#base robot_standard.pop #base robot_giant.pop #base robot_spacejockey.pop i_eat_tomboys_for_breakfast { StartingCurrency 800 CanBotsAttackWhileInSpawnRoom no RespawnWaveTime 999 FixedRespawnWaveTime Yes AddSentryBusterWhenDamageDealtExceeds 1000000 AddSentryBusterWhenKillCountExceeds 10000 BotsAreHumans 1 BuybacksPerWave 0 BodyPartScaleSpeed 100 BuybacksPerWave 0 BotHumansHaveRobotVoice 0 // ExtendedUpgradesOnly 1 StandableHeads 1 //If set, robots will not push the players of their heads (default: 0) ForceHoliday 2 NoHolidayPickups 1 NoCritPumpkin 1 BonusRatioHalf 2 // BotPushaway 0 NoRomevisionCosmetics 1 NoReanimators 1 BonusRatioFull 2 WaveStartCountdown 3 MinibossSentrySingleKill 1 RobotLimit 27 FixedBuybacks 1 GrapplingHook 1 DisplayRobotDeathNotice 1 SendBotsToSpectatorImmediately 1 NoJoinMidwave 1 TextPrintTime 0 MaxTotalPlayers 6 MaxSpectators 0 DeathPenalty 200 //Player will lose this many credits after dying CustomUpgradesFile "mvm_upgrades_xeno.txt" PrecacheModel "models/props_halloween/ghost.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/community/player/items/medic/scientist_head_3/scientist_head_3.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/weapons/c_models/c_gamma_gazer/c_gamma_gazer_1.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/props_combine/combine_barricade_tall01b.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/props_island/mannco_case_small.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/props_frontline/ammocrate_2.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/props_frontline/ammocrate_1.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_uberdosis/c_crusaders_crossbow.mdl" PrecacheSound "isolation_main.mp3" PrecacheSound "alien_reveal.mp3" PrecacheSound "transitdelay.mp3" PrecacheSound "xeno_screech.wav" PrecacheSound "physics/flesh/flesh_squishy_impact_hard3.wav" PrecacheSound "npc/zombie/zombie_pain5.wav" PrecacheSound "npc/headcrab/pain1.wav" PrecacheSound "npc/headcrab/die2.wav" PrecacheSound "npc/ichthyosaur/attack_growl1.wav" PrecacheSound "npc/ichthyosaur/attack_growl2.wav" PrecacheSound "npc/ichthyosaur/attack_growl3.wav" PrecacheSound "npc/antlion_guard/angry3.wav" PrecacheSound "npc/antlion_guard/antlion_guard_die1.wav" PrecacheSound "npc/ichthyosaur/snap.wav" PrecacheSound "weapons/crossbow/fire1.wav" PrecacheSound "ambient/explosions/exp1.wav" PrecacheSound "ambient/materials/metal_rattle.wav" PrecacheSound "ambient/materials/metal_rattle2.wav" PrecacheSound "ambient/materials/metal_stress1.wav" PrecacheSound "ambient/materials/metal_stress4.wav" PrecacheSound "ambient/lair/crocs_growl1.wav" PrecacheSound "ambient/lair/crocs_growl2.wav" PrecacheSound "ambient/lair/crocs_growl3.wav" PrecacheSound "ambient/lair/crocs_growl4.wav" PrecacheSound "ambient/lair/crocs_growl5.wav" DisableSound "heavy_mvm_giant_robot01" DisableSound "heavy_mvm_giant_robot02" DisableSound "heavy_mvm_giant_robot03" DisableSound "heavy_mvm_giant_robot04" DisableSound "engineer_mvm_giant_robot01" DisableSound "engineer_mvm_giant_robot02" DisableSound "engineer_mvm_giant_robot03" DisableSound "soldier_mvm_giant_robot01" DisableSound "soldier_mvm_giant_robot02" DisableSound "soldier_mvm_giant_robot03" DisableSound "soldier_mvm_giant_robot04" DisableSound "medic_mvm_giant_robot01" DisableSound "medic_mvm_giant_robot02" DisableSound "medic_mvm_giant_robot03" DisableSound "music.mvm_end_last_wave" DisableSound "music.mvm_end_mid_wave" DisableSound "music.mvm_end_tank_wave" DisableSound "music.mvm_end_wave" DisableSound "music.mvm_lost_wave" DisableSound "music.mvm_start_last_wave" DisableSound "music.mvm_start_mid_wave" DisableSound "music.mvm_start_tank_wave" DisableSound "music.mvm_start_wave" DisableSound "MVM.BombWarning" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_Get_To_Upgrade" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_Spy_Alert" DisableSound "Announcer.mvm_spybot_death" DisableSound "Announcer.mvm_spybot_death_all" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_First_Wave_Start" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_Wave_Start" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_Wave_End" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_Wave_Lose" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_Final_Wave_Start" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_Final_Wave_End" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_Robots_Planted" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_All_Dead" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_Bomb_Alert_Entered" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_Bomb_Alert_Near_Hatch" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_Bomb_Alert_Deploying" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_Sentry_Buster_Alert" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_Sentry_Buster_Alert_Another" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_General_Wave_Start" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_Game_Over_Loss" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_Tank_Planted" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_Tank_Alert_Another" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_Tank_Alert_Multiple" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_Tank_Alert_Halfway" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_Tank_Alert_Halfway_Multiple" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_Tank_Alert_Near_Hatch" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_Tank_Alert_Deploying" ItemWhitelist //Only allows to use specified weapons below { Classname "tf_weapon_parachute" Classname "tf_wearable" Classname "saxxy" Classname "tf_powerup_bottle" Classname "tf_weapon_grapplinghook" Classname "tf_weapon_lunchbox_drink" Classname "tf_weapon_jar_milk" Classname "tf_weapon_cleaver" Classname "tf_weapon_bat" Classname "tf_weapon_bat_wood" Classname "tf_weapon_bat_fish" Classname "tf_weapon_bat_giftwrap" //Classname "tf_weapon_rocketlauncher" //TESTING ONLY // Name "Rocket Jumper" Classname "tf_weapon_buff_item" Classname "tf_weapon_shovel" Classname "tf_weapon_katana" Name "The Detonator" Classname "tf_weapon_flamethrower" Classname "tf_weapon_jar_gas" Classname "tf_weapon_flaregun" Classname "tf_weapon_rocketpack" Classname "tf_weapon_fireaxe" Classname "tf_weapon_breakable_sign" Classname "tf_weapon_slap" Name "The Loose Cannon" Name "Sticky Jumper" Classname "tf_wearable_demoshield" Classname "tf_weapon_bottle" Classname "tf_weapon_sword" Classname "tf_weapon_stickbomb" Classname "tf_weapon_lunchbox" Classname "tf_weapon_fists" Classname "tf_weapon_shotgun" Classname "tf_weapon_shotgun_primary" Classname "tf_weapon_sentry_revenge" Classname "tf_weapon_pistol" Classname "tf_weapon_laser_pointer" Classname "tf_weapon_mechanical_arm" // Short Circuit Classname "tf_weapon_wrench" Classname "tf_weapon_robot_arm" // Gunslinger Classname "tf_weapon_builder" // Toolbox Classname "tf_weapon_pda_engineer_build" Classname "tf_weapon_crossbow" Classname "tf_weapon_syringegun_medic" Classname "tf_weapon_bonesaw" Classname "tf_weapon_compound_bow" Classname "tf_weapon_razorback" Classname "tf_weapon_jar" Classname "tf_weapon_club" // Now *this*, is a knife. Classname "tf_weapon_smg" Classname "tf_weapon_sapper" Classname "tf_weapon_revolver" DefIndex 735 // Sapper DefIndex 736 // Sapper (Renamed/Strange) // Classname "tf_weapon_knife" // Classname "tf_weapon_pda_spy" Classname "tf_weapon_invis" } ForceItem // Force items to classes even if the item is not intended for the class { // All // { // Item "The MK 50" // } Pyro { Item "The Nostromo Napalmer" } } PlayerAttributes { "min respawn time" 999 "ragdolls plasma effect" 1 "SET BONUS: alien isolation merc bonus pos" 1 "SET BONUS: alien isolation merc bonus neg" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0.7 "SET BONUS: special dsp" 134 Scout { "health regen" 10 "dmg taken increased" 0.65 } Soldier { "increase buff duration" 0.5 } Engineer { "engy sentry damage bonus" 0.6 "engy sentry fire rate increased" 3 "building max level" 2 "hidden secondary max ammo penalty" 0.18 "metal regen" 5 } } // Scout ItemAttributes { ItemName "Crit-a-Cola" "effect cond override" 26 "special item description" "[INFO] Battalion Backup drink" } ItemAttributes { ItemName "Bonk! Atomic Punch" "mult effect duration" 0.5 "special item description" "[INFO]: Halved phase duration" } ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_BAT" "minicrits become crits" 1 "special item description" "[INFO]: Crits instead of mini-critting" } ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Boston Basher" "hit self on miss" 0 "bleeding duration" 20 "dmg penalty vs players" 0.5 "melee cleave attack" 1 "special item description" "[INFO]: No hit on miss, extended bleed duration, less damage" } ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Candy Cane" "special item description" "[INFO]: Adds a stack on kill. Each stack grants you and your teammates +3% ammo regen within a 500 hu radius." } // Soldier ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Mantreads" "max health additive bonus" 50 "air dash count" 1 "special item description" "[INFO]: Double jump and bonus health" } ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Gunboats" "uber on damage taken" 3 "special item description" "[INFO]: 3% chance of becoming invulnerable on hit" } // Pyro ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Nostromo Napalmer" // "max aoe targets" 2 "flame_drag" 4 "max_flame_reflection_count" 2 "flame_reflect_on_collision" 1 "flame_spread_degree" 5 "flame_up_speed" -25 "lunchbox adds minicrits" 2 "airblast_give_teammate_speed_boost" 3 "maxammo primary reduced" 0.5 "mod flamethrower spinup time" 0.33 "damage penalty" 0.85 "special item description" "[INFO]: Flames bounce off surfaces, airblast gives teammates speed boost, halved ammo capacity due to extreme potency" } ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_FIREAXE" "bleeding duration" 5 "special item description" "[INFO]: Bleed on hit" } ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Powerjack" "provide on active" 1 "dmg taken increased" 1 "not solid to players" 1 "special item description" "[INFO]: Removed damage vulnerability, become not solid to players" } ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Homewrecker" "melee cleave attack" 1 "stun on damage" 50 // 1.2 * (50/60) = 1 "fire rate penalty" 1.5 "special item description" "[INFO]: AOE stun on hit" } // Demo ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Ullapool Caber" "fire rate penalty" 1 "regenerate stickbomb" 1 "hit self on miss" 1 "cancel falling damage" 1 "blast dmg to self increased" 0.0025 "self dmg push force decreased" 1.5 "health regen" 4 "special item description" "[INFO]: Jumpy caber, less suicidal with hp regen" } // Heavy ItemAttributes { ItemName "Warrior's Spirit" "add cond on kill" 55 "add cond on kill duration" 5 "dmg taken increased" 1 "special item description" "[INFO]: Healing radius on kill" } ItemAttributes { Itemname "The Eviction Notice" "mod_maxhealth_drain_rate" 0 "melee cleave attack" 1 "special item description" "[INFO]: No health drain, cleave attack" } ItemAttributes { Itemname "Gloves of Running Urgently" "mod_maxhealth_drain_rate" 0 "self mark for death" 1 "damage penalty" 0.75 "special item description" "[INFO]: Reverted to pre-ji stats" } ItemAttributes { Itemname "Festive Gloves of Running Urgently" "mod_maxhealth_drain_rate" 0 "self mark for death" 1 "damage penalty" 0.75 "special item description" "[INFO]: Reverted to pre-ji stats" } ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Killing Gloves of Boxing" "critboost on kill" 0 "damage bonus" 2 "fire rate penalty" 1.5 "special item description" "[INFO]: No crits on kill, damage buff to compensate" } ItemAttributes { ItemName "Fists of Steel" "damage penalty" 0.8 "dmg from melee increased" 1 "max health additive bonus" 150 "maxammo secondary reduced" 0.33 "fists have radial buff" 1 "special item description" "[INFO]: Makes you tankier at the cost of ammo and damage" } // Medic ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Overdose" "move speed bonus resource level" 1 "lunchbox adds minicrits" 0 "move speed bonus" 1.3 "fire rate bonus" 0.5 "special item description" "[INFO] Faster movement speed regardless of uber, 50% faster firing speed" } ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Blutsauger" "aoe heal chance" 571.4285 // .105 * (571.4285/60) ~ 1 "mod_maxhealth_drain_rate" 5 "special item description" "[INFO] AOE heal, health drain while active" } ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_BONESAW" "provide on active" 1 "bleeding duration" 5 "health regen" 10 "special item description" "[INFO] Bleeds on hit, health regen" } ItemAttributes { ItemName "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_BONESAW" "provide on active" 1 "bleeding duration" 5 "health regen" 10 "special item description" "[INFO] Bleeds on hit, health regen" } ItemAttributes { ItemName "Festive Bonesaw 2014" "provide on active" 1 "bleeding duration" 5 "health regen" 10 "special item description" "[INFO] Bleeds on hit, health regen" } ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Ubersaw" "fire rate penalty" 2 "damage bonus" 1.5 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "Festive Ubersaw" "fire rate penalty" 2 "damage bonus" 1.5 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Vita-Saw" "max health additive penalty" 0 "heal on hit for rapidfire" 20 "restore health on kill" 50 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Amputator" "max health additive bonus" 100 "add give health to teammate on hit" 50 "special item description" "[INFO] Heals allies on hit, health buff" } ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Solemn Vow" "damage penalty" 0.015 "stun on damage" 75 "single wep deploy time increased" 0.4 "teleport instead of die" 1 "special item description" "[INFO] Chance of save" } // Spy ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Enforcer" "damage bonus while disguised" 1 "dmg pierces resists absorbs" 0 "fire rate penalty" 1 "fire rate bonus" 0.001 "reload time increased" 1.2 "bullets per shot bonus" 2.5 "auto fires full clip" 1 "spread penalty" 2 "special item description" "[INFO]: Simulates a shotgun revolver" } CustomWeapon //Allows you to use an alias for items with custom attributes { Name "VP78 Pistol" OriginalItemName "The C.A.P.P.E.R" "custom item model" "models/weapons/c_models/c_gamma_gazer/c_gamma_gazer_1.mdl" "fire rate bonus" 0.6 "damage penalty" 0.4 } CustomWeapon //Allows you to use an alias for items with custom attributes { Name "Uberdosis" OriginalItemName "The Crusader's Crossbow" "custom item model" "models/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_uberdosis/c_crusaders_crossbow.mdl" "override projectile type" 8 "custom projectile model" "models/weapons/w_models/w_repair_claw.mdl" "custom weapon fire sound" "=85|weapons/crossbow/fire1.wav" "custom weapon reload sound" "weapons/crossbow/reload1.wav" "custom kill icon" "crusaders_crossbow" "can headshot" 1 "damage bonus" 2 "fire rate penalty" 2 "projectile penetration" 1 } CustomWeapon //Allows you to use an alias for items with custom attributes { Name "Classic SMG" OriginalItemName "TF_WEAPON_SMG" "custom item