// This file has been generated by http://mvm.tf
// Copy this file in your tf/scripts/population folder
// Just kidding, we're doin http://dergwulf.tf, hecc you :3
#base robot_giant.pop
#base robot_standard.pop
#base robot_sif.pop
#base weapon_sif.pop // THIS CAUSES CRASHES on POPWAVEBAR, BE WARY!
#base sif_restricts.pop 
#base overclock_sif

// Subtle Machination BETA 8d / B9E
// Adv Made by SiF -- https://steamcommunity.com/id/SiFWolfy
// Map (Metro) by Signalmax

// Made for the first time as a rework of Frigid Citadel.
// 2024 HH3

// Dependecies:
// blimp_lite.nut
// global_paratank_lite
// pyrospinner.nut 
// popextensions_main.nut 

// Credits
// - ApeSpinner Pyro Script by Floro
// - Airdrop Para Tank Script by Lite 
// - Blimp Script by Lite
// ..oh yeah, I stole some templates from Seelpit, don't tell her :3

SiFWolf_Rawr_awa_awa // :33
	StartingCurrency 600
	CanBotsAttackWhileInSpawnRoom Yes // No // :Ujel:
	RespawnWaveTime 4
	Advanced 1
	AddSentryBusterWhenKillCountExceeds	22
	AddSentryBusterWhenDamageDealtExceeds	1200
	PrecacheSound "vehicles\airboat\fan_blade_idle_loop1.wav"  
	PrecacheModel "models/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_caber/c_caber.mdl"   
	PrecacheModel	models/bots/boss_bot/boss_blimp_main.mdl			 
	PrecacheModel	models/bots/boss_bot/boss_blimp_damage1.mdl	 
	PrecacheModel	models/bots/boss_bot/boss_blimp_damage2.mdl	 
	PrecacheModel	models/bots/boss_bot/boss_blimp_damage3.mdl	 
	ClassLimit   // I had to do this, because randoms ruins everything.
		Scout 3
		Demoman 1
		Medic 1 // 0
		Sniper 0
		Spy 1
	NoMissionInfo 1  
	MaxRedPlayers 5  
	EngineerPushRange 0  
	NoRomevisionCosmetics 1  
	ImprovedAirblast 1   
	DisplayRobotDeathNotice 1  
	TextPrintTime 0   
//	ItemBlackList     // Nevermind, rafmod blacklist is also retarded!
//	{
//	}
		AtomRocket // Sntr made this
				model "models/workshop/player/items/soldier/taunt_rocket_jockey/taunt_rocket_jockey.mdl"
				angles "0 90 0"
				origin "0 0 -24"
				skin 1
				disableshadows 1
				"targetname" "locker_model"
				"model"      "models/props_gameplay/resupply_locker.mdl"
				"solid"      "6"
				"angles"     "0 0 0"
				"disableshadows" "1"
				"targetname" "regenerate"
				"associatedmodel" "locker_model"
				"TeamNum"         "2"
				"mins"            "0 -48 0"
				"maxs"            "40 0 128"
				"OnStartTouchAll"  "locker_model,SetAnimation,open,0,-1"
				"OnEndTouchAll"    "locker_model,SetAnimation,close,0,-1"
				"targetname" "locker_model"
				"model"      "models/props_gameplay/resupply_locker.mdl"
				"solid"      "6"
				"angles"     "0 0 0"
				"disableshadows" "1"
				"targetname" "regenerate"
				"associatedmodel" "locker_model"
				"TeamNum"         "2"
				"mins"            "0 -48 0"
				"maxs"            "40 0 128"
				"OnStartTouchAll"  "locker_model,SetAnimation,open,0,-1"
				"OnEndTouchAll"    "locker_model,SetAnimation,close,0,-1"
		HOKAngered // I wrote this garbage
				Target "KOKFrenKilledThink"
				Action Trigger
				"targetname" "HOKFrenKilledThink"
				"OnTrigger" "!parent,$ChangeAttributes,KillAnyoneThatOpposeMe,0,-1"
				"OnTrigger" "!parent,$Taunt,0,1"
		KOKAngered // I wrote this garbage
				Target "HOKFrenKilledThink"
				Action Trigger
				"targetname" "KOKFrenKilledThink"
				"OnTrigger" "!parent,$ChangeAttributes,DontFear,0,-1"
				"OnTrigger" "!parent,$Taunt,0,1"
				Target "HOKisDead"
				Action Trigger
				Target "tf_objective_resource"
				Action $SetProp$m_iszMannVsMachineWaveClassNames$1
				Param heavy_shotgun_healonkill
				"targetname" "HOKLogic"
				"initialvalue" "0"
				"OnTrue" "HOK01,Trigger,0"
				"targetname" "HOK01"
				"OnTrigger" "!parent,$ChangeAttributes,HOKPhase2,0,-1"
				"OnTrigger" "!parent,$Taunt,0,1"
				Target "KOKisDead"
				Action Trigger
				Target "tf_objective_resource"
				Action $SetProp$m_iszMannVsMachineWaveClassNames$2
				Param heavy_deflector_booster
				"targetname" "KOKLogic"
				"initialvalue" "0"
				"OnTrue" "KOK01,Trigger,0"
				"targetname" "KOK01"
				"OnTrigger" "!parent,$ChangeAttributes,KOKPhase2,0,-1"
				"OnTrigger" "!parent,$Taunt,0,1"

		DeleteMannPowOnGround // Some fella from ML
            NoFixup 1
                "targetname" "mannpower_kill"
                "RefireTime" "0.01"
                "spawnflags" "0"
                "UseRandomTime" "0"
                "OnTimer" "item_powerup_rune,kill,,0,-1"
		Gunsling // Royal made this
			NoFixup 1

				"targetname" "switch_to_sentry_mode"
				"spawnflags" "2"

				"OnTrigger" "!self,EnableRefire,,0,-1"
				"OnTrigger" "!activator,$WeaponSwitchSlot,5,0,-1"
				"OnTrigger" "!activator,$AddPlayerAttribute,disable weapon switch|1,0.01,-1" 

				"targetname" "switch_to_shotgun_mode"
				"spawnflags" "2"

				"OnTrigger" "!self,EnableRefire,,0,-1"
				"OnTrigger" "!activator,$RemovePlayerAttribute,disable weapon switch,0,-1" 
				"OnTrigger" "!activator,$WeaponSwitchSlot,0,0.1,-1"
				"targetname" "player_fakeuber_relay"
				"OnTrigger" "!activator,$ChangeAttributes,DefinitelyThrowing,1,-1"
				"OnTrigger" "!activator,$AddCond,51 2,0,-1"
				"OnTrigger" "!activator,$AddCond,72 5,0,-1"
				"OnTrigger" "!activator,$PlaySound,=35|mvm/mvm_used_powerup.wav,0,-1"
				"OnTrigger" "!activator,$TauntFromItem,Conga Taunt,0,-1"
				"OnTrigger" "!activator,$ChangeAttributes,IdleMoron,3.5,-1"
                "targetname" "randomLogic"
                "OnTrigger" "itschooses,PickRandomShuffle,,0,-1"
            { //chooseAnAttack
                "targetname" "itschooses"            
                "OnCase02" "pop_interface,ChangeBotAttributes,Fase1_Frontier,0,-1"
                "OnCase03" "pop_interface,ChangeBotAttributes,Fase1_RangerEnergy,0,-1"
                "OnCase04" "pop_interface,ChangeBotAttributes,Fase2_ShortCircuitKnockback,0,-1"

                // "OnCase05" "pop_interface,ChangeBotAttributes,ringattack,0,-1"
                //"OnCase05" "pop_interface,ChangeBotAttributes,makeItRainOnPanel,0,-1"
		CanteenIfClipSizeIsEmpty // thanks again seelpit
				"targetname" "clipchecker_relay"
				"OnTrigger" "@e@m_hMyWeapons$0@!activator,$GetProp$m_iClip1,clipchecker_compare|SetValueCompare,0,-1"
				"OnUser1" "!activator,$GetItemAttribute,Battery Canteens|powerup charges|!activator|$SetVar$CanteenCount|1,0,-1"
				"targetname" "clipchecker_compare"
				"comparevalue" "0"
				"OnEqualTo" "!activator,$ChangeAttributes,$$=?(!activator.CanteenCount > 0,'UseCanteen',''),-1,-1"
				"OnEqualTo" "!activator,$SetVar$CanteenCount,$$=?(!activator.CanteenCount >= 0, !activator.CanteenCount - 1, -1),0.03,-1"
		BossTitleCardLogic // Royal script again
                Target tf_objective_resource
                Action $SetClientProp$m_iszMvMPopfileName
                Param "Pseudomachination (Advanced)"
                Delay 0.01
				"targetname"	"titletext_1"
				"message"		"WANTED in 42 STATES"
				"x"				"-1"
				"y"				"0.45"
				"spawnflags"	"1"
				"channel"		"2"
				"color"			"255 255 255"
				"fadein"		"0.5"
				"fadeout"		"1"
				"holdtime"		"4"
				"targetname"	"titletext_2"
				"x"				"-1"
				"y"				"0.5"
				"channel"		"4"
				"spawnflags"	"1"
				"color"			"255 255 255"
				"fadein"		"0.5"
				"fadeout"		"1"
				"holdtime"		"3.8"
				"targetname"	"w2_boss_title_relay"
				"OnTrigger"		"titletext_1,Display,,0.1,-1"
				"OnTrigger"		"titletext_2,Display,,1,-1"
				"targetname"	"titletext_3"
				"message"		"METRO \\\ ACT VII:"
				"x"				"-1"
				"y"				"0.45"
				"spawnflags"	"1"
				"channel"		"2"
				"color"			"255 255 255"
				"fadein"		"0.5"
				"fadeout"		"1"
				"holdtime"		"4"
				"targetname"	"titletext_4"
				"message"		"VENGEANCE WITH NO END"
				"x"				"-1"
				"y"				"0.5"
				"channel"		"4"
				"spawnflags"	"1"
				"color"			"255 255 255"
				"fadein"		"0.5"
				"fadeout"		"1"
				"holdtime"		"3.8"
				"targetname"	"titletext_5"
				"message"		"\\\ CLIMAX \\\"
				"x"				"-1"
				"y"				"0.65"
				"channel"		"4"
				"spawnflags"	"1"
				"color"			"255 255 255"
				"fadein"		"0.5"
				"fadeout"		"1"
				"holdtime"		"2.5"
				"targetname"	"w2_boss_title_relay"
				"OnTrigger"		"titletext_3,Display,,0.1,-1"
				"OnTrigger"		"titletext_4,Display,,1,-1"
				"OnTrigger"		"titletext_5,Display,,1,-1"
				"targetname"	"titletext_6"
				"message"		"Double Tap"
				"x"				"-1"
				"y"				"0.45"
				"spawnflags"	"1"
				"channel"		"2"
				"color"			"255 255 255"
				"fadein"		"0.5"
				"fadeout"		"1"
				"holdtime"		"4"
				"targetname"	"titletext_7"
				"message"		"TRIGGER DUO"
				"x"				"-1"
				"y"				"0.5"
				"channel"		"4"
				"spawnflags"	"1"
				"color"			"255 255 255"
				"fadein"		"0.5"
				"fadeout"		"1"
				"holdtime"		"3.8"
				"targetname"	"w6_boss_title_relay"
				"OnTrigger"		"titletext_6,Display,,0.1,-1"
				"OnTrigger"		"titletext_7,Display,,1,-1"
	SpawnTemplate	SiFProtocopyFakePlayers    // My first shittily made PT :3
	SpawnTemplate	CanteenIfClipSizeIsEmpty  
	SpawnTemplate	DeleteMannPowOnGround  
	SpawnTemplate	BossTitleCardLogic  
	SpawnTemplate 	Gunsling  
	SpawnTemplate 	AtomRocket  
		Name "Decor"
		Origin "-245 -3152 190"
		Angles "0 270 0"
		Name "Decor2"
		Origin "-1346 -3152 190"
		Angles "0 270 0"
		Scout {	
	//	Primary "Full Spectrum"
		Primary "Light Nailgun"
	//	Primary	"Blast-a-Nature" 
		Primary	"Public's Enemy" 
		Primary "Recon Ambusher" 
		Primary	"Scattercannon"
	//	Primary "Special Deliverer" 
	//	Primary	"Wicked Popper"
	//	Secondary
	//	{
	//		Item "Eagle Deagl"  // Pistol Headshots for 214.
	//		Cost 400	
	//	}
	//	Secondary
	//	{
	//		Item "Reckoning Aces"  // Cleaver Crits vs debuffed. Burn and mark.
	//		Cost 400	
	//	}
	//	Melee
	//	{
	//		Item  "Reflector Mitt" // Melee deflects projectiles back
	//		Cost 600	
	//	}
		} // Scout set.
		Soldier {
		Primary "RPG Launcher" 
	//	Primary	"4th Dissentangler" 
	//	Primary
	//	{
	//		Item "Atom Launcher" 
	//		Cost 400	
	//	}
	//	Primary "Peacebreaker" 
		Primary	"Rainmaker Barrage" 
	//	Primary "Supplicant Bazooka"
	//	Secondary "Hurried Surge" // Banner gives Haste and knockback resist
	//	Secondary "Rally Cloak" // Stealth
	//	Secondary "Volley Rally" // Banner gives Precision and weakness to rival you shot.
	//	Secondary "Power Dominance" // Banner gives Precision and weakness to rival you shot.
	//	Secondary "Unfriendly Broadcast" // Banner gives Precision and weakness to rival you shot.
	//	Secondary "Means of Sabotage" // Banner turns you to BLU and allow friendly fire

	//	Melee "Split Equalizer" // Pickaxe gains speed and damage when you are hurt.
	//	Melee
	//	{
	//		Item  "Sable's Demise" // Katana allows you to deflect projectiles and mitigate minor damage.
	//		Cost 600	
	//	}
		} // Soldier set.

		Pyro {
		Primary "Ext. Imblazer"
	//	Primary "Afterburner" 		
	//	Primary "Cauterizer" 
		Primary "Conductor" 
		Primary "Cryoburner"
	//	Primary	"Pushover"		
	//	Primary "Wavesucker" 
		Secondary "Flare Jumper" // Flare deals no self damage.
		Secondary "Thermal Jumper"	

		} // Pyro set.

		Demoman {
	//	Primary "Paratrooper Safeguard" 
	//	Primary
	//	{
	//		Item "Atomic Kiloton" 
	//		Cost 400	
	//	}
	//	Primary	"Cyclop PunchR" 
		Primary "Iron Stompers"	
		Primary "Precursor" 
	//	Primary "BCG Ultimatum" 
	//	Secondary "Highland Fling" 
		Secondary "Overloader" 
		Secondary "Heraldic Targe" // Higher resist, but cannot deal bash
	//	Secondary "Tide Changer" // Full turn control and mobility bonus
	//	Secondary "Window Basher" // Higher bash damage, no resist boost easier to knock around

		HeavyWeapons {
		Primary "Assault Cannon" 
		Primary "Bulletproof Battery" 
	//	Primary "Firestarter" 
		Primary	"Ludmilla"
	//	Primary	"Pelagicelsus" 
	//	Primary "Mini-Deflector" 
	//	Primary "Heavy Nailgun"
	//	Primary "Deathray Goliathon 9000"
	//	Primary	"H-AA Thundergun"

	//	Secondary
	//	{
	//		Item "Heavy Shotgun" // Fires +500% more pellets per shot, fires slower.
	//		Cost 400	
	//	}
	//	Melee	"Alloyweight Gloves"
		Melee	"Lightweight Gloves" 
	//	Melee	"Apocoweight Gloves"
		Engineer {
		Primary	 "Vengeful Legacy" 	// Shot crits from behind. You die from getting crit'd as well.
		Primary	 "High Noon"	// Revolver reloads manually and grants both the user and rival minicrit.
		Primary	 "Trench Defense"	// More pellets are fired in a wide pattern, reloads similarly to beggar.
		Secondary "Signal Pointer"
		Melee "Overbite" // Lv2 sentry with increased damage, reduced range and slow build
	//	Melee "Quantum Effect"  // Built altillery sentry that seldoms fire
	//	Melee "Brute Force"
		Medic {
	//	Primary
	//	{
	//		Item "Die Epidemiewerfer"	// Needle heals nearby on hit, akin to amputator
	//		Cost 600	
	//	}
			Item "Geneva Suggestion"	// Needle minicrits enemies. Less damage.
			Cost 600	
			Item "Super Dartflygun"	// On Headshot, apply Plague. Projectile homes and bounces.
			Cost 600	
		Secondary "Flicker Medigun"  // Quick Short Uber
		Secondary "Blitzkrieg" // Minicrits.	
		Secondary "Provisioner"	// Haste, Restore ammo
	//	Secondary "Die Malpractice"	// Vampiric. Reverse Heal.
	//	Secondary	{	Item "Overhealer"	} // Overheals, no uber
	//	Secondary	{	Item "Kingmaker"	} // Grants temporary mann-power buff 
		Melee "Surgical Precision" // Steal opposing medic's uber on stab.
		Sniper {
	//	Primary		{	Item "Hangabout" } // Sniper explodes on headshot instead of dealing EH.	
			Item "Particle Bow" // Bow that fires mangler projectiles that splits and bounces.
			Cost 400	
	//	Secondary
	//	{
	//		Item "Non-Negotiator" // SMG that causes EH bleed and slows on headshot.
	//		Cost 600	
	//	}

		Spy {
		Secondary	{	Item "Malware Injector" } // Revolver cripples target
		PDA2		{	Item "Bloodied Getaway"	}  // Invis Watch that Ignores Aggro, but grants no resist
			Item "Traitor's Quickdraw" // Revolver headshots and damage neearby targets.
			Cost 400	
		Classname                       "TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER"
        "attach particle effect"        8
        "SPELL: Halloween pumpkin explosions" 1
		"SPELL: Halloween death ghosts" 1
		Classname                       "TF_WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER"
        "attach particle effect"        8
        "SPELL: Halloween green flames" 1
		"SPELL: Halloween death ghosts" 1
		"airblast functionality flags" 6
	//	"airblast_pushback_disabled" 1
		Classname                       "TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER"
        "attach particle effect"        8
        "SPELL: Halloween pumpkin explosions" 1
		Classname                       "TF_WEAPON_PIPEBOMBLAUNCHER"
        "attach particle effect"        8
        "SPELL: Halloween pumpkin explosions" 1
		Classname                       "TF_WEAPON_MINIGUN"
        "attach particle effect"        8
        "SPELL: Halloween death ghosts" 1
		"SPELL: Halloween voice modulation" 1
		"dont count damage towards crit rate" 1
		"mod minigun can holster while spinning" 1
		"minigun full movement" 1
		Classname                       "TF_WEAPON_WRENCH"
        "attach particle effect"        8
        "SPELL: Halloween pumpkin explosions" 1
		"SPELL: Halloween death ghosts" 1
		Classname                       "TF_WEAPON_SNIPERRIFLE"
        "attach particle effect"        8
		"SPELL: Halloween death ghosts" 1
		Classname                       "TF_WEAPON_KNIFE"
        "attach particle effect"        8
		"SPELL: Halloween death ghosts" 1
            "medic machinery beam" 2.5
	// Only available on rc1
	// Disabled during beta-testing, sorry slenderman!
        "MVM.BombWarning"                       "ambient\alarms\doomsday_lift_alarm.wav"

	Templates	{
	T_Horse {
    Class Scout
    Health 625
    Name "Horse Event"
    Skill Expert
    Item "Unarmed Combat"
    Item "The Pony Express"
    Scale 1.6
    WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly
    Attributes SpawnWithFullCharge
    Attributes IgnoreEnemies

    ItemAttributes {
        ItemName "Unarmed Combat"
        "fire rate bonus" 1.4
        "melee range multiplier" 1.5
        "crit kill will gib" 1
        "apply look velocity on damage" 75
        "no double jump" 1
        "mark for death" 1
        "minicrits become crits" 1
    CharacterAttributes {
        "dmg penalty vs players" 0.15
        "dmg bonus vs buildings" 3
        "dmg from melee increased" 1.75
        "move speed bonus" 1.4
        "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 4
        "airblast vertical vulnerability multiplier" 0
        "damage force reduction" 0
        "override footstep sound set" 5
        "rage giving scale" 0.25
        "voice pitch scale" 0
        "cancel falling damage" 1
        "cannot be backstabbed" 1
        "damage causes airblast" 1
        "cannot pick up intelligence" 1
        "head scale" 0
        "torso scale" -125
        "hand scale" 0
        "active health degen" -50
	T_Protocopy_Mimicry {
	Class Scout
	ClassIcon heavy_warrior_sif
	Skill Expert
	Scale 1
	Action Mobber  
	Attributes MiniBoss
	Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload
	Attributes AutoJump
			AutoJumpMin 1
			AutoJumpMax 6
	DropWeapon 1   
		Delay -1
		Cooldown 0
		Repeats 0
		IfSeeTarget 1
		Duration 0
		Type "Primary"
	CharacterAttributes	{ 
	"killstreak tier" 1
	"damage force reduction"	0.5
	"airblast vulnerability multiplier"	0.5
	"airblast vertical vulnerability multiplier" 0.5
	"allow friendly fire" 1
	"cancel falling damage" 1
	"collect currency on kill" 1
	"stickybomb charge rate" -1.3
	"no self blast dmg" 1
	"self dmg push force decreased" 0
	"increase buff duration"	9.0
	"deploy time increased" 0.5
	"cannot be sapped" 1
	"voice pitch scale" 1.35
	"override footstep sound set" 0

	T_TFBot_Giant_Heavy_AA_Enrage {
    Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavy_Enrage
    Attributes UseBossHealthBar
    Health 20000
    ClassIcon heavy_penetrate_hyper
    Item "Heavy Heating"
    Item "Ol' Reliable"
    Name "Giant Assault-Cannon Heavy"
    MaxVisionRange 1500
	ItemAttributes {
	ItemName "Iron Curtain"
		"add attributes on hit" "mod_maxhealth_drain_rate|10|5"  
    EventChangeAttributes {
        Disengage {
            Item "Gloves of Running Urgently MvM"
            WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly
            ItemAttributes {
                ItemName "Gloves of Running Urgently MvM"
                "fire rate bonus" 0.7
                "self mark for death" 1
                "dmg bonus vs buildings" 2.5
                "crit kill will gib" 1
                "single wep deploy time decreased" 1.4
                "killstreak tier" 1
            CharacterAttributes {
                "move speed bonus" 0.6
        InCombat {
            WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly
            MaxVisionRange 1200
            ItemAttributes {
                ItemName "Iron Curtain"
                "accuracy scales damage" 1.5
                "fire rate bonus" 0.8
                "fire rate bonus with reduced health" 0.7
                "spread penalty" 6
                "continous accuracy mult" 0.5
                "continous accuracy time" 4
                "mult_spread_scales_consecutive" 1
                "killstreak tier" 1

	T_TFBot_Giant_Heavy_AA_Enrage_Owo {
    Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavy_Enrage
    Attributes UseBossHealthBar
    Health 20000
    ClassIcon heavy_penetrate_hyper
    Item "Heavy Heating"
    Item "Head Prize"
    MaxVisionRange 1500
    Name "Giant Assauwult-Cannon Heavy"
	ItemAttributes {
	ItemName "Iron Curtain"
		"add attributes on hit" "mod_maxhealth_drain_rate|10|5"  
    Taunt {
        Delay 3
        Cooldown 6.21
        Repeats 0
        IfSeeTarget 1
        IfHealthBelow 16000

    EventChangeAttributes {
        Disengage {
            Item "Gloves of Running Urgently MvM"
            WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly
            ItemAttributes {
                ItemName "Gloves of Running Urgently MvM"
                "fire rate bonus" 0.7
                "self mark for death" 1
                "dmg bonus vs buildings" 2.5
                "crit kill will gib" 1
                "single wep deploy time decreased" 1.4
                "killstreak tier" 1
            CharacterAttributes {
                "move speed bonus" 0.6
                "crit vs burning players" 1
                "crit vs non burning players" 1
                "crit does no damage" 1
	} // End of templates


// Wave 01: Jumper Soldier

	Mission	{
	Where spawnbot_left
	Objective Sniper
	InitialCooldown	120 // 5
	CooldownTime 45
	DesiredCount 6	// 16
	BeginAtWave 1
	RunForThisManyWaves 1
//	RandomChoice {
//	RandomChoice {
	TFBot  {
	Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Jumper_Garden_Raf
	Name "Jumper Soldier"
	ClassIcon soldier_jumper_rj_sif
	UseHumanAnimations 1
	ItemAttributes   {
    ItemName "The Market Gardener"
		"deploy time decreased" 0.0001
		"fire input on kill" "!activator^$TauntFromItem^Conga Taunt"
	CharacterAttributes {
		"dmg from melee increased" 1.75
		"health drain" -6
	TFBot  {
	Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Jumper_Garden
	Name "Jumper Soldier"
	ClassIcon soldier_jumper_rj_sif
	 ItemAttributes   {
    ItemName "The Market Gardener"
		"deploy time decreased" 0.0001
		"fire input on kill" "!activator^$TauntFromItem^Conga Taunt"
	CharacterAttributes {
		"dmg from melee increased" 1.75
		"health drain" -6
//	}
//	}

// Wave 02: Nightblind Tomislav Heavy
	Mission	{
	Where spawnbot_right
	Objective Sniper
	InitialCooldown	45
	CooldownTime 621621
	DesiredCount	1
	BeginAtWave 2
	RunForThisManyWaves 1
	TFBot  {
	Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Tomislav
//	Attributes AlwaysCrit
	Skill Hard
	Name "My first day" // STRING_JOKENAME
//	Name "Nightblind Heavy"
	Health 300
	Scale 1.2
	ClassIcon heavy_accurate_lite
	Item	"Weight Room Warmer"
	Item	"Aim Assistant"	
	Item	"Head Of Defense"
//	MaxVisionRange 1200
	ItemAttributes {
	ItemName "Head Of Defense"
		"attach particle effect" 10 // Purple Energy
	ItemAttributes {
	ItemName "Tomislav"
		"item style override" 1
		"is australium item" 1
		"generate rage on damage" 2
		"attack projectiles" 2
		"killstreak tier" 1
	CharacterAttributes {
		"head scale" 1.2
		"weapon spread bonus"	6
		"damage penalty" 0.5
		"fire rate penalty"  1.4
		"dmg from melee increased" 1.75
		"dmg from ranged reduced" 0.66
		"dmg taken from crit reduced" 0.33
// Wave 02: Airblast Pyro
	Mission	{
	Where spawnbot_left
	Objective Sniper
	InitialCooldown	60
	CooldownTime 45
	DesiredCount	2
	BeginAtWave 2
	RunForThisManyWaves 1
	RandomChoice {
	RandomChoice {
	TFBot  {
	Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Airblast_Hyper
	Name "Talented Gambler"
//	Name "Hyper Airblast Pyro"
//	Name "FPS Destroyer Pyro"	// STRING_JOKENAME
//	ClassIcon pyro_gascann_explode
	ClassIcon soldier_jumper_rj_sif
	CharacterAttributes {
		"airblast_give_teammate_speed_boost" 1 
		"dmg from melee increased" 1.75
		"airblast_pushback_disabled"    1
		"SPELL: Halloween green flames" 1
		"airblast_deflect_projectiles_disabled" 1
		"health drain" -6
// Wave 03 Headshot Sniper
// Same stat from CS. Bodyshot is 100 dmg.
// The bot names are literally from CS2
//	Mission	{
//	Where spawnbot_rand	
//	Objective Sniper	
//	InitialCooldown	60
//	CooldownTime 30
//	DesiredCount	1
//	BeginAtWave 3
//	RunForThisManyWaves 1
//	Squad {
//	ShouldPreserveSquad 0
//	FormationSize 9999
//	NoWaitForFormation 1  
//	TFBot  {
//	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Headshot
//	//ClassIcon sniper_machina_nys
//	Name "BOT Renéyote"
//	Skill Normal
//	Attributes AlwaysCrit
//	MaxVisionRange 1250
//	CharacterAttributes	{
//		"dmg from melee increased" 1.75
//	}
//	}
//	TFBot  {
//	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Headshot
//	//ClassIcon sniper_machina_nys
//	Name "BOT Zed"
//	Skill Expert
//	Attributes AlwaysCrit
//	MaxVisionRange 1250
//	CharacterAttributes	{
//		"dmg from melee increased" 1.75
//	}
//	}
//	}
//	}	
// Wave 05 Dartfly Medic
// (1 to 1 copy from Super Animal Royale)
// They umm poison you for 10 dmg
	Mission	{
	Where spawnbot_left
	Objective Sniper
	InitialCooldown	60
	CooldownTime 40
	DesiredCount	2
	BeginAtWave 5
	RunForThisManyWaves 1
	RandomChoice {
	TFBot  {
	Template T_TFBot_Medic_Battle_Crossbow_Bleed
	Name "Dartgun Medic"
	Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon
	Attributes DisableDodge
	Health 650
	Scale 1.3
	Item "Cauterizer's Caudal Appendage"
	Item "Fire Breather"
	ClassIcon	medic_crossbow_bleed_v2
//	MaxVisionRange 2000
	ItemAttributes {
	ItemName "Fire Breather"
		"set item tint RGB" 8208497 // Purple
	CharacterAttributes	{
		"Projectile speed increased" 0.65
		"dmg from melee increased" 1.75
		"override projectile type"   18 // Ranger bolt
		"cannot pick up intelligence" 1
		"killstreak tier" 1
	TFBot  {
	Template T_TFBot_Medic_Battle_Crossbow_Bleed
	Name "Dartfly Medic"
	Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon
	Attributes DisableDodge
	Health 650
	Scale 1.3
	Item "Cauterizer's Caudal Appendage"
	Item "The Head Prize"
	ClassIcon	medic_crossbow_bleed_v2
//	MaxVisionRange 2000
	ItemAttributes {
	ItemName "The Head Prize"
		"set item tint RGB" 8289918 // Gray
	ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName "The Crusader's Crossbow"
		"fire rate bonus"	1.5
		"faster reload rate"	2.5
		"bleeding duration" 4
		"attach particle effect" 14 // GRN Scorching Flame
	CharacterAttributes	{
		"Projectile speed increased" 1.2
		"dmg from melee increased" 1.75
		"override projectile type"   18 // Ranger bolt
		"cannot pick up intelligence" 1
		"mult projectile scale"			0.8
		"projectile lifetime"			3
		"projectile penetration"		1
		"grenade bounce damage"			1.5
		"grenade bounce speed"			1.25
		"reset arrow hits on bounce"	1
		"killstreak tier" 1
// Wave 02 YER Spy
	Mission	{
//	Where   // Advanced where syntax
//	{
//		Relative Behind
//		MinDistance 0
//		MaxDistance 800
//	}
	Where Behind
	Objective Spy
	InitialCooldown 15 // 60
	CooldownTime 30
	DesiredCount	1
	BeginAtWave 2
	RunForThisManyWaves 1
	TFBot  {
	Template T_TFBot_Spy_YER_Saharan
	Name "sorry bro"
	Skill Expert
	Item 	"L'Etranger"
	MoveBehindEnemy 1  
	ClassIcon Spy
	ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName    "L'Etranger"
		"add attributes on hit" "move speed penalty|0.75|3|allow friendly fire|1|30"  
		"mark for death" 1
		"minicrits become crits" 1
		"slow enemy on hit major" 4
		"is_passive_weapon" 1
		"damage bonus" 0.01
		"faster reload rate"	-2
		"fire rate penalty" 0.75
		"auto fires when full" 1
		"auto fires full clip" 1
	CharacterAttributes	{
		"dmg taken from fire increased" 1.2
		"crits_become_minicrits" 1
		"damage penalty" 0.2
		"dmg from melee increased" 1.75
		"move speed bonus" 1.2
		"active health degen"  -10
		"killstreak tier" 1
	ItemAttributes {
	ItemName	"The Familiar Fez"
		"attach particle effect" 38 // Cloudy Moon
// Wave 03 Mitten Heavy	
	Mission	{
	Where Behind // time to troll uwu
	Where   // Advanced where syntax
		Relative Behind
		MinDistance 0
		MaxDistance 800
	Objective Spy
	InitialCooldown	90
	CooldownTime 30
	DesiredCount	2
	BeginAtWave 3
	RunForThisManyWaves 1
	RandomChoice {
	RandomChoice {
	TFBot  {
	Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Laugh_Champ
	Name "Hur Hurr Hur Hurr"
	Item "Racc Mann"
	Scale 1.1
	Health 66
	ClassIcon heavy_mittens
	Attributes AlwaysCrit
	CharacterAttributes	{
		"dmg taken from fire increased" 1.2
		"dmg from melee increased" 1.75
		"health regen" -4
		"cannot pick up intelligence" 1

