//This file has been generated by http://mvm.tf
// Copy this file in your tf/scripts/population folder
// Just kidding, we're doin http://dergwulf.tf, hecc you :3
#base robot_giant.pop
#base robot_standard.pop
#base robot_sif.pop
//#base weapon_sif.pop
//#base sif_restrics.pop 
#base overclock_sif.pop
// #base judge_restricts.pop // Nevermind, it is retarded. 
//This file has been generated by http://mvm.tf

// btw ty to CiaranDerg, lite and AriOwl for help with testing

// Foetoefoolery B1
// Adv Made by SiF -- https://steamcommunity.com/id/SiFWolfy
// Map (Metro) by Signalmax

// Made for the first time as a rework of Frigid Citadel.
// 2024 HH3

// Icons by 
// liteflame -- Custom handdrawn triple banner, trios, minis, and shields 
// oh yah, thanks for showing me how to animate hypers, lite!
// NotYourSagittarius (nys) -- Mostly vanilla Icon mashupppp
// daaN -- Sticky Icon
// Yoovy, eyes, seelpit, and me (SiF).
// ..I made my own hyper with the help of lite, but ye, that's pretty much it!

// T_Equip_Cola T_Equip_Bonk T_Banner_Batt T_Banner_Buff T_Banner_Conch
// T_Equip_Chargin T_Equip_Targe T_Equip_Tide T_Equip_Turner T_Equip_Splendid T_Equip_Screen
// T_Equip_Camper T_Equip_Darwin T_Equip_Darwin_Old // Remember when Darwin used to block bullet dmg, so you won't die from HS? 
// T_Equip_Razorback // No overheal, slow move speed

// T_Giant_Scout T_Giant_Soldier T_Giant_Pyro T_Giant_Demoman
// T_Giant_Heavy T_Giant_Engineer T_Giant_Medic T_Giant_Sniper T_Giant_Spy

// Read the notes on the top of said file
// to call my templates for your own use.

// Yuh, nyways, Have fun. >w<

// Chrstn sent me this. wtf does these spawn mean, 
// where are the relays CHRSTNNNNNN >:c
// spawnbot spawnbot_left spawnbot_right spawnbot_flank spawnbot_flank_left spawnbot_invasion spawnbot_flank_right

SiFWolf_Rawr_awa_awa // :33
	StartingCurrency 400
	CanBotsAttackWhileInSpawnRoom Yes 
	// Thanks randomguy, this is a yes neowo :3
	//Yes -- Disabled, uhh cancer. Glad this is the default.
	RespawnWaveTime 4
	Advanced 1
	AddSentryBusterWhenKillCountExceeds	12 // 15
	AddSentryBusterWhenDamageDealtExceeds 1000	// 1200
	NoMissionInfo 1  
	MaxRedPlayers 4  
	EngineerPushRange 0  
	NoRomevisionCosmetics 1  
	ImprovedAirblast 1   
	DisplayRobotDeathNotice 1  
	TextPrintTime 0   
//	PrecacheSound "GoldPipe_MissionIntro.mp3"  
	PrecacheSound "meme/sif_monsterswithin"  
	PrecacheSound "meme/sif_swampfever_intro"  
	PrecacheSound "meme/sif_swampfever_finale"  
	PrecacheSound "meme/sif_swampfever_rescue"  
	PrecacheSound "dnmeme/tank"  
	PrecacheModel "models/kirillian/infected/hank_v4.mdl"  
//		Scout 1
//		Soldier 2
//		Pyro 1
//		Demoman 1
//		Heavy 2
		Engineer 1
//		Medic 0
//		Sniper 0
//		Spy 0
		BossTitleCardLogic // Royal script again
                Target tf_objective_resource
                Action $SetClientProp$m_iszMvMPopfileName
                Param "Foetor (Benign)"
                Delay 0.01
				"targetname"	"titletext_1"
				"message"		"CAUTION"
				"x"				"-1"
				"y"				"0.45"
				"spawnflags"	"1"
				"channel"		"2"
				"color"			"255 255 255"
				"fadein"		"0.5"
				"fadeout"		"1"
				"holdtime"		"4"
				"targetname"	"titletext_2"
				"message"		"DEATH MEANS WAVE LOSS!"
				"x"				"-1"
				"y"				"0.5"
				"channel"		"4"
				"spawnflags"	"1"
				"color"			"255 255 255"
				"fadein"		"0.5"
				"fadeout"		"1"
				"holdtime"		"3.8"
				"targetname"	"w5_boss_title_relay"
				"OnTrigger"		"titletext_1,Display,,0.1,-1"
				"OnTrigger"		"titletext_2,Display,,1,-1"
		// ty to sntr for base
				model "models/workshop/player/items/soldier/taunt_rocket_jockey/taunt_rocket_jockey.mdl"
				angles "0 90 0"
				origin "0 0 -24"
				skin 1
				disableshadows 1
		// ML stuff, idk I stole this one.
            NoFixup 1
                "targetname" "mannpower_kill"
                "RefireTime" "0.01"
                "spawnflags" "0"
                "UseRandomTime" "0"
                "OnTimer" "item_powerup_rune,kill,,0,-1"
		Ambient_Musik // Geez, I hate you juj for making me do this :c
		// How the heck did you lost on an int
		// Are you fucking trolling
            NoFixup 1
                "targetname" "ambient_musik1"
                "ontrigger" "bossmusic1,playsound,,0,-1"
                "targetname" "bossmusic1"
                "message" "meme/sif_swampfever_intro.wav"
                "health" "10"
                "pitch" "100"
                "spawnflags" "17"
            NoFixup 1
                "targetname" "ambient_musik2"
                "ontrigger" "bossmusic2,playsound,,0,-1"
                "targetname" "bossmusic2"
                "message" "meme/sif_tank.mp3"
                "health" "10"
                "pitch" "100"
                "spawnflags" "17"
            NoFixup 1
                "targetname" "ambient_musik3"
                "ontrigger" "bossmusic3,playsound,,0,-1"
                "targetname" "bossmusic3"
                "message" "meme/sif_swampfever_rescue.wav"
                "health" "10"
                "pitch" "100"
                "spawnflags" "17"
            NoFixUp 1
				"origin" "0 0 0"
				"targetname" "bots_win_red"
				"teamnum" "2"
				"classname" "game_round_win"
				"switch_teams" "0"
				"force_map_reset" "1"
				"origin" "0 0 0"
				"targetname" "red_wins"
				"OnTrigger" "bots_win_red,RoundWin,,0,-1"
			"targetname" "red_win_relay"
			"OnTrigger" "bots_win_red,RoundWin,,0,-1"  // Trigger round win
			"OnTrigger" "tf_gamerules,EndGame,,0,-1"  // End the game
			"OnTrigger" "red_win_relay,Disable,,0,-1"  // Disable itself after triggering
				"targetname" "nuke_flash"
				"duration" "0.5"
				"rendercolor" "155 155 155"
				"renderamt" "50"
				"spawnflags" "0"
				"targetname" "killeveryone"
				"spawnflags" "1"
				"filtername" "filter_blu_team"
				"OnTrigger" "filter_blu_team,Kill,,0.01,-1"
	//		logic_timer
	//		{
	//			"targetname" "end_game_timer"
	//			"refiretime" "1"  // Set to 1 second delay
	//			"OnTimer" "bots_win_red,RoundWin,,0,-1"
	//			"OnTimer" "tf_gamerules,EndGame,,0,-1"
	//		}
				"origin" "0 0 0"
				"spawnflags" "1"
				"mins" "-6969 -6969 -6969"
				"maxs" "6969 6969 6969"
				"classname" "trigger_multiple"
				 "filtername" "blu_filter" 
				"OnStartTouch" "blu_damage_relay,Trigger,,0,-1" 
				"targetname" "afkslay" //also deals with late joiners
		//		"filtername" "blu_filter"
				"filtername" "filter_bluteam"
				"StartDisabled" "1"
				"damage" "621621"
				"damagetype" "1" 
				"nodmgforce" "1"
				"origin" "0 0 0"
				"spawnflags" "3"
				"mins" "-6969 -6969 -6969"
				"maxs" "6969 6969 6969"
			"targetname" "trigger_kill_blu"
			"OnTrigger" "afkslay,Enable,,0,-1"  // Enable the hurt trigger
		//	"OnTrigger" "tf_gamerules,EndGame,,0,-1"
				"targetname" "filter_bluteam"
				"team" "3"
				"Negated" "0"
	//		NoFixup 1
	//		prop_dynamic
	//		{
	//			"model" "models/props_gameplay/cap_point_base.mdl"
	//			"targetname" "cap_area"
	//			"solid" "6"
	//			"skin" "0"  			//set this number to 0 for neutral, 1 for red, 2 for blu
     //           "origin" "579.45 -248 575"
	//			"spawnflags" "0"
     //           "StartDisabled" "0"
	//		}	
				"targetname" "locker_model"
				"model"      "models/props_gameplay/resupply_locker.mdl"
				"solid"      "6"
				"angles"     "0 0 0"
				"disableshadows" "1"
				"targetname" "regenerate"
				"associatedmodel" "locker_model"
				"TeamNum"         "2"
				"mins"            "0 -48 0"
				"maxs"            "40 0 128"
				"OnStartTouchAll"  "locker_model,SetAnimation,open,0,-1"
				"OnEndTouchAll"    "locker_model,SetAnimation,close,0,-1"
		// ty to Braindawg for base. 
		// ..and umm ficool2 again for the dms help
		EscapeW5ControlPointLogic {
			NoFixup 1
			// So Capture Point have three diff elements
			// The trigger that enables the HUD elem, the progress, and the output itself.
			// Thus, if you want to place them- you need to PT stuff manually.
			// Haha, This gimmick is fun. 
			// Edit Post_rc1: I lied. I want to die. :3c
			// This is way more tedious than making messages and annotations.
			// These are basically Hammer terms.
			// Besides class names that I explain here, you can err name them whatever. Since you'll be the one calling the PT
			// trigger_capture_area = the brush area that details who could cap and how big the area is.
			// team_control_point = the logic itself. What the default is, also btw you don't need to PT a prop.
			// Default logic is Cap = game round win. Do trigger RoundSpawn if you want to postpone that.
			// Team 2 = RED
			// Team 3 = BLU
			// things are omitted, 0 = spec, 1 = neutral
				"model" "models/props_gameplay/cap_point_base.mdl"
				"targetname" "cap_control"
				"solid" "6"
				"skin" "0"  			//set this number to 0 for neutral, 1 for red, 2 for blu
                "origin" "579.45 -248 575"
				"spawnflags" "0"
                "StartDisabled" "0"
				"area_cap_point" "cap_point"
				"area_time_to_cap" "5" // "15"  	// Req value is halved in sec.
				"StartDisabled" "0"
				 "spawnflags" "1"
				"targetname" "cap_area"		// This is just target, unless you are making multiple CP, keep it.
				"team_cancap_2" "1"  		// Can Red cap? Set it to 1 if YES
				"team_cancap_3" "0"			// Can Blu cap?
				"team_numcap_2" "1"  		// How many RED needed to do so?
				"team_numcap_3" "621"		// -||- Blu needed to cap?	
				"team_spawn_2" "0"				// These are just triggers output if the cap is touched, ignore
				"team_spawn_3" "0"
				"team_startcap_2" "1"		//  How many RED needed to start the CAP
				"team_startcap_3" "621"		//	-||- Blu needed to start CAP

				// These are default values, don't umm.. worry about it.
				"mins" "-275 -275 -175"
				"maxs" "500 175 175"
				"origin" "579.45 -248 644"
				"OnCapTeam2" "boss_deploy_relay,Trigger,,5,-1"
				"OnCapTeam2" "cap_point,SetTeam,3,0,-1"
		//		"OnCapTeam2" "red_wins,Trigger,,0,-1"
		//		"OnCapTeam2" "bots_win_red,RoundWin,,0,-1"
		//		"OnCapTeam2" "tf_gamerules,EndGame,,0,-1"
		//		"OnCapTeam2" "end_game_timer,Enable,,0,-1"
		//		"OnCapTeam2" "red_win_relay,Trigger,,1,-1"
				"OnCapTeam2" "afkslay,Enable,,30,-1"
				"OnCapTeam2" "trigger_kill_blu,Trigger,,0,-1"
				"OnCapTeam2" "tf_gamerules,EndGame,,0,-1"
				"OnCapTeam2" "tf_gamerules,playvo,vo/announcer_victory.mp3,30,-1"
				//"OnCapTeam1" "cap_base,Skin,1,0,-1" 		//set the first number to 0 for neutral, 1 for red, 2 for blu
				"point_default_owner" "0" // 0 = neut, 2 is red, 3 is blu
				"point_group" "0"
				"point_index" "0"	// This is the cap point ID. Do NOT have more than 8. It crash. Trust the wolf.
				"point_printname" "the ESCAPE HELI!" // This will be printed on killfeed
				"point_start_locked" "0"		// Cond stuff if you want to script the CP to be on if X Y is met
				"point_warn_on_cap" "0" 	// This plays the voice below when you step on it 
				"point_warn_sound" "misc/null.wav"
		//		 "point_warn_sound" "ControlPoint.CaptureWarn"
				"random_owner_on_restart" "0" // 0 = static, 1 = Cap reverts if no one steps on it
				"spawnflags" "4"		// 1 = N/A, 4 = KOTH
				"targetname" "cap_point"
				"team_bodygroup_0" "3"
				"team_bodygroup_2" "1"
				"team_bodygroup_3" "1"
				"team_icon_0" "sprites/obj_icons/icon_obj_neutral"
				"team_icon_2" "sprites/obj_icons/icon_obj_red"
				"team_icon_3" "sprites/obj_icons/icon_obj_blu_mannhattan"
				"team_model_0" "models/effects/cappoint_hologram.mdl"
				"team_model_2" "models/effects/cappoint_hologram.mdl"
				"team_model_3" "models/effects/cappoint_hologram.mdl"
				// "team_model_0" "models/props_gameplay/cap_square_512.mdl"
				// "team_model_2" "models/props_gameplay/cap_square_512.mdl"
				// "team_model_3" "models/props_gameplay/cap_square_512.mdl"
			//	"team_previouspoint_3_0" "cap_point"
				"team_timedpoints_2" "0"
				"team_timedpoints_3" "0"
				"origin" "579.45 -248 580"
                "cpm_restrict_team_cap_win" "1" // Does the team win if CP is capped?
				"custom_position_x" "2"			// This is hud thing.
                "caplayout" "2,0 1"
             //   "custom_position_y" "0.91"
                "partial_cap_points_rate" "0"
                "play_all_rounds" "0"			// Does the round end if that happened?
                "score_style" "0"
                "switch_teams" "0"				// Team switch after a cap?
                "targetname" "cap_master"
                "team_base_icon_2" "sprites/obj_icons/icon_base_red"
                "team_base_icon_3" "sprites/obj_icons/icon_base_blu"
				Target cap_area 
				Action SetControlPoint 
				Param cap_point 
				Delay 0.1
				Target cap_master 
				Action RoundSpawn
                Target cap_point
                Action SetTeam 
                Param 0
                Target cap_point
                Action SetUnlockTime 
                Delay 0.1
		Name "Decor"
		Origin "4133 430 545"
		Angles "0 300 0"
//	SpawnTemplate  "EscapeW5ControlPointLogic"  
	SpawnTemplate	DeleteMannPowOnGround  
	SpawnTemplate BossTitleCardLogic  
	SpawnTemplate "Ambient_Musik"  
	SpawnTemplate "Ambient_Musik2"  
	SpawnTemplate "Ambient_Musik3"  
//	SpawnTemplate Trigger_Finale  
	ItemBlacklist  // Weapons are not equippable on RED
		Name "Zombie Scout"
		Name "Zombie Pyro"
		Name "Zombie Soldier"
		Name "Zombie Heavy"
		Name "Zombie Demo"
		Name "Zombie Engineer"
		Name "Zombie Medic"
		Name "Zombie Spy"
		Name "Zombie Sniper"

		Upgrade	"generate rage on damage"
		ClassName "tf_weapon_minigun"
		ItemName	"The Loose Cannon"
		"override projectile type" 3 // non-knockback proj
		"custom projectile model" "models\weapons\w_models\w_cannonball.mdl"
		"grenade launcher mortar mode"	0
		ItemName	"The Ambassador"
		"crit_dmg_falloff" 0	// Undo that
		ItemName	"The Scorch Shot" // No
		"mod flaregun fires pellets with knockback" 1 // detonator proj
		"airblast functionality flags" 6 // airblast pushback is now removed
		Scout {	
	//	Primary "Full Spectrum"
		Primary "Light Nailgun"
	//	Primary	"Blast-a-Nature" 
		Primary	"Public's Enemy" 
		Primary "Recon Ambusher" 
	//	Melee
	//	{
	//		Item  "Reflector Mitt" // Melee deflects projectiles back
	//		Cost 600	
	//	}
		} // Scout set.
		Soldier {
	//	Primary "Burst-Heal Box" // _v2 " 
	//	Primary "Peacebreaker" 
	//	Primary
	//	{
	//		Item "Rapid Contravention" 
	//		Cost 1100	
	//	}
		Primary	"Rainmaker Barrage" 
		Primary "Red Glare"
	//	Primary "Supplicant Bazooka"
	//	Secondary
	//	{
	//		Item "Trench Defense" // Fires +500% more pellets per shot, fires slower.
	//		Cost 400	
	//	}
	//	Secondary "Hurried Surge" // Banner gives Haste and knockback resist
	//	Secondary "Rally Cloak" // Stealth
// useless //		Secondary "Volley Rally" // Banner gives Precision and weakness to rival you shot.
//		Secondary "Power Dominance" // Banner gives Precision and weakness to rival you shot.
	//	Secondary "Unfriendly Broadcast" // Banner gives Precision and weakness to rival you shot.
	//	Secondary "Means of Sabotage" // Banner turns you to BLU and allow friendly fire

	//	Melee "Split Equalizer" // Pickaxe gains speed and damage when you are hurt.
	//	Melee
	//	{
	//		Item  "Sable's Demise" // Katana allows you to deflect projectiles and mitigate minor damage.
	//		Cost 600	
	//	}
	//	Melee
	//	{
	//		Item  "Excelsior Jumper" // Gardener deals increased damage towards healed rivals. Instantly swap weapons.
	//		Cost 600	
	//	}
		} // Soldier set.

		Pyro {
	//	Primary "Ext. Imblazer" 
	//	Primary "Ext. CRISPR" 
	//	Primary "Afterburner" 
	//	Primary "Cauterizer" 
		Primary "Conductor" 
		Primary "Cryoburner" 
	//	Primary	"Pushover" 
	//	Primary "Nu Long" 
	//	Primary "Wavesucker" 
	//	Secondary "Flare Jumper" // Flare deals no self damage.
	//	Secondary
	//	{
	//		Item "Spitfire"	 // Flare deals 50% more damage and increases projectile speed.	
	//		Cost 400	
	//	}
	//	Secondary
	//	{
	//		Item "Calefactor"		// Pellet crits burning, less clipsize.	
	//		Cost 400	
	//	}
	//	Melee
	//	{
	//		Item "Sealbreaker" // Burning rival hit with said melee takes full crits. Altho if they aren't burning, nothing happens.
	//		Cost 400	// Old axtinguisher
	//	}
			} // Pyro set.

