mission_making_hell { PrecacheModel "models/weapons/c_models/c_assault_battering_ram/c_assault_battering_ram.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/weapons/c_models/c_hypodermic_injector/c_hypodermic_injector.mdl" PrecacheModel "models/props_mvm/no_entry.mdl" PrecacheSound "marrowmasher/gameover.mp3" PrecacheSound "marrowmasher/slasher_hurt1.mp3" PrecacheSound "marrowmasher/slasher_hurt3.mp3" PrecacheSound "marrowmasher/slasher_hurt4.mp3" PrecacheSound "marrowmasher/slasher_hurt4.mp3" PrecacheSound "marrowmasher/slasher_hurt5.mp3" PrecacheSound "marrowmasher/slasher_hurt6.mp3" PrecacheSound "marrowmasher/slasher_hurt7.mp3" PrecacheSound "marrowmasher/slasher_hurt8.mp3" PrecacheSound "marrowmasher/slasher_hurt9.mp3" PrecacheSound "marrowmasher/slasher_die1.mp3" PrecacheSound "marrowmasher/slasher_die2.mp3" PrecacheSound "marrowmasher/slasher_die3.mp3" PrecacheSound "marrowmasher/slasher_die4.mp3" PrecacheSound "marrowmasher/slasher_die5.mp3" PrecacheSound "marrowmasher/dozer_hurt1.mp3" PrecacheSound "marrowmasher/dozer_hurt2.mp3" PrecacheSound "marrowmasher/dozer_hurt3.mp3" PrecacheSound "marrowmasher/dozer_hurt4.mp3" PrecacheSound "marrowmasher/dozer_hurt5.mp3" PrecacheSound "marrowmasher/dozer_hurt6.mp3" PrecacheSound "marrowmasher/dozer_die1.mp3" PrecacheSound "marrowmasher/dozer_die2.mp3" PrecacheSound "marrowmasher/dozer_die3.mp3" OverrideSounds { "Building_Sentrygun.Alert" "misc/null.wav" "MVM.GiantCommonExplodes" "misc/null.wav" "MVM.GiantHeavyExplodes" "misc/null.wav" "MVM.PlayerDied" "misc/halloween/clock_tick.wav" "music.mvm_end_last_wave" "misc/achievement_earned.wav" "music.mvm_end_mid_wave" "ui/halloween_boss_escape.wav" "music.mvm_end_wave" "ui/halloween_boss_escape.wav" "music.mvm_end_tank_wave" "ui/halloween_boss_escape.wav" "music.mvm_lost_wave" "marrowmasher/gameover.mp3" } CustomScriptSounds { "SpyZombie.Hurt" { "channel" "CHAN_VOICE" "volume" "VOL_NORM" "pitch" "PITCH_NORM" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB" "rndwave" { "wave" "@vo/spy_painsharp01.mp3" "wave" "@vo/spy_painsharp02.mp3" "wave" "@vo/spy_painsharp03.mp3" "wave" "@vo/spy_painsharp04.mp3" } } "SpyZombie.Death" { "channel" "CHAN_BODY" "volume" "VOL_NORM" "pitch" "50" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB" "rndwave" { "wave" "@vo/spy_painsevere01.mp3" "wave" "@vo/spy_painsevere02.mp3" "wave" "@vo/spy_painsevere03.mp3" "wave" "@vo/spy_painsevere04.mp3" "wave" "@vo/spy_painsevere05.mp3" } } "Slasher.Hurt" { "channel" "CHAN_VOICE" "volume" "VOL_NORM" "pitch" "200" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB" "rndwave" { "wave" "marrowmasher/slasher_hurt1.mp3" "wave" "marrowmasher/slasher_hurt2.mp3" "wave" "marrowmasher/slasher_hurt3.mp3" "wave" "marrowmasher/slasher_hurt4.mp3" "wave" "marrowmasher/slasher_hurt5.mp3" "wave" "marrowmasher/slasher_hurt6.mp3" "wave" "marrowmasher/slasher_hurt7.mp3" "wave" "marrowmasher/slasher_hurt8.mp3" "wave" "marrowmasher/slasher_hurt9.mp3" } } "Slasher.Death" { "channel" "CHAN_BODY" "volume" "VOL_NORM" "pitch" "100" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB" "rndwave" { "wave" "marrowmasher/slasher_die1.mp3" "wave" "marrowmasher/slasher_die2.mp3" "wave" "marrowmasher/slasher_die3.mp3" "wave" "marrowmasher/slasher_die4.mp3" "wave" "marrowmasher/slasher_die5.mp3" } } "Viper.Hurt" { "channel" "CHAN_VOICE" "volume" "VOL_NORM" "pitch" "200" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB" "rndwave" { "wave" "@npc/zombie/zombie_pain1.wav" "wave" "@npc/zombie/zombie_pain2.wav" "wave" "@npc/zombie/zombie_pain3.wav" "wave" "@npc/zombie/zombie_pain4.wav" "wave" "@npc/zombie/zombie_pain5.wav" "wave" "@npc/zombie/zombie_pain6.wav" } } "Viper.Death" { "channel" "CHAN_BODY" "volume" "VOL_NORM" "pitch" "100" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB" "rndwave" { "wave" "@npc/zombie/zombie_die1.wav" "wave" "@npc/zombie/zombie_die2.wav" "wave" "@npc/zombie/zombie_die3.wav" } } "Dozer.Hurt" { "channel" "CHAN_VOICE" "volume" "VOL_NORM" "pitch" "200" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB" "rndwave" { "wave" "marrowmasher/dozer_hurt1.mp3" "wave" "marrowmasher/dozer_hurt2.mp3" "wave" "marrowmasher/dozer_hurt3.mp3" "wave" "marrowmasher/dozer_hurt4.mp3" "wave" "marrowmasher/dozer_hurt5.mp3" "wave" "marrowmasher/dozer_hurt6.mp3" } } "Dozer.Death" { "channel" "CHAN_BODY" "volume" "VOL_NORM" "pitch" "100" "soundlevel" "SNDLVL_75dB" "rndwave" { "wave" "marrowmasher/dozer_die1.mp3" "wave" "marrowmasher/dozer_die2.mp3" "wave" "marrowmasher/dozer_die3.mp3" } } } ItemBlacklist { //No Canteens Classname "tf_powerup_bottle" } PlayerAttributes { "cannot be backstabbed" 1 "vision opt in flags" 0 "always allow taunt" 1 "crit mod disabled" 0 "min respawn time" 9999 Scout { "max health additive penalty" -25 "move speed penalty" 0.8125 "no double jump" 1 } Soldier { "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 0.85 "max health additive penalty" -75 "CARD: move speed bonus" 1.25 } Pyro { "max health additive penalty" -75 } Demoman { "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.85 "max health additive penalty" -75 "CARD: move speed bonus" 1.072 } Heavyweapons { "max health additive penalty" -150 "mult dmgtaken from melee" 0.85 "move speed bonus" 1.304 } Engineer { "mult teleporter recharge rate" 2 "max health additive penalty" -25 "engy sentry damage bonus" 0.75 } Medic { "max health additive penalty" -50 "move speed penalty" 0.938 } Sniper { "max health additive penalty" -25 "ammo regen" 0.1 } Spy { "max health additive penalty" -25 "CARD: move speed bonus" 1.016 } } CustomNavFile "mvm_marrowmasher2.nav" UseOriginalAnimsForUnintendedClassWeapons 1 TextPrintTime 0 StartingCurrency 2000 FixedRespawnWaveTime yes RespawnWaveTime 9999 CanBotsAttackWhileInSpawnRoom yes SendBotsToSpectatorImmediately 1 AllowBotExtraSlots 1 DisplayRobotDeathNotice 1 RemoveBluVelocityLimit 1 NoRomevisionCosmetics 1 StuckTimeMultiplier 2 BodyPartScaleSpeed 10 NPCLagCompensation 1 RespecEnabled 1 RespecLimit 0 MaxSpectators 6 FastNPCUpdate 1 NoHolidayPickups 1 ForceRobotBleed 1 BuybacksPerWave 0 BotsAreHumans 1 FixedBuybacks 1 NoReanimators 1 NoCritPumpkin 1 NoJoinMidwave 1 ForceHoliday 2 BotPushaway 0 RobotLimit 50 LoseTime 7 CustomWeapon { "Scout Voodoo" { OriginalItemName "Power Up Canteen (MvM)" "custom item model" "models/player/items/scout/scout_zombie.mdl" } "Soldier Voodoo" { OriginalItemName "Power Up Canteen (MvM)" "custom item model" "models/player/items/soldier/soldier_zombie.mdl" } "Pyro Voodoo" { OriginalItemName "Power Up Canteen (MvM)" "custom item model" "models/player/items/pyro/pyro_zombie.mdl" } "Demoman Voodoo" { OriginalItemName "Power Up Canteen (MvM)" "custom item model" "models/player/items/demo/demo_zombie.mdl" } "Heavy Voodoo" { OriginalItemName "Power Up Canteen (MvM)" "custom item model" "models/player/items/heavy/heavy_zombie.mdl" } "Engineer Voodoo" { OriginalItemName "Power Up Canteen (MvM)" "custom item model" "models/player/items/engineer/engineer_zombie.mdl" } "Medic Voodoo" { OriginalItemName "Power Up Canteen (MvM)" "custom item model" "models/player/items/medic/medic_zombie.mdl" } "Sniper Voodoo" { OriginalItemName "Power Up Canteen (MvM)" "custom item