// Wave 05 Paci Scout
Mission	{
	Where Behind
	Objective Spy
	InitialCooldown	45
	CooldownTime 60
	DesiredCount	1
	BeginAtWave 	5
	RunForThisManyWaves 1
	RandomChoice {
	RandomChoice {
	TFBot {
	Template T_Heavy
	Attributes DisableDodge
	Name "(AFK) Pacifist Heavy"
	Item "The Head Prize"
	Item "The Second Banana"
	Health 450
	Action Idle
	ExtAttr AlwaysFireWeaponAlt  
	BehaviorModifiers Push
	Action Idle  
	ClassIcon scout_cola
	WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly
	ItemAttributes {
		ItemName "The Head Prize"
		"attach particle effect" 59 // Aces H
	ItemAttributes {
		ItemName "The Second Banana"
		"max health additive bonus"	1
		"single wep holster time increased" 0.1
		"effect bar recharge rate increased" 0.5
		"lunchbox healing decreased" 3
		CharacterAttributes	{
		"dmg penalty vs players" 0 // :3
		"active health degen" -5
		"torso scale" 0.5
// Wave 06 YER Spy
	Mission	{
	Where Behind
	Objective Spy
	InitialCooldown	45
	CooldownTime 40
	DesiredCount	3 // 6
	BeginAtWave 6
	RunForThisManyWaves 1
	RandomChoice	{
	RandomChoice	{
	TFBot  {
	Template T_TFBot_Spy_YER
	Name "Silent Spy"
	ClassIcon spy_revolver_mark_lite
	CharacterAttributes	{
		"dmg taken from fire increased" 1.2
		"crits_become_minicrits" 1
		"damage penalty" 0.2
		"dmg from melee increased" 1.75
	TFBot  {
	Template T_TFBot_Spy_YER_Saharan
	Name "hi bro"
	ClassIcon spy_revolver_mark_lite
	NoCrouchButtonRelease 1  
	CharacterAttributes	{
		"dmg taken from fire increased" 1.2
		"crits_become_minicrits" 1
		"damage penalty" 0.2
		"dmg from melee increased" 1.75
		"move speed bonus" 1.2
	ItemAttributes {
	ItemName	"The Familiar Fez"
		"attach particle effect" 38 // Cloudy Moon
		Delay 10
		Cooldown 3
		Duration 1.5
		Repeats 99
		Type "Crouch"
// Wave 06 YER Spy
	Mission	{
	Where Behind
	Objective Spy
	InitialCooldown	40
	CooldownTime 40
	DesiredCount	1 // 6
	BeginAtWave 7
	RunForThisManyWaves 1
	RandomChoice	{
	RandomChoice	{
	TFBot  {
	Template T_TFBot_Spy_YER
	Name "yw bro"
	ClassIcon spy_revolver_mark_lite
	CharacterAttributes	{
		"dmg taken from fire increased" 1.2
		"crits_become_minicrits" 1
		"damage penalty" 0.2
		"dmg from melee increased" 1.75
	TFBot  {
	Template T_TFBot_Spy_YER_Saharan
	Name "too late, bro"
	ClassIcon spy_revolver_mark_lite
	NoCrouchButtonRelease 1  
	CharacterAttributes	{
		"dmg taken from fire increased" 1.2
		"crits_become_minicrits" 1
		"damage penalty" 0.2
		"dmg from melee increased" 1.75
		"move speed bonus" 1.2
	ItemAttributes {
	ItemName	"The Familiar Fez"
		"attach particle effect" 38 // Cloudy Moon
		Delay 10
		Cooldown 3
		Duration 1.5
		Repeats 99
		Type "Crouch"

// Wave 07: Spy Amby
	Mission	{
	Where spawnbot_left
	Where Behind
	Objective Sniper
	InitialCooldown	60
	CooldownTime 40
	DesiredCount	2
	BeginAtWave 7
	RunForThisManyWaves 1
//	RandomChoice {
//	RandomChoice {
	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Spy_Ambassador
		Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon
		Name "ok nvm" ClassIcon spy_revolver_mark_lite
		CharacterAttributes	{
		"cannot disguise" 1 
		"mark for death" 1
		"damage bonus" 0.01
		"add attributes on hit" "move speed penalty|0.75|3|allow friendly fire|1|30"  
		"minicrits become crits" 1
//	}
//	}
//MISSION Engineer
//Wave 03 Mini-Sentry
//Wave 05 Artillery Sentry
	Mission  {
        Objective Engineer
        Where spawnbot_right
        BeginAtWave 5
        RunForThisManyWaves 1
        InitialCooldown 45
        CooldownTime 45
        DesiredCount 1
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Engineer_Artillery
		Health 3000
		Scale 1.4
		ExtAttr BuildDispenserAsTeleporter  
		Item "The Giger Counter"
		TeleportWhere spawnbot_right
		CharacterAttributes {
		"dmg bonus vs buildings" 5 // :3
		"damage bonus" 1.5
		"damage force reduction" 0
		"airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0
		"airblast vertical vulnerability multiplier" 0
		"override footstep sound set" 2
		"self dmg push force decreased" 0
		ClientCommand	{
		Name "eureka_teleport 1"
		Delay 0.05
		Cooldown 30
		IfHealthBelow 2000
			Delay 10
			Cooldown 10
			Type "Cheers"

// Wave 01: Banner Buster
	Mission	{
	Where spawnbot_rand
	Objective DestroySentries // or SeekAndDestroy
	InitialCooldown	15
	CooldownTime 45
	DesiredCount	1
	BeginAtWave 1
	RunForThisManyWaves 1
	RandomChoice	{
	TFBot  {
	Template T_TFBot_SentryBuster_BannerBuff
	Attributes SuppressFire
	Name "Action SuicideBomber" // STRING_JOKENAME
	Item "Exquisite Rack"
	Item "Robin Walkers"
	Item "Shin Shredders"
	CharacterAttributes	{
		"head scale" 2
		"torso scale" 0.3
		"dmg from melee increased" 1.75
	TFBot  {
	Template T_TFBot_SentryBuster_BannerBattalion
	Attributes SuppressFire
	Name "Action SuicideBomber" // STRING_JOKENAME
	Item	"The Grenadier's Softcap"
	Item "Robin Walkers"
	Item "Shin Shredders"
	CharacterAttributes	{
		"head scale" 2
		"torso scale" 0.3
		"dmg from melee increased" 1.75
// Wave 02: Mini Buster
	Mission	{
	Where spawnbot_rand
	Objective DestroySentries
	InitialCooldown	30
	CooldownTime 45
	DesiredCount	1
	BeginAtWave 2
	RunForThisManyWaves 1
	TFBot  {
	Template T_TFBot_SentryBuster_Reinforced
	Attributes SuppressFire
	Name "Common Buster"
//	Name "Small Buster" // STRING_JOKENAME
	Scale 1
	Health 621
	CharacterAttributes	{
		"dmg from melee increased" 1.75
		"move speed bonus" 1.25
		"voice pitch scale" 4
// Wave 03: Reinf Buster
	Mission	{
	Where spawnbot_rand
	Objective DestroySentries // or SeekAndDestroy
	InitialCooldown	15
	CooldownTime 45
	DesiredCount	1
	BeginAtWave 3
	RunForThisManyWaves 1
	TFBot  {
	Template T_TFBot_SentryBuster_Reinforced
	Attributes SuppressFire
	Name "Action SuicideBomber" // STRING_JOKENAME
	Item "Exquisite Rack"
	Item "Robin Walkers"
	Item "Shin Shredders"
	CharacterAttributes	{
		"head scale" 2
		"torso scale" 0.3
		"dmg from melee increased" 1.75

// Wave 04: Mini Buster
	Mission	{
	Where spawnbot_rand
	Objective DestroySentries
	InitialCooldown	30
	CooldownTime 45
	DesiredCount	1
	BeginAtWave 3
	RunForThisManyWaves 1
	TFBot  {
	Template T_TFBot_SentryBuster_Reinforced
	Attributes SuppressFire
	Name "Common Buster"
//	Name "Small Buster" // STRING_JOKENAME
	Scale 1
	Health 621
	CharacterAttributes	{
		"dmg from melee increased" 1.75
		"move speed bonus" 1.25
		"voice pitch scale" 4

// Wave 05: Reinf Buster
	Mission	{
	Where spawnbot_rand
	Objective DestroySentries // or SeekAndDestroy
	InitialCooldown	15
	CooldownTime 45
	DesiredCount	1
	BeginAtWave 5
	RunForThisManyWaves 3
	TFBot  {
	Template T_TFBot_SentryBuster_Reinforced
	Attributes SuppressFire
	Name "Action SuicideBomber" // STRING_JOKENAME
	Item "Exquisite Rack"
	Item "Robin Walkers"
	Item "Shin Shredders"
	CharacterAttributes	{
		"head scale" 2
		"torso scale" 0.3
		"dmg from melee increased" 1.75
// Garbage Data / Code, thanks Ficool2, you're cute uwu~

// To reset bomb in VSCRIPT
// FirstSpawnOutput
//			{
//				Target intel
//				Action ForceResetSilent
//			}

// How to do Annotation in VSCRIPT
// SpawnEntityFromTable(`training_annotation` , 
//				{
//					targetname = `annotate`
//					display_text = `omg comf programmer socks owo`
//					lifetime = `15`
//					origin = `-810 1241 404`
//					}
//				)
//				EntFire(`annotate`, `show`)
//				EntFire(`annotate`, `kill`, ``, 15)

// WOW 
// I love doing mission on metro when flank nav just kinda leak out and the arrows repeatedly flash
// Whurr help me with the nav pls, im too stressed out rn

// WAVE 1/6 (650$)
	Wave	{
	WaitWhenDone	65
	Checkpoint	Yes
	InitWaveOutput	{
//		Target wave_init_relay // Don't do anything on this map
//		Action Trigger // ClientPrint color = x08AARRGGBB in HEX. AA = Alpha Chann
			// I want you to know how long this took me to
			// Figure out myself.
			// Honestly don't look for hints in here, besides for metro stuff. I want to kill myself from vscript.
	Target gamerules
	Action RunScriptCode
		SetSkyboxTexture (`sky_nightfall_01`) // Thanks ficool2.
	ClientPrint(null,3,`\x07FF1234Happy Halloween mortals,`)	
	ClientPrint(null,3,`\x07FF1234Merasmus has cursed your weapons for a worse sidegrade!`)
	ClientPrint(null,3,`Pseudomachination v.b9 by SiF`)
		EntFire(`nav_prefer_flank_right`, `Kill`);
		EntFire(`nav_prefer_flank_left`, `Kill`);
		EntFire(`func_upgradestation`, `enable`);
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_airblast_cray_lose_footing_duration`, 0); // No more airblast
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_airblast_cray_power`, 150);
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_bot_taunt_victim_chance`, 100);
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_bot_pyro_always_reflect`, 1);
	//	Convars.SetValue(`tf_bot_pyro_shove_away_range`, 1000); // This procs phlog

		Convars.SetValue(`tf_forced_holiday`, 2); // halloween

		Convars.SetValue(`tf_bot_fetch_lost_flag_time`, 66); // Trying to fix spies grabbing the bomb. Why are they so stupid
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_bot_melee_attack_abandon_range`, 250); // Giant Snipers are baited onto tunnels and got stuck. ha.
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_use_fixed_weaponspreads`, 1);
	StartWaveOutput	{
		Target	wave_start_endurance_relay
		Action	Trigger
	DoneOutput	{
		Target	wave_finished_relay
		Action	Trigger
	WaveSpawn	{
		Name	Intro_Merasmus
		WaitBeforeStarting	2
		FirstSpawnWarningSound "vo/halloween_merasmus/hall2015_fightmeras_01.mp3" // Here's a contract I'd like to call.. your DEATH!
//	WaveSpawn	{
//		Name	Intro_Merasmus
//		WaitBeforeStarting	2
//		FirstSpawnWarningSound "vo/halloween_merasmus/sf12_appears15.mp3" // Doom, all of you are doomed!
//	}
	WaveSpawn	{
		Name	yia1
//		WaitForAllSpawned	yia1
		TotalCurrency	50
		TotalCount	2
		MaxActive	2
		SpawnCount	1
		WaitBeforeStarting	2
		WaitBetweenSpawns	0.1
		Where	spawnbot_left
		FirstSpawnWarningSound "#music/mvm_start_wave.wav"
		RandomChoice {
		TFBot	{
		Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Samurai	
		ClassIcon demoknight_samurai_reflect
		Name "Honourable Duel" // STRING_JOKENAME
		Scale 1.4
		Health 650
		CharacterAttributes {
		"crit vs non burning players" 1 // pfffbbbbrt
		"minicrit vs burning player" 1
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Samurai_Parry ClassIcon demoknight_samurai_reflect Name "Honourable Duel" Scale 1.4 Health 650 }
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Samurai_Parry ClassIcon demoknight_samurai_reflect Name "Honourable Duel" Scale 1.4 Health 650 }
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Samurai_Parry ClassIcon demoknight_samurai_reflect Name "Honourable Duel" Scale 1.4 Health 650 }
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	yia2
		WaitForAllSpawned	yia1
		TotalCurrency	50
		TotalCount	3
		MaxActive	2
		SpawnCount	1 // 2
		WaitBeforeStarting	6
		WaitBetweenSpawns	10
		Where	spawnbot_left
	//	RandomChoice {
		TFBot	{ Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Zato	Name "Shogun Soldier" ClassIcon demoknight_samurai_reflect }
	//	TFBot	{ Template T_TFBot_DemoKnight_Zato Name "Shogun Demo" Health 150}
	//	}
//	WaveSpawn	{
//	WaitBeforeStarting 15
	//FirstSpawnWarningSound "ui/halloween_boss_tagged_other_it.wav"
//	FirstSpawnWarningSound "ui/tf_samurai_noisemaker_setb_03.wav"
//	FirstSpawnOutput 
//	{
//		Target gamerules
//		Action RunScriptCode
//		Param 
//		"
//		SpawnEntityFromTable(`training_annotation` , {
//		targetname = `sif_annot`
//		display_text = `This tune will be heard whenever bots spawns behind.`
//		lifetime = `12`
//		origin = `-789 -2393 250`
//		}
//		)
//		EntFire(`sif_annot`, `show`)
//		EntFire(`sif_annot`, `kill`, ``, 12)
//		"
//	}
//	}
	WaveSpawn {  // ml Horse Horizon gag or something
	Name yia1suppHelpMeMoonlightHeldMeAgainstMyWillToAddHorse
	Where Behind
	SpawnCount 1
	MaxActive 1
	TotalCount 621
	WaitBeforeStarting 15
	WaitBetweenSpawns 270
	TotalCurrency 0
	Support Limited
	Squad {
		TFBot { Name "Horse Event" Template T_Horse Scale 1.4 BehaviorModifiers Push ClassIcon soldier_backup }
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Whipper Item "Armored Authority" Name "Horse Jockey" ClassIcon soldier_backup MaxVisionRange 450 }
		// It is mainly here to speed boost the horse.
		// Well unless you're trying to attack their horse
		// it basically turns hostile.
	WaveSpawn {
		Name yia2
		WaitForAllDead	yia1
		TotalCurrency 75
		TotalCount 1
		MaxActive 1
		SpawnCount 1				
		WaitBeforeStarting 14
		WaitBetweenSpawns 0
		Where spawnbot_left
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Giant_Pyro_Scorch_RapidFire
		//Attributes AlwaysCrit
		//Name "1 Tour Pyro"						// This is what your 
		Name "Giant Fast Scorch Pyro" // STRING_JOKENAME
	//	ClassIcon pyro_flare //_spammer					// teammates do while you're
		ClassIcon pyro_scorch_spammer // pyro_flare // _rain_push
		Item "Ghastly Gibus"						// doing Expert runs :c
		CharacterAttributes {
		"fire rate bonus" 0.8
		"faster reload rate" 0.66
		"damage penalty" 0.25
		"crit vs non burning players" 1 // pfft
		"minicrit vs burning player" 1 // Scorchshit amirite?
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	yia2
		WaitForAllDead	yia1
		TotalCurrency 20
		TotalCount	16 // 26 // 20
		MaxActive	10
		SpawnCount	2 // 5
		WaitBeforeStarting	2
		WaitBetweenSpawns	1 // 10
		Where	spawnbot_left
		RandomChoice {
		TFBot	{ Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Zato ClassIcon demoknight_samurai_reflect }
		TFBot	{ Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Zato	ClassIcon demoknight_samurai_reflect }
		TFBot	{ Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Zato	ClassIcon demoknight_samurai_reflect }
		TFBot	{ Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Zato	ClassIcon demoknight_samurai_reflect }
		TFBot	{ Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Zato	ClassIcon demoknight_samurai_reflect }
		TFBot	{ Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Zato	ClassIcon demoknight_samurai_reflect }
		TFBot	{ Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Zato	ClassIcon demoknight_samurai_reflect }
		TFBot	{ Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Zato	ClassIcon demoknight_samurai_reflect }
		TFBot	{ Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Zato	ClassIcon demoknight_samurai_reflect }
		TFBot	{ Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Zato	ClassIcon demoknight_samurai_reflect }
		TFBot	{ Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Zato	ClassIcon demoknight_samurai_reflect }
		TFBot	{ Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Zato	ClassIcon demoknight_samurai_reflect }
		TFBot	{ Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Zato	ClassIcon demoknight_samurai_reflect }
		TFBot	{ Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Zato	ClassIcon demoknight_samurai_reflect }
		TFBot	{ Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Zato	ClassIcon demoknight_samurai_reflect }
		TFBot	{ Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Zato	ClassIcon demoknight_samurai_reflect }
		TFBot	{ Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Zato	ClassIcon demoknight_samurai_reflect }
		TFBot	{ Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Zato	ClassIcon demoknight_samurai_reflect }
		TFBot	{ Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Zato	ClassIcon demoknight_samurai_reflect }
		TFBot	{ Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Zato	ClassIcon demoknight_samurai_reflect }
		TFBot	{ Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Zato	ClassIcon demoknight_samurai_reflect }
		TFBot	{ Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Zato	ClassIcon demoknight_samurai_reflect }
		TFBot	{ Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Zato	ClassIcon demoknight_samurai_reflect }
		TFBot	{ Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Zato	ClassIcon demoknight_samurai_reflect }
		TFBot	{ Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Zato	ClassIcon demoknight_samurai_reflect }
		TFBot	{ Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Zato	ClassIcon demoknight_samurai_reflect }
		TFBot	{ Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Zato	ClassIcon demoknight_samurai_reflect }
		TFBot	{ Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Zato	ClassIcon demoknight_samurai_reflect }
		TFBot	{ Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Zato	ClassIcon demoknight_samurai_reflect }
		TFBot	{ Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Zato Template T_Banner_Conch	ClassIcon demoknight_samurai_reflect }
	//	TFBot	{ Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Samurai_Parry
	//	Name "Parry Shogun Soldier"
	//	Template T_Banner_Conch
	//	Scale 1.3
	//	ClassIcon	demoknight_samurai_reflect
	//	Attributes AutoJump
	//	AutoJumpMin 5
	//	AutoJumpMax 10
	//	}
//		TFBot	{
//		Template T_TFBot_Demoknight_Samurai_Parry
//		Name "I realise.."
//		Template T_Banner_Conch
//		ClassIcon demoknight_samurai
//		Attributes AirChargeOnly
//		Attributes AutoJump
//		AutoJumpMin 5
//		AutoJumpMax 10
//		}
	//	TFBot	{
	//	Template T_TFBot_DemoKnight_Samurai
	//	Template T_Banner_Conch
	//	Name "Samurai Demo"
	//	}
//	WaveSpawn {
//		Name	yia2
//		WaitForAllDead	yia1
//		TotalCurrency	16
//		TotalCount	8
//		MaxActive	8
//		SpawnCount	2 // 4
//		WaitBeforeStarting	10
//		WaitBetweenSpawns	4 // 8
//		Where	spawnbot_right
	//	RandomChoice {
	//	TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Laugh_Champ // _Gauntlet Name "Laugh Gauntlet" Attributes AlwaysCrit Health 450 }
	//	TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Laugh_Gauntlet Name "Laugh Gauntlet" Attributes AlwaysCrit Health 450 }
	//	TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Laugh_Gauntlet Name "Laugh Gauntlet" Attributes AlwaysCrit Health 450 }
//		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Laugh_Champ Name "Laugh Champ" Attributes AlwaysCrit Health 60 }
	//	}
//	}
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	yib1
		WaitForAllSpawned	yia2
		TotalCurrency	150
		TotalCount	2
		MaxActive	2
		SpawnCount	1
		WaitBeforeStarting	8
		WaitBetweenSpawns	22
		Where	spawnbot_left
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Giant_Pyro_Flaregun_RapidFire
		Name "Giant Fast Flare Pyro"
		ClassIcon pyro_scorch_spammer // _flare // _rain_push
		Skill Hard
		CharacterAttributes {
		"damage penalty" 0.25
		"crits_become_minicrits" 1 // Nerf request

// In case anyone is curious, mod weapon blocks healing was there when 
// loch-demos are used to be healed by bigheals.
// But y'kno- for once I went soft for the jujs.

	WaveSpawn {
		Name	yib1
		WaitForAllSpawned	yia2
		TotalCurrency	24
		TotalCount	24
		MaxActive	13
		SpawnCount	6
		WaitBeforeStarting	8
		WaitBetweenSpawns	6
		Where	spawnbot_left
		RandomChoice {
	//	TFBot {
	//	Template T_TFBot_Scout_SodaPopper
	//	Template T_Equip_Cola
	//	Skill  Easy
	//	Template T_Attributes_Jumper // User will go after players, a.k.a IgnoreFlag but less buggy
	//	ClassIcon	scout_cola
	//	Name "Cola! Scout"
//		Attributes AutoJump
//		AutoJumpMin 0.2
//		AutoJumpMax 0.8
	//	CharacterAttributes {
	//	"damage bonus"  1.5 // :3
	//	"air dash count" 1
	//	"mod weapon blocks healing" 1
	//	"cannot pick up intelligence"		1
	//		}
	//	}
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Blaster_PublicEnemy Skill Easy Name "Public Enemy Scout" MaxVisionRange 900 ClassIcon scout_cola Item "Crit-a-Cola" 
		CharacterAttributes { "increased jump height" 1.3 "move speed bonus" 1.25 "gesture speed increase" 0.66 } 
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Blaster_PublicEnemy Skill Easy Name "Public Enemy Scout" MaxVisionRange 900 ClassIcon scout_cola Item "Crit-a-Cola" 
		CharacterAttributes { "increased jump height" 1.3 "move speed bonus" 1.25 "gesture speed increase" 0.66 } 
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Blaster_PublicEnemy Skill Easy Name "Public Enemy Scout" MaxVisionRange 900 ClassIcon scout_cola Item "Crit-a-Cola" 
		CharacterAttributes { "increased jump height" 1.3 "move speed bonus" 1.25 "gesture speed increase" 0.66 } 
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Cleaver ClassIcon scout_cola }
	//	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Scout_Blaster_PublicEnemy Skill Easy	MaxVisionRange 900 ClassIcon	scout_cola}
	//	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Scout_Blaster_PublicEnemy Skill Easy	MaxVisionRange 900 ClassIcon	scout_cola}
	//	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Scout_Blaster_Rush	MaxVisionRange 900 ClassIcon	scout_cola}
	//	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Scout_Cleaver	ClassIcon	scout_cola }
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_MiniCrit WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly ClassIcon scout_cola Name "Nightblind Scout" Item "Three-Rune Blade" }
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Sandman_Marks WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly ClassIcon scout_cola Name "Nightblind Scout" }
//		TFBot {
//		Template T_TFBot_Scout_MiniCrit // _Markless
	//	Template T_Equip_Cola
//		WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly
//		ClassIcon	scout_cola
//		Name "Nightblind Scout"
//		Item	"Three-Rune Blade"
//		}
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	yib1
		WaitForAllSpawned	yia2
		TotalCurrency	1
		TotalCount	1
		MaxActive	1
		SpawnCount	1
		WaitBeforeStarting	8
		WaitBetweenSpawns	0
		Where	spawnbot_left
//		PointTemplate  
//		{
//				IsCrit 1
//		}
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Loch_RapidFire
	//	Name "Nightblind Demo"
	//	Attributes AlwaysCrit
		Name "Loch-n-Miss Demo" // STRING_JOKENAME
		//	ClassIcon demo_burst
		ClassIcon demo_lochnload_sif
		CharacterAttributes { "dmg pierces resists absorbs" 1 "damage penalty" 0.66	}
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	yib1
		WaitForAllSpawned	yia2
		TotalCurrency	20
		TotalCount	20
		MaxActive	12
		SpawnCount	5
		WaitBeforeStarting	12
		WaitBetweenSpawns	8
		Where	spawnbot_left
	//	RandomChoice {
		RandomChoice { 
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Loch_Burst Name "Nightblind Demo" MaxVisionRange 1 
		CharacterAttributes { "dmg pierces resists absorbs" 1 "damage penalty" 0.66 } 
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Loch_Burst Name "Nightblind Demo" MaxVisionRange 1 
		CharacterAttributes { "dmg pierces resists absorbs" 1 "damage penalty" 0.66 } 
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Loch_Burst Name "Nightblind Demo" MaxVisionRange 1 
		CharacterAttributes { "dmg pierces resists absorbs" 1 "damage penalty" 0.66 } 
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Loch_Burst Name "Nightblind Demo" MaxVisionRange 1 
		CharacterAttributes { "dmg pierces resists absorbs" 1 "damage penalty" 0.66 } 
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Loch_Burst Name "Nightblind Demo" Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon Attributes IgnoreEnemies 
		CharacterAttributes { "dmg pierces resists absorbs" 1 "damage penalty" 0.66 }
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Loch_Burst Name "Nightblind Demo" MaxVisionRange 1 
		CharacterAttributes { "dmg pierces resists absorbs" 1 "damage penalty" 0.66 } 
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Loch_Burst Name "Burst Loch Demo" Attributes IgnoreEnemies Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon 
		CharacterAttributes { "dmg pierces resists absorbs" 1 "damage penalty" 0.66 } 
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Loch_Burst Name "Burst Loch Demo" Attributes IgnoreEnemies Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon 
		CharacterAttributes { "dmg pierces resists absorbs" 1 "damage penalty" 0.66 } 
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Loch_Burst Name "Nightblind Demo" MaxVisionRange 1 
		CharacterAttributes { "dmg pierces resists absorbs" 1 "damage penalty" 0.66 } 
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Loch_ExpertOrdinance Name "Cyclop PunchR Demo" ClassIcon demo_lochnload_sif Template T_Equip_Chargin } 
	//	}
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	yib2
		WaitForAllDead	yib1
		TotalCurrency	6
		TotalCount	6
		MaxActive	6
		SpawnCount	6
		WaitBeforeStarting	0
		WaitBetweenSpawns	0
		Where	spawnbot_right
		FirstSpawnWarningSound "vo\mvm\norm\taunts\soldier_mvm_taunts12.mp3" // We have you surrounded, at least from this side!
		Squad	{
		ShouldPreserveSquad 0
		FormationSize 9999
		NoWaitForFormation 1  
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Soldier_DirectHit_ExpertOrdinance // Hewwo Tindall~
		Attributes AlwaysCrit						// I adopted your Blind Hipfire sniper gag
	//	Name "PointBlank Hit Soldier"				// :3
		Name "Direct Miss Soldier"
	//	Name "ez clear" // STRING_JOKENAME
	//	MaxVisionRange 10
		ClassIcon soldier_burstfire_directhit_yoovy
		CharacterAttributes { "kill forces attacker to laugh" 1 }
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Soldier_DirectHit_ExpertOrdinance Attributes AlwaysCrit Name "Direct Miss Soldier" ClassIcon soldier_burstfire_directhit_yoovy 
		CharacterAttributes { "kill forces attacker to laugh" 1 } 
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Soldier_DirectHit_ExpertOrdinance Attributes AlwaysCrit Name "Direct Miss Soldier" ClassIcon soldier_burstfire_directhit_yoovy 
		CharacterAttributes { "kill forces attacker to laugh" 1 } 
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Soldier_DirectHit_ExpertOrdinance Attributes AlwaysCrit Name "ez clear" ClassIcon soldier_burstfire_directhit_yoovy 
		CharacterAttributes { "kill forces attacker to laugh" 1 } 
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Soldier_DirectHit_ExpertOrdinance Attributes AlwaysCrit Name "Direct Miss Soldier" ClassIcon soldier_burstfire_directhit_yoovy } 
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Soldier_DirectHit_ExpertOrdinance
		Attributes AlwaysCrit
		Name "Peacebreaker Soldier"
	//	MaxVisionRange 10
		Name "ez clear" // STRING_JOKENAME
		ClassIcon soldier_burstfire_directhit_yoovy
		CharacterAttributes { "kill forces attacker to laugh" 1 }
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	yib2
		WaitForAllDead	yib1
		TotalCurrency	16
		TotalCount	16
		MaxActive	16
		SpawnCount	8
		WaitBeforeStarting	12
		WaitBetweenSpawns	8
		Where	spawnbot_right
		FirstSpawnWarningSound "vo\mvm\norm\taunts\soldier_mvm_taunts15.mp3" // Surrender NOW, maggots and you will not be harmed!
		RandomChoice {
		TFBot {
	//	Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Jumper_Harmless
		Template T_TFBot_Soldier_DirectHit_ExpertOrdinance
		UseHumanAnimations 1  
		ItemAttributes {
		ItemName "The Direct Hit"
		"damage bonus" 0
		"faster reload rate" 3 // slower
		"fire rate bonus" .33
		"clip size upgrade atomic" .75 
		"fire input on kill" "!activator^$TauntFromItem^Taunt: The Fubar Fanfare"
		Attributes AlwaysCrit
		Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon
		Name "Nightblind Soldier"
		UseHumanAnimations 1  
		ClassIcon soldier_burstfire_directhit_yoovy
		TFBot {
	//	Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Jumper_Harmless
		Template T_TFBot_Soldier_DirectHit_ExpertOrdinance
		ItemAttributes {
		ItemName "The Direct Hit"
		"damage bonus" 0
		"faster reload rate" 3 // slower
		"fire rate bonus" .33
		"clip size upgrade atomic" .75
		"fire input on kill" "!activator^$TauntFromItem^Taunt: The Fubar Fanfare"
		Attributes AlwaysCrit
		Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon
		Name "Nightblind Soldier"
		UseHumanAnimations 1  
		ClassIcon soldier_burstfire_directhit_yoovy
		ItemAttributes {
		ItemName "The Direct Hit"
		"damage bonus" 0
		"faster reload rate" 3 // slower
		"fire rate bonus" .33
		"clip size upgrade atomic" .75
		"fire input on kill" "!activator^$TauntFromItem^Taunt: The Fubar Fanfare"
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Soldier_DirectHit_ExpertOrdinance
		Attributes AlwaysCrit
		Name "Peacebreaker Soldier"
		UseHumanAnimations 1  
		ClassIcon soldier_burstfire_directhit_yoovy
		ItemAttributes {
		ItemName "The Direct Hit"
		"faster reload rate" 3 // slower
		"fire rate bonus" .33
		"clip size upgrade atomic" .75
		"fire input on kill" "!activator^$TauntFromItem^Taunt: The Fubar Fanfare"
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Soldier_DirectHit_ExpertOrdinance
		Attributes AlwaysCrit
		UseHumanAnimations 1  
		Name "Nightblind Soldier"
		MaxVisionRange 10
		ClassIcon soldier_burstfire_directhit_yoovy
		ItemAttributes {
		ItemName "The Direct Hit"
		"damage bonus" 0
		"faster reload rate" 3 // slower
		"fire rate bonus" .33
		"clip size upgrade atomic" .75
		"fire input on kill" "!activator^$TauntFromItem^Taunt: The Fubar Fanfare"
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	yib1
		WaitForAllSpawned	yia2
		TotalCurrency	8
		TotalCount	2
		MaxActive	2
		SpawnCount	2
		WaitBeforeStarting	22
		WaitBetweenSpawns	0
		Where	spawnbot_left
	//	BotNPC  
	//	{
	//			IsCrit 1
	//	}
		Squad { 
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Loch_RapidFire Name "Loch-n-Miss Demo" Attributes AlwaysCrit ClassIcon demo_lochnload_sif 
		CharacterAttributes { "crit vs non burning players" 1 "minicrit vs burning player" 1 } 
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_Uber_Blink ClassIcon medic_overheal_uber Attributes SpawnWithFullCharge Name "Booster Medic" Health 130 } 
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	yib3
		WaitForAllSpawned	yib2
		TotalCurrency 300
		TotalCount	6
		MaxActive	6
		SpawnCount	3
		WaitBeforeStarting	22
		WaitBetweenSpawns	15
		Where	spawnbot_right
		Squad {
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Giant_Pyro_ThirdDegree
		Attributes AlwaysCrit
		Name "Super Third Degree Pyro"
		Scale 1.8
		Health 4500
		//Attributes AlwaysCrit
		 CharacterAttributes { "max health additive penalty" 4800 "fire rate bonus" 0.8 "move speed bonus" 0.66 }
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_Uber_Quick	Attributes SpawnWithFullCharge	ClassIcon medic_overheal_uber }
	//	Template T_TFBot_Medic_Kritzkrieg_Blink
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Medic_Uber_Quick Attributes SpawnWithFullCharge ClassIcon medic_overheal_uber }
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	yib4
		WaitForAllSpawned	yib2
		TotalCurrency	18
		TotalCount	1
		MaxActive	1
		SpawnCount	1
		WaitBeforeStarting	30
		WaitBetweenSpawns	6
		Where	spawnbot_left
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Samurai
		Name "Samurai Jumpscare"
		Item "Robin Walkers"
		Item "Shin Shredders"
		ClassIcon demoknight_samurai_reflect
		CharacterAttributes {
		"crit vs non burning players" 1 // pfffbbbbrt
		"minicrit vs burning player" 1
		"charge time increased" 0.5 // 4
/// 	WaveSpawn {
//		Name	yib3
//		WaitForAllSpawned	yib2
//		TotalCurrency	20
//		TotalCount	10
//		MaxActive	10
//		SpawnCount	2
//		WaitBeforeStarting	26
//		WaitBetweenSpawns	3
//		Where	spawnbot_left
//		RandomChoice {
//		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Laugh_Champ Name "Scared Heavy Champ" Attributes AlwaysCrit }
//  	TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Laugh_Champ Name "Scared Champ" Attributes AlwaysCrit }
//		TFBot	{
//		Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Laugh_Champ
//		Name "Scared Champ"
//		Attributes AlwaysCrit
//	//	Scale 0.8
//		CharacterAttributes	{
//		"hand scale"	1.5
//		}
//		}
//		TFBot	{
//		Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Laugh_Champ
//		Name "Terrified Champ"
//		Attributes AlwaysCrit
//	//	Scale 0.8
//		Attributes AutoJump
//		AutoJumpMin 3
//		AutoJumpMax 5
//		CharacterAttributes	{
//		"hand scale"	1.5
//		"move speed bonus" 1.4
//		}
//		}
//		TFBot {
//		Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Bread_Champ_Pull
//		Name "Startled Mutated Champ"								
//		Attributes AlwaysCrit
//		Skill Expert
//		Health 150
//		ClassIcon heavy_mittens
//		}
//		}
//	}
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	yib3
		WaitForAllSpawned	yib2
		TotalCurrency	12
		TotalCount	12
		MaxActive	8
		SpawnCount	2
		WaitBeforeStarting	22
		WaitBetweenSpawns	2
		Where	spawnbot_right
		Squad {
		ShouldPreserveSquad 0
		FormationSize 250
			TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_ForceANature_Push Template T_Equip_Bonk ClassIcon scout_cola Name "Hyper Cola! Scout" Item "Robin Walkers" }
			TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_ForceANature_Push Template T_Equip_Cola ClassIcon scout_cola Name "Hyper Cola! Scout" Item "Robin Walkers" }
	WaveSpawn {
	Name yib3
	WaitForAllSpawned yib2
	TotalCurrency 0
	TotalCount 42
	MaxActive 15
	SpawnCount 5
	WaitBeforeStarting 20
	WaitBetweenSpawns 5
	Where spawnbot_right
	Support Limited
	RandomChoice { // hidden icons
	RandomChoice { 
        TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Whipper_Conch Name "Ext. Horse Jockey" ClassIcon soldier_backup } 
        TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Whipper_Backup Name "Ext. Horse Jockey" ClassIcon soldier_backup } 
        TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Whipper_Backup Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon Name "Ext. Horse Jockey" ClassIcon soldier_backup } 
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	yib3
		WaitForAllSpawned	yib2
		TotalCurrency	0
		TotalCount	16 // 6
		MaxActive	8
		SpawnCount	4 
		WaitBeforeStarting 10
		WaitBetweenSpawns	4
		Where	spawnbot_left
		Support Limited
		RandomChoice {
		TFBot {	Template T_Soldier ClassIcon soldier_backup	}
		TFBot {	Template T_Soldier ClassIcon soldier_backup	}
		TFBot {	Template T_Soldier ClassIcon soldier_backup	}
		TFBot {	Template T_Soldier ClassIcon soldier_backup	}
		TFBot {	Template T_Soldier ClassIcon soldier_backup	}
		TFBot {	Template T_Soldier ClassIcon soldier_backup	}
		TFBot {	Template T_Soldier ClassIcon soldier_backup	}
		TFBot {
			Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Jumper_Stun
			ClassIcon soldier_backup
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Charged_Not
	//	Name "Med Dropped!" // STRING_JOKENAME
		Name "Discharged Soldier"
		ClassIcon soldier_backup
		Item 	"Defiant Spartan"
		Item 	"Fancy Dress Uniform"
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Charged_Not
	//	Name "Rocket from Hell" // STRING_JOKENAME
	//	Name "Uncharged Soldier"
		Name "Discharged Soldier"
		ClassIcon soldier_backup //_directhit_upsidedown
		Item 	"Defiant Spartan"
		Item 	"Fancy Dress Uniform"
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Charged_Not
//		Name "Idle Soldier"
		Name "Discharged Soldier"
//		Name "RandomCrit such BS" // STRING_JOKENAME
		ClassIcon soldier_backup //_directhit_upsidedown
		Item 	"Defiant Spartan"
		Item 	"Fancy Dress Uniform"
		CharacterAttributes {
		"crit vs burning players" 1
		"crit vs non burning players" 1
		"crits_become_minicrits" 1
	} //
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	Secret
		WaitForAllSpawned	yib2
		TotalCurrency	0
		TotalCount	2
		MaxActive	2
		SpawnCount	2
		WaitBeforeStarting	240
		WaitBetweenSpawns	10
		Where	spawnbot_boss
		Support Limited
		RandomChoice {
		Squad {
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavy_BrassBeast
		Name "SiF's (Giant Brass Heavy)"
		Item "Misha's Maw"
		Health 5000
		ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Brass Beast" 
		"fire rate bonus" 0.4 "weapon spread bonus" 0.5 "heal on kill" 500 "killstreak tier" 1 }
        CharacterAttributes { "dmg taken from crit reduced" 0.1 "dmg from ranged reduced" 0.34 "max health additive bonus" 6500 }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Medic_Shield_Uber Name "SiFWolfie"	Health 450 Scale 1.3
		Item "Hundekopf" Item "Bunnyhopper's Ballistics Vest" Item "Surgical Survivalist" Item "Battery Canteens (MvM)"
		ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_MEDIGUN" 
		"ubercharge rate bonus" 12.3 "uber duration bonus" 6 "generate rage on heal" 2 "increase buff duration" 6 "overheal decay disabled" 1 }
        CharacterAttributes { "heal rate bonus" 10 "mod weapon blocks healing" 1 "dmg taken from crit reduced" 0.1 }
	} // RNG
	} // Wave 1 Over
// WAVE 2/6 (434$)

	Wave	{
	WaitWhenDone	65
	Checkpoint	Yes
	InitWaveOutput	{
//		Target wave_init_relay // Don't do anything on this map
	Target gamerules
	Action RunScriptCode
		// DRG Styled Message
		SetSkyboxTexture (`sky_nightfall_01`) // Thanks ficool2.
		ClientPrint(null,3,`Trap-placing robots will sporadically spawn behind for this wave.`)
	//	ClientPrint(null,3,`\x08FF5733FFWell done, team.`)
	//	ClientPrint(null,3,`More to come! Combat positions and take them out, team!`)
		EntFire(`nav_prefer_flank_right`, `Kill`)
		EntFire(`nav_prefer_flank_left`, `Kill`)
		EntFire(`bombpath_left`,`Trigger`,null,0.9) // 
		EntFire(`func_upgradestation`, `enable`);
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_airblast_cray_lose_footing_duration`, 0); // No more airblast
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_airblast_cray_power`, 150);
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_bot_taunt_victim_chance`, 100);
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_bot_pyro_always_reflect`, 1);
	//	Convars.SetValue(`tf_bot_pyro_shove_away_range`, 1000); // This procs phlog
			IncludeScript(`seel_ins.nut`, getroottable()) //S.I.N.S by Seelpit.

	StartWaveOutput	{
		Target	wave_start_endurance_relay
		Action	Trigger
	DoneOutput	{
		Target	wave_finished_relay
		Action	Trigger
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	era1
		TotalCurrency	25
		TotalCount	2
		MaxActive	2
		SpawnCount	2
		WaitBeforeStarting	2
		WaitBetweenSpawns	0
		Where	spawnbot_right
		Squad	{
		TFBot	{ Template T_TFBot_Giant_Sniper_Piss	Skill Normal Name "Bodyblock Challenge" }
		TFBot 	{ Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickFix_Heal // My ver of RapidQF
		Name "Quick-Heal Medic"	Attributes IgnoreFlag Health 130 ClassIcon medic_pop
		CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 1.3 }
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	era2
		WaitForAllDead	era1
		TotalCurrency	50
		TotalCount	4
		MaxActive	2
		SpawnCount	2
		WaitBeforeStarting	40
		WaitBetweenSpawns	8
		Where	spawnbot_right
		Squad	{
		TFBot	{ Template	T_TFBot_Giant_Sniper_Piss Skill Normal }
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickFix_Rapid Name "Rapid-QuickFix Medic" Health 130 Attributes IgnoreFlag ClassIcon medic_pop
		CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 1.3 }
	//	Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickFix_BigHeal		
	// Someone pointed out the issue that not that many people read my annot
	//	Target wave_start_relay
	//	Action RunScriptCode
	//	Param "
	//	ClientPrint(null,3,`\x0799CCFFMelee those Alloy Steel Gauntlets to instantly kill them!`)
	//	"
	WaveSpawn {
	Name era2
	WaitForAllDead era1
	WaitBeforeStarting 2
		Target gamerules
		Action RunScriptCode
		SpawnEntityFromTable(`training_annotation` , {
		targetname = `sif_annot`
		display_text = `Alloy Gauntlet takes TRIPLE damage from melee!`
		lifetime = `15`
		origin = `-2259 2688 432`
		EntFire(`sif_annot`, `show`)
		EntFire(`sif_annot`, `kill`, ``, 12)

	WaveSpawn {
		Name	era2s
		WaitForAllDead	era1
		TotalCurrency	14
		TotalCount	7
		MaxActive	7
		SpawnCount	1
		WaitBeforeStarting	0
		WaitBetweenSpawns	9
		Where	spawnbot_right
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Steel_Gauntlet_Reversed_Pusher
		Name "Alloyweight Pusher Gauntlet"
	//	ClassIcon heavy_steelfist
		ClassIcon heavy_steelfist_nys
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	era2
		WaitForAllDead	era1
		TotalCurrency	48
		TotalCount	32 // 48
		MaxActive	16
		SpawnCount	8 // 6
		WaitBeforeStarting	5
		WaitBetweenSpawns	2
		Where	spawnbot_right
		Target	wave_start_endurance_relay
		Action	RunScriptCode
		Squad {
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Pickax_Backup //_Conch // T_TFBot_Soldier_Pickax_Buff
		Name "Ext. Equalizer Soldier"
		ClassIcon soldier_escape_conch
	//	Name "Ext. Rallying Prospector" // STRING_JOKENAME
		//	Attributes AlwaysCrit
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Pickax_Conch // T_TFBot_Soldier_Pickax_Buff
		Name "Ext. Equalizer Soldier"
		ClassIcon soldier_escape_conch
	//	Name "Ext. Rallying Prospector" // STRING_JOKENAME
		//	Attributes AlwaysCrit
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Steel_Champ_Reversed	ClassIcon heavy_steelfist_nys}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Steel_Champ_Reversed	ClassIcon heavy_steelfist_nys}
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	era2s
		WaitForAllDead	era1
		TotalCurrency	0
		TotalCount	30
		MaxActive	4
		SpawnCount	1
		WaitBeforeStarting	15 // 10 // 4
		WaitBetweenSpawns	10
		Where	spawnbot_boss
		Support 1
		RandomChoice {
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Gas_Explode UseHumanAnimations 1  Item "Ghastly Gibus"	Item "The Special Eyes" 
		Name "Talented Gambler" // STRING_JOKENAME	
		CharacterAttributes { "airblast_give_teammate_speed_boost" 1 "dmg from melee increased" 1.75 "fire input on kill" "!activator^$TauntFromItem^Taunt: Cremator's Condolences"	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Gas_Explode UseHumanAnimations 1	Item "Ghastly Gibus"	Item "The Special Eyes" 
		Name "Talented Gambler" // STRING_JOKENAME	
		CharacterAttributes { "airblast_give_teammate_speed_boost" 1 "dmg from melee increased" 1.75 "fire input on kill" "!activator^$TauntFromItem^Taunt: Cremator's Condolences"	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Gas_Explode UseHumanAnimations 1	Item "Ghastly Gibus" Name "Napalmer Pyro"  Item "The Special Eyes"
	//	Name "Napalmer Pyro" // STRING_JOKENAME	
		CharacterAttributes { "airblast_give_teammate_speed_boost" 1 "dmg from melee increased" 1.75 "fire input on kill" "!activator^$TauntFromItem^Conga Taunt"	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Gas_Explode UseHumanAnimations 1	Item "Ghastly Gibus"	Item "The Special Eyes"
	//	Name "Genuine Smooth Brain" // STRING_JOKENAME	
		CharacterAttributes { "airblast_give_teammate_speed_boost" 1 "dmg from melee increased" 1.75 "fire input on kill" "!activator^$TauntFromItem^Conga Taunt"	}
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	era2s
		TotalCurrency	0
		TotalCount	621
		MaxActive 	2
		SpawnCount	1 // 2
		WaitBeforeStarting	15 // 10 // 4
		WaitBetweenSpawns	40 // 30
		Where	Behind
		Support Limited
		RandomChoice {
		RandomChoice {
		TFBot  {
	Template T_TFBot_Spy_YER_Saharan
	Name "sorry bro"
	Skill Expert
	Item 	"L'Etranger"
	MoveBehindEnemy 1  
	WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly
	ClassIcon Spy
	ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName    "L'Etranger"
		"add attributes on hit" "move speed penalty|0.75|15|allow friendly fire|1|30"  
		"mark for death" 1
		"minicrits become crits" 1
		"slow enemy on hit major" 4
		"is_passive_weapon" 1
		"damage bonus" 0.01
		"faster reload rate"	-2
		"fire rate penalty" 0.75
		"auto fires when full" 1
		"auto fires full clip" 1
	CharacterAttributes	{
		"dmg taken from fire increased" 1.2
		"crits_become_minicrits" 1
		"damage penalty" 0.2
		"dmg from melee increased" 1.75
		"move speed bonus" 1.2
		"active health degen"  -10
		"killstreak tier" 1
		"cannot disguise" 1 
		"set cloak is feign death" 1
	ItemAttributes {
	ItemName	"The Familiar Fez"
		"attach particle effect" 38 // Cloudy Moon
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	era2s
		TotalCurrency	0
		TotalCount	621
		MaxActive 	4
		SpawnCount	1 // 2
		WaitBeforeStarting	45 // 10 // 4
		WaitBetweenSpawns	20 // 30
		Where	Behind
		Support Limited
		RandomChoice {
		RandomChoice {
		// This soldier will spawn behind players, leaving rockets that will damage both teams.
		// Catmine = more damage, less knockback
		// Blastmine = Less damage, more knockback
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Delayed Attributes DisableDodge MaxVisionRange 1 Name "Catmine" Item "Racc Mann" Health 100 Scale 0.8 Attributes AlwaysCrit BehaviorModifiers Push ClassIcon pyro_reflect_daan 
		CharacterAttributes { "dmg penalty vs players" 2 "dmg from melee increased" 1.75 "crit vs burning players" 1 "crit vs non burning players" 1 "cannot pick up intelligence" 1 "torso scale" 0.5 "move speed bonus" 2 "active health degen" -10 } 
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Delayed_Blast Attributes DisableDodge MaxVisionRange 1 Name "Blastmine" Item "Racc Mann" Health 100 Scale 0.8 BehaviorModifiers Push ClassIcon pyro_reflect_daan 
		CharacterAttributes { "dmg penalty vs players" 0.2 "dmg from melee increased" 1.75 "damage causes airblast" 1 "cannot pick up intelligence" 1 "damage blast push" 25 "torso scale" 0.5 "move speed bonus" 2 "active health degen" -10 } 
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	erb1
		WaitForAllDead	era2
		TotalCurrency	25
		TotalCount	1 // 3
		MaxActive	1 // 3
		SpawnCount	1 // 3
		WaitBeforeStarting	8
		WaitBetweenSpawns	0
		Where	spawnbot_right
	//	Squad {
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demoman_Grenade_Push Name "Giant Blast Burst Demo" 
		ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER" "custom projectile model" "models\weapons\w_models\w_cannonball.mdl" "fuse bonus" 0.5 } 
	//	TFBot {
	//	Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickFix_BigHeal
	//	ClassIcon medic
	//	Health 130
	//	Name "Quick-Heal Medic"
	//	}
	//	TFBot {
	//	Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickFix_BigHeal
	//	ClassIcon medic
	//	Health 130
	//	Name "Quick-Heal Medic"
	//	}
	//	}

	WaveSpawn {
		Name	erb1
		WaitForAllDead	era2
		TotalCurrency	25
		TotalCount	1 // 3
		MaxActive	1 // 3
		SpawnCount	1 // 3
		WaitBeforeStarting	25
		WaitBetweenSpawns	0
		Where	spawnbot_right
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demoman_RapidFire Name "Giant Blast Burst Demo"  ClassIcon demo_blast
		ItemAttributes	{ ItemName "TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER" "custom projectile model" "models\weapons\w_models\w_cannonball.mdl" "fuse bonus" 0.5 "damage penalty" 0.25	}
//	WaveSpawn {
//		Name	erb2
//		WaitForAllDead	era2
//		TotalCurrency	30
//		TotalCount	30 // 36 // oh you feckin
//		MaxActive	15
//		SpawnCount	6 
//		WaitBeforeStarting	8
//		WaitBetweenSpawns	6
//		Where	spawnbot_right
//		RandomChoice {
//		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Loosecannon }
//		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Push_Single }
//		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Push_Single }
//		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Push_Single }
//		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Push_Single }
//		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Push_Single }
//		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Push_Single }
//		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Push_Single }
//		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Push_Single }
//		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Loosecannon_DoubleDonk }
//		}
//		}
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	erb2
		WaitForAllDead	erb1
		TotalCurrency	50
		TotalCount	6 // 4 // 3
		MaxActive	3 // 2 // 3
		SpawnCount	3 // 2 // 3
		WaitBeforeStarting	12
		WaitBetweenSpawns	15 // 22
		Where	spawnbot_right
		Squad {
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Charged_RapidFire ClassIcon soldier_charged_spammer	Name "Giant Rapid Charged Soldier"	Attributes AlwaysCrit }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickFix_BigHeal ClassIcon medic_pop	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demoman_Cannon_Push	ClassIcon demo_blast Name "Giant Grapeblast Demo" }
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	erb2s
	//	WaitForAllSpawned	erb1
		WaitForAllDead	era2
		TotalCurrency	60
		TotalCount	60 // 60 // 54 
		MaxActive	15 // 12 // 18
		SpawnCount	5 // 6
		WaitBeforeStarting	15 // 10
		WaitBetweenSpawns 10 // 12	// 2
		Where	spawnbot_left
		RandomChoice {
		TFBot	{ Template T_TFBot_Scout_Sandman Name "Bonk! Scout"  Skill Normal ClassIcon scout_bonk }
		TFBot	{	Template T_Scout Template T_Equip_Bonk Skill Normal Name "Bonk! Scout" ClassIcon scout_bonk } 
	//	TFBot	{	Template T_TFBot_Scout_Backscatter_Vicious Skill Normal  Template T_Equip_Bonk Name "Bonk! Scout" ClassIcon scout_bonk } 
		TFBot	{	Template T_TFBot_Scout_Shortstop_Regular  Skill Hard Template T_Equip_Bonk Name "Bonk! Scout" ClassIcon scout_bonk } 
		TFBot	{	Template T_TFBot_Scout_Blaster_PublicEnemy  Skill Normal  Template T_Equip_Bonk Name "Bonk! Scout" ClassIcon scout_bonk }
		TFBot	{	Template T_TFBot_Scout_ForceANature  Skill Normal Template T_Equip_Bonk Name "Bonk! Scout"  ClassIcon scout_bonk }		
		TFBot	{	Template T_TFBot_Scout_ForceANature  Skill Normal Template T_Equip_Bonk Name "Bonk! Scout" Attributes IgnoreEnemies ClassIcon scout_bonk }		
		TFBot	{	Template T_TFBot_Scout_SodaPopper  Skill Hard Template T_Equip_Bonk Name "Bonk! Scout" ClassIcon scout_bonk }				
		TFBot	{ Template T_TFBot_Scout_Sandman_Marks  Skill Expert ClassIcon scout_bonk Name "Bonk! Scout"
		Action Mobber  
		CharacterAttributes {
			"head scale" 0 // :3
		TFBot	{ Template T_TFBot_Scout_Sandman_Marks  Skill Expert ClassIcon scout_bonk Name "Bonk! Scout"
		Action Mobber  
		CharacterAttributes {
			"head scale" 0 // :3
		TFBot	{ Template T_TFBot_Demoknight_Stunball	Name "Scout?" ClassIcon scout_bonk }
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	erb2s
	//	WaitForAllSpawned	erb1
		WaitForAllDead	era2
		TotalCurrency	24
		TotalCount	12 // 60 // 54 
		MaxActive	5 // 18
		SpawnCount	1 // 6
		WaitBeforeStarting	15 // 10
		WaitBetweenSpawns 5 // 12	// 2
		Where	spawnbot_right
		TFBot	{	Template T_TFBot_Scout_Backscatter_Vicious Skill Expert  Template T_Equip_Bonk Name "Ambusher Scout" ClassIcon scout_bonk } 
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	erb3s
		WaitForAllSpawned	erb2s
		TotalCurrency	0
		TotalCount	69
		MaxActive	8
		SpawnCount	4
		WaitBeforeStarting	15
		WaitBetweenSpawns	8
		Where	spawnbot_right
		Support 1
		RandomChoice { // hidden icons
		RandomChoice {
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Tomislav Skill Normal Name "T_Heavy" }
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Tomislav Skill Normal Name "T_Heavy" }
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Tomislav Skill Normal Name "T_Heavy" }
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Tomislav Skill Hard Name "T_Heavy" }
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	erb3
		WaitForAllDead	erb2
		TotalCurrency	1
		TotalCount	1 // 6
		MaxActive	1 
		SpawnCount	1 
		WaitBeforeStarting	30
		WaitBetweenSpawns	0
		Where	spawnbot_right
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Steel_Gauntlet_Reversed
	//	Name "Avg. WFAD Experience" 
	//	Name "Am I too early?"
		Name "Sorry, Forgot to F4"
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	erb3
		WaitForAllDead	erb2
		TotalCurrency	112
		TotalCount	3 // 5 // 6
		MaxActive	3 // 5
		SpawnCount	3 // 5 
		WaitBeforeStarting	15
		WaitBetweenSpawns	0
		Where	spawnbot_left
		FirstSpawnWarningSound "vo\mvm\mght\soldier_mvm_m_robot21.mp3" // I am a ROBOT. I WAS built to scare you.
				Target	w2_boss_title_relay
				Action	Trigger
		LastSpawnOutput	{
		Target wave_start_endurance_relay
		Action RunScriptCode
			ClientPrint(null,3,`*) Potassium in sight.`)
		Squad {
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Scatter_Blast
		ClassIcon	soldier_rocketrain_blast
		Health 15000
		Name "Sergeant Scatterslip"
		Item "Veterans Attire"
		Item "Potassium Bonnett"
		Item "Head Prize"
		Attributes UseBossHealthBar
		Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload
		ItemAttributes	{
			ItemName "Head Prize"
			"set item tint rgb" 15185211
		ItemAttributes	{
			"custom projectile model" "models\props_farm\scenes\bananana_peel.mdl"		
			"item style override" 1
			"is australium item" 1
			"add cond on hit" 126   // Slips, loses traction
			"add cond on hit duration" 5   
			"Blast radius increased" 1.5
			"Projectile speed increased" 0.66
			"add cond on hit" 126   // Slips, loses traction
			"add cond on hit duration" 5   
			"projectile lifetime" 15  
		ItemAttributes {
			"is_passive_weapon" 1
			"override projectile type"  3 // Grenade
			"damage penalty" 0.01
			"faster reload rate" -1
			"fire rate bonus" 0.2
			"clip size penalty" 4
			"fuse bonus"	621
			"grenade no bounce" 1
			"projectile lifetime" 15  
			"killstreak tier" 1
			"add cond on hit" 126   // Slips, loses traction
			"add cond on hit duration" 5   
			"custom projectile model" "models\props_farm\scenes\bananana_peel.mdl"		
			Target player
			Action $DisplayTextChat
			Param "{99CCFF}Sergeant Scatterslip {reset}: I am a ROBOT. I WAS built to scare you."
			Delay 1
			Cooldown 99999
			Repeats 0
		CharacterAttributes {
	//	"hidden maxhealth non buffed" 8000
		"move speed bonus" 0.5
		"max health additive bonus" 8000

		"damage bonus" 0.01 // it was a bluff. 
		"damage causes airblast" 1 // WEEEEEEE :3
	//	"apply z velocity on damage"	1200
	//	"apply look velocity on damage"	200
	//	"damage blast push" 25 // thanks PDA for telling me this
	//	"dmg taken increased" 0.05  // This was from Mo.
	//	"dmg from melee increased" 20 // Uhh.. it nerfs medic shield
	//	"dmg from ranged reduced" 20 // Why was this here if it doesn't jump? Err idk, tbh.
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickFix_BigHeal 
		Name "Medic is Useless in MvM" // STRING_JOKENAME
		ClassIcon medic_pop	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickFix_BigHeal ClassIcon medic_pop	}
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	erb3
		WaitForAllSpawned	erb2
		TotalCurrency	0
		TotalCount	2 // 3 // 6
		MaxActive	2
		SpawnCount	1 
		WaitBeforeStarting	45 // 60 // 40
		WaitBetweenSpawns	5
		Where	spawnbot_right
		RandomChoice {
		TFBot	{
		Template T_TFBot_Giant_Sniper_Piss //  T_TFBot_Giant_Scout_Shortstop	
		Name "Crazed Piss Thrower" // "Super Shortstop"
		Skill Expert
		Attributes AutoJump 
			AutoJumpMin 3
			AutoJumpMax 5
		TFBot	{
		Template T_TFBot_Giant_Sniper_Piss // T_TFBot_Giant_Scout_Shortstop	
		Name "Crazed Piss Thrower" // "Super Shortstop"
		Skill Expert
		Attributes AutoJump 
			AutoJumpMin 6
			AutoJumpMax 9
		TFBot	{
		Template T_TFBot_Giant_Sniper_Piss // T_TFBot_Giant_Scout_Shortstop	
		Name "Crazed Piss Thrower" // "Super Shortstop"
		Skill Expert
		Attributes AutoJump 
			AutoJumpMin 5
			AutoJumpMax 7
	} // Wave 2 Over
// WAVE 3/6 (666$)

	Wave	{
	WaitWhenDone	65
	Checkpoint	Yes
	InitWaveOutput	{
//		Target wave_init_relay // Don't do anything on this map

	Target gamerules
	Action RunScriptCode
		SetSkyboxTexture (`sky_nightfall_01`) // Thanks ficool2.
	//	ClientPrint(null,3,`Good luck. You will need it.`)
		ClientPrint(null,3,`Remind yourself, that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.`)
		EntFire(`nav_prefer_flank_right`, `Kill`)
		EntFire(`nav_prefer_flank_left`, `Kill`)
		EntFire(`func_upgradestation`, `enable`);
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_airblast_cray_lose_footing_duration`, 0); // No more airblast
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_airblast_cray_power`, 150);
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_bot_taunt_victim_chance`, 0);
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_bot_pyro_always_reflect`, 1);
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_bot_pyro_shove_away_range`, 1000); // This procs phlog

		EntFire(`bombpath_left`,`Trigger`,null,0.9) // 

			IncludeScript(`seel_ins.nut`, getroottable()) //S.I.N.S by Seelpit.
	StartWaveOutput	{
		Target	wave_start_endurance_relay
		Action	Trigger
	DoneOutput	{
		Target	wave_finished_relay
		Action	Trigger
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	sana1
		TotalCurrency 50
		TotalCount	5
		MaxActive	5
		SpawnCount	5
		WaitBeforeStarting	0
		WaitBetweenSpawns	8
		Where	spawnbot_left
		FirstSpawnWarningSound "vo\mvm\mght\soldier_mvm_m_dominationsoldier06.mp3" // You are a disgrace to the uniform!
		LastSpawnOutput	{
		Target wave_start_endurance_relay
		Action RunScriptCode
			ClientPrint(null,3,`*) Desperation and worry envelops all of you.`)
		Squad {
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Jumper_Burst	
		Name "Minor T_Template Mistake"
	//	Name "Giant Misinput" // STRING_JOKENAME
		Item "Ghastly Gibus"
		ItemAttributes {
			ItemName "Rocket Jumper" 
			"damage penalty" 0.01
			"add attributes on hit" "mod_maxhealth_drain_rate|10|5"  
		CharacterAttributes {
			"damage penalty" 0.01
			"dmg taken increased" 0.05  // This was from Mo.
			"dmg from melee increased" 20 // Uhh.. it nerfs medic shield
			"dmg from ranged reduced" 20
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Giant_Medic_QuickFix_Delayed
		Name "Giant Quick-Pop Medic"
		ClassIcon medic_pop_giant
	//	Scale 1.3
	//	Item "The Crone's Dome"
		Item "The Scariest Mask EVER"
		Item "The Puffed Practitioner"
				Target player
				Action $DisplayTextChat
			//	Param "{99CCFF}(TEAM)Giant Quick-Pop Medic{reset} : Using Megaheal in 5s."
				Param "{99CCFF}(TEAM)Giant Quick-Pop Medic{reset} : Using Megaheal in 5s."
				Delay 0.01
				Repeats 1
				IfHealthBelow 2500
		CharacterAttributes	{
        "bot medic uber health threshold" 2500 
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Airblast MaxVisionRange 450 Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon Name "Pyro"	ClassIcon scout_fast }
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Airblast MaxVisionRange 450 Name "Pyro"	ClassIcon heavy_mittens Attributes AlwaysCrit }
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Airblast MaxVisionRange 450 Name "Pyro"	ClassIcon pyro_ricochet_nys Attributes AlwaysCrit }
	WaveSpawn {
		WaitForAllDead sana2
		WaitBeforeStarting	0
		FirstSpawnWarningSound "vo/halloween_merasmus/hall2015_contractwin_06.mp3" // Outstanding, mortals!

