#base mannworks_spawnfix.pop
#base robot_standard.pop
#base robot_giant.pop
#base valve_extended_templates.pop
        T_TFBot_Medic_QuickFix_Boosted // These guys are only used on wave 2 to pocket the scouts
			Class Medic
			Name "Quick-Fix Medic"
			Skill Normal
			Item "The Quick-Fix"
				ItemName "The Quick-Fix"
				"ubercharge rate bonus" 0.1
				"heal rate bonus" 1.75
    StartingCurrency                      400
    RespawnWaveTime                       7
    CanBotsAttackWhileInSpawnRoom         No
    // Optional KeyValues
    AddSentryBusterWhenKillCountExceeds   15
    AddSentryBusterWhenDamageDealtExceeds 3000
    Advanced                              0 // Only enable for Advanced/Expert missions (for achievements)
    //IsEndless                             0 // Makes the waves spawn in continuously with no time between waves. Might be broken.

    // Wave 1-6 Sentry Busters
        Objective           DestroySentries
        Where               spawnbot
        BeginAtWave         1
        RunForThisManyWaves 6
        CooldownTime        70
        DesiredCount        1
        InitialCooldown     30
            Template T_TFBot_SentryBuster
    Mission // Wave 1 spies
		Objective Spy  

		InitialCooldown 25
		Where spawnbot_mission_spy
		BeginAtWave 1
		RunForThisManyWaves 1
		CooldownTime 45
		DesiredCount 2

			Class Spy
			Skill Expert
			Name Spy
    Mission	// Sniper wave 1
		Objective Sniper

		InitialCooldown 30
		Where spawnbot_mission_sniper
		BeginAtWave 1
		RunForThisManyWaves 1
		CooldownTime 60
		DesiredCount 2

			Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Razorback
			Skill hard
    Mission	// Sniper wave 2
		Objective Sniper

		InitialCooldown 25
		Where spawnbot_mission_sniper
		BeginAtWave 2
		RunForThisManyWaves 1
		CooldownTime 50
		DesiredCount 2

			Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Camper
			Skill hard
    Mission	// Sydneys wave 3
		Objective Sniper

		InitialCooldown 25
		Where spawnbot_mission_sniper
		BeginAtWave 3
		RunForThisManyWaves 1
		CooldownTime 50
		DesiredCount 2

			Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Sydney_Sleeper
			Skill hard
    Mission // Wave 4 spies
		Objective Spy  

		InitialCooldown 25
		Where spawnbot_mission_spy
		BeginAtWave 4
		RunForThisManyWaves 1
		CooldownTime 45
		DesiredCount 3

			Class Spy
			Skill Expert
			Name Spy

    // Wave 1 - Rewards 900$

			Target bombpath_arrows_clear_relay
			Action Trigger
			Target bombpath_wavefinished
			Action Trigger
            Target "bignet"
            Action "RunScriptCode"
            Param "ClientPrint(null, 3, `\x07ffbf00 Wave 1 Changes since last test:\n- Gave every group of soldiers 1 Medic\n- Every giant soldier has 1 uber medic\n- Added 3 Giant sandman scouts`)"
        WaveSpawn // First Giant Soldier with 4 medics
            Where spawnbot_left
            Name "W1_01"
            TotalCount 2
            MaxActive 2
            SpawnCount 2
            WaitBeforeStarting 0
            WaitBetweenSpawns 0
            TotalCurrency 50
                TFBot{Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Spammer_Reload}
                TFBot{Template T_TFBot_Medic}

        WaveSpawn // 3rd Giant Soldier
            Where spawnbot_left
            Name "W1_01"
            TotalCount 2
            MaxActive 2
            SpawnCount 2
            WaitBeforeStarting 38
            WaitBetweenSpawns 0
            TotalCurrency 50
                TFBot{Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Spammer_Reload}
                TFBot{Template T_TFBot_Medic}
        WaveSpawn //  2 Giant Burst-Fire Soldiers from the right side
            Where spawnbot_right
            Name "W1_01"
            TotalCount 4
            MaxActive 4
            SpawnCount 2
            WaitBeforeStarting 15
            WaitBetweenSpawns 38
            TotalCurrency 50
                TFBot{Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Spammer_Reload}
                TFBot{Template T_TFBot_Medic}
        WaveSpawn // 5x 4 Soldiers (20 total), Spawned in squads so RandomSpawn 1 doesnt split them up
            Where spawnbot 
            Name "W1_A"
            TotalCount 18
            MaxActive 6
            SpawnCount 6
            RandomSpawn 1
            WaitBeforeStarting 2
            WaitBetweenSpawns 10
            TotalCurrency 75
                TFBot{Class Pyro Skill Normal Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon}
                TFBot{Class Pyro Skill Normal Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon}
                TFBot{Class Pyro Skill Normal Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon}
                TFBot{Class Pyro Skill Normal Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon}
                TFBot{Class Pyro Skill Normal Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon}
                TFBot{Class Pyro Skill Normal Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon}
        WaveSpawn // Final giant soldier on the left side, with 2 Uber medics
            Where spawnbot_left
            Name "W1_02"
            WaitForAllSpawned "W1_01"
            TotalCount 2
            MaxActive 2
            SpawnCount 2
            WaitBeforeStarting 48
            WaitBetweenSpawns 38
            TotalCurrency 75
                TFBot{Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Spammer_Reload}
                TFBot{Template T_TFBot_Medic}
                TFBot{Template T_TFBot_Medic}
        WaveSpawn //  Final giant soldier on the right side, with 2 uber medics
            Where spawnbot_right
            Name "W1_02"
            WaitForAllSpawned "W1_01"
            TotalCount 2
            MaxActive 2
            SpawnCount 2
            WaitBeforeStarting 48
            WaitBetweenSpawns 38
            TotalCurrency 200
                TFBot{Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Spammer_Reload}
                TFBot{Template T_TFBot_Medic}
        WaveSpawn // 3 Giant Sandman Scouts
            Where spawnbot_right
            Name "W1_02"
            WaitForAllSpawned "W1_01"
            TotalCount 2
            MaxActive 2
            SpawnCount 1
            WaitBeforeStarting 18
            WaitBetweenSpawns 18
            TotalCurrency 75
            TFBot{Template T_TFBot_Giant_Pyro Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon}
        WaveSpawn // 3 Giant Sandman Scouts
            Where spawnbot_left
            Name "W1_02"
            WaitForAllSpawned "W1_01"
            TotalCount 2
            MaxActive 2
            SpawnCount 1
            WaitBeforeStarting 18
            WaitBetweenSpawns 18
            TotalCurrency 75
            TFBot{Template T_TFBot_Giant_Pyro Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon}

        WaveSpawn //  Just like the soldiers these guys are squaded so they dont get split up
            Where spawnbot_lower
            RandomSpawn 1
            Name "W1_B"
            WaitForAllSpawned "W1_A"
            TotalCount 30
            MaxActive 10
            RandomSpawn 1
            SpawnCount 5
            WaitBeforeStarting 6
            WaitBetweenSpawns 6
            TotalCurrency 125
                TFBot{Class Soldier Skill Normal}
                TFBot{Class Soldier Skill Normal}
                TFBot{Class Soldier Skill Normal}
                TFBot{Class Soldier Skill Normal}
                TFBot{Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickUber}
        WaveSpawn //  30 Bat scouts
            Where spawnbot_lower
            TotalCount 30
            MaxActive 10
            SpawnCount 10
            WaitBeforeStarting 11
            WaitBetweenSpawns 30
            TotalCurrency 100
            TFBot{Class Scout Skill Expert WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly BehaviorModifiers push}


    // Wave 2 - Rewards 1000$
			Target bombpath_arrows_clear_relay
			Action Trigger
			Target bombpath_wavefinished
			Action Trigger
            Target "bignet"
            Action "RunScriptCode"
            Param "ClientPrint(null, 3, `\x07ffbf00 Wave 2 Changes since last test:\n- Complete rework\n- Payout reduced by 100$`)"
        WaveSpawn // 
            Where spawnbot_right
            Name "W2_01"

            TotalCount 4
            MaxActive 2
            SpawnCount 2
            WaitBeforeStarting 1
            WaitBetweenSpawns 32
            TotalCurrency 100
            TFBot{Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demoman}
        WaveSpawn // 
            Where spawnbot_left
            Name "W2_01"

            TotalCount 2
            MaxActive 2
            SpawnCount 2
            WaitBeforeStarting 16
            WaitBetweenSpawns 16
            TotalCurrency 100
            TFBot{Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demoman}
        WaveSpawn //  Deflector heavy invasion
            Where spawnbot_lower
            RandomSpawn 1
            Name "W2_01"

            TotalCount 16
            MaxActive 8
            SpawnCount 4
            WaitBeforeStarting 1
            WaitBetweenSpawns 10
            TotalCurrency 100
                TFBot{Class Scout Skill Expert}
                TFBot{Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickFix_Boosted}
        WaveSpawn //  4 DH GSoldiers 
            Where spawnbot
            RandomSpawn 1

            TotalCount 21
            MaxActive 7
            SpawnCount 7
            WaitBeforeStarting 0
            WaitBetweenSpawns 15
            TotalCurrency 100
            TFBot{Class Heavyweapons Skill Easy}
        WaveSpawn //  4 DH GSoldiers 
            Where spawnbot_left
            Name "W2_02"
            WaitForAllSpawned "W2_01"

            TotalCount 4
            MaxActive 2
            SpawnCount 1
            WaitBeforeStarting 21
            WaitBetweenSpawns 17
            TotalCurrency 100
            TFBot{Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_DirectHit}
        WaveSpawn //  4 DH Gsoldiers
            Where spawnbot_right
            Name "W2_02"
            WaitForAllSpawned "W2_01"

            TotalCount 4
            MaxActive 2
            SpawnCount 1
            WaitBeforeStarting 21
            WaitBetweenSpawns 17
            TotalCurrency 100
            TFBot{Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_DirectHit}
        WaveSpawn //  Soldier + QF Medic invasion
            Where spawnbot
            RandomSpawn 1
            Name "W2_02"
            WaitForAllSpawned "W2_01"

            TotalCount 38
            MaxActive 10
            SpawnCount 2
            WaitBeforeStarting 5
            WaitBetweenSpawns 3.5
            TotalCurrency 100
                TFBot{Class Soldier Skill Normal}
                TFBot{Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickFix}
        WaveSpawn //  
            Where spawnbot_lower
            Name "W2_02"
            WaitForAllSpawned "W2_01"

            TotalCount 26
            MaxActive 4
            SpawnCount 4
            WaitBeforeStarting 5
            WaitBetweenSpawns 3.5
            TotalCurrency 100
                TFBot{Class Soldier Skill Normal}
                TFBot{Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickFix}

    // Wave 3 - 900$
			Target bombpath_arrows_clear_relay
			Action Trigger
			Target bombpath_wavefinished
			Action Trigger
            Target "bignet"
            Action "RunScriptCode"
            Param " ClientPrint(null, 3, `\x07ffbf00 Wave 4 Changes since last test:`)
                    ClientPrint(null, 3, `\x07ffbf00 - Complete rework`)"
        ///////// Supports:
        // Pyros, Active for the whole wave
        // Soldiers, Active for the whole wave
        // Cleaver scout, active for only the end of the wave
        // Boxing heavy, Active for only the start of the wave
        //////// Also pairs of Hard AI Snipers come in throughout the wave
        WaveSpawn //  Support Pyros
            Where spawnbot_lower
            Support 1
            TotalCount 24
            MaxActive 6
            SpawnCount 6
            WaitBeforeStarting 1
            WaitBetweenSpawns 22
            TotalCurrency 50
            TFBot{Template T_TFBot_Pyro_NoAirBlast}
        WaveSpawn //  Support Soldiers
            Where spawnbot
            RandomSpawn 1
            Support 1
            TotalCount 20
            MaxActive 5
            SpawnCount 5
            WaitBeforeStarting 11
            WaitBetweenSpawns 22
            TotalCurrency 50
                TFBot{Class Soldier Skill Normal}
                TFBot{Class Soldier Skill Normal}
                TFBot{Class Soldier Skill Normal}
                TFBot{Class Soldier Skill Hard}
                TFBot{Class Soldier Skill Hard}
        WaveSpawn //  Boxing heavy supports
            Where spawnbot
            RandomSpawn 1
            Support Limited
            TotalCount 20
            MaxActive 10
            SpawnCount 1
            WaitBeforeStarting 4
            WaitBetweenSpawns 0.8
            TotalCurrency 75
            TFBot{Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Heavyweight_Champ BehaviorModifiers push Skill Expert} // These guys will flank + They have expert ai so they can *sometimes* hit someone
        WaveSpawn //  Cleaver Supports
            Where spawnbot_lower
            Support 1
            TotalCount 14
            MaxActive 7
            SpawnCount 7
            WaitForAllDead "W3_01"
            WaitBeforeStarting 5
            WaitBetweenSpawns 0.8
            TotalCurrency 75
            TFBot{Template T_TFBot_Scout_Cleaver}
        // Subwave 4A: 2 Pairs of Giant Heavy + 2 Giant Demomen, Tank + 6 Super Scouts
        WaveSpawn //  
            Where spawnbot_right
            Name "W3_01"

            TotalCount 2
            MaxActive 1
            SpawnCount 1
            WaitBeforeStarting 0
            WaitBetweenSpawns 26
            TotalCurrency 150
            TFBot{Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavyweapons }
        WaveSpawn //  
            Where spawnbot_left
            Name "W3_01"

            TotalCount 4
            MaxActive 2
            SpawnCount 2
            WaitBeforeStarting 0.1
            WaitBetweenSpawns 26
            TotalCurrency 150
            TFBot{Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demo_RapidFire}
        WaveSpawn //  
            Where spawnbot_left
            Name "W3_01"

            TotalCount 3
            MaxActive 2
            SpawnCount 1
            WaitBeforeStarting 45
            WaitBetweenSpawns 18
            TotalCurrency 150
            TFBot{Template T_TFBot_Giant_Scout_Fast}
        WaveSpawn //  
            Where spawnbot_right
            Name "W3_01"