model" "models/player/items/sniper/sniper_zombie.mdl" } "Spy Voodoo" { OriginalItemName "Power Up Canteen (MvM)" "custom item model" "models/player/items/spy/spy_zombie.mdl" } "Wraith Hellmet" { OriginalItemName "The Hellmet" "set item tint RGB" 3686984 } "Mantreads Cosmetic" { OriginalItemName "Highland High Heels" "custom item model" "models/workshop/player/items/soldier/mantreads/mantreads.mdl" } "Flashdance Footies Afteright" { OriginalItemName "EOTL_hiphunter_boots" "set item tint RGb" 2960676 } } PointTemplates { shade_color { OnSpawnOutput { Target "!activator" Action "color" Param "155 0 255" } } detonatorexplode { //Credit to Mystery Unknown One OnParentKilledOutput { Target "lebomb" Action "Detonate" } NoFixup 0 KeepAlive 1 tf_generic_bomb { "targetname" "lebomb" "model" "models/weapons/w_models/w_stickybomb2.mdl" "health" "10000000" "damage" "50" "radius" "300" "explode_particle" "asplode_hoodoo" "sound" "misc\halloween\spell_fireball_impact.wav" "modelscale" "0" "friendlyfire" "1" } env_shake { "amplitude" "16" "radius" "900" "duration" "3" "frequency" "40" "targetname" "screenshake" "spawnflags" "12" } logic_relay { "OnSpawn" "lebomb,addoutput,ondetonate screenshake:startshake::0:-1,0,-1" "OnSpawn" "lebomb,addoutput,ondetonate screenshake:kill::3:-1,0,-1" } } NoColor { OnSpawnOutput { Target "!activator" Action "color" Param "255 255 255" } } ViperColor { OnSpawnOutput { Target "!activator" Action "color" Param "100 160 100" } } } Templates { //NAV Tester YoovyBot_NavTester { //TFBot Class Scout Name "Nav Tester" Skill Expert WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "SPELL: set halloween footstep type" 5801378 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag AlwaysGlow 1 Action Mobber //Rafmod SpawnTemplate "NoColor" UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 //Weapons ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_BAT" "custom item model" "models/weapons/c_models/c_wrench/c_wrench.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Hazard Handler" ItemAttributes { ItemName "Hazard Handler" "item style override" 2 } } //Common Infected YoovyBot_Scout_Cadaver_Variant1 { //TFBot Class Scout Name "Scout Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod SpawnTemplate "NoColor" UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons Item "The Bat Outta Hell" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" "dmg penalty vs players" 0.15 // 5 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Scout Voodoo" } YoovyBot_Scout_Cadaver_Variant2 { //TFBot Class Scout Name "Scout Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod SpawnTemplate "NoColor" UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons Item "The Bat Outta Hell" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" "dmg penalty vs players" 0.15 // 5 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Baseball Bill's Sports Shine" Item "Scout Voodoo" } YoovyBot_Scout_Cadaver_Variant3 { //TFBot Class Scout Name "Scout Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod SpawnTemplate "NoColor" UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons Item "The Bat Outta Hell" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" "dmg penalty vs players" 0.15 // 5 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Scout Voodoo" Item "Ye Olde Baker Boy" ItemAttributes { ItemName "Ye Olde Baker Boy" "set item tint RGB" 2960676 } } YoovyBot_Scout_Cadaver_Variant4 { //TFBot Class Scout Name "Scout Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod SpawnTemplate "NoColor" UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons Item "The Bat Outta Hell" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" "dmg penalty vs players" 0.15 // 5 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Scout Voodoo" Item "The Backwards Ballcap" } YoovyBot_Scout_Cadaver_Variant5 { //TFBot Class Scout Name "Scout Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod SpawnTemplate "NoColor" UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons Item "The Bat Outta Hell" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" "dmg penalty vs players" 0.15 // 5 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Scout Voodoo" Item "Flipped Trilby" ItemAttributes { ItemName "Flipped Trilby" "set item tint RGB" 3686984 } } YoovyBot_Soldier_Cadaver_Variant1 { //TFBot Class Soldier Health 250 Name "Soldier Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly Attributes AutoJump AutoJumpMin 10 AutoJumpMax 20 CharacterAttributes { "increased air control" 5 "increased jump height" 1.4 "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod SpawnTemplate "NoColor" UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons Item "The Bat Outta Hell" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" "dmg penalty vs players" 0.155 // 10 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Soldier Voodoo" } YoovyBot_Soldier_Cadaver_Variant2 { //TFBot Class Soldier Health 250 Name "Soldier Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly Attributes AutoJump AutoJumpMin 10 AutoJumpMax 20 CharacterAttributes { "increased air control" 5 "increased jump height" 1.4 "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod SpawnTemplate "NoColor" UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons Item "The Bat Outta Hell" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" "dmg penalty vs players" 0.155 // 10 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Baseball Bill's Sports Shine" Item "Soldier Voodoo" } YoovyBot_Soldier_Cadaver_Variant3 { //TFBot Class Soldier Health 250 Name "Soldier Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly Attributes AutoJump AutoJumpMin 10 AutoJumpMax 20 CharacterAttributes { "increased air control" 5 "increased jump height" 1.4 "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod SpawnTemplate "NoColor" UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons Item "The Bat Outta Hell" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" "dmg penalty vs players" 0.155 // 10 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "The Grenadier's Softcap" Item "Soldier Voodoo" } YoovyBot_Soldier_Cadaver_Variant4 { //TFBot Class Soldier Health 250 Name "Soldier Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly Attributes AutoJump AutoJumpMin 10 AutoJumpMax 20 CharacterAttributes { "increased air control" 5 "increased jump height" 1.4 "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons Item "The Bat Outta Hell" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" "dmg penalty vs players" 0.155 // 10 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Sky High Fly Guy" Item "Soldier Voodoo" } YoovyBot_Soldier_Cadaver_Variant5 { //TFBot Class Soldier Health 250 Name "Soldier Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly Attributes AutoJump AutoJumpMin 10 AutoJumpMax 20 CharacterAttributes { "increased air control" 5 "increased jump height" 1.4 "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons Item "The Bat Outta Hell" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" "dmg penalty vs players" 0.155 // 10 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "The Well-Rounded Rifleman" Item "Soldier Voodoo" } YoovyBot_Pyro_Cadaver_Variant1 { //TFBot Class Pyro Health 225 Name "Pyro Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons Item "The Lollichop" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Lollichop" "dmg penalty vs players" 0.155 // 10 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Lollichop" Model "models/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_unarmed_combat/c_unarmed_combat.