		Demoman {
	//	Primary "Paratrooper Safeguard" 
	//	Primary
	//	{
	//		Item "Atomic Kiloton" 
	//		Cost 400	
	//	}
	//	Primary	"Cyclop PunchR" 
		Primary "Iron Stompers"	
	//	Primary	"Ultimatum"
	//	Primary "Precursor" 
	//	Primary
	//	{
	//		Item "Steel Bowler" // Fires slower, detonates in a large radius.
	//		Cost 400	
	//	}
	//	Secondary "Big Mann" 
	//	Secondary "Highland Fling" 
		Secondary "Overloader" 
	//	Secondary "Quickiespam Launcher" 
	//	Secondary "Sticky Sweeper" 
		Secondary "Heraldic Targe" // Higher resist, but cannot deal bash
	//	Secondary "Tide Changer" // Full turn control and mobility bonus
	//	Secondary "Window Basher" // Higher bash damage, no resist boost easier to knock around
	//	Melee
	//	{
	//		Item  "Sable's Demise" // Katana allows you to deflect projectiles and mitigate minor damage.
	//		Cost 600	
	//	}
	//	Melee
	//	{
	//		Item "Defuser Ordinance" // Caber regenerates and deal more damage.. airborne.
	//		Cost 600	
	//	}
	//	Melee
	//	{
	//		Item "Headslicer"	// Reverse eyelander. Gain damage on kill.
	//		Cost 600	
	//	}

		HeavyWeapons {
		Primary "Assault Cannon" 
		Primary "Bulletproof Battery" 
	//	Primary "Firestarter" 
	//	Primary	"Ludmilla"
	//	Primary	"Pelagicelsus" 
	//	Primary "Mini-Deflector" 
	//	Primary "Heavy Nailgun"
	//	Primary "Deathray Goliathon 9000"
	//	Primary	"Precise Unnatural-Selector" 
	//	Primary	"H-AA Thundergun"	
	//	Secondary
	//	{
	//		Item "Trench Defense" // Fires +500% more pellets per shot, fires slower.
	//		Cost 400	
	//	}
			Item "Heavy Shotgun" // Fires +500% more pellets per shot, fires slower.
			Cost 400	
	//	Secondary
	//	{
	//		Item "Trench Defense" //  More pellets are fired in a wide pattern, reloads similarly to beggar.
	//		Cost 400	
	//	}

	//	Melee	"Alloyweight Gloves"
		Melee	"Lightweight Gloves" 
	//	Melee	"Apocoweight Gloves"
		Engineer {
	//	Primary	 "Second Ammendment"	// Explosive shell.
	//	Primary	 "Second Cauterizer" 	// Fire shell.
	//	Primary	 "Calefactor" 	// Crit vs burning.
	//	Primary	 "Shell Shocker" 	// Shot destroys sapper.
	//	Primary	 "Vengeful Legacy" 	// Shot crits from behind. You die from getting crit'd as well.
		Primary	 "High Noon"	// Revolver reloads manually and grants both the user and rival minicrit.
	//	Primary	 "SAE Sabo-66"	// Laser pistol drains rivals charges and deal high damage.
		Primary	 "Trench Defense"	// More pellets are fired in a wide pattern, reloads similarly to beggar.
	//	Secondary "Emancipation Barrier"	// Projectile no longer moves. Gain bonus bonus health.
	//	Secondary "Signal Pointer"	// Projectile no longer moves. Gain bonus bonus health.
		Melee "Overbite" // Lv2 sentry with increased damage, reduced range and slow build
	//	Melee "Poor Reassurance" // You bleed, they take crit. 
	//	Melee "Quantum Effect"  // Built altillery sentry that seldoms fire
	//	Melee "Pretty Darn Quick (PDQ)" // Sentry deals less damage, but repairs very fast.
		Melee "Brute Force" // Build 4 more minisentries, all other buildings are 50% more efficient and cheaper.
		Medic {
	//	Primary
	//	{
	//		Item "Die Epidemiewerfer"	// Needle heals nearby on hit, akin to amputator
	//		Cost 600	
	//	}
			Item "Geneva Suggestion"	// Needle minicrits enemies. Less damage.
			Cost 600	
	//	Primary
	//	{
	//		Item "Super Dartflygun"	// On Headshot, apply Plague. Projectile homes and bounces.
	//		Cost 600	
	//	}
		Secondary "Flicker Medigun"  // Quick Short Uber
	//	Secondary "Blitzkrieg" // Minicrits.	
		Secondary "Provisioner"	// Haste, Restore ammo
		Secondary "Die Malpractice"	// Vampiric. Reverse Heal.
	//	Secondary	{	Item "Overhealer"	} // Overheals, no uber
	//	Secondary	{	Item "Kingmaker"	} // Grants temporary mann-power buff 
	//	Melee "Surgical Precision" // Steal opposing medic's uber on stab.
		Sniper {
	//	Primary		{	Item "Hangabout" } // Sniper explodes on headshot instead of dealing EH.	
			Item "Particle Bow" // Bow that fires mangler projectiles that splits and bounces.
			Cost 400	
	//	Secondary
	//	{
	//		Item "Non-Negotiator" // SMG that causes EH bleed and slows on headshot.
	//		Cost 600	
	//	}

		Spy {
		Secondary	{	Item "Malware Injector" } // Revolver cripples target
		PDA2		{	Item "Bloodied Getaway"	}  // Invis Watch that Ignores Aggro, but grants no resist
			Item "Traitor's Quickdraw" // Revolver headshots and damage neearby targets.
			Cost 400	
	Mission	{
	Objective	DestroySentries
	Where	Behind
	Where spawnbot_invasion
	BeginAtWave	1
	RunForThisManyWaves	6
	InitialCooldown	20
	CooldownTime	45
	DesiredCount	1
	TFBot	{
	Template	T_TFBot_SentryBuster_Jarate
	Attributes SuppressFire
	Name "Mud Buster"
	Health 4000
	Item "The Self-Aware Beauty Mark"
	WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly
	Attributes MiniBoss
	Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon
	ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName "The Self-Aware Beauty Mark"
		"effect bar recharge rate increased" -2
		"fire rate penalty" 2.5
	CharacterAttributes {
		"head scale" 2.3
		"hand scale" 0
// Wave 01: Hyper Fake Sniper
	Mission	{
	Where spawnbot_left
	Objective Sniper
	InitialCooldown	20
	CooldownTime 45
	DesiredCount	2
	BeginAtWave 1
	RunForThisManyWaves 1
	TFBot  {
	Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Headshot
	Attributes IgnoreEnemies
//	Name "Hyper Sniper"
	Name "Birdwatcher"
//	ClassIcon sniper_heatmaker_spammer_sif
	ClassIcon sniper_alwaysfire
//	Item	"The Machina"
	Item 	"Avian Amante"
	MaxVisionRange 1
	Attributes AlwaysCrit
	Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon
	ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName	"The AWPer Hand"
	//	"sniper only fire zoomed" 1
		"damage penalty" 0

// Wave 02: Special Infected
	Mission	{
	Where spawnbot_flank_left
	Where spawnbot_flank_right
	Objective Sniper
	InitialCooldown	20
	CooldownTime 45
	DesiredCount	2
	BeginAtWave 2
	RunForThisManyWaves 1
	RandomChoice {
	RandomChoice {
	TFBot  { Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Gas_Explode_Piss Skill Expert Name "Spitter"	ClassIcon Breadcrab_zombie Item	"The Razorback" 
	ItemAttributes	{ ItemName "The Gas Passer" "is invisible" 1 }
	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoman_RapidFire Action Sniper Skill Normal	Name "Lobber"	Item "The Jarmaments" ClassIcon Breadcrab_zombie Item	"The Razorback"
	UseHumanAnimations 1  
	CharacterAttributes {	"dmg penalty vs players" 0.01 "grenade explode on impact" 1	"add cond on hit" 24 "add cond on hit duration" 5
	"custom projectile model" "models/weapons/c_models/urinejar.mdl"  		
	"fire input on kill" "!activator^$TauntFromItem^Taunt: Scotsmann's Stagger" }
	TFBot  { Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Razorback_Sydney Skill Expert Name "Docker"	ClassIcon Breadcrab_zombie Item	"The Razorback" 
	ItemAttributes	{ ItemName "The Sydney Sleeper" "applies snare effect" 0.99	"sniper charge per sec" 621	"damage bonus" 0.01 }
	TFBot  { Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Classic Skill Normal Name "Stinger"	ClassIcon Breadcrab_zombie Item	"The Razorback"
	ItemAttributes	{ ItemName "TF_WEAPON_SMG"	"slow enemy on hit major" 2	}
// Wave 05: Loch Sniper
	Mission	{
	Where spawnbot_left
	Objective Sniper
	InitialCooldown	75
	CooldownTime 45
	DesiredCount	2
	BeginAtWave 5
	RunForThisManyWaves 1
	TFBot  {
	Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Loch_Burst
	Name "Regurgitating Mortar"
	ClassIcon demo_lochnload_sif
	Item 	"Sucker Slug"
	MaxVisionRange 900
	Attributes AlwaysCrit
	ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName "The Loch-n-Load"	
		"faster reload rate" 3
		"fire rate bonus" 0.05
		"clip size penalty" 0.5
		"projectile spread angle penalty" 3
// Wave 01: Hyper Spy
	Mission	{
	Where spawnbot_left
	Objective Spy
	InitialCooldown	45
	CooldownTime 45
	DesiredCount	6
	BeginAtWave 1
	RunForThisManyWaves 1
	TFBot  {
	Template T_TFBot_Spy_Tranquil
	Name "Sea Observer"
//	StripItemSlot 5  
	StripItemSlot 6  
	Attributes AlwaysCrit
	Attributes IgnoreEnemies
	ClassIcon spy_revolver_mark_lite // spy_hyper
	CharacterAttributes {
		"fire rate bonus" 0
		"dmg penalty vs players" 0
		"cannot disguise" 1
	// Wave 03: Freddy
	Mission	{
	Where spawnbot_flank_left
	Objective Spy
	InitialCooldown	99999
	CooldownTime 30 // 45
	DesiredCount	0
	BeginAtWave 3
	RunForThisManyWaves 1
	RandomChoice {
	RandomChoice {
	TFbot {
		Template T_TFBot_Giant_HeavyBox_Maul
		Name "Freddy Fivebear"
		Health 19840
		ClassIcon heavy_warrior_sif
		Scale 1.2
		Item "The Bear Necessities"
		Item "Mad Mask"
	//	Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon
		Action Mobber  
	//	ExtAttr IgnoreBots  
		ExtAttr IgnoreNPC  
		ExtAttr IgnoreBuildings  
		Addcond {Name tf_cond_reprogrammed_neutral}   
			Target !self
			Action $SetClientProp$m_iTeamNum
			Param "3"
			Delay -1
		CharacterAttributes		{
		"no_jump" 1
		"mult dmg vs tanks" 0
	//	"dmg from ranged reduced" 0.5
		"dmg from melee increased" 3
		"ignored by enemy sentries" 1
		"ignored by bots" 1
		"voice pitch scale" 0.8
		"cannot pick up intelligence" 1
		"damage bonus" 1988
		"airblast vulnerability multiplier" 2.5
		"airblast vertical vulnerability multiplier" 2.5
		"self add attributes on hit" "move speed bonus|0.1|19831"
		"add attributes on kill" "move speed bonus|0.1|19831"
		"critboost on kill" 1988
		"ragdolls become ash" 1
		"allow friendly fire" 1
		"mult dmg friendly fire" 0.5
		"force distribute currency on death" 1
	// Wave 04: Hyper Spy
	Mission	{
	Where spawnbot_left
	Objective Spy
	InitialCooldown	30
	CooldownTime 45
	DesiredCount	2
	BeginAtWave 4
	RunForThisManyWaves 1
	TFBot  {
	Template T_TFBot_Spy_Tranquil
	Name "Sea Observer"
	Attributes AlwaysCrit
	Attributes IgnoreEnemies
	ClassIcon spy_revolver_mark_lite // spy_hyper
	CharacterAttributes {
		"fire rate bonus" 0
		"dmg penalty vs players" 0
		"cannot disguise" 1
	// Wave 05: Tranq Spy
//	Mission	{
//	Where spawnbot_flank_left
//	Where spawnbot_flank_right
//	Objective Spy
//	InitialCooldown	40
//	CooldownTime 35
//	DesiredCount	2
//	BeginAtWave 5
//	RunForThisManyWaves 1
//	TFBot  {
//	Template T_TFBot_Spy_Tranquil
//	Name "Tranq Spy"
//	StripItemSlot 6  
//	Attributes AlwaysCrit
//	Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon
//	ClassIcon spy_revolver_mark_lite
//	CharacterAttributes {
//		"fire rate bonus" 0.8
//		"dmg penalty vs players" 0.1
//	}
//	}
//	}
	Templates	{
	T_Zombie_Garg {
	Template T_TFBot_Giant_HeavyBox_Maul
	ClassIcon heavy_hyper
	UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1  
	Item "The Homewrecker"
	Health 8000
	Attributes DisableDodge
	Action Mobber   
	ExtAttr IgnoreBuildings  
	StripItemSlot 0   // Prim
	ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName "The Homewrecker"
		"damage bonus" 1.66
		"melee range multiplier" 0.85
		"melee bounds multiplier" 0.85
		"fire rate bonus" 2
		"deploy time decreased" 3
		"damage causes airblast" 1
		"apply z velocity on damage" 266
		"apply look velocity on damage" 1337
		"melee range multiplier"	1.75
		"melee bounds multiplier" 	1.75
		"mod shovel speed boost" 1
		"alt-fire disabled" 1
			Slot 2
			Model "models/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_crossing_guard/c_crossing_guard.mdl"
	CharacterAttributes	{
		"no_duck" 1
		"move speed bonus" 0.66
		"alt-fire disabled" 1
		"dmg bonus vs buildings" 621
		"cancel falling damage" 1
		"cannot be sapped" 1
		"crit kill will gib" 1
		"gesture speed increase" 1.5
		"voice pitch scale" 0
		"dmg taken increased" 0.5
		"dmg taken from crit reduced" 0.5
	// Time for ass Changeattrib yayy
		Delay 1
		Cooldown 20
		Repeats 0
		Type "Melee"
	T_Scout_Haru {
	Template	T_TFBot_Giant_Scout_Pistol_Accurate 
		Health 18750 // 20000 // 12500
		Skill Normal // lol exp AI killed everyone. Haru is just that good.
	//	Action Mobber  
		Attributes UseBossHealthBar
		Name "FKF_Hare"
		Scale 1.2
		ExtAttr IgnoreBuildings  
		Item	"Max's Severed Head"
		Item 	"The Horrific Head of Hare"
		UseHumanAnimations 1  
		AimAt Head  
		ItemAttributes {
			"custom kill icon"	"headshot"  
			"fire input on kill" "!activator^$TauntFromItem^Taunt: The Killer Signature"
		CharacterAttributes {
		"move speed bonus"	0.66
		"dmg from ranged reduced" 1.6
		"cannot pick up intelligence" 1
		Delay 5
		Cooldown 2 // 0.5
		Repeats 0
		IfSeeTarget 1
		Duration 0
		Type "Jump"
		Delay 5
		Cooldown 1.5
		Repeats 0
		IfSeeTarget 1
		Duration 0
		Type "Primary"
		ClassIcon tf2_lite
			Target player
			Action $DisplayTextChat
			Param "{99CCFF}FVF_Hare{reset} (Scout) has connected"
			Delay 0
			Cooldown 99999
			Repeats 0
			Target player
			Action $DisplayTextChat
			Param "{99CCFF}FVF_Hare{reset}'s Passive {99CCFF}Move Faster (+20% AGI){reset} is active"
			Delay 2
			Cooldown 99999
			Repeats 0
//		FireInput  
//		{
//			Target player
//			Action $DisplayTextChat
//			Param "{99CCFF}FVF_Hare{reset}: Ready to lose? Catch me if you can!"
//			Delay 2
//			Cooldown 99999
//			Repeats 0
//		}
			Target player
			Action $DisplayTextChat
			Param "{99CCFF}FVF_Hare{reset} used {99CCFF}Eagle Deagl"
			Delay 4
			Cooldown 99999
			Repeats 0
//		FireInput  
//		{
//			Target player
//			Action $DisplayTextChat
//			Param "{99CCFF}FVF_Hare{reset} used {99CCFF}Steel Bullets (+20% DMG)"
//			Delay 4
//			Cooldown 99999
//			Repeats 0
//		}
			Target player
			Action $DisplayTextChat
			Param "{99CCFF}FVF_Hare{reset} used {99CCFF}Berserk! (DEAL/TAKE +60%)"
			Delay 5
			Cooldown 99999
			Repeats 0
			Target player
			Action $DisplayTextChat
			Param "{99CCFF}FVF_Hare{reset} used {red}Silence; For the next 15s, you CANNOT use crit/uber canteens!"
			Delay 45 // 30
			Cooldown 99999
			Repeats 0
		Target player
		Action $DisplayTextChat
		Param "{99CCFF}FVF_Hare{reset}: Ugh, OKAY. Now, you're just showing off."
		Delay 0.01
		Repeats 1
		IfHealthBelow 15000
		Target player
		Action $DisplayTextChat
		Param "{99CCFF}FVF_Hare{reset} used {99CCFF}Blast-a-Nature"
		Delay 0.05
		Repeats 1
		IfHealthBelow 5000 // 2500
//		FireInput  
//		{
//		Target player
//		Action $DisplayTextChat
//		Param "{99CCFF}FVF_Hare{reset} used {99CCFF}Energy Drink (+30% AGI, -20% SPREAD + FAST RELOAD)"
//		Delay 15
//		Repeats 1
//		IfHealthBelow 2500
//		}
//		FireInput  
//		{
//		Target player
//		Action $DisplayTextChat
//		Param "{99CCFF}FVF_Hare{reset}: Sssshit, my cards are such a scam."
//		Delay 2
//		Repeats 1
//		IfHealthBelow 1200
//		}
			Delay 0.01 
			Repeats 0
			IfSeeTarget 0
			Name "FvFHare_Phase2"
			IfHealthBelow 5000
			IfHealthAbove 2500
			Delay 0.01 
			Repeats 0
			IfSeeTarget 0
			Name "FvFHare_Phase3"
			IfHealthBelow 1200
			FvFHare_Phase2 {
				Item	"The Force-a-Nature"
				Item	"Max's Severed Head"
				Item 	"The Horrific Head of Hare"
				WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly
				ExtAttr IgnoreBuildings  
				ItemAttributes	{
				ItemName	"The Force-a-Nature"
				"fire rate bonus"	.001
				"bullets per shot bonus"	0.9

				"faster reload rate" 1.7
				"scattergun knockback mult" 7
				"weapon spread bonus"	0.4
				"damage penalty" 0.15
				"killstreak tier" 1
				CharacterAttributes {
					"move speed bonus" 1.2
					"dmg from ranged reduced" 1.6
			FvFHare_Phase3 {
				Item	"The Force-a-Nature"
				Item	"Max's Severed Head"
				Item 	"The Horrific Head of Hare"
				WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly
				ExtAttr IgnoreBuildings  
				ActionOverride FetchFlag

