//Reverse 2 holy shit //Advanced Cornfield by A+drew //Credit Yuugi for most of the pointtemplate work #base robot_giant.pop #base robot_standard.pop #base robotize_lines.pop WaveSchedule { StartingCurrency 800 CanBotsAttackWhileInSpawnRoom YES WaveStartCountdown 5 PlayerMiniBossMinRespawnTime 25 RespawnWaveTimeBlue 3 FixedRespawnWaveTimeBlue 1 AddSentryBusterWhenDamageDealtExceeds 0 CustomUpgradesFile "mvm_upgrades_reverse.txt" AllowBluPlayerReanimators 0 // Because Giants upgrades lol RobotLimit 26 ForceHoliday 2 NoHolidayPickups 1 MaxTotalPlayers 6 DisplayRobotDeathNotice 0 NoMvMDeathTune 1 TextPrintTime 0 SniperAllowHeadshots 1 SentryBusterFriendlyFire 0 MedigunShieldDamage 1 BotsRandomCrit 1 SendBotsToSpectatorImmediately 1 BotTeleportUberDuration 2 //For reverse only FlagEscortCountOffset 1 BluHumanTeleportOnSpawn 1 SniperHideLasers 1 ReverseWinConditions 1 BluHumanFlagCapture 1 BluHumanFlagPickup 1 BluHumanInfiniteAmmo 1 FlagCarrierMovementPenalty 1 AllowJoinTeamBlueMax 6 AllowJoinTeamBlue 1 HumansMustJoinTeam blue BluPlayersAreRobots 1 ClassLimit { Pyro 2 Demoman 2 Soldier 2 Heavyweapons 2 Scout 2 } // New Keyvalues! wow! NoRedSniperBotHeadshots 1 // No headshots for your RED! NoRedBotsRandomCrit 1 // LoL Fair and balanced! Also you won't need to add "crit mod disabled" 0 in every characterattribute of red RemoveBluVelocityLimit 1 // Ain't no fun blue team capped at their speed >:( ForceRedMoney 1 // Hate Green Money! Also you won't need to add "force distribute currency on death" 1 in every characterattribute of red // Blue Robots REVENGE! PrecacheModel "models/bots/demo/bot_sentry_buster_gibby.mdl" PrecacheModel "models\bots\soldier\bot_soldier_gibby.mdl" PrecacheModel "models\bots\soldier_boss\bot_soldier_boss_gibby.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/bots/pyro/bot_pyro_gibby.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/bots/pyro_boss/bot_pyro_boss_gibby.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/bots/heavy/bot_heavy_gibby.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/bots/heavy_boss/bot_heavy_boss_gibby.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/props_mvm/arrow_hologram.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/bots/sniper_boss/bot_sniper_boss.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/weapons/c_models/c_firelauncher/c_firelauncher.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/props_mvm/mvm_revive_tombstone_blu.mdl" //yes yes yes, I got permission to use this so stfu PrecacheModel "models/props_tumb/mvm/tank_shield.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/bots/sniper_boss/bot_sniper_boss.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/bots/demo/red_sentry_buster.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/props_mvm/mvm_upgrade_blu.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/props_mvm/robot_spawnpoint.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/props_mvm/no_entry.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/bots/boss_bot/boss_tankred.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/bots/boss_bot/boss_tankred_damage1.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/bots/boss_bot/boss_tankred_damage2.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/bots/boss_bot/boss_tankred_damage3.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/bots/boss_bot/boss_tankred_part1_destruction.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/bots/boss_bot/boss_blimp.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/bots/boss_bot/boss_blimp_damage1.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/bots/boss_bot/boss_blimp_damage2.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/bots/boss_bot/boss_blimp_damage3.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/bots/boss_bot/boss_blimp_damage_explode.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/bots/boss_bot/boss_blimp_explode.mdl" //By Yuugi PrecacheModel "models\bots\demo\bot_demo_gibby.mdl" PrecacheModel "models\bots\demo_boss\bot_demo_boss_gibby.mdl" PrecacheModel "models\items\medkit_robot_small.mdl" PrecacheModel "models\items\medkit_robot_medium.mdl" PrecacheModel "models\items\medkit_robot_large.mdl" PrecacheGeneric "materials/models/items/medkit_robot.vmt" PrecacheGeneric "materials/models/items/medkit_robot.vtf" // HOW PrecacheGeneric "materials/models/items/medkit_robot_noalpha.vtf" // HOW PrecacheGeneric "materials\models\items\medkit_robot.vmt" PrecacheGeneric "materials\models\items\medkit_robot.vtf" // HOW PrecacheGeneric "materials\models\items\medkit_robot_noalpha.vtf" // HOW PrecacheModel "models/props_mvm/hatch_shield.mdl" // Cool a new hatch thing PrecacheModel "models\mvm\barrier\barrier_spawn_blue1.mdl" // Jurrell or Birchly made this ig? PrecacheModel "models/mvm/barrier/barrier_oneway_red1.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/props_mvm/arrow_hologram.mdl" // By B855 PrecacheSound "cornfield_robots_metal.mp3" PrecacheSound "MVM_Robot.BulletImpact" PrecacheSound "mvm/physics/robo_impact_bullet01.wav" PrecacheSound "mvm/physics/robo_impact_bullet02.wav" PrecacheSound "mvm/physics/robo_impact_bullet03.wav" PrecacheSound "mvm/physics/robo_impact_bullet04.wav" PrecacheSound "MVM.RobotImpactHard" PrecacheSound "mvm/physics/robo_impact_hard_01.wav" PrecacheSound "mvm/physics/robo_impact_hard_02.wav" PrecacheSound "mvm/physics/robo_impact_hard_03.wav" PrecacheSound "mvm/physics/robo_impact_hard_04.wav" PrecacheSound "mvm/physics/robo_impact_hard_05.wav" PrecacheSound "mvm/physics/robo_impact_hard_06.wav" OverrideSounds { "MVM.GiantCommonExplodes" "ambient/explosions/explode_3.wav" "MVM.GiantHeavyExplodes" "ambient/explosions/explode_3.wav" "Flesh.BulletImpact" "MVM_Robot.BulletImpact" "Player.FallDamage" "MVM.RobotImpactHard" "Player.FallGib" "MVM.RobotImpactHard" "BaseCombatCharacter.CorpseGib" "grinder_bot" "MVM.BombWarning" "combine_bank_alarm.mp3" } DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_First_Wave_Start" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_Wave_Start" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_Wave_End" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_Wave_Lose" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_Final_Wave_Start" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_Final_Wave_End" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_Robots_Planted" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_All_Dead" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_Bomb_Alert_Entered" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_Bomb_Alert_Near_Hatch" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_Bomb_Alert_Deploying" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_Sentry_Buster_Alert" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_Sentry_Buster_Alert_Another" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_General_Wave_Start" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_Game_Over_Loss" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_Tank_Planted" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_Tank_Alert_Spawn" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_Tank_Alert_Another" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_Tank_Alert_Multiple" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_Tank_Alert_Halfway" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_Tank_Alert_Halfway_Multiple" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_Tank_Alert_Near_Hatch" DisableSound "Announcer.MVM_Tank_Alert_Deploying" ExtraTankPath { Name "blimp_red" Node "-18 -1175 700" Node "473 -1185 700" Node "459 2177 700" } ExtraTankPath { Name "tankpath_fire" Node "-371 -4142 1" Node "-768 -4100 1" Node "-755 -3544 -1" Node "-782 -2447 -62" Node "-433 -2150 -62" Node "-64 -2060 -59" Node "754 -1140 -58" Node "813 -318 64" Node "439 263 65" Node "430 882 65" Node "441 2120 -30" } ExtraTankPath { Name "tankpath_red" Node "1242 -639 193" Node "1234 -271 185" Node "880 83 65" Node "435 62 65" Node "440 264 65" Node "493 881 65" Node "448 2120 -30" } PlayerAttributes { Engineer { "max health additive bonus" 150 "engineer teleporter build rate multiplier" 2 "engineer sentry build rate multiplier" 1.5 } } ItemBlacklist // I cannot believe i have to ban these items, The fucking zombie item causes the red bot model to show up { Name "Zombie Scout" Name "Zombie Pyro" Name "Zombie Soldier" Name "Zombie Heavy" Name "Zombie Demo" Name "Zombie Engineer" Name "Zombie Medic" Name "Zombie Spy" Name "Zombie Sniper" } ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Short Circuit" "fire rate penalty" 2.5 } ItemAttributes // We can do better than this { ClassName "tf_weapon_knife" "provide on active" 1 "cannot pick up intelligence" 1 } SpawnTemplate "corelogic" SpawnTemplate "textualtimer" SpawnTemplate "spawnpoints" SpawnTemplate "annotation" SpawnTemplate { Name "station" "origin" "-104 3008 288" "angles" "0 270 0" } SpawnTemplate { Name "station" "origin" "-1824 2276 64" "angles" "0 0 0" } SpawnTemplate { Name "station" "origin" "-1824 1280 128" "angles" "0 0 0" } ExtraSpawnPoint { Name "spawnbot_red1a" TeamNum 2 X "-520" Y "172" Z "64" } ExtraSpawnPoint { Name "spawnbot_red1b" TeamNum 2 X "373" Y "826" Z "0" } ExtraSpawnPoint { Name "spawnbot_red2a" //left side TeamNum 2 X "-1367" Y "-1358" Z "224" } ExtraSpawnPoint { Name "spawnbot_red2b1" //left side upper TeamNum 2 X "1267" Y "-2726" Z "128" } ExtraSpawnPoint { Name "spawnbot_red2b2" //left side lower TeamNum 2 X "964" Y "-1642" Z "-127" } ExtraSpawnPoint { Name "spawnbot_red2c" //right side TeamNum 2 X "-1337" Y "-3336" Z "96" } ExtraSpawnPoint { Name "spawnbot_red3a" TeamNum 2 X "452" Y "-5178" Z "24" } ExtraSpawnPoint { Name "spawnbot_red3a" TeamNum 2 X "-701" Y "-5019" Z "24" } ExtraSpawnPoint { Name "spawnbot_red3b" TeamNum 2 X "630" Y "-4553" Z "24" } ExtraSpawnPoint { Name "spawnbot_hellmetgetsmadlol" TeamNum 2 X "-86" Y "-4080" Z "200" } CustomWeapon { "Giant Scout" { OriginalItemName "Upgradeable tf_weapon_scattergun" "damage bonus" 1.5 // not sure why but ok "is miniboss" 1 "model scale" 1.75 "damage force reduction" 0.7 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.7 "override footstep sound set" 5 "max health additive bonus" 1475 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "health from packs decreased" 0.5 "voice pitch scale" 0.7 "crit mod disabled" 0 "boots falling stomp" 1 "cannot upgrade" 1 } "Force-a-Nature Super Scout" { OriginalItemName "The Force-a-Nature" //"clip size bonus" 2 "bullets per shot bonus" 2 "fire rate bonus" 0.5 "scattergun knockback mult" 6 "damage penalty" 1 "weapon spread bonus" 0.4 "move speed bonus" 1.1 "is miniboss" 1 "model scale" 1.75 "damage force reduction" 0.7 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.7 "override footstep sound set" 5 "max health additive bonus" 1075 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "health from packs decreased" 0.5 "voice pitch scale" 0.7 "crit mod disabled" 0 "boots falling stomp" 1 "cannot upgrade" 1 } "Giant Armored Scout" { OriginalItemName "Upgradeable tf_weapon_scattergun" "damage bonus" 1.5 // not sure why but ok "is miniboss" 1 "model scale" 1.75 "damage force reduction" 0.7 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.7 "override footstep sound set" 5 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "max health additive bonus" 2875 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "health from packs decreased" 0.5 "voice pitch scale" 0.7 "crit mod disabled" 0 "boots falling stomp" 1 "cannot upgrade" 1 } "Giant Soldier" { OriginalItemName "Upgradeable tf_weapon_rocketlauncher" "is miniboss" 1 "model scale" 1.75 "move speed penalty" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.4 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.4 "override footstep sound set" 3 "max health additive bonus" 3600 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "health from packs decreased" 0.5 "voice pitch scale" 0.7 "crit mod disabled" 0 "boots falling stomp" 1 "cannot upgrade" 1 } "Giant Charged Soldier" { OriginalItemName "The Original" "always crit" 1 "faster reload rate" 0.2 "fire rate penalty" 2 "Projectile speed decreased" 0.5 "is miniboss" 1 "model scale" 1.75 "move speed penalty" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.4 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.4 "override footstep sound set" 3 "max health additive bonus" 3600 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "health from packs decreased" 0.5 "voice pitch scale" 0.7 "crit mod disabled" 0 "boots falling stomp" 1 "cannot upgrade" 1 } "Giant Burst Fire Soldier" { OriginalItemName "Upgradeable tf_weapon_rocketlauncher" "faster reload rate" 0.6 "fire rate bonus" 0.1 "clip size upgrade atomic" 5.0 "Projectile speed decreased" 0.65 "is miniboss" 1 "model scale" 1.75 "move speed penalty" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.4 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.4 "override footstep sound set" 3 "max health additive bonus" 3600 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "health from packs decreased" 0.5 "voice pitch scale" 0.7 "crit mod disabled" 0 "boots falling stomp" 1 "cannot upgrade" 1 } "Giant Rapid Fire Soldier" { OriginalItemName "Upgradeable tf_weapon_rocketlauncher" "mod no reload DISPLAY ONLY" 1 "mod max primary clip override" -1 "clip size upgrade atomic" 96 "fire rate bonus" 0.5 "Projectile speed decreased" 0.65 "is miniboss" 1 "model scale" 1.75 "move speed penalty" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.4 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.4 "override footstep sound set" 3 "max health additive bonus" 3600 "patient overheal penalty" 0 "health from packs decreased" 0.5 "voice pitch scale" 0.7 "crit mod disabled" 0 "boots falling stomp" 1 "cannot upgrade" 1 } "Giant Pyro" { OriginalItemName "Upgradeable tf_weapon_flamethrower" "is miniboss" 1 "damage bonus" 1.5 "mult dmg vs tanks" 1.5 "crit mod disabled" 0 "voice pitch scale" 0.7 "damage force reduction" 0.5 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.25 "max health additive bonus" 2825 "health from packs increased" 0.5 "move speed bonus" 0.5 "boots falling stomp" 1 "override footstep sound set" 6 "cannot upgrade" 1 } "Giant Dragon Fury Pyro" { OriginalItemName "The Dragon's Fury" "is miniboss" 1 "damage bonus" 1.5 "crit mod disabled" 0 "voice pitch scale" 0.7 "damage force reduction" 0.5 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.25 "max health additive bonus" 2825 "health from packs increased" 0.5 "move speed bonus" 0.5 "boots falling stomp" 1 "override footstep sound set" 6 "cannot upgrade" 1 } "Giant Extended Phlogistinator Pyro" { OriginalItemName "The Phlogistinator" "mult airblast refire time" 0.01 "increase buff duration" 1.8 "is miniboss" 1 "damage bonus" 1.25 "crit mod disabled" 0 "voice pitch scale" 0.7 "damage force reduction" 0.5 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.25 "max health additive bonus" 2825 "health from packs increased" 0.5 "move speed bonus" 0.5 "boots falling stomp" 1 "override footstep sound set" 6 "cannot upgrade" 1 } "Giant Demoman" { OriginalItemName "Upgradeable tf_weapon_grenadelauncher" "fire rate bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.5 "is miniboss" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "voice pitch scale" 0.7 "damage force reduction" 0.5 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.25 "max health additive bonus" 3125 "health from packs increased" 0.5 "move speed bonus" 0.5 "boots falling stomp" 1 "override footstep sound set" 4 "cannot upgrade" 1 } "Giant Burst Fire Demoman" { OriginalItemName "Upgradeable tf_weapon_grenadelauncher" "faster reload rate" 0.65 "fire rate bonus" 0.1 "clip size upgrade atomic" 7.0 "projectile spread angle penalty" 5 "Projectile speed increased" 1.1 "is miniboss" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "voice pitch scale" 0.7 "damage force reduction" 0.5 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.25 "max health additive bonus" 3125 "health from packs increased" 0.5 "move speed bonus" 0.5 "boots falling stomp" 1 "override footstep sound set" 4 "cannot upgrade" 1 } "Giant Rapid Fire Demoman" { OriginalItemName "Upgradeable tf_weapon_grenadelauncher" "mod no reload DISPLAY ONLY" 1 "mod max primary clip override" -1 "clip size upgrade atomic" 96 "faster reload rate" -0.4 "fire rate bonus" 0.75 "is miniboss" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "voice pitch scale" 0.7 "damage force reduction" 0.5 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.25 "max health additive bonus" 3125 "health from packs increased" 0.5 "move speed bonus" 0.5 "boots falling stomp" 1 "override footstep sound set" 4 "cannot upgrade" 1 } "Giant Nuker Demoman" { OriginalItemName "The Loose Cannon" "custom projectile model" "models/props_td/atom_bomb.mdl" "custom impact sound" "misc\doomsday_missile_explosion.wav" "override projectile type" 3 "grenade explode on impact" 1 "grenade launcher mortar mode" 0 "damage bonus" 2 "mult dmg vs tanks" 3.5 "use large smoke explosion" 1 "mult dmg vs giants" 3 "fire rate bonus" 2.5 "Blast radius increased" 1.5 "is miniboss" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "voice pitch scale" 0.7 "damage force reduction" 0.5 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.25 "max health additive bonus" 3125 "health from packs increased" 0.5 "move speed bonus" 0.5 "boots falling stomp" 1 "override footstep sound set" 4 "cannot upgrade" 1 } "Sentry Buster" { OriginalItemName "The Ullapool Caber" "provide on active" 1 "special item description" "NOTE: You cannot carry the bomb with this item" "custom kill icon" "firedeath" //"custom item model" "models/empty.mdl" "override footstep sound set" 7 "alt-fire disabled" 1 "stay after regenerate" 1 "move speed bonus" 2 "add cond when active" 65 "cannot be backstabbed" 1 "not solid to players" 1 "no resupply" 1 "explosion particle" "3rd_trail" "dmg penalty vs players" 0 "blast radius increased" 0 "no_jump" 1 "is miniboss" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "voice pitch scale" 0 "damage force reduction" 0.5 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.25 "max health additive bonus" 2325 "health from packs increased" 0.5 "boots falling stomp" 1 "override footstep sound set" 4 "cannot upgrade" 1 } "Giant Heavy" { OriginalItemName "Upgradeable tf_weapon_minigun" "damage bonus" 1.5 "is miniboss" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "voice pitch scale" 0.7 "damage force reduction" 0.5 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0 "max health additive bonus" 4700 "health from packs increased" 0.5 "move speed bonus" 0.5 "boots falling stomp" 1 "override footstep sound set" 2 "cannot upgrade" 1 } "Giant Shotgun Heavy" { OriginalItemName "TF_WEAPON_SHOTGUN_HWG" "fire rate bonus" 2.5 "bullets per shot bonus" 10 "damage penalty" 0.5 "faster reload rate" 0.1 "is miniboss" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "voice pitch scale" 0.7 "damage force reduction" 0.5 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0 "max health additive bonus" 4700 "health from packs increased" 0.5 "move speed bonus" 0.7 "boots falling stomp" 1 "override footstep sound set" 2 "cannot upgrade" 1 } "Giant Deflector Heavy" { OriginalItemName "Deflector" "damage bonus" 1.5 "attack projectiles" 1 "is miniboss" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "voice pitch scale" 0.7 "damage force reduction" 0.5 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0 "max health additive bonus" 4700 "health from packs increased" 0.5 "move speed bonus" 0.5 "boots falling stomp" 1 "override footstep sound set" 2 "cannot upgrade" 1 } } ExtraLoadoutItems { Scout { Primary { Item "Giant Scout" AllowedMinWave 1 Cost 1000 AllowRefund 1 } Primary { Item "Force-a-Nature Super Scout" AllowedMinWave 1 Cost 1200 AllowRefund 1 } Primary { Item "Giant Armored Scout" AllowedMinWave 1 Cost 2500 AllowRefund 1 } } Soldier { Primary { Item "Giant Soldier" AllowedMinWave 1 Cost 2000 AllowRefund 1 } Primary { Item "Giant Charged Soldier" AllowedMinWave 1 Cost 2500 AllowRefund 1 } Primary { Item "Giant Burst Fire Soldier" AllowedMinWave 1 Cost 3000 AllowRefund 1 } Primary { Item "Giant Rapid Fire Soldier" AllowedMinWave 1 Cost 3500 AllowRefund 1 } } Pyro { Primary { Item "Giant Pyro" AllowedMinWave 1 Cost 1750 AllowRefund 1 } Primary { Item "Giant Dragon Fury Pyro" AllowedMinWave 1 Cost 2000 AllowRefund 1 } Primary { Item "Giant Extended Phlogistinator Pyro" AllowedMinWave 1 Cost 3000 AllowRefund 1 } } Demoman { Primary { Item "Giant Demoman" AllowedMinWave 1 Cost 2000 AllowRefund 1 } Primary { Item "Giant Burst Fire Demoman" AllowedMinWave 1 Cost 3000 AllowRefund 1 } Primary { Item "Giant Rapid Fire Demoman" AllowedMinWave 1 Cost 3500 AllowRefund 1 } Primary { Item "Giant Nuker Demoman" AllowedMinWave 1 Cost 4000 AllowRefund 1 } Melee { Item "Sentry Buster" AllowedMinWave 1 Cost 3000 AllowRefund 1 } } HeavyWeapons { Primary { Item "Giant Heavy" AllowedMinWave 1 Cost 3000 AllowRefund 1 } Primary { Item "Giant Shotgun Heavy" AllowedMinWave 1 Cost 3500 AllowRefund 1 } Primary { Item "Giant Deflector Heavy" AllowedMinWave 1 Cost 4000 AllowRefund 1 } } } PlayerItemEquipSpawnTemplate { Name "stripsecondary" ItemName "Giant Scout" } PlayerItemEquipSpawnTemplate { Name "stripsecondary" ItemName "Force-a-Nature Super Scout" } PlayerItemEquipSpawnTemplate { Name "stripsecondary" ItemName "Giant Armored Scout" } PlayerItemEquipSpawnTemplate { Name "stripsecondary" ItemName "Giant Soldier" } PlayerItemEquipSpawnTemplate { Name "stripsecondary" ItemName "Giant Charged Soldier" } PlayerItemEquipSpawnTemplate { Name "stripsecondary" ItemName "Giant Burst Fire Soldier" } PlayerItemEquipSpawnTemplate { Name "stripsecondary" ItemName "Giant Rapid Fire Soldier" } PlayerItemEquipSpawnTemplate { Name "stripsecondary" ItemName "Giant Pyro" } PlayerItemEquipSpawnTemplate { Name "stripsecondary" ItemName "Giant Dragon Fury Pyro" } PlayerItemEquipSpawnTemplate { Name "stripsecondary" ItemName "Giant Extended Phlogistinator Pyro" } PlayerItemEquipSpawnTemplate { Name "stripsecondary" ItemName "Giant Demoman" } PlayerItemEquipSpawnTemplate { Name "stripsecondary" ItemName "Giant Burst Fire Demoman" } PlayerItemEquipSpawnTemplate { Name "stripsecondary" ItemName "Giant Rapid Fire Demoman" } PlayerItemEquipSpawnTemplate { Name "stripsecondary" ItemName "Giant Nuker Demoman" } PlayerItemEquipSpawnTemplate { Name "caberbuster" ItemName "Sentry Buster" } PlayerItemEquipSpawnTemplate { Name "stripsecondary" ItemName "Giant Heavy" } PlayerItemEquipSpawnTemplate { Name "stripprimary" ItemName "Giant Shotgun Heavy" } PlayerItemEquipSpawnTemplate { Name "stripsecondary" ItemName "Giant Deflector Heavy" } PlayerItemEquipSpawnTemplate { Name "giant_soldier_model" ItemName "Giant Soldier" } PlayerItemEquipSpawnTemplate { Name "giant_soldier_model" ItemName "Giant Charged Soldier" } PlayerItemEquipSpawnTemplate { Name "giant_soldier_model" ItemName "Giant Burst Fire Soldier" } PlayerItemEquipSpawnTemplate { Name "giant_soldier_model" ItemName "Giant Rapid Fire Soldier" } PlayerItemEquipSpawnTemplate { Name "giant_pyro_model" ItemName "Giant Pyro" } PlayerItemEquipSpawnTemplate { Name "giant_pyro_model" ItemName "Giant Dragon Fury Pyro" } PlayerItemEquipSpawnTemplate { Name "giant_pyro_model" ItemName "Giant Extended Phlogistinator Pyro" } PlayerItemEquipSpawnTemplate { Name "giant_demo_model" ItemName "Giant Demoman" } PlayerItemEquipSpawnTemplate { Name "giant_demo_model" ItemName "Giant Burst Fire Demoman" } PlayerItemEquipSpawnTemplate { Name "giant_demo_model" ItemName "Giant Rapid Fire Demoman" } PlayerItemEquipSpawnTemplate { Name "giant_demo_model" ItemName "Giant Nuker Demoman" } PlayerItemEquipSpawnTemplate { Name "giant_heavy_model" ItemName "Giant Heavy" } PlayerItemEquipSpawnTemplate { Name "giant_heavy_model" ItemName "Giant Shotgun Heavy" } PlayerItemEquipSpawnTemplate { Name "giant_heavy_model" ItemName "Giant Deflector Heavy" } PointTemplates { corelogic { NoFixup 1 logic_auto { "origin" "0 0 0" "targetname" "mainrelay" //delete as much unnecessary/unwanted stuff as you can from your map of choice. //you probably won't risk crashes on simpler mvm maps, but the further away from the edict limit you can be the better "OnMapSpawn" "item_ammopack*,Kill,,0,-1" //might want to comment this out if players have limited ammo "OnMapSpawn" "botspawn1,Kill,,0,-1" //these will allow players on the blue team to shoot from spawn "OnMapSpawn" "botspawn2,Kill,,0,-1" "OnMapSpawn" "Barricade*,Kill,,0,-1" //rottenburg specific, deletes front tank barricade //if there is no targetname for wasteful ents, you can also delete them by classname //deleting these decoration ropes frees up nearly 100 edicts on mvm_yiresa "OnMapSpawn" "move_rope,Kill,,0,-1" "OnMapSpawn" "keyframe_rope,Kill,,0,-1" //"OnMapSpawn" "filter_redteam,Kill,,0,-1" //red team filters might cause problems, deleting them might cause more problems //"OnMapSpawn" "trigger_push,Disable,,0,-1" //some maps use trigger_pushes intended to un-stick bots //Gatebot related: //"OnMapSpawn" "bot_stun_*,Kill,,0,-1" //some gates may stun players //"OnMapSpawn" "filter_blue_bombhat,Kill,,0,-1" //gatebot maps will need their capture filter deleted for players to cap //"OnMapSpawn" "gate1_alarm*,Kill,,0,-1" //gets spammed by both red and blu team //AddOutput can be used to connect our own home-brewed point templates to existing map logic like so: "OnMapSpawn" "wave_start_relay*,AddOutput,OnTrigger spawnbarrier*:Disable:0:-1" "OnMapSpawn" "wave_finished_relay,AddOutput,OnTrigger spawnbarrier*:Enable:0:-1" "OnMapSpawn" "wave_finished_relay,AddOutput,OnTrigger area1barriers:Enable:0:-1" "OnMapSpawn" "wave_finished_relay,AddOutput,OnTrigger area2barriers:Enable:0:-1" "OnMapSpawn" "wave_start*,AddOutput,OnTrigger func_capturezone:Disable:0:-1,0,-1" //disables the func_capturezone of the hatch on wave start "OnMapSpawn" "wave_start*,AddOutput,OnTrigger func_flagdetectionzone:Disable:0:-1,0,-1" //disables the hatch alarm on wave start //What we're doing: //"wave_start_relay*,AddOutput, //wave_start_relay_classic/endurance is the targetname for a logic_relay that is triggered on wave start, logic_relays (along with most other ents) accept AddOutput as an input. // * will trigger our relay alongside any others with wave_start_relay in the name, this only works for suffixes (*_start_relay* will not work) //OnTrigger spawnbarrier*:Disable:0:-1" //When wave_start_relay_classic/endurance triggers, it will trigger Disable on 'spawnbarrierA' and 'spawnbarrierA1' with a 0 second delay, -1 means this relay can be triggered an infinite amount of times. //We can also use AddOutput to change an ent rather than just latch onto it: "OnMapSpawn" "hint,AddOutput,display_text test,10,-1" //change annotation text to test 10s after map spawn "OnMapSpawn" "wave_start_relay_classic,AddOutput,OnTrigger hint:Show:0:-1" "OnMapSpawn" "tankpath1_1,AddOutput,OnPass red_tank_relay:Trigger:0:-1" // Stuff Added by Yuugi "OnMapSpawn" "wave_start*,AddOutput,OnTrigger func_capturezone:Disable:0:-1,0,-1" //disables the func_capturezone of the hatch on wave start "OnMapSpawn" "wave_start*,AddOutput,OnTrigger func_flagdetectionzone:Disable:0:-1,0,-1" //disables the hatch alarm on wave start "OnMapSpawn" "wave_start*,AddOutput,OnTrigger forcefield_spawn:Disable::-1,,-1" "OnMapSpawn" "tank_path_18,AddOutput,OnPass tank_hatch_relay:Trigger:0:-1" "OnMapSpawn" "tank_path_b_20,AddOutput,OnPass tank_hatch_relay:Trigger:0:-1" "OnMapSpawn" "wave_finished*,AddOutput,OnTrigger redwin_relay:Disable::-1,,-1" "OnMapSpawn" "wave_start*,AddOutput,OnTrigger redwin_relay:Enable::-1,,-1" "OnMapSpawn" "tank_path_5,AddOutput,OnPass pitstop_relay_one:Trigger:0:-1" "OnMapSpawn" "tank_path_b_5,AddOutput,OnPass pitstop_relay_one:Trigger:0:-1" "OnMapSpawn" "tank_path_22,AddOutput,OnPass pitstop_relay_two:Trigger:0:-1" "OnMapSpawn" "tank_path_b_13,AddOutput,OnPass pitstop_relay_two:Trigger:0:-1" "OnMapSpawn" "tank_path_19,AddOutput,OnPass pitstop_relay_three:Trigger:0:-1" "OnMapSpawn" "tank_path_b_26,AddOutput,OnPass pitstop_relay_three:Trigger:0:-1" "OnMapSpawn" "item_healthkit_small*,$SetModelOverride,models\items\medkit_robot_small.mdl,0,-1" "OnMapSpawn" "item_healthkit_medium*,$SetModelOverride,models\items\medkit_robot_medium.mdl,0,-1" "OnMapSpawn" "item_healthkit_full*,$SetModelOverride,models\items\medkit_robot_large.mdl,0,-1" //"OnMapSpawn" "hologram*,$SetModelOverride,models/props_mvm/arrow_hologram.mdl,0,-1" // It works but only needs like wave 2, 4 and 6? "OnMapSpawn" "demo_boss,Disable,,0.1,-1" "OnMapSpawn" "demo_boss2,Disable,,0.1,-1" "OnMapSpawn" "demo_boss_drip,Disable,,0.1,-1" //"OnMapSpawn" "bombpath_clear_relay*,Disable,,0,-1" } // You forgor to add this logic_relay //trigger this to lose { "origin" "0 0 0" "targetname" "redwin_relay" "OnTrigger" "bots_win_red,RoundWin,,0.01,-1" "OnTrigger" "pit_explosion_wav,PlaySound,,0.01,-1" //map dependent } game_round_win // do not interact with this { "origin" "0 0 0" "TeamNum" "2" "targetname" "bots_win_red" "switch_teams" "0" "force_map_reset" "1" "classname" "game_round_win" } logic_relay //trigger this to win { "origin" "0 0 0" "targetname" "bluwin_relay" "OnTrigger" "bots_win_blu,RoundWin,,0,-1" } game_round_win //do not interact with this { "origin" "0 0 0" "TeamNum" "3" "targetname" "bots_win_blu" "switch_teams" "0" "force_map_reset" "1" "classname" "game_round_win" } trigger_multiple { "targetname" "thirdperson" "StartDisabled" "1" "spawnflags" "3" "origin" "-96 -4224 -48" "maxs" "50 50 50" "mins" "-50 -50 -50" "filtername" "filter_blue" "OnStartTouch" "!activator,setforcedtauntcam,1,0.1,-1" //!activator is any entity currently inside of trigger_multiple "OnStartTouch" "!activator,SetHUDVisibility,0,0.1,-1" "OnStartTouch" "!activator,$AddPlayerAttribute,damage force reduction|0.001,0,-1" // Prevents players unable deploy the bomb while being pinballed "OnEndTouch" "!activator,setforcedtauntcam,0,0,-1" "OnEndTouch" "!activator,SetHUDVisibility,1,0,-1" "OnEndTouch" "!activator,$RemovePlayerAttribute,damage force reduction,0,-1" // Removes it once you leave the area } logic_relay // Wave objective on wave 1, 3 and 5? { "targetname" "timer_w1_changer" "OnTrigger" "hudhint_wave,Trigger,,0.1,-1" "OnTrigger" "player,$PlaySoundToSelf,vo\announcer_ends_60sec.mp3,420,-1" "OnTrigger" "player,$PlaySoundToSelf,vo\announcer_ends_5sec.mp3,475,-1" "OnTrigger" "player,$PlaySoundToSelf,vo\announcer_ends_4sec.mp3,476,-1" "OnTrigger" "player,$PlaySoundToSelf,vo\announcer_ends_3sec.mp3,477,-1" "OnTrigger" "player,$PlaySoundToSelf,vo\announcer_ends_2sec.mp3,478,-1" "OnTrigger" "player,$PlaySoundToSelf,vo\announcer_ends_1sec.mp3,479,-1" "OnTrigger" "player,$displaytextcenter,Time's up!,480,-1" } logic_relay // tank wave 2 and 4 { "TargetName" "wave2_objective" "OnTrigger" "objective_two,Trigger,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "hudhint_wave,Trigger,,0.1,-1" "OnTrigger" "realtimer,CancelPending,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "intel,Disable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "forcefield_barrier_one,Disable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "forcefield_barrier_two,Disable,,0,-1" } logic_relay // Final wave objective { "TargetName" "wave6_objective" "OnTrigger" "bombpath_case,PickRandom,,0.1,-1" "OnTrigger" "cutscene_one,Trigger,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "realtimer,CancelPending,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "realtimer,trigger,,32,-1" "OnTrigger" "minutehand,SetValue,6,32,-1" "OnTrigger" "secondhand,SetValue,60,32,-1" "OnTrigger" "intel,Disable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "forcefield_barrier_one,Disable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "forcefield_barrier_two,Disable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "forcefield_hatch,Disable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "prop_forcefield_hatch,SetAnimation,disable,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "spawnbot_hellmetgetsmadlol,Disable,,0.1,-1" "OnTrigger" "spawnbot_hellmetgetsmadlol,Enable,,32,-1" "OnTrigger" "objective_three,Trigger,,32,-1" "OnTrigger" "hudhint_wave,Trigger,,32.1,-1" "OnTrigger" "bombpath_clear_relay*,Enable,,32.1,-1" "OnTrigger" "bombpath_clear_relay*,Trigger,,32.2,-1" } logic_relay { "targetname" "change_to_bombpath" "OnTrigger" "hologram*,$SetModelOverride,models/props_mvm/robot_hologram.mdl,0,-1" } logic_relay { "targetname" "change_to_arrows" "OnTrigger" "hologram*,$SetModelOverride,models/props_mvm/arrow_hologram.mdl,0,-1" } env_hudhint { "TargetName" "wave_hint" "Message" "OBJECTIVE: Escort the bomb to the hatch!" "SpawnFlags" "1" } env_hudhint { "TargetName" "wave_hint_two" "Message" "You have 8 minutes to complete the objective!" "SpawnFlags" "1" } logic_relay // It just works { "TargetName" "hudhint_wave" "OnTrigger" "wave_hint,ShowHudHint,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "wave_hint,HideHudHint,,5,-1" "OnTrigger" "wave_hint_two,ShowHudHint,,5.01,-1" "OnTrigger" "wave_hint_two,HideHudHint,,10,-1" "OnTrigger" "hudhintloop_wave,Trigger,,10.01,-1" } logic_relay { "TargetName" "hudhintloop_wave" "OnTrigger" "hudhint_wave,Trigger,,0,-1" } logic_relay { "TargetName" "objective_two" "OnTrigger" "wave_hint,$SetKey$message,OBJECTIVE: Escort the tractor to the hatch!,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "wave_hint_two,$SetKey$message,OBJECTIVE: Protect the tractor!,0,-1" } logic_relay { "TargetName" "objective_three" "OnTrigger" "wave_hint,$SetKey$message,OBJECTIVE: Kill the Titan!,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "wave_hint_two,$SetKey$message,You have 7 minutes to complete the objective!,0,-1" } logic_timer { "targetname" "blu_reanimator_model" "RefireTime" "0.01" "ontimer" "entity_revive_marker,$SetModelOverride,models/props_mvm/mvm_revive_tombstone_blu.mdl,0,-1" } // Tank relay logic_relay { "targetname" "pitstop_relay_one" "OnTrigger" "traktor*,SetSpeed,0,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "hint_pitstop,Show,0,0,-1" } logic_relay { "targetname" "disable_pitstop_one" "OnTrigger" "traktor*,SetSpeed,75,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "pitstop_relay_one,Disable,,0.01,-1" } logic_relay { "targetname" "pitstop_relay_two" "OnTrigger" "traktor*,SetSpeed,0,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "hint_pitstop,Show,0,0,-1" } logic_relay { "targetname" "disable_pitstop_two" "OnTrigger" "traktor*,SetSpeed,75,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "pitstop_relay_two,Disable,,0.01,-1" } logic_relay { "targetname" "pitstop_relay_three" "OnTrigger" "traktor*,SetSpeed,0,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "hint_pitstop,Show,0,0,-1" } logic_relay { "targetname" "disable_pitstop_three" "OnTrigger" "traktor*,SetSpeed,75,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "pitstop_relay_three,Disable,,0.01,-1" } item_healthkit_small { "angles" "0 90 0" "AutoMaterialize" "1" "fademindist" "-1" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "extrahealthpack" "TeamNum" "3" "origin" "-640 2240 96" } item_healthkit_medium { "angles" "0 0 0" "AutoMaterialize" "1" "fademindist" "-1" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "extrahealthpack" "TeamNum" "3" "origin" "-640 1392 -63" } // Stairs prop_dynamic { "model" "models/props_medieval/medieval_stairs003.mdl" "origin" "368 2048 -118" "disableshadows" "1" "solid" "6" } prop_dynamic { "model" "models/props_medieval/medieval_stairs003.mdl" "origin" "368 1864 -118" "disableshadows" "1" "solid" "6" } prop_dynamic { "model" "models/props_medieval/medieval_stairs003.mdl" "origin" "368 1680 -118" "disableshadows" "1" "solid" "6" } prop_dynamic { "model" "models/props_medieval/medieval_stairs003.mdl" "origin" "368 1496 -118" "disableshadows" "1" "solid" "6" } // Forcefields func_forcefield { "origin" "448 2340 434" "TeamNum" "2" //2 for red, 3 for blu "targetname" "forcefield_spawn" "mins" "-222 -126 -146" "maxs" "222 126 146" } func_forcefield { "origin" "-1185 1554 228" "TeamNum" "2" //2 for red, 3 for blu "targetname" "forcefield_spawn" "mins" "-78 -452 -286" "maxs" "78 452 286" } func_forcefield // barrier one { "origin" "-368 468 160" "TeamNum" "2" //2 for red, 3 for blu "targetname" "forcefield_barrier_one" "mins" "-216 -180 -126" "maxs" "216 180 126" } func_forcefield // barrier two - right { "origin" "-1210 -3322 172" "TeamNum" "2" //2 for red, 3 for blu "targetname" "forcefield_barrier_two" "mins" "-74 -86 -100" "maxs" "74 86 100" } func_forcefield // barrier two - right { "origin" "-786 -3412 160" "TeamNum" "2" //2 for red, 3 for blu "targetname" "forcefield_barrier_two" "mins" "-286 -108 -8000" "maxs" "286 108 8000" } func_forcefield // barrier two - right { "origin" "-374 -2852 -56" "TeamNum" "2" //2 for red, 3 for blu "targetname" "forcefield_barrier_two" "mins" "-130 -84 -82" "maxs" "130 84 82" } func_forcefield // barrier two - left { "origin" "1472 -2712 212" "TeamNum" "2" //2 for red, 3 for blu "targetname" "forcefield_barrier_two" "mins" "-104 -80 -90" "maxs" "104 80 90" } func_forcefield // barrier two - left { "origin" "816 -3204 172" "TeamNum" "2" //2 for red, 3 for blu "targetname" "forcefield_barrier_two" "mins" "-248 -108 -8000" "maxs" "248 108 8000" } func_forcefield // barrier two - left { "origin" "432 -2928 216.41" "TeamNum" "2" //2 for red, 3 for blu "targetname" "forcefield_barrier_two" "mins" "-136 -144 -144" "maxs" "136 144 144" } func_nobuild // // nobuild - middle { "AllowDispenser" "0" "AllowSentry" "0" "AllowTeleporters" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "forcefield_barrier_one" "TeamNum" "3" "mins" "-216 -224 -126" "maxs" "216 224 126" "origin" "-368 468 160" } func_nobuild // nobuild - right { "AllowDispenser" "0" "AllowSentry" "0" "AllowTeleporters" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "forcefield_barrier_two" "TeamNum" "3" "mins" "-74 -104 -100" "maxs" "74 104 100" "origin" "-1210 -3304 172" } func_nobuild // nobuild - right { "AllowDispenser" "0" "AllowSentry" "0" "AllowTeleporters" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "forcefield_barrier_two" "TeamNum" "3" "mins" "-286 -142 -8000" "maxs" "286 142 8000" "origin" "-784 -3378 160" } func_nobuild // nobuild - right { "AllowDispenser" "0" "AllowSentry" "0" "AllowTeleporters" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "forcefield_barrier_two" "TeamNum" "3" "mins" "-148 -84 -82" "maxs" "148 84 82" "origin" "-392 -2852 -56" } func_nobuild // nobuild - left { "AllowDispenser" "0" "AllowSentry" "0" "AllowTeleporters" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "forcefield_barrier_two" "TeamNum" "3" "mins" "-104 -108 -90" "maxs" "104 108 90" "origin" "1472 -2684 212" } func_nobuild // nobuild - left { "AllowDispenser" "0" "AllowSentry" "0" "AllowTeleporters" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "forcefield_barrier_two" "TeamNum" "3" "mins" "-286 -142 -8000" "maxs" "286 142 8000" "origin" "816 -3184 172" } func_nobuild // nobuild - left { "AllowDispenser" "0" "AllowSentry" "0" "AllowTeleporters" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "targetname" "forcefield_barrier_two" "TeamNum" "3" "mins" "-136 -144 -144" "maxs" "136 144 144" "origin" "432 -2928 216.41" } func_nobuild // funny { "AllowDispenser" "0" "AllowSentry" "0" "AllowTeleporters" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "TeamNum" "3" "mins" "-108 -450 -110" "maxs" "108 450 110" "origin" "-1572 -4126 482" } prop_dynamic { "targetname" "forcefield_spawn" "model" "models/mvm/barrier/barrier_spawn_blue1.mdl" "origin" "-1262 1537 410" "angles" "0 0 0" "modelscale" "1.54" "disableshadows" "1" } prop_dynamic { "targetname" "forcefield_spawn" "model" "models/mvm/barrier/barrier_spawn_blue1.mdl" "origin" "476 2471 435" "angles" "0 90 0" "modelscale" "0.8" "disableshadows" "1" } prop_dynamic { "targetname" "forcefield_barrier_one" "model" "models/mvm/barrier/barrier_oneway_red1.mdl" "origin" "-360 656 160" "angles" "0 0 0" "modelscale" "0.7" "disableshadows" "1" } prop_dynamic { "targetname" "forcefield_barrier_two" "model" "models/mvm/barrier/barrier_oneway_red1.mdl" "origin" "-1200 -3236 172" "angles" "0 0 0" "modelscale" "0.45" "disableshadows" "1" } prop_dynamic { "targetname" "forcefield_barrier_two" "model" "models/mvm/barrier/barrier_oneway_red1.mdl" "origin" "-788 -3306 160" "angles" "0 0 