            TotalCount 3
            MaxActive 2
            SpawnCount 1
            WaitBeforeStarting 45
            WaitBetweenSpawns 18
            TotalCurrency 150
            TFBot{Template T_TFBot_Giant_Scout_Fast}
			TotalCount 1
			WaitBeforeStarting 50
			TotalCurrency 100
				Health 10000
				Speed 75
				Name "tankboss_left"
				StartingPathTrackNode "boss_path_1"
					Target boss_deploy_relay
					Action Trigger
			TotalCount 1
			WaitBeforeStarting 50
			TotalCurrency 100
				Health 10000
				Speed 75
				Name "tankboss_right"
				StartingPathTrackNode "boss_path2_1"
					Target boss_deploy_relay
					Action Trigger
        // Subwave 4B: Giant Heavy Pair + 6 Super Scouts
        WaveSpawn //  
            Where spawnbot_right
            Name "W3_02"
            WaitForAllSpawned "W3_01"

            TotalCount 1
            MaxActive 1
            SpawnCount 1
            WaitBeforeStarting 10
            WaitBetweenSpawns 26
            TotalCurrency 150
            TFBot{Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavyweapons }
        WaveSpawn //  
            Where spawnbot_left
            Name "W3_02"
            WaitForAllSpawned "W3_01"

            TotalCount 1
            MaxActive 1
            SpawnCount 1
            WaitBeforeStarting 10
            WaitBetweenSpawns 26
            TotalCurrency 150
            TFBot{Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavyweapons }
        WaveSpawn //  
            Where spawnbot_left
            Name "W3_02"
            WaitForAllSpawned "W3_01"

            TotalCount 3
            MaxActive 2
            SpawnCount 1
            WaitBeforeStarting 18
            WaitBetweenSpawns 12
            TotalCurrency 150
            TFBot{Template T_TFBot_Giant_Scout_Fast}
        WaveSpawn //  
            Where spawnbot_right
            Name "W3_02"
            WaitForAllSpawned "W3_01"

            TotalCount 3
            MaxActive 2
            SpawnCount 1
            WaitBeforeStarting 18
            WaitBetweenSpawns 12
            TotalCurrency 150
            TFBot{Template T_TFBot_Giant_Scout_Fast}
        // Subwave 4B: 4 GDemos
        WaveSpawn //  
            Where spawnbot
            RandomSpawn 1
            Name "W3_03"
            WaitForAllSpawned "W3_02"

            TotalCount 3
            MaxActive 3
            SpawnCount 1
            WaitBeforeStarting 5
            WaitBetweenSpawns 7
            TotalCurrency 150
            TFBot{Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demoman}

    // Wave 4 - X Currency
			Target bombpath_arrows_clear_relay
			Action Trigger}
			Target bombpath_wavefinished
			Action Trigger}
            Target "bignet"
            Action "RunScriptCode"
            Param "ClientPrint(null, 3, `\x07ffbf00 Wave 4 Changes since last test:\n- While the wave looks weaker with 4 less Giant heavies everything else was buffed so this was basically a complete rework`)"
        ///////// Supports:
        // Pyros, Active for the whole wave
        // Soldiers, Active for the whole wave
        // Cleaver scout, active for only the end of the wave
        // Boxing heavy, Active for only the start of the wave
        //////// Also pairs of Hard AI Snipers come in throughout the wave
        // Subwave 4A: Pair of Giant Heavy + Giant Spammer, 6 Super scouts
        WaveSpawn // 
            Where spawnbot_left
            Name "W4_01"

            TotalCount 2
            MaxActive 1
            SpawnCount 1
            WaitBeforeStarting 0
            WaitBetweenSpawns 20
            TotalCurrency 100
            TFBot{Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Airstrike}

    // Wave 5 - X Currency

            Target wave_start_relay // Replace with "Target wave_start_relay_classic" for Rottenburg
            Action Trigger

            Target wave_finished_relay
            Action Trigger

        // Subwave description here
            Name "wave5a"
            Where spawnbot
            TotalCount 12
            MaxActive 6
            SpawnCount 3
            WaitBeforeStarting 0
            WaitBetweenSpawns 10
            TotalCurrency 60
                Class Scout
                Skill Hard

    // Wave 6 - X Currency

            Target wave_start_relay // Replace with "Target wave_start_relay_classic" for Rottenburg
            Action Trigger

            Target wave_finished_relay
            Action Trigger

        // Subwave description here
            Name "wave6a"
            Where spawnbot
            TotalCount 12
            MaxActive 6
            SpawnCount 3
            WaitBeforeStarting 0
            WaitBetweenSpawns 10
            TotalCurrency 60
                Class Scout
                Skill Hard