//GOAL: Create an engaging Reverse experience that would encompass certain robot gameplay aspects in tf2 (or objective types in other games) //SCALE: Every wave, design it around one objective or gimmick and reward the use of the gimmick. Attempt to make the gimmick objective tied. #base robot_standard.pop #base robot_giant.pop #base robot_stardust_new.pop //#base overclocks_stardust.pop #base reverse_timer_text_v2_simple.pop #base judge_restricts.pop //IF YOU USE ANYTHING PLS CREDIT ME //THE EXCELLENT PEOPLE WHO HELPED // Lite - provided text timer // Seelpit - Provided base for lua script // Washy, Mince - helped with lua script writing //TODO WaveSchedule { StartingCurrency 800 CanBotsAttackWhileInSpawnRoom no RespawnWaveTime 5 // FixedRespawnWaveTime 1 // AddSentryBusterWhenDamageDealtExceeds 3000 // AddSentryBusterWhenKillCountExceeds 15 // Advanced 1 // EventPopfile Halloween CanBotsAttackWhileInSpawnRoom no RespawnWaveTime 3 NoRomevisionCosmetics 1 // FixedRespawnWaveTime 1 AddSentryBusterWhenDamageDealtExceeds 2000 AddSentryBusterWhenKillCountExceeds 15 // Advanced 1 // EventPopfile Halloween ReverseWinConditions 1 AllowJoinTeamBlue 1 ZombiesNoWave666 1 BonusRatioHalf 2 NoRedSniperBotHeadshots 1 BonusRatioFull 2 HumansMustJoinTeam Blue SetCreditTeam 3 SniperAllowHeadshots 1 SendBotsToSpectatorImmediately 1 FixedRespawnWaveTimeBlue 1 RespawnWaveTimeBlue 3 BluHumanFlagCapture 1 MaxSpectators 2 BluHumanFlagPickup 1 BluPlayersAreRobots 1 RemoveBluVelocityLimit 1 //NoBluHumanFootsteps 1 FixedBuybacks 1 BotsRandomCrit 0 BuybacksPerWave 0 SniperHideLasers 1 RestoreNegativeDamageHealing 0 RestoreNegativeDamageOverheal 0 MedigunShieldDamage 1 BluHumanInfiniteAmmo 1 BluHumanInfiniteCloak 1 RestoreNegativeDamageHealing 1 //FlagCarrierMovementPenalty 1 //AllowBombBuffsForPlayerCarriers 1 NoRedBotsRandomCrit 1 ForceRedMoney 1 FixSetCustomModelInput 1 FixHuntsmanDamageBonus 1 StuckTimeMultiplier 4 AllowBotExtraSlots 1 RobotLimit 45 BluHumanSpawnNoShoot 1 BotsUsePlayerTeleporters 0 ExtraBotSlotsNoDeathcam 0 AutoWeaponStrip 0 EnemyTeamForReverse Red FixWavespawnReserveSlotsOnDisabledSpawnbot 1 FastWholeMapTriggers 1 DisallowUpgrade "critboost" DisallowUpgrade "ubercharge" DisallowUpgrade "uber duration bonus" DisallowUpgrade "maxammo primary increased" DisallowUpgrade "maxammo secondary increased" DisallowUpgrade "maxammo metal increased" PrecacheModel "models\props_mvm\mvm_upgrade_blu.mdl" PrecacheModel "models\props_mvm\robot_spawnpoint.mdl" PrecacheModel "models\props_mvm\hatch_shield.mdl" PrecacheModel "models\bots\sniper_boss\bot_sniper_boss.mdl" PrecacheModel "models\bots\boss_bot\boss_tankred_pure.mdl" PrecacheModel "models\bots\demo\red_sentry_buster.mdl" //PrecacheSound "demo_death_glitchy.mp3" // thank u c_triggerhurt PrecacheModel "models\props_gameplay\cap_circle_128.mdl" PrecacheModel "models\props_gameplay\cap_square_256.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/props_frontline/tank_turret.mdl" CustomNavFile "mvm_tensai_rc3_new4.nav" CustomUpgradesFile "mvm_upgrades_tensai.txt" PrecacheSound "pizzatime2.mp3" //bombpath_plaza_relay //bombpath_street_relay ExtraTankPath { Name "tank_path_red1" Node "-1378.7 -1380.2 -133.3" Node "287.7 -1391.9 -151.5" Node "527.4 -1210.0 -150.0" Node "527.6 -405.9 -1.2" Node "649.9 -297.3 -0.5" } //!sm_ent_fire !activator $teleporttoentity tank_path_red4_5 ItemBlacklist // no canteens or non-giant weapons { Name "Zombie Scout" Name "Zombie Pyro" Name "Zombie Soldier" Name "Zombie Heavy" Name "Zombie Demo" Name "Zombie Engineer" Name "Zombie Medic" Name "Zombie Spy" Name "Zombie Sniper" } CustomWeapon { "Bust Caber" { Originalitemname "The Ullapool Caber" //"is miniboss" 1 "provide on active" 1 //"no_attack" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "model scale" 1.75 "cannot be backstabbed" 1 "cannot disguise" 1 "always gib" 1 "move speed bonus" 2 "fire rate penalty" 99 "cannot be headshot" 1 "disable weapon switch" 1 //"cannot taunt" 1 //"custom view model" "models\weapons\c_models\c_demo_arms.mdl" // fix for having other class first person anims "max health additive bonus" 2500 "mod weapon blocks healing" 1 "cancel falling damage" 1 "no double jump" 1 "cannot upgrade" 1 "always allow taunt" 1 "cannot pick up intelligence" 1 "no_duck" 1 "override footstep sound set" 7 "parachute disabled" 1 //"teleport instead of die" 1 "use original class weapon animations" 1 "mult_patient_overheal_penalty_active" 0 "dmg taken mult from special damage type 2" 0.5 "dmg penalty vs players" 0 "blast radius increased" 0 "no resupply" 1 "no_attack" 1 //"fire input on attack" "bust_detonate_attack^Trigger^" "fire input on taunt" "bust_detonate_taunt^Trigger^" "special item description" "-50% Engineer Sentry damage resistence." } "BustAntiBuildings" { Originalitemname "upgradeable TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER" "dmg bonus vs buildings" 999999999 "damage penalty" 16.66667 "projectile speed increased" 2 "blast radius increased" 2 "no explosion particles" 1 "no self blast dmg" 1 "custom projectile model" "models\empty.mdl" } "HackingDeviceOld" { Originalitemname "upgradeable tf_weapon_pistol" "custom view model" "models\weapons\v_models\v_pda_engineer.mdl" "custom item model" "models\empty.mdl" "fire input on attack" "hacking_relay^Trigger^" "mod max primary clip override" -1 "maxammo secondary reduced" 0.02 "penetrate teammates" 1 "fire rate penalty" 50 "max bullet range" 10 "custom weapon fire sound" "weapons\cow_mangler_over_charge_shot.wav" } "Hacking Device" { Originalitemname "Halloween Spellbook" // "custom view model" "models\weapons\v_models\v_pda_engineer.mdl" // "custom item model" "models\empty.mdl" "fire input on attack" "hacking_relay^Trigger^" // "mod max primary clip override" -1 // "maxammo secondary reduced" 0.02 // "penetrate teammates" 1 // "fire rate penalty" 50 // "max bullet range" 10 // "custom weapon fire sound" "weapons\cow_mangler_over_charge_shot.wav" //"voice pitch scale" 0 "special item description" "When a bot is stunned, stand near it and press +use_action_slot_item key (H is default) to hack the bot!" } "DeviceCannon1" { OriginalItemName "The Loose Cannon" "grenade explode on impact" 1 "grenade launcher mortar mode" 0 "damage bonus" 7 "always crit" 1 "projectile speed increased" 1.1 "blast dmg to self increased" 6 "fuse bonus" 2 "override projectile type" 3 "set damagetype ignite" 1 "weapon burn dmg increased" 2.5 "weapon burn time reduced" 0.25 "Blast radius increased" 2.5 "cannot be headshot" 1 "fire rate penalty" 4 "mod max primary clip override" -1 "mod no reload display only" 1 "dmg falloff decreased" 0.5 //"mult dmg vs giants" 2.5 //"explosion particle" "cinefx_goldrush" "custom projectile model" "models\props_trainyard\cart_bomb_separate.mdl" "custom impact sound" "=160|weapons\tacky_grenadier_explode1.wav" } "DeviceCannon2" { OriginalItemName "The Brass Beast" //"damage penalty" 0.45 "fire rate bonus" 0.25 "projectile penetration" 1 //"spread penalty" 1.5 "damage bonus" 3 //"can headshot" 1 //"custom weapon fire sound" "mvm\giant_heavy\giant_heavy_gunfire.wav" } "Electro Fist" { OriginalItemName "upgradeable tf_weapon_fists" "fire rate penalty" 0.84 "fire input on attack" "fire_projectile^FireOnce^" } "BallProj" { OriginalItemName "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER" "faster reload rate" -0.8 "clip size upgrade atomic" 96 "projectile lifetime" 0.35 "projectile speed increased" 2.5 "Blast radius decreased" 0.01 "explosion particle" "drg_cow_explosion_sparkles_charged" "damage penalty" 0.67 "fire rate bonus hidden" 1.25 "no self blast dmg" 1 "projectile no deflect" 1 "no damage falloff" 1 "penetrate teammates" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "custom weapon fire sound" "misc/null.wav" "mult_patient_overheal_penalty_active" 0.2 "projectile trail particle" "~dxhr_lightningball_parent_red" "custom projectile model" "models\empty.mdl" "custom item model" "models\empty.mdl" } "Giant Scout" // 572 dps, hitscan + need to land shots { OriginalItemName "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_SCATTERGUN" "damage bonus" 2.1 "fire rate bonus" 0.5 "provide on active" 1 "disable weapon switch" 1 "faster reload rate" 0.5 "clip size bonus" 1.5 } "Giant Soldier" // 621 dps, need to aim kind of but has large splash { OriginalItemName "upgradeable tf_weapon_rocketlauncher" "damage bonus" 1.5 "faster reload rate" 0.6 "fire rate bonus" 0.2 "provide on active" 1 "disable weapon switch" 1 "clip size upgrade atomic" 7.0 "Projectile speed increased" 1.3 } "Giant Pyro" // 650 dps, no need to aim { OriginalItemName "upgradeable tf_weapon_flamethrower" "damage bonus" 3 "flame_drag" 4.25 "provide on active" 1 "disable weapon switch" 1 } "Giant Demo" // 1194 dps w/ crits if all shots land { OriginalItemName "upgradeable TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER" "fire rate bonus" 0.2 "faster reload rate" 0.3 "provide on active" 1 "disable weapon switch" 1 "clip size bonus" 3.0 "Projectile speed increased" 1.5 } "Giant Heavy" // 771 dps w/ crits, easy to track { OriginalItemName "deflector" //"damage penalty" 0.75 "provide on active" 1 "disable weapon switch" 1 "attack projectiles" 2 } "Giant Engineer" // sentry gun gun { OriginalItemName "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_SHOTGUN_PRIMARY" "damage bonus" 1.5 "mod max primary clip override" -1 "fire rate bonus" 0.5 "provide on active" 1 "disable weapon switch" 1 "custom projectile model" "models\buildables\sentry3_rockets.mdl" "alt fire attack" 7.5 "special item description" "Alt-fire: Fire a rocket!" "alt fire attributes" "override projectile type|2|projectile speed increased|1.3|damage bonus hidden|7" } "Giant Medic" { OriginalItemName "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_MEDIGUN" "ubercharge rate bonus" 5 "heal rate bonus" 2 "provide on active" 1 "disable weapon switch" 1 "uber duration bonus" -3 } "Giant Sniper" // glass cannon { OriginalItemName "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_SMG" "damage bonus" 1.5 "clip size bonus" 2 "fire rate bonus" 0.45 "provide on active" 1 "disable weapon switch" 1 "reload time increased" 2 } "Giant Spy" // exploding bullets { OriginalItemName "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER" "damage bonus" 2 "clip size bonus" 2 "fire rate bonus" 0.5 "faster reload rate" 0.5 "explosive bullets" 147 "cannot disguise" 1 "alt-fire disabled" 1 "provide on active" 1 "disable weapon switch" 1 } } CustomWeapon { "Rocket Sentry Base" { Originalitemname "upgradeable TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER" "override projectile type" 2 "mult projectile count" 2 "damage bonus hidden" 0.25 "blast radius decreased" 0.4 "mult projectile scale" -0.5 "projectile spread angle penalty" 2 "projectile speed increased" 2 "explosion particle" "Explosion_Dustup" //"custom weapon fire sound" "weapons\sentry_shoot3.wav" "projectile trail particle" "~rockettrail_burst_airstrike" } "Rocket Sentry Homing" { Originalitemname "upgradeable TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER" "mod projectile heat seek power" 160 "mod projectile heat aim error" 75 "projectile speed decreased" 0.6 "custom projectile model" "models\buildables\sentry3_rockets.mdl" "damage bonus" 1.5 "mod projectile heat aim start time" 0.25 "explosion particle" "Explosion_Dustup" "projectile trail particle" "~eyeboss_projectile" } "Arrow Sentry Base" { Originalitemname "upgradeable tf_weapon_grenadelauncher" "override projectile type" 8 "projectile speed increased" 3 "damage penalty" 0.5 "fire rate bonus" 0.25 "faster reload rate" -0.8 } "Arrow Sentry Bomb" { Originalitemname "Mad Milk" "override projectile type" 4 "dmg penalty vs players" 10 "projectile detonate time" 3 "stickybomb no stick" 1 "blast radius increased" 2 "arrow target bounce speed" 1 "projectile range decreased" 0.5 "blast dmg to self increased" 0 "energy weapon no deflect" 1 "explosion particle" "rd_robot_explosion_smoke_linger" "custom projectile model" "models\props_lakeside_event\bomb_temp.mdl" } "Flaming Sentry Base" { Originalitemname "the dragon's fury" } "Flaming Sentry Flares" { Originalitemname "The Flare Gun" "mult projectile count" 6 "projectile spread angle penalty" 3 "fire rate penalty" 1.6 "damage penalty" 0.50 } } Templates { T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Bastion { Name "Bastion Unit" Class Heavyweapons ClassIcon heavy_brass_nys Scale 1.3 Health 750 Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload Skill Normal MaxVisionRange 800 Item "the brass beast" Item "upgradeable TF_WEAPON_SHOTGUN_PRIMARY" Item "The Eliminators Safeguard" WeaponSwitch //Periodically switches weapon { Delay 0 Cooldown 12 Repeats 1 Type "Secondary" } WeaponSwitch //Periodically switches weapon { Delay 6 Cooldown 12 Repeats 0 Type "Secondary" } WeaponSwitch //Periodically switches weapon { Delay 12 Cooldown 12 Repeats 0 Type "Primary" } ItemAttributes { ItemName "upgradeable TF_WEAPON_SHOTGUN_PRIMARY" "bullets per shot bonus" 0.1 "weapon spread bonus" 0 "fire rate bonus" 0.25 "reload time increased" 6 "spunup_damage_resistance" 1 "reload full clip at once" 1 "clip size bonus" 4.2 "damage bonus" 1.15 } ItemAttributes { Itemname "the brass beast" "damage bonus" 1 //"damage penalty" 0.75 "bullets per shot bonus" 0.25 "weapon spread bonus" 0.3 "fire rate bonus" 0.25 "single wep deploy time increased" 0 } CharacterAttributes { "head scale" 0.85 "mod minigun can holster while spinning" 1 } } //players T_TFBot_Player_Spy { Class Spy ClassIcon tf2_lite Name "Player" Item "The Diamondback" Item "The Black Rose" Item "Citizen Cane" Item "Cold Blooded Coat" Item "Rewired Rampage Reverse-Engineered Ruby 2022" Skill Expert AimTrackingInterval 0.1 UseHumanModel 1 ItemAttributes { Itemname "Citizen Cane" "set item tint rgb" 15185211 } ItemAttributes { Itemname "Cold Blooded Coat" "set item tint rgb" 15185211 } ItemAttributes { Itemname "The Black Rose" "melee attack rate bonus" 0.6 "heal on kill" 100 "armor piercing" 100 "critboost on kill" 4 } ItemAttributes { Itemname "The Diamondback" "heal on kill" 100 "fire rate bonus" 0.6 "maxammo secondary increased" 2.5 "projectile penetration" 1 "clip size bonus" 3 } CharacterAttributes { "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from crit reduced" 0.1 "health regen" 10 "move speed bonus" 1.1 // class is scout "increased jump height" 1.6 "no double jump" 1 } AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } T_TFBot_Player_Sniper { Class Sniper ClassIcon tf2_lite Name "Player" UseHumanModel 1 Item "The Hitman's Heatmaker" Item "The Bushwacka" Item "Jarate" Item "Rifleman's Regalia" Item "Archer's Sterling" Item "The Cammy Jammies" Skill Expert Action Sniper MaxVisionRange 2500 AimTrackingInterval 0.05 FireWeapon //Periodically fires weapon { Delay 0.1 Cooldown 0.1 Repeats 0 IfSeeTarget 0 Duration 0.1 Type "special" } AddAttribute { Item "Player" Name "card: move speed bonus" Value 0.001 Cooldown 6 Repeats 0 Delay 6 } AddAttribute { Item "Player" Name "no_jump" Value 1 Cooldown 6 Delay 6 Repeats 0 } RemoveAttribute { Item "Player" Name "card: move speed bonus" Delay 12 Cooldown 6 Repeats 0 } RemoveAttribute { Item "Player" Name "no_jump" Delay 12 Cooldown 6 Repeats 0 } ItemAttributes { Itemname "The Bushwacka" "melee attack rate bonus" 0.6 "heal on kill" 100 } ItemAttributes { Itemname "jarate" "effect bar recharge rate increased" 0.4 "applies snare effect" 0.65 "fire input on attack" "!activator^$RemoveItemAttribute^is_passive_weapon|1" } ItemAttributes { Itemname "The Hitman's Heatmaker" "heal on kill" 100 "fire rate bonus" 0.6 "maxammo primary increased" 2.5 "faster reload rate" 0.4 "projectile penetration" 1 "damage bonus" 2 "explosive sniper shot" 3 "add cond when active" 1 "fire input on hit" "!activator^$AddItemAttribute^is_passive_weapon|1|1" "fire input on attack" "!activator^$AddItemAttribute^is_passive_weapon|0|1" } CharacterAttributes { "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from crit reduced" 0.1 "health regen" 10 "move speed bonus" 1.3 "no damage view flinch" 1 "increased jump height" 1.6 } AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } T_TFBot_Player_Sniper_Huntsman { Class Sniper ClassIcon tf2_lite Name "Player" UseHumanModel 1 Item "The Huntsman" Item "The Shahanshah" Item "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_SMG" Item "Hunting Cloak" Item "The Bare Necessities" Item "Rewired Rampage Reverse-Engineered Ruby 2022" Skill Expert Action Mobber WeaponSwitch //Periodically switches weapon { Delay 6 Cooldown 12 Repeats 0 Type "Secondary" } WeaponSwitch //Periodically switches weapon { Delay 12 Cooldown 12 Repeats 0 Type "Primary" } WeaponSwitch //Periodically switches weapon { Delay 24 Cooldown 12 Repeats 0 Type "Melee" } ItemAttributes { Itemname "The Shahanshah" "melee attack rate bonus" 0.6 "heal on kill" 100 "Paintkit_proto_def_index" 286 "set_item_texture_wear" 0 } ItemAttributes { Itemname "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_SMG" "clip size bonus" 3 "projectile penetration" 1 "maxammo secondary increased" 2.5 "heal on kill" 100 "fire rate bonus" 0.6 "Paintkit_proto_def_index" 270 "set_item_texture_wear" 0.25 } ItemAttributes { Itemname "The Huntsman" "heal on kill" 100 "maxammo primary increased" 2.5 "faster reload rate" 0.4 "projectile penetration" 1 "damage bonus" 2 "bleeding duration" 5 } CharacterAttributes { "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from crit reduced" 0.1 "health regen" 10 "move speed bonus" 1.3 "no damage view flinch" 1 "increased jump height" 1.6 } AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } T_TFBot_Player_Medic { Class Medic ClassIcon tf2_lite Name "Player" UseHumanModel 1 Item "The Crusader's Crossbow" Item "The Ubersaw" Item "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_MEDIGUN" Item "Oktoberfester" Item "Fizzy Pharmacist" Item "Rewired Rampage Reverse-Engineered Ruby 2022" Skill Expert Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload Attributes SpawnWithFullCharge Attributes ProjectileShield ExtAttr SuppressCanteenUse Item "Battery Canteens" Action Medic IgnoreBotsWithTag NoPocketGiant FireWeapon //Periodically fires weapon { Delay 0.01 Cooldown 15 Repeats 0 IfSeeTarget 0 Duration 0.1 IfHealthBelow 100 Type "Action" } ItemAttributes { Itemname "Battery Canteens" "ubercharge" 1 "powerup charges" 3 "powerup max charges" 3 } ItemAttributes { Itemname "The Ubersaw" "melee attack rate bonus" 0.6 "heal on kill" 100 } ItemAttributes { Itemname "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_MEDIGUN" "ubercharge rate bonus" 2 "medigun charge is crit boost" 1 "uber duration bonus" 6 "healing mastery" 4 "overheal expert" 4 "generate rage on heal" 2 "canteen specialist" 3 "Paintkit_proto_def_index" 206 "set_item_texture_wear" 0.5 } ItemAttributes { Itemname "The Crusader's Crossbow" "heal on kill" 100 "fire rate bonus" 0.6 "clip size UPGRADE ATOMIC" 8 "maxammo primary increased" 2.5 "faster reload rate" 0.4 "projectile penetration" 1 } CharacterAttributes { "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from crit reduced" 0.1 "health regen" 10 "move speed bonus" 1.3 "increased jump height" 1.6 "increase buff duration" 1.2 "bot medic uber health threshold" 149 } AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } T_TFBot_Player_Engineer { Class Engineer ClassIcon tf2_lite Name "Player" UseHumanModel 1 Item "The Rescue Ranger" Item "The Jag" Item "More Gun Marshal" Item "Packable Provisions" Item "The Western Wraps" Skill Expert Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload Item "Battery Canteens" ExtAttr BuildDispenserAsTeleporter ExtAttr SuppressCanteenUse TeleportWhere rev_spawnbot_hatch FireInput { Target "!activator" Action "$GiveItem" Param "The Wrangler" Delay 6 Cooldown 12 Repeats 0 } FireWeapon //Periodically fires weapon { Delay 8 Cooldown 25 Repeats 0 IfSeeTarget 0 Duration 0.5 Type "Action" } ItemAttributes { Itemname "Battery Canteens" "building instant upgrade" 1 "powerup charges" 1 } ItemAttributes { Itemname "the jag" "melee attack rate bonus" 0.6 "heal on kill" 100 } ItemAttributes { Itemname "The Rescue Ranger" "heal on kill" 100 "fire rate bonus" 0.6 "clip size bonus" 3 "maxammo primary increased" 2.5 "faster reload rate" 0.4 "projectile penetration" 1 } CharacterAttributes { "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from crit reduced" 0.1 "health regen" 10 "move speed bonus" 1.3 "increased jump height" 1.6 "engy building health bonus" 4 "bidirectional teleport" 1 "engy dispenser radius increased" 4 "engy sentry fire rate increased" 0.9 "maxammo metal increased" 3 "deploy time decreased" 0 "mvm sentry ammo" 99 } AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } T_TFBot_Player_Heavyweapons { Class Heavyweapons UseHumanModel 1 ClassIcon tf2_lite Name "Player" Item "The Brass Beast" Item "The Sandvich" Item "Gloves of Running Urgently MvM" Item "Sophisticated Smoker" Item "Siberian Tigerstripe" Item "Rewired Rampage Reverse-Engineered Ruby 2022" Skill Expert MaxVisionRange 1200 UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 WeaponSwitch //Periodically switches weapon { Delay 4 Cooldown 4 Repeats 1 IfSeeTarget 0 Type "Melee" } WeaponSwitch //Periodically switches weapon { Delay 0.01 Cooldown 0.01 Repeats 1 IfSeeTarget 1 Type "Primary" } FireWeapon //Periodically fires weapon { Delay 0.1 Cooldown 0.1 Repeats 0 IfSeeTarget 0 Duration 0.1 Type "special" } Action Mobber ItemAttributes { Itemname "The Sandvich" "is suicide counter" 1 "provide on active" 1 "alt-fire disabled" 1 } ItemAttributes { Itemname "The Brass Beast" "fire rate bonus" 0.6 "attack projectiles" 2 "projectile penetration heavy" 3 "generate rage on damage" 3 "heal on kill" 100 "mod minigun can holster while spinning" 1 "maxammo primary increased" 2.5 "Paintkit_proto_def_index" 202 "set_item_texture_wear" 0.5 } ItemAttributes { Itemname "Gloves of Running Urgently MvM" "fire rate bonus" 0.6 "heal on kill" 100 } CharacterAttributes { "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 0.25 "single wep deploy time decreased" 0 "single wep holster time increased" 0 "dmg taken from crit reduced" 0.1 "health regen" 10 "effect bar recharge rate increased" 0.4 "move speed bonus" 1.3 "increased jump height" 1.6 } AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } T_TFBot_Player_Pyro { Class Pyro UseHumanModel 1 ClassIcon tf2_lite Name "Player" Item "The Phlogistinator" Item "the gas passer" Item "The Axtinguisher" Item "Candy Cranium" Item "The Hot Case" Item "Melted Mop" Skill Expert MaxVisionRange 300 UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 Action Sniper DesiredAttackRange 120 FireWeapon //Periodically fires weapon { Delay 0.1 Cooldown 0.1 Repeats 0 IfSeeTarget 1 Duration 0.1 Type "Primary" } ItemAttributes { Itemname "Candy Cranium" "set item tint rgb" 6901050 } ItemAttributes { Itemname "Melted Mop" "set item tint rgb" 6901050 } ItemAttributes { Itemname "the gas passer" "explode_on_ignite" 1 "dmg penalty vs players" 0.2 "mult_item_meter_charge_rate" 0.4 "fire input on attack" "!activator^$RemoveItemAttribute^is_passive_weapon|1" } ItemAttributes { Itemname "The Phlogistinator" "damage bonus" 2 "weapon burn dmg increased" 2 "weapon burn time increased" 2 "flame_drag" 4.5 "heal on kill" 100 "maxammo primary increased" 2.5 "fire input on hit" "!activator^$AddItemAttribute^is_passive_weapon|1|1" "fire input on attack" "!activator^$AddItemAttribute^is_passive_weapon|0|1" } ItemAttributes { Itemname "The Axtinguisher" "fire rate bonus" 0.6 "heal on kill" 100 } CharacterAttributes { "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from crit reduced" 0.1 "health regen" 10 "move speed bonus" 1.3 "increased jump height" 1.6 } AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } T_TFBot_Player_HybridKnight { Class Demoman UseHumanModel 1 Name "Player" ClassIcon tf2_lite Item "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER" Item "The Eyelander" Item "The Galvanized Gibus" Item "The Chargin' Targe" Item "Highland High Heels" Item "Glasgow Bankroll" Skill Expert MaxVisionRange 1200 DesiredAttackRange 700 Action Sniper Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload ItemAttributes { Itemname "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER" "damage bonus" 1.8 "clip size upgrade atomic" 8 "projectile speed increased" 2 "fire rate bonus" 0.6 "faster reload rate" 0.4 "heal on kill" 100 "maxammo secondary increased" 2.5 "Paintkit_proto_def_index" 252 "set_item_texture_wear" 0.5 } ItemAttributes { Itemname "The Chargin' Targe" "charge recharge rate increased" 5 "damage force reduction" 0.1 } ItemAttributes { Itemname "The Eyelander" "melee attack rate bonus" 0.6 "heal on kill" 100 "damage bonus" 2 "critboost on kill" 4 } CharacterAttributes { "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from crit reduced" 0.1 "health regen" 10 "move speed bonus" 1.3 "increased jump height" 1.6 } AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } T_TFBot_Player_Demoman { Class Demoman UseHumanModel 1 Name "Player" ClassIcon tf2_lite //Item "The Bootlegger" Item "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_PIPEBOMBLAUNCHER" Item "The Conscientious Objector" Item "The Frag Proof Fragger" Item "Highland High Heels" Item "Glasgow Bankroll" Skill Expert MaxVisionRange 1200 DesiredAttackRange 700 Action Mobber WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload AimAt Head FireWeapon //Periodically fires weapon { Delay 2 Cooldown 2 Repeats 0 IfSeeTarget 1 Duration 0.1 Type "secondary" } FireWeapon //Periodically fires weapon { Delay 2.4 Cooldown 1.2 Repeats 0 IfSeeTarget 1 Duration 0.1 Type "secondary" } ItemAttributes { Itemname "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_PIPEBOMBLAUNCHER" "damage bonus" 1.8 "clip size bonus" 3 "fire rate bonus" 0.6 "faster reload rate" 0.4 "heal on kill" 100 "maxammo secondary increased" 2.5 "Paintkit_proto_def_index" 302 "set_item_texture_wear" 0 } ItemAttributes { Itemname "The Conscientious Objector" "fire rate bonus" 0.6 "heal on kill" 100 } CharacterAttributes { "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from crit reduced" 0.1 "health regen" 10 "move speed bonus" 1.3 "increased jump height" 1.6 "stickybomb charge rate" -1 //"projectile range increased" 0.65 } AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } T_TFBot_Player_Scout { Class Scout UseHumanModel 1 ClassIcon tf2_lite Name "Player" Item "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_SCATTERGUN" Item "Mad Milk" Item "The Fan O'War" Item "Boston Brain Bucket" Item "Jungle Jersey" Item "Blizzard Britches" Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload Action Sniper DesiredAttackRange 550 Skill Expert MaxVisionRange 800 ItemAttributes { Itemname "Boston Brain Bucket" "attach particle effect" 230 } ItemAttributes { Itemname "The Fan O'War" "fire rate bonus" 0.6 "heal on kill" 100 } ItemAttributes { Itemname "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_SCATTERGUN" "damage bonus" 2 "fire rate bonus" 0.6 "faster reload rate" 0.4 "heal on kill" 100 "projectile penetration" 1 "clip size bonus" 3 "Paintkit_proto_def_index" 252 "maxammo primary increased" 2.5 "set_item_texture_wear" 0.5 "fire input on hit" "!activator^$AddItemAttribute^is_passive_weapon|1|1" "fire input on attack" "!activator^$AddItemAttribute^is_passive_weapon|0|1" } ItemAttributes { Itemname "Mad Milk" "effect bar recharge rate increased" 0.4 "applies snare effect" 0.65 "is_passive_weapon" 1 "fire input on attack" "!activator^$RemoveItemAttribute^is_passive_weapon|1" } CharacterAttributes { "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from crit reduced" 0.1 "health regen" 10 "fire input on attack" "!activator^$AddItemAttribute^is_passive_weapon|0|1" "move speed bonus" 1.3 "increased jump height" 1.6 } AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } T_TFBot_Player_Soldier_Buff { Class Soldier UseHumanModel 1 ClassIcon tf2_lite Name "Player" Item "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER" Item "The Disciplinary Action" Item "Festive Buff Banner" Item "Bumble Beenie" Item "Antarctic Parka" Item "The Shogun's Shoulder Guard" Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload Attributes SpawnWithFullCharge Skill Expert MaxVisionRange 1200 RocketJump 2 Action Mobber ItemAttributes { Itemname "Festive Buff Banner" "increase buff duration" 1.5 "single wep deploy time decreased" 0 "single wep holster time increased" 0 } ItemAttributes { Itemname "The Disciplinary Action" "fire rate bonus" 0.6 "heal on kill" 100 } ItemAttributes { Itemname "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER" "damage bonus" 2 "fire rate bonus" 0.6 "faster reload rate" 0.4 "heal on kill" 100 //"rocket specialist" 3 "clip size upgrade atomic" 8 "maxammo primary increased" 2.5 "Paintkit_proto_def_index" 239 "set_item_texture_wear" 0.5 "alt fire attributes" "force fire full clip|1" } CharacterAttributes { "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from crit reduced" 0.1 "health regen" 10 "move speed bonus" 1.3 "increased jump height" 1.6 } AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } T_TFBot_Player_Soldier_Backup { Class Soldier UseHumanModel 1 ClassIcon tf2_lite Name "Player" Item "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER" Item "The Disciplinary Action" Item "The Battalion's Backup" Item "Bumble Beenie" Item "Antarctic Parka" Item "The Shogun's Shoulder Guard" Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload Attributes SpawnWithFullCharge Skill Expert MaxVisionRange 1200 RocketJump 2 Action Mobber ItemAttributes { Itemname "The Battalion's Backup" "increase buff duration" 1.5 "single wep deploy time decreased" 0 "single wep holster time increased" 0 } ItemAttributes { Itemname "The Disciplinary Action" "fire rate bonus" 0.6 "heal on kill" 100 } ItemAttributes { Itemname "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER" "damage bonus" 2 "fire rate bonus" 0.6 "faster reload rate" 0.4 "heal on kill" 100 //"rocket specialist" 3 "clip size upgrade atomic" 8 "maxammo primary increased" 2.5 "Paintkit_proto_def_index" 239 "set_item_texture_wear" 0.5 "alt fire attributes" "force fire full clip|1" } CharacterAttributes { "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from crit reduced" 0.1 "health regen" 10 "move speed bonus" 1.3 "increased jump height" 1.6 } AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } T_TFBot_Player_Soldier_Concheror { Class Soldier UseHumanModel 1 ClassIcon tf2_lite Name "Player" Item "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER" Item "The Disciplinary Action" Item "The Concheror" Item "Bumble Beenie" Item "Antarctic Parka" Item "The Shogun's Shoulder Guard" Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload Attributes SpawnWithFullCharge Skill Expert MaxVisionRange 1200 RocketJump 2 Action Mobber ItemAttributes { Itemname "The Concheror" "increase buff duration" 1.5 "single wep deploy time decreased" 0 "single wep holster time increased" 0 } ItemAttributes { Itemname "The Disciplinary Action" "fire rate bonus" 0.6 "heal on kill" 100 } ItemAttributes { Itemname "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER" "damage bonus" 2 "fire rate bonus" 0.6 "faster reload rate" 0.4 "heal on kill" 100 //"rocket specialist" 3 "clip size upgrade atomic" 8 "maxammo primary increased" 2.5 "Paintkit_proto_def_index" 239 "set_item_texture_wear" 0.5 "alt fire attributes" "force fire full clip|1" } CharacterAttributes { "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from crit reduced" 0.1 "health regen" 10 "move speed bonus" 1.3 "increased jump height" 1.6 } AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } T_TFBot_Giant_Demo_Sticky_Control { Name "Giant Stickybomb Demo" Class Demoman ClassIcon blu2_lite Health 3300 Attributes MiniBoss Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload Skill Expert MaxVisionRange 1500 WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly AimAt Head Item "Bomb Beanie" Item "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_PIPEBOMBLAUNCHER" WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly UseHumanAnimations 1 ItemAttributes { ItemName "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_PIPEBOMBLAUNCHER" "faster reload rate" 0.5 "fire rate bonus" 0.5 "damage bonus" 1.5 "disable weapon switch" 1 "provide on active" 1 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.4 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.4 "override footstep sound set" 7 "stickybomb charge rate" 0.001 "max pipebombs decreased" -7 //"faster reload rate" 0.99 "projectile range decreased" 0.45 } } T_TFBot_Scout_Grenade { Name "Bomber Scout" Class Scout ClassIcon demo Scale 1 Health 125 Skill Hard MaxVisionRange 800 WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly Item "Mad Milk" Item "The Bomber Knight" ItemAttributes { Itemname "Mad Milk" "override projectile type" 4 "dmg penalty vs players" 15 "projectile detonate time" 6 "stickybomb no stick" 1 "mult projectile scale" 0.85 "blast radius increased" 2 "arrow target bounce speed" 1 "fire rate penalty" 10 "blast dmg to self increased" 0 "energy weapon no deflect" 1 "explosion particle" "rd_robot_explosion_smoke_linger" "custom projectile model" "models\props_lakeside_event\bomb_temp.mdl" } CharacterAttributes { "effect bar recharge rate increased" 0.05 } } T_TFBot_Giant_Scout_Grenade { Name "Giant Bomber Scout" Class Scout ClassIcon demo Scale 1.7 Health 1600 Skill Hard MaxVisionRange 800 WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly Item "Mad Milk" Item "The Bomber Knight" ItemAttributes { Itemname "Mad Milk" "override projectile type" 4 "dmg penalty vs players" 15 "projectile detonate time" 6 "stickybomb no stick" 1 "mult projectile scale" 0.85 "blast radius increased" 2 "arrow target bounce speed" 1 "fire rate penalty" 10 "blast dmg to self increased" 0 "energy weapon no deflect" 1 "explosion particle" "rd_robot_explosion_smoke_linger" "custom projectile model" "models\props_lakeside_event\bomb_temp.mdl" } CharacterAttributes { "damage force reduction" 0.7 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.7 "override footstep sound set" 5 } } T_TFBot_Giant_Scout_Burst { Name "Giant Burst Scout" Class Scout ClassIcon scout_burst_red Scale 1.75 Health 1600 Tag bot_hold_front_up Attributes MiniBoss Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload Skill Expert MaxVisionRange 650 WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Tag bot_giant Item "Ye Oiled Baker Boy" Item "upgradeable tf_weapon_scattergun" ItemAttributes { Itemname "upgradeable tf_weapon_scattergun" //"clip size penalty" 0.5 "fire rate bonus hidden" 0.25 "reload time increased hidden" 2 "damage bonus" 1.5 "bullets per shot bonus" 1.5 //"spread penalty" 0.65 } CharacterAttributes { "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.7 "override footstep sound set" 5 } } //soldier T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Blackbox_Spammer { Name "The Tank Buster" Class Soldier ClassIcon soldier_tankbuster Scale 1.75 Health 4000 Attributes MiniBoss Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload AlwaysGlow 1 Skill Expert MaxVisionRange 2500 WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Tag bot_giant Item "The Grenadier's Softcap" Item "The Battalion's Backup" Item "the black box" AimOffset "0 0 170" ItemAttributes { Itemname "The Battalion's Backup" "add cond when active" 57 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "the black box" "mod max primary clip override" -1 "custom projectile model" "models\buildables\sentry3_rockets.mdl" "projectile gravity" 750 "fire rate penalty" 2 "blast radius increased" 1.5 "mult dmg vs tanks" 2 "explosion particle" "bombinomicon_burningdebris" "damage bonus" 1.25 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.3 "deploy time decreased" 0.5 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.3 "override footstep sound set" 3 } } T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_TwoBurst { Name "Giant Quintuple Burst Soldier" Class Soldier ClassIcon soldier_rocketrain Scale 1.75 Health 4000 Attributes MiniBoss Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload Skill Expert MaxVisionRange 1500 WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Tag bot_giant Item "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER" Item "Soldier's Slope Scopers" ItemAttributes { ItemName "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER" "burst fire count" 5 "clip size upgrade atomic" 11 "burst fire rate mult" 14 "fire rate bonus" 0.15 "projectile speed decreased" 0.3 "projectile acceleration" 1200 "projectile acceleration start time" 1 "faster reload rate" -0.8 "mod no reload display only" 1 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.4 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.4 "override footstep sound set" 4 } } T_TFBot_Boss_Rockets { Name "Rain of Pain" Class Soldier ClassIcon soldier_rocketwall MaxVisionRange 1200 Scale 3 Health 60000 Tag bot_nopass Attributes MiniBoss //Attributes SuppressFire Attributes UseBossHealthBar Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload FireInput { Target "!activator" //Entity name to use Action "$teleporttoentity" //Input to fire Param "hatch_shield" //Parameter to use Delay 0 //Delay before firing the input Cooldown 1 //Cooldown between firing the input Repeats 1 } FireWeapon //Periodically fires weapon { Delay 0.01 Cooldown 16 Repeats 0 IfSeeTarget 1 Duration 0.4 Type "Secondary" } FireWeapon //Periodically fires weapon { Delay 0.01 Cooldown 20.5 Repeats 0 IfSeeTarget 1 Duration 0.4 Type "Secondary" } Skill Expert MaxVisionRange 2000 WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Tag NoPocketGiant Tag bot_giant Item "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER" Item "Teufort Knight" ItemAttributes { ItemName "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER" "alt fire attributes" "projectile acceleration start time|2|auto fires full clip penalty|1|projectile spread angle penalty|12|fire rate bonus hidden|-8|projectile acceleration|1000" "clip size upgrade atomic" 16 "faster reload rate" 0.4 "fire rate bonus" 0.15 "ignores other projectiles" 1 "dmg bonus vs buildings" 4 // engie is over "damage bonus" 1.5 "projectile speed decreased" 0.25 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.35 "damage force reduction" 0.35 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.35 "override footstep sound set" 3 "increased jump height" 3 "blast dmg to self increased" 0 "no_jump" 1 "mult dmg vs giants" 2 "penetrate teammates" 1 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Action Mobber //Action FetchFlag Attributes DisableDodge Tag bot_noenter AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } T_TFBot_Boss_Swords { Name "Swings of Fury" Skill Expert Health 70000 Class Demoman Item "Prince Tavish's Crown" Item "The Chargin' Targe" Item "The Eyelander" Classicon demoknight_rotate Attributes MiniBoss Attributes UseBossHealthBar AimAt Feet Scale 3 Tag bot_giant Item "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER" Item "The King of Scotland Cape" Tag bot_nopass Tag NoPocketGiant FireInput { Target "!activator" //Entity name to use Action "$teleporttoentity" //Input to fire Param "hatch_shield" //Parameter to use Delay 0 //Delay before firing the input Cooldown 1 //Cooldown between firing the input Repeats 1 } ShootTemplate { Name ThrowingEyelander //Name of the template AttachToProjectile 1 ItemName "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER" } WeaponSwitch //Periodically switches weapon { Delay 0.1 Cooldown 1 Repeats 1 Type "Melee" } WeaponSwitch //Periodically switches weapon { Delay 1.3 Cooldown 1 Repeats 1 Type "Primary" } ItemAttributes { Itemname "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER" "override projectile type" 18 // ranger "projectile gravity native" 0.1 "projectile acceleration start time" 0.5 "projectile acceleration" -1500 //"projectile range increased" 30 "projectile speed decreased" 0.9 "projectile detonate time" 2.25 "mult projectile count" 6 "projectile spread angle penalty" 15 "projectile penetration" 1 "blast dmg to self increased" 0 "custom item model" "models\weapons\c_models\c_claymore\c_claymore.mdl" "custom projectile model" "models\empty.mdl" "no self blast dmg" 1 // no explosion/blast decal "blast radius decreased" 0 "custom kill icon" "taunt_demoman" "fire rate penalty" 6 "faster reload rate" -0.8 "no explosion particles" 1 // "attachment name" "head" // "attachment scale" 0.05 // hide model "ignores other projectiles" 1 "item style override" 1 "is australium item" 1 } ItemAttributes { Itemname "the eyelander" "critboost on kill" 3 "fire rate penalty" 5.6 "is_passive_weapon" 1 "item style override" 1 "is australium item" 1 "max health additive penalty" 0 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.35 "damage force reduction" 0.5 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.5 "override footstep sound set" 4 "mult charge turn control" 3 "charge time increased" 2 "no_jump" 1 } Action Mobber //Action FetchFlag Attributes DisableDodge Tag bot_noenter AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } //demo T_TFBot_Giant_Demo_StickyGravity { Class Demoman Name "Giant Gravity Stickybomber" ClassIcon demo_sticky_red_burst_daan Health 3000 Scale 1.7 Skill Expert WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly Item "upgradeable tf_weapon_pipebomblauncher" Item "Thunder Dome" Item "The Shrapnel Shell" Attributes MiniBoss Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER" "is_passive_weapon" 1 "override projectile type" 27 // Fires nothing "fire rate penalty" 99 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "upgradeable tf_weapon_pipebomblauncher" "damage bonus" 2.5 "clip size penalty" 0.38 "projectile gravity native" 0.4 "projectile gravity" 4 "projectile acceleration" -520 "stickybomb charge rate" -1 "mult dmg vs giants" 1.25 "projectile speed increased hidden" 0.05 "projectile detonate time" 4 "fire rate bonus" 0.15 "explosion particle" "merasmus_dazed_explosion" "blast radius increased" 2.25 "fire input on attack" "!projectile^$RotateRelative^180" //"add attributes on hit" "fov override|55|2|hud overlay|sd_doomsday_event/kart_minigame_gradient_green|2" // "add cond on hit" 126 // "add cond on hit duration" 4 "projectile trail particle" "~green_steam_jet" "mult projectile scale" 1.25 "stickybomb stick to enemies" 1 "reload time increased" 1.3 "projectile acceleration time" 0.65 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.4 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.4 "override footstep sound set" 4 "no_jump" 1 } Action Mobber //Action FetchFlag Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } T_TFBot_Giant_Engineer_Pomson_Burst { Name "Giant Burst Pomson Engineer" Class Engineer ClassIcon engineer_pomson Scale 1.7 Health 3000 Attributes MiniBoss Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload Skill Expert MaxVisionRange 800 WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Tag bot_giant Item "The Brainiac Hairpiece" Item "The Pomson 6000" ItemAttributes { Itemname "The Pomson 6000" "mult projectile count" 6 "clip size bonus upgrade" 2 "projectile spread angle penalty" 3 "subtract victim cloak on hit" 0 "subtract victim medigun charge on hit" 0 "energy weapon penetration" 1 "fire rate bonus" 0.35 "faster reload rate" 0.5 "energy weapon penetration" 1 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "head scale" 0.85 "damage force reduction" 0.7 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.7 "override footstep sound set" 4 } } T_TFBot_Giant_Demo_IronBomber { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demo_RapidFire ClassIcon demo_ironburst_red Item "the iron bomber" Item "Scotch Bonnet" ItemAttributes { Itemname "the iron bomber" "mod max primary clip override" -1 "mult projectile count" 4 "fire rate penalty" 1.6 "projectile spread angle penalty" 5 "grenade explode on impact" 1 } } T_TFBot_Demoman_FullHeads_Knight { Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Knight Name "Full Heads Demoknight" SpawnTemplate EyelanderFullHeads Skill Expert Item "Prince Tavish's Crown" } T_TFBot_Demoman_Samurai_Regular { Class Demoman Name "Samurai Demo" ClassIcon demoknight_samurai Skill Expert Item "The Half-Zatoichi" Item "The Splendid Screen" WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly } //heavy T_TFBot_Giant_Heavy_Energyball { Class Heavyweapons Name "Energy Ravager" ClassIcon heavy_fists_electro_red Skill expert Health 5000 Item "Electro Fist" WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly Item "Der Maschinensoldaten-Helm" Attributes MiniBoss Scale 1.7 FireSound "Halloween.spell_lightning_impact" SpawnTemplate HeavyElectroBall CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.7 "damage force reduction" 0.3 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.3 "override footstep sound set" 2 } } //engi T_TFBot_Giant_Engineer_Ranger { Name "Giant Ranger Engineer" Class Engineer ClassIcon engineer_ranger_red_nys Scale 1.7 Health 3000 Attributes MiniBoss Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload Tag bot_giant Skill Expert MaxVisionRange 2000 WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Item "The Rescue Ranger" Item "The Danger" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Rescue Ranger" "no damage falloff" 1 "damage bonus" 2 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.4 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.4 "override footstep sound set" 4 "head scale" 0.7 } } //med T_TFBot_Medic_Bow_Burst { Name "Burst Bow Medic" Class Medic ClassIcon medic_crossbow_burst Scale 1.5 Health 750 Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload Action FetchFlag Skill Hard MaxVisionRange 1500 WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Item "The Crusader's Crossbow" Item "Berliner's Bucket Helm" //Attributes AlwaysCrit ItemAttributes { Itemname "The Crusader's Crossbow" "clip size upgrade atomic" 2 "fire rate bonus" 0.2 "damage penalty" 0.67 "projectile speed decreased" 0.7 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed penalty" 0.8 } } //sni T_TFBot_Giant_Sniper_Burst { Name "Giant Burst Sniper" Class Sniper ClassIcon sniper_giant Scale 1.75 Health 3000 Attributes MiniBoss Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload Action FetchFlag Skill Expert MaxVisionRange 2000 WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Tag bot_giant Item "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE" Item "The Flamingo Kid" FireWeapon { Delay 1 Cooldown 0.01 Repeats 0 IfSeeTarget 1 Duration 9999 Type "Primary" } ItemAttributes { ItemName "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE" "burst fire count" 4 "burst fire rate mult" 17 "fire rate bonus" 0.15 "sniper fires tracer" 1 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "head scale" 0.7 "damage force reduction" 0.6 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.6 "override footstep sound set" 7 } } //scout T_TFBot_Giant_Scout_RocketBurst { Class Scout Name "Giant Tiny Rocket Scout" ClassIcon scout_rocket Skill Expert Health 1600 WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Attributes MiniBoss Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload Item "Tyrantium Helmet" //Attributes AlwaysCrit ItemAttributes { Itemname "tf_weapon_scattergun" "override projectile type" 2 "mult projectile count" 4 "damage bonus" 8 "blast radius decreased" 0.6 "mult projectile scale" 0.5 "faster reload rate" 0.8 "projectile spread angle penalty" 2 "explosion particle" "Explosion_Dustup" "projectile trail particle" "~rockettrail_burst_airstrike" } CharacterAttributes { "damage force reduction" 0.7 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.7 "override footstep sound set" 5 "penetrate teammates" 1 } } //soldier T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Spammer_Swapper { Class Soldier Name "Giant Swap