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Shoot Delay 80 } OnSpawnOutput { Target tank_chips_shooter Action Kill } OnSpawnOutput { Target popscript Action $SpawnTankChips Param 80 } OnParentKilledOutput { Target popscript Action $DropTankChips } } TankChipCounter2 { NoFixup 1 point_worldtext { "origin" "0 0 200" "targetname" "tanktext" "message" "Chips: " "font" "11" "orientation" "1" "textsize" "24" } env_shooter { "origin" "-92 15 180" "targetname" "tank_chips_shooter" "spawnflags" "4" "skin" "1" "simulation" "1" "shootsounds" "-1" "shootmodel" "models/props_casino/casino_chip001.mdl" "scale" "2" "rendermode" "0" "renderfx" "0" "rendercolor" "255 255 255" "renderamt" "255" "nogibshadows" "1" "massoverride" "0" "m_iGibs" "333" "m_flVelocity" "400" "m_flVariance" "1" "m_flGibLife" "3" "gibgravityscale" "1" "gibanglevelocity" "300" "gibangles" "0 0 0" "disablereceiveshadows" "1" "delay" "0.33" "angles" "-90 0 0" } OnSpawnOutput { Target tank_chips_shooter Action Shoot } OnSpawnOutput { Target tank_chips_shooter Action Kill Delay 110 } OnSpawnOutput { Target popscript Action $SpawnTankChips Param 120 } OnParentKilledOutput { Target popscript Action $DropTankChips } } TankChipDrop { KeepAlive 1 NoFixup 1 prop_dynamic { "origin" "0 0 6" "targetname" "tank_drop_prop" "parentname" "tank_drop_trigger" "model" "models/flag/flight_case.mdl" "skin" "0" "DefaultAnim" "spin" "disableshadows" "1" } point_worldtext { "origin" "0 0 50" "parentname" "tank_drop_trigger" "targetname" "tank_drop_text" "message" "" "font" "11" "orientation" "1" } tf_glow { "origin" "0 0 6" "parentname" "tank_drop_trigger" "target" "tank_drop_prop" "GlowColor" "184 56 59 255" "targetname" "tank_drop_glow" } trigger_multiple { "origin" "0 0 6" "targetname" "tank_drop_trigger" "mins" "-50 -50 -8" "maxs" "50 50 20" "spawnflags" "1" "OnStartTouch" "popscript,$TankChips,,0,-1" } OnSpawnOutput { Target tank_drop_trigger Action Kill Delay 60 } } ChiefAnimation { NoFixup 1 prop_physics { "origin" "0 0 200" "model" "models\weapons\c_models\c_battalion_buffbanner\c_batt_buffbanner.mdl" "modelscale" 1.9 "targetname" "chief_model1" } prop_physics { "origin" "0 0 200" "model" "models\weapons\c_models\c_battalion_buffpack\c_batt_buffpack.mdl" "modelscale" 1.9 "targetname" "chief_model2" } } CaptainJackpotEntities { NoFixup 0 func_door_rotating { "WaveHeight" "0" "wait" "-1" "vrad_brush_cast_shadows" "0" "texframeindex" "0" "targetname" "card_rotate" "speed" "200" "spawnpos" "0" "spawnflags" "4110" "solidbsp" "1" "solid" "0" "shadowcastdist" "0" "rendermode" "10" "renderfx" "0" "rendercolor" "255 255 255" "renderamt" "255" "origin" "-32 0 164" "movedir" "0 0 0" "modelindex" "0" "mindxlevel" "0" "maxdxlevel" "0" "loopmovesound" "0" "lip" "0" "ignoredebris" "0" "health" "0" "forceclosed" "0" "effects" "0" "dmg" "0" "distance" "180" "disableshadows" "0" "disablereceiveshadows" "0" "angles" "0 0 0" "classname" "func_door_rotating" } prop_dynamic { "model" "models/props_casino/cc_cards/cc_playing_card_big_spades_red.mdl" "targetname" "spades" "origin" "-32 0 164" "skin" "0" "disableshadows" "1" "solid" "0" "modelscale" "0.3" "StartDisabled" "1" "parentname" "card_rotate" } prop_dynamic { "model" "models/props_casino/cc_cards/cc_playing_card_big_clubs_red.mdl" "targetname" "clubs" "origin" "-32 0 164" "skin" "0" "disableshadows" "1" "solid" "0" "modelscale" "0.3" "StartDisabled" "1" "parentname" "card_rotate" } prop_dynamic { "model" "models/props_casino/cc_cards/cc_playing_card_big_hearts_red.mdl" "targetname" "hearts" "origin" "-32 0 164" "skin" "0" "disableshadows" "1" "solid" "0" "modelscale" "0.3" "StartDisabled" "1" "parentname" "card_rotate" } prop_dynamic { "model" "models/props_casino/cc_cards/cc_playing_card_big_diamonds_red.mdl" "targetname" "diamonds" "origin" "-32 0 164" "skin" "0" "disableshadows" "1" "solid" "0" "modelscale" "0.3" "StartDisabled" "1" "parentname" "card_rotate" } } CaptainJackpotSpawns { info_player_teamspawn { "origin" "0 0 0" "targetname" "card_1" "TeamNum" "2" "StartDisabled" "1" } info_player_teamspawn { "origin" "0 0 0" "targetname" "card_2" "TeamNum" "2" "StartDisabled" "1" } info_player_teamspawn { "origin" "0 0 0" "targetname" "card_3" "TeamNum" "2" "StartDisabled" "1" } info_player_teamspawn { "origin" "0 0 0" "targetname" "card_4" "TeamNum" "2" "StartDisabled" "1" } info_player_teamspawn { "origin" "0 0 0" "targetname" "card_5" "TeamNum" "2" "StartDisabled" "1" } info_player_teamspawn { "origin" "0 0 0" "targetname" "card_6" "TeamNum" "2" "StartDisabled" "1" } info_player_teamspawn { "origin" "0 0 0" "targetname" "card_7" "TeamNum" "2" "StartDisabled" "1" } info_player_teamspawn { "origin" "0 0 0" "targetname" "card_8" "TeamNum" "2" "StartDisabled" "1" } info_player_teamspawn { "origin" "0 0 0" "targetname" "card_9" "TeamNum" "2" "StartDisabled" "1" } info_player_teamspawn { "origin" "0 0 0" "targetname" "card_10" "TeamNum" "2" "StartDisabled" "1" } info_player_teamspawn { "origin" "0 0 0" "targetname" "card_11" "TeamNum" "2" "StartDisabled" "1" } info_player_teamspawn { "origin" "0 0 0" "targetname" "card_12" "TeamNum" "2" "StartDisabled" "1" } info_player_teamspawn { "origin" "0 0 0" "targetname" "card_13" "TeamNum" "2" "StartDisabled" "1" } } } SpawnTemplate "WorldText" SpawnTemplate "CoreFlagInit" SpawnTemplate "DispenserPrizeBuy" SpawnTemplate "CaptainJackpotSpawns" //////////////////////////////////////////Mission Support////////////////////////////////////////// Mission { Objective DestroySentries InitialCooldown 5 Where spawnbot BeginAtWave 1 RunForThisManyWaves 7 CooldownTime 30 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_SentryBuster } } Mission { Objective Sniper InitialCooldown 5 Where spawnbot_mission_sniper BeginAtWave 3 RunForThisManyWaves 1 InitialCooldown 60 CooldownTime 45 DesiredCount 1 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Sniper } } Mission { Objective Spy InitialCooldown 5 Where spawnbot_mission_spy BeginAtWave 2 RunForThisManyWaves 1 InitialCooldown 60 CooldownTime 45 DesiredCount 2 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Spy } } Mission { Objective Spy InitialCooldown 5 Where spawnbot_mission_spy BeginAtWave 5 RunForThisManyWaves 3 InitialCooldown 30 CooldownTime 60 DesiredCount 2 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Spy Name "Armor Penetrating Spy" ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_KNIFE" "armor piercing" 2 } } } Mission { Objective Sniper InitialCooldown 5 Where spawnbot_mission_sniper BeginAtWave 6 RunForThisManyWaves 1 InitialCooldown 60 CooldownTime 45 DesiredCount 1 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Sydney_Sleeper } } //////////////////////////////////////////Templates////////////////////////////////////////// Templates { T_TFBot_Soldier_Extended_Battalion { Class Soldier Name "Extended Buff Soldier" Skill Normal ClassIcon soldier_backup Attributes SpawnWithFullCharge Item "The Battalion's Backup" CharacterAttributes { "increase buff duration" 9.0 } } T_TFBot_Soldier_Melee { Class Soldier Skill Hard // increased to improve ability to hit with melee WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly ClassIcon soldier_shovel } T_TFBot_Giant_Sniper_Jarate { Class Sniper Name "Giant Jarate Master" Skill Easy ClassIcon sniper_jarate Item "Jarate" Item "The Bushwacka" Item "Desert Marauder" WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly Attributes MiniBoss Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon Health 2800 CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.7 "effect bar recharge rate increased" 0.1 "override footstep sound set" 5 } } T_TFBot_SMG { Class Sniper Name "SMG Sniper" Skill Normal ClassIcon sniper_smg WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly } T_TFBot_Scout_Milk { Class Scout Name "Milkman Scout" Skill Easy ClassIcon scout_milk Item "Mad Milk" Item "Milkman" WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon CharacterAttributes { "effect bar recharge rate increased" 0.1 } } T_TFBot_Soldier_Mangler { Class Soldier Name "Cow Mangler Soldier" Skill Easy ClassIcon soldier_mangler Item "The Cow Mangler 5000" } T_TFBot_Demoman_Persian { Class Demoman Name "Persian Demoknight" ClassIcon demoknight_persian_nys Skill Hard Item "The Splendid Screen" Item "The Persian Persuader" Item "Ali Baba's Wee Booties" Item "Sultan's Ceremonial" WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Splendid Screen" "critboost on kill" 3 } } T_TFBot_Giant_Steel_Gauntlet { Class heavyweapons Name "Giant Steel Gauntlet" ClassIcon heavy_steelfist Skill expert Health 5000 Item "Fists Of Steel" WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly Attributes MiniBoss ItemAttributes { ItemName "Fists Of Steel" "fire rate bonus" 0.6 "damage bonus" 1.2 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.3 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.3 "override footstep sound set" 2 } } T_TFBot_Giant_Pyro_Flare_Rapid { Class Pyro Name "Giant Rapid Flare Pyro" ClassIcon pyro_flare_giant Skill Expert Health 3000 Item "The Flare Gun" Item "Sight for Sore Eyes" WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly Attributes MiniBoss AimAt Head ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Flare Gun" "fire rate bonus" 0.1 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.6 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.6 "override footstep sound set" 6 } } T_TFBot_Medic_Kritz { Class Medic Name "Kritz Medic" ClassIcon medic_kritz Skill Normal Attributes SpawnWithFullCharge Item "The Kritzkrieg" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Kritzkrieg" "uber duration bonus" -9 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_SYRINGEGUN_MEDIC" "damage penalty" 0.1 } CharacterAttributes { "heal rate bonus" 0.1 "bot medic uber health threshold" 151 } } T_TFBot_Giant_Medic_Kritz { Class Medic Name "Giant Kritz Medic" ClassIcon medic_kritz Skill Expert Health 4500 Attributes SpawnWithFullCharge Item "The Kritzkrieg" WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly Attributes MiniBoss ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Kritzkrieg" "uber duration bonus" -9 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_SYRINGEGUN_MEDIC" "damage penalty" 0.1 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.6 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.6 "heal rate bonus" 200 // only works on mediguns that have this attribute ie quickfix "bot medic uber health threshold" 4501 } } T_TFBot_Giant_Scout_Basher_Armored { Class Scout Name "Armored Basher Scout" ClassIcon scout_basher_lite Skill Expert Health 3000 Item "Wilson Weave" Item "The Boston Basher" WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly Attributes MiniBoss CharacterAttributes { "damage force reduction" 0.7 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.7 "override footstep sound set" 5 "move speed penalty" 0.75 } } T_TFBot_Scout_Jumping_Soda_Popper { Class scout Skill Hard Name "Soda Popper Scout" ClassIcon scout_popper Item "The Soda Popper" Item "The Bonk Boy" Item "Front Runner" WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Attributes AutoJump AutoJumpMin 1 AutoJumpMax 2 Attributes SpawnWithFullCharge } T_TFBot_Demoman_Stickybomb //lifted from MvM - Advanced Popfile Techniques https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1911160067 { Class Demoman Skill Expert Classicon demo_sticky_daan // Custom icon WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER" "is_passive_weapon" 1 "override projectile type" 27 // Fires nothing "fire rate penalty" 99 // No grenade launcher firing animations. } ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_PIPEBOMBLAUNCHER" "stickybomb charge rate" 0.001 //Demo-bot will fire Stickybomb immediately "max pipebombs decreased" -7 // 1 Stickybomb deployed, will explode when another is fired "projectile range increased" 0.35 // Prevents overshooting target } } T_TFBot_Giant_DragonsFury_Pyro { Class Pyro Name "Giant Pyro" ClassIcon pyro_dragonfury_giant Skill Easy Health 3000 Item "The Dragon's Fury" WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Attributes MiniBoss Tag bot_giant CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.6 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.6 "override footstep sound set" 6 } } } //////////////////////////////////////////Wave 1//////////////////////////////////////////900 + 100 Wave { StartWaveOutput { Target wave_start_relay Action Trigger } DoneOutput { Target wave_finished_relay Action Trigger } InitWaveOutput { Target flag_bomb Action Disable } StartWaveOutput { Target CoreFlagInit Action ForceSpawn } WaveSpawn { Name starter Where spawnbot_center TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Extended_Battalion Name "Captain Jackpot" Item "Soldier's Stash" Item "gentlemanne_rocketlauncher_highrollers" Attributes AlwaysCrit } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 100 WaitForAllDead starter Name w1s1a Where spawnbot TotalCount 24 MaxActive 8 SpawnCount 4 WaitBetweenSpawns 7 WaitBeforeStarting 4 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Melee ClassIcon scout_bat } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 100 WaitForAllDead starter Name w1s1b Where spawnbot_left TotalCount 12 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 