//Created by: //Yoovy: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198017198600/ //-Color: Sunny Yellow (255 255 115) //-Everything else thats not listed //Sergeant Table: https://steamcommunity.com/id/FinalBossConnoisseur/ //-Color: Sky Blue (75 189 255) //-Force back to Wave 1 on gameover code //Lite: https://steamcommunity.com/id/liteflame //-Color: Autumn Orange (255 150 75) //-Ghost on death mechanic //-Glow mechanic //PDA Expert: https://steamcommunity.com/id/ILikePDAs/ //-Color: Fiendish Purple (135 0 255) //-Big help in playtesting //Mystery Unknown One: https://steamcommunity.com/id/MysteryUnknownOne/ //-Color: Mysterious Green (255 0 0) //-Detonator explosion mechanic #base marrowmashers_creepside.pop mission_making_hell { ExtraSpawnPoint { //1934 3463 768 Name "spawnbot_middle_upper" TeamNum 3 X "1934" Y "3463" Z "768" } ExtraSpawnPoint { //1409 6433 738 Name "spawnbot_test" TeamNum 3 X "1409" Y "6433" Z "738" } ExtraSpawnPoint { //3047 4693 666 Name "spawnbot_tomb1" TeamNum 3 X "3047" Y "4693" Z "666" } ExtraSpawnPoint { //1692 2052 746 Name "spawnbot_tomb2" TeamNum 3 X "1692" Y "2052" Z "746" } ExtraSpawnPoint { //1269 2550 522 Name "spawnbot_tomb3" TeamNum 3 X "1269" Y "2550" Z "522" } ExtraSpawnPoint { //662 392 642 Name "spawnbot_hatch" TeamNum 3 X "662" Y "392" Z "642" } ExtraSpawnPoint { //641 1214 704 Name "spawnbot_hatch2" TeamNum 3 X "641" Y "1214" Z "706" } PointTemplates { push_logic { trigger_push { "targetname" "rockforward_push" "mins" "-28 -56 -2.5" "maxs" "28 56 2.5" "origin" "716 6708 770.59" "pushdir" "200 180 0" "speed" "300" "spawnflags" "1" } trigger_push { "targetname" "bigrockforward_push1" "mins" "-84 -42 -3.5" "maxs" "84 42 3.5" "origin" "1391.98 7110 775.94" "pushdir" "200 180 0" "speed" "300" "spawnflags" "1" } trigger_push { "targetname" "bigrockforward_push2" "mins" "-102 -58 -2" "maxs" "102 58 2" "origin" "1257.98 7102 690" "pushdir" "200 270 0" "speed" "300" "spawnflags" "1" } trigger_push { "targetname" "bigrockforward_push3" 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"solid" "6" "angles" "0 0 0" "disableshadows" "1" } func_regenerate { "targetname" "regenerate_front" "associatedmodel" "frontlocker_model" "TeamNum" "2" "origin" "0 30 0" "mins" "0 -48 0" "maxs" "40 0 128" "OnStartTouchAll" "frontlocker_model,SetAnimation,open,0,-1" "OnEndTouchAll" "frontlocker_model,SetAnimation,close,0,-1" } } KitsRemoveOld { logic_auto { "targetname" "auto_setup" "OnMapSpawn" "item_ammopack*,Kill,,0,-1" "OnMapSpawn" "item_healthkit*,Kill,,0,-1" "OnMapSpawn" "KitsNew,ForceSpawn,,0.25,-1" } } KitsNew { //Middle of Upper ramp by Frontlines item_ammopack_medium { "origin" "69 6092 741" "teamnum" "2" "automaterialize" "1" } item_healthkit_small { "origin" "69 6000 741" "teamnum" "2" "automaterialize" "1" } //Middle Platform, in a dead end cliffside item_ammopack_medium { "origin" "712 4184 645" "teamnum" "2" "automaterialize" "1" } item_healthkit_medium { "origin" "712 4250 645" "teamnum" "2" "automaterialize" "1" } //Frontlines item_ammopack_full { "origin" "1214 7602 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} TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Pyro_Cadaver_Variant3 } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Pyro_Cadaver_Variant4 } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Pyro_Cadaver_Variant5 } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Demoman_Cadaver_Variant1 } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Demoman_Cadaver_Variant2 } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Demoman_Cadaver_Variant3 } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Demoman_Cadaver_Variant4 } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Demoman_Cadaver_Variant5 } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Heavy_Cadaver_Variant1 } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Heavy_Cadaver_Variant2 } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Heavy_Cadaver_Variant3 } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Heavy_Cadaver_Variant4 } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Heavy_Cadaver_Variant5 } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Engineer_Cadaver_Variant1 } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Engineer_Cadaver_Variant2 } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Engineer_Cadaver_Variant3 } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Engineer_Cadaver_Variant4 } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Engineer_Cadaver_Variant5 } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Medic_Cadaver_Variant1 } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Medic_Cadaver_Variant2 } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Medic_Cadaver_Variant3 } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Medic_Cadaver_Variant4 } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Medic_Cadaver_Variant5 } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Sniper_Cadaver_Variant1 } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Sniper_Cadaver_Variant2 } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Sniper_Cadaver_Variant3 } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Sniper_Cadaver_Variant4 } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Sniper_Cadaver_Variant5 } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Spy_Cadaver_Variant1 } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Spy_Cadaver_Variant2 } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Spy_Cadaver_Variant3 } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Spy_Cadaver_Variant4 } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Spy_Cadaver_Variant5 } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Slasher } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Slasher } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Slasher } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Cultist } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Cultist } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Hazmat } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Hazmat } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Hazmat } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Brute } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Brute } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Brute } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Viper } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Viper } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Viper } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Fallen_Survivor } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Fallen_Survivor } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Fallen_Survivor } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Knighted_Carcass } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Knighted_Carcass } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Knighted_Carcass } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Grunt } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Grunt } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Grunt } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Dozer } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Detonator } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Wraith } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Mutant } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Rabid } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Zyborg } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Ravager } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Grappler } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Grenadier } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Shade } } } WaveSpawn { Name W1_02_DANGEROUS TotalCurrency 100 TotalCount 3000 MaxActive 2 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 120 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 Where spawnbot_all Where spawnbot_tomb1 Where spawnbot_tomb2 Where spawnbot_tomb3 Where spawnbot_hatch Where spawnbot_hatch2 Where spawnbot_middle_upper RandomSpawn 1 RandomChoice { TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Dozer } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Detonator } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Wraith } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Mutant } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Rabid } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Zyborg } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Ravager } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Grappler } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Grenadier } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Shade } } } WaveSpawn { Name W1_02_DANGEROUS TotalCurrency 100 TotalCount 3000 MaxActive 2 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 240 WaitBetweenSpawns 0.8 Where spawnbot_all Where spawnbot_tomb1 Where spawnbot_tomb2 Where spawnbot_tomb3 Where spawnbot_hatch Where spawnbot_hatch2 Where spawnbot_middle_upper RandomSpawn 1 RandomChoice { TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Dozer } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Detonator } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Wraith } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Mutant } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Rabid } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Zyborg } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Ravager } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Grappler } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Grenadier } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Shade } } } WaveSpawn { Name W1_02_DANGEROUS TotalCurrency 100 TotalCount 3000 MaxActive 2 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 360 WaitBetweenSpawns 0.6 Where spawnbot_all Where spawnbot_tomb1 Where