// Mission by Space Jockey (https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198067249931/) // // // Starting Currency: 900 // // +----------+----------+----------+ // | Wave | Currency | A+ | // +----------+----------+----------+ // | Wave 1 | 600 | 700 | // | Wave 2 | 700 | 800 | // | Wave 3 | 850 | 950 | // | Wave 4 | 850 | 950 | // | Wave 5 | 900 | 1000 | // | Wave 6 | 975 | 1075 | // | Wave 7 | 650 | 750 | // +----------+----------+----------+ // | Total | 5525 | 6225 | // +----------+----------+----------+ // #base robot_spacejockey.pop #base robot_sigsegv_reloaded.pop WaveSchedule { StartingCurrency 900 CanBotsAttackWhileInSpawnRoom no RespawnWaveTime 5 FixedRespawnWaveTime yes AddSentryBusterWhenDamageDealtExceeds 3000 AddSentryBusterWhenKillCountExceeds 20 Advanced 1 SentryBusterFriendlyFire 0 ImprovedAirblast 1 NoRomevisionCosmetics 1 TextPrintTime 0 BodyPartScaleSpeed 50 // SniperHideLasers 1 // SniperAllowHeadshots 1 ForceHoliday 2 MaxSpeedLimit 521 FixSetCustomModelInput 1 MedigunShieldDamage 1 CustomUpgradesFile "mvm_upgrades_spacejockey.txt" PrecacheModel "models/bots/boss_bot/boss_blimp.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/bots/boss_bot/boss_blimp_damage1.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/bots/boss_bot/boss_blimp_damage2.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/bots/boss_bot/boss_blimp_damage3.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/bots/boss_bot/boss_blimp_damage_explode.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/bots/boss_bot/boss_blimp_explode.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/props_mvm/robot_spawnpoint.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/bots/boss_bot/boss_tank_color.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/bots/sniper_boss/bot_sniper_boss.mdl" ExtraTankPath { Name "blimp_path" Node "-96.54 -4417.60 757.52" Node "-80.51 -2849.83 757.52" Node "-44.72 -1508.45 757.52" Node "-1.56 -60.11 757.52" Node "-1.04 1915.26 757.52" } ExtraSpawnPoint { Name "redspawn" TeamNum 3 X "635.17" Y "2711.35" Z "-90" } // ExtraSpawnPoint // { // Name "spawnbot_airdrop" // TeamNum 3 // X "126.38" // Y "-968.27" // Z "638" // } // ExtraSpawnPoint // { // Name "spawnbot_airdrop" // TeamNum 3 // X "-455.52" // Y "-1231.25" // Z "638" // } // ExtraSpawnPoint // { // Name "spawnbot_airdrop" // TeamNum 3 // X "422.89" // Y "-1107.71" // Z "638" // } ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Crusader's Crossbow" "fires milk bolt" 1 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Fortified Compound" "arrow mastery" 1 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "Panic Attack Shotgun" "auto fires full clip" 1 "auto fires when full" 1 "fire rate bonus hidden" 0.2 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Reserve Shooter" "reload time decreased" 0.001 "fire rate bonus hidden" 0.22 "bullets per shot bonus" 0.1 "clip size penalty hidden" 5 "mod mini-crit airborne" 0 "single wep deploy time decreased" 1.3 "hidden secondary max ammo penalty" 4.7 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Buffalo Steak Sandvich" "attach particle effect" 12 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Gunboats" "max health additive bonus" 25 } PointTemplates { spawnpoint { NoFixup 1 prop_dynamic { "targetname" "spawnpointprops" "model" "models/props_mvm/robot_spawnpoint.mdl" "defaultanim" "idle" "skin" "1" // Skin 0 for Red, Skin 1 for Blue, Skin 2 for Gray, and Skin 3 to disable the hologram } } spawnpoint_changeskin { NoFixup 1 logic_relay { "targetname" "spawnpoint_relay" "OnTrigger" "spawnpointprops,skin,3,0,-1" // When triggered, changes all "spawnpointprops" to use the Disabled skin (3) } } cabinet { prop_dynamic { "targetname" "cabinet" "model" "models/props_gameplay/resupply_locker.mdl" "disableshadows" "1" "solid" "6" } func_regenerate { "associatedmodel" "cabinet" "filtername" "filter_red" "mins" "0 -64 0" "maxs" "64 64 128" "TeamNum" "2" "spawnflags" "1" "OnStartTouch" "cabinet,SetAnimation,open,0,-1" "OnEndTouchAll" "cabinet,SetAnimation,close,0,-1" } filter_activator_tfteam { "targetname" "filter_red" "TeamNum" "2" } } tankcolour_orange { OnSpawnOutput { Target "!activator" Action "color" Param "255 140 0" } } rickmay { NoFixup 1 entity_soldier_statue { "id" "3" "classname" "entity_soldier_statue" "origin" "0 0 0" } } airteleport { NoFixup 1 filter_tf_bot_has_tag { "Negated" "0" "require_all_tags" "1" "tags" "airdrop" "targetname" "filter_airdrop" } trigger_teleport { "origin" "-384 -4512 -272" "mins" "-256 -256 -256" "maxs" "256 256 256" "spawnflags" "1" "StartDisabled" "1" "filtername" "filter_airdrop" "target" "airdroptarget1" "targetname" "airdrop1" } info_target { "targetname" "airdroptarget1" "origin" "422.89 -1107.71 880" } trigger_teleport { "origin" "-384 -4512 -272" "mins" "-256 -256 -256" "maxs" "256 256 256" "spawnflags" "1" "StartDisabled" "1" "filtername" "filter_airdrop" "target" "airdroptarget2" "targetname" "airdrop2" } info_target { "targetname" "airdroptarget2" "origin" "126.38 -1107.71 880" } trigger_teleport { "origin" "-384 -4512 -272" "mins" "-256 -256 -256" "maxs" "256 256 256" "spawnflags" "1" "StartDisabled" "1" "filtername" "filter_airdrop" "target" "airdroptarget3" "targetname" "airdrop3" } info_target { "targetname" "airdroptarget3" "origin" "-239.35 -1107.71 880" } logic_case { "targetname" "teleportcase" "oncase01" "airdrop1,Enable,0,1,-1" "oncase01" "airdrop1,Disable,0,1.1,-1" "oncase02" "airdrop2,Enable,0,1,-1" "oncase02" "airdrop2,Disable,0,1.1,-1" "oncase03" "airdrop3,Enable,0,1,-1" "oncase03" "airdrop3,Disable,0,1.1,-1" } trigger_multiple { "origin" "-384 -4512 -272" "mins" "-256 -256 -256" "maxs" "256 256 256" "spawnflags" "1" "StartDisabled" "0" "wait" "5" "filtername" "filter_airdrop" "targetname" "airteleportactivator" "ontrigger" "teleportcase,PickRandomShuffle,0,0,-1" } } } // SpawnTemplate "spawnpoint_changeskin" // SpawnTemplate // { // Name "spawnpoint" // Origin "63.15 -1330.75 -98.88" // } // SpawnTemplate // { // Name "spawnpoint" // Origin "-509.70 384.60 -280.19" // Angles "0 90 0" // } SpawnTemplate { Name "cabinet" Origin "823.61 2287.41 -31" Angles "0 0 0" } SpawnTemplate { Name "cabinet" Origin "944.78 2747.97 -160" Angles "0 -90 0" } SpawnTemplate { Name "rickmay" Origin "-592.32 -1696.48 -385.47" Angles "0 -90 0" } // SpawnTemplate "mothership" Templates { T_TFBot_Pyro_Powerjack { Name "Powerjack Pyro" Class Pyro ClassIcon pyro_powerjack Skill Hard WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly Item "The Powerjack" Item "The Attendant" } T_TFBot_Engineer_Pistol { Name "Pistol Engineer" Class Engineer ClassIcon scout_pistol Action FetchFlag Skill Easy WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly Item "TTG Max Pistol" Item "Graybanns" } T_TFBot_Medic_Injector { Name "Mad Doctor" Class Medic ClassIcon