3 WaitBetweenSpawns 7 WaitBeforeStarting 4 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Knight } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 100 WaitForAllDead starter Name w1s1b Where spawnbot_right TotalCount 12 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 3 WaitBetweenSpawns 7 WaitBeforeStarting 4 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Knight } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 100 WaitForAllDead starter WaitBetweenSpawns 5 Name w1s1c Where spawnbot_chips TotalCount 2 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Pyro_Flare_Spammer ClassIcon pyro_detonator_lite Skill Easy } FirstSpawnOutput { Target flag_bomb Action Enable } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 100 Name w1s2a WaitForAllSpawned w1s1c WaitBeforeStarting 8 WaitBetweenSpawns 8 Where spawnbot_center TotalCount 2 MaxActive 2 SpawnCount 1 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier } LastSpawnOutput { Target CoreFlag Action ForceSpawn } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 100 Name w1s3a WaitForAllSpawned w1s2a WaitBeforeStarting 16 WaitBetweenSpawns 8 Where spawnbot_chips TotalCount 2 MaxActive 2 SpawnCount 1 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demoman ClassIcon demo_spammer } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 150 Name w1s2b WaitForAllSpawned w1s1a WaitBetweenSpawns 2 Where spawnbot TotalCount 20 MaxActive 8 SpawnCount 2 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Heavyweight_Champ_Fast } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 150 Name w1s2c WaitForAllSpawned w1s2b WaitBetweenSpawns 5 Where spawnbot Support 1 MaxActive 8 SpawnCount 2 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Melee } } //////////////////////////////////////////Red bots////////////////////////////////////////// WaveSpawn { Where spawnbot_mercbot Support 1 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 1 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot { Class Soldier Skill Expert Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Class Pyro Skill Expert Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Class Demoman AimLeadProjectileSpeed 1 Skill Expert Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Class Heavy Skill Normal Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } } } } WaveSpawn { Where spawnbot_mercbotgiant Support 1 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 1 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Pyro Health 4200 Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demoman AimLeadProjectileSpeed 1 Name "Giant Demoman" Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavyweapons Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } } } } WaveSpawn { Where spawnbot_mercbotcrit Support 1 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 1 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot { Class Soldier Skill Expert Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Class Pyro Skill Expert Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Class Demoman AimLeadProjectileSpeed 1 Skill Expert Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Class Heavy Skill Normal Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } } } } WaveSpawn { Where spawnbot_mercbotgiantcrit Support 1 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 1 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Pyro Health 4200 Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demoman AimLeadProjectileSpeed 1 Name "Giant Demoman" Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavyweapons Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } } } } } //////////////////////////////////////////Wave 2//////////////////////////////////////////800 + 100 Wave { StartWaveOutput { Target wave_start_relay Action Trigger } DoneOutput { Target wave_finished_relay Action Trigger } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 100 Name w2s1a Where spawnbot_center WaitBetweenSpawns 6 TotalCount 2 MaxActive 2 SpawnCount 1 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Scout_Fast } LastSpawnOutput { Target CoreFlagInit Action ForceSpawn } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 100 Name w2s1b WaitBeforeStarting 1 WaitBetweenSpawns 2 Where spawnbot TotalCount 30 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 2 TFBot { Class Soldier } LastSpawnOutput { Target CoreFlagInit Action ForceSpawn } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 100 Name w2s1c WaitBeforeStarting 1 WaitBetweenSpawns 4 Where spawnbot TotalCount 20 MaxActive 8 SpawnCount 4 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Melee ClassIcon scout_bat } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 200 Name w2s2a Where spawnbot TotalCount 2 MaxActive 2 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 10 WaitBetweenSpawns 40 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavyweapons } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 200 Name w2s2b WaitForAllSpawned w2s1c Where spawnbot TotalCount 14 WaitBetweenSpawns 6 MaxActive 8 SpawnCount 2 Squad { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Fist } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickFix } } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 100 Name w2s2c WaitForAllSpawned w2s1b Where spawnbot Support 1 MaxActive 4 SpawnCount 2 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Pyro Skill Easy } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 100 Name w2s2d WaitForAllSpawned w2s1b Where spawnbot Support 1 MaxActive 4 SpawnCount 2 TFBot { Class Scout } } //////////////////////////////////////////Red bots////////////////////////////////////////// WaveSpawn { Where spawnbot_mercbot Support 1 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 1 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot { Class Soldier Skill Expert Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Class Pyro Skill Expert Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Class Demoman AimLeadProjectileSpeed 1 Skill Expert Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Class Heavy Skill Normal Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } } } } WaveSpawn { Where spawnbot_mercbotgiant Support 1 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 1 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Pyro Health 4200 Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demoman AimLeadProjectileSpeed 1 Name "Giant Demoman" Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavyweapons Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } } } } WaveSpawn { Where spawnbot_mercbotcrit Support 1 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 1 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot { Class Soldier Skill Expert Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Class Pyro Skill Expert Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Class Demoman AimLeadProjectileSpeed 1 Skill Expert Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Class Heavy Skill Normal Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } } } } WaveSpawn { Where spawnbot_mercbotgiantcrit Support 1 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 1 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Pyro Health 4200 Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demoman AimLeadProjectileSpeed 1 Name "Giant Demoman" Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavyweapons Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } } } } } //////////////////////////////////////////Wave 3//////////////////////////////////////////900 + 100 Wave { StartWaveOutput { Target wave_start_relay Action Trigger } DoneOutput { Target wave_finished_relay Action Trigger } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 200 Name w3s1a Where spawnbot_left WaitBetweenSpawns 12 TotalCount 3 MaxActive 2 SpawnCount 1 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Spammer } LastSpawnOutput { Target CoreFlagInit Action ForceSpawn } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 100 Name w3s1b Where spawnbot WaitBeforeStarting 5 WaitBetweenSpawns 8 TotalCount 12 MaxActive 3 SpawnCount 3 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Shortstop } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 100 Name w3s1c Where spawnbot_left WaitBeforeStarting 2 WaitBetweenSpawns 4 TotalCount 40 MaxActive 12 SpawnCount 2 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Huntsman } LastSpawnOutput { Target CoreFlagInit Action ForceSpawn } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 150 Name w3s2a WaitForAllSpawned w3s1a Where spawnbot_center WaitBeforeStarting 20 WaitBetweenSpawns 12 TotalCount 6 MaxActive 4 SpawnCount 2 Squad { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demo_RapidFire ClassIcon demo_spammer } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Sniper_Jarate } } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 150 Name w3s2a WaitForAllSpawned w3s1a Where spawnbot_center WaitBeforeStarting 26 WaitBetweenSpawns 12 TotalCount 3 MaxActive 2 SpawnCount 1 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Sniper_Jarate } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 100 Name w3s2b WaitForAllSpawned w3s1b Where spawnbot WaitBetweenSpawns 2 TotalCount 18 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 3 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_SMG } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 100 Name w3s3b WaitForAllSpawned w3s2b Where spawnbot WaitBetweenSpawns 2 Support 1 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 2 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Heavyweight_Champ } } //////////////////////////////////////////Red bots////////////////////////////////////////// WaveSpawn { Where spawnbot_mercbot Support 1 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 1 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot { Class Soldier Skill Expert Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Class Pyro Skill Expert Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Class Demoman AimLeadProjectileSpeed 1 Skill Expert Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Class Heavy Skill Normal Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } } } } WaveSpawn { Where spawnbot_mercbotgiant Support 1 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 1 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Pyro Health 4200 Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demoman AimLeadProjectileSpeed 1 Name "Giant Demoman" Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavyweapons Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } } } } WaveSpawn { Where spawnbot_mercbotcrit Support 1 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 1 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot { Class Soldier Skill Expert Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Class Pyro Skill Expert Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Class Demoman AimLeadProjectileSpeed 1 Skill Expert Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Class Heavy Skill Normal Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } } } } WaveSpawn { Where spawnbot_mercbotgiantcrit Support 1 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 1 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Pyro Health 4200 Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demoman AimLeadProjectileSpeed 1 Name "Giant Demoman" Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavyweapons Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } } } } } //////////////////////////////////////////Wave 4//////////////////////////////////////////1000 + 100 Wave { StartWaveOutput { Target wave_start_relay Action Trigger } DoneOutput { Target wave_finished_relay Action Trigger } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 100 Name w4s1a Where spawnbot_center TotalCount 2 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 Squad { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Extended_Concheror } } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 100 Name w4s1b Where spawnbot_right TotalCount 2 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_DragonsFury_Pyro } LastSpawnOutput { Target CoreFlagInit Action ForceSpawn } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 100 Name w4s1c Where spawnbot_center WaitBetweenSpawns 2 TotalCount 30 MaxActive 8 SpawnCount 4 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Milk } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 100 Name w4s1d Where spawnbot_center WaitBetweenSpawns 2 TotalCount 24 MaxActive 16 SpawnCount 4 Squad { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Pyro Skill Easy } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickFix } } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 100 Name w4s2b WaitForAllSpawned w4s1a Where spawnbot_right WaitBeforeStarting 10 TotalCount 6 MaxActive 3 SpawnCount 3 Squad { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_RocketShotgun } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickUber } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickUber } } LastSpawnOutput { Target CoreFlagInit Action ForceSpawn } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 100 Name w4s2b WaitForAllSpawned w4s1a Where spawnbot_left WaitBeforeStarting 10 TotalCount 6 MaxActive 3 SpawnCount 3 Squad { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_RocketShotgun } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickUber } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickUber } } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 50 Name w4s2c WaitForAllDead w4s1c Where spawnbot WaitBetweenSpawns 1 TotalCount 30 MaxActive 8 SpawnCount 4 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Persian } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 50 Name w4s2d WaitForAllSpawned w4s1a Where spawnbot_center WaitBetweenSpawns 1 TotalCount 20 MaxActive 4 SpawnCount 2 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Huntsman } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 100 Name w4s3a WaitForAllSpawned w4s2b Where spawnbot_right WaitBeforeStarting 15 WaitBetweenSpawns 10 TotalCount 4 MaxActive 2 SpawnCount 1 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Scout_Basher_Armored Action Mobber } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 100 Name w4s3a WaitForAllSpawned w4s2b WaitBeforeStarting 5 TotalCount 1 Tank { Health 14000 Speed 100 StartingPathTrackNode tank_path_b_1 OnKilledOutput { Target boss_dead_relay Action Trigger } OnBombDroppedOutput { Target boss_deploy_relay Action Trigger } SpawnTemplate TankChipCounter } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 100 Name w4s3b WaitForAllSpawned w4s2d Where spawnbot WaitBetweenSpawns 3 Support 1 MaxActive 8 SpawnCount 4 TFBot { Class Demoman } } //////////////////////////////////////////Red bots////////////////////////////////////////// WaveSpawn { Where spawnbot_mercbot Support 1 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 1 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot { Class Soldier Skill Expert Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Class Pyro Skill Expert Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Class Demoman AimLeadProjectileSpeed 1 Skill Expert Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Class Heavy Skill Normal Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } } } } WaveSpawn { Where spawnbot_mercbotgiant Support 1 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 1 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Pyro Health 4200 Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demoman AimLeadProjectileSpeed 1 Name "Giant Demoman" Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavyweapons Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } } } } WaveSpawn { Where spawnbot_mercbotcrit Support 1 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 1 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot { Class Soldier Skill Expert Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Class Pyro Skill Expert Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Class Demoman AimLeadProjectileSpeed 1 Skill Expert Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Class Heavy Skill Normal Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } } } } WaveSpawn { Where spawnbot_mercbotgiantcrit Support 1 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 1 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Pyro Health 4200 Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demoman AimLeadProjectileSpeed 1 Name "Giant Demoman" Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavyweapons Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } } } } } //////////////////////////////////////////Wave 5//////////////////////////////////////////1000 + 100 Wave { StartWaveOutput { Target wave_start_relay Action Trigger } DoneOutput { Target wave_finished_relay Action Trigger } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 200 Name w5s1a Where spawnbot_right WaitBetweenSpawns 12 TotalCount 2 MaxActive 2 SpawnCount 2 Squad { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Spammer_Reload } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Medic_Regen } } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 200 Name w5s1a Where spawnbot_left WaitBeforeStarting 12 TotalCount 2 MaxActive 2 SpawnCount 2 Squad { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demo_Burst } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Medic_Regen } } LastSpawnOutput { Target CoreFlagInit Action ForceSpawn } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 100 Name w5s1b Where spawnbot WaitBetweenSpawns 4 WaitBeforeStarting 1 TotalCount 36 MaxActive 14 SpawnCount 2 Squad { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Shotgun } } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 100 Name w5s2a WaitForAllSpawned w5s1a Where spawnbot_right WaitBeforeStarting 18 WaitBetweenSpawns 4 TotalCount 2 MaxActive 2 SpawnCount 1 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Scout_Baseball } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 100 Name w5s3a WaitForAllSpawned w5s2a Where spawnbot_right WaitBetweenSpawns 4 TotalCount 6 MaxActive 3 SpawnCount 3 Squad { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Pyro_Flare_Rapid } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickUber } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_Kritz } } LastSpawnOutput { Target CoreFlagInit Action ForceSpawn } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 100 Name w5s3a WaitForAllSpawned w5s2a Where spawnbot_right WaitBetweenSpawns 12 TotalCount 12 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 3 Squad { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavyweapons } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickUber } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_Kritz } } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 100 Name w5s3b WaitForAllSpawned w5s1b Where spawnbot WaitBetweenSpawns 2 WaitBeforeStarting 1 TotalCount 12 MaxActive 8 SpawnCount 4 Squad { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Soldier_RocketShotgun } } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 100 Name w5s4a WaitForAllSpawned w5s3b Where spawnbot WaitBetweenSpawns 5 WaitBeforeStarting 1 Support 1 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 3 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Shortstop } } //////////////////////////////////////////Red bots////////////////////////////////////////// WaveSpawn { Where spawnbot_mercbot Support 1 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 1 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot { Class Soldier Skill Expert Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Class Pyro Skill Expert Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Class Demoman AimLeadProjectileSpeed 1 Skill Expert Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Class Heavy Skill Normal Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } } } } WaveSpawn { Where spawnbot_mercbotgiant Support 1 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 1 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Pyro Health 4200 Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demoman AimLeadProjectileSpeed 1 Name "Giant Demoman" Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavyweapons Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } } } } WaveSpawn { Where spawnbot_mercbotcrit Support 1 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 1 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot { Class Soldier Skill Expert Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Class Pyro Skill Expert Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Class Demoman AimLeadProjectileSpeed 1 Skill Expert Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Class Heavy Skill Normal Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } } } } WaveSpawn { Where spawnbot_mercbotgiantcrit Support 1 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 1 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Pyro Health 4200 Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demoman AimLeadProjectileSpeed 1 Name "Giant Demoman" Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavyweapons Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } } } } } //////////////////////////////////////////Wave 6//////////////////////////////////////////1200 + 100 Wave { StartWaveOutput { Target wave_start_relay Action Trigger } DoneOutput { Target wave_finished_relay Action Trigger } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 250 Name w6s1c TotalCount 1 Tank { Health 30000 Speed 70 StartingPathTrackNode tank_path_a_1 OnKilledOutput { Target boss_dead_relay Action Trigger } OnBombDroppedOutput { Target boss_deploy_relay Action Trigger } SpawnTemplate TankChipCounter2 } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 100 Name w6s1a Where spawnbot_right WaitBetweenSpawns 6 WaitBeforeStarting 1 TotalCount 40 MaxActive 16 SpawnCount 8 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Bonk } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 200 Name w6s1b Where spawnbot_right WaitBetweenSpawns 26 TotalCount 6 MaxActive 4 SpawnCount 2 Squad { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavyweapons_BrassBeast ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Brass Beast" "damage bonus" 1.7 } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Medic_Kritz } } LastSpawnOutput { Target CoreFlagInit Action ForceSpawn } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 150 Name w6s2a WaitBeforeStarting 25 WaitForAllSpawned w6s1b Where spawnbot WaitBetweenSpawns 5 TotalCount 20 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 2 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Huntsman_Spammer ClassIcon sniper_bow_multi } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 150 Name w6s3b WaitBeforeStarting 25 WaitForAllSpawned w6s1b Where spawnbot WaitBetweenSpawns 5 TotalCount 8 MaxActive 4 SpawnCount 2 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Extended_Buff_Banner } LastSpawnOutput { Target CoreFlagInit Action ForceSpawn } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 250 Name w6s4a WaitBeforeStarting 25 WaitForAllSpawned w6s3b Where spawnbot WaitBetweenSpawns 6 TotalCount 8 MaxActive 8 SpawnCount 4 Squad { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demo_Burst } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickUber } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickUber } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickUber } } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 100 Name w6s4b WaitBeforeStarting 25 WaitForAllSpawned w6s2a Where spawnbot WaitBetweenSpawns 1 Support 1 MaxActive 12 SpawnCount 2 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Jumping_Soda_Popper } } //////////////////////////////////////////Red bots////////////////////////////////////////// WaveSpawn { Where spawnbot_mercbot Support 1 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 1 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot { Class Soldier Skill Expert Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Class Pyro Skill Expert Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Class Demoman AimLeadProjectileSpeed 1 Skill Expert Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Class Heavy Skill Normal Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } } } } WaveSpawn { Where spawnbot_mercbotgiant Support 1 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 1 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Pyro Health 4200 Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demoman AimLeadProjectileSpeed 1 Name "Giant Demoman" Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavyweapons Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } } } } WaveSpawn { Where spawnbot_mercbotcrit Support 1 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 1 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot { Class Soldier Skill Expert Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Class Pyro Skill Expert Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Class Demoman AimLeadProjectileSpeed 1 Skill Expert Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Class Heavy Skill Normal Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } } } } WaveSpawn { Where spawnbot_mercbotgiantcrit Support 1 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 1 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Pyro Health 4200 Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demoman AimLeadProjectileSpeed 1 Name "Giant Demoman" Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavyweapons Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } } } } } //////////////////////////////////////////Wave 7////////////////////////////////////////// Wave { StartWaveOutput { Target wave_start_relay Action Trigger } DoneOutput { Target wave_finished_relay Action Trigger } WaveSpawn { Name w7s1 TotalCount 1 SpawnCount 1 TotalCurrency 500 FirstSpawnOutput { Target boss_spawn_relay_sentrytank Action Trigger } Tank { ClassIcon chew_blu_nys Health 45000 Speed 80 Skin 1 Name tankboss_sentrytank StartingPathTrackNode tank_path_sentrytank OnKilledOutput { Target boss_dead_relay Action Trigger } OnBombDroppedOutput { Target boss_deploy_relay Action Trigger } OnKilledOutput { Target popscript