	///// TANK 1 /////
	WaveSpawn	{
	Name	Santank1
	WaitForAllDead sana1
	TotalCurrency	10
	TotalCount	1					
	Where	spawnbot_boss		
	WaitBeforeStarting	3
	Support Limited
	FirstSpawnWarningSound "ambient/alarms/razortrain_horn1.wav"
	FirstSpawnOutput 	{	Target boss_spawn_relay	Action Trigger  }
	Tank	{
	Health	4000
	Name tankboss1
	ClassIcon tankspeed
	Speed	150 // 1m 45s on this map
	Skin 0
	StartingPathTrackNode	"boss_path_1"
	OnKilledOutput	{ Target	boss_dead_relay	Action Trigger	}
	OnBombDroppedOutput	{ Target	boss_deploy_relay	Action	Trigger	}
	WaveSpawn	{
	WaitForAllDead sana1
	WaitBeforeStarting 3
	FirstSpawnWarningSound "Announcer.MVM_Tank_Alert_Spawn"
	FirstSpawnOutput	{
		Target wave_start_relay
		Action RunScriptCode
		ClientPrint(null,3,`\x0799CCFFFast Tank with 4k HP inbound!`)
	WaveSpawn	{
	WaitForAllSpawned Santank1
	WaitBeforeStarting 4
	FirstSpawnOutput	{
		Target tankboss1
		Action "setSpeed"
        Param "150"
	///// TANK 1 OVER /////
	///// TANK 2 /////
	WaveSpawn	{
	Name	Santank2
	WaitForAllDead sana1
	TotalCurrency	20
	TotalCount	1					
	Where	spawnbot_boss		
	WaitBeforeStarting	5 // 18
	Support Limited
	FirstSpawnWarningSound "Announcer.MVM_Tank_Alert_Multiple"
	FirstSpawnOutput 	{	Target boss_spawn_relay	Action Trigger  }
	Tank	{
	Health	5000
	Name tankboss2
	ClassIcon tankspeed
	Speed	150 // 1m 45s on this map
	Skin 0
	StartingPathTrackNode	"boss_path_1"

	OnKilledOutput	{ Target	boss_dead_relay	Action Trigger	}
	OnBombDroppedOutput	{ Target	boss_deploy_relay	Action	Trigger	}
	WaveSpawn	{
	WaitForAllSpawned Santank2
	WaitBeforeStarting 0.05
	FirstSpawnOutput	{
		Target wave_start_relay
		Action RunScriptCode
		ClientPrint(null,3,`\x0799CCFFFast Tank with 5k HP inbound!`)

	WaveSpawn	{
	WaitForAllSpawned Santank2
	WaitBeforeStarting 4
	FirstSpawnOutput	{
		Target tankboss2
		Action "setSpeed"
        Param "150"
	///// TANK 2 OVER /////
	///// TANK 3 /////
	WaveSpawn	{
	Name	Santank3
	WaitForAllDead sana1
	TotalCurrency	20
	TotalCount	1					
	Where	spawnbot_boss		
	WaitBeforeStarting	7
	Support Limited
	FirstSpawnWarningSound "Announcer.MVM_Tank_Alert_Spawn"

	Tank	{
	Health	6000
	Name tankboss3
	ClassIcon tankspeed
	Speed	150 // 1m 45s on this map
	Skin 0
	StartingPathTrackNode	"boss_path_1"
	OnKilledOutput	{ Target	boss_dead_relay	Action Trigger	}
	OnBombDroppedOutput	{ Target	boss_deploy_relay	Action	Trigger	}
	WaveSpawn	{
	WaitForAllSpawned Santank3
	WaitBeforeStarting 0.05
	FirstSpawnOutput	{
		Target wave_start_relay
		Action RunScriptCode
		ClientPrint(null,3,`\x0799CCFFFast Tank with 6k HP inbound!`)
	WaveSpawn	{
	WaitForAllSpawned Santank3
	WaitBeforeStarting 4
	FirstSpawnOutput	{
		Target tankboss3
		Action "setSpeed"
        Param "150"
	///// TANK 3 OVER /////
	// 33 is such a weird number to divide
	// 21 + 12?
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	sanas
		TotalCurrency	0
		TotalCount	21
		MaxActive	14
		SpawnCount	3
		WaitBeforeStarting	6
		WaitBetweenSpawns	5
		Where	spawnbot_left // right
	//	Support Limited
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Laugh_Champ 
		Action Mobber  
		Name "Cuddly Champs" Health 66	Attributes AlwaysCrit }
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	sanas
		TotalCurrency	0
		TotalCount	32
		MaxActive	6
		SpawnCount	6
		WaitBeforeStarting	6
		WaitBetweenSpawns	10
		Where	spawnbot_left // right
	//	Support Limited
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Laugh_Champ 
		Action Mobber 
		Name "Cuddly Champs" Health 66	Attributes AlwaysCrit }
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	san_SuperJumprolling_Birb1
		TotalCurrency	0
		TotalCount	2
		MaxActive	2 
		SpawnCount	1
		WaitForAllDead sana1
		WaitBeforeStarting	20 // 30
		WaitBetweenSpawns	6
		Where	spawnbot_left
	//	Support Limited
		TFBot	{
		Template T_TFBot_Scout_Quick
		Attributes IgnoreEnemies
		Name "Birds of a Feather" // STRING_JOKENAME
	//	TFBot	{
	//	Template T_TFBot_Scout_Quick
	//	Name "Flock Together"
	//	Name "Birds of a Feather"
	// }
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	san_SuperJumprolling_Birb2
		TotalCurrency	0
		TotalCount	6
		MaxActive	3 
		SpawnCount	1
		WaitForAllDead sana1
		WaitBeforeStarting	32 // 30
		WaitBetweenSpawns	6
		Where	spawnbot_left
	//	Support Limited
		RandomChoice {
		TFBot	{ Template T_TFBot_Scout_Quick Attributes IgnoreEnemies }
		TFBot	{ Template T_TFBot_Scout_Quick Attributes IgnoreEnemies }
		TFBot	{ Template T_Scout Name "Nimble Scout" ClassIcon scout_fast 
		Item "Unarmed Combat" WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly	
		Item "Batter's Beak"	Item "Fowl Fists"	Item "Talon Trotters" Attributes IgnoreEnemies }
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	sanas
		WaitForAllDead Santank3
		TotalCurrency	0
		TotalCount	30
		MaxActive	6
		SpawnCount	2
		WaitBeforeStarting	15
		WaitBetweenSpawns	1
		Where	spawnbot_right
		RandomChoice {
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Laugh_Champ Action Mobber Name "Cuddly Champs" Health 30 Attributes AlwaysCrit }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Laugh_Champ Action Mobber Name "Cuddly Champs" Health 30 Attributes AlwaysCrit }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Laugh_Champ Name "Cuddly Champs" Health 30 Attributes AlwaysCrit }
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	sana2
		TotalCurrency	50
		TotalCount	1
		MaxActive	1
		SpawnCount	1
		WaitForAllDead Santank3
		WaitBeforeStarting	5 
		WaitBetweenSpawns	6
	//	FirstSpawnWarningSound "vo/mvm/mght/heavy_mvm_m_yell7" // Time to hide cowards!
	//	FirstSpawnWarningSound "vo/mvm/mght/heavy_mvm_m_domination18" // Killing you is full time job, now!
		FirstSpawnWarningSound "vo/mvm/mght/heavy_mvm_m_domination13" // I promise you, pain without end.
		Where	spawnbot_left
		Target	wave_start_relay
				Action	RunScriptCode
		RandomChoice {
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavy_AA_Enrage 
		ChangeAttributes   // Default
			Delay 0 // 4
			Cooldown 20
			Repeats 0
			Name "Disengage" 
		ChangeAttributes   // I saw something! Must.. wabada them all.
			Delay 1
			Repeats 0
			Cooldown 10
			IfSeeTarget 1
			Name "InCombat"
		ChangeAttributes   // Quick. Must deliver the intel! 
			Delay 0.01 
			Repeats 0
			IfSeeTarget 0
			Name "Disengage"
			IfHealthBelow 3000
		FireInput   // New Threat message
				Target player
				Action $DisplayTextChat
				Param "{99CCFF}Giant Assault-Cannon Heavy{reset}: I promise you, pain without end."
				Delay 0.05
				Cooldown 99999
				Repeats 0
				IfHealthBelow 16000
		FireInput   // New Threat message
				Target player
				Action $DisplayTextChat
				Param "{99CCFF}Giant Assault-Cannon Heavy{reset}: Da, You ARE stuck in this wave, with me!"
				Delay 4 // 5
				Cooldown 99999
				Repeats 0
				IfHealthBelow 16000
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavy_AA_Enrage 
		ChangeAttributes   // Default
			Delay 0 // 4
			Cooldown 20
			Repeats 0
			Name "Disengage" 
		ChangeAttributes   // I saw something! Must.. wabada them all.
			Delay 1
			Repeats 0
			Cooldown 10
			IfSeeTarget 1
			Name "InCombat"
		ChangeAttributes   // Quick. Must deliver the intel! 
			Delay 0.01 
			Repeats 0
			IfSeeTarget 0
			Name "Disengage"
			IfHealthBelow 3000
		FireInput   // New Threat message
				Target player
				Action $DisplayTextChat
				Param "{99CCFF}Giant Assault-Cannon Heavy{reset}: I promise you, pain without end."
				Delay 0.05
				Cooldown 99999
				Repeats 0
				IfHealthBelow 16000
		FireInput   // New Threat message
				Target player
				Action $DisplayTextChat
				Param "{99CCFF}Giant Assault-Cannon Heavy{reset}: Da, You ARE stuck in this wave, with me!"
				Delay 4 // 5
				Cooldown 99999
				Repeats 0
				IfHealthBelow 16000
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavy_AA_Enrage 
		ChangeAttributes   // Default
			Delay 0 // 4
			Cooldown 20
			Repeats 0
			Name "Disengage" 
		ChangeAttributes   // I saw something! Must.. wabada them all.
			Delay 1
			Repeats 0
			Cooldown 10
			IfSeeTarget 1
			Name "InCombat"
		ChangeAttributes   // Quick. Must deliver the intel! 
			Delay 0.01 
			Repeats 0
			IfSeeTarget 0
			Name "Disengage"
			IfHealthBelow 3000
		FireInput   // New Threat message
				Target player
				Action $DisplayTextChat
				Param "{99CCFF}Giant Assault-Cannon Heavy{reset}: I promise you, pain without end."
				Delay 0.05
				Cooldown 99999
				Repeats 0
				IfHealthBelow 16000
		FireInput   // New Threat message
				Target player
				Action $DisplayTextChat
				Param "{99CCFF}Giant Assault-Cannon Heavy{reset}: Da, You ARE stuck in this wave, with me!"
				Delay 4 // 5
				Cooldown 99999
				Repeats 0
				IfHealthBelow 16000
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavy_AA_Enrage 
		ChangeAttributes   // Default
			Delay 0 // 4
			Cooldown 20
			Repeats 0
			Name "Disengage" 
		ChangeAttributes   // I saw something! Must.. wabada them all.
			Delay 1
			Repeats 0
			Cooldown 10
			IfSeeTarget 1
			Name "InCombat"
		ChangeAttributes   // Quick. Must deliver the intel! 
			Delay 0.01 
			Repeats 0
			IfSeeTarget 0
			Name "Disengage"
			IfHealthBelow 3000
		FireInput   // New Threat message
				Target player
				Action $DisplayTextChat
				Param "{99CCFF}Giant Assault-Cannon Heavy{reset}: I promise you, pain without end."
				Delay 0.05
				Cooldown 99999
				Repeats 0
				IfHealthBelow 16000
		FireInput   // New Threat message
				Target player
				Action $DisplayTextChat
				Param "{99CCFF}Giant Assault-Cannon Heavy{reset}: Da, You ARE stuck in this wave, with me!"
				Delay 4 // 5
				Cooldown 99999
				Repeats 0
				IfHealthBelow 16000
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavy_AA_Enrage 
		ChangeAttributes   // Default
			Delay 0 // 4
			Cooldown 20
			Repeats 0
			Name "Disengage" 
		ChangeAttributes   // I saw something! Must.. wabada them all.
			Delay 1
			Repeats 0
			Cooldown 10
			IfSeeTarget 1
			Name "InCombat"
		ChangeAttributes   // Quick. Must deliver the intel! 
			Delay 0.01 
			Repeats 0
			IfSeeTarget 0
			Name "Disengage"
			IfHealthBelow 3000
		FireInput   // New Threat message
				Target player
				Action $DisplayTextChat
				Param "{99CCFF}Giant Assault-Cannon Heavy{reset}: I promise you, pain without end."
				Delay 0.05
				Cooldown 99999
				Repeats 0
				IfHealthBelow 16000
		FireInput   // New Threat message
				Target player
				Action $DisplayTextChat
				Param "{99CCFF}Giant Assault-Cannon Heavy{reset}: Da, You ARE stuck in this wave, with me!"
				Delay 4 // 5
				Cooldown 99999
				Repeats 0
				IfHealthBelow 16000
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavy_AA_Enrage 
		ChangeAttributes   // Default
			Delay 0 // 4
			Cooldown 20
			Repeats 0
			Name "Disengage" 
		ChangeAttributes   // I saw something! Must.. wabada them all.
			Delay 1
			Repeats 0
			Cooldown 10
			IfSeeTarget 1
			Name "InCombat"
		ChangeAttributes   // Quick. Must deliver the intel! 
			Delay 0.01 
			Repeats 0
			IfSeeTarget 0
			Name "Disengage"
			IfHealthBelow 3000
		FireInput   // New Threat message
				Target player
				Action $DisplayTextChat
				Param "{99CCFF}Giant Assault-Cannon Heavy{reset}: I promise you, pain without end."
				Delay 0.05
				Cooldown 99999
				Repeats 0
				IfHealthBelow 16000
		FireInput   // New Threat message
				Target player
				Action $DisplayTextChat
				Param "{99CCFF}Giant Assault-Cannon Heavy{reset}: Da, You ARE stuck in this wave, with me!"
				Delay 4 // 5
				Cooldown 99999
				Repeats 0
				IfHealthBelow 16000
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavy_AA_Enrage 
		ChangeAttributes   // Default
			Delay 0 // 4
			Cooldown 20
			Repeats 0
			Name "Disengage" 
		ChangeAttributes   // I saw something! Must.. wabada them all.
			Delay 1
			Repeats 0
			Cooldown 10
			IfSeeTarget 1
			Name "InCombat"
		ChangeAttributes   // Quick. Must deliver the intel! 
			Delay 0.01 
			Repeats 0
			IfSeeTarget 0
			Name "Disengage"
			IfHealthBelow 3000
		FireInput   // New Threat message
				Target player
				Action $DisplayTextChat
				Param "{99CCFF}Giant Assault-Cannon Heavy{reset}: I promise you, pain without end."
				Delay 0.05
				Cooldown 99999
				Repeats 0
				IfHealthBelow 16000
		FireInput   // New Threat message
				Target player
				Action $DisplayTextChat
				Param "{99CCFF}Giant Assault-Cannon Heavy{reset}: Da, You ARE stuck in this wave, with me!"
				Delay 4 // 5
				Cooldown 99999
				Repeats 0
				IfHealthBelow 16000
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavy_AA_Enrage 
		ChangeAttributes   // Default
			Delay 0 // 4
			Cooldown 20
			Repeats 0
			Name "Disengage" 
		ChangeAttributes   // I saw something! Must.. wabada them all.
			Delay 1
			Repeats 0
			Cooldown 10
			IfSeeTarget 1
			Name "InCombat"
		ChangeAttributes   // Quick. Must deliver the intel! 
			Delay 0.01 
			Repeats 0
			IfSeeTarget 0
			Name "Disengage"
			IfHealthBelow 3000
		FireInput   // New Threat message
				Target player
				Action $DisplayTextChat
				Param "{99CCFF}Giant Assault-Cannon Heavy{reset}: I promise you, pain without end."
				Delay 0.05
				Cooldown 99999
				Repeats 0
				IfHealthBelow 16000
		FireInput   // New Threat message
				Target player
				Action $DisplayTextChat
				Param "{99CCFF}Giant Assault-Cannon Heavy{reset}: Da, You ARE stuck in this wave, with me!"
				Delay 4 // 5
				Cooldown 99999
				Repeats 0
				IfHealthBelow 16000
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavy_AA_Enrage 
		ChangeAttributes   // Default
			Delay 0 // 4
			Cooldown 20
			Repeats 0
			Name "Disengage" 
		ChangeAttributes   // I saw something! Must.. wabada them all.
			Delay 1
			Repeats 0
			Cooldown 10
			IfSeeTarget 1
			Name "InCombat"
		ChangeAttributes   // Quick. Must deliver the intel! 
			Delay 0.01 
			Repeats 0
			IfSeeTarget 0
			Name "Disengage"
			IfHealthBelow 3000
		FireInput   // New Threat message
				Target player
				Action $DisplayTextChat
				Param "{99CCFF}Giant Assault-Cannon Heavy{reset}: I promise you, pain without end."
				Delay 0.05
				Cooldown 99999
				Repeats 0
				IfHealthBelow 16000
		FireInput   // New Threat message
				Target player
				Action $DisplayTextChat
				Param "{99CCFF}Giant Assault-Cannon Heavy{reset}: Da, You ARE stuck in this wave, with me!"
				Delay 4 // 5
				Cooldown 99999
				Repeats 0
				IfHealthBelow 16000
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavy_AA_Enrage 
		ChangeAttributes   // Default
			Delay 0 // 4
			Cooldown 20
			Repeats 0
			Name "Disengage" 
		ChangeAttributes   // I saw something! Must.. wabada them all.
			Delay 1
			Repeats 0
			Cooldown 10
			IfSeeTarget 1
			Name "InCombat"
		ChangeAttributes   // Quick. Must deliver the intel! 
			Delay 0.01 
			Repeats 0
			IfSeeTarget 0
			Name "Disengage"
			IfHealthBelow 3000
		FireInput   // New Threat message
				Target player
				Action $DisplayTextChat
				Param "{99CCFF}Giant Assault-Cannon Heavy{reset}: I promise you, pain without end."
				Delay 0.05
				Cooldown 99999
				Repeats 0
				IfHealthBelow 16000
		FireInput   // New Threat message
				Target player
				Action $DisplayTextChat
				Param "{99CCFF}Giant Assault-Cannon Heavy{reset}: Da, You ARE stuck in this wave, with me!"
				Delay 4 // 5
				Cooldown 99999
				Repeats 0
				IfHealthBelow 16000
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavy_AA_Enrage 
		ChangeAttributes   // Default
			Delay 0 // 4
			Cooldown 20
			Repeats 0
			Name "Disengage" 
		ChangeAttributes   // I saw something! Must.. wabada them all.
			Delay 1
			Repeats 0
			Cooldown 10
			IfSeeTarget 1
			Name "InCombat"
		ChangeAttributes   // Quick. Must deliver the intel! 
			Delay 0.01 
			Repeats 0
			IfSeeTarget 0
			Name "Disengage"
			IfHealthBelow 3000
		FireInput   // New Threat message
				Target player
				Action $DisplayTextChat
				Param "{99CCFF}Giant Assault-Cannon Heavy{reset}: I promise you, pain without end."
				Delay 0.05
				Cooldown 99999
				Repeats 0
				IfHealthBelow 16000
		FireInput   // New Threat message
				Target player
				Action $DisplayTextChat
				Param "{99CCFF}Giant Assault-Cannon Heavy{reset}: Da, You ARE stuck in this wave, with me!"
				Delay 4 // 5
				Cooldown 99999
				Repeats 0
				IfHealthBelow 16000
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavy_AA_Enrage 
		ChangeAttributes   // Default
			Delay 0 // 4
			Cooldown 20
			Repeats 0
			Name "Disengage" 
		ChangeAttributes   // I saw something! Must.. wabada them all.
			Delay 1
			Repeats 0
			Cooldown 10
			IfSeeTarget 1
			Name "InCombat"
		ChangeAttributes   // Quick. Must deliver the intel! 
			Delay 0.01 
			Repeats 0
			IfSeeTarget 0
			Name "Disengage"
			IfHealthBelow 3000
		FireInput   // New Threat message
				Target player
				Action $DisplayTextChat
				Param "{99CCFF}Giant Assault-Cannon Heavy{reset}: I promise you, pain without end."
				Delay 0.05
				Cooldown 99999
				Repeats 0
				IfHealthBelow 16000
		FireInput   // New Threat message
				Target player
				Action $DisplayTextChat
				Param "{99CCFF}Giant Assault-Cannon Heavy{reset}: Da, You ARE stuck in this wave, with me!"
				Delay 4 // 5
				Cooldown 99999
				Repeats 0
				IfHealthBelow 16000
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavy_AA_Enrage 
		ChangeAttributes   // Default
			Delay 0 // 4
			Cooldown 20
			Repeats 0
			Name "Disengage" 
		ChangeAttributes   // I saw something! Must.. wabada them all.
			Delay 1
			Repeats 0
			Cooldown 10
			IfSeeTarget 1
			Name "InCombat"
		ChangeAttributes   // Quick. Must deliver the intel! 
			Delay 0.01 
			Repeats 0
			IfSeeTarget 0
			Name "Disengage"
			IfHealthBelow 3000
		FireInput   // New Threat message
				Target player
				Action $DisplayTextChat
				Param "{99CCFF}Giant Assault-Cannon Heavy{reset}: I promise you, pain without end."
				Delay 0.05
				Cooldown 99999
				Repeats 0
				IfHealthBelow 16000
		FireInput   // New Threat message
				Target player
				Action $DisplayTextChat
				Param "{99CCFF}Giant Assault-Cannon Heavy{reset}: Da, You ARE stuck in this wave, with me!"
				Delay 4 // 5
				Cooldown 99999
				Repeats 0
				IfHealthBelow 16000
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavy_AA_Enrage 
		ChangeAttributes   // Default
			Delay 0 // 4
			Cooldown 20
			Repeats 0
			Name "Disengage" 
		ChangeAttributes   // I saw something! Must.. wabada them all.
			Delay 1
			Repeats 0
			Cooldown 10
			IfSeeTarget 1
			Name "InCombat"
		ChangeAttributes   // Quick. Must deliver the intel! 
			Delay 0.01 
			Repeats 0
			IfSeeTarget 0
			Name "Disengage"
			IfHealthBelow 3000
		FireInput   // New Threat message
				Target player
				Action $DisplayTextChat
				Param "{99CCFF}Giant Assault-Cannon Heavy{reset}: I promise you, pain without end."
				Delay 0.05
				Cooldown 99999
				Repeats 0
				IfHealthBelow 16000
		FireInput   // New Threat message
				Target player
				Action $DisplayTextChat
				Param "{99CCFF}Giant Assault-Cannon Heavy{reset}: Da, You ARE stuck in this wave, with me!"
				Delay 4 // 5
				Cooldown 99999
				Repeats 0
				IfHealthBelow 16000
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavy_AA_Enrage 
		ChangeAttributes   // Default
			Delay 0 // 4
			Cooldown 20
			Repeats 0
			Name "Disengage" 
		ChangeAttributes   // I saw something! Must.. wabada them all.
			Delay 1
			Repeats 0
			Cooldown 10
			IfSeeTarget 1
			Name "InCombat"
		ChangeAttributes   // Quick. Must deliver the intel! 
			Delay 0.01 
			Repeats 0
			IfSeeTarget 0
			Name "Disengage"
			IfHealthBelow 3000
		FireInput   // New Threat message
				Target player
				Action $DisplayTextChat
				Param "{99CCFF}Giant Assault-Cannon Heavy{reset}: I promise you, pain without end."
				Delay 0.05
				Cooldown 99999
				Repeats 0
				IfHealthBelow 16000
		FireInput   // New Threat message
				Target player
				Action $DisplayTextChat
				Param "{99CCFF}Giant Assault-Cannon Heavy{reset}: Da, You ARE stuck in this wave, with me!"
				Delay 4 // 5
				Cooldown 99999
				Repeats 0
				IfHealthBelow 16000
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavy_AA_Enrage 
		ChangeAttributes   // Default
			Delay 0 // 4
			Cooldown 20
			Repeats 0
			Name "Disengage" 
		ChangeAttributes   // I saw something! Must.. wabada them all.
			Delay 1
			Repeats 0
			Cooldown 10
			IfSeeTarget 1
			Name "InCombat"
		ChangeAttributes   // Quick. Must deliver the intel! 
			Delay 0.01 
			Repeats 0
			IfSeeTarget 0
			Name "Disengage"
			IfHealthBelow 3000
		FireInput   // New Threat message
				Target player
				Action $DisplayTextChat
				Param "{99CCFF}Giant Assault-Cannon Heavy{reset}: I promise you, pain without end."
				Delay 0.05
				Cooldown 99999
				Repeats 0
				IfHealthBelow 16000
		FireInput   // New Threat message
				Target player
				Action $DisplayTextChat
				Param "{99CCFF}Giant Assault-Cannon Heavy{reset}: Da, You ARE stuck in this wave, with me!"
				Delay 4 // 5
				Cooldown 99999
				Repeats 0
				IfHealthBelow 16000
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavy_AA_Enrage 
		ChangeAttributes   // Default
			Delay 0 // 4
			Cooldown 20
			Repeats 0
			Name "Disengage" 
		ChangeAttributes   // I saw something! Must.. wabada them all.
			Delay 1
			Repeats 0
			Cooldown 10
			IfSeeTarget 1
			Name "InCombat"
		ChangeAttributes   // Quick. Must deliver the intel! 
			Delay 0.01 
			Repeats 0
			IfSeeTarget 0
			Name "Disengage"
			IfHealthBelow 3000
		FireInput   // New Threat message
				Target player
				Action $DisplayTextChat
				Param "{99CCFF}Giant Assault-Cannon Heavy{reset}: I promise you, pain without end."
				Delay 0.05
				Cooldown 99999
				Repeats 0
				IfHealthBelow 16000
		FireInput   // New Threat message
				Target player
				Action $DisplayTextChat
				Param "{99CCFF}Giant Assault-Cannon Heavy{reset}: Da, You ARE stuck in this wave, with me!"
				Delay 4 // 5
				Cooldown 99999
				Repeats 0
				IfHealthBelow 16000
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavy_AA_Enrage 
		ChangeAttributes   // Default
			Delay 0 // 4
			Cooldown 20
			Repeats 0
			Name "Disengage" 
		ChangeAttributes   // I saw something! Must.. wabada them all.
			Delay 1
			Repeats 0
			Cooldown 10
			IfSeeTarget 1
			Name "InCombat"
		ChangeAttributes   // Quick. Must deliver the intel! 
			Delay 0.01 
			Repeats 0
			IfSeeTarget 0
			Name "Disengage"
			IfHealthBelow 3000
		FireInput   // New Threat message
				Target player
				Action $DisplayTextChat
				Param "{99CCFF}Giant Assault-Cannon Heavy{reset}: I promise you, pain without end."
				Delay 0.05
				Cooldown 99999
				Repeats 0
				IfHealthBelow 16000
		FireInput   // New Threat message
				Target player
				Action $DisplayTextChat
				Param "{99CCFF}Giant Assault-Cannon Heavy{reset}: Da, You ARE stuck in this wave, with me!"
				Delay 4 // 5
				Cooldown 99999
				Repeats 0
				IfHealthBelow 16000
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavy_AA_Enrage 
		ChangeAttributes   // Default
			Delay 0 // 4
			Cooldown 20
			Repeats 0
			Name "Disengage" 
		ChangeAttributes   // I saw something! Must.. wabada them all.
			Delay 1
			Repeats 0
			Cooldown 10
			IfSeeTarget 1
			Name "InCombat"
		ChangeAttributes   // Quick. Must deliver the intel! 
			Delay 0.01 
			Repeats 0
			IfSeeTarget 0
			Name "Disengage"
			IfHealthBelow 3000
		FireInput   // New Threat message
				Target player
				Action $DisplayTextChat
				Param "{99CCFF}Giant Assault-Cannon Heavy{reset}: I promise you, pain without end."
				Delay 0.05
				Cooldown 99999
				Repeats 0
				IfHealthBelow 16000
		FireInput   // New Threat message
				Target player
				Action $DisplayTextChat
				Param "{99CCFF}Giant Assault-Cannon Heavy{reset}: Da, You ARE stuck in this wave, with me!"
				Delay 4 // 5
				Cooldown 99999
				Repeats 0
				IfHealthBelow 16000
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavy_AA_Enrage_Owo Name "Giant Assauwult-Cannon Heavy" 
		ChangeAttributes   // Default
			Delay 0 // 4
			Cooldown 20
			Repeats 0
			Name "Disengage" 
		FireInput   // New Threat message
				Target player
				Action $DisplayTextChat
				Param "{99CCFF}Giant Assault-Cannon Heavy{reset}: I promise to umm.. send you hugs?"
				Delay 2
				Cooldown 99999
				Repeats 0
				IfHealthBelow 16000
		FireInput   // New Threat message
				Target player
				Action $DisplayTextChat
				Param "{99CCFF}Giant Assault-Cannon Heavy{reset}: I forgot my line." // Was it to help you lowmann?"
				Delay 5
				Cooldown 99999
				Repeats 0
				IfHealthBelow 16000
			}  // he uhh forgor his intro
		Target	wave_start_relay
				Action	RunScriptCode
		Target	wave_start_relay
				Action	RunScriptCode
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	sanb2s
		TotalCurrency	0
		TotalCount	32 // 32
		MaxActive	8
		SpawnCount	4
		WaitForAllDead sana1
		WaitBeforeStarting	45
		WaitBetweenSpawns	2
		Support Limited
		Where spawnbot_right
		RandomChoice {
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Bison
		ClassIcon soldier_bison_spammer // _hyper
	//	Name "Bi-Thoughts Inducing Rays" // STRING_JOKENAME
		Name "Bi-Son Soldier"
		Skill Easy
	//	Attributes AlwaysCrit
		ItemAttributes {
		ItemName "The Righteous Bison"
		"damage bonus" 4
		//	"set item tint RGB" 16738740 // Pink
		"set item tint RGB" 14025328 // Pink-ish
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Bison
		ClassIcon soldier_bison_spammer // _hyper
	//	Name "Bi-Thoughts Inducing Rays" // STRING_JOKENAME
		Name "Bi-Son Soldier"
		Skill Hard
	//	Attributes AlwaysCrit
		ItemAttributes {
		ItemName "The Righteous Bison"
		"damage bonus" 4
		//	"set item tint RGB" 5801378 // Blue
		"set item tint RGB" 14504 // Dark Blue
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Bison
		Skill Hard
		ClassIcon soldier_bison_spammer // _hyper
	//	Name "Bi-Thoughts Inducing Rays" // STRING_JOKENAME
		Name "Bi-Son Soldier"
	//	Attributes AlwaysCrit
		ItemAttributes {
		ItemName "The Righteous Bison"
		"damage bonus" 4
		//	"set item tint RGB" 8208497 // Purple
		"set item tint RGB" 10178454 // Pale Purple-ish?
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	sanb1
		TotalCurrency	60
		TotalCount	2
		MaxActive	2
		SpawnCount	2
		WaitForAllDead Santank3
		WaitBeforeStarting	32
		WaitBetweenSpawns	6
		Where	spawnbot_left
		Squad {
		TFBot {		Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Push_RapidFire	
		Name "Giant Red Glare Soldier"
		ClassIcon	 soldier_burstfire_hyper_lite
	//	Name "Medic Obliterator Device" // STRING_JOKENAME
		ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName "The Liberty Launcher"
		"damage bonus" 0.7
		"Projectile speed increased" 1.8
		"fire rate bonus" 0.5
		"Reload time increased" 4 //10s reload
		"projectile gravity" 350  
		"mark for death" 1
		"add cond on hit" 80   // Forced to parachute 
		"add cond on hit duration" 5   
		CharacterAttributes {
		"mod mini-crit airborne" 1
		"minicrits become crits" 1
		"apply z velocity on damage"	500
		"apply look velocity on damage" -200
		TFBot	{	Template T_TFBot_Medic_Uber_Quick Name "Quick-Uber Medic" }
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	sanb1s
		TotalCurrency	27
		TotalCount	9
		MaxActive 9
		SpawnCount 3
		WaitForAllDead Santank3
		WaitBeforeStarting	10
		WaitBetweenSpawns	4
		Where	spawnbot_left
		Where	spawnbot_right
		RandomChoice { 
		TFBot { Template T_Pyro Name "Frontburn Pyro" Skill Easy Attributes AlwaysCrit 
		ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER" "flame_speed" 1750 }
		Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon ClassIcon pyro_ricochet_nys }
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Backburn Name	"Backburn Pyro" ClassIcon pyro_ricochet_nys }
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Backburn_Hyper Name "Coyoticburn Pyro" ClassIcon pyro_ricochet_nys }
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Volcanic  Name "Volcanic Pyro" ClassIcon pyro_ricochet_nys }
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	sanb2
		TotalCurrency	60
		TotalCount	2
		MaxActive	2
		SpawnCount	2
		WaitForAllSpawned sanb1
		WaitBeforeStarting	22 // 32
		WaitBetweenSpawns	6
		Where	spawnbot_left
		Squad {
		TFBot {		Template T_TFBot_Giant_Pyro_Airblast_Hyper
	//	ClassIcon	pyro_reflect_daan
		ClassIcon pyro_deflector_floro
	//	ClassIcon pyro_reflect_hyper_lite 
		Name "Giant Bazinga Pyro"
		ExtAttr AlwaysFireWeaponAlt  
		ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName  "Powerhouse_flamethrower_turbinetorcher"
		"damage bonus" 0.1			
		"airblast_destroy_projectile" 1
		TFBot	{	Template T_TFBot_Medic_Uber_Quick }
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	sanb1s
		TotalCurrency	0
		TotalCount	20
		MaxActive 6
		SpawnCount 3
		WaitForAllSpawned sana2
		WaitBeforeStarting	30
		WaitBetweenSpawns	4
		Where	spawnbot_boss
		Where	spawnbot_right
		Support Limited
		RandomChoice { 
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Bowman_Nerfed ClassIcon sniper_bow_bleed3 Attributes AlwaysCrit }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Bowman_Nerfed ClassIcon sniper_bow_bleed3 Attributes AlwaysCrit }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Bowman_Nerfed ClassIcon sniper_bow_bleed3 Attributes AlwaysCrit }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Bowman_Nerfed ClassIcon sniper_bow_bleed3 Attributes AlwaysCrit }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Bowman_Nerfed ClassIcon sniper_bow_bleed3 Attributes AlwaysCrit }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Bowman_Nerfed ClassIcon sniper_bow_bleed3 Attributes AlwaysCrit }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Bowman_Nerfed ClassIcon sniper_bow_bleed3 Attributes AlwaysCrit }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Bowman_Nerfed ClassIcon sniper_bow_bleed3 Attributes AlwaysCrit }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Bowman_Nerfed ClassIcon sniper_bow_bleed3 Attributes AlwaysCrit }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Bowman_Nerfed ClassIcon sniper_bow_bleed3 Attributes AlwaysCrit }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Bowman_Nerfed ClassIcon sniper_bow_bleed3 Attributes AlwaysCrit }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Bowman_Nerfed ClassIcon sniper_bow_bleed3 Attributes AlwaysCrit }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Bowman_Nerfed ClassIcon sniper_bow_bleed3 Attributes AlwaysCrit }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Bowman_Nerfed ClassIcon sniper_bow_bleed3 Attributes AlwaysCrit }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Bowman_Nerfed ClassIcon sniper_bow_bleed3 Attributes AlwaysCrit }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Bowman_Nerfed ClassIcon sniper_bow_bleed3 Attributes AlwaysCrit }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Bowman_Nerfed ClassIcon sniper_bow_bleed3 Attributes AlwaysCrit }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Bowman_Nerfed ClassIcon sniper_bow_bleed3 Attributes AlwaysCrit }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Bowman_Nerfed ClassIcon sniper_bow_bleed3 Attributes AlwaysCrit }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Bowman_Bleed ClassIcon sniper_bow_bleed3 Attributes AlwaysCrit }
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	sanb3
		TotalCurrency	60
		TotalCount	4
		MaxActive	4
		SpawnCount	2
		WaitForAllSpawned sanb2
		WaitBeforeStarting	22 // 32
		WaitBetweenSpawns	15 // 18
		Where	spawnbot_left
		Target	wave_start_relay
				Action	RunScriptCode
				Param	"
		Squad {
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Giant_Pyro_Deflector
		//ClassIcon	pyro_reflect_daan
		//ClassIcon pyro_deflector_sif
		ClassIcon pyro_deflector_floro
		Name "Giant Deflector Pyro"
		ExtAttr AlwaysFireWeaponAlt  
		CharacterAttributes {
		"minicrits become crits" 1
		"mult airblast refire time" 1.5
		TFBot {
	//	Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Push_RapidFire
		Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Burst_Hyper
	//	Name "Giant Rapid Blast Soldier"
		ClassIcon	 soldier_burstfire_hyper_lite
		CharacterAttributes {
		"minicrits become crits" 1
		"damage causes airblast" 0
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	sanb2s
		TotalCurrency	0
		TotalCount	32 // 32
		MaxActive 8
		SpawnCount	4
		WaitForAllSpawned sanb1
		WaitBeforeStarting	45
		WaitBetweenSpawns	2
		Support Limited
		Where spawnbot_right
		RandomChoice {
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Bison
		ClassIcon soldier_bison_spammer // _hyper
	//	Name "Bi-Thoughts Inducing Rays" // STRING_JOKENAME
		Name "Bi-Son Soldier"
		Skill Easy
	//	Attributes AlwaysCrit
		ItemAttributes {
		ItemName "The Righteous Bison"
		"damage bonus" 4
		//	"set item tint RGB" 16738740 // Pink
		"set item tint RGB" 14025328 // Pink-ish
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Bison
		ClassIcon soldier_bison_spammer // _hyper
	//	Name "Bi-Thoughts Inducing Rays" // STRING_JOKENAME
		Name "Bi-Son Soldier"
		Skill Hard
	//	Attributes AlwaysCrit
		ItemAttributes {
		ItemName "The Righteous Bison"
		"damage bonus" 4
		//	"set item tint RGB" 5801378 // Blue
		"set item tint RGB" 14504 // Dark Blue
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Bison
		Skill Hard
		ClassIcon soldier_bison_spammer // _hyper
	//	Name "Bi-Thoughts Inducing Rays" // STRING_JOKENAME
		Name "Bi-Son Soldier"
	//	Attributes AlwaysCrit
		ItemAttributes {
		ItemName "The Righteous Bison"
		"damage bonus" 4
		//	"set item tint RGB" 8208497 // Purple
		"set item tint RGB" 10178454 // Pale Purple-ish?
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	sanb1s
		TotalCurrency	54
		TotalCount	18
		MaxActive 6
		SpawnCount 3
		WaitForAllSpawned sanb1
		WaitBeforeStarting	40 // 32
		WaitBetweenSpawns	6 // 4
		Where	spawnbot_left
		Where	spawnbot_right
		RandomChoice { 
		TFBot { Template T_Pyro Name "Frontburn Pyro" Skill Easy Attributes AlwaysCrit 
		ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER" "flame_speed" 1750 }
		Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon ClassIcon pyro_ricochet_nys }
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Backburn Name	"Backburn Pyro" ClassIcon pyro_ricochet_nys }
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Pyro__FlameDrag Name	"Ricochet Pyro" ClassIcon pyro_ricochet_nys }
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Pyro__FlameDrag Name	"Ricochet Pyro" ClassIcon pyro_ricochet_nys }
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Backburn_Hyper Name "Coyoticburn Pyro" ClassIcon pyro_ricochet_nys }
	//	TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Volcanic  Name "Volcanic Pyro" ClassIcon pyro_ricochet_nys }
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	sanb1s
		TotalCurrency	0
		TotalCount	621
		MaxActive	8
		SpawnCount	4
		WaitForAllSpawned sanb3
		WaitBeforeStarting	45
		WaitBetweenSpawns	6
		Where	spawnbot_left
		Where	spawnbot_right
		Support Limited
		RandomChoice { 
		TFBot { Template T_Scout Skill Easy Name "Ext. Scout" WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly 
		Item "Batsaber" 
		Item "The Cross-comm Express" 
		Item	"Biomech Backpack" 
		ClassIcon banner_buff_conch
		CharacterAttributes	{
		"damage bonus"	1.35
		"mod weapon blocks healing" 1
		"speed_boost_on_kill" 6
		"ragdolls become ash" 0 // incinerate
		"turn to gold"	1	 // gold!
		"set item tint rgb" 15185211 // aussie gold
		"mark for death"	1
		TFBot { Template T_Pyro  Skill Easy Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon Name "Dominant Toaster" Attributes SpawnWithFullCharge 
		Item	"Head Prize"	Item	"Bread Biter" Item	"Loaf Loafers" Item	 "The Buff Banner"
		CharacterAttributes	{ "deploy time increased" .5 "increase buff duration"	9.0 }
		ClassIcon banner_buff_conch }
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Airblast_Reversed Skill Easy Name "Speedy Toaster" Attributes SpawnWithFullCharge 
		Item	"Breadcrab"	Item	"Bread Biter" Item	"Loaf Loafers" Item	 "The Concheror" 
		CharacterAttributes	{ "deploy time increased" .5 "increase buff duration"	9.0 }
		ClassIcon banner_buff_conch }
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Soldier_DirectHit_Buff Skill Expert Name "Ext. Soldier" Attributes SpawnWithFullCharge 
		ClassIcon banner_buff_conch }
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	sanb1s
		TotalCurrency	0
		TotalCount	621
		MaxActive 2
		SpawnCount 2
		WaitForAllSpawned sanb2
		WaitBeforeStarting	35
		WaitBetweenSpawns	3
		Where	spawnbot_boss
		Where	spawnbot_right
		Support Limited
		RandomChoice { 
		RandomChoice { 
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Bowman_Bleed ClassIcon sniper_bow_bleed3 }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Bowman_Bleed ClassIcon sniper_bow_bleed3 }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Bowman_Bleed ClassIcon sniper_bow_bleed3 }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Bowman_Bleed ClassIcon sniper_bow_bleed3 }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Bowman_Bleed ClassIcon sniper_bow_bleed3 }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Bowman_Bleed ClassIcon sniper_bow_bleed3 }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Bowman_Bleed ClassIcon sniper_bow_bleed3 }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Bowman_Bleed ClassIcon sniper_bow_bleed3 }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Bowman_Bleed ClassIcon sniper_bow_bleed3 }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Bowman_Bleed ClassIcon sniper_bow_bleed3 }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Bowman_Bleed ClassIcon sniper_bow_bleed3 }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Bowman_Bleed ClassIcon sniper_bow_bleed3 }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Bowman_Bleed ClassIcon sniper_bow_bleed3 }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Bowman_Bleed ClassIcon sniper_bow_bleed3 }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Bowman_Nerfed  ClassIcon sniper_bow_bleed3 }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Bowman_Nerfed  ClassIcon sniper_bow_bleed3 }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Bowman_Nerfed  ClassIcon sniper_bow_bleed3 }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Bowman_Nerfed ClassIcon sniper_bow_bleed3 }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Bowman_Nerfed ClassIcon sniper_bow_bleed3 }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Armored_Bowman_Penetrate Name "Rapid Fire Puncture Bowman" ClassIcon sniper_bow_bleed3 }
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	sanb5s
		WaitForAllDead sana1
		TotalCurrency 0
		TotalCount	25
		MaxActive	3
		SpawnCount	1
		WaitBeforeStarting	45
		WaitBetweenSpawns	30
			Relative Behind 
			MaxDistance 5000
			MinDistance 2000
		Support Limited
		RandomChoice {
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Engineer_MiniDropper ClassIcon mini_sentry Name "Brute-Force Engineer" }
//		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Engineer_MiniSentry ClassIcon mini_sentry Name "Brute-Force Engineer" }
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	sanb5s
		WaitForAllDead sana1
		TotalCurrency 0
		TotalCount	69
		MaxActive	2
		SpawnCount	1
		WaitBeforeStarting	10
		WaitBetweenSpawns	15
		Where	spawnbot_right
		Support Limited
		RandomChoice {
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Engineer_Battle_MiniSentry_Gunsling ClassIcon mini_sentry Name "Brute-Force Engineer" }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Engineer_Battle_Frontier ClassIcon mini_sentry Name "Brute-Force Engineer" }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Engineer_Battle_MiniSentry ClassIcon mini_sentry Name "Brute-Force Engineer" }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Engineer_MiniSentry ClassIcon mini_sentry Name "Brute-Force Engineer" }
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	sanb4
		TotalCurrency	255
		TotalCount	4
		MaxActive 4
		SpawnCount 4
		WaitForAllDead sanb3
		WaitBeforeStarting	15 // 32
		WaitBetweenSpawns	0 // 4
		Where	spawnbot_right
		Squad {
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavy_Enrage
		Health 5000
		ClassIcon heavy_penetrate_hyper
		Item "Heavy Heating"
		MaxVisionRange 1200
		ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName "Iron Curtain"
		"accuracy scales damage" 1.5
		"fire rate bonus" 0.8
		"fire rate bonus with reduced health" 0.7
		"spread penalty" 6
		"continous accuracy mult" 0.5  
		"continous accuracy time" 4  
		"mult_spread_scales_consecutive" 1
		"killstreak tier" 1
		TFBot	{	Template T_TFBot_Medic_Uber_Quick Name "Quick-Uber Medic" }
		TFBot	{	Template T_TFBot_Medic_Uber_Quick Name "Quick-Uber Medic" }
		TFBot	{	Template T_TFBot_Medic_Uber_Quick Name "Quick-Uber Medic" }
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	san_SuperJumprolling_Birb3
		TotalCurrency	0
		TotalCount	10
		MaxActive	6 
		SpawnCount	2 // 1
		WaitForAllSpawned sanb2
		WaitBeforeStarting	60 // 30
		WaitBetweenSpawns	6 // 6
		Where	spawnbot_left
	//	Support Limited
		RandomChoice {
		TFBot	{ Template T_Scout Name "Nimble Scout" ClassIcon scout_fast 
		Item "Unarmed Combat" WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly	
		Item "Batter's Beak"	Item "Fowl Fists"	Item "Talon Trotters" Attributes IgnoreEnemies }
		TFBot	{ Template T_Scout Name "Nimble Scout" ClassIcon scout_fast 
		Item "Unarmed Combat" WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly	
		Item "Batter's Beak"	Item "Fowl Fists"	Item "Talon Trotters" Attributes IgnoreEnemies }
		TFBot	{ Template T_Scout Name "Nimble Scout" ClassIcon scout_fast 
		Item "Unarmed Combat" WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly	
		Item "Batter's Beak"	Item "Fowl Fists"	Item "Talon Trotters" Attributes IgnoreEnemies }
		TFBot	{ Template T_Scout Name "Nimble Scout" ClassIcon scout_fast 
		Item "Unarmed Combat" WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly	
		Item "Batter's Beak"	Item "Fowl Fists"	Item "Talon Trotters" Attributes IgnoreEnemies }
		TFBot	{ Template T_Scout Name "Nimble Scout" ClassIcon scout_fast 
		Item "Unarmed Combat" WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly	
		Item "Batter's Beak"	Item "Fowl Fists"	Item "Talon Trotters" Attributes IgnoreEnemies }
		TFBot	{
		Template T_TFBot_Scout_Quick
		Attributes IgnoreEnemies
		Name "Birds of a Feather" // STRING_JOKENAME
	//	TFBot	{
	//	Template T_TFBot_Scout_Quick
	//	Name "Flock Together"
	//	Name "Birds of a Feather"
	///// TANK Train /////
	WaveSpawn	{
	Name	Santanktrain
	WaitForAllDead sanb3
	TotalCurrency	0
	TotalCount	3	
	Where	spawnbot_boss		
	WaitBeforeStarting	8 // 10
	WaitBetweenSpawns   3
	Support Limited
	FirstSpawnWarningSound "ambient/alarms/razortrain_horn1.wav"
	FirstSpawnOutput 	{	Target boss_spawn_relay	Action Trigger  }
	Tank	{
	Health	15000
	Name tankboss1
	ClassIcon tankspeed
	Speed	60 // 1m 45s on this map
	Skin 0
	StartingPathTrackNode	"boss_path_1"
	OnKilledOutput	{ Target	boss_dead_relay	Action Trigger	}
	OnBombDroppedOutput	{ Target	boss_deploy_relay	Action	Trigger	}
	WaveSpawn	{
	WaitForAllSpawned Santanktrain
	WaitBeforeStarting 0.05
	FirstSpawnWarningSound "Announcer.MVM_Tank_Alert_Spawn"
	FirstSpawnOutput	{
		Target wave_start_relay
		Action RunScriptCode
		ClientPrint(null,3,`\x0799CCFFTank Train with 3x15k HP inbound!`)
	///// TANK 1 OVER /////