medic_vitasaw_nys Action FetchFlag WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly Item "The Vita-Saw" Item "The Gauzed Gaze" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Vita-Saw" "bleeding duration" 5 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 1.5 } } T_TFBot_Pyro_Crit { Class Pyro Name "Crit Pyro" Skill Expert Attributes AlwaysCrit Item "Firewall Helmet" ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER" "damage bonus" 2 "deflection size multiplier" 0.55 "airblast_pushback_no_viewpunch" 1 "mult airblast refire time" 3 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "Firewall Helmet" "set item tint rgb" 65535 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 1.5 } } T_TFBot_Soldier_BackCrit { Name "Ambush Soldier" Class Soldier ClassIcon soldier_ambush Skill Expert WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Item "The Liberty Launcher" Item "Worms Gear" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Liberty Launcher" "crit from behind" 1 "silent killer" 1 } CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_STEALTHED_USER_BUFF_FADING Duration 5 } } T_TFBot_Medic_Uber_CritCan { Class Medic ClassIcon medic_uber_critcan Name "Crit Uber Medic" Attributes SpawnWithFullCharge Item "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_MEDIGUN" Item "The Foppish Physician" Item "The Shaman's Skull" Item "Battery Canteens" ItemAttributes { ItemName "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_MEDIGUN" "ubercharge rate bonus" 2 "canteen specialist" 3 "heal rate bonus" 5 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "Battery Canteens" "critboost" 1 "powerup charges" 3 "powerup duration" 5 } } T_TFBot_Giant_Pyro_Thruster // Unused Robot { Name "Giant Thruster Pyro" Class Pyro ClassIcon pyro_thruster_lite Health 3000 UseHumanAnimations 1 Attributes MiniBoss Attributes AutoJump Attributes SuppressFire AutoJumpMin 1 AutoJumpMax 1 Skill Expert WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly Item "The Thermal Thruster" Item "The Human Cannonball" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Thermal Thruster" "item_meter_charge_rate" 1 "thermal_thruster_air_launch" 1 "falling_impact_radius_stun" 1 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0 "override footstep sound set" 6 "dmg taken increased" 0.05 "dmg from ranged reduced" 20 "dmg from melee increased" 20 "increased jump height" 1.5 } FireWeapon { Delay 1 Cooldown 3 Repeats 0 Duration 2 Type "Primary" } } T_TFBot_Giant_Heavyweapons_Thumper { Name "Giant Thumper Heavy" Class Heavyweapons ClassIcon thumper_lite Health 5000 Attributes MiniBoss Skill Expert MaxVisionRange 1200 WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly Item "Thumper" Item "Commando Elite" UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 ItemAttributes { ItemName "Thumper" "damage bonus" 2.3 "clip size bonus" 1.3 "weapon spread bonus" 0.85 "fire rate penalty" 1.2 "bullets per shot bonus" 0.5 "reload time increased" 1.13 "auto fires full clip" 1 "auto fires when full" 1 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.7 "damage force reduction" 0.5 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.5 "override footstep sound set" 2 "attack projectiles" 1 } } T_TFBot_Giant_Demo_Burst_Heal { Name "Giant Heal-on-Hit Burst Demo" Class Demoman ClassIcon demo_burst_heal Health 3300 Attributes MiniBoss Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload Skill Expert WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Item "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER" Item "EOTL_demo_dynamite" Item "EOTL_demopants" ItemAttributes { ItemName "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER" "damage penalty" 0.4 "fire rate bonus" 0.001 "faster reload rate" 1.6 "blast radius increased" 1.25 "projectile spread angle penalty" 4 "heal on hit for rapidfire" 900 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.4 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.4 "override footstep sound set" 4 } } T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Stealth // Invisible for the first 10 seconds of combat // UNUSED { Name "Giant Stealth Soldier" Class Soldier ClassIcon soldier_ambush_giant Health 3800 Attributes MiniBoss Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload Skill Expert WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly AimLeadProjectileSpeed 1540 Item "The Liberty Launcher" Item "Worms Gear" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Liberty Launcher" "crit from behind" 1 "silent killer" 1 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.2 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.2 "override footstep sound set" 7 "voice pitch scale" 0 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_STEALTHED_USER_BUFF_FADING Duration 10 } } T_TFBot_Giant_Pyro_Stealth // Invisible for the first 20 seconds of combat { Name "Giant Backburner Pyro" Class Pyro ClassIcon pyro_backburner_nys Health 3000 Attributes MiniBoss Skill Expert MaxVisionRange 1200 WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Item "The Backburner" Item "The Wraith Wrap" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Backburner" "airblast disabled" 1 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.6 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.6 "override footstep sound set" 6 "voice pitch scale" 0 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_STEALTHED_USER_BUFF_FADING Duration 20 } } T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Overclock { Name "Giant Overclocked Soldier" Class Soldier ClassIcon soldier_spammer Health 4000 Attributes MiniBoss Skill Expert WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Item "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER" Item "Breach and Bomb" ItemAttributes { ItemName "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER" "fire rate bonus" 0.6 "fire rate bonus with reduced health" 0.2 "faster reload rate" 0.1 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.4 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.4 "override footstep sound set" 3 } } T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_SlowBarrage_Banner { Name "Giant Barrage Buff Soldier" Class Soldier ClassIcon soldier_barrage_buff Health 4000 Attributes MiniBoss Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload Attributes SpawnWithFullCharge Skill Expert Item "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER" Item "The Buff Banner" Item "The Shogun's Shoulder Guard" ItemAttributes { ItemName "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER" "clip size upgrade atomic" 26.0 "faster reload rate" 0.22 "fire rate bonus" 0.2 "projectile spread angle penalty" 5 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.4 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.4 "override footstep sound set" 3 "increase buff duration" 9 "deploy time decreased" 0.5 } } T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Homing_Spammer { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Spammer ClassIcon soldier_homing_spammer_nys Name "Giant Rapid Homing Soldier" Item "Battle Bird" ItemAttributes { ItemName "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER" "mini rockets" 1 "projectile spread angle penalty" 5 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "Battle Bird" "set item tint RGB" 125064113 } ItemColor { ItemName "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER" Red 125 Green 64 Blue 113 } RocketCustomParticle "eyeboss_projectile" HomingRockets { IgnoreDisguisedSpies 1 IgnoreStealthedSpies 1 RocketSpeed 0.5 // Multiplier of rocket speed. 