// overclocks made by ihaz https://steamcommunity.com/id/ihazplawe/
// currently wip

// add overclock_ihaz_scout.pop to your base for scout overclocks
// again big credits to royal for making the dash for winger

// this overclock is a mish mash of dover weapons/upgrades, cactus overclocks, tindall overclocks and my own overclocks



"Mini-Sentry Dragons Fury"
OriginalItemName "The Dragon's Fury"
"custom kill icon" "obj_minisentry"

"Mini-Sentry Crusader" // The name you would use in Item key in TFBot
OriginalItemName "The Crusader's Crossbow" // The item used as a base
"fire rate bonus" 4


1 1 

Name "Overclocked Upgrades"
Attribute "max health additive bonus"
Cap 0
Increment 0
Cost 0
Description "Every class has access to special upgrades! Check them out!" 
Tier 1
PlayerUpgrade 1

// soldier
Name "Unstable Overclock: Triple Threat"
Attribute "effect cond override"
Cap 1711376
Increment 1711376
Cost 0
SecondaryAttributes //Secondary attributes applied when upgrade is applied, for each upgrade level
"special item description" "Applies 3 banner effects all at once -50% buff duration"
"increase buff duration HIDDEN" -0.50
Description "Applies 3 banner effects all at once -50% buff duration"
Tier 1
ItemName "The Battalion's Backup"

// pyro

Name "Unstable Overclock: Australian Gas"
Attribute "provide on active" 
Cap 1
Increment 1
Cost 0
SecondaryAttributes //Secondary attributes applied when upgrade is applied, for each upgrade level
"effect cond override" 24
"special item description" "Gas Effect now coats robots in jarate"
"mult effect duration" -0.75
Description "Gas Effect now coats robots in jarate -75% effect duration"
Tier 1
AllowPlayerClass Pyro
ItemName "The Gas Passer"

Name "Unstable Overclock: Scottish Gas"
Attribute "provide on active" 
Cap 1
Increment 1
Cost 0
SecondaryAttributes //Secondary attributes applied when upgrade is applied, for each upgrade level
"add attributes when active" "explode_on_ignite|1|mult bleeding dmg|0.14"
"special item description" "Ignited robots deals 50 dmg"
// "mult bleeding dmg" -0.85
"mult effect duration" -0.75
"custom kill icon" "firedeath"
Description "Ignited robots deals 50 dmg -75% effect duration"
Tier 1
AllowPlayerClass Pyro
ItemName "The Gas Passer"

Name "Unstable Overclock: Ground Shaker"
Attribute "provide on active"
Cap 1
Increment 1
Cost 0
SecondaryAttributes //Secondary attributes applied when upgrade is applied, for each upgrade level
"airblast vulnerability multiplier hidden" 2
"special item description" "+300 stomp damage -200% knockback vulnerability while active"
"add attributes when active" "kb fall radius|75|kb fall force|100|kb fall min velocity|150|kb fall damage|300|kb fall stun time|-1"
Description "+300 stomp damage -200% knockback vulnerability while active"
Tier 1
ItemName "The Thermal Thruster"

Name "Unstable Overclock: Spine Zapper"
Attribute "crit from behind"
Cap 1
Increment 1
Cost 0
SecondaryAttributes //Secondary attributes applied when upgrade is applied, for each upgrade level
"max health additive penalty" -15
"special item description" "Crits from behind -15 max hp"
Description "Crits from behind -15 max hp"
Tier 1
	ItemName "The Third Degree"

Name "Clean Overclock: Team Bonding"
Attribute "speed buff ally"
Cap 5
Increment 5
Cost 0
Description "On Hit Teammate: Boosts both players speed for several seconds +70% melee range"
Tier 1
ItemName "The Hot Hand"
"special item description" "On Hit Teammate: Boosts both players speed for several seconds +70% melee range"
"melee range multiplier"	0.7
"melee bounds multiplier"	0.7
// demo

// heavy

Name "Unstable Overclock: Terminal Killocity"
Attribute "self mark for death" 
Cap 1
Increment 1
Cost 0
"mod_maxhealth_drain_rate" -10
"mult_player_movespeed_active" -0.5
"add attributes when active" "air dash count|1|"
"increased jump height from weapon" 1
"special item description" "When Active: Gain +100% jump height and double jump +No health drain -Marked for death -50% movement speed when active"
Description "When Active: Gain +100% jump height and double jump +No health drain -Marked for death -50% movement speed when active"
Tier 1
ItemName "Gloves of Running Urgently"
ItemName "Festive Gloves of Running Urgently"
ItemName "The Bread Bite"

// engi 

Name "Unstable Overclock: Healing Override"
Attribute "disable wrangler shield"
Cap 1
Increment 1
Cost 0
SecondaryAttributes //Secondary attributes applied when upgrade is applied, for each upgrade level
"add attributes when active" "sentry bullet weapon|Mini-Sentry Crusader|engy sentry fire rate increased|3"
"special item description" "When Active: Replaces bullets with Crusader's Crossbow arrows" 
Description "When Active: Replaces bullets with Crusader's Crossbow arrows -No Wrangler Shield" 
Tier 1
AllowPlayerClass Engineer
ItemName "The Wrangler"

// spy

Name "Unstable Overclock: Big Iron"
Attribute "headshot damage increase"
Cap 3
Increment 3
Cost 0
SecondaryAttributes //Secondary attributes applied when upgrade is applied, for each upgrade level
"crit_dmg_falloff" -1
"Reload time increased" 0.5
"clip size penalty HIDDEN" -0.5
"fire rate penalty HIDDEN" 0.2
"special item description" "No Crit falloff +Explosive Headshot -50% slower reload -50% clip size -20% firing speed"
Description "+300% headshot damage +No crit falloff +Damages all connected via medi-beam -50% slower reload -50% clip size -20% firing speed"
Tier 1
ItemName "The Ambassador"
ItemName "Festive Ambassador"

Name "Balanced Overclock: Spysprint"
Attribute "health from credits" 
Cap 50
Increment 50
Cost 0
SecondaryAttributes //Secondary attributes applied when upgrade is applied, for each upgrade level
"effect add attributes" "mult_player_movespeed_active|1.25"
"special item description" "Cloaking provides speed boost -Cloak consumes faster -400% faster overheal drain rate" 
"mult cloak meter consume rate" 1.2
"overheal decay penalty" 4
Description "Cloaking provides speed boost +Heal from credits collected -Cloak consumes faster -400% faster overheal decay rate" 
Tier 1
ItemName "TTG Watch"
ItemName "The Cloak and Dagger"
ItemName "The Dead Ringer"

