// balancemod by randomguy WaveSchedule { // Set medieval loadouts, with some new stuff. MedievalMode 0 ExtendedUpgradesOnly 1 // Do not display regular upgrade menu, only show extended upgrades (default: 0) NoReanimators 1 // Disable reanimators, useless clutter in medieval. LuaScriptFile "scripts/sandman ball mark.lua" // Lua script by Royal for the ballmark upgrade. ItemWhitelist { Classname saxxy Classname tf_weapon_lunchbox_drink Classname tf_weapon_jar_milk Classname tf_weapon_cleaver Classname tf_weapon_bat Classname tf_weapon_bat_wood Classname tf_weapon_bat_fish Classname tf_weapon_bat_giftwrap Classname tf_weapon_buff_item Classname tf_weapon_parachute Classname tf_weapon_shovel Classname tf_weapon_katana Classname tf_weapon_fireaxe Classname tf_weapon_breakable_sign Classname tf_weapon_slap Classname tf_wearable_demoshield Classname tf_weapon_bottle Classname tf_weapon_sword Classname tf_weapon_stickbomb Classname tf_weapon_lunchbox Classname tf_weapon_fists Classname tf_weapon_wrench Classname tf_weapon_robot_arm Classname tf_weapon_crossbow Classname tf_weapon_bonesaw Classname tf_weapon_compound_bow Classname tf_weapon_club Classname tf_weapon_knife Classname tf_weapon_invis Classname tf_weapon_pda_spy Classname tf_wearable Classname tf_powerup_bottle // ^ these are the by default allowed items. // ⌵ these are my additions. // ItemName TF_WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER // SimilarToItem TF_WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER // ^Planned but i don't think i'll do it. Ignore everywhere it's referenced. // Name "Upgradeable TF_WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER" // Name "The Nostromo Napalmer" // Name "The Rainblower" // Name "Festive Flamethrower 2011" ItemName "The Rescue Ranger" Classname tf_weapon_pda_engineer_build // Only level 1 sentry. Classname tf_weapon_pda_engineer_destroy // Only level 1 sentry. Classname tf_weapon_builder // Only level 1 sentry. } ForceItem // Force items to classes even if the item is not intended for the class { // unecessary for stock flamer for some reason. Engineer { Item "The Rescue Ranger" // Make it "unmissable". At the cost of not letting you run your skin or strange. Too bad! } } ItemBlacklist // For some reason these must be banned manually. ??? { DefIndex 735 // Sapper DefIndex 736 // Sapper DefIndex 810 // Sapper DefIndex 831 // Sapper DefIndex 933 // Sapper DefIndex 1080 // Sapper DefIndex 1102 // Sapper } // For testing skin unlocks that I don't have: // ForceItem "Festive Buff Banner" // Rebalances for some of the added weapons. // ItemAttributes // Adds attributes to specified item given to players // { // SimilarToItem TF_WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER // this better catch them all // "damage penalty" 0.75 // "weapon burn time reduced" 0.5 //// "weapon burn dmg reduced" 0.75 // "airblast disabled" 1 //// flame_drag 16 // should reduce range by a decent chunk. //// flame_lifetime 0.3 // Halved flame lifetime? // flame_speed 1225 // Less speed so less range? Perchaps? //// "maxammo primary reduced" 0.5 // "special item description" "[INFO] The Greek Fire, deals 25% less damage with less afterburn time than a modern flamethrower, with shorter range and cannot airblast." // } // Rebalances for already medieval weapons. // SCOUT ItemAttributes // Due to the upgrade this ends up 5% short, so i'm giving it an extra 5% here. { Classname tf_weapon_bat_giftwrap "effect bar recharge rate increased" 0.7 "special item description" "[INFO] 5% faster ball recharge rate." } // SOLDIER ItemAttributes // Funny grenade taunt. { ItemName "The Escape Plan" // "dmg taken from blast reduced" 0.25 "blast dmg to self increased" 0.10 "always allow taunt" 1 "gesture speed increase" 1.25 // 2 "taunt attack time mult" 0.8 // 0.5 // change this to work "special item description" "[INFO] 90% self blast damage resistance. Including self-damage from taunt kills. 25% faster tauntkilling." } ItemAttributes // Useless attributes; now it's bleedy. Yes I stole from tribalman's shhh. { ItemName "The Pain Train" "bleeding duration" 5 "damage penalty" 0.75 "special item description" "[INFO] Inflicts bleed on enemies, 25% damage penalty." } // PYRO ItemAttributes // i will make it not suck, milk is obscenely op even in medieval. { ItemName "The Hot Hand" "add cond on hit" 27 "add cond on hit duration" 2 "special item description" "[INFO] Inflicts milk on enemies for 2 seconds on hit." } ItemAttributes // tanks are now legally buildings { ItemName "The Homewrecker" "mult dmg vs tanks" 2.667 // closest to 2x dmg to tanks i can get to, considering that the -25% dmg vs players also applies to tanks. "special item description" "[INFO] Building damage multiplier applies to tanks." } ItemAttributes // tanks are now legally buildings { ItemName "The Maul" "mult dmg vs tanks" 2.667 // closest to 2x dmg to tanks i can get to, considering that the -25% dmg vs players also applies to tanks. "special item description" "[INFO] Building damage multiplier applies to tanks." } // DEMOMAN ItemAttributes { ItemName "The Ullapool Caber" "regenerate stickbomb" 1 "fire rate penalty" 2 // 2.5 "blast dmg to self increased" 0.5 "special item description" "[INFO] Caber regenerates, 100% slower swing speed. Self blast damage halved." } // HEAVY ItemAttributes // Health drain is awful since it's your only weapon here. { SimilarToItem "Gloves of Running Urgently" // I hope this also changes the bread bite. "special item description" "[INFO] Old GRU. No health drain, mark for death. Damage penalty." "self mark for death" 3 "provide on active" 1 "damage penalty" 0.75 mod_maxhealth_drain_rate 0 } ItemAttributes // This weapon just sucks in general. { ItemName "The Eviction Notice" "special item description" "[INFO] No max HP drain." mod_maxhealth_drain_rate 0 } // ENGINEER PlayerAttributes { Engineer { "building max level" 1 // lvl 1 buildings. "mult teleporter recharge rate" 0.3 // Lvl 3 is 3s, lvl 1 is 10s, so lvl1 with 70% faster should be like lvl3? "special item description" "[INFO] Max level 1 buildings. Teleporters charge at LVL3 speed. Base 40% slower fire rate for sentries." } } ItemAttributes // Nerf sentries. On this so you can upgrade it still. { ItemName tf_weapon_pda_engineer_build "engy sentry fire rate increased" 1.4 // 40% slower firing } // MEDIC ItemAttributes // This weapon has zero purpose w/o a medigun. It now has one. { ItemName "The Vita-Saw" "special item description" "[INFO] When active, 50% chance to respawn immediately with 1 HP." // "teleport instead of die" 0.5 "add attributes when active" "teleport instead of die|0.5" // Done so that this is not always active. // Provide on active vanilla attrb is not used because i don't like how it interacts with HP changing weapons. // I got this idea from trespasser by the way. } ItemAttributes // See above. Experimental AF. { SimilarToItem "The Ubersaw" "special item description" "[INFO] Become invulnerable for 0.5 seconds when attacking an enemy." "self add cond on hit" 51 // 5 would be used but dispensers screw with it. "self add cond on hit duration" 0.5 } // Upgrades. ExtendedUpgrades { // BODY UPGRADES \/ upgrade_FIRERES { Attribute "dmg from melee increased" Cap 0.55 Increment -0.15 Cost 300 // 150 Name "+15% Melee Resistance" PlayerUpgrade 1 // Is the upgrade a player upgrade } upgrade_FIRERES { Attribute "dmg taken from fire reduced" Cap 0.25 Increment -0.25 Cost 150 Name "+25% Fire Resistance" PlayerUpgrade 1 // Is the upgrade a player upgrade } upgrade_BLASTRES { Attribute "dmg taken from blast reduced" Cap 0.25 Increment -0.25 Cost 150 Name "+25% Blast Resistance" PlayerUpgrade 1 } upgrade_BULLTRES { Attribute "dmg taken from bullets reduced" Cap 0.25 Increment -0.25 Cost 150 Name "+25% Bullet Resistance" Description "Includes arrows and bolts." PlayerUpgrade 1 } upgrade_CRITRES { Attribute "dmg taken from crit reduced" Cap 0.1 Increment -0.3 Cost 150 Name "+30% Crit Resistance" PlayerUpgrade 1 } upgrade_MOVESPEED { Attribute "move speed bonus" Cap 1.3 Increment 0.1 Cost 200 Name "+10% Movement Speed" PlayerUpgrade 1 } upgrade_JUMPHEIGHT { Attribute "increased jump height" Cap 1.6 Increment 0.2 Cost 100 Name "+20% Jump Height" PlayerUpgrade 1 } upgrade_HPREGEN { Attribute "health regen" Cap 10 Increment 2 Cost 200 Name "+2 Heath Regen" PlayerUpgrade 1 } // WEAPON UPGRADES \/ upgrade_DAMAGEBONUS // for non-COK and melee. { Attribute "CARD: damage bonus" // "damage bonus HIDDEN" Cap 2 Increment 0.25 Cost 400 Name "+25% Damage" // The following eight lines are the easiest way to stop spy getting this on knives. AllowPlayerClass Scout AllowPlayerClass Soldier AllowPlayerClass Pyro AllowPlayerClass Demoman AllowPlayerClass HeavyWeapons AllowPlayerClass Engineer AllowPlayerClass Medic AllowPlayerClass Sniper AllowedWeapons // Restricts upgrade to specified weapons { DealsDamage 1 // All weapons dealing damage } DisallowedWeapons // Disallow those weapons { Classname tf_weapon_sword // All swords. I hope. ItemName "The Half-Zatoichi" ItemName "The Killing Gloves of Boxing" // KGB has innate COK. Classname tf_weapon_compound_bow Classname tf_weapon_crossbow // Both bows. SimilarToItem TF_WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER // this better catch them all // Stock flamer & variants. // Rescue Ranger is so garbage I'm giving it the good upgrade. Classname tf_weapon_lunchbox Classname tf_weapon_jar Classname tf_weapon_jar_milk Classname tf_weapon_lunchbox_drink // For some reason DealsDamage lets this through. ItemName "The Escape Plan" // This item has a special upgrade to allow upgrading its taunt kill damage. } // Disallowing COK weapons, they will get a different damage upgrade. // Only Eyelander, Zatoichi and KGB have COK. // Disallowing ranged weapons, they will get a different damage upgrade. // Flamethrower and Huntsman/Compound. // Ranger is exempt cause it sucks. } upgrade_DAMAGEBONUSMINOR // for COK and melee. { Attribute "CARD: damage bonus" // "damage bonus HIDDEN" Cap 1.8 Increment 0.2 Cost 500 Name "+20% Damage" AllowedWeapons // Restricts upgrade to specified weapons { Classname tf_weapon_sword // All swords. I hope. ItemName "The Half-Zatoichi" ItemName "The Killing Gloves of Boxing" // KGB has innate COK. Classname tf_weapon_compound_bow Classname tf_weapon_crossbow // Both bows. SimilarToItem TF_WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER // this better catch them all // Stock flamer & variants. // Rescue Ranger is so garbage I'm giving it the good upgrade. } } upgrade_DAMAGEBONUS_ESCPLAN { Attribute "dmg penalty vs players" Cap 2 Increment 0.25 Cost 400 Name "+25% Damage" Description "Now includes tauntkill damage!" AllowedWeapons // Restricts upgrade to specified weapons { ItemName "The Escape Plan" } } upgrade_FIRINGSPEED // for crossbow due to clip size. { Attribute "fire rate bonus" Cap 0.6 Increment -0.1 Cost 200 Name "+10% Firing Speed" AllowedWeapons { Classname tf_weapon_crossbow ItemName "The Rescue Ranger" } } upgrade_FIRINGSPEED // all melees. { Attribute "melee attack rate bonus" Cap 0.6 Increment -0.1 Cost 200 Name "+10% Attack Speed" AllowedWeapons { Slot Melee } DisallowedWeapons { SimilarToItem "The Ubersaw" // Due to the rebalance. } } upgrade_RELOADRATE // For ranged. { Attribute "faster reload rate" Cap 0.4 Increment -0.2 Cost 250 Name "+20% Reload Speed" AllowedWeapons { Classname tf_weapon_compound_bow Classname tf_weapon_crossbow ItemName "The Rescue Ranger" } } upgrade_PRIMARYMAXAMMO // for primaries { Attribute "maxammo primary increased" Cap 2.5 Increment 0.5 Cost 250 Name "+50% Ammo Capacity" AllowedWeapons { Slot Primary } } upgrade_MAXMETAL // for the engineer, since he now may build. { Attribute "maxammo metal increased" Cap 3 Increment 0.5 Cost 150 Name "+50% Max Metal Capacity" AllowedWeapons { Classname tf_weapon_pda_engineer_build } } upgrade_BLEEDING // for the huntsman, compound and now crossbow! { Attribute "bleeding duration" Cap 15 Increment 5 Cost 200 Name "+5s Bleed On Target" AllowedWeapons { Classname tf_weapon_compound_bow // Classname tf_weapon_crossbow } } upgrade_HOK // All killer weapons. { Attribute "heal on kill" Cap 100 Increment 25 Cost 200 Name "+25 Health On Kill" AllowedWeapons { DealsDamage 1 } DisallowedWeapons { Classname tf_weapon_lunchbox Classname tf_weapon_jar_milk Classname tf_weapon_lunchbox_drink // For some reason this deals damage apparently. } } upgrade_BALLSMAXAMMO // for sansman and wrapassassin { Attribute "maxammo grenades1 increased" Cap 6 Increment 1 Cost 150 Name "+1 Max Balls" AllowedWeapons { Classname tf_weapon_bat_wood Classname tf_weapon_bat_giftwrap } } upgrade_PENETRATION // for the huntsman and compound and ranger { Attribute "projectile penetration" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 400 Name "Projectile Penetration" AllowedWeapons { Classname tf_weapon_compound_bow Classname tf_weapon_crossbow ItemName "The Rescue Ranger" } } upgrade_MELEECLEAVE // for Heavy. Except those gloves. { Attribute "melee cleave attack" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 400 Name "Melee Penetrates Enemies" Description "Melee attacks damage all enemies in range. Comes with 15% damage penalty." AllowPlayerClass HeavyWeapons AllowedWeapons { Slot Melee } DisallowedWeapons { ItemName "The Killing Gloves of Boxing" } SecondaryAttributes // Secondary attributes applied when upgrade is applied, for each upgrade level { "damage penalty" -0.15 } } upgrade_MELEEWIDTH // for Heavy. Except those gloves. PDA's idea. { Attribute "melee bounds multiplier" Cap 1.2 Increment 0.2 // This does a lot more than it looks like, will probably help you bulldoze crowds. Cost 400 Name "Increased Melee Width" Description "Wider hitbox for melee attacks." AllowPlayerClass HeavyWeapons AllowedWeapons { Slot Melee } DisallowedWeapons { ItemName "The Killing Gloves of Boxing" } RequiredUpgrade { Upgrade upgrade_MELEECLEAVE // Name of the upgrade, as specified in the outer block Level 1 // Minimum level after which the upgrade becomes enabled (Default: 1) } } upgrade_2WAYTP // For engi { Attribute "bidirectional teleport" Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 200 Name "2-Way Teleporters" AllowedWeapons { Classname tf_weapon_pda_engineer_build } } upgrade_JARCHARGE // For jars and sandmans { Attribute "effect bar recharge rate increased" Cap 0.4 Increment -0.15 Cost 250 Name "+15% Recharge Rate" AllowedWeapons { Classname tf_weapon_lunchbox Classname tf_weapon_jar_milk Classname tf_weapon_lunchbox_drink Classname tf_weapon_bat_wood Classname tf_weapon_bat_giftwrap Classname tf_weapon_cleaver } } // upgrade_BUILDHP // For engi, commented out unless engi is too weak. // { // Attribute "engy building health bonus" // Cap 2.5 // Increment 0.5 // Cost 300 // Name "+50% Building Health" // AllowedWeapons // { // Classname tf_weapon_pda_engineer_build // } // } upgrade_BUILDFIRERATE // For engi, restore fire rate from 0.6x to 1x. { // Attribute "engy sentry fire rate increased" Attribute "airblast disabled" Cap 3 // 0.8 Increment 1 // -0.2 Cost 700 Name "+20% Sentry Firing Speed" AllowedWeapons { Classname tf_weapon_pda_engineer_build } SecondaryAttributes { "engy sentry fire rate increased" -0.2 } } upgrade_DISPRANGE // For engi { Attribute "engy dispenser radius increased" Cap 4 Increment 1 Cost 100 Name "+100% Dispenser Range" AllowedWeapons { Classname tf_weapon_pda_engineer_build } } upgrade_JARSLOW // For scout. { Attribute "applies snare effect" Cap 0.35 Increment -0.65 // it's inverted percentage iirc Cost 100 Name "-35% Speed On Target" AllowedWeapons { Classname tf_weapon_jar_milk } } upgrade_CHARGECHARGE // For shields. { Attribute "charge recharge rate increased" Cap 5 Increment 1 Cost 100 Name "+100% Charge Recharge Rate" AllowedWeapons { Classname tf_wearable_demoshield } } upgrade_BURNDAMAGE // For flamers. { Attribute "weapon burn dmg increased" Cap 2 Increment 0.25 Cost 300 Name "+25% Afterburn Damage" AllowedWeapons { SimilarToItem TF_WEAPON_FLAMETHROWER } } upgrade_BUFFDURATION // For banners. { Attribute "increase buff duration" Cap 2 Increment 0.5 Cost 300 Name "+50% Buff Duration" AllowedWeapons { Classname tf_weapon_buff_item } } upgrade_CRITONKILL // For swords. { Attribute "critboost on kill" Cap 3 Increment 1.5 Cost 400 Name "+1.5s Crits On Kill" AllowedWeapons { Classname tf_weapon_sword // All swords. I hope. ItemName "The Half-Zatoichi" } } upgrade_ARMORPENETRATION // For Spy. { Attribute "armor piercing" Cap 100 Increment 25 Cost 400 Name "Armor Penetration" AllowPlayerClass Spy // I cba to define all spy knives. AllowedWeapons { Slot Melee } } upgrade_BALLMARK // For Scout's balls. { Attribute "throwable fire speed" Cap 10 Increment 10 Cost 500 Name "Ball Marks Target" AllowedWeapons { Classname tf_weapon_bat_wood Classname tf_weapon_bat_giftwrap } OnApply { Output popscript,$SandmanBallStart,,0 } OnDowngrade { Output popscript,$SandmanBallStop,,0 } } upgrade_CLIPSIZE // For Rescue and Xbow. { Attribute "clip size upgrade atomic" Cap 8 Increment 2 Cost 200 Name "+2 Clip Size" AllowedWeapons { Classname tf_weapon_crossbow ItemName "The Rescue Ranger" } } upgrade_DAMAGEFORCERES // For Shields. { Attribute "damage force reduction" Cap 0.1 Increment -0.3 Cost 100 Name "-30% Push Force" AllowedWeapons { Classname tf_wearable_demoshield } } upgrade_BLEEDRATE // For some of the underpowered bleedy weapons, for now. { Attribute "mult bleeding delay" Cap 0.2 // 0.4 Increment -0.2 // -0.15 Cost 200 Name "+20% Faster Bleed" // "+15% Faster Bleed" AllowedWeapons { ItemName "The Boston Basher" ItemName "The Pain Train" ItemName "The Southern Hospitality" ItemName "The Tribalman's Shiv" Classname tf_weapon_cleaver Classname tf_weapon_bat_giftwrap // Maybe not because this can mark? } } // CANTEENS \/ upgrade_CRITCAN { Attribute critboost Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 100 Name "Become Crit Boosted" UIGroup 2 // UIGroup 2 - Canteens AllowedWeapons { ItemName "Default Power Up Canteen (MvM)" ItemName "Power Up Canteen (MvM)" ItemName "Kritz Or Treat Canteen" ItemName "Battery Canteens" } } upgrade_UBERCAN { Attribute ubercharge Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 75 Name "Become Übercharged" UIGroup 2 // UIGroup 2 - Canteens AllowedWeapons { ItemName "Default Power Up Canteen (MvM)" ItemName "Power Up Canteen (MvM)" ItemName "Kritz Or Treat Canteen" ItemName "Battery Canteens" } } upgrade_REFILLCAN { Attribute refill_ammo Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 25 Name "Refill Clips and Ammo" UIGroup 2 // UIGroup 2 - Canteens // Should I ban this off classes which can't use it IE spy/soldier/heavy/demo? AllowedWeapons { ItemName "Default Power Up Canteen (MvM)" ItemName "Power Up Canteen (MvM)" ItemName "Kritz Or Treat Canteen" ItemName "Battery Canteens" } } upgrade_RECALLCAN { Attribute recall Cap 1 Increment 1 Cost 10 Name "Teleport To Spawn" UIGroup 2 // UIGroup 2 - Canteens AllowedWeapons { ItemName "Default Power Up Canteen (MvM)" ItemName "Power Up Canteen (MvM)" ItemName "Kritz Or Treat Canteen" ItemName "Battery Canteens" } } } PointTemplates { ExplanationSign // Derived from washy's gambler's paradise. { NoFixup 1 logic_relay { targetname dissapearsign_relay OnTrigger Explanation_sign*,Disable OnTrigger Explanation_sign*,SetTextSize,0 OnSpawn "wave_start_relay,AddOutput,OnTrigger dissapearsign_relay:Trigger:0:-1" } logic_relay { targetname reappearsign_relay OnTrigger Explanation_sign*,Enable OnTrigger Explanation_sign_howtoplaytext,SetTextSize,12 OnTrigger Explanation_sign_howtoplaytext2*,SetTextSize,8 OnTrigger Explanation_sign_howtoplaytext3,SetTextSize,13 OnSpawn "wave_reset,AddOutput,OnTrigger reappearsign_relay:Trigger:0:-1" OnSpawn "wave_reset_relay,AddOutput,OnTrigger reappearsign_relay:Trigger:0:-1" OnSpawn "wave_finished_relay,AddOutput,OnTrigger reappearsign_relay:Trigger:0:-1" // Tried to cover all my bases here, since naming for these is inconsistent at best across maps. } prop_dynamic { // origin "256, -726, 102" // angles "0, 90, 0" model models/props_gameplay/sign_wood_cap001.mdl disableshadows 1 modelscale 1.4 targetname Explanation_sign } prop_dynamic { // origin "256, -726, 102" // angles "0, 90, 0" angles "0 180 0" origin "5 5 0" model models/props_gameplay/sign_wood_cap001.mdl disableshadows 1 modelscale 1.4 targetname Explanation_sign } point_worldtext { // origin "178, -730, 170" origin "55 65 50" // angles "0, 90, 0" targetname Explanation_sign_howtoplaytext message "The rules have changed" font 1 textsize 12 orientation 0 rainbow 1 } point_worldtext { // origin "174, -730, 150" origin "55 65 30" // angles "0, 90, 0" targetname Explanation_sign_howtoplaytext2 // message "1. Using AI technology, the games are" //Example length. // message "1. Pyro's Flamethrower and Engineer's" message "1. Engineer's Rescue Ranger is now" font 1 textsize 8 orientation 0 } point_worldtext { // origin "174, -730, 150" origin "55 65 20" // angles "0, 90, 0" targetname Explanation_sign_howtoplaytext2b // message "1. Using AI technology, the games are" //Example length. // message "Rescue Ranger are now available." message available. font 1 textsize 8 orientation 0 } point_worldtext { // origin "174, -730, 150" origin "55 65 10" // angles "0, 90, 0" targetname Explanation_sign_howtoplaytext2c // message "1. Using AI technology, the games are" //Example length. message "2. Engineer can now construct" font 1 textsize 8 orientation 0 } point_worldtext { // origin "174, -730, 150" origin "55 65 0" // angles "0, 90, 0" targetname Explanation_sign_howtoplaytext2d // message "1. Using AI technology, the games are" //Example length. message "Level 1 buildings." font 1 textsize 8 orientation 0 } point_worldtext { // origin "174, -730, 150" origin "55 65 -10" // angles "0, 90, 0" targetname Explanation_sign_howtoplaytext2e // message "1. Using AI technology, the games are" //Example length. message "3. All weapons may upgrade their" font 1 textsize 8 orientation 0 } point_worldtext { // origin "174, -730, 150" origin "55 65 -20" // angles "0, 90, 0" targetname Explanation_sign_howtoplaytext2f // message "1. Using AI technology, the games are" //Example length. message "damage. Some have special upgrades." font 1 textsize 8 orientation 0 } point_worldtext { // origin "174, -730, 80" origin "55 65 -30" // angles "0, 90, 0" targetname Explanation_sign_howtoplaytext3 message "Note: Some weapons' upgrade is weaker than others'" font 7 textsize 13 orientation 0 } } // I can't just detect what map ur on and spawn this automatically, so I'll note down the positions I use for maps: // WINTERBRIDGE: // SpawnTemplate // { // Name ExplanationSign // origin "3470 3063 1216" // angles "0 315 0" // } // Winterbridge_Sentry_Fix // Just spawn this on winterbridge to fix sentries. // { // NoFixup 1 // logic_relay // { // targetname sentry_fix_relay_gateA //// OnSpawn "wave_initA_relay,AddOutput,OnTrigger respawnroom_blue_gate01_left:Kill:0:-1" // OnSpawn "wave_initA_relay,AddOutput,OnTrigger sentry_fix_relay_gateA:Trigger:0:2" // OnTrigger respawnroom_blue_gate01_left,Kill,,0,-1 //// OnTrigger respawnroom_blue_gate01_left,Kill,,2 //// OnTrigger respawnroom_blue_gate01_left,Kill,,3 // } // logic_relay // { // targetname sentry_fix_relay_gateMain // OnSpawn "wave_initMain_relay,AddOutput,OnTrigger respawnroom_blue_gate01_left:Kill:0:-1" // OnSpawn "wave_initMain_relay,AddOutput,OnTrigger respawnroom_blue_gate02_right:Kill:0:-1" // } // } // ^ sucks Winterbridge_Sentry_Fix_GateB // Just spawn this on winterbridge to fix sentries when team moves from A to B. { NoFixup 1 logic_relay { targetname sentry_fix_relay_gateB OnSpawn respawnroom_blue_gate01_left,Kill,,0,-1 } } Winterbridge_Sentry_Fix_GateMain // Just spawn this on winterbridge to fix sentries when team moves from B to Main. { NoFixup 1 logic_relay { targetname sentry_fix_relay_gateB OnSpawn respawnroom_blue_gate01_left,Kill,,0,-1 OnSpawn respawnroom_blue_gate02_right,Kill,,0,-1 } } } }