1 for default speed TurnPower 180 //How fast should the rocket rotate to face the target MaxAimError 180 //Max angle between rocket and the target AimTime 2.5 //How long should the rocket be aiming (Default: 9999) } AddCond { Name "TF_COND_SODAPOPPER_HYPE" } } T_TFBot_Giant_Scout_Sandman_Burstfire { Name "Giant Burst Sandman Scout" Class Scout ClassIcon scout_stun_burst Health 1600 Attributes MiniBoss Skill Expert MaxVisionRange 1300 WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly Item "The Sandman" Item "Batter's Helmet" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Sandman" "effect bar recharge rate increased" 0.001 "fire rate bonus" 0.6 "max health additive bonus" 0 "mult projectile count" 3 } CharacterAttributes { "damage force reduction" 0.7 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.7 "override footstep sound set" 5 } FireWeapon { Duration 1 Cooldown 2 IfSeeTarget 1 Type "Secondary" } } T_TFBot_Giant_Engineer_ShortCircuit_Lightning { Name "Giant Lightning Engineer" Class Engineer ClassIcon engineer_shortcircuit_lite Health 3300 Attributes MiniBoss Action FetchFlag Skill Expert MaxVisionRange 1300 WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly Item "The Short Circuit" Item "Iron Lung" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Short Circuit" "dmg penalty vs players" 3.5 "dmg bonus vs buildings" 4 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.6 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.6 "override footstep sound set" 6 "voice pitch scale" 0 "head scale" 0.7 } } T_TFBot_Giant_Engineer_Shotgun_Frontier { ClassIcon heavy_shotgun_giant Health 3000 Name "Giant Shotgun Engineer" Class Engineer Action FetchFlag Skill Expert Attributes MiniBoss MaxVisionRange 1300 WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Item "The Frontier Justice" Item "The Texas Half-Pants" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Frontier Justice" "fire rate bonus" 2.5 "bullets per shot bonus" 10 "damage penalty" 0.6 "faster reload rate" 0.1 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.65 "damage force reduction" 0.6 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.25 "override footstep sound set" 6 "head scale" 0.7 "voice pitch scale" 0 } } T_TFBot_Giant_Heavyweapons_Flare_Spammer { Name "Giant Flare Heavy" Class Heavyweapons ClassIcon pyro_flare_rain_nys Health 5000 Attributes MiniBoss Skill Expert MaxVisionRange 1500 AimLeadProjectileSpeed 1 WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Item "Iron Curtain" Item "The Bunsen Brave" ItemAttributes { ItemName "Iron Curtain" "override projectile type" 6 "damage bonus" 2 "set damagetype ignite" 1 "centerfire projectile" 1 "fire rate bonus" 1.5 "crit vs burning players" 1 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.2 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.2 "override footstep sound set" 2 } } T_TFBot_Chief_Demo_Rage // Normal burstfire by default; deadly when at 50% hp { Name "Sergeant Bomber" Class Demoman ClassIcon demo_scatter Scale 1.9 Health 65000 Attributes MiniBoss Attributes UseBossHealthBar UseHumanModel 1 ChangeAttributes { Delay 0 Cooldown 99999999 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 32500 Name "Enraged" } EventChangeAttributes { Default { Skill Expert WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload Item "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER" Item "The War Eagle" Item "Gaelic Glutton" ItemAttributes { ItemName "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER" "clip size upgrade atomic" 7 "faster reload rate" 0.65 "fire rate bonus" 0.1 "Projectile speed increased" 1.5 "is australium item" 1 "item style override" 1 "killstreak tier" 2 "killstreak idleeffect" 2 } CharacterAttributes { "damage force reduction" 0 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0 "airblast vertical vulnerability multiplier" 0 "move speed bonus" 0.45 "override footstep sound set" 7 "rage giving scale" 0.1 "blast dmg to self increased" 0 } } Enraged { Skill Expert WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload Attributes AlwaysCrit Item "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER" Item "The War Eagle" Item "Gaelic Glutton" ItemAttributes { ItemName "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER" "clip size upgrade atomic" 30 "faster reload rate" 0.15 "fire rate bonus" 0.001 "damage bonus" 2 "heal on hit for rapidfire" 100 "projectile spread angle penalty" 4 "Projectile speed increased" 1.5 "is australium item" 1 "item style override" 1 "killstreak tier" 2 "killstreak idleeffect" 2 } CharacterAttributes { "damage force reduction" 0 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0 "airblast vertical vulnerability multiplier" 0 "move speed bonus" 0.7 "override footstep sound set" 7 "rage giving scale" 0.1 "blast dmg to self increased" 0 } } } } //////////////////////////////////////// RED ROBOTS /////////////////////////////////////////////// T_TFBot_Red_Giant_Scout_Cleaver { Class Scout ClassIcon scout_cleaver_ally Name "Giant Cleaver Scout" Health 1600 Skill Expert Action Mobber Attributes MiniBoss Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly MaxVisionRange 1300 UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 AimTrackingInterval 0.001 AimLeadProjectileSpeed 3000 ExtAttr JumpStomp FastUpdate 1 Item "The Flying Guillotine" Item "The Frickin' Sweet Ninja Hood" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Flying Guillotine" "effect bar recharge rate increased" 0.01 "dmg penalty vs players" 2 "mod weapon blocks healing" 1 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 1.5 "damage force reduction" 0.7 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.7 "override footstep sound set" 7 "voice pitch scale" 0 } AddCond { Name "TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED" } } T_TFBot_Red_Giant_Demo_Burst { Class Demoman ClassIcon demo_clusterbomb_ally Name "Giant Burst Fire Demo" Health 3300 Skill Expert Attributes MiniBoss Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload Action