// Assign attribs to groups
// Assign items to groups

// upgrades.txt
	// Attributes generated by these will be attached to the chosen item.
	// This means the player can potentially invest in the same attribute on multiple items. 
	// Best to not use passives that affect player stats, because they'll stack on the player.
			// Fire Speed - Normal
			"attribute"	"fire rate bonus"	// attrib to hook
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_scout_dodge_damage"
			"increment"	"-0.15"				// percent
			"cap"		"0.25"				// percent
			"cost"		"200"				// first tier points/credits cost
			"attribute"	"melee attack rate bonus"	// attrib to hook
			"icon"		"mvm/upgradeicons/upgrade_attackspeed"
			"increment"	"-0.15"				// percent
			"cap"		"0.25"				// percent
			"cost"		"200"				// first tier points/credits cost
			"attribute"	"clip size bonus upgrade"	// attrib to hook
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_scout_destroy_sentry_with_pistol"
			"increment"	"1"				// percent
			"cap"		"5.0"				// percent
			"cost"		"400"				// first tier points/credits cost
			"attribute"	"maxammo primary increased"	// attrib to hook
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_heavy_assist_grind"
			"increment"	"1"				// percent
			"cap"		"4"				// percent
			"cost"		"350"				// first tier points/credits cost
			"attribute"	"maxammo secondary increased"	// attrib to hook
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_heavy_assist_grind"
			"increment"	"1"				// percent
			"cap"		"4"				// percent
			"cost"		"350"				// first tier points/credits cost
			"attribute"	"maxammo grenades1 increased"	// attrib to hook
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_heavy_assist_grind"
			"increment"	"2.0"				// percent
			"cap"		"14.0"				// percent
			"cost"		"100"				// first tier points/credits cost
			"attribute"	"maxammo metal increased"	// attrib to hook
			"icon"		"mvm/upgradeicons/upgrade_metalcapacity"
			"increment"	"1"				// percent
			"cap"		"5.0"				// percent
			"cost"		"200"				// first tier points/credits cost
			"attribute"	"bleeding duration"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_sniper_kill_invis_spy"
			"increment"	"10"				
			"cap"		"30"				
			"cost"		"200"
			"attribute"	"restore health on kill"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_medic_kill_healed_spy"
			"increment"	"35"				
			"cap"		"35"				
			"cost"		"200"
			"attribute"	"projectile penetration"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_sniper_headshot_post_invuln"
			"increment"	"1"				// binary on/off
			"cap"		"1"				// 
			"cost"		"400"
			// For Heavy
			"attribute"	"projectile penetration heavy"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_sniper_headshot_post_invuln"
			"increment"	"5"				// binary on/off
			"cap"		"15"				// 
			"cost"		"400"
			"quality"	"1"				// 1 = low, 2 = normal (default), 3 = high
			"attribute"	"critboost"
			"icon"		"mvm/upgradeicons/bottle_kritz"
			"increment"	"1"				// binary on/off
			"cap"		"1"				// 
			"cost"		"100"
			"ui_group"	"2"				// 2 = power up bottle
			"attribute"	"ubercharge"
			"icon"		"mvm/upgradeicons/bottle_ubercharge"
			"increment"	"1"				// binary on/off
			"cap"		"1"				// 
			"cost"		"75"
			"ui_group"	"2"				// 2 = power up bottle
			"attribute"	"bidirectional teleport"
			"icon"		"mvm/upgradeicons/upgrade_teleporter"
			"increment"	"1"				// binary on/off
			"cap"		"1"				// 
			"cost"		"250"
			"attribute"	"sniper charge per sec"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_sniper_kill_at_roundstart"
			"increment"	"0.25"
			"cap"		"1.5"
			"cost"		"200"
			"attribute"	"effect bar recharge rate increased"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_win_well_minimumtime"
			"increment"	"-0.20"
			"cap"		"0.2"
			"cost"		"250"
			"attribute"	"ubercharge rate bonus"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_medic_assist_demoman"
			"increment"	"0.50"
			"cap"		"3.0"
			"cost"		"300"
			"attribute" "engy building health bonus"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_engineer_repair_sentry_w_medic"
			"increment"	"1.75"
			"cap"		"6.75"
			"cost"		"400"
			"attribute" "engy sentry fire rate increased"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_engineer_sentry_kill_lifetime_grind"
			"increment"	"-0.4"
			"cap"		"0.2"
			"cost"		"350"
			"attribute" "engy dispenser radius increased"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_engineer_dispenser_heal_grind"
			"increment"	"2.0"
			"cap"		"7.0"
			"cost"		"100"