				CharacterAttributes {
					"move speed bonus" 1.2
					"cannot pick up intelligence" 0
					"dmg from ranged reduced" 1
		} // Haru
	T_Soldier_Stevie {
	Template	T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_DirectHit_RapidFire
		Health 30000 // 20000 // 12500
		Skill Expert 
	//	Action Mobber  
		Attributes UseBossHealthBar
		Name "FKF_Gull"
		Scale 1.2
		ExtAttr IgnoreBuildings  
		Item	"The Freedom Feathers"
		Item "The Reserve Shooter"
		Item 	"Antarctic Parka"
		UseHumanAnimations 1  
		AimAt Feet  
	//	SpawnTemplate "ReserveCombo"
		ItemAttributes {
			ItemName "The Direct Hit"
			"faster reload rate" 0.5
			"ragdolls plasma effect" 1
			"Blast radius increased" 0.2
			"item style override" 1
			"is australium item" 1
			"fire input on kill" "!activator^$TauntFromItem^Taunt: Can It!"
			"damage bonus" 1.75
			"add cond on hit" 80   // Forced to parachute 
			"add cond on hit duration" 5   
			"attach particle effect" 702 // Isotope Weapon Unu
		CharacterAttributes {
		"move speed bonus"	0.5
		Delay 5
		Cooldown 2 // 0.5
		Repeats 0
		IfSeeTarget 1
		Duration 0
		Type "Jump"
			Delay 2
			Cooldown 2
			Repeats 0
			IfSeeTarget 0
			IfHealthBelow 8000
		Delay 5
		Cooldown 5
		Repeats 0
		IfSeeTarget 1
		Duration 0
		Type "Primary"
		ClassIcon tf2_lite
			Target player
			Action $DisplayTextChat
			Param "{99CCFF}FVF_Eagl{reset} (Soldier) has connected"
			Delay 0
			Cooldown 99999
			Repeats 0
			Target player
			Action $DisplayTextChat
			Param "{99CCFF}FVF_Eagl{reset}'s Passive {99CCFF}War Veteran (+50% DMG){reset} is active"
			Delay 2
			Cooldown 99999
			Repeats 0
			Target player
			Action $DisplayTextChat
			Param "{99CCFF}FVF_Eagl{reset} used {99CCFF}Direct-Red Glare"
			Delay 4
			Cooldown 99999
			Repeats 0
			Target player
			Action $DisplayTextChat
			Param "{99CCFF}FVF_Eagl{reset} used {99CCFF}Quick Reload"
			Delay 1
			Cooldown 99999
			IfHealthBelow 15000
			Repeats 0
			Target player
			Action $DisplayTextChat
			Param "{99CCFF}FVF_Eagl{reset}: [Squawk!] Get out o' me way, would ya?"
			Delay 0.05
			Cooldown 99999
			IfHealthBelow 15000
			Repeats 0
			Target player
			Action $DisplayTextChat
			Param "{99CCFF}FVF_Eagl{reset}: Ack! Enough. I see y'all no fun for me."
			Delay 0.05
			Cooldown 99999
			IfHealthBelow 8000
			Repeats 0
		Target player
		Action $DisplayTextChat
		Param "{99CCFF}FVF_Eagl{reset} used {99CCFF}Reverse Shooter"
		Delay 0.05
		Repeats 1
		IfHealthBelow 10000 // 2500
		Target player
		Action $DisplayTextChat
		Param "{99CCFF}FVF_Eagl{reset} used {red}Expose Brain"
		Delay 10
		Repeats 1
		IfHealthBelow 12000 // 2500
			Delay 0.01 
			Repeats 0
			IfSeeTarget 0
			Name "FvFEagle_Phase2"
			IfHealthBelow 15000
			IfHealthAbove 11000
			Delay 0.01 
			Repeats 0
			IfSeeTarget 1
			Name "FvFEagle_Phase3"
			IfHealthBelow 8000
			FvFEagle_Phase2 {
			Skill Expert
			UseHumanAnimations 1  
			AimAt Feet  
			Item "The B.A.S.E. Jumper"
			AimAt Head  
			Delay 5
			Cooldown 10 // 0.5
			Repeats 0
			IfSeeTarget 1
			Duration 0
			Type "Jump"
			ItemAttributes {
			ItemName "The Direct Hit"
			"faster reload rate" -0.8
				"ragdolls plasma effect" 1
				"Blast radius increased" 0.2
				"item style override" 1
				"is australium item" 1
				"fire input on kill" "!activator^$TauntFromItem^Taunt: Can It!"
				"damage bonus" 2
				"add cond on hit" 80   // Forced to parachute 
				"add cond on hit duration" 5   
				CharacterAttributes {
					"increased jump height" 2.2
					"move speed bonus" 0.7
					"dmg from ranged reduced" 1.6
			FvFEagle_Phase3 {
		//	RocketJump 1  
			AimTrackingInterval 0  
			ActionOverride Mobber    
		//	StripItemSlot 1  
		//	StripItemSlot 3  
		//	StripItem "The Direct Hit"  
			WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly
			Attributes Parachute  
			Skill Expert
			Item "The Reserve Shooter"
			Item "The Escape Plan"
			ItemAttributes {
			ItemName "The Direct Hit"
				"override projectile type" 1
				"faster reload rate" -0.8
				"ragdolls plasma effect" 1
				"Blast radius increased" 0.2
				"item style override" 1
				"is australium item" 1
				"fire input on kill" "!activator^$TauntFromItem^Taunt: Can It!"
				"damage bonus" 2
				"add cond on hit" 80   // Forced to parachute 
				"add cond on hit duration" 5   
			ItemAttributes	{
			ItemName "The Reserve Shooter"
				"fire rate bonus" 0.66
				"bullets per shot bonus" 4
				"damage penalty" 0.5
				"faster reload rate" 0.1
				"attack projectiles" 1
				"clip size penalty" 0.66
				"mod mini-crit airborne" 1
				"single wep deploy time decreased" 0.8
				"mult rocketjump deploy time" 0.34
				"rocketjump attackrate bonus"	-0.5
			//	"fire input on kill" "!activator^$TauntFromItem^Taunt: Can It!"
				"mark for death" 1
				"mod crit while airborne" 1
				"weapon spread bonus" 0.34
				"custom kill icon"	"headshot"  
				"is_passive_weapon" 1
				"stomp player damage" 10
				"stomp player force" 300
				"stomp player time" 0.1	
				"passive reload" 1
				"parachute attribute"			1
				CharacterAttributes {
				"increased jump height" 1
				"move speed bonus" 0.5
				"cannot pick up intelligence" 1
				"mult crit when health is below percent" 0.2
				"mult crit dmg"  2
				"dmg pierces resists absorbs" 1
				"no self blast dmg" 0
				"blast dmg to self increased" 622 
				"Blast radius decreased" 2.5
		} // Stevie	
	T_Pyro_Manokitt {
	Template	T_Giant_Pyro
		Health 22500 // 20000 // 12500
		Skill Expert 
	//	Action Mobber  
		Attributes UseBossHealthBar
		Name "FKF_Kitt"
		Scale 1.2
		ExtAttr IgnoreBuildings  
		Item "The Cute Suit"
		Item "Festive Backburner 2014"
		Item "The Flare Gun"
		Item "The Festive Axtinguisher"
		Item "Head Prize"
		UseHumanAnimations 1  
		UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1  
		WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly
		ItemAttributes {
		ItemName "Head Prize"
			"set item tint RGB" 15132390 // Abundange of Tinge. White
		ItemAttributes {
			ItemName "Festive Backburner 2014"
			"dmg penalty vs players" 1.2
			"set turn to ice" 1
			"slow enemy on hit" 0.75
			"firing forward pull" 200
			"attach particle effect" 703 // Cool
		ItemAttributes {
			ItemName "The Flare Gun"
			"faster reload rate" 0.50
			"heal on hit for slowfire" 90
			"dmg penalty vs nonburning"	0.1
			"damage bonus vs burning" 1.5
			"fire input on hit" "combo_sec_to_melee^Trigger^"
			"set turn to ice" 1
			"attach particle effect" 703 // Cool
		CharacterAttributes {
			"move speed bonus"	0.4
			"deploy time decreased" 0.01
			"cannot pick up intelligence" 0
			"dmg taken from blast reduced" 1.33
			"dmg taken from fire reduced" 0.2
			"heal on hit for slowfire" 8
		Delay 5
		Cooldown 5 // 0.5
		Repeats 0
		IfSeeTarget 1
		Duration 0
		Type "Jump"
		Delay 2
		Cooldown 5
		Repeats 0
		IfSeeTarget 1
		Duration 0
		Type "Secondary"
		Delay 6
		Cooldown 2
		Repeats 0
		IfSeeTarget 1
		Duration 0
		Type "Primary"
		ClassIcon tf2_lite
			Target player
			Action $DisplayTextChat
			Param "{99CCFF}FVF_Kitt{reset} (Pyro) has connected"
			Delay 0
			Cooldown 99999
			Repeats 0
			Target player
			Action $DisplayTextChat
			Param "{99CCFF}FVF_Kitt{reset}'s Passive {99CCFF}Flame Eater (50% of Flame DMG is returned as HP){reset} is active"
			Delay 2
			Cooldown 99999
			Repeats 0
			Target player
			Action $DisplayTextChat
			Param "{99CCFF}FVF_Kitt{reset} used {99CCFF}Flaregun"
			Delay 4
			Cooldown 99999
			Repeats 0
			Target player
			Action $DisplayTextChat
			Param "{99CCFF}FVF_Kitt{reset} used {99CCFF}Cryoburner"
			Delay 3
			Cooldown 99999
			IfHealthBelow 18000
			Repeats 0
			Target player
			Action $DisplayTextChat
			Param "{99CCFF}FVF_Kitt{reset} used {99CCFF}Quick Draw"
			Delay 1
			Cooldown 99999
			IfHealthBelow 18000
			Repeats 0
			Target player
			Action $DisplayTextChat
			Param "{99CCFF}FVF_Kitt{reset}: ..."
			Delay 0.05
			Cooldown 99999
			IfHealthBelow 18000
			Repeats 0
		Target player
		Action $DisplayTextChat
		Param "{99CCFF}FVF_Kitt{reset} used {99CCFF}Withstand! (Cannot be knocked)"
		Delay 0.05
		Repeats 1
		IfHealthBelow 12500 
			Delay 0.01 
			Repeats 0
			IfSeeTarget 0
			Name "FvFKitt_Phase2"
			IfHealthBelow 18000
			Delay 0.01 
			Repeats 0
			IfSeeTarget 1
			Name "FvFKitt_Phase3"
			IfHealthBelow 5000
			FvFKitt_Phase2 {
			UseBestWeapon 1  
			UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1  
			UseHumanAnimations 1  
			AimAt Feet  
			WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly
			ItemAttributes {
			ItemName "Head Prize"
				"set item tint RGB" 15132390 // Abundange of Tinge. White
			ItemAttributes {
			ItemName "Festive Backburner 2014"
				"dmg penalty vs players" 1.4
				"set turn to ice" 1
				"slow enemy on hit" 0.75
				"firing forward pull" 200
				"attach particle effect" 703 // Cool
			ItemAttributes {
			ItemName "The Flare Gun"
				"faster reload rate" 0.50
				"heal on hit for slowfire" 90
				"dmg penalty vs nonburning"	0.1
				"damage bonus vs burning" 1.5
				"fire input on hit" "switch_prim_to_secondary^Trigger^"
				"set turn to ice" 1
				"attach particle effect" 703 // Cool
				CharacterAttributes {
					"move speed bonus"	0.4
					"deploy time decreased" 0.01
					"cannot pick up intelligence" 0
					"dmg taken from blast reduced" 1.33
					"dmg taken from fire reduced" 0.5
					"heal on hit for slowfire" 8
					"airblast vulnerability multiplier" 4
					"airblast vertical vulnerability multiplier" 0
					"damage force reduction" 0 // KnockbackRage immune
			FvFKitt_Phase3 {
			AimTrackingInterval 0  
			ActionOverride FetchFlag    
			AimLeadProjectileSpeed 1  
			WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly
			Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon
			Skill Expert
			Item "The Cute Suit"
			Item "Festive Backburner 2014"
			Item "The Flare Gun"
			Item "The Festive Axtinguisher"
			Item "Head Prize"
			ItemAttributes {
			ItemName "Head Prize"
				"set item tint RGB" 15132390 // Abundange of Tinge. White
				ItemAttributes {
			ItemName "Festive Backburner 2014"
				"dmg penalty vs players" 1.5
				"set turn to ice" 1
				"slow enemy on hit" 0.75
				"firing forward pull" 200
				"attach particle effect" 703 // Cool
			ItemAttributes {
			ItemName "The Flare Gun"
			"faster reload rate" 0.25
			"heal on hit for slowfire" 90
			"dmg penalty vs nonburning"	0.1
			"damage bonus vs burning" 1.5
			"set turn to ice" 1
			"is_passive_weapon" 1
			"fire input on hit" "switch_sec_to_melee^Trigger^"
			"attach particle effect" 703 // Cool
				CharacterAttributes {
				"increased jump height" 2.3
				"move speed bonus" 0.35
				"cannot pick up intelligence" 0
				"move speed bonus"	0.66
				"deploy time decreased" 0.01
				"cannot pick up intelligence" 0
				"dmg taken from blast reduced" 1.33
				"dmg taken from fire reduced" 0.5
				"heal on hit for slowfire" 8
				"airblast vulnerability multiplier" 4
				"airblast vertical vulnerability multiplier" 0
				"damage force reduction" 0 // KnockbackRage immune
		} // Kitt

	T_Demo_Lars {
	Template	T_TFBot_Giant_Demoman_Atomic 
		Health 22500 // 20000 // 12500
		Skill Expert 
	//	Action Mobber  
		Attributes UseBossHealthBar
		Name "FKF_Lars"
		Scale 1.2
		Item "Sub Zero Suit"
		Item "Blastphomet"
		UseHumanAnimations 1  
		PreferClass Sniper  
		CharacterAttributes {
			"move speed bonus"	0.4
			"dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.66
		Delay 5
		Cooldown 5 // 0.5
		Repeats 0
		IfSeeTarget 1
		Duration 0
		Type "Jump"
		Delay 6
		Cooldown 2
		Repeats 0
		IfSeeTarget 1
		Duration 0
		Type "Primary"
		ClassIcon tf2_lite
			Target player
			Action $DisplayTextChat
			Param "{99CCFF}FVF_Lars{reset} (Demo) has connected"
			Delay 0
			Cooldown 99999
			Repeats 0
			Target player
			Action $DisplayTextChat
			Param "{99CCFF}FVF_Lars{reset}'s Passive {99CCFF}Thick Skinned (-33% BLAST DMG Res){reset} is active"
			Delay 2
			Cooldown 99999
			Repeats 0
			Target player
			Action $DisplayTextChat
			Param "{99CCFF}FVF_Lars{reset} used {99CCFF}Atomic Kiloton"
			Delay 4
			Cooldown 99999
			Repeats 0
			Target player
			Action $DisplayTextChat
			Param "{99CCFF}FVF_Lars{reset} used {99CCFF}Big Explosion"
			Delay 1
			Cooldown 99999
			IfHealthBelow 15000
			Repeats 0
		Target player
		Action $DisplayTextChat
		Param "{99CCFF}FVF_Lars{reset} used {red}[Trick Card]"
		Delay 0.05
		Repeats 1
		IfHealthBelow 20000 
		Target player
		Action $DisplayTextChat
		Param "{99CCFF}FVF_Lars{reset} used {red}SELF DESTRUCT!"
		Delay 0.05
		Repeats 1
		IfHealthBelow 8000 
	//	ChangeAttributes  
	//	{
	//		Delay 0.01 
	//		Repeats 0
	//		IfSeeTarget 0
	//	Name "FvFLars_Phase2"
	///		IfHealthBelow 15000
	//	}
			Item "The Loch-n-Load"	
			Name "blast radius increased" 
			Value 2.5
			Delay 0
			Cooldown 1 
			Repeats 1 
			IfHealthBelow 15000 
			Delay 0.01 
			Repeats 0
			IfSeeTarget 1
			Name "FvFLars_Phase3"
			IfHealthBelow 8000
			FvFLars_Phase3 {
			Skill Expert
			WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly
			Item	"The Chargin' Targe"
			Item "The Ullapool Caber"
			Item "The Loose Cannon"
			ItemAttributes	{
			ItemName "The Loose Cannon"
				"clip size upgrade atomic" 0.25
				"faster reload rate" 11
				"damage penalty" 6
				"Blast radius increased" 5
				"blast dmg to self increased" 621621
				"reduced_healing_from_medics" 0
				"use large smoke explosion" 1
				"auto fires full clip" 0
				"auto fires when full" 0
				"add cond when active"  36
				"is_passive_weapon" 1
				"custom projectile model" "models/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_caber/c_caber.mdl"
				"custom kill icon" "ullapool_caber"  	
				"killstreak tier" 1
			ItemAttributes	{
			ItemName "The Chargin' Targe"
				"Attack not cancel charge" 1
				"charge impact damage increased" 4
				"move speed bonus"	0.8
			ItemAttributes	{
			ItemName "The Ullapool Caber"
				"damage bonus" 6
				"damage causes airblast" 1
				"Blast radius increased" 621
				"blast dmg to self increased" 621621
				"reduced_healing_from_medics" 0
				"use large smoke explosion" 1
				"bombinomicon effect on death" 1
				"custom projectile model" "models/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_caber/c_caber.mdl"
				"custom kill icon" "ullapool_caber"  	
			"killstreak tier" 1
			CharacterAttributes {
				"move speed bonus" 0.6
				"no self blast dmg"	0
		} // Lars

