function OnMenuCancel(player, reason) player_list[player:GetUserId()].displaying_menu = nil; end function OnSpellMenuSelect(player, selectedIndex, value) local userid = player:GetUserId() value = tonumber(value); if (not player:IsWizard()) then return; end player_list[userid].displaying_menu = nil; if (not debug and not midwave) then player:Print(PRINT_TARGET_CENTER, "You can only select spells once the wave starts!"); return; end local spellbook = player:GetPlayerItemBySlot(LOADOUT_POSITION_ACTION); if (not spellbook or spellbook.m_iClassname ~= "tf_weapon_spellbook") then return; end -- We add a small delay to prevent frame perfect spell cast then spell switch which avoids -- paying mana for the spell just cast (SPELL_CHOOSING has a mana cost of 0) timer.Create(0.25, function() SelectSpell(spellbook, value, GetSpellData(player, nil, value, "charges", true), GetSpellData(player, nil, value, "roll_time", false), false, true); end, 1); end function OnFlaskMenuSelect(player, selectedIndex, value) local userid = player:GetUserId() value = tonumber(value); local playerdata = player_list[userid]; playerdata.displaying_menu = nil; playerdata.medic_current_flask = value; local wep = player:GetPlayerItemBySlot(LOADOUT_POSITION_SECONDARY); if (not IsValid(wep) or wep:GetAttributeValue("store sort override DEPRECATED") ~= 1) then return; end if (CurTime() >= wep.m_flEffectBarRegenTime) then -- Get a new random flask liquid color player:RemoveItem("Flask"); player:GiveItem("Flask"); player:PlaySoundToSelf("player/recharged.wav"); player:WeaponSwitchSlot(LOADOUT_POSITION_SECONDARY); end end base_spell_menu = { timeout = 0, title = "Choose a Spell!", itemsPerPage = nil, flags = MENUFLAG_BUTTON_EXIT, onSelect = OnSpellMenuSelect, onCancel = OnMenuCancel, }; debug_spell_menu = { timeout = 0, title = "[DEBUG] Choose a Spell", itemsPerPage = nil, flags = MENUFLAG_BUTTON_EXIT, onSelect = OnSpellMenuSelect, onCancel = OnMenuCancel, }; -- Populate debug menu with all spells for spell, data in pairs(spell_data) do debug_spell_menu[spell+1] = {, value=spell, disabled=false}; end base_flask_menu = { timeout = 0, title = "Choose a Flask!", itemsPerPage = nil, flags = MENUFLAG_BUTTON_EXIT, onSelect = OnFlaskMenuSelect, onCancel = OnMenuCancel, }; -- Create a menu for a player based on their spell upgrade unlocks function CreateSpellMenuForPlayer(player) if (not IsValidRealPlayer(player)) then return; end local userid = player:GetUserId(); local new_menu = {}; -- Inherit from base spell menu for key, val in pairs(base_spell_menu) do new_menu[key] = val; end -- Populate with player's unlocked spells for spell, playerspelldata in pairs(player_list[userid].upgrades_spell_data) do if (playerspelldata._id and then new_menu[playerspelldata._id] = {, value=spell, disabled=false}; elseif (playerspelldata._id) then new_menu[playerspelldata._id] = {text=spell_data[spell].name, value=spell, disabled=false}; end end return new_menu; end function CreateFlaskMenuForPlayer(player) if (not IsValidRealPlayer(player)) then return; end local userid = player:GetUserId(); local new_menu = {}; -- Inherit from base spell menu for key, val in pairs(base_flask_menu) do new_menu[key] = val; end local playerdata = player_list[userid]; for index, flasktype in pairs(playerdata.medic_flask_data) do new_menu[index] = {text=flask_name_map[flasktype], value=flasktype, disabled=false}; end return new_menu; end -- Clear the player's screen of hud text function DisplayClearHud(player) for i=2,5 do player:ShowHudTextSimple("", i, 0, 0, CLR_WHITE, 0, 0, 0.015); end end function DisplayManaWizardHud(player, spellbook, playerdata, current_mana_cost) -- Get our the spellbook's current spell local current_spell = spell_data[spellbook.m_iSelectedSpellIndex].name; if (spellbook._m_iCustomSelectedSpellIndex) then current_spell = spell_data[spellbook._m_iCustomSelectedSpellIndex].name; end if (playerdata.current_mana - current_mana_cost >= 0) then player:ShowHudTextSimple("Mana: "..playerdata.current_mana.." [+"..playerdata.mana_regen_rate.."