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Pyro Voodoo" } YoovyBot_Pyro_Cadaver_Variant2 { //TFBot Class Pyro Health 225 Name "Pyro Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons Item "The Lollichop" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Lollichop" "dmg penalty vs players" 0.155 // 10 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Lollichop" Model "models/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_unarmed_combat/c_unarmed_combat.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Pyro Voodoo" Item "The Bone Dome" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Bone Dome" "item style override" 1 } } YoovyBot_Pyro_Cadaver_Variant3 { //TFBot Class Pyro Health 225 Name "Pyro Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons Item "The Lollichop" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Lollichop" "dmg penalty vs players" 0.155 // 10 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Lollichop" Model "models/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_unarmed_combat/c_unarmed_combat.mdl" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Bonedolier" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Pyro Voodoo" Item "The Bonedolier" Item "Brigade Helm" ItemAttributes { ItemName "Brigade Helm" "set item tint RGB" 3686984 } } YoovyBot_Pyro_Cadaver_Variant4 { //TFBot Class Pyro Health 225 Name "Pyro Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons Item "The Lollichop" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Lollichop" "dmg penalty vs players" 0.155 // 10 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Lollichop" Model "models/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_unarmed_combat/c_unarmed_combat.mdl" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Bonedolier" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Pyro Voodoo" Item "The Bonedolier" } YoovyBot_Pyro_Cadaver_Variant5 { //TFBot Class Pyro Health 225 Name "Pyro Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons Item "The Lollichop" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Lollichop" "dmg penalty vs players" 0.155 // 10 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Lollichop" Model "models/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_unarmed_combat/c_unarmed_combat.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Pyro Voodoo" Item "The Bruiser's Bandanna" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Bruiser's Bandanna" "item style override" 1 "set item tint RGB" 3686984 } } YoovyBot_Demoman_Cadaver_Variant1 { //TFBot Class Demoman Health 250 Name "Demoman Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } ChangeAttributes { Name "Rush" Delay 0 Cooldown 20 Repeats 0 IfHealthBelow 225 //IfSeeTarget 1 } ChangeAttributes { Name "Calm" Delay 3 Cooldown 20 Repeats 0 IfHealthBelow 225 //IfSeeTarget 1 } EventChangeAttributes { Rush { CharacterAttributes { "move speed penalty" 1 } CustomEyeGlowColor "255 0 0" } Calm { CharacterAttributes { "move speed penalty" 0.75 } CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" } } //Weapons Item "The Bat Outta Hell" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" "dmg penalty vs players" 0.155 // 10 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Demoman Voodoo" } YoovyBot_Demoman_Cadaver_Variant2 { //TFBot Class Demoman Health 250 Name "Demoman Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } ChangeAttributes { Name "Rush" Delay 0 Cooldown 20 Repeats 0 IfHealthBelow 225 //IfSeeTarget 1 } ChangeAttributes { Name "Calm" Delay 3 Cooldown 20 Repeats 0 IfHealthBelow 225 //IfSeeTarget 1 } EventChangeAttributes { Rush { CharacterAttributes { "move speed penalty" 1 } CustomEyeGlowColor "255 0 0" } Calm { CharacterAttributes { "move speed penalty" 0.75 } CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" } } //Weapons Item "The Bat Outta Hell" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" "dmg penalty vs players" 0.155 // 10 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Demoman Voodoo" Item "Plaid Lad" ItemAttributes { ItemName "Plaid Lad" "set item tint RGB" 2960676 } } YoovyBot_Demoman_Cadaver_Variant3 { //TFBot Class Demoman Health 250 Name "Demoman Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } ChangeAttributes { Name "Rush" Delay 0 Cooldown 20 Repeats 0 IfHealthBelow 225 //IfSeeTarget 1 } ChangeAttributes { Name "Calm" Delay 3 Cooldown 20 Repeats 0 IfHealthBelow 225 //IfSeeTarget 1 } EventChangeAttributes { Rush { CharacterAttributes { "move speed penalty" 1 } CustomEyeGlowColor "255 0 0" } Calm { CharacterAttributes { "move speed penalty" 0.75 } CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" } } //Weapons Item "The Bat Outta Hell" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" "dmg penalty vs players" 0.155 // 10 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Demoman Voodoo" Item "Loyalty Reward" } YoovyBot_Demoman_Cadaver_Variant4 { //TFBot Class Demoman Health 250 Name "Demoman Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } ChangeAttributes { Name "Rush" Delay 0 Cooldown 20 Repeats 0 IfHealthBelow 225 //IfSeeTarget 1 } ChangeAttributes { Name "Calm" Delay 3 Cooldown 20 Repeats 0 IfHealthBelow 225 //IfSeeTarget 1 } EventChangeAttributes { Rush { CharacterAttributes { "move speed penalty" 1 } CustomEyeGlowColor "255 0 0" } Calm { CharacterAttributes { "move speed penalty" 0.75 } CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" } } //Weapons Item "The Bat Outta Hell" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" "dmg penalty vs players" 0.155 // 10 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Demoman Voodoo" Item "L4D Hat" } YoovyBot_Demoman_Cadaver_Variant5 { //TFBot Class Demoman Health 250 Name "Demoman Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } ChangeAttributes { Name "Rush" Delay 0 Cooldown 20 Repeats 0 IfHealthBelow 225 //IfSeeTarget 1 } ChangeAttributes { Name "Calm" Delay 3 Cooldown 20 Repeats 0 IfHealthBelow 225 //IfSeeTarget 1 } EventChangeAttributes { Rush { CharacterAttributes { "move speed penalty" 1 } CustomEyeGlowColor "255 0 0" } Calm { CharacterAttributes { "move speed penalty" 0.75 } CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" } } //Weapons Item "The Bat Outta Hell" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" "dmg penalty vs players" 0.155 // 10 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Demoman Voodoo" Item "The Hunter in Darkness" } YoovyBot_Heavy_Cadaver_Variant1 { //TFBot Class Heavy Health 450 Name "Heavy Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_FISTS" "dmg bonus vs buildings" 2 "dmg penalty vs players" 0.232 // 15 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } //Cosmetics