WaveSchedule { StartingCurrency 9999 RespawnWaveTime 8 CanBotsAttackWhileInSpawnRoom no Advanced 1 WaveStartCountdown 3 FixSetCustomModelInput 1 BodyPartScaleSpeed 10 fixSetCustomModelInput 1 // Extended Upgrades // Class limit // PointTepmplates PointTemplates { sentrybusterprojectile { NoFixup 1 prop_dynamic { "targetname" "redo" "classname" "prop_dynamic" "model" "models/bots/demo/bot_sentry_buster.mdl" "DefaultAnim" "airwalk_primary" "disableshadows" "1" "DisableBoneFollowers" "1" "solid" "0" "spawnflags" "0" } } SSB_Glow { tf_glow { "GlowColor" "0 215 153 255" "target" "!parent" "targetname" "ssbglow" } } SSB_intro_cam { point_viewcontrol { "targetname" "camera_ssb" //Name of the entity that you use to target it "origin" "-700 0 -120" //Position in the map. "angles" "-25 180 0" //Angles. } env_fade { "targetname" "fadeblackin" "duration" "0.5" "holdtime" "0.2" "renderamt" "255" "rendercolor" "0 0 0" } env_fade { "targetname" "fadeblackout" "duration" "0.5" "holdtime" "0.2" "renderamt" "255" "rendercolor" "0 0 0" "spawnflags" "1" } env_shake { "targetname" "ssb_screenshake" "classname" "env_shake" "amplitude" "255" "duration" "2" "frequency" "255" "radius" "999999" "spawnflags" "28" "origin" "0 0 0" } ambient_generic { "targetname" "GodOfViolenceAndWar" "message" "freak_fortress_2/bvb_supremespookmaster/supreme_intro.mp3" "health" "10" "spawnflags" "16" "preset" "4" } ambient_generic { "targetname" "GodOfViolenceAndWar" "message" "freak_fortress_2/bvb_supremespookmaster/supreme_intro.mp3" "health" "10" "spawnflags" "16" "preset" "4" } ambient_generic { "targetname" "GodOfViolenceAndWar" "message" "freak_fortress_2/bvb_supremespookmaster/supreme_intro.mp3" "health" "10" "spawnflags" "16" "preset" "4" } logic_relay { targetname "ssbspawn" "ontrigger" "fadeblackin,fade,,0,-1" "ontrigger" "GodOfViolenceAndWar,playsound,,0,-1" "ontrigger" "fadeblackout,fade,,0.6,-1" "ontrigger" "ssb_screenshake,startshake,,0,-1" } } } PlayerShootTemplate // Soldier Mortar Launcher { Name sentrybusterprojectile AttachToProjectile 1 ItemName "SoldierGift" } // Player Attributes PlayerAttributes { "increase player capture value" -1 "player gravity ballon head" -0.0001 } // Custom Weapons Customweapon { "SoldierGift" { OriginalItemName "Upgradeable tf_weapon_rocketlauncher" "projectile gravity" 2000 "clip size penalty" 0.25 "projectile speed increased" 1.8 "use large smoke explosion" 1 "blast radius increased" 2.2 "always crit" 1 "damage bonus" 0.6 } "SSBMasher" { OriginalItemName "Necro Smasher" "damage bonus" 5 "custom item model" "models/weapons/c_models/c_big_mallet/c_big_mallet.mdl" "melee range multiplier" 2 "melee bounds multiplier" 0.5 "custom hit sound" "misc/halloween/strongman_fast_impact_01.wav" "custom weapon fire sound" "misc/halloween/strongman_fast_whoosh_01.wav" } Sniperdetonator { OriginalItemName "The Detonator" "use original class weapon animations" 1 } SniperDH { OriginalItemName "tf_weapon_grenadelauncher" "custom item model" "models/weapons/c_models/c_directhit/c_directhit.mdl" "projectile speed increased" 2 "override projectile type" 8 "auto fires full clip all at once" 1 "fire rate bonus" 0.1 "projectile spread angle penalty" 2 "damage bonus" 0.334 "crit vs non burning players" 1 "crit vs burning players" 1 "dmg bonus vs buildings" 5.3 } } ItemAttributes //Adds attributes to specified item given to players { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_REVOLVER" "mult charge turn control" 999 "charge time increased" 999 "Attack not cancel charge" 1 } // Extra Loadout Items ExtraLoadoutItems { Soldier { Primary "SniperDH" Primary "SoldierGift" } Sniper { Secondary "Sniperdetonator" Primary "SniperDH" } } // Waves Wave { StartWaveOutput { Target wave_start_relay Action Trigger } DoneOutput { Target wave_finished_relay Action Trigger } WaitWhenDone 65 Checkpoint Yes WaveSpawn { Name "TestSoldiers" WaitBeforeStarting 0 Where spawnbot_front TotalCount 999 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 TotalCurrency 0 TFBot { Class Soldier Name "Testing Soldier" Health 500 Attributes UseBossHealthBar Attributes IgnoreFlag Item "Rocket Jumper" CharacterAttributes { "no_jump" 1 "move speed bonus" 0.01 "fire rate bonus" 999 "clip size upgrade atomic" -4 } } } } Wave { StartWaveOutput { Target wave_start_relay Action Trigger } DoneOutput { Target wave_finished_relay Action Trigger } Spawntemplate "SSB_intro_cam" WaitWhenDone 65 Checkpoint Yes WaveSpawn { Name "SSB" WaitBeforeStarting 2 Where spawnbot_front TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 TotalCurrency 0 TFBot { Class Sniper ClassIcon mystery Name "Spookmaster Bones" Health 50000 Item "SSBMasher" Attributes UseBossHealthBar Attributes IgnoreFlag Attributes Miniboss WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly Scale 1.00001 UseCustomModel "models/mvmham/supreme_spookmaster_bones.mdl" Skin 1 Message //Displays message in the chat { Name "{red}Warning!{FF8900} The G4MB13R {FFFFFF}Has Hit The {red}J{FF8F2D}A{yellow}C{green}K{blue}P{90008B}O{FF00F7}T" //Message in the chat displayed Delay 1 //Time before the message is first displayed (Default: 10) Cooldown 3 //Time between each message (Default: 10) Repeats 0 //How many times should bot display the message (Default: 0 - Infinite) IfSeeTarget 1 //When set to 1, this task activates only when the bot can see the target player (Default 0 - Always activate) } Spawntemplate { Name "SSB_Glow" } Sequence // Display a sequence animation with a name. Not every animation is supported { Name "ssb_intro" // Name of the sequence Delay 0 // Delay before playing animation Repeats 1 // How often repeat the animation } Addcond { index 87 delay 0 duration 13 } Addcond { index 52 delay 0 duration 13 } } FirstSpawnOutput { Target "ssbspawn" Action "Trigger" } } WaveSpawn { WaitForAllDead "ssb_prewave" FirstSpawnOutput { Target "camera_ssb" Action $EnableAll Delay 0 } DoneOutput { Target "camera_ssb" Action $DisableAll Delay 13 } } } }