#base robot_standard.pop #base robot_giant.pop #base robot_midori.pop #base robot_deathmatch_base.pop #base robot_midori_deathmatch.pop #base dover2_bots.pop #base dover2_weapons.pop WaveSchedule { StartingCurrency 0 CanBotsAttackWhileInSpawnRoom no RespawnWaveTime 5 FixedRespawnWaveTime 1 FixedRespawnWaveTimeBlue 1 RespawnWaveTimeBlue 5 AllowBotExtraSlots 1 ExtraBotSlotsNoDeathCam 1 RobotLimit 32 NoReanimators 1 NoMVMDeathTune 1 UpgradeStationKeepWeapons 1 DisplayRobotDeathNotice 1 ForceHoliday 2 NoHolidayPickups 1 NoRomevisionCosmetics 1 SniperAllowHeadshots 1 MedigunShieldDamage 1 SentryBusterFriendlyFire 0 ExtendedUpgradesOnly 1 BluPlayersAreRobots 1 RedPlayersAreRobots 1 BodyPartScaleSpeed 99 NoRedBotsRandomCrit 1 ForceRedMoney 1 WaveStartCountdown 3 LuaScriptFile "scripts/dover2_bosses.lua" LuaScriptFile "scripts/dover2_helicopter.lua" LuaScriptFile "scripts/dover2_bots.lua" LuaScriptFile "scripts/dover2_boss_resistance.lua" LuaScriptFile "scripts/projectile_shield_damage_whitecliff.lua" OverrideSounds { "MVM.BombWarning" "combine_bank_alarm.mp3" "MVM.GiantCommonExplodes" "npc/env_headcrabcanister/explosion.wav" "MVM.GiantHeavyExplodes" "npc/env_headcrabcanister/explosion.wav" "Announcer.MVM_Spy_Alert" "common/null.wav" "Announcer.mvm_spybot_death" "common/null.wav" "Announcer.mvm_spybot_death_all" "common/null.wav" "Announcer.MVM_All_Dead" "common/null.wav" } ExtraSpawnPoint { Name "redspawn_giant" TeamNum 3 X -1231 Y 2213.423157 Z -60.968689 } ExtraSpawnPoint { Name "gray" TeamNum 3 X 667 Y 1415 Z -427 } ExtraSpawnPoint { Name "gray" TeamNum 3 X 1514 Y 896 Z -350 } ExtraSpawnPoint { Name "gray" TeamNum 3 X 1596 Y 2433 Z -199 } PlayerAttributes { "ammo regen" 1 "metal regen" 200 "crit mod disabled hidden" 0 "increased air control" 4 "always allow taunt" 1 "vision opt in flags" -34028234663852886000000000000000000000 Heavyweapons { "mod minigun can holster while spinning" 1 } } PointTemplates { logic { NoFixup 1 logic_relay { "spawnflags" "2" "targetname" "daysky" "OnTrigger" "worldspawn,runscriptcode,SetSkyboxTexture(`sky_well_01`),0,-1" "OnTrigger" "env_fog_controller,setstartdist,600,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "env_fog_controller,setenddist,4000,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "env_fog_controller,setcolor,248 197 139,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "env_fog_controller,setcolorsecondary,250 210 240,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "env_fog_controller,setmaxdensity,0.35,0,-1" // "OnTrigger" "fog_prop,disable,0,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "lightup,TurnOn,3,0-1" } light_dynamic { "targetname" "lightup" "origin" "288 544 896" "_light" "244 215 193 750" "brightness" "3" "distance" "4000" } } drilltank { logic_relay { "onspawn" "!parent,addoutput,onuser4 @c@!self:fireuser1::0:-1,0,-1" } prop_dynamic { "targetname" "tank_drill" "model" "models/bots/boss_bot/tank_drill.mdl" //"model" "models/bots/boss_bot/tank_red_drill.mdl" "skin" "1" // 1 for dark blue, 2 for final skin blue, 3 for dark final skin "solid" "0" "DefaultAnim" "drill_spin" "onuser1" "!self,setanimation,drill_deploy,0,-1" "onuser1" "!self,setdefaultanimation,drill_deploy_idle,0.1,-1" } trigger_multiple { "targetname" "drill_hurt" "origin" "182 0 86" "mins" "-50 -40 -50" "maxs" "50 40 