Mobber DropWeapon 1 // ExtAttr JumpStomp WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Item "The Iron Bomber" Item "The Chargin' Targe" Item "Scotch Bonnet" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Iron Bomber" "faster reload rate" 0.5 "fire rate bonus" 0.001 "clip size upgrade atomic" 4 "projectile spread angle penalty" 4 "projectile speed increased" 1.15 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.1 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.1 "override footstep sound set" 4 "voice pitch scale" 0.75 "blast dmg to self increased" 0 "health from healers increased" 2 } AddCond { Name "TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED" } VoiceCommand //Periodacally uses voice commands { Delay 8 Cooldown 5 IfHealthBelow 1650 Type "Medic" } } T_TFBot_Red_Heavy_Gauntlet { Name "Captain Punch Jr." Class Heavyweapons ClassIcon heavy_chief_ally Health 5000 Skill Expert Attributes MiniBoss Action Mobber ExtAttr JumpStomp WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly Item "Fists of Steel" Item "The Executioner" ItemAttributes { ItemName "Fists of Steel" "damage bonus" 5 "fire rate bonus" 0.6 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Executioner" "set item tint rgb" 8289918 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.1 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.1 "override footstep sound set" 2 "health regen" 40 "voice pitch scale" 0 } AddCond { Name "TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED" } } T_TFBot_Red_Giant_Pyro_Pusher { Class Pyro ClassIcon red2_lite Name "Giant Airblast Pyro" Health 3000 Skill Expert Action Mobber Attributes MiniBoss UseBestWeapon 1 Item "The Nostromo Napalmer" Item "The Scorch Shot" Item "Combustible Cutie" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Nostromo Napalmer" "damage penalty" 0.5 "flame_drag" 4 "flame_spread_degree" 5 "airblast pushback scale" 5 "mult airblast refire time" 0.5 "deflection size multiplier" 0.55 "lunchbox adds minicrits" 2 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Scorch Shot" "damage penalty" 2 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.6 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.6 "override footstep sound set" 6 "voice pitch scale" 0 } AddCond { Name "TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED" } } T_TFBot_Red_Giant_Soldier_Spammer_Extended_Concheror { Class Soldier ClassIcon soldier_conch_ally Name "Giant Rapid Conch Soldier" Health 4000 Skill Expert Action Mobber Attributes MiniBoss Attributes SpawnWithFullCharge Item "warbird_rocketlauncher_warhawk" Item "The Concheror" ItemAttributes { ItemName "warbird_rocketlauncher_warhawk" "faster reload rate" 0.1 "fire rate bonus" 0.5 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.4 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.4 "override footstep sound set" 3 "deploy time decreased" 0.5 "increase buff duration" 9 "voice pitch scale" 0 } AddCond { Name "TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED" } } T_TFBot_Red_Giant_Soldier_Spammer_Extended_Banner { Class Soldier ClassIcon red2_lite Name "Giant Rapid Buff Soldier" Health 4000 Skill Expert Action Mobber Attributes MiniBoss Attributes SpawnWithFullCharge Item "warbird_rocketlauncher_warhawk" Item "The Buff Banner" ItemAttributes { ItemName "warbird_rocketlauncher_warhawk" "faster reload rate" 0.1 "fire rate bonus" 0.5 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.4 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.4 "override footstep sound set" 3 "deploy time decreased" 0.5 "increase buff duration" 9 "voice pitch scale" 0 } AddCond { Name "TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED" } } } Mission { Where spawnbot Objective DestroySentries BeginAtWave 1 DesiredCount 1 InitialCooldown 45 CooldownTime 45 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_SentryBuster } } Mission // For Wave 1 { Where spawnbot Objective Spy BeginAtWave 1 RunForThisManyWaves 1 DesiredCount 2 InitialCooldown 40 CooldownTime 60 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Spy } } Mission // For Wave 2 { Where spawnbot_flank Objective Sniper BeginAtWave 2 RunForThisManyWaves 1 DesiredCount 2 InitialCooldown 35 CooldownTime 35 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Sydney_Sleeper Name "Croc-o-Style Sniper" Item "Darwin's Danger Shield" Item "Ol' Snaggletooth" ItemAttributes { ItemName "Darwin's Danger Shield" "jarate backstabber" 1 } } } Mission // For Wave 3 { Where spawnbot Objective Engineer BeginAtWave 3 RunForThisManyWaves 1 DesiredCount 1 InitialCooldown 40 CooldownTime 60 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Engineer_Sentry_Teleporter TeleportWhere spawnbot TeleportWhere spawnbot_flank } } Mission // For Wave 4 { Where spawnbot Objective Spy BeginAtWave 4 RunForThisManyWaves 1 DesiredCount 2 InitialCooldown 40 CooldownTime 40 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Spy } } Mission // For Wave 5 { Where spawnbot_flank Objective Sniper BeginAtWave 5 RunForThisManyWaves 1 DesiredCount 2 InitialCooldown 35 CooldownTime 35 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Razorback Attributes AlwaysCrit } } Mission // For Wave 5 { Where spawnbot Objective Spy BeginAtWave 6 RunForThisManyWaves 1 DesiredCount 2 InitialCooldown 40 CooldownTime 40 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Spy } } Wave // Wave 1 [$600] { WaitWhenDone 65 Checkpoint Yes StartWaveOutput { Target wave_start_relay Action Trigger } DoneOutput { Target wave_finished_relay Action Trigger } WaveSpawn { Name "wave01a" Where spawnbot TotalCount 25 MaxActive 10 SpawnCount 5 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 4 TotalCurrency 100 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Scattergun_SlowFire } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave01a" Where spawnbot_flank TotalCount 25 MaxActive 5 SpawnCount 5 WaitBeforeStarting 5 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 TotalCurrency 100 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Pyro } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave01b" Where spawnbot TotalCount 18 MaxActive 9 SpawnCount 9 WaitBeforeStarting 21 WaitBetweenSpawns 15 TotalCurrency 100 RandomChoice { TFBot { Class Soldier Skill Easy } TFBot { Class Soldier Skill Normal } } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave01b" Where spawnbot TotalCount 4 MaxActive 4 SpawnCount 4 WaitBeforeStarting 30 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 TotalCurrency 50 Squad { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demoman ClassIcon demo_rapid_giant } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickFix Attributes SpawnWithFullCharge } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickFix Attributes SpawnWithFullCharge } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickFix Attributes SpawnWithFullCharge } } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave01b" Where spawnbot_flank TotalCount 4 MaxActive 4 SpawnCount 4 WaitBeforeStarting 32 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 TotalCurrency 50 Squad { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demoman ClassIcon demo_rapid_giant } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickFix Attributes SpawnWithFullCharge } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickFix Attributes SpawnWithFullCharge } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickFix Attributes SpawnWithFullCharge } } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave01c" WaitForAllDead wave01b Where spawnbot TotalCount 12 MaxActive 8 SpawnCount 8 WaitBeforeStarting 10 WaitBetweenSpawns 15 TotalCurrency 50 TFBot { Class Heavyweapons Skill Easy } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave01c" WaitForAllDead wave01b Where spawnbot_flank TotalCount 28 MaxActive 7 SpawnCount 7 WaitBeforeStarting 15 WaitBetweenSpawns 10 TotalCurrency 100 Squad { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Flaregun } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Powerjack Attributes AlwaysCrit } } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave01c" WaitForAllDead wave01b Where spawnbot TotalCount 12 MaxActive 12 SpawnCount 4 WaitBeforeStarting 20 WaitBetweenSpawns 15 TotalCurrency 50 Squad { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavyweapons_Thumper } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickFix Attributes SpawnWithFullCharge } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickFix Attributes SpawnWithFullCharge } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickFix Attributes SpawnWithFullCharge } } } } Wave // Wave 2 [$700] { WaitWhenDone 65 Checkpoint Yes StartWaveOutput { Target wave_start_relay Action Trigger } DoneOutput { Target wave_finished_relay Action Trigger } WaveSpawn { Name "wave02a" Where spawnbot TotalCount 20 MaxActive 8 SpawnCount 8 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 10 TotalCurrency 100 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Demoman Skill Normal } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave02a" Where spawnbot TotalCount 12 MaxActive 8 SpawnCount 4 WaitBeforeStarting 15 WaitBetweenSpawns 4 TotalCurrency 50 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Huntsman_Bleed } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave02b" WaitForAllSpawned wave02a Where spawnbot TotalCount 8 MaxActive 8 SpawnCount 4 WaitBeforeStarting 10 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 TotalCurrency 100 Squad { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Overclock } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic } } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave02b" WaitForAllSpawned wave02a Where spawnbot_flank TotalCount 12 MaxActive 2 SpawnCount 2 WaitBeforeStarting 20 WaitBetweenSpawns 10 TotalCurrency 50 Squad { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Heavy_IronFist_Airblast } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Samurai Item "Shin Shredders" Item "Bushi-Dou" } } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave02b" WaitForAllSpawned wave02a Where spawnbot TotalCount 4 MaxActive 2 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 30 WaitBetweenSpawns 20 TotalCurrency 100 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demo_Burst_Heal } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave02c" WaitForAllDead wave02b Where spawnbot_flank TotalCount 6 MaxActive 3 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 10 WaitBetweenSpawns 12 TotalCurrency 100 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Scout_FAN } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave02c" WaitForAllDead wave02b Where spawnbot TotalCount 24 MaxActive 8 SpawnCount 8 WaitBeforeStarting 10 WaitBetweenSpawns 10 TotalCurrency 100 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Sniper_SMG_SlowFire Skill Normal } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave02c" WaitForAllDead wave02b Where spawnbot TotalCount 10 MaxActive 10 SpawnCount 5 WaitBeforeStarting 25 WaitBetweenSpawns 20 TotalCurrency 100 Squad { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavyweapons_Heater UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Pyro Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Pyro Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Pyro Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Pyro Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon } } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave02support" Where spawnbot_invasion TotalCount 20 MaxActive 4 SpawnCount 4 WaitBeforeStarting 5 WaitBetweenSpawns 4 TotalCurrency 0 Support 1 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Melee ClassIcon crowbar_lite Item "Crate Smasher" CustomWeaponModel //Sets custom weapon model { Slot 2 Model "models/weapons/c_models/c_cratesmasher/c_cratesmasher_1.mdl" } } } } Wave // Wave 3 [$850] { WaitWhenDone 65 Checkpoint Yes StartWaveOutput { Target wave_start_relay Action Trigger } DoneOutput { Target wave_finished_relay Action Trigger } Explanation { Line "{red}RED {FF9913}robots will be featured in the following waves, they will differ between each wave." Line "{FF9913}You will get 3 giant scouts this wave." } WaveSpawn // Tank 20000 HP { Name "wave03_tank" TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 TotalCurrency 150 Tank { Name "Tank" StartingPathTrackNode "tank_path_a_10" Health 20000 Speed 75 OnKilledOutput { Target boss_dead_relay Action Trigger } OnBombDroppedOutput { Target boss_deploy_relay Action Trigger } } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave03a" Where spawnbot TotalCount 24 MaxActive 12 SpawnCount 6 WaitBeforeStarting 10 WaitBetweenSpawns 6 TotalCurrency 100 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Dragon_Fury } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave03a" Where spawnbot TotalCount 4 MaxActive 4 SpawnCount 2 WaitBeforeStarting 15 WaitBetweenSpawns 15 TotalCurrency 50 Squad { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavyweapons } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Medic_Regen Name "Giant Regen Medic" Attributes IgnoreEnemies } } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave03b" WaitForAllDead wave03a Where spawnbot_flank TotalCount 20 MaxActive 5 SpawnCount 5 WaitBeforeStarting 10 WaitBetweenSpawns 10 TotalCurrency 100 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Knight_Persian } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave03b" WaitForAllDead wave03a Where spawnbot TotalCount 27 MaxActive 9 SpawnCount 9 WaitBeforeStarting 15 WaitBetweenSpawns 10 TotalCurrency 150 RandomChoice { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Pistol