Action $ActivateSecret } } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 400 Name w7s1a Where spawnbot WaitBetweenSpawns 4 Support Limited TotalCount 40 MaxActive 8 SpawnCount 2 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Stickybomb BehaviorModifiers Mobber Item "Ghastly Gibus" ItemAttributes { ItemName "Ghastly Gibus" "set item tint rgb" 7511618 } } FirstSpawnOutput { Target flag_bomb Action Disable } } WaveSpawn { TotalCurrency 400 Name w7s2 Where spawnbot_center WaitForAllDead w7s1 WaitBeforeStarting 5 TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 TFBot { Class Soldier Skill Expert WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Name "Captain Jackpot" Tag "chief" ClassIcon soldier_backup Health 40000 Scale 1.9 Item "Soldier's Stash" Item "The Battalion's Backup" Item "gentlemanne_rocketlauncher_highrollers" Attributes MiniBoss Attributes UseBossHealthBar Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload Attributes SpawnWithFullCharge SpawnTemplate "CaptainJackpotEntities" ItemAttributes { ItemName "gentlemanne_rocketlauncher_highrollers" "damage bonus" 1.5 "fire rate bonus" 0.5 "clip size upgrade atomic" 7.0 "Projectile speed increased" 0.7 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.4 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.4 "override footstep sound set" 3 "airblast vertical vulnerability multiplier" 0.1 "rage giving scale" 0.1 "increase buff duration" 1.5 } } FirstSpawnOutput { Target flag_bomb Action Enable } } //////////////////////////////////////////Card spawns////////////////////////////////////////// WaveSpawn { Where card_1 Support 1 MaxActive 20 SpawnCount 10 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 WaitBeforeStarting 1 WaitForAllDead w7s1 RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot {Class Soldier Tag summon} TFBot {Class Pyro Tag summon Skill Easy} TFBot {Class Demoman Tag summon} TFBot {Class Scout Tag summon} TFBot {Class Heavy Tag summon} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Gnome Tag summon Tag 60} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Gnome Tag summon Tag 60} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Gnome Tag summon Tag 60} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Gnome Tag summon Tag 60} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Gnome Tag summon Tag 60} TFBot {Class Soldier Tag summon} TFBot {Class Pyro Tag summon Skill Easy} TFBot {Class Demoman Tag summon} TFBot {Class Scout Tag summon} TFBot {Class Heavy Tag summon} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Gnome Tag summon Tag 60} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Gnome Tag summon Tag 60} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Gnome Tag summon Tag 60} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Gnome Tag summon Tag 60} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Gnome Tag summon Tag 60} TFBot {Class Soldier Tag summon} TFBot {Class Pyro Tag summon Skill Easy} TFBot {Class Demoman Tag summon} TFBot {Class Scout Tag summon} TFBot {Class Heavy Tag summon} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Gnome Tag summon Tag 60} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Gnome Tag summon Tag 60} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Gnome Tag summon Tag 60} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Gnome Tag summon Tag 60} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Gnome Tag summon Tag 60} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavyweapons Tag summon Tag 5000} } } } WaveSpawn { Where card_2 Support 1 MaxActive 3 SpawnCount 3 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 WaitBeforeStarting 2 WaitForAllDead w7s1 RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Scout_Melee Tag summon} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Knight Tag summon Tag 150} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Sniper Tag summon} } } } WaveSpawn { Where card_3 Support 1 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 6 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 WaitBeforeStarting 3 WaitForAllDead w7s1 RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Scout_Melee Tag summon} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Knight Tag summon Tag 150} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Melee Tag summon} } } } WaveSpawn { Where card_4 Support 1 MaxActive 8 SpawnCount 8 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 WaitBeforeStarting 4 WaitForAllDead w7s1 RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Scout_Melee Tag summon} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Knight Tag summon Tag 150} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Melee Tag summon} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Heavyweight_Champ Tag summon} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Heavyweight_Champ_Fast Tag summon} } } } WaveSpawn { Where card_5 Support 1 MaxActive 4 SpawnCount 4 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 WaitBeforeStarting 5 WaitForAllDead w7s1 RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot {Class Demoman Tag summon} TFBot {Class Soldier Tag summon} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Flaregun Tag summon} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Heavyweight_Champ Tag summon} } } } WaveSpawn { Where card_6 Support 1 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 6 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 WaitBeforeStarting 6 WaitForAllDead w7s1 RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot {Class Demoman} TFBot {Class Soldier} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Soldier_RocketShotgun Tag summon} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Heavyweight_Champ Tag summon} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_SMG Tag summon} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Pyro Tag summon Skill Easy} } } } WaveSpawn { Where card_7 Support 1 MaxActive 8 SpawnCount 8 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 WaitBeforeStarting 7 WaitForAllDead w7s1 RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot {Class Demoman} TFBot {Class Heavy} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Mangler Tag summon} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Soldier_RocketShotgun Tag summon} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Heavyweight_Champ Tag summon} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Scout_Milk Tag summon} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Pyro Tag summon Skill Easy} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_SMG