50" "spawnflags" "1" "filtername" "filter_redteam" "ontrigger" "driller,SetSpeed,25,0,-1" "ontrigger" "!activator,bleedplayer,1,0,-1" "ontrigger" "!activator,$takedamage,25,0,-1" "ontrigger" "!activator,$takedamage,25,0.25,-1" "ontrigger" "!activator,$takedamage,25,0.50,-1" "ontrigger" "!activator,$takedamage,25,0.75,-1" "ontrigger" "drill,Pitch,100,0,-1" "ontrigger" "drill2,Pitch,100,0.25,-1" "ontrigger" "drill3,Pitch,100,0.50,-1" "ontrigger" "drill4,Pitch,100,0.75,-1" "onendtouch" "driller,SetSpeed,75,0,-1" "wait" "0.1" "onuser1" "!self,disable,,0,-1" } ambient_generic { "targetname" "drill" "message" "ambient/grinder/grinderbot_01.wav" "health" "10" "pitch" "100" "pitchstart" "100" "radius" "5000" "spawnflags" "17" "sourceentityname" "!parent" "onuser1" "!self,stopsound,,0,-1" } ambient_generic { "targetname" "drill2" "message" "ambient/grinder/grinderbot_02.wav" "health" "10" "pitch" "100" "pitchstart" "100" "radius" "5000" "spawnflags" "17" "sourceentityname" "!parent" "onuser1" "!self,stopsound,,0,-1" } ambient_generic { "targetname" "drill3" "message" "ambient/grinder/grinderbot_03.wav" "health" "10" "pitch" "100" "pitchstart" "100" "radius" "5000" "spawnflags" "17" "sourceentityname" "!parent" "onuser1" "!self,stopsound,,0,-1" } ambient_generic { "targetname" "drill4" "message" "mvm/physics/robo_impact_hard_05.wav" "health" "10" "pitch" "100" "pitchstart" "100" "radius" "5000" "spawnflags" "17" "sourceentityname" "!parent" "onuser1" "!self,stopsound,,0,-1" } ambient_generic { "targetname" "drill_sound" "message" "ambient/sawblade.wav" "health" "10" "pitch" "60" "pitchstart" "60" "radius" "1250" "sourceentityname" "!parent" "onuser1" "!self,stopsound,,0,-1" } ambient_generic { "targetname" "drill_sound" "message" "ambient/sawblade.wav" "health" "10" "pitch" "60" "pitchstart" "60" "radius" "1250" "sourceentityname" "!parent" "onuser1" "!self,stopsound,,0,-1" } } SentryHead { obj_sentrygun { "targetname" "sentry" "teamnum" "3" "SolidToPlayer" "0" "defaultupgrade" "2" "Spawnflags" "8" "modelscale" "1.35" "OnDestroyed" "!parent,sethealth,0,0,-1" } OnSpawnOutput { Target "sentry" Action "sethealth" Param 2000 } OnSpawnOutput { Target "sentry" Action "setbuilder" Delay 0.01 } OnSpawnOutput { Action "setparent" Param "!activator" } OnSpawnOutput { Target "sentry" Action "$SetProp$m_nSolidType" Param 0 } } RedSentryHead { obj_sentrygun { "targetname" "sentry" "teamnum" "2" "SolidToPlayer" "0" "defaultupgrade" "2" "Spawnflags" "8" "modelscale" "1.35" "OnDestroyed" "!parent,sethealth,0,0,-1" } OnSpawnOutput { Target "sentry" Action "sethealth" Param 2000 } OnSpawnOutput { Target "sentry" Action "setbuilder" Delay 0.01 } OnSpawnOutput { Action "setparent" Param "!activator" } OnSpawnOutput { Target "sentry" Action "$SetProp$m_nSolidType" Param 0 } } DispenserWall { OnSpawnOutput //Parent entity is the !activator. Set builder to parent entity { Target "buildcounter" //targetname of an entity added below Action "setvalue" Delay 0.00 Param "15" } OnSpawnOutput //Parent entity is the !activator. Set builder to parent entity { Target "spencer" //targetname of an entity added below Action "sethealth" Delay 0.00 Param "300" } // point_teleport // { // "targetname" "parented" // "parentname" "!parent" // } // point_teleport // { // "targetname" "reference" // "parentname" "" // } obj_dispenser { "targetname" "spencer" //Entity name. Required if the entity is going to be referenced somewhere "origin" "0 -60 0" "teamnum" "3" // 2 - Red team, 3 - Blu team "SolidToPlayer" "0" "OnDestroyed" "buildcounter,subtract,1,0,1" "defaultupgrade" "2" } obj_dispenser { "targetname" "spencer" //Entity name. Required if the entity is going to be referenced