		T_Heavy_Myk {
	Template	T_TFBot_Giant_Heavy_Enrage
		Health 20000 // 12500
		Skill Hard
	//	Action Mobber  
		Attributes UseBossHealthBar
		Name "FKF_Robin"
		Scale 1.2
		Item "The Chicken Kiev"
		Item	"The Brass Beast"
		Item "Heavy Heating"
		Item "Ol' Reliable"
		Item "Battery Canteens"
		UseHumanAnimations 1  
		UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1  
		ExtAttr SuppressCanteenUse  
		ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName "The Brass Beast"
		"accuracy scales damage" 1.5
		"fire rate bonus" 0.8
		"fire rate bonus with reduced health" 0.7
		"damage bonus"	1.7
		"turn to gold"	1	
		"spread penalty" 2
		"continous accuracy mult" 0.5  
		"continous accuracy time" 4  
		"mult_spread_scales_consecutive" 1
		"killstreak tier" 1
		ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName "Battery Canteens"
			"critboost" 1
			"powerup charges" 2
		Delay 0
		Repeats 1
		IfSeeTarget 1
		IfHealthBelow 5000
		Type "Action"
		CharacterAttributes {
			"move speed bonus"	0.3
		Delay 5
		Cooldown 5 // 0.5
		Repeats 0
		IfSeeTarget 1
		Duration 0
		Type "Jump"
		Delay 6
		Cooldown 2
		Repeats 0
		IfSeeTarget 1
		Duration 0
		Type "Primary"
		ClassIcon tf2_lite
			Target player
			Action $DisplayTextChat
			Param "{99CCFF}FKF_Robin{reset} (Heavy) has connected"
			Delay 0
			Cooldown 99999
			Repeats 0
			Target player
			Action $DisplayTextChat
			Param "{99CCFF}FKF_Robin{reset}'s Passive {99CCFF}Brass Lover (Starts with AA-Brass Minigun){reset} is active"
			Delay 2
			Cooldown 99999
			Repeats 0
			Target player
			Action $DisplayTextChat
			Param "{99CCFF}FKF_Robin{reset} used {99CCFF}Vampire Bullets"
			Delay 1
			Cooldown 99999
			IfHealthBelow 15000
			Repeats 0
			Target player
			Action $DisplayTextChat
			Param "{99CCFF}FKF_Robin{reset} used {99CCFF}Painkiller"
			Delay 1
			Cooldown 99999
			IfHealthBelow 5000
			Repeats 0
			Item "The Brass Beast"
			Name "heal on hit for rapidfire" 
			Value 30
			Delay 0
			Cooldown 9999
			Repeats 1 
			IfHealthBelow 15000 
			Item "The Brass Beast"
			Name "dmg from ranged reduced" 
			Value 0.2
			Delay 0.5
			Cooldown 9999
			Repeats 1 
			IfHealthBelow 5000 
			Item "The Brass Beast"
			Name "dmg from ranged reduced" 
			Delay 8
			Cooldown 9999
			Repeats 1 
			IfHealthBelow 5000 
			Delay 0.01 
			Repeats 0
			IfSeeTarget 1
			Name "FvFRobin_Phase2"
			IfHealthBelow 5000
			FvFRobin_Phase2 {
			Skill Normal
			Item "The Chicken Kiev"
			Item	"The Brass Beast"
			Item "Heavy Heating"
			Item "Ol' Reliable"
			Item "Battery Canteens"
			UseHumanAnimations 1  
			UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1  
			ExtAttr SuppressCanteenUse  
			ItemAttributes	{
			ItemName "The Brass Beast"
			"accuracy scales damage" 1.5
			"fire rate bonus" 0.8
			"fire rate bonus with reduced health" 0.7
			"damage bonus"	1.7
			"turn to gold"	1	
			"spread penalty" 2
			"continous accuracy mult" 0.5  
			"continous accuracy time" 4  
			"mult_spread_scales_consecutive" 1
			"killstreak tier" 1
			ItemAttributes	{
			ItemName "Battery Canteens"
				"critboost" 1
				"powerup charges" 2
			CharacterAttributes {
				"move speed bonus" 0.6
				"no self blast dmg"	0
				Delay 0
				Repeats 1
				IfSeeTarget 1
				IfHealthBelow 5000
				Type "Action"
		} // Robin
		T_Engi_Bach {
		Template	T_Giant_Engineer
		Health 22500 // 12500
		Skill Hard
		Action FetchFlag  
		Attributes UseBossHealthBar
		Name "FKF_Tortoise"
		Scale 1.2
		Item "Dell in the Shell"	
		Item "Iron Fist"	
		Item "The Texas Half-Pants"
		Item "Mining Light"
		Item "The Rescue Ranger"	
		WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly
		UseHumanAnimations 1  
		UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1  
		ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName "The Rescue Ranger"
			"custom item model" "models/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_ttg_sam_gun/c_ttg_sam_gun.mdl"
			"custom projectile model"		"models/weapons/w_models/w_rocketbullet.mdl"
			"mult projectile scale"			0.8
			"damage bonus"					1.2 // 1.5
			"repair health to metal ratio DISPLAY ONLY" 0.5
			"mult dmg vs giants" 0.5
			"dmg penalty vs buildings" 0.25
			"projectile lifetime"			1.5
			"projectile penetration"		1
			"grenade bounce damage"			1.5
			"no damage falloff"				1
			"grenade bounce speed"			1.25
			"reset arrow hits on bounce"	1
			"add attributes on kill" "minicrits become crits|1|10"
			"self add attributes on hit" "self mark for death|1|10"
			"add attributes on hit" "self mark for death|1|10|minicrit on cond|36|15"
			"clip size penalty" 1	
			"add cond on hit" 36 // Hype glow
			"minicrit on cond" 36
			"add cond when active"  70
			"self add cond on hit" 16 // Minicrit
			"custom kill icon" "rescue_ranger_reflect"
			"killstreak tier" 1
		Delay 0.05
		Cooldown 15
		IfSeeTarget 1
		Charges 20
		Type "Teleport"
		IfHealthBelow 15000
				Delay 0.05
				Cooldown 15
				IfSeeTarget 1
				Charges 2
				Type "Teleport"
				IfHealthBelow 8000
		CharacterAttributes {
			"move speed bonus"	0.4
		Delay 5
		Cooldown 5 // 0.5
		Repeats 0
		IfSeeTarget 1
		Duration 0
		Type "Jump"
		Delay 6
		Cooldown 2
		Repeats 0
		IfSeeTarget 1
		Duration 0
		Type "Primary"
		ClassIcon tf2_lite
			Target player
			Action $DisplayTextChat
			Param "{99CCFF}FKF_Turtle{reset} (Engineer) has connected"
			Delay 0
			Cooldown 99999
			Repeats 0
			Target player
			Action $DisplayTextChat
			Param "{99CCFF}FKF_Turtle{reset}'s Passive {99CCFF}Underdog (+DMG When under 30% HP){reset} is active"
			Delay 2
			Cooldown 99999
			Repeats 0
			Target player
			Action $DisplayTextChat
			Param "{99CCFF}FKF_Turtle{reset} used {99CCFF}High Noon"
			Delay 4
			Cooldown 99999
			Repeats 0
			Target player
			Action $DisplayTextChat
			Param "{99CCFF}FKF_Turtle{reset} used {99CCFF}Teleport Bomb"
			Delay 1
			Cooldown 99999
			IfHealthBelow 15000
			Repeats 0
			Target player
			Action $DisplayTextChat
			Param "{99CCFF}FKF_Turtle{reset} used {99CCFF}Profane Card (Conjure Cards from Graveyard)"
			Delay 1
			Cooldown 99999
			IfHealthBelow 8000
			Repeats 0
			Target player
			Action $DisplayTextChat
			Param "{99CCFF}FKF_Turtle{reset} used {99CCFF}Teleport Bomb"
			Delay 1
			Cooldown 15
			IfHealthBelow 8000
			Repeats 1
			Target player
			Action $DisplayTextChat
			Param "{99CCFF}FKF_Turtle{reset} used {red}No MORE Jump! (On Hit)"
			Delay 1
			Cooldown 99999
			IfHealthBelow 12000
			Repeats 0
			Delay 0.01 
			Repeats 0
			IfSeeTarget 1
			Name "FvFTurtle_Phase2"
			IfHealthBelow 12000
			FvFTurtle_Phase2 {
			Skill Expert
			Item "Dell in the Shell"	
		Item "Iron Fist"	
		Item "The Texas Half-Pants"
		Item "Mining Light"
		Item "The Rescue Ranger"	
		WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly
		UseHumanAnimations 1  
		UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1  
		ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName "The Rescue Ranger"
			"custom item model" "models/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_ttg_sam_gun/c_ttg_sam_gun.mdl"
			"custom projectile model"		"models/weapons/w_models/w_rocketbullet.mdl"
			"mult projectile scale"			0.8
			"damage bonus"					0.8 // 1.5
			"repair health to metal ratio DISPLAY ONLY" 0.5
			"mult dmg vs giants" 0.5
			"dmg penalty vs buildings" 0.25
			"projectile lifetime"			1.5
			"projectile penetration"		1
			"grenade bounce damage"			2.5
			"no damage falloff"				1
			"grenade bounce speed"			1.25
			"reset arrow hits on bounce"	1
			"add attributes on kill" "minicrits become crits|1|10"
			"self add attributes on hit" "self mark for death|1|10"
			"add attributes on hit" "self mark for death|1|10|minicrit on cond|36|15"
			"clip size penalty" 1	
			"add cond on hit" 36 // Hype glow
			"minicrit on cond" 36
			"add cond when active"  70
			"self add cond on hit" 16 // Minicrit
			"custom kill icon" "rescue_ranger_reflect"
			"add attributes on hit" "no_jump|1|5"
			"killstreak tier" 1
			CharacterAttributes {
				"move speed bonus" 0.5
				"no self blast dmg"	0		
		} // Bach


	// Wave 1 / 6 (800)
		Wave	{
	WaitWhenDone	65
	Checkpoint	Yes
	InitWaveOutput	{
	Target gamerules
	Action RunScriptCode
		ClientPrint(null,3,`\x08FFFF00FFTrust your instincts.`)
	// awawawawaawaawawaawa

		SetSkyboxTexture (`sky_nightfall_01`) // Thanks ficool2.
		// what am I going to do without you- check undocumented valve wiki for 3h?
		NetProps.SetPropInt(resource, `m_nMannVsMachineWaveCount`, 1)
		NetProps.SetPropInt(resource, `m_nMannVsMachineMaxWaveCount`, 5)
	//	EntFire(`func_upgradestation`, `enable`); // Christn why is this not working
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_airblast_cray_lose_footing_duration`, 0); // No more airblast
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_airblast_cray_power`, 150);
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_bot_taunt_victim_chance`, 0);
	StartWaveOutput	{
			Target	wave_start_relay
			Action	Trigger

		DoneOutput	{
			Target	wave_finished_relay
			Action	Trigger
		WaveSpawn	{
		Name	yia1
		TotalCurrency	0
		TotalCount	6
		MaxActive	6
		SpawnCount	2
		WaitBeforeStarting	0
		WaitBetweenSpawns	6
		Where	spawnbot_flank_right
		FirstSpawnWarningSound "#music/mvm_start_wave.wav"
		Target gamerules
		Action RunScriptCode
		SpawnEntityFromTable(`training_annotation` , {
		targetname = `sif_annot`
		display_text = `Tranq Spies will enable friendly fire for marked players.`
		lifetime = `15`
		origin = `755 490 600`
		EntFire(`sif_annot`, `show`)
		EntFire(`sif_annot`, `kill`, ``, 5)
		Squad {
		TFBot  {
		Template T_TFBot_Spy_Tranquil Name "Sea Observer"
		Action FetchFlag   
		Attributes AlwaysCrit ClassIcon spy_revolver_mark_lite // spy_hyper
		CharacterAttributes {	"fire rate bonus" 0.5	"dmg penalty vs players" 0	"cannot disguise" 1	}
		TFBot  {
		Template T_TFBot_Spy_Tranquil Name "Sea Observer"
		Action FetchFlag   
		Attributes AlwaysCrit ClassIcon spy_revolver_mark_lite // spy_hyper
		CharacterAttributes {	"fire rate bonus" 0.5	"dmg penalty vs players" 0	"cannot disguise" 1	}
		WaveSpawn	{
		Name	yia2
		TotalCurrency	100
		TotalCount	1 // 2
		MaxActive	1 // 2
		SpawnCount	1 // 2
		WaitBeforeStarting	12
		WaitBetweenSpawns	8
		Where	spawnbot
		FirstSpawnWarningSound "vo\mvm\mght\soldier_mvm_m_autodejectedtie02.mp3" // I will NOT tolerate failure on my TEAM!
		Squad	{
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Bazooka_Hyper
		ClassIcon soldier_burstfire_hyper_lite
		Item "The Escape Plan"		// Just watch out. Don't feed it crits.
		Item "Mining Light"
		Name "Major Depression"
		Health 40000 // 12000 // 20000
		MaxVisionRange 800
		Attributes UseBossHealthBar
	//	Attributes AlwaysCrit	
		UseHumanAnimations 1  
			IgnoreDisguisedSpies 1
			IgnoreStealthedSpies 1
			RocketSpeed 0.34
			TurnPower 0
			MaxAimError 0 
			AimTime 2.2
			Acceleration 0.34
			AccelerationTime 2
			AccelerationStartTime 2
			Delay 2
			Cooldown 2
			Repeats 0
			IfSeeTarget 1
			IfHealthBelow 36000 // 32000
	//		IfHealthBelow 4000
			ActionOverride Mobber   
			UseHumanAnimations 1  
			MaxVisionRange 900
			WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly
			Item "The Escape Plan"
			CharacterAttributes { "no self blast dmg" 0 }
			ItemAttributes	{
			ItemName "The Beggar's Bazooka"
				"is_passive_weapon" 1
				"faster reload rate" 1.2
				"auto fires full clip" 1
				"can overload" 1
				"blast dmg to self increased" 622 // 151
			ItemAttributes	{
			ItemName "The Escape Plan"
			"damage bonus" 1.9 // default damage is 65
			"move speed bonus" 1.2
			"self mark for death" 1
			"move speed bonus" 0
			"mod shovel speed boost" 1
			"blast dmg to self increased" 622
		//	"special taunt" -1	// I don't want them to kamikaze
			Delay 0.05
			Repeats 0
			Name "ohwowimsosad" 
			IfHealthBelow 36000
		ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName "The Beggar's Bazooka"
		"damage bonus" 0.1 
		"auto fires full clip" 0
        "can overload" 1 // They will suicide, due to how beggar's work
		"faster reload rate" 0.5
		"clip size penalty" 0.75
		"subtract victim cloak on hit" 20
		"reveal cloaked victim on hit" 1
		"subtract victim medigun charge on hit" 5

		"killstreak tier" 1
		CharacterAttributes {
	//	"blast dmg to self increased" 622 // 151
	//	"Blast radius increased" 101
		"Projectile speed increased" 0.2	}
		} // Ends this bot.
	//	TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_Kritzkrieg_Rapid }
		WaveSpawn	{
		Name	yia1
		TotalCurrency	32
		TotalCount	16
		MaxActive	12
		SpawnCount	4
		WaitBeforeStarting	8
		WaitBetweenSpawns	3 // 2
		Where	spawnbot
		Where	spawnbot_right
		Where	spawnbot_left
		RandomChoice {
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Scout_Sword // T_TFBot_Scout_ThreeRune	
		ClassIcon scout_bat_nys
//		Name "Hyper Scout Knight"
//		Name "Scoutknight"
//		Name "Incubating Scout"
 		Name "Cabin Boy"
//		Name "Mutating Scout"
	//	Name "Suicidalknight"
		ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName "Three-Rune Blade"
		"hit self on miss" 0 // 0
		"fire rate bonus" 3.22
		TFBot {	Template T_Scout WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly Name "Cabin Boy" ClassIcon scout_bat_nys Attributes AlwaysCrit CharacterAttributes { "crits_become_minicrits" 1 "crit does no damage" 1 } }
		TFBot {	Template T_Scout WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly  Name "Cabin Boy" Item "The Holy Mackerel" ClassIcon scout_bat_nys Attributes AlwaysCrit CharacterAttributes { "crits_become_minicrits" 1 "crit does no damage" 1 } }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Scout_Arm Name "Cabin Boy" ClassIcon scout_bat_nys Attributes AlwaysCrit CharacterAttributes { "crits_become_minicrits" 1 "crit does no damage" 1 } }
	//	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Scout_Atomizer_Jumping Name "Cabin Boy" ClassIcon scout_bat_nys Attributes AlwaysCrit CharacterAttributes { "crits_become_minicrits" 1 "crit does no damage" 1 } }
	//	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Scout_Batsaber Name "Cabin Boy" ClassIcon scout_bat_nys Attributes AlwaysCrit CharacterAttributes { "crits_become_minicrits" 1 "crit does no damage" 1 } }
	//	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Scout_Basher Name "Cabin Boy" ClassIcon scout_bat_nys Attributes AlwaysCrit CharacterAttributes { "crits_become_minicrits" 1 "crit does no damage" 1 } }		
	//	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Scout_Sword Name "Cabin Boy" ClassIcon scout_bat_nys Attributes AlwaysCrit CharacterAttributes { "crits_become_minicrits" 1 "crit does no damage" 1 } }		
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Scout_Gunbai Name "Cabin Boy" ClassIcon scout_bat_nys Attributes AlwaysCrit CharacterAttributes { "crits_become_minicrits" 1 "crit does no damage" 1 } }
	//	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Scout_Sandman_Marks Name "Cabin Boy" ClassIcon scout_bat_nys Attributes AlwaysCrit CharacterAttributes { "crits_become_minicrits" 1 "crit does no damage" 1 } }
	//	TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Scout_SunOnStick_Ignite Name "Cabin Boy" ClassIcon scout_bat_nys Attributes AlwaysCrit CharacterAttributes { "crits_become_minicrits" 1 "crit does no damage" 1 } }
	WaveSpawn    {
        Name    yia3
        TotalCurrency    88
        TotalCount   24 // 44 // 60 //  72
        MaxActive    10 // 20
        SpawnCount    2 // 3
        WaitBeforeStarting    5
        WaitBetweenSpawns    3 // 1.5
        WaitForAllDead   yia1
		Where	spawnbot
		Where	spawnbot_right
		Where	spawnbot_left
		RandomChoice {
		TFBot {	Template T_Scout WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly Name "Cabin Boy" ClassIcon scout_bat_nys  CharacterAttributes { "crits_become_minicrits" 1 "damage penalty" 0.34 } }
		TFBot {	Template T_Scout WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly  Name "Cabin Boy" Item "The Holy Mackerel" ClassIcon scout_bat_nys  CharacterAttributes { "crits_become_minicrits" 1 "damage penalty" 0.34 } }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Scout_Arm Name "Cabin Boy" ClassIcon scout_bat_nys  CharacterAttributes { "crits_become_minicrits" 1 "damage penalty" 0.34 } }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Scout_Atomizer_Jumping Name "Cabin Boy" ClassIcon scout_bat_nys  CharacterAttributes { "crits_become_minicrits" 1 "damage penalty" 0.34 } }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Scout_Batsaber Name "Cabin Boy" ClassIcon scout_bat_nys  CharacterAttributes { "crits_become_minicrits" 1 "damage penalty" 0.34 } }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Scout_Basher Name "Cabin Boy" ClassIcon scout_bat_nys  CharacterAttributes { "crits_become_minicrits" 1 "damage penalty" 0.34 } }		
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Scout_Gunbai Name "Cabin Boy" ClassIcon scout_bat_nys  CharacterAttributes { "crits_become_minicrits" 1 "damage penalty" 0.34 } }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Scout_Sandman_Marks Name "Cabin Boy" ClassIcon scout_bat_nys   CharacterAttributes { "crits_become_minicrits" 1 "damage penalty" 0.34 } }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Scout_SunOnStick_Ignite Name "Cabin Boy" ClassIcon scout_bat_nys   CharacterAttributes { "crits_become_minicrits" 1 "damage penalty" 0.34 } }
	WaveSpawn    {
        Name    yia3
        TotalCurrency    30
        TotalCount   30 //  72
        MaxActive    20
        SpawnCount    3
        WaitBeforeStarting    5
        WaitBetweenSpawns  3  //  1.5
        WaitForAllDead   yia1
        Where    spawnbot
		RandomChoice {
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Shortstop_Regular  Name "Cabin Boy" ClassIcon scout WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly Skill Easy  MaxVisionRange 1
		CharacterAttributes { "crits_become_minicrits" 1 "crit does no damage" 1 "damage penalty" 0.34  }
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Blaster_PublicEnemy  Name "Cabin Boy" ClassIcon scout WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly Skill Easy  MaxVisionRange 1
		CharacterAttributes { "crits_become_minicrits" 1 "crit does no damage" 1 "damage penalty" 0.34 }
			ActionOverride Mobber   
			MaxVisionRange 450
			WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly
			CharacterAttributes { "crits_become_minicrits" 1 "crit does no damage" 0 "damage penalty" 0.34 }
			Delay 15
			Repeats 0
			Name UnstableMutation 
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Blaster_PublicEnemy  Name "Cabin Boy" ClassIcon scout WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly Skill Easy MaxVisionRange 1
		CharacterAttributes { "crits_become_minicrits" 1 "crit does no damage" 1 "damage penalty" 0.34 }
			ActionOverride Mobber   
			MaxVisionRange 450
			WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly
			CharacterAttributes { "crits_become_minicrits" 1 "crit does no damage" 0 "damage penalty" 0.34 }
			Delay 15
			Repeats 0
			Name UnstableMutation 
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_SodaPopper  Name "Cabin Boy" ClassIcon scout WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly Skill Easy Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon MaxVisionRange 1
		CharacterAttributes { "crits_become_minicrits" 1 "crit does no damage" 1 "damage penalty" 0.34 }
			ActionOverride Mobber   
			MaxVisionRange 450
			WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly
			CharacterAttributes { "crits_become_minicrits" 1 "crit does no damage" 0 "damage penalty" 0.34 }
			Delay 15
			Repeats 0
			Name UnstableMutation 
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_ForceANature  Name "Cabin Boy" ClassIcon scout WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly Skill Easy Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon MaxVisionRange 1
		CharacterAttributes { "crits_become_minicrits" 1 "crit does no damage" 1 "damage penalty" 0.34 }
			ActionOverride Mobber   
			MaxVisionRange 450
			WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly
			CharacterAttributes { "crits_become_minicrits" 1 "crit does no damage" 0 "damage penalty" 0.34 }
			Delay 15
			Repeats 0
			Name UnstableMutation 
		TFBot { Template T_Scout Name "Cabin Boy" Skill Easy  Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon MaxVisionRange 1 ClassIcon scout
		CharacterAttributes { "crits_become_minicrits" 1 }
		TFBot { Template T_Scout Name "Cabin Boy" Attributes IgnoreEnemies Skill Easy Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon ClassIcon scout}
		TFBot { Template T_Scout Name "Cabin Boy"	Skill Expert ClassIcon scout
		ItemAttributes	{	ItemName TF_WEAPON_SCATTERGUN
		"override projectile type"	29 // blank. This projectile doesn't work on hitscan
		"clip size penalty" 0.1	}
	WaveSpawn    {
        Name    yia6s
        TotalCurrency    2
        TotalCount    2
        MaxActive    2
        SpawnCount    2
        WaitBeforeStarting    0 // 5
        WaitBetweenSpawns    6
        WaitForAllSpawned   yia2
        Where    spawnbot_left
		Squad {
        TFBot {    Class Scout
		Item	"Three-Rune Blade"
		Name "Scout, where was the 1$?"
		Health  1
        ClassIcon Scout
		WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly
		ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName "Three-Rune Blade"
		"hit self on miss" 1
		"active health degen" 42
		"move speed bonus"	0.5
		 TFBot {   Class Scout
		 Item	"Three-Rune Blade"
		Name "Kick Scout he missed 1$"
        ClassIcon Scout
		Health  1
		WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly
		ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName "Three-Rune Blade"
		"hit self on miss" 1
		"active health degen" 42
		"move speed bonus"	0.5
	WaveSpawn    {
        Name    yia3
        TotalCurrency    100
        TotalCount    2 // 4 // 4
        MaxActive    1 // 2 
        SpawnCount    1 // 2
        WaitBeforeStarting    15
        WaitBetweenSpawns    15
        WaitForAllSpawned   yia2
        Where    spawnbot
		RandomChoice {
        TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Burst_Suspend // T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Jumper_Burst
		Name "Giant Slow Burst Soldier"
		Item "The Liberty Launcher"
		Item "Jumper's Jeepcap"
	//	Name "Sgt. Hyper Clueless Soldier"
        ClassIcon soldier_burstfire_hyper_lite
    //    Attributes AlwaysCrit
		ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName  "The Liberty Launcher"
		"clip size upgrade atomic" 0.75