Tag summon} } } } WaveSpawn { Where card_8 Support 1 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 6 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 WaitBeforeStarting 8 WaitForAllDead w7s1 RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Demo_Burst} TFBot {Class Heavy} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Extended_Buff_Banner Tag summon} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Soldier_RocketShotgun Tag summon} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Shotgun Tag summon} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Scout_Milk Tag summon} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickUber Tag summon} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Pyro Tag summon Skill Easy} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_SMG Tag summon} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Mangler Tag summon} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Demo_Burst Tag summon} } } } WaveSpawn { Where card_9 Support 1 MaxActive 4 SpawnCount 4 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 WaitBeforeStarting 9 WaitForAllDead w7s1 RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Samurai Tag summon Tag 650} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Extended_Buff_Banner Tag summon} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Extended_Concheror Tag summon} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Shotgun Tag summon} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Scout_Milk Tag summon} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickUber Tag summon} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Fist Tag summon Tag 900} } } } WaveSpawn { Where card_10 Support 1 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 6 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 WaitBeforeStarting 10 WaitForAllDead w7s1 RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Samurai Tag summon Tag 650} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Extended_Buff_Banner Tag summon} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Extended_Concheror Tag summon} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Huntsman_Spammer Tag summon Tag 1200} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Scout_Shortstop Tag summon Tag 650} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Scout_Milk Tag summon} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickUber Tag summon} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Fist Tag summon Tag 900} } } } WaveSpawn { Where card_11 Support 2 MaxActive 2 SpawnCount 2 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 WaitBeforeStarting 11 WaitForAllDead w7s1 RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Crit Tag summon Tag 3800} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Giant_Pyro Skill Easy Tag summon Tag 3000} } } } WaveSpawn { Where card_12 Support 2 MaxActive 2 SpawnCount 2 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 WaitBeforeStarting 12 WaitForAllDead w7s1 RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Spammer Tag summon Tag 3800} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Extended_Buff_Banner Tag summon Tag 3800} } } } WaveSpawn { Where card_13 Support 2 MaxActive 2 SpawnCount 2 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 WaitBeforeStarting 13 WaitForAllDead w7s1 RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Extended_Concheror Tag summon Tag 3800} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavyweapons Tag summon Tag 5000} TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Giant_Steel_Gauntlet Tag summon Tag 5000} } } } //WaveSpawn //{ // Where card_joker // Support 1 // MaxActive 1 // SpawnCount 1 // WaitBetweenSpawns 10 // RandomChoice // { // RandomChoice // { // TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Extended_Battalion Tag summon Tag 3800} // TFBot {Template T_TFBot_Giant_Medic_Kritz Tag summon Tag 3800} // } // } //} //////////////////////////////////////////Red bots////////////////////////////////////////// WaveSpawn { Where spawnbot_mercbot Support 1 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 1 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot { Class Soldier Skill Expert Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Class Pyro Skill Expert Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Class Demoman AimLeadProjectileSpeed 1 Skill Expert Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Class Heavy Skill Normal Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } } } } WaveSpawn { Where spawnbot_mercbotgiant Support 1 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 1 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Pyro Health 4200 Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demoman AimLeadProjectileSpeed 1 Name "Giant Demoman" Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavyweapons Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } } } } WaveSpawn { Where spawnbot_mercbotcrit Support 1 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 1 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot { Class Soldier Skill Expert Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Class Pyro Skill Expert Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Class Demoman AimLeadProjectileSpeed 1 Skill Expert Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Class Heavy Skill Normal Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } } } } WaveSpawn { Where spawnbot_mercbotgiantcrit Support 1 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 1 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Pyro Health 4200 Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demoman AimLeadProjectileSpeed 1 Name "Giant Demoman" Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavyweapons Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } } } } } WaveSpawn { Where spawnbot_mercbotsecret Support 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBetweenSpawns 1 RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavyweapons_Deflector Name "Jackpot Sad Girl" Health "50000" Tag mercbot Classicon red2_lite Attributes AlwaysCrit Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 1 "override projectile type" 2 "damage bonus" 2 "fire rate penalty" 2 "Projectile speed increased" 2 "projectile trail particle" "~eyeboss_projectile" "voice pitch scale" 0.95 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "collect currency on kill" 1 } AddCond { Name TF_COND_REPROGRAMMED } InterruptAction { Target "flag_bomb" AimTarget "flag_bomb" KillAimTarget 1 Duration 999 Distance 200 } } } } } } }