Soldier" ClassIcon soldier_shotgun_spammer Health 4000 Skill Expert Attributes MiniBoss Item "upgradeable TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER" Item "upgradeable TF_WEAPON_SHOTGUN_PRIMARY" Item "Tyrantium Helmet" WeaponSwitch { Delay 5 Cooldown 10 Repeats 0 Type "Secondary" } WeaponSwitch { Delay 10 Cooldown 10 Repeats 0 Type "Primary" } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.4 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.4 "override footstep sound set" 3 "faster reload rate" -0.8 "fire rate bonus" 0.75 "deploy time decreased" 0.01 "Projectile speed increased" 0.65 } } T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Swapper { Class Soldier Name "Giant Swapper Soldier" ClassIcon soldier_shotgun2 Health 4000 Skill Expert Attributes MiniBoss Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload Item "upgradeable TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER" Item "upgradeable TF_WEAPON_SHOTGUN_PRIMARY" Item "Tyrantium Helmet" WeaponSwitch { Delay 5 Cooldown 10 Repeats 0 Type "Secondary" } WeaponSwitch { Delay 10 Cooldown 10 Repeats 0 Type "Primary" } ItemAttributes { Itemname "upgradeable TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER" "faster reload rate" 0.7 } ItemAttributes { Itemname "upgradeable TF_WEAPON_SHOTGUN_PRIMARY" "faster reload rate" 0.7 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.4 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.4 "override footstep sound set" 3 "deploy time decreased" 0.01 "no_jump" 1 } } //demo T_TFBot_Giant_Demo_SamuraiMaster { Name "Master Samurai Demo" Class Demoman ClassIcon demoknight_samurai_giant Scale 1.75 Health 3000 Attributes MiniBoss Skill Expert MaxVisionRange 1200 WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly Tag bot_giant Item "The Half-Zatoichi" Item "The Splendid Screen" Item "Demo Kabuto" Item "Ali Baba's Wee Booties" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Half-Zatoichi" "honorbound" 0 "charge time increased" 1 "critboost on kill" 3 "speed_boost_on_kill" 3 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.4 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.4 "override footstep sound set" 4 } } T_TFBot_Giant_Demo_Sigma { Name "Gravity Bomber Demo" Class Demoman ClassIcon demo_clusterbomb_red Scale 1.7 Health 3300 Attributes MiniBoss Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload Skill Expert MaxVisionRange 900 WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Tag bot_giant Item "Gravity Grenader Boss" Item "Alcoholic Automaton" AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } ItemAttributes { Itemname "tf_weapon_bottle" "is_passive_weapon" 1 "custom item model" "models\empty.mdl" "damage penalty" 0.5 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.2 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.2 "override footstep sound set" 5 } } //sniper T_TFBot_Giant_Sniper_Grenade { Name "Bombing Sniper" Class Sniper ClassIcon demo Scale 1.75 Health 3000 Attributes MiniBoss Action FetchFlag Skill Expert MaxVisionRange 1750 Tag bot_giant Item "Jarate" Item "Cranium Cover" Item "Preventative Measure" UseCustomModel "models\bots\sniper_boss\bot_sniper_boss.mdl" WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly FireWeapon { Delay 1 Cooldown 0.01 Repeats 0 IfSeeTarget 1 Duration 9999 Type "Primary" } ItemAttributes { Itemname "Jarate" "override projectile type" 4 "dmg penalty vs players" 25 "projectile detonate time" 4 "stickybomb no stick" 1 "mult projectile scale" 1.3 "blast radius increased" 2 "arrow target bounce speed" 1 "fire rate penalty" 5 "blast dmg to self increased" 0 "energy weapon no deflect" 1 "explosion particle" "asplode_hoodoo" "custom projectile model" "models\props_lakeside_event\bomb_temp.mdl" } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.7 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.7 "head scale" 0.7 "effect bar recharge rate increased" 0.01 "override footstep sound set" 7 } Action FetchFlag Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } //gatebots T_TFGateBot_Giant_Demoman_Stickybomb { Name "Giant Stickybomb Demoman" Class Demoman ClassIcon demo_sticky_red_daan Health 3000 Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload Attributes Miniboss Scale 1.75 EventChangeAttributes { Default { Skill Expert MaxVisionRange 1500 WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly Attributes IgnoreFlag BehaviorModifiers Push Tag nav_prefer_gate1_flank Tag bot_gatebot Item "MvM GateBot Light Demoman" AimAt Head InterruptAction // Stop current bot ai and force the bot to move to a location { Target "koth_control" Delay 0.1 Repeats 0 Cooldown 99999 Duration 99999 } Item "Bomb Beanie" Item "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_PIPEBOMBLAUNCHER" Item "upgradeable tf_weapon_grenadelauncher" ItemAttributes { Itemname "upgradeable tf_weapon_grenadelauncher" "is_passive_weapon" 1 "fire rate penalty" 999 "override projectile type" 27 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_PIPEBOMBLAUNCHER" "stickybomb charge rate" 0.001 "max pipebombs decreased" -7 "projectile range decreased" 0.45 "faster reload rate" 0.5 "fire rate bonus" 0.5 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.4 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.4 "override footstep sound set" 4 } } RevertGateBotsBehavior { Skill Expert MaxVisionRange 950 WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly Item "MvM GateBot Light Demoman" ItemAttributes { ItemName "MvM GateBot Light Demoman" "item style override" 1 } AimAt Head InterruptAction // Stop current bot ai and force the bot to move to a location { Target "RandomEnemy" Delay 0.01 Repeats 0 Cooldown 9999 Duration 9999 } Item "Bomb Beanie" Item "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_PIPEBOMBLAUNCHER" Item "upgradeable tf_weapon_grenadelauncher" ItemAttributes { Itemname "upgradeable tf_weapon_grenadelauncher" "is_passive_weapon" 1 "fire rate penalty" 999 "override projectile type" 27 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_PIPEBOMBLAUNCHER" "stickybomb charge rate" 0.001 "max pipebombs decreased" -7 "projectile range decreased" 0.45 "faster reload rate" 0.5 "fire rate bonus" 0.5 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.4 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.4 "override footstep sound set" 4 } } } } T_TFGateBot_Giant_Heavyweapons { Name "Giant Heavyweapons" Class Heavyweapons ClassIcon heavy_giant Health 5000 Attributes Miniboss Scale 1.75 EventChangeAttributes { Default { Skill Hard MaxVisionRange 1500 WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Attributes IgnoreFlag BehaviorModifiers Push Tag nav_prefer_gate1_flank Tag bot_gatebot Item "MvM GateBot Light Heavy" InterruptAction // Stop current bot ai and force the bot to move to a location { Target "koth_control" Delay 0.1 Repeats 0 Cooldown 99999 Duration 99999 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_MINIGUN" "damage bonus" 1.5 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.3 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.3 "override footstep sound set" 2 } } RevertGateBotsBehavior { Skill Hard MaxVisionRange 850 WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Item "MvM GateBot Light Heavy" ItemAttributes { ItemName "MvM GateBot Light Heavy" "item style override" 1 } InterruptAction // Stop current bot ai and force the bot to move to a location { Target "RandomEnemy" Delay 0.01 Repeats 0 Cooldown 9999 Duration 9999 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_MINIGUN" "damage bonus" 1.5 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.3 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.3 "override footstep sound set" 2 } } } } T_TFGateBot_Giant_Pyro { Name "Giant Pyro" Class Pyro ClassIcon pyro_giant Health 3000 Attributes Miniboss Scale 1.75 EventChangeAttributes { Default { Skill Hard MaxVisionRange 1500 WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Attributes IgnoreFlag BehaviorModifiers Push Tag nav_prefer_gate1_flank Tag bot_gatebot Item "MvM GateBot Light Pyro" InterruptAction // Stop current bot ai and force the bot to move to a location { Target "koth_control" Delay 0.1 Repeats 0 Cooldown 99999 Duration 99999 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.6 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.6 "override footstep sound set" 6 } } RevertGateBotsBehavior { Skill Expert MaxVisionRange 1200 WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Item "MvM GateBot Light Pyro" ItemAttributes { ItemName "MvM GateBot Light Pyro" "item style override" 1 } InterruptAction // Stop current bot ai and force the bot to move to a location { Target "RandomEnemy" Delay 0.01 Repeats 0 Cooldown 9999 Duration 9999 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.6 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.6 "override footstep sound set" 6 } } } } T_TFGateBot_Giant_Scout_ShotgunPistol { Name "Giant Bullshot Scout" Class Scout ClassIcon scout_pistol_hyper Health 3000 Attributes Miniboss Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload Scale 1.75 EventChangeAttributes { Default { Skill Normal MaxVisionRange 900 WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly Attributes IgnoreFlag BehaviorModifiers Push Tag nav_prefer_gate1_flank Tag bot_gatebot Item "MvM GateBot Light Scout" Item "upgradeable tf_weapon_pistol" ItemAttributes { Itemname "upgradeable tf_weapon_pistol" "spread penalty" 2 "reload time increased" 3 "bullets per shot bonus" 7.5 "damage penalty" 0.65 "clip size penalty" 0.5 "fire rate penalty" 1.25 } InterruptAction // Stop current bot ai and force the bot to move to a location { Target "koth_control" Delay 0.1 Repeats 0 Cooldown 99999 Duration 99999 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_PISTOL" "damage bonus" 1.5 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.8 "damage force reduction" 0.7 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.7 "override footstep sound set" 2 } } RevertGateBotsBehavior { Skill Easy MaxVisionRange 550 WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly Item "MvM GateBot Light Scout" Item "upgradeable tf_weapon_pistol" ItemAttributes { Itemname "upgradeable tf_weapon_pistol" "spread penalty" 2 "reload time increased" 3 "bullets per shot bonus" 7.5 "damage penalty" 0.65 "clip size penalty" 0.5 "fire rate penalty" 1.25 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "MvM GateBot Light Scout" "item style override" 1 } InterruptAction // Stop current bot ai and force the bot to move to a location { Target "RandomEnemy" Delay 0.01 Repeats 0 Cooldown 9999 Duration 9999 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_PISTOL" "damage bonus" 1.5 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.8 "damage force reduction" 0.7 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.7 "override footstep sound set" 2 } } } } T_TFGateBot_Scout { Name "Scout" Class Scout EventChangeAttributes { Default { Skill Normal MaxVisionRange 1500 WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Attributes IgnoreFlag BehaviorModifiers Push Tag nav_prefer_gate1_flank Tag bot_gatebot Item "MvM GateBot Light Scout" InterruptAction // Stop current bot ai and force the bot to move to a location { Target "koth_control" Delay 0.1 Repeats 0 Cooldown 99999 Duration 99999 } CharacterAttributes { "no_jump" 1 } } RevertGateBotsBehavior { Skill Normal MaxVisionRange 900 WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Item "MvM GateBot Light Scout" InterruptAction // Stop current bot ai and force the bot to move to a location { Target "RandomEnemy" Delay 0.01 Repeats 0 Cooldown 9999 Duration 9999 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "MvM GateBot Light Scout" "item style override" 1 } } } } T_TFGateBot_Pyro { Name "Pyro" Class Pyro EventChangeAttributes { Default { Skill Normal MaxVisionRange 1500 WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Attributes IgnoreFlag BehaviorModifiers Push Tag nav_prefer_gate1_flank Tag bot_gatebot Item "MvM GateBot Light Pyro" InterruptAction // Stop current bot ai and force the bot to move to a location { Target "koth_control" Delay 0.1 Repeats 0 Cooldown 99999 Duration 99999 } CharacterAttributes { "no_jump" 1 "airblast disabled" 1 } } RevertGateBotsBehavior { Skill Normal MaxVisionRange 900 WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Item "MvM GateBot Light Pyro" InterruptAction // Stop current bot ai and force the bot to move to a location { Target "RandomEnemy" Delay 0.01 Repeats 0 Cooldown 9999 Duration 9999 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "MvM GateBot Light Pyro" "item style override" 1 } CharacterAttributes { "airblast disabled" 1 } } } } T_TFGateBot_Heavy_Champ { Class Heavyweapons Name "Heavyweight Champ" Item "the killing gloves of boxing" Item "Pugilist's Protector" EventChangeAttributes { Default { Skill Expert MaxVisionRange 1500 WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly Attributes IgnoreFlag BehaviorModifiers Push Tag nav_prefer_gate1_flank Tag bot_gatebot Item "MvM GateBot Light Heavy" InterruptAction // Stop current bot ai and force the bot to move to a location { Target "koth_control" Delay 0.1 Repeats 0 Cooldown 99999 Duration 99999 } CharacterAttributes { "no_jump" 1 } } RevertGateBotsBehavior { Skill Hard MaxVisionRange 900 WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly Item "MvM GateBot Light Heavy" InterruptAction // Stop current bot ai and force the bot to move to a location { Target "RandomEnemy" Delay 0.01 Repeats 0 Cooldown 9999 Duration 9999 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "MvM GateBot Light Heavy" "item style override" 1 } } } } T_TFGateBot_Heavyweapons { Class Heavyweapons EventChangeAttributes { Default { Skill Hard MaxVisionRange 800 WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Attributes IgnoreFlag BehaviorModifiers Push Tag nav_prefer_gate1_flank Tag bot_gatebot Item "MvM GateBot Light Heavy" InterruptAction // Stop current bot ai and force the bot to move to a location { Target "koth_control" Delay 0.1 Repeats 0 Cooldown 99999 Duration 99999 } CharacterAttributes { "no_jump" 1 } } RevertGateBotsBehavior { Skill Normal MaxVisionRange 900 WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Item "MvM GateBot Light Heavy" InterruptAction // Stop current bot ai and force the bot to move to a location { Target "RandomEnemy" Delay 0.01 Repeats 0 Cooldown 9999 Duration 9999 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "MvM GateBot Light Heavy" "item style override" 1 } } } } T_TFGateBot_Giant_Soldier_SlowBarrage { Name "Colonel Barrage" Class Soldier ClassIcon soldier_barrage Health 4200 Attributes Miniboss Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload Scale 1.75 EventChangeAttributes { Default { Skill Expert MaxVisionRange 1800 WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Attributes IgnoreFlag BehaviorModifiers Push Tag nav_prefer_gate1_flank Tag bot_gatebot Item "MvM GateBot Light Soldier" Item "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER" InterruptAction // Stop current bot ai and force the bot to move to a location { Target "koth_control" Delay 0.1 Repeats 0 Cooldown 99999 Duration 99999 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER" "clip size upgrade atomic" 26.0 "faster reload rate" 0.22 "fire rate bonus" 0.2 "projectile spread angle penalty" 5 } CharacterAttributes { "health regen" 40 "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage bonus" 1.5 "damage force reduction" 0.4 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.4 "override footstep sound set" 3 "airblast vertical vulnerability multiplier" 0.1 "Projectile speed increased" 0.4 "no_jump" 1 } } RevertGateBotsBehavior { Skill Expert MaxVisionRange 1200 WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly InterruptAction // Stop current bot ai and force the bot to move to a location { Target "RandomEnemy" Delay 0.01 Repeats 0 Cooldown 9999 Duration 9999 } Item "MvM GateBot Light Soldier" ItemAttributes { ItemName "MvM GateBot Light Soldier" "item style override" 1 } Item "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER" ItemAttributes { ItemName "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER" "clip size upgrade atomic" 26.0 "faster reload rate" 0.22 "fire rate bonus" 0.2 "projectile spread angle penalty" 5 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.4 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.4 "override footstep sound set" 3 "airblast vertical vulnerability multiplier" 0.1 "Projectile speed increased" 0.4 } } } } } OverrideSounds // taken from mobo { "MVM.BombWarning" "items\cart_warning_single.wav" "MVM.GiantHeavyExplodes" "npc\env_headcrabcanister\explosion.wav" "MVM.GiantCommonExplodes" "npc\env_headcrabcanister\explosion.wav" "Civilian.Death" "sound\vo\mvm\mght\demoman_mvm_m_painsevere01.mp3" "Civilian.CritDeath" "vo\mvm\mght\demoman_mvm_m_paincrticialdeath03.mp3" "Civilian.MeleeDeath" "sound\vo\mvm\mght\demoman_mvm_m_painsharp04.mp3" "Civilian.ExplosionDeath" "sound\vo\mvm\mght\demoman_mvm_m_paincrticialdeath05.mp3" "demoman_sf13_spell_invisibility01" "misc/null.wav" "spy_sf13_spell_invisibility01" "misc/null.wav" "soldier_sf13_spell_invisibility01" "misc/null.wav" "medic_sf13_spell_invisibility01" "misc/null.wav" "heavy_sf13_spell_invisibility01" "misc/null.wav" "engineer_sf13_spell_invisibility01" "misc/null.wav" "sniper_sf13_spell_invisibility01" "misc/null.wav" "scout_sf13_spell_invisibility01" "misc/null.wav" "Halloween.spell_stealth" "weapons\cow_mangler_over_charge_shot.wav" } //LuaScriptFile "scripts/tensai_reverse_script.lua" LuaScriptFile "scripts/tensai_reverse_script2.lua" LuaScriptFile "scripts/buster_recreate_v2.lua" LuaScriptFile "scripts/holdactionslot.lua" PointTemplates { Wave3Boss { OnSpawnOutput { Target charger_relay Action Trigger } logic_relay { "targetname" "charger_relay" "ontrigger" "!activator,$AddCond,17,2,-1" "ontrigger" "!activator,$RemoveCond,17,4,-1" "ontrigger" "!self,Trigger,,9,-1" } trigger_add_tf_player_condition { "condition" "65" "duration" "-1" "origin" "0 0 0" "spawnflags" "1" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "harsh_sunlight" "mins" "-99999 -9999 -99999" "maxs" "99999 99999 99999" "OnStartTouch" "!activator,$addplayerattribute,dmg taken from fire increased|1.5,0,-1" "OnStartTouch" "!parent,$addcond,109,0.6,-1" "OnStartTouch" "!activator,$addplayerattribute,dmg from melee increased|1.5,0,-1" "OnStartTouch" "!activator,$addplayerattribute,healing received penalty|0.5,0,-1" "OnStartTouch" "!activator,$addplayerattribute,ubercharge rate penalty|0.5,0,-1" "OnEndTouch" "!activator,$Removeplayerattribute,dmg taken from fire increased,0,-1" "OnEndTouch" "!activator,$Removeplayerattribute,dmg from melee increased,0,-1" "OnEndTouch" "!activator,$Removeplayerattribute,healing received penalty,0,-1" "OnEndTouch" "!activator,$Removeplayerattribute,ubercharge rate penalty,0,-1" "OnStartTouch" "!activator,$displaytextchat,{yellow}The sunlight turns harsh! Fire and Melee damage is increased!,1.5,-1" } } Wave5Stuff { NoFixup 1 OnSpawnOutput { Target capturezone_blue Action "$removeoutput" Param "oncapture" } OnSpawnOutput { Target capturezone_blue Action "addoutput" Param "oncapture boss_deploy_relay_fake:Trigger::0:-1" } logic_relay { "spawnflags" "2" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "boss_deploy_relay_fake" "OnTrigger" "end_pit_destroy_particle,Start,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "pit_explosion_wav,PlaySound,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "tank_destroy_case,PickRandom,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "cap_hatch_destroy_animated_prop,Enable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "cap_hatch_destroy_delete_prop,Kill,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "cap_hatch_glasswindow,Break,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "hatch_magnet_pit,Enable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "hatch_explo_kill_players,Enable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "hatch_explo_kill_players,Disable,,0.5,-1" "OnTrigger" "hatch_explo_push,Enable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "cap_hatch_destroy_animated_prop,SetAnimation,deathpit1,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "player,$displaytextchat,{grey}Gray Mann: {blue}Huh?! Why isn't mission complete?!,5,-1" "OnTrigger" "player,$displaytextchat,{yellow}ALERT. ENERGY READINGS ABOVE 20000000 KILLOWATTS.,8,-1" "OnTrigger" "player,$displaytextchat,{grey}Gray Mann: {blue}We have unleashed something! Retr-,11,-1" "OnTrigger" "player,$displaytextchat,{red}bzzt.,12,-1" "OnTrigger" "player,$ForceRespawn,,17,-1" "OnTrigger" "bot_pausespawn,$FinishWave,,17,-1" } } GeneratorWave4 { NoFixup 1 math_counter { "targetname" "blu_generators" "max" "8" "min" "0" "onhitmax" "bots_win_blu,RoundWin,,0,-1" } NoFixup 1 ambient_generic { health 10 message "pizzatime2.mp3" radius 10 spawnflags 17 volstart 10 targetname "w2_hl2_song" } ambient_generic { health 7 message "pizzatime2.mp3" radius 10 spawnflags 17 volstart 10 targetname "w2_hl2_song" } logic_relay { "targetname" "w2_theme_start" "spawnflags" "2" "OnTrigger" "w2_hl2_song,PlaySound,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "w2_hl2_song,StopSound,,231,-1" "OnSpawn" "!self,Trigger,,233,-1" } OnSpawnOutput { Target w2_theme_start Action trigger } logic_case { "targetname" "randomgen_activate" //generators are their case + 1 "Case01" "1" "Case02" "2" "Case03" "3" "Case04" "4" "Case05" "5" "Case06" "6" "Case06" "7" "OnCase01" "prop_button_turbine_2,FireUser1,,0,-1" "OnCase01" "player,$displaytextchat,The next generator is active!,0,-1" "OnCase01" "gen_circle_2,Enable,,0,-1" "OnCase01" "bot_pausespawn,$ResumeWavespawn,a2,0,-1" // entrance "OnCase02" "prop_button_turbine_3,FireUser1,,0,-1" // brown building "OnCase02" "player,$displaytextchat,The next generator is active!,0,-1" "OnCase02" "gen_circle_3,Enable,,0,-1" "OnCase02" "bot_pausespawn,$ResumeWavespawn,a3,0,-1" "OnCase03" "prop_button_turbine_4,FireUser1,,0,-1" // hatch "OnCase03" "player,$displaytextchat,The next generator is active!,0,-1" "OnCase03" "gen_circle_4,Enable,,0,-1" "OnCase03" "bot_pausespawn,$ResumeWavespawn,a4,0,-1" "OnCase04" "prop_button_turbine_5,FireUser1,,0,-1" // smallhealth "OnCase04" "player,$displaytextchat,The next generator is active!,0,-1" "OnCase04" "gen_circle_5,Enable,,0,-1" "OnCase04" "bot_pausespawn,$ResumeWavespawn,a5,0,-1" "OnCase05" "prop_button_turbine_6,FireUser1,,0,-1" // arch "OnCase05" "player,$displaytextchat,The next generator is active!,0,-1" "OnCase05" "gen_circle_6,Enable,,0,-1" "OnCase05" "bot_pausespawn,$ResumeWavespawn,a6,0,-1" "OnCase06" "prop_button_turbine_7,FireUser1,,0,-1" // white building "OnCase06" "player,$displaytextchat,The next generator is active!,0,-1" "OnCase06" "gen_circle_7,Enable,,0,-1" "OnCase06" "bot_pausespawn,$ResumeWavespawn,a7,0,-1" "OnCase07" "prop_button_turbine_8,FireUser1,,0,-1" // triple threat/robot spawn further "OnCase07" "player,$displaytextchat,The next generator is active!,0,-1" "OnCase07" "gen_circle_8,Enable,,0,-1" "OnCase07" "bot_pausespawn,$ResumeWavespawn,a8,0,-1" } //generator 1 prop_dynamic { "angles" "0 180 -180" "model" "models/props_gameplay/cap_circle_128.mdl" "modelscale" "1.0" "skin" "2" "solid" "6" "spawnflags" "0" "targetname" "gen_circle_1" "StartDisabled" "0" "origin" "440.247 3249.47 -40" } info_particle_system { "effect_name" "teleporter_mvm_bot_persist" "flag_as_weather" "0" "start_active" "0" "targetname" "tele_particle_1" "origin" "440.247 3249.47 -109" } prop_dynamic { "angles" "0 120 0" "model" "models/props_powerhouse/powerhouse_turbine.mdl" "rendermode" "1" "modelscale" "0.5" "SetBodyGroup" "0" "skin" "1" "solid" "6" "spawnflags" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "prop_button_turbine_1" //"DefaultAnim" "spin" "origin" "440.247 3249.47 -109" "OnUser1" "popscript,$FindPlayerHoldingAction,object,0,-1" "OnUser1" "!self,FireUser1,,0.015,-1" "OnUser1" "tele_particle_1,Start,,0.015,-1" "OnUser2" "tele_particle_1,Stop,,0.015,-1" "OnUser2" "!self,$removeoutput,OnUser1,0,-1" "OnUser2" "!self,Alpha,100,0,-1" "OnUser2" "player,$DisplayTextCenter,Activated Generator!,0,-1" "OnUser2" "addtime,SetValue,45,0,-1" "OnUser2" "on_generator_1,PlaySound,,0,1" "OnUser2" "prop_button_turbine_1,SetPlaybackRate,5,0,1" "OnUser2" "on_generator_1,StopSound,,3,1" "OnUser2" "playsound_relay_1,Trigger,,1,-1" "OnUser2" "popscript,$CancelFinding,,0,-1" "OnUser2" "gen_circle_1,Disable,,0,-1" "OnUser2" "prop_button_1,FireUser2,,0.015,-1" "OnUser2" "gen_hitbox_1,Disable,,0.015,-1" "OnUser2" "rev_spawnbot_*,Enable,,0,-1" "OnUser2" "ring_glow,Kill,,0,-1" "OnUser2" "blu_generators,Add,1,0,-1" "OnUser2" "bot_pausespawn,$FinishWavespawn,a1,0,-1" "OnUser2" "randomgen_activate,PickRandomShuffle,,8,-1" } tf_glow { "GlowColor" "88 133 162" "Mode" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "target" "gen_circle_1" "targetname" "ring_glow" "origin" "-1221.16 3664.43 -328.74" } OnSpawnOutput { Target ring_glow Action SetGlowColor Delay 0.1 Param "88 133 162" } training_annotation { "origin" "440.247 3249.47 -109" "display_text" "Generator must be activated!" "lifetime" "5" "offset" "0" "targetname" "generator_show" } OnSpawnOutput { Target generator_show Action Show } game_text_tf { "background" "3" "display_to_team" "0" "message" "Rings indicate that the generator is usable!" "targetname" "text_rings" "origin" "828 -153 -58.9556" "icon" "timer_icon" } func_forcefield { "origin" "440.247 3249.47 -109" "renderamt" "255" "rendercolor" "255 255 255" "renderfx" "0" "rendermode" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "gen_hitbox_1" "TeamNum" "2" //"model" "*9248" "mins" "-100 -100 -100" "maxs" "100 100 100" } logic_relay { "targetname" "playsound_relay_1" "spawnflags" "2" "ontrigger" "ambient_generator,PlaySound,,0,-1" "ontrigger" "ambient_generator,StopSound,,1.1,-1" "ontrigger" "!self,Trigger,,1.11,-1" } OnSpawnOutput { Target ambient_generator_1 Action SetParent Param "prop_button_turbine_1" } OnSpawnOutput { Target on_generator_1 Action SetParent Param "prop_button_turbine_1" } ambient_generic { "targetname" "ambient_generator_1" "message" "ambient\turbine1.wav" "health" "8" "radius" "5000" "origin" "440.247 3249.47 -109" "spawnflags" "16" "sourceentityname" "!parent" } ambient_generic { "targetname" "on_generator_1" "message" "BumperCar.Accelerate" "health" "9" "radius" "5000" "origin" "440.247 3249.47 -109" "spawnflags" "16" "sourceentityname" "!parent" } ambient_generic { "targetname" "on_generator_1" "message" "BumperCar.Accelerate" "health" "9" "radius" "5000" "origin" "440.247 3249.47 -109" "spawnflags" "16" "sourceentityname" "!parent" } prop_dynamic { "angles" "0 165 0" "model" "models/props_powerhouse/emergency_launch_button.mdl" "OnUser2" "!self,Alpha,100,0,-1" "modelscale" "0.8" "solid" "0" "spawnflags" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "prop_button_1" "origin" "425.083 3178.27 -146" } OnSpawnOutput { Target prop_button_turbine_1* Action FireUser1 } //generator 2 prop_dynamic { "angles" "0 180 -180" "model" "models/props_gameplay/cap_circle_128.mdl" "modelscale" "1.0" "skin" "2" "solid" "6" "spawnflags" "0" "targetname" "gen_circle_2" "StartDisabled" "1" "origin" "563.682 647.502 94.4359" } info_particle_system { "effect_name" "teleporter_mvm_bot_persist" "flag_as_weather" "0" "start_active" "0" "targetname" "tele_particle_2" 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"OnUser2" "player,$DisplayTextCenter,Activated Generator!,0,-1" "OnUser2" "addtime,SetValue,45,0,-1" "OnUser2" "on_generator_8,PlaySound,,0,1" "OnUser2" "prop_button_turbine_8,SetPlaybackRate,5,0,1" "OnUser2" "on_generator_8,StopSound,,3,1" "OnUser2" "prop_button_8,FireUser2,,0.015,-1" "OnUser2" "gen_hitbox_8,Disable,,0.015,-1" "OnUser2" "playsound_relay_8,Trigger,,1,-1" "OnUser2" "blu_generators,Add,1,0,-1" "OnUser2" "gen_circle_8,Disable,,0,-1" "OnUser2" "bot_pausespawn,$FinishWavespawn,a8,0,-1" "OnUser2" "randomgen_activate,PickRandomShuffle,,8,-1" } prop_dynamic { "angles" "0 255 0" "model" "models/props_powerhouse/emergency_launch_button.mdl" "OnUser2" "!self,Alpha,100,0,-1" "modelscale" "0.8" "solid" "0" "spawnflags" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "prop_button_8" "origin" "-1732.03 2855.24 -218.148" } func_forcefield { "origin" "-1802.51 2873.67 -166.148" "renderamt" "255" "rendercolor" "255 255 255" "renderfx" "0" "rendermode" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "gen_hitbox_8" "TeamNum" "2" //"model" "*9248" "mins" "-100 -100 -100" "maxs" "100 100 100" } logic_relay { "targetname" "playsound_relay_8" "spawnflags" "2" "ontrigger" "ambient_generator_8,PlaySound,,0,-1" "ontrigger" "ambient_generator_8,StopSound,,1.1,-1" "ontrigger" "!self,Trigger,,1.11,-1" } OnSpawnOutput { Target ambient_generator_8 Action SetParent Param "prop_button_turbine_8" } OnSpawnOutput { Target on_generator_8 Action SetParent Param "prop_button_turbine_8" } ambient_generic { "targetname" "ambient_generator_8" "message" "ambient\turbine1.wav" "health" "8" "radius" "5000" "origin" "-1802.51 2873.67 -166.148" "spawnflags" "16" "sourceentityname" "!parent" } ambient_generic { "targetname" "on_generator_8" "message" "BumperCar.Accelerate" "health" "9" "radius" "5000" "origin" "-1802.51 2873.67 -166.148" "spawnflags" "16" "sourceentityname" "!parent" } ambient_generic { "targetname" "on_generator_8" "message" "BumperCar.Accelerate" "health" "9" "radius" "5000" "origin" "-1802.51 2873.67 -166.148" "spawnflags" "16" "sourceentityname" "!parent" } } TankNodes { NoFixup 1 //tank1 filter_tf_bot_has_tag { "Negated" "0" "require_all_tags" "1" "tags" "bot_powerup" "targetname" "filter_powerup" } path_track { "angles" "0 0 0" "orientationtype" "1" "radius" "0" "spawnflags" "0" "speed" "0" "target" "path_idle_2" "targetname" "path_idle_1" "origin" "-1315 -372 -176" } path_track { "angles" "0 0 0" "orientationtype" "1" "radius" "0" "spawnflags" "0" "speed" "0" "targetname" "path_idle_2" "origin" "-989.9 -385.3 -176.2" } trigger_hurt { "damage" "0" "damagecap" "0" "damagemodel" "0" "damagetype" "0" "filtername" "filter_powerup" "nodmgforce" "0" "origin" "-1315 -372 -176" "spawnflags" "1" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "add_buffs_1" "mins" "-145 -125 -80" "maxs" "145 125 89" "onstarttouch" "!activator,$AddCond,91,0.1,-1" // haste } //tank2 path_track { "angles" "0 180 0" "orientationtype" "1" "radius" "0" "spawnflags" "0" "speed" "0" "target" "path_idle_two" "targetname" "path_idle_one" "origin" "818.458 326.952 -65.021" } path_track { "angles" "0 0 0" "orientationtype" "1" "radius" "0" "spawnflags" "0" "speed" "0" "targetname" "path_idle_two" "origin" "818.458 244 -65.021" } trigger_hurt { "damage" "0" "damagecap" "0" "damagemodel" "0" "damagetype" "0" "filtername" "filter_powerup" "nodmgforce" "0" "origin" "818.458 326.952 -65.021" "spawnflags" "1" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "add_buffs_one" "mins" "-145 -125 -80" "maxs" "145 125 89" "onstarttouch" "!activator,$AddCond,93,0.2,-1" // resistence } //third tank path_track { "angles" "0 180 0" "orientationtype" "1" "radius" "0" "spawnflags" "0" "speed" "0" "target" "path_idle_zwei" "targetname" "path_idle_eins" "origin" "-228.1 -1745 -191.882" } path_track { "angles" "0 0 0" "orientationtype" "1" "radius" "0" "spawnflags" "0" "speed" "0" "targetname" "path_idle_zwei" "origin" "-41 -1745 -191.882" } trigger_hurt { "damage" "0" "damagecap" "0" "damagemodel" "0" "damagetype" "0" 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"orientationtype" "1" "radius" "0" "spawnflags" "0" "speed" "0" "target" "path_idle_teu" "targetname" "path_idle_wahn" "origin" "841 -2429.47 -191.75" } path_track { "angles" "0 0 0" "orientationtype" "1" "radius" "0" "spawnflags" "0" "speed" "0" "targetname" "path_idle_teu" "origin" "841 -2291 -191.75" } trigger_hurt { "damage" "0" "damagecap" "0" "damagemodel" "0" "damagetype" "0" "filtername" "filter_powerup" "nodmgforce" "0" "origin" "841 -2429.47 -191.75" "spawnflags" "1" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "add_buffs_wahn" "mins" "-145 -125 -80" "maxs" "145 125 89" "onstarttouch" "!activator,$AddCond,90,0.5,-1" // strength } logic_relay { "targetname" "text_relay" "spawnflags" "2" "OnTrigger" "player,$DisplayTextChat,{red}WARNING. DEFENSE SYSTEMS COMPROMISED.,4,-1" "OnTrigger" "player,$DisplayTextChat,{red}INVADER PROGRESS: SUBSTANTIAL. THREAT LEVEL: RISING.,8,-1" "OnTrigger" "player,$DisplayTextChat,{red}RELEASE PARADOX SCARLET.,12,-1" } } BusterV2 { OnSpawnOutput { Target popscript Action $BusterSelfTimer Delay 0.1 } OnSpawnOutput { Target !activator Action $setmodeloverride Param "models/bots/demo/bot_sentry_buster.mdl" } // OnSpawnOutput // { // Target !activator // Action $teleporttoentity // Param "spawnbot_invasion" // } OnParentKilledOutput { Target !activator Action $setmodeloverride Param "" } OnParentKilledOutput { Target @c@!parent Action $SetProp$m_nRenderMode Param 0 Delay 0.1 } OnSpawnOutput { Target @c@!parent Action $SetProp$m_nRenderMode Param 10 Delay 0.1 } OnSpawnOutput { Target !activator Action $setmodeloverride Param "models/bots/demo/bot_sentry_buster.mdl" } OnSpawnOutput { Target !activator Action $weaponswitchslot Param 2 Delay 0 } OnSpawnOutput { Target bust_sound Action Trigger } logic_relay { "targetname" "bust_sound" "spawnflags" "2" "OnTrigger" "bustloop,PlaySound,,0,-1" //"OnTrigger" "bustloop,StopSound,,2,-1" "OnTrigger" "!self,trigger,,2,-1" } logic_relay { "targetname" "bust_detonate_attack" "spawnflags" "2" //"OnTrigger" "!activator,$AddPlayerAttribute,no_attack|1,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "bustloop,StopSound,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "bust_sound,$cancelpending,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "bustspin,PlaySound,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "popscript,$BusterExplode,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "bustboom,PlaySound,,1.98,-1" "OnTrigger" "bustspin,StopSound,,3,-1" "OnTrigger" "bustboom,StopSound,,3,-1" } logic_relay { "targetname" "bust_detonate_taunt" "spawnflags" "2" //"OnTrigger" "!activator,$AddPlayerAttribute,no_attack|1,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "bustloop,StopSound,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "bust_sound,$cancelpending,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "bustspin,PlaySound,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "bustboom,PlaySound,,2,-1" "OnTrigger" "bustspin,StopSound,,3,-1" "OnTrigger" "bustboom,StopSound,,3,-1" "OnTrigger" "!activator,$addcond,14,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "popscript,$ExplodeNow,,2,-1" } OnSpawnOutput { Target bustintro Action PlaySound } OnSpawnOutput { Target bustintro Action StopSound Delay 1 } ambient_generic { "targetname" "bustintro" "message" "MVM.SentryBusterIntro" "health" "8" "radius" "5000" "spawnflags" "16" "sourceentityname" "!parent" } ambient_generic { "targetname" "bustloop" "message" "MVM.SentryBusterLoop" "health" "3" "radius" "5000" "spawnflags" "16" "sourceentityname" "!parent" } ambient_generic { "targetname" "bustspin" "message" "MVM.SentryBusterSpin" "health" "3" "radius" "5000" "spawnflags" "48" "sourceentityname" "!parent" } ambient_generic { "targetname" "bustboom" "message" "MVM.SentryBusterExplode" "health" "3" "radius" "5000" "spawnflags" "48" "sourceentityname" "!parent" } } ThrowingEyelander { func_rotating { "angles" "0 0 0" "maxspeed" "1500" "origin" "0 0 0" "spawnflags" "1" "targetname" "rotate" "volume" "10" } filter_activator_tfteam { "Negated" "0" "targetname" "filter_blueteam2" "TeamNum" "3" "origin" "-241.484 -2365.02 -135.948" } prop_dynamic { "angles" "-90 0 0" "model" "models/weapons/c_models/c_claymore/c_claymore.mdl" "modelscale" "1.7" "targetname" "eyelander" "parentname" "rotate" "skin" "3" "solid" "0" "spawnflags" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "origin" "0 0 0" } prop_dynamic { "angles" "-90 0 0" "model" "models/weapons/c_models/c_claymore/c_claymore.mdl" "modelscale" "1.7" "targetname" "eyelander" "parentname" "rotate" "skin" "3" "solid" "0" "spawnflags" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "origin" "0 0 30" } trigger_hurt { "damage" "42" "damagecap" "20" "damagemodel" "0" "damagetype" "2097152" "filtername" "filter_blueteam2" "nodmgforce" "0" "origin" "4 -11.5 2.49" "spawnflags" "1" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "eyelander_hurt" "OnHurtPlayer" "!activator,$PlaySoundToSelf,weapons\blade_slice_2.wav,0,-1" "mins" "-138 -127 -8" "maxs" "138 127 8" } OnSpawnOutput { Target eyelander_hurt Action $SetOwner Param !parent } OnSpawnOutput { Target warning_relay Action Trigger Delay 5 } logic_relay { "targetname" "warning_relay" "spawnflags" "2" "OnTrigger" "!parent,$AddCond,36,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "!parent,$RemoveCond,36,1.5,-1" "OnTrigger" "!self,Trigger,,5,-1" } } REBALANCE { OnSpawnOutput { Target "menutest" Action "$DisplayMenu" Delay 1 Param "!activator" } logic_auto { "OnMapSpawn" "func_upgradestation,AddOutput,OnStartTouch menutest:$DisplayMenu:!activator:0.25:-1,0,-1" } logic_case { "targetname" "menutest" "case16" "Press the number on your keyboard to use the following options|0|Cancel" "case01" "SEE GLOBAL REBALANCES (AFFECTS BOT WEAPONS)" "oncase01" "!activator,$DisplayTextCenter,!!! Bonk! Atomic Punch: (i)Grants the user overheal !!!,0,-1" "oncase01" "!activator,$DisplayTextCenter,!!! Short Circuit: -50 Max health -300% slower firing speed !!!,5,-1" "oncase01" "!activator,$DisplayTextCenter,!!! All wearables except Demo shields (gunboats, razorback, etc): +No Bomb slow !!!,10,-1" "oncase01" "!activator,$DisplayTextCenter,!!! Rescue Ranger: -25 Max health -25% slower projectile speed !!!,15,-1" "oncase01" "!activator,$DisplayTextCenter,!!! Widowmaker: -20% damage penalty !!!,15,-1" "ondefault" "!activator,$DisplayTextCenter,Touch the upgrade station to bring the menu up again,0,-1" // No option selected } } ObjectiveDropParts { KeepAlive 1 OnParentKilledOutput { Target robot_part Action Enable } item_teamflag { "angles" "0 0 0" "flag_icon" "../hud/objectives_flagpanel_carried" "flag_model" "models\weapons\c_models\c_toolbox\c_toolbox.mdl" "flag_paper" "player_intel_papertrail" "flag_trail" "flagtrail" "GameType" "1" "NeutralType" "1" "ReturnBetweenWaves" "1" "ReturnTime" "60000" "ScoringType" "0" "StartDisabled" "1" "targetname" "robot_part" "TeamNum" "3" "trail_effect" "1" "origin" "0 0 15" "$disablebuffs" "1" "parentname" "rotate" "OnPickupTeam2" "rotate,Kill,,0,-1" "OnDrop1" "!self,Kill,,0,-1" "OnPickup1" "!activator,$AddPlayerAttribute,mult flag carrier move speed|1.75,0,-1" "OnPickup1" "!activator,$DisplayTextCenter,Take these parts to ROBOTS spawn!,0,-1" "OnPickup1" "!activator,$AddCond,65,0,-1" "OnPickup1" "!self,Skin,1,0,-1" "OnDrop1" "!activator,$RemoveCond,65,0,-1" "OnDrop1" "!activator,$RemovePlayerAttribute,mult flag carrier move speed,0,-1" } func_rotating { "angles" "0 0 0" "maxspeed" "400" "origin" "0 0 0" "spawnflags" "1" "targetname" "rotate" "volume" "10" } } ObjectiveWave2 { NoFixup 1 OnSpawnOutput { Target func_flagdetectionzone Action Disable } // filter_tf_bot_has_tag // { // "Negated" "0" // "require_all_tags" "1" // "tags" "bot_nocamp" // "targetname" "filter_nocamp" // } trigger_teleport { "origin" "-428 -2250 -212.5" "spawnflags" "1" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "touch_nojumps" "filtername" "filter_redteam" //"target" "prop_spawnbot_carrier" "Onstarttouch" "!activator,$addplayerattribute,no_jump|1,0,-1" "Onendtouch" "!activator,$removeplayerattribute,no_jump,0,-1" "mins" "-1817 -780 -350" "maxs" "1817 780 350" } func_forcefield { "disablereceiveshadows" "0" "renderfx" "0" "rendermode" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "no_reds" "TeamNum" "3" //"model" "*9248" "origin" "-428 -2250 -212.5" "mins" "-1317 -480 -350" "maxs" "1317 480 350" } trigger_hurt { "damage" "1" "damagecap" "1" "damagemodel" "0" "damagetype" "2097152" "nodmgforce" "0" "origin" "-198.8 -3463.8 -156.0" "spawnflags" "1" "StartDisabled" "1" "targetname" "hurt_objective" "mins" "-10 -10 -10" "maxs" "10 10 10" } filter_tf_condition { "condition" "65" "Negated" "0" "targetname" "is_holding_flag" "origin" "35 -8 283" } trigger_push { "filtername" "is_holding_flag" "origin" "-1571.5 2900.5 -192.34" "spawnflags" "1" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "tele_trigger_objective" "mins" "-100 -100 -80" "maxs" "100 100 80" "OnStartTouch" "!activator,$ForceRespawn,,0,-1" "OnStartTouch" "!activator,$AddCond,32,0.1,-1" "OnStartTouch" "!activator,$RemoveCond,32,5.1,-1" "OnStartTouch" "hurt_objective,Enable,,0,-1" "OnStartTouch" "hurt_objective,Disable,,0.1,-1" "OnStartTouch" "!activator,$PlaySoundToSelf,mvm\mvm_tele_deliver.wav,0,-1" "OnStartTouch" "player,$DisplayTextCenter,We have gained a part!,0,-1" } // func_capturezone // { // "capturepoint" "1" // "StartDisabled" "1" // "targetname" "capturezone_reverse" // "TeamNum" "3" // "origin" "-1577.56 2899.02 -252.679" // "mins" "-100 -100 -80" // "maxs" "100 100 80" // } prop_dynamic { "angles" "0 0 0" "DefaultAnim" "running" "model" "models/buildables/teleporter_light.mdl" "modelscale" "1.0" "skin" "1" "solid" "6" "spawnflags" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "teleporter_deploy_far" "origin" "-1577.56 2899.02 -252.679" } tf_glow { "GlowColor" "88 133 162" "Mode" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "target" "teleporter_deploy_far" "targetname" "tele_glow" "origin" "-1221.16 3664.43 -328.74" } OnSpawnOutput { Target tele_glow Action SetGlowColor Delay 0.1 Param "88 133 162" } OnSpawnOutput { Target tele_glow Action SetGlowColor Delay 0.2 Param "88 133 162" } OnSpawnOutput { Target tele_glow Action SetGlowColor Delay 0.3 Param "88 133 162" } prop_dynamic { "angles" "0 0 0" "DisableBoneFollowers" "0" "model" "models/props_gameplay/capture_zone_sign.mdl" "modelscale" "2" "skin" "1" "solid" "6" "spawnflags" "0" "disableshadows" "1" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "sign_cap" "origin" "-1630 2911 -163" } prop_dynamic { "angles" "0 0 -30" "DisableBoneFollowers" "0" "model" "models/props_hydro/cap_point_arrow_small.mdl" "modelscale" "1.0" "disableshadows" "1" "skin" "1" "solid" "6" "spawnflags" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "origin" "-1626 2838 -219" } OnSpawnOutput { Target base_glow Action SetGlowColor Delay 0.2 Param "88 133 162" } //cutscene OnSpawnOutput { Target tutorial_cutscene Action Trigger } logic_relay { "targetname" "tutorial_cutscene" "OnTrigger" "respawner,ForceTeamRespawn,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "camera_tutorial1,$EnableAll,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "camera_tutorial2,$EnableAll,,5,-1" "OnTrigger" "player,$displaytextcenter,RED Giants drop parts!,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "player,$displaytextcenter,Deliver these parts to this Teleporter here!,5,-1" "OnTrigger" "camera_tutorial1,$DisableAll,,10,-1" "OnTrigger" "camera_tutorial2,$DisableAll,,10,-1" "OnTrigger" "player,SetHudVisibility,0,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "player,SetHudVisibility,1,10,-1" "OnTrigger" "player,$AddCond,87,0.01,-1" "OnTrigger" "player,$RemoveCond,87,10,-1" } point_viewcontrol { "angles" "35 150 0" "targetname" "camera_tutorial1" "wait" "5" "origin" "99.537 -1470.11 -12.6423" } point_viewcontrol { "angles" "3.58336 210.46 -1.46786" "targetname" "camera_tutorial2" "wait" "5" "origin" "-1273.33 3185.43 -129.03" } } ControllableRobotsRewrite { OnSpawnOutput { Target popscript Action $LookForPlayer } } DeviceOne { NoFixup 1 training_annotation { "origin" "-1606.5 2928.8 -87.5" "display_text" "Superweapon deployed!" "lifetime" "5" "offset" "0" "targetname" "deploy_1" } OnSpawnOutput { Target deploy_1 Action Show } OnSpawnOutput { Target player Action $playsoundtoself Param "mvm\mvm_tele_deliver.wav" } info_target // not it { "angles" "0 0 0" "spawnflags" "1" "targetname" "boss_1" "origin" "-722.3 3750.1 -341.0" } trigger_hurt { "damage" "1000000" "damagecap" "200000" "damagemodel" "0" "damagetype" "32" "nodmgforce" "1" "spawnflags" "1" "StartDisabled" "1" "targetname" "die_first" "origin" "-1596 2967 -243.761" "mins" "-5 -5 -5" "maxs" "5 5 5" } prop_dynamic { "angles" "-42.6157 308.956 10.128" "model" "models/props_frontline/tank_turret.mdl" "modelscale" "1.0" "renderamt" "255" "rendercolor" "255 255 255" "skin" "2" "solid" "6" "spawnflags" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "disableshadows" "1" "targetname" "head" "origin" "-662.398 3689.5 -431.473" } prop_dynamic { "angles" "0 0 0" "model" "models/props_mining/generator01.mdl" "modelscale" "0.28" "renderamt" "255" "rendercolor" "60 197 255" "renderfx" "0" "rendermode" "0" "SetBodyGroup" "0" "skin" "0" "solid" "6" "spawnflags" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "disableshadows" "1" "targetname" "body" "origin" "-725 3777 -409.51" } prop_dynamic { "angles" "0 0 0" "model" "models/props_mining/generator01.mdl" "modelscale" "0.25" "renderamt" "255" "rendercolor" "60 197 255" "skin" "0" "solid" "6" "spawnflags" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "disableshadows" "1" "targetname" "body1" "origin" "-743.588 3760.64 -409.51" } prop_dynamic { "angles" "-8 0 0" "model" "models/props_mining/generator01.mdl" "modelscale" "0.45" "renderamt" "255" "rendercolor" "60 197 255" "skin" "0" "solid" "6" "spawnflags" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "disableshadows" "1" "targetname" "body" "origin" "-685.001 3725 -403.137" } prop_dynamic { "angles" "0 195 0" "model" "models/props_trainyard/crane_platform001.mdl" "modelscale" "0.5" "skin" "0" "solid" "6" "spawnflags" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "disableshadows" "1" "targetname" "base" "origin" "-715.908 3731.38 -423.51" } tf_glow { "GlowColor" "88 133 162" "Mode" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "target" "base" "targetname" "base_glow" "origin" "-1221.16 3664.43 -328.74" } OnSpawnOutput { Target base_glow Action SetGlowColor Delay 0.1 Param "88 133 162" } tf_point_weapon_mimic { "angles" "-42 314 13" "Crits" "0" "Damage" "75" "ModelScale" "1" "SpeedMax" "1000" "SpeedMin" "1000" "SplashRadius" "50" "SpreadAngle" "0" "targetname" "weapon_1_shooter" "WeaponType" "0" "origin" "-670.368 3666.22 -254.888" "$weaponname" "DeviceCannon1" "$killicon" "skull" } prop_dynamic { "angles" "0 75 0" "DisableBoneFollowers" "0" "disablereceiveshadows" "0" "ExplodeDamage" "0" "ExplodeRadius" "0" "fademindist" "-1" "fadescale" "1" "MaxAnimTime" "10" "MinAnimTime" "5" "model" "models/props_spytech/computer_low.mdl" "modelscale" "1.5" "PerformanceMode" "0" "pressuredelay" "0" "RandomAnimation" "0" "renderamt" "255" "rendercolor" "255 255 255" "renderfx" "0" "rendermode" "0" "SetBodyGroup" "0" "skin" "1" "solid" "2" "spawnflags" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "terrminal" "origin" "-1136.52 3793.49 -405" } // tf_glow // { // "GlowColor" "88 133 162" // "Mode" "0" // "StartDisabled" "0" // "target" "terrminal" // "targetname" "glow_prop" // "origin" "-1221.16 3664.43 -328.74" // } // OnSpawnOutput // { // Target glow_prop // Action SetGlowColor // Delay 0.1 // Param "88 133 162" // } func_button { "disablereceiveshadows" "0" "health" "0" "lip" "0" "locked_sentence" "0" "locked_sound" "0" "movedir" "0 0 0" "origin" "-1222.5 3803.5 -341" "renderamt" "255" "rendercolor" "255 255 255" "renderfx" "0" "rendermode" "0" "sounds" "0" "damagefilter" "filter_melee" "spawnflags" "1536" "speed" "5" "targetname" "push_device_1" "unlocked_sentence" "0" "unlocked_sound" "0" "wait" "10" "OnPressed" "weapon_1_shooter,FireOnce,,0,-1" "OnPressed" "weapon_1_shooter,$setowner,!activator,0,-1" "OnPressed" "weapon_1_shooter,$ClearOwner,!activator,7,-1" //"OnPressed" "player,$displaytextchat,press,0,-1" "OnPressed" "player,$playsoundtoself,=160|mvm\giant_demoman\giant_demoman_grenade_shoot.wav,0,-1" "mins" "-140 -65 -75" "maxs" "140 65 75" //"OnPressed" "push_device_1,Lock,,0,-1" "OnPressed" "text_1,SetText,10,0,-1" "OnPressed" "text_1,SetText,9,1,-1" "OnPressed" "text_1,SetText,8,2,-1" "OnPressed" "text_1,SetText,7,3,-1" "OnPressed" "text_1,SetText,6,4,-1" "OnPressed" "text_1,SetText,5,5,-1" "OnPressed" "text_1,SetText,4,6,-1" "OnPressed" "text_1,SetText,3,7,-1" "OnPressed" "text_1,SetText,2,8,-1" "OnPressed" "text_1,SetText,1,9,-1" //"OnPressed" "push_device_1,Unlock,,10,-1" "OnPressed" "text_1,SetText,Melee this terminal to fire the super weapon!,10,-1" } point_worldtext { "targetname" "text_1" "origin" "-1143.7 3774.1 -294.7" "angles" "0 180 0" "rainbow" "0" "message" "Melee this terminal to fire the super weapon!" 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"lifetime" "5" "offset" "0" "targetname" "deploy_2" } info_target { "angles" "0 0 0" "spawnflags" "1" "targetname" "boss_1" "origin" "733.4 -215.9 40.5" } trigger_hurt { "damage" "1000000" "damagecap" "200000" "damagemodel" "0" "damagetype" "32" "nodmgforce" "1" "spawnflags" "1" "StartDisabled" "1" "targetname" "tank_win_killbox" "origin" "732.694 -206.937 -74" "mins" "-15 -15 -15" "maxs" "15 15 15" } trigger_add_tf_player_condition { "condition" "71" "duration" "20" "origin" "1443 948 781.11" "spawnflags" "1" "StartDisabled" "1" "targetname" "stun_temp" "filtername" "filter_redteam" "mins" "-9999 -9999 -9999" "maxs" "9999 9999 9999" } // trigger_add_tf_player_condition // { // "condition" "57" // "duration" "20" // "origin" "1443 948 781.11" // "spawnflags" "1" // "StartDisabled" "1" // "targetname" "uber_temp" // "filtername" "filter_redteam" // "mins" "-9999 -9999 -9999" // "maxs" "9999 9999 9999" // } logic_relay { "targetname" "deploy_superweapon" "spawnflags" "2" //"ontrigger" "uber_temp,Enable,,0,-1" "ontrigger" "stun_temp,Enable,,0,-1" "ontrigger" "deploy_1,Show,,0,-1" "ontrigger" "Classic_Mode_Intel,ForceReset,,0,-1" "ontrigger" "player,$BotCommand,switch_action Mobber,0.1,-1" "ontrigger" "player,$BotCommand,switch_action Default,10,-1" "ontrigger" "deploy_warn,Show,,5,-1" //"ontrigger" "deploy_2,Show,,8,-1" "ontrigger" "player,$playsoundtoself,mvm\mvm_tele_deliver.wav,0,-1" "ontrigger" "electric_dev3,enable,,0,-1" "ontrigger" "term_dev3,enable,,0,-1" "ontrigger" "glow_prop*,SetGlowColor,88 133 162,0,-1" "ontrigger" "setzapper_glow,SetGlowColor,88 133 162,0,-1" "ontrigger" "text_1,SetColor,255 255 255 255,0,-1" "ontrigger" "push_device_elec,Unlock,,0,-1" "ontrigger" "pole1_dev3,enable,,0,-1" "ontrigger" "pole2_dev3,enable,,0,-1" //"ontrigger" "uber_temp,Kill,,0.1,-1" "ontrigger" "stun_temp,Kill,,0.1,-1" } OnSpawnOutput { Target text_1 Action SetColor Param "0 0 0 0" } //the used one info_target { "targetname" "boss_1" "origin" "732.694 -206.937 -74" "spawnflags" "1" } prop_dynamic { "angles" "0 150 0" "model" "models/props_swamp/bug_zapper.mdl" "modelscale" "3.5" "skin" "0" "solid" "6" "spawnflags" "0" "StartDisabled" "1" "targetname" "electric_dev3" "origin" "732.694 -206.937 -74" } tf_glow { "GlowColor" "88 133 162" "Mode" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "target" "electric_dev3" "targetname" "setzapper_glow" "origin" "732.694 -206.937 -74" } OnSpawnOutput { Target setzapper_glow Action SetGlowColor Param "88 133 162" } prop_dynamic { "angles" "0 225 0" "model" "models/props_spytech/computer_low.mdl" "SetBodyGroup" "0" "skin" "1" "solid" "6" "spawnflags" "0" "StartDisabled" "1" "targetname" "term_dev3" "origin" "1292 -543 -64" } tf_glow { "GlowColor" "88 133 162" "Mode" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "target" "term_dev3" "targetname" "glow_prop" "origin" "-1221.16 3664.43 -328.74" } point_worldtext { "targetname" "text_1" "origin" "1338.1 -582.2 7.1" "angles" "0 -40 0" "rainbow" "0" "message" "Melee this terminal to fire the super weapon!" "textsize" "5" } OnSpawnOutput { target push_device_elec Action Lock } func_button { "disablereceiveshadows" "0" "health" "0" "lip" "0" "locked_sentence" "0" "locked_sound" "0" "movedir" "0 0 0" "origin" "1292 -543 -64" "renderamt" "255" "rendercolor" "255 255 255" "renderfx" "0" "rendermode" "0" "sounds" "0" "damagefilter" "filter_melee" "spawnflags" "1536" "speed" "5" "targetname" "push_device_elec" "unlocked_sentence" "0" "unlocked_sound" "0" "wait" "18" //"OnPressed" "player,$displaytextchat,press,0,-1" "OnPressed" "player,$playsoundtoself,=160|items\powerup_pickup_crits.wav,0,-1" "OnPressed" "electric_cloud,Start,,0,-1" "OnPressed" "electric_cloud,Stop,,8,-1" "OnPressed" "trigger_kritz,Enable,,0,-1" "OnPressed" "trigger_kritz,Disable,,8,-1" "OnPressed" "antistun_relay,Trigger,,0,1" // "OnPressed" "uber_temp,Kill,,0,1" // "OnPressed" "stun_temp,Kill,,0,1" "mins" "-140 -65 -75" "maxs" "140 65 75" //"OnPressed" "push_device_1,Lock,,0,-1" "OnPressed" "text_1,SetText,Weapon is active...,0,-1" "OnPressed" "text_1,SetText,10,8,-1" "OnPressed" "text_1,SetText,9,9,-1" "OnPressed" "text_1,SetText,8,10,-1" "OnPressed" "text_1,SetText,7,11,-1" "OnPressed" "text_1,SetText,6,12,-1" "OnPressed" "text_1,SetText,5,13,-1" "OnPressed" "text_1,SetText,4,14,-1" "OnPressed" "text_1,SetText,3,15,-1" "OnPressed" "text_1,SetText,2,16,-1" "OnPressed" "text_1,SetText,1,17,-1" //"OnPressed" "push_device_1,Unlock,,10,-1" "OnPressed" "text_1,SetText,Melee this terminal to fire the super weapon!,18,-1" } trigger_add_tf_player_condition { "condition" "121" // use 35 for critboost indicator "duration" "-1" "origin" "724 -230 39.06" "spawnflags" "1" "StartDisabled" "1" "filtername" "filter_blueteam" "targetname" "trigger_kritz" "mins" "-340 -300 -115" "maxs" "340 300 115" "OnStartTouch" "!activator,$AddPlayerAttribute,damage bonus|2,0,-1" "OnStartTouch" "!activator,$AddPlayerAttribute,engy sentry damage bonus|2,0,-1" "OnStartTouch" "!activator,$AddPlayerAttribute,no damage falloff|1,0,-1" "OnStartTouch" "!activator,$AddPlayerAttribute,healing received bonus|2,0,-1" "OnStartTouch" "!activator,$AddPlayerAttribute,hud overlay|effects/invuln_overlay_blue,0,-1" "OnEndTouch" "!activator,$RemovePlayerAttribute,damage bonus,0,-1" "OnEndTouch" "!activator,$RemovePlayerAttribute,engy sentry damage bonus,0,-1" "OnEndTouch" "!activator,$RemovePlayerAttribute,no damage falloff,0,-1" "OnEndTouch" "!activator,$RemovePlayerAttribute,healing received bonus,0,-1" "OnEndTouch" "!activator,$RemovePlayerAttribute,hud overlay,0,-1" //"OnEndTouch" "!activator,$RemoveCond,35,0,-1" } prop_dynamic { "angles" "0 0 30" "model" "models/props_spytech/radio_tower001.mdl" "modelscale" "0.14" "SetBodyGroup" "0" "skin" "1" "solid" "6" "spawnflags" "0" "StartDisabled" "1" "targetname" "pole1_dev3" "origin" "725 -203.778 -27.685" } prop_dynamic { "angles" "0 0 -30" "DisableBoneFollowers" "0" "model" "models/props_spytech/radio_tower001.mdl" "modelscale" "0.14" "skin" "1" "solid" "6" "spawnflags" "0" "StartDisabled" "1" "targetname" "pole2_dev3" "origin" "742 -214.858 -34.1455" } info_particle_system { "angles" "0 0 0" "cpoint1_parent" "0" "cpoint2_parent" "0" "cpoint3_parent" "0" "cpoint4_parent" "0" "cpoint5_parent" "0" "cpoint6_parent" "0" "cpoint7_parent" "0" "effect_name" "utaunt_electricity_cloud_parent_WB" "flag_as_weather" "0" "start_active" "0" "targetname" "electric_cloud" "origin" "721 -287 135" } info_particle_system { "angles" "0 0 0" "cpoint1_parent" "0" "cpoint2_parent" "0" "cpoint3_parent" "0" "cpoint4_parent" "0" "cpoint5_parent" "0" "cpoint6_parent" "0" "cpoint7_parent" "0" "effect_name" "utaunt_electricity_cloud_parent_WB" "flag_as_weather" "0" "start_active" "0" "targetname" "electric_cloud" "origin" "747 -117 135" } } CannonDeath { KeepAlive 1 OnParentKilledOutput { Target particle_cannon Action Start } info_particle_system { "effect_name" "cinefx_goldrush" "flag_as_weather" "0" "angles" "0 90 0" "start_active" "0" "targetname" "particle_cannon" "origin" "0 0 0" } OnParentKilledOutput { Target bots_win_red_destroyer Action RoundWin } game_round_win { "teamnum" "2" "targetname" "bots_win_red_destroyer" "force_map_reset" "1" } logic_relay { "targetname" "success_defense_relay" "Spawnflags" "2" "OnTrigger" "bots_win_red_destroyer,Kill,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "particle_cannon,Kill,,0,-1" } } CannonExplode { KeepAlive 1 OnParentKilledOutput { Target particle_cannon Action Start } OnParentKilledOutput { Target kill_relay Action Trigger } info_particle_system { "effect_name" "cinefx_goldrush" "flag_as_weather" "0" "angles" "0 90 0" "start_active" "0" "targetname" "particle_cannon" "origin" "0 0 0" } logic_relay { "targetname" "kill_relay" "spawnflags" "2" "OnTrigger" "particle_cannon,Kill,,2,-1" "OnTrigger" "!self,Kill,,3,-1" } } Cannon_Progress { NoFixup 1 logic_relay { "targetname" "second_device_relay" "spawnflags" "2" "OnTrigger" "body2_2_dev2,Enable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "body2_1_dev2,Enable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "turret2_dev2,Enable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "engine2_dev2,Enable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "weapon_2_shooter,Enable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "addtime,SetValue,120,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "terrminal_dev2,Enable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "push_device_2,Enable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "die_first,Enable,,0.1,-1" "OnTrigger" "die_first,Disable,,0.2,-1" "OnTrigger" "success_defense_relay,Trigger,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "text_2,SetColor,255 255 255 255,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "glowprop_2,SetGlowColor,88 133 162,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "deploy_2,Show,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "glow_prop,Disable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "player,$playsoundtoself,mvm\mvm_tele_deliver.wav,0,-1" } logic_relay { "targetname" "third_device_relay" "spawnflags" "2" "OnTrigger" "electric_dev3,Enable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "success_defense_relay,Trigger,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "terrminal_dev3,Enable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "pole2_dev3,Enable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "addtime,SetValue,120,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "pole1_dev3,Enable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "push_device_3,Unlock,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "text_3,SetColor,255 255 255 255,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "glowprop_3,SetGlowColor,88 133 162,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "deploy_3,Show,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "die_second,Enable,,0.1,-1" "OnTrigger" "die_second,Disable,,0.2,-1" "OnTrigger" "progress_relay,Trigger,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "glowprop_2,Disable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "player,$playsoundtoself,mvm\mvm_tele_deliver.wav,0,-1" } logic_relay { "targetname" "done_devices_relay" "spawnflags" "2" "OnTrigger" "glowprop_3,Disable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "success_defense_relay,Trigger,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "deploy_relay,Trigger,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "die_third,Enable,,0.1,-1" "OnTrigger" "die_third,Disable,,0.2,-1" } } EyelanderFullHeads { OnSpawnOutput { Target !activator Action $SetProp$m_iDecapitations Param 5 } OnSpawnOutput { Target !activator Action $regenerate } } antigriefbomb { NoFixup 1 logic_relay { "targetname" "bomb_antigrief_on" "ontrigger" "hudhintloop,trigger,,0,-1" "ontrigger" "bombpickup_relay,enable,,0,-1" "ontrigger" "bombpickup_relay,trigger,,0.01,-1" } logic_relay { "targetname" "bomb_antigrief_off" "ontrigger" "bombpickup_relay,disable,,0,-1" "ontrigger" "bombpickup_relay,cancelpending,,0,-1" "ontrigger" "bombpickup,disable,,0,-1" } logic_relay { "onspawn" "intel,addoutput,onpickup1 filter_isbot:testactivator::0:-1,0,-1" "onspawn" "intel,addoutput,onpickup1 !activator:addoutput:targetname hasbomb:0:-1,0,-1" "onspawn" "intel,addoutput,onpickup bombpickup_relay:trigger::0.01:-1,0,-1" "onspawn" "intel,addoutput,onpickup bombpickup_relay:cancelpending::0:-1,0,-1" "onspawn" "intel,addoutput,ondrop1 !activator:addoutput:targetname :0:-1,0,-1" "onspawn" "intel,addoutput,ondrop bombpickup:disable::0:-1,0,-1" "onspawn" "bombpickup,setparentattachment,siren,0,-1" "onspawn" "hasbomb,addoutput,targetname ,0,-1" } logic_relay { "targetname" "bombpickup_relay" "startdisabled" "1" "ontrigger" "bombpickup,disable,,0,-1" "ontrigger" "bombpickup,enable,,5,-1" } trigger_multiple { "targetname" "bombpickup" "parentname" "intel" "mins" "-8 -8 -8" "maxs" "8 8 8" "spawnflags" "1" "startdisabled" "1" "filtername" "filter_nobomb_notbot" "onstarttouch" "intel,forcedrop,,0,-1" } $filter_sendprop { "targetname" "filter_isbot" "$name" "m_bIsABot" "$value" "1" "onpass" "bombpickup_relay,cancelpending,,0.02,-1" } filter_activator_name { "targetname" "filter_nobomb" "filtername" "hasbomb" "negated" "1" } $filter_sendprop { "targetname" "filter_notbot" "$name" "m_bIsABot" "$value" "0" } filter_multi { "targetname" "filter_nobomb_notbot" "filter01" "filter_nobomb" "filter02" "filter_notbot" } } SetUp_Logic { NoFixup 1 logic_relay { "spawnflags" "2" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "initwave_hatchdestroy" //"OnTrigger" "end_pit_destroy_particle,Start,,0,-1" //"OnTrigger" "pit_explosion_wav,PlaySound,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "tank_destroy_case,PickRandom,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "cap_hatch_destroy_animated_prop,Enable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "cap_hatch_destroy_delete_prop,Kill,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "cap_hatch_glasswindow,Break,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "hatch_magnet_pit,Enable,,0,-1" // "OnTrigger" "hatch_explo_kill_players,Enable,,0,-1" // "OnTrigger" "hatch_explo_kill_players,Disable,,0.5,-1" "OnTrigger" "hatch_explo_push,Enable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "cap_hatch_destroy_animated_prop,SetAnimation,deathpit1,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "hatch_field*,Disable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "hatch_shield*,Disable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "warn_prepare,Show,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "forcefield_hatch,Disable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "worldspawn,runscriptcode,SetSkyboxTexture(`sky_trainyard_night_01`),0,-1" } OnSpawnOutput { Target capturezone_blue Action Disable } training_annotation { "origin" "-1606.5 2928.8 -87.5" "display_text" "You have 30 seconds to prepare!" 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"timerformat_red,$setkey$case01,,0,-1" "onhitmin" "bots_win_red,RoundWin,,0,-1" "onhitmin" "realtimer_red,$cancelpending,,0,-1" } math_counter { "targetname" "secondhand_red" "max" "60" "outvalue" "timerformat_red,$setkey$case02,,0,-1" "outvalue" "zerocompare_red,setvaluecompare,,0,-1" "onhitmin" "!self,setvalue,60,1,-1" "onhitmin" "minutehand_red,subtract,1,1,-1" } logic_compare { "targetname" "zerocompare_red" "comparevalue" "9" "onequalto" "timerformat_red,$setkey$case16,RED WINS IN: %:0%,0,-1" "ongreaterthan" "timerformat_red,$setkey$case16,RED WINS IN: %:%,0,-1" } logic_case { "targetname" "timerformat_red" "case16" "RED WINS IN: %:%" "ondefault" "timertext_red,$setkey$message,,0,-1" "ondefault" "timertext_red,display,0,0,-1" } game_text { "targetname" "timertext_red" "color" "212 19 19" "holdtime" "2" "channel" "3" "spawnflags" "1" "x" "0.73" "y" "0.63" } logic_relay { "targetname" "realtimer_red" "spawnflags" "2" "ontrigger" "timerformat_red,$format,,0.01,-1" "ontrigger" 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"point_start_locked" "0" "shouldBlock" "0" "team_previouspoint_3_0" "control_point_1" // previous point "point_warn_on_cap" "2" "point_warn_sound" "ControlPoint.CaptureWarn" //"mvm_cpoint_klaxon.wav" "random_owner_on_restart" "0" "spawnflags" "0" "targetname" "control_point_3" "team_bodygroup_0" "3" "team_bodygroup_2" "1" "team_bodygroup_3" "1" "team_capsound_0" "sound\mvm\mvm_revive.wav" "team_capsound_2" "sound\ui\duel_challenge_rejected_with_restriction.wav" "team_capsound_3" "sound\ui\duel_challenge_accepted_with_restriction.wav" "team_icon_0" "sprites/obj_icons/icon_obj_neutral" "team_icon_2" "sprites/obj_icons/icon_obj_red" "team_icon_3" "sprites/obj_icons/icon_obj_blu_mannhattan" "team_model_0" "models\empty.mdl" "team_model_2" "models\empty.mdl" "team_model_3" "models\empty.mdl" "team_timedpoints_2" "0" "team_timedpoints_3" "0" "origin" "-499 -2268.98 -241.579" } } ControlPoint4 { NoFixup 1 OnSpawnOutput { Target control_point_4 Action SetTeam Param 0 } trigger_capture_area { "area_cap_point" "control_point_4" "area_time_to_cap" "12" // is multiplied by 2 // REMOVE: DEV SET 18 "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "capturepoint_4" "team_cancap_2" "0" "team_cancap_3" "1" "spawnflags" "1" "origin" "-979.791 26.5027 -165" "team_numcap_2" "0" "team_numcap_3" "1" "team_startcap_2" "0" "team_startcap_3" "1" "oncapteam2" "compare_controlpoints,Add,1,0,-1" "oncapteam2" "square_cap_4,Disable,,0,-1" "mins" "-210 -175 -166" "maxs" "210 175 166" } prop_dynamic { "angles" "0 0 0" "DisableBoneFollowers" "0" "disablereceiveshadows" "0" "disableshadows" "1" "ExplodeDamage" "0" "ExplodeRadius" "0" "fademindist" "-1" "fadescale" "1" "MaxAnimTime" "10" "MinAnimTime" "5" "model" "models/props_gameplay/cap_square_256.mdl" "modelscale" "1.3" "PerformanceMode" "0" "pressuredelay" "0" "RandomAnimation" "0" "disableshadows" "1" "renderamt" "255" "rendercolor" "255 255 255" "renderfx" "0" "rendermode" "0" "SetBodyGroup" "0" "targetname" "square_cap_4" "skin" "0" "solid" "6" "spawnflags" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "origin" "-979.791 26.5027 -165" } OnSpawnOutput { Target control_point_4 Action SetUnlockTime Delay 0.1 } OnSpawnOutput //very important to keep this output otherwise the control point will not function { Target capturepoint_4 Action SetControlPoint Param "control_point_4" Delay 0 } team_control_point { "angles" "0 0 0" "point_default_owner" "0" "point_group" "0" "point_index" "2" "point_printname" "Control Point A!" "point_start_locked" "0" "shouldBlock" "0" "team_previouspoint_3_0" "control_point_1" // previous point "point_warn_on_cap" "2" "point_warn_sound" "ControlPoint.CaptureWarn" //"mvm_cpoint_klaxon.wav" "random_owner_on_restart" "0" "spawnflags" "0" "targetname" "control_point_4" "team_bodygroup_0" "3" "team_bodygroup_2" "1" "team_bodygroup_3" "1" "team_capsound_0" "sound\mvm\mvm_revive.wav" "team_capsound_2" "sound\ui\duel_challenge_rejected_with_restriction.wav" "team_capsound_3" "sound\ui\duel_challenge_accepted_with_restriction.wav" "team_icon_0" "sprites/obj_icons/icon_obj_neutral" "team_icon_2" "sprites/obj_icons/icon_obj_red" "team_icon_3" "sprites/obj_icons/icon_obj_blu_mannhattan" "team_model_0" "models\empty.mdl" "team_model_2" "models\empty.mdl" "team_model_3" "models\empty.mdl" "team_timedpoints_2" "0" "team_timedpoints_3" "0" "origin" "-979.791 26.5027 -165" } } ControlPoint1 { NoFixup 1 $func_block_los { "origin" "394.5 1838.5 -60.82" "renderamt" "255" "rendercolor" "255 255 255" "renderfx" "0" "rendermode" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "block_los" "mins" "-210 -65 -175" "maxs" "210 65 175" } prop_dynamic { "angles" "0 270 -180" "DisableBoneFollowers" "0" "disablereceiveshadows" "0" "disableshadows" "1" "ExplodeDamage" "0" "ExplodeRadius" "0" "fademaxdist" "0" "fademindist" "-1" "fadescale" "1" "MaxAnimTime" "10" "targetname" "gate" "maxdxlevel" "0" "MinAnimTime" "5" "mindxlevel" "0" "model" "models\props_mvm\woodplanks_tank_entrance002.mdl" "modelscale" "1.4" "PerformanceMode" "0" "pressuredelay" "0" "RandomAnimation" "0" "renderamt" "255" "rendercolor" "255 255 255" "renderfx" "0" "rendermode" "0" "SetBodyGroup" "0" "skin" "0" "solid" "2" "spawnflags" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "origin" "380 1814.99 76" } prop_dynamic { "angles" "0 0 0" "DisableBoneFollowers" "0" "disablereceiveshadows" "0" "disableshadows" "1" "ExplodeDamage" "0" "ExplodeRadius" "0" "fademindist" "-1" "fadescale" "1" "MaxAnimTime" "10" "MinAnimTime" "5" "model" "models/props_gameplay/cap_square_256.mdl" "modelscale" "1.5" "PerformanceMode" "0" "pressuredelay" "0" "RandomAnimation" "0" "disableshadows" "1" "renderamt" "255" "rendercolor" "255 255 255" "renderfx" "0" "rendermode" "0" "SetBodyGroup" "0" "targetname" "square_cap" "skin" "2" "solid" "6" "spawnflags" "0" "StartDisabled" "1" "origin" "385 2028.99 -223" } OnSpawnOutput { Target square_cap Action Enable } func_forcefield { "origin" "394.5 1838.5 -60.82" "renderamt" "255" "rendercolor" "255 255 255" "renderfx" "0" "rendermode" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "detonate_forcefield" "TeamNum" "2" //"model" "*9248" "mins" "-210 -65 -175" "maxs" "210 65 175" } OnSpawnOutput { Target control_point_1 Action SetUnlockTime Delay 0.1 } training_annotation { "display_text" "Stand at the gate to arm explosives!" "lifetime" "5" "offset" "0" "targetname" "cap_point" "origin" "401 2040.99 -250.418" } prop_dynamic { "angles" "0 60 -45" "DisableBoneFollowers" "0" "disablereceiveshadows" "0" "disableshadows" "1" "ExplodeDamage" "0" "ExplodeRadius" "0" "fademindist" "-1" "fadescale" "1" "MaxAnimTime" "10" "MinAnimTime" "5" "model" "models/props_td/atom_bomb.mdl" "modelscale" "1.0" "PerformanceMode" "0" "pressuredelay" "0" "RandomAnimation" "0" "renderamt" "255" "rendercolor" "255 255 255" "renderfx" "0" "rendermode" "0" "SetBodyGroup" "0" "skin" "0" "solid" "6" "spawnflags" "0" "targetname" "bomb1" "StartDisabled" "1" "origin" "556.562 1846.42 -219.227" } prop_dynamic { "angles" "0 135 0" "DisableBoneFollowers" "0" "disablereceiveshadows" "0" "disableshadows" "1" "ExplodeDamage" "0" "ExplodeRadius" "0" "fademindist" "-1" "fadescale" "1" "MaxAnimTime" "10" "MinAnimTime" "5" "model" "models/props_td/atom_bomb.mdl" "modelscale" "1.0" "PerformanceMode" "0" "pressuredelay" "0" "RandomAnimation" "0" "renderamt" "255" "rendercolor" "255 255 255" "renderfx" "0" "rendermode" "0" "SetBodyGroup" "0" "skin" "0" "targetname" "bomb1" "solid" "6" "spawnflags" "0" "StartDisabled" "1" "origin" "245 1886 -230.016" } prop_dynamic { "angles" "0 105 0" "DefaultAnim" "ragdollspawn" "DisableBoneFollowers" "0" "disablereceiveshadows" "0" "disableshadows" "1" "ExplodeDamage" "0" "ExplodeRadius" "0" "fademindist" "-1" "fadescale" "1" "MaxAnimTime" "10" "MinAnimTime" "5" "model" "models/bots/demo/bot_sentry_buster.mdl" "modelscale" "1.7" "PerformanceMode" "0" "pressuredelay" "0" "RandomAnimation" "0" "renderamt" "255" "rendercolor" "255 255 255" "renderfx" "0" "rendermode" "0" "SetBodyGroup" "0" "skin" "0" "solid" "6" "spawnflags" "0" "StartDisabled" "1" "targetname" "buster" "origin" "386 1886 -230.016" } training_annotation { "display_text" "Detonating explosives in 5 seconds!" 