Item "TTG Max Pistol" Item "Graybanns" } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Pistol Item "TTG Max Pistol" Item "Graybanns" } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Pistol Skill Hard Item "TTG Max Pistol" Item "Graybanns" } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Engineer_Pistol } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Engineer_Pistol } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Engineer_Pistol Skill Hard } } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave03b" WaitForAllDead wave03a Where spawnbot_flank TotalCount 8 MaxActive 4 SpawnCount 2 WaitBeforeStarting 25 WaitBetweenSpawns 10 TotalCurrency 50 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Huntsman_Spammer } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave03c" WaitForAllDead wave03b Where spawnbot TotalCount 4 MaxActive 4 SpawnCount 2 WaitBeforeStarting 2 WaitBetweenSpawns 18 TotalCurrency 100 Squad { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_SlowBarrage_Banner } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_Shield_QF_Armored Attributes IgnoreEnemies WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly FireWeapon { Delay 1 Cooldown 3 Repeats 0 Duration 0.6 Type "Special" } } } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave03c" WaitForAllDead wave03b Where spawnbot TotalCount 24 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 3 WaitBeforeStarting 12 WaitBetweenSpawns 3 TotalCurrency 100 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Soldier_RocketShotgun } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave03c" WaitForAllDead wave03b Where spawnbot_flank TotalCount 6 MaxActive 2 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 24 WaitBetweenSpawns 10 TotalCurrency 50 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Scout_Fast } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave03c" WaitForAllDead wave03a Where spawnbot TotalCount 50 MaxActive 3 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 8 TotalCurrency 0 Support 1 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_ScorchShot_FastShot } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave03_red" Where redspawn TotalCount 3 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 5 WaitBetweenSpawns 15 TotalCurrency 0 Support Limited TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Red_Giant_Scout_Cleaver } } } Wave // Wave 4 [$850] { WaitWhenDone 65 Checkpoint Yes StartWaveOutput { Target wave_start_relay Action Trigger } DoneOutput { Target wave_finished_relay Action Trigger } Explanation { // Line "{FF9913}This wave features ambush bots. Make sure to listen out for audio cues when they spawn." Line "{blue}Note: {FF9913}Some robots will be dropping in from the skies above!" Line "{FF9913}A siren will sound when they will drop down." Line "{FF9913}You will get {red}giant burst demos {FF9913}this wave." } SpawnTemplate "airteleport" WaveSpawn { Name "wave04a" Where spawnbot TotalCount 6 MaxActive 3 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 15 TotalCurrency 100 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Scout_Sandman_Burstfire } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave04a" Where spawnbot TotalCount 24 MaxActive 8 SpawnCount 8 WaitBeforeStarting 5 WaitBetweenSpawns 15 TotalCurrency 100 TFBot { Class Heavyweapons Skill Hard } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave04b" WaitForAllSpawned wave04a Where spawnbot TotalCount 15 MaxActive 15 SpawnCount 5 WaitBeforeStarting 20 WaitBetweenSpawns 20 TotalCurrency 100 Squad { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Homing_Spammer } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_Kritzkrieg // Attributes AlwaysCrit CharacterAttributes { "heal rate bonus" 10 } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_Kritzkrieg // Attributes AlwaysCrit CharacterAttributes { "heal rate bonus" 10 } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_Kritzkrieg // Attributes AlwaysCrit CharacterAttributes { "heal rate bonus" 10 } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_Kritzkrieg // Attributes AlwaysCrit CharacterAttributes { "heal rate bonus" 10 } } } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave04b" WaitForAllSpawned wave04a Where spawnbot_flank TotalCount 27 MaxActive 9 SpawnCount 9 WaitBeforeStarting 20 WaitBetweenSpawns 12 TotalCurrency 100 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Pyro Skill Normal } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave04b" WaitForAllSpawned wave04a Where spawnbot_flank TotalCount 32 MaxActive 8 SpawnCount 4 WaitBeforeStarting 25 WaitBetweenSpawns 3 TotalCurrency 50 // FirstSpawnWarningSound "mvm/mvm_tele_deliver.wav" TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Extended_Buff_Banner } } WaveSpawn // Tank 18000 HP { Name "wave04_tank" WaitForAllDead wave04b TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 TotalCurrency 150 Tank { Name "Tank" StartingPathTrackNode "tank_path_b1" Health 21000 Speed 80 OnKilledOutput { Target boss_dead_relay Action Trigger } OnBombDroppedOutput { Target boss_deploy_relay Action Trigger } } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave04c" WaitForAllDead wave04b Where spawnbot TotalCount 9 MaxActive 9 SpawnCount 3 WaitBeforeStarting 5 WaitBetweenSpawns 15 TotalCurrency 100 Squad { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Engineer_ShortCircuit_Lightning } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickUber } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickUber } } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave04c" WaitForAllDead wave04b Where spawnbot_flank TotalCount 12 MaxActive 12 SpawnCount 3 WaitBeforeStarting 5 WaitBetweenSpawns 15 TotalCurrency 100 Squad { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_RocketPush } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickUber } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickUber } } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave04c" WaitForAllDead wave04b Where spawnbot_flank TotalCount 2 MaxActive 2 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 7 WaitBetweenSpawns 12 TotalCurrency 25 StartWaveWarningSound "vo/announcer_security_warning.mp3" FirstSpawnWarningSound "mvm/ambient_mp3/mvm_siren.mp3" TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Pyro Tag airdrop Item "The B.A.S.E. Jumper" CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "increased air control" 4 } } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave04c" WaitForAllDead wave04b Where spawnbot_flank TotalCount 18 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 3 WaitBeforeStarting 7 WaitBetweenSpawns 3 TotalCurrency 25 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Soldier_AirStrike Tag airdrop AutoJumpMin 15 AutoJumpMax 