0" "modelscale" "1.5" "disableshadows" "1" } prop_dynamic { "targetname" "forcefield_barrier_two" "model" "models/mvm/barrier/barrier_oneway_red1.mdl" "origin" "-504 -2848 -56" "angles" "0 90 0" "modelscale" "0.45" "disableshadows" "1" } prop_dynamic { "targetname" "forcefield_barrier_two" "model" "models/mvm/barrier/barrier_oneway_red1.mdl" "origin" "1476 -2634.06 212" "angles" "0 0 0" "modelscale" "0.5" "disableshadows" "1" } prop_dynamic { "targetname" "forcefield_barrier_two" "model" "models/mvm/barrier/barrier_oneway_red1.mdl" "origin" "816 -3096 172" "angles" "0 0 0" "modelscale" "1.3" "disableshadows" "1" } prop_dynamic { "targetname" "forcefield_barrier_two" "model" "models/mvm/barrier/barrier_oneway_red1.mdl" "origin" "562.76 -2928 208" "angles" "0 270 0" "modelscale" "0.75" "disableshadows" "1" } prop_dynamic // Hatch Prop_forcefield { "targetname" "prop_forcefield_hatch" "angles" "0 0 0" "model" "models/props_mvm/hatch_shield.mdl" "disableshadows" "1" "skin" "0" "solid" "0" "spawnflags" "0" "origin" "-96 -4224 -48" } func_forcefield { "origin" "-100 -4224 10" "TeamNum" "2" //2 for red, 3 for blu "targetname" "forcefield_hatch" "mins" "-140 -140 -70" "maxs" "140 140 70" } training_annotation // hatch_annotation { "targetname" "hint_deploy" "display_text" "The bomb can now be deployed!" "lifetime" "10" "origin" "-96 -4224 -48" } training_annotation // Forcefield { "targetname" "hint_field_one" "display_text" "Forcefield Disabled!" "lifetime" "10" "origin" "-360 720 65" } training_annotation // right { "targetname" "hint_field_two" "display_text" "Forcefield Disabled!" "lifetime" "10" "origin" "-816.48 -3044.54 -127.696" } training_annotation // left { "targetname" "hint_field_three" "display_text" "Forcefield Disabled!" "lifetime" "10" "origin" "836 -2944 -62.9954" } ambient_generic // Forcefield goes poof! Gone! { "health" "10" "message" "ambient\energy\weld2.wav" "spawnflags" "49" "targetname" "forcefieldpoof" } ambient_generic // Forcefield goes poof! Gone! { "health" "10" "message" "ambient\energy\weld2.wav" "spawnflags" "49" "targetname" "hatchforcefieldpoof" } logic_relay { "targetname" "disable_forcefield_one" "OnTrigger" "forcefieldpoof,PlaySound,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "forcefield_barrier_one,Disable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "hint_field_one,Show,,0,-1" } logic_relay { "targetname" "disable_forcefield_two" "OnTrigger" "forcefieldpoof,PlaySound,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "forcefield_barrier_two,Disable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "hint_field_two,Show,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "hint_field_three,Show,,0,-1" } logic_relay // Simple Hatch Forcefield Disable { "targetname" "disable_hatch" "OnTrigger" "forcefield_hatch,Disable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "prop_forcefield_hatch,SetAnimation,disable,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "hint_deploy,Show,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "hatchforcefieldpoof,PlaySound,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "func_capturezone,Enable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "func_flagdetectionzone,Enable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "thirdperson,Enable,,0,-1" } logic_relay { "targetname" "tank_hatch_relay" "OnTrigger" "forcefield_hatch,Disable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "prop_forcefield_hatch,SetAnimation,disable,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "hatchforcefieldpoof,PlaySound,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "func_capturezone,Enable,,0,-1" // Might not be required? } // Silly things logic_relay { "targetname" "lmao_pyro_died" "OnTrigger" "player,$DisplayTextChat,{ff0000}Pyro {FBECCB}status: {ff0000}Dead.,0.1,-1" "OnTrigger" "player,$DisplayTextChat,{FBECCB}0 Tour Pyro left the game (Disconnect by user.),3.1,-1" } OnSpawnOutput { Target "hair" Action "color" Param "126 126 126" } prop_dynamic // Old Gabe Newell had a farm { "targetname" "gaben" "angles" "0 315 0" "origin" "-1840 -2728 104" "solid" "0" "skin" "0" "disableshadows" "1" "DisableBoneFollowers" "1" "model" "models\player\heavy.mdl" "DefaultAnim" "stand_ITEM1" } prop_dynamic // E-I-E-I-O { "targetname" "cow" "model" "models/props_2fort/cow001_reference.mdl" "disableshadows" "1" "origin" "-1894 -2872 96" } prop_dynamic // And on the farm he had a Spy { "targetname" "spycrab" "angles" "0 245 0" "origin" "-1832 -2692 -182" "modelscale" "4" "skin" "1" "disableshadows" "1" "model" "models/workshop/player/items/spy/spycrab/spycrab.mdl" } prop_dynamic // E-I-E-I-O { "targetname" "dinner" "angles" "0 315 0" "origin" "-1852 -2724 97.0046" "disableshadows" "1" "model" "models/player/items/heavy/heavy_table_flip_joule_prop.mdl" } prop_dynamic_ornament // With a *snort snort* here { "targetname" "glasses" "disableshadows" "1" "disablebonefollowers" "1" "InitialOwner" "gaben" "model" "models/workshop/player/items/heavy/jul13_honchos_heavy_reader/jul13_honchos_heavy_reader.mdl" } prop_dynamic_ornament // And a *snort snort* there { "targetname" "floppers" "disableshadows" "1" "disablebonefollowers" "1" "InitialOwner" "gaben" "model" "models/workshop_partner/player/items/heavy/heavy_carl_flops/heavy_carl_flops.mdl" } prop_dynamic_ornament // Here a *snort* { "targetname" "floppers" "disableshadows" "1" "disablebonefollowers" "1" "InitialOwner" "gaben" "model" "models/workshop_partner/player/items/heavy/heavy_carl_flops/heavy_carl_flops.mdl" } prop_dynamic_ornament // There a *snort* { "targetname" "beard" "disableshadows" "1" "disablebonefollowers" "1" "InitialOwner" "gaben" "model" "models/workshop/player/items/all_class/xms_beard/xms_beard_heavy.mdl" } prop_dynamic_ornament // Everywhere a- { "targetname" "hair" "disableshadows" "1" "disablebonefollowers" "1" "InitialOwner" "gaben" "model" "models/workshop/player/items/heavy/cc_summer2015_white_russian/cc_summer2015_white_russian.mdl" } prop_dynamic_ornament // Spy: you are fat! { "targetname" "hair" "disableshadows" "1" "disablebonefollowers" "1" "InitialOwner" "gaben" "model" "models/workshop/player/items/heavy/hwn2016_heavy_tourism/hwn2016_heavy_tourism.mdl" } prop_dynamic_ornament // *NOISES* { "targetname" "hair" "disableshadows" "1" "disablebonefollowers" "1" "InitialOwner" "gaben" "model" "models/workshop_partner/player/items/engineer/cave_hat/cave_hat.mdl" } prop_dynamic // Cow has a hat too? Neat { "targetname" "cow_hat" "model" "models/player/items/sniper/straw_hat.mdl" "disableshadows" "1" "modelscale" "1.5" "angles" "-15 270 0" "origin" "-1880 -2949 67" } // cutscenes, because why not ambient_generic { "targetname" "boss_music" "health" "7" "message" "#cornfield_robots_metal.mp3" "radius" "99999" "spawnflags" "17" "origin" "0 0 0" } ambient_generic { "targetname" "boss_music" "health" "7" "message" "#cornfield_robots_metal.mp3" "radius" "99999" "spawnflags" "17" "origin" "0 0 0" } trigger_teleport { "targetname" "brute_force" "target" "teleport_here_thingy" "spawnflags" "64" "StartDisabled" "1" "mins" "-256 -256 -8000" "maxs" "256 256 8000" "origin" "-86 -4224 -48" "filtername" "filter_red" } info_teleport_destination { "targetname" "teleport_here_thingy" "angles" "0 90 0" "origin" "-86 -4080 200" } logic_relay // First cutscene { "targetname" "cutscene_one" "OnTrigger" "boss_music,PlaySound,,20,-1" "OnTrigger" "hello_titan,Show,,20,-1" "OnTrigger" "hello_titan_two,Show,,24,-1" // Stuff like Shoot rocket, fade then boss spawns //"OnTrigger" "boss_scene,$EnableAll,,29,-1" // Don't lock the camera view they say //"OnTrigger" "player,SetHudVisibility,0,29,-1" "OnTrigger" "missileprop_thingy,Enable,,29,-1" "OnTrigger" "launch_thingy,PlaySound,,29,-1" "OnTrigger" "quake_thing,StartShake,,29,-1" // Forget you cannot do this while on point_viewcontrol "OnTrigger" "missileparticle_thingy,Start,,30,-1" "Ontrigger" "missileparticle_thingy_two,Start,,31,-1" "OnTrigger" "missile_launch,StartFoward,,29.1,-1" "OnTrigger" "missile_launch,SetSpeed,3000,29.1,-1" "OnTrigger" "oops_you_died,Enable,,31.6,-1" "OnTrigger" "oops_you_died,Disable,,32,-1" "OnTrigger" "kaboom_thingy,PlaySound,,31.6,-1" "OnTrigger" "kaboom_thingy_fade,Fade,,31.6,-1" "OnTrigger" "missileprop_thingy,Disable,,31.6,-1" "OnTrigger" "missileparticle_thingy,Stop,,31.6,-1" "Ontrigger" "missileparticle_thingy_two,Stop,,31.6,-1" "OnTrigger" "brute_force,Enable,,31.6,-1" "OnTrigger" "brute_force,Disable,,33,-1" //"OnTrigger" "boss_scene,$DisableAll,,31.6,-1" //"OnTrigger" "player,SetHudVisibility,1,31.6,-1" } logic_relay // Last cutscene { "targetname" "last_cutscene" "OnTrigger" "demo_boss,Enable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "demo_boss2,Enable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "demo_boss_drip,Enable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "ah_crap,PlaySound,0.1,-1" "OnTrigger" "realtimer,CancelPending,,0,-1" // Just in case // Don't tell anyone about this "onspawn" "midexplode1,setparentattachment,head,0,-1" "onspawn" "midexplode2,setparentattachment,prop_bone,0,-1" "onspawn" "midexplode3,setparentattachment,effect_hand_l,0,-1" "onspawn" "midexplode4,setparentattachment,effect_hand_r,0,-1" "onspawn" "midexplode5,setparentattachment,foot_l,0,-1" "onspawn" "midexplode6,setparentattachment,foot_r,0,-1" "ontrigger" "nospawning,pausebotspawning,,0,-1" "ontrigger" "killallbots,enable,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "demo_pain_shuffle,PickRandomShuffle,,2,-1" // smth like this "OnTrigger" "uh_oh,PlaySound,,2,-1" "OnTrigger" "demo_pain_shuffle,PickRandomShuffle,,3,-1" // smth like this "OnTrigger" "uh_oh,PlaySound,,3,-1" "OnTrigger" "demo_pain_shuffle,PickRandomShuffle,,4,-1" // smth like this "OnTrigger" "uh_oh,PlaySound,,4,-1" "OnTrigger" "demo_death,PlaySound,,6,-1" "OnTrigger" "demo_boss,SetDefaultAnimation,primary_death_headshot,6,-1" "OnTrigger" "ratio_no_bitches,PlaySound,,8,-1" "ontrigger" "exprepeat,trigger,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "quake_thing,StartShake,,9.75,-1" "OnTrigger" "another_kaboom_thingy,Fade,,9.75,-1" "OnTrigger" "impact_thingy,PlaySound,,9.75,-1" "OnTrigger" "impact_thingy_two,PlaySound,,9.75,-1" "OnTrigger" "another_kaboom_thingy,,9.75,-1" "OnTrigger" "biggest_kaboom,Start,,9.75,-1" // play with the timer ig "OnTrigger" "exprepeat,cancelpending,,9.75,-1" // ?? "OnTrigger" "demo_boss,Disable,,9.75,-1" "OnTrigger" "demo_boss2,Disable,,9.75,-1" "OnTrigger" "demo_boss_drip,Disable,,9.75,-1" "OnTrigger" "boss_scene,$EnableAll,,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "player,SetHudVisibility,0,0,-1" "OnTrigger" "boss_scene,$DisableAll,,11,-1" "OnTrigger" "player,SetHudVisibility,1,11,-1" "OnTrigger" "bluwin_relay,Trigger,,12.5,-1" } trigger_hurt { "targetname" "oops_you_died" "origin" "-119 -4142 10" "angles" "0 0 0" "mins" "-297 -297 -8000" "maxs" "297 297 8000" "damagetype" "1048576" "damage" "99999" "StartDisabled" "1" "spawnflags" "64" "filtername" "filter_blu" } trigger_hurt { "targetname" "killallbots" "mins" "-9999 -9999 -9999" "maxs" "9999 9999 9999" "filtername" "filter_red" "damage" "99999" "startdisabled" "1" "spawnflags" "1" "ontrigger" "!activator,sethealth,0,0,-1" "wait" "0.25" } point_populator_interface { "targetname" "nospawning" } // Rocket and stuff prop_dynamic // Movement is added but the path track is wack { "targetname" "missileprop_thingy" "parentname" "missile_launch" "startdisabled" "1" "origin" "-96 -4224 2992" "angles" "0 0 180" "model" "models\props_spytech\rocket002_skybox.mdl" "modelscale" "12" } func_tracktrain { "targetname" "missile_launch" "mins" "-1 -1 -1" "maxs" "1 1 1" "origin" "-96 -4224 2992" "angles" "90 0 0" "orientationtype" "2" "disableshadows" "1" "rendermode" "10" "speed" "0" "startspeed" "800" "spawnflags" "536" "target" "gohere" } info_particle_system { "targetname" "missileparticle_thingy" "parentname" "missileprop_thingy" "origin" "-96 -4224 3072" "angles" "-90 0 0" "effect_name" "rockettrail_vents_doomsday" } info_particle_system { "targetname" "missileparticle_thingy_two" "parentname" "missileprop_thingy" "origin" "-96 -4224 3072" "angles" "90 0 0" "effect_name" "rockettrail_burst_doomsday" } info_particle_system { "targetname" "missileparticle_thingy_two" "parentname" "missileprop_thingy" "origin" "-96 -4224 3072" "angles" "90 0 0" "effect_name" "rockettrail_fire_doomsday" } path_track { "targetname" "gohere" "target" "gohere1" "origin" "-96 -4224 2990" } path_track { "targetname" "gohere1" "origin" "-96 -4224 912" } training_annotation // Literally copied from Glistening Glacier { "targetname" "hello_titan" "display_text" "Something big is coming..." "lifetime" "4" "origin" "-100 -4224 10" } training_annotation // Literally copied from Glistening Glacier { "targetname" "hello_titan_two" "display_text" "Stay clear out of the hatch..." "lifetime" "4" "origin" "-100 -4224 10" } point_viewcontrol // Oh hey look at this { "targetname" "boss_scene" "origin" "1190 -3229 600" "angles" "20 220 0" } // something about his model prop_dynamic // I'm an Idiot { "targetname" "demo_boss" "Startdisabled" "1" "model" "models\bots\demo\bot_demo.mdl" "modelscale" "12" "angles" "0 90 0" "origin" "-86 -4128 -48" "DefaultAnim" "secondary_stun_middle" "disableshadows" "1" "disablebonefollowers" "1" "rendermode" "10" "solid" "0" "lightingorigin" "spawnpoint_red3b" // ?? "onanimationbegun" "!self,setplaybackrate,0.5,6,-1" } prop_dynamic_ornament { "targetname" "demo_boss2" "model" "models\bots\demo_boss\bot_demo_boss_gibby.mdl" "modelscale" "12" "startdisabled" "1" "solid" "0" "disablebonefollowers" "1" "disableshadows" "1" "initialowner" "demo_boss" "lightingorigin" "spawnpoint_red3b" // ?? } // This section under it doesn't work for me but I'll keep it? info_particle_system { "targetname" "midexplode1" "parentname" "demo_boss" "effect_name" "hightower_explosion" } info_particle_system { "targetname" "midexplode2" "parentname" "demo_boss" "effect_name" "hightower_explosion" } info_particle_system { "targetname" "midexplode3" "parentname" "demo_boss" "effect_name" "hightower_explosion" } info_particle_system { "targetname" "midexplode4" "parentname" "demo_boss" "effect_name" "hightower_explosion" } info_particle_system { "targetname" "midexplode5" "parentname" "demo_boss" "effect_name" "hightower_explosion" } info_particle_system { "targetname" "midexplode6" "parentname" "demo_boss" "effect_name" "hightower_explosion" } logic_relay { "targetname" "exprepeat" "spawnflags" "2" "ontrigger" "midcase,pickrandomshuffle,,0,-1" "ontrigger" "!self,trigger,,0.5,-1" } logic_case { "targetname" "midcase" "oncase01" "midexplode1,start,,0,-1" "oncase01" "midexplode1,stop,,0.1,-1" "oncase01" "expcase,pickrandom,,0,-1" "oncase02" "midexplode2,start,,0,-1" "oncase02" "midexplode2,stop,,0.1,-1" "oncase02" "expcase,pickrandom,,0,-1" "oncase03" "midexplode3,start,,0,-1" "oncase03" "midexplode3,stop,,0.1,-1" "oncase03" "expcase,pickrandom,,0,-1" "oncase04" "midexplode4,start,,0,-1" "oncase04" "midexplode4,stop,,0.1,-1" "oncase04" "expcase,pickrandom,,0,-1" "oncase05" "midexplode5,start,,0,-1" "oncase05" "midexplode5,stop,,0.1,-1" "oncase05" "expcase,pickrandom,,0,-1" "oncase06" "midexplode6,start,,0,-1" "oncase06" "midexplode6,stop,,0.1,-1" "oncase06" "expcase,pickrandom,,0,-1" } // Something I added by myself prop_dynamic_ornament // Drip { "targetname" "demo_boss_drip" //"Startdisabled" "1" "disableshadows" "1" "disablebonefollowers" "1" "InitialOwner" "demo_boss" "model" "models/workshop/player/items/demo/hwn2022_alcoholic_automaton/hwn2022_alcoholic_automaton.mdl" } prop_dynamic_ornament // Drip { "targetname" "demo_boss_drip" //"Startdisabled" "1" "disableshadows" "1" "disablebonefollowers" "1" "InitialOwner" "demo_boss" "model" "models/player/items/demo/crown.mdl" } prop_dynamic_ornament // Drip { "targetname" "demo_boss_drip" //"Startdisabled" "1" "disableshadows" "1" "disablebonefollowers" "1" "InitialOwner" "demo_boss" "model" "models/workshop/player/items/demo/mail_bomber/mail_bomber.mdl" } prop_dynamic_ornament // Drip { "targetname" "demo_boss_drip" //"Startdisabled" "1" "disableshadows" "1" "disablebonefollowers" "1" "InitialOwner" "demo_boss" "model" "models/workshop/player/items/demo/sf14_deadking_pauldrons/sf14_deadking_pauldrons.mdl" } env_fade // Uh kaboom? { "targetname" "another_kaboom_thingy" "spawnflags" "1" "rendercolor" "255 255 255" "renderamt" "255" "holdtime" "0.5" "duration" "0.5" } env_fade // Uh Kaboom? { "targetname" "kaboom_thingy_fade" "spawnflags" "1" "rendercolor" "255 255 255" "renderamt" "255" "holdtime" "2" "duration" "1" } ambient_generic { "targetname" "launch_thingy" "message" "npc\env_headcrabcanister\launch.wav" "health" "10" "pitch" "100" "spawnflags" "49" } ambient_generic { "targetname" "kaboom_thingy" "message" "misc\doomsday_missile_explosion.wav" "health" "7" "pitch" "80" "spawnflags" "49" } ambient_generic { "targetname" "kaboom_thingy" "message" "misc\doomsday_missile_explosion.wav" "health" "7" "pitch" "80" "spawnflags" "49" } env_shake // Earthquake { "targetname" "quake_thing" "spawnflags" "1" "radius" "5000" "frequency" "50" "duration" "8" "amplitude" "16" } trigger_stun // Makes the RED Stun so they won't attack you { "targetname" "titan_died" "filtername" "filter_red" "spawnflags" "1" "StartDisabled" "1" "stun_duration" "10" "stun_effects" "1" "stun_type" "2" "trigger_delay" "0" "move_speed_reduction" "0.4" "mins" "-8000 -8000 -8000" "maxs" "8000 8000 8000" "origin" "0 0 0" } // Stuff for his death i think? ambient_generic // Oh no, he got ratio'd { "targetname" "ratio_no_bitches" "message" "items\cart_explode_falling.wav" "spawnflags" "17" "health" "10" "pitch" "100" } ambient_generic // Impact sound { "targetname" "impact_thingy" "message" "ambient\materials\cartrap_explode_impact1.wav" "spawnflags" "17" "health" "10" "pitch" "100" } ambient_generic // impact explosion sound { "targetname" "impact_thingy_two" "message" "items\cart_explode.wav" "spawnflags" "17" "health" "10" "pitch" "100" } ambient_generic // Ah crap { "targetname" "ah_crap" "message" "vo\mvm\mght\demoman_mvm_m_negativevocalization05.mp3" "spawnflags" "17" "health" "10" "pitch" "100" } ambient_generic // Hurt sound { "targetname" "uh_oh" "message" "ambient\explosions\explode_3.wav" "spawnflags" "49" "health" "10" "pitch" "100" } ambient_generic // Death sound { "targetname" "demo_death" "message" "vo\mvm\mght\demoman_mvm_m_paincrticialdeath05.mp3" "spawnflags" "17" "health" "10" "pitch" "100" } logic_case // Hurt sound logic case { "targetname" "demo_pain_shuffle" "oncase01" "demo_pain1,PlaySound,,0.1,-1" "oncase02" "demo_pain2,PlaySound,,0.1,-1" "oncase03" "demo_pain3,PlaySound,,0.1,-1" "oncase04" "demo_pain4,PlaySound,,0.1,-1" "oncase05" "demo_pain5,PlaySound,,0.1,-1" "oncase06" "demo_pain6,PlaySound,,0.1,-1" "oncase07" "demo_pain7,PlaySound,,0.1,-1" } ambient_generic // Hurt sound { "targetname" "demo_pain1" "message" "vo\mvm\mght\demoman_mvm_m_painsharp01.mp3" "spawnflags" "17" "health" "10" "pitch" "100" } ambient_generic // Hurt sound { "targetname" "demo_pain2" "message" "vo\mvm\mght\demoman_mvm_m_painsharp02.mp3" "spawnflags" "17" "health" "10" "pitch" "100" } ambient_generic // Hurt sound { "targetname" "demo_pain3" "message" "vo\mvm\mght\demoman_mvm_m_painsharp03.mp3" "spawnflags" "17" "health" "10" "pitch" "100" } ambient_generic // Hurt sound { "targetname" "demo_pain4" "message" "vo\mvm\mght\demoman_mvm_m_painsharp04.mp3" "spawnflags" "17" "health" "10" "pitch" "100" } ambient_generic // Hurt sound { "targetname" "demo_pain5" "message" "vo\mvm\mght\demoman_mvm_m_painsharp05.mp3" "spawnflags" "17" "health" "10" "pitch" "100" } ambient_generic // Hurt sound { "targetname" "demo_pain6" "message" "vo\mvm\mght\demoman_mvm_m_painsharp06.mp3" "spawnflags" "17" "health" "10" "pitch" "100" } ambient_generic // Hurt sound { "targetname" "demo_pain7" "message" "vo\mvm\mght\demoman_mvm_m_painsharp07.mp3" "spawnflags" "17" "health" "10" "pitch" "100" } // Here is a fuckton of info_particle_system info_particle_system { "targetname" "biggest_kaboom" "effect_name" "cinefx_goldrush_flames" "angles" "0 0 0" "origin" "-88 -4656 -62.9954" "flag_as_weather" "0" "start_active" "0" } info_particle_system { "targetname" "biggest_kaboom" "effect_name" "hightower_explosion" "angles" "0 0 0" "origin" "-88 -4656 -62.9954" "flag_as_weather" "0" "start_active" "0" } info_particle_system { "targetname" "biggest_kaboom" "effect_name" "mvm_hatch_destroy" "angles" "0 0 0" "origin" "192 -4752 -16" "flag_as_weather" "0" "start_active" "0" } info_particle_system { "targetname" "biggest_kaboom" "effect_name" "mvm_hatch_destroy" "angles" "0 0 0" "origin" "128 -4224 -62.9954" "flag_as_weather" "0" "start_active" "0" } info_particle_system { "targetname" "biggest_kaboom" "effect_name" "mvm_hatch_destroy" "angles" "0 0 0" "origin" "-304 -4224 -62.9954" "flag_as_weather" "0" "start_active" "0" } info_particle_system { "targetname" "biggest_kaboom" "effect_name" "mvm_hatch_destroy" "angles" "0 0 0" "origin" "-336 -4752 -16" "flag_as_weather" "0" "start_active" "0" } info_particle_system { "targetname" "biggest_kaboom" "effect_name" "mvm_hatch_destroy" "angles" "0 0 0" "origin" "-96 -4496 -62.9954" "flag_as_weather" "0" "start_active" "0" } info_particle_system { "targetname" "biggest_kaboom" "effect_name" "fireSmoke_Collumn_mvmAcres" "angles" "0 100 0" "origin" "32 -5088 128" "flag_as_weather" "0" "start_active" "0" } info_particle_system { "targetname" "biggest_kaboom" "effect_name" "fireSmoke_Collumn_mvmAcres" "angles" "0 100 0" "origin" "32 -5088 368" "flag_as_weather" "0" "start_active" "0" } info_particle_system { "targetname" "biggest_kaboom" "effect_name" "fireSmoke_Collumn_mvmAcres" "angles" "0 100 0" "origin" "-224 -5088 128" "flag_as_weather" "0" "start_active" "0" } info_particle_system { "targetname" "biggest_kaboom" "effect_name" "fireSmoke_Collumn_mvmAcres" "angles" "0 75 0" "origin" "-224 -5088 368" "flag_as_weather" "0" "start_active" "0" } info_particle_system { "targetname" "biggest_kaboom" "effect_name" "fireSmokeExplosion_track" "angles" "0 120 0" "origin" "272 -4992 64" "flag_as_weather" "0" "start_active" "0" } info_particle_system { "targetname" "biggest_kaboom" "effect_name" "cinefx_goldrush_hugedustup" "angles" "0 120 0" "origin" "272 -4992 64" "flag_as_weather" "0" "start_active" "0" } info_particle_system { "targetname" "biggest_kaboom" "effect_name" "fireSmokeExplosion_track" "angles" "0 45 0" "origin" "-464 -4976 64" "flag_as_weather" "0" "start_active" "0" } info_particle_system { "targetname" "biggest_kaboom" "effect_name" "cinefx_goldrush_hugedustup" "angles" "0 45 0" "origin" "-464 -4976 64" "flag_as_weather" "0" "start_active" "0" } } textualtimer { OnSpawnOutput { Param 7 // change the value for minutes Target minutehand Action SetValue } OnSpawnOutput { Param 60 // change the value for seconds Target secondhand Action SetValue } logic_relay { "targetname" "loserelay" "startdisabled" "1" "ontrigger" "bots_win_red,RoundWin,,2,-1" "ontrigger" "realtimer,cancelpending,,2,-1" "onspawn" "wave_start*,addoutput,ontrigger realtimer:trigger::0:-1,0,-1" "onspawn" "wave_finish*,addoutput,ontrigger realtimer:cancelpending::0:-1,0,-1" "onspawn" "wave_finish*,addoutput,ontrigger loserelay:cancelpending::0:-1,0,-1" } NoFixup 1 math_counter { "targetname" "minutehand" "max" "9999" "outvalue" "timerformat,$setkey$case01,,0,-1" "onhitmin" "loserelay,enable,,1,-1" } math_counter { "targetname" "secondhand" "max" "60" "outvalue" "timerformat,$setkey$case02,,0,-1" "outvalue" "zerocompare,setvaluecompare,,0,-1" "onhitmin" "loserelay,trigger,,0,-1" "onhitmin" "!self,setvalue,60,1,-1" "onhitmin" "minutehand,subtract,1,1,-1" } logic_compare { "targetname" "zerocompare" "comparevalue" "9" "onequalto" "timerformat,$setkey$case16,%:0%,0,-1" "ongreaterthan" "timerformat,$setkey$case16,%:%,0,-1" } logic_case { "targetname" "timerformat" "case16" "%:%" "ondefault" "timertext,$setkey$message,,0,-1" "ondefault" "timertext,display,0,0,-1" } game_text { "targetname" "timertext" "color" "65 155 255" "holdtime" "2" "spawnflags" "1" "x" "0.7" "y" "0.9" } logic_relay { "targetname" "realtimer" "spawnflags" "2" "ontrigger" "timerformat,$format,,0.01,-1" "ontrigger" "secondhand,subtract,1,0,-1" "ontrigger" "!self,trigger,,1,-1" } game_round_win { "teamnum" "2" "targetname" "bots_win_red" "force_map_reset" "1" } } ShootStickies // ?? { KeepAlive 1 OnSpawnOutput { Target whatever_the_hell_this_is Action Trigger Delay -1 Param 1 } logic_relay { "targetname" "whatever_the_hell_this_is" "ontrigger" "tf_projectile_pipe_remote,SetDamageFilter,filter_what_now,0,-1" } filter_activator_name { "filtername" "absolutely" "Negated" "0" "targetname" "filter_what_now" } } IconChanger { NoFixUp 1 OnSpawnOutput { Target "!activator" Action addoutput Param "targetname demoboss_thingy" } OnSpawnOutput { Target "demoboss_thingy" Action SetLightingOrigin Param "spawnpoint_red3b" Delay 0.1 } OnParentKilledOutput { Target last_cutscene Action Trigger Delay 0 } OnParentKilledOutput { Target "!activator" Action addoutput Param "targetname " Delay 0.1 } logic_relay { "targetname" "icon_changon" "OnTrigger" "!activator,$SetProp$m_iszClassIcon,demo_bomber,0.1,-1" "OnUser1" "!activator,$SetProp$m_iszClassIcon,demo_sticky_nuke,0.1,-1" "OnUser2" "!activator,$SetProp$m_iszClassIcon,demo_burst_homing,0.1,-1" } } traktor_Tank // thingy by Yuugi, Inspired by Royal { OnSpawnOutput { Target "!activator" Action "AddOutput" Param "OnHealthBelow40Percent fella:SetAnimation:panic:0:-1" } OnSpawnOutput { Target "!activator" Action "AddOutput" Param "OnHealthBelow40Percent check_your_car_tires:Start::0:-1" } prop_dynamic { "targetname" "traktor" "spawnflags" "0" "solid" "0" "physdamagescale" "1.0" "model" "models/workshop/player/items/engineer/taunt_texas_truckin/taunt_texas_truckin.mdl" "modelscale" "3" "skin" "1" } prop_dynamic { "targetname" "fella" "spawnflags" "0" "solid" "0" "physdamagescale" "1.0" "model" "models/bots/bot_worker/bot_worker.mdl" "origin" "-50 0 80" "angles" "0 0 0" "DefaultAnim" "idle" "skin" "1" } prop_dynamic { "targetname" "cavehat" "model" "models/workshop_partner/player/items/engineer/cave_hat/cave_hat.mdl" "origin" "-54 0 -4" "angles" "0 0 0" "modelscale" "1.75" } prop_dynamic { "targetname" "dynamite" "model" "models/workshop/player/items/demo/demo_dynamite/demo_dynamite.mdl" "origin" "64 -28 68" "angles" "0 270 0" "modelscale" "2" } prop_dynamic { "targetname" "dynamite" "model" "models/workshop/player/items/demo/demo_dynamite/demo_dynamite.mdl" "origin" "40 36 72" "angles" "0 90 0" "modelscale" "2" } info_particle_system { "effect_name" "smoke_campfire" "origin" "24 -28 136" "start_active" "1" } info_particle_system { "targetname" "check_your_car_tires" "effect_name" "cauldron_flamethrower" "origin" "24 -28 136" "angles" "-90 0 0" "start_active" "0" } training_annotation // Pitstop { "targetname" "hint_pitstop" "display_text" "Destroy all remaining enemies to advance!" "lifetime" "10" "origin" "150 0 0" } } thermaltank { NoFixup 1 OnKilledOutput { Target thermaltank_dead Action Trigger } logic_relay { "targetname" "thermaltank_dead" "ontrigger" "tank_flamethrower_active_hurt,Disable,,0,-1" "ontrigger" "tank_flamethrower_active,Stop,,0,-1" "ontrigger" "fire_sound_loop,Disable,,0,-1" "ontrigger" "flamethrower_sound_loop,StopSound,,0,-1" } logic_relay { "targetname" "playthis" "onspawn" "flamethrower_sound_start,PlaySound,,0.1,-1" "onspawn" "flamethrower_sound_start,StopSound,,3.1,-1" "onspawn" "fire_sound_loop,Enable,,0,-1" } logic_timer { "targetname" "fire_sound_loop" "startdisabled" "1" "refiretime" "3" "ontimer" "flamethrower_sound_loop,PlaySound,,0,-1" } prop_dynamic { "targetname" "tank_hat" "model" "models/workshop/player/items/pyro/robo_pyro_firewall_helmet/robo_pyro_firewall_helmet.mdl" "modelscale" "2.5" "angles" "0 0 0" "origin" "-60 0 128" } prop_dynamic { "targetname" "tank_flamethrower" "model" "models/weapons/c_models/c_flamethrower/c_backburner.mdl" "modelscale" "2" "angles" "0 0 0" "origin" "-16 46 104" } prop_dynamic { "targetname" "tank_flamethrower" "model" "models/weapons/c_models/c_flamethrower/c_backburner.mdl" "modelscale" "2" "angles" "0 0 0" "origin" "-16 -46 104" } ambient_generic { "targetname" "flamethrower_sound_start" "health" "10" "message" "weapons/flame_thrower_start.wav" "pitch" "100" "pitchstart" "100" "preset" "0" "radius" "2500" "spawnflags" "16" "origin" "114 47 107" } ambient_generic { "targetname" "flamethrower_sound_loop" "health" "10" "message" "weapons/flame_thrower_loop.wav" "pitch" "100" "pitchstart" "100" "preset" "0" "radius" "2500" "spawnflags" "16" "origin" "114 47 107" } info_particle_system { "targetname" "tank_flamethrower_active" "effect_name" "flamethrower" "start_active" "1" "origin" "114 47 107" } info_particle_system { "targetname" "tank_flamethrower_active" "effect_name" "flamethrower" "start_active" "1" "origin" "114 -45 107" } trigger_ignite { "targetname" "tank_flamethrower_active_hurt" "spawnflags" "1" "origin" "208 0 84" "filtername" "filter_blu" "burn_duration" "8" "damage_percent_per_second" "25" "StartDisabled" "0" "mins" "-80 -112 -68" "maxs" "80 112 68" } } station // Upgrade Station { NoFixup 1 func_upgradestation //upgrade station entity { "mins" "-100 -100 0" "maxs" "100 100 242" "solid" "0" } prop_dynamic //blu upgrade station model, can be found on potato servers { "targetname" "upgradestation" "angles" "0 0 0" "DisableBoneFollowers" "0" "disablereceiveshadows" "0" "disableshadows" "1" "ExplodeDamage" "0" "ExplodeRadius" "0" "fademaxdist" "0" "fademindist" "-1" "fadescale" "1" "lightingorigin" "item_healthkit_medium" "MaxAnimTime" "10" "maxdxlevel" "0" "MinAnimTime" "5" "mindxlevel" "0" "model" "models\props_mvm\mvm_upgrade_blu.mdl" "modelscale" "1" "PerformanceMode" "0" "pressuredelay" "0" "RandomAnimation" "0" "renderamt" "255" "renderfx" "0" "rendermode" "0" "SetBodyGroup" "0" "skin" "0" "solid" "6" "spawnflags" "0" "origin" "0 0 0" } prop_dynamic //invisible collision prop { "targetname" "shopcollision" "angles" "0 -90 0" "DisableBoneFollowers" "1" "disablereceiveshadows" "1" "model" "models/props_vehicles/train_flatcar_container.mdl" "disableshadows" "1" "ExplodeDamage" "0" "ExplodeRadius" "0" "fademaxdist" "0" "fademindist" "-1" "fadescale" "1" "MaxAnimTime" "10" "maxdxlevel" "0" "MinAnimTime" "5" "mindxlevel" "0" "modelscale" "1" "PerformanceMode" "0" "pressuredelay" "0" "RandomAnimation" "0" "renderamt" "0" "renderfx" "0" "rendermode" "10" "SetBodyGroup" "0" "skin" "0" "CollisionGroup" "5" "solid" "6" "spawnflags" "0" "StartDisabled" "0" "origin" "0 0 0" } } MeleePullout_playerone // Only works for one fucking bot { //NoFixup 1 OnSpawnOutput { Target "!activator" Action "AddOutput" Param "targetname one" Delay 0.1 } OnParentKilledOutput { Target "!activator" Action "AddOutput" Param "targetname one" Delay 0 } filter_activator_tfteam { "targetname" "filter_is_blu" "Negated" "0" "TeamNum" "3" } filter_tf_class { "targetname" "filter_isnt_spy" "Negated" "1" "tfclass" "8" } filter_multi { "targetname" "filter_melee_pullout_main" "Negated" "0" "FilterType" "0" "Filter01" "filter_is_blu" "Filter02" "filter_isnt_spy" } //sucker punches you out of his way if you attempt to bodyblock like a boss //doesn't trigger against spies so as to make their job not aid trigger_multiple { "targetname" "melee_pullout_range" "origin" "0 0 0" "mins" "-100.0 -100.0 -100.0" "maxs" "100.0 100.0 100.0" "spawnflags" "1" "filtername" "filter_melee_pullout_main" //"OnStartTouch" "!activator,$DisplayTextCenter,switched to melee [DEBUG],0,-1" "OnStartTouch" "one,$WeaponSwitchSlot,2,0,-1" "OnStartTouch" "one,$AddPlayerAttribute,disable weapon switch|1,0.01,-1" "OnStartTouch" "one,$RemovePlayerAttribute,disable weapon switch,0.4,-1" "OnStartTouch" "one,$WeaponSwitchSlot,1,0.41,-1" "OnStartTouch" "!self,Disable,1,0.42,-1" "OnStartTouch" "!self,Enable,1,1.42,-1" //"OnEndTouch" "!activator,$DisplayTextCenter,switched to secondary [DEBUG],0,-1" } } spawnpoints { // models NoFixup 1 prop_dynamic { "targetname" "spawnpoint_red1a" "model" "models/props_mvm/robot_spawnpoint.mdl" "disableshadows" "1" "defaultanim" "idle" "origin" "-520 172 64" "angles" "0 0 0" "skin" "3" } NoFixup 1 prop_dynamic { "targetname" "spawnpoint_red1b" "model" "models/props_mvm/robot_spawnpoint.mdl" "disableshadows" "1" "defaultanim" "idle" "origin" "373 826 0" "angles" "0 -90 0" "skin" "3" } NoFixup 1 prop_dynamic { "targetname" "spawnpoint_red2a" "model" "models/props_mvm/robot_spawnpoint.mdl" "disableshadows" "1" "defaultanim" "idle" "origin" "-1367 -1358 224" "angles" "0 180 0" "skin" "3" } NoFixup 1 prop_dynamic { "targetname" "spawnpoint_red2b1" "model" "models/props_mvm/robot_spawnpoint.mdl" "disableshadows" "1" "defaultanim" "idle" "origin" "1267 -2726 128" "angles" "0 0 0" "skin" "3" } NoFixup 1 prop_dynamic { "targetname" "spawnpoint_red2b2" "model" "models/props_mvm/robot_spawnpoint.mdl" "disableshadows" "1" "defaultanim" "idle" "origin" "964 -1642 -127" "angles" "0 180 0" "skin" "3" } NoFixup 1 prop_dynamic { "targetname" "spawnpoint_red2c" "model" "models/props_mvm/robot_spawnpoint.mdl" "disableshadows" "1" "defaultanim" "idle" "origin" "-1337 -3336 96" "angles" "0 0 0" "skin" "3" } NoFixup 1 prop_dynamic { "targetname" "spawnpoint_red3b" "model" "models/props_mvm/robot_spawnpoint.mdl" "disableshadows" "1" "defaultanim" "idle" "origin" "630 -4553 24" "angles" "0 180 0" "skin" "3" } // on logic NoFixup 1 logic_relay { "targetname" "red1a_on_logic" "OnTrigger" "spawnpoint_red1a,skin,0,0,-1" } NoFixup 1 logic_relay { "targetname" "red1b_on_logic" "OnTrigger" "spawnpoint_red1b,skin,0,0,-1" } NoFixup 1 logic_relay { "targetname" "red2a_on_logic" "OnTrigger" "spawnpoint_red2a,skin,0,0,-1" } NoFixup 1 logic_relay { "targetname" "red2b1_on_logic" "OnTrigger" "spawnpoint_red2b1,skin,0,0,-1" } NoFixup 1 logic_relay { "targetname" "red2b2_on_logic" "OnTrigger" "spawnpoint_red2b2,skin,0,0,-1" } NoFixup 1 logic_relay { "targetname" "red2c_on_logic" "OnTrigger" "spawnpoint_red2c,skin,0,0,-1" } NoFixup 1 logic_relay { "targetname" "red3b_on_logic" "OnTrigger" "spawnpoint_red3b,skin,0,0,-1" } } annotation { training_annotation { "targetname" "tank_hint1" "display_text" "Tank Incoming!" "lifetime" "5" "origin" "1242 -639 193" } training_annotation { "targetname" "tank_hint2" "display_text" "Tank Incoming!" "lifetime" "5" "origin" "-768 -4100 1" } training_annotation { "targetname" "blimp_hint" "display_text" "Blimp Incoming!" "lifetime" "5" "origin" "-18 -1175 700" } } EngineerSentry { KeepAlive 1 OnParentKilledOutput { Target "sentry_random_level" Action PickRandom Delay 0.00 } OnParentKilledOutput { Target "engineer_sentry_prop" Action Kill Delay 0.01 } OnParentKilledOutput { Target "sentry_random_level" Action Kill Delay 0.01 } logic_case { "targetname" "sentry_random_level" "OnCase01" "sentry_lvl1_maker,ForceSpawnAtEntityOrigin,engineer_sentry_prop,0,-1" "OnCase02" "sentry_lvl1_maker,ForceSpawnAtEntityOrigin,engineer_sentry_prop,0,-1" "OnCase03" "sentry_lvl1_maker,ForceSpawnAtEntityOrigin,engineer_sentry_prop,0,-1" "OnCase04" "sentry_lvl1_maker,ForceSpawnAtEntityOrigin,engineer_sentry_prop,0,-1" "OnCase05" "sentry_lvl1_maker,ForceSpawnAtEntityOrigin,engineer_sentry_prop,0,-1" "OnCase06" "sentry_lvl1_maker,ForceSpawnAtEntityOrigin,engineer_sentry_prop,0,-1" "OnCase07" "sentry_lvl1_maker,ForceSpawnAtEntityOrigin,engineer_sentry_prop,0,-1" "OnCase08" "sentry_lvl1_maker,ForceSpawnAtEntityOrigin,engineer_sentry_prop,0,-1" "OnCase09" "sentry_lvl2_maker,ForceSpawnAtEntityOrigin,engineer_sentry_prop,0,-1" "OnCase10" "sentry_lvl2_maker,ForceSpawnAtEntityOrigin,engineer_sentry_prop,0,-1" "OnCase11" "sentry_lvl3_maker,ForceSpawnAtEntityOrigin,engineer_sentry_prop,0,-1" } prop_dynamic { "targetname" "engineer_sentry_prop" "model" "models/buildables/sentry1.mdl" "skin" "0" "spawnflags" "0" "solid" "0" "DisableBoneFollowers" "1" "disablereceiveshadows" "1" "disableshadows" "1" "origin" "0 0 0" "angles" "0 0 0" } } sentry_lvl1_template { KeepAlive 1 OnSpawnOutput { Target "engineer_sentry" Action AddOutput Param "angles 0 0 0" Delay 0.00 } // Set builder of sentry to !activator (parent of template) (nothing) // This prevents bots from getting stuck / blocked by sentries OnSpawnOutput { Target "engineer_sentry" Action SetBuilder // The name's builder, Bob the Builder. Delay 0.00 } OnSpawnOutput { Target "engineer_sentry" Action RemoveHealth Param 696969 Delay 10 } obj_sentrygun { "targetname" "engineer_sentry" "defaultupgrade" "0" "spawnflags" "8" "TeamNum" "2" "skin" "1" "SolidToPlayer" "0" "disablereceiveshadows" "1" "disableshadows" "1" "origin" "0 0 0" "angles" "0 0 0" } } sentry_lvl2_template { KeepAlive 1 OnSpawnOutput { Target "engineer_sentry" Action AddOutput Param "angles 0 0 0" Delay 0.00 } // Set builder of sentry to !activator (parent of template) (nothing) // This prevents bots from getting stuck / blocked by sentries OnSpawnOutput { Target "engineer_sentry" Action SetBuilder // The name's builder, Bob the Builder. Delay 0.00 } OnSpawnOutput { Target "engineer_sentry" Action RemoveHealth Param 696969 Delay 10 } obj_sentrygun { "targetname" "engineer_sentry" "defaultupgrade" "1" "spawnflags" "8" "TeamNum" "2" "skin" "1" "SolidToPlayer" "0" "disablereceiveshadows" "1" "disableshadows" "1" "origin" "0 0 0" "angles" "0 0 0" } } sentry_lvl3_template { KeepAlive 1 OnSpawnOutput { Target "engineer_sentry" Action AddOutput Param "angles 0 0 0" Delay 0.00 } // Set builder of sentry to !activator (parent of template) (nothing) // This prevents bots from getting stuck / blocked by sentries OnSpawnOutput { Target "engineer_sentry" Action SetBuilder // The name's builder, Bob the Builder. Delay 0.00 } OnSpawnOutput { Target "engineer_sentry" Action RemoveHealth Param 696969 Delay 10 } obj_sentrygun { "targetname" "engineer_sentry" "defaultupgrade" "2" "spawnflags" "8" "TeamNum" "2" "skin" "1" "SolidToPlayer" "0" "disablereceiveshadows" "1" "disableshadows" "1" "origin" "0 0 0" "angles" "0 0 0" } } // These Templates are a pian to make hope you're proud of it >:( stripprimary { OnSpawnOutput { Target !activator Action $WeaponStripSlot Param 0 } } stripsecondary { OnSpawnOutput { Target !activator Action $WeaponStripSlot Param 1 } } giant_scout_model { OnSpawnOutput { Target model_change Action Trigger Delay 0.01 } OnSpawnOutput { Target model_change Action Kill Delay 0.1 } logic_relay { "targetname" "model_change" "OnTrigger" "!activator,SetCustomModelWithClassAnimations,models\bots\soldier_boss\bot_soldier_boss.mdl,0,-1" } } giant_soldier_model { OnSpawnOutput { Target model_change Action Trigger Delay 0.01 } OnSpawnOutput { Target model_change Action Kill Delay 0.1 } logic_relay { "targetname" "model_change" "OnTrigger" "!activator,SetCustomModelWithClassAnimations,models\bots\soldier_boss\bot_soldier_boss.mdl,0,-1" } } giant_pyro_model { OnSpawnOutput { Target model_change Action Trigger Delay 0.01 } OnSpawnOutput { Target model_change Action Kill Delay 0.1 } logic_relay { "targetname" "model_change" "OnTrigger" "!activator,SetCustomModelWithClassAnimations,models\bots\pyro_boss\bot_pyro_boss.mdl,0,-1" } } giant_demo_model { OnSpawnOutput { Target model_change Action Trigger Delay 0.01 } OnSpawnOutput { Target model_change Action Kill Delay 0.1 } logic_relay { "targetname" "model_change" "OnTrigger" "!activator,SetCustomModelWithClassAnimations,models\bots\demo_boss\bot_demo_boss.mdl,0,-1" } } giant_heavy_model { OnSpawnOutput { Target model_change Action Trigger Delay 0.01 } OnSpawnOutput { Target model_change Action Kill Delay 0.1 } logic_relay { "targetname" "model_change" "OnTrigger" "!activator,SetCustomModelWithClassAnimations,models\bots\heavy_boss\bot_heavy_boss.mdl,0,-1" } } caberbuster { OnSpawnOutput { Target "caber_checker" Action trigger Delay 0.5 } OnSpawnOutput { Target !activator Action $WeaponSwitchSlot Param 2 Delay 0.1 } OnParentKilledOutput { Target "!activator" Action addoutput Param "rendermode 0" } OnParentKilledOutput { Target "bustrelay" Action kill Delay 0.1 } logic_relay { "targetname" "caber_checker" "spawnflags" "2" "ontrigger" "filter_caber,$testentity,!parent,0,-1" "ontrigger" "!self,trigger,,0.1,-1" "onspawn" "!parent,addoutput,rendermode 0,0,-1" "onspawn" "@c@!parent,addoutput,rendermode 1,0,-1" "onspawn" "@c@!parent,alpha,255,0.5,-1" "onspawn" "!parent,$addplayerattribute,cannot pick up intelligence|1,0,-1" "onspawn" "!parent,$weaponswitchslot,0,0,-1" "onspawn" "busthurt,$setowner,!parent,0,-1" "onspawn" "!parent,addoutput,onuser3 