	} // Wave 3 Over

// WAVE 4/6 (650$)

	Wave	{
	WaitWhenDone	65
	Checkpoint	Yes
	InitWaveOutput	{
//		Target wave_init_relay // Don't do anything on this map

	Target gamerules
	Action RunScriptCode
		SetSkyboxTexture (`sky_nightfall_01`) // Thanks ficool2.
		EntFire(`nav_prefer_flank_right`, `Kill`)
		EntFire(`nav_prefer_flank_left`, `Kill`)
		EntFire(`func_upgradestation`, `enable`);
		ClientPrint(null,3,`Time attack! Support will only spawn after a set amount of time.`)
		ClientPrint(null,3,`Merasmus will help cue in when they do!`)
		ClientPrint(null,3,`\x07fbeccbDon't stick around for too long, Merasmus may become bored and try to kill you.`)
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_airblast_cray_lose_footing_duration`, 0); // No more airblast
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_airblast_cray_power`, 150);
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_bot_taunt_victim_chance`, 0);
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_bot_pyro_always_reflect`, 1);
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_bot_pyro_shove_away_range`, 1000); // This procs phlog
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_bot_engineer_mvm_hint_min_distance_from_bomb`, 500);
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_bot_engineer_mvm_sentry_hint_bomb_forward_range`, 2750);
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_bot_engineer_mvm_sentry_hint_bomb_backward_range`, 250);
		//	Precache()
			IncludeScript(`seel_ins.nut`, getroottable()) //S.I.N.S by Seelpit.
	StartWaveOutput	{
		Target	wave_start_endurance_relay
		Action	Trigger
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	sanc1
		WaitBeforeStarting	0
	FirstSpawnOutput 	{
		Target	wave_start_relay
		Action	RunScriptCode
	DoneOutput	{
		Target	wave_finished_relay
		Action	Trigger
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	sanc1
		WaitBeforeStarting	0
		FirstSpawnWarningSound "vo/halloween_merasmus/sf14_merasmus_minigame_overtime_02.mp3" // You BORE merasmus! Time to make this more interesting.
		Target gamerules
		Action RunScriptCode
		SpawnEntityFromTable(`training_annotation` , {
		targetname = `sif_annot`
		display_text = `Deadly Supports will be enabled in 30s.`
		lifetime = `15`
		origin = `-2259 2688 432`
		EntFire(`sif_annot`, `show`)
		EntFire(`sif_annot`, `kill`, ``, 12)
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	sia1
		TotalCurrency 97
		TotalCount	6
		MaxActive	6
		SpawnCount	3
		WaitBeforeStarting	4
		WaitBetweenSpawns	30
		Where	spawnbot_left
		Squad {
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Scout_SodaPopper
	//	Name "Watch yo tone, bro"
	//	Name "Hyper Milk Scout"
		Name "Damage Scout Subclass"
	//	Attributes AlwaysCrit
		Item "Battery Canteens"
		UseHumanAnimations 1  
		ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName	"The Soda Popper"
			"fire rate bonus"	0.5
			"clip size bonus" 2
			"fire input on kill" "!activator^$TauntFromItem^Taunt: The Killer Signature"
		CharacterAttributes {
		"max health additive bonus" 310
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Medic_OverHeal_Quickfix
	//	Name "Big-Heal Medic"
		Name "Healthmancer Immortalis"
		Attributes IgnoreFlag
		ClassIcon medic_overheal_2
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Medic_OverHeal_Quickfix
	//	Name "Big-Heal Medic"
		Name "Healthmancer Immortalis"
		Attributes IgnoreFlag
		ClassIcon medic_overheal_2
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	sia2
	//	WaitForAllSpawned sia1
		TotalCurrency 18
		TotalCount	18
		MaxActive	12
		SpawnCount	6
		WaitBeforeStarting	2 // 2
		WaitBetweenSpawns	8
		Where	spawnbot_left
		Squad	 {
	FormationSize 999
	NoWaitForFormation 1  
	TFBot {
	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Armored_Piss
	ClassIcon sniper_jarate_bushwacka
	Name "Crocodilian Jarjurer"
	Health 625
	CharacterAttributes	{
	"move speed bonus" 0.8
	TFBot {
	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Bushwacka
	Name "Crocodilead"
	ClassIcon sniper_jarate_bushwacka
	TFBot {
	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Bushwacka
	Name "Crocodilead"
	ClassIcon sniper_jarate_bushwacka
	TFBot {
	Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Neon
	Name "Neon Shark"
	ClassIcon sniper_jarate_bushwacka
	CharacterAttributes {
			"crit vs burning players" 1	
			"crit vs non burning players" 1 
			"mod shovel speed boost" 1
	TFBot {
	Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Neon
	Name "Short-lived Neon META Pyro"
	ClassIcon sniper_jarate_bushwacka
	CharacterAttributes {
			"crit vs burning players" 1	
			"crit vs non burning players" 1 
			"mod shovel speed boost" 1
	TFBot {
	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Bushwacka_Crocostyle
	Name "Crocodilianer"
	ClassIcon sniper_jarate_bushwacka
	CharacterAttributes {
		"crit vs burning players" 1		// oh no~
		"crit vs non burning players" 1
		"slow enemy on hit major" 1.5
	WaveSpawn {
	Name	sia3
	//	WaitForAllSpawned sia1
		TotalCurrency 28
		TotalCount	30 // 28
		MaxActive	10
		SpawnCount	6 // 4
		WaitBeforeStarting 8 // 2
		WaitBetweenSpawns	8
		Where	spawnbot_left
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Demoman_RapidFire // T_TFBot_Pyro_Neon
	//	Name "Neon Shark"
		Name "Rapid Ultimatum"
		Item "The Jarmaments"
		UseHumanAnimations 1  
		CharacterAttributes {
			"dmg penalty vs players" 0.66	// "mod shovel speed boost" 1
			"grenade explode on impact" 1		
			"add cond on hit" 24
			"add cond on hit duration" 5
			"custom projectile model" "models/weapons/c_models/urinejar.mdl"  
			"fire input on kill" "!activator^$TauntFromItem^Taunt: Scotsmann's Stagger"

	WaveSpawn {
		Name	sia3
		WaitForAllSpawned sia2
		TotalCurrency 15
		TotalCount	15
		MaxActive	10
		SpawnCount	5
		WaitBeforeStarting	8
		WaitBetweenSpawns	8
		Where	spawnbot_left
		Squad	 {
		FormationSize 999
		NoWaitForFormation 1  
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Armored_Gas_Explode
		ClassIcon sniper_jarate_bushwacka
		Name "Shark Gasjurer"
		Item "Neptune's Nightmare"
		Health 625
		Scale 1.4
		CharacterAttributes	{
		"move speed bonus" 0.8
		"dmg penalty vs players" 0.22 // 	100 dmg
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Demoman_RapidFire // T_TFBot_Pyro_Neon
	//	Name "Neon Shark"
		Name "Rapid Bomblet"
		Item "The Jarmaments"
		UseHumanAnimations 1  
		CharacterAttributes {
			"fire input on kill" "!activator^$TauntFromItem^Oblooterated Taunt"
			"dmg penalty vs players" 1	// "mod shovel speed boost" 1
		//	"custom projectile model" "models/weapons/c_models/urinejar.mdl"  
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Demoman_RapidFire // T_TFBot_Pyro_Neon
	//	Name "Neon Shark"
		Name "Rapid Bomblet"
		Item "The Jarmaments"
		UseHumanAnimations 1  
		CharacterAttributes {
			"fire input on kill" "!activator^$TauntFromItem^Oblooterated Taunt"
			"dmg penalty vs players" 1	// "mod shovel speed boost" 1
		//	"custom projectile model" "models/weapons/c_models/urinejar.mdl"  
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Demoman_RapidFire // T_TFBot_Pyro_Neon
	//	Name "Neon Shark"
		Name "Rapid Bomblet"
		Item "The Jarmaments"
		UseHumanAnimations 1  
		CharacterAttributes {
			"fire input on kill" "!activator^$TauntFromItem^Oblooterated Taunt"
			"dmg penalty vs players" 1	// "mod shovel speed boost" 1
			"custom projectile model" "models/weapons/c_models/urinejar.mdl"  
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Neon
		Name "Neon Shark"
		ClassIcon sniper_jarate_bushwacka
		CharacterAttributes {
			"crit vs burning players" 1	
			"crit vs non burning players" 1 
			"mod shovel speed boost" 1
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	sia3
		WaitForAllDead sia2
		TotalCurrency 12
		TotalCount	12
		MaxActive	6
		SpawnCount	2
		WaitBeforeStarting	15
		WaitBetweenSpawns	7
		Where	spawnbot_left
		Squad {
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickFix_Shield_Extend WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly Name "Bullet Jammer"	}
		TFBot {
	//	Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Natascha_Push
	//	Template T_TFBot_Heavy_HuoLong
		Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Laser
		Name "Ignis Wisp"
		//ClassIcon heavy_deflector
		//ClassIcon heavy_slow
		ClassIcon heavy_nail
		Scale 1.2
		Skill Hard
		CharacterAttributes {
		"minicrits become crits" 1
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	sia3s
		WaitForAllDead sia2
		TotalCurrency 30
		TotalCount	21
		MaxActive	7
		SpawnCount	3 // 7
		WaitBeforeStarting	16
		WaitBetweenSpawns	10
		Where	spawnbot_left
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Demoman_RapidFire // T_TFBot_Pyro_Neon
	//	Name "Neon Shark"
		Name "Rapid Bomblet"
		UseHumanAnimations 1  
		CharacterAttributes {
			"fire input on kill" "!activator^$TauntFromItem^Oblooterated Taunt"
			"dmg penalty vs players" 1	// "mod shovel speed boost" 1		
		//	"custom projectile model" "models/weapons/c_models/urinejar.mdl"  
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	sia3
		WaitForAllDead sia2
		TotalCurrency 30
		TotalCount	21
		MaxActive	7
		SpawnCount	3 // 7
		WaitBeforeStarting	8
		WaitBetweenSpawns	3.5
		Where	spawnbot_left
		RandomChoice {
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Nail
		Name "Gun Nut"
		//	ClassIcon heavy_deflector
		ClassIcon heavy_nail
		Skill Hard // Normal
		CharacterAttributes {
		"minicrits become crits" 1
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Nail
		Name "Gun Nut"
		//	ClassIcon heavy_deflector
		ClassIcon heavy_nail
		Skill Hard // Normal
		CharacterAttributes {
		"minicrits become crits" 1
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Nail
		Name "Gun Nut"
		//	ClassIcon heavy_deflector
		ClassIcon heavy_nail
		Skill Hard // Normal
		CharacterAttributes {
		"minicrits become crits" 1
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Heavy_HealOnHit
		Name "Bullet Maniac"
		//	ClassIcon heavy_deflector
		ClassIcon heavy_nail
		Skill Hard
		CharacterAttributes {
		"minicrits become crits" 1
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	sia4
		WaitForAllSpawned sia2
		TotalCurrency 50
		TotalCount	6
		MaxActive	3
		SpawnCount	1
		WaitBeforeStarting	10
		WaitBetweenSpawns	6
		Where	spawnbot_left
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Scout_SodaPopper
	//	Name "Watch yo tone, bro"
	//	Name "Hyper Milk Scout"
		Name "Damage Scout Subclass"
	//	Attributes AlwaysCrit
		Item "Battery Canteens"
		UseHumanAnimations 1  
		ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName	"The Soda Popper"
			"fire rate bonus"	0.5
			"clip size bonus" 2
			"fire input on kill" "!activator^$TauntFromItem^Deep Fried Desire Taunt"
		ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName "Battery Canteens"
			"refill_ammo" 3
			"powerup charges" 1
		CharacterAttributes {
		"max health additive bonus" 310
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	sib1
		WaitForAllDead sia3
		TotalCurrency 50
		TotalCount	2
		MaxActive	2
		SpawnCount	2
		WaitBeforeStarting	5
		WaitBetweenSpawns	22
		Where	spawnbot_left
		Squad {
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Steel_Gauntlet_Reversed_Pusher
		Name "Alloy Blockner"
		ClassIcon heavy_steelfist_push_yoovy
		CharacterAttributes	{
		"mod medic healed damage bonus" 2.28
		"minicrits become crits" 1
		"max health additive bonus" 1337
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Medic_OverHeal_Quickfix
		Name "Healthmancer Immortalis"
		Attributes IgnoreFlag
		ClassIcon medic_overheal_2
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	sib1
		WaitForAllDead sia3
		TotalCurrency 120
		TotalCount	12
		MaxActive	10
		SpawnCount	4
		WaitBeforeStarting	8
		WaitBetweenSpawns	12
		Where	spawnbot_left
		Squad {
		FormationSize 250
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Armored_Bowman_Penetrate
		Name "Shield Piercer Beast"
		ClassIcon sniper_bow_multi_penetrator
		CharacterAttributes	{
			"minicrits become crits" 1
			"max health additive bonus" 2000
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Steel_Gauntlet_Reversed_Pusher
		Name "Alloy Blockner"
		ClassIcon heavy_steelfist_push_yoovy
		CharacterAttributes	{
		"mod medic healed damage bonus" 2.28
		"minicrits become crits" 1
		"max health additive bonus" 1337
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Steel_Gauntlet_Reversed_Pusher
		Name "Alloy Blockner"
		ClassIcon heavy_steelfist_push_yoovy
		CharacterAttributes	{
		"mod medic healed damage bonus" 2.28
		"minicrits become crits" 1
		"max health additive bonus" 1337
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Steel_Gauntlet_Reversed_Pusher
		Name "Alloy Blockner"
		ClassIcon heavy_steelfist_push_yoovy
		CharacterAttributes	{
		"mod medic healed damage bonus" 2.28
		"minicrits become crits" 1
		"max health additive bonus" 1337
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	sib2
		WaitForAllDead sib1
		TotalCurrency 60
		TotalCount	6
		MaxActive	6
		SpawnCount	2
		WaitBeforeStarting	5
		WaitBetweenSpawns	5 // 6
		Where	spawnbot_left
		Squad {
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Armored_Bowman_Penetrate
		Name "Shield Piercer Beast"
		ClassIcon sniper_bow_multi_penetrator
		CharacterAttributes	{
			"minicrits become crits" 1
			"max health additive bonus" 2000
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Medic_OverHeal_Quickfix
		Name "Healthmancer Immortalis"
		Attributes IgnoreFlag
		ClassIcon medic_overheal_2
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	sib2
		WaitForAllSpawned sib1
		TotalCurrency 70
		TotalCount	6
		MaxActive	6
		SpawnCount	2
		WaitBeforeStarting	22
		WaitBetweenSpawns	2
		Where	spawnbot_left
		Squad {
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickFix_Shield_Extend Health 450 Scale 1.2 Name "Bullet Jammer"	}
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Armored_Bowman_Penetrate
		Name "Shield Piercer Beast"
		ClassIcon sniper_bow_multi_penetrator
		CharacterAttributes	{
			"minicrits become crits" 1
			"max health additive bonus" 2000
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	sib3
		WaitForAllSpawned sib2
		TotalCurrency 70
		TotalCount	16
		MaxActive	10
		SpawnCount	2 // 4
		WaitBeforeStarting	5
		WaitBetweenSpawns	5
		Where	spawnbot_left
		Squad {
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Steel_Gauntlet_Reversed_Pusher
		Name "Alloy Blockner"
		ClassIcon heavy_steelfist_push_yoovy
		CharacterAttributes	{
		"mod medic healed damage bonus" 2.28
		"minicrits become crits" 1
		"max health additive bonus" 1337
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Medic_Uber_Quick
		Attributes SpawnWithFullCharge
	//	ClassIcon medic_kritz_flash
		Name "Uber-Jammer"
	//	Name "Blinking Blitz-Jammer"
// STUPID ASS TIMER. REFUSING to sync with WaitBeforeStarting
// why- aaaaa ;w;
// ong, this FLUFFING sucks fr
// - May 5

// So basically,
// After 4 minutes (This was already tested)
// - 4min -> Crit GRU / Apoc
// - 7min -> Backup BlackBox
// - 9min -> The boss spawns

// - June 1

	WaveSpawn	{
	Name	 YapYapYap!
	WaitBeforeStarting 	99999
	WaitBetweenSpawns 99999
	Support 1
	TFBot 	{	
//	Template T_TFFakePlayer_Medic_HardCarry
	Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavy_BrassBeast
	Name "Timer"
	ClassIcon timer_lite
	Attributes AlwaysCrit
	WaveSpawn	{
	Name SiFTimer
	Where Behind
	//Where Anywhere // didn't work. Neither does " "
	WaitBeforeStarting 	1
	WaitBetweenSpawns 99999
	Support 1
	TFBot 	{	
//	Template T_TFFakePlayer_Medic_HardCarry
	Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavy_BrassBeast
//	Health 600 // Urgh 300s, a.k.a 5 minutes. +10 for delay
	Health 590 //
//	Health 1080 // Nerf. Ughh JUJ were right, I need to mind the randoms.
	Name "Timer Expired!" // Geez, can't have a harder adv these days.
	Scale 0.01
	Attributes UseBossHealthBar
	Attributes IgnoreFlag
	Attributes IgnoreEnemies
//	Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon
	Attributes AlwaysCrit
	ClassIcon timer_lite
	CharacterAttributes {
		"move speed bonus" 0.0001
		"no_jump" 1
		"health drain" -2
		"dmg from ranged reduced" 0.001
		"dmg from melee increased" 0
		"ignored by enemy sentries" 1