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"point_start_locked" "0" "shouldBlock" "0" "point_warn_on_cap" "2" "point_warn_sound" "ControlPoint.CaptureWarn" //"mvm_cpoint_klaxon.wav" "random_owner_on_restart" "0" "spawnflags" "0" "targetname" "control_point_1" "team_bodygroup_0" "3" "team_bodygroup_2" "1" "team_bodygroup_3" "1" "team_capsound_0" "sound\mvm\mvm_revive.wav" "team_capsound_2" "sound\ui\duel_challenge_rejected_with_restriction.wav" "team_capsound_3" "sound\ui\duel_challenge_accepted_with_restriction.wav" "team_icon_0" "sprites/obj_icons/icon_obj_neutral" "team_icon_2" "sprites/obj_icons/icon_obj_red" "team_icon_3" "sprites/obj_icons/icon_obj_blu_mannhattan" "team_model_0" "models\empty.mdl" "team_model_2" "models\empty.mdl" "team_model_3" "models\empty.mdl" "team_timedpoints_2" "0" "team_timedpoints_3" "0" "origin" "9 -2207 -232" } } // SentryBusterDetonate // { // OnSpawnOutput // { // Target "caber_checker" // Action trigger // Delay 0.5 // } // OnSpawnOutput // { // Target "caberbuster_onspawn" // Action trigger // Delay 0.1 // } // OnParentKilledOutput // { // Target "!activator" // Action addoutput // Param "rendermode 0" // } // OnParentKilledOutput // { // Target "bustrelay" // Action kill // Delay 0.1 // } // logic_relay // { // "targetname" "caberbuster_onspawn" // "ontrigger" "!parent,addoutput,rendermode 0,0,-1" // "ontrigger" "@c@!parent,addoutput,rendermode 1,0,-1" // "ontrigger" "@c@!parent,alpha,255,0.5,-1" // "ontrigger" "!parent,$addplayerattribute,cannot pick up intelligence|1,0,-1" // "ontrigger" "!parent,$weaponswitchslot,0,0,-1" // "ontrigger" "busthurt,$setowner,!parent,0,-1" // "ontrigger" "!parent,addoutput,onuser3 bustcmd:command:taunt:0:-1,0,-1" // } // logic_relay // { // "targetname" "caber_checker" // "spawnflags" "2" // "ontrigger" "filter_caber,$testentity,!parent,0,-1" // "ontrigger" "!self,trigger,,0.1,-1" // // "onspawn" "!parent,addoutput,rendermode 0,0,-1" // // "onspawn" "@c@!parent,addoutput,rendermode 1,0,-1" // // "onspawn" "@c@!parent,alpha,255,0.5,-1" // // "onspawn" "!parent,$addplayerattribute,cannot pick up intelligence|1,0,-1" // // "onspawn" "!parent,$weaponswitchslot,0,0,-1" // // "onspawn" "busthurt,$setowner,!parent,0,-1" // // "onspawn" "!parent,addoutput,onuser3 bustcmd:command:taunt:0:-1,0,-1" // } // point_clientcommand // { // "targetname" "bustcmd" // } // filter_tf_condition // { // "targetname" "filter_caber" // "condition" "65" // "onpass" "!parent,$displaytextcenter,BUSTER SEQUENCE ACTIVATED! EXPLODE BY ATTACKING!,0,-1" // "onpass" "caber_checker,cancelpending,,0,-1" // "onpass" "bustermodel,alpha,255,0,-1" // "onpass" "!parent,addoutput,rendermode 10,0,-1" // "onpass" "@c@!parent,alpha,0,0,-1" // //"onpass" "caber_swing_check,trigger,,0,-1" // "onpass" "player,$playsoundtoself,MVM.SentryBusterIntro,0,-1" // "onpass" "bustloop,playsound,,0,-1" // "onpass" "!parent,$weaponstripslot,0,0,-1" // "onpass" "!parent,$weaponstripslot,1,0,-1" // "onpass" "!parent,$removecond,17,0,-1" // "onpass" "@c@!parent,$SetProp$m_nRenderMode,10,0.1,-1" // Hide cosmetics // "onpass" "!parent,sethealth,2500,0,-1" // "onpass" "!parent,$giveitem,ESL Season VI Division 2 3rd Place,0.01,-1" // "onpass" "bustermodel,$getdata$m_iName,fixupnamer|$setkey$case01|def,0.01,-1" // "onpass" "wearable_check,$testentity,@c@!parent,0.02,-1" // "onpass" "fixupnamer,$format,,0.02,-1" // "onpass" "bustermodel,fireuser1,,0.02,-1" // } // ambient_generic // { // "targetname" "bustloop" // "message" "MVM.SentryBusterLoop" // "health" "3" // "radius" "5000" // "spawnflags" "16" // "sourceentityname" "!parent" // } // ambient_generic // { // "targetname" "bustspin" // "message" "MVM.SentryBusterSpin" // "health" "3" // "radius" "5000" // "spawnflags" "48" // "sourceentityname" "!parent" // } // ambient_generic // { // "targetname" "bustboom" // "message" "MVM.SentryBusterExplode" // "health" "3" // "radius" "5000" // "spawnflags" "48" // "sourceentityname" "!parent" // } // logic_relay // { // "targetname" "caber_swing_check" // "spawnflags" "2" // "ontrigger" "filter_swung1,$testentity,@c@!parent,0,-1" // "ontrigger" "filter_swung2,$testentity,@c@!parent,0,-1" // "ontrigger" "filter_swung3,$testentity,@c@!parent,0,-1" // "ontrigger" "!self,trigger,,0.1,-1" // } // $filter_sendprop // { // "targetname" "wearable_check" // "$name" "m_iItemDefinitionIndex" // "$value" "8037" // "$compare" "equal" // "onpass" "fire_input_on_passed_entity,$callertoactivator,,0,-1" // } // logic_case // { // "targetname" "fire_input_on_passed_entity" // "ondefault" "!activator,$setmodeloverride,models/bots/demo/bot_sentry_buster.mdl,0,-1" // "ondefault" "!activator,addoutput,rendermode 1,0,-1" // } // trigger_brush // used as a fixup name for tf_wearable // { // "targetname" "bustermodel" // "onuser1" "!self,kill,,0,-1" // } // logic_case // { // "targetname" "fixupnamer" // "case16" "ondefault !activator:addoutput:targetname %:0:-1" // "ondefault" "fire_input_on_passed_entity,addoutput,,0,-1" // } // $filter_sendprop // right swing anim // { // "targetname" "filter_swung1" // "$name" "m_nSequence" // "$value" "4" // "$compare" "equal" // "onpass" "bustrelay,trigger,,0,-1" // "onpass" "caber_swing_check,cancelpending,,0,-1" // } // $filter_sendprop // left swing anim // { // "targetname" "filter_swung2" // "$name" "m_nSequence" // "$value" "5" // "$compare" "equal" // "onpass" "bustrelay,trigger,,0,-1" // "onpass" "caber_swing_check,cancelpending,,0,-1" // } // $filter_sendprop // crit swing anim // { // "targetname" "filter_swung3" // "$name" "m_nSequence" // "$value" "6" // "$compare" "equal" // "onpass" "bustrelay,trigger,,0,-1" // "onpass" "caber_swing_check,cancelpending,,0,-1" // } // trigger_hurt // { // "targetname" "busthurt" // "mins" "-300 -300 -300" // "maxs" "300 300 300" // "damagetype" "64" // "damage" "3000" //remember this is halved // "spawnflags" "64" // "startdisabled" "1" // "onstarttouch" "filter_sentry,testactivator,,0,-1" // "onstarttouch" "filter_dispenser,testactivator,,0,-1" // "onstarttouch" "filter_tele,testactivator,,0,-1" // } // filter_activator_class // { // "targetname" "filter_thesentry" // "filterclass" "obj_sentrygun" // } // filter_multi // { // "targetname" "filter_sentry" // "filter01" "filter_thesentry" // "filter02" "filter_redteam" // "onpass" "!activator,removehealth,10000,0,-1" // } // filter_activator_class // { // "targetname" "filter_thedispenser" // "filterclass" "obj_dispenser" // } // filter_multi // { // "targetname" "filter_dispenser" // "filter01" "filter_thedispenser" // "filter02" "filter_redteam" // "onpass" "!activator,removehealth,10000,0,-1" // } // filter_activator_class // { // "targetname" "filter_thetele" // "filterclass" "obj_teleporter" // } // filter_multi // { // "targetname" "filter_tele" // "filter01" "filter_thetele" // "filter02" "filter_redteam" // "onpass" "!activator,removehealth,10000,0,-1" // } // info_particle_system // { // "targetname" "bustparticle" // "effect_name" "hightower_explosion" // } // prop_dynamic // { // "targetname" "fakebustermodel" // "model" "models/bots/demo/bot_sentry_buster.mdl" // "disablebonefollowers" "1" // "startdisabled" "1" // "skin" 1 // "onanimationbegun" "!parent,$getprop$m_flModelScale,fakebustermodel|$setprop$m_flModelScale|1,0,-1" // } // logic_relay // { // "targetname" "bustrelay" // "ontrigger" "!parent,$addcond,14,0,-1" // "ontrigger" "!self,disable,,0,-1" // "ontrigger" "@c@!parent,$SetProp$m_nRenderMode,0,2,-1" // Hide cosmetics // "ontrigger" "!parent,$RemoveItem,ESL Season VI Division 2 3rd Place,0,-1" // // "ontrigger" "bustermodel,alpha,0,0,-1" // "ontrigger" "fakebustermodel,setanimation,sentry_buster_preExplode,0,-1" // "ontrigger" "fakebustermodel,enable,,0,-1" // "ontrigger" "bustloop,stopsound,,0,-1" // "ontrigger" "bustspin,playsound,,0,-1" // "ontrigger" "!parent,fireuser3,,0,-1" // "ontrigger" "fakebustermodel,kill,,2,-1" // "ontrigger" "bustparticle,start,,2,-1" // //"ontrigger" "!activator,$SetProp$m_iClass,$$=!activator.OldClass,-1,-1" // "ontrigger" "busthurt,enable,,2,-1" // "ontrigger" "bustboom,playsound,,2,-1" // "ontrigger" "busthurt,disable,,2.01,-1" // "OnTrigger" "weapon_buster,FireOnce,,2,-1" // "ontrigger" "!parent,$suicide,,2,-1" // "ontrigger" "!self,kill,,2.1,-1" // } // tf_point_weapon_mimic // { // "angles" "90 0 0" // "Crits" "0" // "Damage" "75" // "ModelScale" "1" // "SpeedMax" "1000" // "SpeedMin" "1000" // "SplashRadius" "50" // "SpreadAngle" "0" // "targetname" "weapon_buster" // "WeaponType" "0" // "origin" "4 -1 140" // "$preventshootparent" "1" // "$weaponname" "BustAntiBuildings" // } // RemoveIfKilled "bustrelay" // KeepAlive 1 // } NoCheeseStrats { logic_auto { "onmapspawn" "blu_respawnroom*,AddOutput,OnStartTouch !activator:$AddPlayerAttribute:ignored by bots|1:0.1:-1,0,-1" "onmapspawn" "blu_respawnroom*,AddOutput,OnStartTouch !activator:$AddPlayerAttribute:ignored by enemy sentries|1:0.1:-1,0,-1" "onmapspawn" "blu_respawnroom*,AddOutput,OnStartTouch !activator:$AddPlayerAttribute:special item description|Ignored by enemy bots and sentries.:0.1:-1,0,-1" "onmapspawn" "blu_respawnroom*,AddOutput,OnEndTouch !activator:$RemovePlayerAttribute:ignored by bots:0.1:-1,0,-1" "onmapspawn" "blu_respawnroom*,AddOutput,OnEndTouch !activator:$RemovePlayerAttribute:ignored by enemy sentries:0.1:-1,0,-1" "onmapspawn" "blu_respawnroom*,AddOutput,OnEndTouch !activator:$RemovePlayerAttribute:special item description:0.1:-1,0,-1" // "onmapspawn" "player,$Suicide,,-1,-1" // "onmapspawn" "player,$ForceRespawnDead,,-1,-1" "onmapspawn" "blu_respawnroom*,AddOutput,OnTouching player:$AddPlayerAttribute:ignored by bots|1:0.1:-1,0,-1" "onmapspawn" "blu_respawnroom*,AddOutput,OnTouching player:$AddPlayerAttribute:ignored by enemy sentries|1:0.1:-1,0,-1" "onmapspawn" "blu_respawnroom*,AddOutput,OnTouching player:$AddPlayerAttribute:special item description|Ignored by enemy bots and sentries.:0.1:-1,0,-1" "onmapspawn" "blu_respawnroom*,TouchTest,,0.1,-1" //"onmapspawn" "blu_respawnroom*,AddOutput,OnTouching popscript:$RemoveAllBotCallBacksTrigger::0.1:-1,0,-1" } } EngiSpawn { OnSpawnOutput { Target disable_engi Action Trigger } NoFixup 1 logic_relay { "targetname" "enable_all_engi" "spawnflags" "2" "OnTrigger" "Nest_02,Enable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "Nest_03,Enable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "Nest_04,Enable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "Nest_05,Enable,,0,-1" } logic_relay { "targetname" "enable_engi_wave2" "spawnflags" "2" "OnTrigger" "Nest_02,Disable,,0,-1" 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"!activator,$SetProp$m_iClass,$$=!activator.OldClass,2,-1" "oncase01" "bust_check,TestActivator,!activator,0.1,-1" //"ondefault" "explode_relay,Trigger,,0,-1" } logic_auto { "onmapspawn" "blu_respawnroom*,AddOutput,OnStartTouch BusterMenu3:$DisplayMenu:!activator:0.1:-1,0,-1" "onmapspawn" "blu_respawnroom*,AddOutput,OnTouching BusterMenu3:$DisplayMenu:!activator:0.1:-1,0,-1" "onmapspawn" "blu_respawnroom*,AddOutput,OnEndTouch BusterMenu3:$HideMenu:!activator:0.1:-1,0,-1" //"onmapspawn" "blu_respawnroom*,AddOutput,OnEndTouch !activator:$RemovePlayerAttribute:special item description:0.1:-1,0,-1" } OnSpawnOutput { Target BusterMenu3 Action $DisplayMenu Param player } // trigger_multiple // { // "filtername" "filter_nobust" // "origin" "-938.5 3827.5 -361" // "spawnflags" "1" // "StartDisabled" "0" // "targetname" "buster_trigger" // "wait" "0" // "mins" "-100 -90 -80" // "maxs" "100 90 80" // "OnStartTouch" "!activator,$DisplayTextCenter,Becoming Buster in: 5,0,-1" // "OnStartTouch" "!activator,$AddPlayerAttribute,cannot taunt|1,0.1,-1" // "onendtouch" "!activator,$RemovePlayerAttribute,cannot taunt,0.1,-1" // "OnStartTouch" "!activator,$DisplayTextCenter,Becoming Buster in: 4,1,-1" // "OnStartTouch" "!activator,$DisplayTextCenter,Becoming Buster in: 3,2,-1" // "OnStartTouch" "!activator,$DisplayTextCenter,Becoming Buster in: 2,3,-1" // "OnStartTouch" "!activator,$DisplayTextCenter,Becoming Buster in: 1,4,-1" // "OnStartTouch" "!activator,$AddCond,65,0,-1" // "OnStartTouch" "bust_check,TestActivator,!activator,5.1,-1" // "onendtouch" "!activator,$RemoveCond,65,0,-1" // "onendtouch" "!activator,$DisplayTextCenter,1,5,-1" // } filter_tf_condition { "condition" "65" "Negated" "0" "targetname" "bust_check" "OnPass" "!activator,$giveitem,Bust Caber,0,-1" "OnPass" "!activator,$WeaponSwitchSlot,2,0.2,-1" "OnPass" "!activator,$RemoveCond,65,0,-1" //"OnPass" "!activator,$AddItemAttribute,is miniboss|1|Bust Caber,0,-1" "OnPass" "!activator,sethealth,2500,0.1,-1" "OnPass" "!activator,$teleporttoentity,spawnbot_left,0.1,-1" "OnPass" "!activator,$DisplayTextCenter,BUSTER MODE ACTIVE. 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"0" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "nobuild_fix" "TeamNum" "0" "origin" "-1017.77 -1005.35 -178.767" "mins" "-25 -25 -25" "maxs" "25 25 25" } info_player_teamspawn { "angles" "0 270 0" "SpawnMode" "0" "StartDisabled" "1" "targetname" "rev_spawnbot_hatch_left" "TeamNum" "2" "origin" "-1017.3 -1003.33 -178.767" } func_nobuild { "AllowDispenser" "0" "AllowSentry" "0" "AllowTeleporters" "0" "DestroyBuildings" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "nobuild_fix" "TeamNum" "0" "origin" "-1017.3 -1003.33 -178.767" "mins" "-25 -25 -25" "maxs" "25 25 25" } info_player_teamspawn { "angles" "0 300 0" "SpawnMode" "0" "StartDisabled" "1" "targetname" "rev_spawnbot_hatch_left" "TeamNum" "2" "origin" "-1453.94 -2025.94 -236.721" } func_nobuild { "AllowDispenser" "0" "AllowSentry" "0" "AllowTeleporters" "0" "DestroyBuildings" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "nobuild_fix" "TeamNum" "0" "origin" "-1453.94 -2025.94 -236.721" "mins" "-25 -25 -25" "maxs" "25 25 25" } info_player_teamspawn { "angles" "0 240 0" "SpawnMode" "0" "StartDisabled" "1" "targetname" "rev_spawnbot_hatch_right" "TeamNum" "2" "origin" "707.798 -2226.94 -233.834" } func_nobuild { "AllowDispenser" "0" "AllowSentry" "0" "AllowTeleporters" "0" "DestroyBuildings" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "nobuild_fix" "TeamNum" "0" "origin" "707.798 -2226.94 -233.834" "mins" "-25 -25 -25" "maxs" "25 25 25" } info_player_teamspawn { "angles" "0 270 0" "SpawnMode" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "rev_spawnbot_hatch" "TeamNum" "2" "origin" "49.2683 -1937.73 -239.173" } func_nobuild { "AllowDispenser" "0" "AllowSentry" "0" "AllowTeleporters" "0" "DestroyBuildings" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "nobuild_fix" "TeamNum" "0" "origin" "49.2683 -1937.73 -239.173" "mins" "-25 -25 -25" "maxs" "25 25 25" } info_player_teamspawn { "angles" "0 270 0" "SpawnMode" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "rev_spawnbot_hatch" "TeamNum" "2" "origin" "-434 -1952 -240.537" } func_nobuild { "AllowDispenser" "0" "AllowSentry" "0" "AllowTeleporters" "0" "DestroyBuildings" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "nobuild_fix" "TeamNum" "0" "origin" "-434 -1952 -240.537" "mins" "-25 -25 -25" "maxs" "25 25 25" } info_player_teamspawn { "angles" "0 270 0" "SpawnMode" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "rev_spawnbot_mediumammo" "TeamNum" "2" "origin" "799.554 -1079.33 -178.787" } func_nobuild { "AllowDispenser" "0" "AllowSentry" "0" "AllowTeleporters" "0" "DestroyBuildings" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "nobuild_fix" "TeamNum" "0" "origin" "799.554 -1079.33 -178.787" "mins" "-25 -25 -25" "maxs" "25 25 25" } prop_dynamic { "angles" "0 0 0" "model" "models/props_mvm/robot_spawnpoint.mdl" "modelscale" "1.0" "skin" "0" "solid" "6" "spawnflags" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "indicator_medium_ammo" "origin" "798.072 -1074.33 -191.955" } } TankNotification { NoFixup 1 // OnSpawnOutput // { // Target barrier_progress // Action Disable // } // ExtraTankPath //Adds tank path to follow // { // Name "tank_path_objective" //name of the starting path node prefix. First tank node name would be name_1 // Node "-640 4608 -432" // Node "-619.3 2619.2 -359.1" // Node "396.1 2321.9 -190.9" // Node "463.3 1502.5 -128.5" // Node "952.0 1078.9 7.3" // Node "994.3 -195.2 10.5" // Node "497.3 -389.4 -1.7" // Node "506.9 -1973.8 -130.1" // Node "268.0 -2254.1 -178.7" // Node "0 -2240 -192" // } path_track { "angles" "0 0 0" "orientationtype" "1" "radius" "0" "spawnflags" "0" "speed" "0" "target" "tank_path_objective_2" "targetname" "tank_path_objective_1" "origin" "-640 4608 -432" } path_track { "angles" "0 0 0" "orientationtype" "1" "radius" "0" "spawnflags" "0" "speed" "0" "target" "tank_path_objective_3" "targetname" "tank_path_objective_2" "origin" "-619.3 2619.2 -359.1" } path_track { "angles" "0 0 0" "orientationtype" "1" "radius" "0" "spawnflags" "0" "speed" "0" "target" "tank_path_objective_4" "targetname" "tank_path_objective_3" "origin" "396.1 2321.9 -190.9" } path_track { "angles" "0 0 0" "orientationtype" "1" "radius" "0" "spawnflags" "0" "speed" "0" "target" "tank_path_objective_5" "targetname" "tank_path_objective_4" "origin" "463.3 1502.5 -128.5" } logic_relay { "targetname" "allow_slight_movement" "spawnflags" "2" "OnTrigger" "tank_move_relay,AddOutput,OnTrigger tankboss:SetSpeed:18:0:-1,0,-1" } path_track { "angles" "0 0 0" "orientationtype" "1" "radius" "0" "spawnflags" "0" "speed" "0" "target" "tank_path_objective_6" "origin" "1079.9 845.4 10.3" "targetname" "tank_path_objective_5" "OnPass" "tank_move_relay*,$removeoutput,ontrigger,0,-1" "OnPass" "tankboss,SetSpeed,0,0.1,-1" "OnPass" "tankboss,SetSpeed,0,0.2,-1" "OnPass" "tankboss,SetSpeed,0,0.3,-1" "OnPass" "tankboss,SetSpeed,0,0.4,-1" "OnPass" "trigger_tankmove,Disable,,0,-1" "OnPass" "enemies_contiune,Show,,0,-1" } logic_relay { "targetname" "dead_before_all_relay_1" "spawnflags" "2" // "OnTrigger" "tank_path_objective_5*,$RemoveOutput,SetSpeed,,-1" // "OnTrigger" "tank_path_objective_5*,$RemoveOutput,Disable,,-1" // "OnTrigger" "tank_path_objective_5*,$RemoveOutput,Show,,-1" "ontrigger" "tank_path_objective_5*,$removeoutput,onpass,0,-1" } training_annotation { "display_text" "Get the barrier down to contiune!" "lifetime" "5" "offset" "0" "targetname" "enemies_contiune" "origin" "952.0 1078.9 7.3" } path_track { "angles" "0 0 0" "orientationtype" "1" "radius" "0" "spawnflags" "0" "speed" "0" "target" "tank_path_objective_7" "targetname" "tank_path_objective_6" "origin" "994.3 -195.2 10.5" "OnPass" "tankboss,AddHealth,30000,0.1,-1" "OnPass" "sethealth_checkpoint1,Show,,0.1,-1" } training_annotation { "display_text" "Checkpoint reached! Tank health restored." "lifetime" "5" "offset" "0" "targetname" "sethealth_checkpoint1" "origin" "994.3 -195.2 10.5" } path_track { "angles" "0 0 0" "orientationtype" "1" "radius" "0" "spawnflags" "0" "speed" "0" "target" "tank_path_objective_8" "origin" "497.3 -389.4 -1.7" "targetname" "tank_path_objective_7" } path_track { "angles" "0 0 0" "orientationtype" "1" "radius" "0" "spawnflags" "0" "speed" "0" "target" "tank_path_objective_9" "origin" "504.3 -1324.1 -145.4" "targetname" "tank_path_objective_8" "OnPass" "tankboss,SetSpeed,0,0.1,-1" "OnPass" "tank_move_relay*,$removeoutput,ontrigger,0,-1" "OnPass" "trigger_tankmove,Disable,,0,-1" "OnPass" "enemies_last,Show,,0,-1" } path_track { "angles" "0 0 0" "orientationtype" "1" "radius" "0" "spawnflags" "0" "speed" "0" "target" "tank_path_objective_10" "origin" "506.9 -1973.8 -130.1" "targetname" "tank_path_objective_9" // "OnPass" "tankboss,AddHealth,20000,0.1,-1" // "OnPass" "sethealth_checkpoint2,Show,,0.1,-1" } // training_annotation // { // "display_text" "Checkpoint reached! Tank health restored." // "lifetime" "5" // "offset" "0" // "targetname" "sethealth_checkpoint2" // "origin" "506.9 -1973.8 -130.1" // } training_annotation { "display_text" "Finish off the remaining Giants!" "lifetime" "5" "offset" "0" "targetname" "enemies_last" "origin" "504.3 -1324.1 -145.4" } path_track { "angles" "0 0 0" "orientationtype" "1" "radius" "0" "spawnflags" "0" "speed" "0" "target" "tank_path_objective_11" "targetname" "tank_path_objective_10" "origin" "268.0 -2254.1 -178.7" } logic_relay { "targetname" "dead_before_all_relay_2" "spawnflags" "2" "ontrigger" "tank_path_objective_8*,$removeoutput,onpass,0,-1" } path_track { "angles" "0 0 0" "orientationtype" "1" "radius" "0" "spawnflags" "0" "speed" "0" "targetname" "tank_path_objective_11" "origin" "0 -2240 -192" } OnSpawnOutput { Target hatch_shield* Action Disable } OnSpawnOutput { Target forcefield_hatch Action Disable } OnSpawnOutput { Target hatch_field* Action Disable } OnSpawnOutput { Target capturezone_blue Action Disable } OnSpawnOutput { Target escort Action Show } OnSpawnOutput { Target bald_lol Action Show Delay 5 } OnSpawnOutput { Target paylaod Action Show Delay 15 } training_annotation { "display_text" "Escort the Tank! It will grant Bomb buffs to Players close by." "lifetime" "5" "offset" "0" "targetname" "escort" "origin" "-640 4608 -432" } training_annotation { "display_text" "Heavy players cannot receive these buffs." "lifetime" "5" "offset" "0" "targetname" "bald_lol" "origin" "-640 4608 -432" } training_annotation { "display_text" "You must push the tank like a Payload!" "lifetime" "5" "offset" "0" "targetname" "paylaod" "origin" "-640 4608 -432" } //if barrier is enabled, stop tank } TankObjective { NoFixup 1 OnSpawnOutput { Target Classic_Mode_Intel action disable delay 0.1 } game_round_win { "teamnum" "2" "targetname" "bots_win_red" "force_map_reset" "1" } // OnParentKilledOutput // { // Target loserelay // Action Trigger // Delay -1 // } logic_relay { "targetname" "loserelay" "startdisabled" "0" "ontrigger" "bots_win_red,RoundWin,,0,-1" "OnUser4" "bots_win_red,Kill,,0,-1" // activated when tank starts deploying } // OnParentKilledOutput // { // Target loserelay // Action Trigger // } OnSpawnOutput { target tankboss action setspeed param 18 delay 6 } info_particle_system { "angles" "0 0 0" "effect_name" "mvm_levelup1" "flag_as_weather" "0" "start_active" "0" "targetname" "lvl_1" "origin" "31 -20 192.177" } info_particle_system { "angles" "0 0 0" "effect_name" "mvm_levelup2" "flag_as_weather" "0" "start_active" "0" "targetname" "lvl_2" "origin" "31 -20 192.177" } info_particle_system { "angles" "0 0 0" "effect_name" "mvm_levelup3" "flag_as_weather" "0" "start_active" "0" "targetname" "lvl_3" "origin" "31 -20 192.177" } logic_relay { "spawnflags" "2" "targetname" "tank_upgrade_relay" //level 1: backup effect "ontrigger" "trigger_tank_stage1,Enable,,5,-1" "ontrigger" "lvl_1,Start,,5,-1" "ontrigger" "lvl_1,Stop,,7,-1" "ontrigger" "player,$playsoundtoself,mvm\mvm_warning.wav,5,-1" //level 2: regen "ontrigger" "trigger_tank_stage2,Enable,,10,-1" "ontrigger" "lvl_2,Start,,10,-1" "ontrigger" "lvl_2,Stop,,12,-1" "ontrigger" "player,$playsoundtoself,mvm\mvm_warning.wav,10,-1" //stage 3: full crits "ontrigger" "trigger_tank_stage3,Enable,,15,-1" "ontrigger" "lvl_3,Start,,15,-1" "ontrigger" "lvl_3,Stop,,17,-1" "ontrigger" "player,$playsoundtoself,mvm\mvm_warning.wav,15,-1" } logic_relay { "spawnflags" "2" "targetname" "tank_stop_relay" "ontrigger" "trigger_tank_stage*,Disable,,0,-1" "ontrigger" "lvl_1,Stop,,2,-1" "ontrigger" "lvl_2,Stop,,2,-1" "ontrigger" "lvl_3,Stop,,2,-1" //"ontrigger" "tankboss,SetSpeed,34,0,-1" } logic_relay { "spawnflags" "2" "targetname" "tank_move_relay" "ontrigger" "tankboss,SetSpeed,18,0,-1" } trigger_multiple { "origin" "-5.5 -3 80" "spawnflags" "1" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "trigger_tankmove" "wait" "0" "filtername" "filter_blueteam2" "mins" "-320 -270 -96" "maxs" "320 270 96" "OnStartTouch" "tankboss,SetSpeed,75,0,-1" } trigger_multiple { "origin" "-5.5 -3 80" "spawnflags" "1" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "trigger_upgrader" "wait" "0" "filtername" "filter_blueteam2" "mins" "-320 -270 -96" "maxs" "320 270 96" "OnStartTouchAll" "tank_upgrade_relay,Trigger,,0,-1" "OnStartTouchAll" "tank_stop_relay,$cancelpending,,0,-1" "OnStartTouchAll" "tank_move_relay,$cancelpending,,0,-1" "onendtouchall" "tank_move_relay,Trigger,,0,-1" "onendtouchall" "tank_upgrade_relay,$cancelpending,,0,-1" "onendtouchall" "tank_stop_relay,Trigger,,0,-1" } trigger_add_tf_player_condition { "condition" "26" "duration" "-1" "filtername" "filter_heavy_blu_allow" "origin" "-5.5 -3 80" "spawnflags" "1" "StartDisabled" "1" "targetname" "trigger_tank_stage1" "mins" "-320 -270 -96" "maxs" "320 270 96" } trigger_add_tf_player_condition { "condition" "65" "duration" "-1" "filtername" "filter_heavy_blu_allow" "origin" "-5.5 -3 80" "spawnflags" "1" "StartDisabled" "1" "targetname" "trigger_tank_stage2" "mins" "-320 -270 -96" "maxs" "320 270 96" "onstarttouch" "!activator,$addplayerattribute,CARD: health regen|45,0,-1" "onendtouch" "!activator,$removeplayerattribute,CARD: health