/s]", 3, .78, .75, CLR_BLUE); else player:ShowHudTextSimple("Mana: "..playerdata.current_mana.." [+"..playerdata.mana_regen_rate.."/s]", 3, .78, .75, CLR_RED); end player:ShowHudTextSimple("Cost: "..current_mana_cost, 4, .78, .8, CLR_RED); player:ShowHudTextSimple("Press 'Reload' to select a spell!", 5, .8, .85, CLR_LIMEGREEN); end function DisplayRollsWizardHud(player, spellbook) -- Get our the spellbook's current spell name local current_spell = spell_data[spellbook.m_iSelectedSpellIndex].name; if (spellbook._m_iCustomSelectedSpellIndex) then current_spell = spell_data[spellbook._m_iCustomSelectedSpellIndex].name; end if (spellbook.m_iSpellCharges == 0 and current_spell ~= spell_data[SPELL_CHOOSING].name) then current_spell = "None"; end player:ShowHudTextSimple("Spell: "..current_spell, 3, .78, .7, CLR_WHITE); player:ShowHudTextSimple("Next Common: "..common_timer_value, 4, .78, .75, CLR_PURPLE); player:ShowHudTextSimple("Next Rare: "..rare_timer_value, 5, .78, .8, CLR_ORANGE); end function DisplaySoldierHud(player) player:ShowHudTextSimple("Press 'Mouse2' to blast jump!", 5, .77, .85, CLR_LIMEGREEN, 0, .25, 3); end function DisplayPyroHud(player, label, chargetime, damagebonus_label) player:ShowHudTextSimple("AOE Fireblast: "..label.." ["..chargetime.."s]", 3, .77, .8, CLR_ORANGE); player:ShowHudTextSimple("Damage Bonus: "..damagebonus_label, 4, .77, .85, CLR_RED); player:ShowHudTextSimple("Press 'Reload' to activate!", 5, .77, .9, CLR_LIMEGREEN); end function DisplayDemoHud(player, wep) local label = ""; if (IsValid(wep)) then -- Hatchet if (wep:GetAttributeValue("back headshot") == 1) then label = "Press 'Reload' to throw!"; else -- No parrying with a shield local secondary = player:GetPlayerItemBySlot(LOADOUT_POSITION_SECONDARY); if (not IsValid(secondary) or secondary.m_iClassname ~= "tf_wearable_demoshield") then -- Persian Persuader if (wep.m_iItemDefinitionIndex == 404 or wep.m_iClassname == "tf_weapon_sword" or wep.m_iClassname == "tf_weapon_katana") then label = "Press 'Mouse2' to parry melee attacks!"; end end end end player:ShowHudTextSimple(label, 5, .77, .85, CLR_LIMEGREEN, 0, .25, 3); end function DisplayDemoScrumpyHud(player, label, chargetime) player:ShowHudTextSimple("Scrumpy: "..label.." ["..chargetime.."s]", 4, .77, .8, CLR_MAGENTA); player:ShowHudTextSimple("Drink booze to activate!", 5, .77, .85, CLR_LIMEGREEN); end function DisplayMedicHud(player, current_flask) player:ShowHudTextSimple("Name: "..current_flask, 4, .8, .8, CLR_RED); player:ShowHudTextSimple("Press 'Reload' to select a flask!", 5, .8, .85, CLR_LIMEGREEN); end function DisplayCivilianHud(player, label, chargetime, superdash_label, superdashchargetime) player:ShowHudTextSimple("Rage: "..label.." ["..chargetime.."s]", 2, .77, .66, CLR_ORANGE); player:ShowHudTextSimple("Press 'Reload' to activate!", 3, .77, .71, CLR_LIMEGREEN); player:ShowHudTextSimple("Super Dash: "..superdash_label.." ["..superdashchargetime.."s]", 4, .77, .79, CLR_MAGENTA); player:ShowHudTextSimple("Hold and release 'Mouse2' to activate!", 5, .77, .84, CLR_LIMEGREEN); end