model" "models/weapons/c_models/c_tfc_sniperrifle/c_tfc_sniperrifle.mdl" "custom kill icon" "the_classic" "clip size bonus" 2 "reload time increased" 2 "projectile penetration" 1 } PlayerItemEquipSpawnTemplate { Name "CandyCane_Rework2_Electric_Boogaloo" ItemName "The Candy Cane" } // ItemReplacement // { // "Uberdosis" // { // Name "The Crusader's Crossbow" // } // } PointTemplates { general_logic { NoFixup 1 trigger_teleport { "targetname" "backtospawn" "origin" "0 0 0" "mins" "-9000 -9000 -9000" "maxs" "9000 9000 9000" "target" "coolkids_area" "spawnflags" "1" "StartDisabled" "1" } info_teleport_destination { "targetname" "coolkids_area" "origin" "4167 2417 52" "angles" "0 270 0" } logic_auto { "targetname" "mainrelay" "origin" "0 0 0" "OnMapSpawn" "door_red_large_1a,Close,,0,-1" //lock doors "OnMapSpawn" "door_red_large_1b,Close,,0,-1" //lock doors "OnMapSpawn" "door_red_large_2a,Close,,0,-1" //lock doors "OnMapSpawn" "door_red_large_2b,Close,,0,-1" //lock doors "OnMapSpawn" "door_red_large_1a,Lock,,0.05,-1" //lock doors "OnMapSpawn" "door_red_large_1b,Lock,,0.05,-1" //lock doors "OnMapSpawn" "door_red_large_2a,Lock,,0.05,-1" //lock doors "OnMapSpawn" "door_red_large_2b,Lock,,0.05,-1" //lock doors "OnMapSpawn" "item_ammopack_medium,Kill,,0,-1" "OnMapSpawn" "item_ammopack_full,Kill,,0,-1" "OnMapSpawn" "tele_boss,Kill,,0,-1" "OnMapSpawn" "intel,Kill,,0,-1" //"OnMapSpawn" "dead*,BecomeRagdoll,,0,-1" "OnMapSpawn" "wave_start_relay*,AddOutput,OnTrigger door_red_large_1a:Unlock::0:-1,0,-1" "OnMapSpawn" "wave_start_relay*,AddOutput,OnTrigger door_red_large_1b:Unlock::0:-1,0,-1" "OnMapSpawn" "wave_start_relay*,AddOutput,OnTrigger door_red_large_2a:Unlock::0:-1,0,-1" "OnMapSpawn" "wave_start_relay*,AddOutput,OnTrigger door_red_large_2b:Unlock::0:-1,0,-1" "OnMapSpawn" "wave_start_relay*,AddOutput,OnTrigger door_red_large_1a:Open::0.05:-1,0,-1" "OnMapSpawn" "wave_start_relay*,AddOutput,OnTrigger door_red_large_1b:Open::0.05:-1,0,-1" "OnMapSpawn" "wave_start_relay*,AddOutput,OnTrigger door_red_large_2a:Open::0.05:-1,0,-1" "OnMapSpawn" "wave_start_relay*,AddOutput,OnTrigger door_red_large_2b:Open::0.05:-1,0,-1" "OnMapSpawn" "wave_start_relay*,AddOutput,OnTrigger intel_new:Enable::0.05:-1,0,-1" "OnMapSpawn" "wave_finished_relay,AddOutput,OnTrigger backtospawn:Enable:0:-1" "OnMapSpawn" "wave_finished_relay,AddOutput,OnTrigger backtospawn:Disable:1:-1" "OnMapSpawn" "wave_finished_relay,AddOutput,OnTrigger barrierwall*:Enable:0:-1" "OnMapSpawn" "wave_finished_relay,AddOutput,OnTrigger barrierwall*:EnableCollision:0:-1" "OnMapSpawn" "wave_finished_relay,AddOutput,OnTrigger doorbarrier:Enable:0:-1" "OnMapSpawn" "wave_finished_relay,AddOutput,OnTrigger doorbarrier:EnableCollision:0:-1" "OnMapSpawn" "wave_finished_relay,AddOutput,OnTrigger intel_new:Disable:0:-1" "OnMapSpawn" "nav_refresh,RecomputeBlockers,,0.1,-1" } tf_point_nav_interface { "targetname" "nav_refresh" } item_teamflag { "origin" "-64 1568 -336" "trail_effect" "2" "TeamNum" "0" "targetname" "intel_new" "StartDisabled" "1" "ScoringType" "0" "ReturnTime" "6000000" "ReturnBetweenWaves" "1" "GameType" "3" "NeutralType" "1" "flag_trail" "flagtrail" "flag_paper" "player_intel_papertrail" "flag_model" "models/props_td/atom_bomb.mdl" "flag_icon" "../hud/objectives_flagpanel_carried" "angles" "0 180 0" } env_fog_controller { "targetname" "fog_dense" "fogenable" "1" "fogstart" "64" // where fog begins in hammer units "fogend" "375" // where fog is its densest in hammer units "fogmaxdensity" "1" // in percentage of how much you can't see through the fog "fogcolor" "1 1 1" "fogcolor2" "1 1 1" // change rgb values to the original env_fog_controller, or to black to convey darkness "fogblend" "1" "foglerptime" "2" } trigger_multiple { "targetname" "trigger_fog_dense" "origin" "31 1632 -310" "mins" "-4011 -2456 -888" "maxs" "4011 2456 888" "StartDisabled" "0" "spawnflags" "1" "OnStartTouch" "!activator,SetFogController,fog_dense,0,-1" } logic_relay { "targetname" "barrierwallsdisable" "OnTrigger" "barrierwall,Disable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "barrierwall,DisableCollision,,0,-1" } logic_relay { "targetname" "barrierwallsdisableupper" "OnTrigger" "barrierwall_upper,Disable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "barrierwall_upper,DisableCollision,,0,-1" } logic_relay { "targetname" "doorfencedisable" "OnTrigger" "doorbarrier,Disable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "doorbarrier,DisableCollision,,0,-1" } sky_camera { "targetname" "skyblack" "angles" "0 0 0" "fogcolor" "0 0 0" "fogcolor2" "0 0 0" "fogdir" "1 0 0" "fogenable" "1" "fogend" "1" "fogmaxdensity" "1" "fogstart" "0" "scale" "40" "origin" "2335 -2521.32 -265.854" } } cabinet { prop_dynamic { "targetname" "resupply_locker" "angles" "0 0 0" "fademindist" "-1" "fadescale" "1" "MaxAnimTime" "10" "MinAnimTime" "5" "model" "models/props_gameplay/resupply_locker.mdl" "modelscale" "1.0" "renderamt" "255" "rendercolor" "255 255 255" "skin" "0" "solid" "6" } func_regenerate { "targetname" "regenerate" "associatedmodel" "resupply_locker" "StartDisabled" "0" "TeamNum" "2" "mins" "-69 -34.5 -56.5" "maxs" "69 34.5 56.5" "OnStartTouchAll" "resupply_locker,SetAnimation,open,0,-1" "OnEndTouchAll" "resupply_locker,SetAnimation,close,0,-1" } filter_tf_bot_has_tag { "Negated" "0" "require_all_tags" "1" "tags" "bot_red" "targetname" "filter_redbot" } trigger_multiple { "filtername" "filter_redbot" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "block" "mins" "-40 -96 -40" "maxs" "80 96 168" "spawnflags" "1" "OnStartTouch" "regenerate,Disable,,0,-1" "OnEndTouchAll" "regenerate,Enable,,0,-1" } trigger_stun { "trigger_delay" "0" "TeamNum" "0" "targetname" "slower0" "stun_type" "0" "stun_effects" "1" "stun_duration" "1" "StartDisabled" "1" "spawnflags" "1" "origin" "0 2176 48" "move_speed_reduction" "0.65" "filtername" "filter_is_red" "classname" "trigger_stun" "mins" "-8000 -8000 -1000" "maxs" "8000 8000 1000" "solid" "3" } } annotations { NoFixup 1 training_annotation { "targetname" "tomboy1" "origin" "3609 648 147" "lifetime" "10" "display_text" "Each death comes with a $200 penalty." } training_annotation { "targetname" "tomboy2" "origin" "3609 648 147" "lifetime" "10" "display_text" "All money will be auto-collected at the end of each wave." } training_annotation { "targetname" "tomboy3" "origin" "3609 648 147" "lifetime" "10" "display_text" "Good work! Now you are ready for the real thing." } } facehuggermodel { OnSpawnOutput { Target "!activator" Action "$SetModel" Param "" Delay 0.00 } prop_dynamic { "targetname" "facehugger_model" "angles" "0 0 0" "fademindist" "-1" "fadescale" "1" "MaxAnimTime" "10" "MinAnimTime" "5" "model" "models/player/items/all_class/parasite_hat_soldier.mdl" "modelscale" "2.5" "renderamt" "200" "rendercolor" "10 63 224" "renderfx" "0" "rendermode" "1" "skin" "0" "solid" "0" "origin" "0 0 600" "disableshadows" "1" } } f_pusher { NoFixup 1 trigger_push { "alternateticksfix" "0" "filtername" "filter_facehugger" "origin" "-192 1072 0" "mins" "-2000 -2000 -2000" "maxs" "2000 2000 2000" "pushdir" "0 165 0" "spawnflags" "1" "speed" "100" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "pusher" } filter_tf_bot_has_tag //our tag { "Negated" "Allow entities that match criteria" "require_all_tags" "1" "tags" "bot_facehugger" "targetname" "filter_facehugger" } } Shaker { NoFixup 1 env_shake { "amplitude" "16" "duration" "3" "frequency" "50" "radius" "50000" "spawnflags" "1" "targetname" "shake_effect" "origin" "1134.57 -1063.62 -378.20" } } PermaDeathLogic //Ghost logic by Mince, last man standing logic by Hellmet { NoFixup 1 logic_auto { "OnMapSpawn" "wave_start_relay*,AddOutput,OnTrigger