somewhere "origin" "0 -30 0" "teamnum" "3" // 2 - Red team, 3 - Blu team "SolidToPlayer" "0" "OnDestroyed" "buildcounter,subtract,1,0,1" "defaultupgrade" "2" } obj_dispenser { "targetname" "spencer" //Entity name. Required if the entity is going to be referenced somewhere "origin" "0 0 0" "teamnum" "3" // 2 - Red team, 3 - Blu team "SolidToPlayer" "0" "OnDestroyed" "buildcounter,subtract,1,0,1" "defaultupgrade" "2" } obj_dispenser { "targetname" "spencer" //Entity name. Required if the entity is going to be referenced somewhere "origin" "0 30 0" "teamnum" "3" // 2 - Red team, 3 - Blu team "SolidToPlayer" "0" "OnDestroyed" "buildcounter,subtract,1,0,1" "defaultupgrade" "2" } obj_dispenser { "targetname" "spencer" //Entity name. Required if the entity is going to be referenced somewhere "origin" "0 60 0" "teamnum" "3" // 2 - Red team, 3 - Blu team "SolidToPlayer" "0" "OnDestroyed" "buildcounter,subtract,1,0,1" "defaultupgrade" "2" } obj_dispenser { "targetname" "spencer" //Entity name. Required if the entity is going to be referenced somewhere "origin" "0 -60 55" "teamnum" "3" // 2 - Red team, 3 - Blu team "SolidToPlayer" "0" "OnDestroyed" "buildcounter,subtract,1,0,1" "defaultupgrade" "2" } obj_dispenser { "targetname" "spencer" //Entity name. Required if the entity is going to be referenced somewhere "origin" "0 -30 55" "teamnum" "3" // 2 - Red team, 3 - Blu team "SolidToPlayer" "0" "OnDestroyed" "buildcounter,subtract,1,0,1" "defaultupgrade" "2" } obj_dispenser { "targetname" "spencer" //Entity name. Required if the entity is going to be referenced somewhere "origin" "0 0 55" "teamnum" "3" // 2 - Red team, 3 - Blu team "SolidToPlayer" "0" "OnDestroyed" "buildcounter,subtract,1,0,1" "defaultupgrade" "2" } obj_dispenser { "targetname" "spencer" //Entity name. Required if the entity is going to be referenced somewhere "origin" "0 30 55" "teamnum" "3" // 2 - Red team, 3 - Blu team "SolidToPlayer" "0" "OnDestroyed" "buildcounter,subtract,1,0,1" "defaultupgrade" "2" } obj_dispenser { "targetname" "spencer" //Entity name. Required if the entity is going to be referenced somewhere "origin" "0 60 55" "teamnum" "3" // 2 - Red team, 3 - Blu team "SolidToPlayer" "0" "OnDestroyed" "buildcounter,subtract,1,0,1" "defaultupgrade" "2" } obj_dispenser { "targetname" "spencer" //Entity name. Required if the entity is going to be referenced somewhere "origin" "0 -60 110" "teamnum" "3" // 2 - Red team, 3 - Blu team "SolidToPlayer" "0" "OnDestroyed" "buildcounter,subtract,1,0,1" "defaultupgrade" "2" } obj_dispenser { "targetname" "spencer" //Entity name. Required if the entity is going to be referenced somewhere "origin" "0 -30 110" "teamnum" "3" // 2 - Red team, 3 - Blu team "SolidToPlayer" "0" "OnDestroyed" "buildcounter,subtract,1,0,1" "defaultupgrade" "2" } obj_dispenser { "targetname" "spencer" //Entity name. Required if the entity is going to be referenced somewhere "origin" "0 0 110" "teamnum" "3" // 2 - Red team, 3 - Blu team "SolidToPlayer" "0" "OnDestroyed" "buildcounter,subtract,1,0,1" "defaultupgrade" "2" } obj_dispenser { "targetname" "spencer" //Entity name. Required if the entity is going to be referenced somewhere "origin" "0 30 110" "teamnum" "3" // 2 - Red team, 3 - Blu team "SolidToPlayer" "0" "OnDestroyed" "buildcounter,subtract,1,0,1" "defaultupgrade" "2" } obj_dispenser { "targetname" "spencer" //Entity name. Required if the entity is going to be referenced somewhere "origin" "0 60 110" "teamnum" "3" // 2 - Red team, 3 - Blu team "SolidToPlayer" "0" "OnDestroyed" "buildcounter,subtract,1,0,1" "defaultupgrade" "2" } math_counter { "targetname" "buildcounter" "min" "0" "max" "15" "startvalue" "15" "onhitmin" "!parent,sethealth,-999999,0,-1" "onhitmin" "!parent,sethealth,-999999,1,-1" "onhitmin" "!parent,sethealth,-999999,10,-1" "onhitmin" "!parent,sethealth,-999999,30,-1" "onhitmin" "!parent,sethealth,-999999,60,-1" } } RedDispenserWall { OnSpawnOutput //Parent entity is the !activator. Set builder to parent entity { Target "buildcounter" //targetname of an entity added below Action "setvalue" Delay 0.00 Param "15" } OnSpawnOutput //Parent entity is the !activator. Set builder to parent entity { Target "spencer" //targetname of an entity added below Action "sethealth" Delay 0.00 Param "300" } // point_teleport // { // "targetname" "parented" // "parentname" "!parent" // } // point_teleport // { // "targetname" "reference" // "parentname" "" // } obj_dispenser { "targetname" "spencer" //Entity name. Required if the entity is going to be referenced somewhere "origin" "0 -60 0" "teamnum" "2" // 2 - Red team, 3 - Blu team "SolidToPlayer" "0" "OnDestroyed" "buildcounter,subtract,1,0,1" "defaultupgrade" "2" } obj_dispenser { "targetname" "spencer" //Entity name. Required if the entity is going to be referenced somewhere "origin" "0 -30 0" "teamnum" "2" // 2 - Red team, 3 - Blu team "SolidToPlayer" "0" "OnDestroyed" "buildcounter,subtract,1,0,1" "defaultupgrade" "2" } obj_dispenser { "targetname" "spencer" //Entity name. Required if the entity is going to be referenced somewhere "origin" "0 0 0" "teamnum" "2" // 2 - Red team, 3 - Blu team "SolidToPlayer" "0" "OnDestroyed" "buildcounter,subtract,1,0,1" "defaultupgrade" "2" } obj_dispenser { "targetname" "spencer" //Entity name. Required if the entity is going to be referenced somewhere "origin" "0 30 0" "teamnum" "2" // 2 - Red team, 3 - Blu team "SolidToPlayer" "0" "OnDestroyed" "buildcounter,subtract,1,0,1" "defaultupgrade" "2" } obj_dispenser { "targetname" "spencer" //Entity name. Required if the entity is going to be referenced somewhere "origin" "0 60 0" "teamnum" "2" // 2 - Red team, 3 - Blu team "SolidToPlayer" "0" "OnDestroyed" "buildcounter,subtract,1,0,1" "defaultupgrade" "2" } obj_dispenser { "targetname" "spencer" //Entity name. Required if the entity is going to be referenced somewhere "origin" "0 -60 55" "teamnum" "2" // 2 - Red team, 3 - Blu team "SolidToPlayer" "0" "OnDestroyed" "buildcounter,subtract,1,0,1" "defaultupgrade" "2" } obj_dispenser { "targetname" "spencer" //Entity name. Required if the entity is going to be referenced somewhere "origin" "0 -30 55" "teamnum" "2" // 2 - Red team, 3 - Blu team "SolidToPlayer" "0" "OnDestroyed" "buildcounter,subtract,1,0,1" "defaultupgrade" "2" } obj_dispenser { "targetname" "spencer" //Entity name. Required if the entity is going to be referenced somewhere "origin" "0 0 55" "teamnum" "2" // 2 - Red team, 3 - Blu team "SolidToPlayer" "0" "OnDestroyed" "buildcounter,subtract,1,0,1" "defaultupgrade" "2" } obj_dispenser { "targetname" "spencer" //Entity name. Required if the entity is going to be referenced somewhere "origin" "0 30 55" "teamnum" "2" // 2 - Red team, 3 - Blu team "SolidToPlayer" "0" "OnDestroyed" "buildcounter,subtract,1,0,1" "defaultupgrade" "2" } obj_dispenser { "targetname" "spencer" //Entity name. Required if the entity is going to be referenced somewhere "origin" "0 60 55" "teamnum" "2" // 2 - Red team, 3 - Blu team "SolidToPlayer" "0" "OnDestroyed" "buildcounter,subtract,1,0,1" "defaultupgrade" "2" } obj_dispenser { "targetname" "spencer" //Entity name. Required if the entity is going to be referenced somewhere "origin" "0 -60 110" "teamnum" "2" // 2 - Red team, 3 - Blu team "SolidToPlayer" "0" "OnDestroyed" "buildcounter,subtract,1,0,1" "defaultupgrade" "2" } obj_dispenser { "targetname" "spencer" //Entity name. Required if the entity is going to be referenced somewhere "origin" "0 -30 110" "teamnum" "2" // 2 - Red team, 3 - Blu team "SolidToPlayer" "0" "OnDestroyed" "buildcounter,subtract,1,0,1" "defaultupgrade" "2" } obj_dispenser { "targetname" "spencer" //Entity name. Required if the entity is going to be referenced somewhere "origin" "0 0 110" "teamnum" "2" // 2 - Red team, 3 - Blu team "SolidToPlayer" "0" "OnDestroyed" "buildcounter,subtract,1,0,1" "defaultupgrade" "2" } obj_dispenser { "targetname" "spencer" //Entity name. Required if the entity is going to be referenced somewhere "origin" "0 30 110" "teamnum" "2" // 2 - Red team, 3 - Blu team "SolidToPlayer" "0" "OnDestroyed" "buildcounter,subtract,1,0,1" "defaultupgrade" "2" } obj_dispenser { "targetname" "spencer" //Entity name. Required if the entity is going to be referenced somewhere "origin" "0 60 110" "teamnum" "2" // 2 - Red team, 3 - Blu team "SolidToPlayer" "0" "OnDestroyed" "buildcounter,subtract,1,0,1" "defaultupgrade" "2" } math_counter { "targetname" "buildcounter" "min" "0" "max" "15" "startvalue" "15" "onhitmin" "!parent,sethealth,-999999,0,-1" "onhitmin" "!parent,sethealth,-999999,1,-1" "onhitmin" "!parent,sethealth,-999999,10,-1" "onhitmin" "!parent,sethealth,-999999,30,-1" "onhitmin" "!parent,sethealth,-999999,60,-1" } } } Spawntemplate "logic" Spawntemplate combo_pyro Templates { } Wave // Wave 1 { WaitWhenDone 65 Checkpoint Yes StartWaveOutput { Target wave_start_relay_classic Action Trigger } DoneOutput { Target wave_finished_relay Action Trigger } WaveSpawn { Name "boss" Where spawnbot TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 999 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 TotalCurrency 0 RandomChoice { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Metalbeard_Fix Health 25000 Action Mobber AlwaysGlow 1 CharacterAttributes { "health regen" 0 } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Chief_Soldier Health 25000 Action Mobber AlwaysGlow 1 CharacterAttributes { "health regen" 0 } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Chief_Soldier_Atomic Health 25000 Action Mobber AlwaysGlow 1 CharacterAttributes { "health regen" 0 } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Chief_Gauntlet Health 25000 Action Mobber AlwaysGlow 1 CharacterAttributes { "health regen" 0 } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Chief_Demo_MegaCrit Health 25000 Action Mobber AlwaysGlow 1 CharacterAttributes { "health regen" 0 } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Chief_Huntsman Health 25000 Action Mobber AlwaysGlow 1 CharacterAttributes { "health regen" 0 } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Chief_Knockout Health 25000 Action Mobber AlwaysGlow 1 CharacterAttributes { "health regen" 0 } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Chief_Heavy_Tsar Health 25000 Action Mobber AlwaysGlow 1 CharacterAttributes { "health regen" 0 } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Chief_Pyro_Improved Health 25000 Action Mobber AlwaysGlow 1 CharacterAttributes { "health regen" 0 } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Chief_Scunt