15 } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave04_support" WaitForAllDead wave04a Where spawnbot_invasion TotalCount 20 MaxActive 7 SpawnCount 7 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 10 TotalCurrency 0 Support 1 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_Injector } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave04_red" Where redspawn TotalCount 9999 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 5 WaitBetweenSpawnsAfterDeath 20 TotalCurrency 0 Support Limited TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Red_Giant_Demo_Burst } } } Wave // Wave 5 [$900] { WaitWhenDone 65 Checkpoint Yes StartWaveOutput { Target wave_start_relay Action Trigger } DoneOutput { Target wave_finished_relay Action Trigger } Explanation { Line "{FF9913}Friendly {red}Battalion Soldiers {FF9913}will help you this wave." Line "{blue}Note: {FF9913}Sniper robots are able to headshot you in this wave." } SpawnTemplate "airteleport" WaveSpawn { Name "wave05_boss" Where spawnbot TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 TotalCurrency 200 FirstSpawnWarningSound "vo/mvm/norm/taunts/sniper_mvm_taunts17.mp3" LastSpawnWarningSound "mvm/ambient_mp3/mvm_siren.mp3" TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Chief_Huntsman ClassIcon sniper_bow_multi UseCustomModel "models/bots/sniper_boss/bot_sniper_boss.mdl" CharacterAttributes { "head scale" 1 } } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave05a" Where spawnbot_flank TotalCount 25 MaxActive 5 SpawnCount 5 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 10 TotalCurrency 0 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Shotgun Tag airdrop Item "The B.A.S.E. Jumper" CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "increased air control" 4 } } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave05a" Where spawnbot TotalCount 16 MaxActive 4 SpawnCount 2 WaitBeforeStarting 5 WaitBetweenSpawns 10 TotalCurrency 100 Squad { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Heavy_IronFist_Airblast } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Gas AimTrackingInterval 0.001 AimLeadProjectileSpeed 2009 } } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave05a" Where spawnbot_flank TotalCount 28 MaxActive 7 SpawnCount 7 WaitBeforeStarting 8 WaitBetweenSpawns 10 TotalCurrency 100 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Extended_Concheror Skill Expert } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave05b" WaitForAllDead wave05_boss Where spawnbot TotalCount 18 MaxActive 18 SpawnCount 6 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 15 TotalCurrency 100 Squad { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Pyro_Fury Attributes AlwaysCrit } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Milk } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Milk } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Milk } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Milk } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Milk } } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave05b" WaitForAllDead wave05_boss Where spawnbot TotalCount 12 MaxActive 12 SpawnCount 6 WaitBeforeStarting 10 WaitBetweenSpawns 15 TotalCurrency 200 Squad { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavyweapons_Deflector } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Medic_Kritz // Attributes AlwaysCrit Attributes IgnoreEnemies } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Milk } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Milk } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Milk } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Milk } } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave05c" WaitForAllDead wave05b Where spawnbot TotalCount 24 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 6 WaitBeforeStarting 5 WaitBetweenSpawns 8 TotalCurrency 100 TFBot { Class Soldier Name "RPG Soldier" Skill Expert Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload Attributes AlwaysCrit WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Item "Soldier's Stash" ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER" "clip size upgrade atomic" -5 "projectile gravity" 550 "projectile speed increased" 1.3 } } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave05c" WaitForAllDead wave05b Where spawnbot TotalCount 6 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 2 WaitBeforeStarting 10 WaitBetweenSpawns 15 TotalCurrency 100 Squad { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demo_Sticky // AimAt Feet } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Medic_Kritz Attributes IgnoreEnemies } } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave05c" WaitForAllDead wave05b Where spawnbot TotalCount 6 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 3 WaitBeforeStarting 20 WaitBetweenSpawns 15 TotalCurrency 100 Squad { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_SlowBarrage Attributes AlwaysCrit } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Gas AimTrackingInterval 0.001 AimLeadProjectileSpeed 2009 } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Gas AimTrackingInterval 0.001 AimLeadProjectileSpeed 2009 } } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave05_support" WaitForAllDead wave05a Where spawnbot TotalCount 30 MaxActive 8 SpawnCount 8 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 15 TotalCurrency 0 Support 1 // FirstSpawnWarningSound "mvm/mvm_tele_deliver.wav" TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Powerjack } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave05_red" Where redspawn TotalCount 5 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 5 WaitBetweenSpawnsAfterDeath 15 TotalCurrency 0 Support Limited TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Extended_Battalion ClassIcon soldier_backup_ally Action Mobber AddCond { Name "TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED" } } } } Wave // Wave 6 [$975] { WaitWhenDone 65 Checkpoint Yes StartWaveOutput { Target wave_start_relay Action Trigger } DoneOutput { Target wave_finished_relay Action Trigger } Explanation { Line "{FF9913}In this wave, you will be assisted by 4 {red}Jr Captain Punches{FF9913}." } WaveSpawn { Name "wave06a" Where spawnbot TotalCount 20 MaxActive 12 SpawnCount 4 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 7 TotalCurrency 100 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Demo_Burst Attributes AlwaysCrit } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave06a" Where spawnbot TotalCount 18 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 6 WaitBeforeStarting 15 WaitBetweenSpawns 10 TotalCurrency 50 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Crit } } WaveSpawn // Tank 20000 HP { Name "wave06_tank" TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 