permadeath_laststanding_relay:Enable:2:-1" "OnMapSpawn" "wave_start_relay*,AddOutput,OnTrigger permadeath_resetbonus_relay:Enable:2:-1" } filter_activator_tfteam { "targetname" "filter_is_red" "TeamNum" "2" "Negated" "Allow entities that match criteria" } filter_activator_name { "targetname" "filter_is_dead" "filtername" "deadplayer" "Negated" "0" } filter_tf_bot_has_tag { "targetname" "filter_redbots" "tags" "bot_notplayer" "require_all_tags" "1" "Negated" "1" } filter_activator_name { "targetname" "filter_is_not_dead" "filtername" "deadplayer" "Negated" "1" } filter_multi { "targetname" "filter_is_alive_red" "Filter01" "filter_is_red" "Filter02" "filter_is_not_dead" "Filter03" "filter_redbots" "filtertype" "0" "Negated" "0" } trigger_multiple { "targetname" "permadeath_assign_trigger" "filtername" "filter_is_alive_red" "spawnflags" "1" "StartDisabled" "1" "wait" "0" "mins" "-9999 -9999 -9999" "maxs" "9216 8192 4096" "OnEndTouch" "!activator,AddOutput,targetname deadplayer,0,-1" "OnEndTouch" "permadeath_death_counter,Subtract,1,0,-1" "OnStartTouch" "permadeath_death_counter,Add,1,0,-1" // "OnEndTouch" "!activator,SetForcedTauntCam,1,0.01,-1" } trigger_multiple { "targetname" "permadeath_lose_trigger" "filtername" "filter_is_alive_red" "spawnflags" "1" "StartDisabled" "1" "wait" "0" "mins" "-9999 -9999 -9999" "maxs" "9216 8192 4096" "OnEndTouchAll" "permadeath_can_bots_win,Test,,0,-1" } point_teleport { "targetname" "permadeath_ghost_teleport" "target" "!activator" "origin" "711.028870 4825.356445 -53.873909" "angles" "0 135 0" } trigger_add_tf_player_condition { "targetname" "permadeath_ghost_trigger" "filtername" "filter_is_dead" "condition" "66" "duration" "9999999999" // It doesn't like applying when it's -1?? "spawnflags" "1" "StartDisabled" "1" "mins" "-9999 -9999 -9999" "maxs" "9999 9999 9999" "OnStartTouch" "permadeath_ghost_teleport,Teleport,,0,-1" "OnStartTouch" "ghost_model_maker,ForceSpawnAtEntityOrigin,!activator,0.01,-1" } trigger_add_tf_player_condition { "targetname" "permadeath_ghost_trigger" "filtername" "filter_is_dead" "condition" "77" "duration" "9999999999" // -1 works here but hehe symmetry go brrr "spawnflags" "1" "StartDisabled" "1" "mins" "-9999 -9999 -9999" "maxs" "9999 9999 9999" } trigger_add_tf_player_condition { "targetname" "permadeath_ghost_trigger" "filtername" "filter_is_dead" "condition" "114" "duration" "9999999999" // -1 works here but hehe symmetry go brrr "spawnflags" "1" "StartDisabled" "1" "mins" "-9999 -9999 -9999" "maxs" "9999 9999 9999" } trigger_add_tf_player_condition { "targetname" "permadeath_detect_player_crit" "filtername" "filter_is_alive_red" "condition" "40" "duration" "9999999999" // It doesn't like applying when it's -1?? "spawnflags" "1" "StartDisabled" "1" "mins" "-9999 -9999 -9999" "maxs" "9999 9999 9999" } math_counter { "targetname" "permadeath_death_counter" "min" "0" "max" "6" "startvalue" "0" "OutValue" "permadeath_death_case,InValue,,0,-1" } logic_relay { "targetname" "permadeath_laststanding_relay" "OnTrigger" "permadeath_detect_player_crit,Enable,,2.5,-1" "OnTrigger" "permadeath_detect_player_crit,Disable,,2.6,-1" "OnTrigger" "slower0,Enable,,2.5,-1" "OnTrigger" "lastmann,PlaySound,,2.5,-1" "OnTrigger" "goodluck,PlaySound,,3.5,-1" "OnTrigger" "obj_dispenser,RemoveHealth,5000,2.6,-1" "OnTrigger" "obj_sentrygun,RemoveHealth,5000,2.6,-1" "OnTrigger" "obj_teleporter,RemoveHealth,5000,2.6,-1" "StartDisabled" "1" } logic_relay { "targetname" "permadeath_resetbonus_relay" "OnTrigger" "permadeath_resetbonus,Enable,,2.7,-1" "OnTrigger" "permadeath_resetbonus,Disable,,2.8,-1" "StartDisabled" "1" } logic_case { "targetname" "permadeath_death_case" "Case01" "1" "Case02" "2" "Case03" "3" "Case04" "4" "Case05" "5" "Case06" "6" "OnCase01" "permadeath_laststanding_relay,Trigger,,0,-1" "OnCase02" "permadeath_resetbonus_relay,Trigger,,0,-1" "OnCase03" "permadeath_resetbonus_relay,Trigger,,0,-1" "OnCase04" "permadeath_resetbonus_relay,Trigger,,0,-1" "OnCase05" "permadeath_resetbonus_relay,Trigger,,0,-1" "OnCase06" "permadeath_resetbonus_relay,Trigger,,0,-1" } logic_relay { "targetname" "ghost_reset_relay" // "OnTrigger" "deadplayer,$ForceRespawn,,0,-1" // Fucking sorcery // "OnTrigger" "deadplayer,SetForcedTauntCam,0,0.01,-1" "OnTrigger" "deadplayer,AddOutput,targetname ,0.02,-1" } env_entity_maker { "targetname" "ghost_model_maker" "EntityTemplate" "GhostModel" } info_target { "targetname" "move_target" "origin" "0 0 0" "angles" "0 0 0" } logic_branch { "targetname" "permadeath_can_bots_win" "InitialValue" "0" "OnTrue" "bots_win,RoundWin,,0,-1" } } GhostModel { OnSpawnOutput { Target "move_measure" Action SetParent Param "!activator" Delay 0.00 } prop_dynamic { "targetname" "model" "modelscale" "1.5" "rendercolor" "255 100 36" "DisableBoneFollowers" "1" "disableshadows" "1" "model" "models/props_halloween/ghost.mdl" "defaultanim" "idle" "solid" "0" "spawnflags" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "origin" "0 0 -32" } prop_dynamic { "targetname" "move_measure" "DisableBoneFollowers" "1" "disableshadows" "1" "model" "models/empty.mdl" "solid" "0" "spawnflags" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "origin" "0 0 -32" } logic_measure_movement { "MeasureReference" "move_target" "MeasureTarget" "move_measure" "MeasureType" "0" "Target" "model" "TargetReference" "move_target" "TargetScale" "1" } } Misc { NoFixup 1 OnSpawnOutput { Target entity_outputs Action Trigger Delay 0.00 } logic_relay { "targetname" "entity_outputs" "OnTrigger" "player,AddOutput,targetname ,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "wave_start_relay*,AddOutput,OnTrigger permadeath_assign_trigger:Enable::0:-1,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "wave_start_relay*,AddOutput,OnTrigger permadeath_ghost_trigger:Enable::0:-1,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "wave_start_relay*,AddOutput,OnTrigger permadeath_lose_trigger:Enable::0:-1,0.01,-1" "OnTrigger" "wave_start_relay*,AddOutput,OnTrigger permadeath_can_bots_win:SetValue:1:0:-1,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "wave_finished_relay,AddOutput,OnTrigger permadeath_assign_trigger:Disable::0:-1,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "wave_finished_relay,AddOutput,OnTrigger permadeath_ghost_trigger:Disable::0:-1,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "wave_finished_relay,AddOutput,OnTrigger permadeath_lose_trigger:Disable::0.1:-1,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "wave_finished_relay,AddOutput,OnTrigger permadeath_can_bots_win:SetValue:0:0:-1,0,-1" } } blockers { NoFixup 1 prop_dynamic { "targetname" "barrierwall" "angles" "0 270 0" "fademindist" "-1" "fadescale" "1" "MaxAnimTime" "10" "MinAnimTime" "5" "model" "models/props_combine/combine_barricade_tall01b.mdl" "modelscale" "1.0" "renderamt" "255" "rendercolor" "255 255 255" "skin" "0" "solid" "6" "origin" "985 -780 -415" } prop_dynamic { "targetname" "barrierwall" "angles" "0 270 0" "fademindist" "-1" 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"spawnflags" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "dead_3" "origin" "3396.15 -437.911 -119" } } CandyCane_Rework2_Electric_Boogaloo // by royal { OnSpawnOutput { Target "!activator" Action "$AddItemAttribute" Param "add cond on kill|122|0" Delay 0.1 } OnSpawnOutput { Target "!activator" Action "$AddItemAttribute" Param "add cond on kill duration|1|0" Delay 0.1 } OnSpawnOutput { Target "!activator" Action "$AddItemAttribute" Param "add cond on kill|122|1" Delay 0.1 } OnSpawnOutput { Target "!activator" Action "$AddItemAttribute" Param "add cond on kill duration|1|1" Delay 0.1 } OnSpawnOutput { Target "!activator" Action "$AddItemAttribute" Param "add cond on kill|122|2" Delay 0.1 } OnSpawnOutput { Target "!activator" Action "$AddItemAttribute" Param "add cond on kill duration|1|2" Delay 0.1 } filter_activator_tfteam { "targetname" "candycane_filter_is_red" "Negated" "0" "TeamNum" "2" } trigger_multiple { "targetname" "aoe_ammo_regen" "mins" "-500 -500 -500" "maxs" "500 500 500" "spawnflags" "1" "filtername" "candycane_filter_is_red" //"OnTrigger" "!activator,$AddPlayerAttribute,ammo regen|0,0,-1" "OnEndTouch" "!activator,$RemovePlayerAttribute,ammo regen,0,-1" "OnUser1" "!self,Disable,,0,-1" "OnUser1" "!self,Enable,,0.01,-1" } math_counter { "targetname" "regen_count" "startvalue" "0" "min" "0" "max" "0.6" //cap "OnGetValue" "aoe_regen_increaser,$FormatInput1,,0,-1" "OnGetValue" "aoe_regen_increaser,$Format,,0.1,-1" "OnUser1" "delay_count,FireUser1,,0,-1" "OnUser1" "stacks_count,FireUser1,,0,-1" "OnUser1" "!self,Add,0.03,0,-1" //amount each stack "OnUser1" "!self,GetValue,,0.1,-1" } math_counter { "targetname" "delay_count" "startvalue" "0" "min" "0" "max" "10" "OnGetValue" "aoe_regen_increaser,$FormatInput2,,0,-1" "OnGetValue" "aoe_regen_increaser,$Format,,0.1,-1" "OnUser1" "!self,Add,0.001,0,-1" "OnUser1" "!self,GetValue,,0.1,-1" } math_counter { "targetname" "stacks_count" "startvalue" "0" "min" "0" "max" "20" //max stacks "OnGetValue" "stack_counter_formatter,$FormatInput1,,0,-1" "OnGetValue" "stack_counter_formatter,$Format,,0.1,-1" "OnUser1" "!self,Add,1,0,-1" "OnUser1" "!self,GetValue,,0.1,-1" } logic_case { "targetname" "aoe_regen_increaser" "case16" "OnStartTouch !activator:$AddPlayerAttribute:ammo regen|%:%:-1" "case01" "0" "case02" "0" "ondefault" "aoe_ammo_regen,AddOutput,,0,-1" "ondefault" "aoe_ammo_regen,FireUser1,,0,-1" } OnSpawnOutput { Target "stack_counter_formatter" Action "$Format" Param 0.1 } game_text { "origin" "1984 1984 99999" "targetname" "stack_counter_text" "message" "unassigned" "x" "-1" "y" "0.77" "color" "255 255 255" "fadein" "0" "holdtime" "9999999" } logic_case { "targetname" "stack_counter_formatter" "case16" "message Stacks %/20" "case01" "0" "ondefault" "stack_counter_text,AddOutput,,0,-1" "ondefault" "stack_counter_text,Display,,0.1,-1" } filter_tf_condition { "targetname" "filter_new_stack" "Negated" "0" "condition" "122" "OnPass" "regen_count,FireUser1,,0,-1" "OnPass" "!activator,$RemoveCond,122,0,-1" } OnSpawnOutput { Target "stack_checker" Action "Trigger" Delay 0.1 } logic_relay { "targetname" "stack_checker" "spawnflags" "2" "OnTrigger" "!self,Trigger,,0.1,-1" "OnTrigger" "filter_new_stack,TestActivator,!activator,0,-1" } } distort { OnSpawnOutput { Target "!activator" Action AddOutput Param "renderfx 15" Delay 0.1 } } ammopacks { item_ammopack_small { "origin" "1904 -1280 -224" "AutoMaterialize" "1" "TeamNum" "2" } item_ammopack_small { "origin" "2224 -1280 -512" "AutoMaterialize" "1" "TeamNum" "2" } item_ammopack_small { "origin" "3512 -1760 -128" "AutoMaterialize" "1" "TeamNum" "2" } item_ammopack_small { "origin" "2992 -288 -448" "AutoMaterialize" "1" "TeamNum" "2" } item_ammopack_small { "origin" "1376 -144 -448" "AutoMaterialize" "1" "TeamNum" "2" } item_ammopack_small { "origin" "-104 -960 -352" "AutoMaterialize" "1" "TeamNum" "2" } item_ammopack_small { "origin" "288 -128 -472" "AutoMaterialize" "1" "TeamNum" "2" } item_ammopack_small { "origin" "288 -1600 -352" "AutoMaterialize" "1" "TeamNum" "2" } item_ammopack_small { "origin" "3952 -192 -448" "AutoMaterialize" "1" "TeamNum" "2" } item_ammopack_small { "origin" "3888 -192 -448" "AutoMaterialize" "1" "TeamNum" "2" } item_ammopack_small { "origin" "4512 320 -192" "AutoMaterialize" "1" "TeamNum" "2" } item_ammopack_small { "origin" "3488 -928 -128" "AutoMaterialize" "1" "TeamNum" "2" } item_ammopack_small { "origin" "4352 -1728 -112" "AutoMaterialize" "1" "TeamNum" "2" } item_ammopack_small { "origin" "2384 288 -152" "AutoMaterialize" "1" "TeamNum" "2" } item_ammopack_small { "origin" "1456 -640 -224" "AutoMaterialize" "1" "TeamNum" "2" } item_ammopack_small { "origin" "1456 -704 -224" "AutoMaterialize" "1" "TeamNum" "2" } item_ammopack_small { "origin" "832 480 -416" "AutoMaterialize" "1" "TeamNum" "2" } item_ammopack_small { "origin" "2128 -176 -512" "AutoMaterialize" "1" "TeamNum" "2" } item_ammopack_small { "origin" "-704 -32 -416" "AutoMaterialize" "1" "TeamNum" "2" } item_ammopack_small { "origin" "4544 960 0" "AutoMaterialize" "1" "TeamNum" "2" } item_ammopack_small { "origin" "3376 720 -64" "AutoMaterialize" "1" "TeamNum" "2" } item_ammopack_small { "origin" "4304 432 -63.7894" "AutoMaterialize" "1" "TeamNum" "2" } item_ammopack_small { "origin" "2304 -1472 -128" "AutoMaterialize" "1" "TeamNum" "2" } } } ExtraSpawnPoint { Name "spawnbot_alien" TeamNum 3 X "2168" Y "-1256" Z "-222.95" } ExtraSpawnPoint { Name "spawnbot_alien" TeamNum 3 X "4021" Y "-1739" Z "-96" } ExtraSpawnPoint { Name "spawnbot_alien" TeamNum 3 X "2379" Y "-1262" Z "-435" } ExtraSpawnPoint { Name "spawnbot_alien" TeamNum 3 X "3970" Y "-499" Z "-186" } ExtraSpawnPoint { Name "spawnbot_alien" TeamNum 3 X "3200" Y "93" Z "-117" } ExtraSpawnPoint { Name "spawnbot_alien" TeamNum 3 X "2312" Y "-1172" Z "-119" } ExtraSpawnPoint { Name "spawnbot_swarm" TeamNum 3 X "1175.01" Y "-280.006" Z "-445" } ExtraSpawnPoint { Name "redspawn" TeamNum 3 X "4574" Y "1663.98" Z "10" } ExtraSpawnPoint { Name "redspawn" TeamNum 3 X "3732" Y "1663.98" Z "10" } ExtraSpawnPoint { Name "redspawn" TeamNum 3 X "4098" Y "1953" Z "10" } ExtraSpawnPoint { Name "spawnbot_money" TeamNum 3 X "6487" Y "1713" Z "10" } ExtraSpawnPoint { Name "chief" TeamNum 3 X "4114.77" Y "1445.74" Z "-58" } SpawnTemplate "general_logic" SpawnTemplate "annotations" SpawnTemplate "f_pusher" SpawnTemplate "PermaDeathLogic" SpawnTemplate "Misc" SpawnTemplate "blockers" SpawnTemplate "sounds" SpawnTemplate "particles" SpawnTemplate "outsideprops" SpawnTemplate "teleportarea" SpawnTemplate "fakeicon" SpawnTemplate "safetynet" SpawnTemplate "ammopacks" SpawnTemplate "Shaker" SpawnTemplate "deadbodies" SpawnTemplate { Name "cabinet" Origin "3787 2543 34" Angles "0 270 0" } Templates { Xenomorph_Basic { Name "Xenomorph" Class Scout ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite Health 125 Attributes DisableDodge Skill Expert WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly StripItemSlot 0 StripItemSlot 1 Action Mobber PainSound "npc/zombie/zombie_pain5.wav" //Override pain sound. DeathSound "xeno_screech1.wav" //Override death sound. Item "The Alien Cranium" Item "The Xeno Suit" Item "The Biomech Backpack" Item "Zombie Scout" ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_BAT" "decapitate type" 1 "heal on kill" 50 "crit kill will gib" 1 "is invisible" 1 "custom hit sound" "physics/flesh/flesh_squishy_impact_hard3.wav" "custom kill icon" "skull_tf" } CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } } Xenomorph_Small { Name "Baby Xenomorph" Class Scout ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite Scale 0.75 Health 70 Attributes DisableDodge Skill Expert WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly StripItemSlot 0 StripItemSlot 1 Action Mobber PainSound "npc/headcrab/pain1.wav" //Override pain sound. DeathSound "xeno_screech1.wav" //Override death sound. Item "The Alien Cranium" Item "The Xeno Suit" Item "The Biomech Backpack" Item "Zombie Scout" ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_BAT" "decapitate type" 1 // "heal on kill" 50 "crit kill will gib" 1 "is invisible" 1 "custom hit sound" "physics/flesh/flesh_squishy_impact_hard3.wav" "custom kill icon" "skull_tf" } CharacterAttributes { "head scale" 1.3 "voice pitch scale" 0 "move speed bonus" 1.3 "cancel falling damage" 1 } } Xenomorph_Large { Name "Xenomorph" Class Scout ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite_giant Scale 1.3 Health 600 Attributes MiniBoss Attributes DisableDodge Skill Expert WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly StripItemSlot 0 StripItemSlot 1 Action Mobber PainSound "npc/zombie/zombie_pain5.wav" //Override pain sound. DeathSound "npc/ichthyosaur/attack_growl1.wav" //Override death sound. Item "The Alien Cranium" Item "The Xeno Suit" Item "The Biomech Backpack" Item "Zombie Scout" ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_BAT" "decapitate type" 1 // "heal on kill" 50 "crit kill will gib" 1 "is invisible" 1 "custom hit sound" "physics/flesh/flesh_squishy_impact_hard3.wav" "custom kill icon" "skull_tf" } CharacterAttributes { "move speed penalty" 0.6 "damage force reduction" 0 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0 "override footstep sound set" 7 "head scale" 1.3 "cancel falling damage" 1 } } Xenomorph_Buff { Name "Buff Xenomorph" Class Soldier ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite Health 200 // Attributes SpawnWithFullCharge Skill Expert WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly StripItemSlot 0 Action Mobber PainSound "npc/headcrab/pain1.wav" //Override pain sound. DeathSound "xeno_screech1.wav" //Override death sound. Item "The Biomech Backpack" Item "The Alien Cranium" Item "The Xeno Suit" Item "Zombie Soldier" ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_SHOVEL" "decapitate type" 1 "crit kill will gib" 1 "is invisible" 1 "custom hit sound" "physics/flesh/flesh_squishy_impact_hard3.wav" "custom kill icon" "skull_tf" } CharacterAttributes { "head scale" 1.3 "voice pitch scale" 0 "move speed bonus" 1.3 "cancel falling damage" 1 "deploy time decreased" 0.5 // "increase buff duration" 200 } AddCond { Name "TF_COND_OFFENSEBUFF" Delay 2 } } Xenomorph_Conch { Name "Conch Xenomorph" Class Soldier ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite Health 200 // Attributes SpawnWithFullCharge Skill Expert WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly StripItemSlot 0 Action Mobber PainSound "npc/headcrab/pain1.wav" //Override pain sound. DeathSound "xeno_screech1.wav" //Override death sound. Item "The Biomech Backpack" Item "The Alien Cranium" Item "The Xeno Suit" ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_SHOVEL" "decapitate type" 1 "crit kill will gib" 1 "is invisible" 1 "custom hit sound" "physics/flesh/flesh_squishy_impact_hard3.wav" "custom kill icon" "skull_tf" } CharacterAttributes { "head scale" 1.3 "voice pitch scale" 0 "move speed bonus" 1.3 "cancel falling damage" 1 "deploy time decreased" 0.5 // "increase buff duration" 200 } AddCond { Name "TF_COND_REGENONDAMAGEBUFF" Delay 2 } } Xenomorph_Acid { Name "Bleeding Xenomorph" Class Scout ClassIcon pyro_membrain_lite Health 125 Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon Skill Expert WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly Action Mobber StripItemSlot 0 StripItemSlot 2 PainSound "npc/headcrab/pain1.wav" //Override pain sound. DeathSound "xeno_screech1.wav" //Override death sound. Item "The Alien Cranium" Item "The Xeno Suit" Item "The Biomech Backpack" Item "The Flying Guillotine" Item "Zombie Scout" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Flying Guillotine" "effect bar recharge rate increased" -1 "dmg penalty vs players" 0.25 "bleeding duration" 5 "is invisible" 1 "custom kill icon" "mannpower_plague" } CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "gesture speed increase" 0.2 "weapon burn dmg reduced" 0.001 "weapon burn time increased" 0.001 } DamageAppliesCond { Name "TF_COND_GAS" Duration 5 } } Xenomorph_Stealth { Name "Camouflage Xenomorph" Class Sniper ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite Health 100 Attributes DisableDodge Skill Expert WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly Skin 23 Action Mobber StripItemSlot 0 StripItemSlot 1 UseCustomModel "models/player/spy.mdl" Item "Prinny Machete" Item "The Biomech Backpack" Item "The Xeno Suit" Item "Zombie Spy" Item "The Graylien" ItemAttributes { ItemName "Prinny Machete" "custom kill icon" "skull_tf" "decapitate type" 1 "crit kill will gib" 1 "custom hit sound" "physics/flesh/flesh_bloody_break.wav" "is invisible" 1 "damage penalty" 0.65 } CharacterAttributes { "crit from behind" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "gesture speed increase" 0.65 } AddCond { Name "TF_COND_STEALTHED_USER_BUFF_FADING" } } FaceHugger { Name "Facehugger" Class Scout ClassIcon spy_facepeel_lite Scale 0.4 Health 10 Skill Expert Attributes DisableDodge WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly Tag bot_facehugger Action Mobber StripItemSlot 0 StripItemSlot 1 ExtAttr IgnoreBuildings Item "Parasite Hat" Item "TF_WEAPON_GRAPPLINGHOOK" Item "Zombie Scout" ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_BAT" "bleeding duration" 5 "custom kill icon" "skull_tf" "remove cond on hit" 86 "custom hit sound" "physics/flesh/flesh_bloody_break.wav" "is invisible" 1 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_GRAPPLINGHOOK" "is_passive_weapon" 1 } CharacterAttributes { "head scale" 3.9 "torso scale" 0 "hand scale" 0 "dmg penalty vs players" 2 "move speed bonus" 0.5 "stomp player damage" 10 "stomp player force" 100 "stomp player time" 0.025 "increased air control" 100 "no double jump" 1 "mult smack time" 0 "crit kill will gib" 1 "gesture speed increase" 0 "voice pitch scale" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } ItemModel { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_GRAPPLINGHOOK" Model "models/empty.mdl" } DamageAppliesCond { Name "TF_COND_FREEZE_INPUT" Duration 2 } FireWeapon { Delay 5 Cooldown 0 Repeats 0 IfSeeTarget 1 Duration 0 Type "Action" } FireWeapon { Delay 5 Cooldown 2 Repeats 0 IfSeeTarget 1 Duration 0 Type "Primary" } FireWeapon { Delay 5 Cooldown 0.25 Repeats 0 IfSeeTarget 1 Duration 0 Type "Jump" } } Xenomorph_Queen { Name "Xenomorph Queen" Class Scout ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite_giant Health 2000 Attributes MiniBoss // Attributes UseBossHealthBar Skill Expert WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly Tag bot_giant StripItemSlot 0 StripItemSlot 1 Action Mobber NoIdleSound 1 Item "The Alien Cranium" Item "The Xeno Suit" Item "The Biomech Backpack" Item "Zombie Scout" ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_BAT" "damage bonus" 1.2 "crit kill will gib" 1 "is invisible" 1 "custom hit sound" "physics/flesh/flesh_squishy_impact_hard3.wav" "custom kill icon" "skull_tf" } CharacterAttributes { "head scale" 1.2 "hand scale" 0 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "damage force reduction" 0 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.5 "airblast vertical vulnerability multiplier" 0.5 "override footstep sound set" 7 } } Engineer_Giant { Class Engineer ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite_giant Scale 1.4 Health 900 Attributes MiniBoss Attributes DisableDodge Skill Expert WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly Tag bot_giant Action Mobber StripItemSlot 0 StripItemSlot 1 StripItemSlot 3 StripItemSlot 4 StripItemSlot 5 NoIdleSound 1 DeathSound "npc/ichthyosaur/attack_growl3.wav" Item "Necro Smasher" Item "Texas Slim's Dome Shine" Item "Talon Trotters" Item "Polycount Pin" Item "Zombie Engineer" ItemAttributes { ItemName "Necro Smasher" "bleeding duration" 10 "fire rate penalty" 1.5 "custom kill icon" "skull_tf" "melee cleave attack" 1 "dmg penalty vs players" 0.65 "is invisible" 1 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0 "voice pitch scale" 0 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.5 "airblast vertical vulnerability multiplier" 0 "override footstep sound set" 7 "gesture speed increase" 0.2 "rage giving scale" 0.1 } ItemColor { ItemName "Talon Trotters" Red 47 Green 79 Blue 79 } ItemModel { ItemName "Polycount Pin" Model "models/workshop/player/items/pyro/invasion_phobos_filter/invasion_phobos_filter.mdl" } } Xenomorph_Punch { Name "Xeno Punch" Class Heavyweapons ClassIcon heavy_chief Health 2500 Attributes MiniBoss Skill Expert WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly Tag bot_giant Action Mobber StripItemSlot 0 StripItemSlot 1 NoIdleSound 1 PainSound "npc/antlion_guard/angry3.wav" DeathSound "misc/bonzo_vomit02.wav" Item "Fists of Steel" Item "War Head" Item "The Biomech Backpack" Item "The Xeno Suit" Item "Zombie Heavy" ItemAttributes { ItemName "Fists of Steel" "damage bonus" 2 "fire rate penalty" 2.5 "melee cleave attack" 1 "dmg bonus vs buildings" 5 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.2 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.2 "override footstep sound set" 2 "rage giving scale" 0.1 "gesture speed increase" 0.5 "head scale" 1.3 } } T_TFBot_Chief_Engineer { Name "Chief Engineer" Class Engineer ClassIcon engineer_armored Scale 1.9 Health 30000 Attributes MiniBoss Attributes UseBossHealthBar Skill Expert WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly Tag bomb_carrier Action FetchFlag Skin 1 AddCond { Name "TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED" Delay 0.1 } UseCustomModel "models/bots/engineer/bot_engineer.mdl" Item "The Frontier Justice" Item "Golden Wrench" Item "Texas Tin-Gallon" ItemAttributes { ItemName "Golden Wrench" "damage bonus" 1.25 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.01 "damage force reduction" 0 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0 "airblast vertical vulnerability multiplier" 0 "override footstep sound set" 7 } } Survivor_1 { Name "Survivor" Class Engineer Health 200 Skill Expert WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly MaxVisionRange 500 Tag bot_red Tag bot_notplayer AddCond { Name "TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED" } NoPushaway 1 //Dont push other close bots away Action Mobber StripItemSlot 0 StripItemSlot 2 StripItemSlot 3 StripItemSlot 4 StripItemSlot 5 DropWeapon 1 Item "VP78 Pistol" Item "The MK 50" Item "Immobile Suit" Item "Polycount Pin" CharacterAttributes { "crit mod disabled" 0 "dmg taken from crit reduced" 0 } ItemModel { ItemName "Polycount Pin" Model "models/workshop/player/items/engineer/sbox2014_scotch_saver/sbox2014_scotch_saver.mdl" } } Survivor_2 { Name "Survivor" Class Medic Health 200 Skill Expert MaxVisionRange 500 WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Tag bot_red Tag bot_notplayer AddCond { Name "TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED" } NoPushaway 1 //Dont push other close bots away Action Mobber StripItemSlot 1 StripItemSlot 2 DropWeapon 1 AimAt Head Item "Uberdosis" Item "Captain Space Mann" Item "The Surgeon's Space Suit" Item "The Lo-Grav Loafers" CharacterAttributes { "crit mod disabled" 0 "dmg taken from crit reduced" 0 } } Survivor_3 { Name "Survivor" Class Sniper Health 200 Skill Expert MaxVisionRange 500 WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly Tag bot_red Tag bot_notplayer AddCond { Name "TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED" } NoPushaway 1 //Dont push other close bots away DropWeapon 1 Action Mobber StripItemSlot 0 StripItemSlot 2 Item "Classic SMG" Item "The MK 50" Item "Iron Lung" Item "The Cammy Jammies" Item "Polycount Pin" CharacterAttributes { "crit mod disabled" 0 "dmg taken from crit reduced" 0 } ItemModel { ItemName "Polycount Pin" Model "models/workshop/player/items/all_class/sbox2014_camo_headband/sbox2014_camo_headband_sniper.mdl" } } Survivor_4 { Name "Survivor" Class Demoman Health 200 Skill Expert MaxVisionRange 500 WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly Tag bot_red Tag bot_notplayer AddCond { Name "TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED" } NoPushaway 1 //Dont push other close bots away Action Mobber StripItemSlot 0 StripItemSlot 1 Item "The MK 50" Item "Blast Blocker" Item "The Cammy Jammies" Item "Polycount Pin" CharacterAttributes { "crit mod disabled" 0 "dmg taken from crit reduced" 0 } ItemModel { ItemName "Polycount Pin" Model "models/workshop/player/items/demo/demo_beardpipe/demo_beardpipe.mdl" } } Survivor_5 { Name "Survivor" Class Pyro Health 200 Skill Expert MaxVisionRange 500 WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Tag bot_red Tag bot_notplayer AddCond { Name "TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED" } NoPushaway 1 //Dont push other close bots away Action Mobber StripItemSlot 1 StripItemSlot 2 Item "The MK 50" Item "Blast Blocker" Item "The Nostromo Napalmer" CharacterAttributes { "crit mod disabled" 0 "dmg taken from crit reduced" 0 "airblast disabled" 1 } } T_WaveSpawn_Money { Name "money" Where spawnbot_money TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 TotalCurrency 800 Support Limited RandomChoice { Squad { TFBot { Class Scout Name "" Health 10 Attributes IgnoreFlag CharacterAttributes { "health drain" -10 "force distribute currency on death" 1 } } } } } } Wave // Wave 1 { WaitWhenDone 65 Checkpoint Yes StartWaveOutput { Target wave_start_relay Action Trigger } DoneOutput { Target wave_finished_relay Action Trigger } InitWaveOutput { Target relay_emergencylights_on Action Trigger } RedTeamWipeCausesWaveLoss 1 Explanation { Line "{yellow}-----------------------------------" Line "{red}Greetings, mercenaries." Line "{red}You have been tasked at clearing out a xenomorph infestation at this remote base." Line "{red}Most of the weapons here have been destroyed, however we were able to gather what we found and give them to you." Line "{red}They have also managed to destroy our reanimators as well, so once you're dead you're dead." Line "{red}Good luck and don't die." Line "{yellow}-----------------------------------" } SoundLoop //Played in a loop during wave. The sound must have looping enabled, like the minigun fire, or it will only play once. { SoundFile "#isolation_main.mp3" } WaveSpawn // Dummy { TotalCount 0 SpawnCount 0 WaitBeforeStarting 0 FirstSpawnOutput { Target tomboy1 Action Show } } WaveSpawn // Dummy { TotalCount 0 SpawnCount 0 WaitBeforeStarting 10 FirstSpawnOutput { Target tomboy2 Action Show } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave01_tutorial_a" Where spawnbot_alien TotalCount 16 MaxActive 4 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 20 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 TotalCurrency 0 // RandomSpawn 1 RandomChoice { TFBot { Template Xenomorph_Basic } TFBot { Template Xenomorph_Basic } TFBot { Template Xenomorph_Basic } TFBot { Template Xenomorph_Basic } TFBot { Template Xenomorph_Basic } TFBot { Template Xenomorph_Basic } TFBot { Template Xenomorph_Small } TFBot { Template Xenomorph_Small } TFBot { Template Xenomorph_Small } TFBot { Template Xenomorph_Small } TFBot { Template Xenomorph_Small } TFBot { Template Xenomorph_Small } } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave01_tutorial_b" WaitForAllDead wave01_tutorial_a Where spawnbot_alien TotalCount 3 MaxActive 3 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 TotalCurrency 0 RandomChoice { TFBot { Template Xenomorph_Large } TFBot { Template Xenomorph_Large } TFBot { Template Xenomorph_Large } TFBot { Template Xenomorph_Large } TFBot { Template Xenomorph_Large } TFBot { Template Xenomorph_Large } TFBot { Template Xenomorph_Large } TFBot { Template Xenomorph_Large } TFBot { Template Xenomorph_Large } TFBot { Template Xenomorph_Large } TFBot { Template Xenomorph_Large } TFBot { Template Xenomorph_Large } TFBot { Template Xenomorph_Large } TFBot { Template Xenomorph_Large } TFBot { Template Xenomorph_Large } TFBot { Template Xenomorph_Large } TFBot { Template Xenomorph_Queen } TFBot { Template Engineer_Giant } } } WaveSpawn // Dummy { WaitForAllDead wave01_tutorial_b TotalCount 0 SpawnCount 0 WaitBeforeStarting 2 FirstSpawnOutput { Target tomboy3 Action Show } } WaveSpawn // Dummy { WaitForAllDead wave01_tutorial_b TotalCount 0 SpawnCount 0 WaitBeforeStarting 10 FirstSpawnWarningSound "ambient/materials/metal_rattle2.wav" FirstSpawnOutput { Target shake_effect Action StartShake } } WaveSpawn // Dummy { WaitForAllDead wave01_tutorial_b TotalCount 0 SpawnCount 0 WaitBeforeStarting 10 FirstSpawnWarningSound "ambient/materials/metal_rattle2.wav" } WaveSpawn // Dummy { WaitForAllDead wave01_tutorial_b TotalCount 0 SpawnCount 0 WaitBeforeStarting 15.5 FirstSpawnWarningSound "ambient/explosions/exp1.wav" } WaveSpawn // Dummy { WaitForAllDead wave01_tutorial_b TotalCount 0 SpawnCount 0 WaitBeforeStarting 15.5 FirstSpawnWarningSound "ambient/materials/metal_rattle.wav" FirstSpawnOutput { Target shake_effect Action StartShake } } WaveSpawn // Dummy { WaitForAllDead wave01_tutorial_b TotalCount 0 SpawnCount 0 WaitBeforeStarting 21 FirstSpawnWarningSound "xeno_screech2.wav" } WaveSpawn // Dummy { WaitForAllDead wave01_tutorial_b TotalCount 0 SpawnCount 0 WaitBeforeStarting 21 FirstSpawnWarningSound "xeno_screech2.wav" } WaveSpawn // Dummy { WaitForAllDead wave01_tutorial_b TotalCount 0 SpawnCount 0 WaitBeforeStarting 22 FirstSpawnWarningSound "ambient/materials/metal_rattle2.wav" FirstSpawnOutput { Target shake_effect Action StartShake } } WaveSpawn // Dummy { WaitForAllDead wave01_tutorial_b TotalCount 0 SpawnCount 0 WaitBeforeStarting 24 FirstSpawnWarningSound "ambient_mp3/lair/crocs_growl4.mp3" } WaveSpawn // Dummy { WaitForAllDead wave01_tutorial_b TotalCount 0 SpawnCount 0 WaitBeforeStarting 24 FirstSpawnWarningSound "ambient_mp3/lair/crocs_growl5.mp3" } WaveSpawn // Dummy { WaitForAllDead wave01_tutorial_b TotalCount 0 SpawnCount 0 WaitBeforeStarting 27 FirstSpawnWarningSound "npc/ichthyosaur/attack_growl1.wav" } WaveSpawn // Dummy { WaitForAllDead wave01_tutorial_b TotalCount 0 SpawnCount 0 WaitBeforeStarting 32 FirstSpawnWarningSound "mvm/giant_heavy/giant_heavy_step01.wav" } WaveSpawn // Dummy { WaitForAllDead wave01_tutorial_b TotalCount 0 SpawnCount 0 WaitBeforeStarting 32.5 FirstSpawnWarningSound "mvm/giant_heavy/giant_heavy_step01.wav" } WaveSpawn // Dummy { WaitForAllDead wave01_tutorial_b TotalCount 0 SpawnCount 0 WaitBeforeStarting 33 FirstSpawnWarningSound "mvm/giant_demoman/giant_demoman_step01.wav" } WaveSpawn // Dummy { WaitForAllDead wave01_tutorial_b TotalCount 0 SpawnCount 0 WaitBeforeStarting 33.5 FirstSpawnWarningSound "mvm/giant_demoman/giant_demoman_step01.wav" } WaveSpawn // Dummy { WaitForAllDead wave01_tutorial_b TotalCount 0 SpawnCount 0 WaitBeforeStarting 34 FirstSpawnWarningSound "mvm/giant_pyro/giant_pyro_step01.wav" } WaveSpawn // Dummy { WaitForAllDead wave01_tutorial_b TotalCount 0 SpawnCount 0 WaitBeforeStarting 34.5 FirstSpawnWarningSound "mvm/giant_pyro/giant_pyro_step01.wav" } WaveSpawn // Dummy { WaitForAllDead wave01_tutorial_b TotalCount 0 SpawnCount 0 WaitBeforeStarting 35 FirstSpawnWarningSound "mvm/giant_pyro/giant_pyro_step02.wav" } WaveSpawn // Dummy { WaitForAllDead wave01_tutorial_b TotalCount 0 SpawnCount 0 WaitBeforeStarting 35.5 FirstSpawnWarningSound "mvm/giant_pyro/giant_pyro_step02.wav" } WaveSpawn // Dummy { WaitForAllDead wave01_tutorial_b TotalCount 0 SpawnCount 0 WaitBeforeStarting 36 FirstSpawnWarningSound "mvm/giant_pyro/giant_pyro_step02.wav" } WaveSpawn // Dummy { WaitForAllDead wave01_tutorial_b TotalCount 0 SpawnCount 0 WaitBeforeStarting 36.5 FirstSpawnWarningSound "mvm/giant_heavy/giant_heavy_step01.wav" } WaveSpawn // Dummy { WaitForAllDead wave01_tutorial_b TotalCount 0 SpawnCount 0 WaitBeforeStarting 38 FirstSpawnWarningSound "xeno_screech1.wav" FirstSpawnOutput { Target shake_effect Action StartShake } } WaveSpawn // Dummy { WaitForAllDead wave01_tutorial_b TotalCount 0 SpawnCount 0 WaitBeforeStarting 38 FirstSpawnWarningSound "xeno_screech1.wav" } WaveSpawn // Dummy { WaitForAllDead wave01_tutorial_b TotalCount 0 SpawnCount 0 WaitBeforeStarting 40 FirstSpawnWarningSound "items/cart_explode.wav" FirstSpawnOutput { Target fire_particle Action Start } } WaveSpawn // Dummy { WaitForAllDead wave01_tutorial_b TotalCount 0 SpawnCount 0 WaitBeforeStarting 40 FirstSpawnOutput { Target barrierwallsdisable Action Trigger } } WaveSpawn // Dummy { WaitForAllDead wave01_tutorial_b TotalCount 0 SpawnCount 0 WaitBeforeStarting 40 FirstSpawnOutput { Target barrierwallsdisableupper Action Trigger } } WaveSpawn // Dummy { WaitForAllDead wave01_tutorial_b TotalCount 0 SpawnCount 0 WaitBeforeStarting 40 FirstSpawnOutput { Target doorfencedisable Action Trigger } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave01_flood" WaitForAllDead wave01_tutorial_b Where spawnbot_swarm TotalCount 20 MaxActive 5 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 39 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 TotalCurrency 0 RandomChoice { TFBot { Template Xenomorph_Basic } TFBot { Template Xenomorph_Basic } TFBot { Template Xenomorph_Basic } TFBot { Template Xenomorph_Basic } TFBot { Template Xenomorph_Basic } TFBot { Template Xenomorph_Basic } TFBot { Template Xenomorph_Conch } TFBot { Template Xenomorph_Conch } TFBot { Template Xenomorph_Small } TFBot { Template Xenomorph_Small } TFBot { Template Xenomorph_Small } TFBot { Template Xenomorph_Small } } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave01_flood" WaitForAllDead wave01_tutorial_b Where spawnbot_boss TotalCount 3 MaxActive 3 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 48 WaitBetweenSpawns 10 TotalCurrency 0 TFBot { Template Xenomorph_Large } } WaveSpawn { Name "money" Where spawnbot_money TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 TotalCurrency 1000 Support Limited RandomChoice { Squad { TFBot { Class Scout Name "" Health 10 Attributes IgnoreFlag CharacterAttributes { "health drain" -10 "force distribute currency on death" 1 } } } } } // WaveSpawn // { // Name "wave01_survivors" // Where redspawn // TotalCount 3 // MaxActive 3 // SpawnCount 3 // WaitBeforeStarting 0.5 // WaitBetweenSpawns 0 // TotalCurrency 0 // RandomSpawn 1 // Support Limited // RandomChoice // { // RandomChoice // { // TFBot // { // Template Survivor_1 // } // TFBot // { // Template Survivor_2 // } // TFBot // { // Template Survivor_3 // } // TFBot // { // Template Survivor_4 // } // TFBot // { // Template Survivor_5 // } // } // } // } WaveSpawn { Name "chiefengi" Where chief TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 TotalCurrency 0 Support Limited RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Chief_Engineer } } } } } Wave // Wave 2 { WaitWhenDone 65 Checkpoint Yes StartWaveOutput { Target wave_start_relay Action Trigger } DoneOutput { Target wave_finished_relay Action Trigger } InitWaveOutput { Target relay_emergencylights_on Action Trigger } RedTeamWipeCausesWaveLoss 1 SoundLoop //Played in a loop during wave. The sound must have looping enabled, like the minigun fire, or it will only play once. { SoundFile "#isolation_main.mp3" } WaveSpawn { Name "wave02a" Where spawnbot_alien TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 5 WaitBetweenSpawns 10 TotalCurrency 0 RandomSpawn 1 TFBot { Template FaceHugger } } } }