	WaveSpawn	{
	Name	 SiFSupport1
	WaitBeforeStarting 	30 // E
	WaitBetweenSpawns  5 // 10
	TotalCount 21 // 60
	MaxActive 6
	SpawnCount 3
	TotalCurrency 0
	Where spawnbot_right
	Support Limited
	FirstSpawnWarningSound "vo/halloween_merasmus/sf14_merasmus_general_purpose_23.mp3" // What are you doing? Attack them!
	FirstSpawnOutput 	{
	Target	wave_start_relay
		Action	RunScriptCode
//	RandomChoice {
//	RandomChoice {
	TFBot 	{	
	Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Apoco_Champ
	Name "Jammed Apocalypse Champ"
	ClassIcon heavy_apocofist
	Attributes AlwaysCrit
	UseHumanAnimations 1  
	CharacterAttributes { "fire input on kill" "!activator^$TauntFromItem^Taunt: The Proletariat Showoff"	}
		FirstSpawnOutput	{
			Target wave_start_relay
			Action RunScriptCode
			ClientPrint(null,3,`Apocalypse Supports have spawned.`)
//	}
//	}
	WaveSpawn	{
	Name	 SiFSupport2
	WaitBeforeStarting 	90 // E
	WaitBetweenSpawns 8 //  10
	TotalCount 52 // 60
	MaxActive 9
	SpawnCount 3 // 6
	TotalCurrency 0
	Where spawnbot_right
	Support Limited
	FirstSpawnWarningSound "vo/halloween_merasmus/sf14_merasmus_general_purpose_23.mp3" // What are you doing? Attack them!
	FirstSpawnOutput 	{
	Target	wave_start_relay
				Action	RunScriptCode
				Param	"
//	RandomChoice {
//	RandomChoice {
	TFBot 	{	
	Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Dragon
	Name "Jammed Dwagon Pyro"
	Skill Easy
	ClassIcon	pyro_dragon_fury_swordstone
	Attributes AlwaysCrit
	UseHumanAnimations 1  
	CharacterAttributes { "fire input on kill" "!activator^$TauntFromItem^Taunt: Cremator's Condolences"	}
		FirstSpawnOutput	{
			Target wave_start_relay
			Action RunScriptCode
			ClientPrint(null,3,`Dragon Supports have spawned..`)
//	}
//	}
	WaveSpawn	{
	Name	 SiFSupport2
	WaitBeforeStarting 	240 // E
	WaitBetweenSpawns 10
	TotalCount 30 // 20
	MaxActive 9
	SpawnCount 3
	TotalCurrency 0
	Where spawnbot_right
	Support Limited
	FirstSpawnWarningSound "vo/halloween_merasmus/sf14_merasmus_general_purpose_23.mp3" // What are you doing? Attack them!
	FirstSpawnOutput 	{
	Target	wave_start_relay
				Action	RunScriptCode
				Param	"
//	RandomChoice {
//	RandomChoice {
	TFBot 	{	
	Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Buff
	Name "Jammed Dominant Soldier"
	ClassIcon	soldier_crit_banner_sif
	Skill  Normal
	Attributes AlwaysCrit
	UseHumanAnimations 1  
	CharacterAttributes { "fire input on kill" "!activator^$TauntFromItem^Taunt: Can It!"	}
		"Projectile speed increased HIDDEN" 0.66
		"mark for death"	1
		FirstSpawnOutput	{
			Target wave_start_relay
			Action RunScriptCode
			ClientPrint(null,3,`Crit Banner Support have spawned.`)
//	}
//	}
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	 SiFSupportEngineers
		TotalCurrency 0
		TotalCount	621
		MaxActive	3
		SpawnCount	1
		WaitBeforeStarting	45 // 90
		WaitBetweenSpawns	30 // 30
		Where	spawnbot_right
		Support Limited
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Engineer_FastBuild
		TeleportWhere spawnbot_right
		ClassIcon engineer // _wrench_golden_sif
		Name "PDQ Engineer"
		Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon
		ExtAttr BuildDispenserAsSentryGun  
		ItemAttributes	{
		"engy dispenser radius increased" 3  
		"mult dispenser rate" 2  
		"voice pitch scale" 0
	WaveSpawn	{
	Name	 SiFSupportBoss
	WaitBeforeStarting 	300 // E
	WaitBetweenSpawns 10
	TotalCount 1
	MaxActive 1
	SpawnCount 1
	TotalCurrency 0 // 2000
	Where spawnbot_left
	Support Limited
//	FirstSpawnWarningSound "vo/halloween_merasmus/sf14_merasmus_minigame_soccer_hhh_08" // You're taking longer to kill each other than Merasmus hoped. Kill them all, Horsemann!
	FirstSpawnWarningSound "vo/halloween_merasmus/sf14_merasmus_minigame_soccer_hhh_05" // Death to all of you! Death! Horsemann, kill them!
	FirstSpawnOutput	{
	Target	wave_start_relay
				Action	RunScriptCode
				Param	"
	RandomChoice {
	RandomChoice {
	// BOSS OPTION 1 "Horseless Horsemann -- Flarat"
		TFBot // Thanks for the base template Stardust!
			Template T_Giant_Demoman
            Name "Headless Horseless Horsemann"
            ClassIcon demoknight_headtaker_nys
            Scale 1.75
            Health 40000
            Attributes UseBossHealthBar
            WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly
			Attributes IgnoreFlag
	//		BehaviorModifiers Push
			Action Mobber  

            Item "The Horseless Headless Horseman's Headtaker"
            Item "The Horsemann's Hand-Me-Down"
            Item "Horseless Headless Horseman's Head"
                ItemName "The Horseless Headless Horseman's Headtaker"
                "damage bonus hidden" 0.01
                "fire rate penalty" 1.25
                "max health additive penalty" 0
                "melee range multiplier" 2
                "decapitate type" 0
				"dmg missing health" 0.9
				"head scale" 0
                "move speed bonus" 0.6
                "voice pitch scale" 0
                "SPELL: set Halloween footstep type" 2 // PURPLE!
		// BOSS OPTION 2 "Crit Flare Rain -- Flarat"
		TFBot 	{
		Template T_TFBot_Giant_Pyro_Dragon_RapidFire
		Name "Jammed Flarat"
		Item "Pyro the Flamedeer"
		Item "the scorch shot"
		Attributes AlwaysCrit
		Action Mobber  
		Attributes UseBossHealthBar
		Health 40000
		ItemAttributes	{
			ItemName	"the scorch shot"
			"fire rate bonus"	.1
			"projectile spread angle penalty"	9
			"damage penalty"	2.5
			"Projectile speed increased"	.11
			"is_passive_weapon" 1
		// BOSS OPTION 3 "Flare Shotgunner -- Gunreaper"
		TFBot 	{	
		Class Pyro		
		Skill Expert	
		ClassIcon pyro_deflector_sif
		Attributes AlwaysCrit
		Attributes UseBossHealthBar
		Attributes MiniBoss
		Health 40000
		Action Mobber  
		WeaponRestrictions	MeleeOnly
		Item "The Wraith Wrap"
		Item "The Sub Zero Suit"
		Item "The Back Scratcher"
		CharacterAttributes		{
			"weapon burn dmg reduced" 0.1
			"weapon burn time reduced" 0.1
			"mult airblast refire time" .85
			"move speed bonus"	.5
			"gesture speed increase" 2.0
			"damage force reduction" 0.3
			"airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0
			"airblast vertical vulnerability multiplier" 0
			"override footstep sound set" 6
			FirstSpawnOutput	{
			Target wave_start_relay
			Action RunScriptCode
			ClientPrint(null,3,`Time's out. May Kaliber save you.`)
	} // Wave 4 Over

// WAVE 5/6 (1000$)

	Wave	{
	WaitWhenDone	65
	Checkpoint	Yes
	InitWaveOutput	{
//		Target wave_init_relay // Don't do anything on this map

	Target gamerules
	Action RunScriptCode
		SetSkyboxTexture (`sky_halloween_night_01`) // Thanks ficool2.
		EntFire(`nav_prefer_flank_right`, `Kill`)
		EntFire(`nav_prefer_flank_left`, `Kill`)
		EntFire(`func_upgradestation`, `enable`);
	//	ClientPrint(null,3,`Player-like robots will be sent out to hunt you, this wave.`)	
		ClientPrint(null,3,`Ammonomicon Tip: The TWIN.`)
		ClientPrint(null,3,`If HOK Deflector left alive -> AttackType: HOK Shotgun. Heals 50%`)
		ClientPrint(null,3,`If KOK Deflector left alive -> Ignores Bomb, Gain 50% faster firing speed.`)
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_airblast_cray_lose_footing_duration`, 0); // No more airblast
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_airblast_cray_power`, 150);
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_bot_taunt_victim_chance`, 0);
		EntFire(`bombpath_right`,`Trigger`,null,0.9) // 
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_bot_pyro_always_reflect`, 1);
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_bot_pyro_shove_away_range`, 1000); // This procs phlog
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_bot_engineer_mvm_hint_min_distance_from_bomb`, 500);
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_bot_engineer_mvm_sentry_hint_bomb_forward_range`, 2750);
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_bot_engineer_mvm_sentry_hint_bomb_backward_range`, 250);
	StartWaveOutput	{
		Target	wave_start_endurance_relay
		Action	Trigger
	DoneOutput	{
		Target	wave_finished_relay
		Action	Trigger
//	WaveSpawn	{
//	WaitBeforeStarting 0.5
//	FirstSpawnOutput 
//	{
//		Target gamerules
//		Action RunScriptCode
//		Param 
//		"
//		SpawnEntityFromTable(`training_annotation` , {
//		targetname = `sif_annot`
//		display_text = `Welcome to x-1 Reverse MvM!`
//		lifetime = `6`
//		origin = `-2889 2055 404`
//		}
//		)
//		EntFire(`sif_annot`, `show`)
//		EntFire(`sif_annot`, `kill`, ``, 12)
//		"
//	}
//	}
	WaveSpawn	{
	WaitBeforeStarting 0
		Target gamerules
		Action RunScriptCode
		SpawnEntityFromTable(`training_annotation` , {
		targetname = `sif_annot`
	//	display_text = `Possessed unusual-wearing robots will attack you relentlessly!`
		display_text = `Hear ye, Hear ye.`
		lifetime = `2`
		origin = `-2889 2055 404`
		EntFire(`sif_annot`, `show`)
		EntFire(`sif_annot`, `kill`, ``, 3)
		ClientPrint(null,3,`Haunted bots will have unusual effect(s).`)
		ClientPrint(null,3,`Keep an eye out, they will attempt to escort their giants.`)
	WaveSpawn	{
	WaitBeforeStarting 4
		Target gamerules
		Action RunScriptCode
		SpawnEntityFromTable(`training_annotation` , {
		targetname = `sif_annot`
		display_text = `Angered testers have haunted the robots .. and they WANT justice.`
		lifetime = `8`
		origin = `-2889 2055 404`
		EntFire(`sif_annot`, `show`)
		EntFire(`sif_annot`, `kill`, ``, 12)
	WaveSpawn {
		Name saygex
		TotalCurrency 0
		WaitForAllDead wua1
		LastSpawnWarningSound "vo/halloween_merasmus/sf14_merasmus_general_purpose_15" // Why? Why would you do that?
//	WaveSpawn {
//		Name	wua1
//		TotalCurrency 0
//		TotalCount	0
//		MaxActive	0
//		SpawnCount	0
//		WaitForAllDead wua0
//		WaitBeforeStarting	4
//		FirstSpawnWarningSound "vo\mvm\mght\scout_mvm_m_domination13.mp3" // Hit the bricks pal, you're done.
//		Support Limited
//		TFBot {
//	Template T_Scout
//	Attributes DisableDodge
//	MaxVisionRange 1
//	Name "Pacifist Scout META"
//	Item "Batter's Beak"
//	Item "Fowl Fists"
//	Item "Talon Trotters"
//	Item	"The Candy Cane"
//	ClassIcon scout_bonk
//	Health 100
//	Scale 0.8
//	Attributes AlwaysCrit
//	BehaviorModifiers Push
//	WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly
//	Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon
//	ItemAttributes	{
//		ItemName "Batter's Beak"
//			"attach particle effect" 9
//		}
//	ItemAttributes {
//			"is_passive_weapon" 1
//			"override projectile type"  3 // Grenade
//			"damage penalty" 0.01
//			"faster reload rate" -1
//			"fire rate bonus" 0.9
//			"clip size penalty" 4
//			"fuse bonus"	621
//			"grenade no bounce" 1
//			"projectile lifetime" 10  
//			"add cond on hit" 126   // Slips, loses traction
//			"add cond on hit duration" 5   
//			"custom projectile model" "models\props_farm\scenes\bananana_peel.mdl"		
//	}
//		CharacterAttributes	{
//		"dmg penalty vs players" 2 // :3
//		"dmg from melee increased" 1.75
//		"crit vs burning players" 1		// oh no~
//		"crit vs non burning players" 1  // not these hidden crits again~
//		"cannot pick up intelligence" 1
//		"active health degen" -25
//		}
//	}
//	}
	//	FireInput
	//	{
	//			Target "player_fakeuber_relay"
	//			Action Trigger
	//			Repeats 0
	//			Delay 2
	//			Cooldown 10
	//	}
	//	EventChangeAttributes
	//	{
	//		DefinitelyThrowing {
	//			CharacterAttributes	{ 
	//				"crit does no damage" 1
	//				"voice pitch scale" 2.5
	//			}
	//			VoiceCommand    
	//			{
	//				Delay 5
	//				Cooldown 8
	//				Repeats 0
	//				Type "Battle cry"
	//			}
	//		}
	//		IdleMoron
	//		{
	//			CharacterAttributes	{ 
	//				"crit does no damage" 1
	//				"fire rate bonus" 0.66
	//			}
	//		}
	//	}
	//	Taunt    // Doesn't work, using basic PT above
	//	{
	//		IfSeeTarget 0
	//		Delay 1
	//		Repeats 0
	//		Duration 30
	//		Name "Taunt: Kazotsky Kick"
	//	}
//		ClassIcon scout_bonk 
	//	Item "Conga Taunt"
//		}
//	}
//	WaveSpawn	{
//	Name wus
//	WaitBeforeStarting 8
//	FirstSpawnOutput	{
//		Target wave_start_relay
//		Action RunScriptCode
//		Param 
//		"
//		ClientPrint(null,3,`unconnected joined team ROBOTs`)
//		"
//	}
//	}
	WaveSpawn	{
	Name	 "FakeIcon_SupportRandomChoice"
	WaitBeforeStarting 	99999
	WaitBetweenSpawns 99999
	Support 1
	TFBot 	{	
//	Template T_TFFakePlayer_Medic_HardCarry
	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Headshot
	Name "SiF said, I'm not supposed to spawn"
	ClassIcon medic_crossbow_bleed_v2
//	Attributes AlwaysCrit
	WaveSpawn	{
	Name	 "FakeIcon_SupportRandomChoice"
	WaitBeforeStarting 	99999
	WaitBetweenSpawns 99999
	Support 1
	TFBot 	{	
//	Template T_TFFakePlayer_Medic_HardCarry
	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Headshot
	ClassIcon engineer_eureka_sif
//	Attributes AlwaysCrit
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	wua1
		TotalCurrency 0
		TotalCount	16 // 8
		MaxActive	8 // 4
		SpawnCount	2
		WaitBeforeStarting	20 // 12
		WaitBetweenSpawns	1
		Where	spawnbot_left
	//	Support Limited
		FirstSpawnWarningSound "vo\mvm\mght\scout_mvm_m_domination13.mp3" // Hit the bricks pal, you're done.
		RandomChoice {
	//	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Scout_Quick Action Mobber Attributes IgnoreEnemies Name "Flock Together!" Item "Unarmed Combat" Skill Easy Attributes AlwaysCrit ClassIcon scout_bonk  
	//	CharacterAttributes { "crit does no damage" 1} 
	//	}
	//	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Scout_Quick Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon Name "Flock Together!" Item "Unarmed Combat"  Attributes AlwaysCrit ClassIcon scout_bonk 
	//	CharacterAttributes { "crit does no damage" 1 } 
	//	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Scout_Phase Scale 1.1  Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly Name "Flock Together!" Item "Unarmed Combat" Attributes AlwaysCrit ClassIcon scout_bonk 
		Item "Batter's Beak"
		Item "Fowl Fists"
		Item "Talon Trotters"
		CharacterAttributes { "crit does no damage" 1 } 
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	wua1s
		TotalCurrency 16
		TotalCount	4 // 6
		MaxActive	4
		SpawnCount	2
//		WaitForAllDead wua1
		WaitBeforeStarting	45 // 26
		WaitBetweenSpawns	8
		Where	spawnbot_left
	//	Support Limited
	//	RandomChoice {
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoknight_Eyelander ClassIcon demo_sticky_split	}
	//	}
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	wua2s
		TotalCurrency 24
		TotalCount	28 // 24
		MaxActive	8
		SpawnCount	4
		WaitForAllDead wua1s
		WaitBeforeStarting	10
		WaitBetweenSpawns	8
		Where	spawnbot_left
	//	Support Limited
		RandomChoice {
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoknight_Persuader ClassIcon demo_sticky_split	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoknight_Eyelander ClassIcon demo_sticky_split	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoknight_Eyelander ClassIcon demo_sticky_split	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoknight_Eyelander ClassIcon demo_sticky_split	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoknight_Eyelander ClassIcon demo_sticky_split	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoknight_Eyelander ClassIcon demo_sticky_split	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoknight_Eyelander ClassIcon demo_sticky_split	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoknight_Eyelander ClassIcon demo_sticky_split	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoknight_Eyelander ClassIcon demo_sticky_split	}
	//	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoknight_Eyelander ClassIcon demoknight_persian_nys	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoknight_Golf ClassIcon demo_sticky_split	}
	//	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoknight_Zato_Parry	Name "Parryknight" ClassIcon demo_sticky_split }
	WaveSpawn {
		Name wua0
		TotalCurrency 6
		TotalCount 3 // 4 
		MaxActive 3
		SpawnCount 3
		WaitBeforeStarting	5
		WaitBetweenSpawns 15
		Where spawnbot_left
	//	LastSpawnWarningSound "vo/halloween_merasmus/sf14_merasmus_general_purpose_15" // Why? Why would you do that?
	//	FirstSpawnWarningSound "vo\mvm\nom\heavy_mvm_cartstaycloseoffense06.mp3" // Cart is friend, come visit friend!
		Squad {
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Laugh_Champ Health 900 Name "Friendly Hoovy" ClassIcon heavy_deflector_healonkill
		Item 	"Legendary Lid"
		Item	"The Razorback"
		DropWeapon 1  
		UseHumanAnimations 1  
		CharacterAttributes {
			"ignored by enemy sentries" 1
			"dmg taken from crit reduced" 2.5
			"health regen" 4
		ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName "Legendary Lid"
		"set item tint rgb" 3329330 // Lime
		"attach particle effect" 9 // Also FUCKING lime
		ItemAttributes {
		ItemName "The Holiday Punch"
		"damage bonus" 0
		"no_attack" 1
		"fire rate bonus"	621
			Delay 45
			Repeats 0
			IfSeeTarget 0
			Name "FakeSwing"
			Delay 0.05
			Repeats 0
			IfSeeTarget 0
			Name "FakeSwing"
			IfHealthBelow 450
			Target !self
			Action $SetLocalOrigin
			Param "-2261 16445 75"
			Delay 15
			Repeats 1
		EventChangeAttributes {
			ActionOverride Mobber
			WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly
			ItemAttributes	{
				"damage bonus"			1.5
				"attack projectiles"	2
				"item style override" 1
				"is australium item" 1
				"killstreak tier"			1
				"turn to gold" 1
				"stay after regenerate" 1
				"heal on kill" 50
				"spread penalty"		1.33
				"max bullet range" 		900 // 1200
				"reduced damage rampup" 	1
			Delay 30
			Cooldown 6.21
			Repeats 1
			IfSeeTarget 1
			IfHealthBelow 299
	//	FireInput  
	//	{
	//		Target player
	//		Action $DisplayTextChat
	//		Param "{99CCFF}Friendly Hoovy {reset}:Heavy is friend! Come to friend!"
	//		Delay 1
	//		Cooldown 99999
	//		Repeats 0
	//	}
//		FireInput  
//		{
//			Target player
//			Action $DisplayTextChat
//			Param "{99CCFF}Hoovy {reset}:Not good! Don't shoot!"
//			Delay 1
//			Cooldown 99999
//			Repeats 0
//			IfHealthBelow 250
//		}
			Delay 2 
			Cooldown 5 
			Repeats 0
			Type "Medic" 
	//	FireInput  // This makes them turn around, well sometimes.
	//	{
	//		Target !self
	//		Action $SetLocalOrigin
	//		Param "-1693 1320 426"
	//		Delay 0
	//		Repeats 1
	//	}
			Target !self
			Action $tauntfromitem
			Param "RPS Taunt"
			Delay 10
			Cooldown 2
			Repeats 10
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickFix_BigHeal	Name "Friendly Medic" ClassIcon medic_uber_critcanteen 
		ExtAttr SuppressCanteenUse  
		Item "Robin Walkers"
		Item  "The Crone's Dome"
		ItemAttributes {
		ItemName "The Crone's Dome"
			"set item tint RGB" 16738740 // Pink
		ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName "Battery Canteens"
			"ubercharge" 2
			"powerup charges" 1
		Delay 30
		Repeats 1
		Type "Action"
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickFix_BigHeal	Name "UnFriendly Medic" ClassIcon medic_uber_critcanteen 
	//	ExtAttr SuppressCanteenUse  
		Item "The Puffed Practitioner" 
		Item "Herzensbrecher" Item "Kriegsmaschine-9000"
	//	Item "Hundekopf"
		Item "The Crusader's Crossbow"
		Item "The Hat With No Name"
		Item "The Merc's Muffler"
		AimAt Head  
		ItemAttributes {
		ItemName "The Merc's Muffler"
			"set item tint RGB"  15132390 // Abundange of Tinge. White
		ItemAttributes {
		ItemName "The Hat With No Name"
		"attach particle effect" 59 // Aces H
		ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName "Battery Canteens"
			"critboost" 3
			"powerup charges" 1
		Delay 15
		Repeats 99
		Type "Action"
			Delay 17
			Repeats 0
			IfSeeTarget 0
			Name "FakeSwing"
		EventChangeAttributes {
			Item "The Crusader's Crossbow"
			ActionOverride Mobber
			WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly
			attributes AlwaysFireWeapon
			ItemAttributes	{
			ItemName "The Crusader's Crossbow"
				"damage bonus"			1.5
				"killstreak tier"			1
				"fires milk bolt" 2
				"projectile penetration" 		2
				"grenade bounce speed" 			1.5 // this works for arrow apparently
				"grenade bounce damage" 		2
				"can headshot"	1
				"revolver use hit locations" 1
				"stay after regenerate" 1
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	wua2
		TotalCurrency 100
		TotalCount	3 // 2 // 1 // 3
		MaxActive	3  // 2 // 1 //  3
		SpawnCount 3 // 2 // 1	// 3
		WaitForAllDead wua0
		WaitBeforeStarting	10
		WaitBetweenSpawns	2
		Where	spawnbot_left
	//	FirstSpawnWarningSound "vo/halloween_merasmus/sf14_merasmus_general_purpose_15" // Why? Why would you do that?
		Squad {
	//	FormationSize 650
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavy_Shotgun_HOK Name "How HUNGRY?"	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Medic_Vacci_Bullet Health 300 Scale 1.3 ClassIcon medic_vac_duo_bb Name "Bulletproof Medic" Item "Battery Canteens"	
		ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName "The Vaccinator"
		"uber duration bonus" 2
		CharacterAttributes {
			"active health degen" -8
			"dmg from melee increased" 4
	//	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Medic_Vacci_Bullet //  T_TFBot_Medic_Armored_Vacci_Bullet // Naah, too strong.
	//	ClassIcon medic_vac_duo_bb // blastbullet blocker
	//	Name "Bulletproof Medic"
	//	Item "Battery Canteens"
	//	Item "The Crusader's Crossbow"
	///	ItemAttributes	{
	//	ItemName "Das Ubersternmann"
	//		"attach particle effect" 9
	//	}
	//	CharacterAttributes {
	//		"uber duration bonus" 621
	//		"Projectile speed increased" 1.4
	//	}
	//	ChangeAttributes  
	//	{
	//		Delay 5
	//		Repeats 0
	//		IfSeeTarget 1
	//		Name "BattleMedic"
	//	}
	//	EventChangeAttributes {
	//		BattleMedic
	//		{
	//		ActionOverride Mobber
	//		WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly
	//		ItemAttributes	{
	//		ItemName "The Crusader's Crossbow"
	//			"fire rate bonus"	0.1
	//			"faster reload rate"	0.5
	//			"clip size upgrade atomic"	3.0
	//			"auto fires full clip"	1
	//			"auto fires when full"	1
	//		}
	//		}
	//	}
//		FireInput  
//		{
//			Target player
//			Action $DisplayTextChat
//			Param "{99CCFF}Vacc Medic {reset}: Denying bullet damage."
//			Delay 4
//			Cooldown 99999
//			Repeats 0
//		}
	//	FireInput
	//	{
	//		Target player
	//		Action $PlaySoundToSelf
	//		Param "=35|mvm/mvm_used_powerup.wav"
	//		Delay 0.5
	//		Cooldown 99999
	//		Repeats 0
	//	}
	//	FireInput  
	//	{
	//		Target player
	//		Action $DisplayTextChat
	//		Param "{99CCFF}Bulletproof Medic {FBEBCA}has shared their {99CCFF}HASTE{reset} Power Up Canteen!"
	//		Delay 0.5
	//		Cooldown 99999
	//		Repeats 0
	//	}
//	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Medic_Vacci_Blast Health 450 Scale 1.3 ClassIcon medic_vac_duo_bb Name "Blastproof Medic" Item "Battery Canteens"
	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Medic_Uber_Quick Health 130 ClassIcon medic_uber_critcanteen	Name "Idle Medic" 
	Item "Hazardous Environment Vest"
	//	ItemAttributes	{
	//	ItemName "The Vaccinator"
	//	"uber duration bonus" 2
	//	}
	//	CharacterAttributes {
	//		"active health degen" -50
	//		"health regen" -50
	//	}
		CharacterAttributes	{ "heal rate bonus" 5 }
		ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName "Vintage Tyrolean"
			"attach particle effect" 9
			Target player
			Action $DisplayTextChat
			Param "TIP: Enemy with {99CCFF}blue {reset}bubble resists {99CCFF}BULLET {reset}damage."
			Delay 2
			Cooldown 99999
			Repeats 0
			Target player
			Action $DisplayTextChat
			Param "..and {9BBF4D}BLAST {reset}is reduced on those with {9BBF4D}green {reset}bubble."
			Delay 2.5
			Cooldown 99999
			Repeats 0
	//	}
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	wua2
		TotalCurrency 200
		TotalCount	2
		MaxActive	2
		SpawnCount	2
		WaitForAllDead wua0 // wua1
		WaitBeforeStarting	20
		WaitBetweenSpawns	2
		Where	spawnbot_left
		Squad {
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_RapidFire_Conch 
	//	Name "Trust in Ranks"	
		Name "Trust the Team" }
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_Vacci_Blast Health 300 Scale 1.3
		ClassIcon medic_vac_duo_bb Name "Blastproof Medic" Item "Battery Canteens"	
		ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName "The Vaccinator"
		"uber duration bonus" 2
		CharacterAttributes {
			"active health degen" -8
			"dmg from melee increased" 4
	SpawnTemplate	CanteenIfClipSizeIsEmpty  
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	wua3
		TotalCurrency 96
		TotalCount	9
		MaxActive	6
		SpawnCount	3
		WaitForAllDead wua2
		WaitBeforeStarting	12
		WaitBetweenSpawns	15
		Where	spawnbot_left
		Squad {
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demoman_Burst ClassIcon demo_burst_ammocanteen 
		CharacterAttributes { "add attributes on kill" "reload full clip at once|1|0.15" }
			Delay 7
			Cooldown 10
			Repeats 3
			IfSeeTarget 1
			Name "ActionCanteen" 
			Delay 9
			Cooldown 0.05
			Repeats 999
			IfSeeTarget 0
			Name "Default" 
	//	ChangeAttributes  
	//	{
	//		Delay 20
	//		Cooldown 8
	//		Repeats 2
	//		IfSeeTarget 0
	//		Name "ActionCanteen" 
	//	}
	//	EventChangeAttributes  
	//	{
		//	ActionCanteen
		//	{
		//		ActionOverride Mobber
		//		CharacterAttributes {
		//			"reload full clip at once" 1
		//			"self add attributes on hit" "reload full clip at once|1|1"
		//		}
		//	}
		//	Default
		//	{
		//		ActionOverride FetchFlag
		//		CharacterAttributes {
		//			"reload full clip at once" 0
		//		}
		//	}
	//	}
			Target player
			Action $PlaySoundToSelf
			Param "=35|mvm/mvm_used_powerup.wav"
			Delay 7
			Cooldown 99999
			Repeats 0
			IfSeeTarget 1
			Target player
			Action $DisplayTextChat
			Param "{99CCFF}Giant Burst Demo {FBEBCA}has used their {9BBF4D}AMMO REFILL{reset} Power Up Canteen!"
			Delay 7
			Cooldown 99999
			Repeats 0
			IfSeeTarget 1
			Target player
			Action $PlaySoundToSelf
			Param "=35|mvm/mvm_used_powerup.wav"
			Delay 20
			Cooldown 8
			Repeats 2
			IfSeeTarget 1
			Target player
			Action $DisplayTextChat
			Param "{99CCFF}Giant Burst Demo {FBEBCA}has used their {9BBF4D}AMMO REFILL{reset} Power Up Canteen!"
			Delay 20
			Cooldown 8
			Repeats 2
			IfSeeTarget 1
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_Kritzkrieg_Rapid ClassIcon medic_kritz_ubercanteen }
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Medic_Kritzkrieg_Rapid
		ClassIcon medic_kritz_ubercanteen
		Name "Kritz Medic"
		Item "Battery Canteens"
		ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName "Battery Canteens"
			"ubercharge" 1
			"powerup charges" 1
		ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName "Blighted Beak"
			"attach particle effect" 9
		WaveSpawn {
		Name	wua3
		TotalCurrency 100
		TotalCount	32 // 30
		MaxActive	14
		SpawnCount	8
		WaitForAllDead wua2
		WaitBeforeStarting	2
		WaitBetweenSpawns	3
		Where	spawnbot_right
		RandomChoice {
	//	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoknight_Caber_Atomic Health 102  Name "Sacrificial" ClassIcon demo_sticky_split	}
	//	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoknight_Caber_Atomic Health 102 Name "Sacrificial" ClassIcon demo_sticky_split	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoknight_Caber_Atomic Health 102  Name "Bold Sacrifice" ClassIcon demo_sticky_split	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoknight_Caber_Thrower  Name "Legalize Nukes" ClassIcon demo_sticky_split	} // Were too annoying
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Sticky  Name "Gunboat Demo" ClassIcon demo_sticky_split Item "The Sole Saviors"
		CharacterAttributes { "rocket jump damage reduction" 0.34	"dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.66	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Sticky_Barrage  Name "Gunboat Demo" ClassIcon demo_sticky_split Item "The Sole Saviors"
		CharacterAttributes { "rocket jump damage reduction" 0.34	"dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.66	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Burst_Bounce Skill Hard  Name "Precursor Demo" ClassIcon demo_sticky_split	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Burst_Bounce Skill Hard  Name "Precursor Demo" ClassIcon demo_sticky_split	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoman_RapidFire Skill Easy Name "Tour Grinding Demo"	ClassIcon demo_sticky_split	
		CharacterAttributes { "dmg penalty vs players" 1	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Push_Single  Name "Tour Grinding Demo" ClassIcon demo_sticky_split	}		
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Loch_RapidFire Skill Easy	Name "Tour Grinding Demo"	ClassIcon demo_sticky_split	
		CharacterAttributes { "dmg penalty vs players" 1	}

//	WaveSpawn {
//		Name	wua3
//		TotalCurrency 100
//		TotalCount	25 // 30
//		MaxActive	10
//		SpawnCount	5
//		WaitForAllDead wua2
//		WaitBeforeStarting	4
//		WaitBetweenSpawns	6
//		Where	spawnbot_right
//		RandomChoice {
	//	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoknight_Caber_Atomic Health 102  Name "Sacrificial" ClassIcon demo_sticky_split	}
	//	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoknight_Caber_Atomic Health 102 Name "Sacrificial" ClassIcon demo_sticky_split	}
	//	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoknight_Caber_Atomic Health 102  Name "Sacrificial" ClassIcon demo_sticky_split	}
	//	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoknight_Caber_Thrower  Name "Legalize Nukes" ClassIcon demo_sticky_split	} // Were too annoying
	//	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Push_Single  Name "Legalize Nukes" ClassIcon demo_sticky_split	}
//		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoman_RapidFire	Name "Rapid Bomblet"	ClassIcon demo_sticky_split	
//		CharacterAttributes { "dmg penalty vs players" 1	}
//		}
//		}
//	}
//	WaveSpawn {
//		Name	wua3
//		TotalCurrency 0
//		TotalCount	6 // 10
//		MaxActive	4
//		SpawnCount	2
//		WaitForAllDead wua2
//		WaitBeforeStarting	4
//		WaitBetweenSpawns	2
//		Where	spawnbot_right
//		Squad {
//		TFBot {
//		Template T_TFBot_Demoman_RapidFire
//		ClassIcon demo_sticky_split
//		Name "Rapid Bomblet"
//		CharacterAttributes {
//			"dmg penalty vs players" 1	// "mod shovel speed boost" 1		
//		}
//		}
//		TFBot {
//		Template T_TFBot_Medic_Uber_Quick
//		ClassIcon medic_uber_critcanteen
//		Name "Uber Medic"
//		Item "Battery Canteens"
//		ItemAttributes	{
//		ItemName "Battery Canteens"
//			"critboost" 1
//			"powerup charges" 1
//		}
//		ItemAttributes	{
//		ItemName "Vintage Tyrolean"
//			"attach particle effect" 9
//		}
//		}
//		}
//	}