25 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 TotalCurrency 200 Tank { Name "Tank" StartingPathTrackNode "tank_path_b1" Health 20000 Speed 80 ClassIcon tank_vac_fire_lite SpawnTemplate "tankcolour_orange" SpawnTemplate "TankVacFire" Model "models/bots/boss_bot/boss_tank_color.mdl" OnKilledOutput { Target boss_dead_relay Action Trigger } OnBombDroppedOutput { Target boss_deploy_relay Action Trigger } } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave06b" WaitForAllDead wave06a Where spawnbot TotalCount 6 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 10 TotalCurrency 100 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_RocketShotgun } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave06b" WaitForAllDead wave06a Where spawnbot_flank TotalCount 32 MaxActive 8 SpawnCount 4 WaitBeforeStarting 10 WaitBetweenSpawns 7 TotalCurrency 100 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Knight_Persian Attributes AlwaysCrit } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave06c" WaitForAllSpawned wave06b Where spawnbot TotalCount 8 MaxActive 4 SpawnCount 2 WaitBeforeStarting 5 WaitBetweenSpawns 20 TotalCurrency 50 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavyweapons_Shotgun } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave06c" WaitForAllDead wave06b Where spawnbot TotalCount 3 MaxActive 3 SpawnCount 3 WaitBeforeStarting 15 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 TotalCurrency 100 Squad { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavyweapons_Flare_Spammer } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Medic Attributes IgnoreEnemies } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Medic Attributes IgnoreEnemies } } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave06c" WaitForAllDead wave06b Where spawnbot TotalCount 5 MaxActive 5 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 15 WaitBetweenSpawns 15 TotalCurrency 50 // FirstSpawnWarningSound "mvm/mvm_tele_deliver.wav" TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Scout_Baseball_Armored } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave06c" WaitForAllDead wave06b Where spawnbot TotalCount 20 MaxActive 8 SpawnCount 3 WaitBeforeStarting 18 WaitBetweenSpawns 7 TotalCurrency 25 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Tomislav Skill Hard } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave06_red" Where redspawn TotalCount 4 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 5 WaitBetweenSpawnsAfterDeath 10 TotalCurrency 0 Support Limited TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Red_Heavy_Gauntlet } } } Wave // Wave 7 [$650] { WaitWhenDone 65 Checkpoint Yes StartWaveOutput { Target wave_start_relay Action Trigger } DoneOutput { Target wave_finished_relay Action Trigger } Explanation { Line "{FF9913}In this wave, a {blue}blimp {FF9913}will spawn." Line "{FF9913}You will also recieve assistance from {red}Giant Banner Soldiers and Pyros" } WaveSpawn // Tank 16000 HP { Name "wave07_blimp" TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 TotalCurrency 200 Tank { Name "Tank" StartingPathTrackNode "blimp_path_1" Health 16000 Speed 120 Skin 1 ClassIcon blimp2_lite DisableSmokestack 1 DisableTracks 1 MaxTurnRate 50 Model "models/bots/boss_bot/boss_blimp.mdl" ReplaceModelCollisions 1 Gravity 0 EngineLoopSound "npc/combine_gunship/dropship_engine_distant_loop1.wav" PingSound "npc/combine_gunship/ping_search.wav" OnKilledOutput { Target boss_dead_relay Action Trigger } OnBombDroppedOutput { Target boss_deploy_relay Action Trigger } } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave07a" Where spawnbot TotalCount 6 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 5 WaitBetweenSpawnsAfterDeath 10 TotalCurrency 50 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Scout_Fast } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave07b" WaitForAllDead wave07_blimp Where spawnbot TotalCount 8 MaxActive 4 SpawnCount 2 WaitBeforeStarting 10 WaitBetweenSpawns 15 TotalCurrency 50 Squad { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_RocketRain Attributes AlwaysCrit Item "The Shogun's Shoulder Guard" Item "Soldier Samurai Hat" } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_Shield_QF_Armored Attributes IgnoreEnemies WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly FireWeapon { Delay 1 Cooldown 3 Repeats 0 Duration 0.6 Type "Special" } } } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave07b" WaitForAllDead wave07_blimp Where spawnbot_flank TotalCount 24 MaxActive 8 SpawnCount 4 WaitBeforeStarting 11 WaitBetweenSpawns 10 TotalCurrency 50 Squad { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Dragon_Fury Skill Expert } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_Uber_CritCan } } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave07c" WaitForAllDead wave07b Where spawnbot TotalCount 48 MaxActive 8 SpawnCount 8 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 15 TotalCurrency 150 Squad { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Deflector } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_Uber_CritCan } } } WaveSpawn { Name "wave07_boss" WaitForAllDead wave07b Where spawnbot TotalCount 4 MaxActive 4 SpawnCount 4 WaitBeforeStarting 12 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 TotalCurrency 0 FirstSpawnWarningSound "vo/mvm/mght/taunts/demoman_mvm_m_taunts07.mp3" LastSpawnWarningSound "ui/gamestartup9.mp3" DoneWarningSound "vo/mvm/mght/demoman_mvm_m_paincrticialdeath03.mp3" Squad { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Chief_Demo_Rage } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Engineer_Shotgun_Frontier } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Engineer_Shotgun_Frontier } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Engineer_Shotgun_Frontier } } } // WaveSpawn // Tank 22000 HP // { // Name "wave07c" // WaitForAllDead wave07b // TotalCount 1 // MaxActive 1 // SpawnCount 1 // WaitBeforeStarting 12 // WaitBetweenSpawns 0 // TotalCurrency 100 // Tank // { // Name "Tank" // StartingPathTrackNode "tank_path_a_10" // Health 22000 // Speed 80 // Skin 1 // // ClassIcon tank_sticky // // SpawnTemplate "TankStickyHellmet" // OnKilledOutput // { // Target boss_dead_relay // Action Trigger // } // OnBombDroppedOutput // { // Target boss_deploy_relay // Action Trigger // } // } // } WaveSpawn { Name "wave07_red" Where redspawn TotalCount 4 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 5 WaitBetweenSpawnsAfterDeath 30 TotalCurrency 0 Support Limited RandomChoice { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Red_Giant_Soldier_Spammer_Extended_Banner } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Red_Giant_Soldier_Spammer_Extended_Concheror } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Red_Giant_Pyro_Pusher } } } } }