//mvm_upgrades_medieval_yakibomb.txt //meant for missions on mvm_hillside_v7 //find the achievement icons in "tf2_textures_dir.vpk/root/materials/vgui/achievements" //use console command to exec: //ent_fire gamerules SetCustomUpgradesFile "scripts/items/mvm_upgrades_medieval_yakibomb_20181025.txt" //============================================================================== //check this thread for more information //http://steamcommunity.com/groups/sigpipe/discussions/2/3277925755451094250/ //============================================================================== //Body Upgrades //+50 Max Health - 4 upgrades, $300 each //+15% damage resistance - 4 upgrades, $200 each //+15% base health on kill - 2 upgrades, $200 each //+35% healing from all sources (includes regen and health-on-kill) - 5 upgrades, $200 each //+3 HP Regen - 5 upgrades, $150 each //+10% move speed - 5 upgrades, $150 each //On Kill: A small health pack is dropped - 1 upgrade, $100 //Canteen Specialist: Increase duration by 1sec and -10 credits per canteen bought - 5 upgrades, $25 each //Sniper Huntsman Upgrades //+50% damage - 1 upgrade, $600 //Projectile Penetration - 1 upgrade, $400 //+20% damage - 5 upgrades, $300 each //+25% Reload Speed - 3 upgrades, $250 each //On Kill: Minicrit Boost for 2 seconds - 4 upgrades, $250 each //Mini-Crit vs Burning Targets - 1 upgrade, $200 //+5 sec Bleed - 4 upgrades, $200 each //+50% ammo capacity - 3 upgrades, $100 each //Medic Crossbow Upgrades //Projectile Penetration - 1 upgrade, $400 //+20% damage - 5 upgrades, $300 each //+3 Clip Size - 3 upgrades, $300 each //+25% Reload Speed - 3 upgrades, $250 each //On Kill: Minicrit Boost for 2 seconds - 4 upgrades, $250 each //+20% firing rate - 3 upgrades, $200 each //Mini-Crit vs Burning Targets - 1 upgrade, $200 //+50% ammo capacity - 3 upgrades, $100 each //Melee Upgrades //All Class //On Kill: Minicrit Boost for 2 seconds - 4 upgrades, $250 each //Mini-Crit vs Burning Targets - 1 upgrade, $200 //+20% damage - 5 upgrades, $300 each //+10% melee attack speed - 5 upgrades, $200 each //Demoknight //+50% damage - 1 upgrade, $600 //IF APPLICABLE: //Buy the removal of "No Random Critical Hits" - 1 upgrade, $500 //Canteens //Ubercharge - $125 //Crits - $75 //Ammo Refill - $25 //Recall - $5 //============================================================================== "upgrades" { // ITEM UPGRADES // Attributes generated by these will be attached to the chosen item. // This means the player can potentially invest in the same attribute on multiple items. // Best to not use passives that affect player stats, because they'll stack on the player. "ItemUpgrades" { // "1" // { // // Damage - Huntsman and Demoknight // "attribute" "damage bonus" // "icon" "achievements/tf_halloween_pumpkin_kill" // "increment" "0.5" // "cap" "1.5" // "cost" "500" // } "1.1" { // Damage - All Weapons "attribute" "damage bonus HIDDEN" "icon" "achievements/tf_heavy_kill_crit_punch" "increment" "0.2" "cap" "2.0" "cost" "400" "quality" "1" } // "1.2" // { // "attribute" "clip size upgrade atomic" // "icon" "achievements/tf_sniper_bow_pincushion" // "increment" "2" // "cap" "10.0" // "cost" "300" // } "3" { "attribute" "clip size bonus upgrade" "icon" "achievements/tf_scout_destroy_sentry_with_pistol" "increment" "0.75" "cap" "4.0" "cost" "600" } // "3.1" // { // // Fire Speed - Normal // "attribute" "fire rate bonus" // "icon" "achievements/tf_scout_dodge_damage" // "increment" "-0.2" // "cap" "0.4" // "cost" "200" // } // "3.2" // { // "attribute" "maxammo grenades1 increased" // "icon" "achievements/tf_heavy_assist_grind" // "increment" "2.0" // "cap" "12.0" // "cost" "50" // } "3.4" { "attribute" "maxammo metal increased" "icon" "mvm/upgradeicons/upgrade_metalcapacity" "increment" "0.75" "cap" "4" "cost" "200" } // "4" // { // "attribute" "bleeding duration" // "icon" "achievements/tf_sniper_kill_invis_spy" // "increment" "5" // "cap" "20" // "cost" "200" // } "5" { // Fire Speed - Normal "attribute" "melee attack rate bonus" "icon" "mvm/upgradeicons/upgrade_attackspeed" "increment" "-0.1" "cap" "0.5" "cost" "200" } "7" { "attribute" "projectile