spawnbot_tomb2 Where spawnbot_tomb3 Where spawnbot_hatch Where spawnbot_hatch2 Where spawnbot_middle_upper RandomSpawn 1 RandomChoice { TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Dozer } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Detonator } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Wraith } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Mutant } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Rabid } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Zyborg } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Ravager } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Grappler } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Grenadier } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Shade } } } WaveSpawn { Name W1_02_DANGEROUS_GIANTS TotalCurrency 100 TotalCount 3000 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 480 WaitBetweenSpawns 30 Where spawnbot_all Where spawnbot_tomb1 Where spawnbot_tomb2 Where spawnbot_tomb3 Where spawnbot_hatch Where spawnbot_hatch2 Where spawnbot_middle_upper RandomSpawn 1 TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Husk } } WaveSpawn { Name W1_02_DANGEROUS TotalCurrency 100 TotalCount 3000 MaxActive 2 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 480 WaitBetweenSpawns 0.5 Where spawnbot_all Where spawnbot_tomb1 Where spawnbot_tomb2 Where spawnbot_tomb3 Where spawnbot_hatch Where spawnbot_hatch2 Where spawnbot_middle_upper RandomSpawn 1 RandomChoice { TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Dozer } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Detonator } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Wraith } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Mutant } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Rabid } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Zyborg } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Ravager } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Grappler } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Grenadier } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Shade } } } WaveSpawn { Name W1_02_DANGEROUS_GIANTS TotalCurrency 100 TotalCount 3000 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 540 WaitBetweenSpawns 20 Where spawnbot_all Where spawnbot_tomb1 Where spawnbot_tomb2 Where spawnbot_tomb3 Where spawnbot_hatch Where spawnbot_hatch2 Where spawnbot_middle_upper RandomSpawn 1 TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Husk } } WaveSpawn { Name W1_02_DANGEROUS_GIANTS TotalCurrency 100 TotalCount 3000 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 600 WaitBetweenSpawns 15 Where spawnbot_all Where spawnbot_tomb1 Where spawnbot_tomb2 Where spawnbot_tomb3 Where spawnbot_hatch Where spawnbot_hatch2 Where spawnbot_middle_upper RandomSpawn 1 TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Husk } } WaveSpawn { Name W1_02_DANGEROUS TotalCurrency 100 TotalCount 3000 MaxActive 10 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 600 WaitBetweenSpawns 0.25 Where spawnbot_all Where spawnbot_tomb1 Where spawnbot_tomb2 Where spawnbot_tomb3 Where spawnbot_hatch Where spawnbot_hatch2 Where spawnbot_middle_upper RandomSpawn 1 RandomChoice { TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Dozer } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Detonator } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Wraith } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Mutant } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Rabid } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Zyborg } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Ravager } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Grappler } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Grenadier } TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Shade } } } WaveSpawn { Name W1_02_DANGEROUS_GIANTS TotalCurrency 100 TotalCount 3000 MaxActive 3 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 660 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 Where spawnbot_all Where spawnbot_tomb1 Where spawnbot_tomb2 Where spawnbot_tomb3 Where spawnbot_hatch Where spawnbot_hatch2 Where spawnbot_middle_upper RandomSpawn 1 TFBot { Template YoovyBot_Husk } } } Wave //Wave 3 { WaitWhenDone 65 Checkpoint Yes StartWaveOutput { Target wave_start_relay Action Trigger } DoneOutput { Target wave_finished_relay Action Trigger } WaveSpawn { Name W1_01_DANGEROUS TotalCurrency 100 TotalCount 3000 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 //Where spawnbot_all Where spawnbot_test //Where spawnbot_tomb2 //Where spawnbot_tomb3 //Where spawnbot_hatch RandomSpawn 1 RandomChoice { TFBot { Template YoovyBot_NavTester } // TFBot // { // Template YoovyBot_Medic_Cadaver_Variant2 // } // TFBot // { // Template YoovyBot_Medic_Cadaver_Variant3 // } // TFBot // { // Template YoovyBot_Medic_Cadaver_Variant4 // } // TFBot // { // Template YoovyBot_Medic_Cadaver_Variant5 // } } } } }