		"killstreak tier" 1
		"projectile trail particle" "halloween_rockettrail"
		CharacterAttributes	{ "dmg bonus vs buildings" 0.1 "dmg penalty vs players" 0.25 "crits_become_minicrits" 1 }
	//	TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_Kritzkrieg_Rapid }
	WaveSpawn    {
        Name    yia4s
        TotalCurrency   0
        TotalCount    621
        MaxActive    8
        SpawnCount    2
        WaitBeforeStarting    0
        WaitBetweenSpawns    5
        WaitForAllDead   yia3
        Where    spawnbot_flank_left
		Support Limited
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_Battle_Needle_HealonHit Name "Leech Sprayer" Skill Easy }
	WaveSpawn    {
        Name    yia4
        TotalCurrency    100
        TotalCount    1
        MaxActive    1
        SpawnCount    1
        WaitBeforeStarting    35
        WaitBetweenSpawns    0
        WaitForAllDead   yia2
        Where    spawnbot
		Squad {
        TFBot {  Template T_Giant_Heavy // Template T_TFBot_Giant_HeavyBox_Fast
		Item 	"Iron Curtain"
       Name "Giant Ludmilla Heavy"
		Item "The Battalion's Backup"
        ClassIcon heavy_healonkill // _backup_lite
		Health 5000 // 5000
//		Attributes UseBossHealthBar
     //   Attributes AlwaysCrit
		Skill Easy
		MaxVisionRange 1
		ItemAttributes	{
			ItemName "Iron Curtain"
		//	"override projectile type" 2 // Rocket
		//	"mult projectile scale" 0.75  
		//	"custom projectile model"		"models/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_quadball/w_quadball_grenade.mdl"  
		//	"projectile no deflect" 1
		//	"ignores other projectiles" 1  
			"heal on hit for rapidfire"	25 // 200
			"damage penalty" 0.25 // 0.5
		//	"blast radius increased"	0.25
		//	"rocket specialist" 2
		CharacterAttributes {
			"move speed bonus" 0.6
			"dmg taken increased" 1.5
		//	"mod_maxhealth_drain_rate" 200
			"mod_maxhealth_drain_rate" -200
		//	"crit does no damage" 1
			"no_jump" 1
	//	FireInput  
	//	{
	//		Target player
	//		Action $DisplayTextChat
	//		Param "{99CCFF}[Giant Intent - Self Buff] {reset}STSpire Mode Shifting.."
	//		Delay 3
	//		Cooldown 99999
	//		Repeats 0
	//		IfHealthBelow 7500
	//	}
	//	TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_Kritzkrieg_Blink ClassIcon medic_kritz }
	//	TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_Kritzkrieg_Blink ClassIcon medic_kritz }
///// TANK 1 /////
    WaveSpawn    {
    Name    tank1
    WaitForAllDead yia2
    TotalCurrency  1298 // 998  // 1999 // 99 // These money vanish if you don't kill the tank :3
    TotalCount    1
 //   Where    spawnbot_boss
    WaitBeforeStarting    15
    FirstSpawnWarningSound "Announcer.MVM_Tank_Alert_Spawn"
    FirstSpawnOutput     {    Target boss_spawn_relay    Action Trigger  }
    Tank    {
    Health    10000 // 22000 // 25000
    Name tankboss
    ClassIcon tank //speed
    Speed    50  // 75 
    Skin 0
    StartingPathTrackNode    "boss_path_a1"

    OnKilledOutput    { Target    boss_dead_relay Action Trigger    }
  //  OnBombDroppedOutput    { Target tankboss Action Kill    }
	OnBombDroppedOutput    { Target	boss_deploy_relay	Action	Trigger    }

    WaveSpawn    {
    WaitForAllSpawned tank1
    WaitBeforeStarting 0.05
    FirstSpawnOutput    {
        Target wave_start_relay
        Action RunScriptCode
        ClientPrint(null,3,`\x0799CCFFMud Tank with 10k HP inbound!`)

    WaveSpawn    {
    WaitForAllSpawned tank1
    WaitBeforeStarting 0.05
    FirstSpawnWarningSound "#mvm/mvm_tank_start.wav"
    FirstSpawnOutput    {
        Target tankboss
        Action "setmodelscale"
        Param "0.5"
///// TANK 1 OVER /////	
	} // Wave 1 done.
	// Wave 2 / 6 (800)
	Wave	{
	WaitWhenDone	65
	Checkpoint	Yes
	InitWaveOutput	{
	Target gamerules
	Action RunScriptCode
		SetSkyboxTexture (`sky_nightfall_01`) // Thanks ficool2.
		ClientPrint(null,3,`\x08FFFF00FFRuin has come to consume what's left of our swamp.`)
		ClientPrint(null,3,`\x08FFFF00FThey are in the waters.`)
//		ClientPrint(null,3,`.`)
//		ClientPrint(null,3,`Developer mode is enabled. Psst headshot is enabled for this wave.`)
//		ClientPrint(null,3,`Director State will be printed in the chat.`)
	// awawawawaawaawawaawa
		NetProps.SetPropInt(resource, `m_nMannVsMachineWaveCount`, 2)
		NetProps.SetPropInt(resource, `m_nMannVsMachineMaxWaveCount`, 5)
	//	EntFire(`func_upgradestation`, `enable`); // Christn why is this not working
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_airblast_cray_lose_footing_duration`, 0); // No more airblast
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_airblast_cray_power`, 150);
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_bot_taunt_victim_chance`, 0);
	StartWaveOutput	{
		Target	wave_start_relay
		Action	Trigger

	DoneOutput	{
		Target	wave_finished_relay
		Action	Trigger
	PlayerAttributes {  
	"can headshot"	1  
	"revolver use hit locations" 1
	WaveSpawn	{
	Name era1
	WaitBeforeStarting 0.05
//	FirstSpawnWarningSound "insertmusichere"
//	FirstSpawnWarningSound "meme/sif_swampfever_intro.wav"
	FirstSpawnOutput	{
		Target wave_start_relay
		Action RunScriptCode
		ClientPrint(null,3,`\x08FFFF00FF[Music] Now Playing: Died on the Bayou (L4D2 Swamp Fever) - Mike Morasky`)
	WaveSpawn	{
	Name era1
	WaitBeforeStarting 0.05
	FirstSpawnOutput	{
		Target ambient_musik1
		Action Trigger

	WaveSpawn    {
        Name    era0
        TotalCurrency    0
        TotalCount    1
        MaxActive    1
        SpawnCount    1
        WaitBeforeStarting    5
        WaitBetweenSpawns    5
		Support Limited
        Where    spawnbot_flank_right
        TFBot {    Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Apoco_Champ Name "Infected" Item "Breadcrab" ClassIcon heavy_apocofist
		 CharacterAttributes { "damage penalty" 0.25 "slow enemy on hit major" 2 "crit from behind" 1 }
		FirstSpawnOutput	{
		Target wave_start_relay
		Action RunScriptCode
	//	ClientPrint(null,3,`Director Tempo: BUILD_UP`)
	//	ClientPrint(null,3,`Common: 30/120`)
	//	ClientPrint(null,3,`Next WFAS Timer: 30s or team too stressed out [Horde is repeatedly killed up-close].`)
	//	ClientPrint(null,3,`Pending mob size: 30.`)
	//	ClientPrint(null,3,`...`)
	//	ClientPrint(null,3,`The Team has left safe area.`)
	//	ClientPrint(null,3,`Curr. Threat: Common, Wanderer. RNG Boss.`)
	WaveSpawn    {
        Name    era0
        TotalCurrency    60
        TotalCount    21
        MaxActive    15
        SpawnCount    3
        WaitBeforeStarting    8
        WaitBetweenSpawns    2
        Where    spawnbot_left
		Where    spawnbot
		Where 	 spawnbot_right
		Support Limited
        TFBot {    Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Apoco_Champ Name "Infected" Item "Breadcrab" ClassIcon heavy_apocofist
		 CharacterAttributes { "damage penalty" 0.25 "slow enemy on hit major" 2 "crit from behind" 1 }
		LastSpawnOutput	{
		Target wave_start_relay
		Action RunScriptCode
	//	ClientPrint(null,3,`Director Tempo: SUSTAIN_PEAK`)
	WaveSpawn    {
        Name    era1
        TotalCurrency    0
        TotalCount    1
        MaxActive    1
        SpawnCount    1
        WaitBeforeStarting    28
        WaitBetweenSpawns    2
		Where    spawnbot
		FirstSpawnWarningSound "ambient/halloween/female_scream_01.wav"
		Support Limited
        TFBot {    Template T_TFBot_Giant_Sniper_Piss
		Scale 1
		Health 450
        Name "Screamer"
		Item "Breadcrab"
        ClassIcon heavy_apocofist
        CharacterAttributes {
		"move speed bonus" 0.5
//	WaveSpawn    {
 //       Name    eras
//        TotalCurrency    0
//        TotalCount    4
//        MaxActive    1
//        SpawnCount    1
//        WaitBeforeStarting    0
//        WaitBetweenSpawns    5
//        Where    Behind
	//	Support Limited
	//	RandomChoice {
	//	RandomChoice {
//        TFBot {    Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Apoco_Champ
//        Name "Common Infected"
//        ClassIcon heavy_apocofist
//		CharacterAttributes {
//			"active health degen" -25 // Preventing clogging spawns
//		}							// This is also supposed to mimic L4D
    //    }							// Cleaning up bots outside the play area.
	//	}
//		}
//	}
	WaveSpawn {
		Name    eras2
        TotalCurrency    0
        TotalCount    3
        MaxActive    2
        SpawnCount    1
        WaitBeforeStarting    8
        WaitBetweenSpawns    20
		WaitForAllSpawned	era1
        Where  spawnbot
		Support Limited
		TFBot {    Template T_TFBot_Giant_Pyro_Phlog
		ClassIcon Breadcrab_zombie
		Scale 1.4
		Health 3000
        Name "Witch Pyro"
		Item "The Crone's Dome"
        MaxVisionRange 250
			Delay 2 
			Cooldown 5 
			Repeats 0
			Type "Help" 
			Delay 0.05
			Cooldown 6.21
			Repeats 1
			IfSeeTarget 0
			IfHealthBelow 2750
			Delay 5
			Cooldown 3
			Repeats 1
			IfSeeTarget 1 
			Duration 0.5
			Type "Secondary"
			Delay 5
			Cooldown 3 
			Repeats 1
			IfSeeTarget 0
			Duration 0.5
			Type "Secondary"
			IfHealthBelow 2550
//		FireInput  
//		{
//			Target player
//			Action $DisplayTextChat
//			Param "{99CCFF}Witch Pyro{reset}: Grr.. someone shot me."
//			Delay 3
//			Cooldown 99999
//			Repeats 0
//			IfHealthBelow 1150
//		}
	CharacterAttributes {
	//	"dmg taken from crit increased" 3 // Simulating headshot.
		"ignored by enemy sentries" 1
		"cannot pick up intelligence" 0
		"damage bonus" 0.5
	ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName "The Crone's Dome"
		"set item tint RGB" 16738740 // Pink in HEX
			ActionOverride Mobber   
			MaxVisionRange 900
			Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon
			Attributes AlwaysCrit
		Delay 2
		Repeats 0
		Name "Angy" 
		IfHealthBelow 550
//	FirstSpawnOutput 
//	{
//		Target gamerules
//		Action RunScriptCode
//		Param 
//		"
//		SpawnEntityFromTable(`training_annotation` , {
//		targetname = `sif_annot`
//		display_text = `Wrangle your gun, that's a Witch Pyro.`
//		lifetime = `15`
//		origin = `-292 52 704.33`
//		}
//		)
//		EntFire(`sif_annot`, `show`)
//		EntFire(`sif_annot`, `kill`, ``, 8)
//		ClientPrint(null,3,`Reminder: Witch gets upset if you touch, damage, or linger near them.`)
	//	ClientPrint(null,3,`Don't startle her. LEAVE her alone.`)
//		"
//	}
	WaveSpawn	{
	Name era2
	WaitForAllSpawned	era1
	WaitBeforeStarting 10
///	FirstSpawnWarningSound "misc/cp_harbor_blue_whistle.wav"
	FirstSpawnWarningSound "herecomesthehorde"

		Target gamerules
		Action RunScriptCode
		SpawnEntityFromTable(`training_annotation` , {
		targetname = `sif_annot`
		display_text = `<!> The Screamer alerted THEM..`
		lifetime = `15`
		origin = `-292 52 704.33`
		EntFire(`sif_annot`, `show`)
		EntFire(`sif_annot`, `kill`, ``, 8)
	//	ClientPrint(null,3,`Director Tempo: PEAK (30s)`)
	//	ClientPrint(null,3,`Pending mob size: 60`)
	//	ClientPrint(null,3,`Pending Special count: 6. Max 2 dupe.`)
	//	ClientPrint(null,3,`...`)
	//	ClientPrint(null,3,`Curr. Threat: Common, 3 Specials.`)
	//	ClientPrint(null,3,`...`)
	//	ClientPrint(null,3,`Hunter, Humper; PreferWhere = Behind, Anywhere.`)
	//	ClientPrint(null,3,`Boomer, Charger; PreferWhere = Ahead, Close`)
	//	ClientPrint(null,3,`Smoker, Spitter; PreferWhere = Above.`)
//	WaveSpawn {
//		Name    SPECIAL_ABOVE // So uhh Where = above doesn't work in MvM?
//       TotalCurrency    0
//        TotalCount    8
//        MaxActive    1
//        SpawnCount    1
//        WaitBeforeStarting    45
//       WaitBetweenSpawns    30
//		WaitForAllSpawned	eras2
//       Where  Above
//		Support Limited
//		RandomChoice {
//		}
//	}

	WaveSpawn {
        TotalCurrency    0
        TotalCount    4
        MaxActive    2
        SpawnCount    1
        WaitBeforeStarting    30
        WaitBetweenSpawns    45 // 30
		WaitForAllSpawned	eras2
        Where  spawnbot_flank_left
		Where spawnbot_flank_right
		Support Limited
		RandomChoice {
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demoknight_Bash
		Name "Charger"
		Health 650
		Scale 1.2
		ClassIcon Breadcrab_zombie
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demoknight_Bash
		Name "Bruiser"
		Health 650
		Scale 1.2
		ClassIcon Breadcrab_zombie
		CharacterAttributes	{
			"damage causes airblast"	1
			"damage penalty" 0.01
			"apply z velocity on damage" 250
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Giant_Pyro_Gas_Explode_Piss
		Name "Boomer"
		Health 600
		Scale 1.2
		ClassIcon Breadcrab_zombie
	WaveSpawn {
        TotalCurrency    0
        TotalCount    8
        MaxActive    1
        SpawnCount    1
        WaitBeforeStarting    15
        WaitBetweenSpawns    45 // 30
		WaitForAllSpawned	eras2
        Where  Behind
		Support Limited
		RandomChoice {
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Demoknight_Caber_Atomic Name "Boomer" MaxVisionRange 10
		Item	"The Loose Cannon" ClassIcon Breadcrab_zombie
		ItemAttributes	{ ItemName "The Loose Cannon" "damage bonus" 0.01 "blast dmg to self increased" 621621 "use large smoke explosion" 1 "damage causes airblast" 1 "apply z velocity on damage" 300 }
		CharacterAttributes	{ "damage bonus" 0.01 "blast dmg to self increased" 621621 "use large smoke explosion" 1 "damage causes airblast" 1 "apply z velocity on damage" 300 }
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Giant_Scout_Atomizer
		Name "Hunter"
		Health 250 // 650
		Scale 1.2
		ClassIcon Breadcrab_zombie
		MoveBehindEnemy 1  
		Action Mobber  
		Spell   // Ah yes, literally cheating.
			Delay 20
			Cooldown 20
			Type "Teleport"
	WaveSpawn {
		Name    era2
		WaitForAllSpawned	era1
        TotalCurrency    110 // 48
        TotalCount    51 // 48
        MaxActive    6 // 9
        SpawnCount    3
        WaitBeforeStarting    25
        WaitBetweenSpawns    2.5
        Where	spawnbot_left
		Where	spawnbot
		Where	spawnbot_right
		RandomChoice {
		Shuffle 1  
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Scout_Shortstop_Regular
	//	ClassIcon scout_shortstop_milky_alt
		ClassIcon scout_milk
	//	Name "Mud Worker"
		Health 125
		Name "Wetman"
		Item "The Data Mining Light"
		WeaponRestrictions	MeleeOnly
		Item	"The Fan o'War"
		ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName "Mad Milk"
			"is_passive_weapon" 1
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Scout_Milk
	//	ClassIcon scout_shortstop_milky_alt
		ClassIcon scout_milk
		Name "Wetman"
		Health 50
		Item "The Data Mining Light"
		CharacterAttributes	{
			"torso scale"	0.1
			"hand scale" 0.1
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Scout_Milk
	//	ClassIcon scout_shortstop_milky_alt
		ClassIcon scout_milk
		Name "Wetman"
		Health 50
		Item "The Data Mining Light"
		CharacterAttributes	{
			"torso scale"	0.1
			"hand scale" 0.1
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Gas_Explode
	//	ClassIcon pyro_gascann_explode
		ClassIcon pyro_neon_gascann
		Name "Oilman"
		Health 100
		Item "The Data Mining Light"
		Item "The Neon Annihilator"
		WeaponRestrictions	MeleeOnly
		ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName "The Gas Passer"
			"is_passive_weapon" 1
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Gas_Explode
	//	ClassIcon pyro_gascann_explode
		ClassIcon pyro_neon_gascann
		Name "Oilman"
		Health 100
		Item "The Data Mining Light"
		Item "The Neon Annihilator"
		WeaponRestrictions	MeleeOnly
		ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName "The Gas Passer"
			"is_passive_weapon" 1
	WaveSpawn {
		Name    era2
		WaitForAllSpawned	era1
        TotalCurrency    30
        TotalCount    30
        MaxActive    6
        SpawnCount    3
        WaitBeforeStarting    32
        WaitBetweenSpawns    6
        Where	spawnbot_flank_right
		Where	spawnbot_right
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Piss
		Item "Breadcrab"
		Name "Mudman"
		Health 60
		WeaponRestrictions	MeleeOnly
		ClassIcon sniper_jarate_bushwacka
		ItemAttributes	{
		Itemname "jarate"
			"is_passive_weapon" 1
		CharacterAttributes	{
			"torso scale"	0.1
			"dmg bonus vs buildings" 2
			"hand scale" 0.1
	WaveSpawn {
		Name    era3
		WaitForAllSpawned	era1
        TotalCurrency    0
        TotalCount   72 //  42
        MaxActive    8
        SpawnCount    2
        WaitBeforeStarting    42
        WaitBetweenSpawns    1 // 0
		Where	spawnbot_invasion
		Support Limited
		 TFBot {    Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Apoco_Champ Name "Infected" Item "Breadcrab" ClassIcon heavy_apocofist
		 CharacterAttributes { "damage penalty" 0.25 "slow enemy on hit major" 2 "crit from behind" 1 }
	WaveSpawn {
		Name    era4
		WaitForAllSpawned	era1
        TotalCurrency    200
        TotalCount    3 // 4
        MaxActive    2
        SpawnCount    1
        WaitBeforeStarting    30
        WaitBetweenSpawns    25
		Where	spawnbot
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Mangler_RapidFire
//		Name "Giant Fallen Mangler"
		Name "Fallen Mangled Mangler"
		Scale 1.4
		ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName "The Cow Mangler 5000"
		"fire rate bonus" 0.5
		"faster reload rate" -1.2
		"minicrit on cond" 5|24|27|86|1|9|15|22|25|123  // Wet etc