Health 25000 Action Mobber AlwaysGlow 1 CharacterAttributes { "health regen" 0 } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Chief_Sniper Health 25000 Action Mobber AlwaysGlow 1 CharacterAttributes { "health regen" 0 } } } } WaveSpawn { Name "bluevent" Where spawnbot Where flankers TotalCount 8 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 300 WaitBetweenSpawns 360 TotalCurrency 400 RandomSpawn 1 Support 1 RandomChoice { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Nuclear_Yatagarasu_Jr AlwaysGlow 1 ClassIcon random_lite Action Mobber } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavyweapons_HealOnKill_OverClock AlwaysGlow 1 ClassIcon random_lite Action Mobber } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Punch_Master AlwaysGlow 1 ClassIcon random_lite Action Mobber } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Svarog AlwaysGlow 1 ClassIcon random_lite Action Mobber } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_O_N_I AlwaysGlow 1 ClassIcon random_lite Action Mobber } } } WaveSpawn { Where spawnbot Where flankers TotalCount 800 MaxActive 7 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 TotalCurrency 3600 Template T_WaveSpawn_Blu_Commons } WaveSpawn { Where spawnbot Where flankers TotalCount 100 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 TotalCurrency 400 Template T_WaveSpawn_Blu_MiniGiants } WaveSpawn { Where spawnbot Where flankers TotalCount 400 MaxActive 3 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 25 TotalCurrency 10000 Template T_WaveSpawn_Blu_Giants } WaveSpawn // red light { Where red_player_teamspawn TotalCount 900 MaxActive 7 SpawnCount 1 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 Template T_Wavespawn_Red_Commons } WaveSpawn // red Med { Where redspawn_giant TotalCount 100 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 Template T_WaveSpawn_Red_MiniGiants } WaveSpawn // red heavy { Where redspawn_giant TotalCount 900 MaxActive 3 SpawnCount 1 WaitBetweenSpawns 25 Template T_Wavespawn_Red_Giants } WaveSpawn // red light { Where gray TotalCount 900 MaxActive 7 SpawnCount 1 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 Template T_WaveSpawn_Grey_Commons } WaveSpawn // red heavy { Where gray TotalCount 900 MaxActive 3 SpawnCount 1 WaitBetweenSpawns 25 Template T_WaveSpawn_Grey_Giants } WaveSpawn { Name "redevent" Where redspawn_giant TotalCount 8 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 480 WaitBetweenSpawns 360 TotalCurrency 400 RandomSpawn 1 Support 1 RandomChoice { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Nuclear_Yatagarasu_Jr AlwaysGlow 1 ClassIcon red2_lite Action Mobber AddCond { Name "TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED" } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavyweapons_HealOnKill_OverClock AlwaysGlow 1 ClassIcon red2_lite Action Mobber AddCond { Name "TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED" } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Punch_Master AlwaysGlow 1 ClassIcon red2_lite Action Mobber AddCond { Name "TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED" } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Svarog AlwaysGlow 1 ClassIcon red2_lite Action Mobber AddCond { Name "TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED" } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_O_N_I AlwaysGlow 1 ClassIcon red2_lite Action Mobber AddCond { Name "TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED" } } } } } }