	WaveSpawn {
		Name	wua4
		TotalCurrency 108
		TotalCount	36 // 32
		MaxActive	16
		SpawnCount	4
		WaitForAllSpawned wua3
		WaitBeforeStarting	12
		WaitBetweenSpawns	2
		Where	spawnbot_right
		RandomChoice {
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Mortar Skill Expert Name "Spliced Demoman" ClassIcon soldier_banner_trio	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Mortar Skill Expert Name "Spliced Soldier" ClassIcon soldier_banner_trio	} // Consider this a collab with int ig
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Bazooka_Conch Skill Expert Name "Tour Grinder Soldier" ClassIcon soldier_banner_trio	}
	//	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Bazooka_Backup Skill Expert Name "Tour Grinder Soldier" ClassIcon soldier_banner_trio	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Bazooka_Buff Skill Expert Name "Tour Grinder Soldier" ClassIcon soldier_banner_trio	}
	//	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Soldier_RapidFire_Conch Skill Easy Name "Tour Grinder Soldier" ClassIcon soldier_banner_trio	}
	//	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Soldier_RapidFire_Backup Skill Easy Name "Tour Grinder Soldier" ClassIcon soldier_banner_trio	}
	//	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Charged_Buff Skill Normal Name "Tour Grinder Soldier" ClassIcon soldier_banner_trio	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Charged_Conch Skill Normal Name "Tour Grinder Soldier" ClassIcon soldier_banner_trio	}
	//	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Charged_Backup Skill Normal Name "Tour Grinder Soldier" ClassIcon soldier_banner_trio	}
	//	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Soldier_BlackBox_Buff Skill Normal Name "Tour Grinder Soldier" ClassIcon soldier_banner_trio	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Soldier_BlackBox_Conch Skill Normal Name "Tour Grinder Soldier" ClassIcon soldier_banner_trio	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Soldier_BlackBox_Backup Skill Normal Name "Tour Grinder Soldier" ClassIcon soldier_banner_trio	}
	//	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Soldier_BlackBox_Buff Skill Normal Name "Tour Grinder Soldier" ClassIcon soldier_banner_trio	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Soldier_BlackBox_Conch Skill Normal Name "Tour Grinder Soldier" ClassIcon soldier_banner_trio	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Soldier_BlackBox_Backup Skill Normal Name "Tour Grinder Soldier" ClassIcon soldier_banner_trio	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Soldier_DirectHit_Buff Skill Normal Name "Tour Grinder Soldier" ClassIcon soldier_banner_trio	}
	//	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Soldier_DirectHit_Conch Skill Normal Name "Tour Grinder Soldier" ClassIcon soldier_banner_trio	}
	//	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Soldier_DirectHit_Backup Skill Normal Name "Tour Grinder Soldier" ClassIcon soldier_banner_trio	}
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	wua4
		TotalCurrency 90 // 64
		TotalCount	18
		MaxActive	9
		SpawnCount	6
		WaitForAllDead wua2
		WaitBeforeStarting	25
		WaitBetweenSpawns	4.5
		Where	spawnbot_right
		RandomChoice {
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Heavy_HealOnHit Skill Normal Name "Tour Grinder Heavy" Item "The U-Clank-a" ClassIcon heavy_deflector_healonkill	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Heavy_HealOnKill Skill Normal Name "Tour Grinder Heavy" Item "The U-Clank-a" ClassIcon heavy_deflector_healonkill	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Heavy_KritOnKill Skill Easy Name "Tour Grinder Heavy" Item "The U-Clank-a" ClassIcon heavy_deflector_healonkill	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Enrage Skill Normal Name "Tour Grinder Heavy" Item "The U-Clank-a" ClassIcon heavy_deflector_healonkill	}
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	wua5
		TotalCurrency 0
		TotalCount	72 // 32
		MaxActive	12
		SpawnCount	6
		WaitForAllSpawned wua4
		WaitBeforeStarting	12
		WaitBetweenSpawns	4
		Where	spawnbot_right		
		Support Limited
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoknight_Eyelander ClassIcon demo_sticky_split	}
	//	RandomChoice {
	//	RandomChoice {
	//	TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Phase_Anchor  WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly Name "Anchored Scout" Item "Sun-on-a-Stick"	Item "Batter's Beak"	Item "Fowl Fists"	Item "Talon Trotters"
	//	ItemAttributes {	ItemName "Sun-on-a-Stick"	"minicrit vs burning player" 1	"damage bonus vs burning" 2 "fire rate bonus"	0.6	}
	//	}
	//	TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Phase_Anchor  WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly Name "Anchored Scout" Item "Sun-on-a-Stick"	Item "Batter's Beak"	Item "Fowl Fists"	Item "Talon Trotters"
	//	ItemAttributes {	ItemName "Sun-on-a-Stick"	"minicrit vs burning player" 1	"damage bonus vs burning" 2 "fire rate bonus"	0.6	}
	//	}
	//	TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Phase_Anchor  WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly Name "Anchored Scout" Item "Sun-on-a-Stick"	Item "Batter's Beak"	Item "Fowl Fists"	Item "Talon Trotters"
	//	ItemAttributes {	ItemName "Sun-on-a-Stick"	"minicrit vs burning player" 1	"damage bonus vs burning" 2 "fire rate bonus"	0.6	}
	//	}
	//	TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Phase_Anchor  WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly Name "Anchored Scout" Item "Sun-on-a-Stick"	Item "Batter's Beak"	Item "Fowl Fists"	Item "Talon Trotters"
	//	ItemAttributes {	ItemName "Sun-on-a-Stick"	"minicrit vs burning player" 1	"damage bonus vs burning" 2 "fire rate bonus"	0.6	}
	//	}
	//	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Scout_Phase Scale 1.1  Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly Name "Flock Together!" Item "Unarmed Combat" Attributes AlwaysCrit ClassIcon scout_bonk 
	//	Item "Batter's Beak"	Item "Fowl Fists"	Item "Talon Trotters"
	//	CharacterAttributes { "crit does no damage" 1 } 
	//	}
	//	}
	//	}
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	wub1
		TotalCurrency 200
		TotalCount	12 // 32
		MaxActive	12
		SpawnCount	3
		WaitForAllSpawned wua4
		WaitBeforeStarting	12
		WaitBetweenSpawns	12 // 15
		Where	spawnbot_left
		Squad {
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Giant_HeavyBox_Maul Name "Super Maulweight"
		Item	"Big Steel Jaw of Summer Fun" Item "The K-9 Mane" Attributes AlwaysCrit
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Medic_Armored_Vacci_Bullet	Name "Bulletproof Medic" ClassIcon	medic_vac_duo_bb
		CharacterAttributes	{ "dmg from melee increased" 4 }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Medic_Armored_Vacci_Blast	Name "Blastproof Medic"	ClassIcon	medic_vac_duo_bb
		CharacterAttributes	{ "dmg from melee increased" 4 }
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	wub1
		TotalCurrency 60
		TotalCount	6 
		MaxActive	4
		SpawnCount	2
		WaitForAllSpawned wua4
		WaitBeforeStarting	22
		WaitBetweenSpawns	15 // 18
		Where	spawnbot_left
		Squad {
		TFBot {	Template  T_TFBot_Giant_Pyro_Afterburn	Name "Giant Ext. Afterburner"	ClassIcon pyro_gascann	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Medic_Uber_Quick	Name "Uber Medic"	ClassIcon	medic_uber_critcanteen
		Item "Battery Canteens"
		ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName "Battery Canteens"
			"critboost" 1
			"powerup charges" 1
		ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName "Vintage Tyrolean"
			"attach particle effect" 9
	} // Wave 5 Over

// WAVE 6/6 (1000$)

	Wave	{
	WaitWhenDone	65
	Checkpoint	Yes
	InitWaveOutput	{
//		Target wave_init_relay // Don't do anything on this map

	Target gamerules
	Action RunScriptCode
		SetSkyboxTexture (`sky_halloween_night_01`) // Thanks ficool2.
		EntFire(`nav_prefer_flank_right`, `Kill`)
		EntFire(`nav_prefer_flank_left`, `Kill`)
		EntFire(`func_upgradestation`, `enable`);
	//	ClientPrint(null,3,`Player copies will now be allowed to control the giants.`)
	//	ClientPrint(null,3,`Expect shenanigans.`)
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_airblast_cray_lose_footing_duration`, 0); // No more airblast
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_airblast_cray_power`, 150);
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_bot_taunt_victim_chance`, 0);
		EntFire(`bombpath_right`,`Trigger`,null,0.9) // 
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_bot_pyro_always_reflect`, 1);
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_bot_pyro_shove_away_range`, 1000); // This procs phlog
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_bot_engineer_mvm_hint_min_distance_from_bomb`, 500);
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_bot_engineer_mvm_sentry_hint_bomb_forward_range`, 2750);
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_bot_engineer_mvm_sentry_hint_bomb_backward_range`, 250);

	StartWaveOutput	{
		Target	wave_start_endurance_relay
		Action	Trigger
	DoneOutput	{
		Target	wave_finished_relay
		Action	Trigger
	WaveSpawn {
	WaitBeforeStarting	1
	FirstSpawnOutput {
			Target wave_start_relay
			Action runscriptcode
	IncludeScript(`tankextensions_main`, getroottable())
		if(!(`SetDropTank` in self.GetScriptScope()))IncludeScript(`global_paratank_lite`)
		if(!(Entities.FindByName(null,`droptank_1`))) {
			`-2760 2079 1652|droptank_1`,
			`-2154 1932 870|droptank_2`,
			`-1485 315 870|droptank_3`,
			`251 -662 571|droptank_4`,
			`332 -1044 450|droptank_5`,
			`332 -1044 300|droptank_6_ground`,
			`366 -1950 350|droptank_7`,
			`-607 -2280 500|droptank_8`,])}

	WaveSpawn {
		Name liua1
		TotalCurrency 25
		TotalCount 1 // 4 
		MaxActive 1
		SpawnCount 1
		WaitBeforeStarting	2
		WaitBetweenSpawns 15
		Where spawnbot_left	
		FirstSpawnWarningSound "items/powerup_pickup_resistance.wav"
	//	FirstSpawnWarningSound "vo\mvm\nom\heavy_mvm_cartstaycloseoffense06.mp3" // Cart is friend, come visit friend!
	//	RandomChoice {
		RandomChoice {
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBoss_Tank // _Rocket // _Cannonball
		Name "Brigand 5 Pounder"
		Health 30000
		Attributes IgnoreEnemies
		Attributes UseBossHealthBar
		ClassIcon "Tank"
		CharacterAttributes {
			"dmg taken increased" 0.5
			"dmg from melee increased" 2
			"dmg taken from crit reduced" 0.5
			"Projectile speed increased" .5
	//	}
		FirstSpawnOutput	{
			Target wave_start_relay
			Action RunScriptCode
				ClientPrint(null,3,`\x0799CCFFBrigand Tank with 30k HP inbound!`)
	WaveSpawn {
		Name	liua1s
		TotalCurrency 0
		TotalCount	22
		MaxActive	12
		SpawnCount	2
//		WaitForAllDead liua1
		WaitBeforeStarting	8
		WaitBetweenSpawns	5
		Where	spawnbot_left
		Support Limited
	//	FirstSpawnWarningSound "vo/halloween_merasmus/sf14_merasmus_general_purpose_15" // Why? Why would you do that?
	//	FirstSpawnOutput 
	//	{
	//	Target gamerules
	//	Action RunScriptCode
	//	Param 
	//	"
	//	SpawnEntityFromTable(`training_annotation` , {
	//	targetname = `sif_annot`
	//	display_text = `You have alerted the HORDE.`
	//	lifetime = `8`
	//	origin = `-2889 2055 404`
	//	}
	//	)
	//	EntFire(`sif_annot`, `show`)
	//	EntFire(`sif_annot`, `kill`, ``, 8)
	//	"
	//	}
		Squad {
		FormationSize 6210
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Spy_Tranquil  
		Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon
		Action FetchFlag	 
		CharacterAttributes	{
		"cannot disguise" 1 
		"mark for death" 1
		"minicrits become crits" 1
		"add attributes on hit" "move speed penalty|0.75|3|allow friendly fire|1|30"  
		Name "Tranquilizing Inquisitor" ClassIcon spy_revolver_mark_lite }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Spy_Ambassador
		Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon
	//	Action FetchFlag	 
		Name "Headhunting Scorned" ClassIcon spy_revolver_mark_lite
		CharacterAttributes	{
		"cannot disguise" 1 
		"mark for death" 1
		"add attributes on hit" "move speed penalty|0.75|3|allow friendly fire|1|30"  
		"minicrits become crits" 1
		FirstSpawnOutput	{
			Target wave_start_relay
			Action RunScriptCode
			ClientPrint(null,3,`Prevent them from trying to escort various tank payloads.`)
	WaveSpawn {
		Name liua1s // Hah! You can't play spy now, huh?
		TotalCurrency 0
		TotalCount 60 
		MaxActive 4 // 4
		SpawnCount 1
		WaitBeforeStarting	20
		WaitBetweenSpawns 4 // 12 
		Where spawnbot_boss
		Where spawnbot_right
		Support Limited
		RandomChoice {
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Afterburn Skill Hard Name "Cauterizing Toaster" Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon	Item "Breadcrab"	Item "Bread Biter" Item	"Loaf Loafers"	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Afterburn Skill Hard Name "Cauterizing Toaster" Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon	Item "Breadcrab"	Item "Bread Biter" Item	"Loaf Loafers"	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Afterburn Skill Hard Name "Cauterizing Toaster" Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon	Item "Breadcrab"	Item "Bread Biter" Item	"Loaf Loafers"	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Afterburn Skill Hard Name "Cauterizing Toaster" Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon	Item "Breadcrab"	Item "Bread Biter" Item	"Loaf Loafers"	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Afterburn Skill Hard Name "Cauterizing Toaster" Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon	Item "Breadcrab"	Item "Bread Biter" Item	"Loaf Loafers"	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Afterburn Skill Hard Name "Cauterizing Toaster" Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon	Item "Breadcrab"	Item "Bread Biter" Item	"Loaf Loafers"	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Afterburn Skill Hard Name "Cauterizing Toaster" Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon	Item "Breadcrab"	Item "Bread Biter" Item	"Loaf Loafers"	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Afterburn Skill Hard Name "Cauterizing Toaster" Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon	Item "Breadcrab"	Item "Bread Biter" Item	"Loaf Loafers"	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Afterburn Skill Hard Name "Cauterizing Toaster" Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon	Item "Breadcrab"	Item "Bread Biter" Item	"Loaf Loafers"	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Afterburn Skill Easy Name "Cauterizing Toaster" Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon	Tag pyro_spinner Item "Breadcrab"	Item "Bread Biter" Item	"Loaf Loafers"	}
	WaveSpawn {
		Name liuBOSSs // How about now?
		TotalCurrency 0
		TotalCount 621
		MaxActive 12 // 4
		SpawnCount 1
		WaitForAllSpawned liua4
		WaitBeforeStarting	15
		WaitBetweenSpawns 5 // 12 
		Where spawnbot_boss
		Where spawnbot_right
		Support Limited
		RandomChoice {
		TFBot	{	Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Dragon Skill Easy Name "Sentinel Toaster"
		Item	"Breadcrab"	Item	"Bread Biter" Item	"Loaf Loafers" ClassIcon pyro_dragon_fury_swordstone}
		TFBot	{	Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Dragon Skill Easy Name "Sentinel Toaster"
		Item	"Breadcrab"	Item	"Bread Biter" Item	"Loaf Loafers" ClassIcon pyro_dragon_fury_swordstone}
		TFBot	{	Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Dragon Skill Easy  Name "Sentinel Toaster"
		Item	"Breadcrab"	Item	"Bread Biter" Item	"Loaf Loafers" ClassIcon pyro_dragon_fury_swordstone}
		TFBot	{	Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Dragon Skill Easy  Name "Sentinel Toaster"
		Item	"Breadcrab"	Item	"Bread Biter" Item	"Loaf Loafers" ClassIcon pyro_dragon_fury_swordstone}
		TFBot	{	Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Dragon Skill Easy  Name "Sentinel Toaster"
		Item	"Breadcrab"	Item	"Bread Biter" Item	"Loaf Loafers" ClassIcon pyro_dragon_fury_swordstone}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Afterburn Skill Hard Name "Cauterizing Toaster" Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon	Item "Breadcrab"	Item "Bread Biter" Item	"Loaf Loafers"	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Afterburn Skill Hard Name "Cauterizing Toaster" Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon	Item "Breadcrab"	Item "Bread Biter" Item	"Loaf Loafers"	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Afterburn Skill Hard Name "Cauterizing Toaster" Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon	Item "Breadcrab"	Item "Bread Biter" Item	"Loaf Loafers"	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Afterburn Skill Hard Name "Cauterizing Toaster" Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon	Item "Breadcrab"	Item "Bread Biter" Item	"Loaf Loafers"	}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Afterburn Skill Easy Name "Cauterizing Toaster" Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon	Tag pyro_spinner Item "Breadcrab"	Item "Bread Biter" Item	"Loaf Loafers"	}
	WaveSpawn {
		Name liua3s
		TotalCurrency 0
		TotalCount 30
		MaxActive 5 // 4
		SpawnCount 1 // 4
		WaitForAllSpawned liua2
		WaitBeforeStarting	10
		WaitBetweenSpawns 5
		Where spawnbot_right
		Support Limited
		RandomChoice {
		TFBot	{	Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Dragon Skill Easy  Name "Sentinel Toaster"
		Item	"Breadcrab"	Item	"Bread Biter" Item	"Loaf Loafers" ClassIcon pyro_dragon_fury_swordstone}
		TFBot	{	Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Dragon Skill Easy Name "Sentinel Toaster"
		Item	"Breadcrab"	Item	"Bread Biter" Item	"Loaf Loafers" ClassIcon pyro_dragon_fury_swordstone}
		TFBot	{	Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Dragon Skill Normal  Name "Sentinel Toaster"
		Item	"Breadcrab"	Item	"Bread Biter" Item	"Loaf Loafers" ClassIcon pyro_dragon_fury_swordstone}
		TFBot	{	Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Dragon Skill Expert Name "Sentinel Toaster"
		Item	"Breadcrab"	Item	"Bread Biter" Item	"Loaf Loafers" ClassIcon pyro_dragon_fury_swordstone}
		TFBot	{	Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Airblast_Reversed Skill Expert Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon Tag pyro_spinner Name "Wavesucking Toaster" Attributes AlwaysCrit ClassIcon pyro_gascann
		Item	"Breadcrab"	Item	"Bread Biter" Item	"Loaf Loafers" }
		TFBot	{	Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Airblast_NoPush Skill Easy Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon Tag pyro_spinner Name "Sentinel Toaster" Attributes AlwaysCrit ClassIcon pyro_gascann
		Item	"Breadcrab"	Item	"Bread Biter" Item	"Loaf Loafers" }
	///// TANK 1 /////
	WaveSpawn	{
	Name	liua1 //_tank
//	WaitForAllDead liua1
	TotalCurrency	0
	TotalCount	1					
	Where	spawnbot_boss		
	WaitBeforeStarting	0
//	Support Limited
	FirstSpawnWarningSound "Announcer.MVM_Tank_Alert_Spawn"
	FirstSpawnOutput 	{	Target boss_spawn_relay	Action Trigger  }
	Tank	{
	Health	30000
	Name tankboss1
	ClassIcon tank // speed
	Speed	250 // 1m 45s on this map
	Skin 0
	StartingPathTrackNode	"boss_path_1"
	OnKilledOutput	{ Target	boss_dead_relay	Action Trigger	}
	OnBombDroppedOutput	{ Target	boss_deploy_relay	Action	Trigger	}
	WaveSpawn	{
//	WaitForAllSpawned liua1
	WaitBeforeStarting 1
	FirstSpawnOutput	{
		Target wave_start_relay
		Action RunScriptCode
		ClientPrint(null,3,`\x0799CCFFTank with 30k HP inbound!`)
	WaveSpawn	{
//	WaitForAllSpawned liua1
	WaitBeforeStarting 4
	FirstSpawnOutput	{
		Target tankboss1
		Action "setSpeed"
        Param "80"
	///// TANK 1 OVER /////
	WaveSpawn {
		Name liua2
		TotalCurrency 25
		TotalCount 10
		MaxActive 6 // 4
		SpawnCount 2 // 4
		WaitForAllDead liua1
		WaitBeforeStarting	2
		WaitBetweenSpawns 7
		Where spawnbot_right
		Support Limited
		RandomChoice {
		TFBot	{	Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Shotgun_Burst Name "Brigand Hunter" ClassIcon heavy_shotgun_burst_lite  }
		TFBot	{	Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Shotgun_Burst Name "Brigand Hunter" ClassIcon heavy_shotgun_burst_lite}
	WaveSpawn {
		Name liua4
		TotalCurrency 32
		TotalCount 32
		MaxActive 12 // 4
		SpawnCount 4 // 4
		WaitForAllDead liua3
		WaitBeforeStarting	5
		WaitBetweenSpawns 3.5
		Where spawnbot_right
		RandomChoice {
		// So uhh flare spam sucks ass, we're using scouts.
		TFBot	{	Template	T_TFBot_Scout_Scattergun_FastFire Attributes AlwaysCrit Item "Hat With No Name" Skill Easy Name "Pillager Runner" ClassIcon scout_spammer }
		TFBot	{	Template	T_TFBot_Scout_Nailgun_Passive Attributes AlwaysCrit Skill Easy Item "Hat With No Name" Name "Bloodletter Runner" ClassIcon scout_spammer }
		TFBot	{	Template	T_TFBot_Scout_Scattergun_FastFire Attributes AlwaysCrit Item "Hat With No Name" Skill Easy Name "Pillager Runner" ClassIcon scout_spammer }
		TFBot	{	Template	T_TFBot_Scout_Scattergun_FastFire Attributes AlwaysCrit Item "Hat With No Name" Skill Easy Name "Pillager Runner" ClassIcon scout_spammer }
	//	TFBot	{	Template	T_TFBot_Pyro_Flare_Heal Attributes AlwaysCrit Skill Easy Name "Firemaw" ClassIcon pyro_flare_spammer }
	//	TFBot	{	Template	T_TFBot_Pyro_Flare_RapidFire Attributes AlwaysCrit Skill Easy  Name "Firemaw" ClassIcon pyro_flare_spammer }
	//	TFBot	{	Template	T_TFBot_Pyro_Flare_Burst Attributes AlwaysCrit Skill Easy  Name "Firemaw"  ClassIcon pyro_flare_spammer }
	WaveSpawn {
		Name liua2s
		TotalCurrency 0
		TotalCount 8
		MaxActive 4 // 4
		SpawnCount 2 // 4
		WaitForAllDead liua1
		WaitBeforeStarting	50
		WaitBetweenSpawns 5
		Where spawnbot_right
		Support Limited
		RandomChoice {		
		TFBot	{	Template	T_TFBot_Pyro_Flare_Heal Attributes AlwaysCrit Skill Easy Name "Firemaw" ClassIcon pyro_gascann }
		TFBot	{	Template	T_TFBot_Pyro_Flare_RapidFire Attributes AlwaysCrit Skill Easy  Name "Firemaw" ClassIcon pyro_gascann }
	//	TFBot	{	Template	T_TFBot_Pyro_Flare_Burst Attributes AlwaysCrit Skill Easy  Name "Firemaw"  ClassIcon pyro_flare_spammer }
	WaveSpawn {
		Name liua2
		TotalCurrency 150
		TotalCount 2 // 4 // I wanted to have a different medic variant
		MaxActive 2
		SpawnCount 2
		WaitForAllDead liua1
		WaitBeforeStarting	40
		WaitBetweenSpawns 22
		Where spawnbot_left
		Squad {
		TFBot	{	Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Charged_Atomic
		Name "Ordained Atomic Kiloton" 
		Attributes AlwaysCrit
			Name AtomRocket
			AttachToProjectile 1
			ItemName "The Original" // This thing spawns sideways
		TFBot	{	Template T_TFBot_Giant_Medic_Uber_Pop
		Name "Ordained Flickering FleshWeaver" ClassIcon medic_uber
		CharacterAttributes {
		"health regen"	40
		"bot medic uber health threshold" 2500
		"bot medic uber deploy delay duration" 4
				Target player
				Action $DisplayTextChat
				Param "{99CCFF}Ordained Flickering FleshWeaver{reset} : Uber in 4s." 
				Delay 0.01
				Repeats 1
				IfHealthBelow 2500
	WaveSpawn {
		Name liua2
		TotalCurrency 150
		TotalCount 2 // 4 // I wanted to have a different medic variant
		MaxActive 2
		SpawnCount 2
		WaitForAllDead liua1
		WaitBeforeStarting 20
		WaitBetweenSpawns 0
		Where spawnbot_left
		Squad {
		TFBot	{	Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Charged_Atomic
		Name "Ordained Atomic Kiloton" 
		Attributes AlwaysCrit
		ItemAttributes	{
			ItemName "Tyrant's Helm"
			"attach particle effect" 38 // Cloudy Moon
		CharacterAttributes {
			"add attributes on hit" "teleport instead of die|1|9999"  
			"Blast radius decreased" 0.25
			"damage bonus"	11 // die :3
			Target player
			Action $PlaySoundToSelf
			Param "=35|mvm/mvm_used_powerup.wav"
			Delay 0.5
			Cooldown 99999
			Repeats 0
			Target player
			Action $DisplayTextChat
			Param "{99CCFF}Ordained Atomic Kiloton {FBEBCA}has used their {9BBF4D}RECALL TARGET{reset} Power Up Canteen!"
			Delay 0.5
			Cooldown 99999
			Repeats 0
			Name AtomRocket
			AttachToProjectile 1
			ItemName "The Original" // This thing spawns sideways
		TFBot	{	Template T_TFBot_Giant_Medic_Uber_Pop
		CharacterAttributes {
			"bot medic uber health threshold" 62100
			"bot medic uber deploy delay duration" 0.5
		Name "Ordained FleshWeaver" ClassIcon medic_uber 
				Target player
				Action $DisplayTextChat
				Param "{99CCFF}Ordained FleshWeaver{reset} : Uber in 4s." 
				Delay 0.01
				Repeats 1
				IfHealthBelow 2500
	WaveSpawn {
		Name liua3
		TotalCurrency 160
		TotalCount 8 
		MaxActive 8 // 4
		SpawnCount 4
		WaitForAllDead liua2
		WaitBeforeStarting	2
		WaitBetweenSpawns 22
		Where spawnbot_left
	//	Support Limited
		Squad {
		TFBot	{	Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demoman_RapidFire_Burst Name "Ordained Ultimatum Scatterer" ClassIcon demo_burst_spammer 
		ItemAttributes	{
			"grenade explode on impact" 1
			"dmg penalty vs players" 0.1 // 0.34 // 0.66
			"add cond on hit" 24
			"add cond on hit duration" 5
			"custom projectile model" "models/weapons/c_models/urinejar.mdl"  
		CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.66 }
		TFBot 	{	Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickFix_BigHeal Name "Marching Medic" Item "Lo-Fi Longwave"
		Classicon medic_speedcanteen
		Item "The Overdose"
		ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName "The Overdose"
			"add cond on hit"					24    // Jarate
			"add cond on hit duration"			5
			"clip size penalty" 0.25
			"fire rate bonus HIDDEN"			0.25
			"Reload time increased"	0.5
			"dmg penalty vs players" 0.1 // 2.5
		ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName "The Quick-Fix"
			"medigun passive attributes" "move speed bonus|0.6|mod medic healed damage bonus|1.5"
			"medigun passive attributes owner" "damage force reduction|0.2|mult medigun range|1.5"
			Target player
			Action $PlaySoundToSelf
			Param "=35|mvm/mvm_used_powerup.wav"
			Delay 0.5
			Cooldown 99999
			Repeats 0
			Target player
			Action $DisplayTextChat
			Param "{99CCFF}Marching Medic {FBEBCA}has shared their {9BBF4D}HASTE{reset} Power Up Canteen!"
			Delay 0.5
			Cooldown 99999
			Repeats 0
		TFBot	{	Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Burst MaxVisionRange 1600 Name "Ordained Volley Rainer"	 ClassIcon	  soldier_burstfire_ammocanteen}
		TFBot	{	Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Burst_CanteenAmmo MaxVisionRange 900 Name "Ordained Focus Volley"	 ClassIcon	  soldier_burstfire_ammocanteen}
	WaveSpawn {
		Name liua4
		TotalCurrency 50
		TotalCount 10
		MaxActive 6 // 3
		SpawnCount 2
		WaitForAllDead liua3
		WaitBeforeStarting	10
		WaitBetweenSpawns 8
		Where spawnbot_left
		Squad {
	//	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Giant_Scout_MiniCrit Name "Brigand Runner"
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demoknight_Caber_Atomic Name "Brigand Sacrificial" Attributes AlwaysCrit
		Item	"Breadcrab"	Item	"Bread Biter" Item	"Loaf Loafers"
		Skill Hard
		Attributes DisableDodge
		ItemAttributes {
		Item	"The Force-a-Nature"
			ItemName "The Ullapool Caber"
		"damage bonus" 50
		"blast dmg to self increased"	621 // it dies.
		"killstreak tier" 1
		Delay 0
		Cooldown 0
		Repeats 1
		IfHealthBelow 2000
		Name "ape"
				CustomEyeGlowColor "255 95 31"
				Attributes DisableDodge
				ActionOverride Mobber