		"killstreak tier" 1
		CharacterAttributes	{
		"damage bonus" 0.34
		LastSpawnOutput	{
		Target wave_start_relay
		Action RunScriptCode
		ClientPrint(null,3,`Director Tempo: RELAX`)
	//	ClientPrint(null,3,`Attempting to stop all spawns.`)
	//	ClientPrint(null,3,`...`)
	//	ClientPrint(null,3,`Remain.. Specials. Wanderer.`)
	WaveSpawn {
		Name    era5
		WaitForAllDead	era4
        TotalCurrency    200
        TotalCount    2
        MaxActive    2
        SpawnCount    1
        WaitBeforeStarting    2
        WaitBetweenSpawns    15
		Where	spawnbot
            Target bossmusic1
            Action RunScriptCode
            Param "
			//	EntFire(`player`, `RunScriptCode`, `if (!IsPlayerABot(self)) self.StopSound(`meme/sif_swampfever_intro`)`)
				StopAmbientSoundOn(`meme/sif_swampfever_intro`, self)
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_HeavyBox Name "Marsh Keeper"
		Item "Buccaneer's Bicorne"
		Item "EOTL_sheavyshirt" // Hunter Heavy
	//	ClassIcon heavy_hyper
	//		UseCustomModel "models\kirillian\infected\hank_v4.mdl"
	//		StripItem "Zombie Heavy"
	//		NoIdleSound 1
	//		AdditionalStepSound "=80|player/footsteps/giant2.wav"
	WaveSpawn {
		Name    era5
		WaitForAllDead	era4
        TotalCurrency    200
        TotalCount    1
        MaxActive    1
        SpawnCount    1
        WaitBeforeStarting    50
        WaitBetweenSpawns    0
		Where	spawnbot_flank_left
		FirstSpawnWarningSound "meme/sif_tank.mp3"
		FirstSpawnOutput	{
		Target ambient_musik2
		Action Trigger
		TFBot { Template T_Zombie_Garg Name "Tank"
		ClassIcon heavy_zombie_arm1_lite
			UseCustomModel "models\kirillian\infected\hank_v4.mdl"
			StripItem "Zombie Heavy"
			NoIdleSound 1
			AdditionalStepSound "=80|player/footsteps/giant2.wav"
		FirstSpawnOutput    {
        Target wave_start_relay
        Action RunScriptCode
        ClientPrint(null,3,`\x08FFFF00FF[Music] Now Playing: Tank!)`)
	WaveSpawn {
		WaitForAllDead	era5
        WaitBeforeStarting    1
        WaitBetweenSpawns    0
            Target bossmusic2
            Action RunScriptCode
            Param "
			//	EntFire(`player`, `RunScriptCode`, `if (!IsPlayerABot(self)) self.StopSound(`meme/sif_swampfever_intro`)`)
				StopAmbientSoundOn(`meme/sif_tank`, self)
	WaveSpawn {
		WaitForAllDead	era4
        TotalCurrency    0
        TotalCount    69
        MaxActive    4
        SpawnCount    2
        WaitBeforeStarting    0
        WaitBetweenSpawns    15 // 30
		WaitForAllSpawned	eras2
        Where  Behind
		Where spawnbot_flank_left
		Where spawnbot_flank_right
		Support Limited
		RandomChoice {
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Demoknight_Caber_Atomic Name "Boomer" MaxVisionRange 10
		Item	"The Loose Cannon" ClassIcon Breadcrab_zombie
		ItemAttributes	{ ItemName "The Loose Cannon" "damage bonus" 0.01 "blast dmg to self increased" 621621 "use large smoke explosion" 1 "damage causes airblast" 1 "apply z velocity on damage" 300 }
		CharacterAttributes	{ "damage bonus" 0.01 "blast dmg to self increased" 621621 "use large smoke explosion" 1 "damage causes airblast" 1 "apply z velocity on damage" 300 }
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demoknight_Bash
		Name "Charger"
		Health 650
		Scale 1.2
		ClassIcon Breadcrab_zombie
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demoknight_Bash
		Name "Bruiser"
		Health 650
		Scale 1.2
		ClassIcon Breadcrab_zombie
		CharacterAttributes	{
			"damage causes airblast"	1
			"damage penalty" 0.01
			"apply z velocity on damage" 250
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Giant_Pyro_Gas_Explode_Piss
		Name "Boomer"
		Health 600
		Scale 1.2
		ClassIcon Breadcrab_zombie
		TFBot  { Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Gas_Explode_Piss Skill Expert Name "Spitter"	ClassIcon Breadcrab_zombie Item	"The Razorback" 
		ItemAttributes	{ ItemName "The Gas Passer" "is invisible" 1 "fire input on kill" "!activator^$TauntFromItem^Conga Taunt" }
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Demoman_RapidFire Action Sniper  Skill Normal	Name "Lobber"	Item "The Jarmaments" ClassIcon Breadcrab_zombie Item	"The Razorback"
		UseHumanAnimations 1  
		CharacterAttributes {	"dmg penalty vs players" 0.01 "grenade explode on impact" 1	"add cond on hit" 24 "add cond on hit duration" 5
		"custom projectile model" "models/weapons/c_models/urinejar.mdl"  		
		"fire input on kill" "!activator^$TauntFromItem^Taunt: Scotsmann's Stagger" }
		TFBot  { Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Razorback_Sydney Action Sniper  Skill Expert Name "Docker"	ClassIcon Breadcrab_zombie Item	"The Razorback" 
		ItemAttributes	{ ItemName "The Sydney Sleeper" "applies snare effect" 0.99	"sniper charge per sec" 621	"damage bonus" 0.01 "fire input on kill" "!activator^$TauntFromItem^Conga Taunt" }
		TFBot  { Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Classic Action Sniper Skill Normal Name "Stinger"	ClassIcon Breadcrab_zombie Item	"The Razorback"
		ItemAttributes	{ ItemName "TF_WEAPON_SMG"	"slow enemy on hit major" 2 "fire input on kill" "!activator^$TauntFromItem^Conga Taunt"	}

	} // Wave 2 Done.	
	// Wave 3 / 6 (900)
	Wave	{
	WaitWhenDone	65
	Checkpoint	Yes
	InitWaveOutput	{
	Target gamerules
	Action RunScriptCode
		SetSkyboxTexture (`sky_nightfall_01`) // Thanks ficool2.
		ClientPrint(null,3,`\x08FFFF00FFThe robots do get a little bit quirky at night.`)
		NetProps.SetPropInt(resource, `m_nMannVsMachineWaveCount`, 3)
		NetProps.SetPropInt(resource, `m_nMannVsMachineMaxWaveCount`, 5)
	//	EntFire(`func_upgradestation`, `enable`); // Christn why is this not working
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_airblast_cray_lose_footing_duration`, 0); 
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_airblast_cray_power`, 150);
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_bot_taunt_victim_chance`, 0);
	StartWaveOutput	{
		Target	wave_start_relay
		Action	Trigger

	DoneOutput	{
		Target	wave_finished_relay
		Action	Trigger
	WaveSpawn {
	Name "san_Oh_no_its_feddy"
	WaitBeforeStarting   59
	FirstSpawnWarningSound "meme/sif_fnaf_overture"
//	FirstSpawnOutput    {
 //       Target wave_start_relay
//       Action RunScriptCode
 //       Param 
  //      "
   //     ClientPrint(null,3,`..is that FAZBEAR? ur ur ur urr urr?`)
 //       "
	//	}
	WaveSpawn {
		Name    sana1
        TotalCurrency    25
        TotalCount    1
        MaxActive    1
        SpawnCount    1
        WaitBeforeStarting   2
        WaitBetweenSpawns    6
        Where	spawnbot_flank_right
		TFBot	{	Template T_TFBot_Giant_Scout_Cane ClassIcon scout_fast	
	//	Name "It's so Shrimple REALLY"
	//	Name "On GOD's weakest diff spike fr"	
	//	Name "Warning: Diff Spike"
		Name "This isn't INT anymore wtf"
		Health 1200
	WaveSpawn {
		Name    FreddyFivebear
        TotalCurrency    0
        TotalCount    621
        MaxActive    1
        SpawnCount    1
		WaitForAllDead sana2
        WaitBeforeStarting   5
        WaitBetweenSpawns    90
        Where	spawnbot_flank_left
		Support Limited
		Target gamerules
		Action RunScriptCode
		SpawnEntityFromTable(`training_annotation` , {
		targetname = `sif_annot`
		display_text = `Freddy will slowly creep up to jumpscare you. Keep an eye on them.`
		lifetime = `15`
		origin = `433 -1367 600`
		EntFire(`sif_annot`, `show`)
		EntFire(`sif_annot`, `kill`, ``, 5)
	RandomChoice {
	RandomChoice {
	TFbot {
		Template T_TFBot_Giant_HeavyBox_Maul
		AlwaysGlow 1  
		Name "Freddy Fivebear"
		Health 19840
		ClassIcon heavy_warrior_sif
		Scale 0.5
		Item "The Bear Necessities"
		Item "Mad Mask"
	//	Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon
		Action Mobber  
	//	ExtAttr IgnoreBots  
		ExtAttr IgnoreNPC  
		ExtAttr IgnoreBuildings  
		Addcond {Name tf_cond_reprogrammed_neutral}   
			Item"Warrior's Spirit"
			Name "move speed bonus"
			Delay 10
			Value "0.1"
			Target !self
			Action $SetClientProp$m_iTeamNum
			Param "3"
			Delay -1
		CharacterAttributes		{
		"no_jump" 1
		"mult dmg vs tanks" 0
	//	"dmg from ranged reduced" 0.5
		"dmg from melee increased" 3
		"ignored by enemy sentries" 1
		"ignored by bots" 1
		"voice pitch scale" 0.8
		"cannot pick up intelligence" 1
		"damage bonus" 1988
		"airblast vulnerability multiplier" 2.5
		"airblast vertical vulnerability multiplier" 2.5
		"self add attributes on hit" "move speed bonus|0.1|19831"
		"add attributes on kill" "move speed bonus|0.1|19831"
		"critboost on kill" 1988
		"ragdolls become ash" 1
		"allow friendly fire" 1
		"mult dmg friendly fire" 0.5
		"force distribute currency on death" 1
	WaveSpawn {
		Name    sana2
        TotalCurrency    50
        TotalCount    2
        MaxActive    2
        SpawnCount    1
        WaitBeforeStarting   25
        WaitBetweenSpawns    4
		Where	spawnbot_right
		RandomChoice {
		TFBot	{	Template T_TFBot_Giant_Scout_Atomizer ClassIcon scout_fast Health 1200 }
		TFBot	{	Template T_TFBot_Giant_Scout_Basher ClassIcon scout_fast Health 1200 }
		TFBot	{	Template T_TFBot_Giant_Scout_Cane ClassIcon scout_fast Health 1200 }
		TFBot	{	Template T_TFBot_Giant_Scout_Gunbai ClassIcon scout_fast Health 1200 }
		TFBot	{	Template T_TFBot_Giant_Scout_SunOnStick ClassIcon scout_fast Health 1200 }
		TFBot	{	Template T_TFBot_Giant_Scout_Wrap ClassIcon scout_fast Health 1200 }
	WaveSpawn {
		Name    sana2s
		WaitForAllDead sana1
        TotalCurrency    0
        TotalCount    20
        MaxActive    15
        SpawnCount    5
		WaitForAllDead sana1
        WaitBeforeStarting   15
        WaitBetweenSpawns    6
		Where	spawnbot_right
		Where 	spawnbot_left
		Support Limited
		RandomChoice {
		RandomChoice {
		TFbot {
		Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Laugh_Champ
		Health 66
	//	Name "Mitten Champ"
	 	Name "Cuddly Mittens" // STRING_JOKENAME
		ClassIcon heavy_warrior_sif
		Action Mobber  
		Attributes AlwaysCrit
	WaveSpawn {
	 WaitBeforeStarting   99999
	 Support Limited
	 TFbot { Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Laugh_Champ ClassIcon heavy_warrior_sif }
	WaveSpawn {
		Name    sana2
        TotalCurrency    200
        TotalCount    1
        MaxActive    1
        SpawnCount    1
		WaitForAllDead sana1
        WaitBeforeStarting   2
        WaitBetweenSpawns    6
		Where	spawnbot
		TFBot	{	Template T_TFBot_Giant_Sniper_Carbine 
		AlwaysGlow 1  
		Health 12500 // 25000 
		ClassIcon sniper_carbine_blast Name "Private Electroshock" 
//		MaxVisionRange 850
		Attributes UseBossHealthBar
		ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName	"The Cleaner's Carbine"
		"critboost on kill"	0
	//	"damage causes airblast" 1
	//	"apply z velocity on damage" -500 // -621
	//	"apply look velocity on damage" -1250
		"slow enemy on hit major" 3
		"add attributes on hit" "auto fires when full|1|5|damage bonus hidden|1.5|15|no_jump|1|5|attach particle effect|3044|15" 	
//		reload time increased hidden|4|5|

