// Assign attribs to groups // Assign items to groups // upgrades.txt "upgrades" { // ITEM UPGRADES // Attributes generated by these will be attached to the chosen item. // This means the player can potentially invest in the same attribute on multiple items. // Best to not use passives that affect player stats, because they'll stack on the player. "ItemUpgrades" { "2.1" { "attribute" "melee attack rate bonus" // attrib to hook "icon" "mvm/upgradeicons/upgrade_attackspeed" "increment" "-0.1" // percent "cap" "0.6" // percent "cost" "150" // first tier points/credits cost } "6" { "attribute" "heal on kill" "icon" "achievements/tf_medic_kill_healed_spy" "increment" "100" "cap" "200" "cost" "150" } "13" { "attribute" "effect bar recharge rate increased" "icon" "achievements/tf_win_well_minimumtime" "increment" "-0.15" "cap" "0.4" "cost" "75" } "28" { "attribute" "increase buff duration" "icon" "achievements/tf_mvm_soldier_buff_team" "increment" "0.5" // percent "cap" "2.0" // percent "cost" "100" // first tier points/credits cost } "33" { "attribute" "minicritboost on kill" // attrib to hook "icon" "achievements/tf_engineer_revenge_crit_sentry_killer" "increment" "5" "cap" "10" "cost" "75" } "56" { "attribute" "mult_item_meter_charge_rate" "icon" "achievements/tf_win_well_minimumtime" "increment" "-0.15" // "cap" "0.4" // "cost" "50" } } // PLAYER UPGRADES // Attributes generated by these will be attached to the player. "PlayerUpgrades" { "1" { "attribute" "dmg taken from fire reduced" "icon" "mvm/upgradeicons/upgrade_resistance_fire" "increment" "-0.25" // 15% reduction "cap" "0.25" // 75% reduction max (.41 because of float rounding when comparing) "cost" "100" } "2" { "attribute" "dmg taken from blast reduced" "icon" "achievements/tf_demoman_kill_x_heavies_fullhp_onedet" "increment" "-0.25" "cap" "0.25" "cost" "100" } "3" { "attribute" "dmg taken from bullets reduced" "icon" "mvm/upgradeicons/upgrade_resistance_bullet" "increment" "-0.25" "cap" "0.25" "cost" "100" } "4" { "attribute" "dmg taken from crit reduced" "icon" "achievements/tf_soldier_shoot_mult_crits" "increment" "-0.25" "cap" "0.25" "cost" "100" } "5" { "attribute" "dmg from melee increased" "icon" "achievements/tf_scout_first_blood_kill" "increment" "-0.25" "cap" "0.25" "cost" "100" } "6" { "attribute" "health regen" "icon" "achievements/tf_pyro_burn_medicpair" "increment" "4" "cap" "12.0" "cost" "75" } } }