//Mission 'n' Robot Explanations				//
//Author: Yakibomb								//
//Released: October 24, 2019					//
//Map Version: Alpha 6							//

//		****NOTE: This is very WIP!!!****		//

// -?- For Popfile writers... Use this Example file to understand how to make your missions and robots of mvm_berserker!
// -!- Please use the other .pop files that come with the map as examples.

//Tags for Bots
//bot_jarated				= bot has piss on them
//bot_milked				= bot has milk on them
//bot_bonked				= bot is 100% invulnerable (a la Bonk! Atomic Punch)
//bot_disciplinaryaction	= bot has 40% speed boost
//bot_rune_reflect			= bot has Mann Power's reflect rune
//bot_invisible				= bot is cloaked
//bot_crits					= bot has 100% crits
//bot_ubered				= bot is Ubercharged
//bot_stunned				= bot is stunned, like Mannhattan's GateBots. Note: Seems to not work when used with bot_healing (Uber Heal) or bot_bonked (Bonk! invuln).
//bot_healing				= bot is healed from the Medigun to 200% HP (with restrictions for pre-set Health for the robot)
//bot_healer				= bot heals other bots around itself (like the Amputator)
//bot_chargin				= bot charges like the Demoknight
//drop_random				= on death, bot will drop a small treasure chest (100% chance)
//drop_random_chance		= on death, bot will drop a small treasure chest (6.25% chance)
//drop_key_basic			= dying drops a basic dungeon key
//drop_rare_heartpiece		= bot drops big chest a Zelda heart piece that adds 15 max health to the team (stacks 8 times).
//drop_rare_trap			= bot drops big chest with 5 live pipe bombs (that are meant to kill the player..!)
//drop_rare_cash			= bot drops big chest with $125 cold hard cash

/////Tags for Bosses: Timer Mechanics/////
// -!- Use tag "bot_boss" to add a timer mechanism for a boss robot. Combine them with another tag to tell the bot to what form to change to, and at what time.
// -- The idea is you want to make a loop to cycle through behaviors. This is important for how it all works!
// -- The bot_boss changes forms like a GateBot, using EventChangeAttributes to change forms.
// -!- Valid parameters are "Behavior#" (replace # with 1-9) and "Default"
//bot_boss_mod_behavior#		= changes boss' to behavior# in 1 second (replace behavior# with Default if you choose to use Default as form)
//bot_boss_mod_behavior#_at_4	= changes boss' to behavior# in 4 seconds
//bot_boss_mod_behavior#_at_8	= changes boss' to behavior# in 8 seconds
//bot_boss_mod_behavior#_at_12	= changes boss' to behavior# in 12 seconds
//bot_boss_mod_behavior#_at_16	= changes boss' to behavior# in 16 seconds
// -!- Replace Behavior# with, for example, Behavior3 to change to Behavior3.
// -?- It's recommended you look at the example boss at the bottom of this guide. (or in "robot_berserker", at the end of the file)
// -!- If you use Default as a form, remember it'll conflict with other bosses if you choose to use more than one.

/////Understanding How Berserker Manipulates Robot AI/////
// -?- Where does the bomb go? How do robots attack players without a bomb present? Please read on to find out!
// - When the map begins, the first robot spawned will teleport immediately to the bomb.
// -- When the bomb is picked up, it will teleport the robot to a special room where he cannot be reached by players.
// - When the bomb is in this room, bot AI will hunt for the nearest player.
// -- The Bomb NEEDS to exist, otherwise the robots will stand around until the player engages

/////Understanding Berserker's Event System (aka How do I write Popfiles for this map?)/////
// -?- What do you need to know to make your own Berserker mission? Please, read on!
// -!- There are two types of logic_relays you need to know about to write a popfile:
// -!- They are two relay systems called "Setup" and "Event".
// -!- Setup relays are used by the mission maker to trigger specific actions within a stage.
// -- They start with "setup_sXaY_ACTION", where "X" is the stage #, "Y" is the area #, and ACTION is what it triggers. (Example, "setup_s1a6_cp2_lockdoor" would enable the first locked door in the Cemetery area)
// -- They are logic_relays that are already enabled, and only need to be triggered by the popfile.
// -- Setup relays can be used with Action Trigger
// -!- Event relays are only triggered by CPs, Unlocking Doors... but ONLY if the relay is ENABLED!!
// -- Enable "event_universal_trigger" for things like CPs, Unlocking Doors... to trigger events.
// -- OnStartTouch for CPs automatically triggers all events, then disables self (doesn't need event_universal_trigger to be enabled).
// -- Event relays can be used with Action Enable
// -!- Search "dummy1" to see how to trigger these events.
// -- Can use "StartWaveOutput" "FirstSpawnOutput" "DoneOutput" to trigger up to three events at once.
// --- Combined with a bot WaveSpawn, use "WaitForAllSpawned" "WaitForAllDead" to do as implied.
// ---- For a non-bot WaveSpawn, "WaitBeforeStarting" is the only one that works. "WaitBetweenSpawns" "WaitBetweenSpawnsAfterDeath" do not work.
// ---- CANNOT USE "LastSpawnOutput" in WaveSpawn for events without robots, because if there are no robots to spawn, there is no "LastSpawnOutput"!