		"minicrit on cond" 5|24|27|86|1|9|15|22|25|123 
		"add cond on hit" 16
		"add cond on hit duration" 10
		"attach particle effect" 702 // Isotope Weapon Unu
		//"attach particle effect" 3089 // Marigold Ritual (Blue)
		CharacterAttributes {
		"clip size bonus" 621
		"damage bonus"	0.1
		"move speed bonus" 0.6
		"weapon spread bonus"	0.25
		"attach particle effect" 3044 // Electroshock
		"crit vs wet players"	1
	//	TFBot	{	Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demoman_Cannon_Push 
	//	Name "Admiral Phosphorus"
	//	// Name "Giant Phosphorus Demo"
	//	Scale 1.7
	//	Health 8000
	//	Attributes UseBossHealthBar
	//	ItemAttributes	{
	//	ItemName "The Loose Cannon"
	//	"clip size upgrade atomic" 8 // 0.75 // Hey Nukesalot, check this out
	//	"use large smoke explosion" 1			// Everyone is effing blind!
	//	"damage penalty" 0.1
	//	"faster reload rate" 5 // Nerf!
	//	"killstreak tier" 1
	//	}
	//	ChangeAttributes   // Default
	//	{
	//		Delay 0.01 
	//		Repeats 1
	//		Name "ThinkFastDupid" 
	//		IfHealthBelow 4000
	//	}
	//	ChangeAttributes   // Default
	//	{
	//		Delay 0.01 
	//		Repeats 0
	//		Name "KaboomMoron" 
//			IfHealthBelow 2000
	//	}
	//	Taunt     
	//	{
	//		Delay 3
	//		Cooldown 6.21
	//		Repeats 0
	//		IfSeeTarget 0
	//		IfHealthBelow 1500
	//	}
	//	EventChangeAttributes
	//	{
	//		ThinkFastDupid  {
	//	WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly
	//	Item "The Ullapool Caber"
	//	ItemAttributes	{
	//	ItemName "The Loose Cannon"
	//	"clip size upgrade atomic" 0.25
	//	"faster reload rate" 11
	//	"damage penalty" 0.1
	//	"Blast radius increased" 5
	//	"blast dmg to self increased" 1.69
	//	"reduced_healing_from_medics" 0
	//	"use large smoke explosion" 1
	//	"auto fires full clip" 0
	//	"auto fires when full" 0
	//	"add cond when active"  36
	//	"is_passive_weapon" 1
	//	"custom projectile model" "models/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_caber/c_caber.mdl"
	///	"custom kill icon" "ullapool_caber"  	
	//	"killstreak tier" 1
	//	}
	//	CharacterAttributes {
	//		"move speed bonus" 0.6
	//		"no self blast dmg"	0
	//		}
	//		}
	//		KaboomMoron  {
	//	WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly
	//	Item "The Ullapool Caber"
	//	ItemAttributes	{
	//	ItemName "The Ullapool Caber"
	//	"damage bonus" 0.1
	//	"damage causes airblast" 1
	//	"Blast radius increased" 621
	//	"blast dmg to self increased" 621621
	//	"reduced_healing_from_medics" 0
	//	"use large smoke explosion" 1
	//	"bombinomicon effect on death" 1
	//	"custom projectile model" "models/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_caber/c_caber.mdl"
	///	"custom kill icon" "ullapool_caber"  	
	//	"killstreak tier" 1
	//	}
	//	CharacterAttributes {
	//		"move speed bonus" 0.75
	//		"no self blast dmg"	0
	//		}
	//		}
	//	}
	//	}
		 DoneOutput   {
			Target wave_start_relay
			Action RunScriptCode
		//	ScreenFade(null,0,0,0,200,2,4,1) // Target, R, G. B, Alpha, Fadein, Duration, typ
		//	ScreenShake(Vector(-5610 -2270 -80),300,400,4,99999,0,true)
	WaveSpawn	{
	WaitForAllDead sana2
	WaitBeforeStarting 1
//	DoneMessage "{99CCFF}Bullet-Resistant Medic{reset}: Erm, what the sigma?"  
//	FirstSpawnOutput	{
//		Target wave_start_relay
//		Action RunScriptCode
//		Param 
//		"
//		ClientPrint(null,3,`\x0799CCFFFast Tank with 3k (3000) HP inbound!`)
//		"
//	}
	WaveSpawn	{
	WaitForAllDead sana2
	WaitBeforeStarting 8 // 3.5
//	DoneMessage "{99CCFF}Giant Rapid-Fire Demo{reset}: Well, at least it wasn't Freddy Fazbear."  
//	WaveSpawn	{
//	WaitForAllDead sana2
//	WaitBeforeStarting 8
//	DoneMessage "{99CCFF}Giant Rapid-Fire Demo{reset}: Because if it was Freddy Fivebear."  
//	}
//	WaveSpawn	{
//	WaitForAllDead sana2
//	WaitBeforeStarting 12
//	DoneMessage "{99CCFF}Giant Rapid-Fire Demo{reset}: ..he would-"  
//	}
//	WaveSpawn	{
//	WaitForAllDead sana2
//	WaitBeforeStarting 15.5
//	DoneMessage "{99CCFF}Giant Rapid-Fire Demo{reset}: ..he-"  
//	FirstSpawnOutput 
//	{
//		Target gamerules
//		Action RunScriptCode
//		Param 
//		"
//		SpawnEntityFromTable(`training_annotation` , {
//		targetname = `sif_annot`
//		display_text = `Hur hurr hur hur Hurr. [Play Toreador -- Commit to the gag.]`
//		lifetime = `6`
//		origin = `-2889 2055 404`
//		}
//		)
//		EntFire(`sif_annot`, `show`)
//		EntFire(`sif_annot`, `kill`, ``, 12)
//		"
//	}
//	}
//	WaveSpawn	{
//	WaitForAllDead sana2
//	WaitBeforeStarting 19
//	DoneMessage "{99CCFF}Giant Rapid-Fire Demo{reset}: reenact where William After made a gre- blu-"  
//	}
//	WaveSpawn	{
//	WaitForAllDead sana2
//	WaitBeforeStarting 23
//	DoneMessage "{99CCFF}Giant Rapid-Fire Demo{reset}: no.. yellow Freakbear and 83 Bite happened."  
//	}
//	WaveSpawn {
//		Name    sana2s
 //       TotalCurrency    0
  //      TotalCount    1
   //     MaxActive    1
  //      SpawnCount    1
//		WaitForAllDead sana2
//        WaitBeforeStarting   2
//        WaitBetweenSpawns    6
//		Where	spawnbot_flank_left
//		Support Limited
	//	EventChangeAttributes  
	//	{
	//		Action2  
	//		{
	//			ActionOverride Mobber // He's out to kill you.
	//		}
	//	}
//		}
//	}
	WaveSpawn {
		Name    sanb1
        TotalCurrency    36
        TotalCount    18 // 10
        MaxActive    6
        SpawnCount    2
		WaitForAllDead sana2
		WaitBeforeStarting 21
        WaitBetweenSpawns   8 // 10
		Where	spawnbot_left
		Squad {
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Dragon
		Name "Dwagon Pyro"
		Skill Normal
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Medic_Vacci_Bullet
		Name "Bullet-Resistant Medic"
	//	ClassIcon	medic_vacc_trio
		ClassIcon medic_vac_duo_bb
		ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName "The Vaccinator"
		"medigun bullet resist passive" 0.5 // 0.66
		"medigun bullet resist deployed" 0.34
			CharacterAttributes	{
			"dmg from melee increased" 3
	WaveSpawn {
		Name    sanb1
        TotalCurrency    36
        TotalCount    18 // 10
        MaxActive    6
        SpawnCount    2
		WaitForAllDead sana2
		WaitBeforeStarting 24
        WaitBetweenSpawns    9
		Where	spawnbot
		Squad {
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Dragon
		Name "Dwagon Pyro"
		Skill Normal
		TFBot {
		Template T_TFBot_Medic_Vacci_Blast
		Name "Blast-Resistant Medic"
		//	ClassIcon	medic_vacc_trio
		ClassIcon medic_vac_duo_bb
		ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName "The Vaccinator"
		"medigun bullet resist passive" 0.5 // 0.66
		"medigun bullet resist deployed" 0.34
			CharacterAttributes	{
			"dmg from melee increased" 3
		Target gamerules
		Action RunScriptCode
		ClientPrint(null,3,`Vaccinator Bots are hard countered by melee.`)
//	WaveSpawn {
//		Name    sanb1
 //       TotalCurrency    24
  //      TotalCount    4
 //       MaxActive    4
 //       SpawnCount    2
//		WaitForAllDead sana2
//		WaitBeforeStarting 27
//        WaitBetweenSpawns    6
//		Where	spawnbot_right
//		Squad {
//		TFBot {
//		Template T_TFBot_Pyro_Dragon
//		Name "Dwagon Pyro"
//		Skill Normal
//		}
//		TFBot {
//		Template T_TFBot_Medic_Vacci_Fire
//		Name "Fire-Resistant Medic"
//		ClassIcon	medic_vacc_trio
//			CharacterAttributes	{
//			"dmg from melee increased" 3
//			}
//		}
//		}
//		FirstSpawnOutput    {
 //       Target wave_start_relay
  //      Action RunScriptCode
//        Param 
//        "
//        ClientPrint(null,3,`Survive until 6 AM.`)
//        "
//		}
//	}
	///// TANK 1 /////
    WaveSpawn    {
    Name    tank1
	WaitForAllDead sana2
	WaitBeforeStarting 15
    TotalCurrency    128
    TotalCount    1
 //   Where    spawnbot_boss
    WaitBeforeStarting    10
    FirstSpawnWarningSound "Announcer.MVM_Tank_Alert_Spawn"
    FirstSpawnOutput     {    Target boss_spawn_relay    Action Trigger  }
    Tank    {
    Health   10000 //   20000
    Name tankboss
    ClassIcon tank //speed
    Speed    75 // 1m on this map
    Skin 0
    StartingPathTrackNode    "boss_path_a1"

    OnKilledOutput    { Target    boss_dead_relay    Action Trigger    }
    OnBombDroppedOutput    { Target	boss_deploy_relay	Action	Trigger    }

    WaveSpawn    {
    WaitForAllSpawned tank1
    WaitBeforeStarting 0.05
    FirstSpawnOutput    {
        Target wave_start_relay
        Action RunScriptCode
        ClientPrint(null,3,`\x0799CCFFMud Tank with 10k HP inbound!`) // 20k originally

    WaveSpawn    {
    WaitForAllSpawned tank1
    WaitBeforeStarting 0.05
    FirstSpawnWarningSound "#mvm/mvm_tank_start.wav"
    FirstSpawnOutput    {
        Target tankboss
        Action "setmodelscale"
        Param "0.5"

    WaveSpawn    {
    WaitForAllSpawned tank1
    WaitBeforeStarting 15
    FirstSpawnOutput    {
        Target tankboss
        Action "setSpeed"
        Param "75"
///// TANK 1 OVER /////	

//	WaveSpawn    {
 //   Name    YOU_WON
//	WaitForAllDead tank2
//	 OnKilledOutput    {    Target robots_lose    Action RoundWin  }
//	}

///// TANK 2 /////
    WaveSpawn    {
    Name    tank2
	WaitForAllDead tank1
	WaitBeforeStarting 30
    TotalCurrency    125
    TotalCount    1
 //   Where    spawnbot_boss
    WaitBeforeStarting    10
    FirstSpawnWarningSound "Announcer.MVM_Tank_Alert_Spawn"
    FirstSpawnOutput     {    Target boss_spawn_relay    Action Trigger  }
    Tank    {
    Health    20000 // 10000
    Name tankboss
    ClassIcon tank //speed
    Speed    75 // 1m on this map
    Skin 0
    StartingPathTrackNode    "boss_path_b1"

    OnKilledOutput    { Target    boss_dead_relay    Action Trigger    }
    OnBombDroppedOutput    { Target	boss_deploy_relay
	Action	Trigger    }

    WaveSpawn    {
    WaitForAllSpawned tank2
    WaitBeforeStarting 0.05
    FirstSpawnOutput    {
        Target wave_start_relay
        Action RunScriptCode
        ClientPrint(null,3,`\x0799CCFFMud Tank with 20k HP inbound!`)

    WaveSpawn    {
//    WaitForAllSpawned tank2
	WaitForAllDead tank1
    WaitBeforeStarting 31
    FirstSpawnWarningSound "#mvm/mvm_tank_start.wav"
    FirstSpawnOutput    {
        Target tankboss
        Action "setmodelscale"
        Param "0.5"

///// TANK 2 OVER /////	

	WaveSpawn {
		Name    tank2
        TotalCurrency    300
        TotalCount   4 // 2
        MaxActive    4 // 2
        SpawnCount   2 // 1
		WaitForAllDead tank1
		WaitBeforeStarting 0
        WaitBetweenSpawns   15
		Where	spawnbot
		Squad {
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Charged_Burst Name "Five Nights at Crit Spam" 
		ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName "The Original"
		"faster reload rate" 0.6
		"fire rate bonus" 0.2
		"Projectile speed increased" 0.2
		"killstreak tier" 1
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_Kritzkrieg_Blink ClassIcon medic_kritz }
//		TFBot {
//		Template T_TFBot_Giant_Demoman_RapidFire
//		Name "Giant Ultimatum Demo"
//		Item "The Jarmaments"
//		ItemAttributes	{
//			"grenade explode on impact" 1  
//			"dmg penalty vs players" 0.34 // 0.66
//			"add cond on hit" 24
//			"add cond on hit duration" 5
//			"custom projectile model" "models/weapons/c_models/urinejar.mdl"  
//		}
//		}
	WaveSpawn {
		Name    sanb2
        TotalCurrency    0
        TotalCount    90
        MaxActive    10
        SpawnCount    4
		WaitForAllDead tank1 // tank2
		WaitBeforeStarting 4
        WaitBetweenSpawns   5
		Where	spawnbot
		Where	spawnbot_left
		Where	spawnbot_right
		Where	spawnbot_flank_right
		Support Limited
		RandomChoice {
		RandomChoice {
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Maul_Champ	Name "T_Heavy_Maul" Health 150
		CharacterAttributes { "head scale" 0 }		
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Maul_Champ	Name "Maulweight Champ" Health 150}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Maul_Champ	Name "Maulweight Champ" Health 150}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Maul_Champ	Name "Maulweight Champ" Health 150}
		TFBot {	Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Laugh_Champ	Name "Laughweight Champ" Health 150}
	WaveSpawn	{
	WaitForAllDead tank2
	DoneOutput {
		Target wave_start_relay
        Action RunScriptCode
     //   ClientPrint(null,3,`\x07FF0000It is possible that a parsing error had occurred. Check console for details.`)
	//	ClientPrint(null,3,`\x07FFFF00It is possible that a parsing error had occurred. Check console for details.`)
	//	ClientPrint(null,3,`\x07FFFFFFIt is possible that a parsing error had occurred. Check console for details.`)
	//	ClientPrint(null,3,`\x0700FFFFIt is possible that a parsing error had occurred. Check console for details.`)
	//	ClientPrint(null,3,`\x0700FFFFIt is possible that a parsing error had occurred. Check console for details.`)
	//	ClientPrint(null,3,`\x070000FFIt is possible that a parsing error had occurred. Check console for details.`)
	//	ClientPrint(null,3,`\x07000000It is possible that a parsing error had occurred. Check console for details.`)
	//	ClientPrint(null,3,`\x07621621It is possible that a parsing error had occurred. Check console for details.`)
	} // Wave 3 Done.
	// Wave 4 / 6 (1000)
	Wave	{
	WaitWhenDone	65
	Checkpoint	Yes
	InitWaveOutput	{
	Target gamerules
	Action RunScriptCode
		SetSkyboxTexture (`sky_halloween`) // Thanks ficool2.
		ClientPrint(null,3,`\x08FFFF00FFSomething went wrong with this wave.`)
		ClientPrint(null,3,`\x08FFFF00FFWhat the heck, did you do?`)
		NetProps.SetPropInt(resource, `m_nMannVsMachineWaveCount`, 4)
		NetProps.SetPropInt(resource, `m_nMannVsMachineMaxWaveCount`, 5)
	//	EntFire(`func_upgradestation`, `enable`); // Christn why is this not working
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_airblast_cray_lose_footing_duration`, 0); 
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_airblast_cray_power`, 150);
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_bot_taunt_victim_chance`, 0);
	StartWaveOutput	{
		Target	wave_start_relay
		Action	Trigger

	DoneOutput	{
		Target	wave_finished_relay
		Action	Trigger
	WaveSpawn    {
    WaitBeforeStarting 2
    FirstSpawnOutput    {
        Target wave_start_relay
        Action RunScriptCode
//      ClientPrint(null,3,`Some files are missing on the server, check console for details.`)
  /     	ClientPrint(null,3,`It is possible that a parsing error had occurred. Check console for details.`)
	WaveSpawn    {
    WaitBeforeStarting 3
    FirstSpawnOutput    {
        Target wave_start_relay
        Action RunScriptCode
        ClientPrint(null,3,`Unable to parse mvm_bogland_rc8_benign_foetor_sif1arc1.`)
	//	ClientPrint(null,3,`It is possible that a parsing error had occurred. Check console for details.`)
	WaveSpawn    {
    WaitBeforeStarting 4
    FirstSpawnOutput    {
        Target wave_start_relay
        Action RunScriptCode
        ClientPrint(null,3,`Attempting to load mvm_bogland_rc8_kaizo_foetor_rc1.`)
//	WaveSpawn    {
//    WaitBeforeStarting 9
//    FirstSpawnOutput    {
//        Target wave_start_relay
//        Action RunScriptCode
//        Param 
//        "
//        ClientPrint(null,3,`Mankind is Dead.`)
//        "
//    }
//    }
//	WaveSpawn    {
 //   WaitBeforeStarting 10
//    FirstSpawnOutput    {
//        Target wave_start_relay
//        Action RunScriptCode
//        Param 
//        "
//        ClientPrint(null,3,`Blood is Fuel.`)
//        "
//    }
//    }
	WaveSpawn    {
    WaitBeforeStarting 15
    FirstSpawnOutput    {
        Target wave_start_relay
        Action RunScriptCode
	//	ClientPrint(null,3,`This cold, dark world shall bring you no salvation.`)
	WaveSpawn {
		Name    sia2
        TotalCurrency    500
        TotalCount    5
        MaxActive    3
        SpawnCount    1
		WaitBeforeStarting 8
        WaitBetweenSpawns	35
		Where	spawnbot
		RandomChoice {
		TFBot	{	Template	T_TFBot_Giant_Scout_Sandman Health 2500 ClassIcon scout_stun_giant_armored Name "Pointless DPS Requirement" CharacterAttributes { "dmg taken increased" 1.5 "move speed bonus" 0.66 } }
		TFBot	{	Template	T_TFBot_Giant_Scout_Sandman Health 2500 ClassIcon scout_stun_giant_armored Name "Pointless DPS Requirement"  CharacterAttributes { "dmg taken increased" 1.5 "move speed bonus" 0.66 }	}
		TFBot	{	Template	T_TFBot_Giant_Scout_Sandman Health 2500 ClassIcon scout_stun_giant_armored Name "Pointless DPS Requirement"  CharacterAttributes { "dmg taken increased" 1.5 "move speed bonus" 0.66 }
		ItemAttributes	{ ItemName	"the sandman" "mark for death"	1 } 
	WaveSpawn {
		Name    sia2
        TotalCurrency    450
        TotalCount    4
        MaxActive    2
        SpawnCount    1
		WaitBeforeStarting 22
        WaitBetweenSpawns	25
		Where	spawnbot
		TFBot {		Template T_TFBot_Giant_Soldier_Push_RapidFire	
		Name "Giant Red Glare Soldier"
		ClassIcon soldier_blast_spammer
	//	Name "Medic Obliterator Device" // STRING_JOKENAME
		ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName "The Liberty Launcher"
		"damage bonus" 0.7
		"Projectile speed increased"  1.2 // 1.8
		"fire rate bonus" 0.75
		"Reload time increased" 11 // 6 // 4 //10s reload
		"projectile gravity" 450  
		"mark for death" 1
		"add cond on hit" 80   // Forced to parachute 
		"add cond on hit duration" 5   
		CharacterAttributes {
		"mod mini-crit airborne" 1
		"minicrits become crits" 1
		"apply z velocity on damage"	500
		"apply look velocity on damage" -200

	WaveSpawn {
		Name    sia1
        TotalCurrency    20
        TotalCount    20
        MaxActive    10
        SpawnCount    10
		WaitBeforeStarting 10
        WaitBetweenSpawns	20
		Where	spawnbot_right
		RandomChoice {
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Soldier_DirectHit Name "Peacebreaker Soldier" Skill Hard  ClassIcon soldier_and_demo
		ItemAttributes {
		ItemName "The Direct Hit"
		"fire rate bonus"	0.5
		"faster reload rate"	 3 // 6.64s reload
		"ragdolls plasma effect" 1
		"attach particle effect" 3083 // golden glimmer
		"Blast radius increased" 0.2 	// since this is here, I wanted to say that if you literally ran at this, it is your fault.
	//	TFBot	{	Template	T_Soldier
	//	Name "Lesser Soldier"
	//	Item "The Liberty Launcher"
	//	Item "Jumper's Jeepcap"		}
	//	TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Soldier_DirectHit Name "Ext. Backup Direct Hit Soldier" Skill Easy ClassIcon soldier_and_demo }
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Mortar Name "Spliced Demoman" Skill Easy ClassIcon soldier_and_demo }
	WaveSpawn {
		Name    sia1
        TotalCurrency    8
        TotalCount    8
        MaxActive    8
        SpawnCount    4
		WaitBeforeStarting 20
        WaitBetweenSpawns	8
		Where	spawnbot
		TFBot	{	Template	T_TFBot_Demoman_Sticky_Burst
	//	Attributes AlwaysCrit
		Name "Burst Sticky Demo" 
		ClassIcon soldier_and_demo
		//ClassIcon demo_fast2 
	WaveSpawn {
		Name    sia1
        TotalCurrency    32
        TotalCount    32
        MaxActive    6
        SpawnCount    4
		WaitBeforeStarting 5
        WaitBetweenSpawns	10
		Where	spawnbot_left
	//	TFBot	{	Template	T_TFBot_Demoman_Charged
	//	TFBot	{	Template	T_TFBot_Demoman_Loch_Burst
	//	TFBot	{	Template	T_TFBot_Demoman_Burst_Hyper Skill Hard
		TFBot	{	Template	T_TFBot_Demoman_Mortar Name "Spliced Soldier" Skill Hard ClassIcon soldier_and_demo
	//	Attributes AlwaysCrit
	//	ClassIcon demo_fast2
		CharacterAttributes	{
			"damage bonus" 1
	//	Name "Hyper Burst Demo" }
	WaveSpawn {
		Name    sia2
        TotalCurrency    0
        TotalCount    0
        MaxActive    8
        SpawnCount    4
		WaitForAllDead sia1
		WaitBeforeStarting 12
        WaitBetweenSpawns	4
		Where	spawnbot_flank_right
		TFBot	{	Template	T_TFBot_Heavy_Tomislav_Reversed Skill Easy }
	WaveSpawn {
		Name    sia2
        TotalCurrency    40
        TotalCount    32
        MaxActive    16
        SpawnCount    8
		WaitForAllDead sia1
		WaitBeforeStarting 15
        WaitBetweenSpawns	2.5
		Where	spawnbot_flank_left
		Squad {
		TFBot	{	Template	T_TFBot_Engineer_Battle_Frontier Skill Easy Action Mobber ClassIcon engineer_frontierjustice}
		TFBot	{	Template	T_TFBot_Engineer_Battle_Frontier_Reversed Skill Hard Action Mobber ClassIcon engineer_frontierjustice }
	WaveSpawn {
		Name    sia2s
        TotalCurrency    0
        TotalCount    10
        MaxActive    10 // 8
        SpawnCount    2
		WaitBeforeStarting 20
        WaitBetweenSpawns	2
		Where	spawnbot_flank_left
		Where	spawnbot_flank_right
		WaitForAllDead sia1
	//	TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Soldier_DirectHit Name "Ext. Backup Direct Hit Soldier" Skill Easy ClassIcon soldier_and_demo }
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Mortar Name "Spliced Demo" Skill Easy ClassIcon soldier_and_demo }
// Actual FvF Miniboss uwu~ 
// ty to people @FriendsvFriends for helping me with ideas.	
	// <3 AveryYeen
	WaveSpawn {
		Name    sia3
        TotalCurrency    450
        TotalCount    1
        MaxActive    1
        SpawnCount    1
		WaitForAllDead sia2
		WaitBeforeStarting 8
        WaitBetweenSpawns	8
		Where	spawnbot
		FirstSpawnWarningSound "items/powerup_pickup_resistance.wav"
		RandomChoice {
		TFBot	{	Template T_Scout_Haru	} // Scout A // Deagle + Blast-a-Nature; Cocky -- Ignores Bomb, takes double dmg
		TFBot	{	Template T_Soldier_Stevie	} // Soldier A // DH + Reserv; Takes less damage, Ignores Sentry and Highest DPS
		TFBot	{	Template T_Pyro_Manokitt	} // Pyro A // Frostburn + RF_Maul; Weak to Blast type
		TFBot	{	Template T_Demo_Lars	} // Demoman A // Atom Launcher + Overloader; Massive self dmg and Will Suicide on Low HP
	//	TFBot	{	Template T_Heavy_Myk	} // Heavy A // AA-Cannon + Ludmilla; Ignores Far targets, Bad at tracking 
		TFBot	{	Template T_Engi_Bach	} // Engi A // HighNoon + Emancipator ShortCircuit; Starts off weak
	//	TFBot	{	Template T_Medic_Dale	} // Medic A // Dartgun + Invis ; Fur Weak to fire.
	//	TFBot	{	Template T_Sniper_Newt	} // Sniper A // SMG + Classic-Rifle
	//	TFBot	{	Template T_Spy_Amante	} // Spy A