bustcmd:command:taunt:0:-1,0,-1" } point_clientcommand { "targetname" "bustcmd" } filter_tf_condition { "targetname" "filter_caber" "condition" "65" //"onpass" "!parent,$displaytextcenter,BUSTER SEQUENCE ACTIVATED,0,-1" "onpass" "caber_checker,cancelpending,,0,-1" "onpass" "bustermodel,alpha,255,0,-1" //"onpass" "!parent,addoutput,rendermode 10,0,-1" "onpass" "!parent,SetCustomModelWithClassAnimations,models/bots/demo/bot_sentry_buster.mdl,0,-1" "onpass" "@c@!parent,alpha,0,0,-1" "onpass" "caber_swing_check,trigger,,0,-1" "onpass" "player,$playsoundtoself,MVM.SentryBusterIntro,0,-1" "onpass" "bustloop,playsound,,0,-1" "onpass" "!parent,$weaponstripslot,0,0,-1" "onpass" "!parent,$weaponstripslot,1,0,-1" "onpass" "!parent,$removecond,17,0,-1" "onpass" "!parent,sethealth,2500,0,-1" "onpass" "!parent,$giveitem,ESL Season VI Division 2 3rd Place,0.01,-1" "onpass" "bustermodel,$getdata$m_iName,fixupnamer|$setkey$case01|def,0.01,-1" "onpass" "wearable_check,$testentity,@c@!parent,0.02,-1" "onpass" "fixupnamer,$format,,0.02,-1" "onpass" "bustermodel,fireuser1,,0.02,-1" } ambient_generic { "targetname" "bustloop" "message" "MVM.SentryBusterLoop" "health" "3" "radius" "5000" "spawnflags" "16" "sourceentityname" "!parent" } ambient_generic { "targetname" "bustspin" "message" "MVM.SentryBusterSpin" "health" "3" "radius" "5000" "spawnflags" "48" "sourceentityname" "!parent" } ambient_generic { "targetname" "bustboom" "message" "MVM.SentryBusterExplode" "health" "3" "radius" "5000" "spawnflags" "48" "sourceentityname" "!parent" } logic_relay { "targetname" "caber_swing_check" "spawnflags" "2" "ontrigger" "filter_swung1,$testentity,@c@!parent,0,-1" "ontrigger" "filter_swung2,$testentity,@c@!parent,0,-1" "ontrigger" "filter_swung3,$testentity,@c@!parent,0,-1" "ontrigger" "!self,trigger,,0.1,-1" } $filter_sendprop { "targetname" "wearable_check" "$name" "m_iItemDefinitionIndex" "$value" "8037" "$compare" "equal" "onpass" "fire_input_on_passed_entity,$callertoactivator,,0,-1" } logic_case { "targetname" "fire_input_on_passed_entity" "ondefault" "!activator,$setmodeloverride,models/bots/demo/bot_sentry_buster.mdl,0,-1" "ondefault" "!activator,addoutput,rendermode 1,0,-1" } //trigger_brush // used as a fixup name for tf_wearable //{ // "targetname" "bustermodel" // "onuser1" "!self,kill,,0,-1" //} logic_case { "targetname" "fixupnamer" "case16" "ondefault !activator:addoutput:targetname %:0:-1" "ondefault" "fire_input_on_passed_entity,addoutput,,0,-1" } $filter_sendprop // right swing anim { "targetname" "filter_swung1" "$name" "m_nSequence" "$value" "4" "$compare" "equal" "onpass" "bustrelay,trigger,,0,-1" "onpass" "caber_swing_check,cancelpending,,0,-1" } $filter_sendprop // left swing anim { "targetname" "filter_swung2" "$name" "m_nSequence" "$value" "5" "$compare" "equal" "onpass" "bustrelay,trigger,,0,-1" "onpass" "caber_swing_check,cancelpending,,0,-1" } $filter_sendprop // crit swing anim { "targetname" "filter_swung3" "$name" "m_nSequence" "$value" "6" "$compare" "equal" "onpass" "bustrelay,trigger,,0,-1" "onpass" "caber_swing_check,cancelpending,,0,-1" } trigger_hurt { "targetname" "busthurt" "mins" "-300 -300 -300" "maxs" "300 300 300" "damagetype" "64" "damage" "3000" //remember this is halved "spawnflags" "64" "startdisabled" "1" "onstarttouch" "filter_sentry,testactivator,,0,-1" "onstarttouch" "filter_dispenser,testactivator,,0,-1" "onstarttouch" "filter_tele,testactivator,,0,-1" } filter_activator_class { "targetname" "filter_thesentry" "filterclass" "obj_sentrygun" } filter_multi { "targetname" "filter_sentry" "filter01" "filter_thesentry" "filter02" "filter_redteam" "onpass" "!activator,removehealth,10000,0,-1" } filter_activator_class { "targetname" "filter_thedispenser" "filterclass" "obj_dispenser" } filter_multi { "targetname" "filter_dispenser" "filter01" "filter_thedispenser" "filter02" "filter_redteam" "onpass" "!activator,removehealth,10000,0,-1" } filter_activator_class { "targetname" "filter_thetele" "filterclass" "obj_teleporter" } filter_multi { "targetname" "filter_tele" "filter01" "filter_thetele" "filter02" "filter_redteam" "onpass" "!activator,removehealth,10000,0,-1" } info_particle_system { "targetname" "bustparticle" "effect_name" "hightower_explosion" } //prop_dynamic //{ // "targetname" "fakebustermodel" // "model" "models/bots/demo/bot_sentry_buster.mdl" // "disablebonefollowers" "1" // "startdisabled" "1" // "skin" 1 // "onanimationbegun" "!parent,$getprop$m_flModelScale,fakebustermodel|$setprop$m_flModelScale|1,0,-1" //} logic_relay { "targetname" "bustrelay" "ontrigger" "!parent,$addcond,14,0,-1" "ontrigger" "!self,disable,,0,-1" "ontrigger" "bustermodel,alpha,0,0,-1" //"ontrigger" "fakebustermodel,setanimation,sentry_buster_preExplode,0,-1" //"ontrigger" "fakebustermodel,enable,,0,-1" "ontrigger" "bustloop,stopsound,,0,-1" "ontrigger" "bustspin,playsound,,0,-1" "ontrigger" "!parent,fireuser3,,0,-1" //"ontrigger" "fakebustermodel,kill,,2,-1" "ontrigger" "bustparticle,start,,2,-1" "ontrigger" "busthurt,enable,,2,-1" "ontrigger" "bustboom,playsound,,2,-1" "ontrigger" "busthurt,disable,,2.01,-1" "ontrigger" "!parent,$suicide,,2,-1" "ontrigger" "!self,kill,,2.1,-1" } RemoveIfKilled "bustrelay" KeepAlive 1 } } Templates { red_common_easy_ai { CustomEyeGlowColor "255 0 0" AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 52 Duration 1 } Action Mobber } red_common_hard_ai { AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 52 Duration 1 } Action Mobber } red_giant { AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 52 Duration 1 } Action Mobber CharacterAttributes { "damage force reduction" 0 "voice pitch scale" 0 } } T_TFBot_Red_Player_Scout // Idle Scout { Spawntemplate "MeleePullout_playerone" Class Scout ClassIcon tf2_lite Name "Idle Scout" Skill Expert //Attributes AutoJump //AutoJumpMin 5 //AutoJumpMax 5 //Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 UseBestWeapon 1 UseHumanModel 1 AddCond { Index 43 } Action Mobber Item "The Soda Popper" Item "Mutated Milk" Item "The Fan O'War" Item "The Bigg Mann on Campus" ItemColor { ItemName "The Bigg Mann on Campus" Red 231 Green 181 Blue 59 } Item "Canteen Crasher Gold Uber Medal 2018" // It does show up wtf? Item "Bumble Beenie" ItemAttributes // okay weird { ItemName "Bumble Beenie" "attach particle effect" 134 "set item tint rgb" 15185211 } //ItemAttributes // Idle scout doesn't need this //{ // ItemName "The Soda Popper" // "damage bonus" 1.5 // "clip size bonus" 2 // "projectile penetration" 1 //} ItemAttributes { ItemName "Mutated Milk" "applies snare effect" 0.65 "effect bar recharge rate increased" 0.4 } //ItemAttributes //{ // ItemName "The Fan O'War" // "melee attack rate bonus" 0.6 // "heal on kill" 100 //} CharacterAttributes { "deploy time decreased" 0.001 "increased air control" 4 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.5 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 0.5 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 0.5 //"mult dmgtaken from melee" 0.25 // Uh oh "dmg taken from crit reduced" 0.1 //"health regen" 10 "move speed bonus" 1.2 "increased jump height" 1.4 "cannot pick up intelligence" 1 } VoiceCommand { Delay 0 Cooldown 5 IfHealthBelow 65 Type "Medic" } } T_TFBot_Red_Player_Heavy // Weeb Heavy { Class HeavyWeapons ClassIcon tf2_lite Name "Weeb Heavy" Skill Expert UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 UseHumanModel 1 AddCond { Index 43 } Action Sniper StripItemSlot 1 ExtAttr AlwaysFireWeaponAlt MaxVisionRange 1500 Item "The Huo Long Heatmaker" Item "The Killing Gloves of Boxing" Item "Starboard Crusader" Item "Tsar Platinum" Item "The Mann of the House" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Huo Long Heatmaker" "mod minigun can holster while spinning" 1 "projectile penetration heavy" 1 "attack projectiles" 1 "fire rate bonus" 0.6 "heal on kill" 100 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Killing Gloves of Boxing" "melee attack rate bonus" 0.6 "heal on kill" 100 } CharacterAttributes { "deploy time decreased" 0.001 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 0.5 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 0.5 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.5 //"mult dmgtaken from melee" 0.25 // Uh oh "dmg taken from crit reduced" 0.1 "health regen" 10 //"cannot be backstabbed" 1 "cannot pick up intelligence" 1 } VoiceCommand { Delay 0 Cooldown 5 IfHealthBelow 100 Type "Medic" } FireWeapon { Delay 0 Cooldown 0.1 Repeats 0 IfSeeTarget 1 Type "Primary" } } T_TFBot_Red_Player_Pyro // 0 Tour Pyro { Class Pyro ClassIcon tf2_lite Name "0 Tour Pyro" Skill Expert UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 UseHumanModel 1 UseBestWeapon 1 AddCond { Index 43 } Action Mobber Item "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER" Item "The Flare Gun" Item "The Powerjack" Item "Binoculus" ItemColor // ?? { ItemName "Binoculus" Red 233 Green 150 Blue 122 } Item "Mr. Quackers" Item "The Executioner" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Executioner" "set item tint rgb" 15308410 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER" "is_festivized" 1 "SPELL: Halloween green flames" 1 "damage bonus" 2 "weapon burn dmg increased" 2 "heal on kill" 100 //"weapon burn time increased" 2 //JI broke this upgrade :( } ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Flare Gun" "killstreak tier" 2 "killstreak idleeffect" 3 // Manndarin } ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Powerjack" "paintkit_proto_def_index" 306 "set_item_texture_wear" 0 "melee attack rate bonus" 0.6 "heal on kill" 100 } CharacterAttributes { "deploy time decreased" 0.001 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.25 //"mult dmgtaken from melee" 0.25 // Uh oh "dmg taken from crit reduced" 0.1 "health regen" 10 //"cannot be backstabbed" 1 // Fuck you //"jarate backstabber" 1 // Fuck you } VoiceCommand { Delay 0 Cooldown 5 IfHealthBelow 100 Type "Medic" } } T_TFBot_Red_Player_Medic // Idle Medic { Class Medic ClassIcon tf2_lite Name "Idle Medic" Skill Expert Attributes SpawnWithFullCharge Attributes ProjectileShield UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 UseHumanModel 1 AddCond { Index 43 } Action Mobber Item "The Kritzkrieg" Item "Saxxy" Item "Brimstone" Item "Berliner's Bucket Helm" Item "The Foppish Physician" ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_SYRINGEGUN_MEDIC" "projectile penetration" 1 "clip size bonus" 3 "fire rate bonus" 0.6 "heal on kill" 100 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Kritzkrieg" "ubercharge rate bonus" 2 "generate rage on heal" 2 //"increase buff duration" 3 "uber duration bonus" 6 "overheal expert" 4 "healing mastery" 4 //"canteen specialist" 3 // Sad :( } ItemAttributes { ItemName "Saxxy" "melee attack rate bonus" 0.6 "heal on kill" 100 } CharacterAttributes { "dmg taken from fire reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.25 //"mult dmgtaken from melee" 0.25 // Uh oh "dmg taken from crit reduced" 0.1 "health regen" 10 "move speed bonus" 1.3 "increased jump height" 1.6 "bot medic uber health threshold" 65 "cannot pick up intelligence" 1 } } T_TFBot_Red_Player_Demoman // Tryhard Demoman { Class Demoman ClassIcon tf2_lite Name "Tryhard Demoman" Skill Expert UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 UseHumanModel 1 //UseBestWeapon 1 // Doesn't work on demo bots AddCond { Index 43 } Action Mobber ExtAttr SuppressCanteenUse AimLeadProjectileSpeed 1 Item "The Iron Bomber" Item "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_PIPEBOMBLAUNCHER" Item "Frying Pan" Item "Battery Canteens" Item "Auspicious Automaton Assembler's Accolade" Item "Mann of the Seven Sees" Item "Citizen Cane" ItemAttributes { ItemName "Citizen Cane" "attach particle effect" 142 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "Battery Canteens" "critboost" 3 "powerup duration" 5 "powerup charges" 2 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Iron Bomber" "is_festivized" 1 "paintkit_proto_def_index" 161 "set_item_texture_wear" 0 "killstreak idleeffect" 5 // Agonizing Emerald "killstreak tier" 2 "damage bonus" 1.8 "clip size upgrade atomic" 8 "faster reload rate" 0.4 "fire rate bonus" 0.6 "heal on kill" 100 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_PIPEBOMBLAUNCHER" "is_festivized" 1 "killstreak idleeffect" 6 // Villanious Violet "killstreak tier" 2 "damage bonus" 1.8 "clip size bonus" 3 "faster reload rate" 0.4 "fire rate bonus" 0.6 "heal on kill" 100 "stickybomb charge rate" 0.001 "projectile range decreased" 0.35 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "Frying Pan" "critboost on kill" 4 "melee attack rate bonus" 0.6 "heal on kill" 100 } CharacterAttributes { "deploy time decreased" 0.001 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 0.5 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 0.5 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.5 //"mult dmgtaken from melee" 0.25 // Uh oh "dmg taken from crit reduced" 0.1 "health regen" 10 "move speed bonus" 1.3 "increased jump height" 1.6 //"cannot be backstabbed" 1 "cannot pick up intelligence" 1 } FireWeapon { Delay 15 Duration 0.1 Cooldown 3 Repeats 0 IfSeeTarget 1 Type "Secondary" } FireWeapon // Extra Canteen trolling { IfHealthBelow 100 Delay 0 Cooldown 2 Repeats 0 IfSeeTarget 0 Duration 0.1 Type "Action" } WeaponSwitch //Periodically switches weapon { Delay 15 Cooldown 15 Repeats 0 Type "Secondary" } WeaponSwitch //Periodically switches weapon { Delay 30 Cooldown 30 Repeats 0 Type "Primary" } VoiceCommand { Delay 0 Cooldown 5 IfHealthBelow 100 Type "Medic" } } T_TFBot_Red_Player_Engineer // Nostalgic Engineer { Class Engineer ClassIcon tf2_lite Name "Nostalgic Engineer" Health 125 Skill Expert UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 UseHumanModel 1 AddCond { Index 43 } Action Default ExtAttr BuildDispenserAsTeleporter Item "The Rescue Ranger" Item "The Giger Counter" Item "The Jag" Item "The Beep Boy" ItemColor // ?? { ItemName "The Beep Boy" Red 125 Green 64 Blue 113 } Item "The Dogfighter" Item "Engineer Earmuffs" ItemAttributes { ItemName "Engineer Earmuffs" "attach particle effect" 10 "set item tint rgb" 8208497 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Rescue Ranger" "faster reload rate" 0.4 "clip size bonus" 3 "projectile penetration" 1 "fire rate bonus" 0.6 "heal on kill" 100 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Jag" "melee attack rate bonus" 0.6 "heal on kill" 100 } CharacterAttributes { "dmg taken from fire reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 0.25 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.25 //"mult dmgtaken from melee" 0.25 // Uh oh "dmg taken from crit reduced" 0.1 "health regen" 10 "move speed bonus" 1.3 "increased jump height" 1.6 "engy building health bonus" 4 "engy sentry fire rate increased" 0.7 "deploy time decreased" 0.5 "cannot pick up intelligence" 1 } VoiceCommand { Delay 0 Cooldown 5 IfHealthBelow 75 Type "Medic" } } } Wave { WaitWhenDone 65 Checkpoint Yes StartWaveOutput { Target wave_start_relay Action Trigger } InitWaveOutput { Target change_to_bombpath Action Trigger } DoneOutput { Target wave_finished_relay Action Trigger } WaveSpawn // Start the objective with this { FirstSpawnOutput { Target timer_w1_changer Action Trigger } } Explanation { Line "{blue}YOU ARE NOW A ROBOT AGAIN!" Line "{blue}You'll have 8 minutes to deliver the bomb to the hatch!" } SentryGun { TeamNum 2 level 1 Health 175 Position { X 652 Y -313 Z 192 Pitch 0 Yaw 90 Roll 0 } } SentryGun { TeamNum 2 level 1 Health 175 Position { X 629 Y -995 Z -120 Pitch 0 Yaw 118 Roll 0 } } SentryGun { TeamNum 2 level 1 Health 175 Position { X -1211 Y -1514 Z 224 Pitch 0 Yaw 90 Roll 0 } } SentryGun { TeamNum 2 level 1 Health 175 Position { X 272 Y -1697 Z 112 Pitch 0 Yaw 45 Roll 0 } } SentryGun { TeamNum 2 level 1 Health 175 Position { X 1259 Y -1917 Z 128 Pitch 0 Yaw 90 Roll 0 } } SentryGun { TeamNum 2 level 1 Health 175 Position { X -1259 Y -2559 Z 96 Pitch 0 Yaw 90 Roll 0 } } WaveSpawn { Name w1a TotalCurrency 150 TotalCount 4 MaxActive 3 SpawnCount 1 Where spawnbot_red1b WaitBeforeStarting 3 WaitBetweenSpawns 13 FirstSpawnOutput { Target red1a_on_logic Action Trigger } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Scout_Fast CharacterAttributes { "damage force reduction" 0 "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } CustomEyeGlowColor "255 0 0" Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } WaveSpawn { Name w1a TotalCurrency 50 TotalCount 14 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 2 Where spawnbot_red1a WaitBeforeStarting 5 WaitBetweenSpawns 4 FirstSpawnOutput { Target red1a_on_logic Action Trigger } Squad { TFBot { Name "Heavy" Class HeavyWeapons Skill Easy Attributes DisableDodge CharacterAttributes { "crit mod disabled" 0 "force distribute currency on death" 1 } CustomEyeGlowColor "255 0 0" Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } TFBot { Name "Big-heal Medic" Template T_TFBot_Medic_BigHeal Attributes DisableDodge CharacterAttributes { "crit mod disabled" 0 "force distribute currency on death" 1 } CustomEyeGlowColor "255 0 0" Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } } WaveSpawn { Name w1a TotalCurrency 50 TotalCount 24 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 3 Where spawnbot_red1b WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 3 FirstSpawnOutput { Target red1b_on_logic Action Trigger } TFBot { ClassIcon pyro_detonator_red Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Flaregun Item "The detonator" Item "Old Guadalajara" Name "Detonator Pyro" Skill Hard Attributes DisableDodge CharacterAttributes { "crit mod disabled" 0 "force distribute currency on death" 1 } Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } WaveSpawn { WaitForAllSpawned w1a FirstSpawnOutput { Target tank_hint1 Action Show } } WaveSpawn { Name w1b1 WaitForAllSpawned w1a TotalCurrency 100 TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 5 WaitBetweenSpawns 5 FirstSpawnOutput { Target disable_forcefield_one Action Trigger } Tank { Health 15000 TeamNum 2 Name "tankbossred" ClassIcon tank_red_lite Model "models/bots/boss_bot/boss_tankred.mdl" Speed 55 StartingPathTrackNode "tankpath_red_1" OnKilledOutput { Target boss_dead_relay Action Trigger } OnBombDroppedOutput { Target redwin_relay Action Trigger } } //StartWaveOutput //{ // Target tank_hint1 // Action Show //} } WaveSpawn { Name w1b1 WaitForAllDead w1a TotalCurrency 50 TotalCount 21 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 2 Where spawnbot_red2b1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 2 FirstSpawnOutput { Target red2b1_on_logic Action Trigger } TFBot { ClassIcon heavy_shotgun_red Class Engineer Name "Engineer Shotgun" Skill Hard WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Action FetchFlag BehaviorModifiers Push ItemAttributes { ItemName "tf_weapon_shotgun_primary" "faster reload rate" 0.1 "fire rate bonus" 2.5 "bullets per shot bonus" 3 "damage bonus" 0.33 } CharacterAttributes { "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 } Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } WaveSpawn { Name w1b1 WaitForAllSpawned w1a TotalCurrency 50 TotalCount 18 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 3 Where spawnbot_red2b2 WaitBeforeStarting 10 WaitBetweenSpawns 10 FirstSpawnOutput { Target red2b2_on_logic Action Trigger } TFBot { Health 175 Class Demoman Skill Normal CharacterAttributes { "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 } CustomEyeGlowColor "255 0 0" Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } WaveSpawn { Name w1b2 WaitForAllSpawned w1b1 TotalCurrency 100 TotalCount 2 MaxActive 2 SpawnCount 2 Where spawnbot_red2b1 WaitBeforeStarting 10 WaitBetweenSpawns 10 Squad { TFBot { Name "Giant Demoman" Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demo_RapidFire AlwaysGlow 1 CharacterAttributes { "damage force reduction" 0 "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic CharacterAttributes { "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } CustomEyeGlowColor "255 0 0" Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } } WaveSpawn { Name w1b2 WaitForAllSpawned w1b1 TotalCurrency 100 TotalCount 2 MaxActive 2 SpawnCount 2 Where spawnbot_red2c WaitBeforeStarting 15 WaitBetweenSpawns 10 FirstSpawnOutput { Target red2c_on_logic Action Trigger } Squad { TFBot { Name "Giant Demoman" Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demo_RapidFire AlwaysGlow 1 CharacterAttributes { "damage force reduction" 0 "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic CharacterAttributes { "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } CustomEyeGlowColor "255 0 0" Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } } WaveSpawn { Name w1b2 WaitForAllSpawned w1b1 TotalCurrency 50 TotalCount 20 MaxActive 10 SpawnCount 2 Where spawnbot_red2b2 Where spawnbot_red2a WaitBeforeStarting 12 WaitBetweenSpawns 2 FirstSpawnOutput { Target red2a_on_logic Action Trigger } TFBot { Name "Deflector Pyro" Class Pyro Skill Normal Item "The U-clank-a" ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER" "airblast_destroy_projectile" 1 } CharacterAttributes { "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 } Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } WaveSpawn // disables the second barrier { WaitForAllDead w1b2 FirstSpawnOutput { Target disable_forcefield_two Action Trigger } } WaveSpawn // disables the hatch barrier { WaitForAllDead w1c FirstSpawnOutput { Target disable_hatch Action Trigger } } WaveSpawn { Name w1c WaitForAllDead w1b2 TotalCurrency 150 TotalCount 6 MaxActive 4 SpawnCount 2 Where spawnbot_red3b WaitBeforeStarting 12 WaitBetweenSpawns 12 FirstSpawnOutput { Target red3b_on_logic Action Trigger } Squad { TFBot { ClassIcon soldier_accel Name "Giant Flare Cannon Soldier" Class Soldier Skill Expert Health 3800 WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload Attributes MiniBoss ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER" "set damagetype ignite" 1 "custom projectile model" "models/weapons/w_models/w_drg_ball.mdl" "projectile trail particle" "spell_fireball_small_red" "explosion particle" "asplode_hoodoo_initialfire" "custom item model" "models/weapons/c_models/c_firelauncher/c_firelauncher.mdl" "custom kill icon" "firedeath" "weapon burn dmg increased" 1.25 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.4 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.4 "override footstep sound set" 3 "damage force reduction" 0 "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic CharacterAttributes { "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } CustomEyeGlowColor "255 0 0" Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } } WaveSpawn { Name w1c1 WaitForAllDead w1b2 TotalCurrency 50 TotalCount 30 MaxActive 10 SpawnCount 1 Where spawnbot_red3a WaitBeforeStarting 2 WaitBetweenSpawns 1.5 RandomChoice { TFBot { ClassIcon scout_face_nys Name "Average Scout" Class Scout Skill Normal Item "ghastly gibus 2011" Item "employee badge c" UseHumanModel 1 CharacterAttributes { "kill forces attacker to laugh" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "force distribute currency on death" 1 } Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber VoiceCommand { Delay 3 Cooldown 12 IfSeeTarget 0 Type "Battle Cry" } AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } TFBot { ClassIcon scout_face_nys Name "Bootcamp Random" Class Scout Skill Normal Item "baby face's blaster" Item "ellis hat" Item "spirit of giving" UseHumanModel 1 CharacterAttributes { "kill forces attacker to laugh" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "force distribute currency on death" 1 } Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber VoiceCommand { Delay 3 Cooldown 12 IfSeeTarget 0 Type "Battle Cry" } AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } TFBot { ClassIcon scout_face_nys Name "0 Dps Scout" Class Scout Skill Hard Item "The Back Scatter" Item "loyalty reward" Item "duel medal bronze" UseHumanModel 1 CharacterAttributes { "kill forces attacker to laugh" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "force distribute currency on death" 1 } CustomEyeGlowColor "255 0 0" Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber VoiceCommand { Delay 3 Cooldown 12 IfSeeTarget 0 Type "Battle Cry" } AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } } WaveSpawn // Fake Icon { Name bomb_service TotalCurrency 0 TotalCount 1 Where spawnbot WaitBeforeStarting 9999 support 1 TFBot { Class Scout ClassIcon scout_bombrunner } } WaveSpawn // Fake Icon { Name z1_1 TotalCurrency 0 TotalCount 1 Where spawnbot Support 1 WaitBeforeStarting 9999 TFBot {Class scout ClassIcon vex_mvm_timer} } WaveSpawn // Fake Icon { Name z1_1 TotalCurrency 0 TotalCount 1 Where spawnbot Support 1 WaitBeforeStarting 9999 TFBot {Class scout ClassIcon blu2_lite} } WaveSpawn { Name blusupport1 TotalCurrency 0 TotalCount 999 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 Where spawnbot WaitBeforeStarting 5 WaitBetweenSpawns 5 Support 1 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Fist UseCustomModel "models/bots/heavy/bot_heavy_gibby.mdl" CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.5 } VoiceCommand { Delay 1 Cooldown 6 Repeats 99999 IfHealthBelow 300 Type "MEDIC!" } } } WaveSpawn { Name bluesupport2 TotalCurrency 0 TotalCount 999 MaxActive 3 SpawnCount 3 Where spawnbot WaitBeforeStarting 10 WaitBetweenSpawns 10 Support 1 TFBot { Class Soldier Skill Normal UseCustomModel "models\bots\soldier\bot_soldier_gibby.mdl" BehaviorModifiers Push Attributes IgnoreFlag CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.5 } } } WaveSpawn // Fake Icon { Name z1_1 TotalCurrency 0 TotalCount 1 Where spawnbot Support 1 WaitBeforeStarting 9999 TFBot {Class scout ClassIcon red2_lite} } WaveSpawn { Name redsupport WaitForAllDead w1c1 TotalCurrency 0 TotalCount 50 MaxActive 8 SpawnCount 4 Where spawnbot_red3a WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 4 Support 1 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Huntsman CharacterAttributes { "crit mod disabled" 0 "force distribute currency on death" 1 } CustomEyeGlowColor "255 0 0" Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } WaveSpawn { Name "dumbsubwave" Support 1 TFBot { ClassIcon sentry_gun_red_nys } } WaveSpawn // Dummy { TotalCount 0 SpawnCount 0 WaitBeforeStarting 9999 Where spawnbot_red3b RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot { Class Scout } } } } } Wave { WaitWhenDone 65 Checkpoint Yes StartWaveOutput { Target wave_start_relay Action Trigger } InitWaveOutput { Target change_to_arrows ACtion Trigger } DoneOutput { Target wave_finished_relay Action Trigger } Explanation { Line "{blue}Escort the tractor to the hatch!" Line "{blue}You will only have 1 tractor!" Line "{blue}Losing it will result into a wave failure!" } WaveSpawn // This is important { FirstSpawnOutput { Target wave2_objective Action Trigger } } WaveSpawn // Traktor { TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 TotalCurrency 0 Support Limited DoneOutput { Target redwin_relay Action Trigger } Tank { ClassIcon tank_tractor_nys Name "traktor" StartingPathTrackNode "boss_path_b_1" Health 60000 Speed 75 Skin 0 OnBombDroppedOutput { Target boss_deploy_relay Action Trigger } Spawntemplate "traktor_Tank" Model "models/empty.mdl" StartSound "misc/null.wav" PingSound "misc/null.wav" EngineLoopSound "Taunt.TankForward" DisableTracks 1 DisableChildModels 1 DisableSmokestack 1 } } WaveSpawn { Name w2a TotalCurrency 200 TotalCount 3 MaxActive 3 SpawnCount 1 Where spawnbot_red1a WaitBeforeStarting 7 WaitBetweenSpawns 12 FirstSpawnOutput { Target red1a_on_logic Action Trigger } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Spammer_Reload CharacterAttributes { "damage force reduction" 0 "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } InterruptAction { Target "tank_boss" AimTarget "tank_boss" KillAimTarget 1 WaitUntilDone 1 Delay 5 Repeats 0 Cooldown 5 Duration 0 } } } WaveSpawn { Name w2a TotalCurrency 150 TotalCount 3 MaxActive 3 SpawnCount 1 Where spawnbot_red1a WaitBeforeStarting 15 WaitBetweenSpawns 15 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Scout CharacterAttributes { "damage force reduction" 0 "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } InterruptAction { Target "tank_boss" AimTarget "tank_boss" KillAimTarget 1 WaitUntilDone 1 Delay 5 Repeats 0 Cooldown 5 Duration 0 } } } WaveSpawn { Name w2a TotalCurrency 50 TotalCount 40 MaxActive 12 SpawnCount 4 Where spawnbot_red1a WaitBeforeStarting 5 WaitBetweenSpawns 5 TFBot { ClassIcon heavy_champ_red Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Heavyweight_Champ Attributes "AlwaysCrit" CharacterAttributes { "force distribute currency on death" 1 } CustomEyeGlowColor "255 0 0" Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } InterruptAction { Target "tank_boss" AimTarget "tank_boss" KillAimTarget 1 WaitUntilDone 1 Delay 5 Repeats 0 Cooldown 5 Duration 0 } } } WaveSpawn { WaitForAllDead w2a FirstSpawnOutput { Target disable_pitstop_one Action Trigger } } WaveSpawn { WaitForAllDead w2b FirstSpawnOutput { Target disable_pitstop_two Action Trigger } } WaveSpawn { WaitForAllDead w2c FirstSpawnOutput { Target disable_pitstop_three Action Trigger } } WaveSpawn { Name w2b WaitForAllSpawned w2a TotalCurrency 200 TotalCount 2 MaxActive 2 SpawnCount 1 Where spawnbot_red2b1 WaitBeforeStarting 10 WaitBetweenSpawns 18 FirstSpawnOutput { Target red2b1_on_logic Action Trigger } TFBot { ClassIcon sniper_smg_tind WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly Health 3300 Skill Expert Name "Giant SMG Sniper" Class Sniper Attributes "MiniBoss" MaxVisionRange 1200 AlwaysGlow 1 UseCustomModel "models/bots/sniper_boss/bot_sniper_boss.mdl" CharacterAttributes { "head scale" 0.8 "voice pitch scale" 0 "override footstep sound set" 5 "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0 "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } InterruptAction { Target "tank_boss" AimTarget "tank_boss" KillAimTarget 1 WaitUntilDone 1 Delay 5 Repeats 0 Cooldown 5 Duration 0 } } } WaveSpawn { Name w2b WaitForAllDead w2a TotalCurrency 200 TotalCount 2 MaxActive 2 SpawnCount 1 Where spawnbot_red2c WaitBeforeStarting 10 WaitBetweenSpawns 18 FirstSpawnOutput { Target red2c_on_logic Action Trigger } TFBot { ClassIcon sniper_smg_tind WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly Health 3300 Skill Expert Name "Giant SMG Sniper" Class Sniper Attributes "MiniBoss" MaxVisionRange 1200 AlwaysGlow 1 UseCustomModel "models/bots/sniper_boss/bot_sniper_boss.mdl" CharacterAttributes { "head scale" 0.8 "voice pitch scale" 0 "override footstep sound set" 5 "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0 "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } InterruptAction { Target "tank_boss" AimTarget "tank_boss" KillAimTarget 1 WaitUntilDone 1 Delay 5 Repeats 0 Cooldown 5 Duration 0 } } } WaveSpawn { WaitForAllSpawned w2a FirstSpawnOutput { Target red2b2_on_logic Action Trigger } } WaveSpawn { Name w2b WaitForAllDead w2a TotalCurrency 50 TotalCount 30 MaxActive 10 SpawnCount 2 Where spawnbot_red2a Where spawnbot_red2b2 WaitBeforeStarting 2 WaitBetweenSpawns 2 FirstSpawnOutput { Target red2a_on_logic Action Trigger } RandomChoice { TFBot { Class Soldier Skill Normal CustomEyeGlowColor "255 0 0" Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } InterruptAction { Target "tank_boss" AimTarget "tank_boss" KillAimTarget 1 WaitUntilDone 1 Delay 5 Repeats 0 Cooldown 5 Duration 0 } } TFBot { Class Soldier Skill Normal CustomEyeGlowColor "255 0 0" Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } } WaveSpawn { Name w2c WaitForAllDead w2b TotalCurrency 200 TotalCount 5 MaxActive 4 SpawnCount 1 Where spawnbot_red3b WaitBeforeStarting 3 WaitBetweenSpawns 12 FirstSpawnOutput { Target red3b_on_logic Action Trigger } TFBot { Class Pyro Name "Giant Phlogistinator Pyro" ClassIcon pyro_phlog Skill Expert Health 3000 WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Attributes MiniBoss Attributes "SpawnWithFullCharge" Item "The Phlogistinator" Item "the bubble pipe" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Phlogistinator" "airblast disabled" 0 "increase buff duration" 6.2 "mod rage on hit bonus" 420 "mult airblast refire time" 0.01 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.6 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.6 "override footstep sound set" 6 "damage force reduction" 0 "force distribute currency on death" 1 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } InterruptAction { Target "tank_boss" AimTarget "tank_boss" KillAimTarget 1 WaitUntilDone 1 Delay 5 Repeats 0 Cooldown 5 Duration 0 } } } WaveSpawn { Name w2c WaitForAllDead w2b TotalCurrency 50 TotalCount 33 MaxActive 9 SpawnCount 3 Where spawnbot_red3a WaitBeforeStarting 2 WaitBetweenSpawns 4 Squad { TFBot { Class Demoman Skill Normal CustomEyeGlowColor "255 0 0" CharacterAttributes { "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } TFBot { ClassIcon heavy_shotgun_red Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Shotgun CharacterAttributes { "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } TFBot { ClassIcon heavy_shotgun_red Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Shotgun CharacterAttributes { "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } } WaveSpawn // Fake Icon { Name z1_1 TotalCurrency 0 TotalCount 1 Where spawnbot Support 1 WaitBeforeStarting 9999 TFBot {Class scout ClassIcon red2_lite} } WaveSpawn { Name redsupport WaitForAllDead w2c TotalCurrency 0 TotalCount 50 MaxActive 9 SpawnCount 3 Where spawnbot_red3a WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 4 Support 1 TFBot { ClassIcon pyro_dragon_fury_swordstone Name "Dragon's Fury Pyro" Class Pyro Skill Normal Item "The Dragon's Fury" CharacterAttributes { "airblast disabled" 1 "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } CustomEyeGlowColor "255 0 0" Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } InterruptAction { Target "tank_boss" AimTarget "tank_boss" KillAimTarget 1 WaitUntilDone 1 Delay 5 Repeats 0 Cooldown 5 Duration 0 } } } WaveSpawn // Dummy { TotalCount 0 SpawnCount 0 WaitBeforeStarting 9999 Where spawnbot_red3b RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot { Class Scout } } } } } Wave { WaitWhenDone 65 Checkpoint Yes StartWaveOutput { Target wave_start_relay Action Trigger } InitWaveOutput { Target change_to_bombpath Action Trigger } DoneOutput { Target wave_finished_relay Action Trigger } WaveSpawn // Start the objective with this { FirstSpawnOutput { Target timer_w1_changer Action Trigger } } SentryGun { TeamNum 2 level 2 Health 225 Position { X 652 Y -313 Z 192 Pitch 0 Yaw 90 Roll 0 } } SentryGun { TeamNum 2 level 2 Health 225 Position { X 629 Y -995 Z -120 Pitch 0 Yaw 118 Roll 0 } } SentryGun { TeamNum 2 level 2 Health 225 Position { X -1211 Y -1514 Z 224 Pitch 0 Yaw 90 Roll 0 } } SentryGun { TeamNum 2 level 2 Health 225 Position { X 272 Y -1697 Z 112 Pitch 0 Yaw 45 Roll 0 } } SentryGun { TeamNum 2 level 2 Health 225 Position { X 1259 Y -1917 Z 128 Pitch 0 Yaw 90 Roll 0 } } SentryGun { TeamNum 2 level 2 Health 225 Position { X -1259 Y -2559 Z 96 Pitch 0 Yaw 90 Roll 0 } } WaveSpawn // disables the second barrier { WaitForAllDead w3a FirstSpawnOutput { Target disable_forcefield_one Action Trigger } } WaveSpawn // disables the second barrier { WaitForAllSpawned w3b FirstSpawnOutput { Target disable_forcefield_two Action Trigger } } WaveSpawn // disables the hatch barrier { WaitForAllDead w3c1 FirstSpawnOutput { Target disable_hatch Action Trigger } } WaveSpawn { Name w3a TotalCurrency 250 TotalCount 4 MaxActive 4 SpawnCount 2 Where spawnbot_red1a WaitBeforeStarting 5 WaitBetweenSpawns 25 Squad { TFBot { ClassIcon soldier_accel Name "Giant Flare Cannon Soldier" Class Soldier Skill Expert Health 3800 WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload Attributes MiniBoss ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER" "set damagetype ignite" 1 "custom projectile model" "models/weapons/w_models/w_drg_ball.mdl" "projectile trail particle" "spell_fireball_small_red" "explosion particle" "asplode_hoodoo_initialfire" "custom item model" "models/weapons/c_models/c_firelauncher/c_firelauncher.mdl" "custom kill icon" "firedeath" "weapon burn dmg increased" 1.25 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.4 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.4 "override footstep sound set" 3 "damage force reduction" 0 "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } TFBot { ClassIcon medic_kritz_red Health 4500 Name "Giant Kritz Medic" Class Medic Skill Expert WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly Attributes "SpawnWithFullCharge" Attributes "MiniBoss" Tag bot_squad_member ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Kritzkrieg" "ubercharge rate bonus" 100 "uber duration bonus" 200 "heal rate bonus" 200 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "bot medic uber health threshold" 5000 "damage force reduction" 0.5 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0 "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Item "the kritzkrieg" Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } } WaveSpawn { Name w3a TotalCurrency 75 TotalCount 24 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 3 Where spawnbot_red1b WaitBeforeStarting 2 WaitBetweenSpawns 5 FirstSpawnOutput { Target red1b_on_logic Action Trigger } TFBot { ClassIcon spy_revolver_lite WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Name "Gun Spy" Skill Normal Class Spy Action FetchFlag CharacterAttributes { "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 "cannot disguise" 1 } CustomEyeGlowColor "255 0 0" Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } WaveSpawn { Name w3a TotalCurrency 75 TotalCount 16 MaxActive 4 SpawnCount 2 Where spawnbot_red1a WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 2 FirstSpawnOutput { Target red1a_on_logic Action Trigger } TFBot { ClassIcon demo_burst_red Template T_TFBot_Demo_Burst CharacterAttributes { "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } CustomEyeGlowColor "255 0 0" Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } WaveSpawn { WaitForAllSpawned w3a FirstSpawnOutput { Target red2b2_on_logic Action Trigger } } WaveSpawn { WaitForAllSpawned w3a FirstSpawnOutput { Target red2c_on_logic Action Trigger } } WaveSpawn { Name w3b WaitForAllSpawned w3a TotalCurrency 275 TotalCount 4 MaxActive 3 SpawnCount 1 Where spawnbot_red2b2 Where spawnbot_red2c WaitBeforeStarting 10 WaitBetweenSpawns 13 TFBot { ClassIcon demo_spammer Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demoman AlwaysGlow 1 CharacterAttributes { "damage force reduction" 0 "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } WaveSpawn { Name w3b WaitForAllDead w3a TotalCurrency 75 TotalCount 24 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 3 Where spawnbot_red2b1 WaitBeforeStarting 2 WaitBetweenSpawns 10 FirstSpawnOutput { Target red2b1_on_logic Action Trigger } TFBot { Health 125 Class Scout Skill Easy CharacterAttributes { "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } CustomEyeGlowColor "255 0 0" Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } WaveSpawn { Name w3b WaitForAllDead w3a TotalCurrency 75 TotalCount 18 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 3 Where spawnbot_red2a WaitBeforeStarting 3 WaitBetweenSpawns 3 FirstSpawnOutput { Target red2a_on_logic Action Trigger } TFBot { Class Soldier Skill Normal CharacterAttributes { "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } CustomEyeGlowColor "255 0 0" Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } WaveSpawn { Name w3c1 WaitForAllSpawned w3b TotalCurrency 300 TotalCount 2 MaxActive 2 SpawnCount 1 Where spawnbot_red3b WaitBeforeStarting 15 WaitBetweenSpawns 25 FirstSpawnOutput { Target red3b_on_logic Action Trigger } Squad { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavyweapons CharacterAttributes { "damage force reduction" 0 "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } } WaveSpawn { Name w3c2 WaitForAllSpawned w3b TotalCurrency 75 TotalCount 27 MaxActive 9 SpawnCount 3 Where spawnbot_red3a WaitBeforeStarting 8 WaitBetweenSpawns 3 TFBot { ClassIcon demo_loch_nys Health 175 Name "Loch-n-load Demoman" Class Demoman Skill Hard Item "the loch-n-load" CharacterAttributes { "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } WaveSpawn // Fake Icon { Name bomb_service TotalCurrency 0 TotalCount 1 Where spawnbot WaitBeforeStarting 9999 support 1 TFBot { Class Scout ClassIcon scout_bombrunner } } WaveSpawn // Fake Icon { Name z1_1 TotalCurrency 0 TotalCount 1 Where spawnbot Support 1 WaitBeforeStarting 9999 TFBot {Class scout ClassIcon vex_mvm_timer} } WaveSpawn // Fake Icon { Name z1_1 TotalCurrency 0 TotalCount 1 Where spawnbot Support 1 WaitBeforeStarting 9999 TFBot {Class scout ClassIcon blu2_lite} } WaveSpawn { Name bluesupport2 TotalCurrency 0 TotalCount 999 MaxActive 2 SpawnCount 2 Where spawnbot WaitBeforeStarting 10 WaitBetweenSpawns 10 Support 1 TFBot { ClassIcon pyro_dragon_fury_swordstone Health 525 Scale 1.35 Name "Dragon's Fury Pyro" Class Pyro Skill Normal Item "The Dragon's Fury" UseCustomModel "models/bots/pyro/bot_pyro_gibby.mdl" CharacterAttributes { "airblast disabled" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 } VoiceCommand { Delay 1 Cooldown 6 Repeats 99999 IfHealthBelow 175 Type "MEDIC!" } } } WaveSpawn // Fake Icon { Name z1_1 TotalCurrency 0 TotalCount 1 Where spawnbot Support 1 WaitBeforeStarting 9999 TFBot {Class scout ClassIcon red2_lite} } WaveSpawn { Name redsupport1 WaitForAllDead w3c1 TotalCurrency 0 TotalCount 50 MaxActive 2 SpawnCount 1 Where spawnbot_red3b WaitBeforeStarting 5 WaitBetweenSpawns 20 Support 1 TFBot { ClassIcon soldier_giant_support Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier CharacterAttributes { "damage force reduction" 0 "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } WaveSpawn { Name redsupport2 WaitForAllDead w3c2 TotalCurrency 0 TotalCount 50 MaxActive 8 SpawnCount 4 Where spawnbot_red3a WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 4 Support 1 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Knight CharacterAttributes { "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } WaveSpawn // Fake Icon { Name z1_1 TotalCurrency 0 TotalCount 1 Where spawnbot Support 1 WaitBeforeStarting 9999 TFBot {Class scout ClassIcon sentry_gun_lvl2_red_lite} } WaveSpawn // Dummy { TotalCount 0 SpawnCount 0 WaitBeforeStarting 9999 Where spawnbot_red3b RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot { Class Scout } } } } } Wave { WaitWhenDone 65 Checkpoint Yes StartWaveOutput { Target wave_start_relay Action Trigger } InitWaveOutput { Target change_to_arrows Action Trigger } DoneOutput { Target wave_finished_relay Action Trigger } WaveSpawn // This is important { FirstSpawnOutput { Target wave2_objective Action Trigger } } WaveSpawn { WaitForAllDead w4a FirstSpawnOutput { Target disable_pitstop_one Action Trigger } } WaveSpawn { WaitForAllDead w4b FirstSpawnOutput { Target disable_pitstop_two Action Trigger } } WaveSpawn { WaitForAllDead w4c FirstSpawnOutput { Target disable_pitstop_three Action Trigger } } WaveSpawn // Traktor { TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 TotalCurrency 0 Support Limited DoneOutput { Target redwin_relay Action Trigger } Tank { ClassIcon tank_tractor_nys Name "traktor" StartingPathTrackNode "boss_path_b_1" Health 75000 Speed 75 Skin 0 OnBombDroppedOutput { Target boss_deploy_relay Action Trigger } Spawntemplate "traktor_Tank" Model "models/empty.mdl" StartSound "misc/null.wav" PingSound "misc/null.wav" EngineLoopSound "Taunt.TankForward" DisableTracks 1 DisableChildModels 1 DisableSmokestack 1 } } WaveSpawn { Name w4a TotalCurrency 100 TotalCount 8 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 2 Where spawnbot_red1a WaitBeforeStarting 5 WaitBetweenSpawns 15 FirstSpawnOutput { Target red1a_on_logic Action Trigger } Squad { TFBot { Class Pyro Name "Giant Phlogistinator Pyro" ClassIcon pyro_phlog Skill Expert Health 3000 WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Attributes MiniBoss Attributes "SpawnWithFullCharge" Item "The Phlogistinator" Item "the bubble pipe" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Phlogistinator" "airblast disabled" 0 "increase buff duration" 6.2 "mod rage on hit bonus" 420 "mult airblast refire time" 0.01 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.6 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.6 "override footstep sound set" 6 "damage force reduction" 0 "force distribute currency on death" 1 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } InterruptAction { Target "tank_boss" AimTarget "tank_boss" KillAimTarget 1 WaitUntilDone 1 Delay 5 Repeats 0 Cooldown 5 Duration 0 } } TFBot { Name "Big-heal Medic" Template T_TFBot_Medic_BigHeal CharacterAttributes { "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } CustomEyeGlowColor "255 0 0" Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } } WaveSpawn { Name w4a TotalCurrency 100 TotalCount 6 MaxActive 4 SpawnCount 2 Where spawnbot_red1a WaitBeforeStarting 10 WaitBetweenSpawns 18 TFBot { Name "Giant Charged Homing Soldier" Class Soldier Skill Expert Health 3800 ClassIcon soldier_homing_nys_giant Item "The Original" Attributes MiniBoss Tag bot_giant Item "The Cross-Comm Crash Helmet" RocketCustomParticle eyeboss_projectile Attributes AlwaysCrit HomingRockets { IgnoreDisguisedSpies 1 IgnoreStealthedSpies 1 TurnPower 70 MaxAimError 180 AimTime 1.5 RocketSpeed 0.42 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Original" "projectile speed increased" 0.5 "fire rate penalty" 2 "faster reload rate" 0.01 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.2 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.2 "override footstep sound set" 3 "damage force reduction" 0 "force distribute currency on death" 1 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 36 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } InterruptAction { Target "tank_boss" AimTarget "tank_boss" KillAimTarget 1 WaitUntilDone 1 Delay 5 Repeats 0 Cooldown 5 Duration 0 } } } WaveSpawn { Name w4a TotalCurrency 50 TotalCount 40 MaxActive 8 SpawnCount 4 Where spawnbot_red1a WaitBeforeStarting 8 WaitBetweenSpawns 4 RandomChoice { TFBot { ClassIcon heavy_shotgun_red Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Shotgun Skill Hard CharacterAttributes { "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } TFBot { ClassIcon heavy_shotgun_red Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Shotgun Skill Hard CharacterAttributes { "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } InterruptAction { Target "tank_boss" AimTarget "tank_boss" KillAimTarget 1 WaitUntilDone 1 Delay 5 Repeats 0 Cooldown 5 Duration 0 } } } } WaveSpawn { WaitForAllSpawned w4a FirstSpawnOutput { Target blimp_hint Action Show } } WaveSpawn { Name w4b1 WaitForAllSpawned w4a TotalCurrency 200 TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 5 WaitBetweenSpawns 10 LastSpawnOutput { Target red_blimp_relay Action Trigger } Tank { Health 15000 Name "blimpbossred" Speed 60 DisableSmokestack 1 Classicon blimp2_red_lite Skin 6 TeamNum 2 MaxTurnRate 10 Model { Default "models/bots/boss_bot/boss_blimp.mdl" Damage1 "models/bots/boss_bot/boss_blimp_damage1.mdl" Damage2 "models/bots/boss_bot/boss_blimp_damage2.mdl" Damage3 "models/bots/boss_bot/boss_blimp_damage3.mdl" } ReplaceModelCollisions 1 Gravity 0 DisableTracks 1 DisableChildModels 1 EngineLoopSound "npc\combine_gunship\dropship_engine_distant_loop1.wav" PingSound "npc\combine_gunship\ping_search.wav" StartingPathTrackNode "blimp_red_1" OnKilledOutput { Target boss_dead_relay Action Trigger } OnBombDroppedOutput { Target redwin_relay Action Trigger } } StartWaveOutput { Target blimp_hint Action Show } } WaveSpawn { Name w4b WaitForAllDead w4a TotalCurrency 125 TotalCount 4 MaxActive 4 SpawnCount 2 Where spawnbot_red2b1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 25 FirstSpawnOutput { Target red2b1_on_logic Action Trigger } Squad { TFBot { Class Soldier Name "Giant Rapid Fire Backup Soldier" ClassIcon soldier_backup_spammer Health 3800 Skill Expert WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Attributes MiniBoss Attributes SpawnWithFullCharge Item "The Battalion's Backup" AlwaysGlow 1 ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER" "faster reload rate" -0.8 "fire rate bonus" 0.5 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.4 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.4 "override footstep sound set" 3 "Projectile speed increased" 0.65 "increase buff duration" 9.0 "damage force reduction" 0 "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } InterruptAction { Target "tank_boss" AimTarget "tank_boss" KillAimTarget 1 WaitUntilDone 1 Delay 5 Repeats 0 Cooldown 5 Duration 0 } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic CharacterAttributes { "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } } WaveSpawn { Name w4b WaitForAllDead w4a TotalCurrency 125 TotalCount 4 MaxActive 4 SpawnCount 2 Where spawnbot_red2c WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 25 FirstSpawnOutput { Target red2c_on_logic Action Trigger } Squad { TFBot { Class Soldier Name "Giant Rapid Fire Buff Soldier" ClassIcon soldier_buff_spammer Health 3800 Skill Expert WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Attributes MiniBoss Attributes SpawnWithFullCharge Item "The Buff Banner" AlwaysGlow 1 ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_ROCKETLAUNCHER" "faster reload rate" -0.8 "fire rate bonus" 0.5 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.4 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.4 "override footstep sound set" 3 "Projectile speed increased" 0.65 "increase buff duration" 9.0 "damage force reduction" 0 "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } InterruptAction { Target "tank_boss" AimTarget "tank_boss" KillAimTarget 1 WaitUntilDone 1 Delay 5 Repeats 0 Cooldown 5 Duration 0 } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic CharacterAttributes { "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } } WaveSpawn { Name w4c WaitForAllDead w4b TotalCurrency 200 TotalCount 4 MaxActive 3 SpawnCount 1 Where spawnbot_red3b WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 12 FirstSpawnOutput { Target red3b_on_logic Action Trigger } TFBot { ClassIcon sniper_smg_tind WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly Health 3300 Skill Expert Name "Giant SMG Sniper" Class Sniper Attributes AlwaysCrit Attributes "MiniBoss" UseCustomModel "models/bots/sniper_boss/bot_sniper_boss.mdl" CharacterAttributes { "head scale" 0.7 "voice pitch scale" 0 "override footstep sound set" 5 "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0 "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } InterruptAction { Target "tank_boss" AimTarget "tank_boss" KillAimTarget 1 WaitUntilDone 1 Delay 5 Repeats 0 Cooldown 5 Duration 0 } } } WaveSpawn { Name w4c WaitForAllDead w4b TotalCurrency 50 TotalCount 27 MaxActive 9 SpawnCount 3 Where spawnbot_red3a WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 3 RandomChoice { TFBot { Skill Hard Template T_TFBot_Demoman CharacterAttributes { "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } TFBot { Skill Hard Template T_TFBot_Demoman CharacterAttributes { "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } InterruptAction { Target "tank_boss" AimTarget "tank_boss" KillAimTarget 1 WaitUntilDone 1 Delay 5 Repeats 0 Cooldown 5 Duration 0 } } } } WaveSpawn { Name w4c WaitForAllDead w4b TotalCurrency 50 TotalCount 9 MaxActive 3 SpawnCount 1 Where spawnbot_red3b WaitBeforeStarting 5 WaitBetweenSpawns 4 RandomChoice { TFBot { ClassIcon heavy_armored_shotgun_red Health 900 Name "Armored Heavy Shotgun" Scale 1.5 Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Shotgun Item "dragonborn helmet" CharacterAttributes { "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } InterruptAction { Target "tank_boss" AimTarget "tank_boss" KillAimTarget 1 WaitUntilDone 1 Delay 5 Repeats 0 Cooldown 5 Duration 0 } } TFBot { ClassIcon heavy_armored_shotgun_red Health 900 Name "Armored Heavy Shotgun" Scale 1.5 Template T_TFBot_Heavyweapons_Shotgun Item "dragonborn helmet" CharacterAttributes { "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } } WaveSpawn // Fake Icon { Name z1_1 TotalCurrency 0 TotalCount 1 Where spawnbot Support 1 WaitBeforeStarting 9999 TFBot {Class scout ClassIcon red2_lite} } WaveSpawn { Name redsupport1 WaitForAllDead w4c TotalCurrency 0 TotalCount 999 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 3 Where spawnbot_red3a WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 3 Support 1 TFBot { ClassIcon soldier_bison Health 200 Name "Bison Soldier" Class Soldier Skill Normal WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly Attributes "AlwaysCrit" Item "the righteous bison" Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } InterruptAction { Target "tank_boss" AimTarget "tank_boss" KillAimTarget 1 WaitUntilDone 1 Delay 5 Repeats 0 Cooldown 5 Duration 0 } } } WaveSpawn { Name redsupport2 WaitForAllDead w4c TotalCurrency 0 TotalCount 999 MaxActive 4 SpawnCount 2 Where spawnbot_red3b WaitBeforeStarting 1 WaitBetweenSpawns 2 Support 1 TFBot { Class Soldier Skill Normal Attributes "AlwaysCrit" Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } WaveSpawn // Dummy { TotalCount 0 SpawnCount 0 WaitBeforeStarting 9999 Where spawnbot_red3b RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot { Class Scout } } } } } Wave { WaitWhenDone 65 Checkpoint Yes StartWaveOutput { Target wave_start_relay Action Trigger } InitWaveOutput { Target change_to_bombpath Action Trigger } DoneOutput { Target wave_finished_relay Action Trigger } WaveSpawn // Start the objective with this { FirstSpawnOutput { Target timer_w1_changer Action Trigger } } WaveSpawn // disables the first barrier { WaitForAllSpawned w5a WaitBeforeStarting 5 FirstSpawnOutput { Target disable_forcefield_one Action Trigger } } WaveSpawn // disables the hatch barrier { WaitForAllDead w5c1 FirstSpawnOutput { Target disable_hatch Action Trigger } } SentryGun { TeamNum 2 level 3 Health 275 Position { X 652 Y -313 Z 192 Pitch 0 Yaw 90 Roll 0 } } SentryGun { TeamNum 2 level 3 Health 275 Position { X 629 Y -995 Z -120 Pitch 0 Yaw 118 Roll 0 } } SentryGun { TeamNum 2 level 3 Health 275 Position { X -1211 Y -1514 Z 224 Pitch 0 Yaw 90 Roll 0 } } SentryGun { TeamNum 2 level 3 Health 275 Position { X 272 Y -1697 Z 112 Pitch 0 Yaw 45 Roll 0 } } SentryGun { TeamNum 2 level 3 Health 275 Position { X 1259 Y -1917 Z 128 Pitch 0 Yaw 90 Roll 0 } } SentryGun { TeamNum 2 level 3 Health 275 Position { X -1259 Y -2559 Z 96 Pitch 0 Yaw 90 Roll 0 } } WaveSpawn { Name w5a TotalCurrency 150 TotalCount 3 MaxActive 2 SpawnCount 1 Where spawnbot_red1a WaitBeforeStarting 2 WaitBetweenSpawns 15 FirstSpawnOutput { Target red1a_on_logic Action Trigger } TFBot { ClassIcon demo_atomic WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Health 3600 Skill Expert Name "Giant Nuke Demoman" Class Demoman Attributes "HoldFireUntilFullReload" Attributes "MiniBoss" Attributes "AlwaysCrit" Item "The Loose Cannon" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Loose Cannon" "grenade launcher mortar mode" 0 "damage bonus" 2 "use large smoke explosion" 1 "fire rate bonus" 2.5 "Blast radius increased" 1.5 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.5 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.5 "override footstep sound set" 4 "force distribute currency on death" 1 "damage force reduction" 0 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } WaveSpawn { Name w5a TotalCurrency 50 TotalCount 18 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 2 Where spawnbot_red1a WaitBeforeStarting 3 WaitBetweenSpawns 4 Squad { TFBot { ClassIcon heavy_deflector Health 300 Skill Hard Name "Deflector Heavy" Class HeavyWeapons Item "deflector" Item "the u-clank-a" ItemAttributes { ItemName "Deflector" "attack projectiles" 1 } CharacterAttributes { "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } TFBot { Name "Quick Uber Medic" Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickUber CharacterAttributes { "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } } WaveSpawn { Name w1b2 WaitForAllSpawned w1b1 TotalCurrency 50 TotalCount 24 MaxActive 8 SpawnCount 4 Where spawnbot_red1b WaitBeforeStarting 12 WaitBetweenSpawns 5 FirstSpawnOutput { Target red1b_on_logic Action Trigger } TFBot { Name "Deflector Pyro" Class Pyro Skill Normal Item "The U-clank-a" Attributes "AlwaysCrit" ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER" "airblast_destroy_projectile" 1 } CharacterAttributes { "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 } Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } WaveSpawn { Name w5b1 WaitForAllSpawned w5a TotalCurrency 200 TotalCount 3 MaxActive 3 SpawnCount 1 Where spawnbot_red2b1 WaitBeforeStarting 8 WaitBetweenSpawns 10 FirstSpawnOutput { Target red2b1_on_logic Action Trigger } TFBot { ClassIcon scout_armored_red Class Scout Name "Giant Armored Scout" Skill Expert Health 3000 WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Attributes MiniBoss Attributes "AlwaysCrit" Item "courtly cuirass" Item "squire's sabatons" CharacterAttributes { "damage force reduction" 0.7 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.7 "override footstep sound set" 5 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "force distribute currency on death" 1 "damage force reduction" 0 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } WaveSpawn { Name w5b1 WaitForAllSpawned w5a TotalCurrency 50 TotalCount 18 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 3 Where spawnbot_red2b2 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 3 FirstSpawnOutput { Target red2b2_on_logic Action Trigger } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Soldier_RocketShotgun CharacterAttributes { "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } WaveSpawn { Name w5b1 WaitForAllSpawned w5a TotalCurrency 50 TotalCount 18 MaxActive 6 SpawnCount 2 Where spawnbot_red2a WaitBeforeStarting 8 WaitBetweenSpawns 2 FirstSpawnOutput { Target red2a_on_logic Action Trigger } TFBot { Skill Hard Class Demoman Attributes "AlwaysCrit" CharacterAttributes { "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } WaveSpawn { Name w5b2 WaitForAllDead w5b1 TotalCurrency 200 TotalCount 2 MaxActive 2 SpawnCount 2 Where spawnbot_red2b1 WaitBeforeStarting 5 WaitBetweenSpawns 10 Squad { TFBot { Name "Giant Homing Burst Fire" Class Demoman ClassIcon demo_burst_homing Health 3300 Attributes MiniBoss Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload Skill Expert MaxVisionRange 900 WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly AlwaysGlow 1 AddCond { Name TF_COND_SODAPOPPER_HYPE } Item "point and shoot" Item "warbird_grenadelauncher_warhawk" ItemAttributes { ItemName "warbird_grenadelauncher_warhawk" "set_item_texture_wear" 0.2 "mod projectile heat seek power" 75 "mod projectile heat aim error" 270 "mod projectile heat aim time" 1.5 "faster reload rate" 0.65 "fire rate bonus" 0.1 "clip size upgrade atomic" 7.0 "projectile spread angle penalty" 5 "Projectile speed increased" 0.60 "fuse bonus" 2.2 "blast dmg to self increased" 0 "projectile trail particle" eyeboss_projectile } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0.4 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.4 "override footstep sound set" 4 "force distribute currency on death" 1 "damage force reduction" 0 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } TFBot { ClassIcon medic_kritz_red Health 4500 Name "Giant Kritz Medic" Class Medic Skill Expert WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly Attributes "SpawnWithFullCharge" Attributes "MiniBoss" Tag bot_squad_member ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Kritzkrieg" "ubercharge rate bonus" 100 "uber duration bonus" 200 "heal rate bonus" 200 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "bot medic uber health threshold" 5000 "damage force reduction" 0.5 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0 "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Item "the kritzkrieg" Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } } WaveSpawn { Name w5b2 WaitForAllDead w5b1 TotalCurrency 200 TotalCount 2 MaxActive 2 SpawnCount 2 Where spawnbot_red2c WaitBeforeStarting 5 WaitBetweenSpawns 10 FirstSpawnOutput { Target red2c_on_logic Action Trigger } Squad { TFBot { ClassIcon