penetration" "icon" "achievements/tf_sniper_headshot_post_invuln" "increment" "1" // binary on/off "cap" "1" // "cost" "400" } "8" { "attribute" "critboost" "icon" "mvm/upgradeicons/bottle_kritz" "increment" "1" // binary on/off "cap" "1" // "cost" "75" "ui_group" "2" // 2 = power up bottle } "9" { "attribute" "ubercharge" "icon" "mvm/upgradeicons/bottle_ubercharge" "increment" "1" // binary on/off "cap" "1" // "cost" "125" "ui_group" "2" // 2 = power up bottle } "10" { "attribute" "bidirectional teleport" "icon" "mvm/upgradeicons/upgrade_teleporter" "increment" "1" // binary on/off "cap" "1" // "cost" "250" } "13" { "attribute" "effect bar recharge rate increased" "icon" "achievements/tf_win_well_minimumtime" "increment" "-0.25" "cap" "0" "cost" "200" } "16" { "attribute" "engy building health bonus" "icon" "achievements/tf_pyro_kill_spies" "increment" "2.5" "cap" "11.0" "cost" "500" } // "17.1" // { // "attribute" "maxammo primary increased" // "icon" "achievements/tf_heavy_assist_grind" // "increment" "0.5" // "cap" "2.5" // "cost" "100" // } "17.2" { "attribute" "maxammo secondary increased" "icon" "achievements/tf_heavy_assist_grind" "increment" "0.5" "cap" "2.5" "cost" "100" } "17.3" { "attribute" "engy dispenser radius increased" "icon" "achievements/tf_engineer_dispenser_heal_group" "increment" "8.0" "cap" "17.0" "cost" "400" } // "18" // { // "attribute" "airblast pushback scale" // "icon" "achievements/tf_soldier_crouch_rocket_jump" // "increment" "0.25" // "cap" "2.0" // "cost" "100" // } // "18" // { // "attribute" "max health additive penalty" // "icon" "achievements/tf_complete_training" // "increment" "15" // "cap" "0" // "cost" "150" // } "18.1" { "attribute" "crit mod disabled" "icon" "achievements/tf_complete_training" "increment" "1" "cap" "1" "cost" "250" } // "18.2" // { // "attribute" "dmg taken increased" // "icon" "achievements/tf_complete_training" // "increment" "-0.05" // "cap" "1" // "cost" "150" // } // "18.3" // { // "attribute" "fire rate penalty" // "icon" "achievements/tf_complete_training" // "increment" "-0.1" // "cap" "1" // "cost" "200" // } // "18.4" // { // "attribute" "damage penalty" // "icon" "achievements/tf_complete_training" // "increment" "0.2" // "cap" "1" // "cost" "300" // } // "18.5" // { // "attribute" "dmg taken from bullets increased" // "icon" "achievements/tf_complete_training" // "increment" "-0.1" // "cap" "1" // "cost" "50" // } // "18.6" // { // "attribute" "dmg taken from fire increased" // "icon" "achievements/tf_complete_training" // "increment" "-0.2" // "cap" "1" // "cost" "50" // } // "18.7" // { // "attribute" "dmg penalty vs players" // "icon" "achievements/tf_complete_training" // "increment" "0.05" // "cap" "1" // "cost" "50" // } // "18.8" // { // "attribute" "reduced_healing_from_medics" // "icon" "achievements/tf_complete_training" // "increment" "0.9" // "cap" "1" // "cost" "50" // } // "18.9" // { // "attribute" "self mark for death" // "icon" "achievements/tf_complete_training" // "increment" "-1" // "cap" "0" // "cost" "300" // } // "18.11" // { // "attribute" "move speed penalty" // "icon" "achievements/tf_complete_training" // "increment" "0.15" // "cap" "1" // "cost" "500" // } // "18.12" // { // "attribute" "hit self on miss" // "icon" "achievements/tf_complete_training" // "increment" "-1" // "cap" "0" // "cost" "300" // } // "18.13" // { // "attribute" "metal_pickup_decreased" // "icon" "achievements/tf_complete_training" // "increment" "0.2" // "cap" "1" // "cost" "50" // } "19" { "attribute" "refill_ammo" "icon" "mvm/upgradeicons/bottle_ammoresupply" "increment" "1" // binary on/off "cap" "1" // "cost" "25" "ui_group" "2" // 2 = power up bottle } "20" { "attribute" "applies snare effect" "icon" "achievements/tf_sniper_jarate_extinguish" "increment" "-0.35" // only 1 increment "cap" "0.65" // "cost" "200" } "21" { "attribute" "charge recharge rate increased" "icon" "achievements/tf_demoman_charge_kill" "increment" "2.5" "cap" "11.0" "cost" "100" } "25" { "attribute" "recall" "icon" "mvm/upgradeicons/bottle_teleport" "increment" "1" // binary