Item "Heavy Voodoo" Item "Can Opener" Item "Soviet Stitch-Up" Item "Steel-Toed Stompers" ItemModel { ItemName "Can Opener" Model "models/empty.mdl" } ItemModel { ItemName "Soviet Stitch-Up" Model "models/empty.mdl" } ItemModel { ItemName "Steel-Toed Stompers" Model "models/empty.mdl" } } YoovyBot_Heavy_Cadaver_Variant2 { //TFBot Class Heavy Health 450 Name "Heavy Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_FISTS" "dmg bonus vs buildings" 2 "dmg penalty vs players" 0.232 // 15 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } //Cosmetics Item "Heavy Voodoo" Item "Can Opener" Item "Soviet Stitch-Up" Item "Steel-Toed Stompers" ItemModel { ItemName "Can Opener" Model "models/workshop/player/items/heavy/sbox2014_war_helmet/sbox2014_war_helmet.mdl" } ItemModel { ItemName "Soviet Stitch-Up" Model "models/empty.mdl" } ItemModel { ItemName "Steel-Toed Stompers" Model "models/empty.mdl" } } YoovyBot_Heavy_Cadaver_Variant3 { //TFBot Class Heavy Health 450 Name "Heavy Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_FISTS" "dmg bonus vs buildings" 2 "dmg penalty vs players" 0.232 // 15 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } //Cosmetics Item "Heavy Voodoo" Item "Can Opener" Item "Soviet Stitch-Up" Item "Steel-Toed Stompers" ItemModel { ItemName "Can Opener" Model "models/workshop/player/items/heavy/sbox2014_war_pants/sbox2014_war_pants.mdl" } ItemModel { ItemName "Soviet Stitch-Up" Model "models/empty.mdl" } ItemModel { ItemName "Steel-Toed Stompers" Model "models/empty.mdl" } } YoovyBot_Heavy_Cadaver_Variant4 { //TFBot Class Heavy Health 450 Name "Heavy Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_FISTS" "dmg bonus vs buildings" 2 "dmg penalty vs players" 0.232 // 15 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } //Cosmetics Item "Heavy Voodoo" Item "Can Opener" Item "Soviet Stitch-Up" Item "Steel-Toed Stompers" ItemModel { ItemName "Can Opener" Model "models/workshop/player/items/heavy/sum24_crooks_cap/sum24_crooks_cap.mdl" } ItemModel { ItemName "Soviet Stitch-Up" Model "models/empty.mdl" } ItemModel { ItemName "Steel-Toed Stompers" Model "models/empty.mdl" } } YoovyBot_Heavy_Cadaver_Variant5 { //TFBot Class Heavy Health 450 Name "Heavy Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_FISTS" "dmg bonus vs buildings" 2 "dmg penalty vs players" 0.232 // 15 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } //Cosmetics Item "Heavy Voodoo" Item "Can Opener" Item "Soviet Stitch-Up" Item "Steel-Toed Stompers" ItemModel { ItemName "Can Opener" Model "models/workshop/player/items/all_class/riflemans_rallycap/riflemans_rallycap_heavy.mdl" } ItemModel { ItemName "Soviet Stitch-Up" Model "models/empty.mdl" } ItemModel { ItemName "Steel-Toed Stompers" Model "models/empty.mdl" } } YoovyBot_Engineer_Cadaver_Variant1 { //TFBot Class Engineer Health 200 Name "Engineer Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons Item "The Bat Outta Hell" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" "disable buildings on hit" 3 "dmg penalty vs players" 0.155 // 10 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Engineer Voodoo" } YoovyBot_Engineer_Cadaver_Variant2 { //TFBot Class Engineer Health 200 Name "Engineer Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons Item "The Bat Outta Hell" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" "disable buildings on hit" 3 "dmg penalty vs players" 0.155 // 10 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Engineer Voodoo" Item "Engineer Welding Mask" } YoovyBot_Engineer_Cadaver_Variant3 { //TFBot Class Engineer Health 200 Name "Engineer Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons Item "The Bat Outta Hell" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" "disable buildings on hit" 3 "dmg penalty vs players" 0.155 // 10 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Engineer Voodoo" Item "Hazard Handler" } YoovyBot_Engineer_Cadaver_Variant4 { //TFBot Class Engineer Health 200 Name "Engineer Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons Item "The Bat Outta Hell" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" "disable buildings on hit" 3 "dmg penalty vs players" 0.155 // 10 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Engineer Voodoo" Item "Baseball Bill's Sports Shine" } YoovyBot_Engineer_Cadaver_Variant5 { //TFBot Class Engineer Health 200 Name "Engineer Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons Item "The Bat Outta Hell" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" "disable buildings on hit" 3 "dmg penalty vs players" 0.155 // 10 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Engineer Voodoo" Item "The Lawnmaker" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Lawnmaker" "item style override" 1 "set item tint RGB" 3686984 } } YoovyBot_Medic_Cadaver_Variant1 { //TFBot Class Medic Health 200 Name "Medic Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "health regen" 2 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons Item "The Bat Outta Hell" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" "mult dmg friendly fire" -4 "dmg penalty vs players" 0.155 // 10 Damage "allow friendly fire" 1 "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Medic Voodoo" } YoovyBot_Medic_Cadaver_Variant2 { //TFBot Class Medic Health 200 Name "Medic Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "health regen" 2 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons Item "The Bat Outta Hell" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" "mult dmg friendly fire" -4 "dmg penalty vs players" 0.155 // 10 Damage "allow friendly fire" 1 "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Medic Voodoo" Item "The Surgeon's Stahlhelm" } YoovyBot_Medic_Cadaver_Variant3 { //TFBot Class Medic Health 200 Name "Medic Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "health regen" 2 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons Item "The Bat Outta Hell" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" "mult dmg friendly fire" -4 "dmg penalty vs players" 0.155 // 10 Damage "allow friendly fire" 1 "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Medic Voodoo" Item "The Physician's Protector" } YoovyBot_Medic_Cadaver_Variant4 { //TFBot Class Medic Health 200 Name "Medic Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "health regen" 2 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons Item "The Bat Outta Hell" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" "mult dmg friendly fire" -4 "dmg penalty vs players" 0.155 // 10 Damage "allow friendly fire" 1 "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Medic Voodoo" Item "Field Practice" } YoovyBot_Medic_Cadaver_Variant5 { //TFBot Class Medic Health 200 Name "Medic Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "health regen" 2 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons Item "The Bat Outta Hell" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" "mult dmg friendly fire" -4 "dmg penalty vs players" 0.155 // 10 Damage "allow friendly fire" 1 "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Medic Voodoo" Item "Particulate Protector" } YoovyBot_Sniper_Cadaver_Variant1 { //TFBot Class Sniper Health 150 Name "Sniper Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_CLUB" "add cond on hit duration" 3 "dmg penalty vs players" 0.155 // 10 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 "add cond on hit" 24 // Jarate //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_CLUB" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Sniper Voodoo" } YoovyBot_Sniper_Cadaver_Variant2 { //TFBot Class Sniper Health 150 Name "Sniper Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_CLUB" "add cond on hit duration" 3 "dmg penalty vs players" 0.155 // 10 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 "add cond on hit" 24 // Jarate //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_CLUB" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Sniper Voodoo" Item "Ritzy Rick's Hair Fixative" } YoovyBot_Sniper_Cadaver_Variant3 { //TFBot Class Sniper Health 150 Name "Sniper Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_CLUB" "add cond on hit duration" 3 "dmg penalty vs players" 0.155 // 10 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 "add cond on hit" 24 // Jarate //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_CLUB" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Sniper Voodoo" Item "The Bare Necessities" } YoovyBot_Sniper_Cadaver_Variant4 { //TFBot Class Sniper Health 150 Name "Sniper Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_CLUB" "add cond on hit duration" 3 "dmg penalty vs players" 0.155 // 10 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 "add cond on hit" 24 // Jarate //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_CLUB" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Sniper Voodoo" Item "Wet Works" ItemAttributes { ItemName "Wet Works" "set item tint RGB" 8154199 } } YoovyBot_Sniper_Cadaver_Variant5 { //TFBot Class Sniper Health 150 Name "Sniper Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_CLUB" "add cond on hit duration" 3 "dmg penalty vs players" 0.155 // 10 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 "add cond on hit" 24 // Jarate //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_CLUB" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Sniper Voodoo" Item "L4D Hat" } YoovyBot_Spy_Cadaver_Variant1 { //TFBot Class Medic Health 150 Name "Spy Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.7 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseCustomModel "models/player/spy.mdl" UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" PainSound "SpyZombie.Hurt" DeathSound "SpyZombie.Death" Skin 23 //Weapons Item "The Sharp Dresser" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Sharp Dresser" "ignored by enemy sentries" 1 "dmg penalty vs players" 0.25 // 10 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Sharp Dresser" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Spy Voodoo" } YoovyBot_Spy_Cadaver_Variant2 { //TFBot Class Medic Health 150 Name "Spy Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.7 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseCustomModel "models/player/spy.mdl" UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" PainSound "SpyZombie.Hurt" DeathSound "SpyZombie.Death" Skin 23 //Weapons Item "The Sharp Dresser" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Sharp Dresser" "ignored by enemy sentries" 1 "dmg penalty vs players" 0.25 // 10 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Sharp Dresser" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Spy Voodoo" Item "Nightmare Hunter" ItemAttributes { ItemName "Nightmare Hunter" "set item tint RGB" 3686984 } } YoovyBot_Spy_Cadaver_Variant3 { //TFBot Class Medic Health 150 Name "Spy Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.7 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseCustomModel "models/player/spy.mdl" UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" PainSound "SpyZombie.Hurt" DeathSound "SpyZombie.Death" Skin 23 //Weapons Item "The Sharp Dresser" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Sharp Dresser" "ignored by enemy sentries" 1 "dmg penalty vs players" 0.25 // 10 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Sharp Dresser" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Spy Voodoo" Item "Modest Pile of Hat" } YoovyBot_Spy_Cadaver_Variant4 { //TFBot Class Medic Health 150 Name "Spy Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.7 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseCustomModel "models/player/spy.mdl" UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" PainSound "SpyZombie.Hurt" DeathSound "SpyZombie.Death" Skin 23 //Weapons Item "The Sharp Dresser" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Sharp Dresser" "ignored by enemy sentries" 1 "dmg penalty vs players" 0.25 // 10 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Sharp Dresser" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Spy Voodoo" Item "Sneaky Blinder" ItemAttributes { ItemName "Sneaky Blinder" "set item tint RGB" 3686984 } } YoovyBot_Spy_Cadaver_Variant5 { //TFBot Class Medic Health 150 Name "Spy Cadaver" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.7 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseCustomModel "models/player/spy.mdl" UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" PainSound "SpyZombie.Hurt" DeathSound "SpyZombie.Death" Skin 23 //Weapons Item "The Sharp Dresser" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Sharp Dresser" "ignored by enemy sentries" 1 "dmg penalty vs players" 0.25 // 10 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Sharp Dresser" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Spy Voodoo" Item "Cleaner's Cap" ItemAttributes { ItemName "Cleaner's Cap" "item style override" 2 "set item tint RGB" 3686984 } } //Uncommon Infected YoovyBot_Slasher { //TFBot Class Scout Health 225 Scale 1.1 Name "Slasher" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 //"move speed bonus" 1.2 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" PainSound "Slasher.Hurt" DeathSound "Slasher.Death" VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons Item "The Bat Outta Hell" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" "dmg penalty vs players" 0.29 // 10 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Head Hunter" Item "Claws And Infect" Item "Crazy Legs" } YoovyBot_Cultist { //TFBot Class Medic Health 250 Scale 1.1 Name "Cultist" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "always allow taunt" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } ItemModel { ItemName "The Lo-Grav Loafers" Model "models/workshop/player/items/medic/grimm_hatte/grimm_hatte.mdl" } Taunt { IfHealthBelow 226 Cooldown 20 Repeats 0 Delay 2 } //Weapons Item "The Freedom Staff" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Freedom Staff" "dmg penalty vs players" 0.155 // 10 Damage "fire input on taunt" "!activator^$addcond^5 4" // Ubers for 4 seconds when Amputator taunting "fire rate penalty" 1.25 "enables aoe heal" 1 } //Cosmetics Item "Medic Voodoo" Item "The Lo-Grav Loafers" Item "The Angel of Death" Item "Blighted Beak" ItemAttributes { ItemName "Blighted Beak" "item style override" 1 } } YoovyBot_Hazmat { //TFBot Class Engineer Health 300 Scale 1.15 Name "Hazmat" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "dmg taken from crit reduced" 0.1 "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "effect immunity" 1 "wet immunity" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons Item "The Bat Outta Hell" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" "disable buildings on hit" 3 "dmg penalty vs players" 0.155 // 10 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Engineer Voodoo" Item "Particulate Protector" Item "Mannhattan Protect" Item "The Deus Specs" Item "Nuclear Necessity" } YoovyBot_Brute { //TFBot Class Heavy Health 525 Scale 1.15 Name "Brute" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "airblast vertical vulnerability multiplier" 0.1 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.1 "damage force reduction" 0.1 "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "use robot voice" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "255 128 0" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_FISTS" "dmg bonus vs buildings" 2 "damage causes airblast" 1 "dmg penalty vs players" 0.232 // 15 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Heavy Voodoo" Item "Die Regime-Panzerung" Item "Can Opener" Item "Soviet Stitch-Up" Item "Steel-Toed Stompers" Item "Big Steel Jaw of Summer Fun" Item "Soldier's Stash" ItemColor { ItemName "Soldier's Stash" Red 70 Green 70 Blue 70 } ItemModel { ItemName "Can Opener" Model "models/workshop/player/items/heavy/dec24_battle_balaclava_style1/dec24_battle_balaclava_style1.mdl" } ItemModel { ItemName "Soviet Stitch-Up" Model "models/workshop/player/items/heavy/sbox2014_war_goggles/sbox2014_war_goggles.mdl" } ItemModel { ItemName "Steel-Toed Stompers" Model "models/player/items/heavy/heavy_wolf_helm.mdl" } ItemModel { ItemName "Soldier's Stash" Model "models/workshop/player/items/heavy/hwn2016_mad_mask/hwn2016_mad_mask.mdl" } } YoovyBot_Viper { //TFBot Class Demoman Health 250 Scale 1.1 Name "Viper" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "ViperColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "50 140 55" PainSound "Viper.Hurt" DeathSound "Viper.Death" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons Item "The Bat Outta Hell" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" "dmg penalty vs players" 0.077 // 5 Damage "bleeding duration" 5 "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" Model "models/empty.mdl" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Bonedolier" Model "models/empty.mdl" } ItemColor { ItemName "Demoman Voodoo" Red 100 Green 160 Blue 100 } //Cosmetics Item "Demoman Voodoo" Item "The Bonedolier" Item "Death Stare" ItemAttributes { ItemName "Death Stare" "attach particle effect" 39 "set item tint RGB" 4345659 } } YoovyBot_Fallen_Survivor { //TFBot Class Sniper Health 200 Scale 1.1 Name "Fallen Survivor" Skill Normal ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite StripItemSlot 1 CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 UseBestWeapon 1 WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons Item "TF_WEAPON_SMG" ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_SMG" "reload time increased" 2 "fire rate penalty" 1.25 "spread penalty" 1.5 "damage penalty" 0.25 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_CLUB" "dmg penalty vs players" 0.155 // 10 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } //Cosmetics Item "Sniper Voodoo" Item "The Deep Cover Operator" Item "The Conspicuous Camouflage" Item "Villain's Veil" ItemAttributes { ItemName "Villain's Veil" "item style override" 2 "set item tint RGB" 2960676 } } YoovyBot_Knighted_Carcass { //TFBot Class Demoman Health 325 Scale 1.15 Name "Knighted Carcass" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.8 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons Item "The Splendid Screen" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Splendid Screen" "charge impact damage decreased" 0.5 "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 1 } Item "The Eyelander" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Eyelander" "dmg penalty vs players" 0.155 // 10 Damage "minicritboost on kill" 3 "fire rate penalty" 1.25 } //Cosmetics Item "Demoman Voodoo" Item "The Glasgow Great Helm" Item "The Horsemann's Hand-Me-Down" } YoovyBot_Grunt { //TFBot Class Soldier Health 350 Scale 1.15 Name "Grunt" Skill Normal ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly MaxVisionRange 650 CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.6 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod SpawnTemplate "NoColor" UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons Item "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_SHOTGUN_PRIMARY" ItemAttributes { ItemName "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_SHOTGUN_PRIMARY" "paintkit_proto_def_index" 412 //Secretly Serviced "bullets per shot bonus" 0.5 "set_item_texture_wear" 1 "fire rate penalty" 2 "damage penalty" 0.65 } //Cosmetics Item "Soldier Voodoo" Item "The Rebel Rouser" Item "Flakcatcher" Item "EOTL_beard" ItemAttributes { ItemName "EOTL_beard" "set item tint RGB" 2960676 } } //Special Infected YoovyBot_Dozer { //TFBot Class Demoman Health 600 Scale 1.35 Name "Dozer" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "airblast vertical vulnerability multiplier" 0.75 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.75 "damage force reduction" 0.25 "cancel falling damage" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 //RESISTANCES & VULNERABILITIES "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 0.85 //Resist. "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.85 //Resist. } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "255 0 0" PainSound "Dozer.Hurt" DeathSound "Dozer.Death" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons Item "The Chargin' Targe" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Chargin' Targe" "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 0.85 "charge impact damage increased" 0.5 "dmg taken from crit reduced" 0.85 "attack not cancel charge" 1 "damage force reduction" 0.8 //Ignore "dmg taken from blast reduced" 1 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 1 "custom item model" "models/weapons/c_models/c_assault_battering_ram/c_assault_battering_ram.mdl" } Item "The Pain Train" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Pain Train" "dmg taken from bullets increased" 1 "increase player capture value" 0 "damage bonus hidden" 0.18 "custom item model" "models/weapons/c_models/c_axtinguisher/c_axtinguisher_pyro.mdl" "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "axtinguisher" } //Cosmetics Item "Demoman Voodoo" Item "Scotch Bonnet" Item "Supernatural Stalker" Item "Stunt Suit" } YoovyBot_Detonator { //TFBot Class Pyro Health 600 Scale 1.35 Name "Detonator" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly SpawnTemplate { Name "detonatorexplode" Origin "0 0 150" } CharacterAttributes { "cancel falling damage" 1 "airblast vertical vulnerability multiplier" 0.75 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.75 "weapon burn dmg reduced" 