//file for moves and upgrades WaveSchedule { ExtraLoadoutItems { Pyro { Secondary "Will-o-Wisp" } } CustomWeapon { "Will-o-Wisp" { OriginalItemName "The Flare Gun" "damage penalty" 0.01 "fire rate penalty" 5 //"mark for death" 1 "weapon burn dmg increased" 2 "weapon burn time increased" 5 //"crit does no damage" 1 //"projectile speed decreased" 0.4 //"mod projectile heat seek power" 360 //"mod projectile heat aim error" 90 } } ExtendedUpgrades { MaxUpgradesTier { 1 1 } ////////////////////////////////ABILITIES ///////////////////////////////////////////// /////SCOUT ScoutOffensive { Name "ABILITY: Guts" Attribute "kill eater score type" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 0 Description "+50% damage bonus to all weapons while suffering Milk, Jarate, Burn or Bleed" Tier 1 PlayerUpgrade 1 AllowPlayerClass Scout OnUpgrade { Output "guts_check,Enable,,0" } OnUpgrade { Output "guts_check,Trigger,,0" } OnDowngrade { Output "guts_check,$cancelpending,,0" } OnRestore { Output "guts_check,$cancelpending,,0" } OnDowngrade { Output "guts_check,Disable,,0" } OnRestore { Output "guts_check,Disable,,0" } SecondaryAttributes { "special item description" "+50% damage bonus while affected by any Bleed, Burn, Jarate or Milk." } } ScoutUtility { Name "ABILITY: Regenerator" Attribute "healing received bonus" Cap 2 Increment 1 Cost 0 Description "Doubles healing recieved. Enemies drop health packs on kill." Tier 1 PlayerUpgrade 1 AllowPlayerClass Scout SecondaryAttributes { "drop health pack on kill" 1 } } /////SOLDIER SoldierUtility { Name "ABILITY: Gale Wings" Attribute "reload full clip at once" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 0 Description "30% slower firing speed, but clips are reloaded at once." Tier 1 PlayerUpgrade 1 AllowPlayerClass Soldier SecondaryAttributes { "fire rate penalty" 0.3 } } SoldierUtility { Name "ABILITY: Anger Point" Attribute "kill eater score type" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 0 Description "Instantly activate all Banner effects when taking Critical damage." Tier 1 PlayerUpgrade 1 AllowPlayerClass Soldier } /////PYRO PyroDamage { Name "ABILITY: Merciless" Attribute "kill eater score type" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 0 Description "All Melee and Secondary weapons deal full crits vs burning." Tier 1 PlayerUpgrade 1 AllowPlayerClass Pyro //adds full crit vs burning OnUpgrade { Output "!activator,$AddItemAttribute,crit vs burning players|1|1,0" } OnUpgrade { Output "!activator,$AddItemAttribute,crit vs burning players|1|2,0" } //removes it on upgrade removal OnDowngrade { Output "!activator,$RemoveItemAttribute,crit vs burning players|1,0" } OnDowngrade { Output "!activator,$RemoveItemAttribute,crit vs burning players|2,0" } //removes upgrade when wave failed OnRestore { Output "!activator,$RemoveItemAttribute,crit vs burning players|2,0" } OnRestore { Output "!activator,$RemoveItemAttribute,crit vs burning players|1,0" } } PyroSupport { Name "ABILITY: Drought" Attribute "kill eater score type" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 0 Description "Summons Harsh Sunlight on spawn for 40 seconds." Tier 1 PlayerUpgrade 1 AllowPlayerClass Pyro } /////DEMO DemoOffensive { Name "ABILITY: Rock Head" Attribute "kill eater score type" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 0 Description "Removes recoil damage from charging and explovies." Tier 1 PlayerUpgrade 1 AllowPlayerClass Demoman OnUpgrade { Output "head_smash_filter,TestActivator,!activator,0" } SecondaryAttributes { "blast dmg to self increased" -1 } } ////////////////////////////////MOVES ///////////////////////////////////////////// Tackle { Name "Tackle" Attribute "damage bonus" Cap 1.4 Increment 0.4 Cost 0 Description "+40% damage on all melee weapons except Knives" Tier 1 AllowedWeapons { Slot "melee" } DisallowedWeapons { Classname "tf_weapon_knife" } } WaterGun { Name "Water Gun" Attribute "damage bonus" Cap 1.35 Increment 0.35 Cost 0 Description "+35% damage on all Pistols and SMG's" Tier 1 AllowedWeapons { Classname "tf_weapon_pistol_scout" Classname "tf_weapon_smg" } } } }