on/off "cap" "1" // "cost" "5" "ui_group" "2" // 2 = power up bottle } "26" { "attribute" "weapon burn dmg increased" "icon" "achievements/tf_pyro_burn_spies_as_you" "increment" "2.0" "cap" "11.0" "cost" "200" } "28" { "attribute" "increase buff duration" "icon" "achievements/tf_soldier_buff_teammates" "increment" "1" "cap" "3.0" "cost" "400" } "29" { "attribute" "dmg pierces resists absorbs" "icon" "achievements/tf_spy_backstab_medic_charged" "increment" "1" "cap" "1" "cost" "200" } "32" { "attribute" "is_a_sword" "icon" "achievements/tf_demoman_crit_sword_kill" "increment" "1" "cap" "1" "cost" "300" } "33" { "attribute" "faster reload rate" "icon" "achievements/tf_heavy_survive_crocket" "increment" "-0.2" "cap" "0.4" "cost" "250" } "38" { "attribute" "armor piercing" "icon" "achievements/tf_get_turretkills" "increment" "50" "cap" "200" "cost" "400" } "40" { "attribute" "mark for death" "icon" "achievements/tf_scout_stun_scout_with_their_ball" "increment" "1" "cap" "1" "cost" "100" // first tier points/credits cost } "50" { "attribute" "damage force reduction" "icon" "achievements/tf_soldier_shoot_mult_crits" "increment" "-0.33" "cap" "0.01" "cost" "25" } "54" { "attribute" "falling_impact_radius_stun" "icon" "achievements/tf_soldier_kill_airborne_with_direct_hit" "increment" "1" // "cap" "1" // "cost" "200" } "55" { "attribute" "thermal_thruster_air_launch" "icon" "achievements/tf_maps_doomsday_solo_capture" "increment" "1" // "cap" "1" // "cost" "200" } "56" { "attribute" "mult_item_meter_charge_rate" "icon" "achievements/tf_win_well_minimumtime" "increment" "-0.2" "cap" "0.2" "cost" "200" } "57" { "attribute" "explode_on_ignite" "icon" "achievements/tf_demoman_achieve_progress3" "increment" "1" // "cap" "1" // "cost" "800" } "58" { "attribute" "restore health on kill" "icon" "achievements/tf_medic_kill_healed_spy" "increment" "25" "cap" "75" "cost" "200" } "59" { "attribute" "speed_boost_on_kill" "icon" "achievements/tf_scout_three_flagcaps" "increment" "1.5" "cap" "4.5" "cost" "100" } "60" { "attribute" "minicrit vs burning player" "icon" "achievements/tf_pyro_simulburn_scouts" "increment" "1" "cap" "1" "cost" "250" } } // PLAYER UPGRADES // Attributes generated by these will be attached to the player. "PlayerUpgrades" { "1" { "attribute" "max health additive bonus" "icon" "achievements/tf_heavy_damage_taken" "increment" "50" "cap" "150" "cost" "400" } "2" { "attribute" "dmg taken increased" "icon" "achievements/tf_demoman_kill_x_defending" "increment" "-0.1" "cap" "0.5" "cost" "150" } "3" { "attribute" "move speed bonus" "icon" "achievements/tf_scout_long_distance_runner" "increment" "0.1" "cap" "1.5" "cost" "200" } "4" { "attribute" "health regen" "icon" "achievements/tf_medic_save_falling_teammate" "increment" "3.0" "cap" "15.0" "cost" "200" } "5" { "attribute" "dmg taken from crit reduced" "icon" "achievements/tf_heavy_take_multi_damage" "increment" "-0.3" "cap" "0.1" "cost" "150" } "6" { "attribute" "increased jump height" "icon" "achievements/tf_scout_double_jumps" "increment" "0.25" "cap" "1.75" "cost" "100" } "7" { "attribute" "canteen specialist" "icon" "achievements/tf_medic_charge_blocker" "increment" "1" "cap" "5" "cost" "50" } // "8" // { // "attribute" "increase player capture value" // "icon" "achievements/tf_scout_start_and_finish_cap" // "increment" "1" // "cap" "3" // "cost" "50" // } "9" { "attribute" "minicritboost on kill" "icon" "achievements/tf_scout_first_blood_kill" "increment" "3" "cap" "6" "cost" "250" } // "9" // { // "attribute" "drop health pack on kill" // "icon" "achievements/tf_heavy_heal_medikits" // "increment" "1" // "cap" "1" // "cost" "100" // } // "7" // { // "attribute" "healing received bonus" // "icon" "achievements/tf_medic_save_teammate" // "increment" "0.35" // "cap" "2.75" // "cost" "150" // } // "11" // { // "attribute" "cannot be backstabbed" // "icon" "achievements/tf_spy_sap_building_backstab_engy" // "increment" "1" // "cap" "1" // "cost" "500" // } // "2" // { // "attribute" "afterburn immunity" // "icon" "achievements/tf_pyro_burn_spy_taunt" // "increment" "1" // "cap" "1" // "cost" "250" // } } }