0.25 "damage force reduction" 0.25 "always allow taunt" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "custom kill icon" firedeath "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 //RESISTANCES & VULNERABILITIES "dmg taken from crit reduced" 0.85 //Resist. "dmg from melee increased" 1.2 //Vulner. } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" DeathSound "=100|player/fall_damage_dealt.wav" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 0 Cooldown 0 Repeats 1 IfSeeTarget 0 IfHealthBelow 301 Name "Panic" } Taunt { Delay 0 Cooldown 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 85 Name "Taunt: Unleashed Rage" } EventChangeAttributes { Panic { Addcond { Index 22 } RingOfFire 1 CharacterAttributes { "set damagetype ignite" 1 "is suicide counter" 30 "move speed penalty" 0.95 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Lollichop" "attach particle effect" 1 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Pyrobotics Pack" "attach particle effect" 1 } } } //Weapons Item "The Lollichop" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Lollichop" "dmg penalty vs players" 0.155 // 10 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Lollichop" Model "models/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_rfa_hammer/c_rfa_hammer.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Pyro Voodoo" Item "Airtight Arsonist" Item "Preventative Measure" Item "The Pyrobotics Pack" } YoovyBot_Wraith { //TFBot Class Medic Health 500 Scale 1.35 Name "Wraith" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly Addcond { Index 66 } CharacterAttributes { "airblast vertical vulnerability multiplier" 0.75 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.75 "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.7 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseCustomModel "models/player/spy.mdl" UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" PainSound "Viper.Hurt" DeathSound "Viper.Death" MoveBehindEnemy 1 Skin 23 //Weapons Item "The Sharp Dresser" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Sharp Dresser" "ignored by enemy sentries" 1 "dmg penalty vs players" 0.25 // 10 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 "crit from behind" 1 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Sharp Dresser" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Spy Voodoo" Item "Wraith Hellmet" Item "Medi-Mask" Item "Rogue's Col Roule" ItemAttributes { ItemName "Rogue's Col Roule" "set item tint RGB" 2960676 } } YoovyBot_Mutant { //TFBot Class Sniper Health 550 Scale 1.325 Name "Mutant" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite StripItemSlot 0 CharacterAttributes { "airblast vertical vulnerability multiplier" 0.75 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.75 "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 //RESISTANCES & VULNERABILITIES "dmg taken from fire increased" 1.15 //Vulner. "dmg taken from crit reduced" 0.8 //Resist. } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly UseBestWeapon 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons Item "The Self-Aware Beauty Mark" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Self-Aware Beauty Mark" "effect bar recharge rate increased" 0.75 "custom projectile model" "models/weapons/w_models/w_breadmonster/w_breadmonster.mdl" "mult projectile scale" 2.5 "is_passive_weapon" 1 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_CLUB" "add cond on hit duration" 6 "dmg penalty vs players" 0.12 // 8 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 "add cond on hit" 24 // Jarate //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_CLUB" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Sniper Voodoo" Item "Breadcrab" Item "The Hollowhead" Item "Bread Biter" Item "Skinless Slashers" Item "The Cammy Jammies" ItemModel { ItemName "The Cammy Jammies" Model "models/workshop/player/items/medic/jul13_heavy_defender/jul13_heavy_defender.mdl" } Item "The Lavish Labwear" Item "Loaf Loafers" } YoovyBot_Rabid { //TFBot Class Heavy Health 700 Scale 1.4 Name "Rabid" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "airblast vertical vulnerability multiplier" 0.75 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.75 "gesture speed increase" 1.4 "damage force reduction" 0.25 "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.75 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 //RESISTANCES & VULNERABILITIES "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 0.8 //Resist. "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.8 //Resist. "dmg taken from crit reduced" 0.85 //Resist. "dmg from melee increased" 1.15 //Vulner. } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_FISTS" "dmg bonus vs buildings" 2 "dmg penalty vs players" 0.232 // 15 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } Taunt { Delay 0 Duration 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 500 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 1 Cooldown 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 500 Name "Angry" } Addcond { Index 26 IfHealthBelow 500 Duration 2.25 Delay 0 } EventChangeAttributes { Angry { CustomEyeGlowColor "0 255 0" ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_FISTS" "fire rate bonus" 0.85 } ItemAttributes { ItemName "Can Opener" "attach particle effect" 9 } CharacterAttributes { "dmg taken increased" 0.8 "move speed bonus" 1.1 } } } //Cosmetics Item "Heavy Voodoo" Item "Soviet Stitch-Up" Item "Steel-Toed Stompers" ItemModel { ItemName "Can Opener" Model "models/workshop/player/items/all_class/hw2013_the_manneater/hw2013_the_manneater_heavy.mdl" } ItemModel { ItemName "Soviet Stitch-Up" Model "models/workshop/player/items/heavy/sf14_halloween_bone_cut_belt/sf14_halloween_bone_cut_belt.mdl" } ItemModel { ItemName "Steel-Toed Stompers" Model "models/empty.mdl" } Item "Can Opener" } YoovyBot_Zyborg { //TFBot Class Engineer Skill Normal Health 800 Scale 1.4 Name "Zyborg" ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions SecondaryOnly CharacterAttributes { "airblast vertical vulnerability multiplier" 0.75 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.75 "damage force reduction" 0.25 "move speed penalty" 0.65 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "use robot voice" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 AimLeadProjectileSpeed 1 UseHumanModel 1 Skin 5 Voicecommand { Delay 10 Cooldown 10 Type "Battle Cry" } //Weapons Item "The Short Circuit" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Short Circuit" "override projectile type" 13 "dmg penalty vs players" 0.025 "faster reload rate" -1 "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "short_circuit" } //Cosmetics Item "Engineer Voodoo" Item "Brain Interface" Item "Life Support System" Item "Iron Fist" Item "Iron Lung" Item "Arsonist Apparatus" Item "Roboot" Item "The Texas Half-Pants" ItemModel { ItemName "The Texas Half-Pants" Model "models/workshop/player/items/engineer/sum23_cranium_cooler/sum23_cranium_cooler.mdl" } Item "Delldozer" ItemAttributes { ItemName "Delldozer" "item style override" 2 } } YoovyBot_Ravager { //TFBot Class Soldier Health 650 Scale 1.4 Name "Ravager" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "airblast vertical vulnerability multiplier" 0.75 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.75 "gesture speed increase" 2 "damage force reduction" 0.25 "cannot be backstabbed" 1 "cancel falling damage" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 //RESISTANCES & VULNERABILITIES "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 0.8 //Resist. "dmg taken from fire reduced" 0.85 //Resist. "dmg taken from blast increased" 1.2 //Vulner. } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod SpawnTemplate "NoColor" UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 5 Cooldown 5 } Taunt { Delay 0 Duration 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 475 Name "Taunt: Unleashed Rage" } Addcond { Index 16 IfHealthBelow 475 Delay 0 } ChangeAttributes { Delay 1 Cooldown 0 Repeats 1 IfHealthBelow 475 Name "Angry" } EventChangeAttributes { Angry { CustomEyeGlowColor "255 120 0" CharacterAttributes { "dmg taken from blast increased" 1 "dmg taken from bullets reduced" 1 "dmg taken from fire reduced" 1 "move speed bonus" 1.15 } } } //Weapons Item "The Razorback" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Razorback" "patient overheal penalty" 1 } Item "The Bat Outta Hell" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" "dmg bonus vs buildings" 1.5 "dmg penalty vs players" 0.077 // 5 Damage "fire rate bonus" 0.75 "heal on kill" 650 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "warrior_spirit" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" Model "models/workshop/weapons/c_models/c_bear_claw/c_bear_claw.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Soldier Voodoo" Item "Mantreads Cosmetic" Item "Road Block" Item "The Man in Slacks" Item "The Lacking Moral Fiber Mask" } YoovyBot_Grappler { //TFBot Class Engineer Health 500 Scale 1.35 Name "Grappler" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "airblast vertical vulnerability multiplier" 0.75 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.75 "damage force reduction" 0.25 "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.5 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 //RESISTANCES & VULNERABILITIES "dmg from melee increased" 1.25 //Vulner. } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Cheers" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons Item "TF_WEAPON_GRAPPLINGHOOK" ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_GRAPPLINGHOOK" "dmg penalty vs players" 0.5 "is_passive_weapon" 1 } Item "The Bat Outta Hell" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" "disable buildings on hit" 3 "dmg penalty vs players" 0.155 // 10 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Engineer Voodoo" Item "Underminer's Overcoat" Item "Big Steel Jaw of Summer Fun" Item "The Helmet Without a Home" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Helmet Without a Home" "set item tint RGB" 2960676 } } YoovyBot_Grenadier { //TFBot Class Demoman Health 675 Scale 1.4 Name "Grenadier" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite // tag bot_swapper CharacterAttributes { "airblast vertical vulnerability multiplier" 0.75 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.75 "damage force reduction" 0.25 "reload time increased" 1.25 "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.5 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 //RESISTANCES & VULNERABILITIES "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.85 //Resist. "dmg from melee increased" 1.15 //Vulner. } Attributes HoldFireUntilFullReload Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons Item "The Iron Bomber" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Iron Bomber" "paintkit_proto_def_index" 412 //Secretly Serviced "grenade explode on impact" 1 "dmg penalty vs players" 0.16 // 20 Damage "set_item_texture_wear" 1 "fire rate penalty" 2 "passive reload" 1 } // Item "The Bat Outta Hell" // ItemAttributes // { // ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" // "dmg penalty vs players" 0.232 // 15 Damage // "fire rate penalty" 1.25 // "provide on active" 1 // "move speed bonus" 1.15 // "cannot taunt" 1 // //Ignore // "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" // } // ItemModel // { // ItemName "The Bat Outta Hell" // Model "models/empty.mdl" // } //Cosmetics Item "Demoman Voodoo" Item "Blast Blocker" Item "Flashdance Footies Afteright" Item "Stunt Suit" Item "The Frag Proof Fragger" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Frag Proof Fragger" "set item tint RGB" 2960676 } } YoovyBot_Shade { //TFBot Class Sniper Skill Expert Health 500 Scale 1.3 Name "Shade" ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly DeathSound "=70|misc/halloween/skeleton_break.wav" SpawnTemplate "shade_color" CharacterAttributes { "airblast vertical vulnerability multiplier" 0.75 "SPELL: set Halloween footstep type" 9961727 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.75 "damage force reduction" 0.25 "cannot be headshot" 1 "voice pitch scale" 0 "move speed bonus" 1.1 "cannot be sapped" 1 "head scale" 0 "hand scale" 0 //RESISTANCES & VULNERABILITIES "dmg from melee increased" 1.25 //Vulner. } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Action Mobber UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 UseCustomModel "models\bots\skeleton_sniper_boss\skeleton_sniper_boss.mdl" UseHumanModel 1 Skin 1 //Weapons ItemModel { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_CLUB" Model "models/empty.mdl" } ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_CLUB" "add cond on hit duration" 3 "add attributes on hit" "major move speed bonus|1.2|3" "damage bonus hidden" 0.03 "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" "stun on hit type" "ghost" "add cond on hit" 30 "stun on hit" 3 } //Cosmetics ItemModel { ItemName "Zombie Sniper" Model "models/empty.mdl" } Item "Spine-Chilling Skull" ItemAttributes { ItemName "Spine-Chilling Skull" "attach particle effect" 3043 } } //Boss Infected YoovyBot_Husk { //TFBot Class Sniper Health 2000 Scale 1.6 Name "Husk" Skill Expert ClassIcon heavy_zombie_lite WeaponRestrictions MeleeOnly CharacterAttributes { "airblast vertical vulnerability multiplier" 0.1 "airblast vulnerability multiplier" 0.1 "override footstep sound set" 7 "damage force reduction" 0.1 "cancel falling damage" 1 "move speed penalty" 0.8 "voice pitch scale" 0.5 "cannot be sapped" 1 "always gib" 1 } Attributes DisableDodge Attributes IgnoreFlag Attributes MiniBoss Action Mobber //Rafmod UseMeleeThreatPrioritization 1 SpawnTemplate "NoColor" CustomEyeGlowColor "190 200 120" Skin 5 VoiceCommand { Type "Battle Cry" Delay 10 Cooldown 10 } //Weapons ItemAttributes { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_CLUB" "dmg penalty vs players" 0.232 // 15 Damage "fire rate penalty" 1.25 //Ignore "custom kill icon" "unarmed_combat" } ItemModel { ItemName "TF_WEAPON_CLUB" Model "models/empty.mdl" } //Cosmetics Item "Sniper Voodoo" Item "Spine-Chilling Skull 2011" Item "The Toowoomba Tunic" Item "The Bruiser's Bandanna" ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Bruiser's Bandanna" "item style override" 1 } } } }