				ItemName "The Ullapool Caber"
				Red   255
				Green 95
				Blue 31

				ItemName "Sober Stuntman"
				Red   255
				Green 95
				Blue 31

			CharacterAttributes	{ "cannot pick up intelligence" 1 "attach particle effect" 3130  } // Cremation	
	//	WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly
	//	ItemAttributes	{
	//	ItemName	"The Force-a-Nature"
	//		"item style override" 1
	//		"is australium item" 1
	//		"fire rate bonus"	.001
	//		"bullets per shot bonus"	3
	//		"faster reload rate" 4 
	//		"scattergun has knockback" 5
	//		"scattergun knockback mult" 2.5 // default is 1.6
	//		"apply z velocity on damage" 200 // It sends you up instead. :3
//				"killstreak tier" 1
//		}
		CharacterAttributes	{
			"damage force reduction"	0.3
			"cancel falling damage"	1
			"increased jump height" 1.3
	//		"air dash count" 1
//		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Giant_Scout_MiniCrit Name "Brigand Runner"
//		WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly Item "Three-Rune Blade"
//		ItemAttributes	{
//		ItemName "Three-Rune Blade"
//		"hit self on miss" 0
//		"fire rate bonus" 0.66
//		"bleeding duration" 5
//		"damage penalty" 0.34
//		"dmg penalty vs players" 2.5
//		"killstreak tier" 1
//		}
//		Item	"Breadcrab"	Item	"Bread Biter" Item	"Loaf Loafers"	}
		TFBot 	{	Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickFix_Heal Name "Marching Medic" Item "Lo-Fi Longwave"
		Classicon medic_speedcanteen
		Item "The Overdose"
		ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName "The Overdose"
			"add cond on hit"					24    // Jarate
			"add cond on hit duration"			5
			"clip size penalty" 0.25
			"fire rate bonus HIDDEN"			0.25
			"Reload time increased"	0.5
			"dmg penalty vs players" 0.1 // 2.5
		ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName "The Quick-Fix"
			"medigun passive attributes" "move speed bonus|1|mod medic healed damage bonus|1.5"
			"medigun passive attributes owner" "damage force reduction|0.2|mult medigun range|1.5"
			Target player
			Action $PlaySoundToSelf
			Param "=35|mvm/mvm_used_powerup.wav"
			Delay 0.5
			Cooldown 99999
			Repeats 0
			Target player
			Action $DisplayTextChat
			Param "{99CCFF}Marching Medic {FBEBCA}has shared their {9BBF4D}HASTE{reset} Power Up Canteen!"
			Delay 0.5
			Cooldown 99999
			Repeats 0
	WaveSpawn {
		Name liua5
		TotalCurrency 50
		TotalCount 1
		MaxActive 1
		SpawnCount 1
		WaitForAllSpawned liua4
		WaitBeforeStarting	15
		WaitBetweenSpawns 8
		Where spawnbot_left
		DoneMessage "Their admiral is down, Major Healvy is JAMMED!"    
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavy_Deflector_HOK Health 8000 Attributes UseBossHealthBar	
	//	Name "Ordained Deflector Healvy"
		Name "Major Healvy"
		Skill Hard
		SpawnTemplate "KOKAngered"  
		SpawnTemplate "HOKDeflectorThink"  
			Item "Deflector"
			Name "health regen" 
			Delay 1
			Cooldown 4
			Repeats 0
			IfHealthAbove 2499
			Name "health regen" 
			Delay 1
			Cooldown 4
			Repeats 0
			IfHealthAbove 2499
			Delay 2 
			Cooldown 5 
			Repeats 1
			Type "Thanks" 
			Delay 1
			Cooldown 5 
			Repeats 0
			IfHealthBelow 2500
			Type "Jeers" 
			WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly
			Name "Jammed Admiral Booster"
			Skill Expert
			CustomEyeGlowColor "255 95 31"
			ItemAttributes	{
				"heal on kill" 5000
				"bullets per shot bonus" 10
				"damage penalty" 0.5
				"faster reload rate" 0.1
				"projectile penetration"	1
				"attack projectiles" 1	// force ability to shoot down projectiles
				"health regen" 400
				"SPELL: Halloween voice modulation" 1
				"killstreak tier" 1
				ItemName "Deflector"
				Red   255
				Green 95
				Blue 31
				ItemName "The Tungsten Toque"
				Red   255
				Green 95
				Blue 31
			CharacterAttributes	{ "attach particle effect" 3130  } // Cremation		
			WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly
			Name "Jammed Admiral Booster"
			Skill Expert
				ItemName "Deflector"
				"move speed bonus" 0.6
				"health regen" 2500
			ItemAttributes	{
				"move speed bonus" 0.6
				"health regen" 2500
		CharacterAttributes {
		"health regen"	40
		"mod weapon blocks healing" 1
		"voice pitch scale" 0
				Target	w6_boss_title_relay
				Action	Trigger
	WaveSpawn {
		Name liua5
		TotalCurrency 50
		TotalCount 1
		MaxActive 1
		SpawnCount 1
		WaitForAllSpawned liua4
		WaitBeforeStarting	18
		WaitBetweenSpawns 8
		Where spawnbot_right
		DoneMessage "They lost their only friend, Admiral Booster is ENRAGED!"    
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavy_Deflector_KOK Health 8000 Attributes UseBossHealthBar	
	//	Name "Ordained Deflector Critvy"
		Name "Admiral Booster"
		Skill Normal
		SpawnTemplate "HOKAngered"  
		SpawnTemplate "KOKDeflectorThink"  
			Item "Deflector"
			Name "health regen" 
			Delay 1
			Cooldown 4
			Repeats 0
			IfHealthAbove 2499
			Delay 2 
			Cooldown 5 
			Repeats 1
			Type "Incoming" 
			Delay 1
			Cooldown 5 
			Repeats 0
			IfHealthBelow 2500
			Type "Negative" 
			Name "Jammed Admiral Booster"
			Skill Expert
			CustomEyeGlowColor "255 95 31"
				ItemName "Deflector"
					"damage bonus"	1.4
					"fire rate bonus" 0.8
					"fire rate bonus with reduced health" 0.7
					"health regen" 400
					"SPELL: Halloween voice modulation" 1
				ItemName "Deflector"
				Red   255
				Green 95
				Blue 31
				ItemName "Hard Counter"
				Red   255
				Green 95
				Blue 31
			Attributes DisableDodge
			ActionOverride Mobber  
			CharacterAttributes	{ "cannot pick up intelligence" 1 "attach particle effect" 3130  } // Cremation	
				ItemName "Deflector"
				"move speed bonus" 0.6
				"health regen" 2500
		CharacterAttributes {
		"health regen"	40
		"mod weapon blocks healing" 1
		"voice pitch scale" 0
		FirstSpawnOutput	{
		Target wave_start_relay
		Action RunScriptCode
		ClientPrint(null,3,`\x08FFFF00FF[Music] Now Playing: END of the L1NE_ - Figburn `)
		ClientPrint(null,3,`Tip: The twin will heal to 50% if they're not bursted down equally.`)
	WaveSpawn {
		Name liua4s
		TotalCurrency 0
		TotalCount 0 // 621
		MaxActive 6
		SpawnCount 3
		WaitForAllDead liua2
		WaitBeforeStarting	20
		WaitBetweenSpawns 12
		Where spawnbot_left
		Support Limited
		RandomChoice {
		TFBot	{ Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Shotgun Name "Brigand Hunter" ClassIcon heavy_shotgun_burst_lite }
		TFBot	{ Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Shotgun_Burst Name "Brigand Hunter" ClassIcon heavy_shotgun_burst_lite 
		ItemAttributes	{
		"reload time increased hidden" 0.66
			"fire rate bonus with reduced health" 0.5
			"panic_attack" 1
			"bullets per shot bonus" 2.5
		Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Afterburn Name "Cauterizing Toaster"
		Item	"Breadcrab"	Item	"Bread Biter" Item	"Loaf Loafers"
		///// TANK 2 /////
	WaveSpawn	{
	Name	paratank
	TotalCurrency	308
	TotalCount	1					
	Where	spawnbot_boss		
	WaitBeforeStarting	15
	WaitForAllDead liua3
//	Support Limited
	FirstSpawnWarningSound "Announcer.MVM_Tank_Alert_Spawn"
	FirstSpawnOutput 	{	Target boss_spawn_relay	Action Trigger  }
	Tank	{
	Health	15000
	Name paratank
	Scale 0.65  
	ClassIcon tank // speed
	Speed	75 // 1m 45s on this map
	Skin 0
	// StartingPathTrackNode	"boss_path_1"
	StartingPathTrackNode "droptank_1" // It flies now, fuck you. uwu
	OnKilledOutput	{ Target	boss_dead_relay	Action Trigger	}
	OnBombDroppedOutput	{ Target	boss_deploy_relay	Action	Trigger	}
	WaveSpawn {
	WaitBeforeStarting	10
	FirstSpawnOutput {
			Target wave_start_relay
			Action runscriptcode
// Lite script
//	 IncludeScript(`tankextensions/blimp`, getroottable())		
//	 IncludeScript(`tankextensions/painttank`, getroottable())
	 if(!(`CreateBlimpPath` in this)) 
//	 TankExt.SetTankModel(tank, 1)
//   TankExt.SetTankModel(null, models/bots/boss_bot/boss_blimp_pure.mdl)
		if(!(Entities.FindByName(null,`blimp_1`))) {
			`-2221 2665 1772|blimp_1`,
			`-1485 315 400|blimp_2`,
			`-1545 -942 850|blimp_3`,
			`-762 -942 850|blimp_4`,
			`-607 -2280 500|blimp_5`,])}	
//	TankExt.SetValueOverrides // Stolen from randomguy's int fr fr no cap
//			({
//				PAINTTANK_MODEL_COLOR = `models/bots/boss_bot/boss_blimp_main.mdl`
//				PAINTTANK_MODEL_COLOR_DAMAGE1 = `models/bots/boss_bot/boss_blimp_main_damage1.mdl`
//				PAINTTANK_MODEL_COLOR_DAMAGE2 = `models/bots/boss_bot/boss_blimp_main_damage2.mdl`
//				PAINTTANK_MODEL_COLOR_DAMAGE3 = `models/bots/boss_bot/boss_blimp_main_damage3.mdl`
			//	PAINTTANK_MODEL_COLOR_TRACK_L = `models/bots/boss_bot/paintable_tank_v2/tank_track_l.mdl`
			//	PAINTTANK_MODEL_COLOR_TRACK_R = `models/bots/boss_bot/paintable_tank_v2/tank_track_r.mdl`
			//	PAINTTANK_MODEL_COLOR_BOMB = `models/bots/boss_bot/paintable_tank_v2/bomb_mechanism.mdl`
//			})		
	WaveSpawn	{
	Name "ShittyWayToFix_TANK_MissingIcon"
	WaitForAllDead paratank
	WaitBeforeStarting 0.05
	Where spawnbot_left
	TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Afterburn Name "Obscure DD2 References" ClassIcon tank}
	WaveSpawn	{
	WaitForAllSpawned paratank
	WaitBeforeStarting 0.05
	FirstSpawnOutput	{
		Target wave_start_relay
		Action RunScriptCode
		ClientPrint(null,3,`\x0799CCFFPara Tank with 15k HP inbound!`)
		SpawnEntityFromTable(`training_annotation` , {
		targetname = `sif_annot`
		display_text = `Look up! The Para-Tank is up there!`
		lifetime = `6`
		origin = `-3028 2048 1800`
		EntFire(`sif_annot`, `show`)
		EntFire(`sif_annot`, `kill`, ``, 12)
	///// TANK 2 OVER /////
	} // Wave 6 Over

// WAVE 7/7 (621$)

	Wave	{
	WaitWhenDone	65
	Checkpoint	Yes
	InitWaveOutput	{
//		Target wave_init_relay // Don't do anything on this map

	Target gamerules
	Action RunScriptCode
		SetSkyboxTexture (`sky_harvest_night_01`) // Thanks ficool2.
		EntFire(`nav_prefer_flank_right`, `Kill`)
		EntFire(`nav_prefer_flank_left`, `Kill`)
		EntFire(`func_upgradestation`, `enable`);
		//ClientPrint(null,3,`\x08FF5733FFMedium | Darkest (Level 6)`)
		ClientPrint(null,3,`\x08FF5733FFMedium | Champion (Level 5)`)
		ClientPrint(null,3,`\x08FFFFFFFFKill 1 Zenith of Robotkind`)
	//	ClientPrint(null,3,`Tip: Do NOT get killed by them.`)
	//	ClientPrint(null,3,`They will spawn a random mimic based off one of your current loadout.`)
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_airblast_cray_lose_footing_duration`, 0); // No more airblast
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_airblast_cray_power`, 150);
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_bot_taunt_victim_chance`, 0);
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_bot_pyro_always_reflect`, 1);
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_bot_pyro_shove_away_range`, 1000); // This procs phlog
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_bot_engineer_mvm_hint_min_distance_from_bomb`, 500);
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_bot_engineer_mvm_sentry_hint_bomb_forward_range`, 2750);
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_bot_engineer_mvm_sentry_hint_bomb_backward_range`, 250);


	WaveSpawn {
	WaitBeforeStarting	1
	FirstSpawnOutput {
			Target wave_start_relay
			Action runscriptcode
// Lite script
//	 IncludeScript(`tankextensions/blimp`, getroottable())		
//	 IncludeScript(`tankextensions/painttank`, getroottable())
	 if(!(`CreateBlimpPath` in this)) 
//	 TankExt.SetTankModel(tank, 1)
//   TankExt.SetTankModel(null, models/bots/boss_bot/boss_blimp_pure.mdl)
		if(!(Entities.FindByName(null,`blimp_1`))) {
			`-2221 2665 1772|blimp_1`,
			`-1485 315 400|blimp_2`,
			`-1545 -942 650|blimp_3`,
			`-762 -942 300|blimp_4`,
			`-607 -2280 250|blimp_5`,])}	
//	TankExt.SetValueOverrides // Stolen from randomguy's int fr fr no cap
//			({
//				PAINTTANK_MODEL_COLOR = `models/bots/boss_bot/boss_blimp_main.mdl`
//				PAINTTANK_MODEL_COLOR_DAMAGE1 = `models/bots/boss_bot/boss_blimp_main_damage1.mdl`
//				PAINTTANK_MODEL_COLOR_DAMAGE2 = `models/bots/boss_bot/boss_blimp_main_damage2.mdl`
//				PAINTTANK_MODEL_COLOR_DAMAGE3 = `models/bots/boss_bot/boss_blimp_main_damage3.mdl`
			//	PAINTTANK_MODEL_COLOR_TRACK_L = `models/bots/boss_bot/paintable_tank_v2/tank_track_l.mdl`
			//	PAINTTANK_MODEL_COLOR_TRACK_R = `models/bots/boss_bot/paintable_tank_v2/tank_track_r.mdl`
			//	PAINTTANK_MODEL_COLOR_BOMB = `models/bots/boss_bot/paintable_tank_v2/bomb_mechanism.mdl`
//			})		
	StartWaveOutput	{
		Target	wave_start_endurance_relay
		Action	Trigger
	DoneOutput	{
		Target	wave_finished_relay
		Action	Trigger

	///// BLIMP 1 /////
	WaveSpawn	{
	Name	blimp
	TotalCurrency	0
	TotalCount	1					
	Where	spawnbot_boss		
	WaitBeforeStarting	5
//	Support Limited
	FirstSpawnWarningSound "Announcer.MVM_Tank_Alert_Spawn"
	FirstSpawnOutput 	{	Target boss_spawn_relay	Action Trigger  }
	Tank	{
	Health	12656 // 6328 // 3164
	Name blimp
	Skin 1
	PingSound "misc/null.wav"  
	NoCrushDamage 1   
	Model "models/bots/boss_bot/boss_blimp_pure.mdl"  
	EngineLoopSound "vehicles\airboat\fan_blade_idle_loop1.wav"  
	Scale 0.65  
	Classicon blimp2_lite // speed
	Speed	75 // 1m 45s on this map
	Skin 0
	StartingPathTrackNode "blimp_1" // It flies now, fuck you. uwu
	OnKilledOutput	{ Target	boss_dead_relay	Action Trigger	}
	OnBombDroppedOutput	{ Target	boss_deploy_relay	Action	Trigger	}
		Target "blimp"
		Action "color"
		Param "177 177 177" // gray
	///// BLIMP 2 /////
	WaveSpawn	{
	Name	blimp
	TotalCurrency	0
	TotalCount	1					
	Where	spawnbot_boss		
	WaitBeforeStarting	5.25
//	Support Limited
	FirstSpawnOutput 	{	Target boss_spawn_relay	Action Trigger  }
	Tank	{
	Health	1582 // 3164
	Name blimp
	Skin 1
	PingSound "misc/null.wav"  
	NoCrushDamage 1   
	Model "models/bots/boss_bot/boss_blimp_pure.mdl"  
	EngineLoopSound "vehicles\airboat\fan_blade_idle_loop1.wav"  
	Scale 0.65  
	Classicon blimp2_lite // speed
	Speed	75 // 1m 45s on this map
	Skin 0
	StartingPathTrackNode "blimp_1" // It flies now, fuck you. uwu
	OnKilledOutput	{ Target	boss_dead_relay	Action Trigger	}
	OnBombDroppedOutput	{ Target	boss_deploy_relay	Action	Trigger	}
		Target "blimp"
		Action "color"
		Param "177 177 177" // gray
	///// BLIMP 3 /////
	WaveSpawn	{
	Name	blimp
	TotalCurrency	0
	TotalCount	1					
	Where	spawnbot_boss		
	WaitBeforeStarting	5.25
//	Support Limited
	FirstSpawnOutput 	{	Target boss_spawn_relay	Action Trigger  }
	Tank	{
	Health	1582 // 3164
	Name blimp
	Skin 1
	PingSound "misc/null.wav"  
	NoCrushDamage 1   
	Model "models/bots/boss_bot/boss_blimp_pure.mdl"  
	EngineLoopSound "vehicles\airboat\fan_blade_idle_loop1.wav"  
	Scale 0.65  
	Classicon blimp2_lite // speed
	Speed	75 // 1m 45s on this map
	Skin 0
	StartingPathTrackNode "blimp_1" // It flies now, fuck you. uwu
	OnKilledOutput	{ Target	boss_dead_relay	Action Trigger	}
	OnBombDroppedOutput	{ Target	boss_deploy_relay	Action	Trigger	}
		Target "blimp"
		Action "color"
		Param "177 177 177" // gray
	///// BLIMP 4 /////
	WaveSpawn	{
	Name	blimp
	TotalCurrency	0
	TotalCount	1					
	Where	spawnbot_boss		
	WaitBeforeStarting	5.25
//	Support Limited
	FirstSpawnOutput 	{	Target boss_spawn_relay	Action Trigger  }
	Tank	{
	Health	1582 // 3164
	Name blimp
	Skin 1
	PingSound "misc/null.wav"  
	NoCrushDamage 1   
	Model "models/bots/boss_bot/boss_blimp_pure.mdl"  
	EngineLoopSound "vehicles\airboat\fan_blade_idle_loop1.wav"  
	Scale 0.65  
	Classicon blimp2_lite // speed
	Speed	75 // 1m 45s on this map
	Skin 0
	StartingPathTrackNode "blimp_1" // It flies now, fuck you. uwu
	OnKilledOutput	{ Target	boss_dead_relay	Action Trigger	}
	OnBombDroppedOutput	{ Target	boss_deploy_relay	Action	Trigger	}
		Target "blimp"
		Action "color"
		Param "177 177 177" // gray
	WaveSpawn	{
	WaitForAllSpawned blimp
	WaitBeforeStarting 0.05
	FirstSpawnOutput	{
		Target wave_start_relay
		Action RunScriptCode
		ClientPrint(null,3,`\x0799CCFFBFB with 12656 HP inbound!`)
	///// BLIMP OVER /////
	WaveSpawn	{
	WaitForAllDead blimp
	WaitBeforeStarting 12
	FirstSpawnOutput	{
		Target wave_start_relay
		Action RunScriptCode
		ClientPrint(null,3,`Steel yourself for the skulking horror within your reach.`)
	WaveSpawn {
	Name qia1
	Where spawnbot_right
	Where spawnbot_left
	TotalCount 20
	MaxActive 10
	SpawnCount 5
	WaitForAllDead blimp
	WaitBeforeStarting 10
	WaitBetweenSpawns 2 // 8
	TotalCurrency 21
	FirstSpawnOutput	{
		Target wave_start_relay
		Action RunScriptCode
		ClientPrint(null,3,`The oblivion. Emptiness of the void awaits us.`)
	Squad {
	NoWaitForFormation 1  
	TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_Amputator_Taunt	Name Evangelist	}
	TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_Ubersaw	Name "Gander" ClassIcon medic_uberkritzsplit }
	TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_Ubersaw	Name "Gander" ClassIcon medic_uberkritzsplit }
	TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_Ubersaw	Name "Gander" ClassIcon medic_uberkritzsplit }
	TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_Ubersaw	Name "Gander" ClassIcon medic_uberkritzsplit }
//	RandomChoice {
//	TFBot {
//	//	Template T_TFBot_Giant_Scout_Sandman  
//		Template T_TFBot_Scout_Quick
//	//	Attributes AlwaysCrit
//	//	Attributes AlwaysCrit
//		Name "Cultist Vessel"
//		ClassIcon	scout_stun_spammer
//	//	Attributes IgnoreFlag
//		Item	"The Sandman"
//		Item	"The Backwards Ballcap"
//		Action Mobber  
//		ItemAttributes	{
//		ItemName	"the sandman"
//			"effect bar recharge rate increased" 0.5
//			"mark for death"	1		
//			"fire rate bonus"	0.33
//		}
//		}
//	TFBot {
//		Template T_TFBot_Scout_Quick
//	//	Attributes AlwaysCrit
//	//	Attributes AlwaysCrit
//	//	Name "Denier of Fortitude"
//		Name "Cultist Vessel"
//		Item	"The Sandman"
//		Item	"The Backwards Ballcap"
//		ClassIcon	scout_stun_spammer
//	//	Attributes IgnoreFlag
//		Action Mobber  
//		ItemAttributes	{
//		ItemName	"the sandman"
//			"effect bar recharge rate increased" 0.5
//			"mark for death"	1		
//			"fire rate bonus"	0.33
//		}
//		}
//	}
	WaveSpawn {
	Name qia1
	Where spawnbot_boss
	TotalCount 2
	MaxActive 2
	SpawnCount 2
	WaitBeforeStarting 5
	WaitForAllDead blimp
	TotalCurrency 100
	Squad {
	TFBot {
//	Template T_TFBot_Giant_Pyro_FlameRicochet
	Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Barrager_AmmoCanteen	Name "Face Your Failure" ClassIcon soldier_barrage_hyper_lite }
	TFBot {
	Template T_TFBot_Giant_Medic_Kritzkrieg_Shield
	Name "Denier of Reach"
	WaveSpawn {
	Name qia1s
	Where spawnbot_left
	TotalCount 621
	MaxActive 6
	SpawnCount 2
	WaitForAllDead blimp
	WaitBeforeStarting 30
	WaitBetweenSpawns 8
	TotalCurrency 0
	Support Limited
	RandomChoice {
	TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Batsaber Name "Obsessive Miasma" ClassIcon scout_blaster_nys_bright
		ItemAttributes { ItemName "Batsaber" "mark for death" 1}
	TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Blaster_PublicEnemy Name "Kosmik Vessel" ClassIcon scout_blaster_nys_bright	}
	TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Blaster_Rush Name "Kosmik Vessel" ClassIcon scout_blaster_nys_bright	}
	TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Blaster_Rush Name "Kosmik Vessel" ClassIcon scout_blaster_nys_bright	}
	TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Blaster_Rush Name "Kosmik Vessel" ClassIcon scout_blaster_nys_bright	}
	TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Blaster_Rush Name "Kosmik Vessel" ClassIcon scout_blaster_nys_bright	}
	TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Blaster_Rush Name "Kosmik Vessel" ClassIcon scout_blaster_nys_bright	}
	TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Blaster_Rush Name "Kosmik Vessel" ClassIcon scout_blaster_nys_bright	}
	TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Blaster_Rush Name "Kosmik Vessel" ClassIcon scout_blaster_nys_bright	}
	TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Blaster_Rush Name "Kosmik Vessel" ClassIcon scout_blaster_nys_bright	}
	WaveSpawn	{
	Name	qia2	
	WaitForAllDead qia1
	TotalCount 25 // 60
	MaxActive 4
	SpawnCount 1
	TotalCurrency 0
	WaitBeforeStarting 	28 // E
	WaitBetweenSpawns 5
	Where spawnbot_left
	Support Limited
	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Deflector_Penetrate	Name "Piercing Deflector"	ClassIcon	heavy_deflector_penetrate	Skill Hard	}
	WaveSpawn {
	Name qia3s
	Where spawnbot_right
	TotalCount 30
	MaxActive 4
	SpawnCount 2
	WaitForAllDead qia1
	WaitBeforeStarting 10
	WaitBetweenSpawns 6
	TotalCurrency 0
	Support Limited
	RandomChoice {
	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Engineer_FastBuild Name "Maintaineer Synth" Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon
	Item "Battery Canteens" ClassIcon engineer_buildcan
	Action Medic [SIGSEGV]
	ItemAttributes {
		ItemName "Mining Light"
		"attach particle effect" 0 // Disabling my own template whatevs
	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Engineer_Battle_Ranger_RapidFire Name "Maintaineer Synth"
	Item "Battery Canteens" ClassIcon engineer_buildcan Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon Item "Mining Light"
	Action Medic [SIGSEGV] 
	ItemAttributes { ItemName "Mining Light" "attach particle effect" 0	}
	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Engineer_Battle_Ranger_RapidFire Name "Maintaineer Synth"
	Item "Battery Canteens" ClassIcon engineer_buildcan Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon Item "Mining Light"
	Action Medic [SIGSEGV] 
	ItemAttributes { ItemName "Mining Light" "attach particle effect" 0	}
	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Engineer_Battle_Ranger_RapidFire Name "Maintaineer Synth"
	Item "Battery Canteens" ClassIcon engineer_buildcan Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon Item "Mining Light"
	Action Medic [SIGSEGV] 
	ItemAttributes { ItemName "Mining Light" "attach particle effect" 0	}
	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Engineer_Battle_Ranger_RapidFire Name "Maintaineer Synth"
	Item "Battery Canteens" ClassIcon engineer_buildcan Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon Item "Mining Light"
	Action Medic [SIGSEGV] 
	ItemAttributes { ItemName "Mining Light" "attach particle effect" 0	}
	} // RNG
	WaveSpawn {
	Name qia3s
	Where spawnbot_right
	TotalCount 30
	MaxActive 2
	SpawnCount 1
	WaitForAllDead qia1
	WaitBeforeStarting 10
	WaitBetweenSpawns 30
	TotalCurrency 0
	Support Limited
	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Engineer_FastBuild Name "Self-Aware Synth"
	Item "Battery Canteens" ClassIcon engineer_buildcan
	ExtAttr BuildDispenserAsSentryGun  
//	ItemAttributes {
//		ItemName "Mining Light"
//		"attach particle effect" 0 // Disabling my own template whatevs
//	}
		Delay	30
		Cooldown	45
		Type	"Action"
		ItemName "Battery Canteens"
		"building instant upgrade"	1
		"powerup duration"	5
		"powerup charges"	3
	WaveSpawn {
	Name qia3ss
	Where spawnbot_left
	TotalCount 621
	MaxActive 12
	SpawnCount 4
	WaitForAllDead qia1
	WaitBeforeStarting 45
	WaitBetweenSpawns 5
	TotalCurrency 0
	Support Limited
	RandomChoice {
	RandomChoice {
	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickFix_BigHeal Health 130 Name "Endless Reassurance" ClassIcon "medic_overheal_uber" }
	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickFix_BigHeal Health 130 Name "Ceaseless Reassurance" ClassIcon "medic_overheal_uber" }
	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickFix_BigHeal Health 130 Name "Restless Reassurance" ClassIcon "medic_overheal_uber" }
	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Medic_Uber_Blink Health 66 Name "Mindless Reassurance" ClassIcon "medic_overheal_uber" }
	WaveSpawn {
	Name qia3_backupbattalion
	Where spawnbot_rand
	TotalCount 621
	MaxActive 6
	SpawnCount 3
	WaitForAllDead qia1
	WaitBeforeStarting 5
	WaitBetweenSpawns 10
	TotalCurrency 0
	Support Limited
	RandomChoice {
	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Bazooka_Backup	Name "Denial of Carry" ClassIcon soldier_backup_spammer }
	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Backup	Name "Denial of Carry" ClassIcon soldier_backup_spammer }
	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Soldier_BlackBox_Backup	Name "Denial of Carry" ClassIcon soldier_backup_spammer }
	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Burst_Backup	Name "Denial of Carry" ClassIcon soldier_backup_spammer }
	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Charged_Backup	Attributes AlwaysCrit Name "Denial of Carry" ClassIcon soldier_backup_spammer }
	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Soldier_DirectHit_Backup	Name "Denial of Carry" ClassIcon soldier_backup_spammer }
	WaveSpawn {
	Name qia3_rebellion_rev // So this doesn't work, I need to rewrite
	Where spawnbot_rand
	TotalCount 0
	MaxActive 3
	SpawnCount 1
	WaitForAllDead qia1
	WaitBeforeStarting 999 
	WaitBetweenSpawns 20
	TotalCurrency 0
	Support Limited
	RandomChoice {
	TFBot {	Template T_Protocopy_Mimicry
		Target !activator
		Action RunScriptCode
		Param "Trespasser.SetDoppelganger(self, Trespasser.GetRandomPlayerShuffle([2], true, false))"
		Delay 0
		Repeats 1
	WaveSpawn {
	Name qia3_bossuwu
	Where spawnbot_left
	TotalCount 4 // 2
	MaxActive 4 // 2
	SpawnCount 4 // 2
	WaitForAllDead qia1
	WaitBeforeStarting 0
	WaitBetweenSpawns 0
	TotalCurrency 500
	FirstSpawnOutput	{
		Target wave_start_relay
		Action RunScriptCode
		ClientPrint(null,3,`\x08FFFF00FF[Music] Now Playing: Retribution EX - Figburn`)
	Squad {
	TFBot {	Template T_Giant_Engineer  
	Name "Zenith of Robotkind" Health 40000
	Item "The Rescue Ranger"	
	Item "The Giger Counter"
	Item "Golden Wrench"
	Classicon engineer_wrangler_giger_lite

	Item "Bedouin Bandana"
	Item "Starduster"
	Item "Iron Fist"	
	Item "The Texas Half-Pants"
	WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly
	Attributes DisableDodge
	Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload
	Attributes	UseBossHealthBar
	Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon
	Action Mobber  
	ExtAttr SuppressCanteenUse  
	Scale 1.6
	Attributes	AutoJump
			AutoJumpMin	10
			AutoJumpMax	15
	ItemAttributes	{
	ItemName "The Rescue Ranger"	
	"is_passive_weapon" 1
	"subtract victim medigun charge on hit" 25
	"subtract victim cloak on hit" 50
	"energy weapon no hurt building" 0
	"energy weapon penetration" 1
	"attach particle effect" 704 // Energy Orb
	CharacterAttributes	{
		"rage giving scale" 0.1
		"hand scale"	1.5
		"boots falling stomp" 1
		"crit vs burning players" 1
		"crit vs wet players" 1
		"crit vs stunned players" 1
		"increased jump height" 1.62
		"dmg from melee increased" 0.75 // Nerf to spy
		"killstreak tier" 1
	Delay 10
	Cooldown 8
	IfSeeTarget 1
	Charges 2
	Type "Superjump"
	IfHealthBelow 22500
		Delay 2.5
		Cooldown 6
		IfSeeTarget 1
		Charges 1
		Type "Tesla Bolt"
		IfHealthBelow 10000
		Target player
		Action $DisplayTextChat
		Param "The enemy sheer defense can be felled."
		Delay 0.05
		Cooldown 9999
		IfHealthBelow 2500
		Target player
		Action $DisplayTextChat
		Param "They can't keep persisting."
		Delay 3
		Cooldown 9999
		IfHealthBelow 2500
	EventChangeAttributes {
			WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly
			Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload
			ItemAttributes	{
			ItemName "The Rescue Ranger"	
			"is_passive_weapon" 1
			"subtract victim medigun charge on hit" 25
			"subtract victim cloak on hit" 50
			"energy weapon no hurt building" 0
			"energy weapon penetration" 1
			"attach particle effect" 704 // Energy Orb
			"killstreak tier" 1
			WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly
			Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload
			Item "The Frontier Justice"
			ItemAttributes	{
			 ItemName "The Frontier Justice"
			"is_passive_weapon" 0
			"fire rate bonus" 0.5
			"dmg bonus vs buildings" 4
			"damage bonus" 0.8
			"clip size bonus" 4
			"faster reload rate" 0.7
			"attach particle effect" 704 // Energy Orb
			"killstreak tier" 1
			WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly
			Item "The Short Circuit"
			Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload
					Duration 8
                    Delay 0.1
                    Cooldown 0.1            
                    Duration 0.1
					IfSeeTarget 1
					Type Secondary
			ItemAttributes	{
			Itemname "The Short Circuit"
				"is_passive_weapon" 0
				"apply z velocity on damage" 621
				"energy weapon no hurt building" 0
				"dmg bonus vs buildings" 5
				"fire rate bonus" 1.25
				"attach particle effect" 704 // Energy Orb
				"custom kill icon" "short_circuit"
				"killstreak tier" 1
		target "randomLogic"
		action "Trigger"
		delay 3
		Repeats 1
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Giant_Medic_Vacci_Cycler  Health 24000 Name "Cowardice Altar" ClassIcon medic_vacc_trio }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Engineer_FastBuild Name "Maintaineer Synth" Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon
	Item "Battery Canteens" ClassIcon medic_uberkritzsplit
	Action Medic [SIGSEGV]
	ItemAttributes {
		ItemName "Mining Light"
		"attach particle effect" 0 // Disabling my own template whatevs
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Engineer_FastBuild Name "Maintaineer Synth" Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon
	Item "Battery Canteens" ClassIcon medic_uberkritzsplit
	Action Medic [SIGSEGV]
	ItemAttributes {
		ItemName "Mining Light"
		"attach particle effect" 0 // Disabling my own template whatevs
//		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Giant_Medic_Kritzkrieg Health 8000 Name "Obsessive Altar" ClassIcon medic_vacc_trio }
//		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Giant_Medic_Uber_Pop Health 8000 Name "Wasteful Altar" ClassIcon medic_vacc_trio }
	WaveSpawn {
	WaitForAllDead qia2
		Target cap_destroy_relay   
		Action runscriptcode
		Param "EntityOutputs.AddOutput(self,`OnTrigger`,`!self`,`runscriptcode`,`ClientPrint(null,3,\x60\x0799FFFFZenith of Robotkind\x07fbeccb :  ez\x60)`,1.75,-1)"
	//	{
	//		Delay 5
	//		Repeats 0
	//		IfSeeTarget 1
	//		Name "BattleMedic"
	//	}
	//	EventChangeAttributes {
	//		BattleMedic
	//		{
	//		ActionOverride Mobber
	//		WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly
	//		ItemAttributes	{
	//		ItemName "The Crusader's Crossbow"
	//			"fire rate bonus"	0.1
	//			"faster reload rate"	0.5
	//			"clip size upgrade atomic"	3.0
	//			"auto fires full clip"	1
	//			"auto fires when full"	1
	//		}
	//		}
	//	}
			Name ofc_you_dont_win_a_thing
			WaitForAllDead		qia3_bossuwu
			FirstSpawnWarningSound	"ui\itemcrate_smash_ultrarare_fireworks.wav"	//	Australium unbox fireworks sound
			Name 602_curse
			WaitForAllDead		qia3_bossuwu
			FirstSpawnWarningSound	"ui\itemcrate_smash_ultrarare_fireworks.wav"	//	Australium unbox fireworks sound
	} // Last wave. Wave 7 Done.
} // Ends this nightmare of a pop. Hello, Phantom, can I get my choccy milk back :c

// This file has been generated by http://mvm.tf