#base robot_giant.pop #base robot_standard.pop #base robot_standard_red.pop #base robot_giant_red.pop #base robot_gatebot.pop population { StartingCurrency 750 RespawnWaveTime 6 CanBotsAttackWhileInSpawnRoom no AddSentryBusterWhenDamageDealtExceeds 10000 AddSentryBusterWhenKillCountExceeds 10 BotsDropSpells 1 SpellsEnabled 1 SpellDropRateCommon 0.5 SpellDropRateGiant 0.5 PlayerAttributes { "sapper sap allies" 1 "mult bleeding delay" 0.5 "mult bleeding dmg" 0.5 "bleeding duration" 60 "damage returns as health" 1 "teleport instead of die" 1 "mult max health" 20 "effect bar recharge rate increased" 0.1 "fire rate bonus" 0.5 StripItemSlot 0 } ItemBlacklist { ItemSlot Primary } ClassLimit //Limits the number of specified classes { Soldier 0 Pyro 0 Demoman 0 Heavyweapons 0 Engineer 0 Medic 0 Sniper 0 Spy 0 } Mission { Objective DestroySentries Where spawnbot BeginAtWave 1 RunForThisManyWaves 5 InitialCooldown 30 CooldownTime 30 DesiredCount 1 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_SentryBuster } } Templates { } Wave { WaitWhenDone 65 Checkpoint Yes Explanation { Line "Fools! It is I! Muras... murray! With your pizza!" } StartWaveOutput { Target wave_start_relay Action Trigger } DoneOutput { Target wave_finished_relay Action Trigger } WaveSpawn { Name Main1 TotalCurrency 120 TotalCount 20 MaxActive 20 SpawnCount 2 Where spawnbot WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 2 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Extended_Buff_Banner SpellDropRateCommon 0.2 SpellDropRateRare 0.05 } } WaveSpawn { WaitForAllDead Main1 Where spawnbot TotalCount 4 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 6 HalloweenBoss // HalloweenBoss spawner. Spawns a boss { ClassIcon dead_blu_lite // ClassIcon to use BossType Merasmus // Boss type: MONOCULUS, Merasmus, HHH, SkeletonSmall, SkeletonNormal, SkeletonKing. Skeletons default limit is 30 active at once unless modified by MaxActiveSkeletons SpawnCurrencyPack 1 // If set, the boss will drop money on death. Otherwise its distributed automatically (Default: 1) TeamNum 3 // Team number for Monoculus (2 - red, 3 - blu, 5 - neutral) (Default: 5) Health 2000 // Boss health, 0 means default health (Default: 0) Lifetime 18000 // Boss lifetime for Monoculus, Merasmus and skeletons in seconds (Default: infinite) } } } }