regen,0,-1" "onendtouchall" "tank_upgrade_relay*,$cancelpending,,0,-1" } trigger_add_tf_player_condition { "condition" "19" // minicritboost on kill "duration" "-1" "filtername" "filter_heavy_blu_allow" "origin" "-5.5 -3 80" "spawnflags" "1" "StartDisabled" "1" "targetname" "trigger_tank_stage3" "mins" "-320 -270 -96" "maxs" "320 270 96" "onendtouchall" "trigger_tank_stage*,Disable,,0,-1" "onendtouchall" "tank_upgrade_relay*,$cancelpending,,0,-1" } filter_multi { "targetname" "filter_heavy_blu_allow" "filter01" "filter_blueteam2" "filter02" "is_heavy" "filtertype" "0" // if heavy pass, disallow } filter_activator_tfteam { "Negated" "0" "targetname" "filter_blueteam2" "TeamNum" "3" "origin" "-241.484 -2365.02 -135.948" } filter_tf_class { "Negated" "1" // if heavy, disallow "targetname" "is_heavy" "tfclass" "6" } } texttimerv2_setup { OnSpawnOutput { Target timerdisplay Action runscriptcode Param "timer(7,00,0.75,0.2,`0 255 255`)" // timer(minutes,seconds,xpos,ypos,`color`) } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //// inputs you can use to alter the timer ///////////////////////////////////////// // // // add/subtract time // example adds 2 minutes // Target addtime // Action setvalue // Param "120" // // // set time // example sets time to 10 minutes // Target addtime // Action setvalue // Param "600" // // // pause/unpause timer // // Target timerpause // Action trigger // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } } BuildingSpawnTemplate { Name EngiBuildSpawn BuildingType "Dispenser" } BuildingSpawnTemplate { Name EngiBuildSpawn BuildingType "Teleporter Exit" } BuildingSpawnTemplate { Name EngiBuildSpawn BuildingType "Teleporter Entry" } PlayerShootTemplate //Shoot defined point template. Template is spawned at player position in looking direction, forward velocity being applied to spawned entities { Name CannonExplode AttachToProjectile 1 ItemName "DeviceCannon1" } SpawnTemplate SetUp_Logic //SpawnTemplate NoTrolling SpawnTemplate UpgradeBLUSTATION SpawnTemplate hatch_stuff SpawnTemplate AutoApply_Attributes SpawnTemplate RobotSpawns SpawnTemplate EngiSpawn SpawnTemplate OBJECTIVEWIN SpawnTemplate NoCheeseStrats SpawnTemplate texttimerv2_setup SpawnTemplate Wave4Logic PlayerAttributes { Engineer { "SET BONUS: max health additive bonus" 125 "mod teleporter speed boost" 1 //"build rate bonus" 0.01 "special item description" "Dispenser and Teleporters are built instantly and at Level 2." } Heavyweapons { "cannot upgrade bomb" 1 "mult flag carrier move speed" 1.7 } } // PlayerItemEquipSpawnTemplate // { // Name SentryBusterDetonate // Itemname "Bust Caber" // } PlayerItemEquipSpawnTemplate { Name BusterV2 Itemname "Bust Caber" } ItemAttributes { Itemname "bonk! atomic punch" "effect cond override" 73 } ItemAttributes { Itemname "The Beggar's Bazooka" "damage penalty" 0.85 "clip size bonus" 1.75 "reload time increased hidden" 2 } // ItemAttributes // { // Itemname "The Gunboats" // "mult flag carrier move speed" 1.7 // } // ItemAttributes // { // Itemname "The Mantreads" // "mult flag carrier move speed" 1.7 // } // ItemAttributes // { // Itemname "The Razorback" // "mult flag carrier move speed" 1.7 // } // ItemAttributes // { // Itemname "Darwin's Danger Shield" // "mult flag carrier move speed" 1.7 // } // ItemAttributes // { // Itemname "Ali Baba's Wee Booties" // "mult flag carrier move speed" 1.7 // } // ItemAttributes // { // Itemname "The Thermal Thruster" // "mult flag carrier move speed" 1.7 // } // ItemAttributes // { // Itemname "The Bootlegger" // "mult flag carrier move speed" 1.7 // } ItemAttributes { Itemname "The Rescue Ranger" "max health additive penalty" -25 "projectile speed decreased" 0.75 } ItemAttributes { Itemname "The Widowmaker" "damage penalty" 0.8 } ItemAttributes { Itemname "The Short Circuit" "max health additive penalty" -50 "fire rate penalty" 4 } ItemAttributes { SimilarToItem "The Wrangler" "engy building health bonus" 0.85 } ItemAttributes { Classname "tf_weapon_knife" "add attributes when active" "cannot pick up intelligence|1" } ForceItem "Battery Canteens" Mission // announcer please shut the fuck up { Where red Objective Sniper BeginAtWave 1 RunForThisManyWaves 999 DesiredCount 1 InitialCooldown 0 CooldownTime 0 TFBot { class scout action idle Classicon blu2_lite NoIdleSound 1 Name "troglodyte" Attributes miniboss UseCustomModel "models\empty.mdl" ItemAttributes { Itemname "tf_weapon_scattergun" "custom item model" "models\empty.mdl" } FireInput { Target "!activator" //Entity name to use Action "$teleporttoentity" //Input to fire Param "troglo" //Parameter to use Delay 0 //Delay before firing the input Cooldown 1 //Cooldown between firing the input Repeats 1 //IfHealthBelow 100 //When set, the task activates only when the bot health is below specified value //IfHealthAbove 0 //When set, the task activates only when the bot health is above specified value } AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.00001 "no_attack" 1 "no_jump" 1 "no_duck" 1 "dmg taken increased" 0 "cannot be backstabbed" 1 "ignored by enemy sentries" 1 "ignored by bots" 1 "damage penalty" 0.01 "voice pitch scale" 0 } } } Wave // Wave 1 { StartWaveOutput { Target wave_start_relay_classic // break through the fence Action Trigger } DoneOutput { Target wave_finished_relay Action Trigger } InitWaveOutput { Target bombpath_street_relay Action Trigger } // CustomWaveNumber 1 // CustomMaxWaveNumber 5 SpawnTemplate ControlPoint1 // cap first SpawnTemplate ControlPoint2 // cap second/third SpawnTemplate ControlPoint4 // cap second/third SpawnTemplate ControlPoint3 // cap last SpawnTemplate CoreControlPoints Explanation { Line "{grey}Gray Mann: {blue}As self-learning A.I. robots, you will complete numerous {yellow}tasks {blue}throughout this mission!" Line "{grey}Gray Mann: {blue}This town is a branch of Mann Co and must be destroyed using a bomb!" Line "{yellow}TASK: {blue}Capture square points to map out the area." } WaveSpawn // Dummy { Support Limited TotalCount 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 FirstSpawnOutput { Target capturepoint_1 Action Enable } } WaveSpawn // Dummy { Support Limited TotalCount 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 FirstSpawnOutput { Target Classic_Mode_Intel Action Disable } } WaveSpawn { Where spawnbot_invasion TotalCount 0 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 11 WaitBeforeStarting 6969 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Extended_Battalion } } WaveSpawn { Name "point_1" Where rev_spawnbot_hatch TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 TotalCurrency 200 FirstSpawnOutput { Target cap_point Action Show } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Crit_Fix Action Mobber FireInput { Target "!activator" //Entity name to use Action "$teleporttoentity" //Input to fire Param "rev_spawnbot_point1" //Parameter to use Delay 0 //Delay before firing the input Cooldown 1 //Cooldown between firing the input Repeats 1 } Attributes DisableDodge CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.000001 "no_jump" 1 } AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } } WaveSpawn { Name "second" WaitForAllDead "point_1" Where rev_spawnbot_hatch_left TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 TotalCurrency 200 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Crit_Fix Action Mobber Attributes DisableDodge FireInput { Target "!activator" //Entity name to use Action "$teleporttoentity" //Input to fire Param "rev_spawnbot_pointA" //Parameter to use Delay 0 //Delay before firing the input Cooldown 1 //Cooldown between firing the input Repeats 1 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.000001 "no_jump" 1 } AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } } WaveSpawn { Name "second" WaitForAllDead "point_1" Where rev_spawnbot_hatch_left TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 TotalCurrency 200 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Crit_Fix Action Mobber FireInput { Target "!activator" //Entity name to use Action "$teleporttoentity" //Input to fire Param "rev_spawnbot_pointB" //Parameter to use Delay 0 //Delay before firing the input Cooldown 1 //Cooldown between firing the input Repeats 1 } Attributes DisableDodge CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.000001 "no_jump" 1 } AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } } WaveSpawn { Name "third" WaitForAllDead "second" Where rev_spawnbot_hatch_right TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 TotalCurrency 200 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Crit_Fix MaxVisionRange 99999 Action Mobber Attributes DisableDodge FireInput { Target "!activator" //Entity name to use Action "$teleporttoentity" //Input to fire Param "rev_spawnbot_point2" //Parameter to use Delay 0 //Delay before firing the input Cooldown 1 //Cooldown between firing the input Repeats 1 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.000001 "no_jump" 1 } AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } } //the wave WaveSpawn { Name "blu" Where spawnbot_invasion TotalCount 99 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawnsAfterDeath 10 TotalCurrency 0 Support 1 TFBot { Class Heavyweapons Skill Easy Action Mobber } } WaveSpawn { Name "a1" // first gsoldier Where rev_spawnbot_upgrades TotalCount 40 MaxActive 5 SpawnCount 3 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 3 TotalCurrency 50 HideIcon 1 RandomChoice { TFBot { Class Scout Skill Normal WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Action Mobber //Action FetchFlag Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Heavyweight_Champ_Fast Action Mobber //Action FetchFlag Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } } } WaveSpawn { Name "a2.1" // second gsoldier WaitForAllSpawned "second" Where rev_spawnbot_entrance TotalCount 20 MaxActive 3 SpawnCount 3 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 3 TotalCurrency 50 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Huntsman Skill Expert Action Mobber //Action FetchFlag Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } } WaveSpawn { Name "a2.2" // second gsoldier WaitForAllSpawned "a2.1" Where rev_spawnbot_megaammo Where rev_spawnbot_mediumammo TotalCount 15 MaxActive 3 SpawnCount 3 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawnsAfterDeath 15 TotalCurrency 50 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Soldier_HomingRockets Skill Expert Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "clip size penalty" 0.5 "fire rate penalty" 2 } //Action FetchFlag Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } } WaveSpawn { Name "a2" // second gsoldier WaitForAllSpawned "second" Where rev_spawnbot_building_left Where rev_spawnbot_building_right TotalCount 60 MaxActive 7 SpawnCount 3 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 3 TotalCurrency 50 HideIcon 1 RandomChoice { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Fix Skill Normal CharacterAttributes { "airblast disabled" 1 } Action Mobber //Action FetchFlag Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } TFBot { Name "Widowmaker Engie" Class Engineer ClassIcon engineer_widowmaker_nys Action Mobber MaxVisionRange 1000 WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Item "The Widowmaker" Item "The Deus Specs" Skill Normal //Action FetchFlag Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } } } WaveSpawn { Name "a3" // third gsoldier WaitForAllSpawned "third" Where rev_spawnbot_building_left Where rev_spawnbot_building_right TotalCount 40 MaxActive 7 SpawnCount 3 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 3 TotalCurrency 100 HideIcon 1 RandomChoice { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Sandman_FastCharge Skill Normal Action Mobber //Action FetchFlag Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Flareburst Skill Normal WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly Action Mobber //Action FetchFlag Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } } } WaveSpawn { Name "a3" // third gsoldier WaitForAllSpawned "third" Where rev_spawnbot_hatch_left Where rev_spawnbot_hatch_right TotalCount 30 MaxActive 5 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 TotalCurrency 100 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Demoman Action Mobber Skill Hard Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } } } Wave // Wave 2 { StartWaveOutput { Target wave_start_relay_classic Action Trigger } DoneOutput { Target wave_finished_relay Action Trigger } InitWaveOutput { Target relay_init Action Trigger } // CustomWaveNumber 2 // CustomMaxWaveNumber 5 SpawnTemplate ObjectiveWave2 Explanation { Line "{grey}Gray Mann: {blue}We have scouted the area and are now looking to assemble a bomb!" Line "{grey}Gray Mann: {blue}...And you are also stuck in their base." Line "{grey}Gray Mann: {blue}Destroy robots to obtain their parts, then bring them back to our base." Line "{yellow}TASK: {blue}Gather parts and bring them to ROBOTS spawn!" } WaveSpawn // Dummy { Support Limited TotalCount 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 FirstSpawnOutput { Target Classic_Mode_Intel Action Disable } } WaveSpawn // Dummy { WaitForAllDead "booba" TotalCount 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 Support Limited FirstSpawnOutput { Target func_flagdetectionzone Action Enable } } WaveSpawn { Name "booba" Where rev_spawnbot_building_right Where rev_spawnbot_building_left TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 10 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 Support Limited TotalCurrency 0 HideIcon 1 DoneOutput { Target bots_win_blu Action RoundWin } TFBot { Class Scout Action Idle Name "Collect Parts to win!" Health 8 ClassIcon agentbomb UseCustomModel "models\empty.mdl" SpawnTemplate ObjectiveDropParts Attributes UseBossHealthBar ItemAttributes { Itemname "tf_weapon_scattergun" "custom item model" "models\empty.mdl" } //Action FetchFlag FireInput { Target "!activator" //Entity name to use Action "$teleporttoentity" //Input to fire Param "troglo" //Parameter to use Delay 0 //Delay before firing the input Cooldown 1 //Cooldown between firing the input Repeats 1 //IfHealthBelow 100 //When set, the task activates only when the bot health is below specified value //IfHealthAbove 0 //When set, the task activates only when the bot health is above specified value } FireInput // point templates are dogshit so i have to do this?????? { Target "trigger_multiple" Action "Enable" Delay 0 Repeats 1 } Attributes DisableDodge CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.00001 "no_attack" 1 "no_jump" 1 "no_duck" 1 "cannot be backstabbed" 1 "ignored by enemy sentries" 1 "ignored by bots" 1 "dmg from ranged reduced" 0 "damage penalty" 0.01 "voice pitch scale" 0 } } } WaveSpawn { Name "supp" Where red TotalCount 99 MaxActive 4 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 20 WaitBetweenSpawns 3 TotalCurrency 0 Support 1 HideIcon 1 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Cola Skill Hard Attributes DisableDodge Action Mobber FireInput { Target "!activator" //Entity name to use Action "$teleporttoentity" //Input to fire Param "red_spawn_blu" //Parameter to use Delay 0 //Delay before firing the input Cooldown 1 //Cooldown between firing the input Repeats 1 //IfHealthBelow 100 //When set, the task activates only when the bot health is below specified value //IfHealthAbove 0 //When set, the task activates only when the bot health is above specified value } ClassIcon blu2_lite } } WaveSpawn { Where spawnbot_invasion TotalCount 0 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 11 WaitBeforeStarting 6969 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Extended_Battalion } } WaveSpawn { Name "tutorial" Where rev_spawnbot_low_left TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 TotalCurrency 0 Support Limited HideIcon 1 DoneOutput { Target addtime Action setvalue Param "120" } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Scout Action Mobber //Action FetchFlag SpawnTemplate ObjectiveDropParts FireInput { Target "!activator" //Entity name to use Action "$SetLocalOrigin" //Input to fire Param "-182.6 -1342.2 -141.0" //Parameter to use Delay 0 //Delay before firing the input Cooldown 1 //Cooldown between firing the input Repeats 1 //IfHealthBelow 100 //When set, the task activates only when the bot health is below specified value //IfHealthAbove 0 //When set, the task activates only when the bot health is above specified value } FireInput { Target "!activator" //Entity name to use Action "$suicide" //Input to fire Delay 2 Cooldown 1 //Cooldown between firing the input Repeats 1 //IfHealthBelow 100 //When set, the task activates only when the bot health is below specified value //IfHealthAbove 0 //When set, the task activates only when the bot health is above specified value } Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } } WaveSpawn { Name "tutorial" Where rev_spawnbot_low_left TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 3 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 TotalCurrency 0 Support Limited HideIcon 1 TFBot { Class Scout Action Idle //Action FetchFlag FireInput { Target "!activator" //Entity name to use Action "$SetLocalOrigin" //Input to fire Param "-182.6 -1342.2 -141.0" //Parameter to use Delay 0 //Delay before firing the input Cooldown 1 //Cooldown between firing the input Repeats 1 //IfHealthBelow 100 //When set, the task activates only when the bot health is below specified value //IfHealthAbove 0 //When set, the task activates only when the bot health is above specified value } FireInput { Target "!activator" //Entity name to use Action "$SetLocalOrigin" //Input to fire Param "-1314.7 3214.9 -180.5" //Parameter to use Delay 3 Cooldown 1 //Cooldown between firing the input Repeats 1 //IfHealthBelow 100 //When set, the task activates only when the bot health is below specified value //IfHealthAbove 0 //When set, the task activates only when the bot health is above specified value } InterruptAction // Stop current bot ai and force the bot to move to a location { Target "-1412.2 2937.0 -189.0" Delay 3.1 Repeats 1 Cooldown 0.01 Duration 1 WaitUntilDone 1 } RemoveAttribute { Item "Player" Name "move speed penalty" Delay 3.1 Cooldown 1 //Cooldown between removing attributes } InterruptAction // Stop current bot ai and force the bot to move to a location { Target "-1824.8 2898.7 -182.1" AimTarget "-1824.8 2898.7 -182.1" Delay 3.3 Repeats 1 AlwaysLook 1 Cooldown 0.01 Duration 0.01 WaitUntilDone 1 } FireInput { Target "!activator" //Entity name to use Action "$suicide" //Input to fire Delay 9 Cooldown 1 //Cooldown between firing the input Repeats 1 //IfHealthBelow 100 //When set, the task activates only when the bot health is below specified value //IfHealthAbove 0 //When set, the task activates only when the bot health is above specified value } CharacterAttributes { "move speed penalty" 0.01 "no_jump" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge } } WaveSpawn { Name "a1" Where rev_spawnbot_brownbuilding TotalCount 3 MaxActive 2 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 20 WaitBetweenSpawns 25 TotalCurrency 100 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Sniper_SMG Action Mobber Tag bot_nocamp SpawnTemplate ObjectiveDropParts Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } } WaveSpawn { Name "a1.1" Where rev_spawnbot_arch Where rev_spawnbot_car TotalCount 30 MaxActive 8 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 20 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 TotalCurrency 50 HideIcon 1 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Bison Action Mobber Tag bot_nocamp Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } } WaveSpawn { Name "a1.1" Where rev_spawnbot_car Where rev_spawnbot_arch TotalCount 30 MaxActive 5 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 20 WaitBetweenSpawns 2 TotalCurrency 50 HideIcon 1 TFBot { Class Scout Skill Easy Tag bot_nocamp Action Mobber Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } } WaveSpawn { Name "a2" WaitForAllSpawned "a1" Where rev_spawnbot_upgrades TotalCount 4 MaxActive 2 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 10 WaitBetweenSpawns 25 TotalCurrency 200 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demoman ClassIcon demo_spammer Action Mobber //Action FetchFlag SpawnTemplate ObjectiveDropParts Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } } WaveSpawn { Name "a2.1" WaitForAllSpawned "a1" Where rev_spawnbot_upgrades Where rev_spawnbot_megaammo TotalCount 8 MaxActive 4 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 10 WaitBetweenSpawns 25 TotalCurrency 100 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Bastion Action Mobber Skill Hard //SpawnTemplate ObjectiveDropParts Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } } WaveSpawn { Name "a2.1" WaitForAllSpawned "a1" Where rev_spawnbot_upgrades Where rev_spawnbot_megaammo TotalCount 40 MaxActive 8 SpawnCount 4 WaitBeforeStarting 10 WaitBetweenSpawns 8 TotalCurrency 100 HideIcon 1 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Huntsman Action Mobber Skill Normal Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } } WaveSpawn { Name "a3" WaitForAllSpawned "a2" Where rev_spawnbot_low_left Where rev_spawnbot_low_right TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 20 WaitBetweenSpawns 25 TotalCurrency 200 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavyweapons Action Mobber //Action FetchFlag SpawnTemplate ObjectiveDropParts Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } } WaveSpawn { Name "a3" WaitForAllSpawned "a2" Where rev_spawnbot_low_left Where rev_spawnbot_low_right TotalCount 4 MaxActive 2 SpawnCount 2 WaitBeforeStarting 20 WaitBetweenSpawns 15 TotalCurrency 200 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Pyro_Flare_Spammer_Fix ClassIcon pyro_flare_red Action Mobber //Action FetchFlag SpawnTemplate ObjectiveDropParts Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } } WaveSpawn { Name "supp" WaitForAllDead "a3" Where rev_spawnbot_upgrades Where rev_spawnbot_low_right Where rev_spawnbot_low_left TotalCount 999 MaxActive 2 SpawnCount 2 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 15 TotalCurrency 0 //HideIcon 1 RandomChoice { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Boxing_Heavy Action Mobber //Action FetchFlag Attributes DisableDodge Classicon random_lite SpawnTemplate ObjectiveDropParts AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Scout_Fix Action Mobber //Action FetchFlag Classicon random_lite Attributes DisableDodge SpawnTemplate ObjectiveDropParts AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier Action Mobber //Action FetchFlag Classicon random_lite Attributes DisableDodge SpawnTemplate ObjectiveDropParts AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } } } WaveSpawn { Name "a3.1" WaitForAllSpawned "a2" Where rev_spawnbot_low_left Where rev_spawnbot_low_right TotalCount 65 MaxActive 12 SpawnCount 3 WaitBeforeStarting 20 WaitBetweenSpawns 5 TotalCurrency 100 HideIcon 1 RandomChoice { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Soldier_RocketShotgun Skill Normal Action Mobber //Action FetchFlag Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Pistol Skill Easy Action Mobber //Action FetchFlag Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Dragon Skill Easy Action Mobber //Action FetchFlag Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } } } } Wave // Wave 3 { StartWaveOutput { Target wave_start_relay_classic Action Trigger } DoneOutput { Target wave_finished_relay Action Trigger } InitWaveOutput { Target relay_init_revert Action Trigger } // CustomWaveNumber 3 // CustomMaxWaveNumber 5 //SpawnTemplate Engineer_ExtraSpawns SpawnTemplate TankNodes Explanation { Line "{grey}Gray Mann: {blue}The scraps you collected last wave will be used to build a bomb!" Line "{grey}Gray Mann: {blue}The enemy is deploying terminals that give Mannpower boosts! Destroy them!" Line "{grey}Gray Mann: {blue}You can play as a Sentry Buster this wave. Just press '1' on your virtual keyboards." Line "{yellow}TASK: {blue}Destroy enemy terminals!" } WaveSpawn { Where spawnbot_invasion TotalCount 0 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 11 WaitBeforeStarting 6969 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Extended_Battalion } } WaveSpawn // Dummy { Support Limited TotalCount 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 FirstSpawnOutput { Target Classic_Mode_Intel Action Disable } } WaveSpawn // Tank 30k HP { Name "console_arch" TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 TotalCurrency 100 Tank { Name "tankboss" StartingPathTrackNode "path_idle_1" Health 10000 Speed 75 TeamNum 2 ClassIcon powerup_haste_lite NoScreenShake 1 NoCrushDamage 1 // PingSound "ambient\lair\cap_2_tram_door_open.wav" PingSound "misc\null.wav" Immobile 1 Skin 0 DisableChildModels 1 //If set to 1, bomb and treads models will be disabled DisableTracks 1 //If set to 1, treads models will be disabled DisableBomb 1 //If set to 1, bomb model will be disabled Model "models/props_spytech/control_room_console04.mdl" EngineLoopSound "misc\null.wav" // OnKilledOutput // { // } OnBombDroppedOutput { Target boss_deploy_relay Action Trigger } } } WaveSpawn // Tank 30k HP { Name "console_arch" TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 TotalCurrency 100 Tank { Name "tankboss" StartingPathTrackNode "path_idle_one" Health 10000 Speed 75 TeamNum 2 NoScreenShake 1 NoCrushDamage 1 Immobile 1 // PingSound "ambient\lair\cap_2_tram_door_open.wav" PingSound "misc\null.wav" Skin 0 ClassIcon powerup_resist_lite DisableChildModels 1 //If set to 1, bomb and treads models will be disabled DisableTracks 1 //If set to 1, treads models will be disabled DisableBomb 1 //If set to 1, bomb model will be disabled Model "models/props_spytech/control_room_console04.mdl" EngineLoopSound "misc\null.wav" // OnKilledOutput // { // } OnBombDroppedOutput { Target boss_deploy_relay Action Trigger } } } WaveSpawn // Tank 30k HP { Name "console_arch" TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 TotalCurrency 100 Tank { Name "tankboss" StartingPathTrackNode "path_idle_eins" Health 10000 Speed 75 TeamNum 2 NoScreenShake 1 NoCrushDamage 1 // PingSound "ambient\lair\cap_2_tram_door_open.wav" PingSound "misc\null.wav" Immobile 1 Skin 0 ClassIcon powerup_vampire_lite DisableChildModels 1 //If set to 1, bomb and treads models will be disabled DisableTracks 1 //If set to 1, treads models will be disabled DisableBomb 1 //If set to 1, bomb model will be disabled Model "models/props_spytech/control_room_console04.mdl" EngineLoopSound "misc\null.wav" // OnKilledOutput // { // } OnBombDroppedOutput { Target boss_deploy_relay Action Trigger } } } WaveSpawn // Tank 30k HP { Name "console_arch" TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 TotalCurrency 100 Tank { Name "tankboss" StartingPathTrackNode "path_idle_uno" Health 10000 Speed 75 TeamNum 2 NoScreenShake 1 NoCrushDamage 1 Immobile 1 // PingSound "ambient\lair\cap_2_tram_door_open.wav" PingSound "misc\null.wav" Skin 0 ClassIcon powerup_precision_lite DisableChildModels 1 //If set to 1, bomb and treads models will be disabled DisableTracks 1 //If set to 1, treads models will be disabled DisableBomb 1 //If set to 1, bomb model will be disabled Model "models/props_spytech/control_room_console04.mdl" EngineLoopSound "misc\null.wav" // OnKilledOutput // { // } OnBombDroppedOutput { Target boss_deploy_relay Action Trigger } } } WaveSpawn // Tank 30k HP { Name "console_arch" TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 TotalCurrency 150 Tank { Name "tankboss" StartingPathTrackNode "path_idle_wahn" Health 10000 Speed 75 TeamNum 2 NoScreenShake 1 NoCrushDamage 1 Immobile 1 // PingSound "ambient\lair\cap_2_tram_door_open.wav" PingSound "misc\null.wav" Skin 0 ClassIcon powerup_strength_lite DisableChildModels 1 //If set to 1, bomb and treads models will be disabled DisableTracks 1 //If set to 1, treads models will be disabled DisableBomb 1 //If set to 1, bomb model will be disabled Model "models/props_spytech/control_room_console04.mdl" EngineLoopSound "misc\null.wav" OnBombDroppedOutput { Target boss_deploy_relay Action Trigger } } } WaveSpawn // Dummy { WaitForAllDead "console_arch" TotalCount 1 Name "all_dead" SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 Support Limited } WaveSpawn // Dummy { WaitForAllDead "giant1" TotalCount 1 Name "all_dead" SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 Support Limited } WaveSpawn // Dummy { WaitForAllDead "all_dead" TotalCount 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 Support Limited FirstSpawnOutput { Target timerpause Action trigger } DoneOutput { Target text_relay Action Trigger Delay 2 } } WaveSpawn { Name "minions" WaitForAllDead "all_dead" Where rev_spawnbot_hatch TotalCount 120 MaxActive 8 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 14 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 TotalCurrency 0 HideIcon 1 Support Limited RandomChoice { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Fix CharacterAttributes { "airblast disabled" 1 } Action Mobber //Action FetchFlag Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Flaregun Action Mobber //Action FetchFlag Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Fix WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly Item "Sharpened Volcano Fragment" Action Mobber //Action FetchFlag Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Heater_Fix Action Mobber //Action FetchFlag Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Mangler Action Sniper //Action FetchFlag Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Huntsman Item "Darwin's Danger Shield" Action Mobber //Action FetchFlag Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } } } WaveSpawn { Name "boss_1" WaitForAllDead "all_dead" Where rev_spawnbot_hatch TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 14 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 TotalCurrency 0 HideIcon 1 DoneOutput { Target bots_win_blu Action RoundWin } TFBot { Name "Paradox Scarlet, Primeval Brute" Class Demoman ClassIcon heavy_fist_nys Scale 2.25 Health 40000 Attributes MiniBoss Attributes UseBossHealthBar Attributes AirChargeOnly ExtAttr JumpStomp Skill Expert MaxVisionRange 1500 WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly Tag bot_giant UseCustomModel "models\bots\heavy\bot_heavy.mdl" Item "The Gunboats" SpawnTemplate Wave3Boss //Item "Zombie Heavy" Item "The Chargin' Targe" Item "Big Chief" Item "The Aztec Aggressor" Item "Soviet Strongmann" Item "upgradeable TF_WEAPON_FISTS" ItemAttributes { ItemName "Ali Baba's Wee Booties" "boots falling stomp" 1 "set damagetype ignite" 1 // dunno if this works } ItemAttributes { Itemname "The Chargin' Targe" "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 1 } ItemAttributes { Itemname "upgradeable TF_WEAPON_FISTS" "crit vs burning players" 1 "attach particle effect" 13 "apply look velocity on damage" 800 "apply z velocity on damage" 800 "damage causes Airblast" 1 "fire rate penalty" 2 "melee range multiplier" 1.3 "speed_boost_on_hit" 5 } ItemAttributes { Itemname "Soviet Strongmann" "attach particle effect" 13 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "attack not cancel charge" 1 "damage force reduction" 0 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.05 "override footstep sound set" 2 "increased jump height" 2 "head scale" 0.7 "cancel falling damage" 1 //"no_jump" 1 //"charge time increased" 2 } Action Mobber //Action FetchFlag Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } } //the wave WaveSpawn { Name "bots" Where spawnbot_invasion TotalCount 99 MaxActive 4 SpawnCount 4 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 TotalCurrency 0 HideIcon 1 Support 1 RandomChoice { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Stickybomb Action Mobber } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Dragon Action Mobber } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Beggars Action Mobber } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Shotgun Skill Expert Action Mobber } } } WaveSpawn { Name "giant1" Where rev_spawnbot_hatch TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 TotalCurrency 50 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_BurstFire Action Mobber Tag bot_powerup MaxVisionRange 1200 CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.000001 "no_jump" 1 } FireInput { Target "!activator" Action "$teleporttoentity" Param "add_buffs_1" Delay 0 Cooldown 1 Repeats 1 } //Action FetchFlag Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } } WaveSpawn { Name "giant1" Where rev_spawnbot_hatch TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 TotalCurrency 50 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Sniper_Huntsman Action Mobber ClassIcon sniper_bow_multi Tag bot_powerup ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Huntsman" "damage bonus" 2 "fire rate bonus" 0.6 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.000001 "no_jump" 1 } FireInput { Target "!activator" Action "$teleporttoentity" Param "add_buffs_one" Delay 0 Cooldown 1 Repeats 1 } //Action FetchFlag Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } } WaveSpawn { Name "giant1" Where rev_spawnbot_hatch TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 TotalCurrency 50 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavyweapons Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.000001 "no_jump" 1 } FireInput { Target "!activator" Action "$teleporttoentity" Param "add_buffs_eins" Delay 0 Cooldown 1 Repeats 1 } //Action FetchFlag Tag bot_powerup Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } } WaveSpawn { Name "giant1" Where rev_spawnbot_hatch TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 TotalCurrency 50 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Spammer Action Mobber Tag bot_powerup CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.000001 "no_jump" 1 } FireInput { Target "!activator" Action "$teleporttoentity" Param "add_buffs_uno" Delay 0 Cooldown 1 Repeats 1 } //Action FetchFlag Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } } WaveSpawn { Name "giant1" Where rev_spawnbot_hatch TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 TotalCurrency 50 TFBot { Name "Giant Sniper" Class Sniper Scale 1.75 Health 3000 Attributes MiniBoss Skill Expert MaxVisionRange 2500 WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Tag bot_giant Item "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE" CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.000001 "no_jump" 1 "damage force reduction" 0.2 "head scale" 0.75 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.2 "override footstep sound set" 7 } Tag bot_powerup Action Sniper FireInput { Target "!activator" Action "$teleporttoentity" Param "add_buffs_wahn" Delay 0 Cooldown 1 Repeats 1 } //Action FetchFlag Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } } WaveSpawn { Name "a1.1" Where rev_spawnbot_building_left Where rev_spawnbot_building_right Where rev_spawnbot_car TotalCount 40 MaxActive 7 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 2 TotalCurrency 50 HideIcon 1 RandomChoice { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Shotgun Action Mobber Skill Hard //Action FetchFlag Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Huntsman Skill Expert Action Sniper //Action FetchFlag Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Melee Skill Hard Action Mobber //Action FetchFlag Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } } } WaveSpawn { Name "a1" Where rev_spawnbot_entrance Where rev_spawnbot_brownbuilding Where rev_spawnbot_arch Where rev_spawnbot_car TotalCount 20 MaxActive 4 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 2 WaitBetweenSpawns 4 TotalCurrency 50 HideIcon 1 RandomChoice { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Soldier_DirectHit Action Mobber Skill Hard //Action FetchFlag Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Demoknight_Hybrid Skill Expert Action Sniper //Action FetchFlag Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Bonk Skill Hard Action Mobber WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly //Action FetchFlag Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Fix Skill Hard CharacterAttributes { "airblast disabled" 1 } Action Mobber //Action FetchFlag Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } } } WaveSpawn { Name "a2.1" WaitForAllSpawned "a1.1" Where rev_spawnbot_building_left Where rev_spawnbot_building_right Where rev_spawnbot_car TotalCount 40 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 6 WaitBeforeStarting 20 WaitBetweenSpawnsAfterDeath 10 TotalCurrency 50 HideIcon 1 RandomChoice { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Flaregun Action Mobber Skill Hard //Action FetchFlag Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Demoman Skill Expert Action Sniper //Action FetchFlag Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Heavyweight_Champ_Fast Skill Hard Action Mobber //Action FetchFlag Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } } } WaveSpawn { Name "a2" WaitForAllSpawned "a1" Where rev_spawnbot_entrance Where rev_spawnbot_brownbuilding Where rev_spawnbot_arch Where rev_spawnbot_car TotalCount 20 MaxActive 4 SpawnCount 4 WaitBeforeStarting 20 WaitBetweenSpawnsAfterDeath 20 TotalCurrency 50 HideIcon 1 RandomChoice { TFBot { Class Soldier Action Mobber Skill Hard //Action FetchFlag Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } TFBot { Class Heavyweapons Skill Normal Action Mobber //Action FetchFlag Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Cola Skill Hard Action Mobber WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly //Action FetchFlag Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Dragon Skill Hard Action Mobber //Action FetchFlag Attributes DisableDodge AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 57 Duration 1.5 } } } } } // Wave // Wave 4 // { // StartWaveOutput // { // Target wave_start_relay_classic // Action Trigger // } // DoneOutput // { // Target wave_finished_relay // Action Trigger // } // InitWaveOutput // { // Target relay_init_wave4 // Action Trigger // } // // CustomWaveNumber 4 // // CustomMaxWaveNumber 5 // Explanation // { // Line "{grey}Gray Mann: {blue}We have deployed a platform to invade from a different angle!" // Line "{grey}Gray Mann: {blue}To extend your activity time, we will deploy {yellow}Generators {blue}that can be activated using your Action key!" // Line "{grey}Gray Mann: {blue}Your time may be low, but generators extend your time!" // Line "{yellow}TASK: {blue}Activate generators under a shortened timer!" // } // //SpawnTemplate Wave4Logic // spawned globally // SpawnTemplate GeneratorWave4 // WaveSpawn // Dummy // { // TotalCount 1 // SpawnCount 1 // WaitBeforeStarting 8.5 // StartWaveMessage "{yellow}Now Playing: {58D70B}It's Pizza Time! - Pizza Tower OST" // Support Limited // } // WaveSpawn // { // Where spawnbot_invasion // TotalCount 0 // MaxActive 1 // SpawnCount 11 // WaitBeforeStarting 6969 // TFBot // { // Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Extended_Battalion // } // } // WaveSpawn // Dummy // { // Support Limited // TotalCount 1 // SpawnCount 1 // WaitBeforeStarting 0 // FirstSpawnOutput // { // Target Classic_Mode_Intel // Action Disable // } // DoneOutput // { // Target text_activate // Action Display // } // } // WaveSpawn // Dummy // { // Support Limited // TotalCount 1 // SpawnCount 1 // WaitBeforeStarting 0 // FirstSpawnOutput // { // Target drop_barrier* // Action Disable // } // DoneOutput // { // Target addtime // Action setvalue // Param "-300" // } // } // WaveSpawn // Dummy // { // Support Limited // TotalCount 1 // SpawnCount 1 // WaitBeforeStarting 0.1 // FirstSpawnOutput // { // Target barrier_2drop* // Action Disable // } // DoneOutput // { // Target rev_spawnbot_* // Action Disable // } // } // WaveSpawn // Dummy // { // Support Limited // TotalCount 1 // SpawnCount 1 // WaitBeforeStarting 0 // FirstSpawnOutput // { // Target gate_barrierdrop* // Action Disable // } // DoneOutput // { // Target wavespawn_stop_relay // action trigger // } // } // WaveSpawn // Dummy // { // Support Limited // TotalCount 1 // SpawnCount 1 // WaitBeforeStarting 10 // FirstSpawnOutput // { // Target text_rings // Action Display // } // } // WaveSpawn // { // Name "a1" // Where rev_spawnbot_low_left // TotalCount 1 // MaxActive 1 // SpawnCount 1 // WaitBeforeStarting 0 // WaitBetweenSpawns 0 // TotalCurrency 100 // TFBot // { // Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_SlowBarrage // Action Passive // //Action FetchFlag // Attributes DisableDodge // AddCond // { // Index 43 // } // AddCond // { // Index 57 // Duration 1.5 // } // } // } // WaveSpawn // { // Name "a1" // Where rev_spawnbot_low_left // TotalCount 16 // MaxActive 8 // SpawnCount 8 // WaitBeforeStarting 0 // WaitBetweenSpawns 0 // TotalCurrency 100 // HideIcon 1 // RandomSpawn 1 // TFBot // { // Class Scout // Skill Hard // Action Passive // //Action FetchFlag // Attributes DisableDodge // AddCond // { // Index 43 // } // AddCond // { // Index 57 // Duration 1.5 // } // } // } // WaveSpawn // { // Name "a7" // Where rev_spawnbot_building_left // Where rev_spawnbot_building_right // TotalCount 28 // MaxActive 14 // SpawnCount 14 // WaitBeforeStarting 1 // WaitBetweenSpawns 0 // TotalCurrency 100 // HideIcon 1 // RandomSpawn 1 // Squad // { // TFBot // { // Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Dragon // Skill Hard // Action Passive // //Action FetchFlag // Attributes DisableDodge // AddCond // { // Index 43 // } // AddCond // { // Index 57 // Duration 1.5 // } // } // TFBot // { // Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickUber // Skill Hard // Action Passive // //Action FetchFlag // Attributes DisableDodge // AddCond // { // Index 43 // } // AddCond // { // Index 57 // Duration 1.5 // } // } // } // } // WaveSpawn // { // Name "a6" // Where rev_spawnbot_arch // TotalCount 2 // MaxActive 1 // SpawnCount 1 // WaitBeforeStarting 1 // WaitBetweenSpawns 0 // TotalCurrency 100 // RandomSpawn 1 // TFBot // { // Template T_TFBot_Giant_Pyro // Action Passive // //Action FetchFlag // Attributes DisableDodge // AddCond // { // Index 43 // } // AddCond // { // Index 57 // Duration 1.5 // } // } // } // WaveSpawn // { // Name "a6" // Where rev_spawnbot_arch // TotalCount 20 // MaxActive 10 // SpawnCount 5 // WaitBeforeStarting 1 // WaitBetweenSpawns 5 // TotalCurrency 100 // RandomSpawn 1 // HideIcon 1 // TFBot // { // Template T_TFBot_Demoman // Action Passive // //Action FetchFlag // Attributes DisableDodge // AddCond // { // Index 43 // } // AddCond // { // Index 57 // Duration 1.5 // } // } // } // WaveSpawn // { // Name "a5" // Where rev_spawnbot_smallhealth // TotalCount 4 // MaxActive 2 // SpawnCount 2 // WaitBeforeStarting 1 // WaitBetweenSpawns 0 // TotalCurrency 100 // RandomSpawn 1 // TFBot // { // Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demoman_Stickybomb // Action Passive // //Action FetchFlag // Classicon demo_sticky_red_daan // Attributes DisableDodge // AddCond // { // Index 43 // } // AddCond // { // Index 57 // Duration 1.5 // } // } // } // WaveSpawn // { // Name "a5" // Where rev_spawnbot_smallhealth // TotalCount 24 // MaxActive 12 // SpawnCount 12 // WaitBeforeStarting 1 // WaitBetweenSpawns 5 // TotalCurrency 100 // RandomSpawn 1 // HideIcon 1 // TFBot // { // Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Shotgun // Action Passive // //Action FetchFlag // Attributes DisableDodge // AddCond // { // Index 43 // } // AddCond // { // Index 57 // Duration 1.5 // } // } // } // WaveSpawn // { // Name "a3" // Where rev_spawnbot_brownbuilding // TotalCount 1 // MaxActive 1 // SpawnCount 1 // WaitBeforeStarting 1 // WaitBetweenSpawns 0 // TotalCurrency 100 // RandomSpawn 1 // TFBot // { // Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavyweapons_Brass_Fix // Action Passive // //Action FetchFlag // Attributes DisableDodge // AddCond // { // Index 43 // } // AddCond // { // Index 57 // Duration 1.5 // } // } // } // WaveSpawn // { // Name "a3" // Where rev_spawnbot_brownbuilding // TotalCount 30 // MaxActive 8 // SpawnCount 2 // WaitBeforeStarting 1 // WaitBetweenSpawns 2 // TotalCurrency 100 // RandomSpawn 1 // HideIcon 1 // TFBot // { // Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Knight // Action Passive // //Action FetchFlag // Attributes DisableDodge // AddCond // { // Index 43 // } // AddCond // { // Index 57 // Duration 1.5 // } // } // } // WaveSpawn // { // Name "a2" // Where rev_spawnbot_entrance // TotalCount 2 // MaxActive 1 // SpawnCount 1 // WaitBeforeStarting 1 // WaitBetweenSpawns 0 // TotalCurrency 100 // RandomSpawn 1 // TFBot // { // Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Extended_Concheror // Action Passive // //Action FetchFlag // Attributes DisableDodge // AddCond // { // Index 43 // } // AddCond // { // Index 57 // Duration 3 // } // } // } // WaveSpawn // { // Name "a2" // Where rev_spawnbot_entrance // TotalCount 2 // MaxActive 1 // SpawnCount 1 // WaitBeforeStarting 1 // WaitBetweenSpawns 5 // TotalCurrency 100 // RandomSpawn 1 // TFBot // { // Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavyweapons_Shotgun // Action Passive // Classicon heavy_shotgun_red // //Action FetchFlag // Attributes DisableDodge // AddCond // { // Index 43 // } // AddCond // { // Index 57 // Duration 1.5 // } // } // } // WaveSpawn // { // Name "a8" // Where rev_spawnbot_low_left // TotalCount 18 // MaxActive 6 // SpawnCount 6 // WaitBeforeStarting 1 // WaitBetweenSpawns 0 // TotalCurrency 100 // RandomSpawn 1 // HideIcon 1 // TFBot // { // Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Stickybomb // Action Passive // //Action FetchFlag // Attributes DisableDodge // AddCond // { // Index 43 // } // AddCond // { // Index 57 // Duration 3 // } // } // } // WaveSpawn // { // Name "a8" // Where rev_spawnbot_low_left // TotalCount 18 // MaxActive 6 // SpawnCount 3 // WaitBeforeStarting 1 // WaitBetweenSpawns 4 // TotalCurrency 100 // RandomSpawn 1 // HideIcon 1 // TFBot // { // Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Jarate // Action Passive // //Action FetchFlag // Attributes DisableDodge // AddCond // { // Index 43 // } // AddCond // { // Index 57 // Duration 3 // } // } // } // WaveSpawn // { // Name "a8" // Where rev_spawnbot_low_left // TotalCount 30 // MaxActive 10 // SpawnCount 1 // WaitBeforeStarting 1 // WaitBetweenSpawns 2 // TotalCurrency 100 // HideIcon 1 // TFBot // { // Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Huntsman // Action Passive // Classicon heavy_shotgun_red // //Action FetchFlag // Attributes DisableDodge // AddCond // { // Index 43 // } // AddCond // { // Index 57 // Duration 1.5 // } // } // } // WaveSpawn // { // Name "a4" // Where rev_spawnbot_hatch // TotalCount 2 // MaxActive 2 // SpawnCount 2 // WaitBeforeStarting 1 // WaitBetweenSpawns 25 // TotalCurrency 100 // RandomSpawn 1 // Squad // { // TFBot // { // Template T_TFBot_Giant_Pyro_Dragon // Action Passive // //Action FetchFlag // Attributes DisableDodge // AddCond // { // Index 43 // } // AddCond // { // Index 57 // Duration 3 // } // } // TFBot // { // Template T_TFBot_Giant_Medic // Action Passive // //Action FetchFlag // Attributes DisableDodge // AddCond // { // Index 43 // } // AddCond // { // Index 57 // Duration 3 // } // } // } // } // WaveSpawn // { // Name "a4" // Where rev_spawnbot_hatch // TotalCount 30 // MaxActive 10 // SpawnCount 5 // WaitBeforeStarting 1 // WaitBetweenSpawns 2 // TotalCurrency 100 // HideIcon 1 // TFBot // { // Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Bison // Action Passive // //Action FetchFlag // Attributes DisableDodge // AddCond // { // Index 43 // } // AddCond // { // Index 57 // Duration 1.5 // } // } // } // } }