			"attribute"	"engy disposable sentries"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_engineer_freezecam_sentry"
			"increment"	"1"
			"cap"		"3"
			"cost"		"200"
			"attribute" "airblast pushback scale"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_soldier_crouch_rocket_jump"
			"increment"	"0.25"
			"cap"		"2"
			"cost"		"100"
			"attribute"	"recall"
			"icon"		"mvm/upgradeicons/bottle_teleport"
			"increment"	"1"				// binary on/off
			"cap"		"1"				// 
			"cost"		"10"
			"ui_group"	"2"				// 2 = power up bottle
			"attribute"	"applies snare effect"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_sniper_jarate_extinguish"
			"increment"	"-0.35"			// only 1 increment
			"cap"		"0.65"			// 
			"cost"		"200"
			"attribute"	"charge recharge rate increased"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_demoman_charge_kill"
			"increment"	"25.0"
			"cap"		"101.0"
			"cost"		"150"
			"attribute"	"uber duration bonus"
			"icon"		"mvm/upgradeicons/upgrade_medigun_duration"
			"increment"	"4"
			"cap"		"12.0"
			"cost"		"250"
			"attribute"	"refill_ammo"
			"icon"		"mvm/upgradeicons/bottle_ammoresupply"
			"increment"	"1"				// binary on/off
			"cap"		"1"				// 
			"cost"		"25"
			"ui_group"	"2"				// 2 = power up bottle
			"attribute"	"weapon burn dmg increased"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_pyro_burn_spies_as_you"
			"increment"	"1"				// percent
			"cap"		"5.0"				// percent
			"cost"		"250"				// first tier points/credits cost
//		"27"
//		{
//			"attribute"	"weapon burn time increased"
//			"icon"		"mvm/upgradeicons/upgrade_burn_duration"
//			"increment"	"1"				// percent
//			"cap"		"5.0"				// percent
//			"cost"		"250"				// first tier points/credits cost
//		}
			"attribute"	"increase buff duration"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_soldier_buff_teammates"
			"increment"	"1"				// percent
			"cap"		"3"				// percent
			"cost"		"250"				// first tier points/credits cost
			"attribute"	"Projectile speed increased"	// attrib to hook
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_soldier_kill_airborne_target_while_airborne"
			"increment"	"0.25"				// percent
			"cap"		"2.0"				// percent
			"cost"		"150"				// first tier points/credits cost
			"attribute"	"building instant upgrade"
			"icon"		"mvm/upgradeicons/bottle_instantbuild"
			"increment"	"1"				// binary on/off
			"cap"		"1"				// 
			"cost"		"50"
			"ui_group"	"2"				// 2 = power up bottle
			"attribute"	"faster reload rate"	// attrib to hook
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_heavy_survive_crocket"
			"increment"	"-0.25"				// percent
			"cap"		"0.25"				// percent
			"cost"		"250"				// first tier points/credits cost
			"attribute"	"critboost on kill"	// attrib to hook
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_soldier_kill_spy_killer"
			"increment"	"4"				
			"cap"		"8"			
			"cost"		"350"
			"attribute"	"robo sapper"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_engineer_remove_sapper_long_dist"
			"increment"	"2"
			"cap"		"6"
			"cost"		"350"
			"attribute"	"attack projectiles"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_soldier_kill_sniper_while_dead"
			"increment"	"2"
			"cap"		"4"
			"cost"		"400"
			"attribute"	"generate rage on damage"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_scout_first_blood"
			"increment"	"3"
			"cap"		"3"
			"cost"		"350"
			"attribute"	"explosive sniper shot"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_demoman_kill_x_with_directpipe"
			"increment"	"2"
			"cap"		"6"
			"cost"		"350"
			"attribute" "armor piercing"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_get_turretkills"
			"increment"	"40"
			"cap"		"40"
			"cost"		"50"	
			"attribute"	"mark for death"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_scout_stun_scout_with_their_ball"
			"increment"	"1"				// percent
			"cap"		"1"				// percent
			"cost"		"250"			// first tier points/credits cost
			"attribute"	"clip size upgrade atomic"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_scout_destroy_sentry_with_pistol"
			"increment"	"4"
			"cap"		"16.0"
			"cost"		"400"
			"attribute"	"canteen specialist"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_medic_charge_blocker"
			"increment"	"2"
			"cap"		"6"
			"cost"		"200"
			"attribute"	"overheal expert"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_scout_assist_medic"
			"increment"	"2"
			"cap"		"6"
			"cost"		"250"
			"attribute"	"mad milk syringes"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_scout_assist_medic"