	//	TFBot	{	Template T_Scout_Mulligan	} // Scout B // Copies your idle scout loadout.
	//	TFBot	{	Template T_Soldier_Donn	} // Soldier B // Red Glare + Equalizer; More health!
	//	TFBot	{	Template T_Pyro_QT	} // Pyro B // Volcanic + Airblast; Weak to Explosive and Minicrit
	//	TFBot	{	Template T_Demo_Sable	} // Demo B // Katana; Weak to ranged attack, will attempt to block both bullet and explosion
	//	TFBot	{	Template T_Heavy_Dooper	} // Heavy B // Fist of Steel + Firestarter Huolong; Takes 60% more damage by default.
	//	TFBot	{	Template T_Engi_Klustr	} // Engi B // Gungslinger + Widowmaker; If no minisentry is alive, deals 80% less damage 
	//	TFBot	{	Template T_Medic_Jawhara	} // Medic B // Reverse Medigun + Surg Precision; All damage taken is doubled, but crit immune.
	//	TFBot	{	Template T_Sniper_Owl	} // Sniper B // Huntsman + Jarate // Weak to melee damage and elec-energy type weapons.
	//	TFBot	{	Template T_Spy_FKF	} // Sy B // Easter Egg. TF2 x100 Knife // Weak to getting airblasted and launched.
	WaveSpawn {
		Name    Siaro
		WaitForAllDead sia3
		WaitBeforeStarting 2
        DoneOutput {
		Target wave_start_relay
        Action RunScriptCode
        ClientPrint(null,3,`FvF_unconnected left the game (Client Kicked. Reason: Wrong videogame.)`)
	WaveSpawn {
		Name    sia1s
        TotalCurrency    0
        TotalCount    621
        MaxActive    5
        SpawnCount    2
		WaitBeforeStarting 45
        WaitBetweenSpawns	9
		Support Limited
		Where	spawnbot
		Where spawnbot_right
		RandomChoice {
		// Pre-nerf Degreaser -- Pushover
		TFBot	{	Template	T_TFBot_Pyro_Airblast_NoPush  Skill Hard Name "Pushover Pyro" ClassIcon	pyro_reflect_hyper_lite	}
		TFBot	{	Template	T_Pyro Attributes AlwaysFireWeapon  Skill Easy Name "Pushover Pyro" ClassIcon	pyro_reflect_hyper_lite	}
		TFBot	{	Template	T_TFBot_Pyro_Airblast_Hyper 
		Skill Hard
		Name "Airblast Pyro" 
		ClassIcon	pyro_reflect_hyper_lite
		ItemAttributes {
		ItemName  "Powerhouse_flamethrower_turbinetorcher"
			"airblast_deflect_projectiles_disabled" 1
		// Reverse Degreaser -- Wavesucker. Cut weapon.
		TFBot	{	Template	T_TFBot_Pyro_Airblast_Reversed  Skill Expert Name "Wavesucker Pyro" ClassIcon	pyro_reflect_hyper_lite	}

	WaveSpawn {
		Name    sia1s2
        TotalCurrency    0
        TotalCount    621
        MaxActive    8
        SpawnCount    2
		WaitForAllSpawned sia3
		WaitBeforeStarting 35
        WaitBetweenSpawns	8
		Support Limited
		Where	spawnbot
		Where spawnbot_right
		RandomChoice {
		TFBot	{	Template	T_Pyro
		Skill Hard
		Name "Golfing Pyro" 
		ClassIcon	pyro_reflect_hyper_lite
		ExtAttr AlwaysFireWeaponAlt  
		ItemAttributes {
		ItemName  "Powerhouse_flamethrower_turbinetorcher"
			"airblast_deflect_projectiles_disabled" 1
		TFBot	{	Template	T_Pyro
		Skill Hard
		Name "Golfing Pyro" 
		ClassIcon	pyro_reflect_hyper_lite
		ExtAttr AlwaysFireWeaponAlt  
		ItemAttributes {
		ItemName  "Powerhouse_flamethrower_turbinetorcher"
			"airblast_deflect_projectiles_disabled" 1
		TFBot	{	Template	T_TFBot_Pyro_Dragon Name "Dwagon Pyro"  Skill Hard ClassIcon	pyro_reflect_hyper_lite	}
	} // Wave 4 Done.
	// Wave 5 / 6 (1000)
	Wave	{
	WaitWhenDone	65
	Checkpoint	Yes
//	RedTeamWipeCausesWaveLoss 1  
	InitWaveOutput	{
	Target gamerules
	Action RunScriptCode
		SetSkyboxTexture (`sky_halloween`) // Thanks ficool2.
		ClientPrint(null,3,`\x08FFFF00FFThe robots have grown sentient. You really SHOULD leave.`)
		ClientPrint(null,3,`\x08FFFF00FFOnly cure to FOETOR is DEATH.`)
		ClientPrint(null,3,`CAUTION: If everyone is DEAD, the wave is considered a loss.`)
	//	EntFire(`func_upgradestation`, `enable`); // Christn why is this not working
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_airblast_cray_lose_footing_duration`, 0); 
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_airblast_cray_power`, 150);
		Convars.SetValue(`tf_bot_taunt_victim_chance`, 0);
//	SpawnTemplate  "EscapeW5ControlPointLogic"  
	StartWaveOutput	{
		Target	wave_start_relay
		Action	Trigger
//	FlagResetTime   
//	{
//		Name "intel" 
//		ResetTime 15
//	}

	DoneOutput	{
		Target	wave_finished_relay
		Action	Trigger
	"can headshot"	1  
	"revolver use hit locations" 1 
	SpawnTemplate  "Decor"  
	WaveSpawn    {
	WaitBeforeStarting 1
	DoneMessage "{EEEEEE}????{reset}: Thanks for the help."  
	WaveSpawn    {
	WaitBeforeStarting 3
	DoneMessage "{EEEEEE}????{reset}: We don't need any of you anymore."  
	WaveSpawn    {
	WaitBeforeStarting 6
	FirstSpawnWarningSound "misc/cp_harbor_blue_whistle.wav"
		Target gamerules
		Action RunScriptCode
		SpawnEntityFromTable(`training_annotation` , {
		targetname = `sif_annot`
		display_text = `<!> The Ferry tolls.. Defend yourselves!`
		lifetime = `8`
		origin = `-292 52 704.33`
		EntFire(`sif_annot`, `show`)
		EntFire(`sif_annot`, `kill`, ``, 8)
		ClientPrint(null,3,`Current Goal:`)
		ClientPrint(null,3,`Survive through the crescendo for long enough.`)
	WaveSpawn	{
	Name era1
	WaitBeforeStarting 8
//	FirstSpawnWarningSound "insertmusichere"
	FirstSpawnWarningSound "meme/sif_swampfever_finale.wav"
	FirstSpawnOutput	{
		Target wave_start_relay
		Action RunScriptCode
		ClientPrint(null,3,`\x08FFFF00FF[Music] Now Playing: Your Own Funeral (Cresc Hold- Finale)`)
	WaveSpawn {
		Name    wua1
        TotalCurrency    20
        TotalCount    20
        MaxActive    12
        SpawnCount    4
        WaitBeforeStarting    13
        WaitBetweenSpawns    3
        Where	spawnbot
	//	Where	spawnbot_right
		RandomChoice {
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Cleaver Name "Flesh Monger" Item	"Parasite Hat" 
		ClassIcon scout_cleaver }
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Scout_Sword 
		Name "Flesh Flenser" 
		Item "Parasite Hat"
		ClassIcon scout_cleaver
		ItemAttributes {
		ItemName "Three-Rune Blade"
			"custom item model" "models/workshop_partner/weapons/c_models/c_sd_cleaver/c_sd_cleaver.mdl"  
	WaveSpawn {
		Name    wua1s
        TotalCurrency    60
        TotalCount    20 // 30
        MaxActive    10
        SpawnCount    5
        WaitBeforeStarting    8.5
        WaitBetweenSpawns    25
        Where	spawnbot
		Where	spawnbot_left
		Where	spawnbot_right
		RandomChoice {
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Steel_Gauntlet_Reversed Name "Alloy Docker" ClassIcon heavy_steelfist_nys}
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Steel_Gauntlet_Reversed Name "Alloy Docker" ClassIcon heavy_steelfist_nys}
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Steel_Gauntlet_Reversed Name "Alloy Docker" ClassIcon heavy_steelfist_nys}
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Steel_Gauntlet_Reversed_Pusher Name "Alloy Docker" ClassIcon heavy_steelfist_nys}
	WaveSpawn {
		Name    wua1
        TotalCurrency    200
        TotalCount    6 // 4
        MaxActive    3 // 2
        SpawnCount    3 // 2
        WaitBeforeStarting    8
        WaitBetweenSpawns    25
        Where	spawnbot
		Squad {
	//	TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavy_Shotgun_Burst Name "Private Fusilier" }
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Pyro_Dragon Name "Giant Swamp Immolationist" }
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Medic_QuickFix_Heal ClassIcon medic Name "Giant Regen Medic"  }
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickFix_BigHeal Name "Marsh Altar"	
		ClassIcon medic_critcanteen
		Item "Battery Canteens"
		Action FetchFlag  
		ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName "Battery Canteens"
			"critboost" 1
			"powerup charges" 1
	WaveSpawn {
		Name    wua2
        TotalCurrency    108
        TotalCount    4
        MaxActive    4
        SpawnCount    4
		WaitForAllSpawned wua1
        WaitBeforeStarting    0
        WaitBetweenSpawns    15
        Where	spawnbot_left
		Where	spawnbot_right
		LastSpawnOutput	{
		Target wave_start_relay
		Action RunScriptCode
		ClientPrint(null,3,`Director Tempo: RELAX`)
		Squad {
	//	TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Heavy_Shotgun_Burst Name "Private Fusilier" }
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Giant_Engineer_Widowmaker Action FetchFlag 
		Name "Giant Bullet Carver" }
	//	TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_Kritzkrieg_Rapid Name "Giant Regen Medic"  }
		//	TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_Uber_Blink Name "Cabin Keeper"	}
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_QuickFix_BigHeal Name "Marsh Altar"	
		ClassIcon medic_critcanteen
		Item "Battery Canteens"
		Action FetchFlag  
		ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName "Battery Canteens"
			"critboost" 1
			"powerup charges" 1
	WaveSpawn {
		Name    wua2
        TotalCurrency    32
        TotalCount    16
        MaxActive    16
        SpawnCount    4
		WaitForAllDead wua1
        WaitBeforeStarting    15
        WaitBetweenSpawns    0
        Where	spawnbot_left
		Where	spawnbot_right
		Support Limited
		RandomChoice {
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_Battle_Crossbow_Burst_Penetrate ClassIcon medic_crossbow_burst
		Action FetchFlag  
		"damage penalty" 0.5
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_Battle_Crossbow_Burst_Penetrate ClassIcon medic_crossbow_burst
		Action FetchFlag  
		"damage penalty" 0.5
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_Battle_Crossbow_Burst_Penetrate ClassIcon medic_crossbow_burst
		Action FetchFlag  
		"damage penalty" 0.5
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_Battle_Crossbow_Burst_Penetrate ClassIcon medic_crossbow_burst
		Action FetchFlag  
		"damage penalty" 0.5
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_Battle_Crossbow_Dartgun 
		Action FetchFlag  
		Scale 1.2
		Health 150 // 300
		ItemAttributes	{
		ItemName "The Crusader's Crossbow"
		"minicrit on cond" 5|24|27|86|1|9|15|22|25|123   
		"add attributes on hit" "effect immunity|1|3|wet immunity|1|3"  
		Name "Chiruwurgeon" Item "Hundekopf" ClassIcon medic_crossbow_burst }
		FirstSpawnOutput	{
		Target wave_start_relay
		Action RunScriptCode
	//	ClientPrint(null,3,`Director Tempo: BUILD_UP`)
	WaveSpawn {
		Name    wua3
        TotalCurrency    50
        TotalCount    1
        MaxActive    1
        SpawnCount    1
		WaitForAllSpawned wua2
        WaitBeforeStarting    20
        WaitBetweenSpawns    5
		Where spawnbot_flank_right
		FirstSpawnWarningSound "dnmeme/tank"
		TFBot { Template T_Zombie_Garg Name "Tank"
			UseCustomModel "models\kirillian\infected\hank_v4.mdl"
		ClassIcon heavy_zombie_arm1_lite
			StripItem "Zombie Heavy"
			NoIdleSound 1
			AdditionalStepSound "=80|player/footsteps/giant2.wav"
	//	Health 12000
		Health 5000
		CharacterAttributes	{ "attach particle effect" 3130 "move speed bonus" 0.6 "add attributes on hit" "auto fires when full|1|5|damage bonus hidden|1.5|15|no_jump|1|5|attach particle effect|3044|15"  } // Cremation	
		FirstSpawnOutput	{
		Target ambient_musik3
		Action Trigger
	WaveSpawn {
		Name wua3
		TotalCurrency 150
		TotalCount 2 // 4
		MaxActive 2
		SpawnCount 1
		WaitForAllDead wua2
		WaitBeforeStarting 25 // 40
		WaitBetweenSpawns 5 // 15
		Where spawnbot_flank_left
		Where spawnbot_flank_right
		TFBot { Template T_Zombie_Garg Action Mobber Name "Tank" 
		UseCustomModel "models\kirillian\infected\hank_v4.mdl"
		ClassIcon heavy_zombie_arm1_lite
			StripItem "Zombie Heavy"
			NoIdleSound 1
			AdditionalStepSound "=80|player/footsteps/giant2.wav"
	//	Health 12000
		Health 5000
		CharacterAttributes	{ "attach particle effect" 3130 "move speed bonus" 0.6 "add attributes on hit" "auto fires when full|1|5|damage bonus hidden|1.5|15|no_jump|1|5|attach particle effect|3044|15"  } // Cremation	
	//	FirstSpawnOutput	{
	//	Target wave_start_relay
	//	Action RunScriptCode
	//	Param 
	//	"
	//	"
	//	}
	WaveSpawn {
		Name wub3s
		TotalCurrency 0
		TotalCount 621
		MaxActive 9
		SpawnCount 6 // 2
	//	WaitForAllDead wua1 // wua2 // wub2
		WaitBeforeStarting 50 // 5
		WaitBetweenSpawns 4 // 6
		Where spawnbot_left
		Where spawnbot
		Where spawnbot_right
		Support Limited
		RandomChoice {
	//	TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Bazooka_Conch Action Mobber Name "Mud Soldier" }
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Apoco_Champ Action Mobber Name "Mud Infected" }
	WaveSpawn {
		Name wua3s
		TotalCurrency 0
		TotalCount 621
		MaxActive 12
		SpawnCount 6
		WaitForAllSpawned wua2
		WaitBeforeStarting 12
		WaitBetweenSpawns 8
		Where spawnbot_left
		Where spawnbot_invasion
		Where spawnbot_right
		Support Limited
		RandomChoice {
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Loch_Burst 
		UseCustomModel "models/bots/skeleton_sniper/skeleton_sniper.mdl"   
		Action Mobber Name "Fallen Demo" ClassIcon soldier_bazooka_conch_seel }
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Demoman_Loch_Burst 
		UseCustomModel "models/bots/skeleton_sniper/skeleton_sniper.mdl"   
		Action Mobber Name "Fallen Demo" ClassIcon soldier_bazooka_conch_seel }
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Soldier_Bazooka_Conch
		UseCustomModel "models/bots/skeleton_sniper/skeleton_sniper.mdl"    
		Action Mobber Name "Fallen Soldier" }
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Sniper_Bowman_Penetrate
		UseCustomModel "models/bots/skeleton_sniper/skeleton_sniper.mdl"   
		Action Mobber Name "Fallen Arbalist" }
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Medic_Ubersaw_Bleed Item Hundekopf ClassIcon medic_crossbow_burst
		Name "Rabid Gander" Action FetchFlag   }
		TFBot { Template T_TFBot_Heavy_Apoco_Champ Action Mobber Name "Mud Infected" }
			Target intel
			Action ForceResetSilent
	WaveSpawn {
		WaitForAllDead wua3
		WaitBeforeStarting 5
		FirstSpawnWarningSound "meme/sif_monsterswithin"
	DoneOutput   {
			Target wave_start_relay
			Action RunScriptCode
			ScreenFade(null,0,0,0,255,2,4,1) // Target, R, G. B, Alpha, Fadein, Duration, typ
		//	ScreenShake(Vector(-5610 -2270 -80),300,400,4,99999,0,true)
			Convars.SetValue(`tf_bot_kill`, all);
			ClientPrint(null,3,`REDs have escaped.`)
	WaveSpawn {
		WaitForAllDead wua3
		WaitBeforeStarting 5
            Target bossmusic3
            Action RunScriptCode
            Param "
			//	EntFire(`player`, `RunScriptCode`, `if (!IsPlayerABot(self)) self.StopSound(`meme/sif_swampfever_intro`)`)
				StopAmbientSoundOn(`meme/sif_swampfever_finale`, self)
	} // Wave 5 Done.
// Fellas, ints are boring amirite
// -SiF

//This file has been generated by http://mvm.tfs