soldier_burstfire_homing_nys Name "Giant Burst Fire Homing" Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Spammer_Reload AlwaysGlow 1 Item "point and shoot" HomingRockets { IgnoreDisguisedSpies 1 IgnoreStealthedSpies 1 RocketSpeed 0.5 TurnPower 75 MaxAimError 270 AimTime 1.5 } CharacterAttributes { "force distribute currency on death" 1 "damage force reduction" 0 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber Addcond {Name TF_COND_SODAPOPPER_HYPE} AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } RocketCustomParticle eyeboss_projectile } TFBot { ClassIcon medic_kritz_red Health 4500 Name "Giant Kritz Medic" Class Medic Skill Expert WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly Attributes "SpawnWithFullCharge" Attributes "MiniBoss" Tag bot_squad_member ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Kritzkrieg" "ubercharge rate bonus" 100 "uber duration bonus" 200 "heal rate bonus" 200 } CharacterAttributes { "move speed bonus" 0.5 "bot medic uber health threshold" 5000 "damage force reduction" 0.5 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.5 "damage force reduction" 0 "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Item "the kritzkrieg" Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } } WaveSpawn { WaitForAllDead w5b2 FirstSpawnOutput { Target tank_hint2 Action Show } } WaveSpawn { Name w5c1 WaitForAllDead w5b2 TotalCurrency 950 TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 5 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 FirstSpawnOutput { Target disable_forcefield_two Action Trigger } Tank { Health 40000 TeamNum 2 Skin 1 Name "thermaltank" ClassIcon tank_red_lite_fire Model "models/bots/boss_bot/boss_tankred.mdl" Speed 75 StartingPathTrackNode "tankpath_fire_1" Spawntemplate thermaltank OnKilledOutput { Target boss_dead_relay Action Trigger } OnBombDroppedOutput { Target redwin_relay Action Trigger } } //StartWaveOutput //{ // Target tank_hint2 // Action Show //} } WaveSpawn { Name w5c2 WaitForAllDead w5b2 TotalCurrency 100 TotalCount 9 MaxActive 9 SpawnCount 3 Where spawnbot_red3b WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 15 FirstSpawnOutput { Target red3b_on_logic Action Trigger } Squad { TFBot { ClassIcon heavy_deflector_giant Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavyweapons_Deflector CharacterAttributes { "damage force reduction" 0 "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic CharacterAttributes { "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic CharacterAttributes { "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } } WaveSpawn { Name w5c2 WaitForAllDead w5b2 TotalCurrency 0 TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 Where spawnbot_red3a WaitBeforeStarting 3 WaitBetweenSpawns 10 FirstSpawnWarningSound "vo\announcer_do_not_fail_again.mp3" //DoneWarningSound mvm\mvm_player_died.wav TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Red_Player_Scout DeathSound "mvm\mvm_player_died.wav" } } WaveSpawn { Name w5c2 WaitForAllDead w5b2 TotalCurrency 0 TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 Where spawnbot_red3a WaitBeforeStarting 3 WaitBetweenSpawns 10 //DoneWarningSound mvm\mvm_player_died.wav DoneOutput { Target lmao_pyro_died Action Trigger } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Red_Player_Pyro DeathSound "mvm\mvm_player_died.wav" } } WaveSpawn { Name w5c2 WaitForAllDead w5b2 TotalCurrency 0 TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 Where spawnbot_red3a WaitBeforeStarting 3 WaitBetweenSpawns 10 //DoneWarningSound mvm\mvm_player_died.wav TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Red_Player_Demoman DeathSound "mvm\mvm_player_died.wav" } } WaveSpawn { Name w5c2 WaitForAllDead w5b2 TotalCurrency 0 TotalCount 2 MaxActive 2 SpawnCount 2 Where spawnbot_red3a WaitBeforeStarting 3 WaitBetweenSpawns 10 //DoneWarningSound mvm\mvm_player_died.wav Squad { TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Red_Player_Heavy DeathSound "mvm\mvm_player_died.wav" } TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Red_Player_Medic DeathSound "mvm\mvm_player_died.wav" } } } WaveSpawn { Name w5c2 WaitForAllDead w5b2 TotalCurrency 0 TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 Where spawnbot_red3a WaitBeforeStarting 3 WaitBetweenSpawns 10 DoneWarningSound mvm\mvm_player_died.wav TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Red_Player_Engineer } } WaveSpawn // Fake Icon { Name bomb_service TotalCurrency 0 TotalCount 1 Where spawnbot WaitBeforeStarting 9999 support 1 TFBot { Class Scout ClassIcon scout_bombrunner } } WaveSpawn // Fake Icon { Name z1_1 TotalCurrency 0 TotalCount 1 Where spawnbot Support 1 WaitBeforeStarting 9999 TFBot {Class scout ClassIcon vex_mvm_timer} } WaveSpawn // Fake Icon { Name z1_1 TotalCurrency 0 TotalCount 1 Where spawnbot Support 1 WaitBeforeStarting 9999 TFBot {Class scout ClassIcon blu2_lite} } WaveSpawn { Name bluesupport2 TotalCurrency 0 TotalCount 999 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 Where spawnbot WaitBeforeStarting 15 WaitBetweenSpawns 15 Support 1 TFBot { ClassIcon soldier_spammer_giant_support Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Spammer_Reload UseCustomModel "models\bots\soldier_boss\bot_soldier_boss_gibby.mdl" CharacterAttributes { "voice pitch scale" 0.5 } VoiceCommand { Delay 1 Cooldown 6 Repeats 99999 IfHealthBelow 1100 Type "MEDIC!" } } } WaveSpawn { Name "blue buster" Where spawnbot TotalCount 6969 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 45 WaitBetweenSpawns 45 Support 1 TFBot { ClassIcon sentry_buster Class Demoman Name "Scrap Buster" Skill Expert Health 2500 Item "The Ullapool Caber" WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreEnemies Attributes MiniBoss CharacterAttributes { "damage force reduction" 0 "voice pitch scale" 0.75 "crit mod disabled" 0 "ammo regen" 1 "health from packs increased" 0.15 "move speed bonus" 2 "damage force reduction" 0.5 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.5 "override footstep sound set" 7 "cannot be backstabbed" 1 } UseCustomModel "models/bots/demo/bot_sentry_buster_gibby.mdl" Action SuicideBomber UseBusterModel 1 CustomWeaponModel { Slot 0 Model "models/empty.mdl" } } } WaveSpawn // Fake Icon { Name z1_1 TotalCurrency 0 TotalCount 1 Where spawnbot Support 1 WaitBeforeStarting 9999 TFBot {Class scout ClassIcon red2_lite} } WaveSpawn { Name redsupport1 WaitForAllDead w5c1 TotalCurrency 0 TotalCount 50 MaxActive 2 SpawnCount 1 Where spawnbot_red3b WaitBeforeStarting 10 WaitBetweenSpawns 25 Support 1 TFBot { ClassIcon heavy_giant_support Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavyweapons CharacterAttributes { "damage force reduction" 0 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } WaveSpawn { Name redsupport2 WaitForAllDead w5c2 TotalCurrency 0 TotalCount 50 MaxActive 8 SpawnCount 4 Where spawnbot_red3a WaitBeforeStarting 2 WaitBetweenSpawns 5 Support 1 TFBot { Class Demoman Name "Clusterbomb Demo" ClassIcon demo_clusterbomb_red Health 175 Skill Expert WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload Item "The Iron Bomber" Item "The Bomber Knight" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Iron Bomber" "faster reload rate" 1.75 "fire rate bonus" 0.05 "clip size penalty" 0.5 "projectile spread angle penalty" 3 //"Projectile speed increased" 1.1 } CharacterAttributes { "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } WaveSpawn // Fake Icon { Name z1_1 TotalCurrency 0 TotalCount 1 Where spawnbot Support 1 WaitBeforeStarting 9999 TFBot {Class scout ClassIcon sentry_gun_lvl3_red_lite} } WaveSpawn // Dummy { TotalCount 0 SpawnCount 0 WaitBeforeStarting 9999 Where spawnbot_red3b RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot { Class Scout } } } } } Wave // Wave 6 { WaitWhenDone 65 Checkpoint Yes StartWaveOutput { Target wave_start_relay Action Trigger } InitWaveOutput { Target change_to_arrows Action Trigger } DoneOutput { Target wave_finished_relay Action Trigger } WaveSpawn // important { FirstSpawnOutput { Target wave6_objective Action Trigger } } WaveSpawn { TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 0 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 FirstSpawnMessage "{blue}follow the path" Support Limited TFBot {Class scout ClassIcon blu2_lite} } WaveSpawn { TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 5 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 FirstSpawnMessage "???: I see that u came pretty far now huh" Support Limited TFBot {Class scout ClassIcon blu2_lite} } WaveSpawn { TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 10 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 FirstSpawnMessage "???: bravo too you robotic tincans" Support Limited TFBot {Class scout ClassIcon blu2_lite} } WaveSpawn { TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 15 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 FirstSpawnMessage "???: but don't worry the games aren't over just yet" Support Limited TFBot {Class scout ClassIcon blu2_lite} } WaveSpawn { TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 20 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 FirstSpawnMessage "???:{red} things are about to get" Support Limited TFBot {Class scout ClassIcon blu2_lite} } WaveSpawn { TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 23 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 FirstSpawnMessage "???:{red} REALLY INTERESTING NOW!!" Support Limited TFBot {Class scout ClassIcon blu2_lite} } WaveSpawn // stoopid { FirstSpawnMessage "{red}Terminator: Prepare to DIE!" WaitBeforeStarting 33 } WaveSpawn { Name finale TotalCurrency 0 TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 Where spawnbot_hellmetgetsmadlol WaitBeforeStarting 2 WaitBetweenSpawns 5 //FirstSpawnMessage "{red}Terminator: Prepare to DIE!" TFBot { DeathSound "misc\null.wav" ClassIcon demo_automaton_red_nys Health 200000 Name "Terminator" Class Demoman Skill Expert //WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Scale 12 AlwaysGlow 1 Attributes "MiniBoss" Attributes "UseBossHealthBar" Item "Alcoholic Automaton" Item "Forgotten King's Pauldrons" Item "the dark age defender" Item "Prince Tavish's Crown" Item "Battery Canteens" SpawnTemplate IconChanger Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag ExtAttr SuppressCanteenUse ShootTemplate { Name ShootStickies Attachtoprojectile 1 ItemName "powerhouse_stickybomblauncher_pinkelephant" } AddCond { Index 43 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 200000 Name "phase1" //MAJOR BOMBER+CRIT CANS } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 150001 Name "phase2" //STICKY NUKE } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 100001 Name "phase3" //HOMING BARRAGE } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 50001 Name "phase4" //ALL GAMES ARE OVER! } FireInput { Delay 0 Target icon_changon IfHealthBelow 200000 Action Trigger Param "" Repeats 1 } FireInput { Delay 0 Target icon_changon IfHealthBelow 150001 Action FireUser1 Param "" Repeats 1 } FireInput { Delay 0 Target icon_changon IfHealthBelow 100001 Action FireUser2 Param "" Repeats 1 } FireInput { Target player Action $PlaySoundToSelf Param "=35|mvm/mvm_used_powerup.wav" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 50001 } Message { Name "{red}Terminator {FBECCB}has used their {blue}PERMANENT CRITS {FBECCB}Power Up Canteen!" Delay 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 50001 } EventChangeAttributes { phase1 { AimLeadProjectileSpeed 1 Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Item "Battery Canteens" //Item "upgradeable TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER" // Don't use this ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER" "damage bonus" 1.75 //"item style override" 1 //"is australium item" 1 //"loot rarity" 1 "mult projectile scale" 1.6 "set_item_texture_wear" 0.2 "fire rate bonus" 0.2 "faster reload rate" 0.3 "clip size penalty" 3.0 "Projectile speed increased" 1.5 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "Battery Canteens" "critboost" 8 "powerup duration" 5 "powerup charges" 420 } CharacterAttributes { "rage giving scale" 0.0001 "voice pitch scale" 0 "gesture speed increase" 0.3 "not solid to players" 1 "no_jump" 1 "no_duck" 1 "damage force reduction" 0 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0 "airblast vertical vulnerability multiplier" 0 "override footstep sound set" 7 "rage giving scale" 200 "cancel falling damage" 1 } FireWeapon { Delay 5 Cooldown 15 Repeats 0 IfSeeTarget 0 Duration 0.1 Type "Action" } } phase2 { WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly //Item "TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER" Item "powerhouse_stickybomblauncher_pinkelephant" ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_GRENADELAUNCHER" "is_passive_weapon" 1 "override projectile type" 15 "projectile no deflect" 1 "fire rate penalty" 9999 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "powerhouse_stickybomblauncher_pinkelephant" "projectile no deflect" 1 "set_item_texture_wear" 0.2 "mult dmg vs giants" 3 "mult projectile scale" 2 "custom projectile model" "models/props_td/atom_bomb.mdl" "stickybomb charge rate" 0.001 "projectile range decreased" 0.4 "max pipebombs decreased" -7 "fire rate bonus" 7 "faster reload rate" 1 // ?? "clip size penalty" 7 "blast radius increased" 1.75 // Slight buff :) "damage bonus" 4.25 "clip size upgrade atomic" 999 "use large smoke explosion" 1 "custom impact sound" "misc\doomsday_missile_explosion.wav" // For the funnies } CharacterAttributes { "rage giving scale" 0.0001 "voice pitch scale" 0 "gesture speed increase" 0.3 "not solid to players" 1 "no_jump" 1 "no_duck" 1 "damage force reduction" 0 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0 "airblast vertical vulnerability multiplier" 0 "override footstep sound set" 7 "rage giving scale" 200 "cancel falling damage" 1 } } phase3 { Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload Item "warbird_grenadelauncher_warhawk" WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly ItemAttributes { ItemName "warbird_grenadelauncher_warhawk" "mult projectile scale" 1.25 "set_item_texture_wear" 0.2 "mod projectile heat seek power" 125 "mod projectile heat aim error" 150 "mod projectile heat aim time" 4.5 "damage bonus" 1.25 "clip size upgrade atomic" 18.0 "faster reload rate" 0.23 "fire rate bonus" 0.2 "projectile spread angle penalty" 69 "Projectile speed increased" 0.65 "fuse bonus" 2 "blast dmg to self increased" 0 "projectile trail particle" eyeboss_projectile } CharacterAttributes { "rage giving scale" 0.0001 "voice pitch scale" 0 "gesture speed increase" 0.3 "not solid to players" 1 "no_jump" 1 "no_duck" 1 "damage force reduction" 0 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0 "airblast vertical vulnerability multiplier" 0 "override footstep sound set" 7 "rage giving scale" 200 "cancel falling damage" 1 } } phase4 { Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload Item "warbird_grenadelauncher_warhawk" WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly Attributes "AlwaysCrit" ItemAttributes { ItemName "warbird_grenadelauncher_warhawk" "mult projectile scale" 1.25 "set_item_texture_wear" 0.2 "mod projectile heat seek power" 125 "mod projectile heat aim error" 150 "mod projectile heat aim time" 4.5 "damage bonus" .75 "clip size upgrade atomic" 18.0 "faster reload rate" 0.23 "fire rate bonus" 0.2 "projectile spread angle penalty" 69 "Projectile speed increased" 0.65 "fuse bonus" 2 "blast dmg to self increased" 0 "projectile trail particle" eyeboss_projectile } CharacterAttributes { "rage giving scale" 0.0001 "voice pitch scale" 0 "gesture speed increase" 0.3 "not solid to players" 1 "no_jump" 1 "no_duck" 1 "damage force reduction" 0 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0 "airblast vertical vulnerability multiplier" 0 "override footstep sound set" 7 "rage giving scale" 200 "cancel falling damage" 1 } } } } } WaveSpawn { TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 5 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 Support Limited TFBot {Class scout ClassIcon blu2_lite} } WaveSpawn { Name giantbluesupport TotalCurrency 0 TotalCount 20 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 Where spawnbot WaitBeforeStarting 90 WaitBetweenSpawns 45 Support 1 TFBot { ClassIcon soldier_spammer_giant_support Name "Giga Burst Fire Soldier" Template T_TFBot_Soldier_BurstFire UseCustomModel "models\bots\soldier_boss\bot_soldier_boss_gibby.mdl" BehaviorModifiers Push Attributes IgnoreFlag } } WaveSpawn { Name bluesupport1 TotalCurrency 0 TotalCount 999 MaxActive 4 SpawnCount 2 Where spawnbot WaitBeforeStarting 45 WaitBetweenSpawns 5 Support 1 TFBot { Health 300 Name Heavy Class HeavyWeapons Skill Hard BehaviorModifiers Push UseCustomModel "models/bots/heavy/bot_heavy_gibby.mdl" Attributes IgnoreFlag } } WaveSpawn { Name bluesupport2 TotalCurrency 0 TotalCount 999 MaxActive 4 SpawnCount 2 Where spawnbot WaitBeforeStarting 45 WaitBetweenSpawns 5 Support 1 TFBot { Health 175 Name Pyro Class Pyro Skill Expert Attributes "AlwaysCrit" BehaviorModifiers Push UseCustomModel "models/bots/pyro/bot_pyro_gibby.mdl" Attributes IgnoreFlag } } WaveSpawn // check this one? { Name "engineer" TotalCurrency 0 TotalCount 999 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 Where spawnbot WaitBeforeStarting 45 WaitBetweenSpawns 20 Support 1 TFBot { Health 250 //Template T_TFBot_Engineer_Sentry_Teleporter Template T_TFBot_Engineer_Sentry_Tele_Battle } } WaveSpawn { TotalCount 1 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 WaitBeforeStarting 5 WaitBetweenSpawns 0 Support Limited TFBot {Class scout ClassIcon red2_lite} } WaveSpawn { Name giantsupportred TotalCurrency 150 TotalCount 20 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 Where spawnbot_red3b WaitBeforeStarting 45 WaitBetweenSpawns 35 Support 1 Squad { TFBot { ClassIcon heavy_giant_support Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavyweapons CharacterAttributes { "damage force reduction" 0 "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } } WaveSpawn { Name giantsupportred TotalCurrency 200 TotalCount 20 MaxActive 1 SpawnCount 1 Where spawnbot_red3b WaitBeforeStarting 55 WaitBetweenSpawns 30 Support 1 Squad { TFBot { ClassIcon soldier_crit_giant_support Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Crit CharacterAttributes { "damage force reduction" 0 "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } } WaveSpawn { Name redsupport1 TotalCurrency 150 TotalCount 50 MaxActive 4 SpawnCount 2 Where spawnbot_red3a WaitBeforeStarting 45 WaitBetweenSpawns 8 Support 1 TFBot { ClassIcon demo_burst_red Template T_TFBot_Demo_Burst Attributes "AlwaysCrit" CharacterAttributes { "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } WaveSpawn { Name redsupport2 TotalCurrency 150 TotalCount 100 MaxActive 2 SpawnCount 1 Where spawnbot_red3b WaitBeforeStarting 50 WaitBetweenSpawns 10 Support 1 FirstSpawnOutput { Target red3b_on_logic Action Trigger } Squad { TFBot { ClassIcon sniper_bow_multi Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Huntsman_Spammer Attributes "AlwaysCrit" CharacterAttributes { "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } } WaveSpawn { Name redsupport3 TotalCurrency 150 TotalCount 50 MaxActive 4 SpawnCount 2 Where spawnbot_red3a WaitBeforeStarting 50 WaitBetweenSpawns 5 Support 1 TFBot // Wtf no maxvision range? { ClassIcon pyro_dragon_fury_swordstone Name "Dragon's Fury Pyro" Class Pyro Skill Hard Item "The Dragon's Fury" CharacterAttributes { "airblast disabled" 1 "force distribute currency on death" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "cancel falling damage" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } WaveSpawn { Name spysupport TotalCurrency 0 TotalCount 999 MaxActive 2 SpawnCount 2 Where spawnbot_red3a WaitBeforeStarting 35 WaitBetweenSpawns 45 Support 1 TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Spy Action Spy Attributes IgnoreFlag AddCond { Index 43 } AddCond { Index 5 Duration 1 } } } WaveSpawn // Dummy { TotalCount 0 SpawnCount 0 WaitBeforeStarting 9999 Where spawnbot RandomChoice { RandomChoice { TFBot { Class Scout } } } } } }