			"increment"	"1"
			"cap"		"1"
			"cost"		"200"
			"attribute"	"rocket specialist"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_soldier_kill_airborne_target_while_airborne"
			"increment"	"4"
			"cap"		"12"
			"cost"		"400"
			"attribute"	"healing mastery"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_heavy_heal_medikits"
			"increment"	"1"
			"cap"		"4"
			"cost"		"200"
			"attribute"	"generate rage on heal"	// Projectile Shield
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_demoman_kill_x_defending"
			"increment"	"1"
			"cap"		"2"
			"cost"		"300"
			"attribute"	"damage force reduction"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_soldier_shoot_mult_crits"
			"increment"	"-0.33"
			"cap"		"0.01"
			"cost"		"100"
			"attribute" "damage bonus HIDDEN"
			"icon"      "achievements/tf_demoman_kill_x_with_directpipe"
			"increment" "0.35"
			"cap"       "2.4"
			"cost"      "400"
			"attribute"	"damage all connected"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_mvm_kill_medics_charged"
 			"increment"	"1"
 			"cap"		"1"
 			"cost"		"400"
			"attribute"	"falling_impact_radius_stun"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_soldier_kill_airborne_with_direct_hit"
			"increment"	"1"			// 
			"cap"		"1"			// 
			"cost"		"150"
			"attribute"	"thermal_thruster_air_launch"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_maps_doomsday_solo_capture"
			"increment"	"1"			// 
			"cap"		"1"			// 
			"cost"		"200"
			"attribute"	"mult_item_meter_charge_rate"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_win_well_minimumtime"
			"increment"	"-0.2"			// 
			"cap"		"0.2"			// 
			"cost"		"250"
			"attribute"	"explode_on_ignite"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_demoman_achieve_progress3"
			"increment"	"1"			// 
			"cap"		"1"			// 
			"cost"		"400"
			"attribute"	"Blast radius increased"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_scout_dodge_damage"
			"increment"	"0.20"
			"cap"		"2.0"
			"cost"		"400"
			"attribute"	"mod max primary clip override"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_scout_dodge_damage"
			"increment"	"-1.00"
			"cap"		"-1.00"
			"cost"		"1000"
	// Attributes generated by these will be attached to the player.
//		"1"
//		{
//			"attribute"	"dmg taken from fire reduced"
//			"icon"		"mvm/upgradeicons/upgrade_resistance_fire"
//			"increment"	"-0.25"			// 15% reduction
//			"cap"		"0.25"			// 75% reduction max (.41 because of float rounding when comparing)
//			"cost"		"100"
//		}
//		"2"
//		{
//			"attribute"	"dmg taken from blast reduced"
//			"icon"		"achievements/tf_demoman_kill_x_heavies_fullhp_onedet"
//			"increment"	"-0.25"
//			"cap"		"0.25"
//			"cost"		"200"
//		}
//		"3"
//		{
//			"attribute"	"dmg taken from bullets reduced"
//			"icon"		"mvm/upgradeicons/upgrade_resistance_bullet"
//			"increment"	"-0.25"
//			"cap"		"0.25"
//			"cost"		"200"
//		}
			"attribute"	"dmg taken from crit reduced"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_soldier_shoot_mult_crits"
			"increment"	"-0.33"
			"cap"		"0.01"
			"cost"		"150"
			"attribute"	"move speed bonus"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_scout_long_distance_runner"
			"increment"	"0.15"
			"cap"		"1.45"
			"cost"		"200"
			"attribute"	"health regen"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_pyro_burn_medicpair"
			"increment"	"4"
			"cap"		"20.0"
			"cost"		"200"
			"attribute"	"max health additive bonus"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_heavy_damage_taken"
			"increment"	"25"
			"cap"		"100"
			"cost"		"200"
			"attribute"	"deploy time decreased"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_pyro_kill_from_behind"
			"increment"	"-0.2"
			"cap"		"0.4"
			"cost"		"100"
			"attribute"	"dmg taken increased"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_demoman_kill_x_defending"
			"increment"	"-0.25"
			"cap"		"0.25"
			"cost"		"400"
			"attribute"	"increased jump height"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_scout_double_jumps"
			"increment"	"0.2"
			"cap"		"1.6"
			"cost"		"100"
			"attribute"	"ammo regen"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_heavy_assist_grind"
 			"increment"	"0.25"
 			"cap"		"1"
 			"cost"		"250"
			"attribute"	"minicritboost on kill"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_pyro_reflect_crocket_kill"
 			"increment"	"1"
 			"cap"		"3"
 			"cost"		"300"
			"attribute"	"metal regen"
			"icon"		"achievements/tf_engineer_dispenser_extinguish"
			"increment"	"20"
			"cap"		"100"
			"cost"		"200"