/////How to Search for Events and Setups per stage////
// -!- Open the map while on a level by setting up the wave_init_relay for that stage.
// -!- In the console, type:
//ent_fire PREFIX_STAGE
//Where PREFIX is either setup, setup_onstarttouch, or event. STAGE uses the format "sXaY" where X = stage# and Y = area#.
//You can input the Action after the entity is selected. Example:
//ent_fire setup_s1a3_skeletons Trigger
//This will make skeletons jump out of graves when players touch them in the cemetery area of stage 1.
//Have fun finding all of them!

// -!- To find all the events and setups, please use the console, type "sv_cheats 1", then "ent_fire YOURSEARCH", where YOURSEARCH is event_sXaY_, setup_,
//Prefixes for Relay Entities

//spawnbot_* locations
//spawnbot_bomb						== Used for when CPs are captured, locks are unlocked, doors are opened, etc...
//spawnbot_thread1					== Used for special events (not used in map version a4)
//spawnbot_thread2					== Used for special events (not used in map version a4)
/////All Stages////
//event_bomb						== 
//event_thread1						== 
//event_thread2						== 
//event_universal_trigger			= ALWAYS enable this if the next event the players run into is using this. When triggered, triggers all events, then disables itself.
//setup_universal_trigger					= does the same as above, without waiting for Action Enable or for the map to run it.
//event_kill_blu					= enable this to kill all BLU players upon event_universal_trigger being, well, triggered.
//kill_blu							= trigger this to kill all BLU players (including ubered)
//event_pause_botspawn_auto			== when triggered, it pauses bots from spawning, and enables event_unpause_botspawn so you don't have to.
//setup_pause_botspawn_auto			== when triggered, it pauses bots from spawning, and enables event_unpause_botspawn so you don't have to.
//setup_onstarttouch_s1a1_cp1			== enable when you want to trigger an event on cap touch (disables self upon use).

/////game text at the beginning of the map (use Action Display to see them?)
//game_text_0 = "Author: Yakibomb"
//game_text_1 = "Alpha 6"

//Other Notes
// - Use "Attributes IgnoreFlag" to make robots attack in place.
// - CANNOT USE "WaitForAllSpawned" on robots that are not on the wave bar! (i.e. T_Bersk_Event_Bomb settings)
// - (A "logic_relay" in Hammer is a message forwarder. These are used to trigger inputs to all sorts of entities in a map!)

	StartingCurrency		2500
	RespawnWaveTime 0
	CanBotsAttackWhileInSpawnRoom Yes
	FixedRespawnWaveTime Yes
			Target wave_init_relay_s1				//Notice "s1" at the end. It means Stage One.
			Action Trigger
			Target wave_start_relay					//Universal. The only important one is the InitWaveOutput.
			Action Trigger
			Target wave_finished_relay				//Universal. The only important one is the InitWaveOutput.
			Action trigger
//		WaveSpawn
//		{
//			Name "dummy1"
//			StartWaveOutput
//			{
//				Target setup_sXaY_dummy
//				Action Trigger
//			}
//			WaitBeforeStarting 3
//			FirstSpawnOutput
//			{
//				Target event_sXaY_dummy
//				Action Enable
//			}
//			DoneOutput
//			{
//				Target setup_sXaY_dummy
//				Action Trigger
//			}
//		}

//Setting up the stage events (bomb teleports)
			FirstSpawnWarningSound "\vo\announcer_attack_controlpoints.mp3"
			Name "s1a1_cp1"
				Target setup_pause_botspawn_auto
				Action Trigger
			Where spawnbot_bomb
			WaitBeforeStarting 4
			WaitBetweenSpawns 0
			TotalCurrency 0

				Template T_Bersk_Event_Bomb
//This enables the Universal Trigger event relay, which the first door in the map uses to trigger all "event_*" events enabled (in this case, only event_unpause_botspawn is enabled).
//Unlocks spawn doors in 5 seconds
				Target event_universal_trigger
				Action Enable
			WaitBeforeStarting 5
				Target setup_s1a1_unlockspawndoor
				Action Trigger
////////EXAMPLE BOSS////////

			WaitForAllSpawned "s1a1_cp1"
			Name "s1a1_example_boss"
			Where spawnbot_s1a1_cp1_back
			TotalCount 1
			MaxActive 1
			SpawnCount 1
			WaitBeforeStarting 0
			WaitBetweenSpawns 0
			TotalCurrency 1
				Class Soldier
				Health 3300
				ClassIcon enemy_boss_giant
				Scale 1.75
						Tag bot_boss_mod_behavior1_at_4
						Skill Normal
						Attributes MiniBoss
						Attributes UseBossHealthBar
						Tag bot_boss
						WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly
						Item "Rocket Jumper"
						Tag bot_boss_mod_behavior2_at_4
						Skill Easy
						Attributes MiniBoss
						Attributes UseBossHealthBar
						Tag bot_boss
						WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly
							"move speed bonus"	2
						Tag bot_boss_mod_behavior1_at_4
						Skill Hard
						Attributes MiniBoss
						Attributes UseBossHealthBar
						Tag bot_boss
						Tag bot_crits
						WeaponRestrictions PrimaryOnly
						Item "Rocket Jumper"
						Tag bot_boss_mod_behavior1_at_4
						Skill Expert
						Attributes MiniBoss
						Attributes UseBossHealthBar
						Attributes SpawnWithFullCharge
						Attributes IgnoreFlag
						Tag bot_boss
						Tag bot_ubered
						Item "The Buff Banner"
						WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly