee "Tanksaber" Melee "Olympic Protection" } Soldier { Primary "Mortartillery Cannon" Primary "Sober Bomber" Secondary "Selfish Soldier (Uber)" Melee "Critqualizer" } Pyro { Primary "Pressurized Phosphorus" Primary "Draconic Dash" Secondary "Kinetic Bhop" Melee "TankScratcher" } Demoman { Primary "Calcium Cannon" Secondary "Erratic Spammerfester" Secondary "Papa Sticky" Secondary "Shredded Shaelob" Secondary "Sluggish Silo" } HeavyWeapons { Primary "Artful Dodger" Primary "DShK" Secondary "Fast food" Melee "Terminal Tumor" } Engineer { Primary "Target Practice" Secondary "EMP Casings" Secondary "Metallic Milling" Melee "Immovable Object" } Medic { Primary "Milk of the Sloppy" Secondary "Flash Protocol" Secondary "Passive Powerlifter" Melee "Uberweisen Saw" Melee "Cannibal Corpse" } Sniper { Primary "Black King" Primary "Bodkin Arrows" Secondary "Roo Revival" } Spy { Secondary "Magnum Opus" Secondary "AB+" Melee "Eternal Earner" } } }